[Federal Register Volume 64, Number 154 (Wednesday, August 11, 1999)]
[Pages 43820-43832]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 99-20469]
[[Page 43819]]
Part II
Environmental Protection Agency
Cancellation of Pesticides for Non-Payment of 1999 Registration
Maintenance Fees; Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 154 / Wednesday, August 11, 1999 /
[[Page 43820]]
[OPP-64042; FRL 6086-8]
Cancellation of Pesticides for Non-Payment of 1999 Registration
Maintenance Fees
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Since the amendments of October, 1988, the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) has required
payment of an annual maintenance fee to keep pesticide registrations in
effect. The fee due last January 15 has gone unpaid for about 1,003
registrations. Section 4(i)(5)(D) of FIFRA provides that the
Administrator may cancel these registrations by order and without a
hearing; orders to cancel all 1,003 of these registrations have been
issued within the past few days.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information on the
maintenance fee program in general, contact by mail: John Jamula,
Office of Pesticide Programs (H7504C), Environmental Protection Agency,
401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. Office location, telephone number
and e-mail address: Rm. 226, Crystal Mall No. 2, 1921 Jefferson Davis
Highway South, Arlington, VA 22202, (703) 305-6426; e-mail:
I. Important Information
A. Does this apply to me
You may be potentially affected by this notice if you are an EPA
registrant with any approved product registration(s). Although this
action may be of particular interest to persons who produce or use
pesticides, the Agency has not attempted to describe all the specific
entities that may be affected by this action. If you have any questions
regarding the information in this notice, consult the person listed in
B. How can I get additional information or copies of support documents
1. Electronically. You may obtain electronic copies of this
document and various support documents are available from the EPA Home
Page at the Federal Register-Environmental Documents entry for this
document under ``Laws and Regulations'' (http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/).
2. In person. The official record for this notice, as well as the
public version, has been established under docket control number [OPP-
64042], (including comments and data submitted electronically as
described below). A public version of this record, including printed,
paper versions of any electronic comments, which does not include any
information claimed as Confidential Business Information (CBI), is
available for inspection in Rm. 119, Crystal Mall #2, 1921 Jefferson
Davis Highway, Arlington, VA, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal holidays.
II. Introduction
Section 4(i)(5) of FIFRA as amended in October, 1988, and again in
December, 1991, requires that all pesticide registrants pay an annual
registration maintenance fee, due by January 15 of each year, to keep
their registrations in effect. This requirement applies to all
registrations granted under section 3 as well as those granted under
section 24(c) to meet special local needs. Registrations for which the
fee is not paid are subject to cancellation by order and without a
The 1990, Farm Bill amended FIFRA to allow the Administrator to
reduce or waive maintenance fees for minor agricultural use pesticides
when she determines that the fee would be likely to cause significant
impact on the availability of the pesticide for the use. The Agency has
waived the fee for 99 minor agricultural use registrations at the
request of the registrants.
In late November, 1998, all holders of either section 3
registrations or section 24(c) registrations were sent lists of their
active registrations, along with forms and instructions for responding.
They were asked to identify which of their registrations they wished to
maintain in effect, and to calculate and remit the appropriate
maintenance fees. Most responses were received by the statutory
deadline of January 15. A notice of intent to cancel was sent in mid-
February to companies who did not respond and to companies who
responded, but paid for less than all of their registrations. Late
payments of the fees were accepted until May 15, when the actual
process of cancellation was begun.
Since mailing the notices, EPA has maintained a toll-free inquiry
number through which the questions of affected registrants have been
Maintenance fees have been paid for about 16,343 section 3
registrations, or about 95% of the registrations on file in November.
Fees have been paid for about 2,484 section 24(c) registrations, or
about 86% of the total on file in November. Cancellations for non-
payment of the maintenance fee affect about 672 section 3 registrations
and about 331 section 24(c) registrations.
The cancellation orders generally permit registrants to continue to
sell and distribute existing stocks of the canceled products until the
due date for the next annual registration maintenance fee, January 15,
2000. Existing stocks already in the hands of dealers or users,
however, can generally be distributed, sold or used legally until they
are exhausted. Existing stocks are defined as those stocks of a
registered pesticide product which are currently in the U.S. and which
have been packaged, labeled and released for shipment prior to the
effective date of the action.
The exceptions to these general rules are cases where more
stringent restrictions on sale, distribution, or use of the products
have already been imposed, through Special Reviews or other Agency
actions. These general provisions for disposition of stocks should
serve in most cases to cushion the impact of these cancellations while
the market adjusts.
III. Listing of Registrations Canceled for Non-Payment
Table 1, lists all of the section 24(c) registrations, and Table 2,
lists all of the section 3 registrations which were canceled for non-
payment of the 1998 maintenance fee. These registrations have been
canceled by order and without hearing. Cancellation orders were sent to
affected registrants via certified mail in the past several days. It is
Agency policy to rescind cancellation of any particular registration
only if the cancellation resulted from Agency error.
Table 1--Section 24(c) Registrations Canceled for non-payment of the
1999 Maintenance Fee
SLN No. Product Name
AL-95-0003 Dual Herbicide
AL-95-0004 Dual 8E Herbicide
AL-98-0005 Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide
AL-98-0006 Abound Fungicide
AR-88-0006 Triumph 4E Insecticide
AR-95-0003 Command 4EC Herbicide
AR-95-0009 Starfire Herbicide
AR-97-0006 Dimilin 25W for Cotton/Soybean
AR-98-0004 Abound Fungicide
AZ-83-0004 Dimethogon 267 EC
[[Page 43821]]
AZ-83-0005 Dual 8E Herbicide
AZ-88-0002 De-Fend E-267 Dimethoate Systemic Insecticide
AZ-88-0003 Dimethoate 267 EC
AZ-94-0001 Prefar 4-E Herbicide
AZ-95-0007 Telone II
AZ-97-0001 Treflan H.F.P.
CA-77-0053 Kelthane MF
CA-77-0136 Niagara Furadan 5 Granules Insecticide
CA-79-0139 Guthion 35% Wettable Powder Crop Insecticide
CA-79-0149 Guthion 35% Wettable Powder (PVA)
CA-81-0089 Dupont Lorox Weed Killer WP
CA-82-0034 Red-Top Golden-Dew (fungicide and Insecticide)
CA-82-0042 Dupont Lorox DF Weed Killer
CA-82-0095 Funginex Emulsifiable Concentrate
CA-85-0059 Niagara Furadan 4 Flowable
CA-88-0020 Monitor 4
CA-88-0025 Carzol SP
CA-88-0029 Kelthane 35 Agricultural Miticide
CA-90-0003 Gnatrol - AS
CA-90-0021 Guthion 2S
CA-91-0002 Clean Crop Prometryne 80W Herbicide
CA-92-0012 Captan 50 Wettable Fungicide
CA-92-0020 Vectobac-12AS
CA-92-0021 Rally 40W Agricultural Fungicide In Water
Soluble Pouch
CA-93-0010 Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
CA-93-0017 Prokil Diazinon 4 EC
CA-96-0014 DI - Syston 8
CA-97-0020 Dimilin 25W for Cotton/soybean
CA-98-0005 Logic Fire Ant Bait
CO-88-0013 Drexel Carbaryl 4L
CO-95-0001 Comite II
CO-98-0005 Dual Herbicide
CO-98-0006 Dual II Herbicide
CO-98-0007 Dual 8E Herbicide
DE-94-0003 Dual Herbicide
DE-94-0004 Dual 8E Herbicide
DE-98-0003 Abound Fungicide
FL-88-0001 Malathion ULY
FL-88-0021 Triumph 4E Insecticide
FL-88-0023 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
FL-88-0029 Enquik
FL-89-0030 Illoxan 3EC Herbicide
FL-90-0004 Enquik
FL-93-0001 Dual 8E Herbicide
FL-93-0011 Methyl Bromide 99.5%
FL-95-0006 Gibgro 4LS
FL-96-0012 Enquik
FL-97-0013 Abound Fungicide
GA-90-0006 Illoxan 3EC Herbicide
GA-95-0003 Dual Herbicide
GA-95-0004 Dual 8E Herbicide
GA-96-0006 Ridomil Copper 70W
GA-97-0001 Authority 75 Df Herbicide
GA-98-0004 Abound Fungicide
HI-90-0005 Goal 1.6e Herbicide
HI-92-0009 Drexel Sulfur 90W
HI-92-0010 Drexel Sulfur 90W
HI-93-0001 Banvel Herbicide
HI-93-0007 Thiolux Dry Flowable Micronised Sulfur
HI-93-0008 Thiolux Dry Flowable Micronised Sulfur
HI-94-0005 Roundup Herbicide
IA-88-0004 Triumph 4e Insecticide
ID-80-0021 Guthion 50% Wettable Powder Crop Insecticide
ID-80-0047 Ded-Weed Sulv-Amine
ID-86-0016 Dimethoate 2.67 EC
ID-88-0008 Kumulus S
ID-91-0018 Zinc Phosphide Concentrate for Muskrat and
ID-95-0005 Furadan CR-10
ID-96-0011 Diva Fungicide
ID-98-0008 Clarity Herbicide
ID-98-0009 Jms Stylet-Oil
IL-88-0006 De-Fend E-267 Dimethoate Systemic Insecticide
IL-93-0001 Furadan 4F
IL-97-0003 Topsin M WSB
IN-89-0005 Carzol SP
KS-97-0002 Dual II Herbicide
KY-94-0003 Dual Herbicide
KY-94-0004 Dual 8E Herbicide
KY-95-0003 Dual Herbicide
KY-95-0004 Dual 8E Herbicide
KY-96-0001 Ziram 76DF Fungicide
KY-96-0004 Command 4EC Herbicide
KY-97-0001 Authority 75 Df Herbicide
LA-88-0005 Dual 8E Herbicide
LA-88-0013 Triumph 4E Insecticide
LA-93-0004 Dithane F-45 Ag., Fungicide
LA-93-0005 Dithane DF Ag., Fungicide
LA-93-0006 Command 4 EC
LA-93-0007 Illoxan Herbicide
LA-93-0008 Dupont Karmex Df Herbicide
LA-95-0006 Dual 8E Herbicide
LA-95-0015 Starfire Herbicide
LA-96-0008 Florida Mosquito Larvicide
LA-96-0009 Gramoxone Extra Herbicide
MA-83-0005 Geigy Diazinon 14g (14.3% Granular) Insecticide
MA-95-0003 Dual Herbicide
MA-95-0004 Dual 8E Herbicide
ME-91-0004 Gowan Azinphos-M 2 EC
[[Page 43822]]
ME-91-0008 Kelthane 35 Agricultural Miticide
ME-92-0004 Diazinon 500-AG
ME-92-0005 Diazinon 500-AG
ME-95-0002 Devrinol 50-DF Selective Herbicide
MI-91-0007 Imidan 50-WP Agricultural Insecticide
MI-91-0008 Tri-Lux II Antifouling
MI-95-0005 Dual 8E Herbicide
MI-95-0006 Dual Herbicide
MN-91-0001 Furadan CR 10
MN-93-0003 Stampede 80 EDF
MN-96-0004 Diva Fungicide
MN-98-0002 Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide
MN-98-0004 Clarity Herbicide
MO-80-0023 Ded-Weed Sulv-Amine
MO-89-0003 Triumph 4E Insecticide
MO-95-0007 Resource Herbicide
MO-96-0002 Diva Fungicide
MO-96-0004 Stellar Herbicide
MO-96-0005 Stellar Herbicide
MO-96-0006 Stellar Herbicide
MO-96-0007 Stellar Herbicide
MO-96-0008 Stellar Herbicide
MO-96-0010 Resource Herbicide
MO-96-0012 Starfire Herbicide
MO-96-0013 Gramoxone Extra Herbicide
MS-88-0004 Guthion 35% Wettable Powder Crop Insecticide
MS-88-0007 Triumph 4E Insecticide
MS-91-0006 Dursban TC
MS-93-0006 Statesman Herbicide
MS-95-0006 Dual 8E Herbicide
MS-95-0014 Gramoxone Super Herbicide
MS-97-0009 Dimilin 25W for Cotton/soybean
MT-80-0006 Ded-Weed Sulv-Amine
MT-94-0004 Dimethogon 267 EC
MT-98-0003 Clarity Herbicide
MT-98-0004 Clarity Herbicide
NC-88-0007 Triumph 4E Insecticide
NC-88-0008 Carzol SP
NC-89-0002 Triumph 4e Insecticide
NC-91-0002 Dursban Turf Insecticide
NC-91-0013 Kleen-Tac 85
NC-92-0004 Dual Herbicide
NC-92-0005 Dual 8E Herbicide
NC-96-0001 Dual Herbicide
NC-96-0002 Dual 8E Herbicide
NC-96-0004 Gibgro 4LS
NC-97-0001 Authority 75 Df Herbicide
NC-98-0002 Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide
NC-98-0003 Abound Fungicide
ND-80-0010 Ded-Weed Sulv-Amine
ND-86-0001 Furadan CR-10
ND-93-0001 Stampede 80 EDF Herbicide
ND-96-0004 Dithane F-45 Flowable Agricultural Fungicide
ND-98-0004 Clarity Herbicide
ND-98-0005 Clarity Herbicide
NE-93-0003 Bicep Herbicide
NE-97-0002 Dual II Herbicide
NJ-93-0002 Furadan 4F
NJ-93-0003 Command 4EC
NJ-93-0007 Command 4EC
NJ-94-0002 Guthion 50% Wettable Powder Crop Insecticide
NJ-95-0004 Dual Herbicide
NJ-95-0005 Dual 8E Herbicide
NJ-95-0006 Dual Herbicide
NJ-95-0007 Dual 8E Herbicide
