94-18683. Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 147 (Tuesday, August 2, 1994)]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-18683]
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    [Federal Register: August 2, 1994]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Parts 204 and 641
    [Docket No. 940536-4202; I.D. 041994B]
    RIN 0648-AG28
    Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Final rule and notice of OMB control number.
    SUMMARY: NMFS issues this final rule to implement Amendment 9 to the 
    Fishery Management Plan for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of 
    Mexico (FMP). Amendment 9 extends the current reef fish permit 
    moratorium from its scheduled expiration on May 8, 1995, through as 
    late as December 31, 1995. For the red snapper segment of the reef fish 
    fishery, Amendment 9 authorizes the collection of commercial landings 
    data for the years 1990 through 1992 and the collection of information 
    to identify certain participants. It also extends the red snapper 
    endorsement system and its associated trip and landing limits from 
    their scheduled expiration on December 31, 1994, through as late as 
    December 31, 1995. The intended effects of this rule are to collect 
    information needed to evaluate red snapper effort management 
    alternatives, to identify individuals who may qualify for initial 
    participation in a red snapper effort management regime, and to 
    continue interim management measures until the Gulf of Mexico Fishery 
    Management Council (Council) has an opportunity to implement longer-
    term measures. This rule also informs the public of the approval by the 
    Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of two new collection-of-
    information requirements contained in this rule and publishes the OMB 
    control number for those collections.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: July 27, 1994, except that the amendment to 
    Sec. 204.1(b) and Secs. 641.7(ee) and 641.10 are effective July 27, 
    1994, through October 31, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Sadler, 813-893-3161.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The reef fish fishery of the Gulf of Mexico 
    is managed under the FMP, which was prepared by the Council, and is 
    implemented through regulations at 50 CFR part 641 under the authority 
    of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson Act).
        The rationale for the measures in Amendment 9 and for the 
    additional changes to the regulations proposed by NMFS was included in 
    the proposed rule (59 FR 27258, May 26, 1994) and is not repeated here.
    Comments and Responses
        Comments on Amendment 9 and the proposed rule were received from 
    three individuals. Two of the commenters objected to Amendment 9 and 
    the proposed rule and the third supported them. Specific comments and 
    responses follow.
        Comment: One person stated that the red snapper endorsement and 
    trip limit provisions and the reef fish permit moratorium are not cost 
    effective and should not be extended. The commenter's objections are 
    based on the contention that a red snapper individual transferable 
    quota (ITQ) system will not be implemented. The commenter also stated 
    that the trip limit provisions and moratorium are based on erroneous 
    and unverifiable data indicating overfishing of red snapper.
        Response: The reef fish permit moratorium was implemented on May 8, 
    1992, for three years, to prevent continued speculative entry into the 
    fishery while the Council considers other reef fish effort management 
    alternatives, including an ITQ system. The red snapper endorsement and 
    trip limit provisions, first established by emergency action, were 
    continued through 1994 under Amendment 6 to prevent the occurrence of 
    an extremely short season and a ``derby'' fishery as occurred in 1992.
        The Council has not yet determined if an ITQ system should be 
    implemented. The proposed voluntary landings data collection was 
    suggested by vessel owners, operators whose earned income qualified for 
    the vessel permit, and historical captains who were interested in 
    learning of their possible preliminary shares for planning purposes. 
    This information will help fishermen determine their most likely level 
    of participation in an ITQ system, if adopted for the fishery. The 
    Council, upon receipt of the data collected and analyzed under 
    Amendment 9 and after receipt of public comments from affected parties, 
    will decide whether to proceed with an ITQ or other effort management 
    system and the current target date for implementation of January 1, 
        The conditions in the fishery that led to implementation of the 
    permit moratorium and the red snapper endorsement system will remain 
    until a more comprehensive program is in place to limit fishing effort 
    in the red snapper fishery. The Council anticipates that the reef fish 
    fishery, particularly for red snapper, would be unnecessarily disrupted 
    if the moratorium and red snapper endorsement provisions expire before 
    implementation of an effort management system. The Council also 
    recognized that such provisions should not be continued indefinitely. 
    Accordingly, the Council determined that the permit moratorium and red 
    snapper endorsement system should be extended through December 31, 
    1995, or until such an effort management system can be implemented, if 
    before that date.
        Concerning the validity of the scientific data that indicates that 
    red snapper are overfished, all such data undergo extensive scientific 
    review and verification prior to NMFS's assessment of the status of the 
    resource. The best available information continues to indicate that red 
    snapper are overfished.
        Comment: The first commenter also objected to the proposed data 
    collection as duplicative and wasteful. The commenter believes that: 
    (1) NMFS already has obtained landings data as part of the red snapper 
    endorsement process, and (2) the requested submittal would allow 
    fraudulent landings records to be used to increase a person's share if 
    an ITQ system is implemented.
        Response: Applicants for a red snapper endorsement on their reef 
    fish vessel permits submitted data only to document the specified 
    landing threshold of 5,000 pounds in any 2 of 3 qualifying years. In 
    contrast, the data collection proposed under Amendment 9 covers all red 
    snapper landings information for the period when data are readily 
    available (1990-1992). This collection will provide the Council with a 
    complete data base upon which to establish any effort management 
    system; because this collection covers the full three years for which 
    good data exists, it will avoid the need for additional collections.
        Concerning fraudulent reporting, the data collection provisions are 
    designed to minimize that possibility. Dealer records and trip receipts 
    must definitively show the species known as red snapper and the 
    vessel's name, official number, or other reference that provides a way 
    of clearly identifying the vessel. Dealer records must contain a sworn 
    affidavit by the dealer confirming the accuracy and authenticity of the 
    records, under penalty of law. Accordingly, NMFS disagrees with the 
    comment and supports collection of data under these safeguards.
        Comment: The first commenter also objected to the proposed 
    submittal of data by persons who believe they are historical captains. 
    The commenter characterized those persons as employees who do not share 
    in the losses sustained by the vessel owner and therefore should not be 
    entitled to participate in an ITQ system.
        Response: After review of testimony and recommendations of the 
    Council's Ad Hoc Allocation Advisory Panel, the Council determined that 
    historical captains should be considered for fishing privileges under a 
    red snapper effort management system, as well as vessel owners and 
    operators whose earned income qualified for the vessel permit. NMFS 
    believes that collection of these data will provide the Council with 
    the information needed to determine if those persons warrant inclusion 
    in an effort management system as being developed under Amendment 8. 
    However, comments on allocation to historical captains are outside of 
    the scope of Amendment 9 and therefore are not addressed here.
        Comment: The second commenter objected to the share agreement time 
    period specified in Sec. 641.10(a)(2)(i). That section specifies that a 
    share agreement must have been in effect from at least November 6, 
    1989, through 1993. The commenter claimed that the Council intended 
    that a historical captain fish solely under a share agreement only 
    through 1992, and that the final rule should be revised accordingly.
        Response: NMFS has reviewed the administrative record in regard to 
    the referenced share agreement criterion, and concluded that the 
    Council intended that historical captains must document a share 
    agreement in effect up to the present time. At its March 1994 meeting, 
    the Council specifically rejected an alternative that would have 
    required share agreements only in 1990, 1991, and 1992. Since the final 
    rule will be implemented in mid-1994, 1993 is the most recent calendar 
    year with readily available records for a full year. NMFS therefore 
    disagrees with the commenter and supports the time period for share 
    agreements, as specified in Amendment 9 and the rule.
        Comment: The second commenter also suggested that Sec. 641.10(a)(2) 
    include in the criteria to qualify as a historical captain the 
    requirement that a person must have landed red snapper at least once 
    prior to November 7, 1989.
        Response: Section 641.10(d)(iv) requires an applicant for 
    historical captain status to submit documentation of a landing of red 
    snapper prior to November 7, 1989. NMFS agrees that, for consistency, 
    the requirement for such a landing should also be included in the 
    criteria for historical captain status, and it is added in this final 
    rule at Sec. 641.10(a)(2)(iv).
        Comment: The second commenter also objected to the use of the word 
    ``lease'' in one of the criteria for historical captain status, 
    primarily because of the present use of that term in the fishing 
        Response: NMFS agrees with the commenter and has removed the phrase 
    containing the word ``lease'' from Sec. 641.10(a)(2)(i).
        Comment: The second commenter also objected to the statement in 
    Sec. 641.10(a)(2)(i) that the share agreement must have provided for 
    the operator to be responsible for hiring the crew, ``who were paid 
    from his or her share.'' The commenter suggested replacement text to 
    reflect the standard practice in the fishery for the ``buyer'' to write 
    the checks to the crew--after the captain determines shares and payment 
    to the crew.
        Response: Neither the Council nor NMFS intended to establish as a 
    criterion for status as a historical captain that such person must have 
    written paychecks to his or her crew. The intent was that the share 
    agreement provide for proceeds to be divided between the owner and the 
    historical captain. Crew shares or payments would not be contained in 
    such share agreement. Rather, the historical captain would determine 
    payments to the crew, such payments coming from the share under the 
    control of the historical captain--without regard to who wrote the 
    checks. For clarity, the above quoted language is revised to read, 
    ``who were paid from the share under his or her control.''
        Comment: A third commenter provided various comments in support of 
    Amendment 9, noting the need to continue the effectiveness of the reef 
    fish permit moratorium and to then establish an ITQ system.
        Response: NMFS agrees with this comment in support of Amendment 9. 
    However, remarks on an allocation system such as an ITQ system or other 
    effort management option are outside the scope of Amendment 9 and are 
    not included here.
    Approval of Amendment 9
        On July 20, 1994, the Director, Southeast Region, NMFS (Regional 
    Director), approved Amendment 9.
    Changes From the Proposed Rule
        In Sec. 641.2, the address in the definition of ``Regional 
    Director'' is corrected.
        As noted above under Comments and Responses, Sec. 641.10(a)(2)(i) 
    is revised and Sec. 641.10(a)(2)(iv) is added. An additional change is 
    made to Sec. 641.10(a)(2)(i) to clarify that a historical captain may 
    have fished under more than one share agreement during the required 
        A new Sec. 641.10(b)(3) is added to clarify the procedures whereby 
    owners/operators will receive printouts of existing NMFS data on 
    landings of red snapper during 1990 through 1992. The provisions for 
    owners/operators to submit records of landings they believe were 
    omitted from NMFS data are moved to Sec. 641.10(c)(1).
        This final rule has been determined to be not significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
        The General Counsel of the Department of Commerce certified to the 
    Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration that 
    this rule would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities. The reasons were published in the preamble to 
    the proposed rule (59 FR 27258, May 26, 1994). As a result, a 
    regulatory flexibility analysis was not prepared.
        This final rule contains collection-of-information requirements 
    subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act--specifically, information on 
    landings of red snapper and documentation of status as a historical 
    captain in the red snapper fishery. These collections of information 
    have been approved by OMB under OMB control number 0648-0281. The 
    public reporting burdens for these collections of information are 
    estimated to average 2 and 5 hours per response, respectively, 
    including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data 
    sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and 
    reviewing the collections of information. Send comments regarding these 
    burden estimates or any other aspect of the collections of information, 
    including suggestions for reducing the burdens, to Edward E. Burgess, 
    NMFS, 9721 Executive Center Drive, St. Petersburg, FL 33702 and to the 
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Washington, DC 20503 
    (Attention: NOAA Desk Officer).
        The data to be collected under this final rule are needed by 
    fishermen and the Council to evaluate the effects of potential effort 
    management systems for the red snapper segment of the reef fish 
    fishery. That segment is managed under measures that expire December 
    31, 1995. To provide ample time to collect the data, present it to the 
    fishermen and the Council, evaluate its effects, and develop, approve, 
    and implement additional management measures prior to December 31, 
    1995, it is necessary that the data collection under this rule commence 
    as soon as possible. To that end, information regarding the proposed 
    data collection has been broadly disseminated to the fishing community 
    prior to this final rule. The other measures in this final rule are 
    extensions of effectiveness or clarifications of measures that are 
    currently in effect and, thus, do not affect current fishing practices. 
    Accordingly, the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA, finds for 
    good cause under section 553(d)(3) of the Administrative Procedure Act 
    that the effectiveness of this final rule should not be delayed.
    List of Subjects
    50 CFR Part 204
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    50 CFR Part 641
        Fisheries, Fishing, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: July 27, 1994.
    Gary Matlock,
    Acting Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR parts 204 and 641 
    are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 204 continues to read as 
        Authority: Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 44 U.S.C. 3501-3520 
        2. Effective from July 27, 1994, through October 31, 1994, in 
    Sec. 204.1(b), the table is amended by adding in the left column, in 
    numerical order, ``Sec. 641.10 (c) and (d)'', and in the right column, 
    in corresponding position, the control number ``-0281''.
        3. The authority citation for part 641 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
        4. In Sec. 641.2, the definition of ``Regional Director'' is 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 641.2  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Regional Director means the Director, Southeast Region, NMFS, 9721 
    Executive Center Drive, St. Petersburg, FL 33702, telephone 813-893-
    3141; or a designee.
    * * * * *
        5. In Sec. 641.4, paragraph (m) introductory text, paragraph 
    (m)(4), paragraph (o) introductory text, and paragraphs (p)(4) and 
    (p)(5) are revised, and introductory text for paragraph (n) is added to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 641.4   Permits and fees.
    * * * * *
        (m) Moratorium on permits. This paragraph (m) is effective through 
    December 31, 1995.
    * * * * *
        (4) A permit that is not renewed or that is revoked will not be 
    reissued. A permit is considered to be not renewed when an application 
    for renewal is not received by the Regional Director within 1 year of 
    the expiration date of the permit.
        (n) Red snapper endorsement. This paragraph (n) is effective 
    through December 31, 1995.
    * * * * *
        (o) Condition of a permit. Effective through December 31, 1995, as 
    a condition of a reef fish permit issued under this section, without 
    regard to where red snapper are harvested or possessed, a permitted 
    * * * * *
        (p) * * *
        (4) A fish trap endorsement is not transferable upon change of 
    ownership of a vessel with a fish trap endorsement, except when such 
    change of ownership is from one to another of the following: Husband, 
    wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, or father. In the event 
    of such transfer of a fish trap endorsement, the new owner of the 
    vessel may renew the endorsement without regard to the requirement of 
    paragraph (p)(1) of this section regarding a record of landing of reef 
    fish from fish traps.
        (5) A fish trap endorsement that is not renewed or that is revoked 
    will not be reissued. A fish trap endorsement is considered to be not 
    renewed when an application for renewal is not received by the Regional 
    Director within one year of the expiration date of the permit.
        6. In Sec. 641.7, effective from July 27, 1994, through October 31, 
    1994, a new paragraph (ee) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 641.7  Prohibitions.
    * * * * *
        (ee) Falsify information submitted in accordance with Sec. 641.10.
        7. In subpart A, effective from July 27, 1994, through October 31, 
    1994, a new Sec. 641.10 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 641.10  Red snapper data collection.
        (a) General. (1) To evaluate red snapper effort management 
    alternatives, including individual transferable quota (ITQ) systems and 
    license limitations, it is necessary to obtain commercial red snapper 
    landings data for the years 1990 through 1992. To identify individuals 
    who may qualify for initial participation in a red snapper effort 
    management regime, it is necessary to identify certain participants in 
    the red snapper fishery, specifically, operators of vessels who were 
    the earned income qualifiers for the vessels' reef fish permits and 
    those who are ``historical captains.'' In the latter case, 
    determination of a historical captain's share agreement with the 
    vessel's owner is also required.
        (2) For the purpose of the red snapper effort limitation 
    alternatives, a historical captain means an operator who--
        (i) From November 6, 1989, through 1993, fished solely under verbal 
    or written share agreements with an owner, such agreements provided for 
    the operator to be responsible for hiring the crew, who were paid from 
    the share under his or her control;
        (ii) Landed from that vessel at least 5,000 lb (2,268 kg) of red 
    snapper per year in 2 of the 3 years 1990, 1991, and 1992;
        (iii) Derived more than 50 percent of his or her earned income from 
    commercial fishing, that is, sale of the catch, in each of the years 
    1989 through 1993; and
        (iv) Landed red snapper prior to November 7, 1989.
        (3) The data collection described in this section will be the only 
    collection for the effort management alternatives currently being 
    considered by the Council. Accordingly, failure to submit requested 
    data may result in failure to be included among the initial 
    participants in the red snapper fishery under an effort management 
    system and/or failure to obtain the full initial share of red snapper 
    to which a person may be entitled under an ITQ regime.
        (b) Existing data. (1) NMFS has records of all red snapper landings 
    reported by vessel logbook forms submitted pursuant to Sec. 641.5 (a) 
    or (b) and has access to records of red snapper landings reported under 
    Florida's trip ticket system. NMFS also has records of the earned 
    income qualifier for each vessel permit issued for reef fish. Data 
    duplicating these records are not needed.
        (2) Landings of red snapper reported by vessel logbook forms and 
    received by the Science and Research Director prior to September 16, 
    1992, are conclusive as to red snapper landed during the months that 
    such logbook forms were required of, or voluntarily submitted by, a 
    vessel--landings data from other sources will not be considered for 
    such months. In the absence of landings data from such logbook forms, 
    landings of red snapper reported under Florida's trip ticket system and 
    received by the State prior to September 16, 1992, are conclusive as to 
    landings in Florida--landings data from other sources will not be 
    considered for landings in Florida.
        (3) On or about August 1, 1994, vessel owners, and operators whose 
    earned income was used to qualify for a vessel permit, will be mailed 
    printouts of their logbook/trip ticket records of landings of red 
    snapper during 1990 through 1992 and forms for the reporting of 
    additional landings. An owner, or such operator, who had such landings 
    and who does not receive a printout by August 8, 1994, must contact the 
    Regulations and Permits Branch, Southeast Region, NMFS, telephone (813) 
    893-3722, for such printout and forms.
        (c) Additional landings data. (1) An owner or operator who wishes 
    to be considered for initial participation in the red snapper fishery 
    under an effort management system may submit documentation of red 
    snapper landings not covered by vessel logbook forms or the Florida 
    trip ticket system or documentation of landings that he or she believes 
    were erroneously omitted from the logbook/trip ticket records.
        (i) Such documentation may consist of copies of trip receipts that 
    show dates and amounts of landings of red snapper. Trip receipts must 
    definitively show the species known as red snapper and the vessel's 
    name, official number, or other reference that provides a way of 
    clearly identifying the vessel.
        (ii) Such documentation may also consist of dealer records that 
    show dates and amounts of landings of red snapper. As with trip 
    receipts, dealer records must definitively show the species known as 
    red snapper and the vessel's name, official number, or other reference 
    that provides a way of clearly identifying the vessel. Dealer records 
    must contain a sworn affidavit by the dealer confirming the accuracy 
    and authenticity of the records. A sworn affidavit is an official 
    written statement wherein the individual signing the affidavit affirms 
    that the information presented is accurate and can be substantiated, 
    under penalty of law.
        (iii) Documentation by a combination of trip receipts and dealer 
    records is acceptable, but duplicate records for the same landings are 
    not acceptable.
        (2) Red snapper landings data will not be accepted--
        (i) For a period during which the harvesting vessel did not have a 
    permit, provided a permit was required during such period. Permits were 
    not required from January 1 through April 22, 1990, and from January 1 
    through 31, 1992.
        (ii) For a period during which the commercial red snapper fishery 
    in the EEZ was closed. The commercial red snapper fishery was closed in 
    the EEZ from August 24 through December 31, 1991, from February 22 
    through April 2, 1992, and from May 15 through December 31, 1992.
        (3) Additional landings data submitted under this paragraph (c) 
    must be attached to a Red Snapper Landings Data form, which is 
    available from the Regional Director, and must be postmarked not later 
    than September 30, 1994.
        (d) Historical captains. (1) An operator who wishes to be 
    considered for status as a historical captain in the red snapper 
    fishery under an effort management system may submit documentation of 
    such status by providing the following:
        (i) A Historical Captain Status form, available from the Regional 
    Director, which requests information necessary to determine such status 
    and information to establish the share agreement of a historical 
    captain with the vessel's owner;
        (ii) A Red Snapper Landings Data form and accompanying additional 
    landings data pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, if such form 
    and data have not been submitted by a vessel owner;
        (iii) Copies of forms and schedules from the applicant's income tax 
    returns for the years 1989 through 1993 that show total earned income 
    and that part of earned income derived from commercial fishing, that 
    is, sale of the catch (generally, pages 1 and 2 of Form 1040, W-2's, 
    and Schedule C); and
        (iv) Documentation of a landing of red snapper prior to November 7, 
        (2) Forms and information submitted under paragraph (d)(1) of this 
    section must be postmarked not later than September 30, 1994.
        (e) Verification. Documentation of red snapper landings, 
    documentation of status as a historical captain, and other information 
    submitted under this section are subject to verification by comparison 
    with state, Federal, and other records and information. Submission of 
    false documentation or information may disqualify a person from initial 
    participation under a red snapper effort management system.
        8. In Sec. 641.23, paragraphs (b)(1) introductory text and (d)(2) 
    introductory text are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 641.23   Area limitations.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) Longline and buoy gear may not be used to fish for reef fish in 
    the longline and buoy gear restricted area. For the purpose of this 
    paragraph (b), ``for reef fish'' means possessing or landing reef 
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (2) In the SMZ specified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, 
    fishing for reef fish is limited to hook-and-line gear with three or 
    fewer hooks per line and spearfishing gear. For the purpose of this 
    paragraph (d), ``for reef fish'' means possessing reef fish aboard or 
    landing reef fish from--
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 94-18683 Filed 7-27-94; 3:53 pm]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule and notice of OMB control number.
Document Number:
July 27, 1994, except that the amendment to Sec. 204.1(b) and Secs. 641.7(ee) and 641.10 are effective July 27, 1994, through October 31, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: August 2, 1994, Docket No. 940536-4202, I.D. 041994B
CFR: (6)
50 CFR 204.1(b)
50 CFR 641.2
50 CFR 641.4
50 CFR 641.7
50 CFR 641.10
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