Table 1—Laws and Regulations Approved Statewide
[Not applicable in Indian reservations (excluding non-trust land within the exterior boundaries of the Puyallup Indian Reservation) and any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction]
State citation Title/subject State effective date EPA approval date Explanations Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-405— Kraft Pulping Mills 173-405-012 Statement of Purpose 3/22/91 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-405-021 Definitions 5/24/19 2/26/20, 85 FR 10983 173-405-040 Emissions Standards 5/24/19 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 Except: 173-405-040(1)(b); 173-405-040(1)(c); 173-405-040(3)(b); 173-405-040(3)(c); 173-405-040(4); 173-405-040(6)(b). 173-405-045 Creditable Stack Height & Dispersion Techniques 3/22/91 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 ( print page 67165) 173-405-061 More Restrictive Emission Standards 3/22/91 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-405-072 Monitoring Requirements 5/24/19 2/26/20, 85 FR 10983 Except 173-405-072(2). 173-405-078 Emission Inventory 3/22/91 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-405-086 New Source Review (NSR) 5/24/19 2/26/20, 85 FR 10983 Except provisions related to WAC 173-400-114 and provisions excluded from our approval of WAC 173-400-110 through 173-400-113. 173-405-087 Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) 5/24/19 2/26/20, 85 FR 10983 Except 173-400-720(4)(a)(i through iv), 173-400-720(4)(b)(iii)(C), and 173-400-750(2) second sentence. 173-405-091 Special Studies 3/22/91 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-410—Sulfite Pulping Mills 173-410-012 Statement of Purpose 3/22/91 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-410-021 Definitions 3/22/91 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-410-040 Emissions Standards 5/24/19 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 Except: 173-410-040(3)(b); 173-410-040(5). 173-410-045 Creditable Stack Height & Dispersion Techniques 3/22/91 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-410-062 Monitoring Requirements 5/24/19 2/26/20, 85 FR 10983 173-410-071 Emission Inventory 3/22/91 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-410-086 New Source Review (NSR) 5/24/19 2/26/20, 85 FR 10983 Except provisions related to WAC 173-400-114 and provisions excluded from our approval of WAC 173-400-110 through 173-400-113. 173-410-087 Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) 5/24/19 2/26/20, 85 FR 10983 Except 173-400-720(4)(a)(i through iv), 173-400-720(4)(b)(iii)(C), and 173-400-750(2) second sentence. 173-410-100 Special Studies 3/22/91 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-415—Primary Aluminum Plants 173-415-010 Statement of Purpose 3/22/91 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-415-015 Applicability 5/24/19 2/26/20, 85 FR 10983 Except 173-415-015(3). 173-415-020 Definitions 5/24/19 2/26/20, 85 FR 10983 Except 173-415-020(6). 173-415-030 Emissions Standards 5/24/19 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 Except: 173-415-030(1); 173-415-030(3)(b). 173-415-060 Monitoring and Reporting 5/24/19 2/26/20, 85 FR 10983 Except 173-415-060(1)(b). Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-423—Low Emission Vehicles 173-423-010 Purpose 12/29/12 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 173-423-020 Applicability 12/31/05 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 173-423-025 Effective Date 12/31/05 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 173-423-030 Incorporation by Reference 12/31/05 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 173-423-040 Definitions and Abbreviations 12/29/12 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 Except 173-423-040(3). 173-423-050 Requirement to Meet California Vehicle Emission Standards 12/29/12 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 Except 173-423-050(2)(g). 173-423-060 Exemptions 12/29/12 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 ( print page 67166) 173-423-070 Emission Standards, Warranty, Recall and Other California Provisions Adopted by Reference 1/27/19 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 Except the incorporation by reference of California code sections 1961.1 and 1961.3. 173-423-080 Fleet Average Nonmethane Organic Gas (NMOG) and NMOG Plus NOX Exhaust Emission Requirements, Reporting and Compliance 12/29/12 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 173-423-100 Manufacturer Delivery Reporting Requirements 12/29/12 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 173-423-110 Warranty Requirements 12/29/12 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 173-423-120 Recalls 12/29/12 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 173-423-130 Surveillance 12/31/05 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 173-423-140 Enforcement 12/31/05 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 173-423-150 Severability 12/31/05 11/8/21, 86 FR 61705 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-425—Open Burning 173-425-010 Purpose 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-020 Applicability 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-030 Definitions 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-036 Curtailment During Episodes or Impaired Air Quality 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-045 Prohibited Materials 1/3/89 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-055 Exceptions 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-065 Residential Open Burning 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-075 Commercial Open Burning 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-085 Agricultural Open Burning 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-095 No Burn Area Designation 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-100 Delegation of Agricultural Open Burning Program 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-115 Land Clearing Projects 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-120 Department of Natural Resources Smoke Management Plan 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-130 Notice of Violation 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-425-140 Remedies 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-430—Burning of Field and Forage and Turf Grasses Grown for Seed Open Burning 173-430-010 Purpose 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-430-020 Definitions 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-430-030 Permits, Conditions, and Restrictions 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-430-040 Mobile Field Burners 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-430-050 Other Approvals 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 ( print page 67167) 173-430-060 Study of Alternatives 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-430-070 Fees 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-430-080 Certification of Alternatives 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-433—Solid Fuel Burning Device Standards 173-433-010 Purpose 2/23/14 5/9/14, 79 FR 26628 173-433-020 Applicability 12/16/87 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-433-030 Definitions 2/23/14 5/9/14, 79 FR 26628 173-433-100 Emission Performance Standards 2/23/14 5/9/14, 79 FR 26628 173-433-110 Opacity Standards 2/23/14 5/9/14, 79 FR 26628 173-433-120 Prohibited Fuel Types 2/23/14 5/9/14, 79 FR 26628 173-433-130 General Emission Standards 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-433-140 Criteria for Impaired Air Quality Burn Bans 2/23/14 5/9/14, 79 FR 26628 173-433-150 Restrictions on Operation of Solid Fuel Burning Devices 2/23/14 5/9/14, 79 FR 26628 173-433-155 Criteria for Prohibiting Solid Fuel Burning Devices That Are Not Certified 2/23/14 5/9/14, 79 FR 26628 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-434—Solid Waste Incinerator Facilities 173-434-010 Purpose 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-434-020 Applicability and Compliance 1/22/04 8/4/05, 70 FR 44855 173-434-030 Definitions 1/22/04 8/4/05, 70 FR 44855 173-434-090 Operation and Maintenance Plan 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-434-110 Standards of Performance 1/22/04 8/4/05, 70 FR 44855 Except section (1)(a). 173-434-130 Emission Standards 1/22/04 8/4/05, 70 FR 44855 Except section (2). 173-434-160 Design and Operation 1/22/04 8/4/05, 70 FR 44855 173-434-170 Monitoring and Reporting 1/22/04 8/4/05, 70 FR 44855 173-434-190 Changes in Operation 1/22/04 8/4/05, 70 FR 44855 173-434-200 Emission Inventory 1/22/04 8/4/05, 70 FR 44855 173-434-210 Special Studies 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-435—Emergency Episode Plan 173-435-010 Purpose 1/3/89 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-435-015 Significant Harm Levels 1/3/89 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-435-020 Definitions 1/3/89 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-435-030 Episode Stage Criteria 1/3/89 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-435-040 Source Emission Reduction Plans 1/3/89 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 ( print page 67168) 173-435-050 Action Procedures 1/3/89 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-435-060 Enforcement 1/3/89 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 173-435-070 Sampling Sites, Equipment and Methods 1/3/89 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 Except section (1). Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-476—Ambient Air Quality Standards 173-476-010 Purpose 12/22/13 3/4/14, 79 FR 12077 173-476-020 Applicability 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-476-030 Definitions 12/22/13 3/4/14, 79 FR 12077 173-476-100 Ambient Air Quality Standard for PM-10 12/22/13 3/4/14, 79 FR 12077 173-476-110 Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM-2.5 12/22/13 3/4/14, 79 FR 12077 173-476-120 Ambient Air Quality Standard for Lead (Pb) 12/22/13 3/4/14, 79 FR 12077 173-476-130 Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Oxides (Sulfur Dioxide) 12/22/13 3/4/14, 79 FR 12077 173-476-140 Ambient Air Quality Standards for Nitrogen Oxides (Nitrogen Dioxide) 12/22/13 3/4/14, 79 FR 12077 173-476-150 Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-476-160 Ambient Air Quality Standards for Carbon Monoxide 12/22/13 3/4/14, 79 FR 12077 173-476-170 Monitor Siting Criteria 12/22/13 3/4/14, 79 FR 12077 173-476-180 Reference Conditions 12/22/13 3/4/14, 79 FR 12077 173-476-900 Table of Standards 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-490—Emission Standards and Controls for Sources Emitting Volatile Organic Compounds 173-490-010 Policy and Purpose 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-020 Definitions 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-025 General Applicability 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-030 Registration and Reporting 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-040 Requirements 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-080 Exceptions and Alternative Methods 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-090 New Source Review (NSR) 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-200 Petroleum Refinery Equipment Leaks 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-201 Petroleum Liquid Storage in External Floating Roof Tanks 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-202 Leaks from Gasoline Transport Tanks and Vapor Collection System 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-203 Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Systems 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-204 Graphic Arts System 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-205 Surface Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 ( print page 67169) 173-490-207 Surface Coating of Flatwood Paneling 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 173-490-208 Aerospace Assembly and Component Coating Operations 3/22/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-492—Motor Fuel Specifications for Oxygenated Gasoline 173-492-010 Policy and Purpose 10/19/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 173-492-020 Applicability 12/1/92 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 173-492-030 Definitions 12/1/92 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 173-492-040 Compliance Requirements 12/1/92 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 173-492-050 Registration Requirements 10/19/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 173-492-060 Labeling Requirements 12/1/92 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 173-492-070 Control Areas and Control Periods 10/19/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 173-492-080 Enforcement and Compliance 12/1/92 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 173-492-090 Unplanned Conditions 12/1/92 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 173-492-100 Severability 12/1/92 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 332-24—Forest Protection 332-24-201 Burning Permit Program—Requirements and Exceptions 6/30/92 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 332-24-205 General rules—Minimum Requirements for All Burning 11/22/19 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 Except section (13). 332-24-211 Specific rules for small fires not requiring a written burning permit 7/31/92 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 Included for the purpose of setting the size limit for burns covered by the Department of Natural Resources 2022 Smoke Management Plan in paragraph (e), Table 2. 332-24-217 Burning permit requirements—Penalty 7/31/92 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 332-24-221 Specific Rules for Burning That Requires a Written Burning Permit 2/1/12 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 52.12—Fire Protection Districts, Powers—Burning Permits 52.12.103 Burning permits—Issuance—Contents 3/27/84 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 52.12.104 Burning permits—Duties of permittee 3/27/84 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 70A.15—Washington Clean Air Act 70A.15.1030(21) Definitions. “Silvicultural burning” 6/11/20 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 70A.15.5000 Definition of “outdoor burning.” 7/26/20 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 70A.15.5010 Outdoor burning—Fires prohibited—Exceptions 6/11/20 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 Except (1). 70A.15.5020 Outdoor burning—Areas where prohibited—Exceptions—Use for management ofstorm or flood-related debris—Silvicultural burning 6/11/20 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 Except (3). ( print page 67170) 70A.15.5120 Burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, management of ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural operations-issuance-Fees 6/11/20 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 70A.15.5130 Silvicultural forest burning—Reduce statewide emissions—Exemption—Monitoring program 7/28/19 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 70A.15.5140 Burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, management of ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural operations—Conditions for issuance and use of permits—Air quality standards to be met—Alternate methods to lessen forest debris 6/11/20 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 70A.15.5150 Cooperation between department of natural resources and state, local, or regional air pollution authorities—Withholding of permits 6/11/20 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 70A.15.5190 Outdoor burning allowed for managing storm or flood-related debris 6/11/20 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 76.04—Forest Protection 76.04.005 Definitions. 7/24/15 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 Except (2), (3), (4), (6), (7), (8), (10), (14), (16), (17), (19), (22). 76.04.205 Burning Permits—Civil Penalty. 7/25/21 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 ( print page 67173)Table 2—Additional Regulations Approved for Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) Direct Jurisdiction
[Applicable in Adams, Asotin, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, San Juan, Stevens, Walla Walla, and Whitman counties, excluding facilities subject to Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) jurisdiction, Indian reservations (excluding non-trust land within the exterior boundaries of the Puyallup Indian Reservation), and any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction. These regulations also apply statewide for facilities subject to the applicability sections of WAC 173-400-700, 173-405-012, 173-410-012, and 173-415-012.]
State citation Title/subject State effective date EPA approval date Explanations Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400—General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources 173-400-010 Policy and Purpose 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-020 Applicability 12/29/12 10/3/14, 79 FR 59653 173-400-025 Adoption of Federal Rules 9/16/18 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 173-400-030 Definitions 9/16/18 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 Except: 173-400-030(96). 173-400-036 Relocation of Portable Sources 12/29/12 4/29/15, 80 FR 23721 173-400-040 General Standards for Maximum Emissions 9/16/18 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 Except: 173-400-040(2); 173-400-040(3); 173-400-040(5). 173-400-040(2) General Standards for Maximum Emissions 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 Except: 173-400-040(2)(c); 173-400-040(2)(d). 173-400-050 Emission Standards for Combustion and Incineration Units 9/16/18 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 Except: 173-400-050(2); 173-400-050(4); 173-400-050(5); 173-400-050(6). 173-400-060 Emission Standards for General Process Units 11/25/18 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 173-400-070 Emission Standards for Certain Source Categories 9/16/18 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 Except: 173-400-070(5); 173-400-070(6); 173-400-070(7). ( print page 67171) 173-400-081 Emissions Limits During Startup and Shutdown 9/16/18 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 173-400-082 Alternative Emissions Limit That Exceeds an Emission Standard in the SIP 9/16/18 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 173-400-091 Voluntary Limits on Emissions 4/1/11 10/3/14, 79 FR 59653 9/20/93 version continues to be approved under the authority of CAA section 112(l) with respect to section 112 hazardous air pollutants. See 60 FR 28726 (June 2, 1995) 173-400-105 Records, Monitoring, and Reporting 11/25/18 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 173-400-110 New Source Review (NSR) for Sources and Portable Sources 12/29/12 9/29/16, 81 FR 66823 Except: 173-400-110(1)(c)(ii)(C); 173-400-110(1)(e); 173-400-110(2)(d); The part of WAC 173-400-110(4)(b)(vi) that says, • “not for use with materials containing toxic air pollutants, as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC,”; The part of 400-110 (4)(e)(iii) that says, • “where toxic air pollutants as defined in chapter 173-460 WAC are not emitted”; The part of 400-110(4)(f)(i) that says, • “that are not toxic air pollutants listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; The part of 400-110 (4)(h)(xviii) that says, • “, to the extent that toxic air pollutant gases as defined in chapter 173-460 WAC are not emitted”; The part of 400-110 (4)(h)(xxxiii) that says, • “where no toxic air pollutants as listed under chapter 173-460 WAC are emitted”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxiv) that says, • “, or ≤ 1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxv) that says, • “or ≤ 1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxvi) that says, • “or ≤ 1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; 400-110(4)(h)(xl) , second sentence; The last row of the table in 173-400-110(5)(b) regarding exemption levels for Toxic Air Pollutants. 173-400-111 Processing Notice of Construction Applications for Sources, Stationary Sources and Portable Sources 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 Except: 173-400-111(3)(h); The part of 173-400-111(8)(a)(v) that says, • “and 173-460-040,”; 173-400-111(9). 173-400-112 Requirements for New Sources in Nonattainment Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations 12/29/12 9/29/16, 81 FR 66823 173-400-113 New Sources in Attainment or Unclassifiable Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations 12/29/12 4/29/15, 80 FR 23721 Except: 173-400-113(3), second sentence. 173-400-116 Increment Protection 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-400-117 Special Protection Requirements for Federal Class I Areas 12/29/12 4/29/15, 80 FR 23721 173-400-118 Designation of Class I, II, and III Areas 12/29/12 10/3/14, 79 FR 59653 173-400-131 Issuance of Emission Reduction Credits 4/1/11 11/7/14, 79 FR 66291 173-400-136 Use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERC) 12/29/12 11/7/14, 79 FR 66291 ( print page 67172) 173-400-151 Retrofit Requirements for Visibility Protection 2/10/05 10/3/14, 79 FR 59653 173-400-161 Compliance Schedules 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-171 Public Notice and Opportunity for Public Comment 9/16/18 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 Except: The part of 173-400-171(3)(b) that says, • “or any increase in emissions of a toxic air pollutant above the acceptable source impact level for that toxic air pollutant as regulated under chapter 173-460 WAC”; 173-400-171(12). 173-400-175 Public Information 2/10/05 10/3/14, 79 FR 59653 173-400-190 Requirements for Nonattainment Areas 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-200 Creditable Stack Height and Dispersion Techniques 2/10/05 10/3/14, 79 FR 59653 173-400-205 Adjustment for Atmospheric Conditions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-210 Emission Requirements of Prior Jurisdictions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-560 General Order of Approval 12/29/12 4/29/15, 80 FR 23721 Except: The part of 173-400-560(1)(f) that says, “173-460 WAC”. 173-400-700 Review of Major Stationary Sources of Air Pollution 4/1/11 4/29/15, 80 FR 23721 173-400-710 Definitions 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-400-720 Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 Except: 173-400-720(4)(a)(i through iv) and 173-400-720(4)(b)(iii)(C). 173-400-730 Prevention of Significant Deterioration Application Processing Procedures 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-400-740 PSD Permitting Public Involvement Requirements 9/16/18 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 173-400-750 Revisions to PSD Permits 12/29/12 4/29/15, 80 FR 23721 Except: 173-400-750(2) second sentence. 173-400-800 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification in a Nonattainment Area 4/1/11 11/7/14, 79 FR 66291 173-400-810 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification Definitions 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-400-820 Determining if a New Stationary Source or Modification to a Stationary Source is Subject to these Requirements 12/29/12 11/7/14, 79 FR 66291 173-400-830 Permitting Requirements 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-400-840 Emission Offset Requirements 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-400-850 Actual Emissions Plantwide Applicability Limitation (PAL) 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-400-860 Public Involvement Procedures 4/1/11 11/7/14, 79 FR 66291 Table 3—Additional Regulations Approved for the Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) Jurisdiction
[See the SIP-approved provisions of WAC 463-78-020 for jurisdictional applicability]
State citation Title/subject State effective date EPA approval date Explanations Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 463-78—General and Operating Permit Regulations for Air Pollution Sources 78-005 Adoption by Reference 8/26/19 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 Subsection (1) only. See below for the updated Chapter 173-400 WAC provisions adopted by reference and submitted to the EPA for approval. 78-010 Purpose 8/27/15 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 78-020 Applicability 11/11/04 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 78-030 Additional Definitions 8/27/15 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 Except references to 173-401-200 and 173-406-101. 78-095 Permit Issuance 8/27/15 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 78-120 Monitoring and Special Report 11/11/04 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400 Regulations Incorporated by Reference in WAC 463-78-005 173-400-025 Adoption of Federal Rules 9/16/18 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 173-400-030 Definitions 9/16/18 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 Except: 173-400-030(6); 173-400-030(32); 173-400-030(38); 173-400-030(45); 173-400-030(83); 173-400-030(89); 173-400-030(96); 173-400-030(97); 173-400-030(100); 173-400-030(103); 173-400-030(104). 173-400-030(30) & (36). Definitions 12/29/12 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-036 Relocation of Portable Sources 12/29/12 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-040 General Standards for Maximum Emissions 9/16/18 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 Except: 173-400-040(2); 173-400-040(3); 173-400-040(5). 173-400-040(2) General Standards for Maximum Emissions 4/1/11 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 Except: 173-400-040(2)(c); 173-400-040(2)(d). 173-400-050 Emission Standards for Combustion and Incineration Units 9/16/18 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 Except: 173-400-050(2); 173-400-050(4); 173-400-050(5); 173-400-050(6). 173-400-060 Emission Standards for General Process Units 11/25/18 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 173-400-070 Emission Standards for Certain Source Categories 12/29/12 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 Except: 173-400-070(1); 173-400-070(2); 173-400-070(3); 173-400-070(4); 173-400-070(6); 173-400-070(7); 173-400-070(8). 173-400-081 Startup and Shutdown 4/1/11 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-091 Voluntary Limits on Emissions 4/1/11 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-105 Records, Monitoring, and Reporting 11/25/18 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 173-400-107 Excess Emissions 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 ( print page 67174) 173-400-110 New Source Review (NSR) for Sources and Portable Sources 12/29/12 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 Except: 173-400-110(1)(c)(ii)(C); 173-400-110(1)(e); 173-400-110(2)(d); The part of WAC 173-400-110(4)(b)(vi) that says, “not for use with materials containing toxic air pollutants, as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC,”; The part of 400-110(4)(e)(iii) that says, “where toxic air pollutants as defined in chapter 173-460 WAC are not emitted”; The part of 400-110(4)(f)(i) that says, “that are not toxic air pollutants listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xviii) that says, “, to the extent that toxic air pollutant gases as defined in chapter 173-460 WAC are not emitted”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxiii) that says, “where no toxic air pollutants as listed under chapter 173-460 WAC are emitted”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxiv) that says, “, or ≤ 1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxv) that says, “or ≤ 1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxvi) that says, “or ≤ 1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; 400-110(4)(h)(xl) , second sentence; The last row of the table in 173-400-110(5)(b) regarding exemption levels for Toxic Air Pollutants. 173-400-111 Processing Notice of Construction Applications for Sources, Stationary Sources and Portable Sources 7/1/16 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 Except: 173-400-111(3)(h); The part of 173-400-111(8)(a)(v) that says, • “and 173-460-040,”; 173-400-111(9). 173-400-112 Requirements for New Sources in Nonattainment Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations 12/29/12 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-113 New Sources in Attainment or Unclassifiable Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations 12/29/12 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 Except: 173-400-113(3), second sentence. 173-400-116 Increment Protection 7/1/16 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 173-400-117 Special Protection Requirements for Federal Class I Areas 12/29/12 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-131 Issuance of Emission Reduction Credits 4/1/11 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-136 Use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERC) 4/1/11 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-161 Compliance Schedules 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 ( print page 67175) 173-400-171 Public Notice and Opportunity for Public Comment 9/16/18 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 Except: The part of 173-400-171(3)(b) that says, • “or any increase in emissions of a toxic air pollutant above the acceptable source impact level for that toxic air pollutant as regulated under chapter 173-460 WAC”; 173-400-171(3)(o); 173-400-171(12). 173-400-175 Public Information 2/10/05 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-190 Requirements for Nonattainment Areas 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-200 Creditable Stack Height and Dispersion Techniques 2/10/05 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-205 Adjustment for Atmospheric Conditions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-700 Review of Major Stationary Sources of Air Pollution 4/1/11 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-710 Definitions 7/1/16 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 173-400-720 Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) 7/1/16 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 Except: 173-400-720(4)(a)(i through iv) and 173-400-720(4)(b)(iii)(C). 173-400-730 Prevention of Significant Deterioration Application Processing Procedures 7/1/16 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 173-400-740 PSD Permitting Public Involvement Requirements 9/16/18 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 173-400-750 Revisions to PSD Permits 12/29/12 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 Except: 173-400-750(2) second sentence. 173-400-800 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification in a Nonattainment Area 4/1/11 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-810 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification Definitions 7/1/16 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 173-400-820 Determining if a New Stationary Source or Modification to a Stationary Source is Subject to these Requirements 12/29/12 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 173-400-830 Permitting Requirements 7/1/16 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 173-400-840 Emission Offset Requirements 7/1/16 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 173-400-850 Actual Emissions Plantwide Applicability Limitation (PAL) 7/1/16 1/24/20, 85 FR 4233 ( print page 67176) 173-400-860 Public Involvement Procedures 4/1/11 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 Table 4—Additional Regulations Approved for the Benton Clean Air Agency (BCAA) Jurisdiction
[Applicable in Benton County, excluding facilities subject to Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) jurisdiction; facilities subject to the Washington Department of Ecology's direct jurisdiction under Chapters 173-405, 173-410, and 173-415 Washington Administrative Code (WAC); Indian reservations; any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction; and the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting of facilities subject to the applicability sections of WAC 173-400-700.]
State/local citation Title/subject State/local effective date EPA approval date Explanations Benton Clean Air Agency (BCAA) Regulations Regulation 1 1.01 Name of Agency 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 1.02 Policy and Purpose 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 Replaces WAC 173-400-010. 1.03 Applicability 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 Replaces WAC 173-400-020. 4.01(A) Definitions—Fugitive Dust 12/11/14 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 Replaces WAC 173-400-030(40). 4.01(B) Definitions—Fugitive Emissions 12/11/14 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 Replaces WAC 173-400-030(41). 4.02(B) Particulate Matter Emissions—Fugitive Emissions 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 Replaces WAC 173-400-040(4). 4.02(C)(1) Particulate Matter Emissions—Fugitive Dust 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 Replaces WAC 173-400-040(9)(a). 4.02(C)(3) Particulate Matter Emissions—Fugitive Dust 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 Replaces WAC 173-400-040(9)(b). Washington Department of Ecology Regulations Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400—General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources 173-400-025 Adoption of Federal Rules 9/16/18 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 173-400-030 Definitions 9/16/18 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 Except: 173-400-030(40); 173-400-030(41); 173-400-030(96). 173-400-036 Relocation of Portable Sources 12/29/12 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 173-400-040 General Standards for Maximum Emissions 9/16/18 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 Except: 173-400-040(2);173-400-040(3);173-400-040(4);173-400-040(5);173-400-040(9). 173-400-040(2) General Standards for Maximum Emissions 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 Except: 173-400-040(2)(c); 173-400-040(2)(d). 173-400-050 Emission Standards for Combustion and Incineration Units 9/16/18 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 Except: 173-400-050(2);173-400-050(4);173-400-050(5);173-400-050(6). 173-400-060 Emission Standards for General Process Units 11/25/18 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 173-400-070 Emission Standards for Certain Source Categories 9/16/18 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 Except: 173-400-070(5);173-400-070(6);173-400-070(7). 173-400-081 Emissions Limits During Startup and Shutdown 9/16/18 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 173-400-082 Alternative Emissions Limit That Exceeds an Emission Standard in the SIP 9/16/18 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 173-400-091 Voluntary Limits on Emissions 4/1/11 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 173-400-105 Records, Monitoring and Reporting 11/25/18 2/24/20, 85 FR 10301 ( print page 67177) 173-400-110 New Source Review (NSR) for Sources and Portable Sources 12/29/12 9/29/16, 81 FR 66823 Except: 173-400-110(1)(c)(ii)(C);173-400-110(1)(e);173-400-110(2)(d); — The part of WAC 173-400-110(4)(b)(vi) that says, “not for use with materials containing toxic air pollutants, as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC,”; — The part of 400-110(4)(e)(iii) that says, “where toxic air pollutants as defined in chapter 173-460 WAC are not emitted”; The part of 400-110(4)(f)(i) that says, “that are not toxic air pollutants listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; — The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xviii) that says, “, to the extent that toxic air pollutant gases as defined in chapter 173-460 WAC are not emitted”; — The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxiii) that says, “where no toxic air pollutants as listed under chapter 173-460 WAC are emitted”; — The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxiv) that says, “, or ≤1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxv) that says, “or ≤1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants”; — The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxvi) that says, “or ≤ 1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; 400-110(4)(h)(xl), second sentence; —The last row of the table in 173-400-110(5)(b) regarding exemption levels for Toxic Air Pollutants. 173-400-111 Processing Notice of Construction Applications for Sources, Stationary Sources and Portable Sources 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 Except: 173-400-111(3)(h); — The part of 173-400-111(8)(a)(v) that says, “and 173-460-040,”;173-400-111(9). 173-400-112 Requirements for New Sources in Nonattainment Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations 12/29/12 9/29/16, 81 FR 66823 173-400-113 New Sources in Attainment or Unclassifiable Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations 12/29/12 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 Except: 173-400-113(3), second sentence. 173-400-117 Special Protection Requirements for Federal Class I Areas 12/29/12 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 Except facilities subject to the applicability provisions of WAC 173-400-700. 173-400-118 Designation of Class I, II, and III Areas 12/29/12 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 173-400-131 Issuance of Emission Reduction Credits 4/1/11 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 173-400-136 Use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERC) 12/29/12 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 173-400-151 Retrofit Requirements for Visibility Protection 2/10/05 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 173-400-161 Compliance Schedules 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-171 Public Notice and Opportunity for Public Comment 9/16/18 12/28/23, 88 FR 89582 Except: The part of 173-400-171(3)(b) that says, • “or any increase in emissions of a toxic air pollutant above the acceptable source impact level for that toxic air pollutant as regulated under chapter 173-460 WAC”; 173-400-171(12). 173-400-175 Public Information 2/10/05 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 173-400-190 Requirements for Nonattainment Areas 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-200 Creditable Stack Height & Dispersion Techniques 2/10/05 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 ( print page 67178) 173-400-205 Adjustment for Atmospheric Conditions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-210 Emission Requirements of Prior Jurisdictions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-560 General Order of Approval 12/29/12 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 Except: — The part of 173-400-560(1)(f) that says, “173-460 WAC”. 173-400-800 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification in a Nonattainment Area 4/1/11 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 173-400-810 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification Definitions 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-400-820 Determining if a New Stationary Source or Modification to a Stationary Source is Subject to these Requirements 12/29/12 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 173-400-830 Permitting Requirements 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-400-840 Emission Offset Requirements 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-400-850 Actual Emissions Plantwide Applicability Limitation (PAL) 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 173-400-860 Public Involvement Procedures 4/1/11 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 Table 5—Additional Regulations Approved for the Northwest Clean Air Agency (NWCAA) Jurisdiction
[Applicable in Island, Skagit and Whatcom counties, excluding facilities subject to Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) jurisdiction; facilities subject to the Washington Department of Ecology's direct jurisdiction under Chapters 173-405, 173-410, and 173-415 Washington Administrative Code (WAC); Indian reservations; any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction; and the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting of facilities subject to the applicability sections of WAC 173-400-700.]
State/local citation Title/subject State/local effective date EPA approval date Explanations Northwest Clean Air Agency Regulations General Provisions 100 Name of Agency 8/21/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 101 Short Title 8/21/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 102 Policy 8/21/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Except provisions outside the scope of CAA section 110. Replaces WAC 173-400-010. 121 Orders 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 150 Pollutant Disclosure—Reporting by Air Containment Sources 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 180 Sampling and Analytical Methods/References 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 Definitions 200 Definitions 5/12/19 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Except the definitions Toxic Air Pollutant, Odor, and Odor Source. Generally replaces WAC 173-400-030. However, for definitions not included in section 200, the WAC 173-400-030 definitions in the table below shall apply. ( print page 67179) Control Procedures 300 New Source Review 5/12/19 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Except subsections 300.8(C), 300.25, or any provisions related to the regulation of Toxic Air Pollutants. Replaces WAC 173-400-036, 173-400-110, 173-400-111, 173-400-113, and 173-400-560, except certain subsections of WAC 173-400-111 and 173-400-113 listed in the table below. 305 Public Involvement 5/12/19 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Except provisions related to the regulation of Toxic Air Pollutants. Replaces WAC 173-400-171 and WAC 173-400-175, except subsection 173-400-171(6)(b). 320 Registration Program 5/12/19 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Except subsection 320.3 and provisions related to the regulation of Toxic Air Pollutants or odor. 321 Exemptions from Registration 5/12/19 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Except subsection 321.3. 324 Fees 11/13/94 10/24/95, 60 FR 54439 Except section 324.121. 325 Transfer 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 340 Report of Breakdown and Upset 11/13/94 10/24/95, 60 FR 54439 341 Schedule Report of Shutdown or Start-Up 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 342 Operation and Maintenance 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 360 Testing and Sampling 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 365 Monitoring 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 366 Instrument Calibration 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 Standards 450 Emission Standards—Forward 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 451 Emission of Air Contaminant- Visual Standards 11/13/94 10/24/95, 60 FR 54439 452 Motor Vehicle Visual Standards 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 Except section 452.5. 455 Emission of Particulate Matter 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 458 Incinerators—Wood Waste Burners 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 460 Weight/Heat Rate Standard—Emission of Sulfur Compounds 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 462 Emission of Sulfur Compounds 11/13/94 10/24/95, 60 FR 54439 466 Portland Cement Plants 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 Regulated Activities and Prohibitions 510 Incinerator Burning 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 520 Sulfur Compounds in Fuel 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 550 Particulate Matter from Becoming Airborne 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 560 Storage of Organic Liquids 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 ( print page 67180) 580 Volatile Organic Compound Control (VOC) 11/13/94 10/24/95, 60 FR 54439 Washington Department of Ecology Regulations Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400—General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources 173-400-020 Applicability 12/29/12 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-025 Adoption of Federal Rules 9/16/18 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Only as it applies to cross references in the WAC. 173-400-030 Definitions 9/16/18 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Except: 173-400-030(6); 173-400-030(32); 173-400-030(38); 173-400-030(45); 173-400-030(83); 173-400-030(89); 173-400-030(96); 173-400-030(97); 173-400-030(100); 173-400-030(103); 173-400-030(104); or any definition included in NWCAA section 200. 173-400-040 General Standards for Maximum Emissions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Except (1)(c), and (1)(d), (2), (4), and the 2nd paragraph of (6). 173-400-050 Emission Standards for Combustion and Incineration Units 9/16/18 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Except: 173-400-050(2); 173-400-050(4); 173-400-050(5); 173-400-050(6). 173-400-060 Emission Standards for General Process Units 11/25/18 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-070 Emission Standards for Certain Source Categories 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Except (7). 173-400-081 Startup and Shutdown 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-091 Voluntary Limits on Emissions 4/1/11 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 9/20/93 version continues to be approved under the authority of CAA Section 112(l) with respect to Section 112 hazardous air pollutants. See the Federal Register of June 2, 1995. 173-400-105 Records, Monitoring and Reporting 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-107 Excess Emissions 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-111 Processing Notice of Construction Applications for Sources, Stationary Sources and Portable Sources 7/1/16 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Only subsections (1)(c), (1)(d), (5)(b), and (7)(b), otherwise NWCAA section 300 applies. 173-400-112 Requirements for New Sources in Nonattainment Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations 12/29/12 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 The cross reference to WAC 173-400-113(3) is interpreted to be NWCAA section 300.9(B)(3). 173-400-113 New Sources in Attainment or Unclassifiable Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations 12/29/12 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Only subsection (4), otherwise NWCAA section 300 applies. 173-400-117 Special Protection Requirements for Federal Class I Areas 12/29/12 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-118 Designation of Class I, II, and III Areas 12/29/12 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-131 Issuance of Emission Reduction Credits 4/1/11 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-136 Use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERC) 4/1/11 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-151 Retrofit Requirements for Visibility Protection 2/10/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-161 Compliance Schedules 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-171 Public Notice and Opportunity for Public Comment 9/16/18 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Only subsection (6)(b), otherwise NWCAA section 305 applies. ( print page 67181) 173-400-190 Requirements for Nonattainment Areas 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-200 Creditable Stack Height and Dispersion Techniques 2/10/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-205 Adjustment for Atmospheric Conditions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-210 Emission Requirements of Prior Jurisdictions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-800 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification in a Nonattainment Area 4/1/11 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 EPA did not review WAC 173-400-800 through 860 for consistency with the August 24, 2016 PM2.5 implementation rule (81 FR 58010); nor does NWCAA have an obligation to submit rule revisions to address the 2016 PM2.5 implementation rule at this time. 173-400-810 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification Definitions 7/1/16 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-820 Determining if a New Stationary Source or Modification to a Stationary Source is Subject to these Requirements 12/29/12 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-830 Permitting Requirements 7/1/16 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-840 Emission Offset Requirements 7/1/16 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-850 Actual Emissions Plantwide Applicability Limitation (PAL) 7/1/16 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 173-400-860 Public Involvement Procedures 4/1/11 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 ( print page 67183)Table 6—Additional Regulations Approved for the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) Jurisdiction
[Applicable in Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason, Pacific, and Thurston counties, excluding facilities subject to Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) jurisdiction; facilities subject to the Washington Department of Ecology's direct jurisdiction under Chapters 173-405, 173-410, and 173-415 Washington Administrative Code (WAC); Indian reservations; any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction; and the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting of facilities subject to the applicability sections of WAC 173-400-700.]
State/local citation Title/subject State/local effective date EPA approval date Explanations Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Regulations Rule 6.2 Outdoor Burning 6.2.3 No Residential or Land Clearing Burning 2/4/12 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 Only as it applies to the cities of Olympia, Lacey, and Tumwater. 6.2.6 Curtailment 3/18/11 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 6.2.7 Recreational Burning 3/18/11 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 Rule 8.1 Wood Heating 8.1.1 Definitions 5/22/10 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 8.1.2 (b) and (c) General Emission Standards 5/22/10 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 8.1.3 Prohibited Fuel Types 5/22/10 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 8.1.4 Curtailment 5/22/10 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 ( print page 67182) 8.1.5 Exceptions 5/22/10 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 8.1.7 Sale and Installation of Uncertified Woodstoves 5/22/10 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 8.1.8 Disposal of Uncertified Woodstoves 5/22/10 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 Washington Department of Ecology Regulations Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400—General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources 173-400-010 Policy and Purpose 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-020 Applicability 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-030 Definitions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-040 General Standards for Maximum Emissions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Except (1)(c), and (1)(d), (2), (4), and the 2nd paragraph of (6). 173-400-050 Emission Standards for Combustion and Incineration Units 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Except the exception provision in (3). 173-400-060 Emission Standards for General Process Units 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-070 Emission Standards for Certain Source Categories 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Except (7). 173-400-081 Startup and Shutdown 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-091 Voluntary Limits on Emissions 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 9/20/93 version continues to be approved under the authority of CAA Section 112(l) with respect to Section 112 hazardous air pollutants. See 60 FR 28726 (June 2, 1995). 173-400-100 Registration 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-105 Records, Monitoring and Reporting 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-107 Excess Emissions 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-110 New Source Review (NSR) 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-112 Requirements for New Sources in Nonattainment Areas 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Except (8). 173-400-113 Requirements for New Sources in Attainment or Unclassifiable Areas 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Except (5). 173-400-151 Retrofit Requirements for Visibility Protection 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-161 Compliance Schedules 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-171 Public Involvement 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726. 173-400-190 Requirements for Nonattainment Areas 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-200 Creditable Stack Height & Dispersion Techniques 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-205 Adjustment for Atmospheric Conditions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-210 Emission Requirements of Prior Jurisdictions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Table 7—Additional Regulations Approved for the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) Jurisdiction
[Applicable in King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties, excluding facilities subject to Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) jurisdiction; facilities subject to the Washington Department of Ecology's direct jurisdiction under Chapters 173-405, 173-410, and 173-415 Washington Administrative Code (WAC); Indian reservations (excluding non-trust land within the exterior boundaries of the Puyallup Indian Reservation); any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction; and the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting of facilities subject to the applicability sections of WAC 173-400-700.]
State/local citation Title/subject State/local effective date EPA approval date Explanations Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Regulations Regulation I—Article 1: Policy, Short Title, and Definitions 1.01 Policy 11/1/99 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Replaces WAC 173-400-010. 1.03 Name of Agency 11/1/99 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 1.05 Short Title 11/1/99 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 1.07 Definitions 12/1/18 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except the definition “toxic air pollutant (TAP) or toxic air contaminant.” Regulation I—Article 3: General Provisions 3.03(f) General Regulatory Orders 2/1/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 3.04 Reasonably Available Control Technology 7/1/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except 3.04(e). Replaces WAC 173-400-040(1)(c). 3.06 Credible Evidence 11/14/98 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 3.25 Federal Regulation Reference Date 11/1/19 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Replaces WAC 173-400-025. Regulation I—Article 5: Registration 5.03 Applicability of Registration Program 11/1/16 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except 5.03(a)(8)(Q) and 5.03(b)(5). 5.05 Registration Requirements 2/1/17 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except 5.05(b)(1) and (2). Regulation I—Article 6: New Source Review 6.01 Components of New Source Review Program 8/1/18 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except the parenthetical in 6.01(b) which states “as delegated by agreement with the US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10.” See subheading below for revised Chapter 173-400 WAC provisions incorporated by reference. 6.03 Notice of Construction 11/1/15 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except 6.03(b)(10). Section 6.03 replaces WAC 173-400-110, except WAC 173-400-110(1)(c)(i) and (1)(d) which are incorporated by reference. 6.09 Notice of Completion 5/1/04 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 6.10 Work Done without an Approval 9/1/01 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Regulation I—Article 7: Operating Permits 7.09 General Reporting Requirements for Operating Permits 2/1/17 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Excluding toxic air pollutants. Regulation I—Article 8: Outdoor Burning 8.04 General Conditions for Outdoor Burning 1/1/01 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 8.05 Agricultural Burning 1/1/01 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 8.06 Outdoor Burning Ozone Contingency Measure 1/23/03 8/5/04, 69 FR 47364 8.09 Description of King County No-Burn Area 1/1/01 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 8.10 Description of Pierce County No-Burn Area 1/1/01 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 8.11 Description of Snohomish County No-Burn Area 1/1/01 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 ( print page 67184) 8.12 Description of Kitsap County No-Burn Area 11/30/02 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 Regulation I—Article 9: Emission Standards 9.03 Emission of Air Contaminant: Visual Standard 5/1/04 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except 9.03(e). Replaces WAC 173-400-040(2). 9.04 Opacity Standards for Equipment with Continuous Opacity Monitoring Systems 5/1/04 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except 9.04(d)(2) and 9.04(f). 9.05 Refuse Burning 1/13/94 6/29/95, 60 FR 33734 9.07 Sulfur Dioxide Emission Standard 5/19/94 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Replaces WAC 173-400-040(7). 9.08 Fuel Oil Standards 5/1/04 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Approved only as it applies to the regulation of criteria pollutants. 9.09 Particulate Matter Emission Standards 6/1/98 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Replaces WAC 173-400-050(1)&(3) and 173-400-060. 9.11(a) Emission of Air Contaminant: Detriment to Person or Property 4/17/99 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Replaces WAC 173-400-040(6). 9.13 Emission of Air Contaminant: Concealment and Masking Restricted 6/9/88 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Replaces WAC 173-400-040(8). 9.15 Fugitive Dust Control Measures 4/17/99 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Replaces WAC 173-400-040(9)(a). 9.16 Spray-Coating Operations 12/2/10 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 9.18 Crushing Operations 3/2/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 9.20 Maintenance of Equipment 6/9/88 8/29/94, 59 FR 44324 Regulation I—Article 12: Standards of Performance for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems 12.01 Applicability 6/1/98 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 12.03 Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems 11/1/15 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Replaces WAC 173-400-105(7). Regulation I—Article 13: Solid Fuel Burning Device Standards 13.01 Policy and Purpose 12/1/12 5/29/13, 78 FR 32131 13.02 Definitions 12/1/12 5/29/13, 78 FR 32131 13.03 Opacity Standards 12/1/12 5/29/13, 78 FR 32131 13.04 Prohibited Fuel Types 12/1/12 5/29/13, 78 FR 32131 13.05 Curtailment 12/1/12 5/29/13, 78 FR 32131 13.06 Emission Performance Standards 12/1/12 5/29/13, 78 FR 32131 13.07 Prohibition on Wood Stoves that are not Certified Wood Stoves 12/1/12 5/29/13, 78 FR 32131 Regulation II—Article 1: Purpose, Policy, Short Title, and Definitions 1.01 Purpose 11/1/99 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 1.02 Policy 11/1/99 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 1.03 Short Title 11/1/99 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 ( print page 67185) 1.04 General Definitions 12/11/80 2/28/83, 48 FR 8273 1.05 Special Definitions 9/1/03 9/17/13, 78 FR 57073 Regulation II—Article 2: Gasoline Marketing Emission Standards 2.01 Definitions 8/13/99 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 2.03 Petroleum Refineries 7/15/91 8/29/94, 59 FR 44324 2.05 Gasoline Loading Terminals 1/13/94 6/29/95, 60 FR 33734 2.06 Bulk Gasoline Plants 7/15/91 8/29/94, 59 FR 44324 2.07 Gasoline Stations 1/10/00 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 2.08 Gasoline Transport Tanks 8/13/99 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 2.09 Oxygenated Gasoline Carbon Monoxide Contingency Measure and Fee Schedule 1/23/03 8/5/04, 69 FR 47365 2.10 Gasoline Station Ozone Contingency Measure 1/23/03 8/5/04, 69 FR 47365 Regulation II—Article 3: Miscellaneous Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards 3.01 Cutback Asphalt Paving 7/15/91 8/29/94, 59 FR 44324 3.02 Volatile Organic Compound Storage Tanks 8/13/99 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 3.03 Can and Paper Coating Operations 3/17/94 6/29/95, 60 FR 33734 3.04 Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Coating Operations 9/1/03 9/17/13, 78 FR 57073 3.05 Graphic Arts Systems 1/13/94 6/29/95, 60 FR 33734 3.08 Polyester, Vinylester, Gelcoat, and Resin Operations 1/13/94 6/29/95, 60 FR 33734 3.09 Aerospace Component Coating Operations 1/13/94 6/29/95, 60 FR 33734 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400 Regulations Incorporated by Reference in Regulation I, Section 6.01 173-400-030 Definitions 12/29/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except: 173-400-030(91). 173-400-081 Startup and Shutdown 4/1/11 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-110 New Source Review (NSR) for Sources and Portable Sources 12/29/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-110(1)(c)(i) and 173-400-110(1)(d) only. 173-400-111 Processing Notice of Construction Applications for Sources, Stationary Sources and Portable Sources 7/1/16 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except: 173-400-111(3)(h); —The part of 173-400-111(8)(a)(v) that says, “and 173-460-040,”; 173-400-111(9). 173-400-112 Requirements for New Sources in Nonattainment Areas 12/29/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-113 Requirements for New Sources in Attainment or Unclassifiable Areas 12/29/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except: 173-400-113(3), second sentence. 173-400-117 Special Protection Requirements for Federal Class I Areas 12/29/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 ( print page 67186) 173-400-171 Public Notice and Opportunity for Public Comment 7/1/16 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except: —The part of 173-400-171(3)(b) that says, “or any increase in emissions of a toxic air pollutant above the acceptable source impact level for that toxic air pollutant as regulated under chapter 173-460 WAC”; 173-400-171(12). 173-400-200 Creditable Stack Height and Dispersion Techniques 2/10/05 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-560 General Order of Approval 12/29/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except: —The part of 173-400-560(1)(f) that says, “173-460 WAC”. 173-400-800 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification in a Nonattainment Area 4/1/11 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 EPA did not review WAC 173-400-800 through 860 for consistency with the August 24, 2016 PM 2.5 implementation rule (81 FR 58010); nor does PSCAA have an obligation to submit rule revisions to address the 2016 PM 2.5 implementation rule at this time. 173-400-810 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification Definitions 7/1/16 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-820 Determining if a New Stationary Source or Modification to a Stationary Source is Subject to these Requirements 12/29/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-830 Permitting Requirements 7/1/16 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-840 Emission Offset Requirements 7/1/16 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-850 Actual Emissions Plantwide Applicability Limitation (PAL) 7/1/16 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-860 Public Involvement Procedures 4/1/11 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Washington Department of Ecology Regulations Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400—General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources 173-400-020 Applicability 12/29/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-040 General Standards for Maximum Emissions 9/16/18 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-040(1)(a) & (b), 173-400-040(4); and 173-400-040(9)(b) only. 173-400-070 Emission Standards for Certain Source Categories 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Except (7). 173-400-091 Voluntary Limits on Emissions 4/1/11 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 9/20/93 version continues to be approved under the authority of CAA Section 112(l) with respect to Section 112 hazardous air pollutants. See 60 FR 28726 (June 2, 1995). 173-400-105 Records, Monitoring and Reporting 11/25/18 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Except: 173-400-105(7). 173-400-107 Excess Emissions 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-118 Designation of Class I, II, and III Areas 12/29/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-131 Issuance of Emission Reduction Credits 4/1/11 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-136 Use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERC) 12/29/12 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-151 Retrofit Requirements for Visibility Protection 2/10/05 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-161 Compliance Schedules 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-175 Public Information 2/10/05 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 173-400-190 Requirements for Nonattainment Areas 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 ( print page 67187) 173-400-205 Adjustment for Atmospheric Conditions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-210 Emission Requirements of Prior Jurisdictions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Table 8—Additional Regulations Approved for the Southwest Clean Air Agency (SWCAA) Jurisdiction
[Applicable in Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis, Skamania and Wahkiakum counties, excluding facilities subject to Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) jurisdiction; facilities subject to the Washington Department of Ecology's direct jurisdiction under Chapters 173-405, 173-410, and 173-415 Washington Administrative Code (WAC); Indian reservations; any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction; and the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting of facilities subject to the applicability sections of WAC 173-400-700.]
State/local citation Title/subject State/local effective date EPA approval date Explanations Southwest Clean Air Agency Regulations General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources 400-010 Policy and Purpose 3/18/01 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-020 Applicability 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-025 Adoption of Federal Rules 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-030 Definitions 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: 400-030(21) and (130). 400-036 Portable Sources from Other Washington Jurisdictions 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-040(1)(a) General Standards for Maximum Emissions 9/21/95 2/26/97, 62 FR 8624 400-040 General Standards for Maximum Emissions 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 Except: 400-040(1)(a), (c) and (d); 400-040(2); and 400-040(4). 400-050 Emission Standards for Combustion and Incineration Units 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: 400-050(3); 400-050(5); 400-050(6); and 400-050(7). 400-060 Emission Standards for General Process Units 3/21/20 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-070(2)(a) Emission Standards for Certain Source Categories 9/21/95 2/26/97, 62 FR 8624 400-070 General Requirements for Certain Source Categories 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 Except: 400-070(2)(a); 400-070(3)(b); 400-070(5); 400-070(6); 400-070(7); 400-070(8)(c); 400-070(9); 400-070(10); 400-070(11); 400-070(12); 400-070(14); and 400-070(15)(c). 400-072 Small Unit Notification for Selected Source Categories 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: 400-072(5)(a)(ii)(B); 400-072(5)(d)(ii)(B); 400-072(5)(d)(iii)(A); 400-072(5)(d)(iii)(B); all reporting requirements related to toxic air pollutants; and 400-072(5)(b), which EPA previously approved with a state-effective date of October 9, 2016. 400-072 (5)(b) Small Unit Notification for Selected Source Categories 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-074 Gasoline Transport Tanker Registration 6/18/17 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: 400-074(2). 400-081 Startup and Shutdown 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-091 Voluntary Limits on Emissions 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-105 Records, Monitoring and Reporting 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: reporting requirements related to toxic air pollutants 400-106 Emission Testing and Monitoring at Air Contaminant Sources 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: 400-106(1)(d) through (g); and 400-106(2). 400-107 Excess Emissions 9/21/95 2/26/97, 62 FR 8624 ( print page 67188) 400-109 Air Discharge Permit Applications 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: The toxic air pollutant emissions thresholds contained in 400-109(3)(d); 400-109(3)(e)(ii); and 400-109(4). 400-110 Application Review Process for Stationary Sources (New Source Review) 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: 400-110(1)(d). 400-111 Requirements for New Sources in a Maintenance Plan Area 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: 400-111(7). 400-112 Requirements for New Sources in Nonattainment Areas 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: 400-112(6). 400-113 Requirements for New Sources in Attainment or Nonclassifiable Areas 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: 400-113(5). 400-114 Requirements for Replacement or Substantial Alteration of Emission Control Technology at an Existing Stationary Source 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-116 Maintenance of Equipment 11/9/03 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-130 Use of Emission Reduction Credits 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-131 Deposit of Emission Reduction Credits Into Bank 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-136 Maintenance of Emission Reduction Credits in Bank 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-151 Retrofit Requirements for Visibility Protection 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-161 Compliance Schedules 3/18/01 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-171 Public Involvement 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Except: 400-171(2)(a)(xii). 400-190 Requirements for Nonattainment Areas 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-200 Vertical Dispersion Requirement, Creditable Stack Height and Dispersion Techniques 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-205 Adjustment for Atmospheric Conditions 3/18/01 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-210 Emission Requirements of Prior Jurisdictions 3/18/01 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-260 Conflict of Interest 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-800 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification in a Nonattainment Area 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-810 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification Definitions 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-820 Determining If a New Stationary Source or Modification to a Stationary Source is Subject to These Requirements 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-830 Permitting Requirements 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-840 Emission Offset Requirements 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-850 Actual Emissions—Plantwide Applicability Limitation (PAL) 3/21/20 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-860 Public Involvement Procedures 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 Appendix A SWCAA Method 9 Visual Opacity Determination Method 3/21/20 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 ( print page 67189) Appendix B Description of Vancouver Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Area Boundary 10/9/16 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 Emission Standards and Controls for Sources Emitting Volatile Organic Compounds 490-010 Policy and Purpose 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-020 Definitions 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-025 General Applicability 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-030 Registration and Reporting 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-040 Requirements 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-080 Exceptions & Alternative Methods 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-090 New Source Review 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-200 Petroleum Refinery Equipment Leaks 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-201 Petroleum Liquid Storage in External Floating Roof Tanks 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-202 Leaks from Gasoline Transport Tanks and Vapor Collection Systems 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-203 Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Systems 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-204 Graphic Arts Systems 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-205 Surface Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-207 Surface Coating of Flatwood Paneling 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 490-208 Aerospace Assembly & Component Coating Operations 11/21/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 Emissions Standards and Controls for Sources Emitting Gasoline Vapors 491-010 Policy and Purpose 3/18/01 9/28/23, 88 FR 66692 491-015 Applicability 3/18/01 9/28/23, 88 FR 66692 491-020 Definitions 2/7/20 9/28/23, 88 FR 66692 491-030 Registration 2/7/20 9/28/23, 88 FR 66692 491-040 Gasoline Vapor Control Requirements 2/7/20 9/28/23, 88 FR 66692 491-050 Failures, Certification, Testing & Recordkeeping 2/7/20 9/28/23, 88 FR 66692 491-060 Severability 3/18/01 9/28/23, 88 FR 66692 Oxygenated Fuels 492-010 Policy and Purpose 11/21/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 492-020 Applicability 11/21/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 492-030 Definitions 11/21/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 ( print page 67190) 492-040 Compliance Requirements 11/21/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 492-050 Registration Requirements 11/21/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 492-060 Labeling Requirements 11/21/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 492-070 Control Area and Control Period 11/21/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 492-080 Enforcement and Compliance 11/21/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 492-090 Unplanned Conditions 11/21/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 492-100 Severability 11/21/96 4/30/97, 62 FR 23363 VOC Area Source Rules 493-100 Consumer Products (Reserved) 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-200-010 Applicability 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-200-020 Definitions 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-200-030 Spray Paint Standards & Exemptions 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-200-040 Requirements for Manufacture, Sale and Use of Spray Paint 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-200-050 Recordkeeping & Reporting Requirements 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-200-060 Inspection and Testing Requirements 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-300-010 Applicability 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-300-020 Definitions 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-300-030 Standards 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-300-040 Requirements for Manufacture, Sale and Use of Architectural Coatings 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-300-050 Recordkeeping & Reporting Requirements 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-300-060 Inspection and Testing Requirements 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-400-010 Applicability 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-400-020 Definitions 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-400-030 Coating Standards & Exemptions 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-400-040 Requirements for Manufacture & Sale of Coating 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-400-050 Requirements for Motor Vehicle Refinishing in Vancouver AQMA 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-400-060 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-400-070 Inspection & Testing Requirements 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-500-010 Applicability 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-500-020 Compliance Extensions 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 493-500-030 Exemption from Disclosure to the Public 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 ( print page 67191) 493-500-040 Future Review 5/26/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 Washington Department of Ecology Regulations Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400—General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources 173-400-117 Special Protection Requirements for Federal Class I Areas 12/29/12 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 For permits issued under the applicability provisions of WAC 173-400-800. 173-400-118 Designation of Class I, II, and III Areas 12/29/12 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 173-400-560 General Order of Approval 12/29/12 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 Except: —The part of 173-400-560(1)(f) that says, “173-460 WAC”. Table 9—Additional Regulations Approved for the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency (SRCAA) Jurisdiction
[Applicable in Spokane county, excluding facilities subject to Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) jurisdiction; facilities subject to the Washington Department of Ecology's direct jurisdiction under Chapters 173-405, 173-410, and 173-415 Washington Administrative Code (WAC); Indian reservations; any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction; and the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting of facilities subject to the applicability sections of WAC 173-400-700.]
State/local citation Title/subject State/local effective date EPA approval date Explanations Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency Regulation I Article I—Policy, Short Title, and Definitions 1.01 Policy 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Subsections (A) and (B) replace WAC 173-400-010. 1.02 Name of Agency 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 1.03 Short Title 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 1.04 General Definitions 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except subsections (17), (41), (52), (60), (74), (101), (112), (119), and (122). Section 1.04 replaces WAC 173-400-030 except the WAC 173-400-030 definitions list below. 1.05 Acronym Index 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Article II—General Provisions 2.08 Falsification of Statements or Documents, and Treatment of Documents 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Subsections (E) and (F) only. Subsection (E) replaces WAC 173-400-105(6). Subsection (F) replaces WAC 173-400-105(8). 2.09 Source Tests 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Section 2.09 replaces WAC 173-400-105(4). 2.13 Federal and State Regulation Reference Date 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Subsection (A) replaces WAC 173-400-025. 2.14 Washington Administrative Codes (WACS) 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Subsection (A)(1) only, and only with respect to those revised Chapter 173-400 WAC provisions that are identified for incorporation by reference in the table below. Article IV—Registration 4.03 Registration Exemptions 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Subsections (B) and (C) only. 4.04 Stationary Sources and Source Categories Subject to Registration 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except subsections (A)(3)(u), (A)(3)(v), (A)(5)(b), (A)(5)(e)(9), or any other provision as it relates to the regulation of toxic air pollutants or odors. ( print page 67192) 4.05 Closure of a Stationary Source or Emissions Unit(s) 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Article V—New Source Review for Stationary Sources and Portable Sources 5.02 New Source Review—Applicability and when Required 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except subsections (C)(5) and (I). Section 5.02 Replaces WAC 173-400-110. Subsection (F) replaces WAC 173-400-111(2). 5.03 NOC and PSP Fees 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 5.04 Information Required 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except subsection (A)(8). Collectively, sections 5.04, 5.06, 5.07, 5.10, 5.13, and 5.14 replace the permitting procedures in WAC 173-400-111. 5.05 Public Involvement 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except subsection (C)(15). Section 5.05 replaces WAC 173-400-171. 5.06 Application Completeness Determination 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Collectively, sections 5.04, 5.06, 5.07, 5.10, 5.13, and 5.14 replace the permitting procedures in WAC 173-400-111. 5.07 Processing NOC Applications for Stationary Sources 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except subsections (A)(1)(g) and (B). Collectively, sections 5.04, 5.06, 5.07, 5.10, 5.13, and 5.14 replace the permitting procedures in WAC 173-400-111, and subsection 5.07(A)(7) replaces WAC 173-400-110(2)(a). 5.08 Portable Sources 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except subsection (A)(6). Section 5.08 replaces WAC 173-400-036. 5.09 Operating Requirements for Order of Approval and Permission to Operate 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except subsection (C). 5.10 Changes to an Order of Approval or Permission to Operate 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Collectively, sections 5.04, 5.06, 5.07, 5.10, 5.13, and 5.14 replace the permitting procedures in WAC 173-400-111. 5.11 Notice of Startup of a Stationary Source or a Portable Source 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 5.12 Work Done Without an Approval 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 5.13 Order of Approval Construction Time Limits 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Collectively, sections 5.04, 5.06, 5.07, 5.10, 5.13, and 5.14 replace the permitting procedures in WAC 173-400-111. 5.14 Appeals 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Collectively, sections 5.04, 5.06, 5.07, 5.10, 5.13, and 5.14 replace the permitting procedures in WAC 173-400-111. 5.15 Obligation to Comply 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Article VI—Emissions Prohibited 6.04 Emission of Air Contaminant: Detriment to Person or Property 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Subsections (A), (B), (C), and (H) only and excepting provisions in RCW 70.94.640 (incorporated by reference) that relate to odor. Subsection (C) replaces WAC 173-400-040(6). 6.05 Particulate Matter & Preventing Particulate Matter from Becoming Airborne 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except subsection (A). Section 6.05 supplements but does not replace WAC 173-400-040(4) and (9). 6.07 Emission of Air Contaminant Concealment and Masking Restricted 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Section 6.07 replaces WAC 173-400-040(8). 6.14 Standards for Control of Particulate Matter on Paved Surfaces 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Section 6.14 supplements but does not replace WAC 173-400-040(9). 6.15 Standards for Control of Particulate Matter on Unpaved Roads 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Section 6.15 supplements but does not replace WAC 173-400-040(9). Article VIII—Solid Fuel Burning Device Standards 8.01 Purpose 9/2/14 9/28/15, 80 FR 58216 ( print page 67193) 8.02 Applicability 9/2/14 9/28/15, 80 FR 58216 8.03 Definitions 9/2/14 9/28/15, 80 FR 58216 8.04 Emission Performance Standards 9/2/14 9/28/15, 80 FR 58216 Except the incorporation by reference of WAC 173-433-130, 173-433-170, and 173-433-200. 8.05 Opacity Standards 9/2/14 9/28/15, 80 FR 58216 8.06 Prohibited Fuel Types 9/2/14 9/28/15, 80 FR 58216 8.07 Curtailment 9/2/14 9/28/15, 80 FR 58216 8.08 Exemptions 9/2/14 9/28/15, 80 FR 58216 8.09 Procedure to Geographically Limit Solid Fuel Burning Devices 9/2/14 9/28/15, 80 FR 58216 8.10 Restrictions on Installation of Solid Fuel Burning Devices 9/2/14 9/28/15, 80 FR 58216 Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400—General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources: Adopted by Reference in SRCAA Regulation I, Subsection 2.14(A)(1) 173-400-020 Applicability 12/29/12 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-030(24) Definitions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-030 Definitions 9/16/18 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Only the following definitions: Adverse Impact on Visibility; Capacity Factor; Class I Area; Dispersion Technique; Emission Threshold; Excess Stack Height; Existing Stationary Facility; Federal Class I Area; Federal Land Manager; Fossil Fuel-fired Steam Generator; General Process Unit; Greenhouse Gases; Industrial Furnace; Mandatory Class I Federal Area; Natural Conditions; Projected Width; Reasonably Attributable; Sulfuric Acid Plant; and Wood Waste. 173-400-040(1)(a) & (b) General Standards for Maximum Emissions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-040 General Standards for Maximum Emissions 9/16/18 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except: 173-400-040(2); 173-400-040(3); 173-400-040(5); 173-400-040(6); 173-400-040(8). 173-400-050 Emission Standards for Combustion and Incineration Units 9/16/18 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except: 173-400-050(2); 173-400-050(4); 173-400-050(5); 173-400-050(6). 173-400-060 Emission Standards for General Process Units 11/25/18 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-070 Emission Standards for Certain Source Categories 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Except (7). 173-400-081 Startup and Shutdown 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-091 Voluntary Limits on Emissions 4/1/11 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 9/20/93 version continues to be approved under the authority of CAA section 112(l) with respect to Section 112 hazardous air pollutants. See 60 FR 28726 (June 2, 1995). 173-400-105 Records, Monitoring and Reporting 11/25/18 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except: 173-400-105(3); 173-400-105(4); 173-400-105(6); 173-400-105(8). 173-400-107 Excess Emissions 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-112 Requirements for New Sources in Nonattainment Areas 12/29/12 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except (8). 173-400-113 Requirements for New Sources in Attainment or Unclassifiable Areas 12/29/12 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except: 173-400-113(3), second sentence. ( print page 67194) 173-400-117 Special Protection Requirements for Federal Class I Areas 12/29/12 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-118 Designation of Class I, II, and III Areas 12/29/12 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-131 Issuance of Emission Reduction Credits 4/1/11 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-136 Use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERC) 12/29/12 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-151 Retrofit Requirements for Visibility Protection 2/10/05 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-161 Compliance Schedules 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-175 Public Information 2/10/05 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-190 Requirements for Nonattainment Areas 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-200 Creditable Stack Height and Dispersion Techniques 2/10/05 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-205 Adjustment for Atmospheric Conditions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-210 Emission Requirements of Prior Jurisdictions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-560 General Order of Approval 12/29/12 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Except: The part of 173-400-560(1)(f) that says, “173-460 WAC”. 173-400-800 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification in a Nonattainment Area 4/1/11 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 EPA did not review WAC 173-400-800 through 860 for consistency with the August 24, 2016 PM2.5 implementation rule (81 FR 58010); nor does SRCAA have an obligation to submit rule revisions to address the 2016 PM2.5 implementation rule at this time. 173-400-810 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification Definitions 7/1/16 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-820 Determining if a New Stationary Source or Modification to a Stationary Source is Subject to these Requirements 12/29/12 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-830 Permitting Requirements 7/1/16 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-840 Emission Offset Requirements 7/1/16 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-850 Actual Emissions Plantwide Applicability Limitation (PAL) 7/1/16 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 173-400-860 Public Involvement Procedures 4/1/11 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Table 10—Additional Regulations Approved for the Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency (YRCAA) Jurisdiction
[Applicable in Yakima county, excluding facilities subject to Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) jurisdiction; facilities subject to the Washington Department of Ecology's direct jurisdiction under Chapters 173-405, 173-410, and 173-415 Washington Administrative Code (WAC); Indian reservations; any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction; and the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting of facilities subject to the applicability sections of WAC 173-400-700.]
State/local citation Title/subject State/local effective date EPA approval date Explanations Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Regulations Article 1—General Administrative Provisions 1.01 Name of Agency 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 1.02 Short Title 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 1.03 Policy 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except sub-section H. Replaces WAC 173-400-010. ( print page 67195) 1.04 Applicability 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 1.06 Records 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Replaces WAC 173-400-175. 1.07 General Provisions 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Replaces WAC 173-400-105(6) & (8). Article 2—General Regulations 2.04 Public Participation in Permitting 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Article 3—Rules 3.01 General Rules 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except sub-section D. 3.03 Outdoor and Agricultural Burning 11/9/20 9/28/23, 88 FR 66690 Except subsection 3.03(C)(2)(g), 3.03(E)(2)(a), 3.03(E)(2)(c), 3.03(E)(3)(d), 3.03(K); and the following provisions in General Rule Permit No.: 3.03-1(E)(2)(b), 3.03-1(E)(2)(d), 3.03-1(E)(2)(e), 3.03-1(G), 3.03-2(E)(2)(b), 3.03-2(G), 3.03-3(E)(2)(b), 3.03-3(G), 3.03-4(E)(2)(c), 3.03-4(G), 3.03-5(E)(2)(d), and 3.03-5(G). 3.04 Wood Heaters 11/9/20 1/24/22, 87 FR 3435 3.05 Burn Bans 11/9/20 1/24/22, 87 FR 3435 3.08 Specific Dust Controls 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except sub-sections 3.08(A)(3)(b) and 3.08(B)(3). Article 4—Permits and Registration 4.01 Registration Program 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Excluding any provisions related to the regulation of Toxic Air Pollutants. Appendices Appendix A Definitions of Words and Phrases 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Appendix B Definitions of Acronyms and Abbreviations 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Washington Department of Ecology Regulations Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400—General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources 173-400-020 Applicability 12/29/12 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-025 Adoption of Federal Rules 9/16/18 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-030(24) Definitions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-030 Definitions 9/16/18 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except: 173-400-030(6); 173-400-030(32); 173-400-030(38); 173-400-030(45); 173-400-030(83); 173-400-030(89); 173-400-030(96); 173-400-030(97); 173-400-030(100); 173-400-030(103); 173-400-030(104). 173-400-036 Relocation of Portable Sources 12/29/12 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-040(1)(a) & (b) General Standards for Maximum Emissions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Subsections 173-400-040(1)(a)&(b)(state effective 3/22/91) were subsequently revised and renumbered to subsection 173-400-040(2) which will be addressed in a separate action. 173-400-040 General Standards for Maximum Emissions 9/16/18 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except: 173-400-040(2); 173-400-040(3); 173-400-040(5); 173-400-050 Emission Standards for Combustion and Incineration Units 9/16/18 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except: 173-400-050(2); 173-400-050(4); 173-400-050(5); 173-400-050(6). 173-400-060 Emission Standards for General Process Units 11/25/18 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-070 Emission Standards for Certain Source Categories 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 Except (7). 173-400-081 Startup and Shutdown 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-105 Records, Monitoring and Reporting 11/25/18 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except 173-400-105(6) & (8). ( print page 67196) 173-400-107 Excess Emissions 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-110 New Source Review (NSR) for Sources and Portable Sources 12/29/12 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except: 173-400-110(1)(c)(ii)(C); 173-400-110(1)(e); 173-400-110(2)(d); The part of WAC 173-400-110(4)(b)(vi) that says, • “not for use with materials containing toxic air pollutants, as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC,”; The part of 400-110 (4)(e)(iii) that says, • “where toxic air pollutants as defined in chapter 173-460 WAC are not emitted”; The part of 400-110(4)(f)(i) that says, • “that are not toxic air pollutants listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; The part of 400-110 (4)(h)(xviii) that says, • “, to the extent that toxic air pollutant gases as defined in chapter 173-460 WAC are not emitted”; The part of 400-110 (4)(h)(xxxiii) that says, • “where no toxic air pollutants as listed under chapter 173-460 WAC are emitted”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxiv) that says, • “, or ≤1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxv) that says, • “or ≤1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants”; The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxvi) that says, • “or ≤1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”; 400-110(4)(h)(xl), second sentence; The last row of the table in 173-400-110(5)(b) regarding exemption levels for Toxic Air Pollutants. 173-400-111 Processing Notice of Construction Applications for Sources, Stationary 7/1/16 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except: 173-400-111(3)(h); The part of 173-400-111(8)(a)(v) that says, • “and 173-460-040,”; 173-400-111(9). 173-400-112 Requirements for New Sources in Nonattainment Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations 12/29/12 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-113 New Sources in Attainment or Unclassifiable Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations 12/29/12 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except: 173-400-113(3), second sentence. 173-400-117 Special Protection Requirements for Federal Class I Areas 12/29/12 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-118 Designation of Class I, II, and III Areas 12/29/12 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-131 Issuance of Emission Reduction Credits 4/1/11 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-136 Use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERC) 12/29/12 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-151 Retrofit Requirements for Visibility Protection 2/10/05 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-161 Compliance Schedules 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-171 Public Notice and Opportunity for Public Comment 9/16/18 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except: The part of 173-400-171(3)(b) that says, • “or any increase in emissions of a toxic air pollutant above the acceptable source impact level for that toxic air pollutant as regulated under chapter 173-460 WAC”; 173-400-171(3)(o); 173-400-171(12). 173-400-190 Requirements for Nonattainment Areas 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-200 Creditable Stack Height and Dispersion Techniques 2/10/05 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-205 Adjustment for Atmospheric Conditions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-210 Emission Requirements of Prior Jurisdictions 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-560 General Order of Approval 12/29/12 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Except: The part of 173-400-560(1)(f) that says, “173-460 WAC”. 173-400-800 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification in a Nonattainment Area 4/1/11 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 EPA did not review WAC 173-400-800 through 860 for consistency with the 2016 PM 2.5 implementation rule (see the Federal Register of August 24, 2016); nor does YRCAA have an obligation to submit rule revisions to address the 2016 PM 2.5 implementation rule at this time 173-400-810 Major Stationary Source and Major Modification Definitions 7/1/16 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 ( print page 67197) 173-400-820 Determining if a New Stationary Source or Modification to a Stationary Source is Subject to these Requirements 12/29/12 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-830 Permitting Requirements 7/1/16 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-840 Emission Offset Requirements 7/1/16 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-850 Actual Emissions Plantwide Applicability Limitation (PAL) 7/1/16 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 173-400-860 Public Involvement Procedures 4/1/11 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 (d) EPA-approved state source-specific requirements.
EPA-Approved State of Washington Source-Specific Requirements 1
Name of source Order/permit No. State effective date EPA approval date Explanations Boise Cascade, Wallula Mill 1614-AQ04 9/15/04 5/2/05, 70 FR 22597 Following conditions only: No. 1 (Approval Conditions) & Appendix A. Emission Limits for Significant Stack Sources various orders various dates 10/26/95, 60 FR 54812 Honam, Inc., Ideal Division (now known as LaFarge North America, Inc.) #5183 2/9/94 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 Saint Gobain Containers LLC #8244 9/9/99 8/31/04, 69 FR 53007 Kaiser Order—Alternate Opacity Limit 91-01 12/12/91 1/27/97, 62 FR 3800 Kaiser Order—Limiting Potential-to-Emit 96-03 10/4/00 7/1/05, 70 FR 38029 Kaiser Order—Limiting Potential-to-Emit 96-04 4/24/96 1/27/97, 62 FR 3800 Kaiser Order—Limiting Potential-to-Emit 96-05 10/4/00 7/1/05, 70 FR 38029 Kaiser Order—Limiting Potential-to-Emit 96-06 10/19/00 7/1/05, 70 FR 38029 RACT Limits for Centralia Power Plant #97-2057R1 2/26/98 6/11/03, 68 FR 34821 BP Cherry Point Refinery Administrative Order No. 7836, Revision 2. 5/13/15 2/16/16, 81 FR 7710 The following conditions: 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.4, 2.4.1, 2.4.2,, 2.5, 2.5.1,,, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.6, 2.6.1, 2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.7, 2.7.1, 2.7.2, 2.7.3, 2.7.4, 2.8, 2.8.1, 2.8.2, 2.8.3, 2.8.4, 2.8.5, 2.8.6, 3, 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 4, 4.1, 4.1.1,,,,, 5, 5.1, 5.2, 6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7, 9. Alcoa Intalco Works Administrative Order No. 7837, Revision 1 11/15/10 6/11/14, 79 FR 33438 The following conditions: 1, 2., 2.1, 3., 4., 4.1, Attachment A conditions: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14. Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company Administrative Order 7838 7/7/10 6/11/14, 79 FR 33438 The following conditions: 1., 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.5.1,,,, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.5.4, 1.5.5, 1.5.6, 2., 2.1, 2.1.1,, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2, 2.2.1, 3. 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2,,,, 3.2, 3.2.1,,,,,,,,,, 3.3, 3.3.1, 3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 4., 4.1, 5., 5.1, 6., 6.1, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 7., 7.1, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5, 7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.4, 8. 8.1, 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.2, 8.2.1, 8.2.2, 8.2.3, 8.3, 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 9., 9.1, 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.2, 9.2.1,, 9.3.2, 9.3.3, 9.4, 9.4.1, 9.4.2, 9.4.3, 9.4.5, 9.4.6, 9.5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6. ( print page 67198) Port Townsend Paper Corporation Administrative Order No. 7839, Revision 1 10/20/10 6/11/14, 79 FR 33438 The following Conditions:1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2, 2.1, 3, 3.1, 4. Lafarge North America, Inc. Seattle, Wa. Administrative Revised Order No. 7841 7/28/10 6/11/14, 79 FR 33438 The following Conditions: 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 3, 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2, 3.3, 4, 4.1, 5, 5.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.2, 5.3, 6, 6.1, 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 9, 10, 11, 12. Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Longview, Wa Administrative Order No. 7840 7/7/10 6/11/14, 79 FR 33438 The following Conditions: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.4, 2, 2.1, 3, 3.1, 4, 4.1. Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc 13AQ-E526 4/16/14 5/1/20, 85 FR 25303 Except: 1. Decontamination Cabinets; 2. Meat Cutting/Packing; 6. Wastewater Floatation; 8. Utility Equipment; 10. Other; References to “WAC 173-460-040” in Determinations”; The portion of Approval Condition 2.a which states, “and consumption of no more than 128 million cubic feet/of natural gas per year. Natural gas consumption records for the dryer shall be maintained for the most recent 24 month period and be available to Ecology for inspection. An increase in natural gas consumption that exceeds the above level may require a Notice of Construction.”; Approval Condition 3; Approval Condition 4; Approval Condition 5; Approval Condition 6.e; Approval Condition 9.a.ii; Approval Condition 9.a.iv; Approval Condition 9.a.v; Approval Condition; Approval Condition 10.a.ii; Approval Condition 10.b; Approval Condition 11.a; Approval Condition 11.b; Approval Condition 11.e; Approval Condition 12; Approval Condition 15; The section titled “Your Right to Appeal”; and The section titled “Address and Location Information.” Packaging Corporation of America (Wallula Mill) 0003697 4/1/18 5/1/20, 85 FR 25303 Condition P.1 only. Simplot Feeders Limited Partnership Fugitive Dust Control Plan 3/1/18 5/1/20, 85 FR 25303 TransAlta Centralia BART—Second Revision #6426 7/29/20 5/7/21, 86 FR 24502 Except the undesignated introductory text, the section titled “Findings,” and the undesignated text following condition 9. 1 The EPA does not have the authority to remove these source-specific requirements in the absence of a demonstration that their removal would not interfere with attainment or maintenance of the NAAQS, violate any prevention of significant deterioration increment or result in visibility impairment. Washington Department of Ecology may request removal by submitting such a demonstration to the EPA as a SIP revision. (e) EPA approved nonregulatory provisions and quasi-regulatory measures.
Table 1—Approved But Not Incorporated by Reference Regulations
State/local citation Title/subject State/local effective date EPA approval date Explanations Washington Department of Ecology Regulations 173-400-220 Requirements for Board Members 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-230 Regulatory Actions 3/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-240 Criminal Penalties 3/22/91 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-250 Appeals 9/20/93 6/2/95, 60 FR 28726 173-400-260 Conflict of Interest 7/1/16 10/6/16, 81 FR 69385 ( print page 67199) 173-433-200 Regulatory Actions and Penalties 10/18/90 1/15/93, 58 FR 4578 Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council Regulations 463-78-135 Criminal Penalties 11/11/04 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 463-78-140 Appeals Procedure 3/26/06 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 463-78-170 Conflict of Interest 11/11/04 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 463-78-230 Regulatory Actions 11/11/04 5/30/17, 82 FR 24531 Benton Clean Air Agency Regulations 2.01 Powers and Duties of the Benton Clean Air Agency (BCAA) 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 2.02 Requirements for Board of Directors Members. 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 Replaces WAC 173-400-220. 2.03 Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 2.04 Powers and Duties of the Control Officer 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 2.05 Severability 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 2.06 Confidentiality of Records and Information 12/11/14 11/17/15, 80 FR 71695 Northwest Clean Air Agency Regulations 103 Duties and Powers 8/21/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 105 Separability 8/21/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 110 Investigation and Studies 8/21/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 111 Interference or Obstruction 8/21/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 112 False and Misleading Oral Statement: Unlawful Reproduction or Alteration of Documents 8/21/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 113 Service of Notice 12/22/07 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 114 Confidential Information 12/22/07 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 120 Hearings 12/22/07 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 123 Appeal of Orders 4/14/13 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 124 Display of Orders, Certificates and Other Notices: Removal or Mutilation Prohibited 8/21/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 131 Notice to Violators 4/14/13 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 132 Criminal Penalty 9/13/15 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 133 Civil Penalty 9/13/15 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 134 Restraining Orders—Injunction 8/21/05 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 135 Assurance of Discontinuance 12/22/07 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 303 Work Done Without an Approval 5/12/19 6/15/20, 85 FR 36154 Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Regulations 8.1.6 Penalties 5/22/10 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 ( print page 67200) Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Regulations 3.01 Duties and Powers of the Control Officer 11/1/99 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 3.05 Investigations by the Control Officer 3/17/94 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 3.07 Compliance Tests 5/1/06 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 3.09 Violations—Notice 9/12/91 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 3.11 Civil Penalties 11/1/19 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 3.13 Criminal Penalties 9/12/91 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 3.15 Additional Enforcement 9/12/91 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 3.17 Appeal of Orders 11/14/98 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 3.19 Confidential Information 9/12/91 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 3.21 Separability 9/12/91 4/22/20, 85 FR 22355 Southwest Clean Air Agency Regulations 400-220 Requirements for Board Members 3/18/01 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-230 Regulatory Actions and Civil Penalties 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-240 Criminal Penalties 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-250 Appeals 11/9/03 4/10/17, 82 FR 17136 400-270 Confidentiality of Records and Information 9/10/21 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 400-280 Powers of Agency 9/29/23, 88 FR 67097 Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency Regulations 2.01 Powers and Duties of the Board 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 2.02 Control Officer's Duties and Powers 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Section 2.02(E) replaces WAC 173-400-105(3). 2.03 Confidential or Proprietary Information 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 2.04 Violations 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Replaces WAC 173-400-230(1)&(6). 2.05 Orders and Hearings 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 2.06 Appeal of Board Orders 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Replaces WAC 173-400-250. 2.10 Severability 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 2.11 Penalties, Civil Penalties, and Additional Means for Enforcement 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Replaces WAC 173-400-230(2)&(3). 2.12 Restraining Orders—Injunctions 9/1/20 5/10/21, 86 FR 24718 Replaces WAC 173-400-230(4). 8.11 Regulatory Actions and Penalties 9/2/14 9/28/15, 80 FR 58216 Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Regulations 1.05 Roles and Responsibilities 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 2.01 Authority and Investigation 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 2.02 Authority to Collect Fees 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 ( print page 67201) 2.05 Appeals 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 5.01 General Information 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 5.02 Additional or Alternative Enforcement Actions 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 5.03 Penalties 11/9/20 7/11/22, 87 FR 41064 Table 2—Attainment, Maintenance, and Other Plans
Name of SIP provision Applicable geographic or nonattainment area State submittal date EPA approval date Explanations Attainment and Maintenance Planning—Carbon Monoxide Carbon Monoxide Attainment Plan Yakima 4/27/79 6/5/80, 45 FR 37821 Carbon Monoxide Attainment Plan Puget Sound 1/22/93 1/20/94, 59 FR 2994 Carbon Monoxide Attainment Plan Spokane 1/22/93 1/20/94, 59 FR 2994 Carbon Monoxide Attainment Plan Vancouver 1/22/93 1/20/94, 59 FR 2994 Carbon Monoxide Attainment Plan—Contingency Measure Vancouver 11/10/93 10/31/94, 59 FR 54419 Carbon Monoxide Attainment Plan—VMT Supplement Puget Sound 1/22/93 8/23/95, 60 FR 43710 Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Puget Sound 2/29/96 10/11/96, 61 FR 53323 Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Vancouver 3/19/96 10/21/96, 61 FR 54560 Carbon Monoxide Attainment Plan—Revisions Spokane 9/14/93 and 4/30/96 9/22/97, 62 FR 49442 Carbon Monoxide Attainment Plan—Correction Spokane 12/31/97, 62 FR 68187 Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Yakima 9/26/01 11/01/02, 67 FR 66555 Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan 10-Year Update Puget Sound 12/17/03; 6/3/19 8/5/04, 69 FR 47365; 2/18/21, 86 FR 10026 6/3/19 submission moved Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program from control measure to contingency measure. Carbon Monoxide Attainment Plan—Including Kaiser Orders Spokane 9/20/01 and 11/22/04 5/12/05, 70 FR 24991 Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Spokane 11/29/04 6/29/05, 70 FR 37269 Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan 10-Year Update Vancouver 4/25/07; 6/3/19 6/27/08, 73 FR 36439; 2/18/21, 86 FR 10026 6/3/19 submission moved Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program from control measure to contingency measure. Carbon Monoxide 2nd 10-Year Limited Maintenance Plan Spokane 5/11/16; 6/3/19 7/14/16, 81 FR 45417; 2/18/21, 86 FR 10026 ( print page 67202) Attainment and Maintenance Planning—Lead (Pb) Lead Attainment Plan Seattle 9/27/84 1/29/85, 50 FR 3907 Attainment and Maintenance Planning—Ozone Ozone Attainment Plan Vancouver 7/16/82 12/17/82, 47 FR 56497 Ozone Attainment Plan Seattle-Tacoma 7/16/82 2/28/83, 48 FR 8273 Ozone Attainment Plan—VOC RACT Seattle-Tacoma 5/14/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 Ozone Attainment Plan—VOC RACT Vancouver 5/14/91 7/12/93, 58 FR 37426 Ozone Attainment Plan—Emission Statement Program Seattle-Tacoma 1/28/93 9/12/94, 59 FR 46764 Ozone Attainment Plan—Emission Statement Program Vancouver 1/28/93 9/12/94, 59 FR 46764 Ozone Maintenance Plan Seattle-Tacoma 3/4/96 9/26/96, 21 FR 50438 Ozone Maintenance Plan Vancouver 6/13/96 5/19/97, 62 FR 27204 Ozone Maintenance Plan 10-Year Update Seattle-Tacoma 12/17/03 8/5/04, 69 FR 47365 8-Hour Ozone 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plan Seattle-Tacoma 2/5/08 5/2/14, 79 FR 25010; 2/18/21, 86 FR 10026 6/3/19 submission moved Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program from control measure to contingency measure. 8-Hour Ozone 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plan Vancouver 1/17/07 8/11/15, 80 FR 48033; 2/18/21, 86 FR 10026 6/3/19 submission moved Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program from control measure to contingency measure. Attainment and Maintenance Planning—Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Attainment Plan Kent 11/15/91 7/27/93, 58 FR 40059 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Attainment Plan Thurston County 2/17/89 and 11/15/91 7/27/93, 58 FR 40056 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Attainment Plan Tacoma 5/2/95 10/25/95, 60 FR 54559 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Attainment Plan Seattle 2/21/95 10/26/95, 60 FR 54812 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Attainment Plan Spokane 12/9/94 1/27/97, 62 FR 3800 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Attainment Plan Wallula 11/13/91 1/27/97, 62 FR 3800 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Attainment Plan Yakima 3/24/89 2/2/98, 63 FR 5269 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Maintenance Plan Thurston County 8/16/99 10/4/00, 65 FR 59128 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Maintenance Plan Kent 8/23/99 3/13/01, 66 FR 14492 ( print page 67203) Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Maintenance Plan Seattle 8/23/99 3/13/01, 66 FR 14492 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Maintenance Plan Tacoma 8/23/99 3/13/01, 66 FR 14492 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Maintenance Plan Yakima 7/8/04 2/8/05, 70 FR 6591 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Attainment Plan—Revision Wallula 11/30/04 5/2/05, 70 FR 22597 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Maintenance Plan Spokane 11/30/04 7/1/05, 70 FR 38029 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) Maintenance Plan Wallula 3/29/05 8/26/05, 70 FR 50212 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) 2nd 10-Year Limited Maintenance Plan Thurston County 7/1/13 10/3/13, 78 FR 61188 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) 2nd 10-Year Limited Maintenance Plan Kent, Seattle, and Tacoma 11/29/13; 6/3/19 8/20/14, 79 FR 49244; 2/18/21, 86 FR 10026 6/3/19 submission moved Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program from control measure to contingency measure. Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) 2nd 10-Year Limited Maintenance Plan Spokane 1/4/16 4/12/16, 81 FR 21470 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) 2nd 10-Year Limited Maintenance Plan Wallula 11/22/19 5/1/20, 85 FR 25303 Attainment and Maintenance Planning—Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) Clean Data Determination Tacoma, Pierce County 5/22/12 9/04/12, 77 FR 53772 Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) 2008 Baseline Emissions Inventory and SIP Strengthening Rules Tacoma, Pierce County 11/28/12 5/29/13, 78 FR 32131 Approval of Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets and Determination of Attainment for the 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Standard (PM 2.5 ) Tacoma, Pierce County 11/28/12 9/19/13, 78 FR 57503 Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) Maintenance Plan Tacoma, Pierce County 11/3/14 2/10/15, 80 FR 7347 ( print page 67204) Visibility and Regional Haze Plans Visibility New Source Review (NSR) for non-attainment areas for Washington Statewide 6/26/86, 51 FR 23228 Washington State Visibility Protection Program Statewide 11/5/99 6/11/03, 68 FR 34821 Regional Haze State Implementation Plan—TransAlta BART Statewide 12/29/11 12/6/12, 77 FR 72742 Regional Haze SIP Statewide 12/22/10 6/11/14, 79 FR 33438 The Regional Haze SIP including those provisions relating to BART incorporated by reference in § 52.2470 `Identification of plan' with the exception of the BART provisions that are replaced with a BART FIP in § 52.2498 Visibility protection., § 52.2500 Best available retrofit technology requirements for the Intalco Aluminum Corporation (Intalco Works) primary aluminum plant—Better than BART Alternative., § 52.2501 Best available retrofit technology (BART) requirement for the Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company oil refinery—Better than BART Alternative., § 52.2502 Best available retrofit technology requirements for the Alcoa Inc.—Wenatchee Works primary aluminum smelter. Regional Haze SIP—Technical Correction Statewide 12/22/10 11/24/14, 79 FR 69767 Regional Haze State Implementation Plan—BP Cherry Point Refinery BART Revision Statewide 5/14/15 2/16/16, 81 FR 7710 Regional Haze Progress Report Statewide 11/6/2017 7/31/18, 83 FR 36752 Smoke Management Planning Department of Natural Resources 2022 Smoke Management Plan Statewide 8/10/22 8/10/23, 88 FR 54240 110(a)(2) Infrastructure and Interstate Transport Interstate Transport for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone and PM 2.5 NAAQS Statewide 1/17/07 1/13/09, 74 FR 1591 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements—1997 Ozone Standard Statewide 1/24/12 5/24/12, 77 FR 30902 ( print page 67205) 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements—2008 Lead Standard Statewide 4/14/14 7/23/14, 79 FR 42683 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements—2008 Ozone and 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide Standards Statewide 9/22/14 1/14/15, 80 FR 1849 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements -1997, 2006, and 2012 Fine Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) Standards Statewide 9/22/14 5/12/15, 80 FR 27102 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). Interstate Transport for the 2008 Pb and 2010 NO 2 NAAQS Statewide 5/11/15 7/16/15, 80 FR 42042 This action addresses CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I). Interstate Transport for the 2006 24-hour PM 2.5 NAAQS Statewide 5/11/15 7/30/15, 80 FR 45429 This action addresses CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I). Interstate Transport for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS Statewide 5/11/15 12/15/15, 80 FR 77578 This action addresses CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I). Interstate Transport for the 2012 PM 2.5 NAAQS Statewide 2/7/18 8/20/18, 83 FR 42031 This action addresses CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I). Interstate Transport for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS Statewide 2/7/18 9/20/18, 83 FR 47568 This action addresses CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I). 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements—Sulfur Dioxide Standards and 2015 Ozone Standards Statewide 9/30/19 and 4/3/20 2/18/21, 86 FR 10022 This action addresses the following CAA section 110(a)(2) elements: (A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). Interstate Transport for the 2010 SO 2 NAAQS Statewide 2/7/18 2/18/21, 86 FR 10015 This action addresses CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I). Other Federally Mandated Plans Oxygenated Gasoline Program 1/22/93 1/20/94, 59 FR 2994 Business Assistance Program 11/16/92 3/8/95, 60 FR 12685 Supplementary Documents Air Quality Monitoring, Data Reporting and Surveillance Provisions 4/15/81 ( print page 67206) Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) Memorandum of Agreement 2/23/82 2003 Columbia Plateau Windblown Dust Natural Events Action Plan 11/22/19 5/1/20, 85 FR 25303 2018 Fugitive Dust Control Guidelines for Beef Cattle Feedlots and Best Management Practices 11/22/19 5/1/20, 85 FR 25303
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 8/19/2024
- Published:
- 08/19/2024
- Department:
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Entry Type:
- Rule
- Action:
- Final rule; administrative change.
- Document Number:
- 2024-16953
- Dates:
- This action is effective August 19, 2024.
- Pages:
- 67158-67206 (49 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- EPA-R10-OAR-2024-0151, FRL-11672-01-R10
- Topics:
- Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, Environmental protection, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Lead, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur oxides, Volatile organic compounds
- PDF File:
- 2024-16953.pdf
- Supporting Documents:
- » WA SIP compilation Volume 1
- » WA SIP compilation Volume 2
- CFR: (1)
- 40 CFR 52