97-21897. National Awards Program for High-Quality Professional Development  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 160 (Tuesday, August 19, 1997)]
    [Pages 44194-44198]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-21897]
    [[Page 44193]]
    Part III
    Department of Education
    National Awards Program for High Quality Professional Development: 
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 160 / Tuesday, August 19, 1997 / 
    [[Page 44194]]
    RIN 1850-ZA02
    National Awards Program for High-Quality Professional Development
    AGENCY: Department of Education.
    ACTION: Notice of Proposed Eligibility and Selection Criteria.
    SUMMARY: The Secretary proposes eligibility and selection criteria to 
    govern the National Awards Program for Model Professional Development 
    for Fiscal Year 1998. Under these criteria, the National Awards Program 
    would recognize a variety of schools and school districts with model 
    professional development activities in the pre-kindergarten through 
    twelfth grade levels that have led to increases in student achievement.
    DATES: Comments must be received by the Department on or before 
    September 18, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: All comments concerning these proposed definitions and 
    selection criteria should be addressed to Sharon Horn, Office of 
    Educational Research and Improvement, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW--Room 
    506E, Washington, DC 20208 phone: 202-219-2203. Comments also may be 
    sent by e-mail to sharon__horn@ed.gov or by FAX at (202) 219-2198.
        Comments that concern information collection requirements must be 
    sent to the Office of Management and Budget at the address listed in 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act section of this notice. A copy of those 
    comments may also be sent to the Department representative named in the 
    ADDRESSES section.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sharon Horn, phone: (202) 219-2203. 
    Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may 
    call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 
    between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Through this notice the Secretary proposes 
    definitions and criteria to govern applications for recognition 
    submitted under the second National Awards Program for Model 
    Professional Development. This Program began in 1996, in coordination 
    with a wide range of national education organizations, to highlight and 
    recognize schools and school districts whose professional development 
    activities are aligned with the statement of Mission and Principles of 
    Professional Development that the Department developed in 1994. See 
    Appendix A. This second National Awards Program, to be conducted during 
    Fiscal Year (FY) 1998, will be implemented in ways similar to last 
    year's program (see, for example, the Notice Inviting Applications for 
    Awards published in the Federal Register on June 14, 1996 at 61 FR 
    30450), but with criteria designed to better inform applicants of the 
    kind of information that successful applicants will need to provide. 
    Again this year, the Secretary would recognize successful applicants at 
    a ceremony in Washington, D.C., and present each successful applicant 
    with an award of not less than $5,000 that the recipient could use to 
    expand, promote or publicize its professional development activities.
        The reasons for wanting to continue the National Awards Program are 
    clear. Schools and school districts throughout the Nation are 
    undertaking efforts to raise academic standards and to improve the 
    academic achievement of all students. For these efforts to be 
    successful they must include strategies for permitting teachers (and 
    other school and local educational agency (LEA) staff) to obtain the 
    skills and knowledge they need to enable all students to achieve. 
    Indeed, whatever the school reform initiative, teachers are the core. 
    However, teachers need access to new knowledge and skills to enable 
    them to continue to teach to higher standards and to respond to the 
    challenges facing education today.
        Realizing that high-quality professional development must be at the 
    core of any effort to achieve educational excellence, the Secretary in 
    1994 directed a broadly representative team within the U.S. Department 
    of Education to examine the best available research and exemplary 
    practices related to professional development, and work with the field 
    to develop a set of basic principles of high-quality professional 
    development. Out of this national effort came the Department's 
    Statement of Mission and Principles of Professional Development. This 
    statement reflected both extensive collaboration with a wide range of 
    education constituents and review of public comment received on a draft 
    Statement of Mission and Principles of Professional Development 
    published in the Federal Register on December 9, 1994 (59 FR 63773). 
    The Department issued the final Statement of Mission and Principles 
    (Appendix A) in 1995 after review of public comment and reexamination 
    of the best available research on exemplary practices. This statement 
    is grounded in the practical wisdom of leading educators across the 
    country about the kind of professional development that, if 
    implemented, maintained, and supported, will have a positive and 
    lasting effect on teaching and learning in America.
        The Statement of Mission and Principles of Professional Development 
    represents a framework for guiding school and school district staff as 
    they design and implement their professional development activities. 
    Many of the same national education organizations that worked with the 
    Department to develop the Mission and Principles of Professional 
    Development sought the Department's help last year in identifying and 
    recognizing those professional development efforts across the pre-
    kindergarten through twelfth grade spectrum that reflect the Mission 
    and Principles. Given the efforts of schools and school districts 
    throughout the Nation to pursue school reform initiatives, the 
    Secretary agreed with these organizations about the urgent need to 
    identify sites whose professional development activities can be models 
    for other schools and districts that are working to enhance their own 
    professional development activities.
        Therefore, the Secretary last year announced the first National 
    Awards Program for Model Professional Development. The public expressed 
    great interest in the program, and the Department received over 100 
    applications. In February of this year, the Department recognized five 
    schools and school districts in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Kansas and 
    California for the high quality of their professional development 
    activities and the link between those activities and improved student 
    learning. But the importance of high-quality professional development 
    to successful strategies to increase student achievement demands that 
    this Awards Program be continued, and more schools and school districts 
    have the opportunity for national recognition. Therefore, the Secretary 
    is pleased to propose definitions and criteria to govern the second 
    National Awards Program.
        The Secretary will announce the final eligibility and selection 
    criteria in a notice in the Federal Register. The final eligibility and 
    selection criteria will be determined by responses to this notice and 
    other considerations of the Department.
        Note: This notice does not solicit applications. A notice 
    inviting applications under this competition will be published in 
    the Federal Register concurrent with or following publication of the 
    notice of final eligibility and selection criteria.
    Proposed Eligibility Criteria
        As with last year's program, eligible applicants would be schools 
    and school districts in the States (including schools
    [[Page 44195]]
    located on Indian reservations, and in the District of Columbia, Puerto 
    Rico, and the outlying areas) that provide educational programs in the 
    pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade levels.
        The Secretary also proposes to retain application selection 
    criteria that are built on two key elements: (1) A demonstration that 
    the professional development activities are fully aligned with the 
    Mission and Principles of Professional Development, and (2) a 
    demonstration of how, consistent with the Mission and Principles, the 
    professional development activities benefit all affected students, and 
    have led to improved student achievement and improved teacher 
    effectiveness. As noted above, the statement of Mission and Principles 
    of Professional Development reflects broad agreement of what is ``best 
    practice.'' It was prepared in collaboration with a great many national 
    educational associations and upon review of public comment. The 
    Secretary believes that professional development activities can only be 
    considered exemplary if they, in fact, are linked to increased student 
        Again, this year, the format of applications would remain fairly 
    simple. However, the application material would be revised to better 
    identify topics applicants would need to address to demonstrate 
    alignment with the Mission and Principles of Professional Development 
    and a link to increased student achievement. In addition, to promote 
    fairness among those seeking recognition under the National Awards 
    Program, all applications would need to be prepared in accordance with 
    formatting instructions included in the application packet.
    Proposed Selection Criteria
        Applicants would be free to develop their applications in any way 
    they choose as long as they comply with the requirements set out in the 
    application packet. The degree to which applicants demonstrate 
    alignment with the Mission and Principles of Professional Development 
    and a link to increased student achievement would be evaluated using 
    the following criteria:
        Guiding Principles: In evaluating applications for the National 
    Awards Program, reviewers will look to see whether the application, 
    taken as a whole, demonstrates that the school's or school district's 
    professional development activities is comprehensive and leads to 
    improved teacher effectiveness and increased student achievement. In 
    doing so, reviewers would be guided by the extent to which and how well 
    applicants respond to the following criteria, the most important of 
    which would concern objective evidence of success. Each proposed 
    criterion includes one or more questions that are designed to help 
    applicants formulate their responses. It would not be necessary for 
    applicants to answer each question individually. But, taken as a whole, 
    the description of their professional development activities should 
    respond to the topic of each criterion with enough information so that 
    reviewers can determine whether the school or district's professional 
    development is comprehensive and leads to improved teacher 
    effectiveness and increased student achievement.
    A. Background and Overview of Professional Development
        In this section applicants would provide a brief explanation of why 
    they consider professional development in their schools or districts 
    exemplary by describing its key components and relating those to the 
    U.S. Department of Education's Principles of Professional Development. 
    This description would provide evidence that the professional 
    development activities are not narrowly focused on one subgroup of 
    students or staff within the school or district.
        In responding to this criterion, applicants should consider the 
    following questions:
        1. What are the infrastructure, content, and process components of 
    professional development in the school or district?
        2. How does professional development in the applicant's school or 
    district reflect the U.S. Department of Education's Mission and 
    Professional Development Principles?
        3. Why does the applicant consider professional development in the 
    school or district to be exemplary?
    B. Goals and Outcomes
        In this section, applicants would describe their professional 
    development goals, how they were developed, how they relate to school 
    improvement, and how they are based on needs assessment and address the 
    achievement of all students (regardless of gender; socio-economic 
    level; disadvantaged status; racial, ethnic or cultural background; 
    exceptional abilities or disabilities; or limited English proficiency), 
    not just a subgroup. Applicants also would address the changes in 
    teaching and student learning that are expected to result from 
    professional development. In doing so, they would include how 
    professional development goals and outcomes promote teaching and 
    learning to high standards.
        In responding to this criterion, applicants should consider the 
    following questions:
        1. What are the applicant's broad goals of professional development 
    in its school or district?
        2. What are the applicant's goals for ALL students' achievement 
    through professional development?
        3. What are the ways that the professional development goals are 
    connected to the school or district's long-term school improvement 
        4. What process was used to create the professional development 
    goals and plan, and who is involved in the development?
        5. What are the ways in which teachers' professional development 
    needs are assessed and incorporated in the plan for professional 
        6. How do the professional development goals and outcomes focus on 
    increasing teachers' expertise in teaching to high standards?
        7. What changes in teaching and student learning result from 
    participation in professional development in the school or district? 
    What was the rationale for believing these changes would result in 
    improved teaching and learning?
    C. Professional Development Design and Implementation
        Overall, the applicant's response to this section would show how 
    the context, content and processes of its professional development 
    activities are consistent with the Department's Mission and Principles 
    of Professional Development. The description would provide evidence 
    that professional development reflects research and best practice; 
    includes comprehensive evaluation; includes organizational structures 
    (e.g., roles and policy) and resources (e.g., use of time, expertise, 
    funds) that support it; promotes continuous inquiry and improvement; 
    and, ensures that the larger school community understands its 
    importance to school improvement.
        The applicant would describe the data-based processes that are used 
    for checking that professional development is connected to the school 
    or district improvement plan and that the professional development 
    design supports the attainment of expected changes in teaching practice 
    and student learning. The description would include any formal and 
    informal processes used to routinely collect information for monitoring 
    how the school or district is progressing toward their goals; for 
    assessing the links
    [[Page 44196]]
    between the plan, professional development activities and teacher and 
    student outcomes; and, for adjusting what isn't working.
        Applicants with resources to procure and use technology in the 
    classroom also would include a discussion of how the needs of teachers 
    to more effectively use technology are met and how the impact on 
    student achievement is addressed and assessed.
        In responding to this criterion, applicants should consider the 
    following questions:
        1. How is professional development a part of what ALL teachers do? 
    What role do administrators and other members of the school community 
    play in professional development?
        2. How do the applicant's professional development design and 
    activities reflect research and best practice?
        3. Why were the specific content, instructional strategies, and 
    learning activities selected for professional development?
