99-21643. Virginia Regulatory Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 161 (Friday, August 20, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 45489-45491]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-21643]
    [[Page 45489]]
    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    30 CFR Part 946
    Virginia Regulatory Program
    AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), 
    ACTION: Proposed rule; public comment period and opportunity for public 
    SUMMARY: OSM is announcing it received a proposed amendment to the 
    Virginia regulatory program (hereinafter referred to as the Virginia 
    program) under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 
    (SMCRA). The proposed amendment consists of the following: a statutory 
    change to the Virginia Act at section 45.1-235 C as enacted in the 1999 
    session of the Virginia General Assembly; proposed regulation changes 
    at section 4 VAC 25-130-700.5 to the definitions of ``government 
    financed construction'' and ``qualified laboratory;'' and proposed 
    regulation changes to section 4 VAC 25-130 Part 795 concerning the 
    small operator assistance program (SOAP). The amendment is intended to 
    revise the Virginia program to be consistent with the corresponding 
    Federal provisions.
    DATES: Your written comments must be received by 4:00 p.m., on 
    September 20, 1999. If you request a public hearing on the proposed 
    amendment, it will be held on September 14, 1999. If you request to 
    speak at the hearing, your request must be received by 4:00 p.m., on 
    September 7, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Your written comments and requests to speak at the hearing 
    should be mailed or hand delivered to Mr. Robert A. Penn, Director, Big 
    Stone Gap Field Office at the first address listed below.
        Copies of the Virginia program, the proposed amendment, a listing 
    of any scheduled public hearings, and all written comments that we 
    receive in response to this document will be available for your review 
    at the addresses listed below during normal business hours, Monday 
    through Friday, excluding holidays. Each person may receive one free 
    copy of the proposed amendment by contacting OSM's Big Stone Gap Field 
        Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement:
    Big Stone Gap Field Office, 1941 Neeley Road, Suite 201, Compartment 
    116, Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219, Telephone: (703) 523-4303.
    Virginia Division of Mined Land Reclamation, P. O. Drawer 900, Big 
    Stone Gap, Virginia 24219, Telephone: (703) 523-8100.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Robert A Penn, Director, Big Stone 
    Gap Field Office, Telephone: (703) 523-4303.
    I. Background on the Virginia Program
        On December 15, 1981, the Secretary of the Interior conditionally 
    approved the Virginia program. You can find background information on 
    the Virginia program, including the Secretary's findings, the 
    disposition of comments, and the conditions of approval in the December 
    15, 1981, Federal Register (46 FR 61085-61115). You can find later 
    actions concerning the conditions of approval and program amendments at 
    30 CFR 946.12, 946.13, 946.15, and 946.16.
    II. Discussion of the Proposed Amendment
        By letter dated August 2, 1999 (Administrative Record No. VA-978), 
    the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME) submitted 
    an amendment to the Virginia program. This amendment is the State's 
    response to changes made to the Federal SOAP regulations at 30 CFR Part 
    795, and to the Federal definition of ``government-financed 
    construction'' at 30 CFR 707.5.
        The proposed amendment consists of the following: a statutory 
    change to the Virginia Act at section 45.1-235 C as enacted in the 1999 
    session of the Virginia General Assembly; proposed regulation changes 
    at section 4 VAC 25-130-700.5 concerning the definitions of 
    ``government financed construction'' and ``qualified laboratory;'' and 
    proposed regulation changes to section 4 VAC 25-130 Part 795 concerning 
    the SOAP program. The amendments are described below.
        Section 45.1-235 of the Code of Virginia. Subsection 45.1-235 C, 
    concerning SOAP, is amended by deleting the existing language and 
    adding in its place the following language.
        To the extent that funds are available from the federal Office 
    of Surface Mining, the Director shall provide for permit application 
    assistance to small operators as provided in Section 507 (c) and (h) 
    of the federal act. Such assistance shall be provided in accordance 
    with regulations adopted by the Director.
    1. 4 VAC 25-130-700.5  Definitions
        The definition of ``government-financed construction'' is amended 
    to provide for less than 50 percent government funding. As amended, 
    ``government financed construction'' means construction funded 50 
    percent or more by funds appropriated from a government financing 
    agency's budget or obtained from general revenue bonds. Funding at less 
    than 50 percent may qualify if the construction is undertaken as an 
    approved reclamation project under Title IV of the Federal Act. 
    Construction funded through government financing agency guarantees, 
    insurance, loans, funds obtained through industrial revenue bonds or 
    their equivalent, or in-kind payments does not qualify as government-
    financed construction.
        The definition of ``qualified laboratory'' is amended to add the 
    phrase ``or other services as specified at 4 VAC 25-130-795.9.'' With 
    this addition, ``qualified laboratory'' means a designated public 
    agency, private firm, institution, or analytical laboratory which can 
    prepare the required determination of probable hydrologic consequences 
    or statement of results of test borings or core samplings or other 
    services as specified at 4 VAC 25-130-795.9 under the SOAP program and 
    which meets the standards of 4 VAC 25-130-795.10.
    2. 4 VAC 25-130-795.1  Scope and Purpose
        This provision is amended by deleting the words ``program 
    administrator'' and replacing those words with the word ``Division.''
    3. 4 VAC 25-130-795.6  Eligibility for Assistance
        This provision is amended at subdivision 795.6(a)(2) by changing 
    the qualifying annual tonnage limit from 100,000 tons to 300,000 tons. 
    In addition, at subdivisions 795.6(a)(2)(i) and (ii), the pro rata 
    share is increased from 5 percent to 10 percent.
    4. 4 VAC 25-130-795.7  Filing for Assistance
        This provision is amended at subdivision 795.7(e) by deleting 
    subdivisions 795.7(e)(2) and (5), and renumbering the remaining 
    provisions. Deleted subdivision 795.7(e)(2) required the names of 
    property owners in the affected and adjacent areas. Deleted subdivision 
    795.7(e)(5) required the location of existing structures and developed 
    water resources within the affected and adjacent areas.
    [[Page 45490]]
    5. 4 VAC 25-130-795.8  Application Approval and Notice
        The sole sentence of this provision is deleted and replaced with 
    the following. New subdivision 795.8(a) provides that if the Division 
    finds the applicant eligible, the Division shall inform the applicant 
    in writing that the application is approved. New subdivision 795.8(b) 
    provides that if the Division finds the applicant ineligible, the 
    Division shall inform the applicant in writing that the application is 
    denied and shall state the reasons for denial.
    6. 4 VAC 25-130-795.9 Program Services and Data Requirements.
        In addition to non-substantive changes, the following changes are 
    made to this provision. At subdivision 795.9(a), the phrase ``and 
    provide other services'' is added. With this change, a ``qualified 
    laboratory'' may be paid for other services in addition to the 
    determination and statement referenced in subdivision 795.9(b).
        At subdivision 795.9(b)(1), the phrase ``including the engineering 
    analysis and designs necessary for the determination'' is added. Also, 
    the citation ``4 VAC 25-130-784.14(g)'' is changed to ``. . . 
        At subdivision 795.9(b)(2), the words ``drilling and'' are added 
    immediately following the first word of the sentence.
        New subdivisions 795.9(b)(3), (4), (5), and (6) are added. New 
    795.9(b)(3), provides for the development of cross-section maps and 
    plans required by 4 VAC 25-130-779.25 and 783.25. New 795.9(b)(4) 
    provides for the collection of archaeological and historic information 
    and related plans required by 4 VAC 25-130-779.12(b), 783.12(b), 
    780.31, 784.17, and any other archaeological and historic information 
    required by the Director. New 795.9(b)(5) provides for pre blast 
    surveys required by 4 VAC 25-130-780.13. New 795.9(b)(6) provides for 
    the collection of site-specific resources information, the production 
    of protection and enhancement plans for fish and wildlife habitats 
    required by 4 VAC 25-130-780.16 and 784.21, and information and plans 
    for any other environmental values required by the Division under the 
    7. 4 VAC 25-130-795.10  Qualified Laboratories
        Subdivision 4 VAC 25-130-795.10(a)(5) is amended by adding language 
    which provides that other appropriate methods or guidelines for data 
    acquisition may be approved by the Division. Subdivision 795.10(b) is 
    amended to provide that subcontractors may be used to provide some of 
    the required services provided their use is identified at the time a 
    determination is made that a firm is qualified and they meet 
    requirements specified by the Division. Prior to this amendment, 
    subdivision 795.10(b) provided that subcontractors had to meet all 
    applicable requirements for area of specialization pursuant to the 
    program and this section. Subdivisions 795.10(c) and (d) are deleted. 
    Subdivision 795.10(c) concerned the qualification of out-of-state 
    firms. Subdivision 795.10(d) provided that review and approval of all 
    laboratory qualifications would be made every 12 months.
    8. 4 VAC 25-130-795.12  Applicant Liability
        In subdivision 4 VAC 25-130-795.12(a), the term ``applicant'' is 
    deleted and replaced by the phrase ``coal operator who has received 
    assistance pursuant to 4 VAC 25-130-795.9.'' Also, the phrase 
    ``laboratory services performed pursuant to this Part'' is changed to 
    read ``services rendered.''
        Subdivision 795.12(a)(2) is amended to change the 100,000 ton limit 
    to 300,000 tons. This provision is also amended to provide that the 
    tonnage will be determined during the 12 months immediately following 
    the date on which the operator is issued the surface coal mining and 
    reclamation permit. Prior to this change, the tonnage was determined 
    during any consecutive 12-month period either during the term of the 
    permit for which assistance is provided or during the first 5 years 
    after issuance of the permit whichever is shorter.
        Subdivision 795.12(a)(3) is amended to change the 100,000 ton limit 
    to 300,000 tons. This provision is also amended to provide that if the 
    mining rights granted under the permit are sold, transferred or 
    assigned to another person, the tonnage will be determined during the 
    12 months immediately following the date on which the permit was 
    originally issued. Prior to this change, the tonnage was determined 
    during any 12-month period of the remaining term of the permit.
        Subdivisions 4 VAC 25-130-795.12(b) and (c) are deleted. 
    Subdivision 795.12(b) concerned the submission of notarized production 
    reports. Subdivision 795.12(c) defined the term ``attributed 
    III. Public Comment Procedures
        In accordance with the provisions of 30 CFR 732.17(h), we are now 
    seeking your comments on whether the amendments proposed by Virginia 
    satisfy the applicable program approval criteria of 30 CFR 732.15. If 
    we determine that the amendments are adequate, they will become part of 
    the Virginia program.
    Written Comments
        Your written comments should be specific, pertain only to the 
    issues proposed in this rulemaking, and include explanations in support 
    of your recommendations. If your comments are received after the time 
    indicated under DATES or at locations other than the Big Stone Gap 
    Field Office, we will not necessarily consider them in the final 
    rulemaking or include them in the Administrative Record.
    Public Hearing
        If you wish to comment at the public hearing, you should contact 
    the person listed above under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT by close 
    of business on September 7, 1999. If no one requests an opportunity to 
    comment at a public hearing, we will not hold a hearing.
        We request that you file a written statement at the time of the 
    hearing, because it will greatly assist the transcriber. If you submit 
    a written statement to OSM before the hearing, it will allow us to 
    prepare adequate responses and appropriate questions.
        The public hearing will continue on the specified date until all 
    persons scheduled to comment have been heard. Persons in the audience 
    who have not been scheduled to comment, and who wish to do so, will be 
    heard following those scheduled. The hearing will end after all persons 
    scheduled to comment and persons present in the audience who wish to 
    comment have been heard.
    Public Meeting
        If only one person requests an opportunity to comment at a hearing, 
    a public meeting, rather than a public hearing, may be held. If you 
    wish to meet with us to discuss the proposed amendments, you may 
    request a meeting at the Big Stone Gap Field Office by contacting the 
    person listed above under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. All such 
    meetings will be open to the public and, if possible, notices of 
    meetings will be posted in advance at the locations listed above under 
    ADDRESSES. A written summary of each public meeting will be made part 
    of the Administrative Record.
        If you are a disabled individual who has need for a special 
    accommodation to attend a public hearing, please contact the person 
    [[Page 45491]]
    IV. Procedural Determinations
    Executive Order 12866
        This rule is exempted from review by the Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB) under Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and 
    Executive Order 12988
        The Department of the Interior has conducted the reviews required 
    by section 3 of Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice Reform) and has 
    determined that, to the extent allowed by law, this rule meets the 
    applicable standards of subsections (a) and (b) of that section. 
    However, these standards are not applicable to the actual language of 
    State regulatory programs and program amendments since each such 
    program is drafted and promulgated by a specific State, not by OSM. 
    Under sections 503 and 505 of SMCRA (30 U.S.C. 1253 and 1255) and 30 
    CFR 730.11, 732.15 and 732.17(h)(10), decisions on proposed State 
    regulatory programs and program amendments submitted by the States must 
    be based solely on a determination of whether the submittal is 
    consistent with SMCRA and its implementing Federal regulations and 
    whether the other requirements of 30 CFR Parts 730, 731, and 732 have 
    been met.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        No environmental impact statement is required for this rule since 
    section 702(d) of SMCRA [30 U.S.C. 1292(d)] provides that agency 
    decisions on proposed State regulatory program provisions do not 
    constitute major Federal actions within the meaning of section 
    102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rule does not contain information collection requirements that 
    require approval by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 
    3507 et seq.).
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department of the Interior has determined that this rule will 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). 
    The State submittal which is the subject of this rule is based upon 
    counterpart Federal regulations for which an economic analysis was 
    prepared and certification made that such regulations would not have a 
    significant economic effect upon a substantial number of small 
    entities. Accordingly, this rule will ensure that existing requirements 
    previously promulgated by OSM will be implemented by the State. In 
    making the determination as to whether this rule would have a 
    significant economic impact, the Department relied upon the data and 
    assumptions for the counterpart Federal regulations.
    Unfunded Mandates
        This rule will not impose a cost of $100 million or more in any 
    given year on any governmental entity or the private sector.
    List of Subjects in 30 CFR Part 946
        Intergovernmental relations, Surface mining, Underground mining.
        Dated: August 12, 1999.
    Allen D. Klein,
    Regional Director, Appalachian Regional Coordinating Center.
    [FR Doc. 99-21643 Filed 8-19-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-05-P

Document Information

Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule; public comment period and opportunity for public hearing.
Document Number:
Your written comments must be received by 4:00 p.m., on September 20, 1999. If you request a public hearing on the proposed amendment, it will be held on September 14, 1999. If you request to speak at the hearing, your request must be received by 4:00 p.m., on September 7, 1999.
45489-45491 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
30 CFR 946