[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 159 (Thursday, August 18, 1994)]
[Unknown Section]
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From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 94-20037]
[[Page Unknown]]
[Federal Register: August 18, 1994]
Part IV
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Establishment of a
Nonessential Experimental Population of Black-Footed Ferrets in North-
Central Montana; Final Rule
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
RIN 1018-AB96
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Establishment of a
Nonessential Experimental Population of Black-footed Ferrets in North-
Central Montana
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), in cooperation
with the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, will
reintroduce black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) into the 11,061
km\2\ (4,237 mi\2\) North-central Montana Black-footed Ferret
Experimental Population Area in north-central Montana. This
reintroduction will implement a primary recovery action for this
endangered species and also allow evaluation of release techniques.
Provided conditions are acceptable, a minimum of 20 surplus captive-
raised ferrets will be released in 1994 and annually thereafter for 2
to 4 years, or until a wild population is established. Releases will
test ferret reintroduction techniques and, if fully successful, will
result in a wild population within 5 years. The north-central Montana
population is designated a nonessential experimental population in
accordance with section 10(j) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended. This population will be managed in accordance with the
provisions of the accompanying special rule.
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 19, 1994.
ADDRESSES: The complete file for this rule is available for public
inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours at the
following Service offices:
--Regional Office, Ecological Services, 134 Union Boulevard, Lakewood,
Colorado, (303) 236-8189.
--U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Billings Suboffice, Ecological
Services, 1501 14th Street West, Suite 230, Billings, Montana, (406)
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: PMr. Ronald Naten, (303) 236-8189, at
the Colorado address or Mr. Dennis Christopherson, (406) 657-6750, at
the Montana address above.
The background information included in this rule has been reduced
from what was published in the proposed rule to reduce publishing
costs. Please refer to the proposed rule published in the Federal
Register on April 13, 1993 (58 FR 19220), for more detailed
The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) is an endangered
carnivore with a black face mask, black legs, and a black-tipped tail.
It is nearly 60 cm (2 ft) long and weighs up to 1.1 kg (2.5 lbs). It is
the only ferret native to North America.
Though the black-footed ferret was found over a wide area
historically, it is difficult to make a conclusive statement on its
historical abundance due to its nocturnal and secretive habits. The
black-footed ferret's historical range included 12 States (Arizona,
Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota,
Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming) and the Canadian
Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. There is prehistoric evidence of
this species from Yukon Territory, Canada, to New Mexico and Texas
(Anderson et al. 1986). Although there are no specimen records for
black-footed ferrets from Mexico, prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.) inhabit
Chihuahua (Anderson 1972) and were present as far back as the Late
Pleistocene-Holocene Age (Messing 1986). Black-footed ferrets depend
almost exclusively on prairie dogs and prairie dog towns for food and
shelter (Henderson et al. 1969, Forrest et al. 1985), and ferret range
is coincident with that of prairie dogs (Anderson et al. 1986). No
documentation exists of black-footed ferrets breeding outside prairie
dog colonies. Consequently, it is probable that black-footed ferrets
were historically endemic to northern Mexico.
Black-footed ferrets prey primarily on prairie dogs and use their
burrows for shelter and denning. There are specimen records of black-
footed ferrets from the ranges of three species of prairie dogs: black-
tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus), white-tailed prairie dogs
(Cynomys leucurus), and Gunnison's prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni)
(Anderson et al. 1986).
Widespread poisoning of prairie dogs and agricultural cultivation
of their habitat drastically reduced prairie dog abundance and
distribution in the last century. Sylvatic plague, which may have been
introduced to North America around the turn of the century, also
decimated prairie dog populations, particularly in the southern
portions of their range. The severe decline of prairie dogs resulted in
a concomitant and near-fatal decline in black-footed ferrets, though
the latter's decline may be partially attributable to other factors
such as secondary poisoning from prairie dog toxicants (e.g.,
strychnine) or high susceptibility to canine distemper. The black-
footed ferret was listed as an endangered species on March 11, 1967.
In 1964, a wild population of ferrets was discovered in South
Dakota and was studied intensively for several years; this population
became extinct in 1974, its last member dying in captivity in 1979.
Afterwards, some believed that the species was probably extinct, until
another wild population was discovered near Meeteetse, Wyoming, in
1981. The Meeteetse population underwent a severe decline between 1985
and 1986 due to canine distemper, which is fatal to infected ferrets.
Eighteen survivors were taken into captivity in 1986 and 1987 to
prevent extinction and to serve as founder animals in a captive
propagation program aimed at eventually reintroducing the species into
the wild.
In 6 years, the captive population has increased from 18 to over
300 black-footed ferrets. In 1988, the single captive population was
split into three separate captive subpopulations to avoid the
possibility that a single catastrophic event could wipe out the entire
known population. Two additional captive subpopulations were
established in 1990, and one additional captive subpopulation was
established in 1991 and again in 1992, making a total of seven captive
subpopulations. A secure population of 200 breeding adults was achieved
in 1991, allowing initiation of ferret reintroductions into the wild.
Section 10(j) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) (Act), allows the Fish and Wildlife Service
(Service) to designate certain populations of federally listed species
that are released into the wild as ``experimental populations.'' The
circumstances under which this designation can be applied are: (1) The
population is wholly separate geographically from nonexperimental
populations of the same species (e.g., the population is reintroduced
outside the species' current range but within its historical range);
and (2) the Service determines that the release will further the
conservation of the species. This designation can increase the
Service's flexibility to manage a reintroduced population, because
under section 10(j) an experimental population can be treated as a
threatened species regardless of its designation elsewhere in its
range, and, under section 4(d) of the Act, the Service has greater
discretion in developing management programs for threatened species
than for endangered species.
Section 10(j) of the Act requires, when an experimental population
is designated, that a determination be
made by the Service whether that population is essential or
nonessential to the continued existence of the species. Nonessential
experimental populations located outside national wildlife refuge or
national park lands are treated, for purposes of section 7 of the Act,
as if they are proposed for listing. Thus, only two provisions of
section 7 would apply outside National Wildlife Refuge System and
National Park System lands: section 7(a)(1), which requires all Federal
agencies to use their authorities to conserve listed species; and
section 7(a)(4), which requires Federal agencies to confer with the
Service on actions that are likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of a proposed species. Section 7(a)(2) of the Act, which
requires Federal agencies to insure that their activities are not
likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a listed species, would
not apply except on National Wildlife Refuge System and National Park
System lands. Activities undertaken on private lands are not affected
by section 7 of the Act unless they are authorized, funded, or carried
out by a Federal agency.
However, pursuant to section 7(a)(2), individual animals comprising
the designated experimental population may be removed from an existing
source or donor population only after it has been determined that such
removal is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the
species. Moreover, removal must be conducted under a permit issued in
accordance with the requirements in 50 CFR Sec. 17.22.
Forty-nine black-footed ferrets were reintroduced as a nonessential
experimental population to the Shirley Basin/Medicine Bow (Shirley
Basin) area in southeastern Wyoming in September and October 1991.
Subsequent surveys during November 7-14, 1991, found nine individual
ferrets. Snow surveys conducted during March 1992 revealed sign of six
to eight ferrets. Spotlight surveys conducted during July and August
1992 confirmed the presence of a minimum of four adult black-footed
ferrets and two litters. One litter contained two young and the second
contained four young ferrets. During September and October 1992 an
additional 90 black-footed ferrets were released at the Shirley Basin
site. Spotlight surveys in July 1993 confirmed the presence of a
minimum of nine adults and four litters. Forty-eight ferrets were
released at the Shirley Basin site in September and October 1993.
Currently, the only known populations of black-footed ferrets are the
experimental population at the Shirley Basin site and those animals in
In addition to this reintroduction, the Service and state wildlife
agencies in 11 western states currently are identifying potential
black-footed ferret reintroduction sites within the species' historical
range. Potential reintroduction sites have been identified in Wyoming
(two sites), Montana (one site), South Dakota (one site), Colorado (one
site), Utah (one site), and Arizona (one site).
On April 13, 1993, the Service published a proposed rule in the
Federal Register (58 FR 19220) to introduce black-footed ferrets into
the North-central Montana Black-footed Ferret Experimental Population
Area (Experimental Population Area) as a nonessential experimental
population. This area is located in portions of Phillips and Blaine
Counties, Montana, and was historically occupied by black-footed
ferrets. Numerous ferret surveys conducted in the Experimental
Population Area have resulted in no evidence of ferrets currently
inhabiting the area (Reading 1991). The latest physical evidence of
black-footed ferrets in the Experimental Population Area was a skull
collected in 1984.
To the best of our knowledge, any reintroduced population of
ferrets in the Experimental Population Area would be wholly separate
and distinct from other ferret populations.
Experimental Population Site: The Experimental Population Area
encompasses 11,016 km\2\ (4,237 mi\2\) and consists of 36 percent
private land, 5 percent State trust land, 28 percent federally managed
land (outside national wildlife refuges), 9 percent national wildlife
refuge land, and 22 percent Fort Belknap Indian Reservation
(Reservation) land. Except for the Little Rocky Mountains, the majority
of the land area is actual or potential prairie dog habitat. Mapping
conducted in 1988 and 1990 indicated that 19,223 hectares (46,886
acres) of prairie dog towns existed in the Experimental Population
Area, with an estimated potential prey biomass to support 561 black-
footed ferret families.
Reintroduction, habitat management, and intensive ferret management
will occur in a smaller, specifically-delineated area called the North-
central Montana Reintroduction Area (Reintroduction Area), which occurs
within the Experimental Population Area. Specifics on the location and
boundaries of the Reintroduction Area are provided in the accompanying
special rule. The Reservation contained 8,572 hectares (20,907 acres)
of prairie dog towns in 1990, and occurs entirely within the designated
Experimental Population Area but is not included within the
Reintroduction Area.
Mapping of prairie dog towns completed during fall and summer of
1991 and 1992 showed a 52 percent reduction in prairie dog acreage
within the Reintroduction Area from 1988 to fall 1992. Sylvatic plague
is active in the complex and is believed to be the primary factor in
the reduction of occupied acreage. Prairie dog colonies in the
Reintroduction Area within 20 km (12.4 mi) of the release site will be
resurveyed in the summer of 1994 prior to the release of black-footed
The UL-Bend National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), adjacent to and
administered by the Charles M. Russell NWR, is the primary release site
(hereafter in this document this entire area will be referred to as the
Charles M. Russell NWR to avoid confusion). If reintroduction is
successful, ferrets will eventually disperse from the release site into
other portions of the Reintroduction Area. If a ferret were to disperse
outside the Reintroduction Area and/or to the Reservation, the affected
landowner or the Fort Belknap Tribal Council has the option to request
its removal. Even without such a request, authorized personnel could
relocate the ferret to the Reintroduction Area or to captivity, if
Ferrets will be released into the Reintroduction Area only if
biological conditions are suitable, and under a management framework
determined to be acceptable to the State of Montana, the Service,
private landowners, and other land managers in the area. Reintroduction
will be re-evaluated if one or more of the following conditions occur:
(1) The black-footed ferret habitat rating index (Biggins et al.
1993) for the Reintroduction Area falls below 50 percent of the 1988
level. This habitat rating index is based on abundance of prairie dogs
and estimates the number of ferret families a prairie dog complex can
(2) Failure to acquire or maintain a nonessential experimental
population designation for the Reintroduction Area through the Federal
rulemaking process.
(3) Wild black-footed ferret populations are found within the
Experimental Population Area prior to the first breeding season
following the first reintroduction.
(4) Active cases of canine distemper are diagnosed within the
Reintroduction Area within 6 months prior to release.
(5) Fewer than 20 black-footed ferrets are available for the first
(6) Funding is not available to implement the reintroduction
Reintroduction protocol: In general, the reintroduction protocol
will involve releasing a minimum of 20 ferrets in the first year of
reintroduction and releasing ferrets annually thereafter, as needed,
for 2 to 4 years or until a wild population is established. Captive
animals selected for release will be as genetically redundant as
possible with the gene pool in the captive breeding population; hence,
any loss of released animals is unlikely to appreciably affect existing
genetic diversity in the species. Moreover, because breeding ferrets in
captivity is not a problem, any animals lost in the reintroduction
effort could be replaced. To enhance genetic diversity in the
reintroduced population, it may be necessary to release ferrets from
other established, reintroduced nonessential populations (e.g., the
Shirley Basin site).
Several strategies for releasing captive-raised black-footed
ferrets will be utilized during the reintroduction: (1) Hard release
with no pre-release conditioning (i.e., release without an acclimation
period); (2) soft release (release with an acclimation period and
gradual reduction in supplied food and shelter); and (3) pre-release
conditioning in a quasi-natural environment followed by hard release
(this technique may be used when sufficient numbers of black-footed
ferrets are available). Ferrets will be released in September and
October, when wild juvenile ferrets typically become independent and
exhibit dispersal tendencies, and are physically capable of killing
prey, avoiding predators, and adjusting to environmental extremes.
The hard release with no pre-release conditioning will utilize
neither release cages or any preconditioning in a contained prairie dog
colony. Ferrets will be transported to the release site and held for a
minimum of 12 hours to ensure general health. Subsequently, the ferrets
will be released into the prairie dog colonies from the transport
container and will receive no supplementary care.
Soft release involves raising juveniles in captivity with little
exposure to the physical and environmental demands experienced in the
wild. These juvenile ferrets will then be placed into release cages
with buried nest boxes at the Reintroduction Site. It may be desirable
to surround each cage with an electric fence to prevent damage by
cattle or big game. Ferrets will be held and fed in the release cages
for 10 days while acclimating to the cage and immediately surrounding
area. After 10 days, the doors to the release cages will be opened and
the ferrets will be allowed access to the prairie dog colonies;
however, food will continue to be provided while the ferrets learn to
kill prey in the prairie dog colony. This soft release design is
similar to release protocol used at the Shirley Basin reintroduction
site, except the Montana site is located in black-tailed prairie dog
colonies, instead of white-tailed prairie dog colonies.
Pre-release conditioning prior to hard release will utilize black-
footed ferrets raised from birth in a large, seminatural, enclosed
prairie dog colony. In this design, the captive environment should
allow a natural expression of genetically influenced behaviors, or, if
behaviors are learned, the captive environment should provide
appropriate stimuli to learning during the critical period. Presenting
juvenile captive animals with stimuli resembling those prevalent in
their natural environment may help individuals retain efficient use of
adaptive traits and, subsequently, increase post-release survival by
reinforcing inherent survival skills in natural ways at natural periods
of development.
Regardless of release technique, it is expected that ferrets will
be placed in separate burrow systems 200 meters (219 yards) apart
within the same prairie dog colony. Ferrets will be released
sequentially over a period of 3-8 weeks because all animals will not
reach the proper age for release at once, and because it would be
difficult to intensively monitor all radio-tagged animals if they are
released simultaneously. The proposed rule stated that all ferrets
released would be young-of-the-year. This final rule removes that
language in an effort to broaden the Service's flexibility and options
in managing the release and analyzing of reintroduction techniques. The
Service believes removal of this language to be minor in nature and
does not affect the intention of this rulemaking.
Prior to release, ferrets will be vaccinated against disease, as
appropriate, including canine distemper if an effective vaccine is
developed for ferret use by that time (an experimental distemper
vaccine is now being tested). Preventative and, where necessary,
corrective measures to reduce ferret predation by coyotes (Canis
latrans), badgers (Taxidea taxus), raptors, or other predators will be
undertaken in the initial phases of the release, but should not be
necessary in the long term. Habitat conditions will be monitored
continually during the reintroduction effort. If the ferret habitat
rating index (Biggins et al. 1993) drops to unacceptable levels,
ferrets will be released in another biologically suitable prairie dog
complex in the Reintroduction Area, translocated to another release
site, released at the next scheduled site, or returned to captivity.
Cooperative management actions will be taken to maintain overall
prairie dog populations at 1988 levels in the Reintroduction Area.
All black-footed ferrets released will be appropriately marked
[e.g., with a Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag or non-toxic
paints]. Some ferrets (up to a maximum of 50) may be radio-tagged in
the first year, while smaller samples may be radio-tagged in later
years. Radio-tagged ferrets will be intensively monitored. Other
ferrets will be monitored using spotlight, snow surveys, or visual
sighting techniques.
It is unlikely that released ferrets or their offspring will
emigrate outside of the Experimental Population Area. This is because
the Experimental Population Area is essentially a large island of
excellent ferret habitat (i.e., prairie dog colonies), while the
surrounding area to the north, east, and west is relatively devoid of
prairie dog colonies, and the Missouri Breaks and Missouri River on the
southern edge of the Experimental Population Area are physiographic
obstacles to migration. Given the large size of the Experimental
Population Area, current knowledge of ferret mobility gained from
radio-telemetry studies at Meeteetse between 1982 and 1986 (less than 7
km or 4.3 mi/night) and 1991 studies at the Shirley Basin site (17 km
or 10.5 mi/night), and significantly better prey base and colonization
opportunities within the Experimental Population Area, it is unlikely
that ferrets will disperse outside of the Experimental Population Area.
Experimental reintroduction designs will be tested and possibly
modified at this and/or upcoming reintroduction sites. The Montana
release will be limited by the number of captive ferrets available in
excess of captive population objectives, needs of the Shirley Basin
reintroduction site, and the needs of other ferret reintroduction sites
initiated in the future. However, the 20 to 56 ferrets available for
release in Montana in 1994 are considered sufficient to begin testing
the proposed release techniques and to monitor results.
Realistically, the Service and the Montana Department of Fish,
Wildlife and Parks (Department) expect high mortality rates (up to 90
percent) among released ferrets in the first year of release. Despite
pre-release conditioning, captive-bred animals will be relatively naive
in terms of avoiding predators, securing prey, and withstanding
environmental rigors. Mortality is expected to be highest within the
first month of release. A realistic goal for the first year, based on
experience at the Shirley Basin site, would be for 20 percent of
released ferrets to survive at least 1 month after release, with
perhaps 10 percent of released animals surviving the winter.
Intensive studies conducted on the wild Meeteetse population
between 1982 and 1986, and in 1991 and 1992 at the Shirley Basin
reintroduction site will provide a natural baseline against which the
Montana reintroduction effort can be compared to determine how well the
experiments are proceeding. Ferrets have a high level of natural
mortality in the wild, based on studies at Meeteetse. Population data
presented by Forrest et al. (1988) was used for computer simulation
modeling by Harris et al. (1989), and indicated juvenile mortality
rates of a stable population of approximately 78.5 percent. Since
young-of-the-year ferrets will be used in the reintroduction program
initially, these data will provide a basis of comparison. Additionally,
these baseline data will be supplemented with baseline biological and
behavioral data gathered in the 1960's and 1970's from the South Dakota
If successful, this reintroduction effort is expected to result in
the establishment of a free-ranging population of at least 50 adult
black-footed ferrets within the Reintroduction Area by a target date of
1998. The Service and Department will evaluate progress of the
reintroduction annually, including sources of mortality. The biological
status of the population at the site will be re-evaluated within the
first 5 years to determine future management needs. However, the 5-year
review will not include an evaluation to determine whether the
nonessential experimental designation for the Montana ferret population
should be changed. The Service anticipates that this designation will
not be changed for the Montana ferret population unless the experiment
is determined to be a failure (and this rulemaking is terminated) or
until the species is determined to be recovered (and is delisted). Once
recovery goals are met for delisting the species, a proposed rule to
delist will be prepared.
The revised Black-footed Ferret Recovery Plan (Recovery Plan)
(USFWS 1988) establishes objectives and outlines steps for recovery
that, when accomplished, will provide for viable black-footed ferret
populations in captivity and within its historical range. These
objectives include:
(1) Increasing the captive population of black-footed ferrets to a
census size of 200 breeding adults by 1991 (this recovery goal
subsequently was changed to 240 and has been achieved);
(2) Establishing a pre-breeding census population of 1,500 free-
ranging black-footed ferret breeding adults in 10 or more populations
with no fewer than 30 breeding adults in any population by the year
2010; and
(3) Encouraging the widest possible distribution of reintroduced
black-footed ferret populations.
Status of Reintroduced Population
The north-central Montana black-footed ferret population will be
designated a nonessential experimental population according to the
provisions of section 10(j) of the Act. The basis for this designation
is explained below. The 1988 Recovery Plan states as one of its goals
the development of a captive population containing a minimum of 200
animals. This number was chosen to maintain maximum genetic variability
and to ensure enough animals to protect the species from a stochastic
event; however, it has since been revised to 240 by the Species
Survival Plan Group of the American Zoological and Aquarium
Association, which manages the captive ferret population. To date, the
captive program contains over 300 black-footed ferrets separated
geographically into 7 different breeding facilities. With the recovery
goal of 240 animals achieved, the captive population can now supply
surplus animals for reintroduction efforts. As described in the Wyoming
final rule published in the Federal Register on August 21, 1991 (56 FR
41473), the captive population will be the donor population from which
surplus ferrets will be taken for reintroduction activities. Without
the protection of the donor or captive population, reintroduction
efforts could not occur. Therefore, the captive donor population is
essential to the recovery of the species by supplying surplus ferrets
for reintroduction.
The ``experimental population'' designation means the reintroduced
ferret population will be treated as a threatened species rather than
an endangered species. Under section 4(d) of the Act, this designation
enables the Service to develop special regulations for management of
the population that are less restrictive than the mandatory
prohibitions covering endangered species. Thus, the experimental
designation allows the management flexibility needed to ensure that
reintroduction is compatible with current or planned human activities
in the reintroduction area and to permit biological manipulation of the
population for recovery purposes.
Experimental populations can be determined as either ``essential''
or ``nonessential.'' An essential experimental population means a
population ``whose loss would be likely to appreciably reduce the
likelihood of the survival of the species in the wild'' [50 CFR 17.80
(Subpart H--Experimental Populations)]. All other experimental
populations are treated as ``nonessential.'' For purposes of section
7(a)(2) of the Act, nonessential experimental populations are treated
as though they are proposed for listing (except on National Wildlife
Refuge System and National Park System lands, where they are treated as
a species listed as threatened under the Act).
The captive black-footed ferret population is the primary species
population. It has been protected against the threat of extinction from
a single catastrophic event by splitting the captive population into
seven widely separated subpopulations.
The primary repository of genetic diversity for the species is the
approximately 240 adult breeders in the captive population. Animals
selected for reintroduction purposes will be as genetically redundant
as possible with the captive population. Hence, any loss of
reintroduced animals in the Montana experimental population would not
significantly impact species survival or the goal of preserving maximum
genetic diversity in the species.
All animals lost during the reintroduction attempt can be readily
replaced through captive breeding, as demonstrated by the rapid
increase in the captive population over the past 6 years. Based on
current population dynamics, 100 juvenile ferrets will likely be
produced each year in excess of numbers needed to maintain 240 breeding
adults in captivity.
The concept of experimental populations and classifying them as
nonessential was amended into the Act by Congress in 1982 to make it
easier to reintroduce individuals of an endangered or threatened
species in areas where there was local opposition to the
reintroduction. This is discussed in greater detail later in this
document under Issue 1.
The Experimental Population Area does not currently contain
ferrets; the proposed nonessential experimental population will include
all ferrets taken from captivity and released into the Experimental
Population Area and all their progeny.
This reintroduction effort will be the Service's second attempt to
reintroduce the black-footed ferret into the wild. The biological and
logistical problems of reintroducing and recovering this species that
remain to be addressed are significant. However, reintroduction
attempts must continue or the captive population may become overly
adapted to captivity. In the long run, exclusive captivity likely would
increase the risk of ferrets losing important wild survival instincts
and reduce the likelihood of successful reintroduction and ultimately
recovery of the species.
Fifty-eight percent of the land in the Experimental Population Area
is privately managed or on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation. The
nonessential experimental population designation will facilitate
reestablishment of this species in the wild by easing landowner
concerns about the effects on their activities of protection measures
for reintroduced ferrets. The experimental population designation is
less restrictive than the ``endangered'' designation and provides a
more flexible management framework for protecting and recovering black-
footed ferrets, thereby reassuring non-Federal landowners that they may
continue their current lifestyles.
Resource management plans for U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
lands within the Reintroduction Area provide for prairie dog management
for black-footed ferrets while maintaining traditional multiple uses
such as prairie dog shooting, grazing, oil and gas development, etc.
The Charles M. Russell NWR, the primary ferret release site, will serve
as a refugium where land management conflicts can be avoided.
Management plans for the refuge allow for prairie dog expansion but
does not allow prairie dog shooting; cattle grazing is either
restricted or absent.
First attempts to reintroduce black-footed ferrets into the wild
(including the Shirley Basin and Montana reintroductions) will place
great emphasis on developing and improving reintroduction techniques.
This applied research will lay the groundwork for a general black-
footed ferret reintroduction and management protocol for other
reintroduction sites, which the Service, together with other State and
Federal authorities, expects to develop after initial reintroductions.
Thus, an inability to establish a Montana population in the first few
years of effort will not be considered to ``appreciably reduce the
likelihood of the survival of the species in the wild'' (50 CFR 17.80),
because the knowledge and data obtained during this reintroduction
effort in black-tailed prairie dog colonies will be used to improve
reintroduction techniques, thereby enhancing the probability of
successful future reintroductions at other sites.
As ferret reintroduction efforts progress, the Service will
evaluate each potential reintroduction site to determine whether
subsequently released populations should be proposed as nonessential
experimental or essential experimental populations or should retain
their endangered status. The Service believes that at least 10
individual wild populations are needed to ensure the immediate survival
and downlisting of this species to threatened status (U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service 1988).
Location of Reintroduced Population
Under section 10(j) of the Act, an experimental population must be
wholly separate geographically from nonexperimental populations of the
same species. Since the last known member of the original Meeteetse
ferret population was captured for inclusion in the captive population
in 1987, no ferrets other than those released in Wyoming in 1991, 1992,
and 1993 have been confirmed anywhere in the wild. There is a chance
that ferrets may still exist in the wild outside the Shirley Basin
site. However, thousands of hours of ferret survey and habitat
evaluation work have been conducted in the general vicinity of the
proposed Montana reintroduction site and no wild ferrets have been
found. Based on these data, the Service does not believe that the
reintroduced population will overlap with any wild population of the
The Experimental Population Area lies between the Milk River on the
north and the Missouri River on the south in Phillips and Blaine
Counties. The eastern boundary is the Phillips/Valley County line. The
west boundary follows the west edge of the Reservation to the
southwestern corner, then extends south to the Missouri River along the
Phillips/Blaine County line.
Since 1978, 175 ferret surveys at 138 different prairie dog
colonies covering over 14,351 hectares (35,463 acres) have been
conducted in the Experimental Population Area. Wildlife biologists
spent approximately 14,122 hours on all prairie dog colonies within the
area performing activities related to ferrets, prairie dogs, or species
associated with prairie dogs, and local residents were extensively
contacted and solicited for ferret observations. No live ferrets were
located. Based on this survey work, it is reasonable to conclude that
wild black-footed ferrets no longer exist in the area encompassed by
the Experimental Population Area boundary. Consequently, barring strong
evidence to the contrary (such as a wild ferret being found in the
Experimental Population Area before the first breeding season), the
Service with this final rulemaking administratively determines that
wild ferrets no longer exist in the Experimental Population Area prior
to this release.
The Reintroduction Area will serve as the core recovery area for
the north-central Montana experimental population; i.e., efforts to
maintain ferret and prairie dog populations will focus on the
Reintroduction Area. The Reintroduction Area covers 206,000 hectares
(502,000 acres) composed of approximately 40 percent BLM-administered
lands, 30 percent private lands, 20 percent National Wildlife Refuge
System lands, and 10 percent lands managed by the Corps of Engineers,
the Bureau of Reclamation, or the Montana Department of State Lands.
Within the Reintroduction Area are approximately 6,201 hectares (15,068
acres) of prairie dog colonies: 2,718 BLM hectares (6,604 acres); 1,851
Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge hectares (4,500 est.
acres); 349 Department of State Land hectares (848 acres); and 1,282
private hectares (3,116 acres). Under this final rule, ferrets that
move to habitat outside the Reintroduction Area, including habitat on
the Reservation, could be returned to the Reintroduction Area.
Prior to the first breeding season following the first ferret
releases in Montana, all marked ferrets inhabiting the Experimental
Population Area will comprise the nonessential experimental population.
During and after the first breeding season, all ferrets inhabiting the
Experimental Population Area, including all progeny of released
animals, will comprise the nonessential experimental population.
There are significant barriers to ferret movement within and
bordering the Experimental Population Area. These barriers are the
Missouri River and, most importantly, the paucity of significant
prairie dog colonies outside the Experimental Population Area. These
movement barriers are expected to impede ferret dispersal within and
outside the Experimental Population Area.
All ferrets released in the Reintroduction Area will be
appropriately marked (e.g., with radio collars, PIT tags, or non-toxic
paints). In the unlikely event that an unmarked ferret is found in the
Experimental Population Area before the first breeding season
(February-May 1995) following the fall 1994 release, a concerted effort
will be initiated to find the location of the source wild population.
This search will determine whether a wild population exists; if such a
population is confirmed, authorities will take appropriate cooperative
action for its conservation. These actions would be guided by a ``Final
Contingency Plan for Disposition of Black-footed Ferrets Found in the
Wild in Montana,'' developed by the Montana Department of Fish,
Wildlife and Parks (MDFWP 1987); this plan calls for notification of
Service and Department officials and affected landowners. If a wild
ferret population was found, up to nine male and/or nonlactating female
ferrets would be removed and transported to captive breeding
facilities. The impact of the ongoing establishment of a nonessential
experimental population in the Reintroduction Area on any newly found
population would also be evaluated and appropriate action taken. In
addition, any unmarked black-footed ferrets found outside the
Experimental Population Area following the first breeding season will
be ``DNA fingerprinted'' to determine if the individual(s) emigrated
from the Experimental Population Area. If so, they would be returned to
the Reintroduction Area or to captivity and become part of the captive
breeding colony.
The Montana ferret reintroduction project will be undertaken by the
Service and the Department in accordance with the North-central Montana
Black-footed Ferret Reintroduction and Management Plan (Management
Plan) (MDFWP 1992). Copies may be obtained from the Montana Department
of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, 1420 East Sixth Avenue, Helena, Montana
59620 (telephone 406/444-2535). This Management Plan will be updated as
necessary. Details on the monitoring of prairie dogs and black-footed
ferrets were discussed extensively in the proposed rule (58 FR 19220)
but are not repeated here.
The Service will assist in ensuring that governmental agencies and
the public are informed about the presence of ferrets in the affected
area via public information and education programs and media. These
programs also will address the precautions and care that should be
taken in handling sick and injured ferrets. This will enhance effective
treatment and care in handling specimens and, if dead ferrets are
located, will ensure proper preservation of ferret remains. The finder
or investigator will be requested to ensure that evidence intrinsic to
the specimen is not unnecessarily disturbed.
The Service will require that persons who take a ferret or who
locate a dead, injured, or sick ferret immediately notify the State
Supervisor, Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services, Helena,
1. Disease considerations: Reintroduction will be reevaluated if an
active case of canine distemper is documented in any wild mammal within
6 months prior to the scheduled reintroduction. Samples from
approximately 20 coyotes will be obtained prior to reintroduction to
determine if active canine distemper exists in the reintroduction area.
Visitors and biologists will be discouraged from bringing dogs into the
Reintroduction Area. Residents and hunters will be encouraged to
vaccinate pets and report unusual wildlife behaviors and dead animals.
Efforts are continuing to develop an effective long-term canine
distemper vaccine for ferrets.
Ferrets will not be released into the Reintroduction Area or those
already released will be relocated from the Reintroduction Area if the
ferret habitat rating index (Biggins et al. 1993) falls below
acceptable minimum levels as a result of sylvatic plague. Sylvatic
plague has been documented in the proposed reintroduction area;
therefore, monitoring will occur on a regular basis prior to and during
the reintroduction effort. To the extent possible, strategies will be
developed to enhance prairie dog recovery in areas impacted by plague.
2. Prairie dog management: The Service and Department will work
cooperatively with landowners and land management agencies in the
Reintroduction Area to: (a) Maintain an objective of 10,660 hectares
(26,000 acres) of prairie dog habitat of mixed ownership, and (b)
manage the prairie dog acreage at release sites at or below the 1988
survey level before ferrets are released (prairie dogs could be subject
to control measures if their numbers exceed 1988 levels). Specific
measures for managing the prairie dog ecosystem in the Reintroduction
Area are described in the Management Plan. The Department, in
cooperation with the Service, will coordinate prairie dog management
programs, agendas, and the roles of participating agencies and
individuals. A local Citizens Steering Committee will be used to assist
the Department with this task. In areas where prairie dogs become a
problem for the landowner, control techniques compatible with ferret
recovery objectives could be implemented--e.g., through Environmental
Protection Agency registered toxicants, nonlethal control methods
(barriers, mechanical land treatment, water development, or grazing
management) and shooting.
3. Mortality: Though efforts will be made to minimize ferret
mortality during the reintroduction, significant mortality will
inevitably occur as captive-raised animals adapt to the wild. Natural
mortality from predators, fluctuating food availability, disease,
hunting inexperience, etc., will be reduced though predator and prairie
dog management, vaccination, soft release, supplemental feeding, and
pre-release conditioning. Human-caused mortality will be reduced
through information and education efforts directed at landowners and
land users and review and cooperative management (where necessary) of
human activities in the area.
A low level of mortality from ``incidental take'' (defined under
the Act as take that is the result of, but not the purpose of, an
otherwise lawful activity) is expected during the reintroduction
because the program has been designed to work within the context of
traditional land uses in the Reintroduction Area, such as grazing and
ranching activities.
Incidental take (e.g., ferret injury or mortality) will be required
to be reported immediately to the Service. The Service will investigate
each case. If it is determined that a ferret injury or mortality was
unavoidable, unintentional, and did not result from negligent conduct
lacking reasonable due care, such conduct will not be considered
``knowing take'' for the purpose of this regulation. Therefore, the
Service will not seek legal action for such conduct. However, knowing
take will be referred to the appropriate authorities for prosecution.
The biological opinion prepared on the reintroduction anticipates
an incidental take level of 12 percent/year. If this level of
incidental take is exceeded at any time within any year, the Service,
in cooperation with the Department, will conduct an evaluation of
incidental take and cooperatively develop and implement with landowners
and land users measures to reduce incidental take.
Even if all released animals were to succumb to natural and human-
caused mortality factors, this would not threaten the continued
existence of the species, because the captive population is the
species' primary population and could readily replace any animals lost
in the reintroduction effort. This is consistent with the design of the
reintroduced population as a nonessential experimental population. The
choice for wildlife managers is either to risk the loss of surplus
captive-bred ferrets during reintroduction efforts designed to re-
establish the species in the wild, or to keep all ferrets in the
relative safety of captivity. The Service believes the long-term
benefits to the species of establishing individual wild ferret
populations outweighs the relatively minor risks associated with losses
of surplus ferrets during reintroduction efforts.
4. Special handling: Under the special regulation [promulgated
under authority of section 4(d) of the Act] that will accompany the
experimental population designation, Service and Department employees
and agents would be authorized to handle ferrets for scientific
purposes (such as replacing radio collars); relocate ferrets to avoid
conflict with human activities; relocate ferrets that have moved
outside the Reintroduction Area when removal is necessary or requested;
relocate ferrets within the Experimental Population Area to improve
ferret survival and recovery prospects; relocate ferrets to future
reintroduction sites; aid animals which are sick, injured, or orphaned;
and salvage dead ferrets. If a ferret is determined to be unfit to
remain in the wild, it would be returned to captivity. The Service
would determine the disposition of sick, injured, orphaned, or dead
5. Coordination with landowners and land management agencies: The
Montana ferret reintroduction program was discussed with potentially
affected State and Federal agencies in the proposed Reintroduction
Area. A scoping effort to identify issues and concerns associated with
the reintroduction was conducted prior to the development of the
proposed rule, and a North-central Montana Working Group (Working
Group) consisting of representatives from the Department, the Service,
and BLM was assembled. The Working Group was instrumental in developing
the reintroduction program and has acted as a recovery implementation
group; it helped locate a suitable reintroduction area, defined the
boundaries of the Experimental Population Area, identified issues and
concerns, developed release protocols and research objectives, and made
written recommendations. The Working Group's recommendations were
incorporated into the Management Plan (MDFWP 1992).
The Working Group received assistance from the North-central
Montana Black-footed Ferret Advisory Committee. This committee was
established by the State of Montana and consisted of two
representatives from the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service,
three from business, three landowners, the county agent for Phillips
County, and representatives from the Montana Department of State Lands,
the Montana Department of Agriculture, the Bureau of Indian Affairs,
the National Wildlife Federation, the Fort Belknap Tribe, and the Yale
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. In addition, affected
private land managers in the area were consulted and offered the
opportunity to participate in development of the Management Plan.
Public meetings concerning the proposed Montana ferret reintroduction
were held in Missoula, Malta, Fort Belknap, Billings, and Miles City,
Montana, in December 1991 to offer the general public in Montana the
opportunity to learn about and comment on the reintroduction proposal.
Although support for the reintroduction was expressed at the Miles
City, Billings, and Missoula meetings, local residents within the
Reintroduction Area did not support the project.
6. Potential for conflict with oil and gas and mineral development
activities: Because all existing oil, gas, and mineral leases in the
Reintroduction Area do not occur in prairie dog habitat, and the
probability of new bentonite or oil and gas development is considered
low, it is unlikely that oil and gas development in the Reintroduction
Area would preclude establishment of a viable wild population of
ferrets, even assuming full development of current oil and gas leases.
If new oil or gas fields were developed in the Reintroduction Area, the
Service, the Department, and BLM would work with affected companies to
develop mutually agreeable means to avoid or mitigate potential adverse
impacts from oil and gas activities on ferrets or their habitat. In
addition, the Service is currently developing oil and gas guidelines
for new leases and oil and gas projects proposed in prairie dog
ecosystems managed for black-footed ferret recovery.
7. Potential for conflict with grazing and recreational activities:
All BLM administered lands in the Reintroduction Area are included in
grazing allotments. However, conflicts between grazing and ferret
management are not anticipated on Federal lands, because current BLM
rangeland management systems provide for prairie dog populations in
grazed areas. No additional grazing restrictions will be placed on BLM
lands with grazing allotments in the Reintroduction Area as a result of
ferret reintroduction.
No restrictions in addition to existing requirements will be placed
on prairie dog control activities by private landowners. Under the
Management Plan, landowners can readily control prairie dogs on their
lands. Elimination of prairie dogs on private or State lands within the
Reintroduction Area would not prevent establishment of a self-
sustaining ferret population, because sufficient prairie dog numbers to
support such a population exist on Federal lands.
Recreational activities currently practiced in the Reintroduction
Area (e.g., antelope hunting, prairie dog shooting, furbearer or
predator trapping, and off-road vehicle recreation) are either unlikely
to impact ferrets or, if negative impacts to ferrets are demonstrated,
will be managed to avoid or minimize such impacts.
8. Protection of ferrets: Released ferrets will initially need
protection from natural sources of mortality (predators, disease,
inadequate prey, etc.) and from human-caused sources of mortality.
Natural mortality will be reduced through pre-release conditioning,
soft release, vaccination, predator control, management of prairie dog
populations, etc. Human-caused mortality will be minimized by placing
ferrets in an area with low human population density and relatively low
development; by informing and working with local landowners, Federal
land managers, developers, and recreationists to develop methods for
conducting existing and planned activities in a manner compatible with
ferret recovery; and by conferring with developers on proposed actions
and providing recommendations that will reduce likely adverse impacts
to ferrets.
A final biological opinion was prepared on this action to
reintroduce ferrets into the Experimental Population Area and concluded
that this action is not likely to jeopardize any listed species.
9. Overall: The designation of the north-central Montana ferret
population as a nonessential experimental population and its associated
management flexibility should encourage local acceptance of and
cooperation with the reintroduction effort. The Service and Department
consider the nonessential experimental population designation and
accompanying special rule, the Management Plan, and the commitment to
accommodate cooperatively planned oil, gas, and mineral exploration and
development necessary to receive the cooperation of affected
landowners, agencies, and citizens, and oil and gas, minerals, grazing,
and recreational interests in the area.
10. Effective date: Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), this rule will
take effect 30 days after publication. It is essential to the success
of the reintroduction effort that ferret releases commence in the fall
of the year, when wild young ferrets typically would become independent
of natal care and disperse. The Service hopes to begin initial ferret
releases in the Montana Reintroduction Area in late September 1994.
Summary of Comments and Recommendations
In the April 13, 1993, proposed rule and associated notifications,
all interested parties were invited to submit comments or
recommendations concerning any aspect of the proposed rule that might
contribute to the development of a final rule. Appropriate State
agencies, county governments, Federal agencies, business and
conservation organizations, and other interested parties were contacted
and requested to comment. On April 22, 1993, the Service mailed letters
notifying 368 persons and organizations of the proposed rule and
solicited their comments. Of these 368 persons and organizations
notified, all were provided copies of the proposed rule, and 350 were
provided with a list of 8 offices where copies of the draft
environmental assessment and Management Plan could be obtained. A
detailed legal notice inviting public comment was published in the
Phillips County News on April 28, 1993; the Billings Gazette on April
29, 1993; and the Great Falls Tribune on April 30, 1993. On April 19,
1993, a news release was mailed to 74 newspapers, 4 television
stations, and 4 radio stations in Montana. Eight government offices
(seven in Montana, one in Colorado) were identified as distribution
points where one could obtain copies of the rule, draft Management
Plan, and the draft environmental assessment. A public hearing on the
proposed rule was held on May 24, 1993, in the Malta City Hall, Malta,
The Service received letters and/or oral comments from 41
commenters, including 2 State agencies, 3 county or local government
offices, 7 businesses or business organizations, 10 conservation
groups, and 19 individuals. Fifteen commenters supported a nonessential
experimental reintroduction; six commenters opposed reintroduction; six
commenters supported reintroduction under full protection of the Act;
six commenters supported an essential experimental reintroduction; and
two commenters did not support reintroduction but wanted a nonessential
experimental designation if black-footed ferret reintroduction went
forward. Comments of a similar nature or point are grouped into a
number of general issues. These issues, and the Service's response to
each, are discussed below:
Issue 1: Should the reintroduced population be designated as a
nonessential experimental population? Fifteen commenters supported the
nonessential experimental designation, and 12 commenters supported a
more restrictive designation based on their belief that a nonessential
experimental designation was not justified and/or did not offer
adequate protection to reintroduced ferrets or ferret habitat. Two
commenters indicated that using the captive breeding population as the
only essential population violates the Act. One commenter believed the
Service should designate at least one wild population of black-footed
ferrets as essential to the continued existence of the species in the
Response: The Service's rationale for designating the Montana
ferret reintroduction as a nonessential experimental population was
explained above under ``Status of Reintroduced Population.''
Establishment of a wild population in the Experimental Population Area
is not essential to the continued existence of the species in the wild.
The donor captive population, which is the population whose loss would
appreciably affect the likelihood of survival of the species in the
wild, is secure and other reintroduction sites are being identified and
The captive population is the primary species population. It has
been protected against the threat of extinction from a single
catastrophic event through splitting the captive population into seven
widely separated subpopulations. Hence, loss of the experimental
population would not threaten the species' survival.
The primary repository of genetic diversity for the species is the
240 adult breeders in the captive population. Animals selected for
reintroduction purposes will be as genetically redundant as possible
with the captive population; hence, any loss of reintroduced animals in
this experimental population will not significantly impact the goal of
preserving maximum genetic diversity in the species.
All animals lost during the reintroduction attempt can readily be
replaced through captive breeding, as demonstrated by the rapid
increase in the captive population over the past 6 years. Based on
current population dynamics, 100 juvenile ferrets will likely be
produced each year in excess of numbers needed to maintain 240 breeding
adults in captivity.
There are no known populations of ferrets in the wild except for
the nonessential experimental population reintroduced into the Shirley
Basin area in Wyoming. The only other ferrets known to exist are in
captive breeding facilities. Because the breeding program has been so
successful, there are more ferrets in captivity than are needed for the
breeding program or for ensuring the survival of the species. Ferrets
that are the subject of this rule are surplus animals that the Service
has determined are not needed for these purposes. Having a sufficient
number of black-footed ferrets in the breeding program means that the
Service will be able to continue to produce surplus ferrets for
reintroductions and thus bring about the survival of the species in the
Consequently, the captive breeding population is the population
that is essential to the survival of the species in the wild. The
nonessential designation is based on the Service's conclusion that
those ferrets to be removed from captivity and reintroduced into the
wild are not needed for the survival of the species in the wild. If the
released animals are lost, they can be replaced with other black-footed
ferrets produced in captivity.
Issue 2: Some commenters argued that because captive ferrets would
be released into the wild, and there are no nonexperimental ferrets
currently in the wild, and the only other ferrets in the wild are
nonessential, therefore the loss of ferrets to be reintroduced into
Montana would appreciably reduce the survival of the species in the
wild. This criticism centers on the issue of whether the species will
survive ``in the wild.''
Response: These commenters mistakenly focus on ferrets after they
have been reintroduced instead of focusing on the donor population of
ferrets in captive breeding facilities. The former are the ferrets
which are being reclassified from endangered to nonessential
experimental and which the Service has determined are not needed for
the survival of the species in the wild. It is the black-footed ferrets
in the breeding program that are essential to the survival of the
species in the wild, because these are producing surplus animals that
can be used for reintroductions to establish wild populations. Without
the captive ferret population, no additional ferret reintroductions
could occur and the outlook for survival of the species in the wild
would be extremely uncertain at this time.
The Service's position is supported by the preamble to the final
rule for establishing experimental populations (August 27, 1984; 49 FR
33885). It explains that the organisms that will be reclassified as
experimental are those which are to be removed from an existent source
or donor population. Additionally, a comment on the proposed rule that
preceded the final rule on experimental populations was that no species
classified as endangered could have populations biologically
nonessential to their survival. In its final rule, the Service
disagreed with this comment and stated `` * * * there can be situations
where the status of the extant population is such that individuals can
be removed to provide a donor source for reintroduction without
creating adverse impacts upon the parent population. This is especially
true if the captive propagation efforts are providing individuals for
release into the wild.''
Furthermore, the Service referred to the Conference Report, which
is especially significant because the definition of ``essential
population'' in the final rule is virtually identical to the language
in the Conference Report. Congress explained, `` * * * (T)he level of
reduction necessary to constitute `essentiality' is expected to vary
among listed species and, in most cases, experimental populations will
not be essential'' [H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 835, 97th Cong., 2d Sess., 34
The Senate report explains that the special regulations designating
experimental populations are to be designed to address the ``particular
needs'' of each experimental population and that the Secretary is
``granted broad flexibility'' in promulgating the special regulations
[S. Rep. No. 97-418, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. 8 (1982)].
It also is important to recognize that one reason Congress amended
the Act in 1982 was to provide for experimental populations. The House
Report is instructive on this point. It states that reintroduction
efforts had encountered strong opposition from the States and areas
where species were to be reintroduced. Opponents were concerned that if
introduced species were to be fully protected under the Act, then
conflicts with existing uses would result and new development would be
curtailed. Congress amended the Act to mitigate and alleviate such
Issue 3: One commenter stated that the Service's position that only
black-footed ferrets in the captive population will be fully protected
by the Act is arbitrary, capricious, and contrary to the intent of
Congress to work affirmatively for conservation of the species in the
Response: The Service has not decided that black-footed ferrets in
captivity are the only ferrets that will ever receive full protection
under the Act. However, as discussed under Issue 1, the Service
maintains that it has the authority under section 10(j) of the Act to
designate released populations as ``nonessential experimental'' if such
action will further the conservation of the species, and if the
decision is based on the best scientific and commercial data available.
Issue 4: One commenter indicated that it is not appropriate to
consider the captive population the essential population when the
intent of the Act is the recovery of a given species in the wild rather
than in captivity.
Response: The Service agrees that the intent of the Act is to
achieve recovery of the species in the wild. However, as explained
under Issue 1 and Issue 2, it is appropriate to consider the captive
ferret population as the essential population, since reintroductions at
this time depend on the surplus ferrets produced by captive animals.
Reintroducing surplus animals from the captive population into north-
central Montana as a nonessential experimental population, together
with other future reintroductions, is expected to result in recovery of
the species in the wild. The revised Black-footed Ferret Recovery Plan
requires that 10 ferret populations be established before downlisting
the species to threatened status can occur, and the captive population
is necessary to establish these populations through the reintroduction
process. Thus, the captive ferret population is essential to recovery
of the species in the wild.
Issue 5: Two commenters stated that an ``essential'' designation
provides greater protection for ferrets from impacts such as grazing,
trapping, prairie dog hunting, and oil and gas development. Three
commenters suggested that section 7 consultation provisions of an
essential designation should be provided for black-footed ferret
reintroductions in Montana.
Response: The Service agrees that an essential designation would
provide for a more stringent review of these types of activities under
section 7 of the Act than the planned nonessential designation.
However, the Service is part of the Working Group that developed the
Management Plan that will guide how these activities are carried out
within the Experimental Population Area. Thus, the Service contributed
substantially to the Management Plan and believes it provides adequate
protection for ferrets during these activities and will lead to
establishment of a black-footed ferret population in north-central
Issue 6: One commenter stated that no formal definition is given in
the ruling or in Service regulations as to what constitutes a
nonessential population. In light of extreme susceptibility of black-
footed ferrets and prairie dogs to disease and other natural and human-
caused threats, a population of genetically redundant individuals does
not automatically make that population nonessential.
Response: The Service's final rule that established regulations for
experimental populations (49 FR 33885) defines an essential
experimental population as `` * * * an experimental population whose
loss would be likely to appreciably reduce the likelihood of the
survival of the species in the wild.'' All other experimental
populations are to be classified as nonessential (i.e., one whose loss
would not be likely to appreciably reduce the likelihood of the
survival of the species in the wild). As explained under Issue 1, the
loss of the nonessential experimental population in north-central
Montana will not appreciably reduce the likelihood of the survival of
the species in the wild because other surplus black-footed ferrets in
captivity could be used to reestablish this population or create
additional populations in the wild. This is based on the success of the
captive breeding program and expected availability of captive-bred
offspring for current and future reintroductions. The Service agrees
that a population of genetically redundant individuals does not
automatically make that population nonessential but believes in this
case the designation is appropriate.
Issue 7: One commenter believed that the Service should at least
recognize the portion of ferret population on Federal lands as
Response: As explained under Issue 1, the Service considers the
captive ferret population to be the population which is essential to
the survival of the species in the wild, because it produces the
surplus animals needed for currently proposed reintroduction efforts.
Failure or loss of the captive population would jeopardize all future
reintroductions and the survival of the species itself. However,
failure of the Montana reintroduced population would not directly
affect the captive population or future ferret reintroductions. Thus,
the Service sees little justification for designating a portion of the
Montana population (in this case, the portion on Federal land) as
essential experimental, since that portion would not be biologically
segregated from the balance of the population, nor would it be
essential to the survival of the species in the wild.
Issue 8: One commenter indicated that the nonessential experimental
designation is being proposed only to counter local opposition to
black-footed ferret recovery and that this opposition is really
countered by the majority of Americans' support for recovery of all
endangered species.
Response: As explained under Issue 2, Congress incorporated the use
of experimental populations into the Act in 1982 for the specific
purpose of providing the Service with flexibility in reintroducing
endangered or threatened species back into their historical habitat for
the purpose of conservation of such species. The Service appreciates
this flexibility, for in this case as in others it allows recovery to
proceed at a faster pace than would be possible if the Service had to
overcome the opposition to reintroducing the animals as endangered.
Furthermore, because sufficient safeguards are built into
reintroduction and management plans, the Service believes that emphasis
is better placed on reintroducing captive animals into the wild to
establish populations and bring about recovery as soon as possible,
than on arguing about the term under which the animals will be
The Service agrees that there is a high degree of support from the
American public for the recovery of endangered species. However,
opposition to the reintroduction of an endangered or threatened species
is often most pronounced from residents of the area in which a
reintroduction will occur. As discussed earlier, it was this opposition
that persuaded Congress to amend the Act in 1982 to allow for
experimental populations.
Issue 9: One commenter stated that the captive population has kept
this species from extinction but reintroduction to the wild is
necessary for long-term survival and successful reintroduction cannot
be accomplished with a nonessential designation.
Response: Because no wild ferret populations have been found since
the last individuals in the Meeteetse, Wyoming, population were taken
into captivity in 1986 and 1987 to save them from canine distemper, the
captive population may indeed have saved the species from extinction.
Reintroduction is certainly necessary to bring about long-term survival
in the wild. However, the Service believes that successful
reintroduction can be accomplished with a nonessential designation,
based on the Management Plan and the accompanying special rule. The
1988 Recovery Plan states as one of its recovery goals, the development
of 10 populations. The recovery plan does not state under what
designation those populations must be.
Issue 10: One commenter pointed out that the proposed rule states
that, ``As additional wild populations become established, the captive
population will diminish in relative importance and wild populations
will increase in relative importance in the overall species recovery
effort.'' This places an increased importance on the Montana
population, thus making it all the more essential to recovery of the
species ``in the wild.''
Response: The Service agrees that as wild populations become
established, and the number of animals available in the wild increases,
the captive population will diminish in relative importance to survival
of the species in the wild. However, at this time loss of the captive
population would be catastrophic, since few wild ferrets (those at the
Shirley Basin site) would be available to re-establish the captive
population. Furthermore, the captive population will remain important
until establishment of the 10 wild populations needed for recovery is
accomplished, both as a source of animals for reintroduction and as
insurance against stochastic environmental events in wild populations.
Conversely, the planned Montana population can be readily established
or re-established from the captive population. Thus, the Service
considers the captive population to be far more important to the
survival of the species in the wild than the planned Montana
population. Whether the Montana population is essential to recovery of
the species ``in the wild'' was discussed under Issue 2.
Issue 11: One commenter indicated that (1) continued captivity
increases the risk of animals losing important wild survival instincts
and reduces the likelihood of successful reintroduction and recovery;
(2) the ability for black-footed ferrets within a wild population to
maintain their instinctive skills highlights the importance of wild
populations; and (3) the added protection of essential designation
would better allow animals the freedom to practice these skills.
Response: The Service agrees that it is important to move ahead
with the reintroduction of black-footed ferrets produced in captivity
as soon as possible to decrease the risk of ferrets losing important
survival skills. However, the Service also believes that sufficient
protection has been built into the Management Plan and the accompanying
special rule in this document to allow a sufficient number of animals
to survive to utilize these skills.
Issue 12: Two commenters suggested that full protection of the Act
is necessary so the opportunity to designate the Experimental
Population Area as critical habitat is provided.
Response: The Service recognizes that critical habitat can be
designated for an endangered or essential experimental population, but
not for a nonessential experimental population. However, the Service
believes that the Management Plan and the accompanying special rule in
this document provides sufficient protection for this nonessential
experimental population. Furthermore, the Service knows from past
experience that the designation of critical habitat often faces
significant local opposition. As discussed under Issue 2, the
experimental population designation was amended into the Act by
Congress in 1982 to alleviate opposition to the reintroduction of
species listed under the Act.
Issue 13: One commenter questioned how the Service can declare the
black-footed ferret recovered in 10-15 years if all populations in the
wild are ``nonessential experimental.'' Will reintroduced ferret
populations in other states have full endangered species status? Two
commenters objected that the Service did not indicate under what
circumstances black-footed ferret populations will be considered
``essential'' in the future. They believed the Service should discuss
biological and social parameters that, when met, will move reintroduced
populations from nonessential to essential.
Response: Perhaps the issue of how population designation and
recovery goals relate to each other should be clarified. Under the
revised Black-footed Ferret Recovery Plan, the species may be
downlisted from endangered to threatened when 10 ferret populations,
each with at least 30 breeding adults, are established. Thus,
downlisting is based on biological parameters (e.g., ferret numbers,
density, survival, recruitment, habitat quality and quantity, etc.) and
population stability. The Recovery Plan makes no distinction as to how
these populations are designated; once biological criteria are
satisfied, each reintroduced population will count toward recovery
whether it is designated as endangered, essential experimental, or
nonessential experimental. Furthermore, it is erroneous to assume that
a nonessential experimental population is unprotected. While the
special rule under section 4(d) of the Act will allow management
flexibility for the planned Montana reintroduction, it also maintains
many of the essential protections of the Act. With respect to the
second portion of the question, whether black-footed ferret populations
reintroduced into other states will have full endangered status or be
designated as essential experimental populations remains to be
determined and will be based on the circumstances of each
Issue 14: One commenter indicated that a historic precedent will be
set if the Service establishes that once a species has been declared
extinct in the wild, and only exists in captive breeding facilities,
that it will never again receive full protection of the Act when it is
reintroduced into the wild.
Response: The Service disagrees that a historic precedent is being
set. The Service has not declared the black-footed ferret extinct in
the wild, nor has it said that the species will never again receive
full protection of the Act when it is reintroduced into the wild. The
designation of future reintroductions of ferrets and other species will
depend on the specifics of those situations and not on how the Service
designated the Shirley Basin or Montana ferret reintroduced
Issue 15: One commenter suggested that the rule does not address
how the Service plans to address long-term viability of ferrets in the
wild. The commenter also stated that until then, all reintroductions
should be essential.
Response: The Service has addressed the long-term viability of
ferrets in the wild through recovery goals and objectives described in
the 1988 revised Black-footed Ferret Recovery Plan. This plan
identifies objectives that must be met to downlist the species to
threatened, which in turn would ensure the long-term viability of the
species in the wild. The revised recovery plan reflects current
information and recovery objectives, and outlines steps for recovery
that, when accomplished, will provide for viable black-footed ferret
populations in captivity and within its historical range. These
objectives include:
(1) Increasing the captive population of black-footed ferrets to a
census size of 200 breeding adults by 1991 (this goal was subsequently
changed to 240 and has been achieved);
(2) Establishing a prebreeding census population of 1,500 free
ranging black-footed ferret breeding adults in 10 or more populations
with no fewer than 30 breeding adults in any population by the year
2010; and
(3) Encouraging the widest possible distribution of reintroduced
black-footed ferret populations.
It is the Service's opinion that the Recovery Plan will continue to
be revised to reflect future requirements and direction to ensure
recovery of the black-footed ferret in the wild. In addition, the
Service plans to develop a national strategy for implementing the
ferret reintroduction program, based in part on initial reintroduction
efforts. This strategy would outline the specific methods and means
necessary to achieve recovery objectives cited in the Recovery Plan.
See Issue 1 and Issue 2 for a further discussion of essential and
nonessential experimental designations.
Issue 16: One commenter suggested that the Service develop an
overall strategy regarding ferret reintroduction, which would include
criteria for reintroduced population designations and a programmatic
plan to implement reintroductions.
Response: The Service agrees. As explained in Issue 15, it is
working toward a national reintroduction strategy that will address
specific procedures for reaching objectives outlined in the Service's
Black-footed Ferret Recovery Plan first developed in 1978 and revised
in 1988.
Issue 17: One commenter stated that the Service has not adequately
considered what effect potential loss of the experimental population
will have on the species as a whole.
Response: The Service stated in the proposed rule that even if all
ferrets released in the Montana reintroduction were to succumb to
natural or human-caused mortality factors, this would not threaten the
continued existence of the species. Unless the biological status of the
captive ferret population changes significantly, it is the species'
primary population and could readily replace any animals lost in the
reintroduction effort. This is consistent with the designation of the
Montana ferret reintroduction as a nonessential experimental population
and remains the Service's position with respect to the captive
population and planned Montana population.
Issue 18: Does the nonessential experimental designation and/or the
Management Plan for the north-central Montana reintroduction provide
adequate protection of ferret habitat? One commenter stated that it did
not. Another commenter suggested the nonessential experimental
designation appears to be an attempt to avoid restrictions on the kinds
of human activities that led to loss of black-footed ferrets in the
first place. Two commenters expressed concern that prairie dog
shooting, predator trapping, off-road vehicle use, lead shot poisoning,
and accidental trapping will adversely affect black-footed ferrets.
Response: The Service and the Department have worked with
landowners and land users to develop a management system wherein black-
footed ferrets and human activities can coexist. This does not compare
to human activities in black-footed ferret habitat in the past, which
were relatively unregulated. If mixed-ownership sites can be used
successfully for reintroduction, this is likely to increase local
acceptance at future reintroduction sites, augment the number of sites
deemed potentially suitable for reintroduction purposes, and increase
the species' chances for recovery.
The Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge will serve as a
refugium in the Reintroduction Area where prairie dog shooting, off-
road vehicle use, predator trapping, and trapping will be prohibited.
On BLM lands, these activities are addressed in the Judith-Valley-
Phillips Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement
(JVP-RMP/EIS) (BLM 1991). BLM is committed to managing existing prairie
dog towns and distribution on its lands for black-footed ferrets and
associated species. BLM plans to designate prairie dog towns on BLM
land within identified reintroduction areas as Areas of Critical
Environmental Concern. BLM also plans to manage prairie dog shooting
before and after ferret reintroduction; prairie dog shooting may
temporarily be prohibited in prairie dog towns where black-footed
ferret reintroduction is occurring, and would be managed in towns
subsequently occupied by ferrets.
Issue 19: Has there been adequate coordination with the affected
public during planning and consideration of this ferret reintroduction?
One commenter questioned this and suggested that the Department of the
Interior should increase local and State involvement before embarking
on a project of this magnitude. Another commenter recommended that a
Citizen's Steering Committee be part of black-footed ferret
reintroduction efforts in the future.
Response: The North-central Montana Working Group first introduced
the concept of ferret recovery to the general public at an open meeting
in southern Phillips County in 1985. BLM subsequently initiated efforts
to identify and address concerns of the public through the formation of
a Prairie Dog/Black-footed Ferret Coordinated Resources Management
Planning Group as part of the ongoing JVP-RMP/EIS. Additionally, during
the period of July 15 to October 5, 1990, the Proposed Action was
discussed with 53 ranchers having private land and/or BLM-administered
grazing leases within the Reintroduction Area. Information regarding
the JVP-RMP/EIS process and the black-footed ferret reintroduction
proposal was provided to ranchers by Department, BLM, and Service
biologists. Public meetings in Montana were held in Missoula on
December 2, 1991; Malta on December 9; Fort Belknap on December 10;
Billings on December 11; and Miles City on December 12. These meetings
offered the general public an opportunity to review and comment on the
reintroduction proposal.
Procedures the Service used to disseminate notice of the
reintroduction and copies of the proposed rule to designate the Montana
ferret population as a nonessential experimental population, together
with the draft environmental assessment, were described earlier. Copies
of the final rule, Management Plan, and final environmental assessment
will be provided to landowners, land users, and others requesting
The Department and the Service intends to develop reasonable
measures to accommodate landowners and land users still concerned about
possible negative impacts to their operations as a result of ferret
As the Montana black-footed ferret reintroduction progresses, the
Service will utilize recommendations from the Working Group to help
guide the reintroduction. In addition, the Department has formed a
local Steering Committee to assist in implementing the Management Plan.
The Steering Committee consists of representatives of landowner,
business, and other interest groups.
Issue 20: Will the government change the nonessential experimental
designation sometime in the future? This concern was expressed by one
Response: Once this final rule goes into effect, changing the
nonessential experimental designation of the north-central Montana
ferret population would require a new rulemaking process, which would
include a proposed rule, a public comment period, public meetings,
National Environmental Policy Act compliance, and other documentation
before a final rule to change the designation could be published. Under
the experimental population regulations (50 CFR 17 Subpart H), any rule
designating an experimental population must provide ``* * * a process
for periodic review and evaluation of the success or failure of the
release and the effect of the release on the conservation and recovery
of the species.'' The 5-year evaluation noted in section 17.84(g)(10)
of the proposed rule is intended to be a milestone in this required
periodic review and evaluation process, and will be a review of the
biological success of the reintroduction effort. If determined to be
less than successful, the Service and the Department will modify the
reintroduction protocol and/or the strategies within the Management
Plan to improve ferret survival and/or recruitment, with the
involvement of affected landowners and land managers. If the experiment
is extremely unsuccessful, the Service and Department may consider a
temporary hold on releasing ferrets into the Reintroduction Area until
better release or management techniques are developed. The 5-year
evaluation will not include an evaluation to determine whether the
population should be reclassified.
The Service does not foresee any likely situation, except for
eventual delisting of the species, that would call for altering the
nonessential experimental status of the Montana ferret population.
Should any such alteration prove necessary, however, it is possible
that it would not change ferret management on private lands. If the
designation changes and it is necessary to substantially modify ferret
management on private lands, any private landowner who consented to
ferret reintroduction on his lands would be permitted to terminate his
consent and the ferrets would, at such request, be relocated.
Issue 21: Should the final rule incorporate specific management
guidance regarding implementation of the experimental population? One
commenter recommended that this should be done and suggested that
guidance covering prairie dog shooting; leghold traps and snares; use
of zinc phosphide, strychnine, and fumigants for prairie dog control;
animal damage control; and incidental take provisions be included.
Three commenters suggested that ranchers must have control of prairie
dogs to prevent them from becoming an economic burden and that control
of prairie dogs that move from Federal to private lands should be
Response: Guidance addressing these management issues is included
in the Management Plan. The Management Plan is referenced in the
accompanying special rule as the document under which the nonessential
experimental population will be managed. However, because the
Management Plan will be dynamic in nature and updated as necessary, the
rule refers to the Management Plan in a general sense rather than
incorporating extensive management guidance. This will allow revision
of management practices without undertaking a new rulemaking.
Issue 22: Should the agreements between the Service and private
landowners contain provisions to require removal of ferrets at the
landowners' request and an ``escape clause'' to allow landowners to
terminate agreements? One commenter suggested that any agreement should
contain these provisions, as well as provisions regulating access to
private property. Two commenters suggested that the reintroduction
could adversely affect private property rights through land use
restrictions under the Act.
Response: The designation of the reintroduced population as
nonessential experimental, the accompanying special rule, and the
Management Plan provide a means and system to reintroduce black-footed
ferrets without affecting use of private lands. The Management Plan
[Land Management Issues, section 1.(a)] states that black-footed ferret
reintroduction does not supersede or reduce the right of private
landowners to manage their property and that management actions will be
implemented on private lands only with landowner approval. Section
1.(d) states that black-footed ferrets on private land in the
Experimental Population Area will always be relocated if the affected
landowner so requests.
Section 17.81(d) of the experimental population regulations (50 CFR
17, Subpart H) states, ``Any regulation promulgated pursuant to this
section shall, to the maximum extent practicable, represent an
agreement between the Fish and Wildlife Service, the affected State and
Federal agencies and persons holding any interest in land which may be
affected by the establishment of an experimental population.'' The
Service believes that this special rule acts in part as an agreement
between the Service and affected parties. The Department may choose to
enter into separate agreements with landowners during implementation of
the Management Plan.
The Service and the Department will continue to work directly with
affected parties within the framework of the experimental population
designation and special rule and the Management Plan to make ferret
recovery compatible with landowner and land user needs.
Issue 23: Should oil and gas guidelines be finalized before the
north-central Montana nonessential experimental population is
designated? One commenter urged that this be done. Another commenter
was concerned that private lands that overlay Federal mineral, oil, and
gas rights may be subject to section 7 consultation requirements. (The
term ``oil and gas guidelines'' in this question refers to guidelines
being developed by the Service, in cooperation with BLM and the oil and
gas industry, to ensure that oil and gas development is compatible with
ferret reintroduction).
Response: The draft oil and gas guidelines do not need to be
finalized before an initial ferret reintroduction attempt is made at
the Montana site. Based on the projected low to moderate oil and gas
development potential in the Reintroduction Area, and the siting of
primary ferret release areas on the Charles M. Russell NWR, the Service
believes there will be no significant conflicts between ferret recovery
and ongoing oil and gas development. A general process for dealing with
oil and gas development is outlined in the Management Plan, and
mitigation measures will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis if a
development proposal has the potential to adversely impact ferrets or
their habitat.
Issue 24: One commenter was concerned as to whether any action that
could be deemed a ``taking'' of a black-footed ferret will result in
prosecution with civil or criminal penalties.
Response: The Service agrees that this is a legitimate concern and
has included a provision in the special rule to allow for the
``incidental take'' of ferrets (i.e., take that results from, but is
not the purpose of, the carrying out of otherwise lawful activities).
Discussion regarding incidental take is included earlier in this rule
in the Management section under ``Mortality.''
Issue 25: Are the boundaries of the Experimental Population Area
appropriate? Three commenters were concerned that the Experimental
Population Area was too large. Another commenter thought the
Experimental Population area was too small and that released black-
footed ferrets would leave the area. Another questioned whether black-
footed ferrets ever occurred within the Experimental Population Area.
Response: Black-footed ferrets were historically found throughout
eastern Montana. Forty-four specimens collected between 1887 and 1984
were from Montana, which includes Phillips County. In 1983, a black-
footed ferret skull was found within the Experimental Population Area
on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation.
The Experimental Population Area boundaries were drawn to include
all potential black-footed ferret habitat (prairie dog colonies) within
the North-central Montana Prairie Dog Complex. The Service believes
that the lack of suitable habitat (i.e., contiguous prairie dog
colonies or complexes) on the north, east, and west and the Missouri
River on the south should deter the movement and establishment of
black-footed ferrets outside the Experimental Population Area.
Section 17.84(9)(ii) of this rule describes disposition of black-
footed ferrets found outside the Experimental Population Area in
Issue 26: Should the primary purpose of the Montana reintroduction
be to test release techniques or to establish a viable black-footed
ferret population? One commenter suggested that the primary purpose of
the reintroduction should be to establish a black-footed ferret
population, and two commenters thought offspring of reintroduced black-
footed ferrets should be used for future reintroductions. One commenter
also disagreed with the use of radio-telemetry to monitor ferrets,
suggesting that radio collars adversely affect ferret behavior, thus
increasing early mortality. This commenter also suggested that lack of
predator monitoring would confound the meaning of predation-caused
mortality data, that sufficient data already exists to demonstrate
expected behavior of cage-reared ferrets, and that other, less
obtrusive techniques than radio collars are available to monitor the
reintroduction effort. The commenter also believed the only difference
between hard and soft release is that one group of ferrets will be held
127 days and another group 136 days. One commenter thought that
telemetry could be used as a tool to increase ferret survival by
returning ferrets to the release colony as soon as they leave the site.
Response: The purpose of the reintroduction is to implement a
primary recovery action for the black-footed ferret and to evaluate
release techniques. The Montana release will test ferret reintroduction
techniques and, if fully successful, will result in a wild population
within 5 years.
Releases of black-footed ferrets are considered experimental, both
by legal definition and according to the chronological sequence of
technique development described in the revised Black-footed Ferret
Recovery Plan. The Recovery Plan (section 413) stresses identification
of variables that could affect the outcome of release and measurement
of the effect of those variables. The Recovery Plan also suggests
employing valid statistical design for the experiments. Sections 42 and
43 detail experimental release needs and suggest reliance on mark/
recapture and radio-telemetry. Section 44 describes operational
reintroduction of ferrets. The recovery plan suggests that the first
three releases should evaluate reintroduction success and release
techniques. The Service does not interpret this to mean that ferret
populations cannot become established during the initial releases, or
even that the probability of establishment of a population will be
lower. It does mean that learning about the process has a high priority
in the Montana release. Testing rearing methodology and release
techniques and establishing a viable black-footed ferret population are
not mutually exclusive goals.
