99-21790. Collection of Information by Agency Under Review by Office of Management and Budget  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 162 (Monday, August 23, 1999)]
    [Pages 45993-45995]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-21790]
    Coast Guard
    Collection of Information by Agency Under Review by Office of 
    Management and Budget
    AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.
    ACTION: Request for comments.
    SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 
    U.S.C. 3501-3520, the Coast Guard intends to request the approval of 
    the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the renewal of twelve 
    Information Collection Requests (ICRs). These ICRs comprise: 1. 
    Application for Tonnage Measurement of Vessels, 2. Requirements for the 
    Use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Compressed Natural Gas as Cooking 
    Fuel on Passenger Vessels, 3. Records Relating to Citizenship of 
    Personnel on Units Engaged in Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Activities, 
    4. Oil and Hazardous Material Pollution Prevention and Safety Records, 
    Equivalents/Alternatives and Exemptions, 5. Ships Carrying Bulk 
    Hazardous Liquids, 6. Barges Carrying Bulk Hazardous Materials, 7. 
    Facilities Transferring Oil or Hazardous Materials in Bulk--Letter of 
    Intent, 8. Oil and Hazardous Materials Transfer Procedures and Waste 
    Management Plans, 9. Plan Approval and Records for Marine Engineering 
    Systems--46 CFR Subchapter F, 10. National Response Resource Inventory, 
    11. Identification Markings on Lifesaving, Fire Protection, and 
    Emergency Equipment, and 12. Periodic Gauging and Engineering Analyses 
    for Certain Tank Vessels Over 30 Years Old. Before submitting the ICRs 
    to OMB, the Coast Guard is asking for comments on the collections 
    described below.
    DATES: Comments must reach the Coast Guard on or before October 22, 
    ADDRESSES: You may mail comments to the Docket Management Facility 
    [USCG-1999-6091], U.S. Department of Transportation, room PL-401, 400 
    Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001, or deliver them to room 
    PL-401, located on the Plaza Level of the Nassif Building at the same 
    address between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except 
    Federal holidays. The telephone number is 202-366-9329.
        The Docket Management Facility maintains the public docket for this 
    Request. Comments will become part of this docket and will be available 
    for inspection or copying at room PL-401, located on the Plaza Level of 
    the Nassif Building at the same address between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., 
    Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. You may also access 
    this docket on the Internet at http://dms.dot.gov.
        Copies of the complete ICRs are available through this docket on 
    the Internet at http://dms.dot.gov and also from Commandant (G-SII-2), 
    U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, room 6106 (Attn: Barbara Davis), 2100 
    Second Street SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001. The telephone number is 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Barbara Davis, Office of Information 
    Management, 202-267-2326, for questions on this document. With
    [[Page 45994]]
    questions on the docket, ask Dorothy Walker, Chief, Documentary 
    Services Division, U.S. Department of Transportation, 202-366-9330.
    Request for Comments
        The Coast Guard encourages interested persons to submit written 
    comments. Persons submitting comments should include their names and 
    addresses, identify this document [USCG-1999-6091] and the specific ICR 
    to which each comment applies, and give the reason(s) for each comment. 
    Please submit all comments and attachments in an unbound format no 
    larger than 8\1/2\ by 11 inches, suitable for copying and electronic 
    filing. Persons wanting acknowledgment of receipt of comments should 
    enclose stamped, self-addressed postcards or envelopes.
    Information Collection Requests
        1. Title: Application for Tonnage Measurement of Vessels.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0086.
        Summary: The information for this collection is used to determine a 
    vessel's tonnage. Tonnage in turn is used as a basis for licensing, 
    inspection, safety requirements, and operating fees.
        Need: 46 U.S.C. 14104 requires that before a vessel is documented 
    or recorded under laws of the United States, or where the application 
    of law of the United States to a vessel is determined by its tonnage, 
    the vessel must be measured for tonnage.
        Respondents: Vessel owners.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden: The estimated burden is 27,600 hours annually.
        2. Title: Requirements for the Use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas and 
    Compressed Natural Gas as Cooking Fuel on Passenger Vessels.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0549.
        Summary: The collection of information requires passenger vessels 
    to have posted two placards, which contain safety and operating 
    instructions on the use of cooking appliances that use liquefied gas or 
    compressed natural gas.
        Need: 46 U.S.C. 3306(a)(6) authorizes the Coast Guard to prescribe 
    regulations for the use of vessel stores and other supplies of a 
    dangerous nature. These regulations cover both uninspected and 
    inspected passenger vessels.
        Respondents: Owners and operators of passenger vessels.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden: The estimated burden is 2,362 hours annually.
        3. Title: Records Relating to Citizenship of Personnel on Units 
    Engaged in Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Activities.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0143.
        Summary: Vessels and units engaged in activities on the OCS 
    (exploration and exploitation of offshore resources such as gas and 
    oil) must be manned and crewed by U.S. citizens or permanent resident 
    aliens [43 U.S.C. 1356]. 33 CFR 141.35 requires employers to maintain 
    records demonstrating compliance.
        Need: This information is needed to ensure compliance with the 
    statutory mandates to man or crew OCS facilities with U.S. citizens or 
    permanent resident aliens.
        Respondents: Operators of vessels and units engaged in activities 
    on the OCS.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden: The estimated burden is 412 hours annually.
        4. Title: Oil and Hazardous Material Pollution Prevention and 
    Safety Records, Equivalents/Alternatives and Exemptions.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0096.
        Summary: This ICR requirement will minimize the number and impact 
    of pollution discharges and accidents occurring during transfer of oil 
    or hazardous materials. It will also help to evaluate proposed 
    alternatives and requests for exemptions.
        Need: This ICR is needed to (1) prevent or mitigate the results of 
    an accidental release of bulk liquid hazardous materials being 
    transferred at waterfront facilities; (2) ensure that facilities and 
    vessels that use vapor-control systems are in compliance with the 
    safety standards developed by the Coast Guard; (3) provide equipment 
    and operational requirements for facilities and vessels that transfer 
    oil or hazardous materials in bulk to or from any vessel with a 
    capacity of 250 or more barrels; and (4) provide procedures for vessel 
    or facility operators who request exemption or partial exemption from 
    the requirements of the pollution-prevention regulations.
        Respondents: Operators of facilities handling and vessels carrying 
    bulk oil and hazardous materials.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden: The estimated burden is 1,840 hours annually.
        5. Title: Ships Carrying Bulk Hazardous Liquids.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0089.
        Summary: The information in this report is required to ensure 
    compliance with U.S. regulations governing ships carrying bulk 
    hazardous liquids.
        Need: 46 U.S.C. 3703 authorizes the Coast Guard to prescribe 
    regulations for protection against hazards to life, property, and the 
    marine environment. 46 CFR part 153 prescribes regulations for the safe 
    transport by vessel of bulk hazardous liquids.
        Respondents: Operators of chemical tank vessels.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden: The estimated burden is 471 hours annually.
        6. Title: Barges Carrying Bulk Hazardous Materials.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0541.
        Summary: This ICR ensures the safe shipment of bulk hazardous 
    liquids in barges. The reporting and recordkeeping requirements are 
    necessary to ensure that barges meet safety standards and to ensure 
    that crewmembers have the information necessary to operate barges 
        Need: 46 U.S.C. 3703 directs the Coast Guard to prescribe 
    regulations for the carriage of, among other things, cargoes of bulk 
    liquid hazardous materials. 46 CFR part 151 prescribes the regulations 
    for barges carrying cargoes of bulk liquid hazardous materials.
        Respondents: Opertors of tank barges.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden: The estimated burden is 11,724 hours annually.
        7. Title: Facilities Transferring Oil or Hazardous Materials in 
    Bulk--Letter of Intent.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0077.
        Summary: Each waterfront facility that intends to transfer oil or 
    hazardous materials in bulk to or from vessels must notify the Coast 
    Guard Captain of the Port by submitting a letter of intent to operate. 
    This letter identifies the owner and operator of the facility for 
    purposes of enforcement and contact.
        Need: 33 U.S.C. 1321 authorizes the Coast Guard to prescribe 
    pollution-prevention regulations. 33 CFR 154.110 prescribes the 
    regulations on letters of intent.
        Respondents: Facility operators.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden: The estimated burden is 460 hours annually.
        8. Title: Oil and Hazardous Materials Transfer Procedures and Waste 
    Management Plans.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0120.
        Summary: This rule requires vessels with a capacity of 250 barrels 
    or more of oil or hazardous materials to develop and maintain 
    procedures which provide basic safety information for operating 
    transfer systems. It also requires oceangoing ships of 40 feet or more 
    in length, engaged in commerce or equipped with galleys or berths, to 
    develop and maintain waste-management plans for the handling and 
    disposal of ship-generated garbage.
        Need: 33 U.S.C. 1221 and 1903 authorize the Coast Guard to 
    [[Page 45995]]
    regulations to prevent pollution. 33 CFR part 155 prescribes such 
    regulations including those related to transfer procedures, and 33 CFR 
    part 151 prescribes such regulations including those related to waste-
    management plans.
        Respondents: Owners and operators, of vessels and facilities.
        Frequency: Annually.
        Burden: The estimated burden is 14,302 hours annually.
        9. Title: Plan Approval and Records for Marine Engineering 
    Systems--46 CFR Subchapter F.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0142.
        Summary: This collection of information requires owners and 
    builders of commercial vessels to submit to the U.S. Coast Guard, for 
    review and approval, plans for marine-engineering systems to ensure 
    that the vessels will meet regulatory standards.
        Need: 46 U.S.C. 3306 authorizes the Coast Guard to prescribe 
    vessel-safety regulations including those related to marine-engineering 
    systems. 46 CFR Subchapter F prescribes those requirements.
        Respondents: Owners and builders of commercial vessels.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden: The estimated burden is 3,433 hours annually.
        10. Title: National Response Resource Inventory.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0606.
        SUMMARY: The information in this collection should improve the 
    effectiveness of deploying response equipment in the event of an oil 
    spill. It may also serve in the development of contingency plans.
        Need: Section 4202 of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-
    380) required the Coast Guard to compile and maintain a comprehensive 
    list of oil-spill-removal equipment. This collection helps fulfill that 
        Respondents: Oil-spill-removal organizations.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        11. Title: Identification Markings on Lifesaving, Fire Protection, 
    and Emergency Equipment.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0577.
        SUMMARY: Lifesaving, fire protection, and emergency equipment must 
    be identified by its manufacturer, model number, capacity, approval 
    number, and other information concerning its performance. Markings help 
    the vessel owner and Coast Guard to determine compliance with 
        Need: 46 U.S.C. 3306 authorizes the Coast Guard to prescribe 
    regulations for lifesaving, firefighting, and emergency equipment for 
    use on inspected vessels. 46 CFR Subchapter Q prescribes equipment 
    manufacturers' marking requirements, and other subchapters in title 46 
    prescribe vessel owners' and operators' marking requirements.
        Respondents: Safety-equipment manufacturers and owners and 
    operators, of vessels.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden: The estimated burden is 4,012 hours annually.
        12. Title: Periodic Gauging and Engineering Analyses for Certain 
    Tank Vessels Over 30 Years Old.
        OMB Control Number: 2115-0603.
        Summary: The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 requires the issuance of 
    regulations for the structural integrity of tank vessels, including 
    periodic gauging of the plating thickness of tank vessels over 30 years 
    old. This collection of information helps to verify the structural 
    integrity of older tank vessels.
        Need: 46 U.S.C. 3703 authorizes the Coast Guard to prescribe 
    regulations related to tank vessels, including design, construction, 
    alteration, repair, and maintenance. 46 CFR 31.10-21a prescribes the 
    regulations related to periodic gauging and engineering analyses of 
    certain tank vessels over 30 years old.
        Respondents: Owners and operators of certain tank vessels.
        Frequency: Every 5 years.
        Burden: The estimated burden is 18,502 hours annually.
        Dated: August 13, 1999.
    G. N. Naccara,
    Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Director of Information and Technology.
    [FR Doc. 99-21790 Filed 8-20-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-15-P

Document Information

Coast Guard
Entry Type:
Request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must reach the Coast Guard on or before October 22, 1999.
45993-45995 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: