96-18480. Inclusion of Terminal Equipment Connected to Basic Rate Access Service Provided via Integrated Services Digital Network Access Technology and Terminal Equipment Connected to Public Switched Digital Service  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 159 (Thursday, August 15, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 42386-42394]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-18480]
    47 CFR Parts 2 and 68
    [CC Docket No. 93-268; FCC 96-1]
    Inclusion of Terminal Equipment Connected to Basic Rate Access 
    Service Provided via Integrated Services Digital Network Access 
    Technology and Terminal Equipment Connected to Public Switched Digital 
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: On January 11, 1996, the Commission adopted a Report and Order 
    regarding network protection to include terminal equipment connected to 
    the two-wire Basic Rate Access (BRA) interface and the Integrated 
    Services Digital Network (ISDN) access technology. The Order further 
    addresses petitions for amendment of its network protection rules to 
    include terminal equipment for Public Switched Digital Service (PSDS) 
    and adopts rules to govern revocation of equipment registration. This 
    action will promote end-to-end digital connectivity for consumers.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: November 13, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bill von Alven, Senior Engineer (202) 
    418-2342 or Marian Gordon, Special Counsel, Network Services Division, 
    Common Carrier Bureau, (202) 418-2337.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This summarizes the Commission's Order in 
    the matter of Petition to Amend part 68 of the Commission's Rules to 
    Include Terminal Equipment Connected to Basic Rate Access Service 
    Provided via Integrated Services Digital Network Access Technology and 
    Petition to Amend part 68 of the Commission's Rules to Include Terminal 
    Equipment Connected to Public Switched Digital Services, file is 
    available for inspection and copying during the weekday hours of 9 a.m. 
    to 4:30 p.m. in the Commission's duplicating contractor, ITS, Inc. 2100 
    M St., NW., Suite 140, Washington, DC. 20037, phone (202)857-2800.
    Analysis of Proceeding
        1. In the Order, the Commission adopts final rules to amend part 68 
    of the Commission's rules which governs the terms and conditions under 
    which customer-provided terminal equipment may be connected to the 
    telephone network. Part 68 is designed to ensure that customers and 
    manufacturers can connect terminal equipment to the telephone network 
    without causing harm to the network.
        2. The Commission amends part 68 to include terminal equipment 
    connected to the two-wire Basic Rate Access (BRA) interface and the 
    four-wire Primary Rate Access (PRA) interface associated with the 
    Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) access technology. In this 
    Order, the Commission further amends part 68 to include terminal 
    equipment for Public Switched Digital Service (PSDS) in the 
    Commission's equipment registration program and adopts rules to govern 
    revocation of part 68 registration and clarify other aspects of its 
    Ordering Clauses
        3. Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to authority contained in 
    Sections 1, 4(i), 4(j), 201-205 and 403 of the Communications Act of 
    1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 201-205, 225, and 403, 
    part 2 and part 68 of the Commission's rules are amended as set fourth 
        4. It is further ordered that the rules and requirements set forth 
    below to include terminal equipment for ISDN and PSDS into part 58, and 
    the rules for part 68 registration revocation are adopted.
    List of Subjects
    47 CFR Part 2
        Certification, Equipment authorization, Federal Commmunications 
    47 CFR Part 68
        Federal Communications Commission, Registered terminal equipment, 
    Federal Communications Commission.
    William F. Caton,
    Acting Secretary.
    Rule Changes
        Parts 2 and 68 of chapter I of title 47 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 2 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 202, 203, 204, 205, 208, 215, 218, 
    313, 314, 404, 410, 602 unless otherwise noted.
    Sec. 2.1302   [Amended]
        2. Section 2.1302 is amended by removing the words ``two copies'' 
    and adding in their place the words ``one copy.''
    [[Page 42387]]
        3. The authority citation for part 68 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151, 154, 155, 201-205, 208, 215, 218, 220, 
    226, 227, 303, 313, 314, 403, 404, 410, 412, 522.
        4. Section 68.2 is amended by revising paragraph (a) introductory 
    text, and adding paragraphs (a)(9), (a)(10), (j) and (k) to read as 
    Sec. 68.2   Scope.
        (a) General. Except as provided for in paragraphs (b), (c), (d), 
    (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j) and (k) of this section, the rules and 
    regulations apply to direct connection:
    * * * * *
        (9) Of all terminal equipment to Public Switched Digital Service 
    (PSDS) Type I, II or III.
        (10) Of all terminal equipment to the Integrated Services Digital 
    Network (ISDN) Basic Rate Access (BRA) or Primary Rate Access (PRA).
