06-6623. Nonforeign Area Cost-of-Living Allowances; Revised Living-Cost Indexes  

  • Start Preamble Start Printed Page 43876


    Office of Personnel Management.




    This notice publishes revised living-cost indexes relating to the “2002 Nonforeign Area Cost-of-Living Allowance Survey Report: Caribbean and Washington, DC, Areas;” the “2003 Nonforeign Area Cost-of-Living Allowance Survey Report: Alaska and Washington, DC, Areas;” and the “2004 Nonforeign Area Cost-of-Living Allowance Survey Report: Pacific and Washington, DC, Areas.” The Federal Government uses the results of these surveys to set cost-of-living allowance (COLA) rates for General Schedule, U.S. Postal Service, and certain other Federal employees in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Office of Personnel Management revised the COLA area living-cost indexes based on additional rental data analyses undertaken after the publication of these reports in response to comments we received.

    Start Further Info


    Donald L. Paquin, (202) 606-2838; fax: (202) 606-4264; or e-mail: COLA@opm.gov.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    Section 5941 of title 5, United States Code, authorizes Federal agencies to pay nonforeign area cost-of-living allowances (COLAs) to white-collar Federal and U.S. Postal Service employees stationed in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Executive Order 10000, as amended, delegates to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) the authority to administer COLAs and prescribes certain operational features of the program. We conduct living-cost surveys in each allowance area and in the Washington, DC, area to determine whether, and to what degree, COLA area living costs are higher than those in the DC area. We set the COLA rate for each area based on the results of these surveys.

    Section 591.229 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, requires OPM to publish COLA survey summary reports in the Federal Register. On February 9, 2004, OPM published the “2002 Nonforeign Area Cost-of-Living Allowance Survey Report: Caribbean and Washington, DC, Areas” at 69 FR 6020. On March 12, 2004, OPM published the “2003 Nonforeign Area Cost-of-Living Allowance Survey Report: Alaska and Washington, DC, Areas” at 69 FR 12002. On August 4, 2005, OPM published the “2004 Nonforeign Area Cost-of-Living Allowance Survey Report: Pacific and Washington, DC, Areas” at 70 FR 44989. OPM also published on August 4, 2005, a notice on revised shelter (rent) analyses at 70 FR 44978 and a proposed rule on COLA rate changes at 70 FR 44976.

    As described in the reports, OPM conducts living-cost surveys in each of the COLA areas and in the Washington, DC, area and compares living-costs between the COLA areas and the DC area to set COLA rates. As also described in the reports, we survey rents in both the COLA areas and DC areas to compute the relative cost of shelter. OPM typically collects over 1,000 rental observations in each survey and also obtains information on over 80 characteristics of each of the rental observations.

    Because housing can differ significantly within and between areas, OPM uses hedonic regressions (a type of multiple regression) to compare rents while holding quality and quantity constant. The rent comparisons are in the form of rent indexes, and the survey reports described the hedonic regression equations we use to compute rent indexes. The reports did not describe, however, how OPM selects the variables it uses in the hedonic regressions, and it is this process that OPM changed in response to comments it received.

    To develop the process and its recent refinement, OPM consulted with the Survey Implementation Committee (SIC) and the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The SIC was established under the stipulation of settlement in Caraballo et al. v. United States, No. 1997-0027 (D.V.I), August 17, 2000, and is composed of representatives of the parties in Caraballo. The SIC in turn consults with the TAC, which was also established under the Caraballo settlement and is composed of three economists with expertise in living-cost comparisons. One of the issues OPM consulted with the SIC and TAC about is how to select defensible and objective variables for the rental hedonic regressions.

    For the proposed rule, OPM used a multi-step process developed in consultation with the SIC and the TAC. The first step in the process was to identify “core” variables (e.g., number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, and square footage). Core variables we use are consistently highly significant in our joint research, and we use them in all of our hedonic rental regression models.

    The remaining variables are the “non-core” variables. In the process we used, statistically insignificant non-core variables were dropped from the hedonic regressions. OPM dropped non-core variables that were not statistically significant from the hedonic regressions. We did this in a series of steps, sequentially increasing the threshold for the significance tests because dropping variables could affect the significance of other variables. In the end, OPM had a hedonic regression model with a limited number of variables, each of which were highly significant (i.e., had a Type III probability of F less than or equal to 0.001).

    In response to comments received on the proposed rule (and as described in the final rule accompanying this notice), OPM performed additional hedonic regressions (e.g., added listing source). Using the process described in the paragraph above. After comparing the results of the new regressions with those we proposed, the TAC recommended adding additional steps in the selection of variables for the hedonic regressions. These additional steps involved examining the effect of non-core variables on the standard errors of the survey area parameters.

    As explained in the survey reports, the survey area parameter estimates, when converted from logarithms and after a slight correction for the use of logarithms, become the rent indexes. The standard errors of the survey area parameter estimates are a measure of the precision of the estimates, i.e., a measure of the precision of the rent index. The additional steps recommended by the TAC involved examining the effect of non-core variables on standard errors and deleting non-core variables that increased the standard errors. In other words, in these last steps, OPM removed variables whose inclusion would otherwise make the rent index less precise.

    The additional steps resulted in fewer variables compared to the regressions OPM published in the previous notices. We also corrected errors in the 2002, 2003, and 2004 data bases. We uncovered some of the errors as a result of new automated quality assurance software we developed after we published these surveys. We uncovered other errors as we researched the comments on the proposed rule. We made the corrections to the data bases and used the new hedonic regression procedures recommended by the TAC. The new regressions for 2002, 2003, and Start Printed Page 438772004 are in Appendices 1, 2, and 3 respectively of this notice. Both the previously published and new rent indexes are shown in Table 1 below.

    Table 1.—Previously Published and Final Rent Indexes

    YearAreaPrevious rent indexNew rent index
    2002Puerto Rico70.8963.49
    2002St. Croix, USVI71.7169.51
    2002St. Thomas/St. John, USVI88.6388.37
    2003Anchorage, Alaska89.9989.46
    2003Fairbanks, Alaska79.9679.98
    2003Juneau, Alaska91.6891.90
    2004Honolulu, HI132.21125.85
    2004Hilo, HI81.1974.97
    2004Kailua Kona\Waimea Area, HI106.75101.35
    2004Kauai, HI117.61108.15
    2004Maui, HI127.62118.00
    Washington, DC, Area*100.00*100.00
    * By definition, the index of the base area is always 100.00. OPM surveys the Washington, DC, area every year.

    Using the new rent indexes, OPM computed new final overall COLA indexes. Table 2 shows the new final indexes. Appendix 4 to this notice shows the derivation of the new Caribbean final indexes. Appendix 5 shows the derivation of the new Alaska final indexes. Appendix 6 shows the derivation of the new Pacific final indexes.

    Table 2.—Previous Published and Final Living-Cost Indexes

    Allowance area/categoryPreviously published living-cost indexesRevised living-cost indexes
    Puerto Rico105.10103.04
    U.S. Virgin Islands122.84122.53
    Anchorage, Alaska113.79113.64
    Fairbanks, Alaska115.61115.62
    Juneau, Alaska118.03118.09
    Rest of the State of Alaska136.00135.84
    Honolulu County, Hawaii127.78125.80
    Hawaii County, Hawaii119.11117.25
    Kauai County, Hawaii130.58127.63
    Maui County, Hawaii134.49131.50
    Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands127.65127.40

    These are the indexes that are used in the final rule to produce the final COLA rates for each of the COLA areas.

    Start Signature

    Office of Personnel Management.

    Linda M. Springer,


    End Signature

    Appendix 1—2002 Caribbean Survey; Hedonic Rental Data Equations and Results

    libname opm ′p:\swsd\cola\survey2002\rental data\data files\′;

    data temp;

    set opm.QC_2002_Corrections_less_garages;

    survey_area = ′XX′;

    location = substr(compnumber,1,1);

    if location = ′A′ then survey_area = ′SC′;

    if location = ′B′ then survey_area = ′ST′;

    if location = ′C′ then survey_area = ′PR′;

    if location = ′D′ then survey_area = ′DC′;

    *Drop 6 Georgetown zip code observations from data;

    if int(compzip) = 20007 then delete;

    IF COMPNUMBER = ′CHC08′ then delete;

    *Q1 yrbuilt;

    age = 2002-yrbuilt;

    agesq = age**2;

    if age<0 then delete;

    if age = >200 then delete;

    baths = fullbaths + halfbaths*.5 + threeqtrbaths*.75;

    Neighbor_cond = 0;

    if neighcond = ′A′ then Neighbor_cond = 1; * (Desirable);

    DetTownRow = 0;

    *if unittype in (′A′ ′D′) then DetTownRow = 1;

    *Omitting the line above makes DetTownRow the base condition;

    Apt_Other_Dup = 0;

    if unittype in (′B′ ′C′ ′E′ ′H′) then Apt_Other_Dup = 1;

    HighRise_Walkup = 0;

    if unittype in (′F′ ′G′) then HighRise_Walkup = 1;

    SqftXHighRise_Walkup = 0;

    if unittype in (′F′,′G′) then SqftXHighRise_Walkup = sqfootage;

    SqftXApt_Other_Dup = 0;

    if unittype in (′B′ ′C′ ′E′ ′H′) then SqftXApt_Other_Dup = sqfootage;

    SqftXDetTownRow = 0;

    if unittype in (′A′,′D′) then SqftXDetTownRow = sqfootage;

    hasmicrowave = 0;

    if microwave = ′Y′ then hasmicrowave = 1;

    hassecurity = 0;

    if gated = ′Y′ or accessctl = ′Y′ or guards = ′Y′ or alarms = ′Y′ then hassecurity = 1;

    hasgarage = 0;

    if garage in (′A′ ′B′ ′C′) then hasgarage = 1;

    ST_CROIX = 0;

    if survey_area = ′SC′ then ST_CROIX = 1;

    ST_THOMAS = 0;

    if survey_area = ′ST′ then ST_THOMAS = 1;

    Puerto_Rico = 0;

    if survey_area = ′PR′ then Puerto_Rico = 1;

    Wash_DC = 0;

    *** if survey_area = ′WA′ then Wash_DC = 1—Omitting this makes DC the base area;

    lrent = log(rent);


    PROC REG DATA = temp; Start Printed Page 43878

    MODEL lrent = SqftXHighRise_Walkup SqftXApt_Other_Dup SqftXDetTownRow age agesq baths bedrooms Apt_Other_Dup HighRise_Walkup neighbor_cond hasmicrowave hassecurity ST_CROIX ST_THOMAS Puerto_Rico;

    Title1 ′2002 CARIBBEAN RENTAL DATA′;



    2002 Caribbean Rental Data.—Revised Rental Analysis with Corrected Data Federal Register Model

    [The REG Procedure Dependent Variable: lrent]

    Number of Observations Read1591
    Number of Observations Used1591
    Analysis of variance
    SourceDFSum of squaresMean squareF ValuePr > F
    Corrected Total1590410.82553
    Root MSE0.21985R-Square0.8147
    Dependent Mean7.03485Adj R-Sq0.8129
    Coeff Var3.12518
    VariableDFParameter estimateStandard errort ValuePr > |t|

    Appendix 2—2003 Alaska Survey; Hedonic Rental Data Equations and Results

    libname opm ‘P:\SWSD\COLA\Survey 2003\Rental Data\SAS Files & programs\SAS rental data sets’;

    data temp; set OPM.qc_2003_corrections_less_garages;

    survey_area = ‘XX’;

    location = substr(compnumber,1,1);

    if location = ‘A’ then survey_area = ‘JU’;

    if location = ‘B’ then survey_area = ‘FB’;

    if location = ‘C’ then survey_area = ‘AN’;

    if location = ‘D’ then survey_area = ‘DC’;

    *Q1 yrbuilt;

    age = 2003-yrbuilt;

    agesq = age**2;

    baths = fullbaths+halfbaths*.5+threeqtrbaths*.75;

    Neighbor_Cond = 0;

    if neighcond = ‘A’ then Neighbor_Cond = 1;

    hasgarage = 0;

    if garage in (‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’) then hasgarage = 1;

    Dup_Othr = 0;

    if unittype in (‘B’ ‘C’ ‘E’ ‘H’) then Dup_Othr = 1;

    Wlkp_HiRz = 0;

    if unittype in (‘F’ ‘G’) then Wlkp_HiRz = 1;

    DetTownRow = 0;

    *if unittype in (‘A’ ‘D’) then DetTownRow = 1;

    *omitting the above line makes DetTownRow the base condition;

    SqftXDup_Othr = 0;

    if unittype in (‘B’ ‘C’ ‘E’ ‘H’) then SqftXDup_Othr = sqfootage;

    SqftXWlkp_HiRz = 0;

    if unittype in (‘F’ ‘G’) then SqftXWlkp_HiRz = sqfootage;

    SqftXDetTownRow = 0;

    if unittype in (‘A’ ‘D’) then SqftXDetTownRow = sqfootage;

    hasclothesdryer = 0;

    if cldryer = ‘Y’ then hasclothesdryer = 1;

    hasfireplace = 0;

    if fireplace = ‘Y’ then hasfireplace = 1;

    Anchorage = 0;

    if survey_area = ‘AN’ then Anchorage = 1;

    Fairbanks = 0;

    if survey_area = ‘FB’ then Fairbanks = 1;

    Juneau = 0;

    if survey_area = ‘JU’ then Juneau = 1;

    Wash_DC = 0;

    *** if survey_area = ‘WA’ then Wash_DC = 1—Omitting this makes DC the base area;

    pctallbasq = pctallba_**2;

    mediansq = medianincome**2;

    lrent = log(rent);


    PROC REG DATA = temp;

    MODEL lrent = Dup_Othr Wlkp_HiRz SqftXDup_Othr SqftXWlkp_HiRz SqftXDetTownRow age agesq baths bedrooms Neighbor_Cond hasgarage hasclothesdryer hasfireplace medianincome mediansq pctallbasq pctallba_ PctSchoolAge Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau;

    TITLE ‘2003 Alaskan Rental Data’;

    Title2‘Revised Rental Analyses with Corrected Data Federal Register Model’;

    RUN;Start Printed Page 43879

    2003 Alaskan Rental Data.—Revised Rental Analyses With Corrected Data Federal Register Model

    [The REG Procedure Dependent Variable: lrent]

    Number of Observations Read1668
    Number of Observations Used1668
    Analysis of Variance
    SourceDFSum of squaresMean squareF ValuePr > F
    Corrected Total1667254.62110
    Root MSE0.15894R-Square0.8367
    Dependent Mean7.07009Adj R-Sq0.8346
    Coeff Var2.24807
    VariableDFParameter estimateStandard errort ValuePr > |t|

    Appendix 3.—2004 Pacific Survey; Hedonic Rental Data Equations and Results

    libname opm ‘P:\SWSD\COLA\Survey 2004 Rental Data\Sas Files & Programs\SAS rental data sets\’; data temp;

    set OPM.qc_2004_corrections_less_garages;

    *following corrects for excise tax not included in Kona apt rents;

    if compnumber in (‘CEE07’, ‘CED08’, ‘CAE01’, ‘CAF01’, ‘CEB19’, ‘CEC05’, ‘CEB16’, ‘CEA01’, ‘CEB13’, ‘CEF04’, ‘CDB06’, ‘CEF09’, ‘CEF19’, ‘CEA03’, ‘CEA06’, ‘CEE19’, ‘CEB33’, ‘CEC10’, ‘CEE20’, ‘CEB24’, ‘CEB37’, ‘CEB31’, ‘CEC11’, ‘CEE09’, ‘CEE21’, ‘CEF02’, ‘CEB09’, ‘CEB10’, ‘CEE05’, ‘CEE11’, ‘CEB08’, ‘CED01’, ‘CEE05’, ‘CEF12’, ‘CED03’, ‘CEB07’, ‘CEC01’, ‘CEB27’, ‘CEC03’) then rent = rent*1.0416;

    survey_area = ‘XX’;

    location = substr(compnumber,1,1);

    if location = ‘A’ then survey_area = ‘GU’;

    if location = ‘B’ then survey_area = ‘KA’;

    if location = ‘C’ then survey_area = ‘KO’;

    if location = ‘D’ then survey_area = ‘HI’;

    if location = ‘E’ then survey_area = ‘MA’;

    if location = ‘F’ then survey_area = ‘HO’;

    if location = ‘G’ then survey_area = ‘DC’;

    age = 2004-yrbuilt;

    agesq = age*age;

    baths = fullbaths+halfbaths*.5+threeqtrbaths*.75;

    Extrnl_Cond = 0;

    if extrcond = ‘A’ then Extrnl_Cond = 1;

    Neighbor_Cond = 0;

    if neighcond = ‘A’ then Neighbor_Cond = 1;

    hasgarage = 0;

    if garage in (‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’) then hasgarage = 1;

    exceptional_view = 0;

    if excview = ‘Y’ then exceptional_view = 1;

    hassecurity = 0;

    if gated = ‘Y’ or accessctl = ‘Y’ or guards = ‘Y’ or alarms = ‘Y’ then hassecurity = 1;

    Dup_Tri_InHome = 0;

    if unittype in (‘B’,‘C’,‘E’) then Dup_Tri_InHome = 1;

    Wlkp_Highrise = 0;

    if unittype in (‘F’,‘G’) then Wlkp_Highrise = 1;

    DetTownRow = 0;

    *if unittype in (‘A’ ‘D’) then DetTownRow = 1;

    *omitting the above makes it the base condition;

    SqftXDup_Tri_InHome = 0;

    if unittype in (‘B’ ‘C’ ‘E’) then SqftXDup_Tri_InHome = sqfootage;

    SqftXWlkp_Highrise = 0;

    if unittype in (‘F’ ‘G’) then SqftXWlkp_Highrise = sqfootage;

    SqftXDetTownRow = 0;

    if unittype in (‘A’ ‘D’) then SqftXDetTownRow = sqfootage;

    hasclothesdryer = 0;

    if cldryer = ‘Y’ then hasclothesdryer = 1;

    hasrecreation = 0;

    if pool = ‘Y’ or tenniscourt = ‘Y’ or clubhouse = ‘Y’ or exerciseroom = ‘Y’ or otherrecfac = ‘Y’ then hasrecreation = 1;

    haselectric = 0;

    if elec = ‘Y’ then haselectric = 1;

    heatedgarage = 0;

    if hgarage = ‘Y’ then heatedgarage = 1;

    sqfootagesq = sqfootage**2;

    pctallbasq = pctallba_**2;

    Honolulu = 0; Start Printed Page 43880

    if survey_area = ‘HO’ then Honolulu = 1;

    Hilo = 0;

    if survey_area = ‘HI’ then Hilo = 1;

    Kona = 0;

    if survey_area = ‘KO’ then Kona = 1;

    Kauai = 0;

    if survey_area = ‘KA’ then Kauai = 1;

    Maui = 0;

    if survey_area = ‘MA’ then Maui = 1;

    Guam = 0;

    if survey_area = ‘GU’ then Guam = 1;

    Wash_DC = 0;

    *** if survey_area = ‘WA’ then Wash_DC = 1 Omitting this makes DC the base area; lrent = log(rent);


    PROC REG DATA = temp;

    MODEL lrent = SqftXDup_Tri_InHome SqftXWlkp_Highrise SqftXDetTownRow age agesq baths bedrooms haselectric heatedgarage Dup_Tri_InHome Wlkp_Highrise Extrnl_Cond Neighbor_Cond hasgarage exceptional_view hasclothesdryer hasrecreation PctallBA_ PctallBAsq PctSchoolAge Honolulu Hilo Kona Kauai Maui Guam;




    2004 Pacific Rental Data.—Rental Analysis Federal Register Model

    [The REG Procedure Dependent Variable: lrent]

    Number of Observations Read2713
    Number of Observations Used2713
    Analysis of Variance
    SourceDFSum of squaresMean squareF ValuePr > F
    Corrected Total2712479.33414
    Root MSE0.19241R-Square0.7926
    Dependent Mean7.18883Adj R-Sq0.7905
    Coeff Var2.67647
    VariableDFParameter estimateStandard errort ValuePr > t

    Appendix 4.—2002 Final Living-Cost Results for the Caribbean COLA Areas

    Major expenditure group (MEG)Primary expenditure group (PEG)MEG weight (percent)PEG weight (percent)PEG indexMEG index
    Puerto Rico
    1. Food13.16101.85
    Cereals and bakery products0.987.45105.91
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.4711.1699.40
    Start Printed Page 43881
    Dairy products0.654.94124.86
    Fruits and vegetables0.735.56107.05
    Processed foods1.5411.68106.42
    Other food at home0.423.1692.62
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.493.74133.21
    Food away from home5.9345.0491.91
    Alcoholic beverages0.967.28123.96
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities31.3078.63
    Energy utilities2.658.46236.07
    Water and other public services0.591.8741.54
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.0698.84
    Household operations1.3622.5164.95
    Housekeeping supplies1.0617.53113.20
    Textiles and area rugs0.254.1693.40
    Major appliances0.376.03116.32
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.213.46108.32
    Miscellaneous household equipment1.7528.91114.40
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and services4.00112.80
    Men and boys0.7518.69107.05
    Women and girls1.6741.66114.32
    Children under 20.184.55103.86
    Other apparel products and services0.7117.63141.24
    PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.93107.51
    Motor vehicle costs9.0953.67109.17
    Gasoline and motor oil2.7116.0284.24
    Maintenance and repairs1.8110.7294.31
    Vehicle insurance1.7310.24122.13
    Public transportation1.589.35136.92
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.4473.31
    Health insurance2.0846.9759.73
    Medical services1.4332.3172.76
    Drugs and medical supplies0.9220.72104.93
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation6.23102.99
    Fees and admissions1.4623.3895.96
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7712.38115.85
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment1.1518.4898.43
    Other entertainment supplies, etc.0.9715.57106.71
    Personal care products0.6911.1098.89
    Personal care services0.7011.29105.17
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.09132.89
    Computers and computer services0.6415.62105.41
    PEG Total100.00
    9. Miscellaneous13.79103.10
    Tobacco products, etc.0.483.5187.91
    Personal insurance and pensions11.2281.37100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    Overall Price IndexMEG Total100.0096.04
    Plus Adjustment Factor7.00
    Index Plus Adjustment Factor103.04
    St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
    1. Food13.16116.05
    Start Printed Page 43882
    Cereals and bakery products0.987.45129.89
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.4711.16129.25
    Dairy products0.654.94155.69
    Fruits and vegetables0.735.56108.80
    Processed foods1.5411.68128.02
    Other food at home0.423.16108.01
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.493.74132.85
    Food away from home5.9345.04105.82
    Alcoholic beverages0.967.2899.25
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities31.3098.79
    Energy utilities2.658.46343.31
    Water and other public services0.591.87230.60
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.06126.20
    Household operations1.3622.5158.68
    Housekeeping supplies1.0617.53138.03
    Textiles and area rugs0.254.1698.61
    Major appliances0.376.03121.13
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.213.46101.87
    Miscellaneous household equipment1.7528.91169.19
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services4.00102.52
    Men and boys0.7518.69115.94
    Women and girls1.6741.6698.51
    Children under 20.184.5583.57
    Other apparel products and services0.7117.63107.95
    PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.93111.02
    Motor vehicle costs9.0953.67112.02
    Gasoline and motor oil2.7116.0273.46
    Maintenance and repairs1.8110.7288.94
    Vehicle insurance1.7310.24119.53
    Public transportation1.589.35185.59
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.44102.17
    Health insurance2.0846.97110.99
    Medical services1.4332.3183.05
    Drugs and medical supplies0.9220.72111.99
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation6.23107.72
    Fees and admissions1.4623.3885.81
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7712.3894.05
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment1.1518.48124.46
    Other entertainment supplies, etc.0.9715.57118.42
    Personal care products0.6911.10120.92
    Personal care services0.7011.29107.77
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.09173.59
    Computers and computer services0.6415.62105.41
    PEG Total100.00
    9. Miscellaneous13.79105.08
    Tobacco products, etc.0.483.5152.54
    Personal insurance and pensions11.2281.37100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
    1. Food13.16118.86
    Cereals and bakery products0.987.45135.94
    Start Printed Page 43883
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.4711.16133.18
    Dairy products0.654.94161.42
    Fruits and vegetables0.735.56120.34
    Processed foods1.5411.68139.00
    Other food at home0.423.16115.51
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.493.74139.29
    Food away from home5.9345.04104.61
    Alcoholic beverages0.967.2896.20
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities31.30116.00
    Energy utilities2.658.46343.31
    Water and other public services0.591.87230.60
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.06126.12
    Household operations1.3622.5163.82
    Housekeeping supplies1.0617.53137.67
    Textiles and area rugs0.254.16117.68
    Major appliances0.376.03121.04
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.213.46102.41
    Miscellaneous household equipment1.7528.91163.62
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services4.00101.14
    Men and boys0.7518.69102.33
    Women and girls1.6741.6697.41
    Children under 20.184.5583.57
    Other apparel products and services0.7117.63115.33
    PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.93119.49
    Motor vehicle costs9.0953.67111.91
    Gasoline and motor oil2.7116.02122.52
    Maintenance and repairs1.8110.7280.37
    Vehicle insurance1.7310.24119.53
    Public transportation1.589.35202.62
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.44114.18
    Health insurance2.0846.97110.99
    Medical services1.4332.31121.45
    Drugs and medical supplies0.9220.72110.08
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation6.23106.38
    Fees and admissions1.4623.3858.55
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7712.38104.26
    Pets, toys and playground equipment1.1518.48132.35
    Other entertainment supplies, etc.0.9715.57130.73
    Personal care products0.6911.10113.14
    Personal care services0.7011.29116.88
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.09168.47
    Computers and computer services0.6415.62105.41
    PEG Total100.00
    9. Miscellaneous13.79102.87
    Tobacco products, etc.0.483.5160.63
    Personal insurance and pensions11.2281.37100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    Start Printed Page 43884

    Appendix 4.—2002 Final Living-Cost Results for the Caribbean COLA Areas

    Major expenditure group (MEG)Primary expenditure group (PEG)St. Croix index (percent)St. Thomas/ St. John indexes (percent)USVI wtd index
    U.S. Virgin Islands
    Employment Weights44.056.0
    1. Food116.05118.86117.62
    Cereals and bakery products129.89135.94133.28
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs129.25133.18131.45
    Dairy products155.69161.42158.90
    Fruits and vegetables108.80120.34115.26
    Processed foods128.02139.00134.17
    Other food at home108.01115.51112.21
    Nonalcoholic beverages132.85139.29136.45
    Food away from home105.82104.61105.14
    Alcoholic beverages99.2596.2097.54
    2. Shelter and Utilities98.79116.00108.43
    Energy utilities343.31343.31343.31
    Water and other public services230.60230.60230.60
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies126.20126.12126.15
    Household operations58.6863.8261.56
    Housekeeping supplies138.03137.67137.83
    Textiles and area rugs98.61117.63109.26
    Major appliances127.13127.04123.72
    Small appliances, misc. housewares101.87102.41102.17
    Miscellaneous household equipment169.19163.62166.07
    4. Apparel and Services102.52101.14101.75
    Men and boys115.94102.33108.32
    Women and girls98.5197.4197.89
    Children under 283.5783.5783.57
    Other apparel products and services107.95115.33112.08
    5. Transportation111.02119.49115.76
    Motor vehicle costs112.02111.91111.96
    Gasoline and motor oil73.46122.52100.93
    Maintenance and repairs88.9480.3784.14
    Vehicle insurance119.53119.53119.53
    Public transportation185.59202.62195.13
    6. Medical102.17114.18108.90
    Health insurance110.99110.99110.99
    Medical services83.05121.45104.56
    Drugs and medical supplies111.99110.08110.92
    7. Recreation107.72106.38106.97
    Fees and admissions85.8158.5570.55
    Television, radios, sound equipment94.05104.2699.77
    Pets, toys & playground equipment124.46132.35128.88
    Other entertainment supplies, etc.118.42130.73125.31
    Personal care products120.92113.14116.56
    Personal care services107.77116.88112.87
    8. Education and Communication173.59168.47170.72
    Computers and computer services105.41105.41105.41
    9. Miscellaneous105.08102.87103.84
    Tobacco products, etc.52.5460.6357.07
    Personal insurance and pensions100.00100.00100.00
    Overall Price Index113.53
    Plus Adjustment Factor9.00
    Preliminary COLA Rate122.53
    Start Printed Page 43885

     Appendix 5.—2003 Final Living-Cost Results for the Alaska COLA Areas

    Major expenditure group (MEG)Primary expenditure group (PEG)MEG weight (percent)PEG weight (percent)PEG indexMEG index
    Anchorage, Alaska
    1. Food12.30114.58
    Cereals and bakery products0.937.60117.91
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.4011.40108.37
    Dairy products0.645.24127.58
    Fruits and vegetables0.715.79169.90
    Processed foods1.4812.04113.79
    Other food at home0.373.05115.41
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.473.85142.08
    Food away from home5.4144.02104.21
    Alcoholic beverages0.867.01116.68
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities33.18101.96
    Energy utilities3.059.20212.43
    Water and other public services0.682.06118.15
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.07105.32
    Household operations1.5325.20102.92
    Housekeeping supplies1.0517.31103.97
    Textiles and area rugs0.294.76102.25
    Major appliances0.386.24110.38
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.203.24114.16
    Misc. household equipment1.4724.30107.47
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services4.01109.63
    Men and boys0.9022.43118.23
    Women and girls1.5839.55112.12
    Children under 20.184.6090.70
    Other apparel products and services0.6716.68108.24
    PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.35112.30
    Motor vehicle costs8.5752.43102.17
    Gasoline and motor oil2.8717.58107.36
    Maintenance and repairs1.6910.32101.97
    Vehicle insurance1.7910.92135.96
    Public transportation1.438.76165.59
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.75111.51
    Health insurance2.2847.95113.65
    Medical services1.5532.53118.98
    Drugs and medical supplies0.9319.5293.78
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation7.0297.64
    Fees and admissions1.4620.7792.96
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7310.36100.15
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment1.0414.84104.07
    Other entertainment supplies, etc.2.0228.81101.48
    Personal care products0.8211.6286.00
    Personal care services0.567.9088.08
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.05100.37
    Computers and computer services0.5012.2997.09
    PEG Total100.00
    9. Miscellaneous12.28108.78
    Tobacco products, etc.0.463.75108.17
    Personal insurance and pensions9.9981.35100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    Overall Price IndexMEG Total100.00106.64
    Plus Adjustment Factor7.00
    Start Printed Page 43886
    Index Plus Adjustment Factor113.64
    Fairbanks, Alaska
    1. Food12.30116.25
    Cereals and bakery products0.937.60124.89
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.4011.40111.48
    Dairy products0.645.24115.91
    Fruits and vegetables0.715.79169.40
    Processed foods1.4812.04120.63
    Other food at home0.373.05114.36
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.473.85152.88
    Food away from home5.4144.02103.08
    Alcoholic beverages0.867.01126.87
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities33.1899.93
    Energy utilities3.059.20270.97
    Water and other public services0.682.06155.96
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.07109.56
    Household operations1.5325.2099.74
    Housekeeping supplies1.0517.31115.45
    Textiles and area rugs0.294.76103.65
    Major appliances0.386.24126.17
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.203.24125.61
    Misc. household equipment1.4724.30114.19
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services4.01106.64
    Men and boys0.9022.43103.68
    Women and girls1.5839.55104.53
    Children under 20.184.6089.89
    Other apparel products and services0.6716.68133.11
    PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.35112.50
    Motor vehicle costs8.5752.43101.33
    Gasoline and motor oil2.8717.58106.31
    Maintenance and repairs1.6910.3295.57
    Vehicle insurance1.7910.92130.80
    Public transportation1.438.76188.94
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.75112.34
    Health insurance2.2847.95111.83
    Medical services1.5532.53123.13
    Drugs and medical supplies0.9319.5295.63
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation7.0297.66
    Fees and admissions1.4620.7792.48
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7310.3699.46
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment1.0414.84108.08
    Other entertainment supplies, etc.2.0228.81106.80
    Personal care products0.8211.6283.46
    Personal care services0.567.9060.47
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.05101.90
    Computers and computer services0.5012.2997.09
    PEG Total100.00
    9. Miscellaneous12.28110.23
    Tobacco products, etc.0.463.75107.12
    Personal insurance and pensions9.9981.35100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    Start Printed Page 43887
    Overall Price IndexMEG Total100.00106.62
    Plus Adjustment Factor9.00
    Index Plus Adjustment Factor115.62
    Juneau, Alaska
    1. Food12.30121.13
    Cereals and bakery products0.937.60122.40
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.4011.40116.44
    Dairy products0.645.24129.04
    Fruits and vegetables0.715.79168.34
    Processed foods1.4812.04119.04
    Other food at home0.373.05118.10
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.473.85171.62
    Food away from home5.4144.02112.67
    Alcoholic beverages0.867.01112.77
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities33.18105.97
    Energy utilities3.059.20236.45
    Water and other public services0.682.06112.61
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.07111.16
    Household operations1.5325.20104.07
    Housekeeping supplies1.0517.31118.21
    Textiles and area rugs0.294.76108.66
    Major appliances0.386.24121.35
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.203.24104.19
    Misc. household equipment1.4724.30114.25
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services4.01105.13
    Men and boys0.9022.43111.43
    Women and girls1.5839.55100.69
    Children under 20.184.6088.83
    Other apparel products and services0.6716.68110.38
    PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.35107.08
    Motor vehicle costs8.5752.4398.27
    Gasoline and motor oil2.8717.58115.15
    Maintenance and repairs1.6910.3299.87
    Vehicle insurance1.7910.9292.71
    Public transportation1.438.76170.09
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.75113.18
    Health insurance2.2847.95111.91
    Medical services1.5532.53123.47
    Drugs and medical supplies0.9319.5299.14
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation7.02109.42
    Fees and admissions1.4620.7799.88
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7310.36105.97
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment1.0414.84107.48
    Other entertainment supplies, etc.2.0228.81112.91
    Personal care products0.8211.62111.96
    Personal care services0.567.9083.02
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.055103.58
    Computers and computer services0.5012.29101.15
    PEG Total100.00
    9. Miscellaneous12.28108.45
    Tobacco products, etc.0.463.75119.60
    Start Printed Page 43888
    Personal insurance and pensions9.9981.35100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    Overall Price IndexMEG Total100.00109.09
    Plus Adjustment Factor9.00
    Index Plus Adjustment Factor118.09
    Anchorage results 1/10/06Relative toKodiak Relative to
    Major expenditure group (MEG)Primary expenditure group (PEG)MEG weight (percent)PEG weight (percent)DC PEG indexMEG indexAnchorageDC
    PEG index*MEG index*MEG index
    Rest of the State Of Alaska
    1. Food12.26114.58145.69166.94
    Cereals and bakery products0.937.60117.91
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.4011.40108.37
    Dairy products0.645.24127.58
    Fruits and vegetables0.715.79169.90
    Processed foods1.4812.04113.79
    Other food at home0.373.05115.41
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.473.85142.08
    Food away from home5.4044.02104.21
    Alcoholic beverages0.867.01116.68
      PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities33.38101.96105.04107.10
    Energy utilities3.049.11212.43100.00
    Water and other public services0.682.04118.15100.00
      PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.05105.32134.18141.32
    Household operations1.5225.20102.92100.00
    Housekeeping supplies1.0517.31103.97145.69
    Textiles and area rugs0.294.76102.25145.69
    Major appliances0.386.24110.38145.69
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.203.24114.16145.69
    Misc. household equipment1.4724.30107.47145.69
      PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services3.99109.63145.69159.73
    Men and boys0.9022.43118.23
    Women and girls1.5839.55112.12
    Children under 20.184.6090.70
    Other apparel products and services0.6716.68108.24
      PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.31112.30125.94141.44
    Motor vehicle costs8.5652.47102.17145.69
    Gasoline and motor oil2.8617.56107.36111.19
    Maintenance and repairs1.6810.31101.97100.00
    Vehicle insurance1.7810.91135.96100.00
    Public transportation1.438.75165.59100.00
      PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.74111.51108.92121.45
    Health insurance2.2747.95113.65100.00
    Medical services1.5432.53118.98100.00
    Drugs and medical supplies0.9219.5293.78145.69
    Start Printed Page 43889
      PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation7.0097.64132.59129.46
    Fees and admissions1.4520.7792.96100.00
    Television, radios, etc.0.7310.36100.15145.69
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment1.0414.84104.07145.69
    Other entertainment supplies, etc2.0228.81101.48145.69
    Personal care products0.8111.6286.00145.69
    Personal care services0.557.9088.08100.00
      PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.04100.37105.62106.01
    Computers and computer services0.5012.2997.09145.69
      PEG Total100.00
    9. Miscellaneous12.23108.78101.71110.64
    Tobacco products, etc.0.463.75108.17145.69
    Personal insurance and pensions9.9581.36100.00100.00
      PEG Total100.00
    Overall Price Index  MEG Total100.00106.64126.84
    Plus Adjustment Factor7.009.00
    Index Plus Adjustment Factor113.64135.84
    * Except for rental data and indexes set at 100, all data area from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, March 2003. Rental data are from Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, 2002. Indexes set to 100 assume costs in Kodiak are equal to those in Anchorage.

    Appendix 6.—2003 Final Living-Cost Results for the Pacific COLA Areas

    Major expenditure group (MEG)Primary expenditure group (PEG)MEG weight (percent)PEG weight (percent)PEG indexMEG index
    Honolulu County, Hawaii
    1. Food12.47122.24
    Cereals and bakery products0.937.45149.58
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.5112.13112.97
    Dairy products0.695.54127.68
    Fruits and vegetables0.766.12125.39
    Processed foods1.5412.37159.28
    Other food at home0.383.07131.16
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.463.71138.17
    Food away from home5.4243.48108.75
    Alcoholic beverages0.766.13106.06
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities35.37138.17
    Energy utilities3.178.97267.67
    Water and other public services0.722.0286.36
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.05104.33
    Household operations1.4824.5292.92
    Housekeeping supplies1.3121.61109.88
    Textiles and area rugs0.335.52102.31
    Major appliances0.355.86115.80
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.254.06111.88
    Misc. household equipment1.2520.66112.04
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services3.75122.55
    Men and boys0.8422.51112.36
    Women and girls1.4438.33122.50
    Start Printed Page 43890
    Children under 20.195.18119.50
    Other apparel products and services0.5614.90148.23
    PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.36118.67
    Motor vehicle costs8.9754.85108.88
    Gasoline and motor oil2.7516.79113.73
    Maintenance and repairs1.559.50117.73
    Vehicle insurance1.7910.92103.42
    Public transportation1.307.95218.80
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.6589.90
    Health insurance2.3851.1178.47
    Medical services1.4030.1299.61
    Drugs and medical supplies0.8718.77105.46
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation5.65106.91
    Fees and admissions1.2021.2799.68
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7212.69105.22
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment0.8615.31118.33
    Other entertainment supplies, etc..1.2822.69104.64
    Personal care products0.7212.72113.55
    Personal care services0.549.57104.96
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.02GF101.20
    Computers and computer services0.4310.6498.89
    PEG Total
    9. Miscellaneous11.69103.35
    Tobacco products, etc0.463.93121.60
    Personal insurance and pensions9.5481.62100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    Overall Price IndexMEG Total100.02120.80
    Plus Adjustment Factor5.00
    Index Plus Adjustment Factor125.80
    Hilo Area, Hawaii
    1. Food12.47118.81
    Cereals and bakery products0.937.45151.94
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.5112.13116.17
    Dairy products0.695.54139.48
    Fruits and vegetables0.766.12122.88
    Processed foods1.5412.37153.22
    Other food at home0.383.07126.61
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.463.71139.16
    Food away from home5.4243.48101.15
    Alcoholic beverages0.766.13100.53
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities35.37102.98
    Energy utilities3.178.97382.07
    Water and other public services0.722.0252.84
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.05105.51
    Household operations1.4824.5282.82
    Housekeeping supplies1.3121.61122.31
    Textiles and area rugs0.335.52111.00
    Major appliances0.355.86126.70
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.254.06112.22
    Misc. household equipment1.2520.66111.26
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services3.75114.01
    Start Printed Page 43891
    Men and boys0.8422.51113.80
    Women and girls1.4438.33102.27
    Children under 20.195.18119.15
    Other apparel products and services0.5614.90148.37
    PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.36117.70
    Motor vehicle costs8.9754.85100.16
    Gasoline and motor oil2.7516.79118.55
    Maintenance and repairs1.559.5098.96
    Vehicle insurance1.7910.92103.83
    Public transportation1.307.95278.48
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.6586.45
    Health insurance2.3851.1177.33
    Medical services1.4030.1292.57
    Drugs and medical supplies0.8718.77101.45
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation5.65101.09
    Fees and admissions1.2021.2783.76
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7212.69110.58
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment0.8615.31117.57
    Other entertainment supplies, etc.1.2822.69104.90
    Personal care products0.7212.72113.21
    Personal care services0.549.5778.16
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.02GF100.20
    Computers and computer services0.4310.6498.89
    PEG Total
    9. Miscellaneous11.69102.34
    Tobacco products, etc.0.463.93127.28
    Personal insurance and pensions9.5481.62100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    Kailua Kona/Waimea Area, Hawaii
    1. Food12.47124.64
    Cereals and bakery products0.937.45161.45
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.5112.13107.87
    Dairy products0.695.54140.79
    Fruits and vegetables0.766.12120.03
    Processed foods1.5412.37159.15
    Other food at home0.383.07135.27
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.463.71133.47
    Food away from home5.4243.48112.69
    Alcoholic beverages0.766.13107.62
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities35.37126.22
    Energy utilities3.178.97382.07
    Water and other public services0.722.0252.84
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.05%102.21
    Household operations1.4824.5286.47
    Housekeeping supplies1.3121.61117.27
    Textiles and area rugs0.335.52111.71
    Major appliances0.355.86120.57
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.254.06108.56
    Misc. household equipment1.2520.6698.46
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services3.75v125.99
    Men and boys0.8422.51122.02
    Start Printed Page 43892
    Women and girls1.4438.33102.07
    Children under 20.195.18110.07
    Other apparel products and services0.5614.90221.51
    PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.36118.67
    Motor vehicle costs8.9754.85101.61
    Gasoline and motor oil2.7516.79128.62
    Maintenance and repairs1.559.50108.29
    Vehicle insurance1.7910.92103.83
    Public transportation1.307.95248.22
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.6594.43
    Health insurance2.3851.1177.33
    Medical services1.4030.12120.50
    Drugs and medical supplies0.8718.7799.18
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation5.65102.99
    Fees and admissions1.2021.2798.36
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7212.69103.98
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment0.8615.31131.78
    Other entertainment supplies, etc.1.2822.6997.49
    Personal care products0.7212.72110.88
    Personal care services0.549.5773.11
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.02GF102.25
    Computers and computer services0.4310.6498.89
    PEG Total
    9. Miscellaneous11.69104.57
    Tobacco products, etc.0.463.93120.60
    Personal insurance and pensions9.5481.62100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    Major expenditure group (MEG)Primary expenditure group (PEG)Hilo area indexes (percent)Kona/Waimea area indexes (percent)Hawaii county weighted index
    Hawaii County, Hawaii
    Employment Weights66.733.3
    1. Food118.81124.64120.75
    Cereals and bakery products151.94161.45155.11
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs116.17107.87113.41
    Dairy products139.48140.79139.91
    Fruits and vegetables122.88120.03121.93
    Processed foods153.22159.15155.19
    Other food at home126.61135.27129.50
    Nonalcoholic beverages139.16133.47137.26
    Food away from home101.15112.69104.99
    Alcoholic beverages100.53107.62102.89
    2. Shelter and Utilities102.98126.22110.71
    Energy utilities382.07382.07382.07
    Water and other public services52.8452.8452.84
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies105.51102.21104.41
    Household operations82.8286.4784.04
    Housekeeping supplies122.31117.27120.63
    Textiles and area rugs111.00111.71111.24
    Major appliances126.70120.57124.66
    Small appliances, misc. housewares112.22108.56111.00
    Misc. household equipment111.2698.46107.00
    4. Apparel and Services114.01125.99118.00
    Men and boys113.80122.02116.53
    Start Printed Page 43893
    Women and girls102.27102.07102.20
    Children under 2119.15110.07116.12
    Other apparel products and services148.37221.51172.72
    5. Transportation117.70118.67118.02
    Motor vehicle costs100.16101.61100.64
    Gasoline and motor oil118.55128.62121.90
    Maintenance and repairs98.96108.29102.07
    Vehicle insurance103.83103.83103.83
    Public transportation278.48248.22268.41
    6. Medical86.4594.4389.11
    Health insurance77.3377.3377.33
    Medical services92.57120.50101.87
    Drugs and medical supplies101.4599.18100.69
    7. Recreation101.09102.99101.72
    Fees and admissions83.7698.3688.62
    Television, radios, sound equipment110.58103.98108.38
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment117.57131.78122.30
    Other entertainment supplies, etc104.9097.49102.43
    Personal care products113.21110.88112.43
    Personal care services78.1673.1176.48
    8. Education and Communication100.20102.25100.88
    Computers and computer services98.8998.8998.89
    9. Miscellaneous102.34104.57103.09
    Tobacco products, etc127.28120.60125.05
    Personal insurance and pensions100.00100.00100.00
    Overall Price Index110.25
    Plus Adjustment Factor7.00
    Index Plus Adjustment Factor117.25
    Major expenditure group (MEG)Primary expenditure group (PEG)MEG weight (percent)PEG weight (percent)PEG indexMEG index
    Kauai County
    1. Food12.47127.66
    Cereals and bakery products0.937.45162.92
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.5112.13116.75
    Dairy products0.695.54163.44
    Fruits and vegetables0.766.12139.47
    Processed foods1.5412.37155.96
    Other food at home0.383.07130.62
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.463.71146.04
    Food away from home5.4243.48110.18
    Alcoholic beverages0.766.13116.57
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities35.37132.98
    Energy utilities3.178.97391.70
    Water and other public services0.722.0248.30
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.05104.93
    Household operations1.4824.5283.39
    Housekeeping supplies1.3121.61124.86
    Textiles and area rugs0.335.52102.31
    Major appliances0.355.86119.73
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.254.06116.04
    Misc. household equipment1.2520.66108.65
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services3.75127.09
    Men and boys0.8422.51107.91
    Women and girls1.4438.33110.27
    Children under 20.195.18121.60
    Other apparel products and services0.5614.90223.87
    Start Printed Page 43894
    PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.36121.37
    Motor vehicle costs8.9754.85108.56
    Gasoline and motor oil2.7516.79126.75
    Maintenance and repairs1.559.50111.57
    Vehicle insurance1.7910.9283.83
    Public transportation1.307.95261.81
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.6590.77
    Health insurance2.3851.1178.32
    Medical services1.4030.1299.65
    Drugs and medical supplies0.8718.77110.40
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation5.65109.90
    Fees and admissions1.2021.27104.33
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7212.69109.71
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment0.8615.31118.40
    Other entertainment supplies, etc1.2822.69102.74
    Personal care products0.7212.72121.58
    Personal care services0.549.5794.99
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.02GF101.43
    Computers and computer services0.4310.6498.89
    PEG Total
    9. Miscellaneous11.69104.46
    Tobacco products, etc0.463.93127.28
    Personal insurance and pensions9.5481.62100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    Overall Price IndexMEG Total100.02120.63
    Plus Adjustment Factor7.00
    Index Plus Adjustment Factor127.63
    Maui County, Hawaii
    1. Food12.47134.08
    Cereals and bakery products0.937.45168.84
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.5112.13131.51
    Dairy products0.695.54134.00
    Fruits and vegetables0.766.12140.61
    Processed foods1.5412.37166.13
    Other food at home0.383.07134.66
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.463.71137.96
    Food away from home5.4243.48120.67
    Alcoholic beverages0.766.13118.23
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities35.37139.89
    Energy utilities3.178.97363.28
    Water and other public services0.722.0287.46
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.05106.13
    Household operations1.4824.5292.79
    Housekeeping supplies1.3121.61123.00
    Textiles and area rugs0.335.52102.31
    Major appliances0.355.86115.55
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.254.06111.79
    Misc. household equipment1.2520.66107.24
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services3.75125.84
    Men and boys0.8422.51125.02
    Women and girls1.4438.33114.10
    Children under 20.195.18116.89
    Other apparel products and services0.5614.90173.03
    PEG Total100.00
    Start Printed Page 43895
    5. Transportation16.36125.90
    Motor vehicle costs8.9754.85114.93
    Gasoline and motor oil2.7516.79133.65
    Maintenance and repairs1.559.50101.69
    Vehicle insurance1.7910.9299.63
    Public transportation1.307.95250.37
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.6595.93
    Health insurance2.3851.1178.85
    Medical services1.4030.12116.19
    Drugs and medical supplies0.8718.77109.95
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation5.65106.87
    Fees and admissions1.2021.2795.25
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7212.69109.47
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment0.8615.31130.22
    Other entertainment supplies, etc1.2822.6998.62
    Personal care products0.7212.72120.70
    Personal care services0.549.5798.52
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.02GF101.31
    Computers and computer services0.4310.6498.89
    PEG Total100.00
    9. Miscellaneous11.69102.64
    Tobacco products, etc0.463.93134.73
    Personal insurance and pensions9.5481.62100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    Overall Price IndexMEG Total100.02124.50
    Plus Adjustment Factor7.00
    Index Plus Adjustment Factor131.50
    Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands
    1. Food12.47116.75
    Cereals and bakery products0.937.45139.65
    Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs1.5112.1389.24
    Dairy products0.695.54165.86
    Fruits and vegetables0.766.12101.18
    Processed foods1.5412.37152.42
    Other food at home0.383.07133.74
    Nonalcoholic beverages0.463.71140.37
    Food away from home5.4243.48105.43
    Alcoholic beverages0.766.13100.03
    PEG Total100.00
    2. Shelter and Utilities35.37111.49
    Energy utilities3.178.97316.64
    Water and other public services0.722.0294.73
    PEG Total100.00
    3. Household Furnishings and Supplies6.05113.30
    Household operations1.4824.5261.20
    Housekeeping supplies1.3121.61120.72
    Textiles and area rugs0.335.5290.66
    Major appliances0.355.86175.35
    Small appliances, misc. housewares0.254.06116.30
    Misc. household equipment1.2520.66168.30
    PEG Total100.00
    4. Apparel and Services3.75119.20
    Men and boys0.8422.51121.44
    Women and girls1.4438.33103.06
    Children under 20.195.18129.68
    Other apparel products and services0.5614.90160.57
    PEG Total100.00
    5. Transportation16.36150.53
    Start Printed Page 43896
    Motor vehicle costs8.9754.85113.75
    Gasoline and motor oil2.7516.79122.00
    Maintenance and repairs1.559.5089.06
    Vehicle insurance1.7910.92147.39
    Public transportation1.307.95542.50
    PEG Total100.00
    6. Medical4.6599.47
    Health insurance2.3851.1197.04
    Medical services1.4030.1296.52
    Drugs and medical supplies0.8718.77110.82
    PEG Total100.00
    7. Recreation5.65108.24
    Fees and admissions1.2021.2779.65
    Television, radios, sound equipment0.7212.69123.99
    Pets, toys, and playground equipment0.8615.31124.92
    Other entertainment supplies, etc1.2822.69111.01
    Personal care products0.7212.72135.23
    Personal care services0.549.5778.87
    PEG Total100.00
    8. Education and Communication4.02GF137.47
    Computers and computer services0.4310.64104.39
    PEG Total100.00
    9. Miscellaneous11.69104.39
    Tobacco products, etc0.463.9385.63
    Personal insurance and pensions9.5481.62100.00
    PEG Total100.00
    Overall Price IndexMEG Total100.02118.40
    Plus Adjustment Factor9.00
    Index Plus Adjustment Factor127.40
    End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 06-6623 Filed 8-1-06; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 6325-39-P

Document Information

Personnel Management Office
Entry Type:
Document Number:
43875-43896 (22 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
5 CFR 591