[Federal Register Volume 64, Number 147 (Monday, August 2, 1999)]
[Pages 41933-41934]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 99-19784]
[OPP-36194; FRL-6097-3]
Organophosphate Pesticide Tolerances-No Finite Residues
Considered to be Reassessed By EPA
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces that EPA is considering as reassessed 80
meat, milk, poultry, and egg (MMPE) tolerances. These MMPE tolerances
are for residues of azinphos-methyl, coumaphos, fenthion, isofenphos,
methidathion, naled, phorate, and profenophos. The Agency has evaluated
105 MMPE tolerances listed in the table in this Notice and has
concluded that there are no reasonable expectations of finite pesticide
residues in or on meat, milk, poultry, or eggs for the listed
organophosphate pesticides. Since 25 of these tolerances were
previously reassessed by final rule revocation in the Federal Register,
80 of the 105 tolerances are counted here as reassessments made toward
the August 1999 review deadline of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act (FFDCA) section 408(q), as amended by the Food Quality Protection
Act (FQPA) of 1996. EPA will propose a rule to revoke these 80
reassessed MMPE tolerances in a subsequent Federal Register notice.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kimberly Lowe or Daniel Helfgott, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., S.W., Washington, DC 20460.
Telephone: (703) 308-8059 or (703) 308-8054. E-
mail:lowe.kimberly@epa.gov or helfgott.dan@epa.gov. Office location:
Crystal Mall 2, 6th floor, 1921 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA.
I. Important Information
A. Does This Action Apply to Me?
This action is directed to the public in general. Although this
action may be of particular interest to those persons who are
interested in the implementation of FQPA, the Agency has not attempted
to describe all the specific entities that may be affected by this
action. If you have any questions regarding the information in this
notice, consult the person listed in the ``FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
CONTACT'' section.
B. How can I get additional information or copies of support documents?
1. Electronically. You may obtain electronic copies of this
document from the EPA Home page at the Federal Register - Environmental
Documents entry for this document under ``Laws and Regulations'' http:/
2. In person. The official record for this notice, as well as the
public version, has been established under docket control number [OPP-
36194]. A public version of this record is available for inspection in
room 119, Crystal Mall 2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA,
from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal
II. Background
This notice announces to the general public that EPA has determined
that 105 tolerances for residues of organophosphate chemicals on meat,
milk, poultry, and eggs are unnecessary per 40 CFR 180.6 (see table
below). EPA has previously reassessed 25 of these tolerances.
When EPA establishes tolerances for pesticide residues in or on raw
agricultural commodities, consideration must be given to the possible
residues of those chemicals in meat, milk, poultry, and/or eggs
produced by animals that are fed agricultural products (for example,
grain or hay) containing pesticide residues (40 CFR 180.6). When
considering this possibility, EPA can conclude that (1) finite residues
will exist in meat, milk, poultry and/or eggs; (2) there is a
reasonable expectation that finite residues will exist; or (3) there is
a reasonable expectation that finite residues will not exist. If there
is no reasonable expectation of finite pesticide residues in or on
meat, milk, poultry, or eggs, tolerances do not need to be established
for these commodities [40 CFR 180.6(b) and 40 CFR 180.6(c)].
EPA has evaluated the meat, milk, poultry, and egg tolerances
listed in the table in this document and has concluded that there is no
reasonable expectation of finite residues of azinphos-methyl,
methidathion, naled, phorate, or profenphos in or on those commodities
[180.6(a)(3)]. The determination that there is no reasonable
expectation of finite residues was made based on feeding studies
submitted since the time that the
[[Page 41934]]
tolerances were originally established. These feeding studies used
exaggerated amounts of the compound (10x the dietary burden) and did
not show measurable residues of the pesticides tested. Additionally,
EPA has determined that fenthion no longer bears a use that could
result in residues in poultry. Because there is no reasonable
expectation of finite residues, these 80 tolerances are not required
under the FFDCA and can be revoked. The Agency considers these 80
tolerances as reassessed and are counted in this document toward
meeting the tolerance reassessment requirements listed in FFDCA section
408(q). EPA will propose a rule to revoke these 80 reassessed MMPE
tolerances in a subsequent Federal Register notice.
Additionally, because there are no registered uses, EPA has
previously revoked 25 of these OP tolerances: 4 coumaphos tolerances
(64 FR 39072, July 21, 1999) (FRL-6093-6), 20 isofenphos tolerances and
1 sulprofos tolerance (63 FR 57067, October 26, 1998) (FRL-6035-6).
These are also listed on the attached table as having no reasonable
expectations of finite residues. These 25 tolerances have already been
counted toward tolerance reassessment.
Table--Organophosphate (OP) Chemicals with Meat, Milk, Poultry, and/or Egg Tolerances, but, for Which There is
no Reasonable Expectation of Finite Residues
No of
OP Name Tolerances Tolerances Reassessed
Azinphos-methyl............................... 13 cattle, fat; cattle, mbyp; cattle, meat; goats, fat;
goats, mbyp; goats, meat; horses, fat; horses,
mbyp; horses, meat; sheep, fat; sheep, mbyp; sheep,
meat; milk
Coumaphos..................................... 4 poultry, fat; poultry, mbyp; poultry, meat; eggs
Fenthion...................................... 3 poultry, fat; poultry, mbyp; poultry, meat
Isofenphos.................................... 20 cattle, fat; cattle, mbyp; cattle, meat; goats, fat;
goats, mbyp; goats, meat; hogs, fat; hogs, mbyp;
hogs, meat; horses, fat; horses, mbyp; horses,
meat; poultry, fat; poultry, mbyp; poultry, meat;
sheep, fat; sheep, mbyp; sheep, meat; milk; eggs
Methidathion.................................. 20 cattle, fat; cattle, mbyp; cattle, meat; goats, fat;
goats, mbyp; goats, meat; hogs, fat; hogs, mbyp;
hogs, meat; horses, fat; horses, mbyp; horses,
meat; poultry, fat; poultry, mbyp; poultry, meat;
sheep, fat; sheep, mbyp; sheep, meat; milk; eggs
Naled......................................... 20 cattle, fat; cattle, mbyp; cattle, meat; goats, fat;
goats, mbyp; goats, meat; hogs, fat; hogs, mbyp;
hogs, meat; horses, fat; horses, mbyp; horses,
meat; poultry, fat; poultry, mbyp; poultry, meat;
sheep, fat; sheep, mbyp; sheep, meat; milk; eggs
Phorate....................................... 20 cattle, fat; cattle, mbyp; cattle, meat; goats, fat;
goats, mbyp; goats, meat; hogs, fat; hogs, mbyp;
hogs, meat; horses, fat; horses, mbyp; horses,
meat; poultry, fat; poultry, mbyp; poultry, meat;
sheep, fat; sheep, mbyp; sheep, meat; milk; eggs
Profenophos................................... 4 poultry, fat; poultry, mbyp; poultry, meat; eggs
Sulprofos..................................... 1 eggs
List of Subjects
Environmental protection, pesticides and pests, pesticide
tolerance(s), tolerance reassessment, organophosphate(s), chemicals.
Dated: July 28, 1999.
Jack E. Housenger,
Acting Director, Special Review and Reregistration Division, Office of
Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 99-19784 Filed 7-30-99; 8:45 am]