95-21316. Migratory Bird Hunting; Proposed Frameworks for Late-Season Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 166 (Monday, August 28, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 44463-44476]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-21316]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 20
    RIN 1018-AC79
    Migratory Bird Hunting; Proposed Frameworks for Late-Season 
    Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule; supplemental.
    SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service (hereinafter the Service) is 
    proposing to establish the 1995-96 late-season hunting regulations for 
    certain migratory game birds. The Service annually prescribes 
    frameworks, or outer limits, for dates and times when hunting may occur 
    and the number of birds that may be taken and possessed in late 
    seasons. These frameworks are necessary to allow State selections of 
    seasons and limits and to allow recreational harvest at levels 
    compatible with population and habitat conditions.
    DATES: The comment period for proposed late-season frameworks will end 
    on September 7, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be mailed to Chief, Office of Migratory Bird 
    Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, 
    ms 634--ARLSQ, 1849 C Street, NW., Washington, DC 20240. Comments 
    received will be available for public inspection during normal business 
    hours in room 634, Arlington Square Building, 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, 
    Arlington, Virginia.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul R. Schmidt, Chief, Office of 
    Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, (703) 358-
    Regulations Schedule for 1995
        On March 24, 1995, the Service published for public comment in the 
    Federal Register (60 FR 15642) a proposal to amend 50 CFR part 20, with 
    comment periods ending July 21 for early-season proposals and September 
    4 for late-season proposals. Due to some unforeseen and uncontrollable 
    publishing delays in the proposed late-season regulations frameworks, 
    the Service has extended the public comment period to September 7, 
    1995. On June 16, 1995, the Service published for public comment a 
    second document (60 FR 31890) which provided supplemental proposals for 
    early- and late-season migratory bird hunting regulations frameworks.
        On June 22, 1995, a public hearing was held in Washington, DC, as 
    announced in the March 24 and June 16 Federal Registers to review the 
    status of migratory shore and upland game birds. Proposed hunting 
    regulations were discussed for these species and for other early 
        On July 21, 1995, the Service published in the Federal Register (60 
    FR 37754) a third document which dealt specifically with proposed 
    early-season frameworks for the 1995-96 season.
        On August 3, 1995, a public hearing was held in Washington, DC, as 
    announced in the March 24, June 16, and July 21 Federal Registers, to 
    review the status of waterfowl. Proposed hunting regulations were 
    discussed for these late seasons. The Service later published a fourth 
    document containing final frameworks for early seasons from which 
    wildlife conservation agency officials from the States and Territories 
    selected early-season hunting dates, hours, areas, and limits.
        This document is the fifth in the series of proposed, supplemental, 
    and final rulemaking documents for migratory bird hunting regulations 
    and deals specifically with proposed frameworks for the late-season 
    migratory bird hunting regulations. It will lead to final frameworks 
    from which States may select season dates, hours, areas, and limits. 
    All pertinent comments on the proposals received through August 3, 
    1995, have been considered in developing this document. In addition, 
    new proposals for certain late-season regulations are provided for 
    public comment. The comment period is specified above under Dates. 
    Final regulatory frameworks for late-season migratory game bird hunting 
    are scheduled for publication in the Federal Register on or about 
    September 25, 1995.
    Presentations at Public Hearing
        A report on the status of waterfowl was presented. This report is 
    briefly reviewed below as a matter of public information, and is a 
    summary of information contained in the ``Status of Waterfowl and Fall 
    Flight Forecast'' report.
        Most goose and swan populations in North America remain numerically 
    sound and the size of most fall flights will be similar to those of 
    last year. Production of young in 1995 is expected to be above average 
    for most populations. Generally, spring phenology was earlier than 
    normal in the western Arctic and Ungave Peninsula, later than normal in 
    the prairie pothole region, and near normal in other important nesting 
    areas. Habitat 
    [[Page 44464]]
    conditions for nesting geese were variable in southern Canada and the 
    northern U.S. Flooding in the western U.S. likely reduced the 
    productivity of several Canada goose populations. Recent declines in 
    sizes of the Atlantic, Southern James Bay, and dusky Canada goose 
    populations are of continuing concern.
        The 1995 estimate of total ducks in the traditional survey area was 
    35.9 million, an increase of 10 percent from that in 1994 and 11 
    percent higher than the long-term average. Mallards increased 18 
    percent to 8.3 million, the highest estimate since 1972. Gadwalls, 
    redheads, and canvasbacks also increased over 1994 estimates to record-
    high levels. The number of ponds in May was similar to that of last 
    year, but was 38 percent above the long-term average. In eastern areas 
    of Canada and the U.S., surveys of strata 51-56 were conducted for the 
    sixth consecutive year. In this area, the number of total ducks was 
    similar to that of last year, but was 22 percent below the 1990-94 
    average. Habitats in many eastern areas were drier than average. The 
    preliminary fall-flight index for all ducks is about 80 million birds, 
    compared to 71 million last year. The fall flight will include 
    approximately 11.1 million mallards, an increase of 15 percent over 
    that of 1994.
        During the 1994-95 hunting season, there were increases in the 
    number of hunters, their days afield, and in both duck and goose 
    harvests compared to the previous year. However, the number of 
    waterfowl hunters continues to remain below levels observed in the 
    1970's. The sport harvest of ducks continues to increase from the 
    record low in 1988, but remains well below the historic average. Goose 
    harvest has increased three-fold during 1961-94. The rate at which 
    ducks are harvested did not appear to increase during the 1994-95 
    season, in spite of liberalizations in hunting regulations. Harvest-
    survey data suggest that the reproductive success of ducks in the 
    midcontinent region increased last year, but recruitment may have been 
    poorer in other areas. Most goose species experienced declines in 
    recruitment in 1994 compared to the exceptionally good year of 1993.
    Review of Comments Received at Public Hearing
        Seven individuals presented statements at the August 3, 1995, 
    public hearing. These comments are summarized below.
        Mr. Lloyd Alexander, representing the Delaware Division of Fish and 
    Wildlife, supported the proposal to close the Canada goose season 
    throughout the Atlantic Flyway. He stated that existing data do not 
    support a limited 30-day season with a 1-bird daily bag limit in the 
    New England States. He suggests that survival rates on birds migrating 
    through the Maritime Provinces of Canada are actually lower than those 
    breeding in northern Quebec and that better data are needed to 
    delineate this population. He encouraged the Service to contact the 
    Canadian Wildlife Service and request that the sport harvest on the 
    Atlantic Population Canada Geese be suspended in Quebec and Ontario by 
    emergency closure this year. Further, he asked the Service to work with 
    representatives of the native communities to reduce subsistence taking 
    in northern Quebec and ask the Canadian Wildlife Service to review the 
    harvest and consider restrictions on Canada geese in the Maritime 
        He commended the Service for extending the framework closing date 
    on greater snow geese to March 10th, but asked the Service to consider 
    the option of allowing states to split their seasons into 3 segments. 
    He believed that the requested option is needed to allow more 
    flexibility in helping farmers deal with crop depredation problems.
        Mr. Bruce Barbour, representing the National Audubon Society, 
    indicated that both the Eastern and Western Populations of tundra swans 
    are stable and of no management concern. The National Audubon Society 
    supports efforts to restore trumpeter swans throughout their former 
    range, and believes that issues related to the incidental take of 
    trumpeter swans during tundra swan seasons have been adequately 
    addressed in this year's proposal. He reminded the Service of the 
    concern for the Atlantic and Southern James Bay Populations of Canada 
    geese and the dusky subspecies, and recommended that further 
    restrictions should be sought for their recovery. Mr. Barbour then 
    indicated concern for the extremely high populations of Mid-Continent 
    Snow Geese that have resulted in severe damage to Arctic nesting areas. 
    He reviewed this year's breeding duck population status and supported 
    the Adaptive Harvest Management process used in selecting this year's 
    liberal package and specified species restrictions. He indicated that 
    increased hunting opportunity will occur on all species under the 
    liberal option, and efforts should be initiated to cooperatively 
    develop harvest approaches for these species. Finally, many programs 
    are responsible for the recovery of the continent's duck resources; 
    however, many of these programs are under attack through budget-
    balancing and any reductions could jeopardize future status and the 
    increases in hunting opportunity.
        Mr. Richard Elden, representing the Michigan Department of Natural 
    Resources, commended the Service for its efforts to improve the 
    regulations-setting process. He stated that the process has markedly 
    improved and he is optimistic about adaptive harvest management. He 
    summarized the development of Canada goose management plans in the 
    Mississippi Flyway and their role in improving the cooperative 
    management of the various populations. He stated that, based on the 
    status of redheads this year, liberalization of the daily bag limit for 
    this species is warranted and biologically supported, and requested 
    that the Service reconsider its proposal and increase the number of 
    redheads in the daily bag limit from 1 to 2 birds in the Mississippi 
        Mr. Mike Harris, representing the Maryland Guide Association 
    commented that Canada geese have changed their movement patterns in 
    recent years and no longer migrate north in the spring, as they once 
    did. Rather, he believes they remain as resident birds and breed 
    locally. He maintains that although these geese are in good numbers, 
    early seasons on these birds should not be allowed, because it reduces 
    the overall numbers of geese available during the regular season. He 
    claims that it is difficult to stay in business and suggests that if 
    the hunting season is closed on Canada geese, the guides and outfitters 
    should receive some financial assistance from the Federal Government. 
    He recommended that a 30-day season with a 1-bird daily bag limit be 
    offered until the changing patterns of resident geese could be 
        Rollin W. Sparrowe, representing the Wildlife Management Institute, 
    supported overall the Service's regulatory proposals. He commended the 
    Service and State cooperators for their commitment toward implementing 
    the Adaptive Harvest Management approach to duck hunting and to 
    distance the process from political influence. He supported partial 
    adoption of the Adaptive Harvest Management approach this year which 
    recognized goals established in the North American Waterfowl Management 
    Plan. He was pleased that after years of concern about the status of 
    ducks, more liberal seasons could be offered. He asked why the Service 
    did not consider adding an additional redhead to the bag limit in the 
    Mississippi and Central Flyways when populations seemed 
    [[Page 44465]]
    appropriate and urged the Service to reexamine this aspect before 
    frameworks were finalized. He expressed continued concern about the 
    status of pintails. He commended the Service and the Atlantic Flyway 
    Council for proposing the closure on Canada goose hunting in the 
    Atlantic Flyway, urged the Service to request the Canadian Wildlife 
    Service to take similar action in Canada, and initiate research to 
    understand the problem. He complimented the Service and Flyway Councils 
    in the regulatory process and their systematic use of data in 
    developing specific recommendations. All parties were urged to keep 
    explaining to their constituencies the Adaptive Harvest Management 
        Rollin W. Sparrowe, also representing The Trumpeter Swan Society, 
    was supportive of the ongoing efforts to restore and redistribute the 
    Rocky Mountain Population of trumpeter swans within the Tri-State Area. 
    He spoke of the conflict between range expansion efforts and waterfowl 
    hunting programs in the Pacific Flyway, including tundra swan seasons 
    in Montana, Utah, and Nevada. However, The Trumpeter Swan Society was 
    satisfied with the Service's proposal to allow significantly modified 
    swan seasons in those three States, which should enhance the likelihood 
    for successful range expansion by trumpeter swans. He thanked the 
    Pacific Flyway Council, the States of Montana, Utah, Nevada, and 
    Oregon, and the Service for successfully developing a compromise that 
    meets everyone's needs. He said his organization was small, with 
    limited resources, but wants to assist all parties in the responsible 
    effort to manage swans.
        Scott Sutherland, representing Ducks Unlimited, expressed support 
    for Adaptive Harvest Management and the regulatory matrix proposed by 
    the Service this year which resulted in the liberal package 
    recommendation. Under full implementation of AHM, however, Mr. 
    Sutherland expressed a desire to modify the framework packages allowing 
    a consideration of longer seasons with smaller daily bag limits. Mr. 
    Sutherland also expressed his continued support for the Conservation 
    Reserve Program and the North American Wetlands Conservation Act.
        Mr. George Vandel, representing the Central Flyway Council, 
    indicated that as Chairman of the Central Flyway Council, he was 
    pleased with this year's process for establishing the proposed 
    frameworks for late seasons. The Central Flyway supported the proposed 
    use of flexible framework opening and closing dates for duck seasons in 
    the Central Flyway, the liberal regulatory package, and the Adaptive 
    Harvest Management process that was used in this interim year prior to 
    its full implementation. He thanked the Service for the assistance with 
    communication efforts on behalf of Adaptive Harvest Management, but 
    pointed out that continuing efforts will be necessary for successful 
    implementation in future years. He then strongly suggested that the 
    Service work closely with the Flyway Councils in developing regulatory 
    packages for next year. He believed that this cooperation will be 
    especially crucial for further implementation by facilitating ownership 
    and support for full implementation of Adaptive Harvest Management in 
    1996. Mr. Vandel summarized the history of goose population status in 
    the Central Flyway and noted the great success of cooperative 
    management practices that has resulted in record high flyway harvest of 
    geese in 1994. However, he pointed out that the high population levels 
    of light geese were of great concern. He recommended that the Service 
    work through an international effort to identify specific actions 
    needed to reduce these high populations and prevent further 
    deterioration of important nesting habitats. He pointed out the 
    importance of maintaining strong migratory bird survey efforts, as 
    these tools are vital to the development of our management approaches. 
    Finally, he indicated that the recovery of duck populations was clear 
    evidence that the Conservation Reserve Program and other habitat 
    programs are working.
    Flyway Council Recommendations and Written Comments
        The preliminary proposed rulemaking which appeared in the March 24 
    Federal Register, opened the public-comment period for late-season 
    migratory game bird hunting regulations. As of August 3, 1995, the 
    Service had received 27 comments; 25 of these specifically addressed 
    late-season issues. The Service also received recommendations from all 
    four Flyway Councils. Late-season comments are summarized and discussed 
    in the order used in the March 24 Federal Register. Only the numbered 
    items pertaining to late seasons for which written comments were 
    received are included.
        Written Comments: An individual from Wisconsin expressed support 
    for the existing shooting hours of one-half hour before sunrise to 
    sunset. He also opposed the requirement for steel shot and urged the 
    development of non-toxic alternatives.
    1. Ducks
        The categories used to discuss issues related to duck harvest 
    management are as follows: (A) General Harvest Strategy, (B) Framework 
    Dates, (C) Season Length, (D) Closed Seasons, (E) Bag Limits, (F) Zones 
    and Split Seasons, and (G) Special Seasons/Species Management. Only 
    those categories containing substantial recommendations are included 
    A. General Harvest Strategy
        Written Comments: The Pennsylvania Game Commission expressed 
    support for the proposed regulations strategies as an interim approach 
    for 1995 only. They continue to be concerned, however, that the process 
    relies on mid-continent mallards as a basis for regulatory changes in 
    the Atlantic Flyway.
        Likewise, the Delaware Department of Fish and Wildlife generally 
    endorsed the concept of regulatory packages but remained concerned that 
    the process was linked to the mid-continent populations of mallards and 
    prairie wetland conditions.
        The Illinois Department of Conservation also expressed support for 
    the Adaptive Harvest Management (AHM) process but were concerned that 
    there had been insufficient time to properly educate the public about 
    AHM. They also felt that the set of regulatory options offered may be 
    too limited, particularly with regard to bag limits.
        The South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks expressed 
    support for AHM and the interim steps proposed for the 1995-95 hunting 
    season. Additionally, they supported the idea of expanding the status 
    of duck breeding populations and habitat used in AHM from mallards and 
    prairie Canada ponds to include other duck species and ponds in the 
    Dakotas and Montana.
        The California Waterfowl Association commended the Service for 
    moving towards AHM. They did express concern, however, for the 
    potential of a season closure in California, the AHM terminology 
    regarding regulations packages, and the use of only mid-continent 
    mallards and prairie habitat conditions in the AHM process.
        Individuals from Mississippi, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Tennessee 
    expressed support for the AHM process and the Service's proposed 
    regulatory packages. However, one individual from Arkansas stated that 
    future AHM criteria should be adjusted to be more conservative.
    [[Page 44466]]
    B. Framework Dates
        Council Recommendations: The Atlantic Flyway Council recommended 
    framework dates of October 1 to January 20.
        The Upper-Region and Lower-Region Regulations Committees of the 
    Mississippi Flyway Council recommended framework dates of September 28 
    and January 23.
        The Central and Pacific Flyway Councils recommended framework dates 
    of the Saturday nearest October 1 (September 30) to the Sunday nearest 
    January 20 (January 21).
        Written Comments: The South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and 
    Parks opposed a fixed framework opening date.
        An individual from Mississippi expressed support for a January 31 
    framework closing date.
        Service Response: Traditional framework opening and closing dates 
    have been oriented to the period October 1 - January 20, either as 
    fixed calendar dates or ``floating'' dates, using as a guideline the 
    Saturday nearest October 1 and the Sunday nearest January 20 to select 
    opening and closing dates annually. The fixed framework dates of 
    September 28 - January 23 recommended for the Mississippi Flyway this 
    year would provide consistently wider frameworks over the years than 
    the fixed October 1 - January 20 dates recommended for the Atlantic 
    Flyway and the floating dates recommended for the Central and Pacific 
    Flyways. To maintain consistency among flyways in the procedures for 
    selecting framework dates, and because floating dates have been 
    recommended annually for the Mississippi Flyway in recent years, the 
    Service proposes to return to the use of floating framework dates for 
    the Mississippi Flyway as well as the Central and Pacific Flyways.
    C. Season Length and Bag Limits
        Council Recommendations: The Atlantic Flyway Council recommended a 
    50-day season with a 5-bird daily bag limit, including no more than 1 
    black duck, 1 hen mallard, 1 pintail, 1 canvasback, 2 wood ducks, 2 
    redheads, and no harlequin ducks. Further, the Council recommended that 
    States maintain a 40-percent reduction in the harvest of black ducks 
    from the 1977-81 base period.
        The Upper-Region Regulations Committee of the Mississippi Flyway 
    Council recommended a 50-day season with a 5-bird daily bag limit, 
    including no more than 4 mallards (no more than 1 of which may be a 
    hen), 1 black duck, 1 pintail, 1 canvasback, 2 wood ducks, and 2 
        The Lower-Region Regulations Committee of the Mississippi Flyway 
    Council recommended a 50-day season with a 5-bird daily bag limit, 
    including no more than 4 mallards (no more than 1 of which may be a 
    hen), 3 mottled ducks, 1 black duck, 1 pintail, 1 canvasback, 2 wood 
    ducks, and 2 redheads.
        The Central Flyway Council recommended a 60-day season (83 days in 
    the High Plains Mallard Management Unit with the last 23 days of the 
    season taken no earlier than the Saturday closest to December 10) with 
    a 5-bird daily bag limit, including no more than 1 hen mallard, 1 
    mottled duck, 1 pintail, 1 canvasback, 2 wood ducks, and 1 redhead.
        The Pacific Flyway Council recommended a 93-day season (100 days in 
    the Columbia Basin Management Unit) with a 6-bird daily bag limit, 
    including no more than 1 hen mallard, 2 pintails, 1 canvasback, and 2 
        Written Comments: Individuals from Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin, 
    and Iowa expressed support for the proposed increase in season length 
    but were against the proposed bag limit increase. An individual from 
    Wisconsin expressed support for a 70-day season. Another individual 
    from Wisconsin supported a 50-day season and a 4-bird daily bag limit, 
    while an individual from Tennessee supported a 40-day season and a 4-
    bird daily bag limit.
        An individual from Michigan was against any increase in the daily 
    bag limit. An individual from Louisiana was opposed to a 50-day season 
    and 5-bird daily bag limit and an individual from Iowa was opposed to a 
    40- to 50-day season with the proposed 5-bird daily bag limit. One 
    individual from Kentucky expressed general support for low limits.
    F. Zones and Split Seasons
        Written Comments: The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission urged the 
    Service to modify its existing zoning policy related to special 
    management unit limitations.
    G. Special Seasons/Species Management
    i. Canvasback
        Written Comments: An individual from Wisconsin supported the 
    opening of canvasback season.
        Service Response: In 1994, the Service adopted a strategy to manage 
    canvasback harvests that considered population status, habitat 
    conditions, and potential harvest. In brief, the strategy stated that 
    if population status and expected production were sufficient to permit 
    a harvest of 1 canvasback per day nationwide for the entire length of 
    the regular duck season, the season on canvasbacks should be opened. 
    Otherwise, the season on canvasbacks should be closed nationwide. This 
    spring, results from the May Breeding Waterfowl and Habitat Survey 
    indicate that habitat conditions and the size of the canvasback 
    population are sufficient to open the season on canvasbacks. Therefore, 
    the Service proposes a bag limit of 1 canvasback per day during the 
    1995-96 regular duck season.
    ii. Redheads
        Council Recommendations: The Mississippi Flyway Council recommended 
    a bag limit of 2 redheads per day, an increase from the bag limit of 1 
    redhead per day proposed by the Service in March 1995.
        Written Comments: The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department also 
    requested a bag limit of 2 redheads per day in the Central Flyway.
        Service Response: The Service prefers that proposals for changes in 
    species- or population-specific regulations be based on more long-term 
    strategies rather than in response to short-term changes in population 
    estimates. The Service believes that such strategies should include the 
    following: (1) an assessment of how the population responds to harvest 
    and environmental conditions, (2) criteria that prescribe when 
    regulations should be changed (i.e., become more restrictive or more 
    liberal), (3) the range of regulatory options that will be considered 
    (e.g., ranges of season lengths and bag limits), and (4) considerations 
    for determining the efficacy of the harvest strategy. The proposals to 
    permit a bag limit of 2 redheads per day were received in late July, 
    and were based primarily in response to the estimated size of the 
    redhead population during spring 1995. The Service believes that, due 
    to the timing of the request, analyses of biological data sufficient to 
    address the four criteria above have not been conducted. Further, 
    additional harvest opportunities on redheads in all Flyways will result 
    from increases in season lengths proposed for this year. The Service 
    recommends that MBMO and the Flyways cooperatively develop protocol and 
    strategies which address how to handle species- and population-specific 
    proposals within the context of the Adaptive Harvest Management (AHM) 
    Initiative, and believes the AHM Working Group is the appropriate forum 
    for this endeavor. 
    [[Page 44467]]
    iii. Other Species
        Written Comments: An individual from Kentucky expressed support for 
    keeping the black duck daily bag limit at 1 bird.
    4. Canada Geese
    B. Regular Seasons
        Council Recommendations: The Atlantic Flyway Council recommended 
    that the regular season on the Atlantic Flyway Population of Canada 
    geese be suspended; except for West Virginia, the Southern James Bay 
    Population harvest areas of Pennsylvania, and a newly created New 
    England Zone [Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont (excluding 
    the Lake Champlain Zone), Massachusetts (excluding the Western Zone), 
    and Connecticut (excluding Litchford and Hartford Counties)]. In the 
    New England Zone, the Council recommended a 30-day season, with a 
    framework of October 1 through November 30, with a 1-bird daily bag 
        The Atlantic Flyway Council also recommended that, in light of the 
    decision to suspend the regular season on migrant Canada geese flyway-
    wide, the Service should immediately begin a review of framework dates 
    for resident Canada goose seasons to determine whether dates could be 
    expanded to increase harvests.
        The Upper-Region and Lower-Region Regulations Committees of the 
    Mississippi Flyway Council recommended several changes in Canada goose 
    quotas, season lengths, etc., based on population status and population 
    management plans and programs.
        The Central Flyway Council recommended several changes for west-
    tier dark geese: (1) an increase in the aggregate bag limit from 3 to 4 
    birds, (2) an extension of the closing framework from January 31 to the 
    Sunday nearest February 15 (February 18) for the Western Goose Zone of 
    Texas, and (3) an increase in the dark goose bag limit from 2 to 4 
    birds in Sheridan County, Montana.
        The Pacific Flyway Council recommended that the bag limit for 
    Canada geese in central Montana, western Wyoming, and southeastern 
    Idaho be increased from 3 to 4 birds. The Council also recommended that 
    the daily bag limit for cackling Canada geese in the quota zones of 
    western Oregon and western Washington be increased from 1 to 2 birds.
        Written Comments: An individual from the Eastern Shore of Maryland 
    expressed support for the closure of the regular Canada goose season 
    for as long as it takes to rebuild the population to the levels of the 
        An individual from Washington urged additional protection for the 
    dusky Canada goose population wintering along the Chehalis River.
        Service Response: Based on the continuing decline in the number of 
    breeding pairs of Atlantic Flyway Population Canada geese, the Service 
    endorses the Atlantic Flyway Council's recommendation to suspend the 
    1995-96 regular Canada goose season in the Chesapeake and Mid-Atlantic 
    regions of the Atlantic Flyway, with exceptions for West Virginia and a 
    portion of northwest Pennsylvania. The substantial drop in numbers of 
    migratory Atlantic Flyway Canada geese (27 percent from 1994 and 75 
    percent from 1988) has continued despite harvest restrictions imposed 
    in 1992. However, the Service does not support the recommendation to 
    provide a 30-day season, betweeen October 1 and November 30, with a 1-
    bird daily bag limit, for States in the New England Zone. The Atlantic 
    Flyway Population is currently managed under an approved Flyway 
    Management Plan as a single Atlantic population unit, along with those 
    birds breeding in the Ungava Bay and east-coastal Hudson Bay areas of 
    Quebec. The Service will continue to manage geese on a population 
    basis, guided by cooperatively developed management plans.
        The information available to objectively separate these populations 
    into two distinct management units, as the basis for the New England 
    Zone, is currently very limited. Survival rates, based on limited 
    bandings, are actually lower for the Maritimes component of the 
    population than for geese in the area where the Flyway Council 
    recommended a complete season closure. Also, productivity information, 
    which would help assess the differences in survival rates, is very 
    limited. In addition, only 2 years of population survey data are 
    available for Canada geese breeding in the Maritimes, and these are too 
    inconclusive to indicate whether numbers of breeding pairs are stable 
    or declining. The Service does not oppose the delineation of a Maritime 
    population of Atlantic Flyway Canada geese, if warranted, but believes 
    that more information is needed before beginning a harvest strategy 
    different from that for the population breeding in Quebec. Therefore, 
    the Service encourages the Flyway Council to work cooperatively with 
    the Canadian Provinces during the coming year to gather more data, 
    review the key population parameters involving the Maritime component 
    of Canada geese, update its Canada goose management plan, and make 
    recommendations regarding an appropriate harvest strategy for this 
    group of geese.
        The Service concurs with the Central Flyway Council's recommended 
    increase in the dark goose aggregate bag limit from 3 to 4 for the 
    west-tier States. However, while this increase is justified for Canada 
    geese, the Service believes that it is not appropriate for white-
    fronted geese. In the Western Goose Zone in Texas, biologists have 
    identified a large group of wintering white-fronted geese believed to 
    be part of the western segment of the Mid-Continent Greater White-
    fronted Goose Population. For this reason, the Service believes that 
    the bag limit for whitefronts should be similar to those of other 
    States in the range of this segment in the east-tier of the Central 
    Flyway. Therefore, the Service proposes a 5-bird dark goose bag limit, 
    including no more than 1 white-fronted goose and 4 Canada geese in the 
    west-tier States of the Central Flyway.
    C. Special Late Seasons
        Council Recommendations: The Atlantic Flyway Council recommended a 
    new experimental late season for resident Canada geese in New York, and 
    additional days and area modifications for existing seasons in New 
    Jersey, South Carolina, and Georgia. In addition, because of the high 
    harvest of migrant Canada geese, the Council recommended suspension of 
    the special late season in the Coastal Zone of Massachusetts.
        The Pacific Flyway Council recommended revision of the Canada goose 
    season framework in Cowlitz County south of the Kalama River and Clark 
    County, Washington, to allow a special late season. The season would be 
    subject to the following conditions: (1) season dates would be February 
    5 through March 10, (2) bag limits and checking requirements would be 
    the same as the regular season, except that the season on cackling 
    Canada geese would be closed, (3) the season would end upon the 
    attainment of a quota of 5 dusky Canada geese (this quota would be 
    taken from the total of 90 allocated under the regular season), and (4) 
    fields selected for the season would not have more than 10 percent 
    duskys in the flocks using the fields. Additionally, the season would 
    be contingent upon an operational hazing program in place in the hunt 
    area, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal Damage 
    Control (ADC) in Washington. ADC would identify fields receiving 
    depredation and contact hunters from a list supplied by the Washington 
    Department of Fish and Game (WDFG). 
    [[Page 44468]]
    WDFG would evaluate season effectiveness and estimate harvest, 
    subspecies composition, hunter participation, and report band 
    5. White-fronted Geese
        Council Recommendations: The Central Flyway Council recommendations 
    regarding dark geese involve white-fronted geese. See item 4. Canada 
    Geese. Specifically pertaining to white-fronted geese, the Council 
    recommended an increase in the season length in the Eastern Goose Zone 
    of Texas from 72 to 86 days.
        The Pacific Flyway Council recommended several changes to white-
    fronted goose frameworks. The Council recommended that special bag-
    limit restrictions on whitefronts be removed by placing them within the 
    overall dark goose limits except in the primary whitefront harvest 
    areas in Alaska; the Counties of Lake, Klamath, and Harney in Oregon; 
    and in the Northeastern and Balance-of-State Zones in California. In 
    Oregon, the Council recommended that all whitefront seasons be 
    concurrent with dark goose seasons. In California, the Council 
    recommended that the whitefront season be extended by two weeks in the 
    Sacramento Valley special goose closure portion of the Balance-of-State 
    7. Snow and Ross's Geese
        Council Recommendations: The Atlantic Flyway Council recommended 
    extending the framework closing date for snow geese to March 10.
        The Upper-Region and Lower-Region Regulations Committees of the 
    Mississippi Flyway Council recommended that the framework closing date 
    for light geese be extended to March 10 and the daily bag limit be 
    increased to 10 birds.
        The Central Flyway Council recommended that the framework closing 
    date for east- and west-tier light geese be extended to March 10.
        Written Comments: The Pennsylvania Game Commission recommended that 
    the State of Pennsylvania be included in those wintering States offered 
    an extended framework closing date of March 10. They stated that 
    increasing the framework would allow farmers to deal with depredation 
    problems and provide additional hunting opportunity to Pennsylvania 
        Service Response: The Service concurs with the requests to extend 
    the framework closing date for light geese to March 10 in the Atlantic, 
    Mississippi, and Central Flyways, but believes that this extension 
    should be limited to the primary wintering range of light geese in each 
    flyway. The Service emphasizes that it believes that sport hunting 
    opportunities should be limited to the fall migration and winter 
    periods. The Service proposes to use Interstate Highway 80 as the 
    northern boundary of this extension in the Central and Mississippi 
    Flyways and that it be limited to the States of Delaware, Maryland, 
    Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia 
    in the Atlantic Flyway. In the coming year, the Service requests that 
    States identify important staging areas for snow geese where they are 
    co-mingled with other species to the extent that sport-hunting 
    activities may potentially cause significant disturbance to other 
    species. A major staging area has been identified in the Rainwater-
    Basin Area of Nebraska, and the Service proposes not to extend the 
    framework date in the following counties or portions of counties that 
    are south of the identified I-80 boundary: Adams, Clay, Fillmore, 
    Franklin, Gosper, Hall, Hamilton, Harland, Kearney, Nuckolls, Phelps, 
    Saline, Seward, Thayer, and York.
    8. Swans
        Council Recommendations: The Pacific Flyway Council reiterated its 
    recommendations for a swan season in portions of Montana, Utah, and 
    Nevada (see the June 16, 1995, Federal Register), except that the 
    period should be 3 years instead of 5 years and the trumpeter swan 
    quota allocation was made. Features of the Council's recommendation 
    include: (1) changing ending framework dates in all three States from 
    the Sunday closest to January 20 to December 1 for Montana, Sunday 
    closest to December 15 for Utah, and the Sunday following January 1 for 
    Nevada; (2) changing the hunt area in Montana by deleting those 
    portions of Pondera and Teton Counties west of U.S. Highways 287-89 but 
    including all of Chouteau County; (3) reduce Utah's statewide season to 
    just the Great Salt Lake Basin, defined at those portions of Box Elder, 
    Weber, Davis, Salt Lake, and Tooele counties lying south of State 
    Highway 30 and I-80/84, west of I-15, and north of I-80. Number of swan 
    permits would remain unchanged for Montana (500) and Nevada (650) but 
    would be increased from 2,500 to 2,750 for Utah. A trumpeter swan quota 
    of 20 birds would be allocated, with 15 to Utah and 5 to Nevada, with 
    the season being closed either by the framework date or attainment of 
    the quota, whichever occurs first. All hunters in Utah and Nevada would 
    be required to participate in a mandatory parts check at designated 
    sites within 72 hours of harvest for species determination; and hunters 
    in Montana would continue to participate in a voluntary bill-
    measurement card program. The States would continue to monitor harvest 
    composition, swan population during the hunt, and collect related 
    harvest data. This information would be reported to the Service in a 
    preliminary report by March 31 and a final report by June 30, 1996.
        The Council offered the proposed frameworks in an attempt to 
    forward trumpeter swan range expansion efforts throughout the western 
    states and to cooperate with the Trumpeter Swan Society in their 
    efforts with this species. The quota on trumpeter swans is believed to 
    be biologically insignificant and estimated to be less than 1 percent 
    of the population. The combined sport and subsistence harvest of 
    Western Population tundra swans has averaged about 10 percent of the 
    midwinter index during the past 10 years without negative impact to 
    population status. In Utah, 26 percent of the swan harvest has occurred 
    after December 1 and 15 percent after December 15, with December 
    harvests as high as 57 percent in 1993. The Council believed that until 
    December hunts can be demonstrated to threaten trumpeter swans they 
    should be allowed to continue. Between 1962-94, upwards of 99 percent 
    of the Utah harvest occurred in the Great Salt Lake area; therefore, 
    closing of other areas will mainly remove local opportunity but not 
    have a great effect on the overall harvest. The 250 (10 percent) 
    increase in permits for Utah is requested to replace opportunity and 
    harvest lost through area and season closures. Nevada biologists have 
    no data suggesting that State's season is having any impact on 
    trumpeter migration between the Tristate area and wintering areas in 
    California. The Council offered these recommendations in an effort to 
    integrate Western Population tundra swan and Rocky Mountain Population 
    trumpeter swan management programs and to move ahead and evaluate 
    various aspects of both programs.
        Written Comments: Ruth E. Shea, a wildlife biologist associated 
    with research and management of Rocky Mountain Population trumpeter 
    swans since 1976, by letter of July 29, 1995, described a proposal by 
    her and Dr. Rod Drewien which was the foundation of recommendations 
    from The Trumpeter Swan Society and the Pacific Flyway Council included 
    herein. The Shea-Drewien proposal incorporated two primary strategies: 
    (1) increasing protection of migrant trumpeter swans 
    [[Page 44469]]
    by tightly focusing tundra swan hunts in time and place; and (2) 
    authorizing a small quota of trumpeter swans within each tundra swan 
    hunt area in order to eliminate the liability of the otherwise 
    legitimate tundra swan hunters who accidently shoot a trumpeter swan, 
    with mandatory check of birds to adequately implement a quota system. 
    She attributes the vulnerable status of this population to a diminished 
    tendency to migrate and to a winter distribution that is largely in 
    overcrowded, less favorable sites. She believes building a migration 
    southward from eastern Idaho, to the fall staging area of the Bear 
    River Delta in Utah would be an important step in restoring a secure 
    winter distribution. To enhance survival of those few trumpeters that 
    currently migrate into Utah and Nevada, Shea and Drewein proposed 
    focusing tundra swan hunting only in areas and at times where tundra 
    swans are abundant and trumpeters are less likely to be present or have 
    access to suitable security areas. She deemed an ending date of ``plus 
    or minus'' December 1, in Utah to be the single most important feature 
    of their proposal. Rationale for using this date included: (1) in most 
    years security areas on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge freeze 
    around Thanksgiving, potentially forcing swans to use non-secure 
    habitats; and (2) Service and Pacific Flyway efforts to assist in 
    winter distribution includes hazing swans from overcrowded areas, as 
    early as practical in November, which when coupled with shrinking 
    habitat with the onset of winter has potential for pushing swans into 
    the Great Salt Lake Basin by late November. She said that a December 1 
    closure would still give Utah swan hunters about 45 days of opportunity 
    and would provide future opportunity to translocated trumpeters from 
    Idaho to the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge vicinity during December. 
    She believes trumpeter swan restoration efforts have been stymied by 
    real or perceived conflicts with the swan hunt, but believes their 
    recommended approach would meet the very different management needs for 
    two species of swans.
        Laurence N. Gillete, President of The Trumpeter Swan Society 
    (TTSS), in a letter of July 31, 1995, again urged the Service to adopt 
    a closing date of December 1 or the first Sunday in December, if there 
    is a tradition of ending seasons on a Sunday, for the tundra swan 
    hunting season in Utah to provide additional protection for migrating 
    Rocky Mountain Population trumpeter swans. With the exception of the 
    closing date in Utah, TTSS is in agreement with the Pacific Flyway 
    Council's recommendations as reported in the Federal Register of June 
    16, 1995. Because these trumpeter swans winter in marginal habitat in 
    the Tristate region of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, and have a poor 
    tradition for migrating elsewhere, they will suffer a die-off in a 
    severe winter. He believes a rapid redistribution to better winter 
    habitat is critical to the population's survival. TTSS had previously 
    endorsed a 5-year experimental plan proposed by Drewien and Shea [see 
    comments from TTSS and Shea elsewhere in this document]. Of the 
    numerous recommended changes, the most critical feature of the plan was 
    modification of hunting seasons in Utah to increase survival of 
    migrating swans. The Great Salt Lake Basin is in the most likely 
    migration path for trumpeters from the Tristate area. The December 1 
    date is favored because: (1) it coincides with the average date for 
    freezeup of many lakes in the Tristate area which could force 
    trumpeters south, (2) it is about the time that many wetlands within in 
    Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge which could increase the vulnerability 
    of Trumpeters that have migrated to the refuge, and (3) it anticipates 
    increased trumpeter migrations and not past accidental shootings. TTSS 
    does not object to a quota system that would allow a take of trumpeter 
    swans if other conditions of their proposal are met, including 
    modification of seasons and boundaries for swan hunting and of 
    management on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. The quota system is 
    not intended to protect trumpeters but to protect hunters from 
    liability if they accidentally shoot a trumpeter. He regrets the 
    potential loss of hunting opportunity that the December 1 closing date 
    would have on tundra swan hunters but believes it may be the only way 
    to provided adequate protection to migrating trumpeters.
        The Humane Society of the United States (Humane Society) by letter 
    of July 21, 1995, requests that the Service close all swan hunting 
    seasons and contends that tundra swan hunting impedes, if not prevents, 
    winter range expansion and recovery of trumpeter swans. The Humane 
    Society says the Pacific Flyway Council's recommendation for increased 
    permits in Utah and a quota on trumpeter swans in exchange for season 
    modifications should be denied.
        Service Response: The Service commends both the Pacific Flyway 
    Council and The Trumpeter Swan Society for seeking ways to enhance 
    trumpeter swan range expansion while retaining tundra swan hunting. The 
    recommendations from both the Council and TTSS were obviously not made 
    easily. For persons and groups solely interested in either restoration 
    or hunting but not both, those recommendations will be perceived only 
    as without benefit.
        Both sets of recommendations were similar, with the exception of 
    the contentious closing date in Utah. The Council recommends a closing 
    date for Utah that would be the Sunday closest to December 15, which 
    would range between December 12 and 18. TTSS recommends a closing date 
    of December 1, but believes there could be latitude to accommodate 
    Sunday closing as is traditional in most Western states.
        The Service supports the basic recommendations from both the 
    Council and the TTSS; however, considering the significance of the 
    general swan season, the Service will propose a season ending date of 
    the first Sunday in December. This would allow the ending date to range 
    between December 1 and 7, with the season ending on December 3 this 
    year and, if changes are not deemed essential, December 1 in 1996, etc.
        Further, the Service believes it is important to annually review 
    all information and potentially modify seasons in time and place should 
    circumstances warrant. While TTSS believes quotas on trumpeter swans 
    are not as important to protect the species, as are closing dates and 
    other factors, the Service believes quotas will provide additional 
    protection to trumpeter swans until the experimental period can be 
    fully evaluated. Further, we propose that the overall evaluation be 
    made after a 5-year period, subject to annual reporting and review.
        The Service insists upon assurance from Utah and Nevada that birds 
    will be physically examined by biologists and that maximum compliance 
    with reporting be sought using whatever means is appropriate for that 
    particular State. We do not believe reporting must be done within 72 
    hours, but it seems reasonable that it could be accomplished within 3 
    working days. Timely classification of swans is important if the 
    trumpeter quota is to be used effectively. The need or lack of need for 
    Montana to have a season without a quota or to use a different method 
    of reporting harvest will be reviewed annually; and continued departure 
    from the requirement in Utah and Nevada will likely be contingent upon 
    the continued healthy status of that segment of the trumpeter swan 
    population that has had the potential for being affected by the Montana 
    season, even without the conservative changes proposed herein.
    [[Page 44470]]
    Public Comment Invited
        Based on the results of migratory game bird studies now in 
    progress, and having due consideration for any data or views submitted 
    by interested parties, the possible amendments resulting from this 
    supplemental rulemaking will specify open seasons, shooting hours, and 
    bag and possession limits for designated migratory game birds in the 
    United States.
        The Service intends that adopted final rules be as responsive as 
    possible to all concerned interests, and therefore desires to obtain 
    for consideration the comments and suggestions of the public, other 
    concerned governmental agencies, and private interests on these 
    proposals. Such comments, and any additional information received, may 
    lead to final regulations that differ from these proposals.
        Special circumstances are involved in the establishment of these 
    regulations which limit the amount of time that the Service can allow 
    for public comment. Specifically, two considerations compress the time 
    in which the rulemaking process must operate: (1) the need to establish 
    final rules at a point early enough in the summer to allow affected 
    State agencies to appropriately adjust their licensing and regulatory 
    mechanisms; and (2) the unavailability of specific, reliable data on 
    this year's status before mid-June for migratory shore and upland game 
    birds and some waterfowl, and before late July for most waterfowl. 
    Therefore, the Service believes that to allow comment periods past the 
    dates specified is contrary to the public interest.
    Comment Procedure
        It is the policy of the Department of the Interior, whenever 
    practical, to afford the public an opportunity to participate in the 
    rulemaking process. Accordingly, interested persons may participate by 
    submitting written comments to the Chief, Office of Migratory Bird 
    Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, 
    ms 634--ARLSQ, 1849 C Street, NW., Washington, DC 20240. Comments 
    received will be available for public inspection during normal business 
    hours at the Service's office in room 634, Arlington Square Building, 
    4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia.
        All relevant comments received during the comment period will be 
    considered. The Service will attempt to acknowledge comments received, 
    but a substantive response to individual comments may not be provided.
    NEPA Consideration
        NEPA considerations are covered by the programmatic document, 
    ``Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement: Issuance of Annual 
    Regulations Permitting the Sport Hunting of Migratory Birds (FSES 88-
    14),'' filed with EPA on June 9, 1988. Notice of Availability was 
    published in the Federal Register on June 16, 1988 (53 FR 22582). The 
    Service's Record of Decision was published on August 18, 1988 (53 FR 
    31341). However, this programmatic document does not prescribe year-
    specific regulations; those are developed annually. The annual 
    regulations and options are being considered in the Environmental 
    Assessment, ``Waterfowl Hunting Regulations for 1995,'' which is 
    available upon request. In addition, the Service has prepared an 
    Environmental Assessment, ``Proposal to Establish General Swan Hunting 
    Seasons in Parts of the Pacific Flyway'' to reconcile conflicting 
    strategies for managing two swan species in the Pacific Flyway by 
    establihsing for a trial period a general swan season in portions of 
    Montana, Nevada, and Utah. The Environmental Assessment is available 
    upon request.
    Endangered Species Act Consideration
        The Division of Endangered Species is completing a biological 
    opinion on the proposed action. As in the past, hunting regulations 
    this year will be designed, among other things, to remove or alleviate 
    chances of conflict between seasons for migratory game birds and the 
    protection and conservation of endangered and threatened species. The 
    Service's biological opinions resulting from consultations under 
    Section 7 are considered public documents and are available for 
    inspection in the Division of Endangered Species (room 432) and the 
    Office of Migratory Bird Management (room 634), Arlington Square 
    Building, 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act; Executive Order (E.O.) 12866 and the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        In the Federal Register dated March 24, 1995 (60 FR 15642), the 
    Service reported measures it had undertaken to comply with requirements 
    of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and the Executive Order. These 
    included preparing an Analysis of Regulatory Effects and an updated 
    Final Regulatory Impact Analysis (FRIA), and publication of a summary 
    of the latter. Although a FRIA is no longer required, the economic 
    analysis contained in the FRIA was reviewed and the Service determined 
    that it met the requirements of E.O. 12866. In addition, the Service 
    prepared a Small Entity Flexibility Analysis, under the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq), which further document the 
    significant beneficial economic effect on a substantial number of small 
    entities. This rule was not subject to review by the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) under E.O. 12866.
        These proposed regulations contain no information collections 
    subject to OMB review under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 
    U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). However, the Service does utilize information 
    acquired through other various information collections in the 
    formulation of migratory game bird hunting regulations. These 
    information collection requirements have been approved by OMB and 
    assigned clearance numbers 1018-0005, 1018-0006, 1018-0008, 1018-0009, 
    1018-0010, 1018-0015, 1018-0019, and 1018-0023.
        The primary author is Ron W. Kokel, Office of Migratory Bird 
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 20
        Exports, Hunting, Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Transportation, Wildlife.
    PART 20--[AMENDED]
        The authority citation for Part 20 is revised to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 703-711, 16 U.S.C. 712, and 16 U.S.C. 742 
        Dated: August 17, 1995
    Robert P. Davison
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks
    Proposed Regulations Frameworks for 1995-96 Late Hunting Seasons on 
    Certain Migratory Game Birds
        Pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and delegated 
    authorities, the Department has approved frameworks for season lengths, 
    shooting hours, bag and possession limits, and outside dates within 
    which States may select seasons for hunting waterfowl and coots between 
    the dates of September 1, 1995, and March 10, 1996.
        Dates: All outside dates noted below are inclusive.
        Shooting and Hawking (taking by falconry) Hours: Unless otherwise 
    specified, from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset daily.
        Possession Limits: Unless otherwise specified, possession limits 
    are twice the daily bag limit.
    [[Page 44471]]
        Definitions: For the purpose of hunting regulations listed below, 
    the collective terms ``dark'' and ``light'' geese include the following 
        Dark geese - Canada geese, white-fronted geese, brant, and all 
    other goose species except light geese.
        Light geese - snow (including blue) geese and Ross' geese.
        Area, Zone, and Unit Descriptions: Geographic descriptions that are 
    new or modified from previous years are contained in a later portion of 
    this document.
        Area-Specific Provisions: Frameworks for open seasons, season 
    lengths, bag and possession limits, and other special provisions are 
    listed below by flyway.
    Atlantic Flyway
        The Atlantic Flyway includes Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, 
    Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New 
    York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, 
    Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
    Ducks, Mergansers, and Coots
        Outside Dates: Between October 1 and January 20.
        Hunting Seasons and Duck Limits: 50 days and daily bag limit of 5 
    ducks, including no more than 1 hen mallard, 1 black duck, 1 pintail, 1 
    mottled duck, 1 fulvous whistling duck, 2 wood ducks, 2 redheads, and 1 
        Closures: The season on harlequin ducks is closed.
        Sea Ducks: In all areas outside of special sea duck areas, sea 
    ducks are included in the regular duck daily bag and possession limits. 
    However, during the regular duck season within the special sea duck 
    areas, the sea duck daily bag and possession limits may be in addition 
    to the regular duck daily bag and possession limits.
        Merganser Limits: The daily bag limit of mergansers is 5, only 1 of 
    which may be a hooded merganser.
        Coot Limits: The daily bag limit is 15 coots.
        Lake Champlain Zone, New York: The waterfowl seasons, limits, and 
    shooting hours shall be the same as those selected for the Lake 
    Champlain Zone of Vermont.
        Zoning and Split Seasons: Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Rhode 
    Island, and Virginia may split their seasons into three segments; 
    Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, 
    Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia may select hunting seasons by 
    zones and may split their seasons into two segments in each zone; while 
    Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina may split their Statewide seasons 
    into two segments.
    Canada Geese
        Season Lengths, Outside Dates, and Limits: The canada goose season 
    is suspended throughout the Flyway except as noted below. Unless 
    specified otherwise, seasons may be split into two segments.
        Connecticut: A special experimental season may be held in the South 
    Zone between January 15 and February 15, with 5 geese per day.
        Georgia: In specific areas, a 15-day experimental season may be 
    held between November 15 and February 5, with a limit of 5 Canada geese 
    per day.
        Massachusetts: In the Central Zone, a 16-day season for resident 
    Canada geese may be held during January 21 to February 5, with 5 geese 
    per day.
        New Jersey: An experimental special season may be held in 
    designated areas of Northeast, Northwest, and Southeast New Jersey from 
    January 27 to February 10, with 5 geese per day.
        New York: A special experimental season may be held between January 
    21 and February 15, with 5 geese daily in Westchester County and 
    portions of Nassau, Putnam, and Rockland Counties.
        Pennsylvania: Erie, Mercer, and Butler Counties - 70 days between 
    October 1 and January 31, with 1 goose per day through October 15; 2 
    geese per day thereafter; 1 goose per day for the first 8 days after 
    the opening.
        Crawford County - 35 days between October 1 and January 20; with 1 
    goose per day.
        An experimental season may be held in the Susquehanna/Juniata Zones 
    from January 20 to February 5 with 5 geese per day.
        South Carolina: A 12-day special season may be held in the Central 
    Piedmont, Western Piedmont, and Mountain Hunt Units during November 15 
    to February 15, with a daily bag limit of 5 Canada geese per day.
        West Virginia: 70 days between October 1 and January 20, with 3 
    geese per day.
    Light Geese
        Season Lengths, Outside Dates, and Limits: States may select a 107-
    day season between October 1 and February 10, with 5 geese per day, 
    except closing dates may be extended to March 10 in New Jersey, 
    Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and 
    Virginia. States may split their seasons into two segments.
        Season Lengths, Outside Dates, and Limits: States may select a 50-
    day season between October 1 and January 20, with 2 brant per day.
    Mississippi Flyway
        The Mississippi Flyway includes Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, 
    Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, 
    Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
    Ducks, Mergansers, and Coots
        Outside Dates: Between the Saturday nearest October 1 (September 
    30) and the Sunday nearest January 20 (January 21).
        Hunting Seasons and Duck Limits: 50 days with a daily bag limit of 
    5 ducks, including no more than 4 mallards (no more than 1 of which may 
    be a female), 3 mottled ducks, 1 black duck, 1 pintail, 2 wood ducks, 1 
    canvasback, and 1 redhead.
        Merganser Limits: The daily bag limit is 5, only 1 of which may be 
    a hooded merganser.
        Coot Limits: The daily bag limit is 15 coots.
        Zoning and Split Seasons: Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, 
    Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin 
    may select hunting seasons by zones.
        In Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio, 
    Tennessee, and Wisconsin, the season may be split into two segments in 
    each zone.
        In Minnesota and Mississippi, the season may be split into two 
        In Arkansas, the season may be split into three segments.
        Pymatuning Reservoir Area, Ohio: The seasons, limits, and shooting 
    hours shall be the same as those selected in the adjacent portion of 
    Pennsylvania (Northwest Zone).
        Split Seasons: Seasons for geese may be split into two segments.
        Season Lengths, Outside Dates, and Limits: States may select 
    seasons for geese not to exceed 70 days for dark geese between the 
    Saturday nearest October 1 (September 30) and January 31, and 107 days 
    for light geese between the Saturday nearest October 1 (September 30) 
    and February 14, except in those States and portions of States south of 
    Interstate Highway 80 in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, where 
    seasons for light geese may extend until March 10. The daily bag limit 
    is 10 geese, to include no more than 3 Canada geese, 2 white-fronted 
    geese, and 2 brant. Specific regulations for Canada 
    [[Page 44472]]
    geese and exceptions to the above general provisions are shown below by 
        Alabama: In the SJBP Goose Zone, the season for Canada geese may 
    not exceed 35 days. Elsewhere, the season for Canada geese may extend 
    for 70 days in the respective duck-hunting zones. The daily bag limit 
    is 2 Canada geese.
        Arkansas: The season for Canada geese may extend for 23 days in the 
    East Zone and 14 days in the West Zone. In both zones, the season may 
    extend to February 15. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese. In the 
    remainder of the State, the season for Canada geese is closed.
        Illinois: The total harvest of Canada geese in the State will be 
    limited to 172, 600 birds. Limits are 3 Canada geese daily and 10 in 
        (a) North Goose Zone - The season for Canada geese will close after 
    93 days or when 22,014 birds have been harvested in the Northern 
    Illinois Quota Zone, whichever occurs first.
        (b) Central Goose Zone - The season for Canada geese will close 
    after 93 days or when 35,168 birds have been harvested in the Central 
    Illinois Quota Zone, whichever occurs first.
        (c) South Goose Zone - The harvest of Canada geese in the Southern 
    Illinois and Rend Lake Quota Zones will be limited to 62,691 and 17,830 
    birds, respectively. The season for Canada geese in each zone will 
    close after 89 days or when the harvest limit has been reached, 
    whichever occurs first. In the Southern Illinois Quota Zone, if any of 
    the following conditions exist after December 20, the State, after 
    consultation with the Service, will close the season by emergency order 
    with 48 hours notice:
        1. 10 consecutive days of snow cover, 3 inches or more in depth.
        2. 10 consecutive days of daily high temperatures less than 20 
    degrees F.
        3. Average body weights of adult female geese less than 3,200 
    grams as measured from a weekly sample of a minimum of 50 geese.
        4. Starvation or a major disease outbreak resulting in observed 
    mortality exceeding 5,000 birds in 10 days, or a total mortality 
    exceeding 10,000 birds.
        In the remainder of the South Goose Zone, the season may extend for 
    89 days or until both the Southern Illinois and Rend Lake Quota Zones 
    have been closed, whichever occurs first.
        Indiana: The total harvest of Canada geese in the State will be 
    limited to 98,000 birds.
        (a) Posey County - The season for Canada geese will close after 
    65 days or when 7,200 birds have been harvested, whichever occurs 
    first. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese.
        (b) Remainder of the State - The season for Canada geese may 
    extend for 70 days in the respective duck-hunting zones, except in 
    the SJBP Zone, where the season may not exceed 35 days. The daily 
    bag limit is 3 Canada geese, except in the SJBP Zone, where the 
    daily bag limit is 2.
        Iowa: The season may extend for 70 days. The daily bag limit is 2 
    Canada geese.
        (a) Western Zone - The season for Canada geese may extend for 65 
    days (80 days in Fulton County), and the harvest will be limited to 
    34,500 birds. Of the 34,500-bird quota, 22,425 birds will be allocated 
    to the Ballard Reporting Area and 6,555 birds will be allocated to the 
    Henderson/Union Reporting Area. If the quota in either reporting area 
    is reached prior to completion of the 65-day season, the season in that 
    reporting area will be closed. If this occurs, the season in those 
    counties and portions of counties outside of, but associated with, the 
    respective subzone (listed in State regulations) may continue for an 
    additional 7 days, not to exceed a total of 65 days (80 days in Fulton 
    County). The season in Fulton County may extend to February 15. The 
    daily bag limit is 3 Canada geese.
        (b) Pennyroyal/Coalfield Zone - The season may extend for 35 days. 
    The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese.
        (c) Remainder of the State - The season may extend for 50 days. The 
    daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese.
        Louisiana: The season for Canada geese may extend for 9 days. 
    During the season, the daily bag limit for Canada and white-fronted 
    geese is 2, no more than 1 of which may be a Canada goose. Hunters 
    participating in the Canada goose season must possess a special permit 
    issued by the State.
        Michigan: The total harvest of Canada geese in the State will be 
    limited to 99,500 birds.
        (a) North Zone - The framework opening date for all geese is 
    September 23 and the season for Canada geese may extend for 40 days. 
    The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese.
        (b) Middle Zone - The season for Canada geese may extend for 40 
    days. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese.
        (c) South Zone
        (1) Allegan County GMU - The season for Canada geese will close 
    after 51 days or when 2,500 birds have been harvested, whichever occurs 
    first. The daily bag limit is 1 Canada goose.
        (2) Muskegon Wastewater GMU - The season for Canada geese will 
    close after 54 days or when 700 birds have been harvested, whichever 
    occurs first. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese.
        (3) Saginaw County GMU - The season for Canada geese will close 
    after 51 days or when 2,000 birds have been harvested, whichever occurs 
    first. The daily bag limit is 1 Canada goose.
        (4) Tuscola/Huron GMU - The season for Canada geese will close 
    after 51 days or when 750 birds have been harvested, whichever occurs 
    first. The daily bag limit is 1 Canada goose.
        (5) Remainder of South Zone -
        (i) East of U.S. Highway 27/127 - The season for Canada geese 
    may extend for 30 days. The daily bag limit is 1 Canada goose.
        (ii) West of U.S. Highway 27/127 - The Season for Canada geese 
    may extend for 40 days. The daily bag limit is 1 Canada goose during 
    the first 30 days, and 2 Canada geese during the remaining 10 days, 
    which may begin no earlier than November 23.
