99-21809. Public Information Collections Approved by Office of Management and Budget  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 162 (Monday, August 23, 1999)]
    [Pages 45966-45968]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-21809]
    Public Information Collections Approved by Office of Management 
    and Budget
    August 13, 1999.
        The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has received Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) approval for the following public 
    information collections pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
    1995, Public Law 104-13. An agency may not conduct or sponsor and a 
    person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless 
    it displays a currently valid control number. For further information 
    contact Shoko B. Hair, Federal Communications Commission, (202) 418-
    Federal Communications Commission
        OMB Control No.: 3060-0855.
        Expiration Date: 01/31/2000.
        Title: Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet and Associated 
    Requirements--CC Docket No. 98-171.
        Form No.: FCC Forms 499-A and 499-S.
        Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
        Estimated Annual Burden: 5500 respondents; 7.27 hours per response 
    (avg.); 40,000 total annual burden hours for all collections.
        Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: 
        Frequency of Response: Annually; Semi-annually; On occasion; Third 
    Party Disclosure; Recordkeeping.
        Description: In a Report and Order issued in CC Docket No. 98-171, 
    released July 14, 1999, the Commission simplified and consolidated four 
    Commission reporting requirements so that carriers need only file one 
    worksheet to satisfy the contributor reporting requirements associated 
    with: the universal service support mechanisms; telecommunications 
    relay services; cost recovery mechanism for numbering administration; 
    and cost recovery mechanism for shared costs of long-term number 
    portability. Reporting Requirement: All contributors to the Federal 
    telecommunications relay service, numbering administration, long-term 
    portability, and universal service support mechanisms (except certain 
    non-common carrier telecommunications service providers meeting the 
    universal service de minimis exemption) must file the April version of 
    the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet, FCC Form 499-A on April 1 
    of each year. (No. of respondents: 3500; hours per response: 8 hours; 
    total annual burden: 28,000 hours). All contributors to the universal 
    service support mechanisms, except those that fall within the 
    Commission's de minimis exemption, must file a streamlined version of 
    the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC Form 499-S) on 
    September 1 of each year. The first filing of the FCC Form 499-S is due 
    September 1, 1999. (No. of respondents: 2000; hours per response: 5.5 
    hours; total annual burden: 11,000 hours). The forms (i.e., FCC Form 
    499-A and 499-S) and instructions may be downloaded from the 
    Commission's Forms Web Page (www.fcc.gov/formpage.html). Copies also 
    may be obtained by calling the fax-on-demand line at (202) 481-2830. 
    The retrieval number for the FCC 499-A form is 004992; the retrieval 
    number for the FCC 499-S form is 004991. Copies of the forms may also 
    obtained from USAC at (973) 560-4400. Recordkeeping Requirements: Small 
    common carriers and small pay telephone providers must complete the 
    table contained in Figure 2 of FCC Form 499 to determine whether they 
    meet the de minimis standard and need not file the form on September 1. 
    Small shared tenant service providers and small private carriers should 
    complete the table in Figure 2 to determine whether they meet the de 
    minimis standard and need not file the worksheet on either September 1 
    or April 1. Telecommunications providers that do not file because they 
    are de minimis should retain figure 2 and documentation of their 
    contribution base revenues for 3 calendar years after the date each 
    worksheet is due. Carriers that provide carriers' carrier services must 
    have documented procedures to ensure that it reports as revenues from 
    resellers only revenues from entities that reasonably would be expected 
    to contribute to support universal service. These procedures include, 
    but are not limited to, maintaining the following information on 
    resellers: Legal name; address; name of a contact person; and phone 
    number of the contact person. (No. of respondents: 2000; annual burden 
    per respondent: .25 hours; total annual burden: 500 hours). Third Party 
    Disclosure: If a reseller qualified for the de minimis exemption, it 
    must notify its underlying carriers that it is not contributing 
    directly to universal service. (Number of respondents: 2000; annual 
    burden per respondent: .25 hours; total annual burden: 500 hours). The 
    information will be used by the Commission and the administrators to 
    calculate contributions to the universal service support mechanisms, 
    the telecommunications relay services support mechanism, the cost 
    recovery for numbering administration, and the cost recovery for the 
    shared costs of long-term local number portability. Without this 
    collection, the information requested in the Worksheet would not be 
    otherwise available. The Commission could not determine contributions 
    to the above-mentioned, Congressionally-mandated support and cost 
    recovery mechanisms and, therefore, could not fulfill its statutory 
    responsibilities in accordance with the Communications Act of 1934, as 
    amended. In addition, the information collection will be used by 
    carriers to satisfy their obligation under section 413 of the Act of 
    file information concerning their designated agent for service of 
    process. Obligation to comply: Mandatory.
        OMB Control No.: 3060-0894.
        Expiration Date: 08/31/2002.
        Title: Notification to High Cost Subscribers and Certification 
    Letter Accounting for Receipt of Federal Support--CC Docket Nos. 96-45 
    and 96-262 (Proposals).
        Form No.: N/A.
        Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
        Estimated Annual Burden: 81 respondents; 15.2 hours per response 
    (avg.); 1233 total annual burden hours for all collections.
        Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $0.
        Frequency of Response: Monthly; Annually.
        Description: The Commission will adopt a framework to be used in 
    estimating costs and computing federal support to enable reasonable 
    comparability of rates for non-rural
    [[Page 45967]]
    carriers. In a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) issued in 
    CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 96-262, released May 28, 1999, the Commission 
    provided an additional opportunity for interested parties to comment on 
    specific universal service support implementation issues now that they 
    are able to work with the cost model. Although the Commission has the 
    responsibility to ensure that support is sufficient to enable 
    reasonable comparability of rates, the states possess jurisdiction over 
    specific rate levels. In the FNPRM, the Commission tentatively 
    concluded that making support available as part of the state rate-
    setting process would empower state regulators to achieve reasonable 
    comparability of rates within their states. The Commission proposed 
    that carriers should be required to notify high-cost subscribers that 
    their lines have been identified as high-cost lines and that federal 
    high-cost support is being provided to the carrier to assist in keeping 
    rates affordable in those subscribers' area. In addition, the Joint 
    Board recommended that the Commission require carriers to certify that 
    they will apply federal high-cost support in accordance with the 
    statute. The Joint Board also recommended that the Commission should 
    not require states to provide any certification as a ``condition'' for 
    carriers in the state to receive high cost support, but the Commission 
    should instead permit states to certify that, in order to receive 
    federal universal service support, a carrier must use such funds in a 
    manner consistent with 47 USC Section 254. Because some states may lack 
    either the authority or the desire to impose conditions on the use of 
    high-cost support, the Commission tentatively concluded that such state 
    oversight, while valuable and potentially sufficient, may not in every 
    case ensure that section 254(e)'s goals are met. Therefore, the 
    Commission proposed to condition the receipt of federal universal 
    service high-cost support on any state action, including adjustments to 
    local rate schedules reflecting federal support. The Commission 
    believes that denying support to states that lack the regulatory 
    authority to ensure that federal funds are used appropriately would 
    penalize those states and would not be consistent with section 254's 
    mandates. The Commission proposed that even states that lack this 
    authority should be able to certify to the Commission that a carrier 
    within the state had accounted for its receipt of federal support in 
    its rates or otherwise used the support for the ``provision, 
    maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the 
    support is intended'' in accordance with section 254(e). Proposed 
    Information Collections: a. Each non-rural company that receives high 
    cost support should notify high-cost subscribers that their lines have 
    been identified as high-cost lines and that federal high-cost support 
    is being provided to the carrier to assist in keeping rates affordable 
    in those subscribers' area. (Note: in the FNPRM, the Commission seeks 
    comment on this issue therefore the frequency of responses may decrease 
    if the notification only occurs annually instead of monthly). (No. of 
    respondents: 30; hours per response: 36 hours; total annual burden: 
    1,080 hours). b. Each state commission must file a letter with the 
    Commission certifying that a carrier within the state had accounted for 
    its receipt of federal support in its rates or otherwise used the 
    support for the ``provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities 
    and services for which the support is intended'' in accordance with 
    section 254(e). (No. of respondents: 51; hours per response: 3 hours; 
    total annual burden: 153 hours). If adopted, the information will be 
    used to show that federal high-cost support is being provided to the 
    carrier to assist in keeping rates affordable in those subscribers' 
    area. Further, the collection of information will be used to verify 
    that the carriers have accounted for its receipt of federal support in 
    its rates or otherwise used the support for the ``provision, 
    maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the 
    support is intended'' in accordance with section 254(e). Obligation to 
    respond: Mandatory.
        OMB Control No.: 3060-0895.
        Expiration Date: 08/31/2002.
        Title: Numbering Resource Optimization--CC Docket No. 99-200 
    (Proposed Rule).
        Form No.: N/A.
        Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
        Estimated Annual Burden: 3,000 respondents; 52 hours per response 
    (avg.); 156,000 total annual burden hours for all collections.
        Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $0.
        Frequency of Response: On occasion; Quarterly.
        Description: In a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Notice) issued in 
    CC Docket No. 99-200, released June 2, 1999, the Commission examined a 
    variety of measures intended to increase the efficiency with which 
    telecommunications carriers use telephone numbering resources in order 
    to slow the rate of number exhaust in this country. The Notice sought 
    public comment on how best to create national standards for numbering 
    resource optimization. Specifically, the Notice examined the existing 
    mechanisms for the administration and allocation of numbering 
    resources, which are governed by industry-developed Central Office Code 
    Guidelines. The guidelines have not been effective in constraining the 
    ability of carriers to obtain and carry excessively large inventories 
    of numbering resources for which they have no immediate need. The 
    Notice sought comment on measures that would tie the allocation of new 
    numbering resources to a showing of need by the carrier, increase 
    carrier accountability for number utilization through enhanced data 
    reporting and audit requirements, and speed the return of unused 
    numbering resources. The Notice specifically sought comment on the 
    possibility of requiring carriers to meet number utilization thresholds 
    before they can obtain additional numbering resources. These measures 
    would not require implementation of new systems or technologies, and 
    could likely be implemented in a relatively short time period at 
    minimal cost. The Notice proposed certain verification measures 
    designed to prevent carriers from obtaining numbering resources that 
    they do not need in the near term. Proposed Information Collections: a. 
    Quarterly Reporting: The Commission proposes to collect utilization and 
    forecast data information from all telecommunications carriers that use 
    numbering resources. The Notice tentatively concludes that carriers 
    should report utilization and forecast data on a quarterly basis and 
    that the Commission should mandate that all users of numbering 
    resources must supply utilization and forecast data to the NANPA. (No. 
    of respondents: 3,000; hours per response 48 hours; total annual 
    burden: 144,000 hours). b. Initial Codes: With respect to an 
    applicant's ability to obtain initial codes, the Notice sought comment 
    on what type of showing would be appropriate. The Notice sought comment 
    on whether applicants should be required to make a particular showing 
    regarding the equipment they intend to use to provide service, the 
    state of readiness of their network or switches, or their progress with 
    their business plans, prior to obtaining initial codes, or whether any 
    other type of showing should be required. The Notice sought comment on 
    whether applicants should be required to submit evidence of their 
    license/certificate with their
    [[Page 45968]]
    applications for initial codes, or conversely, whether the NANPA should 
    be required to check the status of an applicant's license or 
    certification with the relevant state commission prior to issuing the 
    requested initial code. (No. of respondents: 3,000; hours per response: 
    1 hour; total annual burden: 3,000 hours). c. Growth Codes: Applicants 
    for NXX codes currently are required to complete a Months-to-Exhaust 
    Worksheet prior to applying for growth codes. The Notice sought comment 
    on whether requiring applicants to submit the Months-to-Exhaust 
    Worksheet with an application for growth codes would be an adequate 
    demonstration of need for additional numbering resources. 
    Alternatively, the Notice sought comment on whether carriers should be 
    required to demonstrate that they have achieved a specified level of 
    numbering utilization (or fill rate) in the area in question before 
    they may receive additional numbering resources. (No. of respondents: 
    3,000; hours per response: 3 hours; total annual burden: 9,000 hours). 
    If adopted, all of the proposed collections will be used to prevent the 
    premature exhaustion of numbering resources. Obligation to comply: 
        OMB Control No.: 3060-0793.
        Expiration Date: 08/31/2002.
        Title: Procedures for States Regarding Lifeline Consents, Adoption 
    of Intrastate Discount Matrix for Schools and Libraries, and 
    Designation of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
        Form No.: N/A.
        Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
        Estimated Annual Burden: 260 respondents; .58 hours per response 
    (avg.); 155 total annual burden hours for all collections.
        Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $0.
        Frequency of Response: On occasion; annually.
        Description: In a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) 
    issued in CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 97-60, released May 28, 1999, the 
    Commission proposed to change the way in which local exchange carriers 
    file rural certification letters. The Commission proposed that carriers 
    who serve under 100,000 access lines should not have to file the annual 
    rural certification letter unless their status has changed since their 
    last filing. In addition, the Commission proposes that once it has 
    clarified the meaning of ``local exchange operating entity'' and 
    ``communities of more than 50,000'' in section 153(37), it should 
    require carriers with more than 100,000 access lines that seek rural 
    status to file certifications for the period beginning January 1, 2000, 
    consistent with the Commission's interpretation of the ``rural 
    telephone company'' definition. (No. of respondents: 5; hours per 
    response: 1 hour; total annual burden: 5 hours). For carriers with more 
    than 100,000 access lines, that seek rural status, the Commission 
    sought comment on whether it should require these carriers to re-
    certify each year (after the filing of January 1, 2000) or, in the 
    alternative, whether they should be required to re-certify only if 
    their status has changed. (No. of respondents: 20; hours per response: 
    1 hour; total annual burden: 20 hours). Note that the FNPRM does not 
    propose to modify several collections of information previously 
    approved by OMB under this control number. Submission of eligibility 
    criteria: States must designate common carriers as eligible 
    telecommunications carriers for service areas designated by the state 
    commission in accordance collection with 47 U.S.C. Section 214(e). (No. 
    of respondents: 25; hours per response: 1; total annual burden: 25 
    hours). Notification of change in status as rural telephone company. If 
    a local exchange carrier's status as a rural telephone company changes 
    so that it becomes ineligible for certification as a rural carrier, 
    that carrier must inform the Commission and the Administrator within 
    one month of the change. (No. of respondents: 210; hours per response: 
    .5 total annual burden: 105 hours.) If the proposed collections are 
    adopted, the information will be used to determine which rural and non-
    rural LECs will receive universal service support. All the requirements 
    are necessary to implement the congressional mandate for universal 
    service. These reporting requirements are necessary to verify that 
    particular carriers and other respondents are eligible to receive 
    universal service support. Obligation to comply: Required to obtain or 
    retain benefits.
        OMB Control No.: 3060-0814.
        Expiration Date: 09/30/2001.
        Title: Section 54.301, Local Switching Support and Local Switching 
    Support Data Collection Form and Instructions.
        Form No.: N/A.
        Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
        Estimated Annual Burden: 192 respondents; 21.55 hours per response 
    (avg.); 4138 total annual burden hours for all collections.
        Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $0.
        Frequency of Response: On occasion; Annually.
        Description: Pursuant to 47 CFR 54.301(a) through (e), each 
    incumbent local exchange carrier that is not a member of the NECA 
    common line tariff, that has been designated an eligible 
    telecommunications carrier, and that serves a study area with 50,000 or 
    fewer access lines shall, for each study area, provide the 
    Administrator with the projected total unseparated dollar amount 
    assigned to each account in section 54.301(b). (No. of respondents: 
    172; hours per response: 24; total annual burden: 4128 hours.) Pursuant 
    to 47 CFR 54.301(f)-(e), each incumbent local exchange carrier that is 
    not a member of the NECA common line tariff, that is an average 
    schedule company, that has been designated an eligible 
    telecommunications carrier, and that serves a study area with 50,000 or 
    fewer access lines shall, for each study area, provide the 
    Administrator with their total number of access lines, total number of 
    central offices, and projected access minutes. This information is 
    necessary so that the universal service administrator may comply with 
    section 54.301(f) of the Commission's rules. Section 54.301(f) provides 
    that, consistent with the Commission's treatment of average schedule 
    companies, the universal service administrator should develop ``a 
    formula that simulates the disbursements that would be received 
    pursuant to this section by a company that is representative of average 
    schedule companies.'' 47 CFR 54.301(f). (No. of respondents: 20; hours 
    per response: .5 hours; total annual burden: 10 hours.) The universal 
    service administrator, USAC, has developed a form to collect the 
    information specified in the Commission's rules. This data request is 
    necessary to calculate the average unseparated local switching revenue 
    requirement. This revenue requirement calculation is necessary to 
    calculate the amount of local switching support that carriers will 
    receive. Obligation to Comply: Mandatory.
        Public reporting burden for the collections of information is as 
    noted above. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other 
    aspect of the collections of information, including suggestions for 
    reducing the burden to Performance Evaluation and Records Management, 
    Washington, DC 20554.
        Federal Communications Commission.
    Magalie Roman Salas,
    [FR Doc. 99-21809 Filed 8-20-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Federal Communications Commission
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45966-45968 (3 pages)
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