95-20180. Utilization and Disposal of Surplus Federal Real Property for Development or Operation of a Port Facility  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 158 (Wednesday, August 16, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 42466-42469]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-20180]
    Maritime Administration
    46 CFR Part 387
    [Docket No. R-157]
    RIN No. 2133-AB18
    Utilization and Disposal of Surplus Federal Real Property for 
    Development or Operation of a Port Facility
    AGENCY: Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This rule provides guidance for implementation by the 
    Secretary of Transportation, acting by and through the Maritime 
    Administrator, Maritime Administration (Secretary), of controlling 
    regulations issued by the Administrator of General Services 
    (Administrator), as authorized by Public Law 103-160. This rule 
    prescribes the terms, reservations, restrictions, and conditions under 
    which the Secretary will convey surplus Federal real property and 
    related personal property to public entities for use in the development 
    or operation of a port facility.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule is effective August 16, 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James R. Carman, Acting Chief, 
    Division of Ports, Maritime Administration, MAR-830, Room 7201, 400 
    Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC, 20590, (202) 366-4357.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Due to the downsizing of the United States 
    Government, surplus Federal real property and related personal property 
    is becoming available which may be suitable for the development or 
    operation of a port facility. Section 2927 of the National Defense 
    Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994, enacted November 30, 1993, 
    Public Law 103-160, amended Section 203 of the Federal Property and 
    Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 484) to provide that 
    under such regulations as the Administrator, after consultation with 
    the Secretary of Defense, may prescribe, the Administrator or the 
    Secretary of Defense, in the case of property located at a military 
    installation closed or realigned pursuant to a base closure law, may, 
    in his or her discretion, assign to the Secretary for disposal such 
    surplus real property, including buildings, fixtures, and equipment 
    situated thereon, as is recommended by the Secretary as being needed 
    for the development or operation of a port facility. The 
    [[Page 42467]]
    Secretary of Transportation delegated the authority to convey such real 
    and personal surplus Federal property to the Maritime Administrator (59 
    FR 36987, July 20, 1994). The Administrator has issued a final rule (60 
    FR 35706, July 11, 1995).
        This rule establishes the terms, reservations, restrictions, and 
    conditions of the conveyance, as required by Public Law 103-160, which 
    are consistent with the controlling regulations at 41 CFR 101-47.308-
    10. Most of the terms, reservations, restrictions, and conditions used 
    in this rule are found in other surplus Federal property conveyance 
    program regulations of Federal agencies. The port facility definition 
    is new and was developed by the Secretary to implement the conveyance 
    Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
        This rulemaking has been reviewed under Executive Order 12866 and 
    Department of Transportation Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 
    11034, February 26, 1979). It is not considered to be an economically 
    significant regulatory action under Section 3(f) of E.O. 12866, since 
    it has been determined that it is not likely to result in a rule that 
    may have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or 
    communities. This rule would not significantly affect other Federal 
    agencies; would not materially alter budgetary impacts; does not raise 
    novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal mandates, the 
    President's priorities or the principles set forth in E.O. 12866, and 
    has been determined to be a nonsignificant rule under the Department 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures. Accordingly, it is not considered 
    to be a significant regulatory action under E.O. 12866. Since this is a 
    matter relating to public property it is exempt from the notice 
    requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553 (a)(2)). 
    Furthermore, it is necessary to finalize guidelines to facilitate and 
    expedite the selection of the recipients of properties and the actual 
        This rule has not been reviewed by the Office of Management and 
        The Secretary has analyzed this rulemaking in accordance with the 
    principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 12612 and has 
    determined that these regulations do not have sufficient federalism 
    implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Secretary certifies that this rulemaking will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    Environmental Assessment
        The Secretary has considered the environmental impact of this 
    rulemaking and has concluded that the Secretary, as a sponsoring agency 
    under the port facility conveyance, is not required to prepare an 
    environmental assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act of 
    1969 (NEPA). The Secretary will insure that the reuse plan submitted by 
    an applicant complies with the provisions of NEPA as prepared by the 
    disposal agency.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rulemaking contains a reporting requirement that is subject to 
    the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval under 5 CFR Part 
    1320, pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 
    et seq.), as amended, and is being (or has been) submitted.
    List of Subjects in 46 CFR Part 387
        Government property management, Surplus Government property.
        Accordingly, new 46 CFR Part 387 is added to read as follows:
    12.1  Scope.
    12.2  Definitions.
    12.3  Notice of availability of surplus property.
    12.4  Applications.
    12.5  Surplus property assignment recommendation.
    12.6  Terms, reservations, restrictions, and conditions of 
        Authority: Pub. L. 103-160, 107 stat. 1933 (40 U.S.C. 484 (q))
    Sec. 12.1  Scope.
        This part is applicable to Surplus Property that is recommended by 
    the Secretary as being needed for the development or operation of a 
    Port Facility and is appropriate for being assigned to, or that has 
    been assigned to the Secretary for conveyance as provided for in Public 
    Law 103-160 and 40 U.S.C. 471 et seq.
    Sec. 12.2  Definitions.
        (a) Act means the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act 
    of 1949 as amended, 40 U.S.C. 471 et seq., and 41 CFR 101-47. Terms 
    defined in the Act and not defined in this section have the meanings 
    given to them in the Act.
        (b) Applicant means any State, the District of Columbia, the 
    Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, 
    the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Commonwealth of the 
    Northern Mariana Islands, or any political subdivision, municipality, 
    or instrumentality thereof, that has submitted an application to the 
    Secretary to obtain surplus Federal property.
        (c) Disposal Agency means the executive agency of the Government 
    which has authority to assign property to the Secretary for conveyance 
    for development or operation of a port facility.
        (d) Grantee means the Applicant to which surplus Federal property 
    is conveyed.
        (e) Grantor means the Secretary.
        (f) Port Facility means any structure and improved property, 
    including services connected therewith, whether located on the 
    waterfront or inland, which is used or intended for use in developing, 
    transferring, or assisting maritime commerce and water dependent 
    industries, including, but not limited to, piers, wharves, yards, 
    docks, berths, aprons, equipment used to load and discharge cargo and 
    passengers from vessels, dry and cold storage spaces, terminal and 
    warehouse buildings, bulk and liquid storage terminals, tank farms, 
    multimodal transfer terminals, transshipment and receiving stations, 
    marinas, foreign trade zones, shipyards, industrial property, fishing 
    and aquaculture structures, mixed use waterfront complexes, connecting 
    channels and port landside transportation access routes.
        (g) Secretary means the Secretary of Transportation acting by and 
    through the Maritime Administrator, Maritime Administration by 
    delegation of authority.
        (h) Surplus Property means Federal real and related personal 
    property duly determined to be unneeded by a Federal agency which may 
    be conveyed to an Applicant for use in the development or operation of 
    a port facility.
    Sec. 12.3  Notice of availability of surplus property.
        The Disposal Agency shall publish notices of availability of excess 
    and surplus Federal real and personal property. The Secretary will 
    advise eligible public port agencies, in an 
    [[Page 42468]]
    appropriate manner, of the availability of Surplus Property that is 
    deemed to have port facility potential. Potential Applicants shall 
    notify the Secretary, in writing, of a desire to acquire surplus 
    Federal property before the expiration of the notice period specified 
    in the Notice of Surplus Property--Government Property.
    Sec. 12.4  Applications.
        Application forms for conveyance of Surplus Property can be 
    obtained from the Maritime Administration, Division of Ports, 400 
    Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590. The applicant shall identify 
    on the application form the requested property, agree to the terms/
    conditions of the conveyance and shall also submit a Port Facility 
    Redevelopment Plan (PFRP) which details the plan of use for the 
    property and the associated economic development plan.
    Sec. 12.5  Surplus property assignment recommendation.
        Before any assignment recommendation is submitted to the Disposal 
    Agency by the Secretary the following conditions shall be met:
        (a) The Secretary has received and approved an application for the 
        (b) The Applicant is able, willing, and authorized to assume 
    immediate possession of the property and pay administrative expenses 
    incidental to the conveyance (application preparation, documentation, 
    legal and land transfer costs).
        (c) The Secretary, after consultation with the Secretary of Labor, 
    has determined that the property to be conveyed is located in an area 
    of serious economic disruption.
        (d) The Secretary, after consultation with the Secretary of 
    Commerce, approves the PFRP as part of a necessary economic development 
        (e) The Secretary determines that the application complies with the 
    provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 as prepared 
    by the Disposal Agency.
    Sec. 12.6  Terms, reservations, restrictions, and conditions of 
        (a) Conveyances of property shall be on forms approved by, and 
    available from the Secretary, and shall include such terms, 
    reservations, restrictions and conditions set forth in this part and 
    such other terms, reservations, restrictions and conditions as the 
    Secretary may deem appropriate or necessary.
        (b) Property shall be conveyed by a quitclaim deed or deeds on an 
    ``as is, where is'' basis without any warranty, expressed or implied.
        (c) Property shall be used and maintained in perpetuity for the 
    purpose for which it was conveyed, and that if the property ceases to 
    be used or maintained for that purpose, all or any portion of the 
    property shall, in its then existing condition, at the option of the 
    Government, revert to the Government.
        (d) The entire Port Facility, including all structures, 
    improvements, facilities and equipment in which the deed conveys any 
    interest shall be maintained at all times in safe and serviceable 
    condition, to assure its efficient operation and use, provided, 
    however, that such maintenance shall be required as to structures, 
    improvements, facilities and equipment only during the useful life 
    thereof, as determined by the Grantor.
        (e) No property conveyed shall be mortgaged or otherwise disposed 
    of, or rights or interest granted by the Grantee without the prior 
    written consent of the Grantor. However, the Grantor will only review 
    leases of five years or more to determine the interest granted therein.
        (f) Property conveyed for a Port Facility shall be used and 
    maintained for the use and benefit of the public on fair and reasonable 
    terms, without discrimination.
        (g) The Grantee shall, insofar as it is within its powers and to 
    the extent reasonable, adequately protect the water and land access to 
    the Port Facility.
        (h) The Grantee shall operate and maintain in a safe and 
    serviceable condition, as deemed reasonably necessary by Grantor, the 
    port and all facilities thereon and connected therewith which are 
    necessary to service the maritime users of the Port Facility and will 
    not permit any activity thereon which would interfere with its use as a 
    Port Facility.
        (i) The Port Facility is subject to the provisions of Title 46 Code 
    of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 340.
        (j) The Grantee shall furnish the Grantor such financial, 
    operational and annual utilization reports as may be required.
        (k) Where construction or major renovation is not required or 
    proposed, the Port Facility shall be placed into use within twelve (12) 
    months from the date of this conveyance. Where construction or major 
    renovation is contemplated at the time of conveyance, the property 
    shall be placed in service according to the redevelopment time table 
    approved by the Grantor in the PFRP.
        (l) The Grantee shall not enter into any transaction which would 
    operate to deprive it of any of the rights and powers necessary to 
    perform or comply with any or all of the terms, reservations, 
    restrictions and conditions set forth in the application and the deed.
        (m) The Grantee shall keep up to date at all times a Port Facility 
    layout map of the property described herein showing:
        (1) the boundaries of the Port Facility and all proposed additions 
    thereto, and
        (2) the location of all existing and proposed port facilities and 
    structures, including all proposed extensions and reductions of 
    existing port facilities.
        (n) In the event that any of the terms, reservations, restrictions 
    and conditions are not met, observed, or complied with by the Grantee, 
    the title, right of possession and all other rights conveyed by the 
    deed to the Grantee, or any portion thereof, shall, at the option of 
    the Grantor revert to the Government, in its then existing condition 
    sixty (60) days following the date upon which demand to this effect is 
    made in writing by Grantor or its successor in function, unless within 
    said sixty (60) days such default or violation shall have been cured 
    and all such terms, reservations, restrictions and conditions shall 
    have been met, observed, or complied with, in which event said 
    reversion shall not occur.
        (o) The deed will contain a severability clause dealing with the 
    terms, reservations, restrictions and conditions of conveyance.
        (p) The Grantee shall remain at all times a State, the District of 
    Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the 
    Virgin Islands, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the 
    Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or any political 
    subdivision, municipality, or instrumentality thereof.
        (q) The Grantee shall comply at all times with all applicable 
    provisions of law, including, the Water Resources Development Act of 
        (r) The Grantee shall not modify, amend or otherwise change its 
    approved PFRP without the prior written consent of Grantor and shall 
    implement the PFRP as approved by the Grantor.
        (s) The Government under Section 120 (h)(3) of the Comprehensive, 
    Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as 
    amended, warrants that:
        (1) all remedial action necessary to protect human health and the 
    environment with respect to any hazardous substance on the property has 
    been taken before the date of the conveyance, and
        (2) any additional remedial action found to be necessary after the 
    date of 
    [[Page 42469]]
    the conveyance shall be conducted by the Government.
        (t) The Government reserves the right of access to any and all 
    portions of the property for purposes of environmental investigation, 
    remediation or other corrective action and compliance inspection 
        (u) The Grantee shall agree that in the event, the Grantor 
    exercises its option to revert all right, title, and interest in and to 
    any portion of the property to the Government, or Grantee voluntarily 
    returns title to the property in lieu of a reverter, the Grantee shall 
    provide protection to, and maintenance of the property at all times 
    until such time as the title is actually reverted or returned to and 
    accepted by the Government. Such protection and maintenance shall, at a 
    minimum, conform to the standards prescribed in regulations 
    implementing the Act.
        (v) The Grantor expressly reserves from the conveyance:
        (1) oil, gas and mineral rights,
        (2) improvements without land,
        (3) military chapels, and
        (4) property disposed of pursuant to 204 (c) of the Act.
        (w) The Government reserves all right, title, and interest in and 
    to all property of whatsoever nature not specifically conveyed, 
    together with right of removal thereof from the Port Facility within 
    one (1) year from the date of the deed.
        (x) The Grantee shall agree to maintain any portion of the property 
    identified as ``historical'' in accordance with recommended approaches 
    in the Secretary of Interior Standards for Historic Property at 16 
    U.S.C. 461-470w-6.
        (y) Prior to the use of any property by children under seven (7) 
    years of age, the Grantee shall remove all lead-based paint hazards and 
    all potential lead-based paint hazards in accordance with applicable 
    lead-based paint laws and regulations.
        (z) The Grantee agrees that any construction or alteration is 
    prohibited unless a determination of no hazard to air navigation is 
    issued by the Federal Aviation Administration.
        (aa) The Grantee shall agree that in its use and occupancy of the 
    Port Facility it shall comply with all laws relating to asbestos.
        (bb) All construction on any portion of the property identified as 
    ``wetlands'' as determined by the appropriate District of the Army 
    Corps of Engineers shall comply with Department of the Army Wetland 
    Construction Restrictions contained in Title 33 CFR, Parts 320 through 
        (cc) The Grantee shall agree to maintain, indemnify and hold 
    harmless the Grantor and the Government from any and all claims, 
    demands, costs or judgments for damages to persons or property that may 
    arise from the use of the property by the Grantee, guests, employees 
    and lessees.
        (dd) The Grantor, on written request from the Grantee, may grant 
    release from any of the terms, reservations, restrictions and 
    conditions contained in the deed, or the Grantor may release the 
    Grantee from any terms, restrictions, reservations or conditions if the 
    Grantor determines that the property so conveyed no longer serves the 
    purpose for which it was conveyed.
        (ee) The Grantor shall make reforms, corrections or amendments to 
    the deed if necessary to correct such deed or to conform such deed to 
    the requirements of applicable law.
        Dated: August 10, 1995.
        By order of the Maritime Administrator.
    Joel C. Richard,
    Secretary, Maritime Administrator.
    [FR Doc. 95-20180 Filed 8-15-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-81-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Maritime Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective August 16, 1995.
42466-42469 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. R-157
PDF File:
CFR: (6)
46 CFR 12.1
46 CFR 12.2
46 CFR 12.3
46 CFR 12.4
46 CFR 12.5
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