94-19568. Gifts to Federal Employees From Foreign Government Sources Reported To Employing Agencies in Calendar Year 1993  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 155 (Friday, August 12, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-19568]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: August 12, 1994]
    Office of Protocol
    [Public Notice 2044]
    Gifts to Federal Employees From Foreign Government Sources 
    Reported To Employing Agencies in Calendar Year 1993
        The Department of State submits the following comprehensive listing 
    of the statements which, as required by law, Federal employees filed 
    with their employing agencies during calendar year 1993 concerning 
    gifts received from foreign government sources. The compilation 
    includes reports of both tangible gifts and gifts of travel or travel 
    expenses of more than minimal value, as defined by statute.
        Publication of this listing in the Federal Register is required by 
    Section 7342(f) of Title 5, United States Code, as amended by Section 
    515(a)(1) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal year 1978 
    (Public Law 95-105, August 17, 1977, 91 Stat. 865).
        Dated: July 21, 1994.
    Richard Moose,
    Under Secretary for Management.
                    Agency: Executive Office of the President               
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    President........  Three              The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        contemporary       Vyacheslav V.     would cause    
                        pieces of          Kozyritsky,       embarrassment  
                        militaria in a     Head of           to donor and   
                        fitted brown       Administration    U.S.           
                        wood case under    of Zelengorsk.    Government.    
                        glass. The         And The                          
                        pieces are         Honorable                        
                        designed in        Anatoly                          
                        original Cossack   Sobchak, Mayor                   
                        style. (1) Circa   of St.                           
                        1880 Shasqua,      Petersburg,                      
                        with a carved      Russian                          
                        pommel. Approx.    Federation.                      
                        37\1/2\''. (2)                                      
                        Kindjal. Approx.                                    
                        23\1/2\''. (3)                                      
                        Knife. Approx.                                      
                        16''. All are                                       
                        highly polished                                     
                        and ornately                                        
                        decorated. Recd--                                   
                        July 12, 1993.                                      
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $6500. Archive                                      
    President........  (1) Sterling       His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        silver box with    Richard Von       would cause    
                        German eagle       Weizsaecker,      embarrassment  
                        etched on top,     President of      to donor and   
                        lined with wood.   the Federal       U.S.           
                        Box has an         Republic of       Government.    
                        engraved plate     Germany.                         
                        with signature                                      
                        of donor and                                        
                        German text.                                        
                        Approx. 7\1/2\''                                    
                        x 4'' x 1\1/2\''                                    
                        . (2) Hardcover                                     
                        books of                                            
                        writings by                                         
                        Thomas Mann, in                                     
                        English. Books                                      
                        published by the                                    
                        Franklin Library                                    
                        with watermarked                                    
                        silk end papers                                     
                        and gilt pages.                                     
                        Recd--May 24,                                       
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Silver handled     His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        riding crop with   Carlos Menem,     would cause    
                        a gold medal       President of      embarrassment  
                        near top,          the Argentine     to donor and   
                        baroque floral     Nation.           U.S.           
                        design, etched                       Government.    
                        ``1967''. Handle                                    
                        is approx. 13''                                     
                        of silver, and                                      
                        crop is approx.                                     
                        17'' of leather.                                    
                        Recd--June 29,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  24 unframed        His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        limited edition    Michal Kovac,     would cause    
                        prints from        President of      embarrassment  
                        various            the Slovak        to donor and   
                        Slovakian          Republic.         U.S.           
                        artists. Approx.                     Government.    
                        18'' x 12\1/2\''                                    
                        each. Recd--June                                    
                        6, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  (1) Three volume   His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        set of books by    Stanislav         would cause    
                        Peter Artiomov,    Shushkevich,      embarrassment  
                        published in       Chairman of the   to donor and   
                        1990, in           Supreme Soviet    U.S.           
                        Cyrillic           Republic of       Government.    
                        characters. (2)    Belarus.                         
                        Three pieces of                                     
                        heavy glass. The                                    
                        pieces measure                                      
                        7'', 9\1/2\'',                                      
                        and 6\1/4\''.                                       
                        Presented in a                                      
                        red velvet box.                                     
                        Recd--July 23,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Sony D-211         His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        discman. Two       Kiichi            would cause    
                        compact discs by   Miyazawa, Prime   embarrassment  
                        Sadao Watanabe,    Minister of       to donor and   
                        ``My Dear Life''   Japan.            U.S.           
                        and ``Sadao                          Government.    
                        Recd--April 16,                                     
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Woven wicker and   His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        reed horse, with   Petr              would cause    
                        extensive          Kravchanka,       embarrassment  
                        detail. Mane and   Minister of       to donor and   
                        tail are round     Foreign Affairs   U.S.           
                        reed; the rest     of the Republic   Government.    
                        is flat, plaited   of Belarus.                      
                        or crossed                                          
                        wicker. Approx.                                     
                        41'' x 41'' x 7'                                    
                        '. Recd--May 1,                                     
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Cut crystal vase,  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        with amber         Lech Walesa,      would cause    
                        etching of a       President of      embarrassment  
                        building. Highly   the Republic of   to donor and   
                        decorated clear    Poland.           U.S.           
                        glass surrounds                      Government.    
                        the amber.                                          
                        Approx. 12''.                                       
                        Recd--May 12,                                       
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Oval porcelain     The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        plate with blue    Valery D.         would cause    
                        and white floral   Zorkin,           embarrassment  
                        design, made in    Chairman of the   to donor and   
                        Russia by Gzhel.   Constitutional    U.S.           
                        Approx. 7'' x      Court of the      Government.    
                        10'' x 10''.       Russian                          
                        Recd--March 16,    Federation.                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  (1) Mahogany       His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        humidor,           Fidel Ramos,      would cause    
                        engraved with      President of      embarrassment  
                        the Presidential   the Republic of   to donor and   
                        seal; contains a   the Philippines.  U.S.           
                        hydrometer,                          Government.    
                        clippers and                                        
                        cutter. (2)                                         
                        Wooden humidor,                                     
                        also engraved                                       
                        Seal; contains a                                    
                        hydrometer and                                      
                        cutter. (Both                                       
                        humidors were                                       
                        filled with                                         
                        cigars, which                                       
                        were destroyed.)                                    
                        21, 1993. Est.                                      
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  (1) Acid-washed    His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        bronze sculpture   Yitzhak Rabin,    would cause    
                        of a dove, by      Prime Minister    embarrassment  
                        Daniel Kahri.      of Israel.        to donor and   
                        (2) Certificate                      U.S.           
                        stating that 180                     Government.    
                        trees were                                          
                        planted in the                                      
                        Jerusalem hills,                                    
                        in the                                              
                        honor. Recd--                                       
                        March 17, 1993.                                     
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $501. Archive                                       
    President........  Crystal bowl       His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        which features     Albert            would cause    
                        the American       Reynolds, Prime   embarrassment  
                        Eagle and          Minister of       to donor and   
                        American flag.     Ireland.          U.S.           
                        Approx. 10\1/                        Government.    
                        2\'' x 10\1/                                        
                        2\''. Recd--                                        
                        March 17, 1993.                                     
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $1000. Archive                                      
    President........  Cloisonne and      The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        hand-hammered      Kim Sang Ho,      would cause    
                        sterling silver    Mayor of Hanam    embarrassment  
                        pomade jar with    City, Republic    to donor and   
                        floral design      of Korea.         U.S.           
                        and base                             Government.    
                        inscribed in                                        
                        honor of the                                        
                        Recd--March 1,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Multi-colored      His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        rock formation,    Boris Yeltsin,    would cause    
                        with jade          President of      embarrassment  
                        border. Approx.    the Russian       to donor and   
                        14''. Piece is     Federation.       U.S.           
                        mounted on a                         Government.    
                        green jade                                          
                        stand. Approx.                                      
                        7\1/2\''. Recd--                                    
                        September 30,                                       
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Bown wooden vase   Her Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        with jagged        Mary B.           would cause    
                        edges and carved   Robinson,         embarrassment  
                        design, signed     President of      to donor and   
                        by artists.        Ireland.          U.S.           
                        Approx. 9''                          Government.    
                        Recd--May 14,                                       
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  (1) Large beige    The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        and white          Hitoshi           would cause    
                        Japanese scroll.   Motoshima,        embarrassment  
                        Approx. 38'' x     Mayor of the      to donor and   
                        70''. (2) Two      City of           U.S.           
                        matted and         Nagasaki, Japan.  Government.    
                        photographs of                                      
                        ``Saxhorn In The                                    
                        Park'' (a 35'                                       
                        high saxophone                                      
                        in Nagasaki).                                       
                        Approx. 9\1/2\''                                    
                        x 11''. Recd--                                      
                        July 12, 1993.                                      
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $350. Archive                                       
    President........  Reproduction of    The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        the gold crown     Lee Man Sup,      would cause    
                        of Chunma-Chong,   Speaker of the    embarrassment  
                        circa 5th-6th      National          to donor and   
                        century A.D.,      Assembly of the   U.S.           
                        decorated with     Republic of       Government.    
                        jade beads, and    Korea.                           
                        Reproduction is                                     
                        Republic of                                         
                        Korea National                                      
                        Treasure #188.                                      
                        Presented in                                        
                        wood and glass                                      
                        case. Recd--July                                    
                        10, 1993. Est.                                      
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Large amber stone  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        with carvings.     Lennart Meri,     would cause    
                        Recd--October 4,   Chairman of the   embarrassment  
                        1993. Est.         Supreme Council   to donor and   
                        Value--$1000.      of the Republic   U.S.           
                        Archive Foreign.   of Estonia.       Government.    
                                          His Excellency                    
                                           Guntis Ulmanis,                  
                                           President of                     
                                           the Republic of                  
                                          His Excellency                    
                                           President of                     
                                           the Supreme                      
                                           Council of the                   
                                           Republic of                      
    President........  Sterling silver    His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        serving bowl       Francois          would cause    
                        with flat rim      Mitterrand,       embarrassment  
                        and scalloped      President of      to donor and   
                        sides; scallops    the French        U.S.           
                        are decorated      Republic.         Government.    
                        with garnets.                                       
                        Approx. 12'' x                                      
                        17'' x 3''.                                         
                        Recd--March 9,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Two woven bedouin  His Majesty       Non-acceptance  
                        pillowcases in     Hussein I, King   would cause    
                        red and black      of the            embarrassment  
                        wool with          Hashemite         to donor and   
                        tassels on the     Kingdom of        U.S.           
                        corners. Approx.   Jordan.           Government.    
                        2' x 1\1/2\'.                                       
                        Woven wool                                          
                        bedouin bed                                         
                        cover in the                                        
                        same colors.                                        
                        Approx. 6' x 4'.                                    
                        Recd--June 18,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  (1) Autographed    His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        photograph of      Chaim Herzog,     would cause    
                        President and      President of      embarrassment  
                        Mrs. Herzog in     Israel.           to donor and   
                        sterling silver                      U.S.           
                        frame. (2)                           Government.    
                        Hardcover book,                                     
                        ``Beit Hanassi,                                     
                        the Home of                                         
                        and dedicated to                                    
                        the President                                       
                        and First Lady.                                     
                        Cover is blue                                       
                        velvet with                                         
                        silver gilt                                         
                        stamped title.                                      
                        (3) Wooden box,                                     
                        lined with                                          
                        velvet, which                                       
                        contains a                                          
                        sterling silver                                     
                        desk set (letter                                    
                        opener, bookmark                                    
                        Recd--April 26,                                     
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Matted and framed  The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        lithograph,        Mike Harcourt,    would cause    
                        ``Qatuwas-Home     Premier of the    embarrassment  
                        Coming'',          Province of       to donor and   
                        depicts an         British           U.S.           
                        elderly native     Columbia,         Government.    
                        father and         Canada.                          
                        mother in an                                        
                        outdoor scene.                                      
                        Lithograph is                                       
                        signed by                                           
                        artist, proof \1/                                   
                        25\. Approx.                                        
                        15\1/2\ x 21\1/2                                    
                        \''. Recd--April                                    
                        3, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Bronze statue of   The Right         Non-acceptance  
                        bearded man        Honorable Brian   would cause    
                        playing a          Mulroney, Prime   embarrassment  
                        saxophone, by      Minister of       to donor and   
                        Susan Stromberg,   Canada.           U.S.           
                        mounted on black                     Government.    
                        base. Approx.                                       
                        2'. Recd--April                                     
                        3, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  (1) Large          His Majesty       Non-acceptance  
                        goldfish bowl      Hassan II, King   would cause    
                        vase with          of Morocco.       embarrassment  
                        oriental-style                       to donor and   
                        floral design                        U.S.           
                        and turquoise                        Government.    
                        Approx. 3'. (2)                                     
                        platter. Approx.                                    
                        22''. Recd--                                        
                        August 17, 1993.                                    
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $590. Archive                                       
                       Flowers were                                         
                        removed from the                                    
                        Consumables were                                    
                        removed from the                                    
                        tray. All were                                      
                        accepted by the                                     
                        White House Mess                                    
                        for Official                                        
                        Use. Recd--                                         
                        August 17, 1993.                                    
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $360. Accepted                                      
                        by Another                                          
    President........  Three Vatican      His Holiness      Non-acceptance  
                        coins: bronze,     John Paul II,     would cause    
                        sterling silver,   Vatican City.     embarrassment  
                        and 22k gold.                        to donor and   
                        Each is                              U.S.           
                        decorated with                       Government.    
                        an image of the                                     
                        Pope and Latin                                      
                        text. Approx.                                       
                        3''. Recd--                                         
                        August 12, 1993.                                    
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $1000. Archive                                      
    President........  (1) Wooden inlaid  The Right         Non-acceptance  
                        box, which         Honorable Brian   would cause    
                        contains 13        Mulroney, Prime   embarrassment  
                        compact discs by   Minister of       to donor and   
                        various Canadian   Canada (and       U.S.           
                        artists. (2)       Mrs. Mulroney).   Government.    
                        Green soapstone                                     
                        polar bear, made                                    
                        by Inuits. Recd--                                   
                        February 5,                                         
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Matted and framed  The Right         Non-acceptance  
                        oil on canvas      Honorable Sir     would cause    
                        painting of        Hubert A.         embarrassment  
                        Bahamiam           Ingraham, Prime   to donor and   
                        scenery, by Chan   Minister of the   U.S.           
                        Pratt. Approx.     Commonwealth of   Government.    
                        29'' x 34''.       The Bahamas.                     
                        Recd--August 30,                                    
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Framed oil on      The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        linen painting,    P.J. Patterson,   would cause    
                        ``Revival          M.P., Prime       embarrassment  
                        Spirit'' by        Minister of       to donor and   
                        Stafford Lerrig    Jamaica.          U.S.           
                        Schliefer. An                        Government.    
                        abstract image                                      
                        of a religious                                      
                        ritual. Recd--                                      
                        August 30, 1993.                                    
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $800. Archive                                       
    President........  Two Mont Blanc     His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        pens in a black    Dr. Helmut        would cause    
                        case: (1) Gold     Kohl,             embarrassment  
                        barley pattern     Chancellor of     to donor and   
                        ballpoint with     the Federal       U.S.           
                        925 gold tip and   Republic of       Government.    
                        seal; (2) Gold     Germany.                         
                        barley pattern                                      
                        fountain pen in                                     
                        925 gold, with                                      
                        an 18k gold tip                                     
                        and seal. Recd--                                    
                        March 26, 1993.                                     
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $1100. Archive                                      
    President........  Framed             His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        calligraphy in     Kim Young Sam,    would cause    
                        Korean text by     President of      embarrassment  
                        the President of   the Republic of   to donor and   
                        the Republic of    Korea.            U.S.           
                        Korea. Per State                     Government.    
                        message reads                                       
                        ``To President                                      
                        Bill Clinton,                                       
                        the great road                                      
                        has no gates,                                       
                        July 10, 1993,                                      
                        Kim Young Sam.''                                    
                        Approx. 22'' x                                      
                        35''. Recd--July                                    
                        11, 1993. Est.                                      
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  (1) Cast-iron      His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        sculpture, which   Viktor            would cause    
                        depicts a scene    Chernomyrdin,     embarrassment  
                        of four peasants   Chairman of the   to donor and   
                        in a cart and      Council of        U.S.           
                        three horses.      Ministers of      Government.    
                        Approx. 18'' x     the Russian                      
                        10''. (2) Matted   Federation.                      
                        and framed                                          
                        photograph of                                       
                        the Russian                                         
                        space station in                                    
                        orbit around the                                    
                        Earth. Approx.                                      
                        26'' x 20''.                                        
                        2, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Ivory walrus       His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        tusk, with         Boris Yeltsin,    would cause    
                        carving, which     President of      embarrassment  
                        depicts seven      the Russian       to donor and   
                        three              Federation.       U.S.           
                        dimensional                          Government.    
                        Approx. 22''.                                       
                        Recd--April 3,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Large gold-plated  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        vase, with         Mohammad Hosni    would cause    
                        Eygptian           Mubarak,          embarrassment  
                        hieroglyphics in   President of      to donor and   
                        gold and black.    the Arab          U.S.           
                        Approx. 15'' x     Republic of       Government.    
                        42''. Recd--       Egypt.                           
                        April 6, 1993.                                      
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $650. Archive                                       
    President........  (1) Two scrolls.   The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        Approx. 6'. (2)    Liu Fu Guo,       would cause    
                        Woven silk         Member of the     embarrassment  
                        brocade            Peoples           to donor and   
                        material. (3)      Government of     U.S.           
                        Woven red silk     Huaibei, City     Government.    
                        tapestry.          Anhui Province,                  
                        Approx. 6' x 8'.   People's                         
                        (4) Two door       Republic of                      
                        hangings           China.                           
                        peacocks. Recd--                                    
                        October 19,                                         
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Wool dhurrie       His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        carpet, which      Mohammad Hosni    would cause    
                        depicts a desert   Mubarak,          embarrassment  
                        scene with         President of      to donor and   
                        camels and         the Arab          U.S.           
                        sheep. Approx.     Republic of       Government.    
                        48'' x 69''.       Egypt.                           
                        26, 1993. Est.                                      
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Ancient            His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        earthenware bowl   Yitzhak Rabin,    would cause    
                        from Israel,       Prime Minister    embarrassment  
                        with a wide band   of Israel.        to donor and   
                        of silver                            U.S.           
                        overlay,                             Government.    
                        decorated with                                      
                        calligraphy and                                     
                        animals. Bowl                                       
                        dates from 930                                      
                        to 580 B.C.                                         
                        Approx. 9\1/                                        
                        2\''. Recd--                                        
                        November 12,                                        
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  (1) Mahogany       His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        humidor,           Fidel Ramos,      would cause    
                        engraved with      President of      embarrassment  
                        the Presidential   the Republic of   to donor and   
                        seal; contains a   the Philippines.  U.S.           
                        hydrometer,                          Government.    
                        clippers and                                        
                        cutter. (The                                        
                        cigars, which                                       
                        were destroyed.)                                    
                        (2) Yellow and                                      
                        bedspreads (3)                                      
                        Two Timex                                           
                        watches. (4) Two                                    
                        photos of                                           
                        President Ramos.                                    
                        (5) Woven                                           
                        coconut chest.                                      
                        (6) Embroidered                                     
                        fabric made of                                      
                        leaves. (7)                                         
                        Hardcover books,                                    
                        by President                                        
                        Ramos, about the                                    
                        23, 1993. Est.                                      
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Celadon vase with  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        floral pattern     Kim Young Sam,    would cause    
                        by Shin Sang-Ho.   President of      embarrassment  
                        Approx. 13''       the Republic of   to donor and   
                        Recd--November     Korea.            U.S.           
                        29, 1993. Est.                       Government.    
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Six gold Kucinta   His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        cat figures.       Goh Chok Tong,    would cause    
                        Each cat is in a   Prime Minister    embarrassment  
                        different pose.    of the Republic   to donor and   
                        Approx. 2\1/2\''   of Singapore.     U.S.           
                        x 1''. Recd--                        Government.    
                        December 1,                                         
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  White brocade      His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        paper scroll       Jiang Zemin,      would cause    
                        with Chinese       President of      embarrassment  
                        watercolor         the People's      to donor and   
                        painting. Recd--   Republic of       U.S.           
                        December 1,        China.            Government.    
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  (1) Hardcover,     His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        large folio        Soeharto,         would cause    
                        books; ``The       President of      embarrassment  
                        Crafts of          the Republic of   to donor and   
                        Indonesia,'' and   Indonesia.        U.S.           
                        ``Indonesia: A                       Government.    
                        Voyage Through                                      
                        (2) Paperback,                                      
                        ``Indonesia: An                                     
                        Handbook 1993.''                                    
                        (3) Large framed                                    
                        oil on panel                                        
                        painting of                                         
                        flora and exotic                                    
                        birds. Approx.                                      
                        35'' x 51''.                                        
                        1, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Large vase with    The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        multi-colored      Vincent C.        would cause    
                        glaze and          Liew, Chinese     embarrassment  
                        feathered          Taipei            to donor and   
                        design, with       Representative    U.S.           
                        black lacquered    of President      Government.    
                        stand. Recd--      Lee Teng-hui,                    
                        December 1,        Taiwan.                          
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Blue and white     The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        procelain bowl,    Chen-Kuo Lin,     would cause    
                        with design        Minister of       embarrassment  
                        which depicts      Finance, Taiwan.  to donor and   
                        men dancing.                         U.S.           
                        Recd--December                       Government.    
                        1, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  (1) Men's wrist    His Majesty       Non-acceptance  
                        watch with black   Sultan Haji       would cause    
                        crocodile band,    Hassanal          embarrassment  
                        from Asprey of     Bolkiah           to donor and   
                        London. (2)        Mu'Izzaddin       U.S.           
                        Hardcover book,    Waddaulah,        Government.    
                        ``Abode of         Sultan and Yang                  
                        Peace: 25 of       Di-Pertuan of                    
                        Asia's Top         Brunei                           
                        Photographers in   Darussalam.                      
                        1, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Carved duck        The Right         Non-acceptance  
                        decoy, created     Honorable Jean    would cause    
                        and signed by      Chretien, P.C.,   embarrassment  
                        Stephen            M.P., Prime       to donor and   
                        Robinson. Recd--   Minister of       U.S.           
                        December 1,        Canada.           Government.    
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Saxophone made by  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        the Beijing Wind   Jiang Zemin,      would cause    
                        Instrument         President of      embarrassment  
                        Factory.           the People's      to donor and   
                        Presented in       Republic of       U.S.           
                        black leather      China.            Government.    
                        instrument case.                                    
                        1, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  Two volumes of     His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        ``Mapas de         Felipe Gonzalez   would cause    
                        America'' by       Marquez,          embarrassment  
                        Francisco          President of      to donor and   
                        Vindel, in         the Government    U.S.           
                        Spanish text.      of Spain (and     Government.    
                        Presented in a     Ms. Carmen                       
                        brown leather      Romero).                         
                        box. Recd--                                         
                        December 7,                                         
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President........  (1) Various        His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        paperbacks. (2)    Dr. Bacharuddin   would cause    
                        Hardcover book,    J. Habibie,       embarrassment  
                        ``Soeharto: My     Minister of       to donor and   
                        Thoughts, Words,   State For         U.S.           
                        and Deeds, An      Research and      Government.    
                        Autobiography.''   Technology of                    
                        (3) Sterling       The Republic of                  
                        silver box.        Indonesia.                       
                        Recd--June 21,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    First Lady.......  Brown ceramic      Her Majesty Noor  Non-acceptance  
                        water jug, which   Al Hussein,       would cause    
                        depicts three      Queen of the      embarrassment  
                        goats. Recd--May   Hashemite,        to donor and   
                        1, 1993. Est.      Kingdom of        U.S.           
                        Value--$350.       Jordan.           Government.    
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    First Lady.......  Frosted glass      Mrs. Lea Rabin    Non-acceptance  
                        decanter with      (Wife of the      would cause    
                        sterling silver    Prime Minister    embarrassment  
                        and 24K gold-      of Israel).       to donor and   
                        plated accents,                      U.S.           
                        by Domar. Recd--                     Government.    
                        March 16, 1993.                                     
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $450. Archive                                       
    First Lady.......  Silver decorative  Her Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        mirror with        Tansu Ciller,     would cause    
                        ornate filigree    Prime Minister    embarrassment  
                        designs on the     of the Republic   to donor and   
                        front and back.    of Turkey.        U.S.           
                        Recd--October                        Government.    
                        15, 1993. Est.                                      
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    First Lady.......  Round sterling     Mrs. Francois     Non-acceptance  
                        silver engraved    Mitterrand        would cause    
                        box with pearl     (Wife of the      embarrassment  
                        edging. Approx.    President of      to donor and   
                        6\1/2\''. Recd--   the French        U.S.           
                        May 13, 1993.      Republic).        Government.    
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $1550. Archive                                      
    First Lady.......  Sterling silver    Mrs. Susana       Non-acceptance  
                        bonbon dish with   Higuchi           would cause    
                        floral accents.    Fujimori (Wife    embarrassment  
                        Recd--March 16,    of the            to donor and   
                        1993. Est.         President of      U.S.           
                        Value--$600.       the Republic of   Government.    
                        Archive Foreign.   Peru).                           
    First Lady.......  Jade bowl with     His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        floral design.     Boris Yeltsin,    would cause    
                        Approx. 5''.       President of      embarrassment  
                        Recd--September    the Russian       to donor and   
                        30, 1993. Est.     Federation.       U.S.           
                        Value--$500.                         Government.    
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    First Lady.......  Crocodile leather  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        handbag with       Carlos Menem,     would cause    
                        soft brushed       President of      embarrassment  
                        leather            the Argentine     to donor and   
                        interior.          Nation.           U.S.           
                        Approx. 4 \1/                        Government.    
                        2\'' x 10''.                                        
                        Recd--June 28,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    First Lady.......  Round sterling     Mrs. Mohammad     Non-acceptance  
                        silver mirror,     Hosni Mubarak     would cause    
                        with floral        (Wife of the      embarrassment  
                        design. Approx.    President of      to donor and   
                        9\1/2\''. Recd--   the Arab          U.S.           
                        April 12, 1993.    Republic of       Government.    
                        Est. Value--       Egypt).                          
                        $2500. Archive                                      
    First Lady.......  Black lacquer      Mrs. Son Myong    Non-acceptance  
                        jewelry box,       Sun (Wife of      would cause    
                        decorated with     the President     embarrassment  
                        mother of pearl.   of the Republic   to donor and   
                        Recd--July 11,     of Korea).        U.S.           
                        1993. Est.                           Government.    
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    First Lady.......  Two wooden         Mrs. Lee Man Sup  Non-acceptance  
                        handpainted        (Wife of the      would cause    
                        Mandarin ducks     Speaker of the    embarrassment  
                        with markings in   National          to donor and   
                        Korean. Ducks      Assembly of the   U.S.           
                        are wrapped in a   Republic of       Government.    
                        red satin cloth,   Korea).                          
                        and presented in                                    
                        a maroon velvet                                     
                        jewelry box.                                        
                        Recd--July 10,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    First Lady.......  Floral             His Majesty       Non-acceptance  
                        arrangement.       Hassan II, King   would cause    
                        Accepted by the    of Morocco..      embarrassment  
                        White House Mess                     to donor and   
                        for Official                         U.S.           
                        Use. Recd--                          Government.    
                        October 25,                                         
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Accepted by                                         
    First Lady.......  (1) White          Mrs. Tien         Non-acceptance  
                        Indonesian shawl   Soeharto (Wife    would cause    
                        with gold and      of the            embarrassment  
                        black design.      President of      to donor and   
                        (2) Sterling       the Republic of   U.S.           
                        silver 12-piece    Indonesia).       Government.    
                        tea service.                                        
                        1, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    First Lady.......  Three-strand       Mrs. Vincent C.   Non-acceptance  
                        coral necklace     Liew (Wife of     would cause    
                        and matching       the Chinese       embarrassment  
                        earrings. Recd--   Taipei            to donor and   
                        December 1,        Representative    U.S.           
                        1993. Est.         of President      Government.    
                        Value--$600.       Lee Teng-hui),                   
                        Archive Foreign.   Taiwan.                          
    First Lady.......  Three-strand       The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        necklace of        Chen-Kuo Lin,     would cause    
                        fresh-water        Minister of       embarrassment  
                        pearls, coral      Finance, Taiwan.  to donor and   
                        and onyx, with                       U.S.           
                        gold clasp.                          Government.    
                        1, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    First Lady.......  Brown leather      His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        valet case.        Felipe Gonzalez   would cause    
                        Recd--December     Marquez,          embarrassment  
                        16, 1993. Est.     President of      to donor and   
                        Value--$250.       the Government    U.S.           
                        Archive Foreign.   of Spain (and     Government.    
                                           Ms. Carmen                       
    President and      Sterling silver    His Majesty       Non-acceptance  
     First Lady.        jewelry box with   Hussein I, King   would cause    
                        five etched        of the            embarrassment  
                        scenes of Jordan   Hashemite         to donor and   
                        on the lid,        Kingdom of        U.S.           
                        personalized for   Jordan.           Government.    
                        the President     Her Majesty Noor                  
                        and First Lady.    Al Hussein,                      
                        Bottom and sides   Queen of the                     
                        are lined with     Hashemite,                       
                        teak. Approx.      Kingdom of                       
                        11'' x 2\1/2\''    Jordan.                          
                        x 6''. Recd--                                       
                        June 23, 1993.                                      
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $650. Archive                                       
    President and      Six silk ties by   Her Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     First Lady.        Turkish designer   Tansu Ciller,     would cause    
                        ``Vakko''. Two     Prime Minister    embarrassment  
                        turquoise and      of the Republic   to donor and   
                        purple silk        of Turkey.        U.S.           
                        scarves. Recd--                      Government.    
                        October 15,                                         
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President and      (1) Two rugs in    His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     First Lady.        red and maroon;    Saparmurad        would cause    
                        one is a           Niyazov,          embarrassment  
                        portrait of the    President of      to donor and   
                        President, the     Turkmenistan.     U.S.           
                        other is a                           Government.    
                        portrait of the                                     
                        First Lady.                                         
                        Approx. 31'' x                                      
                        52''. (2) Woven                                     
                        handbag with red                                    
                        interior and                                        
                        string handle.                                      
                        Approx. 11'' x                                      
                        6''. (3)                                            
                        Hardcover book,                                     
                        Folk Art''.                                         
                        Recd--April 9,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President and      Five matted and    His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     First Lady.        framed limited     Albert            would cause    
                        edition            Reynolds, Prime   embarrassment  
                        reproductions of   Minister of       to donor and   
                        pages from the     Ireland.          U.S.           
                        ``Book of                            Government.    
                        Kells.'' Prints                                     
                        are inscribed to                                    
                        the President                                       
                        and First Lady,                                     
                        and dated March                                     
                        17, 1993.                                           
                        Approx. 29\1/                                       
                        2\'' x 37''                                         
                        each. Recd--                                        
                        August 24, 1993.                                    
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $500. Archive                                       
    President and      Contemporary       His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     First Lady.        wooden statue of   Juan Carlos       would cause    
                        an Indian from     Wasmosy,          embarrassment  
                        Paraguay. Recd--   President of      to donor and   
                        December 3,        the Republic of   U.S.           
                        1993. Est.         Paraguay.         Government.    
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    President and      (1) Two mauve and  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     First Lady.        green silk         Chuan Leekpai,    would cause    
                        robes. (2) Video   Prime Minister    embarrassment  
                        cassette about     of the Kingdom    to donor and   
                        Thailand. (3)      of Thailand.      U.S.           
                        Hardcover book,                      Government.    
                        Seven Days in                                       
                        the Kingdom.''                                      
                        9, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    Chelsea..........  (1) Wooden box,    The Right         Non-acceptance  
                        which depicts an   Honorable Brian   would cause    
                        image of a grey    Mulroney, Prime   embarrassment  
                        squirrel in an     Minister of       to donor and   
                        oak tree. (2)      Canada (and       U.S.           
                        Ten compact        Mrs. Mulroney).   Government.    
                        discs by various                                    
                        artists. Recd--                                     
                        June 2, 1993.                                       
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $570. Archive                                       
    First Family.....  Baluchi            The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
                        handiwork:         Mir Nabi Bakhsh   would cause    
                        suits, shawls,     Zehri, Senator,   embarrassment  
                        and handbags for   Zehri House,      to donor and   
                        the First Lady     Pakistan.         U.S.           
                        and Chelsea.                         Government.    
                        Recd--August 30,                                    
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    First Family.....  Native jewelry,    His Royal         Non-acceptance  
                        22k gold, a gift   Highness          would cause    
                        from the           Abdulaziz bin     embarrassment  
                        Prince's mother    Fahd Al-Saud,     to donor and   
                        (for Chelsea).     (Prince of the    U.S.           
                        Coffee service,    Kingdom of        Government.    
                        22k gold and       Saudi Arabia).                   
                        sterling silver                                     
                        with turquoise                                      
                        and emeralds,                                       
                        also from the                                       
                        Prince's mother                                     
                        (for the First                                      
                        Lady). Sterling                                     
                        silver letter                                       
                        opener that                                         
                        resembles a                                         
                        dagger (for the                                     
                        Presented in a                                      
                        suitcase. Recd--                                    
                        November 5,                                         
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    First Family.....  (1) Large          His Majesty       Non-acceptance  
                        goldfish bowl      Hassan II, King   would cause    
                        vase with an       of Morocco.       embarrassment  
                        oriental floral                      to donor and   
                        design and white                     U.S.           
                        background. (2)                      Government.    
                        Crystal scallop                                     
                        bowl, by                                            
                        Tiffany. Approx.                                    
                        14''. Recd--                                        
                        October 25,                                         
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    Dr. John H.        (1) Korean watch.  Dr. Shanghi       Non-acceptance  
     Gibbons,           (2) Set of gold    Rhee, Republic    would cause    
     Assistant to the   cuff links and a   of Korea.         embarrassment  
     President for      tie bar. (3)                         to donor and   
     Science and        Belt buckle.                         U.S.           
     Technology         Recd--November                       Government.    
     Policy.            10, 1993. Est.                                      
                        General Services                                    
    Robert D. Kyle,    Framed print,      His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Special            signed and dated   Juan Cassiers,    would cause    
     Assistant to the   by Miche           Ambassador,       embarrassment  
     President and      Stappers.          Embassy of        to donor and   
     Senior Director    Approx. 26'' x     Belgium.          U.S.           
     for                20''. Recd--                         Government.    
     International      September 24,                                       
     Trade, National    1993. Est.                                          
     Economic           Value--$250.                                        
     Council,           General Services                                    
     National           Administration.                                     
     Security Council.                                                      
    Anthony Lake,      (1) Leather case   His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Assistant to the   for addresses      Francois          would cause    
     President for      and telephone      Mitterand,        embarrassment  
     National           numbers. (2)       President of      to donor and   
     Security Affairs.  Leather            the French        U.S.           
                        portfolio. Recd--  Republic.         Government.    
                        March 10, 1993.                                     
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $400. General                                       
    Anthony Lake,      Four leather-      The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
     Assistant to the   bound volumes of   Teddy Kollek,     would cause    
     President for      ``The New          Mayor of the      embarrassment  
     National           Encyclopedia Of    City of           to donor and   
     Security Affairs.  Archaeological     Jerusalem,        U.S.           
                        Excavations in     Israel.           Government.    
                        the Holy Land.''                                    
                        3, 1993. Est.                                       
                        General Services                                    
    Anthony Lake,      Ancient miniature  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Assistant to the   clay urn, from     Yitzhak Rabin,    would cause    
     President for      Israel, dated to   Prime Minister    embarrassment  
     National           Roman period of    of Israel.        to donor and   
     Security Affairs.  1st-2nd century                      U.S.           
                        A.D. Recd--March                     Government.    
                        17, 1993. Est.                                      
                        General Services                                    
    Thomas F.          Leather briefcase  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     McLarty, Chief     from Longchamp,    Francois          would cause    
     Of Staff To The    Paris. Recd--      Mitterand,        embarrassment  
     President.         March 9, 1993.     President of      to donor and   
                        Est. Value--       the French        U.S.           
                        $425. General      Republic.         Government.    
                      Agency: Office of the Vice President                  
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
       Government        disposition or                                     
    Vice President...  Four round silver  General Tae-Joon  Non-acceptance  
                        lidded boxes,      Park Republic     would cause    
                        each decorated     of Korea.         embarrassment  
                        with different                       to donor and   
                        colored enamel                       U.S.           
                        (Korea--contempo                     Government.    
                        rary). Approx.                                      
                        4''. Presented                                      
                        in silk covered                                     
                        box. Recd--                                         
                        February 1,                                         
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    Vice President...  Carved slate       The Right         Non-acceptance  
                        figure depicting   Honorable Brian   would cause    
                        an eskimo ice      Mulroney Prime    embarrassment  
                        fisherman          Minister of       to donor and   
                        holding an ivory   Canada (and       U.S.           
                        spear (by          Mrs. Mulroney).   Government.    
                        Tookalak, 1991).                                    
                        Approx. 11\1/                                       
                        2\''. Recd--June                                    
                        2, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Vice President's                                    
                        Office: For                                         
                        Official Use.                                       
    Vice President...  (1) Leather        His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        covered box with   Francois          would cause    
                        marquetry panel    Mitterrand        embarrassment  
                        surrounded by a    President of      to donor and   
                        thin silver        the French        U.S.           
                        border, signed     Republic.         Government.    
                        Olivier Desombre                                    
                        orary). Approx.                                     
                        6'' x 4'' x 1''                                     
                        (2) Leather                                         
                        portfolio for                                       
                        legal pad, with                                     
                        marquetry panel                                     
                        having thin                                         
                        silver border,                                      
                        by Olivier                                          
                        orary). Approx.                                     
                        12\1/2\'' x 9''.                                    
                        Recd--March 9,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Vice President's                                    
                        Office: For                                         
                        Official Use.                                       
    Vice President...  Celadon vase with  Kim Young Sam     Non-acceptance  
                        incised design     President of      would cause    
                        depicting slip     the Republic of   embarrassment  
                        crane figures      Korea.            to donor and   
                        (Korea--late                         U.S.           
                        20th century).                       Government.    
                        Approx. 13''.                                       
                        23, 1993. Est.                                      
                        Residence: For                                      
                        Official Use.                                       
    Vice President...  (1) Red Bukhara    His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        rug. (2) Book:     Saparmurad        would cause    
                        ``Turkmenian       Niyazov           embarrassment  
                        Folk Art''. (3)    President of      to donor and   
                        Carpet Bag that    Turkmenistan.     U.S.           
                        matches rug.                         Government.    
                        Recd--April 9,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    Mrs. Gore........  18 karat gold      Her Royal         Non-acceptance  
                        brooch in the      Highness Queen    would cause    
                        shape of a leaf    Sirikit           embarrassment  
                        with engraved      Kitiyakara,       to donor and   
                        veining, mounted   Thailand.         U.S.           
                        with a beetle                        Government.    
                        having two tiny                                     
                        ruby eyes and                                       
                        enamelled wings                                     
                        set with 31                                         
                        round diamonds                                      
                        Recd--May 18,                                       
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
    Mrs. Gore........  (1) Teapot. (2)    Madame Soeharto   Non-acceptance  
                        Covered sugar      Wife of           would cause    
                        bowl. (3) Tray.    President of      embarrassment  
                        (4) Spoon. All     Indonesia.        to donor and   
                        of chased silver                     U.S.           
                        (Indonesia--20th                     Government.    
                        century). Mrs.                                      
                        Gore's Office:                                      
                        For Official                                        
                        Use. (5) Length                                     
                        of silk batik                                       
                        Residence: For                                      
                        Official Use.                                       
                        Recd: November                                      
                        20, 1993. Est.                                      
                        Value: $400.                                        
    Vice President     Seven multi-       His Majesty       Non-acceptance  
     and Mrs. Gore.     colored silk       Hussein I King    would cause    
                        pillow covers in   of Jordan (and    embarrassment  
                        various shapes,    Her Majesty       to donor and   
                        some with          Noor al Hussein.  U.S.           
                        tasseled corners                     Government.    
                        century). Recd--                                    
                        June 17, 1993.                                      
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $225. Archive                                       
    Vice President     (1) Black leather  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     and Mrs. Gore.     saddle with        Askar Akayev      would cause    
                        silver mounts      President of      embarrassment  
                        and bridle. (2)    the Republic of   to donor and   
                        Two whips. (3)     Kyrgyzstan.       U.S.           
                        Four saddle                          Government.    
                        blankets. (4)                                       
                        Woman's Russian                                     
                        Riding Costume:                                     
                        pink petticoat                                      
                        dress, red                                          
                        velvet robe with                                    
                        belt, and red                                       
                        hat with fur.                                       
                        (5) Man's                                           
                        Russian Riding                                      
                        Costume: black                                      
                        leather belt                                        
                        with silver                                         
                        mounts, black                                       
                        hat with fur,                                       
                        and black velvet                                    
                        robe. (Russian--                                    
                        late 20th                                           
                        century). Recd--                                    
                        December 13,                                        
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Archive Foreign.                                    
                              United States Senate                          
                  Report of Tangible Gifts--Calendar Year 1993              
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
    persons accepting   U.S. Government      Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    Bill Bradley,      Silk scarf. Rec'd  Yoshiro Hayashi,  Refusal would   
     U.S. Senator.      on May 14, 1993.   Minister of       likely cause   
                        Est. value:        Finance,          offense or     
                        $100. Deposited    Government of     embarrassment. 
                        with Secretary     Japan.                           
                        of the Senate.                                      
    Robert Dole, U.S.  Porcelain pot.     Stephen Martin,   Refusal would   
     Senator.           Rec'd on August    Speaker of the    likely cause   
                        4, 1993. Est.      Australian        offense or     
                        Value: $220.       House of          embarrassment. 
                        Deposited with     Representatives                  
                        Secretary of the   , Government of                  
                        Senate.            Australia.                       
    Robert Dole, U.S.  Mother-of-pearl    Yasser Arafat,    Refusal would   
     Senator.           box. Rec'd on      Chairman of the   likely cause   
                        September 14,      Palestine         offense or     
                        1993. Est.         Liberation        embarrassment. 
                        value: $250.       Organization.                    
                        Deposited with                                      
                        Secretary of the                                    
    George J.          Mother-of-pearl    Yasser Arafat,    Refusal would   
     Mitchell, U.S.     box. Rec'd on      Chairman of the   likely cause   
     Senator.           September 14,      Palestine         offense or     
                        1993. Est.         Liberation        embarrassment. 
                        value: $250.       Organization.                    
                        Deposited with                                      
                        Secretary of the                                    
                              United States Senate                          
           Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel--Calendar Year 1993       
                       Brief description                                    
                         and estimated                                      
    Name and title of   value of travel                                     
     person accepting      or travel                                        
     travel or travel  expenses accepted                                    
         expenses        as consistent       Identity of      Circumstances 
     consistent with        with the        foreign donor      justifying   
     the interests of   interests of the   and government      acceptance   
         the U.S.       U.S. Government                                     
        Government       and occurring                                      
                          outside the                                       
                         United States                                      
    Rich Arenberg,     Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Professional       within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Staff Member,      country.                                            
     Select Committee                                                       
     on Intelligence.                                                       
    Charles            Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Battaglia,         within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Professional       country.                                            
     Staff Member,                                                          
     Select Committee                                                       
     on Intelligence.                                                       
    Charles            Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Battaglia,         within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Professional       country.                                            
     Staff Member,                                                          
     Select Committee                                                       
     on Intelligence.                                                       
    Daniel Bob,        Meals within       Government of     Nonacceptance   
     Special            country, January   Japan.            would cause    
     Assistant to       13-15, 1993.                         donor          
     Senator Roth.                                           embarrassment. 
    David L. Boren,    Travel, meals and  Governments of    Nonacceptance   
     U.S. Senator.      lodging within     Jordan and Iraq.  would cause    
                        country,                             donor          
                        November 13-14,                      embarrassment. 
    Hank Brown, U.S.   Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
     Senator.           within country,    Pakistan.         would cause    
                        December 14,                         donor          
                        1993.                                embarrassment. 
    Hank Brown.......  Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
                        within country,    Kuwait.           would cause    
                        December 16-17,                      donor          
                        1993.                                embarrassment. 
    Non Brown, Spouse  Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
     of Senator Brown.  within country,    Kuwait.           would cause    
                        December 16-17,                      donor          
                        1993.                                embarrassment. 
    Nan Brown........  Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
                        within country,    Pakistan.         would cause    
                        December 14,                         donor          
                        1993.                                embarassment.  
    Tim Carlsgaard,    Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Deputy Staff       within host        1754(b).          1754(b)        
     Director, Select   country.                                            
     Committee on                                                           
    Nancy Carkci,      Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Executive          within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Assistant to       country.                                            
    Thad Cochran,      Transportation     Government of     22 U.S.C.       
     U.S. Senator.      within country,    Pakistan.         1754(b)        
                        December 14,                                        
    Thad Cochran,      Transportation     Government of     22 U.S.C.       
     U.S. Senator.      within Country,    Kuwait.           1754(b)        
                        December 16-17,                                     
    Rose Cochran,      Transportation     Government of     22 U.S.C.       
     Spouse of          within Country,    Kuwait.           1754(b).       
     Senator Chran.     December 16-17,                                     
    Rose Cochran,      Transportation     Government of     22 U.S.C.       
     Spouse of          within country,    Pakistan.         1754(b).       
     Senator Cochran.   December 14,                                        
    Al Cumming,        Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Professional       within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Staff Member,      country.                                            
     Select Committee                                                       
     on Intelligence.                                                       
    Dennis DeConcini,  Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     U.S. Senator.      within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
    Bob Graham, U.S.   Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Senator.           within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
    Adele Graham,      Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Spouse of          within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Senator Graham.    country.                                            
    Charles E.         Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Grassley, U.S.     within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Senator.           country.                                            
    Barbara Grassley,  Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Spouse of          within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Senator Grassley.  country.                                            
    Mary Hawkins,      Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Legislative        within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Director for       country.                                            
    Laurie Schultz     Travel, meals and  Government of     Nonacceptance   
     Heim, Senior       lodging within     Russia.           would cause    
     Legislative        country, May 22-                     donor          
     Assistant to       June 8, 1993.                        embarassment.  
     Senator Jeffords.                                                      
    Suzanne C.         Meals and lodging  Government of     Nonacceptance   
     Hildick,           within country,    Germany.          would cause    
     Legislative        October 3-9,                         donor          
     Director to        1993.                                embarrassment. 
     Senator Hatfield.                                                      
    Robert McArthur,   Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
     Legislative        within country,    Pakistan.         would cause    
     Assistant to       December 14,                         donor          
     Senator Cochran.   1993.                                embarrassment. 
    Robert McArthur..  Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
                        within country,    Kuwait.           would cause    
                        December 16-17,                      donor          
                        1993.                                embarrassment. 
    Larry Pressler,    Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
     U.S. Senator.      within country     Pakistan.         would cause    
                        December 14,                         donor          
                        1993.                                embarrassment. 
    Larry Pressler,    Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
     U.S. Senator.      within country     Kuwait.           would cause    
                        December 16-17,                      donor          
                        1993.                                embarrassment. 
    William V. Roth,   Meals within       Government of     Nonacceptance   
     Jr., U.S.          country, Janaury   Japan.            would cause    
     Senator.           14-15, 1993.                         donor          
    Anne Smith,        Travel, meals and  Government of     Nonacceptance   
     Professional       lodging within     Russia.           would cause    
     Staff Member to    country, May 21-                     donor          
     Committee on       June 6, 1993.                        embarrassment. 
    Brit Snider,       Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Professional       within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Staff Member       country.                                            
     Select Committee                                                       
     on Intelligence.                                                       
    Arlen Specter,     Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     U.S. Senator.      within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
    Joahn Specter,     Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     Spouse of          within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Senator Specter.   country.                                            
    Chris Straub,      Transportation     22 U.S.C.         22 U.S.C.       
     professional       within host        1754(b).          1754(b).       
     Staff Member,      country.                                            
     Select Committee                                                       
     on Intelligence.                                                       
    William Triplett,  Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
     Legislative        within country,    Pakistan.         would cause    
     Counsel to         December 14,                         donor          
     Senator Pressler.  1993.                                embarrassement 
    William Triplett.  Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
                        within country,    Kuwait.           would cause    
                        December 16-17,                      donor          
                        1993.                                embarrassment. 
    Sally Walsh,       Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
     Deputy Director,   within country,    Kuwait.           would cause    
     Office of          December 16-17,                      donor          
     Interparliamenta   1993.                                embarrassment. 
     ry Services.                                                           
    Sally Walsh......  Transportation     Government of     Nonacceptance   
                        within country,    Pakistan.         would cause    
                        December 14,                         donor          
                        1993.                                embarrassment. 
    Dan Webber, Press  Travel, meals and  Governments of    Nonacceptance   
     Secretary to       lodging within     Jordan and Iraq.  would cause    
     Senator Boren.     country,                             donor          
                        November 13-14,                      embarrassment. 
                      Agency: U.S. House of Representatives                 
                     Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel                 
                       Brief description                                    
                         and estimated                                      
    Name and title of   value of travel                                     
     person accepting      or travel                                        
     travel or travel  expenses accepted                                    
         expenses        as consistent       Identity of      Circumstances 
     consistent with        with the        foreign donor      justifying   
     the interests of   interests of the   and government      acceptance   
         the U.S.       U.S. Government                                     
        Government       and occurring                                      
                          outside the                                       
                         United States                                      
    Thomas J. Bliley,  Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Member of          transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Congress.          between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    John D. Dingell,   Round trip ground  Societe National  Authorized by 5 
     Member of          transportation     De Chemin de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Congress.          between Paris      Fers              7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Barney Frank,      One night lodging  Republic of Cape  Authorized by 5 
     Member of          in Praia, Cape     Verde.            U.S.C. Sec.    
     Congress.          Verde, Sept. 2,                      7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        1993; one                            i).            
                        night's lodging                                     
                        in Sal, Cape                                        
                        Verde, Sept. 3,                                     
    Barney Frank,      3 nights lodging   Regional          Authorized by 5 
     Member of          in Azores,         Government of     U.S.C. Sec.    
     Congress.          Portugal, August   Azores.           7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        18-20, 1993.                         i).            
    Paul E. Gillmor,   Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Member of          transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Congress.          between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Thomas J. Manton,  Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Member of          transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Congress.          between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Edward J. Markey,  Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Member of          transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Congress.          between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Carlos J.          Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Moorhead, Member   transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     of Congress.       between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Michael G. Oxley,  Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Member of          transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Congress.          between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Al Swift, Member   Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     of Congress.       transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
                        between Paris      Chemin de Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Edolphus Towns,    Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Member of          transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Congress.          between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Craig A.           Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Washington,        transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Member of          between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     Congress.          and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Sharon E. Davis,   Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Committee on       transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Energy and         between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     Commerce.          and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Margaret A.        Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Dubin, Committee   transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     on Energy and      between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     Commerce.          and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Arthur Endres,     Ground             Danish State      Authorized by 5 
     Subcommittee on    transportation     Railways,         U.S.C. Sec.    
     Transportation     from Denmark to    German Federal    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     and hazardous      Germany, Germany   Railways,         i).            
     Materials.         to France and      French National                  
                        round trip from    Railways and                     
                        Madrid to /from    Spanish                          
                        Cordoba, Spain,    National                         
                        May 28--June 4,    Railway.                         
    Dennis B.          Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Fitzgibbons,       transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Committee on       between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     Energy and         and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
     Commerce.          des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Enere H. Levi,     Food, lodging and  People's          Authorized by 5 
     Committee on       transportation     Republic of       U.S.C. Sec.    
     Foreign Affairs.   from Beijing to    China.            7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        Chengdu; Chengdu                     i).            
                        to Guangzhou;                                       
                        boat travel from                                    
                        Zuhai to Hong                                       
                        Kong, April 3-                                      
                        18, 1993.                                           
    Thomas C.          Food, lodging,     Bundestag/Bundes  Authorized by 5 
     Montgomery,        air and bus        rat of the FRG.   U.S.C. Sec.    
     Committee on       transportation                       7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     Energy and         within Germany,                      i).            
     Commerce.          April 25--May 7,                                    
    Eric Niles,        Ground             Danish State      Authorized by 5 
     Subcommittee on    transportation     Railways,         U.S.C. Sec.    
     Transportation     from Denmark to    German Federal    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     and Hazardous      Germany, from      Railways,         i).            
     Materials.         Germany to         French National                  
                        France and round   Railways and                     
                        trip from          Spanish                          
                        Mardrid to/from    National                         
                        Cordoba, Spain,    Railway.                         
                        May 28--June 4,                                     
    Karl Rhoads, Rep.  Food, lodging and  Russian           Authorized by 5 
     Eliot L. Engel.    transportation     Parliament.       U.S.C. Sec.    
                        within Moscow;                       7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        transportation                       i).            
                        to and from                                         
                        Sergeev Posad,                                      
                        May 21--June                                        
    Alan J. Roth,      Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Committee on       transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Energy and         between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     Commerce.          and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Donald Shriber,    Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Committee on       transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Energy and         between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     Commerce.          and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
                        des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    David g.           Round trip ground  Societe           Authorized by 5 
     Tittsworth,        transportation     Nationale de      U.S.C. Sec.    
     Committee on       between Paris      Chemin De Fers    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     Energy and         and St. Pierre     (Government of    i).            
     Commerce.          des Corps and      France).                         
                        between St.                                         
                        Pierre des Corps                                    
                        and Vouvray, and                                    
                        food for Member                                     
                        and Spouse,                                         
                        April 10, 1993.                                     
    Lucien E.          Food, lodging to   Guinea..........  Authorized by 5 
     Blackwell,         guinea, 12/12-17/                    U.S.C. Sec.    
     Member of          92.                                  7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     Congress.                                               i).            
    Corlis Clemonts-   Food, lodging to   Guinea..........  Authorized by 5 
     James, Rep.        Guinea, 12/12-17/                    U.S.C. Sec.    
     Lucien E.          92.                                  7342(c)(1)(B)(i
     Blackwell.                                              i).            
    Karl Rhoads, Rep.  Helicopter tour,   Hong Kong         Authorized by 5 
     Eliot Engel.       car between        Economic and      U.S.C. Sec.    
                        airport, hotel     Trade Affairs.    7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                        and meetings, 4/                     i).            
    Tomie St. Hill,    food, lodging to   Guinea..........  Authorized by 5 
     Rep. Lucien        Guinea, 12/1217/                     U.S.C. Sec.    
     Blackwell.         92.                                  7342(c)(1)(B)(i
                 Agency: United States Department of Agriculture            
                     Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel                 
                       Brief description                                    
                         and estimated                                      
    Name and title of   value of travel                                     
     person accepting      or travel                                        
     travel or travel  expenses accepted                                    
         expenses        as consistent       Identity of      Circumstances 
     consistent with        with the        foreign donor      justifying   
     the interests of   interests of the   and government      acceptance   
         the U.S.       U.S. Government                                     
        Government       and occurring                                      
                          outside the                                       
                         United States                                      
    Gene Namkoong,     Trip to Chiang     Asian-Canadian    Attend meeting  
     Research           Mai Thailand,      International     at request of  
     Geneticist,        June 6, 1993,      Development       donor agency.  
     Forest Service,    $2,900 (Travel,    Agency.                          
     British            Hotel & Meals).                                     
     Columbia, Canada.                                                      
    Gene Namkoong,     Trip to Toronto,   Ministry of       Attend meeting  
     Research           Canada, November   Equipment,        at request of  
     Geneticist,        18, 1993, $1,200   Canada.           donor agency.  
     Forest Service,    (Travel, Hotel &                                    
     British            Meals).                                             
     Columbia, Canada.                                                      
                 Agency: United States Department of Agriculture            
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    Carol House,       Mupid-2 Mini Gel   Dr. Y.L. Lin,     Gift delivered  
     Microbiologist,    electrophoresis    Taiwan,           following      
     Veterinary         system (2 sets);   Republic of       departure of   
     Service,           Recd--September    China, Staff      donor from the 
     National           3, 1993. Est.      member of the     United States. 
     Veterinary         Value--$500.       Provincial        Non-acceptance 
     Service            Current            Research          would have     
     Laboratory,        disposition:       Institute for     caused         
     Foreign Animal     Equipment has      Animal Health,    embarrassment  
     Disease            been added to      Republic of       to the donor.  
     Diagnostic         the inventory of   China.                           
     Laboratory,        the Foreign                                         
     Animal and Plant   Animal Disease                                      
     Health             Diagnostic                                          
     Inspection         Laboratory, Plum                                    
     Service.           Island, NY.                                         
                       Agency: Department of the Air Force                  
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of  estimateed value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
       Government        disposition or                                     
    Captain Louis      Dragon-crested     Major Kiyama,     Non-acceptance  
     Foehrkolb,         Samurai warrior    Chief of          would have     
     Chief, Fuels       helmet in glass    Supply, Japan     caused         
     Management         case. Recd--       Air Self          embarrassment  
     Flight, 374th      September 12,      Defense Forces,   to donor and   
     Supply Squadron,   1993. Est.         Iruma Air Base,   U.S.           
     Yokota Air Base,   Value--$400.00.    Japan.            Government.    
     Japan.             On official                                         
                        display in the                                      
                        Fuels Conference                                    
                        Room, Building                                      
                        4137, Yokota Air                                    
                        Base, Japan.                                        
    Major General      Gold ceremonial    Colonel Saber Al- Non-acceptance  
     George B.          sword. Recd--      Sawedan, Chief    would have     
     Harrison,          July 11, 1993.     of Staff,         caused         
     Commander, Air     Est. Value--       Kuwait Air        embarrassment  
     Warfare Center,    $300.00. Being     Force.            to donor and   
     Eglin Air Force    held at HQ Air                       U.S.           
     Base, Florida.     Force Military                       Government.    
                        Recognition and                                     
                        Special Programs                                    
                        Randolph Air                                        
                        Force Base,                                         
                        Texas, pending                                      
                        instructions for                                    
                        turn-in to GSA.                                     
    General Merrill    Pakistani rug      Air Chief         Non-acceptance  
     A. McPeak, Chief   with Pakistan      Marshall Farooq   would have     
     of Staff, United   Air Force Seal.    Khan, Chief of    caused         
     States Air Force.  Recd--November     Staff, Pakistan   embarrassment  
                        13, 1994. Est.     Air Force.        to donor and   
                        Value--$450.00.                      U.S.           
                        On official                          Government.    
                        display at Air                                      
                        House, the                                          
                        residence of                                        
                        General and Mrs.                                    
    General Merrill    Pakistani rug      General Waheed,   Non-acceptance  
     A. McPeak, Chief   with white         Chief of the      would have     
     of Staff, United   border (green/     Army Staff of     caused         
     States Air Force.  copper tint).      Pakistan.         embarrassment  
                        Recd--November                       to donor and   
                        15, 1993. Est.                       U.S.           
                        Value--$350.00.                      Government.    
                        On official                                         
                        display at Air                                      
                        House, the                                          
                        residence of                                        
                        General and Mrs.                                    
    General and Mrs.   Gold bracelet.     Air Chief         Non-acceptance  
     Merrill A.         Recd--November     Marshall Farooq   would have     
     McPeak, Chief of   10, 1993. Est.     Khan, Chief of    caused         
     Staff, United      Value--$550.00.    Staff, Pakistan   embarrassment  
     States Air Force.  Being held in      Air Force.        to donor and   
                        the office of                        U.S.           
                        the Chief of                         Government.    
                        Staff, Room                                         
                        4E925, the                                          
                        D.C., pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA                                     
                        for disposition.                                    
                        General and Mrs.                                    
                        McPeak do not                                       
                        desire to                                           
                        participate in                                      
    General Henry      Oriental Rug.      Lt. General       Non-acceptance  
     Viccellio, Jr.,    Recd--October      Ahmed Behery,     would have     
     Commander, Air     26, 1993. Est.     Commander,        caused         
     Education and      Value--$450.00.    Royal Saudi Air   embarrassment  
     Training           On official        Force.            to donor and   
     Command,           display in the                       U.S.           
     Randolph Air       Air Education                        Government.    
     Force Base,        and Training                                        
     Texas.             Commander's                                         
                        Randolph Air                                        
                        Force Base,                                         
                Agency: U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency            
                     Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel                 
                       Brief description                                    
                         and estimated                                      
    Name and title of   value of travel                                     
     person accepting      or travel                                        
     travel or travel  expenses accepted                                    
         expenses        as consistent       Identity of      Circumstances 
     consistent with        with the        foreign donor      justifying   
     the interests of   interests of the   and government      acceptance   
         the U.S.       U.S. Government                                     
       Government        and occurring                                      
                          outside the                                       
                         United States                                      
    Amb. Stephen J.    Recd.--June 15,    Gov't of Norway.  To attend the   
     Ledogar, U.S.      1993. Est.                           25th           
     Representative     Value--$1700.                        Anniversary of 
     to the             Expended for                         NORSAR along   
     Conference on      airfare and                          with other CD  
     Disarmament,       hotel.                               Ambassadors    
     Geneva,                                                 from Geneva in 
     Switzerland.                                            Oslo.          
                         Agency: Department of the Army                     
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
       Government        disposition or                                     
    LTG Johnnie H.     Strand of Pearls.  GEN Atsushi       Non-acceptance  
     Corns,             Recd--September    Shima, Chief of   would have     
     Commander, U.S.    1991. Est.         Staff, Japanese   caused         
     Army, Pacific,     Value--$375.00.    Ground Self-      embarrassment  
     Fort Shafter, HI   Reported to GSA    Defense Forces.   to donor.      
     96858.             March 24, 1993.                                     
                        Pending transfer                                    
                        to GSA.                                             
    LTG James R.       One Pakistani Rug  GEN Asif Nawaz,   Non-acceptance  
     Ellis,             (3' x 5'7'').      Pakistan Chief    would have     
     Commander, U.S.    Recd--October      of Staff.         caused         
     Army Forces        21, 1992. Est.                       embarrassment  
     Command, Fort      Value--$381.66.                      to donor.      
     McPherson, GA      Reported to GSA                                     
     30330.             March 24, 1993.                                     
                        Sold to donee                                       
                        August 23, 1993.                                    
    GEN David M.       One                Mr. Joseph Zorn,  Non-acceptance  
     Maddox,            Impressionistic    President of      would have     
     Commander in       Print (Serial      the German-       caused         
     Chief, U.S.        number 82/850).    American          embarrassment  
     Army, Europe,      Recd--October 4,   Friendship        to U.S.        
     and Seventh        1993. Est.         Council.          Government.    
     Army, APO AE       Value--$500.00.                                     
     09014.             Will be reported                                    
                        to GSA. Approved                                    
                        for official                                        
    COL Robert E.      Two ``Dragon''     Mr. Jeung Park,   Non-acceptance  
     Pilnacek, Public   Paintings. Recd--  Korean Artist.    would have     
     Affairs Officer,   February 2,                          caused         
     U.S. Forces,       1993. Est.                           embarrassment  
     Korea, APO AP      Value--$6,000.00                     to donor.      
     96205.             . Will be                                           
                        reported to GSA.                                    
                        Approved for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    GEN J. M.          Ceramic Vase       GEN Dimitrios     Non-acceptance  
     Shalikasvilli,     (circa 300         Skarvelis,        would have     
     Chairman, Joint    B.C.). Recd--      Chief, Hellenic   caused         
     Chiefs of Staff,   July 19, 1993.     National          embarrassment  
     Washington, DC     Est. Value--       Defense General   to donor.      
     20318.             Unknown. Will be   Staff.                           
                        reported to GSA.                                    
                        Approved for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    MG J. B. Taylor,   18K Gold Women's   Prince Mitib bin  Non-acceptance  
     Deputy             Wrist Watch with   Abdullah,         would have     
     Commander, U.S.    Diamond and an     Deputy Chief of   caused         
     Army Forces        ``Elie Bleu.''     Military          embarrassment  
     Central Command,   Burl Wood, Cigar   Organization of   to donor.      
     Fort McPherson,    Humidor. Est.      the Saudi                        
     GA 30330.          Value--$4,440.00   Arabian                          
                        . Will be          National Guard.                  
                        reported to GSA.                                    
                        Approved for                                        
                        official use.                                       
                       Agency: Central Intelligence Agency                  
                         Report of Tangible Gifts--1993                     
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    R. James Woolsey,  Middle Eastern     5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          pottery ewer,      7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            circa 1st                            caused         
     Intelligence.      Century B.C.--                       embarrassment  
                        2nd Century A.D.                     to donor and   
                        The bulbous body                     U.S.           
                        with tapered                         Government.    
                        base and strap                                      
                        continuing to                                       
                        cylindrical neck                                    
                        with flared rim.                                    
                        H: 4 inches.                                        
                        Rec'd.--15 Mar                                      
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $500.00 (Subject                                    
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Lladro figure of   5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          Don Quixote.       7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            Seated and                           caused         
     Intelligence.      holding a sword.                     embarrassment  
                        Blue printed                         to donor and   
                        factory mark                         U.S.           
                        impressed number                     Government.    
                        53/57. H: 8\1/2\                                    
                        inches. Rec'd.--                                    
                        28 Apr 93. Est.                                     
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Semi-precious      5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          stone and          7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            enameled silver                      caused         
     Intelligence.      metal dagger.                        embarrassment  
                        With horn handle                     to donor and   
                        and braided                          U.S.           
                        white silk cord.                     Government.    
                        In fitted case.                                     
                        L: overall 17\1/                                    
                        4\ inches.                                          
                        Rec'd.--19 Apr                                      
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $300.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    R. James Woolsey,  Pewter equestrian  5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          sculpture of       7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            Cavalryman                           caused         
     Intelligence.      Jumping a Fallen                     embarrassment  
                        Horse. On                            to donor and   
                        mottled brownish-                    U.S.           
                        gray base. H: of                     Government.    
                        figure 5\1/2\                                       
                        inches. Rec'd.--                                    
                        4 May 93. Est.                                      
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Gray reptile       5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          pocketbook with    7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            magnetic clasp;                      caused         
     Intelligence.      together with                        embarrassment  
                        shoulder strap.                      to donor and   
                        L: 10\1/2\                           U.S.           
                        inches. Rec'd.--                     Government.    
                        11 Apr 93. Est.                                     
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Middle Eastern     5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          terra-cotta tile   7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            shard. Mounted                       caused         
     Intelligence.      on aqua-blue                         embarrassment  
                        velvet and olive                     to donor and   
                        wood slanting                        U.S.           
                        stand. L: of                         Government.    
                        shard 4\3/4\                                        
                        inches. Rec'd.--                                    
                        9 Apr 93. Est.                                      
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Framed color       5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          print. Offset      7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            color print,                         caused         
     Intelligence.      framed. 29 x                         embarrassment  
                        13\1/2\ inches.                      to donor and   
                        Rec'd.--8 Apr                        U.S.           
                        93. Est. value--                     Government.    
                        $350.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    R. James Woolsey,  Partial gilt       5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          sterling relief    7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            sculpture                            caused         
     Intelligence.      mounted on                           embarrassment  
                        mottled cream-                       to donor and   
                        rouge marble                         U.S.           
                        base. L: of                          Government.    
                        sculpture 6\1/4\                                    
                        inches. Rec'd.--                                    
                        8 Apr 93. Est.                                      
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Middle Eastern     5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          Terra-cotta        7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            ewer, circa 1st                      caused         
     Intelligence.      Century B.C.--                       embarrassment  
                        2nd Century A.D.                     to donor and   
                        The slightly                         U.S.           
                        bulbous body                         Government.    
                        with tapered                                        
                        base and strap                                      
                        continuing to                                       
                        cylindrical neck                                    
                        with flared rim.                                    
                        H: 6 inches.                                        
                        Rec'd.--7 Apr                                       
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $750.00 (Subject                                    
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Middle Eastern     5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          woven rug. 86  x   7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central             67 inches.                          caused         
     Intelligence.      Three panels                         embarrassment  
                        sewn together                        to donor and   
                        and woven with                       U.S.           
                        horizontal                           Government.    
                        designs worked                                      
                        in blues,                                           
                        yellows, and                                        
                        reds, with                                          
                        tasseled edges.                                     
                        Rec'd.--6 Apr                                       
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $750.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    R. James Woolsey,  Parquetry mother-  5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          of-pearl coffee    7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            set. Consisting                      caused         
     Intelligence.      of ewer and six                      embarrassment  
                        mother-of-pearl                      to donor and   
                        mounted                              U.S.           
                        porcelain                            Government.    
                        handleless cups,                                    
                        in fitted case.                                     
                        H: of coffee pot                                    
                        13\1/4\ inches                                      
                        including twist-                                    
                        off finial.                                         
                        Rec'd.--18 Jun                                      
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $500.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    R. James Woolsey,  Parcel gilt        5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          silver and         7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            malachite                            caused         
     Intelligence.      incense burner.                      embarrassment  
                        The square                           to donor and   
                        tapered body                         U.S.           
                        with raised and                      Government.    
                        chased leafage                                      
                        decoration on                                       
                        gilt ground                                         
                        centering a                                         
                        round malachite                                     
                        enclosing a                                         
                        pierced lid, and                                    
                        raised on a                                         
                        malachite round                                     
                        stepped standard                                    
                        with parcel gilt                                    
                        bulbous collar.                                     
                        800 standard                                        
                        mark. H: 12\1/4\                                    
                        inches. Rec'd.--                                    
                        12 Apr 93. Est.                                     
                        . To be retained                                    
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Silver footed      5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          bowl,              7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            chrysanthemum-                       caused         
     Intelligence.      form with round                      embarrassment  
                        flared lobed                         to donor and   
                        shallow body,                        U.S.           
                        and raised on                        Government.    
                        three cast                                          
                        leafage scroll                                      
                        feet. D: 9\5/8\                                     
                        inches. Wt. 12                                      
                        oz. Rec'd.--11                                      
                        Apr 93. Est.                                        
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Engraved silver    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          charger. Round     7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            with scalloped                       caused         
     Intelligence.      border; the                          embarrassment  
                        central ground                       to donor and   
                        engraved with                        U.S.           
                        scenes within an                     Government.    
                        engraved lotus                                      
                        border. D: 11\7/                                    
                        8\ inches. Wt.                                      
                        18 oz. Rec'd.--                                     
                        11 Apr 93. Est.                                     
                        . To be retained                                    
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Pair of            5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          repousse.1         7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            silver covered                       caused         
     Intelligence.      urns. Each                           embarrassment  
                        bulbous body                         to donor and   
                        with repousse.1                      U.S.           
                        and chased                           Government.    
                        leafage banding                                     
                        continuing to a                                     
                        flared rim with                                     
                        removable domed                                     
                        lid and urn                                         
                        finial. H: 8\1/                                     
                        2\ inches. Total                                    
                        approximately 20                                    
                        oz. Rec'd.--11                                      
                        Apr 93. Est.                                        
                        . To be retained                                    
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Middle Eastern     5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          rug. 8 feet  x     7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            5.8 feet. Beige                      caused         
     Intelligence.      ground with                          embarrassment  
                        geometric floral                     to donor and   
                        medallions                           U.S.           
                        worked in shaded                     Government.    
                        brown and                                           
                        beiges, and                                         
                        leafage guard                                       
                        border. Note:                                       
                        some staining to                                    
                        middle. Rec'd.--                                    
                        12 Jul 93. Est.                                     
                        . To be retained                                    
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Blue enameled      5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          cultured pearl     7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            and turquoise                        caused         
     Intelligence.      mounted gilt                         embarrassment  
                        silver                               to donor and   
                        presentation                         U.S.           
                        dagger. The                          Government.    
                        tapered sheath                                      
                        with blue                                           
                        leafage enameled                                    
                        panel within a                                      
                        chased leafage                                      
                        gilt silver                                         
                        border; the                                         
                        scrolling vine                                      
                        hilt, set with                                      
                        four cultured                                       
                        pearls (each                                        
                        4mm), an                                            
                        octagonal handle                                    
                        with pommel set                                     
                        with round                                          
                        9m. In blue                                         
                        velvet lined                                        
                        fitted case.                                        
                        Rec'd.--3 Jun                                       
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $1,500.00. To be                                    
                        retained for                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Pistol, .58        5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          caliber            7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            flintlock                            caused         
     Intelligence.      replica. The                         embarrassment  
                        barrel having                        to donor and   
                        engraved                             U.S.           
                        presentation                         Government.    
                        with steel                                          
                        mechanism and                                       
                        brass finger                                        
                        guard; the                                          
                        walnut stock                                        
                        inlaid with                                         
                        brass scrolling                                     
                        vines; together                                     
                        with removable                                      
                        ram-rod. In                                         
                        fitted case. L:                                     
                        overall 16                                          
                        inches. Rec'd.--                                    
                        2 Jun 93. Est.                                      
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Pistol, .50        5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          caliber replica    7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            cap n'ball                           caused         
     Intelligence.      cased. The                           embarrassment  
                        chrome plated                        to donor and   
                        barrel with                          U.S.           
                        chrome plated                        Government.    
                        cap and ball                                        
                        mechanism and                                       
                        finger guard, on                                    
                        carved fruitwood                                    
                        stock. In fitted                                    
                        walnut case with                                    
                        accessories. L:                                     
                        of pistol 15\1/                                     
                        2\ inches Rec'd.-                                   
                        31 May 93. Est.                                     
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Repousse.1 silver  5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          footed oval        7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            shallow bowl,                        caused         
     Intelligence.      contemporary.                        embarrassment  
                        Within a floral                      to donor and   
                        leafage                              U.S.           
                        repousse.1                           Government.    
                        border and                                          
                        scalloped rim,                                      
                        and raised on                                       
                        four cast                                           
                        leafage feet. L:                                    
                        14 inches. Wt.                                      
                        22 oz. Rec'd.--                                     
                        16 Aug 93. Est.                                     
                        . To be retained                                    
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Gold and           5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          polychromed        7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            brocaded silk                        caused         
     Intelligence.      panel.                               embrassment to 
                        Rectangular with                     donor and U.S. 
                        circular                             Government.    
                        vignettes worked                                    
                        in polychrome                                       
                        and gilt with                                       
                        flowers and                                         
                        leaves against a                                    
                        lattice ground                                      
                        with tasseled                                       
                        fringe. 21  x                                       
                        12\1/2\ inches.                                     
                        Rec'd.--6 Aug.                                      
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $250.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Relief pewter      5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          plaque; verso      7342(f)(4).       woul dhave     
     Central            with cast                            caused         
     Intelligence.      calligraqphy                         embarrassment  
                        panel in                             to donor and   
                        hardwood trestle                     U.S.           
                        stand. H:                            Government.    
                        overall 13\1/4\                                     
                        inches. W: of                                       
                        plaque 7\1/8\                                       
                        inches. Rec'd.-                                     
                        22 Sep 93. Est.                                     
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Photographic       5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          applied silver     7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            mounted burlwood                     caused         
     Intelligence.      box, Rectangular                     embarrassment  
                        with hinged lid                      to donor and   
                        fitted with                          U.S.           
                        silver plaque                        Government.    
                        with photo-                                         
                        engraved scene.                                     
                        L: 9; W: 7                                          
                        inches. Rec'd.--                                    
                        25 Oct 93. Est.                                     
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    R. James Woolsey,  Cut crystal urn.   5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          Maker, Atlantis.   7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            H: 8 inches.                         caused         
     Intelligence.      Rec'd.--9 Dec                        embarrassment  
                        93. Est. value--                     to donor and   
                        $500.00. To be                       U.S.           
                        retained for                         Government.    
                        official display.                                   
    R. James Woolsey,  Silver box. The    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Director,          bulbous body and   7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            hinged lid with                      caused         
     Intelligence.      engine turned                        embarrassment  
                        ground, and                          to donor and   
                        raised on three                      U.S.           
                        cast C-scroll                        Government.    
                        feet. D: 5\1/2\                                     
                        inches. Weight                                      
                        13\1/2\ oz.                                         
                        Rec'd.--22 Dec                                      
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $600.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Admiral W.O.       Lithograph         5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Studeman, USN,     printed in         7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Deputy Director,   colors. Signed                       caused         
     Central            in pencil and                        embarrassment  
     Intelligence.      titled in pencil                     to donor and   
                        indistinctly.                        U.S.           
                        Edition IV/XXXV.                     Government.    
                        Framed 9  x                                         
                        13\1/4\ inches.                                     
                        Rec'd.--9 Feb                                       
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $250.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Admiral W.O.       Silver covered     5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Studeman, USN,     bowl. The round    7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Deputy Director,   body with chased                     caused         
     Central            palmette banding                     embarrassment  
     Intelligence.      and removable                        to donor and   
                        domed lid with                       U.S.           
                        complementary                        Government.    
                        banding and                                         
                        blossom finial.                                     
                        900 standard                                        
                        mark. In red                                        
                        velvet fitted                                       
                        case. H: 5                                          
                        inches. Wt. 11                                      
                        oz. Rec'd.--19                                      
                        Mar 93. Est.                                        
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    Admiral W.O.       Chrome and gilt    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Studeman, USN,     metal dress        7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Deputy Director,   sword with                           caused         
     Central            engraved blade.                      embarrassment  
     Intelligence.      With repouse.1                       to donor and   
                        brass eagle head                     U.S.           
                        hilt and chrone                      Government.    
                        sheath. In green                                    
                        velvet lined                                        
                        case. L: overall                                    
                        39 inches.                                          
                        Rec'd.--26 Mar                                      
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $500.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Admiral W.O.       Brass mounted      5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Studeman, USN,     black leather      7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Deputy Director,   presentation                         caused         
     Central            naval sword.                         embarrassment  
     Intelligence.      With brass                           to donor and   
                        mounted black                        U.S.           
                        leather hilt and                     Government.    
                        applied naval                                       
                        insignia; the                                       
                        sheath with                                         
                        plaque. L:                                          
                        overall 39                                          
                        inches. Rec'd.--                                    
                        21 May 93. Est.                                     
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    Agency Employee..  Doll in glass      5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        case. Case         7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        dimensions: 20                       caused         
                        x  12  x  15                         embarrassment  
                        inches. NOT                          to donor and   
                        APPRAISED--In                        U.S.           
                        the field.                           Government.    
                        Rec'd.--20 Mar                                      
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $250.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  RADO Wristwatch.   5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        Stainless steel    7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        & gold plate                         caused         
                        band/case. NOT                       embarrassment  
                        APPRAISED--In                        to donor and   
                        the field.                           U.S.           
                        Rec'd.--19 Mar                       Government.    
                        93. Est. value--                                    
                        $1,500.00. To be                                    
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  Breitling Diving   5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        Watch. NOT         7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        APPRAISED--In                        caused         
                        the field.                           embarrassment  
                        Rec'd.--15 Jan                       to donor and   
                        93. Est. value--                     U.S.           
                        $1,600.00. To be                     Government.    
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
                       Agency: Central Intelligence Agency                  
             Report of Tangible Gifts--1993 (Received Prior to `93)         
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    Agency Employee..  Axumite Style      5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        unmarked yellow    7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        gold cross.                          caused         
                        Cruciform,                           embarrassment  
                        enclosing                            to donor and   
                        interlocking                         U.S.           
                        geometric                            Government.    
                        circles with                                        
                        hinged pendant.                                     
                        inches. Rec'd--                                     
                        24 Dec 91. Est.                                     
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    Agency Employee..  Laibella Style     5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        750 (18 karat)     7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        yellow gold                          caused         
                        pendant cross.                       embarrassment  
                        Concentric form,                     to donor and   
                        enclosing chased                     U.S.           
                        diamond reserves                     Government.    
                        and central                                         
                        spear, with                                         
                        pendant for                                         
                        hanging. L:2-1/8                                    
                        inches. Rec'd--                                     
                        24 Dec 91. Est.                                     
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    Agency Employee..  Unmarked yellow    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        gold double        7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        interlocked                          caused         
                        chain. L:                            embarrassment  
                        overall 20-1/2                       to donor and   
                        inches. Rec'd--                      U.S.           
                        24 Dec 91. Est.                      Government.    
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    Agency Employee..  Silk rug. 3.9 x    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        2.7 feet. Ivory    7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        ground with                          caused         
                        floral spray and                     embarrassment  
                        bird field                           to donor and   
                        centering a                          U.S.           
                        pulled lobed                         Government.    
                        medallion on red                                    
                        ground, and                                         
                        trellising vine                                     
                        and floral guard                                    
                        border, on navy-                                    
                        blue ground.                                        
                        Rec'd--Aug 92.                                      
                        Est. value--                                        
                        $750.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  Painting, signed   5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        in calligraphy;    7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        also, with three                     caused         
                        red seal marks.                      embarrassment  
                        Ink and color on                     to donor and   
                        paper mounted on                     U.S.           
                        beige brocade                        Government.    
                        silk. 27 x 26                                       
                        inches. Rec'd--                                     
                        `83-`88. Est.                                       
                        . To be retained                                    
                        for official                                        
    Agency Employee..  Cartier vermeil    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        silver Les Must'   7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        de ladies'                           caused         
                        wristwtch with                       embarrassment  
                        Swiss quartz                         to donor and   
                        movement. With                       U.S.           
                        borwn reptile                        Government.    
                        band. Rec'd--Jul                                    
                        91. Est. value--                                    
                        $700.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  Cartier vermeil    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        silver Les Must'   7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        de ladies'                           caused         
                        wristwatch with                      embarrassment  
                        Swiss quartz                         to donor and   
                        movement. With                       U.S.           
                        brown reptile                        Government.    
                        band. Rec'd--Jul                                    
                        91. Est. value--                                    
                        $600.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  Rolex Oyster       5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        Perpetual Date-    7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        Just gentleman's                     caused         
                        Superlative                          embarrassment  
                        Chronometer.                         to donor and   
                        With sweep hand                      U.S.           
                        and gold Cyclops                     Government.    
                        date window and                                     
                        stainless steel                                     
                        jubilee bracelet                                    
                        band. Rec'd--21                                     
                        Jul 92. Est.                                        
                        . To be retained                                    
                        for official                                        
    Agency Employee..  Rolex Oyster       5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        Perpetual Date-    7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        Just ladies                          caused         
                        wristwatch.                          embarrassment  
                        Having a sweep                       to donor and   
                        hand with                            U.S.           
                        Cyclops date                         Government.    
                        window and gold                                     
                        and stainless                                       
                        steel jubilee                                       
                        swimproof band.                                     
                        Rec'd--21 Jul                                       
                        92. Est. value--                                    
                        $2,800.00. To be                                    
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  Single graduated   5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        strand cultured    7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        pearl necklace                       caused         
                        (comprising 151                      embarrassment  
                        cultured pearls,                     to donor and   
                        measuring                            U.S.           
                        approximately 2-                     Government.    
                        1/2 to 8-1/2                                        
                        mm), and                                            
                        unmarked yellow                                     
                        gold clasp. L:20                                    
                        inches. Rec'd--                                     
                        21 Jul 92. Est.                                     
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    Agency Employee..  Eterna             5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        gentleman's        7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        calendar                             caused         
                        wristwatch.                          embarrassment  
                        Stainless steel                      to donor and   
                        case with 18                         U.S.           
                        karat yellow                         Government.    
                        gold finish                                         
                        within a gilt                                       
                        metal bezel, and                                    
                        diamond hour                                        
                        marks, sweep                                        
                        hand, and date                                      
                        calendar, with                                      
                        stainless steel                                     
                        band. Rec'd--21                                     
                        Jul 92. Est.                                        
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    Agency Employee..  Omega Seamaster    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        gentleman's        7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        wristwatch with                      caused         
                        quartz movement.                     embarrassment  
                        Having gilt                          to donor and   
                        metal and                            U.S.           
                        stainless steel                      Government.    
                        case with sweep                                     
                        hand, gilt metal                                    
                        bezel and gilt                                      
                        metal stainless                                     
                        steel hand.                                         
                        Rec'd--Nov 92.                                      
                        Est. value--                                        
                        $1,500.00. To be                                    
                        reported to GSA                                     
                        for disposition.                                    
    Agency Employee..  Baume & Mercier    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        gentleman's        7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        wristwatch with                      caused         
                        personalized                         embarrassment  
                        cartouche on                         to donor and   
                        face. The                            U.S.           
                        stainless steel                      Government.    
                        case with gilt                                      
                        metal bezel and                                     
                        gilt metal with                                     
                        Roman numeral                                       
                        hour marks with                                     
                        date calendar                                       
                        and sweep hand,                                     
                        with gilt metal                                     
                        and stainless                                       
                        steel band.                                         
                        Rec'd--Jul `92.                                     
                        Est. value--                                        
                        $1,200.00. To be                                    
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  Baume & Mercier    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        ladies' date       7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        calendar                             caused         
                        wristwatch.                          embarrassment  
                        Having a                             to donor and   
                        stainless steel                      U.S.           
                        case with gilt                       Government.    
                        metal square                                        
                        bezel, gilt face                                    
                        with applied                                        
                        hour marks,                                         
                        sweep hand, date                                    
                        calendar, and                                       
                        gold metal and                                      
                        stainless steel                                     
                        band. Rec'd--Jul                                    
                        `92. Est. value--                                   
                        $1,000.00. To be                                    
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  18 karat (750)     5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        yellow gold oval   7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        locket, and                          caused         
                        chain. Having 10                     embarrassment  
                        karat yellow                         to donor and   
                        gold filled                          U.S.           
                        clasp, and flat                      Government.    
                        box-type chain.                                     
                        L: of chain 23;                                     
                        L: of locket                                        
                        with loop                                           
                        pendant 1-7/8                                       
                        inches. Rec'd--                                     
                        Jul `92. Est.                                       
                        To be retained                                      
                        for official                                        
    Agency Employee..  24 karat yellow    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        gold double        7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        bracelet. Marked                     caused         
                        9999. Worked                         embarrassment  
                        with two joined                      to donor and   
                        oval panels                          U.S.           
                        enclosing figure                     Government.    
                        8 and joined by                                     
                        ringlets, and                                       
                        hung with                                           
                        `heart' pendant                                     
                        with S-hook;                                        
                        also with                                           
                        touch marks. L:                                     
                        6-3/4 inches.                                       
                        Rec'd--Dec `92.                                     
                        Est. value--                                        
                        $700.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  24 karat yellow    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        gold gentleman's   7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        ring. With                           caused         
                        central square                       embarrassment  
                        panel chased                         to donor and   
                        with spade,                          U.S.           
                        flanked by                           Government.    
                        pattern. Marked                                     
                        9999 and KD,                                        
                        with calligraphy                                    
                        touch marks.                                        
                        Rec'd--Dec `92.                                     
                        Est. value--                                        
                        $750.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  24 karat yellow    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        gold filigree      7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        `butterfly'                          caused         
                        ring. Marked                         embarrassment  
                        9999 with                            to donor and   
                        calligraphy                          U.S.           
                        touch mark.                          Government.    
                        Rec'd--Dec `92.                                     
                        Est. value--                                        
                        $500.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Robert M. Gates,   Sterling silver    5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
     Former Director    tray, D: 12        7342(f)(4).       would have     
     Central            inches.                              caused         
     Intelligence.      Inscribed. NOT                       embarrassment  
                        APPRAISED.                           to donor and   
                        Rec'd--3 Nov 92.                     U.S.           
                        Est. value--                         Government.    
                        $500.00. To be                                      
                        retained for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  Wristwatch,        5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        Leather band.      7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        NOT APPRAISED.                       caused         
                        Rec'd--30 May                        embarrassment  
                        92. Est. value--                     to donor and   
                        $250.00. To be                       U.S.           
                        retained for                         Government.    
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  Wristwatch, Metal  5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        band. NOT          7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        APPRAISED.                           caused         
                        Rec'd--30 May                        embarrassment  
                        92. Est. value--                     to donor and   
                        $250.00. To be                       U.S.           
                        retained for                         Government.    
                        official display.                                   
    Agency Employee..  Omega wristwatch.  5 U.S.C.          Non-acceptance  
                        NOT APPRAISED.     7342(f)(4).       would have     
                        Rec'd--14 Apr                        caused         
                        92. Est. value--                     embarrassment  
                        $500.00. To be                       to donor and   
                        retained for                         U.S.           
                        official display.                    Government.    
                        Agency: United States Coast Guard                   
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    RADM Peter A.      Rec: 4/15/93.      Canadian          To use parts and
     Bunch, Chief,      Est. Value:        National          components from
     Office of          $700,000. Item:    Defense Force     the turbine    
     Engineering and    Turbine Engine.    (Canadian Navy).  engine to      
     Development        USCG YARD,                           support the two
     Division, HQ.      Curtis Bay, MD.                      CG Polar       
                                                             Icebreakers and
                                                             12 CG 378-foot 
                                                             vessels. This  
                                                             turbine is no  
                                                             longer in      
                                                             production and 
                                                             is becoming    
                                                             difficult to   
                          Agency: Department of Defense                     
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    Les Aspin,         Antique vase.      Yitzhak Rabin,    Non-acceptance  
     Secretary of       Vase is            Prime Minister    would have     
     Defense.           displayed in       of Israel.        caused         
                        small case which                     embarrassment  
                        has a wooden                         to donor and   
                        base and is                          U.S.           
                        lined in                             Government.    
                        burgundy velvet.                                    
                        Recd--January 3,                                    
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        nable. Reported                                     
                        to GSA on                                           
                        January 28,                                         
                        1994; pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Les Aspin,         Ladies' Omega      King Hussein I    Non-acceptance  
     Secretary of       watch, Gold        and Noor Al       would have     
     Defense.           colored casing     Hussein of        caused         
                        with black         Jordan.           embarrassment  
                        leather band,                        to donor and   
                        Serial Number                        U.S.           
                        53850421. Recd--                     Government.    
                        June 29, 1993.                                      
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $450. Reported                                      
                        to GSA December                                     
                        7, 1993; pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Les Aspin,         Bronze colored     General Antonia   Non-acceptance  
     Secretary of       statue of an       Riviello Bazan,   would have     
     Defense.           eagle warrior      Mexico City,      caused         
                        with shield and    Mexico.           embarrassment  
                        sword. Recd--                        to donor and   
                        July 10, 1993.                       U.S.           
                        Est. Value--                         Government.    
                        $300. Reported                                      
                        to GSA November                                     
                        16, 1993;                                           
                        pending transfer                                    
                        to GSA.                                             
    Les Aspin,         Gold cufflinks,    Lt Gen Salah      Non-acceptance  
     Secretary of       tie bar, and key   Halaby, Chief     would have     
     Defense.           chain (all with    of Staff,         caused         
                        Egyptian Pharaoh   Egyptian Armed    embarrassment  
                        head). Recd--      Forces.           to donor and   
                        September 24,                        U.S.           
                        1993. Est.                           Government.    
                        Reported to GSA                                     
                        on December 29,                                     
                        1993; pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Les Aspin,         Revolver, Six-     Col. Gen. Pavel   Non-acceptance  
     Secretary of       shot 38 Caliber,   Kozlovskiy,       would have     
     Defense.           double action, B   Minister of       caused         
                        1925 in clear      Defense,          embarrassment  
                        case with          Belarus.          to donor and   
                        presentation                         U.S.           
                        plaque, approx.                      Government.    
                        3''  x  6''  x                                      
                        9\3/4\'' (Serial                                    
                        Number 60316).                                      
                        28, 1993. Est.                                      
                        Reported to GSA                                     
                        January 18,                                         
                        1994; pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Les Aspin,         Replica of the     Kwon Young Hae,   Non-acceptance  
     Secretary of       King Seongdeuk     Minister of       would have     
     Defense.           Bell. Recd--       National          caused         
                        November 3,        Defense of        embarrassment  
                        1993. Est.         Korea.            to donor and   
                        Value--$400.                         U.S.           
                        Reported to GSA                      Government.    
                        December 29,                                        
                        1993; pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Dick Cheney,       Pottery pot on     Lt. General Ehud  Non-acceptance  
     Former Secretary   stand in display   Barak, Chief of   would have     
     of Defense.        case, found in     the General       caused         
                        Jerusalem, used    Staff, Israel     embarrassment  
                        for oil, about     Defense Forces.   to donor and   
                        330 years old,                       U.S.           
                        approx. 8''                          Government.    
                        tall. Case is                                       
                        approx. 10''                                        
                        tall. Recd--                                        
                        January 19,                                         
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Reported to GSA                                     
                        April 29, 1993;                                     
                        pending transfer                                    
                        to GSA.                                             
    Lt Col Steven L.   Ladies' Gucci      Colonel Ibrahim   Non-acceptance  
     Neely, Army,       watch, serial      Al-Kandari,       would have     
     Country Director   Number 0161289     Defense           caused         
     for Kuwait         in a green box.    Attache, Kuwait.  embarrassment  
     (Regional          Recd--December                       to donor and   
     Security           29, 1993. Est.                       U.S.           
     Affairs).          Value--$350.                         Government.    
                        Reported to GSA                                     
                        January 13,                                         
                        1994; pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    William J. Perry,  Silver War Ship    Kwon Young Hae,   Non-acceptance  
     Deputy Secretary   in Glass/Wood      Minister of       would have     
     of Defense.        case; matching     National          caused         
                        set of gold        Defense, Korea.   embarrassment  
                        filled cuff                          to donor and   
                        links and tie                        U.S.           
                        bar. Recd--May                       Government.    
                        10, 1993. Est.                                      
                        Value--$295. War                                    
                        Ship was                                            
                        approved for                                        
                        display; cuff                                       
                        links and tie                                       
                        bar reported to                                     
                        GSA December 10,                                    
                        1993; pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Mrs. William J.    Crystal Orrefors   Mrs. Sahlin,      Non-acceptance  
     Perry, spouse of   bowl (1000         spouse of the     would have     
     Deputy Secretary   Fonster),          Under Secretary   caused         
     of Defense.        approx. 5\1/4\''   of State,         embarrassment  
                        tall, 8\3/8\''     Ministry of       to donor and   
                        diameter. Recd--   Defence, Sweden.  U.S.           
                        November 30,                         Government.    
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Approved for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    General Colin L.   Double-strand of   His Highness      Non-acceptance  
     Powell, USA,       pearls with gold   Shaykh Hamad      would have     
     Former Chairman    clasp in red       bin Isa al-       caused         
     of the Joint       velour case;       Khalifa, Crown    embarrassment  
     Chiefs of Staff,   Men's Chopard      Prince, State     to donor and   
     and Mrs. Powell.   Geneve Gold        of Bahrain.       U.S.           
                        Watch (#31/2232-                     Government.    
                        11) and matching                                    
                        gold cuff links.                                    
                        Recd--July 13,                                      
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Reported to GSA                                     
                        August 26, 1993;                                    
                        pending transfer                                    
                        to GSA.                                             
    General John M.    Oriental rug,      Lt Gen Saleh      Non-acceptance  
     Shalikashvili,     brown, blue,       Mohammed Attiya   would have     
     USA, Chairman of   deep red, tan,     Halabi, Chief     caused         
     the Joint Chiefs   green and white,   of Staff,         embarrassment  
     of Staff.          approx. 4' by      Egyptian Armed    to donor and   
                        6'. Recd--         Forces.           U.S.           
                        October 25,                          Government.    
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Approved for                                        
                        official display.                                   
    Frederick C.       Men's wristwatch,  King Hussein I    Non-acceptance  
     Smith, Director,   Breitling,         and Noor Al       would have     
     Near Eastern and   titanium case.     Hussein of        caused         
     South Asian        Serial number      Jordan.           embarrassment  
     Affairs,           30397. Recd--                        to donor and   
     International      June 23, 1993.                       U.S.           
     Security Affairs.  Est. Value--                         Government.    
                        $1,000. Reported                                    
                        to GSA August                                       
                        20, 1993;                                           
                        pending transfer                                    
                        to GSA.                                             
    John E. Thompson,  Men's wristwatch,  King Hussein I    Non-acceptance  
     Lt Col, USAF,      Breitling,         and Noor Al       would have     
     Country Director   titanium case,     Hussein of        caused         
     for Jordan, Near   Serial number      Jordan.           embarrassment  
     Eastern and        30003. Recd--                        to donor and   
     South Asian        June 23, 1993.                       U.S.           
     Affairs,           Est. Value--                         Government.    
     International      $1,000. Reported                                    
     Security Affairs.  to GSA August                                       
                        20, 1993;                                           
                        pending transfer                                    
                        to GSA.                                             
    Molly K.           Brown lizard skin  Major General     Non-acceptance  
     Williamson,        handbag, approx.   Mohamed Fouad     would have     
     Deputy Assistant   6\1/2\'' by 7\1/   Galal Halaby,     caused         
     Secretary of       2\'', in a green   Defense,          embarrassment  
     Defense for Near   box. Recd--        Military, Naval   to donor and   
     Eastern and        November 8,        and Air           U.S.           
     South Asian        1993. Est.         Attache,          Government.    
     Affairs,           Value--$700.       Embassy of                       
     Regional           Reported to GSA    Egypt.                           
     Security Affairs.  December 16,                                        
                        1993; pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Frank G. Wisner,   Circular Floor     President         Non-acceptance  
     Under Secretary    Rug from animal    Mahamane          would have     
     of Defense for     skins with         Ousmane of        caused         
     Policy.            leather fringe;    Niger.            embarrassment  
                        Two large (6 ft.                     to donor and   
                        by 8 ft.) pieces                     U.S.           
                        of material in                       Government.    
                        multi colors                                        
                        with numerous                                       
                        slits; Leather                                      
                        Sandals (Green &                                    
                        Red with yellow                                     
                        fringe); 12-in.                                     
                        knife with                                          
                        leather & brass                                     
                        is brass with                                       
                        copper triangle,                                    
                        grip part has                                       
                        black stripes                                       
                        and the blade is                                    
                        silver. Recd--                                      
                        September 23,                                       
                        1993. Est.                                          
                        Reported to GSA                                     
                        December 23,                                        
                        1993, pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Frank G. Wisner,   Pair of gold cuff  Lt Gen Salah      Non-acceptance  
     Under Secretary    links with         Halaby, Chief     would have     
     of Defense for     Egyptian scroll    of Staff,         caused         
     Policy.            writing on them    Egyptian Armed    embarrassment  
                        and gold key       Forces.           to donor and   
                        chain with                           U.S.           
                        Egyptian scroll                      Government.    
                        writing in green                                    
                        box with silver                                     
                        chord trim.                                         
                        19, 1993. Est.                                      
                        Reported to GSA                                     
                        December 15,                                        
                        1993; pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Frank G. Wisner,   Gold key chain;    Field Marshal     Non-acceptance  
     Under Secretary    Gold cartouche     Mohamed Husien    would have     
     of Defense for     bracelet, in       Tantawy,          caused         
     Policy.            green velour       Minister of       embarrassment  
                        boxes. Recd--      Defense and       to donor and   
                        December 4,        Military          U.S.           
                        1993. Est.         Production of     Government.    
                        Value--$1,150.     Egypt.                           
                        Reported to GSA                                     
                        January 19,                                         
                        1994; pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Frank G. Wisner,   Eterna gold and    His Highness Isa  Non-acceptance  
     Under Secretary    steel watch        Bin Salman Al     would have     
     of Defense for     (style             Khalifa, Amir     caused         
     Policy.            #3100.47.24).      of the State of   embarrassment  
                        Recd--December     Bahrain.          to donor and   
                        6, 1993. Est.                        U.S.           
                        Value--$750.                         Government.    
                        Reported to GSA                                     
                        January 19,                                         
                        1994; pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Frank G. Wisner,   Gold-colored       Hamad Bin         Non-acceptance  
     Under Secretary    sword in           Abdulla Al-       would have     
     of Defense for     burgundy velvet-   Thani, State      caused         
     Policy.            covered wooden     Minister for      embarrassment  
                        box, approx. 7''   Defense           to donor and   
                         x  41\1/2\''.     Affairs, State    U.S.           
                        Recd--December     of Qatar.         Government.    
                        6, 1993. Est.                                       
                        Reported to GSA                                     
                        January 24,                                         
                        1994; pending                                       
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
                           Agency: Library of Congress                      
                     Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel                 
                       Brief description                                    
                         and estimated                                      
    Name and title of   value of travel                                     
     person accepting      or travel                                        
     travel or travel  expenses accepted                                    
         expenses        as consistent       Identify of      Circumstances 
     consistent with        with the        foreign donor      justifying   
     the interests of   interests of the   and government      acceptance   
         the U.S.       U.S. Government                                     
        Government       and occurring                                      
                          outside the                                       
                         United States                                      
    Robert Sutter,     Recd.--April 3-5,  Chinese Academy   Consultations   
     Senior             1993. Est.         of Social         and interviews;
     Specialist in      Value--$450.       Sciences,         trip arranged  
     Asian Affairs,     Expended for       People's Rep.     over a weekend 
     Congressional      airfare,           of China,         while on       
     Research Svc..     lodging, and       Beijing.          official (CRS) 
                        meals.                               business in    
                                                             Hong Kong, East
                       Agency: National Science Foundation                  
                             Report of Tangible Gift                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    Neal F. Lane,      Oriental rug.      Zhang Cunhao,     Non-acceptance  
     Director.          Recd: December     President of      would cause    
                        8, 1993. Est.      the National      embarrassment  
                        Value=$500. NSF-   Natural Science   to donor and   
                        O/D for official   Foundation of     U.S.           
                        use/display.       the People's      Government.    
                                           Republic of                      
                         Agency: Department of the Navy                     
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
       Government        disposition or                                     
    Rear Admiral       Arabian sword.     His Royal         Non-acceptance  
     Robert P.          Recd-May 19,       Highness Prince   would have     
     Hickey, USN,       1993. Est.         Abdul Aziz Bin    caused         
     Commander          Value--$13,600.    Fahd Al Saul.     embarrassment  
     Carrier Group      Being retained                       to donor and   
     SEVEN.             at COMUSNAVCENT                      U.S.           
                        in Bahrain.                          Government.    
    General Joseph P.  Ceremonial Sword   Royal Highness    Non-acceptance  
     Hoar, USMC, U.S.   and scabbard.      Prince Abdullah   would have     
     Naval Forces       Recd--February     Bin Hussein,      caused         
     Central Command.   17, 1993. Est.     Deputy            embarrassment  
                        Value-$600.        Commander of      to donor and   
                        Being retained     Operations,       U.S.           
                        at COMUSNAVCENT    Jordanian         Government.    
                        in Bahrain.        Special Forces                   
                                           and son of King                  
    Admiral Frank B.   Silk rug (6  x  4  Admiral Vural     Non-acceptance  
     Kelso, II, USN,    feet). Recd--      Bayazit,          would have     
     Chief of Naval     January 12,        Commander         caused         
     Operations.        1993. Est. Value-  Turkish Naval     embarrassment  
                        $700. Being        Forces.           to donor and   
                        retained in CNO                      U.S.           
                        Quarters, Tingey                     Government.    
                        Washington Navy                                     
    Admiral Frank B.   Saber 35 inches    Admiral Jorge     Non-acceptance  
     Kelso, II, USN,    in length. Recd--  Mora Perez,       would have     
     Chief of Naval     February 23,       Chief of Naval    caused         
     Operations.        1993. Est.         Operations,       embarrassment  
                        Value--$1,000.     Mexican Navy.     to donor and   
                        Being retained                       U.S.           
                        in CNO Quarters,                     Government.    
                        Tingey House,                                       
                        Washington Navy                                     
    Admiral Frank B.   Sterling Silver    Admiral Vichet    Non-acceptance  
     Kelso, II, USN,    candelabra.        Karunyavanji,     would have     
     Chief of Naval     Recd--March 16,    Commander in      caused         
     Operations.        1993. Est.         Chief, Royal      embarrassment  
                        Value--$900.       Thai Navy.        to donor and   
                        Being retained                       U.S.           
                        in CNO Quarters,                     Government.    
                        Tingey House,                                       
                        Washington Navy                                     
    Admiral Frank B.   Eterna watch.      Isa Bin Salman    Non-acceptance  
     Kelso, II, USN,    Recd--December     Al Khalifa, The   would have     
     Chief of Naval     23, 1993. Est.     Amir of Bahrain.  caused         
     Operations.        Value-$1,825.                        embarrassment  
                        Being retained                       to donor and   
                        in CNO Quarters,                     U.S.           
                        Tingey House,                        Government.    
                        Washington Navy                                     
    Brigadier General  Statue of Kuwait   Sheikh Ali Al-    Non-acceptance  
     Frank Libutti,     Towers. Recd--     Sabah Al-Salin    would have     
     USMC, Inspector    October 12,        Al Sabah,         caused         
     General and        1993. Est. Value-  Minister of       embarrassment  
     Commander,         $1,000. Being      Defense, Kuwait.  to donor and   
     Forward HQ         retained at                          U.S.           
     Element, U.S.      COMUSNAVENT in                       Government.    
     Naval Forces       Bahrain.                                            
     Central Command.                                                       
    Rear Admiral       Ceremonial sword.  Shaykh Hamad Bin  Non-acceptance  
     David N. Rogers,   Recd--January      Abdullah Al-      would have     
     USN, Commander     23, 1993. Est.     Thani, State      caused         
     U.S. Naval         Value-$1,000.      Secretary of      embarrassment  
     Forces, Central    Being retained     Military for      to donor and   
     Command.           at COMUSNAVCENT    the Government    U.S.           
                        in Bahrain.        of Qatar.         Government.    
    Rear Admiral       Ceremonial         His Highness Dr.  Non-acceptance  
     David N. Rogers,   dagger. Recd--     Sheikh Bin        would have     
     USN, Commander     November 1,        Mohammed Al       caused         
     U.S. Naval         1992. Est. Value-  Qassimi, Ruler    embarrassment  
     Forces, Central    $300. Being        of Sharjah,       to donor and   
     Command.           retained at        United Arab       U.S.           
                        COMUSNAVCENT in    Emirates.         Government.    
    Rear Admiral P.D.  Rolex watch.       Sheikh Isa Bin    Non-acceptance  
     Smith, USN, U.S.   Recd--October 1,   Salman Al         would have     
     Naval Forces,      1991. Est. Value-  Khalifa, The      caused         
     Central Command.   $2,970. Being      Amir of Bahrain.  embarrassment  
                        held in CNO                          to donor and   
                        (N09B33) pending                     U.S.           
                        transfer to GSA                      Government.    
                        for disposition.                                    
    Rear Admiral       Man's & Women's    Omani Navy......  Non-acceptance  
     Joseph C.          Samsung watch.                       would have     
     Strasser, USN,     Recd--June 1992.                     caused         
     President, Naval   Est. Value-$270.                     embarrassment  
     War College.       Being held in                        to donor and   
                        CNO (N09B33)                         U.S.           
                        pending transfer                     Government.    
                        to GSA for                                          
    USS WORDEN (CG     Les Pierres Lac    Kuwait            Non-acceptance  
     18).               watch. Recd--      Government.       would have     
                        July 8, 1993.                        caused         
                        Est. Value--                         embarrassment  
                        $300. Being held                     to donor and   
                        in CNO (N09B33)                      U.S.           
                        pending transfer                     Government.    
                        to GSA for                                          
                   Agency: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission               
                             Report of Tangible Gift                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    Dr. Ivan Selin,    3' x 5' rug (Wall  Mr. Yaogi Ming,   Non-acceptance  
     Chairman, U.S.     Hanging).          Quinshan          would have     
     Nuclear            Received January   Nuclear Power     caused         
     Regulatory         11, 1993.          Plant, General    embarrassment  
     Commission.        Estimated value--  Manager, China.   to donor and   
                        $500. Placed in                      the U.S.       
                        the Chairman's                       Government.    
                        Office, April                                       
                         Agency: Panama Canal Commission                    
                     Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel                 
                       Brief description                                    
                         and estimated                                      
    Name and title of   value of travel                                     
     person accepting      or travel                                        
     travel or travel  expenses accepted                                    
         expenses        as consistent       Identify of      Circumstances 
     consistent with        with the        foreign donor      justifying   
     the interests of   interests of the   and government      acceptance   
         the U.S.       U.S. Government                                     
       Government        and occurring                                      
                          outside the                                       
                         United States                                      
    Maria T. Arias...  Rental car, round  Government Spain  Participation in
                        trip, first                          such events is 
                        class air fare                       normal part of 
                        other                                spouse's       
                        incidentals due                      employment.    
                        to spouse's                                         
                        participation in                                    
                        an international                                    
                        exposition and                                      
                        fair in Spain.                                      
                        Estimated Value                                     
                        = $5,034.00.                                        
                        Date: March                                         
                               Agency: Peace Corps                          
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    Carol Bellamy,     Gift--Handmade     President Abdou   Gift mailed to  
     Director.          Wall Hanging.      Diouf,            Washington, DC 
                        Recd.--December    Government of     after          
                        14, 1993. Est.     Senegal.          Director's     
                        Value--$5,000.                       visit to       
                        Currently at                         Senegal in     
                        Peace Corps                          November 1993. 
                        Office in                            Returning gift 
                        Washington, DC..                     would have     
                                                             to donor and   
    John Hogan,        Gift--Wall         President         Non-acceptance  
     Acting Director.   Hangings (3).      Ousmane,          of gift would  
                        Recd.--September   Government of     have caused    
                        23, 1993. Est.     Niger.            embarrassment  
                        Value--$500.                         to donor and   
                        Currently at                         U.S.           
                        Peace Corps                          Government.    
                        Office in                                           
                        Washington, DC..                                    
                           Agency: Department of State                      
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    Warren             Sterling silver    His excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       box engraved       Klaus Kinkel,     would have     
     Secretary of       with the Foreign   Minister of       caused         
     State.             Minister's         Foreign           embarrassment  
                        facsimile          Affairs,          to donor and   
                        signature. Recd--  Federal           U.S.           
                        February 9,        Republic of       Government.    
                        1993. Est.         Germany.                         
                        Value--$400. In                                     
                        Office of                                           
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Warren             Sterling silver    His Majesty       Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       box, 3.5'' x       Hussein I, King   would have     
     Secretary of       8''. Recd--        of the            caused         
     State.             February 20,       Hashemite         embarrassment  
                        1993. Est.         Kingdom of        to donor and   
                        Value--$300. In    Jordan.           U.S.           
                        Office of                            Government.    
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Warren             Sterling silver    His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       box, leather       Francois          would have     
     Secretary of       lined, 8.5'' x     Mitterrand,       caused         
     State.             5.5''. Recd--      President of      embarrassment  
                        March 9, 1993.     the French        to donor and   
                        Est. Value--       Republic.         U.S.           
                        $900. In Office                      Government.    
                        of Protocol                                         
                        pending transfer                                    
                        to GSA.                                             
    Warren             Gold maple leaf    The Right         Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       cufflinks 14k      Honorable Brian   would have     
     Secretary of       gold. Recd--       Mulroney, Prime   caused         
     State.             April 3, 1993.     Minister of       embarrassment  
                        Est. Value--       Canada.           to donor and   
                        $250. In Office                      U.S.           
                        of Protocol                          Government.    
                        pending transfer                                    
                        to GSA.                                             
    Warren             (1) Silk rug, 5'   Chaudhry Nisar    Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       x 7'. Est.         Ali Khan,         would have     
     Secretary of       Value--$800.       Special           caused         
     State.             Approved for       Assistant to      embarrassment  
                        official use.      the Prime         to donor and   
                        (2) Book:          Minister, The     U.S.           
                        Lahore. Est.       Islamic           Government.    
                        Value--$50. In     Republic of                      
                        Office of          Pakistan.                        
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
                        Recd--April 7,                                      
    Warren             Pearl cufflinks.   His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       Recd--April 14,    Kabun Muto,       would have     
     Secretary of       1993. Est.         Minister of       caused         
     State.             Value--$300. In    Foreign           embarrassment  
                        Office of          Affairs, Japan.   to donor and   
                        Protocol pending                     U.S.           
                        transfer to GSA.                     Government.    
    Warren             Silver dish,       His Majesty King  Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       4.5'' x 4.5''.     Juan Carlos I     would have     
     Secretary of       Recd--April 29,    and Her Majesty   caused         
     State.             1993. Est.         Queen Sophia of   embarrassment  
                        Value--$400. In    Spain.            to donor and   
                        Office of                            U.S.           
                        Protocol pending                     Government.    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Warren             Hand painted       His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       bowl, with lid.    Prasong           would have     
     Secretary of       Recd--November     Soonsiri,         caused         
     State.             23, 1993. Est.     Minister of       embarrassment  
                        Value--$250. In    Foreign           to donor and   
                        Office of          Affairs, The      U.S.           
                        Protocol pending   Kingdom of        Government.    
                        transfer to GSA.   Thailand.                        
    Warren             (1) Red leather                                      
     Christopher,       chest. Est.                                         
     Secretary of       Value--$135. In                                     
     State.             Office of                                           
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
                       (2) Tunisian                                         
                        dates. Est.                                         
                       (3) Eight bottles                                    
                        of olive oil.                                       
                        Est. Value--$80.                                    
                       (4) Six bottles    His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
                        of wine. Est.      Zine El Abidine   would have     
                        Value--$90. In     Ben Ali,          caused         
                        Office of          President of      embarrassment  
                        Protocol pending   the Republic of   to donor and   
                        transfer to GSA    Tunisia.          U.S.           
                        Recd--December                       Government.    
                        15, 1993.                                           
    Warren             (1) Turkmenistan                     ................
     Christopher,       Carper. Est                                         
     Secretary of       Value--$600. (2)                                    
     State.             Book: Turkmen                                       
                        Folk Art. Est                                       
                        Value--$30. (3)                                     
                        Woven handbag.                                      
                        Est. Vaue--$50.                                     
                        Recd--1993. In                                      
                        Office of                                           
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Mrs. Warren        Eight embroidered  His Majesty       Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       pillow slips of    Hussein I, King   would have     
     Wife of the        various sizes.     of the            caused         
     Secretary of       Recd--February     Hashemite         embarrassment  
     State.             20, 1993. Est.     Kingdom of        to donor and   
                        Value--$300. In    Jordan.           U.S. Government
                        Office of                                           
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Mrs. Warren        Set of three       Mrs. al-Shara,    Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       inlaid wood        Wife of the       would have     
     Wife of the        stacking tables.   Minister of       caused         
     Secretary of       Recd--February     Foreign           embarrassment  
     State.             21, 1993. Est.     Affairs, The      to donor and   
                        Value--$300. In    Syrian Arab       U.S. Government
                        Office of          Republic.                        
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Mrs. Warren        Double strand of   Sulwa Al-Sabah,   Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       pearls, 18''.      Daughter of the   would have     
     Wife of the        Recd--February     Prime Minister    caused         
     Secretary of       26, 1993. Est.     and Crown         embarrassment  
     State.             Value--$1,000.     Prince, The       to donor and   
                        In Office of       State of Kuwait.  U.S. Government
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Mrs. Warren        (1) Fabric woven   Pengiran Anak     Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       with gold          Zariah, Wife of   would have     
     Wife of the        threads. Est.      the Minister of   caused         
     Secretary of       Value--$900. (2)   Foreign           embarrassment  
     State.             Silver picture     Affairs, Brunei   to donor and   
                        frame. Est.        Darussalam.       U.S.           
                        Value--$150.                         Government.    
                        Recd--August 13,                                    
                        1993. In Office                                     
                        of Protocol                                         
                        pending transfer                                    
                        to GSA.                                             
    Mrs. Warren        Crystal            Mrs. Sien, Wife   Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       paperweight.       of the Minister   would have     
     Wife of the        Recd--November     of                caused         
     Secretary of       23, 1993. Est.     International     embarrassment  
     State.             Value--$250. In    Trade, Taiwan.    to donor and   
                        Office of                            U.S.           
                        Protocol pending                     Government.    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Mrs. Warren        Gold embroidered   Dehin Dato Abdul  Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       pillow case with   Rahman Taib,      would have     
     Wife of the        orange and blue    Minister of       caused         
     Secretary of       designs. Recd--    Industry and      embarrassment  
     State.             November 23,       Primary           to donor and   
                        1993. Est.         Resources,        U.S. Government
                        Value--$300. In    Brunei                           
                        Office of          Darussalam.                      
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Mrs. Warren        Two silk robes in  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Christopher,       colors of pink,    Chuan Likphai,    would have     
     Wife of the        gray, blue and     Prime Minister,   caused         
     Secretary of       green. Recd--      The Kingdom of    embarrassment  
     State.             December 6,        Thailand.         to donor and   
                        1993. Est.                           U.S. Government
                        Value--$300. In                                     
                        Office of                                           
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Henry L. Clark,    Red Afghan         General Abdul     Non-acceptance  
     U.S. Ambassador    carpet, 10' x      Rashid Dostam,    would have     
     to Uzbekistan.     6''9''. Recd--     Commander, The    caused         
                        July 1993. Est.    Islamic State     embarrassment  
                        Value--$1,000.     of Afghanistan.   to donor and   
                        Approved for                         U.S.           
                        official use.                        Government.    
    Edward Djerejian,  Brass table clock  His Majesty       Non-acceptance  
     Assistant          with sapphires.    Hussein I, King   would have     
     Secretary of       Recd--June 30,     of the            caused         
     State, Bureau of   1993. Est.         Hashemite         embarrassment  
     Near Eastern       Value--$1,000.     Kingdom of        to donor and   
     Affairs.           In Office of       Jordan.           U.S.           
                        Protocol pending                     Government.    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Robert A. Flaten,  Set of             His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     U.S. Ambassador    traditional        Augustin          would have     
     to Rwanda.         Rwandan spears.    Bizimana,         caused         
                        Recd--November     Minister of       embarrassment  
                        18, 1993. Est.     Defense, The      to donor and   
                        Value--$225+.      Republic of       U.S.           
                        Approved for       Rwanda.           Government.    
                        official use.                                       
    Peter Galbraith,   One 2,000 year     The Commune of    Non-acceptance  
     U.S. Ambassador    old Roman          Lastova,          would have     
     to Croatia.        amphora. Recd--    Croatia.          caused         
                        August 1993.                         embarrassment  
                        Est. Value--                         to donor and   
                        $1,800. Approved                     U.S.           
                        for official use.                    Government.    
    Robert Grey, U.S.  Moroccan hand      Mohammed Nacer    Non-acceptance  
     Mission to the     woven rug 4' x     Benjelloun-       would have     
     United Nations,    6'. Recd--March    Touimi,           caused         
     New York.          1993. Est.         Minister          embarrassment  
                        Value--$400. In    Counselor,        to donor and   
                        Office of          Moroccan          U.S.           
                        Protocol pending   Mission to the    Government.    
                        transfer to GSA.   UN.                              
    Richard Gookin,    Gentleman's Omega  His Majesty       Non-acceptance  
     Associate Chief    Watch. Recd--      Hussein I, King   would have     
     of Protocol.       June 29, 1993.     of the            caused         
                        Est. Value--       Hashemite         embarrassment  
                        $295. In Office    Kingdom of        to donor and   
                        of Protocol        Jordan.           U.S.           
                        pending transfer                     Government.    
                        to GSA.                                             
    Laurie A.          Carpet, 4' x 6'.   His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Johnston, U.S.     Recd--January      Sardar            would have     
     Consul General,    26, 1993. Est.     Nasrullah Khan    caused         
     Lahore, Pakistan.  Value--$415.       Dreshak,          embarrassment  
                        Approved for       Minister of       to donor and   
                        official use.      Law, The          U.S.           
                                           Islamic           Government.    
                                           Republic of                      
    Joseh Lebaron,     Sword with         Shaikha Mahra,    Non-acceptance  
     Principal          scabbard in        Wife of the       would have     
     Officer, U.S.      fitted case.       Rule of Ras al    caused         
     Consulate Dubai.   Recd--January      Khaiah, Shaikh    embarrassment  
                        12, 1993. Est.     Saqr Bin          to donor and   
                        Value--$225+. In   Mohammed Al       U.S.           
                        Office of          Qasimi, United    Government.    
                        Protocol pending   Arab Emirates.                   
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    David Mack,        Gold Baume &       His Highness      Non-acceptance  
     Deputy Assistant   Mercier            Shaikh Isa bin    would have     
     Secretary of       ``Riveria''        Salman Al         caused         
     State, Bureau of   watch with         Khalifa, Amir     embarrassment  
     Near Eastern       matching gold      of the State of   to donor and   
     Affairs.           cufflinks. Recd--  Bahrain.          U.S.           
                        May 7, 1993.                         Government.    
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $2,000. In                                          
                        Office of                                           
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    David Mack,        Gold Baume &       His Highness      Non-acceptance  
     Deputy Assistant   Mercier            Shaikh Isa bin    would have     
     Secretary of       ``Riveria''        Salman Al         caused         
     State, Bureau of   watch with         Khalifa, Amir     embarrassment  
     Near Eastern       matching gold      of the State of   to donor and   
     Affairs.           bracelet. Recd--   Bahrain.          U.S.           
                        May 7, 1993.                         Government.    
                        Est. Value--                                        
                        $2,000. In                                          
                        Office of                                           
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    William Milam,     Carpet. Recd--     Unknown           Non-acceptance  
     U.S. Ambassador    October 1, 1993.   Official, The     would have     
     to Bangladesh.     Est. Value--       People's          caused         
                        $300. Approved     Republic of       embarrassment  
                        for official use.  Bangladesh.       to donor and   
    George Moose,      Thies tapestry.    His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Assistant          Recd--May 1993.    Abdou Diouf,      would have     
     Secretary of       Est. Value--       President of      caused         
     State, Bureau of   $1,000. Approved   the Republic of   embarrassment  
     African Affairs.   for official use.  Senegal.          to donor and   
    John D.            Set of miniature   Admiral Luis      Non-acceptance  
     Negroponte, U.S.   officer's          Carlos Ruano,     would have     
     Ambassador to      swords. Recd--     Mexico.           caused         
     Mexico.            June 28, 1993.                       embarrassment  
                        Est. Value--                         to donor and   
                        $225+. In Office                     U.S.           
                        of Protocol                          Government.    
                        pending transfer                                    
                        to GSA.                                             
    Jeffrey R.         (1) Carpet, 6' x   Mohammad Bilal    Non-acceptance  
     Olesen, U.S.       9'. Est. Value--   Sheikh, The       would have     
     Consulate,         $330. (2)          Islamic           caused         
     Lahore, Pakistan.  Carpet, 7' x 7'.   Republic of       embarrassment  
                        Est. Value $290.   Pakistan.         to donor and   
                        Recd--June 1,                        U.S.           
                        1993. Approved                       Government.    
                        for official use.                                   
    Robert H.          Carpet, 5' x 8'.   His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Pelletreau, U.S.   Recd--November     Mohamed Husein    would have     
     Ambassador to      19, 1993. Est.     Tantaway,         caused         
     Egypt.             Value--$575.       Minister of       embarrassment  
                        Approved for       Defense, The      to donor and   
                        official use.      Arab Republic     U.S.           
                                           of Egypt.         Government.    
    Robert H.          Silver plate with  His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Pelletreau, U.S.   matching ewer.     Mohamed Ibrahim   would have     
     Ambassador to      Recd--November     Soliman,          caused         
     Egypt.             19, 1993. Est.     Minister of       embarrassment  
                        Value--$275.       State for New     to donor and   
                        Approved for       Urban             U.S.           
                        official use.      Communities,      Government.    
                                           The Arab                         
                                           Republic of                      
    Robin L. Raphel,   Carpet, 3'11'' x   General Waheed,   Non-acceptance  
     Assistant          5'2''. Recd--      Army Chief of     would have     
     Secretary of       November 1993.     Staff, The        caused         
     State, Bureau of   Est. Value--       Islamic           embarrassment  
     South Asian        $450. Approved     Republic of       to donor and   
     Affairs.           for official use.  Pakistan.         U.S.           
    Robin L. Raphel,   2 Carpets, 3'9''   His Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Assistant          x 6'1'' and        Amir Arsala,      would have     
     Secretary of       4'10'' x 6'8''.    Minister of       caused         
     State, Bureau of   Recd--November     State for         embarrassment  
     South Asian        1993. Est.         Foreign           to donor and   
     Affairs.           Value--$500.       Affairs, The      U.S.           
                        Approved for       Islamic           Government.    
                        official use.      Republic of                      
    Robin L. Raphel,   Carpet, 4'1'' x    Her Excellency    Non-acceptance  
     Assistant          6'2''. Recd--      Benazir Bhutto,   would have     
     Secretary of       November 1993.     Prime Minister,   caused         
     State, Bureau of   Est. Value--       The Islamic       embarrassment  
     South Asian        $800. Approved     Republic of       to donor and   
     Affairs.           for official use.  Pakistan.         U.S.           
    Robin L. Raphel,   Carpets, 2 meters  General Abdul     Non-acceptance  
     Assistant           x  3 meters.      Rashid Dostam,    would have     
     Secretary of       Recd--November     Commander, The    caused         
     State, Bureau of   1993. Est.         Islamic State     embarrassment  
     South Asian        Value--$4,000.     of Afghanistan.   to donor and   
     Affairs.           Approved for                         U.S.           
                        official use.                        Government.    
    Robin L. Raphel,   Carpet, 3'10'' x   The Honorable     Non-acceptance  
     Assistant          5'7''. Recd--      Burhanuddin       would have     
     Secretary of       November 1993.     Rabbani,          caused         
     State, Bureau of   Est. Value--       President of      embarrassment  
     South Asian        $1,800. Approved   the Islamic       to donor and   
     Affairs.           for official use.  State of          U.S.           
                                           Afghanistan.      Government.    
    Robin L. Raphel,   2 Carpets, 6'4''   General Waheed,   Non-acceptance  
     Assistant          x 4' and 6'2'' x   Army Chief of     would have     
     Secretary of       4'1''. Recd--      Staff, The        caused         
     State, Bureau of   August 1993.       Islamic           embarrassment  
     South Asian        Est. Value--       Republic of       to donor and   
     Affairs.           $1,200. Approved   Pakistan.         U.S.           
                        for official use.                    Government.    
    David S. Robins,   Etienne Aigner     Shaikh Khalifa    Non-acceptance  
     Charge             men's watch.       BilSalim Bin      would have     
     d'Affairs, U.S.    Recd--June 9,      Hamad Al-         caused         
     Embassy, Manama,   1993. Est.         Khalifa, The      embarrassment  
     Bahrain.           Value--$1,000.     State of          to donor and   
                        In Office of       Bahrain.          U.S.           
                        Protocol pending                     Government.    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Mrs. William A.    Gold necklace and  Sheikha Shemsa,   Non-acceptance  
     Rugh, Wife of      earrings. Recd--   Wife of the       would have     
     the U.S.           December 22,       Ruler of Um Al-   caused         
     Ambassador to      1993. Est.         Quiwain, The      embarrassment  
     the United Arab    Value--$400. In    United Arab       to donor and   
     Emirates.          Office of          Emirates.         U.S.           
                        Protocol pending                     Government.    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Kathryn M.         Gold and silver    Her Majesty The   Non-acceptance  
     Sartori, Special   bracelet. Recd--   Raja Isteri of    would have     
     Assistant to the   June 29, 1993.     Brunei.           caused         
     Deputy Secretary   Est Value--                          embarrassment  
     of State.          $8,500. In                           to donor and   
                        Office of                            U.S.           
                        Protocol pending                     Government.    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Richard H. Smyth,  Wool/silk          General Abdul     Non-acceptance  
     U.S. Consulate,    Turkoman rug, 6    Rashid Dostam,    would have     
     Peshawar,          square meters.     Commander, The    caused         
     Pakistan.          Recd--July 22,     Islamic State     embarrassment  
                        1993. Est.         of Afghanitan.    to donor and   
                        Value--$2,000.                       U.S.           
                        Approved for                         Government.    
                        official use.                                       
    Clifford R.        Pakistani Rug, 5'  The Prime         Non-acceptance  
     Wharton, Jr.,      x 7'. Recd--       Minister of The   would have     
     Deputy Secretary   April 7, 1993.     Republic of       caused         
     of State.          Est. Value--       Pakistan.         embarrassment  
                        $800. Approved                       to donor and   
                        for official use.                    U.S.           
    Mrs. Clifford R.   Ruby and Diamond   Her Majesty The   Non-acceptance  
     Wharton, Jr.,      brooch, pen set,   Raja Isteri of    would have     
     Wife of the        watch, bracelet,   Brunei.           caused         
     Deputy Secretary   wallet and note                      embarrassment  
     of State.          pad. Recd--June                      to donor and   
                        29, 1993. Est.                       U.S.           
                        Value--$27,500.                      Government.    
                        In Office of                                        
                        Protocol pending                                    
                        transfer to GSA.                                    
    Mrs. Clifford R.   Porcelain covered  Her Majesty The   Non-acceptance  
     Wharton, Jr.,      jar. Recd--June    Raja Isteri of    would have     
     Wife of the        29, 1993. Est.     Brunei.           caused         
     Deputy Secretary   Value--$300. In                      embarrassment  
     of State.          Office of                            to donor and   
                        Protocol pending                     U.S.           
                        transfer to GSA.                     Government.    
    Mrs. Clifford R.   Porcelain Tea      Her Majesty The   Non-acceptance  
     Wharton, Jr.,      Set. Recd--June    Raja Isteri of    would have     
     Wife of the        29, 1993. Est.     Brunei.           caused         
     Deputy Secretary   Value--$300. In                      embarrassment  
     of State.          Office of                            to donor and   
                        Protocol pending                     U.S.           
                        transfer to GSA.                     Government.    
    Paul R. Zalucky,   Two 4' x 6'        S.A.H. Bukhari,   Non-acceptance  
     U.S. Consulate,    carpets. Recd--    Export            would have     
     Lahore, Pakistan.  June 6, 1993.      Promotion         caused         
                        Est. Value $290.   Bureau, The       embarrassment  
                        Approved for       Republic of       to donor and   
                        official use.      Pakistan.         U.S.           
                       Agency: Department of the Treasury                   
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
       Government        disposition or                                     
    Secretary Lloyd    Three cases of     Federal Minister  Non-acceptance  
     Bentsen.           German Wine.       of Foreign        would have     
                        Recd--June 9,      Affairs           caused         
                        1993. Est.         (Germany).        embarrassment  
                        Value--$360.                         to donor and   
                        Purchased.                           U.S.           
    Secretary Lloyd    Pearl Tie Clasp.   Minister of       Non-acceptance  
     Bentsen.           Recd--April 14,    Finance (Japan).  would have     
                        1993. Est.                           caused         
                        Value--$300.                         embarrassment  
                        Government                           to donor and   
                        property.                            U.S.           
    Secretary Lloyd    3 Japanese         Prime Minister    Non-acceptance  
     Bentsen.           Porcelain Bowls.   of Japan          would have     
                        Recd--July 9,      (Japan).          caused         
                        1993. Est.                           embarrassment  
                        Value--$350.                         to donor and   
                        Government                           U.S.           
                        property.                            Government.    
    Secretary Lloyd    Bone China plate   Minister of       Non-acceptance  
     Bentsen.           and stand. Recd--  France (Japan).   would have     
                        July 8, 1993.                        caused         
                        Est. Value--                         embarrassment  
                        $225. Government                     to donor and   
                        property.                            U.S. Government
    Lawrence Dwight..  Small Chinese      Delegation        Non-acceptance  
                        Vase and Feather   Leader (China).   would have     
                        Fan. Recd--June                      caused         
                        22, 1993. Est.                       embarrassment  
                        Value--$309.                         to donor and   
                        Government                           U.S.           
                        property.                            Government.    
    Gary L.Rasmussen.  China Bowl. Recd-- Delegation Group  Non-acceptance  
                        July 2, 1993.      Leader (China).   would have     
                        Est. Value--                         caused         
                        $400. Government                     embarrassment  
                        property.                            to donor and   
                       Agency: Department of the Treasury                   
                     Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel                 
                       Brief description                                    
                         and estimated                                      
     Name of title of   value of travel                                     
     person accepting      or travel                                        
     travel or travel  expenses accepted                                    
         expenses        as consistent       Identity of      Circumstances 
     consistent with        with the        foreign donor      justifying   
     the interests of   interests of the   and government      acceptance   
         the U.S.       U.S. Government                                     
        Government       and occurring                                      
                          outside the                                       
                         United States                                      
    Robert Anderson,   Rec'd--Dec 8,      Bi-national       U.S.--Israel Bi-
     Economist.         1993. Est--        Industrial        national       
                        $3198.00.          Research and      meetings.      
                        Airfare,           Development                      
                        lodging, meals.    Board of                         
    Lloyd Bentsen,     Rec'd--July 10,    Japanese          To attend       
     Secretary of the   1993. Est--        Government,       Economic       
     Treasury.          4623.00. Lodging.  Tokyo, Japan.     Summit.        
    Patricia           Rec'd--July 3,     Organization of   Trainer at OAS  
     Broderick,         1993. Est--        American          seminar.       
     Financial          $931.00.           States, Panama                   
     Enforcement.       Airfare,           City, Panama.                    
                        lodging, meals.                                     
    Kathleen Byrne,    Rec'd--December    Government of     Participate in  
     Economist.         16, 1993. Est--    Japan, Tokyo,     seminar on     
                        $500.00.           Japan.            Fiscal and     
                        Airfare,                             Monetary       
                        lodging, meals.                      Policy.        
    Pamela Johnson,    Rec'd--July 3,     Organization of   Trainer at OAS  
     Financial          1993. Est--        American          seminar.       
     Enforcement.       $774.00.           States, Panama                   
                        Airfare,           City, Panama.                    
                        lodging, meals.                                     
    James B. Mackie    Rec'd--September   Australian        Deliver paper at
     III, Tax Analyst.  21, 1993. Est--    Government,       conference.    
                        $6100.00.          Canberra,                        
                        Airfare,           Australia.                       
                        lodging, meals.                                     
    Keith Palzer,      Rec'd--January     Association of    Participate in a
     Counsel.           31, 1993. Est--    Mexican           conference on  
                        $783.00.           Securities,       NAFTA          
                        Airfare,           Mexico City,      provisions.    
                        lodging, meals.    Mexico.                          
    Norman Richter,    Rec'd--September   International     Give speech on  
     Tax Analyst.       21, 1993. Est--    Tax Institute,    international  
                        $918.00.           University of     taxation.      
                        Airfare,           Hamburg,                         
                        lodging, meals.    Hamburg,                         
    Barbara            Rec'd--July 9,     Canadian Tax      Participate in  
     Rollinson, Tax     1993. Est--        Foundation and    conference on  
     Analyst.           $915.00.           the University    transfer       
                        Airfare,           of Western        pricing.       
                        lodging, meals.    Ontario,                         
    Ray Squiteri,      Rec'd--October     International     Workshop of the 
     Economic Policy    17, 1993. Est--    Workshop on       International  
     Analyst.           $1030.00.          Integrative       Institute for  
                        Airfare,           Assessment of     Applied Systems
                        lodging, meals.    Mitigation,       Analysis.      
                                           Vienna, Austria.                 
    Lawrence Summers,  Rec'd--February    World Economic    Participate in  
     Under Secretary    1, 1993. Est--     Forum, Davos,     meeting.       
     for                $3429.00.          Switzerland.                     
     International      Airfare,                                            
     Affairs.           lodging, meals.                                     
    Lawrence Summers,  Rec'd--July 10,    Japanese          To attend       
     Under Secretary    1993. Est--        Government,       Economic       
     for                $4430.00.          Tokyo, Japan.     Summit.        
     International      Lodging.                                            
    Lawrence Summers,  Rec'd--April 18,   Japanese          To attend Sherpa
     Under Secretary    1993. Est--        Government,       meeting.       
     for                $3628.00.          Tokyo, Japan.                    
     International      Lodging.                                            
    Lawrence Summers,  Rec'd--March 16,   Hong Kong         To attend Sherpa
     Under Secretary    1993. Est--        Government,       meeting.       
     for                $4191.00.          Hong Kong.                       
     International      Lodging.                                            
          Agency: U.S. Treasury Department, Comptroller of the Currency     
                            Report of Tangible Gifts                        
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
        Government       disposition or                                     
    Eugene Ludwig,     Silver bowl with   Myung Ho Kim,     Non-acceptance  
     Comptroller of     lid, in green      Governer of the   would have     
     the Currency.      velvet covered     Bank of Korea.    caused         
                        wood box. 5\1/                       embarrassment  
                        2\'' x 3\3/4\''                      to donor and   
                        with lid on. Lid                     U.S.           
                        has silver and                       Government.    
                        gold leaves.                                        
                        Rec'd. 4/29/93--                                    
                        Estimated value                                     
                        Currently used                                      
                        as office                                           
    Roger Tufts,       Dish, 4\5/8\''     Mr. H. Nakaso,    Unable to       
     Senior Economic    wide, green.       Bank of Japan.    decline, gift  
     Advisor.           Rec'd. 5/21/93--                     was received in
                        Estimated value                      the mail.      
                        Currently used                                      
                        as office                                           
    Eugene Ludwig,     French wine, 2     Myung Ho Kim,     Non-acceptance  
     Comptroller of     bottles, size      Governor of the   would have     
     the Currency.      750 ml. 1991       Bank of Korea.    caused         
                        Louis Jadot                          embarrassment  
                        Montrachet Grand                     to donor and   
                        Cru. 1989                            U.S.           
                        Chateau Margaux                      Government.    
                        Grand Cru                                           
                        Classe. Rec'd.                                      
                        last week in                                        
                        December 1993.                                      
                        Estimated value                                     
                        7.50. (Chateau                                      
                        0. Currently                                        
                        used for                                            
                        Agency: Internal Revenue Service                    
         Office: A/C (Intl) Tax Administrative Service Foreign Gifts and    
                Decorations Received (Report of Tangible Gifts)             
                         Gift, date of                                      
                         acceptance on                                      
    Name and title of    behalf of the                                      
     person accepting   U.S. Government,     Identity of      Circumstances 
    gift on behalf of   estimated value,    foreign donor      justifying   
         the U.S.         and current      and government      acceptance   
       Government        disposition or                                     
    Jeffrey C.         Jade carving of    Haowei Zhao,      Refusal would   
     Rozwadowski,       two running        Assistant Chief   have caused    
     International      horses,            of the            embarassment   
     Visitor            estimated value--  Municipal         and offense as 
     Information        $400.00, in        Finance Bureau    this was a     
     Specialist.        vault at           of Anshan City.   product of     
                        headquarter                          their city and 
                        building.                            a typical      
                                                             expression of  
                     Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs                 
                     Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel                 
                       Brief description                                    
                         and estimated                                      
                        value of travel                                     
    Name and title of      or travel                                        
     person accepting  expenses accepted                                    
     travel or travel    as consistent       Identity of      Circumstances 
         expenses           with the        foreign donor      justifying   
     consistent with    interests of the   and government      acceptance   
     the interests of   U.S. Government                                     
     U.S. Government     and occurring                                      
                          outside the                                       
                         United States                                      
    Samuel J.          Recd.--February    Crown Prince,     To attend and   
     McKenna, D.D.S.,   25, 1993. Est.     Saudi Arabia.     consult with   
     M.D.               Value--$5600.                        the Crown      
                        Expended for                         Prince of Saudi
                        airfare, lodging                     Arabia on oral 
                        and meals.                           surgery        
                                                             performed at   
                                                             the King Faisel
                                                             Hospital in    
                                                             Saudi Arabia.  
    Samuel J.          Watch. Recd.--     Crown Prince,     Provided        
     McKenna, D.D.S.,   February 25,       Saudi Arabia.     consultation to
     M.D.               1993. Est.                           the Crown      
                        Value--$1500.                        Prince of Saudi
                                                             Arabia on oral 
                                                             performed at   
                                                             the King Faisel
                                                             Hospital in    
                                                             Saudi Arabia.  
                                                             In appreciation
                                                             for his time   
                                                             and expertise, 
                                                             the Crown      
                                                             Prince gave the
                                                             watch to Dr.   
                                                             McKenna as a   
                                                             token gift.    
    [FR Doc. 94-19568 Filed 8-11-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4710-20-M

Document Information

State Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: August 12, 1994, Public Notice 2044