95-20610. International Conference on Harmonisation; Draft Guideline on Conditions Which Require Carcinogenicity Studies for Pharmaceuticals; Availability  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 161 (Monday, August 21, 1995)]
    [Pages 43498-43500]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-20610]
    [Docket No. 95D-0217]
    International Conference on Harmonisation; Draft Guideline on 
    Conditions Which Require Carcinogenicity Studies for Pharmaceuticals; 
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is publishing a draft 
    guideline entitled ``Conditions Which Require Carcinogenicity Studies 
    for Pharmaceuticals.'' This guideline was prepared under the auspices 
    of the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical 
    Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). 
    The draft guideline is intended to define the conditions for which 
    carcinogenicity studies should be conducted, to provide guidance to 
    avoid the unnecessary use of animals in testing, and to provide 
    consistency in worldwide regulatory assessments of applications.
    DATES: Written comments by October 5, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Submit written comments on the draft guideline to the 
    Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, rm. 
    1-23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20857. Copies of the draft 
    guideline are available from the CDER Executive Secretariat Staff (HFD-
    8), Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug 
    Administration, 7500 Standish Pl., Rockville, MD 20855.
        Regarding the guideline: Joy A. Cavagnaro, Center for Biologics 
    Evaluation and Research (HFM-500), Food and Drug Administration, 1401 
    Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-827-0379.
        Regarding the ICH: Janet J. Showalter, Office of Health Affairs 
    (HFY-20), Food and Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, 
    MD 20857, 301-827-0864.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In recent years, many important initiatives 
    have been undertaken by regulatory authorities and industry 
    associations to promote international harmonization of regulatory 
    requirements. FDA has participated in many meetings designed to enhance 
    harmonization and is committed to seeking scientifically based 
    harmonized technical procedures for pharmaceutical development. One of 
    the goals of harmonization is to identify and then reduce differences 
    in technical requirements for drug development among regulatory 
        ICH was organized to provide an opportunity for tripartite 
    harmonization initiatives to be developed with input from both 
    regulatory and industry representatives. FDA also seeks input from 
    consumer representatives and others. ICH is concerned with 
    harmonization of technical requirements for the registration of 
    pharmaceutical products among three regions: The European Union, Japan, 
    and the United States. The six ICH sponsors are the European 
    Commission, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries 
    Associations, the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Japanese 
    Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, the Centers for Drug 
    Evaluation and Research and Biologics Evaluation and Research, FDA, and 
    the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. The ICH 
    Secretariat, which coordinates the preparation of documentation, is 
    provided by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical 
    Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA).
        The ICH Steering Committee includes representatives from each of 
    the ICH sponsors and the IFPMA, as well as observers from the World 
    Health Organization, the Canadian Health Protection Branch, and the 
    European Free Trade Area.
        At a meeting held on March 29, 1995, the ICH Steering Committee 
    agreed that a draft guideline entitled ``Conditions Which Require 
    Carcinogenicity Studies for Pharmaceuticals'' should be made available 
    for public comment. The draft guideline is the product of the Safety 
    Expert Working Group of the ICH. Comments about this draft will be 
    considered by FDA and the Expert Working Group. Ultimately, FDA intends 
    to adopt the ICH Steering Committee's final guideline.
        The draft guideline is intended to define the conditions which 
    require carcinogenicity studies, to provide guidance in order to avoid 
    the unnecessary use of animals in testing, and to provide consistency 
    in worldwide regulatory assessments of applications. The objectives of 
    carcinogenicity studies are to identify a tumorigenic potential in 
    animals and to understand the potential for such risk in humans. Any 
    cause for concern derived from laboratory investigations, animal 
    toxicity studies, and data in humans may lead to a need for 
    carcinogenicity studies. The fundamental considerations in assessing 
    the need for carcinogenicity studies are any perceived cause for 
    concern arising from other investigations and the maximum duration of 
    patient treatment. Other factors may also be considered such as the 
    appropriate study design, the timing of study performance relative to 
    clinical development, the intended patient population, prior assessment 
    of carcinogenic potential, the extent of systemic exposure, or the 
    (dis)similarity to endogenous substances.
        In the past, guidelines have generally been issued under 
    Sec. 10.90(b) (21 CFR 10.90(b)), which provides for the use of 
    guidelines to state procedures or standards of general applicability 
    that are not legal requirements but are acceptable to FDA. The agency 
    is now in the process of revising Sec. 10.90(b). Therefore, this 
    guideline is not being issued under the authority of Sec. 10.90(b), and 
    it does not create or confer any rights, privileges, or benefits for or 
    on any person, nor does it operate to bind FDA in any way.
        Interested persons may, on or before October 5, 1995, submit to the 
    Dockets Management Branch (address above) written comments on the draft 
    guideline. Two copies of any comments are to be submitted, except that 
    individuals may submit one copy. Comments are to be identified with the 
    docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document. The 
    draft guideline and received comments may be seen in the office above 
    between 9 
    [[Page 43499]]
    a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
        The text of the draft guideline follows:
    Conditions Which Require Carcinogenicity Studies for Pharmaceuticals
        The objectives of carcinogenicity studies are to identify a 
    tumorigenic potential in animals and to understand the potential for 
    such risk in humans. Any cause for concern derived from laboratory 
    investigations, animal toxicology studies, and data in humans may 
    lead to a need for carcinogenicity studies. The practice of 
    requiring carcinogenicity studies in rodents was instituted for 
    pharmaceuticals that were expected to be administered regularly over 
    a substantial part of a patient's lifetime. The design and 
    interpretation of the results from these studies preceded much of 
    the available current technology to test for genotoxic potential and 
    the more recent advances in technologies to assess systemic 
    exposure. These studies also preceded our current understanding of 
    tumorigenesis with nongenotoxic agents. Results from genotoxicity 
    studies, toxicokinetics, and mechanistic studies can now be 
    routinely applied in preclinical safety assessment. These additional 
    data are important not only in considering whether to perform 
    carcinogenicity studies but for interpreting study outcomes with 
    respect to relevance for human safety. Since carcinogenicity studies 
    are time consuming and resource intensive they should only be 
    performed when human exposure warrants the need for information from 
    life-time studies in animals in order to assess carcinogenic 
    Historical Background
        In Japan, according to the 1990 ``Guidelines for Toxicity 
    Studies of Drugs Manual,'' carcinogenicity studies are needed if the 
    clinical use is expected to be continuously for 6 months or longer. 
    If there is cause for concern, pharmaceuticals generally used 
    continuously for less than 6 months may need carcinogenicity 
    studies. In the United States, most pharmaceuticals are tested in 
    animals for their carcinogenic potential before widespread use in 
    humans. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 
    pharmaceuticals generally used 3 months or more require 
    carcinogenicity studies. In Europe, the Rules Governing Medicinal 
    Products in the European Community define the circumstances when 
    carcinogenicity studies are required. These circumstances include 
    administration over a substantial period of life, i.e., continuously 
    during a minimum period of 6 months or frequently in an intermittent 
    manner so that the total exposure is similar.
        The objective of this guideline is to define the conditions that 
    require carcinogenicity studies, to provide the appropriate guidance 
    to avoid the unnecessary use of animals in testing, and to provide 
    consistency in worldwide regulatory assessments of applications. It 
    is expected that these studies will be performed in a manner that 
    reflects currently accepted scientific standards.
        The fundamental considerations in assessing the need for 
    carcinogenicity studies are any perceived cause for concern arising 
    from other investigations and the maximum duration of patient 
    treatment. Other factors may also be considered such as the 
    appropriate study design, the timing of study performance relative 
    to clinical development, the intended patient population, prior 
    assessment of carcinogenic potential, the extent of systemic 
    exposure, or the (dis)similarity to endogenous substances.
        For novel compounds, for which the pharmacologic profile or 
    spectrum of biological effects is poorly understood, mechanistic 
    studies may be particularly appropriate. Important research 
    initiatives over the next decade will include optimization of study 
    designs, modifications in diet, and development of new animal 
    models, such as the newborn mouse, partially hepatectomized rats, 
    and transgenic animals.
    Cause for Concern
        Carcinogenicity studies may be recommended for some 
    pharmaceuticals if there is concern about their carcinogenic 
    potential. Criteria for defining these cases should be very 
    carefully considered because this is the most important reason to 
    conduct carcinogenicity studies for most categories of 
    pharmaceuticals. Several factors which could be considered may 
    include: (1) Findings in genotoxicity studies (Note 1); (2) previous 
    demonstration of carcinogenic potential in the product class that is 
    considered relevant to humans; (3) structure-activity relationship 
    suggesting genotoxic or carcinogenic risk; (4) evidence of 
    preneoplastic toxicity in repeated dose toxicity studies; and (5) 
    long-term tissue retention of parent compound or metabolite(s) 
    resulting in local tissue reactions or other pathophysiological 
    Duration and Exposure
        Carcinogenicity studies should be performed for any 
    pharmaceutical whose expected clinical use is continuous for at 
    least 6 months. It is expected that most pharmaceuticals indicated 
    for 3-months treatment would also likely be used for 6 months.
        Certain classes of compounds may not be used continuously over a 
    minimum of 6 months but may be expected to be used repeatedly in an 
    intermittent manner. It is difficult to determine and to justify 
    scientifically what time represents clinically relevant treatment 
    periods for frequent use with regard to carcinogenic potential, 
    especially for discontinuous treatment periods. For pharmaceuticals 
    used frequently in an intermittent manner in the treatment of 
    chronic or recurrent conditions, carcinogenicity studies are 
    generally needed. Some examples of such conditions include allergic 
    rhinitis, depression, and anxiety. Carcinogenicity studies may also 
    need to be considered for certain delivery systems which may result 
    in prolonged exposures. Pharmaceuticals administered infrequently or 
    for short durations of exposure (e.g., anesthetics and radiolabeled 
    imaging agents) do not need carcinogenicity studies unless there is 
    cause for concern.
    Indication and Patient Population
        When carcinogenicity studies are required they usually need to 
    be completed before application for marketing approval. However, 
    completed rodent carcinogenicity studies are not needed in advance 
    of the conduct of large scale clinical trials, unless there is 
    special concern for the patient population.
        For pharmaceuticals developed to treat certain diseases it is 
    not considered appropriate to require carcinogenicity testing before 
    market approval. For example, oncolytic agents intended for 
    treatment of advanced systemic disease do not generally need 
    carcinogenicity studies. In cases where the therapeutic agent for 
    cancer is generally successful and life is significantly prolonged 
    there may be later concerns regarding secondary cancers. When such 
    pharmaceuticals are intended for adjuvant therapy in tumor free 
    patients or for prolonged use in noncancer indications, 
    carcinogenicity studies are usually needed. In other cases to speed 
    the availability of pharmaceuticals for life-threatening or severely 
    debilitating diseases, especially where no satisfactory alternative 
    therapy exists, carcinogenicity studies may be completed 
    Route of Exposure
        The route of exposure in animals should be the same as the 
    intended clinical route when feasible (reference ICH Safety Topic 
    S1C). If similar metabolism and systemic exposure can be 
    demonstrated by differing routes of administration, then it is only 
    necessary to conduct carcinogenicity studies by a single route. It 
    is important that relevant organs for the clinical effect be 
    adequately exposed to the test material. Evidence of adequate 
    exposure may be derived from pharmacokinetic data (reference ICH 
    Safety Topic S3B).
    Extent of Systemic Exposure
        Pharmaceuticals applied topically (e.g., dermal and ocular 
    routes of administration) may need carcinogenicity studies. Where 
    there is cause for concern for photocarcinogenic potential or if 
    chronic irritation occurs, carcinogenicity studies by dermal 
    application (generally in mice) may be needed. Pharmaceuticals 
    showing poor systemic exposure from topical routes may not need 
    studies by the oral route to assess the carcinogenic potential to 
    internal organs.
        For different salts, acids, or bases of the same therapeutic 
    moiety, where prior carcinogenicity studies are available, evidence 
    should be provided that there are no significant changes in 
    pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, or toxicity. When changes in 
    exposure and consequent toxicity are noted, then the results of 
    additional bridging studies may be necessary to determine whether 
    additional carcinogenicity studies are needed. For esters and 
    complex derivatives, similar data would be valuable in assessing the 
    need for an additional carcinogenicity study, but this should be 
    considered on a case-by-case basis.
    [[Page 43500]]
    Endogenous Peptides and Protein Substances or Their Analogs
        Endogenous peptides or proteins and their analogs, produced by 
    chemical synthesis, by extraction/purification from an animal/human 
    source or by biotechnological methods such as recombinant DNA 
    technology may require special considerations.
        Carcinogenicity studies are not generally needed for endogenous 
    substances given essentially as replacement therapy (i.e., 
    physiological levels), particularly where there is previous clinical 
    experience with similar products (for example, animal insulins, 
    pituitary-derived growth hormone, and calcitonin).
        The need for carcinogenicity studies in rodent species should be 
    considered if indicated by the treatment duration, clinical 
    indication, or patient population (providing neutralizing antibodies 
    are not elicited to such an extent in repeated dose studies as to 
    invalidate the results). Carcinogenicity studies may be needed in 
    the following circumstances: (1) For products where there are 
    significant differences in biological effects to the natural 
    counterpart(s); (2) for products where modifications lead to 
    significant changes in structure compared to the natural 
    counterpart; and (3) for products resulting in humans in a 
    significant increase over the existing local or systemic 
    concentration (i.e., pharmacological levels).
    Need for Additional Testing
        The relevance of the results obtained from animal 
    carcinogenicity studies for assessment of human safety are often 
    cause for debate. Further research may be needed, investigating the 
    mode of action, which may result in confirming the presence or the 
    lack of carcinogenic potential for humans. When it is considered 
    important to evaluate the relevance of tumor findings in animals for 
    human safety, mechanistic studies are essential.
    Supplementary Notes
        Note 1: Assessment of the genotoxic potential of a compound must 
    take into account the totality of the findings and acknowledge the 
    intrinsic value and limitations of both in vitro and in vivo tests. 
    The test battery approach of in vitro and in vivo tests is designed 
    to reduce the risk of false negative results for compounds with 
    genotoxic potential. A positive result in any assay for genotoxicity 
    does not necessarily mean that the test compound poses a genotoxic 
    hazard to humans (reference ICH Safety Topic S2A).
        Dated: August 14, 1995.
    William K. Hubbard,
    Acting Deputy Commissioner for Policy.
    [FR Doc. 95-20610 Filed 8-18-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Entry Type:
Document Number:
Written comments by October 5, 1995.
43498-43500 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 95D-0217
PDF File: