2024-18065. Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Behavioral Interventions To Advance Self-Sufficiency-Next Generation (BIAS-NG) (Office of Management and Budget #0970-0502)  

  • Annual Burden Estimates

    [TANF, child welfare, EHS/HS, child care]

    Instrument Number of respondents (TANF, CW, EHS/HS, CC) (total over request period) Number of responses per respondent (total over request period) Average burden per response (in hours) Total burden (in hours) Annual burden (in hours)
    Phase 3: Diagnosis and Design
    Administrator interviews/focus groups 48 1 1 48 16
    Staff interviews/focus groups 400 1 1 400 133
    Client interviews/focus groups 400 1 1 400 133
    Client survey 400 1 .25 100 33
    Staff Survey 400 1 .25 100 33
    Phase 4: Evaluation
    Administrator interviews/focus groups 96 1 1 96 32
    Staff interviews/focus groups 800 1 1 800 267
    Client interviews/focus groups 800 1 1 800 267
    Client survey 12,000 1 .25 3,000 1,000
    Staff Survey 1,200 1 .25 300 100