99-16941. Foreign Agents Registration Act  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 131 (Friday, July 9, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 37065-37067]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-16941]
    [[Page 37065]]
    28 CFR Part 5
    [AG Order No. 2229-99]
    RIN 1105-AA45
    Foreign Agents Registration Act
    AGENCY: Department of Justice.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Justice proposes to amend its existing 
    regulations implementing the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, 
    as amended (FARA or the Act). The proposed rule would establish new 
    regulations needed as a result of the passage of the Lobbying 
    Disclosure Act of 1995 (LDA) and the Lobbying Disclosure Technical 
    Amendments Act of 1998 (LDTAA), both of which amended FARA. The 
    proposed regulations clarify the scope of the amended Act and some 
    exemptions to the Act, and make technical amendments to existing 
    DATES: Written comments must be submitted on or before September 7, 
    ADDRESSES: Please address all written comments concerning this proposed 
    rule to Marshall R. Williams, Chief, Registration Unit, Internal 
    Security Section, Criminal Division, United States Department of 
    Justice, Washington, DC 20530.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marshall R. Williams, Chief, 
    Registration Unit or Heather H. Hunt, Attorney, Registration Unit on 
    (202) 514-1216 or by facsimile on (202) 514-2836. These are not toll-
    free numbers.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 
    1938 (FARA or the Act), 22 U.S.C. 611-621, agents of foreign principals 
    are required to register with the Department of Justice in order to 
    make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign 
    principal, activities on behalf of the foreign principal, and receipts 
    and disbursements in support of these activities. In the Lobbying 
    Disclosure Act of 1995, Public Law 104-65 (LDA), and the Lobbying 
    Disclosure Technical Amendments Act of 1998, Public Law 105-166 
    (LDTAA), Congress amended FARA in several respects. First, Congress 
    generally narrowed the scope of FARA to agents of foreign governments 
    and foreign political parties. Under new section 3(h) of FARA, 22 
    U.S.C. 613(h), agents of foreign principals other than foreign 
    governments or foreign political parties need not register under FARA 
    if such agents engage in lobbying activities and register under the 
    LDA. Second, Congress repealed section 1(q), 22 U.S.C. 611(a), which 
    had provided a safe harbor specifying circumstances in which agents of 
    multinational corporations would be exempt from registration under 
    section 3(d)(2) of the Act, 22 U.S.C. 613(d)(2). When Congress 
    authorized registration under the LDA rather than FARA for lobbying 
    activities on behalf of foreign principals other than foreign 
    governments and foreign political parties, section 1(q) became largely 
        In addition, in the LDA Congress clarified the applicability of an 
    exemption in section 3(g), 22 U.S.C. 613(g), for legal representation 
    of a foreign principal in certain proceedings. Finally, Congress 
    substituted the term ``informational materials'' for the term 
    ``political propaganda'' throughout FARA, except in section 4(e), 22 
    U.S.C. 614(e), which concerns the dissemination of materials on behalf 
    of the foreign principal, and in section 11, 22 U.S.C. 621, which 
    concerns the filing of a semi-annual report with Congress.
        These amendments require changes in regulations implementing, among 
    others, sections 3(d)(2), 3(g), 3(h) and 4 of FARA. First, this 
    proposed rule clarifies the reach of section 3(d)(2) in light of the 
    repeal of section 1(q) of FARA. Section 3(d)(2) exempts from 
    registration under FARA activities of a political nature ``not serving 
    predominantly a foreign interest.'' Under the rule, activities of an 
    agent on behalf of a foreign commercial interest, even if the 
    activities are political in nature and are directed or controlled by a 
    foreign government or foreign political party, do not require 
    registration under FARA because such activities do not ``serve 
    predominantly a foreign interest'' for purposes of 3(d)(2). However, 
    the new regulation clarifies that even after the deletion of section 
    1(q), any person, including a foreign or domestic corporation, who 
    engages in political activities, not of a commercial nature, on behalf 
    of a foreign government or foreign political party is required to 
    register under FARA, as these activities will ``serve predominantly a 
    foreign interest'' and thus not be exempt under section 3(d)(2).
        Second, the rule clarifies the circumstances in which agents of 
    foreign principals, other than foreign governments or foreign political 
    parties, can claim the new exemption provided in section 3(h), and 
    clarifies the reach of the revised ``attorneys' exemption'' in section 
    3(g). In addition, the proposed rule strikes the term ``political 
    propaganda'' wherever it appears in the regulations and substitutes the 
    LDA term, ``informational materials.'' Finally, the rule makes certain 
    technical amendments to the existing regulations to delete reference to 
    other repealed sections of the Act and to enable the Registration Unit 
    to more effectively administer the statute by allowing for electronic 
    filing in the future.
    Certifications and Determinations
        The Attorney General, in accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act (5 U.S.C. 605(b)), has reviewed this proposed rule and, by 
    approving it, certifies that it will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities. The rule primarily 
    affects those persons required to register pursuant to FARA, currently 
    approximately 525 primary registrants and 2,464 individual short form 
        This proposed rule has been drafted and reviewed in accordance with 
    Executive Order 12866, section 1(b), Principles of Regulation. The 
    Department of Justice has determined that it does not constitute 
    ``significant regulatory action'' under section 3(f) of Executive Order 
    12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, and accordingly it has not been 
    reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.
        In addition, the Department of Justice certifies that this rule is 
    not a major rule as defined by section 251 of the Small Business 
    Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, 5 U.S.C. 804. The rule 
    will not result in an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or 
    more; a major increase in costs or prices; or significant adverse 
    effects on competition, employment, investment, productivity, 
    innovation, or the ability of United States-based companies to compete 
    with foreign-based companies in domestic and export markets.
        Furthermore, this rule will not result in the expenditure by State, 
    local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private 
    sector, of $100 million or more in any one year, and it will not 
    significantly or uniquely affect small governments. Therefore, no 
    actions were deemed necessary under the provisions of the Unfunded 
    Mandates Reform Act of 1995.
        Finally, this rule will not have substantial direct effects on the 
    States, on the relationship between the national government and the 
    States, or on
    [[Page 37066]]
    distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 
    government. Therefore, in accordance with Executive Order 12612, it is 
    determined that this rule does not have sufficient federalism 
    implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
    List of Subjects in 28 CFR Part 5
        Aliens, Foreign relations, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Security measures.
        Accordingly, the Department of Justice proposes to amend part 5 of 
    title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations, chapter I, as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 5 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 28 U.S.C. 509, 510; section 1, 56 Stat. 248, 357 (22 
    U.S.C. 620); title I, Pub. L. 102-395, 106 Stat. 1828, 1831 (22 
    U.S.C. 612 note).
    Sec. 5.5  [Amended]
        2. a. Amend Sec. 5.5 in paragraph (d)(10) by adding the words 
    ``informational materials,'' following ``reports,''.
        b. Amend Sec. 5.5 in paragraph (d)(11) by adding the words 
    ``informational materials,'' following ``reports,''.
    Sec. 5.100  [Amended]
        3. a. Amend Sec. 5.100 in paragraph (c) by removing ``1 (q),''.
        b. Amend Sec. 5.100 in paragraph (d) by removing ``1 (q),''.
    Sec. 5.200  [Amended]
        4. Amend Sec. 5.200 in paragraph (b) by removing the words ``Form 
    OBD-63'' and adding, in their place, the words ``a form provided by the 
    Registration Unit''.
    Sec. 5.201  [Amended]
        5. a. Amend Sec. 5.201 in paragraph (a)(1) by removing the words 
    ``Form OBD-67'' and adding, in their place, the words ``a form provided 
    by the Registration Unit''.
        b. Amend Sec. 5.201 in paragraph (a)(2) by removing the words 
    ``Form OBD-65'' and adding, in their place, the words ``a form provided 
    by the Registration Unit''.
    Sec. 5.202  [Amended]
        6. a. Amend Sec. 5.202 in paragraph (b) by adding the work 
    ``registrable'' before the word ``activity''.
        b. Amend Sec. 5.202 in paragraph (e) by removing the words ``Form 
    OBD-66'' and adding, in their place, the words ``a form provided by the 
    Registration unit''.
    Sec. 5.203  [Amended]
        7. Amend $5.203 in paragraph (a) by removing the words ``Form OBD-
    64'' and adding, in their place, the words ``a form provided by the 
    Registration Unit''.
    Sec. 5.204  [Amended]
        8. Amend Sec. 5.204 in paragraph (a) by removing the words ``Form 
    OBD-68'' and adding, in their place, the words ``a form provided by the 
    Registration Unit''.
    Sec. 5.205  [Amended]
        9. Amend Sec. 5.205 in paragraph (a) by removing the words ``OBD-
    64'' and adding, in their place, the words ``the supplemental statement 
    Sec. 5.206  [Amended]
        10. Amend Sec. 5.206 in paragraph (b) by adding the words ``or if 
    it is filed in an electronic format acceptable to the registration 
    Unit'' following the words ``ink''.
        11. Revise paragraph (c) of Sec. 5.304 to read as follows:
    Sec. 5.304  Exemptions under sections 3(d) and (e) of the Act.
    * * * * *
        (c) For the purpose of section 3(d)(2) of the Act, the term ``other 
    activities not serving predominantly a foreign interest'' includes 
    political activities on behalf of foreign commercial interests, even if 
    such activities are directed or controlled by a foreign government or 
    foreign political party. The term does not include other political 
    activities that are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, 
    controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in substantial part by 
    a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party.
    * * * * *
        12. Revise paragraph (a) of Sec. 5.306 to read as follows:
    Sec. 5.306  Exemption under section 3(g) of the Act.
    * * * * *
        (a) Attempts to influence of persuade agency personnel or officials 
    other than in the course of judicial proceedings, criminal or civil law 
    enforcement inquiries, investigations, or proceedings, or agency 
    proceedings required by statute or regulation to be conducted on the 
    record, shall include only such attempts to influence or persuade with 
    reference to formulating, adopting, or changing the domestic or foreign 
    policies of the United States of with reference to the political or 
    public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign 
    country or a foreign political party; and
    * * * * *
    Sec. 5.306  [Amended]
        13. Amend Sec. 5,306 in the last sentence of paragraph (b) by 
    removing the word ``like'' and adding, in its place, the word ``fall''.
        14. Add Sec. 5.307 to read as follows:
    Sec. 5.307  Exemption under section 3(h) of the Act.
        For the purpose of section 3(h) of the Act, the burden of 
    establishing that registration under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 
    1995 (LDA), 2 U.S.C. 1601 et seq., has been made shall fall upon the 
    person claiming the exemption. The Department of Justice will accept as 
    prima facie evidence of registration a duly executed registration 
    statement filed pursuant to the LDA. In no case where a foreign 
    government or foreign political party is the ultimate foreign principal 
    will the exemption under section 3(h) be recognized.
    Sec. 5.400  [Amended]
        15. a. Amend the heading of Sec. 5.400 by removing the words 
    ``political propaganda'' and adding, in their place, the words 
    ``informational materials''.
        b. Amend Sec. 5.400 in paragraph (a) by removing the words ``two 
    copies of each item of political propaganda'' and adding, in their 
    place, the words ``informational materials'', and by adding, before the 
    period, the words ``no later than 48 hours after the beginning of the 
    transmittal of the informational materials''.
        c. Amend Sec. 5.400 in paragraph (b) by removing the words ``two 
    copies of an item of political propaganda'' and adding, in their place, 
    the words ``informational materials'' and by removing the word 
    ``material'' and adding, in its place, ``materials''.
        d. Amend Sec. 5.400 in the first sentence of paragraph (c) by 
    removing the words ``two copies of a motion picture containing 
    political propaganda'' and adding, in their place, the words ``a copy 
    of a motion picture''.
    Sec. 5.401  [Removed]
        16. Remove Sec. 5.401.
    Sec. 5.402  [Amended]
        17. a. Revise the heading of Sec. 5.402 as set forth below.
        b. Amend Sec. 5.402 in paragraph (a) by removing the words 
    ``political propaganda'' and adding, in their place, the words 
    ``informational materials'', by removing the words ``it has'' and 
    adding, in their place, the words ``they have'', and by removing the 
    word ``its'' and adding in its place, the word ``their''.
        c. Amend Sec. 5.402 in paragraph (b) by removing the words ``An 
    item of political propaganda which is'' and adding, in their place, the 
    words ``Informational materials'', and removing the words ``which is'' 
    and adding, in their place, the words ``which are'', and by removing 
    the words ``such item'' and adding, in their place, the words ``such 
    [[Page 37067]]
        d. Amend Sec. 5.402 in paragraph (c) by removing the words ``An 
    item of political propaganda which is'' and adding, in their place, the 
    words ``Informational materials'', and by removing the phrase ``which 
    is not'' and adding, in its place, the phrase ``which are not''.
        e. Amend Sec. 5.402 in paragraph (d) by removing the words 
    ``Political propaganda as defined in section 1(j) of the Act which is'' 
    and adding, in their place, the words ``Informational materials that 
    are'', and by removing the words ``is caused'' and adding, in its 
    place, the words ``are caused''.
        f. Amend Sec. 5.402 in paragraph (e) by removing the words 
    ``political propaganda as defined in section 1(j) of the Act'' and 
    adding, in their place, the words ``informational materials''.
        g. Amend Sec. 5.402 in paragraph (f) by removing the words 
    ``political propaganda'' and adding, in their place, the words 
    informational materials''.
        h. Add new paragraph (g) to Sec. 5.402 to read as follows:
    Sec. 5.402  Labeling informational materials
    * * * * *
        (g) For the purpose of section 4(b) of the Act, a statement will be 
    deemed conspicuous if it prefaces or accompanies the informational 
    Sec. 5.500  [Amended]
        18. Amend Sec. 5.500 in paragraph (a)(4) by removing the words 
    ``political propaganda has'' and adding, in their place, the words 
    ``informational materials have''.
    Sec. 5.600  [Amended]
        19. Amend Sec. 5.600 by adding the words ``informational 
    materials,'' following the words ``Registration statements,'' and by 
    removing the words ``from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.'' and adding, in their 
    place, the words `'during the posted hours of operation.''.
    Sec. 5.601  [Amended]
        20. a. Amend Sec. 5.601 in paragraph (a) by adding the words 
    ``informational materials,'' following the word ``thereto,''.
        b. Amend Sec. 5.601 in paragraph (b) by adding the words 
    ``informational materials,'' following the word `'thereto,''.
        Dated: June 26, 1999.
    Janet Reno,
    Attorney General.
    [FR Doc. 99-16941 Filed 7-8-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4410-14-M

Document Information

Justice Department
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments must be submitted on or before September 7, 1999.
37065-37067 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
AG Order No. 2229-99
1105-AA45: Foreign Agents Registration Act; Regulations Revised and Clarified To Reflect Changes in the Law
RIN Links:
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