Testing of manipulative research methods on black-footed ferrets
has historically generated much discussion. A cursory review of the
literature turned up 11 papers (representing 10 authors in the period
1968-1974) suggesting increased use of manipulative methods on ferrets.
Suggestions for this type of research came during a period when the
black-footed ferret was regarded as nearly extinct; consequently, the
risk/reward evaluation must have been greatly influenced by the
perceived high value of each individual animal. Currently, genetically
redundant black-footed ferrets are being produced in captivity.
Nevertheless, manipulative research may be more valuable during the
experimental reintroduction phase of the recovery program than at any
previous time or at any time in the future. Problems identified at this
time can be corrected and reintroduction strategies for future
reintroductions can be refined.
One problem identified during the Wyoming ferret release was
retaining animals at or near the reintroduction site. Loss of ferrets
during this release was primarily due to long distance dispersal and
death, with the latter mostly due to predation. Pre-release
conditioning methods show promise in reducing dispersal, and a
variation of pre-release conditioning is a proposed part of the
experimental design of the Montana reintroduction. Soft-releases (i.e.,
providing cages, an acclimation period, and post-release food supply)
have been used exclusively in past ferret releases at considerable
effort and expense. There has been little assessment of the benefits of
soft release, because such assessments must be comparative and no other
release techniques have been tested. The experimental design for the
Montana release includes the traditional soft release and a hard
release (no acclimation period and no supplemental food). The
contention that the survival of black-footed ferrets may be enhanced by
holding animals for 10 days at the release site to allow for
acclimation and orientation is one of the elements being tested and is
part of the experimental design. Ultimately, the goal is to compare
efficiency of the three techniques (soft release, hard release, and
hard release with pre-release conditioning) in terms of ferret
establishment and survival at the reintroduction site relative to
costs. In a more immediate sense, statistical null hypotheses being
tested relate to lack of significant differences between the three
groups in terms of several measurable behaviors. If sufficient black-
footed ferrets are available, another group of black-footed ferrets
will be released in an identical manner but without being radio-
collared. Spotlighting, snow tracking and mark/recapture methods will
be used to monitor mid- and long-term survival of both groups of
Black-footed ferret releases in Montana will be the first
reintroduction of this species in black-tailed prairie dog towns. The
Service believes it is worthwhile to obtain as much detailed data as
possible on black-footed ferret behavior, dispersal, and mortality
within this habitat type. Radio-telemetry will provide the most
detailed data. One of the recognized tradeoffs when using radio-
telemetry is potential additional risk to the collared animals. Actual
risk has not been assessed, but no mortality due to radio collars has
been documented in 5 years of field studies on black-footed ferrets or
5 additional years of work on Siberian ferrets in Asia and the United
States. Problems with radio collars (e.g., mud accumulation and
degradation of material) have been greatly reduced during years of
development and testing, and observations of telemetered ferrets in
captivity and in the wild has not shown that radio collars adversely
affect behavior.
Radio-telemetry also has been used to rescue and/or identify
dispersing animals that may benefit by returning them to the release
site. A radio-tagged black-footed ferret in Wyoming that was
rehabilitated and relocated in 1991 was one of the two females that
reproduced the following year.
Issue 27: One commenter suggested that all black-footed ferrets be
released on Federal lands. Another suggested that, because private
lands encompass 36 percent of the Experimental Population Area, private
landowners are essential to the reintroduction program. A third
suggested that endangered species protection can be better achieved by
providing incentives to landowners rather than instituting land-use
Response: The initial release of black-footed ferrets is being
planned on Charles M. Russell NWR (Federal land). The Service also
envisions that future releases would most likely be on national
wildlife refuge land or Federal lands administered by the BLM. Black-
footed ferrets would not be released on private lands without the
support and permission of the landowner. The Service agrees that
cooperation of private landowners is an essential part of the Montana
black-footed ferret reintroduction program. The stated goal of the
Management Plan is ``To promote the recovery and delisting of the
black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) by reintroducing and
establishing a free-ranging, cooperatively managed, black-footed ferret
population in the North-central Montana Complex in a way that is
compatible with existing local economies and lifestyles and to maintain
a positive working relationship with the local landowners.'' Strategies
formulated in the Management Plan avoid conflicts with landowner
operations. Black-footed ferret reintroduction does not supersede or
reduce the right of private landowners to manage their property.
Cooperative management of black-footed ferret habitat (prairie dog
colonies) on private rangelands is encouraged. However, the use of
private lands is not necessary for this black-footed ferret
Issue 28: One commenter expressed concern about the apparent
linkage of the Montana rule to the Wyoming rule. The respondent
understood that each reintroduction would be evaluated separately and a
separate rulemaking would be completed for each site.
Response: The Service agrees. However, to conserve printing costs
during the annual updating of title 50 of the U.S. Code of Federal
Regulations, provisions common to both reintroductions are combined
together and stated only once rather than repeating them for each
Experimental Population Area in the accompanying special rule. But,
provisions specific only to the Montana Experimental Population Area
are presented in section 17.84(g)(9)(ii) of the special rule.
Issue 29: Four commenters questioned the Federal government's use
of Pyreone dust to treat prairie dog burrows in an attempt to manage an
active sylvatic plague epizootic. One commenter supported the effort.
Response: The Service and the BLM, after reviewing data on changes
occurring since 1988 in prime black-footed ferret habitat on national
wildlife refuge lands and public rangelands within the Experimental
Population Area, implemented a program during June 1993 to treat fleas
in prairie dog burrows on two potential black-footed ferret release
sites. Data collected in 1992 showed a 52 percent reduction in total
prairie dog acreage within the Reintroduction Area and elimination of
three of five potential release sites as result of documented sylvatic
plague. The treatment of prairie dog burrows was implemented on Federal
lands as part of the Federal government's commitment to manage prairie
dog populations at 1988 population levels. An environmental assessment
was completed and a Finding of No Significant Impact and Record of
Decision were signed by the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge
Manager on May 20, 1993, and the BLM, Lewistown District Manager on May
24, 1993.
Issue 30: One commenter believed there is no documented evidence
that conservation of black-footed ferrets will be promoted through
reintroduction and suggested that further reintroduction be delayed
until reintroductions in Wyoming are proven to be a success. An
alternate position was taken by two commenters who were concerned that
black-footed ferrets in the captive population may be euthanized
because breeding facilities are nearing capacity, and recommended that
additional black-footed ferrets be released in the wild rather than
establishing another captive facility.
Response: The Service disagrees that conservation of black-footed
ferrets will not be promoted through reintroduction into the wild. The
Black-footed Ferret Recovery Plan was updated in 1988 to provide a more
up-to-date blueprint for actions to recover the species. Among other
changes, the species' recovery goal was updated to include
establishment of 10 or more black-footed ferret populations, each with
at least 30 breeding adults (see Issue 15).
The Service is actively pursuing these recovery goals by
encouraging establishment of cooperatively developed reintroduction
sites, and results from black-footed ferret reintroduction in Wyoming
in 1991 and 1992 are encouraging. Delays in re-establishing black-
footed ferrets in the wild would not be in the long-term interest of
recovery of this species in the wild.
The Service's intent is to secure sufficient release sites so that
black-footed ferrets in excess of the captive population needs can be
released in the wild. The Service does not envision that the captive
population will produce black-footed ferrets in excess of those needed
for the reintroduction program, scientific purposes and display, and
has no plans to euthanize animals in captivity.
Issue 31: Should the Service use a 50 percent reduction in the
ferret habitat rating (Biggins et. al. 1993) as a criteria for re-
evaluation of the Montana reintroduction program?
Response: The Service believes that re-evaluation of the program
when a 50 percent reduction in the black-footed ferret family rating
has occurred is appropriate. A 50 percent reduction in the black-footed
ferret habitat rating index does not mean the Reintroduction Area would
not be a viable reintroduction site, only that the quality of remaining
habitat and viability of the site should be reassessed. Black-footed
ferret habitat in the Reintroduction Area is currently being surveyed
and the black-footed ferret habitat rating index will be determined
using the 1994 data. If a 50 percent reduction in black-footed ferret
family rating has occurred, the viability of the site will be
reevaluated prior to the scheduled 1994 release.
Issue 32: Should the reintroduction protocol section in the
proposed rule be discussed in more detail? One commenter suggested it
should be.
Response: The Service does not believe it is necessary to provide
more detail in the special rule. The referenced section describes the
anticipated release strategy and techniques that will be used. Site
specific details will be modified annually prior to each year's release
and will utilize information obtained from previous releases. Detailed
release methods for each year's release in the Montana program will be
included in a protocol prepared prior to each release.
Issue 33: One commenter suggested that the following language be
added to the rule: ``There will be no loss of livestock AUM's [Animal
Unit Months] on BLM land in the reintroduction area due to ferret
Response: Part 7 of the Supplementary Information section of this
rule addresses grazing on public lands, stating: ``No additional
grazing restrictions will be placed on BLM lands with grazing
allotments in the Reintroduction Area as a result of ferret
Issue 34: One commenter disagreed with the statement in the rule
that, ``Decreased animal unit months for livestock would not benefit
prairie dog populations and would not be recommended as a tool for
ferret management.''
Response: Grazing by livestock does not in itself adversely affect
prairie dog populations. Conversely, livestock grazing can create
conditions that enhance black-tailed prairie dog populations by
reducing grass cover and increasing the distance across which prairie
dogs can spot and escape predators.
Issue 35: Four commenters were opposed to the money being spent on
ferret reintroduction and suggested that the money could better be
spent on access roads or recreation sites on the Charles M. Russell
National Wildlife Refuge. Four persons suggested the reintroduction
will affect the economic stability of Phillips County and did not
support changes in current recreation, grazing, prairie dog shooting,
hunting, or potential bentonite mining activities.
Response: The Service is responsible under the Act for recovering
the black-footed ferret. Because there are no known natural wild
populations, reintroductions are necessary to recover the species.
The Service disagrees that the economic stability of Phillips
County will be affected as a result of the black-footed ferret
reintroduction. Some increase in visitor use of the Reintroduction Area
by researchers and members of the public interested in observing or
photographing black-footed ferrets is anticipated when ferrets are
reintroduced. The level of this increase cannot be determined nor can
the consequences to the local economy, though economic impacts of
increased visitor use is likely to be beneficial rather than adverse.
No significant changes in recreation, grazing, prairie dog shooting,
hunting, or potential mining activities have been projected. The
Management Plan addresses how each of these activities will be managed
within the Reintroduction Area.
Issue 36: Two commenters felt that black-footed ferrets should be
given full protection under the Act as a means of conserving the long-
term viability of the entire prairie dog grassland ecosystem.
Response: Although conserving the long-term viability of the entire
prairie dog grassland ecosystem may be an admirable goal, the purpose
of this nonessential experimental population is to implement a recovery
action for the black-footed ferret. The reasons for not providing
reintroduced ferrets full protection under the Act are discussed
earlier in this rule.
Issue 37: One commenter suggested that more than one black-footed
ferret probably died from the plague in Wyoming.
Response: To the best of the Service's knowledge, only one black-
footed ferret died of sylvatic plague in Wyoming.
Issue 38: One commenter expressed support for the Baucus-Chafee
Endangered Species Act reauthorization bill. The commenter also
supported changes in the Act that would include economic and social
impact studies to determine the extent of adverse economic effects
resulting from listing of threatened and endangered species.
Response: This rulemaking does not address reauthorization of the
National Environmental Policy Act
A final environmental assessment as defined under the authority of
the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 has been prepared and is
available to the public at the Service offices identified in the
ADDRESSES section. This assessment formed the basis for the decision
that the planned Montana black-footed ferret reintroduction is not a
major Federal action which would significantly affect the quality of
the human environment within the meaning of section 102(2)(C) of the
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
Required Determinations
This final rule was not subject to Office of Management and Budget
review under Executive Order 12866. The rule will not have a
significant economic effect on a substantial number of small entities
under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). Also, no
direct costs, enforcement costs, information collection, or
recordkeeping requirements are imposed on small entities by this action
and the rule contains no record-keeping requirements, as defined in the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). This rule
does not require a Federalism assessment under Executive Order 12612
because it would not have any significant federalism effects as
described in the order.
References Cited
Anderson, E., S.C. Forrest, T.W. Clark, and L.Richardson. 1986.
Paleobiology, biogeography, and systematics of the black-footed
ferret (Mustela nigripes) (Audubon and Bachman), 1851. Great Basin
Naturalist Memoirs 8:11-62.
Anderson, S. 1972. Mammals of Chihuahua-taxonomy and distribution.
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 148(2):280-281.
Biggins, D., B. Miller, L. Hanebury, R. Oakleaf, A. Farmer, R.
Crete, and A. Dood. 1993. In press. A system for evaluating black-
footed ferret habitat. In Oldemeyer, J.L., D.E. Biggins, B.J.
Miller, and R. Crete, Eds. Proceedings of the Workshop on the
Management of Prairie Dog Complexes for Black-footed Ferret
Reintroductions. USDI, Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Report
93(13). 94 pp.
Forrest, S.C., D.E. Biggins, L. Richardson, T.W. Clark, T.M.
Campbell III, K.A. Fagerstone, and E.T. Thorne. 1988. Population
attributes for the black-footed ferret at Meeteetse, Wyoming, 1981-
1985. J. Mammology 69:261-273.
Forrest, S.C., T.W. Clark, L. Richardson, and T.M. Campbell III.
1985. Black-footed ferret habitat: some management and
reintroduction considerations. Wyoming Bureau of Land Management,
Wildlife Technical Bulletin, No. 2. 49 pp.
Harris, R.B., T.W. Clark, and M.L. Shaffer. 1989. Estimating
extinction probabilities for black-footed ferret populations. Pages
69-82 in Seal, U.S., E.T. Thorne, M.A. Bogan, and S.A. Anderson,
eds. Conservation Biology and the Black-footed Ferret. Yale
University Press, New Haven and London.
Henderson, F.R., P.F. Springer, and R. Adrian. 1969. The black-
footed ferret in South Dakota. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish
and Parks, Technical Bulletin 4:1-36.
Messing, H.J. 1986. A late Pleistocene-Holocene fauna of Chihuahua,
Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 31(3):277-288.
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. 1987. Final
contingency plan for the disposition of black-footed ferrets found
in the wild in Montana. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and
Parks, Helena. 2 pp.
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. 1992. North-central
Montana black-footed ferret reintroduction and management plan.
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Helena. 59 pages.
Reading, R.P. 1991. Biological considerations for designating the
North-central Montana prairie dog complex an experimental population
area for black-footed ferrets. Bureau of Land Management, Malta,
Montana. 23 pp.
U.S. Bureau of Land Management. 1991. Judith-Valley-Phillips
resource management plan and environmental impact statement. July
1991 Draft. Montana State Office, Helena.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1988. Revised black-footed ferret
recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, Colorado. 154
The principal authors of this rule are Dennis Christopherson and
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, and Transportation.
Regulation Promulgation
Accordingly, part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 of the
U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, is amended as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C.
4201-4245; Pub. L. 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500, unless otherwise noted.
2. Section 17.11(h) is amended by revising the existing two entries
for ``Ferret, black-footed'' under ``MAMMALS'' to read as shown below:
Sec. 17.11 Endangered and threatened wildlife.
* * * * *
(h) * * *
Species Vertebrate population
--------------------------------------------------- Historic range where endangered or Status When listed Critical Special
Common name Scientific name threatened habitat rules
* * * * * * *
Ferret, black-footed.... Mustela nigripes........ Western U.S.A., Western Entire, except where E 1, 3, 433, NA NA
Canada. listed as an 543, 544
population below.
Do...................... ......do................ ......do................ U.S.A. (specific XN 433, 543, NA 17.84(g)
portions of Wyoming, 544
Montana, and South
* * * * * * *
3. Section 17.84 is amended by revising the text of paragraph (g)
to read as follows:
Sec. 17.84 Special rules--vertebrates.
* * * * *
(g) Black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes)
(1) The black-footed ferret populations identified in paragraphs
(g)(9)(i), (g)(9)(ii), and (g)(9)(iii) of this section are nonessential
experimental populations. Each of these populations will be managed in
accordance with their respective management plans.
(2) No person may take this species in the wild in the experimental
population areas except as provided in paragraphs (g)(3), (4), (5), and
(10) of this section.
(3) Any person with a valid permit issued by the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service) under Sec. 17.32 may take black-footed
ferrets in the wild in the experimental population areas.
(4) Any employee or agent of the Service or appropriate State
wildlife agency, who is designated for such purposes, when acting in
the course of official duties, may take a black-footed ferret from the
wild in the experimental population areas if such action is necessary:
(i) For scientific purposes;
(ii) To relocate a ferret to avoid conflict with human activities;
(iii) To relocate a ferret that has moved outside the
Reintroduction Area when removal is necessary to protect the ferret, or
is requested by an affected landowner or land manager, or whose removal
is requested pursuant to paragraph (g)(12) of this section;
(iv) To relocate ferrets within the experimental population areas
to improve ferret survival and recovery prospects;
(v) To relocate ferrets from the experimental population areas into
other ferret reintroduction areas or captivity;
(vi) To aid a sick, injured, or orphaned animal; or
(vii) To salvage a dead specimen for scientific purposes.
(5) A person may take a ferret in the wild within the experimental
population areas provided such take is incidental to, and not the
purpose of, the carrying out of an otherwise lawful activity and if
such ferret injury or mortality was unavoidable, unintentional, and did
not result from negligent conduct. Such conduct will not be considered
``knowing take'' for purposes of this regulation, and the Service will
not take legal action for such conduct. However, knowing take will be
referred to the appropriate authorities for prosecution.
(6) Any taking pursuant to paragraphs (g)(3), (4) (vi) and (vii),
and (5) of this section must be reported immediately to the appropriate
Service Field Supervisor, who will determine the disposition of any
live or dead specimens.
(i) Such taking in the Shirley Basin/Medicine Bow experimental
population area must be reported to the Field Supervisor, Ecological
Services, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cheyenne, Wyoming (telephone: 307/
(ii) Such taking in the Conata Basin/Badlands experimental
population area must be reported to the Field Supervisor, Ecological
Services, Fish and Wildlife Service, Pierre, South Dakota (telephone:
(iii) Such taking in the north-central Montana experimental
population area must be reported to the Field Supervisor, Ecological
Services, Fish and Wildlife Service, Helena, Montana (telephone: 406/
(7) No person shall possess, sell, deliver, carry, transport, ship,
import, or export by any means whatsoever any ferret or part thereof
from the experimental populations taken in violation of these
regulations or in violation of applicable State fish and wildlife laws
or regulations or the Endangered Species Act.
(8) It is unlawful for any person to attempt to commit, solicit
another to commit, or cause to be committed any offense defined in
paragraphs (g)(2) and (7) of this section.
(9) The sites for reintroduction of black-footed ferrets are within
the historical range of the species.
(i) The Shirley Basin/Medicine Bow Management Area is shown on the
attached map and will be considered the core recovery area for the
species in southeastern Wyoming. The boundaries of the nonessential
experimental population will be that part of Wyoming south and east of
the North Platte River within Natrona, Carbon, and Albany Counties (see
Wyoming map). All marked ferrets found in the wild within these
boundaries prior to the first breeding season following the first year
of releases will constitute the nonessential experimental population
during this period. All ferrets found in the wild within these
boundaries during and after the first breeding season following the
first year of releases will comprise the nonessential experimental
population thereafter.
(ii) The Conata Basin/Badlands Reintroduction Area is shown on the
attached map for South Dakota and will be considered the core recovery
area for this species in southwestern South Dakota. The boundaries of
the nonessential experimental population area will be north of State
Highway 44 and BIA Highway 2 east of the Cheyenne River and BIA Highway
41, south of I-90, and west of State Highway 73 within Pennington,
Shannon, and Jackson Counties, South Dakota. Any black-footed ferret
found in the wild within these boundaries will be considered part of
the nonessential experimental population after the first breeding
season following the first year of releases of black-footed ferrets in
the Reintroduction Area. A black-footed ferret occurring outside the
experimental population area in South Dakota would initially be
considered as endangered but may be captured for genetic testing.
Disposition of the captured animal may take the following action if
(A) If an animal is genetically determined to have originated from
the experimental population, it may be returned to the Reintroduction
Area or to a captive facility.
(B) If an animal is determined to be genetically unrelated to the
experimental population, then under an existing contingency plan, up to
nine black-footed ferrets may be taken for use in the captive-breeding
program. If a landowner outside the experimental population area wishes
to retain black-footed ferrets on his property, a conservation
agreement or easement may be arranged with the landowner.
(iii) The North-central Montana Reintroduction Area is shown on the
attached map for Montana and will be considered the core recovery area
for this species in north-central Montana. The boundaries of the
nonessential experimental population will be those parts of Phillips
and Blaine Counties, Montana, described as the area bounded on the
north beginning at the northwest corner of the Fort Belknap Indian
Reservation on the Milk River; east following the Milk River to the
east Phillips County line; then south along said line to the Missouri
River; then west along the Missouri River to the west boundary of
Phillips County; then north along said county line to the west boundary
of Fort Belknap Indian Reservation; then further north along said
boundary to the point of origin at the Milk River. All marked ferrets
found in the wild within these boundaries prior to the first breeding
season following the first year of releases will constitute the
nonessential experimental population during this period. All ferrets
found in the wild within these boundaries during and after the first
breeding season following the first year of releases will thereafter
comprise the nonessential experimental population. A black-footed
ferret occurring outside the experimental area in Montana would
initially be considered as endangered but may be captured for genetic
testing. Disposition of the captured animal may be done in the
following manner if necessary.
(A) If an animal is genetically determined to have originated from
the experimental population, it would be returned to the reintroduction
area or to a captive facility.
(B) If an animal is determined not to be genetically related to the
experimental population, then under an existing contingency plan, up to
nine ferrets may be taken for use in the captive breeding program.
(10) The reintroduced populations will be continually monitored
during the life of the project, including the use of radio-telemetry
and other remote sensing devices, as appropriate. All released animals
will be vaccinated against diseases prevalent in mustelids, as
appropriate, prior to release. Any animal which is sick, injured, or
otherwise in need of special care may be captured by authorized
personnel of the Service or the Department or their agents and given
appropriate care. Such an animal may be released back to its respective
reintroduction area or another authorized site as soon as possible,
unless physical or behavioral problems make it necessary to return the
animal to captivity.
(11) The status of each experimental population will be re-
evaluated within the first 5 years after the first year of release of
black-footed ferrets to determine future management needs. This review
will take into account the reproductive success and movement patterns
of individuals released into the area, as well as the overall health of
the experimental population and the prairie dog ecosystem in the above
described areas. Once recovery goals are met for delisting the species,
a rule will be proposed to address delisting.
(12) This 5-year evaluation will not include a re-evaluation of the
``nonessential experimental'' designation for these populations. The
Service does not foresee any likely situation which would call for
altering the nonessential experimental status of any population. Should
any such alteration prove necessary and it results in a substantial
modification to black-footed ferret management on non-Federal lands,
any private landowner who consented to the introduction of black-footed
ferrets on his lands will be permitted to terminate his consent and the
ferrets will be, at his request, relocated pursuant to paragraph
(g)(4)(iii) of this rule.
* * * * *
4. Section 17.84 is amended by adding a map to follow the existing
two maps at the end of paragraph (g).
Dated: August 9, 1994.
Robert P. Davison,
Acting Assistant Secretary, Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
[FR Doc. 94-20037 Filed 8-17-94; 8:45 am]