99-20758. California Power Exchange Corporation, et al.; Electric Rate and Corporate Regulation Filings  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 154 (Wednesday, August 11, 1999)]
    [Pages 43688-43692]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-20758]
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
    [Docket No. EC96-19-000, et al.]
    California Power Exchange Corporation, et al.; Electric Rate and 
    Corporate Regulation Filings
    August 4, 1999.
        Take notice that the following filings have been made with the 
    1. California Power Exchange Corporation
    [Docket Nos. EC96-19-000 and ER96-1663-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, the California Power Exchange 
    Corporation (CalPX), tendered for filing its annual report on the state 
    of competition in the California markets in accordance with the 
    Commission's October 30, 1997 order in this proceeding.
        Comment date: August 27, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    2. Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) on behalf of itself 
    and its Public Utility Subsidiaries and New Century Energies, Inc. 
    on behalf of its Public Utility Subsidiaries
    [Docket No. EC99-101-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Northern States Power Company 
    (Minnesota) (NSP-M) on behalf of itself and its public utility 
    subsidiaries and New Century Energies, Inc. (NCE) on behalf of its 
    public utility subsidiaries (referred to collectively as the 
    Applicants), tendered for filing pursuant to section 203 of the Federal 
    Power Act (the FPA), 16 U.S.C. Sec. 824b, Part 33 of the Commission's 
    Regulations, 18 CFR 33, and 18 CFR 2.26, a Joint Application for an 
    order approving the proposed merger and reorganization of NSP-M and 
        Applicants request all authorizations necessary to undertake a 
    merger and reorganization pursuant to which NCE will merge with and 
    into NSP-M, which will be renamed Xcel Energy Inc. (Xcel Energy), 
    transfer all of the jurisdictional assets presently owned directly by 
    NSP-M to a new subsidiary, provisionally named ``New NSP Utility,'' and 
    with respect to the concomitant transfer of control resulting from the 
    Merger Transaction over the Applicants and all their respective FERC-
    jurisdictional facilities, including FERC-jurisdictional contracts. 
    Subject to Commission approval, at the time of the merger NSP-M and NCE 
    will enter into a Joint Operating Agreement and a Joint Open Access 
    Transmission Tariff, which agreements have been filed in separate 
        The Applicants state that (subject to certain requests for waiver) 
    they have submitted the information required by part 33 of the 
    Commission's Regulations, and by the Commission's Merger Policy 
    Statement (Inquiry Concerning the Commission's Merger Policy Under the 
    Federal Power Act; Policy Statement), Order No. 592, 61 FR 68,595 
    (1996) (codified at 18 CFR 2.26), in support of the Application. The 
    Applicants also represent that copies of the Application and related 
    testimony and exhibits have been served on each of the wholesale 
    requirements and firm transmission customers of NSP-M and NCE, and on 
    the Arizona Corporation Commission, Colorado Public Utilities 
    Commission, Kansas Corporation Commission, Michigan Public Service 
    Commission, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, New Mexico Public 
    Regulation Commission, North Dakota Public Service Commission, Oklahoma 
    Corporation Commission, South Dakota Public Utilities Commission, 
    Public Utility Commission of Texas, Public Service Commission of 
    Wisconsin, and Wyoming Public Service Commission.
        Comment date: September 28, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    3. Westbrook Power LLC
    [Docket No. EG99-208-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Westbrook Power LLC, tendered 
    for filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or the 
    Commission) an application for determination of exempt wholesale 
    generator status pursuant to Part 365 of the Commission's Regulations.
        Westbrook Power is a Maine limited liability company that will be 
    engaged directly and exclusively in the business of owning and 
    operating all or part of one or more eligible facilities to be located 
    in Maine. The eligible facilities will consist of an approximately 540 
    MW gas and/or oil fired electric generation project and related 
    interconnection facilities. The output of the eligible facilities will 
    be sold at wholesale.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice. The Commission will limit its 
    consideration of comments to those that concern the adequacy or 
    accuracy of the application.
    4. Reliant Energy Osceola, LLC
    [Docket No. EG99-209-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Reliant Energy Osceola, LLC 
    [[Page 43689]]
    Osceola), tendered for filing an application for a determination of 
    exempt wholesale generator status, pursuant to section 32(a)(1) of the 
    Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended (PUHCA), 15 
    U.S.C. Sec. 79z-5a (1994), and Subchapter T, Part 365 of the 
    regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission), 
    18 CFR Part 365.
        Reliant Osceola, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Reliant 
    Energy Power Generation, Inc., is a Delaware limited liability company 
    that intends to construct, own and operate an electric generating 
    facility in Osceola County, Florida. Reliant Osceola states that it 
    will be engaged directly, or indirectly through one or more affiliates, 
    as defined in Section 2(a)(11)(B) of PUHCA, and exclusively in the 
    business of owning and/or operating an eligible facility and selling 
    electric energy at wholesale.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice. The Commission will limit its 
    consideration to those that concern the adequacy or accuracy of the 
    5. South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
    [Docket Nos. ER96-1085-004 and OA96-49-004]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, South Carolina Electric & Gas 
    Company (SCE&G), tendered for filing a refund report pursuant to the 
    Commission's April 5, 1999 Order in Docket Nos. ER96-1085-000 and OA96-
    1086-000. This filing represents the compliance report showing 
    information pertaining to refunds made as required in the order.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    6. Southern California Edison Co., California; Independent System 
    Operator Corp., El Segundo Power, LLC; Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 
    Duke Energy Moss Landing, LLC, Duke Energy Oakland, LLC; San Diego 
    Gas & Electric Co; Southern California Edison Co., Pacific Gas & 
    Electric Co., San Diego Gas & Electric Co., Duke Energy Moss 
    Landing, LLC, Duke and Energy Oakland, LLC
    [Docket Nos. ER98-441-006, ER98-2550-003, ER98-495-006, ER98-1614-004, 
    ER98-2145-004, ER98-2668-007, ER98-2669-006, ER98-4296-004, ER98-4300-
    004, ER98-496-005, ER98-2160-003, ER98-441-001, ER98-495-001, ER98-496-
    001, ER98-4300-001, ER98-2668-001, ER98-2669-001, ER98-4296-001, ER99-
    1127-005, and ER99-1128-005]
        Take notice that, on July 30, 1999, Duke Energy Moss Landing, LLC 
    and Duke Energy Oakland, LLC, tendered for filing a refund report in 
    compliance with the Offer of Settlement filed in the above-captioned 
    dockets on April 2, 1999 and approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission (Commission) by letter order on May 28, 1999.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    7. Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company
    [Docket No. ER98-570-001]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Maine Yankee Atomic Power 
    Company (Maine Yankee), tendered for filing a compliance filing 
    pursuant to the Commission's letter order issued June 1, 1999, in the 
    above captioned docket. The compliance filing contains a compliance 
    report detailing the refund amounts and calculations including a 
    summary of the refund amounts in total for the refund period, revenue 
    data to reflect prior, present and settlement rates in total and by 
    individual customer, and the monthly interest computation. As required 
    by the FERC order of June 1, 1999, the company has furnished copies of 
    such report to the affected wholesale customers and to each state 
    commission within whose jurisdiction the wholesale customers distribute 
    and sell electric energy at retail.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    8. Monongahela Power Company, The Potomac Edison Company and West 
    Penn Power Company (Allegheny Power)
    [Docket No. ER99-2270-000]
    Errata Notice (August 4, 1999)
    Notice of Filing (July 22, 1999)
        Take notice that the Notice of Filing issued on July 22, 1999, in 
    Docket No. ER99-3612-000, should have been issued in Docket No. ER99-
    9. Commonwealth Edison Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3859-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Commonwealth Edison Company 
    (ComEd), tendered for filing a Non-Firm Service Agreement establishing 
    the City of Rochelle (Rochelle), as a customer under the terms of 
    ComEd's OATT.
        ComEd requests an effective date of July 20, 1999, for the service 
    agreement, and accordingly, seeks waiver of the Commission's notice 
        Copies of this filing were served on Rochelle.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    10. El Dorado Energy, LLC
    [Docket No. ER99-3865-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, El Dorado Energy, LLC (El 
    Dorado), tendered for filing pursuant to section 205 of the Federal 
    Power Act, 16 U.S.C. Sec. 824d (1994), and part 35 of the Commission's 
    Regulations, 18 CFR 35, its amended FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1 
    authorizing El Dorado to make sales of ancillary services at market-
    based rates to the California Independent System Operator Corporation 
    (CAISO) and to entities that are self-supplying ancillary services to 
    the CAISO, and outside the CAISO's control area consistent with the 
    Commission's Order in Avista Corp., 87 FERC para. 61,223 (1999).