    * * * * *
        (j) Grandfathered equipment for connection to PSDS (Type I, II or 
    III). (1) Terminal equipment, including its premises wiring directly 
    connected to PSDS (Type I, II or III) on or before January 1, 1996, may 
    remain for service life without registration, unless subsequently 
    modified. Service life means the life of the equipment until retired 
    from service. Modification means changes to the equipment that affect 
    compliance with Part 68.
        (2) New installation of terminal equipment, including its premises 
    wiring, may occur until July 1, 1997, without registration of any 
    terminal equipment involved, provided that the terminal equipment is of 
    a type directly connected to PSDS (Type I, II or III) as of January 1, 
    1996. This to PSDS (Type I, II or III) for service life without 
    registration unless subsequently modified.
        (k) Grandfathered equipment for connection to ISDN BRA or PRA: (1) 
    Terminal equipment, including premises wiring directly connected to 
    ISDN BRA or PRA on January 1, 1996, may remain connected to ISDN BRA or 
    PRA for service life without registration, unless subsequently 
        (2) New installation of terminal equipment, including premises 
    wiring, may occur until July 1, 1997, without registration of any 
    terminal equipment involved, provided that the terminal equipment is of 
    a type directly connected to ISDN BRA or PRA as of January 1, 1996. 
    This terminal equipment may remain connected and be reconnected to ISDN 
    BRA or PRA for service life without registration unless subsequently 
        5. Section 68.3 is amended by revising the definition of ``Test 
    equipment'', by removing in the definition of Zero level decoder the 
    words ``See Figure 68.3(j)'' and adding in their place ``See Figure 
    68.3(l)'', adding the remaining definitions in alphabetical order, 
    adding Figure 68.3(m) and revising Figures 68.3(a), 68.3(b), and 
    68.3(l) to read as follows:
    Sec. 68.3   Definitions.
    * * * * *
        ISDN Basic Rate Interface: A two-wire interface between the 
    terminal equipment and ISDN BRA. The tip and ring leads shall be 
    treated as telephone connections for the purpose of fulfilling 
    registration conditions.
        ISDN Primary Rate Interface: A four-wire interface between the 
    terminal equipment and 1.544 Mbps ISDN PRA. The tip, ring, tip-1, and 
    ring-1 leads shall be treated as telephone connections for the purpose 
    of fulfilling registration conditions.
    * * * * *
        PSDS Type II Analog Mode Loop Simulator Circuit: A circuit 
    simulating the network side of the two-wire telephone connection that 
    is used for testing terminal equipment to be connected to the PSDS Type 
    II loops. Figure 68.3(m) shows the type of circuit required. Other test 
    circuit configurations may be used provided they operate at the same DC 
    voltage and current characteristics and AC impedance characteristics 
    presented in the illustrated circuit. When utilized, the simulator 
    should be operated over the entire range of loop resistances, and with 
    the indicated voltage limits and polarities. Whenever the loop current 
    is changed, sufficient time shall be allowed for the current to reach a 
    steady-state condition before continuing testing.
        Public Switched Digital Service Type I (PSDS Type I): This service 
    functions only in a digital mode. It employs a transmission rate of 56 
    Kbps on both the transmit and receive pairs to provide a four-wire full 
    duplex digital channel. Signaling is accomplished using bipolar 
    patterns which include bipolar violations.
        Public Switched Digital Service Type II (PSDS Type II): This 
    service functions in two modes, analog and digital. Analog signaling 
    procedures are used to perform supervisory and address signaling over 
    the network. After an end-to-end connection is established, the 
    Switched Circuit Data Service Unit (SCDSU) is switched to the digital 
    mode. The time compression multiplexing (TCM) transmission operated at 
    a digital transmission speed of 144 Kbps to provide full-duplex 56 Kbps 
    on the two-wire access line.
        Public Switched Digital Service Type III (PSDS Type III): This 
    service functions only in a digital mode. It uses a time compression 
    multiplexing (TCM) rate of 160 Kbps, over one pair, to provide two 
    full-duplex channels--an 8 Kbps signaling channel for supervisory and 
    address signaling, and a 64 Kbps user data channel on a two-wire access 
        Switched Circuit Data Service Unit (SCDSU): A CPE device, with PSDS 
    functionality, located between the Network Interface and the data 
    terminal equipment. (It also is sometimes referred to as Network 
    Channel Terminating Equipment).
    * * * * *
        Test Equipment: Equipment connected at the customer's premises that 
    is used on the customer's side of the network interfaces to measure 
    characteristics of the telephone network, or to detect and isolate a 
    communications fault between a terminal equipment entity and the 
    telephone network. Registration is required for test equipment capable 
    of functioning as portable traffic recorded or equipment capable of 
    transmitting or receiving test tones; except registration is not 
    required for devices used by telephone companies solely for network 
    installation and maintenance activities such as hand-held data 
    terminals, linesmen's handsets, and subscriber line diagnostic devices.
    * * * * *
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P
    [[Page 42388]]
    [[Page 42389]]
    [[Page 42390]]
    [[Page 42391]]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-C
    [[Page 42392]]
    Sec. 68.104   [Amended]
        6. Section 68.104(b), is amended by removing ``..68.308(a)(4)(i) or 
    (ii)'', and adding in its place ``..68.308(b)(4)(i) or (ii)''.
    Sec. 68.112   [Amended]
        7. Section 68.112(b)(2), is amended by removing the word 
    ``policy'', and adding in its place the word ``police''.
        8. Section 68.200, is amended removing the words ``two copies'', 
    and adding in their place the words ``one copy'' in the introductory 
    text; and revising paragraph (d) to read as follows:
    Sec. 68.200   Application for equipment registration.
    * * * * *
        (d) A statement that the terminal equipment or protective circuitry 
    complies with and will continue to comply with the rules and 
    regulations in subpart D of this part, accompanied by such test 
    results, description of test procedures, analyses, evaluations, quality 
    control standards and quality assurance standards as are necessary to 
    demonstrate that such terminal equipment or protective circuitry 
    complies with and will continue to comply with all the applicable rules 
    and regulations in subpart D of this part. The Common Carrier Bureau 
    will publish a Registration Application Guide referencing acceptable 
    test procedures; but other test methods may be employed provided they 
    are fully described in the application and are found acceptable by the 
    * * * * *
    Sec. 68.208   [Amended]
        9. Section 68.208(a) is amended by removing the words ``of this 
    part of which'', and adding in their place ``of this part or which''.
        10. Section 68.211 is added to subpart C to read as follows:
    Sec. 68.211   Registration revocation procedures.
        (a) Cause for revocation. The Commission may revoke the Part 68 
    registration of a registrant:
        (1) Who has obtained the equipment registration by 
        (2) Whose registered equipment is shown to cause harm to the 
        (3) Who willfully or repeatedly fails to comply with the terms and 
    conditions of its Part 68 registration; or
        (4) Who willfully or repeatedly fails to comply with any rule, 
    regulation or order issued by the Commission under the Communications 
    Act of 1934 relating to equipment registration.
        (b) Notice of Intent to Revoke Part 68 Registration. Before 
    revoking a Part 68 registration under the provisions of this section, 
    the Commission, or the Common Carrier Bureau under delegated authority, 
    will issue a written Notice of Intent to Revoke Part 68 Registration, 
    or Joint Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture and Intent to 
    Revoke Part 68 Registration pursuant to Secs. 1.80 and 1.89 of this 
        (1) Contents of the Notice. The Notice will:
        (i) Identify the registration date(s) and registration number(s) of 
    the equipment, and the rule or federal law apparently violated;
        (ii) Set forth the nature of the act or omission charged against 
    the registrant, and the facts upon which such charge is based;
        (iii) Specify that in the event of revocation, the registrant may 
    not reapply for registration of the same product for a period of six 
    months; and
        (iv) Specify that revocation of the registration may be in addition 
    to, or in lieu of, an amount in forfeiture levied pursuant to Sec. 1.80 
    of this chapter.
        (c) Delivery. The Notice will be sent via certified mail to the 
    registrant at the address certified in the Part 68 application 
    associated with the registration at issue.
        (d) Response. The registrant will be given a reasonable period of 
    time (usually 30 days from the date of the Notice) to show, in writing, 
    why its part 68 registration should not be revoked or why the 
    forfeiture penalty should not be imposed or should be reduced.
        (e) Reapplication. A registrant whose registration has been revoked 
    may not apply for registration of the same product for a period of six 
    months from the date of revocation of the registration.
        (f) Reconsideration or appeal. A registrant who is issued a 
    revocation of equipment registration and/or forfeiture assessment may 
    request reconsideration or make administrative appeal of the decision 
    pursuant to Part 1 of the Commission's rules--Practice and Procedure, 
    Part 1 of this chapter.
        11. Section 68.300(c) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 68.300  Labelling requirements.
    * * * * *
        (c) When the device is so small or for such use that it is not 
    practical to place the labelling information specified in paragraphs 
    (a) and (b) of this section, the information required by these 
    paragraphs shall be placed in a prominent place in user instructions. 
    The FCC Registration Number and the device Model Number, however, must 
    be displayed on the device. All lettering on the label must be 
    discernible without magnification.
        12. Section 68.308 is amended by revising paragraph (a), adding 
    paragraphs (b)(1)(viii) and (b)(2)(iii), revising paragraph 
    (b)(7)(ii)(C), removing from the table in paragraph (f)(2)(ii) the 
    words ``20 kHz'' and inserting in their place the words ``120 kHz'', 
    revising paragraph (h)(2) introductory text, Table III in paragraph 
    (h)(2)(ii), the first sentence of paragraph (h)(2)(v), and adding 
    paragraph (h)(3) to read as follows:
    Sec. 68.308  Signal power limitations.
        (a) General. Limitation on signal power shall be met at the 
    interface for all 2-wire network ports, tip and ring conductors to PSDS 
    Types II and III, and, where applicable to services, both transmit and 
    receive pairs of all 4-wire network ports. Signal power measurements 
    will be made using terminations as specified in each of the following 
    limitations. The transmit and receive pairs of 4-wire network ports 
    shall be measured with the pair not under test connected to a 
    termination equivalent to that specified for the pair under test. 
    Through-gain limitations apply only in the direction of transmission to 
    the network.
        (b) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (viii) For PSDS (Types I, II and III) terminal equipment when in 
    the digital mode of transmission, the maximum equivalent power of any 
    encoded analog signal (other than live voice) shall not exceed -12dBm 
    when averaged over any 3-second interval. The equivalent analog power 
    shall be derived by a zero-level decoder at the network interface to 
    PSDS (Type II or III) facilities.
        (2) * * *
        (iii) For PSDS (Types I, II and III) terminal equipment, when in 
    the digital mode of transmission, the maximum equivalent power of any 
    encoded analog signal shall not exceed -3dBm when averaged over any 3-
    second time interval. The equivalent analog signal shall be derived by 
    a zero-level decoder located at the network interface to PSDS (Type II 
    or III) facilities.
    * * * * *
        (7) * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (C) Except for class A OPS interfaces, the dc current into the OPS 
    line simulator circuit must be at least 20 mA for the following 
    conditions (see Fig. 68.3(f)):
                                     R2 + RL                                
                           Condition                        Class B  Class C
    1.....................................................      600     1300
    [[Page 42393]]
    2.....................................................     1800     2500
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
        (2) Limitations on Terminal Equipment Connecting to 1.544 Mbps 
    Digital Services and ISDN PRA Services--
        (i) * * *
        (ii) * * *
                                    Table III                               
    Pulse Height (volts)......................  2.4 to 3.6.                 
    Pulse Width (half amplitude) (nsec).......  324 +/-45.                  
    Maximum rise or fall time; from 10% to 90%  100.                        
     points (nsec).                                                         
    * * * * *
        (v) Encoded analog content. If registered terminal equipment 
    connected to 1.544 Mbps digital service or to ISDN PRA service contains 
    an analog-to-digital converter, or generates signals in digital form 
    which are intended for eventual conversion to voiceband analog signals, 
    the encoded analog content of the subrate channels of the ISDN 
    information bearing channels within the 1.544 Mbps signal must be 
    limited. * * *
    * * * * *
        (3) Pulse Repetition Rate. For PSDS (Type II) the pulse repetition 
    rate shall be a maximum of 144,000 pulses per second +/-5 pulses per 
    second; for PSDS (Type III) the pulse repetition rate shall be a 
    maximum of 160,000 pulses per +/-5 pulses per second.
        (i) Template for maximum output pulse. When applied to a 135 ohm 
    resistor the instantaneous amplitude of the largest isolated output 
    pulse obtainable from the registered terminal equipment shall fall 
    within the template of Table IV(A) for PSDS Type II or Table IV(B) for 
    PSDS Type III. The limiting pulse template shall be defined by passing 
    an ideal 50% duty cycle rectangular pulse within he amplitude/pulse 
    rate characteristics of Table IV(A) or Table IV(B) through a 1-pole 
    low-pass filter with a 3dB frequency of 260 kHz.
        (ii) Below is the template for maximum output pulse:
              Pulse characteristics                            Table IV(A)                         Table IV(B)      
    Pulse Height +/-5%......................  2.6 volts +/-5%.............................  2.4. volts              
    Pulse Width--100ns......................  3472.2 +/-150ns.............................  3125 +/-.               
    Max Rise or Fall Time--microsecond......   100ns......................................  1.2.                    
        (From 10% to 90% points) microsecond  ............................................  +/- 0.2.                
    * * * * *
        13. Section 68.310 is amended by revising the table in paragraph 
    (a), the introductory text of paragraph (i), and paragraph (l) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 68.310   Longitudinal balance limitations.
        (a) * * *
                                                                                           Minimum       Frequency  
                       Paragraph                               Equipment state             balance         range    
    (b)............................................  On-hook...........................           60        200-1000
                                                     On-hook...........................           40       1000-4000
                                                     Off-hook..........................           40        200-4000
    (c)............................................  On-hook...........................           60        200-1000
                                                     On-hook...........................           40       1000-4000
                                                     Off-hook..........................           40        200-4000
    (d)............................................  Off-hook..........................           40        200-4000
    (e)............................................  On-hook...........................           60        200-1000
    Voice Equipment................................  On-hook...........................           40       1000-4000
                                                     Off-hook..........................           40        200-4000
    (e)............................................  On-hook...........................           60        200-1000
    Data Equipment.................................  On-hook...........................           40       1000-4000
                                                     Off-hook..........................           40        200-4000
    (f)............................................  Off-hook..........................           40        200-4000
    (g)............................................  On-hook...........................           60        200-1000
                                                     On-hook...........................           40       1000-4000
                                                     Off-hook..........................           40        200-4000
    (h)............................................  Off-hook..........................           40        200-1000
    (i)............................................  On-hook...........................           60        200-1000
                                                     On-hook...........................           40       1000-4000
                                                     Off-hook..........................           40        200-4000
    (j)............................................  Off-hook..........................           40        200-4000
    * * * * *
        (i) Registered terminal equipment and registered protective 
    circuitry for 4-wire network ports. The pair under test shall be driven 
    from a 600-ohm metallic source having a 500-ohm longitudinal impedance. 
    The pair not under test shall be terminated in a metallic impedance of 
    * * * * *
        (l) The maximum balance requirement for registered terminal 
    equipment connected to digital services specified in Figure 68.310(k) 
    shall be equaled or exceeded for the range of frequencies applicable 
    for the equipment under test and under all reasonable conditions of the 
    application of earth ground to the equipment. All such terminal
    [[Page 42394]]
    equipment shall have a longitudinal balance in the acceptable region of 
    Figure 68.310(k). The metallic termination used for the longitudinal 
    balance measurements for 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, and 56 Kbps shall be 135 Ohms 
    plus or minus one percent. The metallic termination used for the 
    longitudinal balance measurements (M-L balance) for subrate, ISDN (BRA) 
    and PSDS shall be 135 ohms +/- 1% and for 1.544 Mbps and ISDA (PRA) 
    shall be 100 ohms +/- 1%. The longitudinal termination for these 
    measurements (L-M balance) shall be 90 ohms in all cases.
    * * * * *
        14. Section 68.312 is amended by revising paragraph (b) 
    introductory text, and paragraph (b)(2), removing from paragraph (c)(2) 
    the words ``paragraph (a)(2)'' and adding in their place the words 
    ``paragraph (b)(2)'', and by revising paragraph (h), introductory text, 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 68.312   On-hook impedance limitations.
    * * * * *
        (b) Limitations on individual equipment intended for operation on 
    loop-start telephone facilities, including PSDS Type II in the analog 
    * * * * *
        (2) Registered terminal equipment and registered protective 
    circuitry intended for use on facilities which will always have ringing 
    detection circuitry in use at the same time such registered terminal 
    equipment and registered protective circuitry is connected need not 
    comply with the 40 kilohms maximum impedance specification of paragraph 
    (b)(1)(iv) of this section.
    * * * * *
        (h) Limitations on PBX equipment with an off-premises interface and 
    direct inward dialing (DID). PBX ringing supplies whose output appears 
    on the off-premises interface leads shall not trip when connected to 
    the following tip-to-ring impedance which terminates the off-premises 
    station loop:
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 96-18480 Filed 8-14-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
November 13, 1996.
42386-42394 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
CC Docket No. 93-268, FCC 96-1
PDF File:
CFR: (12)
47 CFR 68.300
47 CFR 68.308
47 CFR 68.310
47 CFR 68.312
47 CFR 2.1302
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