94-19458. Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America; Redocketing Filings and Compliance Filing and Establishment of Restricted Service List  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 153 (Wednesday, August 10, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-19458]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: August 10, 1994]
    [Docket Nos. RS92-45-000, RP94-87-000, et al., RP94-346-000, and RP94-
    Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America; Redocketing Filings and 
    Compliance Filing and Establishment of Restricted Service List
    August 4, 1994.
        Take notice that on July 19, 1994, Natural Gas Pipeline Company of 
    America (Natural) filed revised tariff sheets to be a part of its FERC 
    Gas Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 (Tariff), to be effective 
    September 1, 1994. Natural's filing was originally docketed in Docket 
    No. RS92-45-018, and is being redocketed as Docket No. RP94-346-004.
        Natural states that the purpose of the filing is to implement the 
    Stipulation and Agreement on Gas Supply Realignment Cost Recovery 
    between Natural and the Natural Customer Group as filed on February 1, 
    1994, and approved by the Commission with modifications on May 12, 
    1994. The tariff sheets modify two areas of the General Terms and 
    Conditions of Natural's Tariff: Section 22, relating to rollover rights 
    and Section 38, relating to recovery of gas supply realignment costs. 
    Natural requests waiver of the Commission's Regulations, including the 
    requirements to Sec. 154.63, to the extent necessary to permit the 
    tariff sheets to become effective September 1, 1994. Natural states 
    that copies of its filing were served on all parties to this 
    proceeding, jurisdictional transportation customers and interested 
    state regulatory agencies.
        Any person desiring to be heard or to protest this filing should 
    file a motion to intervene or a protest with the Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission, in accordance with Sec. Sec. 385.214 and 385.211 
    of the Commission's Rules and Regulations. All such motions or protests 
    should be filed on or before August 19, 1994. Protests will be 
    considered by the Commission in determining the appropriate action to 
    be taken, but will not serve to make protestants parties to the 
    proceeding. Any person wishing to become a party must file a motion to 
    intervene. Copies of this filing are on file with the Commission and 
    are available for public inspection in the public reference room.
        The Commission is redocketing the material in the record related to 
    the instant compliance filing into Docket No. RP94-346-000. This 
    material is listed in the Appendix to this notice.
        All parties in Natural's restructuring proceedings in Docket No. 
    RS92-45-000 are automatically parties to the redocketed proceedings and 
    need not file motions to intervene. However, due to the large number of 
    parties on the service list in Natural's restructuring proceeding, the 
    Secretary is establishing a restricted service list for the redocketed 
    filings in accordance with Sec. 385.2010 of the Commission's Rules and 
    Regulations. The restricted service list will be the only service list 
    maintained with respect to the redocketed filings. Parties wishing to 
    be included on the restricted service list must submit to the Secretary 
    of the Commission the names and addresses of the persons designated for 
    service on or before August 19, 1994.
    Linwood A. Watson, Jr.,
    Acting Secretary.
          Filed/Issued                          Materials Redocketed Into Docket No. RP94-346-000                   
    2/1/94.................  Stipulation and Agreement on Gas Supply Realignment Costs, filed by Natural (previously
                              docketed in Docket No. RS92-45-014, now docketed in Docket No. RP94-346-000).         
    2/22/94................  Initial Comments: Process Gas Consumers, et al., Central Illinois Public Service,      
                              Natural Customer Group, Indicated Shippers, City of Nashville, Illinois, Natural,     
                              Bethlehem Steel Corp., Cities of Lenox, et al., Producer-Marketer Transportation      
                              Group, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp.                                           
    2/28/94................  Reply Comments: Illinois Commerce Commission                                           
    3/4/94.................  Tenaska III Texas Partners, Natural, Process Gas Consumers Group, City of Nashville,   
                              Illinois, Dakota Gasification Company, Cities of Lenox, et al., Natural Customer      
    3/7/94.................  Process Gas Consumers, et al.                                                          
    4/8/94.................  Stipulation and Agreement on Recovery of Gas Supply Realignment Costs from Nebraska    
                              City and Stipulation and Agreement on Recovery of Gas Supply Realignment Costs from   
                              Associated, filed by Natural (previously docketed in Docket No. RS92-45-016, now      
                              docketed in Docket No. RP94-346-001).                                                 
    4/21/94................  Notice Shortening Comment Period.                                                      
    4/28/94................  Initial Comments: Natural Customer Group, Natural, Vastar Resources, Inc., City of     
                              Nashville, Illinois, Indicated Shippers.                                              
    5/4/94.................  Reply comments: Dakota Gasification Co., Natural.                                      
    5/12/94................  Order Approving Settlements as Modified, Granting, in Part, and Denying, in Part,      
                              Rehearing, Consolidating Proceedings, and Establishing a Hearing.                     
    5/17/94................  Joint Motion of Natural and the Natural Customer Group for Deferral of Prehearing      
                             Joint Motion for Extension of Time filed by Natural and the Natural Customer Group.    
    5/23/94................  Notice Granting Extension of Time.                                                     
    6/9/94.................  Requests for Rehearing and/or Clarification of 5/12/94 order (previously docketed in   
                              Docket Nos. RS92-45-017, RP94-87-002, RP94-122-002, RP94-169-002, and RP94-195-001,   
                              now docketed in Docket No. RP94-346-002) filed by: Dakota Gasification Company.       
    6/13/94................  Natural Customer Group, Natural.                                                       
    6/28/94................  Motion for Extension of Time, filed by Natural.                                        
    7/11/94................  Order Granting Rehearing Solely for the Purpose of Further Consideration.              
    7/12/94................  Stipulation and Agreement on Recovery of Gas Supply Realignment Costs from Industrial  
                              Energy (previously docketed as Docket Nos. RP94-87-004 and RS92-45-000, now docketed  
                              in Docket No. RP94-346-003).                                                          
    7/19/94................  Compliance Filing by Natural (previously docketed as Docket No. RS92-45-018, now       
                              docketed in Docket No. RP94-346-004).                                                 
    7/28/94................  Protest by Process Gas Consumers Group.                                                
    8/1/94.................  Initial Comments on 7/12/94 Settlement filed by: Northern Illinois Gas Co., Dakota     
                              Gasification Co., Natural.                                                            
    [FR Doc. 94-19458 Filed 8-9-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-M

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: August 10, 1994, Docket Nos. RS92-45-000, RP94-87-000, et al., RP94-346-000, and RP94- 346-004