        El Dorado owns a 492-megawatt combined cycle generating plant in 
    Boulder City, Nevada that is expected to commence operations in the 
    fall of 1999. El Dorado is an exempt wholesale generator and is 
    authorized to sell electric energy and capacity at wholesale at market-
    based rates.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    11. Southern Energy Lovett, L.L.C.
    [Docket No. ER99-3869-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Southern Energy Lovett, L.L.C. 
    (SE Lovett), tendered for filing a Master Index Purchase and Sale 
    Agreement between Southern Company Energy Marketing L.P. and Southern 
    Energy Bowline, L.L.C., Southern Energy Lovett, L.L.C., and Southern 
    Energy NY-Gen, L.L.C.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    [[Page 43690]]
    12. Southern Energy NY-Gen, L.L.C.
    [Docket No. ER99-3870-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Southern Energy NY-Gen, L.L.C. 
    (SE NY-Gen), tendered for filing a Master Index Purchase and Sale 
    Agreement between Southern Company Energy Marketing L.P. and Southern 
    Energy Bowline, L.L.C., Southern Energy Lovett, L.L.C., and Southern 
    Energy NY-Gen, L.L.C., under its Market Rate Tariff accepted by the 
    Commission in Docket No. ER99-2045-000.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    13. Southern Energy Bowline, L.L.C.
    [Docket No. ER99-3871-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Southern Energy Bowline, L.L.C. 
    (SE Bowline), tendered for filing a Master Index Purchase and Sale 
    Agreement between Southern Company Energy Marketing L.P. and Southern 
    Energy Bowline, L.L.C., Southern Energy Lovett, L.L.C., and Southern 
    Energy NY-Gen, L.L.C., under its Market Rate Tariff accepted by the 
    Commission in Docket No. ER99-2044-000.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    14. New England Power Pool
    [Docket No. ER99-3872-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, the New England Power Pool 
    (NEPOOL) Participants Committee tendered for filing revisions to Market 
    Rules 11 and Appendix I of Market Rule 20, and a new Appendix D to 
    Market Rule 11.
        The NEPOOL Participants Committee states that copies of these 
    materials were sent to the New England state governors and regulatory 
    commissions and the Participants in the New England Power Pool.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    15. American Electric Power Service Corporation
    [Docket No. ER99-3873-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, the American Electric Power 
    Service Corporation (AEPSC), tendered for filing executed Firm and Non-
    Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service Agreements for FPL Energy 
    Power Marketing, Inc. and for Old Mill Power Company, and a Firm Point-
    to-Point Transmission Service Agreement for Constellation Power Source, 
    Inc. All of these agreements are pursuant to the AEP Companies' Open 
    Access Transmission Service Tariff (OATT). The OATT has been designated 
    as FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 4, effective July 9, 1996.
        AEPSC requests waiver of notice to permit the Service Agreements to 
    be made effective for service billed on and after July 1, 1999.
        A copy of the filing was served upon the Parties and the state 
    utility regulatory commissions of Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, 
    Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    16. Jersey Central Power & Light Company; Metropolitan Edison 
    Company; and Pennsylvania Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3874-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Jersey Central Power & Light 
    Company, Metropolitan Edison Company and Pennsylvania Electric Company 
    (d/b/a GPU Energy), tendered for filing an executed Service Agreement 
    between GPU Energy and El Paso Power Services Company (El Paso Power), 
    dated July 29, 1999. This Service Agreement specifies that El Paso 
    Power has agreed to the rates, terms and conditions of GPU Energy's 
    Market-Based Sales Tariff (Sales Tariff) designated as FERC Electric 
    Rate Schedule, Second Revised Volume No. 5. The Sales Tariff allows GPU 
    Energy and El Paso Power to enter into separately scheduled 
    transactions under which GPU Energy will make available for sale, 
    surplus capacity and/or energy.
        GPU Energy requests a waiver of the Commission's notice 
    requirements for good cause shown and an effective date of July 29, 
    1999, for the Service Agreement.
        GPU Energy has served copies of the filing on regulatory agencies 
    in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    17. Carolina Power & Light Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3875-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Carolina Power & Light Company 
    (CP&L), tendered for filing an executed Service Agreement with LG&E 
    Energy Marketing, Inc., under the provisions of CP&L's Market-Based 
    Rates Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff No. 4. This Service Agreement 
    supersedes the un-executed Agreement originally filed in Docket No. 
    ER98-3385-000 and approved effective May 18, 1998.
        Copies of the filing were served upon the North Carolina Utilities 
    Commission and the South Carolina Public Service Commission.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    18. Montana Power Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3876-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, The Montana Power Company 
    (Montana), tendered for filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission pursuant to 18 CFR 35.13 an unexecuted Network Integration 
    Transmission Service Agreement and Network Operating Agreement with 
    Western Area Power Administration under Montana's FERC Electric Tariff, 
    Fourth Revised Volume No. 5 (Open Access Transmission Tariff).
        A copy of the filing was served upon Western Area Power 
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    19. California Independent System and Operator Corporation
    [Docket No. ER99-3879-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, the California Independent 
    System Operator Corporation (ISO), tendered for filing a proposed 
    amendment (Amendment No. 20) to the ISO Tariff. Amendment No. 20 would 
    make certain technical changes to the ISO Tariff to correctly state the 
    manner in which charges for one Ancillary Service will be determined 
    following the implementation of the Rational Buyer protocol approved by 
    the Commission in its May 26, 1999, order in Docket Nos. ER98-2843-005, 
    et al. 
        The ISO asks for waiver of Section 35.3 of the Commission's 
    Regulations to permit Amendment No. 20, to become effective upon 
    implementation of the Rational Buyer protocol.
        The ISO states that this filing has been served upon the Public 
    Utilities Commission of California, the California Energy Commission, 
    the California Electricity Oversight Board, and all parties with 
    effective Scheduling Coordinator Service Agreements under the ISO 
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    20. Florida Power Corporation
    [Docket No. ER99-3880-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Florida Power Corporation (FPC), 
    tendered for filing an executed service agreement between El Paso Power 
    Services Company (El Paso) and FPC for service under FPC's Cost-Based
    [[Page 43691]]
    Wholesale Power Sales Tariff (CR-1), FERC Electric Tariff, Original 
    Volume No. 9. The executed service agreement replaces the unexecuted 
    service agreement with El Paso that FPC filed with the Commission in 
    this Docket on July 7, 1999.
        FPC renews the request made in its July 7, 1999 filing for a June 
    8, 1999 effective date for the service agreement.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    21. Atlantic City Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3881-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Atlantic City Electric Company 
    (Atlantic) and the City of Vineland, New Jersey (Vineland) jointly 
    filed an amended and restated Interconnection Agreement between 
    Atlantic and Vineland (Interconnection Agreement). The Interconnection 
    Agreement is necessary to conform to the most recent PJM 
    Interconnection, LLC (PJM) Operating Agreement, the PJM Reliability 
    Assurance Agreement and the PJM Open Access Transmission Tariff as well 
    as accommodate the ongoing business arrangements with Vineland.
        Atlantic and Vineland requested waiver of the notice of filing 
    requirements so that the Interconnection Agreement become effective on 
    August 1, 1999.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    22. Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
    [Docket No. ER99-3882-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Wisconsin Public Service 
    Corporation (WPSC), tendered for filing an executed Service Agreement 
    with Avista Energy, Inc., providing for transmission service under FERC 
    Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    23. Commonwealth Edison Company; and Commonwealth Edison Company of 
    [Docket No. ER99-3886-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Commonwealth Edison Company and 
    Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana (collectively ComEd), tendered 
    for filing amendments to ComEd's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) 
    to accommodate the retail access program mandated by the State of 
    Illinois under the Electric Service Customer Choice and Rate Relief Law 
    of 1997.
        ComEd requests an effective date of October 1, 1999 for the above-
    described amendments.
        Copies of the filing were served upon ComEd's jurisdictional 
    customers, interested state commissions, and on the parties to the 
    Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) Docket Nos. 98-0894 and 99-0117 
    proceedings now pending before the ICC.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    24. MidAmerican Energy Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3887-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, MidAmerican Energy Company 
    (MidAmerican), 666 Grand Avenue, 28th Floor, Des Moines, Iowa 50303 
    tendered for filing proposed rate schedule changes to its Open Access 
    Transmission Tariff (OATT).