        4. What are the processes for documenting and monitoring the 
    alignment of the improvement plans, professional development 
    activities, and teacher and student outcomes?
        5. How do organizational structures support the implementation of 
    professional development at individual, collegial and organizational 
        6. What resources and types of sustained support (financial and 
    other) are available for professional development for individuals, 
    groups, and the whole school or district? How are current resources 
        7. How does the applicant's design of its overall professional 
    development activities reflect comprehensive evaluation? What data are 
    routinely collected to assess the alignment? How are collected data 
    used to refine professional development?
        8. How does the applicant ensure that the school community 
    understands how the professional development components fit together 
    and connect to the overall school plan?
    D. Objective Evidence of Success
        This portion of the application would be fundamental to the 
    characterization of the applicant's professional development, and would 
    be the most important selection criterion that reviewers would use. 
    Applicants would need to demonstrate clearly that teacher effectiveness 
    and student achievement have increased as a direct result of the 
    implemented professional development. Data that indicate this 
    connection should be described. The focus here is on evidence. In doing 
    so, applicants would make a compelling argument for how professional 
    development positively affects outcomes for all teachers and all 
    students, emphasizing areas where any achievement gaps between groups 
    (e.g., gender, socio-economic status, ethnicity) have been closed.
        In responding to this criterion, applicants should consider the 
    following questions:
        1. What evidence from data-gathering processes demonstrate that 
    professional development in the school or district has improved all 
    teachers' effectiveness?
        2. What evidence is there that professional development in the 
    school or district has improved students' achievement across all grade 
    levels and all subject areas?
        3. What evidence is there that professional development in the 
    school or district leads to a narrowing of existing achievement gaps 
    between groups of students?
    E. Implications for the Field
        In this section of the application, applicants would describe the 
    lessons learned as the applicant's professional development has 
    matured. Applicants also would describe ways in which others would 
    benefit from learning about their professional development activities, 
    indicating what knowledge and practical advice (e.g., tools, 
    strategies, or processes) the applicants would be able to offer.
        In responding to this criterion, applicants should consider the 
    following question:
        1. What lessons about providing quality professional development 
    has the applicant learned that other schools and districts could use?
    Proposed Selection Procedures
        The Secretary intends to evaluate applications using unweighted 
    selection criteria. The Secretary believes that the use of unweighted 
    criteria is most appropriate because they will allow the reviewers 
    maximum flexibility to apply their professional judgements in 
    identifying the particular strengths and weaknesses in individual 
    applications. However, to receive recognition under the National Awards 
    Program, reviewers would need to find that the applicant's professional 
    development activities reflect model practices as evidenced by 
    exemplary responses to each of the criteria identified under the 
    ``PROPOSED SELECTION CRITERIA'' section of this Notice. A key element 
    in review of any application will be the extent to which the applicant 
    demonstrates clear links between professional development activities 
    and increases in student achievement. See Selection Criteria at D, 
    Objective Evidence of Success. In analyzing the response to Selection 
    Criterion E, Implications for the Field, reviewers will not expect the 
    same level of specificity from applications as will be expected in 
    response to the other Selection Criteria. Reviewers, in examining the 
    response to Selection Criterion E, will be primarily interested in 
    seeing that applicants have considered the issues raised by that 
        After an initial screening, the Department would use outside panels 
    of experts to evaluate the quality of the applications against these 
    basic criteria. This stage in the process may include telephone 
    interviews with project contacts to discuss and clarify information, 
    and will lead to the selection of up to twenty semifinalists. The 
    Department then would use outside experts to conduct site visits, which 
    may involve the collection of additional information, of these 
    semifinalists, and through recommendations of the site-reviewers (and 
    possibly through a final panel of outside experts) present final 
    recommendations to the Secretary on which schools or school districts 
    merit national recognition. The Secretary would select for recognition 
    those applications of highest quality based on the results of the 
    review process. Again this year the Secretary intends to recognize 
    those schools and school districts with the very best professional 
    development practices at a national ceremony in Washington, D.C. 
    Successful applicants also would receive other forms of recognition 
    including a monetary award that the Department anticipates would be in 
    the range of $5,000 to $10,000 per recipient. Recipients would be able 
    to use these funds to support their professional development activities 
    and make them known to others.
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
        This notice and the proposed application packet contains 
    information collection requirements. As required by the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)), the Department of Education 
    has submitted a copy of this notice and the application packet to the 
    Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for its review.
        Collection of Information: National Awards Program.
        Schools and school districts that operate programs for children in 
    the pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade levels are eligible to apply 
    for national recognition of the quality of their professional 
    development activities. Information in the application would
    [[Page 44197]]
    include (1) a description of the applicant's professional development 
    activities in terms of specific criteria designed to clarify the kinds 
    of activities that would align with the Department's statement of the 
    Mission and Principles of Professional Development, and (2) basic 
    identifying and demographic information about the applicant school or 
    school district. Applications also would be limited in page number and 
    have to meet basic formatting requirements. The Department would use 
    this information to select the highest-quality applicants through a 
    review of responses to the criteria and site visits that can confirm 
    the accuracy of information contained in the applications.
        All information is to be collected once only from each applicant. 
    Annual reporting and record keeping burden for this collection of 
    information is estimated to average 30 hours for each response for 200 
    respondents, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching 
    existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and 
    completing and reviewing the collection of information. For the 20 
    applicants selected for site reviews, there will be an additional 
    annual reporting and record keeping burden that is estimated to average 
    20 hours for each response. Thus, the total annual reporting and record 
    keeping burden for this collection is estimated to be 6,400 hours.
        Organizations and individuals desiring to submit comments on the 
    information collection requirements should direct them to the Office of 
    Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, room 10235, New Executive 
    Office Building, Washington, DC 20503; Attention: Desk Officer for U.S. 
    Department of Education.
        The Department considers comments by the public on this proposed 
    collection of information in--
         Evaluating whether the proposed collection of information 
    is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the 
    Department, including whether the information will have practical 
         Evaluating the accuracy of the Department's estimate of 
    the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the 
    validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
         Enhancing the quality, usefulness, and clarity of the 
    information to be collected; and
         Minimizing the burden of the collection of information on 
    those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate 
    automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection 
    techniques or other forms of information technology; e.g., permitting 
    electronic submission of responses.
        OMB is required to make a decision concerning the collection of 
    information contained in this notice of proposed eligibility and 
    selection criteria between 30 and 60 days after publication of this 
    document in the Federal Register. Therefore, a comment to OMB is best 
    assured of having its full effect if OMB receives it within 30 days of 
    publication. This does not affect the deadline for the public to 
    comment to the Department on the proposed notice.
    Executive Order 12866
    Potential Costs and Benefits
        This notice of proposed eligibility and selection criteria has been 
    reviewed in accordance with Executive Order 12866. Under the terms of 
    the order the Secretary has assessed the potential costs and benefits 
    of this regulatory action.
        The potential costs associated with the notice of proposed 
    eligibility and selection criteria are those resulting from statutory 
    requirements and those determined by the Secretary as necessary for 
    administering this program effectively and efficiently. Burdens 
    specifically associated with information collection requirements are 
    identified and explained elsewhere in this preamble under the heading 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. In assessing the potential costs and 
    benefits--both quantitative and qualitative--of this notice of proposed 
    eligibility and selection criteria, the Secretary has determined that 
    the benefits of the proposed eligibility and selection criteria justify 
    the costs.
        The Secretary has also determined that this regulatory action does 
    not unduly interfere with local governments in the exercise of their 
    governmental functions.
    Summary of Potential Costs and Benefits
        The benefit from the proposed eligibility and selection criteria 
    will be to recognize a variety of schools and school districts with 
    model professional development activities in the pre-kindergarten 
    through twelfth grade levels that have led to increases in student 
        The potential costs of these proposed eligibility and selection 
    criteria are discussed elsewhere in this notice under the section on 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
    Invitation To Comment
        Interested persons are invited to submit comments and 
    recommendations regarding these proposed eligibility and selection 
    criteria. All comments submitted in response to these proposed 
    eligibility and selection criteria will be available for public 
    inspection, during and after the comment period, in Room 506E, 555 New 
    Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 
    4:00 p.m., Eastern time, Monday through Friday of each week except 
    Federal holidays.
        To assist the Department in complying with the specific 
    requirements of Executive Order 12866 and its overall requirement of 
    reducing regulatory burden, the Secretary invites comments on whether 
    there may be further opportunities to reduce any regulatory burdens 
    found in this notice.
    Intergovernmental Review
        This program is subject to the requirements of Executive Order 
    12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR Part 79. The objective of the 
    Executive order is to foster an intergovernmental partnership and a 
    strengthened federalism by relying on processes developed by State and 
    local governments for coordination and review of proposed Federal 
    financial assistance.
        In accordance with the order, this document is intended to provide 
    early notification of the Department's specific plans and actions for 
    this program.
        Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8001.
        Dated: August 14, 1997.
    Ramon Cortines,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Educational Research and Improvement.
    Appendix A--
    Mission And Principles Of Professional Development U.S. Department 
    Of Education--Professional Development Team, July 5, 1995
        Professional development plays an essential role in successful 
    education reform. Professional development serves as the bridge 
    between where prospective and experienced educators are now and 
    where they will need to be to meet the new challenges of guiding all 
    students in achieving to higher standards of learning and 
        High-quality professional development as envisioned here refers 
    to rigorous and relevant content, strategies, and organizational 
    supports that ensure the preparation and career-long development of 
    teachers and others whose competence, expectations and actions 
    influence the teaching and learning environment. Both pre-and in-
    service professional development require partnerships among schools, 
    [[Page 44198]]
    education institutions and other appropriate entities to promote 
    inclusive learning communities of everyone who impacts students and 
    their learning. Those within and outside schools need to work 
    together to bring to bear the ideas, commitment and other resources 
    that will be necessary to address important and complex educational 
    issues in a variety of settings and for a diverse student body.
        Equitable access for all educators to such professional 
    development opportunities is imperative. Moreover, professional 
    development works best when it is part of a systemwide effort to 
    improve and integrate the recruitment, selection, preparation, 
    initial licensing, induction, ongoing development and support, and 
    advanced certification of educators.
        High-quality professional development should incorporate all of 
    the principles stated below. Adequately addressing each of these 
    principles is necessary for a full realization of the potential of 
    individuals, school communities and institutions to improve and 
        The mission of professional development is to prepare and 
    support educators to help all students achieve to high standards of 
    learning and development.
    Professional Development--
         Focuses on teachers as central to student learning, yet 
    includes all other members of the school community;
         Focuses on individual, collegial, and organizational 
         Respects and nurtures the intellectual and leadership 
    capacity of teachers, principals, and others in the school 
         Reflects best available research and practice in 
    teaching, learning, and leadership;
         Enables teachers to develop further expertise in 
    subject content, teaching strategies, uses of technologies, and 
    other essential elements in teaching to high standards;
         Promotes continuous inquiry and improvement embedded in 
    the daily life of schools;
         Is planned collaboratively by those who will 
    participate in and facilitate that development;
         Requires substantial time and other resources;
         Is driven by a coherent long-term plan;
         Is evaluated ultimately on the basis of its impact on 
    teacher effectiveness and student learning; and this assessment 
    guides subsequent professional development efforts.
    [FR Doc. 97-21897 Filed 8-18-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4000-01-P

Document Information

Education Department
Entry Type:
Notice of Proposed Eligibility and Selection Criteria.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by the Department on or before September 18, 1997.
44194-44198 (5 pages)
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