95-20207. Heavy Forged Hand Tools, Finished or Unfinished, With or Without Handles, From the People's Republic of China; Preliminary Results and Termination in Part of Antidumping Duty Administrative Reviews  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 158 (Wednesday, August 16, 1995)]
    [Pages 42516-42519]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-20207]
    Heavy Forged Hand Tools, Finished or Unfinished, With or Without 
    Handles, From the People's Republic of China; Preliminary Results and 
    Termination in Part of Antidumping Duty Administrative Reviews
    AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
    Department of Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of preliminary results and termination in part of 
    antidumping duty administrative reviews.
    SUMMARY: In response to requests by two resellers of the subject 
    merchandise, the Department of Commerce (the Department) is conducting 
    administrative reviews of the antidumping duty orders on heavy forged 
    hand tools, finished or unfinished, with or without handles, (HFHTs) 
    from the People's Republic of China (PRC). The reviews cover two 
    exporters of subject merchandise to the United States and the period 
    February 1, 1993, through January 31, 1994. The reviews indicate the 
    existence of dumping margins during the period of review.
        We have preliminarily determined that sales have been made below 
    the foreign market value (FMV). If these preliminary results are 
    adopted in our final results of administrative reviews, we will 
    instruct U.S. Customs to assess antidumping duties equal to the 
    difference between United States price (U.S. price) and FMV.
        Interested parties are invited to comment on these preliminary 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: August 16, 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Karin Price or Maureen Flannery, 
    Office of Antidumping Compliance, Import Administration, International 
    Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
    Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C. 20230; telephone: (202) 482-
        On February 19, 1991, the Department published in the Federal 
    Register (56 FR 6622) the antidumping duty orders on HFHTs from the 
    PRC. On February 4, 1994, the Department published in the Federal 
    Register (59 FR 5390) a notice of opportunity to request administrative 
    reviews of these antidumping duty orders. On February 28, 1994, in 
    accordance with 19 CFR 353.22(a), two resellers of the subject 
    merchandise to the United States, Fujian Machinery & Equipment Import & 
    Export Corporation (FMEC) and Shandong Machinery Import & Export 
    Corporation (SMC), requested that we conduct administrative reviews of 
    their exports of subject merchandise to the United States. We published 
    the notice of initiation of these antidumping duty administrative 
    reviews on March 14, 1994 (59 FR 11768). The notice of initiation was 
    amended on June 15, 1994 (59 FR 30770) and July 15, 1994 (59 FR 36160). 
    The Department is conducting these administrative reviews in accordance 
    with section 751 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act).
    Termination of Review in Part
        On June 10, 1994, FMEC withdrew its request for a review of the 
    order on picks and mattocks (picks/mattocks), and SMC withdrew its 
    request for a review of the order on axes, adzes and other similar 
    hewing tools (axes/adzes). Given the early stage of review at the time 
    of FMEC's and SMC's withdrawal requests, we informed FMEC that it did 
    not need to respond to the questionnaire with respect to picks/
    mattocks, and we informed SMC that it did not need to respond to the 
    questionnaire with regard to axes/adzes. See File Memorandum from Karin 
    Price, dated July 5, 1994, ``Telephone conversation regarding the 
    withdrawal requests of respondents in the third administrative reviews 
    of heavy forged hand tools, finished or unfinished, with or without 
    handles, from the People's Republic of China,'' which is on file in the 
    Central Records Unit (room B-099 of the Main Commerce Building). We 
    hereby are terminating the review of the order on picks/mattocks with 
    respect to FMEC and the review of the order on axes/adzes with respect 
    to SMC, in accordance with 19 CFR 353.22(a)(5).
    Scope of These Reviews
        Imports covered by these reviews are shipments of HFHTs from the 
    PRC comprising the following classes or kinds of merchandise: (1) 
    hammers and sledges with heads over 1.5 kg. (3.33 pounds) (hammers/
    sledges); (2) bars over 18 inches in length, track tools and wedges 
    (bars and wedges); (3) picks/mattocks; and (4) axes/adzes.
        HFHTs include heads for drilling, hammers, sledges, axes, mauls, 
    picks, and mattocks, which may or may not be painted, which may or may 
    not be finished, or which may or may not be imported with handles; 
    assorted bar products and track tools including wrecking bars, digging 
    bars and tampers; and steel woodsplitting wedges. HFHTs are 
    manufactured through a hot forge operation in which steel is sheared to 
    required length, heated to forging temperature and 
    [[Page 42517]]
    formed to final shape on forging equipment using dies specific to the 
    desired product shape and size. Depending on the product, finishing 
    operations may include shot blasting, grinding, polishing and painting, 
    and the insertion of handles for handled products. HFHTs are currently 
    provided for under the following Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) 
    subheadings: 8205.20.60, 8205.59.30, 8201.30.00, and 8201.40.60. 
    Specifically excluded are hammers and sledges with heads 1.5 kg. (3.33 
    pounds) in weight and under, hoes and rakes, and bars 18 inches in 
    length and under.
        These reviews cover two exporters of HFHTs from the PRC, FMEC and 
    SMC. The review period is February 1, 1993, through January 31, 1994.
    Separate Rates
        The business licenses of both FMEC and SMC indicate that they are 
    owned by ``all the people.'' As stated in the Notice of Final 
    Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Silicon Carbide from 
    the People's Republic of China (59 FR 22585, May 2, 1994) (Silicon 
    Carbide), ``ownership by `all of the people' does not require the 
    application of a single rate.'' Accordingly, FMEC and SMC are eligible 
    for consideration for separate rates.
        To establish whether a company is sufficiently independent to be 
    entitled to a separate rate, the Department analyzes each exporting 
    entity under the test established in the Final Determination of Sales 
    at Less Than Fair Value: Sparklers from the People's Republic of China 
    (56 FR 20588, May 6, 1991) (Sparklers), as amplified in Silicon 
    Carbide. Under this policy, exporters in non-market-economy (NME) 
    countries are entitled to separate, company-specific margins when they 
    can demonstrate an absence of government control, both in law and in 
    fact, with respect to exports. Evidence supporting, though not 
    requiring, a finding of de jure absence of government control includes: 
    (1) an absence of restrictive stipulations associated with an 
    individual exporter's business and export licenses; (2) any legislative 
    enactments decentralizing control of companies; and (3) any other 
    formal measures by the government decentralizing control of companies. 
    De facto absence of government control with respect to exports is based 
    on four criteria: (1) whether the export prices are set by or subject 
    to the approval of a government authority; (2) whether each exporter 
    retains the proceeds from its sales and makes independent decisions 
    regarding the disposition of profits and financing of losses; (3) 
    whether each exporter has autonomy in making decisions regarding the 
    selection of management; and (4) whether each exporter has the 
    authority to negotiate and sign contracts.
        We have found that the evidence on the record demonstrates an 
    absence of government control, both in law and in fact, with respect to 
    FMEC's and SMC's exports according to the criteria identified in 
    Sparklers and Silicon Carbide for this period of review. For further 
    discussion of the Department's preliminary determination that FMEC and 
    SMC are entitled to separate rates, see Decision Memorandum to Holly A. 
    Kuga, Director, Office of Antidumping Compliance, dated July 21, 1995, 
    ``Separate rates for Fujian Machinery & Equipment Import & Export 
    Corporation and Shandong Machinery Import & Export Corporation in the 
    third administrative reviews of heavy forged hand tools, finished or 
    unfinished, with or without handles, from the People's Republic of 
    China,'' which is on file in the Central Records Unit (room B-099 of 
    the Main Commerce Building).
    United States Price
        The Department used purchase price and exporter's sales price 
    (ESP), in accordance with sections 772 (b) and (c) of the Act, in 
    calculating U.S. price. We made deductions from purchase price and ESP 
    sales, where appropriate, for brokerage and handling, foreign inland 
    freight, ocean freight, and marine insurance. Ocean freight services 
    were provided by both PRC-owned and non-PRC-owned companies. Where we 
    knew that the company providing the ocean freight services was not a 
    PRC-owned company, we used the actual rates charged; for ocean freight 
    services provided by PRC-owned companies, we applied a weighted-average 
    ocean freight rate derived from those sales for which we used actual 
    ocean freight rates. Since marine insurance services were provided by 
    PRC-owned companies, we based the deduction for marine insurance on 
    surrogate values. We also used surrogate data to value foreign inland 
    freight and brokerage and handling. We selected India as the surrogate 
    country for reasons explained in the ``Foreign Market Value'' section 
    of this notice.
        Complete sales data for SMC's ESP sales have not been provided to 
    the Department, despite the Department's requests for such data. In its 
    original questionnaire response, SMC did not report its ESP sales, 
    stating that SMC did not sell the subject merchandise to its U.S. 
    subsidiary, CMC Pacific Tools, Inc. (Pacific Tools) during the period 
    of review, despite the request in the questionnaire that ESP sales, 
    i.e., sales made to unrelated purchasers in the United States after the 
    date the merchandise was imported into the United States by or for the 
    account of the exporter, be reported. In our supplemental 
    questionnaire, we asked SMC to report any ESP sales of subject 
    merchandise made by Pacific Tools to unrelated customers in the United 
    States during the period of review and to answer all questions in the 
    original questionnaire regarding these sales. When it reported these 
    ESP sales in its supplemental questionnaire response, SMC did not 
    report any movement expenses for these sales, stating that these 
    expenses had been reported in a questionnaire response submitted for 
    the previous administrative reviews of this case. Since movement 
    expenses were not reported for the record of these reviews, as best 
    information available (BIA), we applied a weighted-average ocean 
    freight rate derived from those PP sales for which we used actual ocean 
    freight rates to adjust for ocean freight, and we used surrogate values 
    to make deductions for all other applicable movement expenses. We also 
    made a deduction for U.S. duties.
    Foreign Market Value
        For companies located in NME countries, section 773(c)(1) of the 
    Act provides that the Department shall determine FMV using a factors of 
    production methodology if (1) the merchandise is exported from a NME 
    country, and (2) the information does not permit the calculation of FMV 
    using home market prices, third country prices, or constructed value 
    (CV) under section 773(a) of the Act.
        In every case conducted by the Department involving the PRC, the 
    PRC has been treated as an NME country. None of the parties to these 
    proceedings has contested such treatment in these reviews. Accordingly, 
    we calculated FMV in accordance with section 773(c) of the Act and 
    section 353.52 of the Department's regulations. We determined that 
    India is comparable to the PRC in terms of per capita gross national 
    product (GNP), the growth rate in per capita GNP, and the national 
    distribution of labor, and is a significant producer of comparable 
    merchandise. For further discussion of the Department's selection of 
    India as the primary surrogate country, see File Memorandum from Karin 
    Price, dated June 13, 1994, ``Telephone conversations regarding the 
    surrogate country selection in the third administrative reviews of 
    heavy forged hand tools, finished or unfinished, with or without 
    handles, from the People's 
    [[Page 42518]]
    Republic of China,'' which is on file in the Central Records Unit (room 
    B-099 of the Main Commerce Building), with attached Memorandum to 
    Laurie Lucksinger, dated March 18, 1993, ``AD Order on Heavy Forged 
    Hand Tools from the People's Republic of China (case #A-570-803): 
    Nonmarket-Economy Status and Surrogate Country Determinations.''
        For purposes of calculating FMV, we valued PRC factors of 
    production in the year in which production occurred as follows, in 
    accordance with section 773(c)(1) of the Act:
         To value all direct materials used in the production of 
    HFHTs, including steel, resin glue, paint, varnish, wood for handles, 
    iron wedges, anti-rust oil, scrap steel, and dilution, we used the 
    rupee per metric ton, per kilogram, or per cubic meter value of imports 
    into India during April-December 1992, for production in 1992, and 
    during April 1993-January 1994, for production in 1993, obtained from 
    the Monthly Statistics of the Foreign Trade of India, Volume II--
    Imports, December 1992, and the Monthly Statistics of the Foreign Trade 
    of India, Volume II--Imports, March 1994, respectively (Indian Import 
    Statistics). Some of the factories in the PRC used imported steel for 
    producing HFHTS, and, in these instances, we used the import price of 
    the steel to value the relevant portion of steel which was imported. We 
    made adjustments to include freight costs incurred between the 
    suppliers and the HFHT factories. We also made an adjustment to the 
    steel input factor for scrap and waste steel which was sold.
         For direct labor, we used the labor rates reported in the 
    Business International Corporation reports IL&T India, released 
    November 1992 and November 1993. This source breaks out labor rates 
    between skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, and foreman labor for 1993 
    and provides information on the number of labor hours worked per week.
         For factory overhead, we used information reported in the 
    December 1992 and September 1994 Reserve Bank of India Bulletin. From 
    this information, we were able to determine factory overhead as a 
    percentage of total cost of manufacture. We included steel pellets used 
    to remove oxidization from the tool heads and detergent used to clean 
    the tool heads in factory overhead as these materials are not 
    physically incorporated into the subject merchandise.
         For selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses, 
    we used information obtained from the December 1992 and September 1994 
    Reserve Bank of India Bulletin. We calculated an SG&A rate by dividing 
    SG&A expenses by the cost of manufacture. Since the calculated SG&A 
    expense rate is less than 10 percent, we used the statutory minimum of 
    10 percent to calculate SG&A expenses.
         To calculate a profit rate, we used information obtained 
    from the December 1992 and September 1994 Reserve Bank of India 
    Bulletin. We calculated a profit rate by dividing the before-tax profit 
    by the sum of those components pertaining to the cost of manufacturing 
    plus SG&A. Since the calculated profit rate is less than 8 percent, we 
    used the statutory minimum of 8 percent to calculate profit.
         To value the packing materials, including cartons (except 
    for imported cartons used at some of the factories), pallets, anti-rust 
    paper, anti-damp paper, plastic and iron straps, plastic bags, iron 
    buttons and knots, synthetic fiber, and iron wire, we used import 
    statistics for India obtained from the Indian Import Statistics. We 
    adjusted these values to include freight costs incurred between the 
    suppliers and the HFHT factories. Some of the factories used imported 
    cartons for packing, and, in these instances, we used the import price 
    of the cartons to value the relevant percentage of cartons which was 
         To value coal, we used the price of steam coal reported 
    for 1990 in the International Energy Agency publication Energy Prices 
    and Taxes, 2nd Quarter 1994. We adjusted the value of coal to reflect 
    inflation through 1992 and 1993 using wholesale price indices of India 
    (WPI) as published in the International Financial Statistics by the 
    International Monetary Fund (IMF).
         To value electricity, we used the price of electricity for 
    1990 reported in the Asian Development Bank publication Energy 
    Indicators of Developing Member Countries of Asian Development Bank, 
    July 1992. We adjusted the value of electricity to reflect inflation 
    through 1992 and 1993 using WPI published by the IMF.
         To value truck freight, we used the rates reported in a 
    June 1992 cable from the U.S. Embassy in India submitted for the Final 
    Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Sulfanilic Acid from 
    the People's Republic of China (57 FR 29705, July 6, 1992) and an 
    August 1993 cable from the U.S. Embassy in India submitted for the 
    Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Certain Helical 
    Spring Lock Washers from the People's Republic of China (58 FR 48833, 
    September 20, 1993).
         To value rail freight, we used the price reported in a 
    December 1989 cable from the U.S. Embassy in India submitted for the 
    Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review: Shop Towels of 
    Cotton from the People's Republic of China (56 FR 4040, February 1, 
    1991). We adjusted the rail freight rates to reflect inflation through 
    1992 and 1993 using WPI published by the IMF.
    Currency Conversion
        We made currency conversions in accordance with 19 CFR 353.60(a). 
    Currency conversions were made at the rates certified by the Federal 
    Reserve Bank.
    Best Information Available
        SMC did not provide factors-of-production data for one model, sales 
    of which were first reported to the Department in SMC's supplemental 
    questionnaire response. Since U.S. sales data for this model were 
    submitted without the data necessary for the calculation of FMV, we 
    must rely upon BIA, in accordance with section 776(1) of the Act, for 
    these sales. As BIA, we are assigning a rate of 31.76 percent, which is 
    the rate from the LTFV investigation for this class or kind of 
    Preliminary Results of the Reviews
        As a result of our reviews, we preliminarily determine that the 
    following margins exist:
              Manufacturer/exporter               Time period      (percent)
    Fujian Machinery & Equipment Import &                                   
     Export Corporation:                                                    
        Axes/Adzes...........................     2/1/93-1/31/94       11.72
        Bars/Wedges..........................     2/1/93-1/31/94       30.40
        Hammers/Sledges......................     2/1/93-1/31/94       12.17
    Shandong Machinery Import & Export                                      
        Bars/Wedges..........................     2/1/93-1/31/94       28.54
    [[Page 42519]]
        Hammers/Sledges......................     2/1/93-1/31/94        7.26
        Picks/Mattocks.......................     2/1/93-1/31/94       36.92
        Parties to the proceedings may request disclosure within 5 days of 
    the date of publication of this notice. Any interested party may 
    request a hearing within 10 days of publication. Any hearing, if 
    requested, will be held 44 days after the publication of this notice, 
    or the first workday thereafter. Interested parties may submit case 
    briefs within 30 days of the date of publication of this notice. 
    Rebuttal briefs, which must be limited to issues raised in the case 
    briefs, may be filed not later than 37 days after the date of 
    publication. See section 353.38(d) of the Department's regulations. The 
    Department will publish a notice of final results of these 
    administrative reviews, which will include the results of its analysis 
    of issues raised in any such comments.
        The Department shall determine, and the Customs Service shall 
    assess, antidumping duties on all appropriate entries. Individual 
    differences between U.S. price and FMV may vary from the percentages 
    stated above. The Department will issue appraisement instructions 
    directly to the Customs Service.
        Furthermore, the following deposit requirements will be effective 
    upon publication of the final results of these administrative reviews 
    for all shipments of HFHTs from the PRC entered, or withdrawn from 
    warehouse, for consumption on or after the publication date, as 
    provided for by section 751(a)(1) of the Act: (1) The cash deposit 
    rates for the reviewed companies named above which have separate rates 
    will be the rates for those firms established in the final results of 
    these administrative reviews; (2) for all other PRC exporters, the cash 
    deposit rates will be the rates established in the LTFV investigations, 
    the all-China rates; and (3) the cash deposit rates for non-PRC 
    exporters of subject merchandise from the PRC will be the rates 
    applicable to the PRC supplier of that exporter. The rates established 
    in the LTFV investigations are 45.42 percent for hammers/sledges, 31.76 
    percent for bars/wedges, 50.81 percent for picks/mattocks, and 15.02 
    percent for axes/adzes. These deposit requirements, when imposed, shall 
    remain in effect until publication of the final results of the next 
    administrative reviews.
    Notification of Interested Parties
        This notice serves as a preliminary reminder to importers of their 
    responsibility under section 353.26 of the Department's regulations to 
    file a certificate regarding the reimbursement of antidumping duties 
    prior to liquidation of the relevant entries during this review period. 
    Failure to comply with this requirement could result in the Secretary's 
    presumption that reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the 
    subsequent assessment of double antidumping duties.
        These administrative reviews and notice are in accordance with 
    section 751(a)(1) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(a)(1)) and section 353.22 
    of the Department's regulations.
        Dated: August 8, 1995.
    Susan G. Esserman,
    Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
    [FR Doc. 95-20207 Filed 8-15-95; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
Commerce Department
Entry Type:
Notice of preliminary results and termination in part of antidumping duty administrative reviews.
Document Number:
August 16, 1995.
42516-42519 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: