94-19293. Public Involvement in Significant Risk Reduction Decisions on Registered Pesticides  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 153 (Wednesday, August 10, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-19293]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: August 10, 1994]
    [OPP-34058; FRL-4864-7]
    Public Involvement in Significant Risk Reduction Decisions on 
    Registered Pesticides
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: This notice describes the Agency's general policy to provide 
    opportunities for public involvement before reaching final significant 
    risk reduction decisions on registered pesticides. Through this notice, 
    the Agency is soliciting comments and suggestions from interested 
    parties concerning the mechanisms used for public involvement prior to 
    the Agency reaching such decisions, particularly those reached through 
    the Special Review process and negotiated settlement agreements.
    DATES: Written comments, identified by the document control number 
    ``OPP-50787,'' must be received on or before October 11, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be submitted to: Public Response and Program 
    Resources Branch, Field Operations Division (7506C), Office of 
    Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., 
    Washington, DC 20460. Hand delivered items should be delivered to: 
    Public Response and Program Resources Branch, Field Operations 
    Division, Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection 
    Agency, Rm. 1132, Crystal Mall #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, 
    Arlington, VA. Office hours are from 8 a.m. to 4:30p.m., Monday through 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: Joseph E. Bailey, Special 
    Review and Reregistration Division (7508W), Environmental Protection 
    Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. Office location and 
    telephone number: Special Review Branch, Crystal Station #1, 3rd Floor, 
    Room WF32G, 2800 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202, (703) 
    I. Introduction
        Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 
    (FIFRA), EPA is given the responsibility of regulating the manufacture, 
    sale, and use of pesticides to ensure that there are no unreasonable 
    adverse effects to human health or the environment as a result of the 
    use of a pesticide. Regulatory decisions that carry out this 
    responsibility are reached by evaluating the risks and benefits 
    associated with the pesticide's use, as well as with alternative 
    pesticides and pest control methods. This process determines what 
    degree of risk is reasonable while taking into consideration the 
    economic and social benefits gained from the pesticide, ensuring that 
    the risks do not outweigh the benefits. The Agency has several 
    mechanisms in place to effect this balance if the results of the risk 
    and benefit evaluations indicate that unreasonable adverse effects are 
    likely from the pesticide's use and that regulatory action is 
    warranted. Each of these mechanisms has advantages and disadvantages 
    that range from the length of time required to reach the regulatory 
    decision, the amount of Agency resources necessary, to the degree the 
    public is involved.
    II. Background
        When the Agency has reason to believe that the use of a currently 
    registered pesticide may result in unreasonable adverse effects to 
    human health or the environment, a structured review of the pesticide 
    of concern may be carried out through the formal Special Review 
    process. The risk criteria initiating this review process and the 
    regulations governing it are set forth in 40 CFR part 154. The formal 
    Special Review process as set forth in these regulations provides the 
    opportunity for public input through the solicitation of comments at 
    two distinct stages of the review: The formal announcement of 
    initiation of the Special Review (Position Document 1) and the 
    announcement of the Agency's preliminary decision (Position Document 2/
    3). The Agency considers all significant comments before reaching a 
    final decision.
        The formal Special Review process can prove to be resource 
    intensive and time-consuming due in part to its discrete stages and the 
    opportunities provided for public comment. The Government Accounting 
    Office (GAO) issued reports in 1980 and 1986 concluding that the Office 
    of Pesticide Programs (OPP) was not completing reviews of potentially 
    hazardous pesticides in a timely manner. Similarly, in 1984, the House 
    of Representatives Committee on Government Operations found that the 
    Special Review process was not quickly reaching decisions on potential 
    risks that were found to be associated with certain pesticide uses. 
    Recently, the Agency's Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted an 
    audit of the Special Review process and presented its results in a 
    final report dated July 22, 1993. This report, while critical of some 
    aspects of the Special Review process and the time involved in 
    completing the reviews, also raised concerns about using negotiated 
    settlement agreements to achieve pesticide risk reduction rather than 
    initiating new Special Reviews. The OIG concluded that negotiated 
    settlement agreements do achieve risk reduction more quickly than the 
    formal Special Review process, but was concerned that negotiated 
    decisions were made between the Agency and pesticide registrants at the 
    expense of public involvement. The report also reflected concern that 
    the Agency does not notify the public of risk concerns while a decision 
    is being made whether or not to formally initiate a Special Review; 
    i.e., during the pre-Special Review (that period of time after a 
    preliminary (Grassley-Allen) notification is sent to the registrants 
    but before issuance of the public announcement (Position Document 1) 
    initiating the Special Review).
        Other mechanisms are available to achieve pesticide risk reduction 
    at a more accelerated pace than is afforded through a normal Special 
    Review. They include the issuance of a Position Document 1/2/3 which 
    combines the first two position documents issued in the formal Special 
    Review process into one. This is used when enough information is 
    available at the outset of a Special Review to fully assess the risks 
    and benefits and reach a proposed decision. Additional mechanisms 
    include issuing Notices of Intent to Cancel (NOIC), Suspension Orders, 
    or Emergency Suspension Orders as provided under FIFRA section 6. These 
    mechanisms can be used to remove pesticides from the market that pose 
    significant risks or imminent hazards.
        Although the Agency has used all of these different means in the 
    past to effect pesticide risk reduction, recently, negotiated 
    settlement agreements have been used more and more frequently. Through 
    the process of negotiation, the Agency and the registrant(s) reach a 
    mutual agreement that legally commits the registrant(s) to specific 
    measures that will reduce potential risks associated with a pesticide's 
    use. Such measures typically include modifying the terms of 
    registration by cancellation of uses, changing use patterns, changing 
    application methods, or altering the manufacturing formula. The same 
    scientific principles and weight-of-evidence information that govern 
    the decisions made during a formal Special Review also apply to 
    negotiated settlements; that is, carefully analyzing risks, benefits, 
    and alternative pest control methods to ensure that the risk reduction 
    measures desired will not result in risks that outweigh the benefits or 
    that risks are reduced to the greatest extent practical while data are 
    being generated to better understand the risks associated with the use 
    of the pesticide. The agreements also make every effort to ensure that 
    a pesticide use will not shift to an alternative pesticide or pest 
    control method of equal or greater risk concern or result in the 
    trading of one risk for another. By using the same analyses as those 
    used in a formal Special Review, the public and the environment should 
    be afforded the same level of protection in a more timely fashion. The 
    main difference is that the Special Review process formally provides 
    opportunities for public involvement before reaching risk reduction 
        In all negotiated settlement agreements, the Agency reserves the 
    right to take additional regulatory action if evidence arises that 
    warrants it. Similarly, the Agency can remove restrictions if 
    additional data are reviewed later that indicate risks are of less 
    concern than previously thought. Negotiated settlement agreements, 
    however, should not be viewed as an exclusive mechanism to achieve a 
    final risk reduction decision. They may be used to reach an ultimate 
    goal of the Agency such as use cancellation or use reduction, or they 
    may be used as an interim measure to reduce risks while additional data 
    are being generated, or during any stage of an ongoing Special Review 
    prior to the Agency making its final decision. Although the Agency has 
    been criticized for neglecting to include affected constituency groups 
    (e.g., users and public interest groups) in risk reduction decisions 
    made through negotiated settlement agreements and for not making the 
    general public aware of risk concerns for pesticides being considered 
    for the formal Special Review process, several steps already have been 
    taken to open up the decision-making process to the public whenever 
    possible. Specific examples of how the Agency has provided for public 
    involvement in recent negotiated settlement agreements are provided 
        1. Parathion. In September 1991, due to concerns of acute 
    poisonings to workers exposed to parathion, the Agency reached a 
    negotiated settlement agreement with the registrants whereby all but 
    nine uses of parathion were voluntarily canceled. The Agency held 
    public hearings in December 1992 to solicit public involvement and gain 
    additional information on the risks and benefits of the remaining nine 
    uses. These hearings were held in Amarillo, Texas; Lincoln, Nebraska; 
    and Baltimore, Maryland and were announced in the Federal Register to 
    encourage all interested parties to participate. The Agency also polled 
    State and regional offices for advice and input.
        2. 2,4-D. In June 1992, in an effort to reduce the amount of 
    exposure to persons applying 2,4-D and therefore reduce potential 
    risks, the Agency met with the 2,4-D Task Force and requested that they 
    include end-user input in the development of such measures. Also, 
    through meetings and telephone conversations, the Agency actively 
    included distributors and end-users to help develop effective and fair 
    exposure reduction measures.
        3. Granular carbofuran. According to 40 CFR 154.35(c), the Agency 
    must publish a notice in the Federal Register to modify an earlier 
    determination in a way that might increase a risk that was the subject 
    of a Special Review. During the final stages of the Special Review of 
    granular carbofuran, the Agency negotiated a settlement agreement with 
    the registrants to phase out most uses. In order to extend the 
    registration for the use of carbofuran on rice, the Agency formally 
    requested public comment as required under 40 CFR 154.35(c). The denial 
    of extensions of registrations for two other uses, corn and sorghum, 
    did not require such request for comment. The Agency, however, 
    announced in the Federal Register its decision to deny extension of the 
    registration for corn and sorghum uses and allowed the opportunity for 
    comment from affected individuals or groups.
        4. Azinphos-methyl. Due to its concerns regarding the hazards 
    azinphos-methyl posed to fish from use on sugarcane in Louisiana, the 
    Agency reached an agreement with the registrants to amend their 
    registrations in April 1993. The agreement, including prescription use, 
    was the result of a cooperative effort between the Agency, Louisiana 
    State officials, and the pesticide registrants. Through the use of 
    public workshops held in Louisiana to collect additional information 
    about azinphos-methyl use and alternative pesticides, the Agency 
    advanced the use of negotiated settlement agreements by actively 
    soliciting public input that contributed to the decision-making 
    process. The workshops were announced in the Federal Register and 
    participation of all interested parties was encouraged.
        Furthermore, in order to keep the public better informed of its 
    risk concerns, the Agency has, as a matter of general policy, made 
    available to the public those dockets established for pre-Special 
    Review chemicals which have had private notifications issued for 6 
    months but have not yet had a Special Review formally initiated. The 
    Agency will continue this procedure. In addition, the Agency will 
    announce those Special Review and pre-Special Review chemicals for 
    which a public docket is available in the January edition of the 
    quarterly Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report. Also, OPP's 
    ``Status of Pesticides in Reregistration and Special Review'' (Rainbow 
    Report) provides a comprehensive status of all chemicals currently 
    undergoing reregistration and Special Review. To receive copies of 
    these reports or to be added to the mailing list, please write or fax 
    the following address: U.S. EPA, NCEPI, P.O. Box 42419, Cincinnati, OH 
    45242-0419, Telephone (513) 891-6561, Fax (513) 891-6685.
        Mechanisms that may provide opportunities for public input that the 
    Agency has not frequently used but will consider in the future, include 
    the following:
         Holding public hearings provided under FIFRA section 
    6(b)(2). This section of FIFRA allows the Agency to issue a notice to 
    hold hearings to determine whether or not a registration should be 
    canceled or its classification changed and ``such notice shall be sent 
    to the registrant and made public.''
         Requesting additional information and views from 
    interested parties, particularly users, user associations and public 
    interest groups, through solicitation of comments and notification of 
    public hearings provided under FIFRA section 21(b).
         Publishing the Agency's risk concern and proposed 
    regulatory action for a particular pesticide in the Federal Register, 
    soliciting public comment. In fact, the Administrative Conference of 
    the United States recently adopted Recommendation 93-5 concerning 
    Procedures for Regulation of Pesticides. One of its final 
    recommendations was that EPA provide public notification of pesticide 
    risk concerns once negotiations begin, publicize the availability of a 
    public docket, the proposed settlement and establish a ``compliance 
    docket'' to address the effectiveness of the mitigated measures 
    formally adopted. This recommendation was published in the Federal 
    Register of February 1, 1994 (59 FR 4675).
        The Agency is committed to the responsibilities set forth in FIFRA 
    and views pesticide risk reduction as an evolving process where 
    flexibility is a key element for successfully reducing risk posed by 
    pesticides. For this reason, the Agency feels that having the option of 
    several mechanisms to achieve risk reduction provides for effective 
    strategies that suit the varied situations that may present themselves. 
    Each of the options lends itself to particular circumstances when other 
    risk reduction mechanisms would prove less effective; therefore, the 
    Agency will continue to consider all of the options available to 
    promote safe and beneficial pesticide use.
    III. General Policy to Provide for Public Involvement
        It is the Agency's responsibility to investigate all registered 
    pesticides thought to cause unreasonable adverse effects to human 
    health or the environment and to reduce those risks to levels that the 
    Agency feels are reasonable while considering the benefits of use. It 
    is the Agency's goal to reduce significant risks as quickly as 
    possible, considering all aspects of the chemical and utilizing the 
    most efficient and effective regulatory option(s) available. In cases 
    where negotiated settlement agreements are appropriate, it will be the 
    Agency's general policy to provide opportunity for public involvement, 
    whenever possible. The Agency understands the importance of public 
    input in reaching regulatory decisions, especially input from grower 
    and user groups closely associated with a particular pesticide of 
    concern who may provide useful risk and benefit information that the 
    Agency would find helpful in reducing risks while not significantly 
    reducing the efficacy of the pesticide. Other critical information that 
    could be obtained through public input and that the Agency views as 
    essential to making effective decisions includes human or environmental 
    incident data held by end-user groups or other environmental 
    organizations. The Agency will continue to consider those mechanisms 
    used in the past to encourage public involvement and will maintain an 
    openness for innovative approaches that will allow for greater public 
    involvement in negotiated settlement agreements.
    IV. Comments
        The Agency is requesting comments and suggestions on its existing 
    or proposed means to acquire public input that can be used to enhance 
    our risk/benefit analyses and the resulting regulatory decisions. The 
    Agency is also seeking comment on the advantages and disadvantages of 
    having affected or interested parties involved in negotiations.
        Dated: July 29, 1994.
    Lynn R. Goldman,
    Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic 
    [FR Doc. 94-19293 Filed 8-9-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
Written comments, identified by the document control number ``OPP-50787,'' must be received on or before October 11, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: August 10, 1994, OPP-34058, FRL-4864-7