        MidAmerican states that the proposed changes (1) Reduce the loss 
    factors in Sections 15.7 and 28.5; (2) unbundle the Schedule 1 charge 
    for transmission customers taking service under the OATT; (3) reduce 
    Schedule 7 rates for Long-Term Firm and Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point 
    Transmission Service by approximately 22%; (4) modify Schedule 7 to 
    state the method used to determine exceeded point-to-point transmission 
    service reservations for Transmission Customers that serve unbundled 
    retail customers in Illinois who do not have sufficient metering 
    capability to determine an hourly demand, and to reflect adoption of 
    the jurisdictional delineation recommended by the Illinois Commerce 
    Commission (Illinois Commission) and the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB); 
    (5) revise the ceiling rates in Schedule 8 for Non-Firm Point-To-Point 
    Transmission Service; (6) modify Schedule 8 to state discounts on the 
    OASIS, to state the method used to determine exceeded point-to-point 
    transmission service reservations for Transmission Customers that serve 
    unbundled retail customers in Illinois who do not have sufficient 
    metering capability to determine hourly demand, and to reflect adoption 
    of the jurisdiction delineation; (7) reduce the Annual Transmission 
    Revenue Requirement stated in Attachment H for Network Integration 
    Transmission Service by approximately 28%; (8) modify the formula in 
    Attachment H for determining the Transmission Customer's Load Ratio 
    Share credit, to reflect the adoption of the jurisdictional delineation 
    and the unbundling of Schedule 1 charges; and (9) modify Attachment H 
    to state the method used to determine a Transmission Customer's hourly 
    usage coincident with MidAmerican's monthly system peak for load ratio 
    share calculation purposes for Transmission Customers that serve 
    unbundled retail customers in Illinois who do not have sufficient 
    metering capability to determine hourly demand.
        MidAmerican proposes that the rate schedule changes become 
    effective on October 1, 1999.
        A copy of the proposed rate schedule changes have been mailed to 
    all Transmission Customers having service agreements under the OATT and 
    to the IUB, the Illinois Commission and the South Dakota Public Service 
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    25. PP&L, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER99-3888-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, PP&L, Inc. (PP&L), tendered for 
    filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission a tariff sheet for 
    inclusion in the PJM Open Access Transmission Tariff (PJM Tariff). The 
    tariff sheet supplements Attachment H-8 of the PJM Tariff and sets 
    forth rates for transmission service to wholesale customers utilizing 
    PP&L's facilities at primary voltage levels of 12 kV through 23 kV.
        PP&L requests an effective date of February 1, 1999 for the tariff 
        PP&L states that a copy of this filing has been provided to the 
    Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, the PJM Office of 
    Interconnection and the wholesale customers to which the rate in the 
    tariff sheet may apply.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    26. Northbrook New York, LLC
    [Docket No. ER99-3911-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Northbrook New York, LLC, a 
    Delaware limited liability company (Northbrook), petitioned the 
    Commission for acceptance of Northbrook New York, LLC Rate Schedule No. 
    FERC No. 2; the granting of certain blanket approvals, including the 
    authority to sell electricity at market-based rates; and the waiver of 
    certain Commission Regulations.
        Northbrook intends to engage in wholesale electric power and energy 
    transactions as a marketer. Northbrook is exclusively engaged in the 
    acquisition, ownership and operation of an approximately 33 MW (net) 
    hydroelectric facility in Glen Park, New York. Northbrook is owned 50% 
    by Omega Energy, LLC., and 50% by NEO Corporation. NEO Corporation is 
    [[Page 43692]]
    indirect subsidiary of Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota 
    electric utility company.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    27. Northern States Power Company (Minnesota); Northern States 
    Power Company (Wisconsin); Public Service Company of Colorado; 
    Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Company; Southwestern Public Service 
    Company; New Century Services, Inc.; Northern States Power Company 
    (Minnesota), and Northern States Power Company (Wisconsin); NRG 
    Power Marketing, Inc.; Cabrillo Power I LLC; El Segundo Power, LLC; 
    Long Beach Generation LLC; Somerset Power LLC; Cadillac Renewable 
    Energy LLC; CogenAmerica Parlin Inc.; Arthur Kill Power LLC; 
    Huntley Power LLC; Astoria Power LLC; Dunkirk Power LLC; E Prime, 
    Inc.; Denver City Energy Associates, L.P.; and Front Range Energy 
    Associates, L.L.C.
    [Docket No. ER99-3914-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, Northern States Power Company 
    (Minnesota) (NSP-M), on behalf of itself and certain of its 
    subsidiaries, and New Century Services, Inc. (NCS), on behalf of 
    certain of its affiliates (NSP-M and NCS collectively the Applicants), 
    filed a Joint Operating Agreement and Statement of Policy and Code of 
    Conduct, which are to take effect upon the consummation of the proposed 
    merger of NSP-M, itself a public utility company and the holding 
    company parent of Northern States Power Company (Wisconsin), and New 
    Century Energies, Inc., the registered holding company parent of Public 
    Service Company of Colorado, Southwestern Public Service Company, and 
    Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Company.
        Applicants state that the filing is made in conjunction with three 
    related filings consisting of (1) A merger application under section 
    203 of the Federal Power Act, (2) a joint Open Access Transmission 
    Tariff under section 205 of the Federal Power Act, and (3) revised 
    Standards of Conduct pursuant to 18 CFR Part 37.
        Copies of the filing have been served on the affected state 
    regulatory commissions and on each entity that is a party to any of the 
    above-captioned Dockets.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    28. New England Power Pool
    [Docket Nos. OA97-237-000; ER97-1079-000; ER97-3574-000; OA97-608-000; 
    ER97-4221-000 and ER98-499-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) 
    Participants Committee tendered for filing information relating to rate 
    surcharges determined in accordance with formula rates of the NEPOOL 
    Open Access Transmission Tariff. These materials describe the 
    transmission charges that are in effect for the twelve month period 
    commencing June 1, 1999.
        The NEPOOL Participants Committee state that copies of these 
    materials were sent to all persons identified in the Commission's 
    official service lists for the captioned dockets, the New England state 
    governors and regulatory commissions, and the NEPOOL Participants.
        Comment date: August 19, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    29. El Paso Electric Company
    [Docket No. ES99-54-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, El Paso Electric Company (EPE), 
    tendered for filing an application for authorization to issue up to 
    2,000,000 shares of its common stock pursuant to its 1999 Long-Term 
    Incentive Plan. EPE states that its 1999 Long-Term Incentive Plan 
    establishes a means of providing ownership of EPE's common stock to 
    selected eligible participants in order to improve its ability to 
    attract and retain the services of highly qualified individuals and to 
    strengthen the commonality of interest between such individuals. EPE 
    also requests an exemption from the competitive bidding and negotiated 
    placement requirements of 18 CFR 34.2.
        Comment date: August 25, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    30. UtiliCorp United Inc.
    [Docket No. ES99-53-000]
        Take notice that on July 30, 1999, UtiliCorp United Inc. 
    (Applicant), filed an application seeking an order under section 204(a) 
    of the Federal Power Act authorizing the Applicant to issue (1) Up to 
    and including 4,500,000 shares of common stock, par value $1.00 per 
    share, pursuant to the UtiliCorp United Inc. Amended and Restated 1986 
    Stock Incentive Plan, (2) up to and including 15,000,000 shares of 
    common stock, (3) forward contracts or other financial instruments for 
    up to and including 12,000,000 shares of common stock, and (4) up to 
    and including $250 million of Trust Preferred Securities from time to 
    time in one or more public offerings. Applicant also requests an 
    exemption from the Commission's competitive bidding and negotiated 
    placement requirements as it relates to the shares of common stock to 
    be issued pursuant to the UtiliCorp United Inc. Amended and Restated 
    1986 Stock Incentive Plan.
        Comment date: August 25, 1999, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    Standard Paragraphs
        E. Any person desiring to be heard or to protest such filing should 
    file a motion to intervene or protest with the Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20426, 
    in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the Commission's rules of 
    practice and procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 385.214). All such motions 
    or protests should be filed on or before the comment date. Protests 
    will be considered by the Commission in determining the appropriate 
    action to be taken, but will not serve to make protestants parties to 
    the proceeding. Any person wishing to become a party must file a motion 
    to intervene. Copies of these filings are on file with the Commission 
    and are available for public inspection. This filing may also be viewed 
    on the Internet at http://www.ferc.fed.us/online/rims.htm (call 202-
    208-2222 for assistance).
    Linwood A. Watson, Jr.,
    Acting Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 99-20758 Filed 8-10-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-P

Document Information

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
August 27, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
43688-43692 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. EC96-19-000, et al.
PDF File: