99-22354. Initiation of Antidumping Investigations: Paintbrushes and Paintbrush Heads, Other Than Natural Bristle Paintbrushes and Paintbrush Heads, From the People's Republic of China and Paintbrushes and Paintbrush Heads From Indonesia  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 166 (Friday, August 27, 1999)]
    [Pages 46881-46884]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-22354]
    International Trade Administration
    [A-570-857, A-560-809]
    Initiation of Antidumping Investigations: Paintbrushes and 
    Paintbrush Heads, Other Than Natural Bristle Paintbrushes and 
    Paintbrush Heads, From the People's Republic of China and Paintbrushes 
    and Paintbrush Heads From Indonesia
    AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
    Department of Commerce.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: August 27, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sunkyu Kim, AD/CVD Enforcement Group 
    I, Office 2, Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
    U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., 
    Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-2613.
    The Applicable Statute and Regulations
        Unless otherwise indicated, all citations to the statute are 
    references to the provisions effective January 1, 1995, the effective 
    date of the amendments made to the Tariff Act of 1930 (the Act) by the 
    Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA). In addition, unless otherwise 
    indicated, all citations to the Department of Commerce's (the 
    Department's) regulations are to the current regulations at 19 CFR part 
    351 (April 1998).
    The Petitions
        On August 2, 1999, the Department received petitions filed in 
    proper form by The Paintbrush Trade Action Coalition (PATAC) which is 
    comprised of the following companies: EZ Paintr Corporation; The 
    Wooster Brush Company; Purdy Corporation; Bestt Liebco; and Tru*Serv 
    Manufacturing, collectively referred to hereinafter as the petitioner. 
    On August 11 and August 16, 1999, the Department received supplemental 
    information to these petitions that it had requested from the 
        In accordance with section 732(b) of the Act, the petitioner 
    alleges that imports of paintbrushes, other than natural bristle 
    paintbrushes, from the People's Republic of China (PRC), and 
    paintbrushes from Indonesia are being, or are likely to be, sold in the 
    United States at less than fair value within the meaning of section 731 
    of the Act, and that such imports are materially injuring an industry 
    in the United States.
        The Department finds that the petitioner filed the petitions on 
    behalf of the domestic industry because it is an interested party as 
    defined in sections 771(9) (C) and (D) of the Act and it has 
    demonstrated sufficient industry support. See ``Determination of 
    Industry Support for the Petitions'' section, below.
    Scope of Investigations
        There is an existing antidumping duty order on natural bristle 
    paintbrushes from the PRC. See Antidumping Duty Order; Natural Bristle 
    Paintbrushes and Brush Heads from the People's Republic of China, 51 FR 
    5580 (February 14, 1986). The scope of the petition on
    [[Page 46882]]
    paintbrushes from the PRC covers all paintbrushes and paintbrush heads 
    imported from the PRC, except those that are already covered by the 
    existing order. For Indonesia, the scope of the petition includes all 
    paintbrushes and paintbrush heads (i.e., natural bristle, synthetic 
    filament, and natural-synthetic filament blended paintbrushes).
    People's Republic of China
        The scope of the PRC investigation includes all paintbrushes and 
    paintbrush heads that are used to apply paint, stain, varnish, shellac, 
    or any other type of protective coating, other than natural bristle 
    paintbrushes and paintbrush heads that are classifiable under 
    9603.40.4040 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States 
    (HTSUS). The scope of the investigation includes paintbrushes and 
    paintbrush heads with a blend of natural bristle and synthetic 
    filaments, provided that the synthetic filaments comprise over 50 
    percent of the total filler material in the finished paintbrush or 
    paintbrush head.
        The merchandise subject to this investigation is classifiable under 
    9603.40.4060 of the HTSUS. Although the HTSUS subheading is provided 
    for convenience and customs purposes, the written description of the 
    merchandise under investigation is dispositive.
        Excluded from the scope of this investigation are artists' brushes 
    classifiable under 9603.30.2000, 9603.30.4000, or 9603.30.6000 of the 
    HTSUS or other non-paintbrush products classifiable under 9603.40.4060 
    of the HTSUS, such as foam applicators, sponge applicators, or any 
    other type of non-brush paint applicator.
        The scope of the Indonesian investigation includes all paintbrushes 
    and paintbrush heads that are used to apply paint, stain, varnish, 
    shellac, or any other type of protective coating, including natural 
    bristle paintbrushes and paintbrush heads, synthetic filament 
    paintbrushes and paintbrush heads, and paintbrushes and paintbrush 
    heads made with a blend of natural bristle and synthetic filament.
        The merchandise subject to this investigation is classifiable under 
    9603.40.4040 and 9603.40.4060 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the 
    United States (HTSUS). Although the HTSUS subheadings are provided for 
    convenience and customs purposes, the written description of the 
    merchandise under investigation is dispositive.
        Excluded from the scope of this investigation are artists' brushes 
    classifiable under 9603.30.2000, 9603.30.4000, or 9603.30.6000 of the 
    HTSUS or other non-paintbrush products classifiable under 9603.40.4060 
    of the HTSUS, such as foam applicators, sponge applicators, or any 
    other type of non-brush paint applicator.
        During our review of the petitions, we discussed the definitions of 
    the scope of the investigations with the petitioner to ensure that the 
    definitions accurately reflect the products for which it is seeking 
    relief. As we discussed in the preamble to the Department's 
    regulations, we are setting aside a period for parties to raise issues 
    regarding product coverage. See Antidumping Duties; Countervailing 
    Duties: Final Rule, 62 FR 27296, 27323 (May 19, 1997). The Department 
    encourages all parties to submit such comments by September 13, 1999. 
    Comments should be addressed to Import Administration's Central Records 
    Unit at Room 1870, U.S. Department of Commerce, Pennsylvania Avenue and 
    14th Street, NW., Washington, DC, 20230. This scope consultation period 
    is intended to provide the Department with ample opportunity to 
    consider all comments and consult with parties prior to the issuance of 
    the preliminary determinations.
    Determination of Industry Support for the Petitions
        Section 732(b)(1) of the Act requires that a petition be filed on 
    behalf of the domestic industry. Section 732(c)(4)(A) of the Act 
    provides that a petition meets this requirement if the domestic 
    producers or workers who support the petition account for: (1) At least 
    25 percent of the total production of the domestic like product; and 
    (2) more than 50 percent of the production of the domestic like product 
    produced by that portion of the industry expressing support for, or 
    opposition to, the petition.
        Section 771(4)(A) of the Act defines the ``industry'' as the 
    producers of a domestic like product. Thus, to determine whether the 
    petition has the requisite industry support, the statute directs the 
    Department to look to producers and workers who account for production 
    of the domestic like product. The International Trade Commission (ITC), 
    which is responsible for determining whether the domestic industry has 
    been injured, must also determine what constitutes a domestic like 
    product in order to define the industry. While both the Department and 
    the ITC must apply the same statutory provision regarding the domestic 
    like product (section 771(10) of the Act), they do so for different 
    purposes and pursuant to separate and distinct authority. In addition, 
    the Department's determination is subject to limitations of time and 
    information. Although this may result in different definitions of the 
    domestic like product, such differences do not render the decision of 
    either agency contrary to the law.1 Section 771(10) of the 
    Act defines domestic like product as ``a product which is like, or in 
    the absence of like, most similar in characteristics and uses with, the 
    article subject to an investigation under this title.'' Thus, the 
    reference point from which the domestic like product analysis begins is 
    ``the article subject to an investigation,'' i.e., the class or kind of 
    merchandise to be investigated, which normally will be the scope as 
    defined in the petition.
        \1\ See Algoma Steel Corp., Ltd. v. United States, 688 F. Supp. 
    639, 644 (CIT 1988); High Information Content Flat Panel Displays 
    and Display Glass Therefor from Japan: Final Determination; 
    Rescission of Investigation and Partial Dismissal of Petition, 56 
    Fed. Reg. 32376, 32380-81 (July 16, 1991).
        In this case, the petitioner claims that all paintbrushes including 
    natural bristle, synthetic filament, and natural-synthetic filament 
    blended paintbrushes, constitute one class or kind of merchandise. In 
    addition, the petitioner notes that the ITC, in its determination in 
    the original investigation on natural bristle paintbrushes from the 
    PRC, defined the domestic like product as all paintbrushes, both 
    natural bristle and synthetic filament paintbrushes. See Natural 
    Bristle Paint Brushes from the People's Republic of China, Inv. No. 
    731-TA-244 (Final), USITC Pub.1805 at 7 (January 1986).
        Based on our analysis of the information and arguments presented to 
    the Department, we have determined that for purposes of initiation of 
    these investigations there is a single domestic like product which is 
    defined in the ``Scope of Investigations'' section, above, with respect 
    to Indonesia.
        Moreover, the Department has determined that the petitions and 
    supplemental information contained adequate evidence of sufficient 
    industry support. See August 23, 1999, Initiation Checklist (public 
    version on file in the Central Records Unit of the Department of 
    Commerce, Room B-099). To the best of the Department's knowledge, the 
    producers who support the petitions account for more than 50 percent of 
    the production of the domestic like product. Additionally, no person 
    who would qualify as an interested party pursuant to section 771(9) 
    (C), (D), (E) or (F) of the
    [[Page 46883]]
    Act expressed opposition to the petitions on the record. Accordingly, 
    the Department determines that these petitions are filed on behalf of 
    the domestic industry within the meaning of section 732(b)(1) of the 
    Export Price and Normal Value
        The following describes the allegations of sales at less than fair 
    value upon which our decision to initiate these investigations is 
    based. Should the need arise to use any of this information in our 
    preliminary or final determinations for purposes of facts available 
    under section 776 of the Act, we may re-examine the information and 
    revise the margin calculations, if appropriate.
    People's Republic of China
        The petitioner identified 42 potential PRC exporters and/or 
    producers of paintbrushes. The petitioner based export price (EP) on 
    offers for sale of the subject merchandise by three PRC exporters. The 
    petitioner made no adjustments to the starting prices.
        Because the PRC is considered a nonmarket economy (NME) country 
    under section 771(18) of the Act, the petitioner based normal value 
    (NV) on the factors of production valued in a surrogate country, in 
    accordance with section 773(c)(3) of the Act. For purposes of the 
    petition, the petitioner selected Indonesia as the most appropriate 
    surrogate market economy. For the factors of production, the petitioner 
    analyzed sample paintbrushes provided by the PRC exporters that 
    correspond to the price quotations. The petitioner disassembled and 
    weighed each of the inputs in order to derive the consumption amount of 
    each raw material used. For labor and electricity, the petitioner 
    estimated the consumption amounts based on its own experience.
        Materials were valued based on Indonesian prices obtained from the 
    petitioner's market research. For wood handles, the petitioner stated 
    that it was unable to obtain any publicly available information 
    specific to wood handles for paintbrushes. Therefore, wood handles were 
    valued using prices obtained from an Indonesian supplier. The remaining 
    materials, including packing materials, were valued based on publicly 
    available information which consisted principally of prices published 
    in official Indonesian government import statistics (i.e., Foreign 
    Trade Statistical Bulletin: Imports) for the period January 1997 
    through October 1997. Labor, including direct and packing labor, was 
    valued using the regression-based wage rate for the PRC provided by the 
    Department, in accordance with 19 CFR 351.408(c)(3). To value 
    electricity, the petitioner used the value used by the Department in 
    the 1996-1997 administrative review of the antidumping duty order on 
    natural bristle paintbrushes and brush heads from the PRC. This value 
    is based on rates published in A Brief Guide for Investors 1995, issued 
    by the Indonesian government's Investment Coordinating Board. The 
    petitioner adjusted the rate for inflation using the wholesale price 
    indices (WPI) published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). For 
    factory overhead, selling, general, and administrative expenses (SG&A) 
    and profit, the petitioner used information from financial statements 
    pertaining to the Indonesian industrial grouping which includes 
    manufacturers of paintbrushes, as reported in the Indonesian 
    government's Large and Medium Manufacturing Statistics: Volume I 
        Based on comparisons of EP to NV, the petitioner estimates dumping 
    margins from 10.82 percent to 148.91 percent.
        The petitioner identified the following four exporters and 
    producers of paintbrushes from Indonesia: PT Ace Oldfields; PT Eterna 
    Jayatama Industries; PT Kata Perkasa J/V; and PT Sentosa Hastareksa. 
    For EP, the petitioner used price quotes offered by one of the 
    producers, PT Ace Oldfields, as obtained from its foreign market 
        The petitioner adjusted these prices by subtracting amounts for 
    foreign inland freight and brokerage and handling expenses. The 
    movement expenses were based on information obtained from the 
    petitioner's market research report.
        With respect to NV, the petitioner used price quotations obtained 
    from the foreign market researcher for paintbrushes manufactured by Ace 
    Oldfields and sold to customers in Indonesia. The petitioner adjusted 
    these prices by subtracting foreign inland freight amounts which were 
    calculated by using information obtained by the market researcher. In 
    addition, the petitioner made a circumstance of sale adjustment for 
    imputed credit expenses by subtracting home market credit expenses from 
    the starting prices. The petitioner calculated home market imputed 
    credit expenses based on an estimated credit period and the average 
    short-term lending rate in Indonesia during the first quarter of 1999, 
    as published in the International Financial Statistics.
        Based on comparisons of EP to home market prices, the petitioner 
    estimates margins of 0.00 to 53.12 percent.
    Allegation of Sales Below Cost
        Pursuant to section 773(b) of the Act, the petitioner alleged that 
    home market sales of the foreign like product in Indonesia were made at 
    prices below the cost of production (COP) and requested that the 
    Department initiate a country-wide sales-below-cost investigation.
        Pursuant to section 773(b)(3) of the Act, COP consists of cost of 
    manufacturing (COM), SG&A and packing costs. The petitioner calculated 
    the COP for a sample paintbrush manufactured in Indonesia by PT Ace 
    Oldfields in the following manner: (1) the petitioner calculated the 
    cost of materials by weighing the various material inputs, including 
    packing materials, and valuing the cost of each material using publicly 
    available data; (2) for labor and electricity, the petitioner estimated 
    the consumption amounts based on its analysis of the product and the 
    production experience of its members; and (3) for factory overhead and 
    SG&A, the petitioner used information from publicly available 1997 
    financial statements pertaining to the Indonesian industrial grouping 
    which includes manufacturers of paintbrushes.
        With the exception of the values for labor and natural bristle, the 
    petitioner relied on the information used to value the factors of 
    production of paintbrushes from the PRC, as described above, to 
    calculate the COP of the analyzed paintbrush. To value labor, the 
    petitioner used the April 1999 regional minimum wage rate applicable in 
    West Java, Indonesia, as obtained from the February 1999 issue of the 
    Indonesian Commercial Newsletter. The petitioner calculated the cost of 
    natural bristles based on values obtained from the October 1997 issue 
    of the Foreign Trade Statistical Bulletin: Imports for the period 
    January 1997 through October 1997.
        Based upon the comparison of the adjusted prices from the petition 
    of the foreign like product in Indonesia to the COP calculated in the 
    petition, we do not find ``reasonable grounds to believe or suspect'' 
    that sales of these foreign like products were made below their 
    respective COP within the meaning of section 773(b)(2)(A)(i) of the 
    Act. Accordingly, based on information currently on the record, the 
    Department is not initiating a country-wide cost investigation for 
    Indonesia, as requested by the petitioner.
    [[Page 46884]]
    Fair Value Comparisons
        Based on the data provided by the petitioner, there is reason to 
    believe that imports of paintbrushes and paintbrush heads, other than 
    natural bristle paintbrushes and paintbrush heads, from the PRC and 
    paintbrushes and paintbrush heads from Indonesia are being, or are 
    likely to be, sold at less than fair value.
    Allegations and Evidence of Material Injury and Causation
        The petitioner alleges that the U.S. industry producing the 
    domestic like product is being materially injured, and is threatened 
    with material injury, by reason of imports of the subject merchandise 
    sold at less than NV. The allegations of injury and causation are 
    supported by relevant evidence including business proprietary data from 
    the members of PATAC and U.S. Customs import data. The Department 
    assessed the allegations and supporting evidence regarding material 
    injury and causation and determined that these allegations are 
    sufficiently supported by accurate and adequate evidence and meet the 
    statutory requirements for initiation. See Initiation Checklist (public 
    version on file in the Central Records Unit of the Department of 
    Commerce, Room B-099).
    Initiation of Antidumping Investigations
        We have examined the petitions on paintbrushes and paintbrush 
    heads, other than natural bristle paintbrushes and paintbrush heads, 
    from the PRC and paintbrushes and paintbrush heads from Indonesia and 
    have found that they meet the requirements of section 732 of the Act. 
    Therefore, we are initiating antidumping duty investigations to 
    determine whether imports of paintbrushes and paintbrush heads, other 
    than natural bristle paintbrushes and paintbrush heads, from the PRC 
    and paintbrushes and paintbrush heads from Indonesia are being, or are 
    likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value. Unless 
    extended, we will make our preliminary determinations for the 
    antidumping duty investigations by January 10, 2000.
    Distribution of Copies of the Petitions
        In accordance with section 732(b)(3)(A) of the Act, a copy of the 
    public version of each petition has been provided to the 
    representatives of the governments of the PRC and Indonesia. We will 
    attempt to provide a copy of the public version of each petition to 
    each exporter named in the petition (as appropriate).
    International Trade Commission Notification
        We have notified the ITC of our initiations, as required by section 
    732(d) of the Act.
    Preliminary Determinations by the ITC
        The ITC will determine by September 16, 1999, whether there is a 
    reasonable indication that imports of paintbrushes and paintbrush 
    heads, other than natural bristle paintbrushes and paintbrush heads, 
    from the PRC and paintbrushes and paintbrush heads from Indonesia are 
    causing material injury, or threatening to cause material injury, to a 
    U.S. industry. Negative ITC determinations will result in the 
    particular investigations being terminated; otherwise, the 
    investigations will proceed according to statutory and regulatory time 
        This notice is published in accordance with section 777(i)(1) of 
    the Act.
        Dated: August 23, 1999.
    Richard W. Moreland,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
    [FR Doc. 99-22354 Filed 8-26-99; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
International Trade Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
August 27, 1999.
46881-46884 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
A-570-857, A-560-809
PDF File: