2024-14417. Monthly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations  

  • License Amendment Requests

    Constellation Energy Generation, LLC; Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2; Will County, IL
    Docket Nos. 50-456, 50-457.
    Application date June 4, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No. ML24156A245.
    Location in Application of NSHC Pages 15-17 of Attachment 1.
    Brief Description of Amendments The proposed amendments would revise Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement to allow an ultimate heat sink temperature of less than or equal to 102.8°F until September 30, 2024.
    Proposed Determination NSHC
    Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address Jason Zorn, Associate General Counsel, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, 4300 Winfield Road, Warrenville, IL 60555.
    NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number Joel Wiebe, 301-415-6606.
    Constellation Energy Generation, LLC; Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, Will County, IL; Byron Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Ogle County, IL
    Docket Nos. 50-454, 50-455, 50-456, 50-457.
    Application date May 24, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No. ML24145A116.
    Location in Application of NSHC Pages 9 and 10 of Attachment 1.
    Brief Description of Amendments The proposed amendments would remove extraneous detail related to the Best Estimate Analyzer for Core Operations Nuclear software and more closely align with the Standard Technical Specifications, NUREG-1431, Revision 5.
    Proposed Determination NSHC
    Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address Jason Zorn, Associate General Counsel, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC., 4300 Winfield Road, Warrenville, IL 60555.
    NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number Joel Wiebe, 301-415-6606.
    Constellation Energy Generation, LLC; Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, Will County, IL; Byron Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Ogle County, IL
    Docket Nos. 50-454, 50-455, 50-456, 50-457.
    Application date April 25, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No. ML24116A112.
    Location in Application of NSHC Pages 26 and 27 of Attachment 1.
    Brief Description of Amendments The proposed amendments would remove the core operating limits report analytical method 5.6.5.b.5 from the technical specifications.
    Proposed Determination NSHC.
    Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address Jason Zorn, Associate General Counsel, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, 4300 Winfield Road, Warrenville, IL 60555.
    NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number Joel Wiebe, 301-415-6606.
    Constellation Energy Generation, LLC; Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3; Grundy County, IL
    Docket Nos. 50-237, 50-249.
    Application date May 8, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No. ML24129A135.
    Location in Application of NSHC Pages 7-9 of Attachment 1.
    Brief Description of Amendments The proposed amendments request adoption of Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) Travelers, TSTF-505, Revision 2, “Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times—RITSTF [Risk Informed TSTF] Initiative 4b,” and TSTF-591, “Revise Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program.”.
    Proposed Determination NSHC.
    Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address Jason Zorn, Associate General Counsel, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, 4300 Winfield Road, Warrenville, IL 60555.
    NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number Surinder Arora, 301-415-1421.
    Entergy Louisiana, LLC, and Entergy Operations, Inc.; River Bend Station, Unit 1; West Feliciana Parish, LA; Entergy Operations, Inc., System Energy Resources, Inc., Cooperative Energy, A Mississippi Electric Cooperative, and Entergy Mississippi, LLC; Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1; Claiborne County, MS; Entergy Operations, Inc.; Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3; St. Charles Parish, LA
    Docket Nos. 50-416, 50-382, 50-458.
    Application date May 7, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No. ML24128A042.
    Location in Application of NSHC Pages 20—21 of the Enclosure.
    Brief Description of Amendments The proposed amendments would remove License Condition 2.F, which requires the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1, River Bend Station, Unit 1, and Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 sites to report certain violations of Renewed Facility Operating License Section 2.C within 24 hours to the NRC Operations Center via the emergency notification system with a written follow-up at a later date. The licensee stated that this change is consistent with the notice published in the Federal Register on November 4, 2005 (70 FR 67202), as part of the consolidated line-item improvement process.
    Proposed Determination NSHC.
    Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address Susan Raimo, Associate General Counsel—Nuclear, 101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20001.
    NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number Mahesh Chawla, 301-415-8371.
    Florida Power & Light Company, et al.; St. Lucie Plant, Unit No. 2; St. Lucie County, FL
    Docket No. 50-389.
    Application date April 30, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No. ML24122A689.
    Location in Application of NSHC Pages 14 and 15 of Enclosure 1.
    Brief Description of Amendment The proposed amendment would revise St. Lucie Plant, Unit No. 2, Technical Specification (TS) 3.7.15, “Spent Fuel Pool Storage,” and TS 4.3, “Fuel Storage,” to support updated spent fuel pool and new fuel vault criticality analyses, which account for the impact of a proposed transition to 24-month fuel cycles on fresh and spent fuel storage.
    Proposed Determination NSHC.
    Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address Steven Hamrick, Senior Attorney 801 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 220 Washington, DC 20004.
    NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number Natreon Jordan, 301-415-7410.
    NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC; Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1; Rockingham County, NH
    Docket No. 50-443.
    Application date May 10, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No. ML24131A152.
    Location in Application of NSHC Pages 6-7 of the Enclosure.
    Brief Description of Amendment The proposed amendment would revise the Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1 Technical Specification (TS), “A.C. Sources—Operating,” to provide a one-time allowance to change plant modes from Cold Shutdown (MODE 5) to Startup (MODE 2) while one independent circuit between the offsite transmission network and the onsite Class 1E Distribution System is out of service. NextEra is requesting an additional 384 hours to the TS 72-hour completion time for a total of 456 hours.
    Proposed Determination NSHC.
    Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address Steven Hamrick, Senior Attorney 801 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 220 Washington, DC 20004.
    NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number V. Sreenivas, 301-415-2597.
    Tennessee Valley Authority; Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1; Rhea County, TN
    Docket No. 50-390.
    Application date April 17, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No. ML24108A015.
    Location in Application of NSHC Pages E-9—E-11 of the Enclosure.
    Brief Description of Amendment The proposed amendment would revise the expiration date of the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Facility Operating License No. NPF-90 to be 40 years from the date that the full-power operating license was issued, rather than the date that the low-power license was issued.
    Proposed Determination NSHC.
    Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address David Fountain, Executive VP and General Counsel, Tennessee Valley Authority, 6A West Tower, 400 West Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, TN 37902.
    NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number Kimberly Green, 301-415-1627.
    Vistra Operations Company LLC; Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2; Beaver County, PA
    Docket Nos. 50-334, 50-412.
    Application date May 7, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No. ML24129A016.
    Location in Application of NSHC Pages 2-4 of Attachment 1.
    Brief Description of Amendments The proposed amendments would adopt Technical Specification Task Force-569, “Revise Response Time Testing Definition,” which is an approved change to the Improved Standard Technical Specifications, into the Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2, Technical Specifications (TSs). The proposed amendments would revise the TS definitions for Engineered Safety Feature Response Time and Reactor Trip System Response Time.
    Proposed Determination NSHC.
    Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address Rick Giannantonio, General Counsel, Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp.,168 E. Market Street Akron, OH 44308-2014.
    NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number V. Sreenivas, 301-415-2597.

    III. Notice of Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses

    During the period since publication of the last monthly notice, the Commission has issued the following amendments. The Commission has determined for each of these amendments that the application complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations. The Commission has made appropriate findings as required by the Act and the Commission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR chapter I, which are set forth in the license amendment.

    A notice of consideration of issuance of amendment to facility operating license or combined license, as applicable, proposed NSHC determination, and opportunity for a hearing in connection with these actions, were published in the Federal Register as indicated in the safety evaluation for each amendment.

    Unless otherwise indicated, the Commission has determined that these amendments satisfy the criteria for categorical exclusion in accordance with 10 CFR 51.22. Therefore, pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared for these amendments. If the Commission has prepared an environmental assessment under the special circumstances provision in 10 CFR 51.22(b) and has made a determination based on that assessment, it is so indicated in the safety evaluation for the amendment.

    For further details with respect to each action, see the amendment and associated documents such as the Commission's letter and safety evaluation, which may be obtained using the ADAMS accession numbers indicated in the following table. The safety evaluation will provide the ADAMS accession numbers for the application for amendment and the Federal Register citation for any environmental assessment. All of these items can be accessed as described in the “Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments” section of this document.

    License Amendment Issuance(s)

    Arizona Public Service Company, et al.; Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3; Maricopa County, AZ
    Docket Nos 50-528, 50-529, 50-530.
    Amendment Date June 14, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24129A206.
    Amendment Nos 222 (Unit 1), 222 (Unit 2), and 222 (Unit 3).
    Brief Description of Amendment(s) The amendments revised the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 (Palo Verde) technical specifications (TSs) to adopt Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-266-A, Revision 3, “Eliminate the Remote Shutdown System Table of Instrumentation and Controls.” Specifically, Arizona Public Service Company (the licensee) deleted TS table 3.3.11-1, “Remote Shutdown System Instrumentation and Controls,” from Palo Verde TS 3.3.11, “Remote Shutdown System,” and placed the content of TS table 3.3.11-1 into licensee-controlled documents.
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    Constellation Energy Generation, LLC; Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2; Calvert County, MD
    Docket Nos 50-317, 50-318.
    Amendment Date May 31, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24121A180.
    Amendment Nos 350 (Unit 1), 327 (Unit 2).
    Brief Description of Amendments The amendments revised technical specifications to adopt Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF 59-A, Revision 1, “Incorporate CE [Combustion Engineering] NPSD-994 Recommendations into the SIT [Safety Injection Tanks] Specification,” with plant-specific variations.
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    Constellation Energy Generation, LLC; Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit 1; York County, PA
    Docket Nos 50-171.
    Amendment Date June 11, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24082A241.
    Amendment Nos 18.
    Brief Description of Amendments The amendment modified License Condition 2.C(1) and Technical Specification Sections 1.0, 2.1(b)1, 2.1(b)6, 2.3(b)1, and 2.3(b)2 to remove restrictions that currently limit decommissioning activities/efforts.
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    Dominion Energy Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.; Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 3; New London County, CT
    Docket No 50-423.
    Amendment Date June 4, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24128A277.
    Amendment No 290.
    Brief Description of Amendment The amendment revised the Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 3, technical specifications (TSs) to update the reactor core safety limits (TS, fuel assembly design features (TS 5.3.1), and the list of approved methodologies for the Core Operating Limits Report (TS to support the use of Framatome GAIA fuel with M5TM fuel cladding material, which is currently scheduled for insertion into the Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 3, reactor during the spring 2025 refueling outage.
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    Duke Energy Progress, LLC; H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2; Darlington County, SC
    Docket No 50-261.
    Amendment Date June 3, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24114A015.
    Amendment No 279.
    Brief Description of Amendment The amendment eliminated the dynamic effects of postulated pipe ruptures to auxiliary piping systems attached to the reactor coolant system from the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2 design and licensing basis using leak-before-break methodology.
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    Duke Energy Progress, LLC; H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2; Darlington County, SC
    Docket No 50-261.
    Amendment Date October 12, 2023.
    ADAMS Accession No ML23226A086.
    Amendment No 277.
    Brief Description of Amendment The amendment added a Feedwater Isolation on High-High Steam Generator Level function to Table 3.3.2-1 of Technical Specification (TS) 3.3.2, “Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) Instrumentation,” and removed obsolete content from TSs, “Reactor Core SLs [Safety Limits],” and 5.6.5.b, “Core Operating Limits Report (COLR).”
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    Energy Northwest; Columbia Generating Station; Benton County, WA
    Docket No 50-397.
    Amendment Date June 12, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24099A223.
    Amendment No 275.
    Brief Description of Amendment The amendment modified Columbia Generating Station Technical Specification, “Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Suppression Pool Cooling,” to allow two RHR suppression pool cooling subsystems to be inoperable for 8 hours. The amendment is consistent with NRC-approved Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-230-A, Revision 1, “Add New Condition B to LCO [Limiting Condition for Operation], `RHR Suppression Pool Cooling.' ”
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    Energy Northwest; Columbia Generating Station; Benton County, WA
    Docket No 50-397.
    Amendment Date May 31, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24128A224.
    Amendment No 274.
    Brief Description of Amendment The amendment revised Columbia Generating Station Technical Specification, “Primary Containment Isolation Instrumentation,” to remove the requirement that the reactor water cleanup (RWCU) system automatically isolate on manual initiation of the standby liquid control (SLC) system. The SLC system is manually actuated in response to an anticipated transient without scram event. The amendment is based on NRC-approved Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-584, “Eliminate Automatic RWCU System Isolation on SLC Initiation.”
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    Pacific Gas and Electric Company; Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2; San Luis Obispo County, CA
    Docket Nos 50-275, 50-323.
    Amendment Date May 29, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24099A219.
    Amendment Nos 245 (Unit 1) and 247 (Unit 2).
    Brief Description of Amendments The amendments revised technical specifications to adopt Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-505, Revision 2, “Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times—RITSTF [Risk-Informed TSTF] Initiative 4b.” The changes would prevent unnecessary unit shutdowns for low-risk scenarios.
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    PSEG Nuclear LLC; Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2; Salem County, NJ
    Docket Nos 50-272, 50-311.
    Amendment Date May 29, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24099A157.
    Amendment Nos 348 (Unit 1), 330 (Unit 2).
    Brief Description of Amendments The amendments revised the Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Technical Specification 6.8.4.f, “Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program,” by replacing the reference to Regulatory Guide 1.163 with a reference to Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Report NEI 94-01, Revision 3-A and the conditions and limitations specified in NEI 94-01, Revision 2-A.
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC and Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Inc.; Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2; Luzerne County, PA
    Docket Nos 50-387, 50-388.
    Amendment Date May 29, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24127A226.
    Amendment Nos 288 (Unit 1), 272 (Unit 2).
    Brief Description of Amendments The amendments revised technical specifications to adopt Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-563, “Revise Instrument Testing Deficiencies to Incorporate the Surveillance Frequency Control Program,” with plant specific variations.
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    Vistra Operations Company LLC; Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2; Somervell County, TX
    Docket Nos 50-445, 50-446.
    Amendment Date June 10, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24120A363.
    Amendment Nos 187 (Unit 1) and 187 (Unit 2).
    Brief Description of Amendments The amendments revised the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-87 and NPF-89, respectively, to add a new license condition to allow for the implementation of 10 CFR 50.69, “Risk-informed categorization and treatment of structures, systems and components for nuclear power reactors.”
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.
    Vistra Operations Company LLC; Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1; Lake County, OH
    Docket No 50-440.
    Amendment Date May 28, 2024.
    ADAMS Accession No ML24124A016.
    Amendment No 204.
    Brief Description of Amendment The amendment revised the technical specifications in accordance with Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-264, Revision 0, “3.3.9 and 3.3.10—Delete Flux Monitors Specific Overlap Requirement SRs [Surveillance Requirements].” Specifically, the proposed changes delete SRs and which verify the overlap between the source range monitor and the intermediate range monitor, and between the intermediate range monitor and the average power range monitor.
    Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No) No.

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Monthly notice.
Document Number:
Comments must be filed by August 8, 2024. A request for a hearing or petitions for leave to intervene must be filed by September 9, 2024. This monthly notice includes all amendments issued, or proposed to be issued, from May 24, 2024, to June 20, 2024. The last monthly notice was published on June 11, 2024.
56438-56445 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: