99-19712. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing of Nine Evolutionarily Significant Units of Chinook Salmon, Chum Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, and Steelhead  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 147 (Monday, August 2, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 41835-41839]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-19712]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AF70
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing of Nine 
    Evolutionarily Significant Units of Chinook Salmon, Chum Salmon, 
    Sockeye Salmon, and Steelhead
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is adding several 
    Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus 
    tshawytscha), chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), sockeye salmon 
    (Oncorhynchus nerka), and steelhead
    [[Page 41836]]
    (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife 
    (List) in accordance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as 
    amended (Act). The Puget Sound chinook salmon ESU in Washington, the 
    Lower Columbia River chinook salmon ESU in Washington and Oregon, and 
    the Upper Willamette spring-run chinook salmon ESU in Oregon are added 
    as threatened; the Upper Columbia River spring-run chinook salmon ESU 
    in Washington is added as endangered; the Hood Canal summer-run chum 
    salmon ESU in Washington and the Columbia River chum salmon ESU in 
    Washington and Oregon are added as threatened; the Ozette Lake sockeye 
    salmon ESU in Washington is added as threatened; and the Middle 
    Columbia River steelhead ESU in Washington and Oregon and the Upper 
    Willamette River steelhead ESU in Oregon are added as threatened. This 
    amendment is based on determinations by the National Marine Fisheries 
    Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
    Department of Commerce, which has jurisdiction for these species, 
    published in the Federal Register on March 24, 1999 (64 FR 14308), and 
    March 25, 1999 (64 FR 14508, 64 FR 14517, 64 FR 14528).
    DATES: The effective date for listing of these ESUs is May 24, 1999. 
    The amendments to the list in 50 CFR 17.11(h) are effective August 2, 
    ADDRESSES: Division of Endangered Species, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
    Service, 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Mail Stop 420, Arlington, Virginia 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard E. Hannan, Acting Chief, 
    Division of Endangered Species, at the above address or telephone 703-
        In accordance with the Act and Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1970, 
    NMFS has jurisdiction over west coast steelhead. Under section 4(a)(2) 
    of the Act, NMFS must decide whether a species under its jurisdiction 
    should be classified as endangered or threatened. The Service is 
    responsible for the actual amendment of the List in 50 CFR 17.11(h).
        On March 24, 1999 (64 FR 14308), NMFS published a final rule 
    listing four chinook salmon ESUs as threatened; the Puget Sound chinook 
    salmon ESU in Washington, the Lower Columbia River chinook salmon ESU 
    in Washington and Oregon, and the Upper Willamette spring-run chinook 
    salmon ESU in Oregon; the Upper Columbia River spring-run chinook 
    salmon ESU in Washington was listed as endangered. On March 25, 1999 
    (64 FR 14508), NMFS published a final rule listing two chum salmon ESUs 
    as threatened; the Hood Canal summer-run chum salmon ESU in Washington 
    and the Columbia River chum salmon ESU in Washington and Oregon. On 
    March 25, 1999 (64 FR 14528), NMFS published a final rule listing one 
    sockeye salmon ESU; the Ozette Lake sockeye salmon ESU in Washington as 
    threatened. On March 25, 1999 (64 FR 14517), NMFS published a final 
    rule listing two steelhead ESUs as threatened; the Middle Columbia 
    River steelhead ESU in Washington and Oregon and the Upper Willamette 
    River steelhead ESU in Oregon. NMFS had previously issued proposed 
    listing rules for the chinook salmon ESUs on March 9, 1998 (63 FR 
    11482), for the chum salmon ESUs on March 10, 1998 (63 FR 11774), for 
    the sockeye salmon ESU on March 10, 1998 (63 FR 11750), and for the 
    steelhead ESUs on March 10, 1998 (63 FR 11798).
        The proposed rules identified above solicited comments from peer 
    reviewers, the public, and all other interested parties. The final 
    rules addressed the comments received in response to the proposed 
    rules. Because NMFS provided public comment periods on the proposed 
    rules, and because this action of the Service to amend the List in 
    accordance with the determinations by NMFS is administrative and 
    nondiscretionary, the Service has omitted the notice and public comment 
    procedures of 5 U.S.C. 553(b) for this action.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        The Service has determined that an Environmental Assessment, as 
    defined under the authority of the National Environmental Policy Act of 
    1969, need not be prepared in connection with regulations adopted 
    pursuant to section 4(a) of the Act. The Service published a notice 
    outlining its reasons for this determination in the Federal Register on 
    October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.
    Regulation Promulgation
        Accordingly, the Service amends part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, 
    title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as follows:
    PART 17--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C. 
    4201-4245; Pub. L. 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500, unless otherwise noted.
        2. Amend Sec. 17.11(h) by adding the following, in alphabetical 
    order under FISHES, to the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife:
    Sec. 17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
                            Species                                                    Vertebrate
    --------------------------------------------------------                        population where                                  Critical     Special
                                                                Historic range       endangered or         Status      When listed    habitat       rules
               Common name                Scientific name                              threatened
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    [[Page 41837]]
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Salmon, chinook..................  Oncorhyncus           North America from   U.S.A. (WA) all      T                       664           NA           NA
                                        tshawytscha.          Ventura R. in        naturally spawned
                                                              California to        populations from
                                                              Point Hope, Alaska   rivers and streams
                                                              and the Mackenzie    flowing into Puget
                                                              R. area in Canada,   Sound, including
                                                              Northeast Asia       the Straits of
                                                              from Hokkaido,       Juan De Fuca from
                                                              Japan to the         the Elwha R.
                                                              Anadyr R., Russia.   eastward, and Hood
                                                                                   Canal, South
                                                                                   Sound, North Sound
                                                                                   and the Strait of
    Salmon, chinook..................  Oncorhyncus           North America from   U.S.A. (OR, WA) all  T                       664           NA           NA
                                        tshawytscha.          Ventura R. in        naturally spawned
                                                              California to        populations from
                                                              Point Hope, Alaska   the Columbia R.
                                                              and the Mackenzie    and its
                                                              R. area in Canada,   tributaries
                                                              Northeast Asia       upstream from its
                                                              from Hokkaido,       mouth to a point
                                                              Japan to the         east of the Hood
                                                              Anadyr R., Russia.   R. and White
                                                                                   Salmon R.,
                                                                                   including the
                                                                                   Willamette R. to
                                                                                   Willamette Falls
                                                                                   in Oregon,
                                                                                   excluding the
                                                                                   spring run in the
                                                                                   Clackamas R.
    Salmon, chinook..................  Oncorhyncus           North America from   U.S.A. (OR) all      T                       664           NA           NA
                                        tshawytscha.          Ventura R. in        naturally spawned
                                                              California to        populations in the
                                                              Point Hope, Alaska   Clackamas R. and
                                                              and the Mackenzie    the Willamette R.
                                                              R. area in Canada,   and its
                                                              Northeast Asia       tributaries above
                                                              from Hokkaido,       Willamette Falls.
                                                              Japan to the
                                                              Anadyr R., Russia.
    Salmon, chinook..................  Oncorhyncus           North America from   U.S.A. (WA) all      E                       664           NA            N
                                        tshawytscha.          Ventura R. in        naturally spawned
                                                              California to        populations in the
                                                              Point Hope, Alaska   Columbia R.
                                                              and the Mackenzie    tributaries
                                                              R. area in Canada,   upstream of Rock
                                                              Northeast Asia       Island Dam and
                                                              from Hokkaido,       downstream of
                                                              Japan to the         Chief Joseph Dam,
                                                              Anadyr R., Russia.   excluding the
                                                                                   Okanogan R., and
                                                                                   the Columbia R.
                                                                                   from a line
                                                                                   between the west
                                                                                   end of Clatsop
                                                                                   jetty, OR, and the
                                                                                   west end of
                                                                                   Peacock jetty, WA,
                                                                                   upstream to Chief
                                                                                   Joseph Dam,
                                                                                   including spring-
                                                                                   run hatchery
                                                                                   stocks (and their
                                                                                   progeny) in
                                                                                   Chiwawa R., Methow
                                                                                   R., Twisp R.,
                                                                                   Chewuch R., White
                                                                                   R., and Nason
    [[Page 41838]]
    Salmon, chum.....................  Oncorhyncus keta....  North Pacific Rim    U.S.A. (WA) all      T                       664           NA           NA
                                                              from Korea and the   naturally spawned
                                                              Japanese Island of   summer-run
                                                              Honshu east to       populations in
                                                              Monterey Bay,        Hood Canal and its
                                                              California, Arctic   tributaries and
                                                              Ocean from the       Olympic Peninsula
                                                              Laptev Sea in        rivers between
                                                              Russia to            Hood Canal and
                                                              Mackenzie R. in      Dungeness Bay.
    Salmon, chum.....................  Oncorhyncus keta....  North Pacific Rim    U.S.A. (OR, WA) all  T                       664           NA           NA
                                                              from Korea and the   naturally spawned
                                                              Japanese Island of   populations in the
                                                              Honshu east to       Columbia R. and
                                                              Monterey Bay,        its tributaries.
                                                              California; Arctic
                                                              Ocean from the
                                                              Laptev Sea in
                                                              Russia to
                                                              Mackenzie R. in
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Salmon, sockeye..................  Oncorhyncus nerka...  North Pacific Basin  U.S.A. (WA) all      T                       664           NA           NA
                                                              from U.S.A. (CA)     naturally spawned
                                                              to Russia.           populations in
                                                                                   Ozette Lake and
                                                                                   its tributary
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Steelhead........................  Oncorhyncus mykiss..  North Pacific Ocean  U.S.A. (OR) all      T                       664           NA           NA
                                                              from the Kamchatka   naturally spawned
                                                              Peninsula in Asia    winter-run
                                                              to the northern      populations in the
                                                              Baja Peninsula.      Willamette R. and
                                                                                   its tributaries
                                                                                   from Willamette
                                                                                   Falls to the
                                                                                   Calapooia R.,
    Steelhead........................  Oncorhyncus mykiss..  North Pacific Ocean  U.S.A. (OR, WA) All  T                       664           NA           NA
                                                              from the Kamchatka   naturally spawned
                                                              Peninsula in Asia    populations in
                                                              to the northern      streams above and
                                                              Baja Peninsula.      excluding the Wind
                                                                                   R. in Washington,
                                                                                   and the Hood R. in
                                                                                   Oregon, upstream
                                                                                   to, and including,
                                                                                   the Yakima R.
                                                                                   Excluded are
                                                                                   steelhead from the
                                                                                   Snake R. Basin.
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    [[Page 41839]]
        Dated: July 12, 1999.
    Marshall P. Jones,
    Acting Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
    [FR Doc. 99-19712 Filed 7-30-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-U

Document Information

Effective Date:
Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
The effective date for listing of these ESUs is May 24, 1999. The amendments to the list in 50 CFR 17.11(h) are effective August 2, 1999.
41835-41839 (5 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 17.11