98-22192. Triasulfuron; Pesticide Tolerance  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 159 (Tuesday, August 18, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 44146-44152]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-22192]
    40 CFR Part 180
    [OPP-300700; FRL 6023-8]
    RIN 2070-AB78
    Triasulfuron; Pesticide Tolerance
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This regulation establishes a tolerance for residues of 
    triasulfuron [3-(6-methoxy-4-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-1-(2-(2-
    chloroethoxy)phenylsulfonyl)urea] in or on cattle, kidney; goat, 
    kidney; grass, forage; grass, hay; horse, kidney; and sheep, kidney. 
    Novartis Crop Protection, Inc., requested this tolerance under the 
    Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), as amended by the Food 
    Quality Protection Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-170).
    DATES: This regulation is effective August 18, 1998. Objections and 
    requests for hearings must be received by EPA on or before October 19, 
    ADDRESSES: Written objections and hearing requests, identified by the 
    docket control number, [OPP-300700], must be submitted to: Hearing 
    Clerk (1900), Environmental Protection Agency, Rm. M3708, 401 M St., 
    SW., Washington, DC 20460. Fees accompanying objections and hearing 
    requests shall be labeled ``Tolerance Petition Fees'' and forwarded to: 
    EPA Headquarters Accounting Operations Branch, OPP (Tolerance Fees), 
    P.O. Box 360277M, Pittsburgh, PA 15251. A copy of any objections and 
    hearing requests filed with the Hearing Clerk identified by the docket 
    control number, [OPP-300700], must also be submitted to: Public 
    Information and Records Integrity Branch, Information Resources and 
    Services Division (7502C), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental 
    Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. In person, 
    bring a copy of objections and hearing requests to Rm. 119, CM#2, 1921 
    Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA.
        A copy of objections and hearing requests filed with the Hearing 
    Clerk may also be submitted electronically by sending electronic mail 
    (e-mail) to: opp-docket@epamail.epa.gov. Copies of objections and 
    hearing requests must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use of 
    special characters and any form of encryption. Copies of objections and 
    hearing requests will also be accepted on disks in WordPerfect 5.1/6.1 
    or ASCII file format. All copies of objections and hearing requests in 
    electronic form must be identified by the docket control number [OPP-
    300700]. No Confidential Business Information (CBI) should be submitted 
    through e-mail. Electronic copies of objections and hearing requests on 
    this rule may be filed online at many Federal Depository Libraries.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: Jim Tompkins, Registration 
    Division (7505C), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental 
    Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. Office 
    location, telephone number, and e-mail address: Crystal Mall #2, 1921 
    Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA, 703-305-5697; e-mail: 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the Federal Register of May 29, 1998 (63 
    FR 29401), (FRL 5791-2) EPA, issued a notice pursuant to section 408 of 
    the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C. 346a(e) 
    announcing the filing of a pesticide petition (PP 3F4225) for tolerance 
    by Novartis Crop Protection Inc., P.O. Box 18300, Greensboro, North 
    Carolina 27419-8300. This notice included a summary of the petition 
    prepared by Novartis Crop Protection Inc., the registrant. There were 
    no comments received in response to the notice of filing.
        The petition requested that 40 CFR 180.459 be amended by 
    establishing a permanent tolerance for residues of the herbicide 
    triasulfuron in or on cattle, kidney at 0.5 parts per million (ppm); 
    goat, kidney at 0.5 ppm; grass, forage at 7.0 ppm; grass, hay at 2.0 
    ppm; horse, kidney at 0.5 ppm, and sheep, kidney at 0.5 ppm.
    I. Risk Assessment and Statutory Findings
        New section 408(b)(2)(A)(i) of the FFDCA allows EPA to establish a 
    tolerance (the legal limit for a pesticide chemical residue in or on a 
    food) only if EPA determines that the tolerance is ``safe.'' Section 
    408(b)(2)(A)(ii) defines ``safe'' to mean that ``there is a reasonable 
    certainty that no harm will result from aggregate exposure to the 
    pesticide chemical residue, including all anticipated dietary exposures 
    and all other exposures for which there is reliable information.'' This 
    includes exposure through drinking water and in residential settings, 
    but does not include occupational exposure. Section 408(b)(2)(C) 
    requires EPA to give special consideration to exposure of infants and 
    children to the pesticide chemical residue in establishing a tolerance 
    and to ``ensure that there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will 
    result to infants and children from aggregate exposure to the pesticide 
    chemical residue. . . .''
        EPA performs a number of analyses to determine the risks from 
    aggregate exposure to pesticide residues. First, EPA determines the 
    toxicity of pesticides based primarily on toxicological studies using 
    laboratory animals. These studies address many adverse health effects, 
    including (but not limited to) reproductive effects, developmental 
    toxicity, toxicity to the nervous system, and carcinogenicity. Second, 
    EPA examines exposure to the pesticide through the diet (e.g., food and 
    drinking water) and through exposures that occur as a result of 
    pesticide use in residential settings.
    A. Toxicity
        1. Threshold and non-threshold effects. For many animal studies, a 
    dose response relationship can be determined, which provides a dose 
    that causes adverse effects (threshold effects) and doses causing no 
    observed effects (the ``no-observed effect level'' or ``NOEL'').
        Once a study has been evaluated and the observed effects have been 
    determined to be threshold effects, EPA generally divides the NOEL from 
    the study with the lowest NOEL by an uncertainty factor (usually 100 or 
    more) to determine the Reference Dose (RfD). The RfD is a level at or 
    below which daily aggregate exposure over a lifetime will not pose 
    appreciable risks to human health. An uncertainty factor (sometimes 
    called a ``safety factor'') of 100 is commonly used since it is assumed 
    that people may be up to 10 times more sensitive to pesticides than
    [[Page 44147]]
    the test animals, and that one person or subgroup of the population 
    (such as infants and children) could be up to 10 times more sensitive 
    to a pesticide than another. In addition, EPA assesses the potential 
    risks to infants and children based on the weight of the evidence of 
    the toxicology studies and determines whether an additional uncertainty 
    factor is warranted. Thus, an aggregate daily exposure to a pesticide 
    residue at or below the RfD (expressed as 100% or less of the RfD) is 
    generally considered acceptable by EPA. EPA generally uses the RfD to 
    evaluate the chronic risks posed by pesticide exposure. For shorter 
    term risks, EPA calculates a margin of exposure (MOE) by dividing the 
    estimated human exposure into the NOEL from the appropriate animal 
    study. Commonly, EPA finds MOEs lower than 100 to be unacceptable. This 
    100-fold MOE is based on the same rationale as the 100-fold uncertainty 
        Lifetime feeding studies in two species of laboratory animals are 
    conducted to screen pesticides for cancer effects. When evidence of 
    increased cancer is noted in these studies, the Agency conducts a 
    weight of the evidence review of all relevant toxicological data 
    including short-term and mutagenicity studies and structure activity 
    relationship. Once a pesticide has been classified as a potential human 
    carcinogen, different types of risk assessments (e.g., linear low dose 
    extrapolations or MOE calculation based on the appropriate NOEL) will 
    be carried out based on the nature of the carcinogenic response and the 
    Agency's knowledge of its mode of action.
        2. Differences in toxic effect due to exposure duration. The 
    toxicological effects of a pesticide can vary with different exposure 
    durations. EPA considers the entire toxicity data base, and based on 
    the effects seen for different durations and routes of exposure, 
    determines which risk assessments should be done to assure that the 
    public is adequately protected from any pesticide exposure scenario. 
    Both short and long durations of exposure are always considered. 
    Typically, risk assessments include ``acute,'' ``short-term,'' 
    ``intermediate term,'' and ``chronic'' risks. These assessments are 
    defined by the Agency as follows.
        Acute risk, by the Agency's definition, results from 1-day 
    consumption of food and water, and reflects toxicity which could be 
    expressed following a single oral exposure to the pesticide residues. 
    High end exposure to food and water residues are typically assumed.
        Short-term risk results from exposure to the pesticide for a period 
    of 1-7 days, and therefore overlaps with the acute risk assessment. 
    Historically, this risk assessment was intended to address primarily 
    dermal and inhalation exposure which could result, for example, from 
    residential pesticide applications. However, since enaction of FQPA, 
    this assessment has been expanded to include both dietary and non-
    dietary sources of exposure, and will typically consider exposure from 
    food, water, and residential uses when reliable data are available. In 
    this assessment, risks from average food and water exposure, and high-
    end residential exposure, are aggregated. High-end exposures from all 
    three sources are not typically added because of the very low 
    probability of this occurring in most cases, and because the other 
    conservative assumptions built into the assessment assure adequate 
    protection of public health. However, for cases in which high-end 
    exposure can reasonably be expected from multiple sources (e.g. 
    frequent and widespread homeowner use in a specific geographical area), 
    multiple high-end risks will be aggregated and presented as part of the 
    comprehensive risk assessment/characterization. Since the toxicological 
    endpoint considered in this assessment reflects exposure over a period 
    of at least 7 days, an additional degree of conservatism is built into 
    the assessment; i.e., the risk assessment nominally covers 1-7 days 
    exposure, and the toxicological endpoint/NOEL is selected to be 
    adequate for at least 7 days of exposure. (Toxicity results at lower 
    levels when the dosing duration is increased.)
        Intermediate-term risk results from exposure for 7 days to several 
    months. This assessment is handled in a manner similar to the short-
    term risk assessment.
        Chronic risk assessment describes risk which could result from 
    several months to a lifetime of exposure. For this assessment, risks 
    are aggregated considering average exposure from all sources for 
    representative population subgroups including infants and children.
    B. Aggregate Exposure
        In examining aggregate exposure, FFDCA section 408 requires that 
    EPA take into account available and reliable information concerning 
    exposure from the pesticide residue in the food in question, residues 
    in other foods for which there are tolerances, residues in groundwater 
    or surface water that is consumed as drinking water, and other non-
    occupational exposures through pesticide use in gardens, lawns, or 
    buildings (residential and other indoor uses). Dietary exposure to 
    residues of a pesticide in a food commodity are estimated by 
    multiplying the average daily consumption of the food forms of that 
    commodity by the tolerance level or the anticipated pesticide residue 
    level. The Theoretical Maximum Residue Contribution (TMRC) is an 
    estimate of the level of residues consumed daily if each food item 
    contained pesticide residues equal to the tolerance. In evaluating food 
    exposures, EPA takes into account varying consumption patterns of major 
    identifiable subgroups of consumers, including infants and children.The 
    TMRC is a ``worst case'' estimate since it is based on the assumptions 
    that food contains pesticide residues at the tolerance level and that 
    100% of the crop is treated by pesticides that have established 
    tolerances. If the TMRC exceeds the RfD or poses a lifetime cancer risk 
    that is greater than approximately one in a million, EPA attempts to 
    derive a more accurate exposure estimate for the pesticide by 
    evaluating additional types of information (anticipated residue data 
    and/or percent of crop treated data) which show, generally, that 
    pesticide residues in most foods when they are eaten are well below 
    established tolerances.
    II. Aggregate Risk Assessment and Determination of Safety
        Consistent with section 408(b)(2)(D), EPA has reviewed the 
    available scientific data and other relevant information in support of 
    this action, EPA has sufficient data to assess the hazards of 
    triasulfuron and to make a determination on aggregate exposure, 
    consistent with section 408(b)(2), for a tolerance for residues of 
    triasulfuron on cattle, kidney at 0.5 ppm; goat, kidney at 0.5 ppm; 
    grass, forage at 7.0 ppm; grass, hay at 2.0 ppm; horse, kidney at 0.5 
    ppm, and sheep, kidney at 0.5 ppm. EPA's assessment of the dietary 
    exposures and risks associated with establishing the tolerance follows.
    A. Toxicological Profile
        EPA has evaluated the available toxicity data and considered its 
    validity, completeness, and reliability as well as the relationship of 
    the results of the studies to human risk. EPA has also considered 
    available information concerning the variability of the sensitivities 
    of major identifiable subgroups of consumers, including infants and 
    children. The nature of the toxic effects caused by triasulfuron are 
    discussed below.
    [[Page 44148]]
         1. Acute Toxicity. A battery of acute studies were conducted. The 
    acute oral estimated lethal dose (LD50) which is acutely 
    lethal to 50% of the animals tested in rats is greater than (>) 5 
    grams/kilogram (g/kg) which is toxicity Category IV. The acute dermal 
    LD50 in rats is > 2 g/kg which is toxicity Category III. The 
    acute inhalation lethal concentation LC50 in the rat is > 
    5.19 mg/liter/4 hours of exposure for technical grade triasulfuron, 
    which is Toxicity Category IV. Triasulfon is classified in toxicity 
    Category III for eye irritation (rabbit), toxicity Category IV for skin 
    irritation, and did not cause dermal sensitization.
         2. Subchronic Toxicity (technical). A 13-week subchronic feeding 
    study in rats produced a NOEL (no observable effect level) of 10/mg/kg/
    day and a LOEL (lowest observable effect level) of 500 mg/kg/day based 
    on decreased weight gain and food intake in both sexes.
         A 21-day dermal toxicity study in rabbits produced no NOEL for 
    systemic effects, a NOEL for irritation of 1,000 mg/kg/day, and a LOEL 
    for systemic effects of 10 mg/kg/day based on dyspnea, and ruffled fur 
    that were not considered appropriate endpoints for human risk 
         3. Chronic toxicity (technical). A chronic feeding study in dogs 
    produced a NOEL of 2.5 mg/kg/day and a LOEL of 25 mg/kg/day based on 
    increased prostrate cystic hyperplasia.
         An carcinogenicity study in mice produced a NOEL of 1.2 mg/kg/day 
    and a LOEL of 129 mg/kg/day based on centrilobular hepatocytomegaly in 
    male mice. There was no evidence of oncogenicity.
         A chronic feeding/carcinogenicity study in rats produced a NOEL of 
    32.1 mg/kg/day and a LOEL of 220.8 mg/kg/day based on decreased mean 
    body weight and decreased body weight gain. There was no evidence of 
    B. Toxicological Endpoints
        1. Acute toxicity. A toxicological effect attributable to a single 
    exposure (dose) was not identified in the studies available in the data 
    base including the developmental toxicity studies in rats and rabbits. 
    Additionally, there were no data requirements for acute or subchronic 
    rat neurotoxicity studies since there was no evidence of neurotoxicity 
    in any of the toxicology studies at very high doses.
         2. Short - and intermediate - term toxicity. The short- and 
    intermediate-term dermal and inhalation endpoints are based on oral 
    developmental and subchronic studies, respectively and route-to-route 
    extrapolation. The short-term dermal and inhalation No Observable 
    Effect Level (NOEL) dose of 100 mg/kg/day is based on decreased body 
    weight and decreased body weight gain in pregnant rats, while the 
    intermediate-term dermal and inhalation NOEL dose of 10 mg/kg/day is 
    based on decreased body weight and food intake in rats of both sexes.
         3. Chronic toxicity. EPA has established the RfD for triasulfuron 
    at 0.01 milligrams/kilogram/day (mg/kg/day). This RfD is based on the 
    NOEL of 1.2 mg/kg/day established from the chronic feeding/
    carcinogenicity study in mice.
        4. Carcinogenicity. Classified as category E: not likely to be a 
    human carcinogen.
    C. Exposures and Risks
        1. From food and feed uses. Tolerances have been established (40 
    CFR 180.459) for the residues of triasulfuron, in or on a variety of 
    raw agricultural commodities. Permanent tolerances are already 
    established on barley, wheat, and various livestock commodities fat, 
    meat and meat by product of cattle, hogs, sheep, goats and horses other 
    than kidney, and milk. Risk assessments were conducted by EPA to assess 
    dietary exposures and risks from triasulfuron as follows:
        i.  Acute exposure and risk. Acute dietary risk assessments are 
    performed for a food-use pesticide if a toxicological study has 
    indicated the possibility of an effect of concern occurring as a result 
    of a one day or single exposure. An acute dietary risk assessment is 
    not required because no acute toxicological endpoints were identified 
    for triasulfuron.
        ii. Chronic exposure and risk. The Dietary Risk Exposure System 
    (DRES) was used for conducting a chronic dietary (food only) exposure 
    analysis . The analysis evaluates individual food consumption, as 
    reported by respondents in the USDA 1977-78 Nationwide Food Consumption 
    Survey, and accumulates exposure to the chemical for each commodity.
        In conducting this chronic dietary (food) risk assessment, the 
    Agency has made very conservative assumptions: that all commodities 
    having triasulfuron tolerances will contain residues of triasulfuron 
    and those residues will be at the level of the tolerance. This results 
    in an over estimate of human dietary exposure.
        Using the assumptions and data parameters described above, the DRES 
    exposure analysis results in an exposure that is equivalent to the 
    following percentages of the RfD:
                     Population Subgroup                       Exposure (mg/kg/day)                  %RfD           
    U.S. Population (48 states)..........................  0.00046                       4.6%                       
    Nursing Infants (<1 year="" old)........................="" 0.00040="" 4.0%="" non-nursing="" infants=""><1 year="" old)....................="" 0.0015="" 15%="" children="" (1-6="" years="" old).............................="" 0.0011="" 11%="" children="" (7-12="" years="" old)............................="" 0.00073="" 7.3%="" females="" (13-19="" years="" old,="" not="" preg.="" or="" nursing)......="" 0.00040="" 4.0%="" hispanics............................................="" 0.00056="" 5.6%="" non-hispanic="" others.................................="" 0.00050="" 5.0%="" males="" (13-19="" years="" old)..............................="" 0.00052="" 5.2%="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 2.="" from="" drinking="" water.="" no="" monitoring="" data="" are="" available="" to="" perform="" a="" quantitative="" drinking="" water="" risk="" assessment="" for="" triasulfuron="" at="" this="" time.="" the="" agency="" used="" a="" tier="" i="" drinking="" water="" assessment.="" this="" assessment="" utilized="" the="" sci-grow="" and="" geneec="" screening="" models="" to="" provide="" estimates="" of="" ground="" and="" surface="" water="" contamination="" respectively="" from="" triasulfuron,="" but="" did="" not="" consider="" the="" behavior="" of="" degradates.="" [[page="" 44149]]="" i.="" acute="" exposure="" and="" risk.="" an="" acute="" drinking="" water="" risk="" assessment="" is="" not="" required="" because="" no="" acute="" toxicological="" endpoints="" were="" identified="" for="" triasulfuron.="" ii.="" chronic="" exposure="" and="" risk.="" based="" on="" the="" chronic="" dietary="" (food)="" exposure="" and="" using="" default="" body="" weights="" and="" water="" consumption="" figures,="" chronic="" drinking="" water="" levels="" of="" concern="" (dwloc)="" for="" drinking="" water="" were="" calculated.="" to="" calculate="" the="" dwloc,="" the="" chronic="" dietary="" food="" exposure="" was="" subtracted="" from="" the="" rfd.="" chronic="" water="" exposure="" (mg/kg/day)="" x="" (body="" weight)="">chronic = consumption (L) x 10-3 mg/
    g where chronic water exposure (mg/kg/day) = RfD - (chronic 
    food + residential exposure (mg/kg/day)
        The Agency's default body weights and water consumption values used 
    to calculate DWLOCs are as follows: 70 kg/2L (adult male), 60 kg/2L 
    (adult female), and 10 kg/1L (child).
        For the most highly exposed populations subgroup, non-nursing 
    infants (< 1="" year="" old),="" chronic="" dietary="" (food="" only)="" exposure="" occupies="" 15%="" of="" the="" rfd.="" this="" is="" a="" conservative="" risk="" estimate="" for="" reasons="" described="" above.="" the="" chronic="" dwloc="" for="" the="" non-nursing="" infants="">< 1="" year="" old)="" subgroup="" is="" 85="" ppb.="" the="" predicted="" 56-day="" average="" surface="" water="" concentration="" by="" the="" geneec="" model="" is="" 1.68="" g/l="" (ppb)="" and="" the="" estimated="" ground="" water="" concentration="" by="" the="" sci-grow="" model="" is="" 0.19="" g/l="" (ppb).="" therefore,="" exposure="" from="" water="" is="" below="" epa's="" dwloc="" for="" chronic="" dietary="" exposure="" for="" all="" of="" the="" populations="" examined.="" 3.="" cumulative="" exposure="" to="" substances="" with="" common="" mechanism="" of="" toxicity.="" section="" 408(b)(2)(d)(v)="" requires="" that,="" when="" considering="" whether="" to="" establish,="" modify,="" or="" revoke="" a="" tolerance,="" the="" agency="" consider="" ``available="" information''="" concerning="" the="" cumulative="" effects="" of="" a="" particular="" pesticide's="" residues="" and="" ``other="" substances="" that="" have="" a="" common="" mechanism="" of="" toxicity.''="" the="" agency="" believes="" that="" ``available="" information''="" in="" this="" context="" might="" include="" not="" only="" toxicity,="" chemistry,="" and="" exposure="" data,="" but="" also="" scientific="" policies="" and="" methodologies="" for="" understanding="" common="" mechanisms="" of="" toxicity="" and="" conducting="" cumulative="" risk="" assessments.="" for="" most="" pesticides,="" although="" the="" agency="" has="" some="" information="" in="" its="" files="" that="" may="" turn="" out="" to="" be="" helpful="" in="" eventually="" determining="" whether="" a="" pesticide="" shares="" a="" common="" mechanism="" of="" toxicity="" with="" any="" other="" substances,="" epa="" does="" not="" at="" this="" time="" have="" the="" methodologies="" to="" resolve="" the="" complex="" scientific="" issues="" concerning="" common="" mechanism="" of="" toxicity="" in="" a="" meaningful="" way.="" epa="" has="" begun="" a="" pilot="" process="" to="" study="" this="" issue="" further="" through="" the="" examination="" of="" particular="" classes="" of="" pesticides.="" the="" agency="" hopes="" that="" the="" results="" of="" this="" pilot="" process="" will="" increase="" the="" agency's="" scientific="" understanding="" of="" this="" question="" such="" that="" epa="" will="" be="" able="" to="" develop="" and="" apply="" scientific="" principles="" for="" better="" determining="" which="" chemicals="" have="" a="" common="" mechanism="" of="" toxicity="" and="" evaluating="" the="" cumulative="" effects="" of="" such="" chemicals.="" the="" agency="" anticipates,="" however,="" that="" even="" as="" its="" understanding="" of="" the="" science="" of="" common="" mechanisms="" increases,="" decisions="" on="" specific="" classes="" of="" chemicals="" will="" be="" heavily="" dependent="" on="" chemical="" specific="" data,="" much="" of="" which="" may="" not="" be="" presently="" available.="" although="" at="" present="" the="" agency="" does="" not="" know="" how="" to="" apply="" the="" information="" in="" its="" files="" concerning="" common="" mechanism="" issues="" to="" most="" risk="" assessments,="" there="" are="" pesticides="" as="" to="" which="" the="" common="" mechanism="" issues="" can="" be="" resolved.="" these="" pesticides="" include="" pesticides="" that="" are="" toxicologically="" dissimilar="" to="" existing="" chemical="" substances="" in="" which="" case="" the="" agency="" can="" conclude="" that="" it="" is="" unlikely="" that="" a="" pesticide="" shares="" a="" common="" mechanism="" of="" activity="" with="" other="" substances="" and="" pesticides="" that="" produce="" a="" common="" toxic="" metabolite="" in="" which="" case="" common="" mechanism="" of="" activity="" will="" be="" assumed.="" epa="" does="" not="" have,="" at="" this="" time,="" available="" data="" to="" determine="" whether="" triasulfuron="" has="" a="" common="" mechanism="" of="" toxicity="" with="" other="" substances="" or="" how="" to="" include="" this="" pesticide="" in="" a="" cumulative="" risk="" assessment.="" unlike="" other="" pesticides="" for="" which="" epa="" has="" followed="" a="" cumulative="" risk="" approach="" based="" on="" a="" common="" mechanism="" of="" toxicity,="" triasulfuron="" does="" not="" appear="" to="" produce="" a="" toxic="" metabolite="" produced="" by="" other="" substances.="" for="" the="" purposes="" of="" this="" tolerance="" action,="" therefore,="" epa="" has="" not="" assumed="" that="" triasulfuron="" has="" a="" common="" mechanism="" of="" toxicity="" with="" other="" substances.="" d.="" aggregate="" risks="" and="" determination="" of="" safety="" for="" u.s.="" population="" 1.="" acute="" risk.="" the="" agency="" has="" concluded="" that="" the="" acute="" aggregate="" risk="" from="" the="" proposed="" use="" is="" acceptable.="" a="" toxicological="" effect="" attributable="" to="" a="" single="" exposure="" dose="" was="" not="" identified="" in="" any="" of="" the="" studies="" available="" in="" the="" data="" base="" .="" 2.="" chronic="" risk.="" using="" the="" tmrc="" exposure="" assumptions="" described="" above,="" epa="" has="" concluded="" that="" aggregate="" exposure="" to="" triasulfuron="" from="" food="" will="" utilize="" 4.6%="" of="" the="" rfd="" for="" the="" u.s.="" population.="" the="" major="" identifiable="" subgroup="" with="" the="" highest="" aggregate="" exposure="" is="" discussed="" below.="" epa="" generally="" has="" no="" concern="" for="" exposures="" below="" 100%="" of="" the="" rfd="" because="" the="" rfd="" represents="" the="" level="" at="" or="" below="" which="" daily="" aggregate="" dietary="" exposure="" over="" a="" lifetime="" will="" not="" pose="" appreciable="" risks="" to="" human="" health.="" despite="" the="" potential="" for="" exposure="" to="" triasulfuron="" in="" drinking="" water="" and="" the="" diet,="" epa="" does="" not="" expect="" the="" aggregate="" exposure="" to="" exceed="" 100%="" of="" the="" rfd.="" there="" are="" no="" registered="" residential="" uses="" of="" triasulfuron.="" 3.="" aggregate="" cancer="" risk="" for="" u.s.="" population.="" in="" 1991,="" the="" agency="" classified="" triasulfuron="" as="" a="" ``group="" e="" -="" evidence="" of="" non-="" carcinogenicity="" for="" humans.''="" therefore,="" the="" proposed="" use="" is="" not="" expected="" to="" pose="" an="" unacceptable="" carcinogenic="" risk.="" 4.="" conclusion.="" aggregate="" exposure="" to="" residues="" of="" triasulfuron="" in="" the="" diet="" and="" drinking="" water="" is="" not="" expected="" to="" exceed="" 100%="" of="" the="" reference="" dose.="" epa="" concludes="" that="" there="" is="" a="" reasonable="" certainty="" that="" no="" harm="" will="" result="" from="" aggregate="" exposure="" to="" triasulfuron="" residues="" in="" food="" and="" drinking="" water.="" e.="" aggregate="" risks="" and="" determination="" of="" safety="" for="" infants="" and="" children="" 1.="" safety="" factor="" for="" infants="" and="" children--i.="" in="" general.="" in="" assessing="" the="" potential="" for="" additional="" sensitivity="" of="" infants="" and="" children="" to="" residues="" of="" triasulfuron,="" epa="" considered="" data="" from="" developmental="" toxicity="" studies="" in="" the="" rat="" and="" rabbit="" and="" a="" two-="" generation="" reproduction="" study="" in="" the="" rat.="" the="" developmental="" toxicity="" studies="" are="" designed="" to="" evaluate="" adverse="" effects="" on="" the="" developing="" organism="" resulting="" from="" maternal="" pesticide="" exposure="" during="" gestation.="" reproduction="" studies="" provide="" information="" relating="" to="" effects="" from="" exposure="" to="" the="" pesticide="" on="" the="" reproductive="" capability="" of="" mating="" animals="" and="" data="" on="" systemic="" toxicity.="" ffdca="" section="" 408="" provides="" that="" epa="" shall="" apply="" an="" additional="" tenfold="" margin="" of="" safety="" for="" infants="" and="" children="" in="" the="" case="" of="" threshold="" effects="" to="" account="" for="" pre-and="" post-natal="" toxicity="" and="" the="" completeness="" of="" the="" database,="" unless="" epa="" determines="" that="" a="" different="" margin="" of="" safety="" will="" be="" safe="" for="" infants="" and="" children.="" margins="" of="" safety="" are="" incorporated="" into="" epa="" risk="" assessments="" either="" directly="" through="" use="" of="" a="" moe="" analysis="" or="" through="" using="" uncertainty="" safety="" factors="" in="" calculating="" a="" dose="" level="" that="" poses="" no="" appreciable="" risk="" to="" humans.="" epa="" believes="" that="" reliable="" data="" support="" using="" the="" standard="" uncertainty="" factor="" usually="" 100="" for="" combined="" inter-="" and="" intra-species="" variability="" and="" not="" the="" additional="" tenfold="" moe/uncertainty="" is="" not="" necessary="" because="" epa="" has="" a="" complete="" data="" base="" under="" existing="" guidelines="" and="" when="" the="" severity="" of="" the="" [[page="" 44150]]="" effect="" in="" infants="" or="" children="" or="" the="" potency="" or="" unusual="" toxic="" properties="" do="" not="" raise="" concerns="" regarding="" the="" adequacy="" of="" the="" standard="" moe/safety="" factor.="" ii.="" developmental="" toxicity="" studies.="" triasulfuron="" was="" evaluated="" in="" a="" developmental="" study="" in="" tif:="" raif="" (spf)="" rats.="" the="" following="" dose="" levels="" were="" administered="" by="" gavage="" on="" days="" 6-15="" of="" gestation:="" 0,="" 100,="" 300="" or="" 900="" mg/kg/day.="" the="" maternal="" noel="" was="" 100="" mg/kg/day="" and="" the="" maternal="" loel="" was="" 300="" mg/kg/day="" based="" on="" decreased="" body="" weight="" and="" decreased="" body="" weight="" gain="" during="" gestation.="" the="" developmental="" noel="" and="" loel="" were="" 300="" and="" 900="" mg/kg/day="" (hdt),="" respectively="" based="" on="" reduced="" ossification="" of="" vertebrae,="" metatarsals="" and="" phalanges.="" triasulfuron="" was="" administered="" to="" pregnant="" female="" chinchilla="" rabbits="" by="" gavage="" at="" dose="" levels="" of="" 0,="" 40,="" 120,="" or="" 240="" mg/kg="" from="" days="" 6="" through="" 18="" of="" gestation.="" triasulfuron="" did="" not="" elicit="" evidence="" of="" developmental="" toxicity="" at="" doses="" up="" to="" and="" including="" the="" high="" dose="" of="" 240="" mg/kg/day.="" the="" developmental="" toxicity="" noel="" is=""> 240 mg/kg/day. 
    Maternal toxicity was observed at 240 mg/kg/day manifested as decreased 
    body weight gain during gestation. The maternal toxicity LOEL is 240 
    mg/kg/day and the NOEL is 120 mg/kg/day.
        iii. Reproductive toxicity study. Triasulfuron was evaluated in a 
    2-generation reproduction study in the Sprague-Dawley rat. Dosage 
    levels employed were 0, 0.5, 50, or 250 mg/kg/day. The parental LOEL is 
    250 mg/kg/day based on significant decreases in premating and total 
    body weight gain for the F0 and F1 parental animals. The parental NOEL 
    is 50 mg/kg/day. The reproductive NOEL and LOELs are 50 and 250 mg/kg/
    day, respectively based on reduced F1a pup weights at birth and during 
    lactation .
        iv. Pre- and post-natal sensitivity. The data provided noindication 
    of increased susceptibility of rats or rabbits to in utero and/or 
    postnatal exposure to triasulfuron. In the prenatal developmental 
    toxicity study in rats, developmental toxicity was seen only in the 
    presence of maternal toxicity. In the developmental toxicity study in 
    rabbits, no evidence of developmental toxicity was seen, even in the 
    presence of maternal toxicity at the highest dose tested. In the two-
    generation reproduction study in rats, effects in the offspring were 
    observed only at or above treatment levels that resulted in evidence of 
    parental toxicity. In addition, there is no indication that 
    triasulfuron is a neurotoxic herbicide. No additional safety factor is 
         v. Conclusion. The database is complete and the data provided no 
    indication of increased susceptibility of rats or rabbits to in utero 
    and/or postnatal exposure to triasulfuron. Therefore, EPA concluded 
    that no additional safety factor is needed to protect the safety of 
    infants and children.
        2. Chronic risk. Using the conservative exposure assumptions 
    described above, EPA has concluded that aggregate exposure to 
    triasulfuron from food will utilize 15% of the RfD for infants and 
    children. EPA generally has no concern for exposures below 100% of the 
    RfD because the RfD represents the level at or below which daily 
    aggregate dietary exposure over a lifetime will not pose appreciable 
    risks to human health. Despite the potential for exposure to 
    triasulfuron in drinking water and the diet, EPA does not expect the 
    aggregate exposure to exceed 100% of the RfD. There are no registered 
    residential uses of triasulfuron. EPA concludes that there is a 
    reasonable certainty that no harm will result to infants and children 
    from aggregate exposure to triasulfuron residues in food and drinking 
    III. Other Considerations
    A. Metabolism In Plants and Animals
        In the rat, triasulfuron is excreted primarily in the urine (70-
    99%) with lesser amounts excreted in the feces. The majority of 
    excretion occurs in the first 24 hours following exposure. Residue 
    levels in the tissues are < 0.1%="" of="" the="" administered="" dose.="" the="" major="" excretion="" product="" is="" unchanged="" triasulfuron="" in="" both="" urine="" and="" feces.="" in="" plants,="" residues="" of="" triasulfuron="" are="" systemic,="" and="" the="" residue="" of="" regulating="" conern="" is="" exclusively="" the="" parent="" compound.="" in="" wheat,="" the="" nature="" of="" triasulfuron="" residues="" and="" metabolism="" are="" adequately="" understood,="" where="" metabolism="" proceeds="" by="" hydroxylation="" of="" the="" pheny="" ring="" and="" hydrolytic="" cleavage="" of="" the="" urea="" dridge.="" epa="" has="" concluded="" that="" triasulfuron="" metabolism="" in="" wheat="" can="" be="" translated="" to="" grasses,="" and="" that="" only="" the="" parent="" compound="" is="" of="" regulatory="" concern="" in="" grasses.="" the="" nature="" of="" the="" residue="" in="" ruminants="" and="" poultry="" is="" adequately="" understood.="" the="" nature="" of="" regulatory="" concern="" is="" the="" parent="" compound.="" b.="" analytical="" enforcement="" methodology="" 1.="" plants.="" suitable="" analytical="" methodology="" exists="" to="" enforce="" the="" extension="" of="" the="" tolerances="" on="" grasses.="" method="" ag-500b="" column="" switching="" hplc="" with="" uv="" detection="" has="" undergone="" successful="" petition="" method="" validations="" on="" wheat="" grain="" and="" straw="" and="" has="" been="" accepted="" by="" the="" agency="" as="" the="" enforcement="" analytical="" method="" for="" wheat="" and="" barley.="" the="" registrant="" has="" validated="" this="" method="" in="" grass="" forage="" and="" hay="" at="" the="" limit="" of="" quantitation="" (loq),="" 0.05="" ppm.="" the="" agency="" has="" previously="" concluded="" that="" method="" ag-500b="" is="" acceptable="" to="" enforce="" tolerances="" on="" grass="" hay="" and="" forage.="" 2.="" animals.="" suitable="" analytical="" methodology="" exists="" to="" enforce="" the="" tolerances="" on="" animal="" commodities,="" including="" the="" tolerances="" on="" kidneys.="" method="" ag-508b="" revised="" column="" switching="" hplc="" with="" uv="" detection="" has="" undergone="" successful="" petition="" method="" validation="" on="" milk,="" beef="" muscle="" and="" kidney="" and="" has="" been="" accepted="" by="" the="" agency="" as="" the="" enforcement="" analytical="" method="" for="" animal="" commodities.="" the="" validated="" loq="" is="" 0.01="" ppm="" for="" milk;="" 0.05="" ppm="" for="" beef="" muscle,="" fat,="" liver,="" and="" kidney;="" 0.05="" ppm="" for="" eggs;="" and="" 0.05="" ppm="" for="" poultry="" meat,="" fat,="" and="" liver.="" 3.="" multiresidue="" methods.="" triasulfuron="" and="" four="" of="" its="" metabolites="" were="" tested="" through="" the="" fda="" multiresidue="" protocols.="" the="" submission="" was="" forwarded="" to="" fda="" for="" evaluation.="" triasulfuron="" was="" not="" determinable="" by="" any="" of="" the="" protocols="" .="" c.="" magnitude="" of="" residues="" the="" field="" trial="" data="" on="" grasses="" support="" tolerance="" levels="" of="" 7="" ppm="" in="" grass="" forage="" and="" 2="" ppm="" in="" grass="" hay="" for="" residues="" of="" triasulfuron="" in="" conjunction="" with="" the="" proposed="" use="" pattern.="" also="" see="" meat,="" milk,="" poultry,="" and="" eggs.="" no="" additional="" field="" trial="" data="" are="" required="" for="" this="" petition.="" 1.="" meat,="" milk,="" poultry,="" and="" eggs.="" grasses="" are="" feedstuffs="" for="" beef="" and="" dairy="" cattle.="" an="" acceptable="" feeding="" study="" in="" dairy="" cattle="" conducted="" at="" 15,="" 75,="" and="" 150="" ppm="" has="" previously="" been="" reviewed="" and="" various="" animal="" commodity="" tolerances="" were="" subsequently="" established="" (milk,="" 0.02="" ppm;="" meat,="" fat,="" and="" meat="" by-products="" of="" cattle,="" goats,="" hogs,="" horses,="" and="" sheep="" at="" 0.1="" ppm).="" the="" existing="" tolerances="" for="" triasulfuron="" in="" animal="" commodities="" are="" adequate="" to="" cover="" the="" use="" of="" triasulfuron="" on="" grasses="" with="" the="" exception="" of="" the="" tolerances="" on="" kidneys.="" accordingly,="" higher="" triasulfuron="" tolerances="" of="" 0.5="" ppm="" for="" the="" kidneys="" of="" cattle,="" goats,="" horses,="" and="" sheep="" are="" required="" to="" support="" the="" tolerances="" on="" grasses.="" 2.="" processed="" food/feed.="" there="" are="" no="" processed="" commodities="" associated="" with="" grasses.="" d.="" international="" residue="" limits="" there="" are="" no="" codex,="" canadian,="" or="" mexican="" maximum="" residue="" limits="" for="" residues="" of="" triasulfuron.="" [[page="" 44151]]="" e.="" rotational="" crop="" restrictions="" there="" are="" extensive,="" very="" specific="" rotational="" crop="" restrictions="" on="" the="" product="" label="" for="" the="" crops:="" barley,="" rye,="" oats,="" bermudagrass,="" proso="" millet,="" field="" corn,="" grain="" sorghum,="" soybeans,="" sugar="" beets,="" sunflowers,="" and="" onions.="" there="" are="" no="" rotational="" or="" reseeding="" restrictions="" for="" the="" planting="" of="" wheat.="" iv.="" conclusion="" therefore,="" the="" tolerances="" are="" established="" for="" residues="" of="" triasulfuron="" in="" cattle,="" goat,="" horse,="" and="" sheep="" kidney="" at="" 0.5="" ppm,="" grass="" forage="" at="" 7="" ppm,="" grass="" hay="" at="" 2="" ppm.="" v.="" objections="" and="" hearing="" requests="" the="" new="" ffdca="" section="" 408(g)="" provides="" essentially="" the="" same="" process="" for="" persons="" to="" ``object''="" to="" a="" tolerance="" regulation="" issued="" by="" epa="" under="" new="" section="" 408(e)="" and="" (l)(6)="" as="" was="" provided="" in="" the="" old="" section="" 408="" and="" in="" section="" 409.="" however,="" the="" period="" for="" filing="" objections="" is="" 60="" days,="" rather="" than="" 30="" days.="" epa="" currently="" has="" procedural="" regulations="" which="" govern="" the="" submission="" of="" objections="" and="" hearing="" requests.="" these="" regulations="" will="" require="" some="" modification="" to="" reflect="" the="" new="" law.="" however,="" until="" those="" modifications="" can="" be="" made,="" epa="" will="" continue="" to="" use="" those="" procedural="" regulations="" with="" appropriate="" adjustments="" to="" reflect="" the="" new="" law.="" any="" person="" may,="" by="" october="" 19,="" 1998="" file="" written="" objections="" to="" any="" aspect="" of="" this="" regulation="" and="" may="" also="" request="" a="" hearing="" on="" those="" objections.="" objections="" and="" hearing="" requests="" must="" be="" filed="" with="" the="" hearing="" clerk,="" at="" the="" address="" given="" above="" (40="" cfr="" 178.20).="" a="" copy="" of="" the="" objections="" and/or="" hearing="" requests="" filed="" with="" the="" hearing="" clerk="" should="" be="" submitted="" to="" the="" opp="" docket="" for="" this="" rulemaking.="" the="" objections="" submitted="" must="" specify="" the="" provisions="" of="" the="" regulation="" deemed="" objectionable="" and="" the="" grounds="" for="" the="" objections="" (40="" cfr="" 178.25).="" each="" objection="" must="" be="" accompanied="" by="" the="" fee="" prescribed="" by="" 40="" cfr="" 180.33(i).="" if="" a="" hearing="" is="" requested,="" the="" objections="" must="" include="" a="" statement="" of="" the="" factual="" issues="" on="" which="" a="" hearing="" is="" requested,="" the="" requestor's="" contentions="" on="" such="" issues,="" and="" a="" summary="" of="" any="" evidence="" relied="" upon="" by="" the="" requestor="" (40="" cfr="" 178.27).="" a="" request="" for="" a="" hearing="" will="" be="" granted="" if="" the="" administrator="" determines="" that="" the="" material="" submitted="" shows="" the="" following:="" there="" is="" genuine="" and="" substantial="" issue="" of="" fact;="" there="" is="" a="" reasonable="" possibility="" that="" available="" evidence="" identified="" by="" the="" requestor="" would,="" if="" established,="" resolve="" one="" or="" more="" of="" such="" issues="" in="" favor="" of="" the="" requestor,="" taking="" into="" account="" uncontested="" claims="" or="" facts="" to="" the="" contrary;="" and="" resolution="" of="" the="" factual="" issues="" in="" the="" manner="" sought="" by="" the="" requestor="" would="" be="" adequate="" to="" justify="" the="" action="" requested="" (40="" cfr="" 178.32).="" information="" submitted="" in="" connection="" with="" an="" objection="" or="" hearing="" request="" may="" be="" claimed="" confidential="" by="" marking="" any="" part="" or="" all="" of="" that="" information="" as="" confidential="" business="" information="" (cbi).="" information="" so="" marked="" will="" not="" be="" disclosed="" except="" in="" accordance="" with="" procedures="" set="" forth="" in="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 2.="" a="" copy="" of="" the="" information="" that="" does="" not="" contain="" cbi="" must="" be="" submitted="" for="" inclusion="" in="" the="" public="" record.="" information="" not="" marked="" confidential="" may="" be="" disclosed="" publicly="" by="" epa="" without="" prior="" notice.="" vi.="" public="" record="" and="" electronic="" submissions="" epa="" has="" established="" a="" record="" for="" this="" rulemaking="" under="" docket="" control="" number="" [opp-300700]="" (including="" any="" comments="" and="" data="" submitted="" electronically).="" a="" public="" version="" of="" this="" record,="" including="" printed,="" paper="" versions="" of="" electronic="" comments,="" which="" does="" not="" include="" any="" information="" claimed="" as="" cbi,="" is="" available="" for="" inspection="" from="" 8:30="" a.m.="" to="" 4="" p.m.,="" monday="" through="" friday,="" excluding="" legal="" holidays.="" the="" public="" record="" is="" located="" in="" rm.="" 119="" of="" the="" public="" information="" and="" records="" integrity="" branch,="" information="" resources="" and="" services="" division="" (7502c),="" office="" of="" pesticide="" programs,="" environmental="" protection="" agency,="" crystal="" mall="" #2,="" 1921="" jefferson="" davis="" highway,="" arlington,="" va.="" electronic="" comments="" may="" be="" sent="" directly="" to="" epa="" at:="">opp-docket@epamail.epa.gov.
        Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
    use of special characters and any form of encryption.
        The official record for this rulemaking, as well as the public 
    version, as described above will be kept in paper form. Accordingly, 
    EPA will transfer any copies of objections and hearing requests 
    received electronically into printed, paper form as they are received 
    and will place the paper copies in the official rulemaking record which 
    will also include all comments submitted directly in writing. The 
    official rulemaking record is the paper record maintained at the 
    Virginia address in ADDRESSES at the beginning of this document.
    VII. Regulatory Assessment Requirements
        This final rule establishes a tolerance under FFDCA section 408(d) 
    inresponse to a petition submitted to the Agency. The Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) has exempted these types of actions from 
    review under Executive Order 12866, entitled Regulatory Planning and 
    Review (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993). This final rule does not contain 
    any information collections subject to OMB approval under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act (PRA), 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., or impose any enforceable 
    duty or contain any unfunded mandate as described under Title II of the 
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Pub. L. 104-4). Nor does 
    it require any prior consultation as specified by Executive Order 
    12875, entitled Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership (58 FR 
    58093, October 28, 1993), or special considerations as required by 
    Executive Order 12898, entitled Federal Actions to Address 
    Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
    Populations (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994), or require OMB review in 
    accordance with Executive Order 13045, entitled Protection of Children 
    from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks (62 FR 19885, April 
    23, 1997).
        In addition, since tolerances and exemptions that are established 
    on the basis of a petition under FFDCA section 408(d), such as the 
    tolerance in this final rule, do not require the issuance of a proposed 
    rule, the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (5 
    U.S.C. 601 et seq.) do not apply. Nevertheless, the Agency 
    haspreviously assessed whether establishing tolerances, exemptions from 
    tolerances, raising tolerance levels or expanding exemptions might 
    adversely impact small entities and concluded, as a generic matter, 
    that there is no adverse economic impact. The factual basis for the 
    Agency's generic certification for tolerance actions published on May 
    4, 1981 (46 FR 24950) and was provided to the Chief Counsel for 
    Advocacy of the Small Business Administration.
    VIII. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General
        The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the 
    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fariness Act of 1996, generally 
    provides that before a rule may take effect, the Agency promulgating 
    the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, 
    to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the 
    United States. EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other 
    required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of 
    Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior 
    to publication of the rule in
    [[Page 44152]]
    the Federal Register. This rule is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 
    U.S.C. 804(2).
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 180
        Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
    Agricultural commodities, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: August 11, 1998.
    James Jones,
    Director, Registration Division, Office of Pesticide Programs.
        Therefore, 40 CFR chapter I is amended as follows:
    PART 180 -- [AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 180 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 346a and 371.
        2. Section 180.459, is amended as follows:
        i. By adding a heading to paragraph (a).
        ii. In paragraph (b), by alphabetically adding the commodities to 
    the table in paragraph (a), removing the remaining text, and by 
    reserving and adding a heading.
        iii. By adding heading and reserving paragraphs (c) and (d) to read 
    as follows.
    Sec. 180.459  Triasulfuron; tolerances for residues
        (a) General.* * *
                                                                   Parts per
                              Commodity                             million 
    Cattle, kidney..............................................       00.5 
    Goat, kidney................................................       00.5 
    Grass, forage...............................................       07.0 
    Grass, hay..................................................       02.0 
    Horses, kidney..............................................       00.5 
    Sheep, kidney...............................................       00.5 
        (b) Section 18 emergency exemptions. [Reserved]
        (c) Tolerances with regional registrations. [Reserved]
        (d) Indirect or inadvertent residues. [Reserved]
    [FR Doc. 98-22192 Filed 8-17-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This regulation is effective August 18, 1998. Objections and requests for hearings must be received by EPA on or before October 19, 1998.
44146-44152 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPP-300700, FRL 6023-8
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 180.459