97-20315. Agency Recordkeeping/Reporting Requirements Under Emergency Review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 148 (Friday, August 1, 1997)]
    [Pages 41390-41397]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-20315]
    Administration for Children and Families
    Agency Recordkeeping/Reporting Requirements Under Emergency 
    Review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
        Title: National Directory of New Hires.
        OMB No.: New.
        Description: Public Law 104-193, the ``Personal Responsibility and 
    Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996,'' requires the Office of 
    Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) to develop a National Directory of New 
    Hires (NDNH) to improve the ability of State child support agencies to 
    locate noncustodial parents and collect child support across State 
        The NDNH will contain employment, earning and employment 
    compensation data on all employees within the United States. The law 
    requires States and territories to periodically transmit new hire data 
    received from employers to the NDNH, and to transmit quarterly wage and 
    unemployment compensation claims data to the NDNH on a quarterly basis.
        Employers must report specified information (based on information 
    reported on the IRS W-4 Form) on all new hires to State agencies for 
    transmittal to the NDNH. States will transmit all data to the NDNH 
    electronically. The purpose of the NDNH is to develop a repository of 
    information on newly-hired employees, and on the earnings and 
    unemployment compensation claims data on all employees, to provide the 
    necessary information to locate child support obligors, and to 
    establish and enforce child support orders.
        Please refer below to the Supplemental Specifications in addition 
    to the Record Layouts and field descriptions for input to the National 
    Directory of New Hire (NDNH).
        Respondents: States and Employers.
                                                 Annual Burden Estimates                                            
                                                                    Number of      Average burden                   
                   Instrument                     Number of       responses per       hours per       Total  burden 
                                                 respondents       respondent         response            hour      
    New Hire: Employers Not Currently                                                                               
     Required to Report (manual reporting)*.         3,372,250             3.484             .0417           489,930
    New Hire: Employers Not Currently                                                                               
     Required to Report (electronically)*...           740,250            37,037            .00028             7,677
    New Hire: Multistate Employers'                                                                                 
     Registration Form......................           375,000                 1              .050            18,750
    New Hire: States Not Currently Requiring                                                                        
     New Hire Reporting.....................                29            83,333           266,668           644,445
    New Hire: States Currently Requiring New                                                                        
     Hire Reporting.........................                25            83.333            70.741           147,376
    Quarterly Wage & Unemployment                                                                                   
     Compensation...........................                54                 4              .033              7.13
    *Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 1,308,185.                                                                
        The above numbers are based on the following: Twenty-five States 
    already had a new hire reporting system in place before PRWORA was 
    passed. Within those 25 States, on average, it is estimated that 75% 
    of employers already report new hire data (based on the fact that 
    some States require all employers to report, some require only 
    targeted industries to report, and some are voluntary reporting 
    programs). It is estimated that these employers represent the same 
    proportional number of new hire reports (75% of 25/54).
        These estimates include the 25% remaining employers who do not 
    report within those 25 States, in addition to all of the employers 
    within the remaining 29 States.
        * Eighteen percent of all employers will report manually and 82% 
    will report electronically (based on SSA's experience). The number of 
    employers is based on the following calculation: the total number of 
    employers (6,300,000) multiplied by 29/54 (the proportion of States 
    that do not have new hire programs) plus the total number of employers 
    multiplied by the number of employers not already reporting in the 
    States that do have new hire programs (25% of 25/54). The result 
    (4,122,500) is then broken down into two categories: those who report 
    manually and those who report electronically.
        ** For the ``Employers'' tiers, ``response'' is defined as the 
    number of new hire reports. Thirty percent of all new hire reports will 
    be reported manually and 70% will be reported electronically (based on 
    SSA's experience).
        *** Based on the assumption that employers reporting new hires 
    electronically will most likely transmit
    [[Page 41391]]
    their reports in a batch file, thus significantly reducing the per-
    response burden.
        **** For the ``States'' tiers, ``response'' is defined as the 
    number of transmissions to the NDNH. All States are required by law to 
    transmit new hire data to the NDNH electronically, within three 
    business days after entering the data into the SDNH. There are 250 
    business days per year. States will send a transmission once every 
    three business days, which is equal to 83.333 transmissions per year.
        ***** Based on the average number of reports per transmission and 
    the average burden per new hire report. The average number of reports 
    per transmission is calculated by dividing 32,222,220 (total number of 
    new hire reports in those 29 States) by 29 (number of States). The 
    result 1,111,111) is then divided by 83.333 (estimated number of 
    transmissions per State, see above explanation). Based on this 
    calculation, the average number of reports per transmission is 
    13,333.39 reports. The average burden per new hire report is estimated 
    to be .02 hours (1.2 minutes), which is based on a range of two seconds 
    to four minutes. The burden is estimated to be two seconds per report 
    for the 70% of new hire reports submitted to the State electronically. 
    This two second burden estimate is based on the same batch-file 
    assumption as above, and includes data receipt and data transmission. 
    If the State has to manually enter the new hire data before 
    transmitting to the NDNH (which is the case for 30% of all new hire 
    reports), the burden is estimated to be four minutes (based on the 
    number of characters in a record). The average burden hours per report 
    (.02) multiplied by the average number of reports per transmission 
    (13,333.39) is equal to the average burden hours per transmission 
        ****** Within the 25 States that already have a new hire reporting 
    program in place, the burden is broken down into three categories. The 
    total number of new hire reports for those 25 States is 27.8 million 
    (46% of 60 million, or 25/54 times 60 million). Seventy-five percent of 
    employers already submit to those States, so the incremental burden for 
    that group is only the transmission to the NDNH (1 second per report). 
    Twenty-five percent of employers do not already submit to those States, 
    so the burden for that group is based on the same calculation as above: 
    30% of all new hire reports are reported manually (@ 4 minutes each) 
    and 70% are reported electronically (@ 2 seconds each). The following 
    table represents the exact formula for the calculation:
                                               Number of                                                                                                    
                Types of reports                new hire               Time per new hire report                                 Total time                  
    Already Received From Employers (75%)...   20,833,333  .000278 hours (1 second)........................  5787.0370 hours.                               
    Reports Not Currently Received (25%)--      2,083,333  .066667 hours (4 minutes).......................  138888.8889 hours.                             
     Manual (30%).                                                                                                                                          
    Reports Not Currently Received (25%)--      4,861,111  .000556 hours (2 seconds).......................  2700.6173 hours.                               
     Electronic (70%).                                                                                                                                      
    Total time for all three types of reports: 147,376.543 hours.                                                                                           
    Total time per transmission (83.333) per State (25): 70.741 hours.                                                                                      
        ******* ``Response'' is defined here as the number of transmissions 
    to the NDNH. States are required to transmit quarterly wage and 
    unemployment compensation data four times a year.
    Detailed Input Information
    Supplement to New Hire Record Specifications
        At the suggestion of the workgroup that assisted in developing the 
    record specifications for the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH), 
    this is an accompanying document that contains some additional 
    clarification or explanation of items in the record specifications.
        Mandatory Fields: The legislation mandates the collection of only 
    the following six data elements from the W-4 form:
    Employee SSN
    Employee Name
    Employee Address
    Employer Name
    Employer Address
    Employer ID number
        On the W-4 record specifications these fields are marked with (M) 
    to designate mandatory. There are three additional optional fields that 
    are highly desirable for the New Hire data base. These are:
    Employee Date of Birth
    Employee Date of Hire
    Employee State of Hire
        While the legislation precludes the federal government from 
    mandating the collection and retention of additional data elements, the 
    states are not bound by those rules. The New Hire record specifications 
    were developed in collaboration with State child support enforcement 
    staff, State Employment Security Agency (SESA) staff, and federal and 
    Department of Defense staff. Consequently, the specifications include 
    additional data elements that can be collected by the states and passed 
    to the NDNH. These data elements can then be used by the states and 
    other authorized users of NDNH data.
        Following are some clarifying statements that apply to all of the 
    NDNH data elements and record formats.
    All data is to be in EBCDIC format.
    All alphanumeric data are to be in upper case.
    All alphanumeric data are to be left justified.
    All numeric data are to be right justified and zero filled.
    All dates are to be in the Year 2000-compliant format of YYYYMMDD.
    Name and city data are to be stripped of special characters except for 
    the hyphen.
        State and territory abbreviations in addresses should be the U.S. 
    Postal Service abbreviations.
        Name fields should not include suffixes such as ``Jr.'', ``Sr.'', 
    and ``III''.
        The NDNH will contain two addresses for the employer. The first 
    address is that noted on the W-4 form. The second address is where 
    child support orders should be sent. If only one address is available 
    or known, use the first set of address data elements and leave the 
    second set of data elements blank.
        National standard codes are to be used for foreign country code 
    abbreviations as assigned by the Department of Commerce FIPS codes 
    (FIPS PUB 10-4).
        For Quarterly Wage data, the employee wage amount is to be the 
    gross amount paid during the quarter, regardless of when the amount was 
        For Unemployment Insurance data, the benefit amount is to be the 
    gross amount paid within the quarter before any deductions or offsets 
    are applied, regardless of when the benefit was earned or accrued.
          WHEN IN DOUBT, SEND THE DATA. While the NDNH wants to receive 
    clean, edited data, we want
    [[Page 41392]]
    to receive all data in a timely manner. Consequently, if some data is 
    missing or incomplete at the time of transmission, include the 
    record(s) in the transmission. Hopefully, this will also make 
    processing easier at the State level.
          Output records returned from the NDNH will contain all of the 
    input data sent to the NDNH and indications of errors or changes that 
    took place at the federal level.
    States have the option of receiving error records. The NDNH will 
    maintain a matrix of which states want to be notified of errors and 
    which do not.
    Input Records
        When sending data to the federal level, there will be three record 
    types in each transmission of data. These will include a header record, 
    a series of data records, and concluded by a trailer record.
        Header Record: The header record will be the first record in the 
    data set and will contain the following fields.
                                      Field name                                                Comments            
    Record Identifier.............................................................  Enter `H4' for W4 data.         
                                                                                    Enter `HQ' for Quarterly Wage   
                                                                                    Enter `HU' for Unemployment     
                                                                                     Insurance data.                
    Transmitter State Code........................................................  Refer to US Department of       
                                                                                     Commerce FIPS code manual,     
                                                                                     National Institute of Standards
                                                                                     and Technology, FIPS PUB 10-4  
                                                                                     (April 1995).                  
    Transmitter Agency Code.......................................................  Some federal agencies act as    
                                                                                     service bureaus for other      
                                                                                     federal agencies. Enter the    
                                                                                     Federal Employer Identification
                                                                                     Number (FEIN) of the agency    
                                                                                     transmitting the data to the   
                                                                                     National Directory of New      
    Transmission Type.............................................................  Identifies the type of data in  
                                                                                     this data set.                 
                                                                                    Enter `W4' for W4 data.         
                                                                                    Enter `QW' for Quarterly Wage   
                                                                                    Enter `UI' for Unemployment     
                                                                                     Insurance data.                
    Department of Defense Code....................................................  This field is mandatory only for
                                                                                     DOD data transmissions. All    
                                                                                     others can ignore this field.  
                                                                                     DOD data is separated into     
                                                                                     several categories. This field 
                                                                                     indicates with category of data
                                                                                     is being transmitted.          
                                                                                    Enter `A' for active duty       
                                                                                    Enter `C' for civilian personnel
                                                                                     Enter. `R' for reservist       
    Version Control Number........................................................  It is assumed that the system   
                                                                                     will be modified over time to  
                                                                                     accommodate future             
                                                                                     requirements. The version      
                                                                                     Control Number indicates which 
                                                                                     version of the system is in    
                                                                                     operation and will provide a   
                                                                                     means of communicating with    
                                                                                     data suppliers about record    
                                                                                    Enter `01' until notified by    
                                                                                     OCSE to change this value.     
    Data Stamp....................................................................  Enter the system generated date 
                                                                                     on the date the data set is    
                                                                                     transmitted to the federal     
                                                                                     level. Enter the date in the   
                                                                                     format YYYYMMDD.               
    Batch Number..................................................................  A sequential number generated by
                                                                                     the transmitting agency. This  
                                                                                     field is to uniquely identify a
                                                                                     transmission. Do not repeat    
                                                                                     batch numbers.                 
    Filler........................................................................  Each record contains filler to  
                                                                                     be used for future versions of 
                                                                                     the record formats.            
        Total Record: Each data set is to be terminated with a Total Record 
    which will contain the count of the total number of records transmitted 
    in this data set.
                                      Field name                                                Comments            
    Record Identifier.............................................................  Enter `T4' for W4 data.         
                                                                                    Enter `TQ' for Quarterly Wage   
                                                                                    Enter `TU' for Unemployment     
                                                                                     Insurance data.                
    Data Record Count.............................................................  Enter the total number of       
                                                                                     records transmitted in this    
                                                                                     data set, including the header 
                                                                                     and trailer records. This will 
                                                                                     be used to verify that all     
                                                                                     records are received and       
    Filler........................................................................  Spaces. To be used for future   
                                                                                     versions of the system.        
        Data Record: Each of the data records for W4, Quarterly Wage, and 
    UI is different in several ways. Following is further explanation of 
    some of the data elements in those record layouts. See the Record 
    Layout specifications for detailed information on all data elements.
                                      Field name                                                Comments            
    Record Identifier.............................................................  Enter `W4' for the W4 record.   
                                                                                    Enter `QW' for the Quarterly    
                                                                                     Wage record.                   
                                                                                    Enter `UI' for the Unemployment 
                                                                                     Insurance record.              
    Foreign Address Data Elements.................................................  If an address supplied for the  
                                                                                     employee or employer is outside
                                                                                     the United States, include the 
                                                                                     Foreign Country Code for the   
                                                                                     address, the Foreign Country   
                                                                                     Name, and the Foreign Zip Code 
    Employee Wage Amount (QW).....................................................  For Quarterly Wage data, provide
                                                                                     the gross amount paid to the   
                                                                                     employee during the quarter,   
                                                                                     regardless of when the amount  
                                                                                     was earned.                    
    [[Page 41393]]
    Reporting Period..............................................................  Use the quarters that correspond
                                                                                     to the calendar year rather    
                                                                                     than quarters that correspond  
                                                                                     to fiscal accounting periods.  
                                                                                     Use the format QYYYY where     
                                                                                    Q=1 for January-March.          
                                                                                    Q=2 for April-June.             
                                                                                    Q=3 for July-September.         
                                                                                    Q=4 for October-December.       
    Benefit Amount (UI)...........................................................  The UI Benefit Amount is the    
                                                                                     gross amount paid within the   
                                                                                     reporting quarter before any   
                                                                                     withholding offsets are        
                                                                                     applied. This amount should be 
                                                                                     the sum of benefits received   
                                                                                     from all programs tracked      
                                                                                     electronically by the State.   
                                                                                     However, only include those    
                                                                                     benefits that are housed in the
                                                                                     same hardware environment. Do  
                                                                                     not include benefits from      
                                                                                     sources that must be translated
                                                                                     or imported to the mainframe   
    Output Records
        FPLS will return records to the data transmitters when errors were 
    detected. The states can elect to have these records returned for error 
    resolution or not as they choose. Federal agencies, however, will 
    receive all error records from each transmittal.
        The record formats for the error records are identical to the input 
    record provided by the submitter except that error codes will be 
    appended that explain the nature of the error. Errors can occur at the 
    transmission level and at the individual record level.
        Transmission Control Records: This is the output equivalent of the 
    input TRANSMITTER RECORD and includes counts of records received, 
    records rejected, error records returned, records posted to the 
    National Directory of New Hires, records posted to the Suspense File, 
    and up to five Error Codes pertaining to the transmission level error 
    conditions encountered.
        Data Records: Each output version of the input DATA RECORD had 
    appended to it up to five record level error codes that indicate the 
    nature of the error encountered during editing. It also contains a 
    Social Security Number Verification Indicator that indicates whether 
    multiple valid SSNs were encountered during the SSN verification 
    process. In addition, a corrected SSN is returned if during the SSN 
    verification process the supplied SSN was determined to be incorrect 
    and the verification procedure was able to provide the correct SSN.
        Total Records: No transmission total records will be returned to 
    the submitting State or federal agency.
        Updates to this information will be issued on a periodic basis 
    based on questions from data submitters or as global editing indicates 
    the need for them. These updates will be issued as updates to User 
    Manuals and Implementation Guides provided by OCSE.
        When questions arise regarding record layouts, transmission 
    requirements, edit criteria, error codes, or other data related issues, 
    please contact George Laufert at (202) 205-3605 or 
              Record Layouts and Field Descriptions For Input to the National Directory of New Hire (NDNH)          
                                      Location/                               Description/                          
               Field name             position    Length   Alpha/numeric        remarks         Mandatory/ optional 
                                                 W4 Transmitter Record                                              
    Record Identifier..............    1-2             2  A/N              `H4'.............  M.                    
    Transmitter State Code.........    3-4             2  N                State FIPS code    M for states.         
                                                                            (for states                             
    Transmitter Agency Code........   5-13             9  A/N              Federal Agency     M for agencies.       
                                                                            Code (for                               
                                                                            federal agencies                        
    Transmission Type..............  14-15             2  A/N              `W4' for W4 data.  M.                    
    Department of Defense..........     16             1  A                `A' for active     M for DOD.            
    Code...........................  ..........  .......  ...............  `C' for civilian                         
                                                                           `R' for reserves                         
                                                                            States may leave                        
                                                                            this field                              
    Version Control Number.........  17-18             2  A/N              Must be `01',      M                     
                                                                            controlled by                           
    Date Stamp.....................  19-26             8  N                Format=YYYYMMDD..  M                     
                                                                           Must be current                          
                                                                            system date of                          
                                                                            file generation.                        
    Batch Number...................  27-32             6  N                Sequential number  M                     
                                                                            to identify a                           
                                                                            submission as                           
    Filler.........................  33-801          769  A/N              Spaces. To be                            
                                                                            used for future                         
                                                    W4 Total Record                                                 
    Record Identifier..............    1-2             2  A/N              `T4'.............  M                     
    Data Record Count..............   3-13            11  N                Total record       M                     
                                                                            count for                               
                                                                            including header                        
                                                                            and trailer                             
    Filler.........................  14-801          788  A/N              Spaces. To be      ......................
                                                                            used for future                         
                                                      W4 Data Record                                                
    Record Identifier..............    1-2             2  A/N              `W4'.............  M                     
    Employee SSN...................   3-11             9  N                As reported by     M                     
    Employee Name:                                                                                                  
        First Name.................  12-27            16  A                At least one       M                     
                                                                           No special                               
        Middle Name................  28-43            16  A                If non-blank,      O                     
                                                                            must be at least                        
                                                                            one character.                          
                                                                           No special                               
    [[Page 41394]]
        Last Name..................  44-73            30  A                At least one       M                     
                                                                           No special                               
                                                                            except for                              
    Employee Address:                                                                                               
        Street Address (line 1)....  74-113           40  A/N              Non-blank........  M                     
        Street Address (line 2)....  114-153          40  A/N              If your address    O                     
        Street Address (line 3)....  154-193          40  A/N               line is less      O                     
                                                                            than 40                                 
                                                                            characters, do                          
                                                                            not concatenate                         
                                                                            into one line.                          
        City.......................  194-218          25  A                At least two       M                     
                                                                           No special                               
                                                                            except for                              
        State......................  219-220           2  A                Valid state or     M                     
        Zip Code (1)...............  221-225           5  N                Must be numeric..  M                     
        Zip Code (2)...............  226-229           4  A/N              If present, must   O                     
                                                                            be numeric.                             
    Employee Foreign Address:                                                                                       
        Foreign Country Code.......  230-231           2  A/N              Refer to U.S.      M for foreign address 
                                                                            Department of                           
                                                                            Commerce FIPS                           
                                                                            code manual,                            
                                                                            Institute of                            
                                                                            Standards and                           
                                                                            Technology, FIPS                        
                                                                            PUB 10-4 (April                         
        Foreign Country Name.......  232-256          25  A/N              If present, at     O                     
                                                                            least two                               
        Foreign Zip Code...........  257-271          15  A/N              .................  O                     
    Employee Date of Birth.........  272-279           8  A/N              If present,        O                     
    Employee Date of Hire..........  280-287           8  A/N              If present,        O                     
    Employee State of Hire.........  288-289           2  A                Alphabetic state   O                     
                                                                            or territory                            
    Federal EIN....................  290-298           9  N                Federal Employer   M                     
    State EIN......................  299-310          12  A/N              If no FEIN is      O                     
                                                                            available, send                         
                                                                            the State EIN.                          
                                                                           If present and                           
                                                                            less than 12                            
                                                                            characters, left                        
    Employer Name..................  311-355          45  A/N              At least two       ......................
    Employer Address:                                                       characters                              
                                                                           FEIN address from                        
        Street Address (line 1)....  356-395          40  A/N              At least two       M                     
        Street Address (line 2)....  396-435          40  A/N              If your address    O                     
        Street Address (line 3)....  436-475          40  A/N               line is less      O                     
                                                                            than 40                                 
                                                                            characters, do                          
                                                                            not concatenate                         
                                                                            into one line.                          
        City.......................  476-500          25  A                At least two       M                     
        State......................  501-502           2  A                Valid state or     M                     
        Zip Code (1)...............  503-507           5  N                Must be numeric..  M                     
        Zip Code (2)...............  508-511           4  A/N              If present, must   O                     
                                                                            be numeric.                             
    Employer Foreign Address:                                                                                       
        Foreign Country Code.......  512-513           2  A/N              Refer to U.S.      M for foreign address 
                                                                            Department of                           
                                                                            Commerce FIPS                           
                                                                            code manual,                            
                                                                            Institute of                            
                                                                            Standards and                           
                                                                            Technology, FIPS                        
                                                                            PUB 10-4 (April                         
        Foreign Country Name.......  514-538          25  A/N              If present, at     O                     
                                                                            least two                               
        Foreign Zip Code...........  539-553          15  A/N              .................  O                     
    Employer Optional Address......  ..........  .......  ...............  This address will  O                     
                                                                            be blank if only                        
                                                                            collecting one                          
                                                                            address. If                             
                                                                            there is a                              
                                                                            second address,                         
                                                                            it should be the                        
                                                                            address where                           
                                                                            child support                           
                                                                            orders should be                        
        Street Address (line 1)....  554-593          40  A/N              If your address    O                     
        Street Address (line 2)....  594-633          40  A/N               line is less      O                     
                                                                            than 40                                 
                                                                            characters, do                          
                                                                            not concatenate                         
                                                                            into one line.                          
        Street Address (line 3)....  634-673          40  A/N              .................  O                     
        City.......................  674-698          25  A                If present, at     O                     
                                                                            least two                               
        State......................  699-700           2  A                If present, valid  O                     
                                                                            state or                                
        Zip Code (1)...............  701-705           5  A/N              If present, must   O                     
                                                                            be numeric.                             
        Zip Code (2)...............  706-709           4  A/N              If present, must   O                     
                                                                            be numeric.                             
    Employer Optional Foreign                                                                                       
        Foreign Country Code.......  710-711           2  A/N              Refer to U.S.      O                     
                                                                            Department of                           
                                                                            Commerce FIPS                           
                                                                            code manual,                            
                                                                            Institute of                            
                                                                            Standards and                           
                                                                            Technology, FIPS                        
                                                                            PUB 10-4 (April                         
        Foreing Country Name.......  712-736          25  A/N              If present, at     O                     
                                                                            least two                               
        Foreign Zip Code...........  737-751          15  A/N              .................  O                     
    Filler.........................  752-801          50  A/N              Spaces. To be      ......................
                                                                            used for future                         
                                            Quarterly Wage Transmitter Record                                       
    Record Identifier..............    1-2             2  A                `HQ'.............  M                     
    Transmitter State Code.........    3-4             2  N                State FIPS code    M for states          
                                                                            (for states                             
    Transmitter Agency Code........   5-13             9  A/N              Federal Agency     M for agencies        
                                                                            Code (for                               
                                                                            federal agencies                        
    Transmission Type..............  14-15             2  A/N              `QW' for           M                     
                                                                            quarterly wage                          
    Department of Defense..........     16             1  A                `A' for active     M for DOD             
    [[Page 41395]]
    Code...........................  ..........  .......  ...............  `C' for civilian.  M for DOD             
                                                                           `R' for reserves                         
                                                                           States may leave                         
                                                                            this field blank                        
    Version Control Number.........  17-18             2  A/N              Must be `01',      M                     
                                                                            controlled by                           
    Date Stamp.....................  19-26             8  N                Format=YYYYMMDD..  M                     
                                                                           Must be current                          
                                                                            system date of                          
                                                                            file generation                         
    Batch Number...................  27-32             6  N                Sequential number  M                     
                                                                            to identify a                           
                                                                            submission as                           
    Filler.........................  33-601          569  A/N              Spaces. To be                            
                                                                            used for future                         
                                               Quarterly Wage Total Record                                          
    Record Identifier..............    1-2             2  A                `TQ'.............  M                     
    Data Record Count..............   3-13            11  N                Total record       M                     
                                                                            count for                               
                                                                            including header                        
                                                                            and trailer                             
    Filler.........................  14-601          588  A/N              Spaces. To be                            
                                                                            used for future                         
                                                Quarterly Wage Data Record                                          
    Record Identifier..............    1-2             2  A                `QW'.............  M                     
    Employee SSN...................   3-11             9  N                As reported by     M                     
    Employee Name:                                                                                                  
        First Name.................  12-27            16  A                At least one       M                     
                                                                           No special                               
        Middle Name................  28-43            16  A                If non-blank,      O                     
                                                                            must be at least                        
                                                                            one character.                          
                                                                           No special                               
        Last Name..................  44-73            30  A                At least one       NM                    
                                                                           No special                               
                                                                            except for                              
    Employee Wage Amount...........  74-84            11  N                Last two           M                     
                                                                            positions are                           
                                                                            decimal places.                         
                                                                           No negative                              
                                                                            values, zeroes                          
                                                                            are allowed                             
                                                                           Gross amount paid                        
                                                                            within the                              
    Reporting Period...............  85-89             5  N                Format--QYYYY for  M                     
                                                                            Calendar year.                          
                                                                           Q=1 for Jan-Mar                          
                                                                           Q=2 for Apr-Jun                          
                                                                           Q=3 for Jul-Sep                          
                                                                           Q=4 for Oct-Dec                          
    Federal EIN....................  90-98             9  N                Federal Employer   M                     
    State EIN......................  99-110           12  A/N              If present and     O                     
                                                                            less than 12                            
                                                                            characters, left                        
    Employer Name..................  111-155          45  A/N              At least two       M                     
    Employer Address:                                                       characters.                             
                                                                           FEIN address:                            
        Street Address (line 1)....  156-195          40  A/N              At least two       M                     
        Street Address (line 2)....  196-235          40  A/N              If your address    O                     
        Street Address (line 3)....  236-275          40  A/N               line is less                            
                                                                            than 40                                 
                                                                            characters, do                          
                                                                            not concatenate                         
                                                                            into one line.                          
        City.......................  276-300          25  A                At least two       M                     
        State......................  301-302           2  A                Valid state or     M                     
        Zip Code (1)...............  303-307           5  N                .................  M                     
        Zip Code (2)...............  308-311           4  A/N              If present, must   O                     
                                                                            be numeric.                             
    Employer Foreign Address:                                                                                       
        Foreign Country Code.......  312-313           2  A/N              Refer to U.S.      M for foreign address 
                                                                            Department of                           
                                                                            Commerce FIPS                           
                                                                            code manual,                            
                                                                            Institute of                            
                                                                            Standards and                           
                                                                            Technology, FIPS                        
                                                                            PUB 10-4 (April                         
        Foreign Country Name.......  314-338          25  A/N              If present, at     O                     
                                                                            least two                               
        Foreign Zip Code...........  339-353          15  A/N              .................  O                     
    Employee Optional Address:                                             This address will  ......................
                                                                            be blank if only                        
                                                                            collecting one                          
                                                                            address. If                             
                                                                            there is a                              
                                                                            second address,                         
                                                                            it should be the                        
                                                                            address where                           
                                                                            child support                           
                                                                            orders should be                        
        Street Address (line 1)....  354-393          40  A/N              At least two       O                     
        Street Address (line 2)....  394-433          40  A/N              If your address    O                     
        Street Address (line 3)....  434-473          40  A/N               is less than 40                         
                                                                            characters, do                          
                                                                            not concatenate                         
                                                                            into one line.    O                     
        City.......................  474-498          25  A                If present, at     O                     
                                                                            least two                               
        State......................  499-500           2  A                If present, valid  O                     
                                                                            state or                                
        Zip Code (1)...............  501-505           5  A/N              If present, must   O                     
                                                                            be numeric.                             
    [[Page 41396]]
        Zip Code (2)...............  506-509           4  A/N              If present, must   O                     
                                                                            be numeric.                             
    Employer Optional Foreign                                                                                       
        Foreign Country Code.......  510-511           2  A/N              Refer to U.S.      O                     
                                                                            Department of                           
                                                                            Commerce FIPS                           
                                                                            code manual,                            
                                                                            Institute of                            
                                                                            Standards and                           
                                                                            Technology, FIPS                        
                                                                            PUB 10- (April                          
        Foreign Country Name.......  512-536          25  A/N              If present, at     O                     
                                                                            least two                               
        Foreign Zip Code...........  537-551          15  A/N              .................  O                     
    Filler.........................  552-601          50  A/N              Spaces. To be      ......................
                                                                            used for future                         
                                                  UI Transmitter Record                                             
    Record Identifier..............    1-2             2  A                `HU'.............  M                     
    Transmitter State Code.........    3-4             2  N                State FIPS code    M for states          
                                                                            (for states                             
    Transmitter Agency Code........   5-13             9  A/N              Federal Agency     M for agencies        
                                                                            Code (for                               
                                                                            federal agencies                        
    Transmission Type..............  14-15             2  A/N              `UI' for           M                     
                                                                            insurance data.                         
    Filler.........................     16             1  A/N              .................  M for DOD             
    Version Control Number.........  17-18             2  A/N              Must be `01',      M                     
                                                                            controlled by                           
    Date Stamp.....................  19-26             8  N                Format = YYYYMMDD  M                     
                                                                           Must be current                          
                                                                            system date of                          
                                                                            file generation.                        
    Batch number...................  27-32             6  N                Sequential number  M                     
                                                                            to identify a                           
                                                                            submission as                           
    Filler.........................  32-295          263  A/N              Spaces. To be                            
                                                                            used for future                         
                                                     UI Total Record                                                
    Record Identifier..............    1-2             2  A                `TU'.............  M                     
    Data Record Count..............   3-13            11  N                Total record       M                     
                                                                            count for                               
                                                                            including header                        
                                                                            and trailer                             
    Filler.........................  14-295          282  A/N              Spaces. To be                            
                                                                            used for future                         
                                                     UI Data Record                                                 
    Record Identifier..............    1-2             2  A                `UI'.............  M                     
    Claimant SSN...................   3-11             9  N                As reported by     M                     
    Claimant Name:                                                                                                  
        First Name.................  12-27            16  A                At least one       M                     
                                                                           No special                               
        Middle Name................  28-43            16  A                If non-blank,      O                     
                                                                            must be at least                        
                                                                            one character.                          
                                                                           No special                               
        Last Name..................  44-73            30  A                At least one       M                     
                                                                           No special                               
                                                                            except for                              
    Claimant Address:                                                                                               
        Street Address (line 1)....  74-113           40  A/N              Non-bank.........  M                     
        Street Address (line 2)....  114-153          40  A/N              If your address    O                     
        Street Address (line 3)....                   40  A/N               line is less      O                     
                                                                            than 40                                 
                                                                            characters, do                          
                                                                            not concatenate                         
                                                                            into one line.                          
        City.......................  194-218          25  A                At least two        M                    
                                                                           No special                               
                                                                            except for                              
        State......................  219-220           2  A                Valid state or     M                     
        Zip Code (1)...............  221-225           5  N                Must be numeric..  M                     
        Zip Code (2)...............  226-229           4  A/N              If present, must   O                     
                                                                            be numeric.                             
    Benefit Amount.................  230-240          11  N                Last two           M                     
                                                                            positions are                           
                                                                            decimal places.                         
                                                                           No negative                              
                                                                            values, zeroes                          
                                                                            are allowed.                            
                                                                           Gross amount paid                        
                                                                            within the                              
                                                                            quarter before                          
                                                                            offsets. This                           
                                                                            amount is a                             
                                                                            total of all                            
                                                                            benefits that                           
                                                                            are tracked                             
    Reporting Period...............  241-245           5  N                Format--QYYYY for  M                     
                                                                            Calendar year.                          
                                                                           Q=1 for Jan-Mar                          
                                                                           Q=2 for Apr-Jun                          
                                                                           Q=3 for Jul-Sep                          
                                                                           Q=4 for Oct-Dec                          
    Filler.........................  246-295          50  A/N              Spaces. to be                            
                                                                            used for future                         
        Additional Information: ACF is requesting that OMB grant a 180 day 
    approval for this information collection under procedures for emergency 
    processing by September 15, 1997. A copy of this information 
    collection, with applicable supporting documentation, may be obtained 
    by calling the Administration for Children and Families, Reports 
    Clearance Officer, Robert Driscoll at (202) 401-9313 or Internet: 
        Comments and questions about the information collection described 
    above should be directed to the Office of
    [[Page 41397]]
    Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk Officer for ACF, 
    Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project, 725 17th 
    Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20503, (202) 395-7316.
        Dated: July 28, 1997.
    Robert Driscoll,
    Reports Clearance Officer.
    [FR Doc. 97-20315 Filed 7-31-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4184-01-M

Document Information

Children and Families Administration
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Document Number:
41390-41397 (8 pages)
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