NJ-97-0004 Dual Herbicide
NJ-97-0005 Dual 8E Herbicide
NJ-98-0002 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
NJ-98-0003 Abound Fungicide
NM-80-0001 Du Pont Sinbar Terbacil Weed Killer
NM-82-0001 Ded-Weed Sulv-Amine
NM-85-0004 Dual 8E Herbicide
NM-86-0004 Dual 8E Herbicide
NV-80-0014 Red-Top Superior Spray Oil
NV-83-0007 Ded-Weed Sulv Herbicide
NV-88-0001 Dimethogon 267 EC
NV-90-0005 Wilbur-Ellis Dimethoate 267
NV-92-0005 10% Strychnine Alkaloid Paste
NV-97-0003 Dual 8E Herbicide
NY-90-0001 Dual 8E Herbicide
NY-93-0005 Express Herbicide
NY-97-0003 Dual 8E Herbicide
NY-97-0007 Pyramite
OH-81-0017 Guthion 50% Wettable Powder Crop Insecticide
OH-81-0018 Guthion 2S
OH-88-0005 Drexel Diazinon Insecticide
OH-97-0003 Dual Herbicide
OH-97-0004 Dual 8E Herbicide
OK-82-0008 Ded-Weed Sulv-Amine
OK-86-0003 Dual 8E Herbicide
OK-92-0009 Du Pont Sinbar Herbicide
OR-79-0026 Ded-Weed Sulv-Amine
OR-80-0036 Guthion 50% Wettable Powder Crop Insecticide
OR-85-0003 Orco Patrol
OR-85-0042 Dimethogon 267 EC
OR-85-0043 Dimethogon 267 EC
OR-85-0044 Dimethogon 267 EC
OR-85-0045 Dimethogon 267 EC
OR-85-0046 Dimethogon 267 EC
OR-89-0011 Dupont Karmex DF Herbicide
OR-91-0007 Dual 8E Herbicide
[[Page 43823]]
OR-92-0003 Du Pont Sinbar Herbicide
OR-92-0015 Dupont Karmex DF Herbicide
OR-93-0007 Supracide 2E Insecticide-Miticide
OR-93-0020 Dupont Karmex DF Herbicide
OR-93-0022 Dual 8E Herbicide
OR-94-0009 Dupont Karmex Df Herbicide
OR-94-0018 Dupont Lorox Df Herbicide
OR-95-0008 Gowan Cryolite Bait
OR-95-0019 Triumph 4E Insecticide
OR-95-0024 Dual Herbicide
OR-95-0025 Dual 8E Herbicide
OR-96-0009 Thiolux Dry Flowable Micronised Sulfur
OR-96-0019 Enquik
OR-96-0033 Diva Fungicide
OR-96-0035 Select Herbicide
OR-96-0038 Dual 8E Herbicide
OR-96-0039 Dual Herbicide
OR-96-0041 Transline
OR-97-0027 Bird Shield Bird Repellent Concentrate
OR-98-0003 Hydrothol 191
OR-98-0017 Clarity Herbicide
PA-90-0003 Du Pont Sinbar Terbacil Weed Killer
PA-94-0003 Furadan 4F
PA-95-0001 Dual 8E Herbicide
PA-95-0002 Dual Herbicide
PA-97-0001 Stauffer Captan 10 Dust
PA-98-0003 Abound Fungicide
PR-98-0002 Carbamate WDG Fungicide
SC-88-0005 Triumph 4E Insecticide
SC-91-0007 Kleen-Tac 85
SC-92-0004 Imidan 50-WP Agricultural Insecticide
SC-97-0003 Authority 75 DF Herbicide
SC-98-0001 Abound Fungicide
SD-93-0001 Stampede 80 EDF Herbicide
SD-93-0002 Banvel Herbicide
SD-96-0001 Banvel Herbicide
SD-98-0003 Clarity Herbicide
SD-98-0004 Clarity Herbicide
TN-93-0002 Orthene 75 S Soluble Powder
TN-93-0010 Triumph 4E Insecticide
TN-94-0007 Starfire Herbicide
TN-97-0001 Authority 75 DF Herbicide
TN-97-0002 Abound Fungicide
TN-97-0003 Dimilin 25W for Cotton/soybean
TX-78-0030 Weedar Mcpa Concentrate
TX-82-0011 Ded-Weed Sulv-Amine
TX-83-0011 Dual 8E Herbicide
TX-92-0021 Du Pont Lorox Df Herbicide
TX-95-0004 Dual 8E Herbicide
TX-95-0005 Busan 85
TX-96-0007 Treflan E.C.
TX-98-0002 Dual 8E Herbicide
TX-98-0003 Dual Herbicide
UT-83-0010 Ded-Weed Sulv Herbicide
UT-88-0001 Dimethogon 267 EC
UT-90-0004 Dimethogon 267 EC
UT-94-0002 Bmp 144 Primary Powder
UT-98-0001 Clarity Herbicide
VA-89-0005 Kelthane 35 Agricultural Miticide
VA-90-0004 Du Pont Sinbar Terbacil Weed Killer
VA-91-0009 Kleen-Tac 85
VA-92-0002 Furadan 4F
VA-92-0004 Dual 8E Herbicide
VA-92-0005 Dual Herbicide
VA-94-0007 Dual Herbicide
VA-94-0008 Dual 8E Herbicide
VA-94-0009 Dual 8E Herbicide
VA-94-0010 Dual Herbicide
VA-96-0002 Dual Herbicide
VA-96-0003 Dual 8E Herbicide
VA-97-0001 Dual Herbicide
VA-97-0002 Dual 8E Herbicide
VA-98-0005 Abound Fungicide
VA-98-0007 Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide
VT-78-0004 Guthion 50% Wettable Powder Crop Insecticide
WA-79-0065 DED-Weed Sulv-Amine
WA-81-0002 DED-Weed Sulv-Amine
WA-87-0032 Dimethoate 267 EC
WA-87-0033 Dimethoate 25% Wettable Powder Systemic
WA-88-0005 Dupont Karmex Df Herbicide
WA-89-0009 Enquik
WA-90-0017 Du Pont Lorox DF Herbicide
WA-90-0026 Vinco Formaldehyde Solution
WA-91-0003 Hopkins Zinc Phosphide Mouse Bait for Control
of Mice
WA-91-0018 Hopkins Zinc Phosphide Mouse Bait for Control
of Mice
WA-91-0027 Vinco Formaldehyde Solution
WA-92-0004 Dimethoate 267 EC
WA-92-0022 Orco Patrol Ground Squirrel Bait
WA-92-0023 Du Pont Karmex DF Herbicide
WA-92-0038 Busan 1020
WA-92-0039 Metam Soil Fumigant
WA-93-0007 Du Pont Sinbar Herbicide
WA-94-0008 Dupont Manzate 200 DF Fungicide
WA-94-0016 Dupont Karmex DF Herbicide
WA-94-0019 Supracide 2E Insecticide-Miticide
[[Page 43824]]
WA-94-0023 Dupont Manzate 200 DF Fungicide
WA-95-0008 Dual Herbicide
WA-95-0011 Imidan 70-Wp Agricultural Insecticide
WA-95-0012 Imidan 70-WSB
WA-95-0013 Imidan 70-WP Agricultural Insecticide
WA-95-0014 Imidan 70-WSB
WA-95-0017 Furadan CR-10
WA-95-0018 Gowan Cryolite Bait
WA-95-0023 Mycoshield Brand of Agricultural Terramycin
WA-95-0024 Dual 8E Herbicide
WA-95-0044 Parapel II Paraffinized Pellets
WA-96-0009 Clean Crop Nemasol 42%
WA-98-0002 Captan 50-WP
WA-98-0022 Jms Stylet-Oil
WA-98-0024 Clarity Herbicide
WI-94-0001 Dual 8E Herbicide
WI-94-0005 Dupont Lorox Df Herbicide
WI-95-0004 Diazinon G-14
WI-96-0005 Dual 8E Herbicide
WI-96-0006 Dual Herbicide
WI-97-0002 Diazinon G-14
WI-98-0002 Dual 8E Herbicide
WI-98-0004 Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide
WY-92-0002 Zp Rodent Bait Ag
WY-92-0006 Banvel Herbicide
WY-98-0003 Clarity Herbicide
WY-98-0007 Clarity Herbicide
Table 2--Section 3 Registrations Canceled for non-payment of the 1999
Maintenance Fee
Reg. No. Product Name
000003-00006 Formula BF-201 (Roach and Ant Killer)
000003-00007 Formula BF-301 (Flea and Tick Killer)
000019-00003 Hexzene No. 2
000070-00055 Kill-KO Bean Beetle Dust 1% Rotenone
000070-00133 Kill KO Thro Pac Rat Killer
000070-00170 Kill KO Rat Killer
000070-00259 Rigo Streptomycin Sulfate
000070-00292 Rigo 3-In-1 Vegetable Dust
000100-00635 Triumph Technical
000100-00643 Triumph 4E Insecticide
000100-00777 Dividend 0.15 Fs Fungicide
000100-00778 Dividend 0.31 Fs Fungicide
000100-00891 Mertect DF Fungicide
000106-00077 Pro Quat 256B
000150-20004 Bac - Off
000192-00206 Dexol Preemergent Weed and Grass Preventer 2
000239-02574 Orthenex Insect & Disease Control Formula II
000239-02575 Isotox Insect Killer Formula III
000275-00036 Dipel 4l Worm Killer
000275-00048 Dipel 6l
000275-00051 Dipel 8l
000275-00059 Dipel 6af Worm Killer
000275-00067 Dipel 8af Worm Killer
000275-00079 Ditera Technical Powder
000275-00080 Ditera Wettable Powder
000275-00087 Dipel 2X WDG Biological Insecticide
000275-00113 Biobit-Wettable Powder
000275-00114 Biobit Flowable Concentrate
000275-00121 Biobit Technical Powder
000275-00123 Bactimos Wettable Powder
000334-00104 Spoox Residual Roach Liquid
000334-00246 Swinger the Reserve Power Detergent with Germ-
Disinfecting Action
000334-00290 Hy-Kil Fly & Roach Spray
000334-00381 PS 75 Insect Killer for House & Garden
000334-00449 Hysan FIK-20 Insect Killer
000334-00545 Bendiocide
000334-00565 Dragnet Residual Insecticide
000402-00095 Hill #74 Roach & Insect Spray
000407-00287 Imperial Sevin 50w Garden Spray
000407-00338 Imperial Garden Weed Preventer
000407-00370 Imperial 50% Methoxychlor Wettable Powder
000407-00383 Imperial Sevin Suspension
000407-00401 Imperial Lime Sulphur Spray
000407-00416 Imperial 5% Dacthal
000421-00371 400 Insecticide
000475-00250 Germicidal Sani-Flush Thick Liquid Toilet Bowl
000475-00330 Germicidal Sani-Flush Chlorinating Thick Liquid
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
000491-00265 Bug Blitz
000498-00120 Spraypak Wasp & Hornet Spray 0.15%
000498-00123 Spraypak Professional Strength Ant & Roach
000498-00143 Spraypak Automatic Room Fogger, Formula 3
000498-00145 Spraypak Indoor Insect Fogger, Formula 2
000527-00092 Mill-O-Cide 100
[[Page 43825]]
000527-00119 Bytech Bysan
000550-00177 Chlorine Liquified Gas
000572-00107 Rockland 5% Sevin Brand Carbaryl Insecticide
000572-00237 Rockland Super Dacthal 686
000655-00688 Prentox Cube Flea & Tick Dip
000655-00790 Prentox Larva-Lur
000655-00791 Prentox Ban Bug Bait
000662-00076 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
000675-00045 Quatsyl 256
000675-00047 Premeasured Quatsyl 256
000706-00099 Claire Jet Stream Wasp and Hornet Killer
000706-00102 House & Garden Insect Spray
000707-00167 Kathon CS-30 Oil Field Microbiocide
000707-00168 Kathon CS-35
000707-00169 Kathon CS-25 Oil field Micro Biocide
000707-00171 Kathon Mwx
000769-00309 Fish-Tox-5 (5% Rotenone)
000769-00653 Kills Rats with Para Blox Weather Proof
Paraffinized Rat Bait Flavor
000769-00655 Smcp Para-Blox Weather Proof Rat Bait Fish and
Grain Flavor
000769-00656 Smcp Zinc Phosphide
000769-00657 Smcp Diphacin (r) 110
000769-00659 Smcp Singe-Kil
000769-00660 Smcp Para Blox Kills Rats Weath Prf Paraffin
Rat Bait Flavor Meat
000769-00669 Commerical Size Para-Blox (Cereal & Molasses)
000769-00670 Kill Rats with Para-Blox
000769-00671 Commercial Para Blox Meat & Blood Flavored
000769-00706 Pelletized Slug and Snail Bait
000769-00707 Crumblized Slug and Snail Bait
000769-00741 Zinc Phosphide (Rumetan) 90%
000769-00743 AFC Zinc Phosphide 80 (Rumetan)
000769-00756 Zinc Phosphide Rodenticide for Controlling
Orchard Mice
000769-00758 Afc Diphacinnone 0.1%
000769-00787 DI-Mix 110
000769-00832 Miller V-75 A Dust
000769-00836 Miller Dacthal 5G
000769-00837 Miller Turf Food 12-6-6 Plus 3
000769-00842 Pratt DX Insect Spray
000769-00854 Tomato & Vegetable Dust or Spray
000769-00855 Pratt 1% Rotenone Dust or Spray
000769-00889 Agrisect Rotenone Dust 1%
000769-00904 Science 1% Rotenone
000769-00911 Science Garden Weeder
000802-00360 Lilly/Miller Diazinon Insect Dust
000802-00442 Miller's Sevin 5% Dust Insecticide
000802-00513 Lilly/Miller Lawn & Turf Weed Bomb
000802-00526 Millers Multi-Purpose House Plant Insect Spray
000802-00540 Lily/Miller Tomato & Vegetable Garden Spray
000802-00547 Ultragreen Weed & Feed
000802-00559 Lilly/Miller Feed & Weed
000802-00563 Lilly/Miller Granular Noxall Vegetation Control
000802-00568 Lilly/Miller Ready-To-Use Spurge and Oxalis
000802-00571 Lily/Miller Casoron Granules 1.5%
000802-00572 Lilly/Miller Ready-To-Use Knock-Out II
000802-00575 Lilly/Miller Hose'n Go Lawn Bug Spray
000802-00576 Lilly/Miller Ultragreen Crabgrass Control &
Lawn Food
000802-00577 Lilly/Miller Fence and Grass Edger
000802-00578 Lilly/Miller Crabgrass Killer
000802-00582 Lilly/Miller Knock-Out II Weed & Grass Killer
000802-00585 Lilly Miller Sevin Brand Carbaryl Insecticide
000802-00587 Lilly/Miller Noxall Vegetation Killer
000802-00598 Lilly/Miller Diazinon Insect Spray
000861-00024 Wonder Pine Aroma Disinfectant
000875-00130 Citru Quat-3 Disinfectant, Cleaner, Fungicide,
000876-00330 Velsicol Technical Heptachlor
000909-00103 Cooke Sevin Brand Liquid Carbaryl Insecticide
000909-00105 Cooke Fungicide
000961-00242 Lebanon Dandelion Killer
000961-00290 Lebanon Improved Bug Out
000961-00291 Improved Two-Way Winter Green
000961-00298 Greenview Two-Way Green Power
[[Page 43826]]
000961-00336 Lebanon Betasan 4-E Emusifiable Liquid
000961-00337 Lebanon Country Club 19-4-9 with Betasan
000961-00338 Lebanon Betasan 7% Granular
000961-00339 Lebanon Weed Control with Fertilizer 32-3-3
000961-00344 Lebanon Country Club Fertilizer with Oftanol
Insect Control
000961-00355 Lebanon Turf Food with Sevin Insect Control
000961-00357 Lebanon Lawn Food with Insect Control contains
1.0% Dursban
000961-00363 Lebanon Fertilizer with Barricade Preemergence
Weed Control (0.65%)
000961-00366 Lebanon Fertilizer with Turcam Insect Control
000961-00372 Crabgrass Preventer with 0.20 Barricade
Preemergence Herbicide
000961-00373 Fertilizer Plus 0.50% Oftanol Par Ex
000961-00374 Fertilizer Plus 0.67% Oftanol Par Ex
000961-00375 Fertilizer Plus 0.96% Oftanol Par Ex
000961-00378 Par Ex Fertilizer Plus 0.96 l% Ronstar
000961-00381 Par Ex Fertilizer Plus 2.0% Ronstar
000961-00387 Par Ex Slow Release Fertilizer with 0.434%
001021-00535 Personal Repellent Formula 5731
001021-00608 Pyrocide Intermediate 5951
001021-01007 Pyrocide Intermediate 6893
001021-01090 Pyrocide Intermediate 7004
001021-01121 Pyrocide Intermediate 7007
001021-01175 D-Trans Intermediate 1914
001021-01196 D-Trans Intermediate 1940
001021-01267 Pyrocide Intermediate 7168
001021-01397 Multicide (r) Intermediate 2155
001021-01421 Synergized Industrial Aerosol From MGK/esbiol/
intermediate 1972
001021-01423 Multicide Intermediate 2209
001021-01466 Esbiol Intermediate 2207
001021-01486 Evercide Intermediate 2302
001021-01568 Evercide Emulsifiable Concentrate 2462
001021-01577 Evercide Total Release Fogger 2522
001021-01579 Evercide Total Release Fogger 2524
001021-01581 Evercide Concentrate 2529
001021-01585 Multicide Total Release Aerosol 2554
001021-01590 Evercide Concentrate 2518
001021-01591 Evercide Intermediate 2497
001021-01592 Evercide Total Release Aerosol 2525
001021-01593 Evercide Concentrate 2517
001021-01604 Evercide Intermediate 2546
001022-00006 Ambrocide
001022-00550 Chapco SA-1
001043-00036 Amerse
001057-00067 Dolge Food Plant Fogging Aqueous Pyrethrum
001072-00010 Surge Mitrocin Plus
001072-00018 Bab-O-Dyne
001124-00063 Sani-Turge Disinfectant Cleaner
001203-00005 Delta Foremost 4820 Del-Kill Insecticide
001203-00035 Foremost 4812 - Es Ambush Residual Insecticide
001239-00015 D/S/D
001270-00172 Zep 10-X Insecticide
001270-00199 Zep Stop
001270-00251 Zep Mini Fog
001304-00064 Mcness Free-Choice Vitamin & Mineral Mix
001317-00065 Sani-Du Chlorine Sanitizer
001386-00445 Unico Sevin Spray Powder
001409-00022 Marine Woodlife Ready To Use
001409-00029 Us Plywood Boxlife-C Penetrating Fungi Water
Repel Wood Ready To Use
001409-00065 Woodlife P Wood Preservative
001452-00019 Hilo Dip for Cats
001452-00037 Hilo Gold Shampoo
001452-00049 Hilo Lawn Spray
001452-00050 Hilo Carpet Powder
001452-00051 Hilo Flea & Tick Spray II
001452-00052 Hilo Flea and Tick Shampoo Plus
001553-00101 Momar No Mow II
001553-00109 Imperial XX
001553-00111 Imperial V Thermal Fogger
001553-00124 Aquatrol C-2610
001553-00126 Aquatrol C-2540
001553-00131 Contract
001553-00132 R.i.p. Ima Bug Residual Insecticide
001553-00133 Imperial XXX
001609-00014 Moorwood Semi-Transparent Stain & Wood
[[Page 43827]]
001609-00015 Moorwood Penetrating Clear Wood Finish &
001685-00034 Heavy Duty Terg-O-Cide Formula No. 132
001685-00069 Formula 296 State Roach & Ant Killer
001685-00071 State Formula 298 Ras Residual Roach & Ant
001685-00104 State Formula 429 Was Wasp Killer
001685-00113 State Formula 425 Microcide
001791-00046 North Coast Pyrethol
001812-00349 Cotton Pro 80df
002011-00006 Vigortone Bovotone Fc ``007'' Mg
002021-00025 168-Wp
002269-00175 Gold Kist 5-5-25 with Ronstar
002269-00176 Gold Kist 14-14-14 with Ronstar
002269-00177 St., Augustine Weed and Feed
002270-00706 Excelcide Cold Fog #1
002270-00707 Excelcide Cold Fog
002296-00093 Ionox Disinfectant Cleaner
002382-00145 Knockout Spray Concentrate #1
002382-00146 Permethrin-IGR #7 Flea and Tick Spray for Dogs
002393-00517 Diphacinone 110 S Concentrate Rodenticide
002437-00015 Elko Sani-Scrub
002596-00114 Hartz Blockade for Cats
002596-00115 Hartz Blockade for Dogs
002630-00012 Crest-O-Pine
002675-00013 N.p.s. Sanitizing Agent II
002686-00011 One Step Totil
002724-00279 Zoecon RF-156 Collar for Dogs
002724-00354 Zoecon RF-271 RTU Pump Spray
002724-00479 Fluvalinate 25% Bulk An Insecticide for
Manufacturing Use Only
002724-00482 Fluvalinate 22.3%f Bulk
002781-00010 Happy Jack X-Pel Flying Insect Repellent
002792-00049 Deccozil- EC 79
002792-00064 Deco Salt No. 35
003008-00009 Osmose Clear Water Repellent & Wood
003008-00062 Osmose Pcp 40% Concentrate
003125-00123 Guthion 2s
003125-00128 Di-Syston 2% Granular Systemic Insecticide for
Repackaging Only
003125-00193 Guthion 50% Wettable Powder Crop Insecticide
003125-00330 Oftanol 5% Granular Insecticide
003125-00331 Oftanol 1.5% Granular
003125-00338 Guthion 3 Flowable Insecticide
003125-00350 Lawn Food and Insecticide
003125-00378 Guthion 35% Wettable Powder Insecticide
003125-00379 Guthion Solupak 35% Wettable Powder In Water
Soluble Packets
003125-00425 Guthion Technical
003125-00426 Guthion 2l
003125-00427 Guthion 3 Flowable Insecticide
003125-00435 Oftanol 5% Granular Turf and Ornamental
003342-00004 Tiger Brand 1.0% Rotenone Dust
003342-00014 Tiger Brand 4% Malathion Dust
003342-00051 Tiger Brand 5% Sevin Dust
003342-00053 Tiger Brand Two Way Vegetable Dust
003342-00056 Tiger Brand Sevin Vegetable Dust
003342-00069 Tiger Brand - 10% Sevin Dust
003342-00100 Garden Special
003635-00264 Duklor
003696-00136 Dow Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner
003838-00034 Quat 42 Germicidal Cleaner
004077-00040 ORB Industrial Aerosol Insecticide
004077-00079 ORB No. 116 Total Release Clean Out Fogger
004091-00008 Seal Treat II
004238-00026 Diasof
004238-00027 Calusa Mildew Preventive
004238-00028 Diasof Powder
004462-00047 Beaver Udder-Cide with Lanolin Iodine Sanitizer
& Udder Wash
004925-00004 Special King Vapor-Generating Mosquito Mat
004959-00044 Sure sect- 50 Liquid Spray 0.50%
004959-00045 C-San 28 Wash Sanitizer
005481-00189 Alco Slug'm
005481-00195 Metaldehyde Methiocarb Granules 2-1
005481-00332 Metaldehyde Methiocarb Granules 2-1 for Home
Owner Use
005481-00333 Slug' M for Homeowners Use
005549-00050 Brozone Preplant Soil Fumigant
005602-00164 V-Twenty-Three
005602-00171 Lethalaire A-50
[[Page 43828]]
005602-00173 Lethalaire A-41
005602-00179 Procide All Purpose Insecticide
005602-00180 V Clear-Out
005602-00185 V Clean-Out II
005664-00050 Tech 10
005815-00035 Triple X Garden Weed Preventer
005887-00001 1% Rotenone Garden Dust
005887-00148 Black Leaf Tomato & Vegetable Insect Killer
005887-00149 Rose & Flower Insect Killer
005887-00178 Kill-Ko Rat and Mouse Bait Packs
005887-00180 Kill-Ko Rat and Mouse Pellets
005887-00181 Kill-Ko Mouse Bait Station
005887-00182 Kill-Ko Rat and Mouse Weatherproof Bait Blocks
005891-00012 Now Sanitizer
005967-00151 Coxysul Wettable Powder Fungicide
006325-00011 Yellow Jacket Manufacturing Sulfur
006325-00015 Yellow Jacket Flowable Sulfur
006390-00011 Vikol #af-25
006409-00001 Original Professional Do It Yourself
Exterminator's Kit Formual 305
006484-00004 Bacti-Con
006830-20005 Calcium Hypochlorite, Technical
007115-00012 Chex-Flame Preservative Coating for Canvas
007122-00032 Guardian Rat Bait
007152-00043 Sea/gran Sanitizer-21
007173-00197 Ridall-Zinc Tracking Powder for Control of
House Mice
007180-00005 Chlor-Rite
007294-00007 Shaklee Highly Concentrated Insecticide Insect
007299-20003 Brenco 550 Hi-Chlor
007405-00003 Chemi-Cap Insect Spray
007405-00044 Chemi-Cap Wasp-Hornet Spray
007579-00002 Rid-A-Bird Perch 1100 Solution
007779-00007 Slimex 14 Slimicide
007925-00010 Bleach
007969-00143 San 1297h 70wg Herbicide
008120-00060 Super Tropical 280-S-2771
008123-00056 Amine Selective Weed Control
008155-00016 Husky *H/W/T Germicidal Cleaner
008220-00043 Flea & Tick Spray for Cats & Dogs
008220-00045 Shield Flea and Tick Control for Cats
008220-00064 X-O-Trol Dt Flea & Tick Fogger
008220-00065 X-O-Trol 7 Flea & Tick Fogger
008591-00042 Microcide Ca-39
008591-00044 Microcide L-60
008637-00001 Mitco Cc-3t Algicide
009161-20004 Fast-N Easy Bleach
009198-00001 Fatal
009198-00024 Tee Time Fertilizer 20-4-10 with Dacthal
009807-00004 Double-D
009820-00001 D.G.D.
009852-00021 R/O Formula 101 Diazinon (with Synergized
009852-00054 Rite Off Surface Disinfectant and Deodorant
009852-00057 Rite-Off Germicidal Foam Cleaner
009852-00065 Rite-Off Residual Spray with Dursban
009852-00073 Platinum Multi-Purpose Insect Killer
009852-00075 Platiunum Wasp & Hornet Killer
009852-00077 Platinum Indoor Fogger
010031-00004 Petersens Pocket Gopher Killer IV
010107-00001 Pesti Sack Horn Fly Dust
010107-00004 All in 1 Turf 16=4=6
010107-00005 Methoxychlor E2
010107-00015 Diazinon 6000 Granular Turf & Garden Insect
010107-00019 Diazinon Ag 500
010107-00020 Diazinon 14G Granular Insecticide
010107-00027 Weed Pro 4 Lb. Low Vol
010107-00031 Weedpro 4 Lb. Amine
010107-00037 2% Malathion Grain Insecticide Dust
010107-00040 Weed Pro 6 Lb. Low Vol
010107-00044 Sevin 2l
010107-00049 Lawn King 20-7-5 Lawn Fertilizer with Diazinon
010107-00055 Cornbelt Super Turf 25 Insect and Grub Control
010107-00059 Majestic Green Benefin 10 Sprayable
010107-00061 Majestic Green Turf King with Balan 17-5-5
010107-00070 Potato Seed Treater with Bark
010107-00082 Cornbelt Dacthal 5-G
010107-00093 Seed Shield Potato Seed Treater No. 7.5
010107-00096 Seed Shield Potato Seed Treater No. 15
[[Page 43829]]
010107-00098 Seed Shield Potato Seed Treater with Captan-
010107-00102 Seed Shield Potato Seed Treater
010107-00106 Two Plus Two Bromacil and Diuron
010107-00107 Four Plus Four Bromacil and Diuron
010107-00108 Top Moth 25
010107-00128 Protox Seed Protectant Drill Box Treatment
010107-00144 Majestic Green Bordeaux Mixture
010107-00145 Majestic Green Banvel + 2, 4-D
010107-00154 Cornbelt's Magnum B.T.
010163-00096 Gowan Dicofol 1.6 EC
010163-00119 Prokil Azinphos-M
010182-00020 Talon Rodenticide Mini-Pellets
010182-00021 Talon Rodenticide Bait Pack (mini-Pellets)
010182-00024 Talon Rodenticide Bait Pack (pellets)
010182-00025 Talon-G Rodenticide Mini-Pellets In Mouse Box
010182-00026 Talon Rodenticide Pellets
010182-00038 Talon-G Rodenticide Pellets
010182-00039 Talon-G Rodenticide Bait Pack (pellets)
010182-00040 Talon-G Rodenticide Bait Pack (mini-Pellets)
010182-00041 Talon-G Rodenticide Mini-Pellets
010182-00048 Weatherblok Bait
010182-00060 Havoc Rodenticide Bait Pack (mini-Pellets)
010182-00061 Havoc Rodenticide Bait Pack (pellets)
010182-00075 Havoc Rodenticide Mini-Pellets
010182-00076 Havoc Rodenticide Pellets
010182-00093 Havoc Rodenticide Bait Pack (pellets)
010182-00152 Eptam 6-E
010182-00169 Vernam 10G
010182-00221 Vernam 7-E
010182-00257 Vernam-Technical Selective Herbicide
010182-00390 Flexstar Herbicide
010292-00004 Mint Odor Disinfectant Cleaner
010292-00022 906 Fogging Insecticide
010332-00005 Algaecide Bm
010350-00011 Duratrol Household Flea Spray
010350-00014 Duratrol Flea and Tick Dip for Dogs No. 1487
010350-00017 Duratrol Flea & Tick Dip for Dogs
010350-00019 Sectrol Flea Foam
010350-00029 Duratol Plus Household Flea Spray
010350-00030 Duratrol Plus Flea & Tick Dip for Dogs
010350-00031 Duratrol Plus Flea Spray for Dogs
010466-00031 Ultrafresh DM-50 CC
010663-00008 Thermal Firing Squad Fogging Concentrate
010663-00037 Zap Insecticide
010707-00013 Magnacide 4551
010707-00024 Magnacide 656
010806-00063 Contact Indoor Fogger V
010806-00086 Contact Insect Repellent
010806-00091 Contact Hornet and Wasp Killer IV
010806-00095 Contact Indoor Fogger VII
010900-00073 857 Wasp and Hornet Killer II
010902-00004 Home Pest Control
010951-00008 Britz Diazinon 50W
011314-00003 Straight Arrow Stable Care II Fly Repellent
011350-00025 7284 Hi-Build Antifouling Red Brown
011350-00032 5297 RD Sigmaplane Ecol Antifouling 1154
011411-00016 W-30-12
011556-00100 Para-Premise Residual Premise Insecticide
011694-00082 Double Action Liguid Insecticide
011694-00089 Baysect Residual Spray Insecticide
012255-00001 Acme Algaecide
012714-00003 Golden Sun Feeds Hi Phos ``12'' Larvi-Ban
013283-00004 Rainbow Fire Ant Control
019713-00255 Drexel Vernam 7-E
019713-00259 Drexel Vernam 10g
020375-00001 Nutmeg Nc-54
028059-00003 Microbio-San
028059-00004 Hydro-Cide
028293-00088 Unicorn Coumaphos Screwworm Spray
028293-00091 Unicorn Coumaphos Livestock Duster
028293-00122 Unicorn Coumaphos Fly and Louse Dust
028293-00198 Unicorn Rotenone Fire Ant Killer
029728-00001 Foodtown Fresh Scent Bleach
032273-00008 #90 Deck & Fencepost Preservative
032802-00017 Dacthal 5-G Plus
032802-00027 Dacthal 5-G Weed Preventer
[[Page 43830]]
033009-00003 Glidco Pine Oil-140
033270-00008 Us Sentry Trifluralin
033354-00017 Fresh Mark Fresh Wax 36 CF-R2
033560-00049 Oxy Chloracil
033631-00003 Casco Sanitizer
034702-00008 Aqueous Wasp & Hornet Spray 12685
034704-00302 Malaspray 50 EC
034704-00457 Cythion 5 EC
034704-00544 Cythion 5-E Insecticide
034704-00618 Clean Crop Vapona 40-E Insecticide
034704-00641 Mcpp 4 K
034704-00683 Bt-50 Biological Insecticide
034704-00752 Hopkins BT Spray
034704-00755 BT 320 Dust
034810-00032 WEX-Cide 200
035138-00067 Aero Roach Spray
035138-00077 Aero Pyrethrum Concentrate
035512-00024 Turf Pride 15-0-15 with 1% Ronstar
035512-00026 Turf Pride 12-0-12 with 75% Ronstar
035512-00031 Turf Pride with 0.5% Ronstar
035512-00035 Turf Pride with .67% Ronstar
035512-00040 Southern Garden Lawn Weed Killer ``S''
035576-00035 Fiesta Insecticide Spray No. 2
035896-00022 Cupric Oxide 808 Technical
035896-00023 Cupric Oxide 761 Technical
036330-00002 San-It
037023-00001 Kenic Flea-Rid Spray for Puppies & Kittens
037023-00004 Kenic Flea Rid Spray for Cats
037023-00010 Kenic Flea-Rid Clear Dip
037023-00011 Kenic Flea Rid Tri-Ex Flea and Tick Shampoo
037733-00008 Reddick Bro-Mean Sol
039444-00010 Micropur Mt 20
039444-00011 Micropur Mt 5
039529-00001 WEI-625 Liquid Algaecide
040510-00002 Paranitrophenol, Technical
041014-00009 Marlate 400 Flowable Concentrate
041014-00011 Marlate 300 Methoxychlor Flowable
041835-00003 Durakyl Shampoo
041835-00004 Durakyl Pet Spray
041835-00006 Durakyl Pet Dip
041835-00008 Durakyl II Flea & Tick Control Pet Spray
041835-00009 Durakyl II Flea and Tick Control Pet Shampoo
041878-00002 M-100 Mosquito Repellent Solution
042373-00005 Waterbed Conditioner
042389-00020 Fire Ant Killer 2
042408-00001 Gipco Cide 922
042519-00013 Dorsan Insecticide
043602-00003 Blast 'em Residual Roach & Ant Insecticide
043757-00001 Eastern Minerals' Fly Control Mineral with
Rabon Oral Larvicide
043921-00001 14 Day Flea & Tick Spray
043921-00003 Carpet Treatment #1
044666-00001 Marshall Minerals' Fly Control Mineral with
Rabon Oral Larvicide
044716-00009 Fearing Permethrin Insecticide Spray
044716-00010 Fearing Insecticide Concentrate 10% EC
044716-00012 Show & Trail
045087-00029 Zema Super Flea & Tick Spray for Cats & Dogs
045087-00031 Zema Indoor Premise Spray
045087-00052 Zema Equitec Repellent Spray
045087-00055 Zema Fast Acting Carpet Powder
046372-20006 CT-244 Biocide
047550-00002 Elite Flea & Tick Spray Mist
047898-00001 Polyace S-1000
048099-00001 Bear Skunker
048242-00006 RAM Poly - Algaecide
048242-00009 RAM Mustard Out
049403-00012 Nipacide Cmx
049403-00022 Ottasept
049668-00001 Superfine Dusting Sulphur
049668-00003 Redball Technical Sulphur
049721-00001 Liquefied Chlorine Gas Under Pressure
050416-20001 Proclean Pro-San Sanitizer/bleach
050534-00011 2 Plus 2 (mcpp + 2,4-D Amine)
050534-00131 2, 4-D Acid Technical Flake
050534-00151 Triban-D
050534-00153 2,4-D + Dicamba Turf Care Herbicide
050534-00194 DS-33
050534-00203 Reach
050654-00002 Insekten Killer
050654-00004 Insectkiller Cockroach Carpet
050654-00005 Bio-Hautschutz Repellent
050697-00001 Blue Lustre Flea Killer for Carpets
051890-00001 Algaecide Al-101
052142-00004 Dog Repellent
052200-00007 Greensward Premium Fertilizer Plus Dursban
052779-00001 Magna Q-43
052779-00002 Magna Q-25
052779-00005 Magna CAS-5
052779-00007 Magna DIN-15
[[Page 43831]]
052779-00014 Magna CP-1
052779-00015 Magna Phen-100
052779-00017 Magna Phen-100/256
052951-00002 Foura-Lemon
052951-00003 FY-Sol-Mint
053114-20206 Bugaway
053265-00001 LX Flowable Sulfur
054045-00002 VIP Mosquito Mat
054287-00006 Insect Guard
054287-00012 Deet Plus Composite Spray
054471-00005 Cunap Coat
055146-00065 Champ Formula II Dry Flowable Water Soluble
055236-00006 White Copper Antifouling Paint
055460-00009 Carlson Company 6% Malathion Grain Protector
055467-00003 Tenkoz Trifluralin 4 Hfp
055500-00001 Z-Stop
055501-00001 The Recipe
055638-00013 Condor G Bioinsecticide
056336-00009 Consep SPR1 Tomato Pinworm Sprayable Bead
056336-00010 Consep SPR2 Oriental Fruit Moth Pheromone
056387-00006 Pyrinyl II Lice Control Spray
056392-00005 Hospital Foam Cleaner Disinfectant
056629-00002 Amber Guard 425
056658-00001 Loveland Flea Busters Flea and Tick Shampoo
056667-20202 US Pro-Kill
056938-00001 Bacto
057125-00001 Purex Bleach
057159-20003 San 2000
058225-00003 WES 615
059144-00003 5% Sevin Brand Carbaryl Insecticide Dust
059144-00005 10% Sevin Brand Carbaryl Insecticide Dust
059144-00006 Green Charm Liquid Sevin Insect Spray
059144-00007 Green Charm Home Pest Insect Control
059144-00026 Ant, Flea, Tick & Grub Granules with Sevin 1%
Brand Carbaryl Insect
059144-00027 Ant, Flea, Tick & Grub Control
059301-00002 Liquified Chlorine Gas Under Pressure
059639-00088 Orthene Turf, Tree & Ornamental Sprayable Wsp
060038-00002 Roach Food
060061-00052 Pettit Marine Paint Unepoxy Anti-fouling Super
slick 1290 Blue
060061-00053 Pettit Marine Paint Unepoxy Anti-fouling Super
slick 1690 Red
061282-00008 Gold Crest Promar Tracking Powder Rodenticide
061451-00001 TCIPN
061451-00002 Chlorothalonil Technical
062207-00004 Fox-Chlor Concentrate
062562-00002 Quvatek
062562-00003 Quvasys
062719-00091 Exetor
062719-00177 Dowelanco Basal
063720-00002 Diacide Dialyzer Disinfecting Solution
064240-00028 Combat Ant Killer Granular Bait 0.65%
064248-00007 Maxforce Ant Killer Granular Bait 0.65%
064296-00003 Bio-Path Cockroach Control Chamber
064350-00001 W-30-14
064721-00001 Supernatural Brand D-E Insecticide
064721-00002 Supernatural Brand Plant Protection Insecticide
064854-00002 Kefa Biowash-Q
065260-20001 Sodium Hypochlorite 12.5%
065263-00001 Dr. Biosedge
065264-00001 Body Armor
065382-00005 X-1 Manufacturing-Use Only
065462-00001 Organic Plus Diatomaceous Earth Crawling Insect
065462-00004 Organic Plus Pyrethrin/diatomaceous Earth
065462-00005 Organic Plus Pco Pyrethrin/diatomaceous Earth /
Piperonyl Butoxide Insect
065462-00006 Organic Plus Crop Insecticide
065462-00007 Organic Plus Diatomaceous Earth/pyrethrin
065608-00001 Guard-U
065626-00001 Mycotrol GH-OF for Rangeland and Improved
065626-00003 Mycotrol GH-OF for Repackaging Use Only
065626-00004 Mycotrol GH-ES for Rangeland and Improved
065626-00005 Mycotrol GH-ES for Crops
065626-00006 Mycotrol GH-ES for Repackaging Only
066232-00001 Swim Kleer
066306-00002 Sunsect Insect Repellant with Aloe - Spf 4
066306-00003 Sunset Insect Repellent Sunscreen W/aloe Spf 8
[[Page 43832]]
066306-00008 Sunsect Safari Gel - Spf 23 (formula 6321/5)
066480-00001 Eco-Fresh
066480-00002 Eco-Fresh No Fleas
066480-00004 Eco-Fresh Brand De Insect and Slug Killer
066524-00001 Expedite Broadleaf Herbicide 3-Way Amine
066551-00001 Buzz Away
066551-00002 Buzz Away
066551-00003 Buzz Away Insect Repellent
066674-00002 Terminator Plus
066676-00002 Farnam No-Gnaw
066760-00001 Liquified Chlorine Gas Under Pressure
066963-00002 Espree Pet Spray
066963-00006 Espree Insecticide for Horses
066986-00004 Safecide Brand M-Pede Insecticide
067200-00003 Chase A-Way Insect Repelling Wristband Bug-Me-
Not X Formulation
067278-00001 Bio Bug Insect Repellent
067544-00001 Liquified Chlorine Gas Under Pressure
067572-00060 Staffel's Dipel Garden Caterpillar Dust
067624-00001 Liquified Chlorine Gas Under Pressure
067748-00001 Phytohealth J08 Post-Harvest Fungicide
067748-00002 Phytohealth M14 Post-Harvest Fungicide
067801-00001 Thidiazuron 50WP Cotton Defoliant
067801-00002 Paraquat Concentrate
067801-00003 Butifos 6 Emulsifiable Defoliant
067801-00004 Pendimethalin
067813-00001 Dow Liquid Disinfectant Formulation 2A
067813-00002 Dow Liquid Disinfectant Formulation 3A
067813-00003 Dow Disinfectant Formulation 4A
067985-00001 Liquefied Chlorine Gas Under Pressure
068158-00001 Wst Iodinated Resin Cartridge
068171-00001 Exterminator Plus
068182-00011 ESC-10 Biofungicide Technical
068182-00013 ESC-11 Biofungicide Technical
068197-00001 Ecoplug Implant, containing Rodeo Herbicide
068316-00001 Barnacle Ban Antifouling Paint
068316-00002 Hotbottom White Paint
068329-00010 Alpha 412
068329-00019 Alpha 415
068357-00001 Skeeto-Ban Insect Repellent
068401-00002 Total Control
068451-00002 Deltamethrin 3% Collar
068476-00002 Flea-Away
069152-00001 Repello's Products Repelling Wristband
069152-00002 Repello Products Disposable Insect Repelling
069152-00006 Repello Products Insect Repelling Towellette
069152-00015 Repello Products Insect Repelling Candle
069152-00017 Repello Products No Bites Ssf Insect Repelling
069240-00001 No More Fleas
069298-00002 Lipopel Insect Repellent Spray 2610
069328-00001 Sta-Clear Jumbo Tablets
069328-00002 Sta-Clear ``shock''
069407-00003 ADL Flea and Tick Shampoo
069407-00004 ADL Flea and Tick Dip
069408-00001 Omniban
069494-00001 Getem Roach Killer
070060-00002 M-97-002 Kaolin
070395-00002 Gone Insect Repelling Tablecloth
070422-00001 Horse Guard Equine Fly Spray
070480-00001 Protopac Total Control Brand
070480-00002 Protopac Total Control 3 Brand
070597-00001 Bio Slime Retardant
070844-00001 Unocal Neutral ``90'' Spray Oil
071096-00001 OR-Cal Stabilized Malathion 400
071096-00003 OR-Cal Ziram 400
071096-00005 OR-Cal Colloidal Lindane
071125-00001 White Magic Flea Carpet Treatment
071156-00001 BT-1100
071176-00001 Cyfly Technical
071176-00002 Cyfly 1% Premix
071240-00003 Zerepel 2
071566-00001 Top Crop Flowable
IV. Public Docket
Complete lists of registrations canceled for non-payment of the
maintenance fee will also be available for reference during normal
business hours in the OPP Public Docket, Rm. 119, Crystal Mall 2, 1921
Jefferson Davis Highway South, Arlington VA, and at each EPA Regional
Office. Product-specific status inquiries may be made by telephone by
calling toll-free 1-800-444-7255.
Dated: July 29, 1999.
Marcia E. Mulkey,
Director, Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 99-20469 Filed 8-10-99; 8:45 am]