        (d) Southern Michigan GMU - An experimental special Canada goose 
    season may be held between January 6 and February 4. The daily bag 
    limit is 2 Canada geese.
        (a) West Zone
        (1) West Central Zone - The season for Canada geese may extend for 
    30 days. In the Lac Qui Parle Zone, the season will close after 30 days 
    or when 16,000 birds have been harvested, whichever occurs first. 
    Throughout the West Central Zone, the daily bag limit is 1 Canada 
        (2) Remainder of West Zone - The season for Canada geese may extend 
    for 40 days. The daily bag limit is 1 Canada goose.
        (b) Northwest Zone - The season for Canada geese may extend for 40 
    days. The daily bag limit is 1 Canada goose.
        (c) Southeast Zone - The season for Canada geese may extend for 70 
    days, except in the Twin Cities Metro Zone and Olmsted County, where 
    the season may not exceed 80 days. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada 
        (d) Remainder of the State - The season for Canada geese may extend 
    for 50 days. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese.
        (e) Fergus Falls/Alexandria Zone - An experimental special Canada 
    goose season of up to 10 days may be held in December. During the 
    special season, the daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese.
        Mississippi: The season for Canada geese may extend for 70 days. 
    The daily bag limit is 3 Canada geese.
        (a) Swan Lake Zone - The season for Canada geese will close after 
    40 days or when 5,000 birds have been harvested, whichever occurs 
    first. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese.
        (b) Schell-Osage Zone - The season for Canada geese may extend for 
    40 days. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese.
        (c) Central Zone - The season for Canada geese may extend for 70 
    days. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese. An experimental special 
    season of up to 
    [[Page 44473]]
    10 consecutive days prior to October 15 may be selected in addition to 
    the regular season. During the special season, the daily bag limit is 3 
    Canada geese.
        (d) Remainder of the State - The season for Canada geese may extend 
    for 70 days in the respective duck-hunting zones. The daily bag limit 
    is 2 Canada geese.
        Ohio: The season may extend for 70 days in the respective duck-
    hunting zones, with a daily bag limit of 2 Canada geese, except in the 
    Lake Erie SJBP Zone, where the season may not exceed 30 days and the 
    daily bag limit is 1 Canada goose. In the Pymatuming Reservoir Area, 
    the seasons, limits, and shooting hours for all geese shall be the same 
    as those selected in the adjacent portion of Pennsylvania.
        (a) Northwest Zone - The season for Canada geese will close after 
    76 days or when 12,900 birds have been harvested, whichever occurs 
    first. The season may extend to February 15. All geese harvested must 
    be tagged. The daily bag limit is 3 Canada geese.
        (b) Southwest Zone - The season for Canada geese may extend for 61 
    days, and the harvest will be limited to 1,500 birds. The daily bag 
    limit is 2 Canada geese.
        (c) Kentucky/Barkley Lakes Zone - The season for Canada geese will 
    close after 50 days or when 1,800 birds have been harvested, whichever 
    occurs first. All geese harvested must be tagged. The daily bag limit 
    is 2 Canada geese.
        (d) Remainder of the State - The season for Canada geese may extend 
    for 70 days. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese.
        Wisconsin: The total harvest of Canada geese in the State will be 
    limited to 118,400 birds.
        (a) Horicon Zone - The framework opening date for all geese is 
    September 23. The harvest of Canada geese is limited to 71,700 birds. 
    The season may not exceed 80 days. All Canada geese harvested must be 
    tagged. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese and the season limit will 
    be the number of tags issued to each permittee.
        (b) Collins Zone - The framework opening date for all geese is 
    September 23. The harvest of Canada geese is limited to 1,900 birds. 
    The season may not exceed 65 days. All Canada geese harvested must be 
    tagged. The daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese and the season limit will 
    be the number of tags issued to each permittee.
        (c) Exterior Zone - The framework opening date for all geese is 
    September 23. The harvest of Canada geese is limited to 40,300 birds, 
    with 500 birds allocated to the Mississippi River Subzone. The season 
    may not exceed 86 days and the daily bag limit is 2 Canada geese. In 
    that portion of the Exterior Zone outside the Mississippi River 
    Subzone, the progress of the harvest must be monitored, and the season 
    closed, if necessary, to ensure that the harvest does not exceed 39,800 
        Additional Limits: In addition to the harvest limits stated for the 
    respective zones above, an additional 4,500 Canada geese may be taken 
    in the Horicon Zone under special agricultural permits.
        Quota Zone Closures: When it has been determined that the quota of 
    Canada geese allotted to the Northern Illinois, Central Illinois, 
    Southern Illinois, and Rend Lake Quota Zones in Illinois, Posey County 
    in Indiana, the Ballard and Henderson-Union Subzones in Kentucky, the 
    Allegan County, Muskegon Wastewater, Saginaw County, and Tuscola/Huron 
    Goose Management Units in Michigan, the Lac Qui Parle Zone in 
    Minnesota, the Swan Lake Zone in Missouri, the Northwest and Kentucky/
    Barkley Lakes Zones in Tennessee, and the Exterior Zone in Wisconsin 
    will have been filled, the season for taking Canada geese in the 
    respective zone (and associated area, if applicable) will be closed by 
    either the Director upon giving public notice through local information 
    media at least 48 hours in advance of the time and date of closing, or 
    by the State through State regulations with such notice and time (not 
    less than 48 hours) as they deem necessary.
    Central Flyway
        The Central Flyway includes Colorado (east of the Continental 
    Divide), Kansas, Montana (Counties of Blaine, Carbon, Fergus, Judith 
    Basin, Stillwater, Sweetgrass, Wheatland, and all counties east 
    thereof), Nebraska, New Mexico (east of the Continental Divide except 
    the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation), North Dakota, Oklahoma, South 
    Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming (east of the Continental Divide).
    Ducks, Mergansers, and Coots
        Outside Dates: Between September 30 through January 21.
        Hunting Seasons and Duck Limits:
        (1) High Plains Mallard Management Unit (roughly defined as that 
    portion of the Central Flyway which lies west of the 100th meridian): 
    83 days and a daily bag limit of 5 ducks, including no more than 1 
    female mallard, 1 mottled duck, 1 pintail, 1 redhead, 1 canvasback and 
    2 wood ducks. The last 23 days may start no earlier than the Saturday 
    nearest December 10 (December 9).
        (2) Remainder of the Central Flyway: 60 days and a daily bag limit 
    of 5 ducks, including no more than 1 female mallard, 1 mottled duck, 1 
    pintail, 1 redhead, 1 canvasback, and 2 wood ducks.
        Merganser Limits: The daily bag limit of 5 mergansers may be taken, 
    only 1 of which may be a hooded merganser.
        Coot Limits: The daily bag limit is 15 coots.
        Zoning and Split Seasons: Montana, Nebraska (Low Plains portion), 
    New Mexico, Oklahoma (Low Plains portion), and South Dakota (Low Plains 
    portion) may select hunting seasons by zones.
        In Montana, Nebraska (Low and High Plains portions), New Mexico, 
    North Dakota (Low Plains portion), Oklahoma (Low and High Plains 
    portions), South Dakota (High Plains portion), and Texas (Low Plains 
    portion), the season may be split into two segments.
        In Colorado, Kansas (Low and High Plains portions), North Dakota 
    (High Plains portion), and Wyoming, the season may be split into three 
        Season Lengths, Outside Dates, and Limits: States may select 
    seasons not to exceed 107 days; except for dark geese, which may not 
    exceed 86 days in Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South 
    Dakota, and the Eastern Goose Zone of Texas. For dark geese, outside 
    dates for seasons may be selected between the Saturday nearest October 
    1 (September 30) and January 31, except in the Western Goose Zone of 
    Texas, where the closing date is the Sunday nearest February 15 
    (February 18). For light geese, outside dates for seasons may be 
    selected between the Saturday nearest October 1 (September 30) and the 
    Sunday nearest February 15 (February 18), except in Colorado, Kansas, 
    Nebraska (south of I-80, except for Adams, Clay, Fillmore, Franklin, 
    Gosper, Hall, Hamilton, Harland, Kearney, Nuckolls, Phelps, Saline, 
    Seward, Thayer, and York Counties) New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, and 
    Wyoming (south of I-80) where the closing date is March 10. Seasons may 
    be split into two segments.
        Daily bag limits in States in goose management zones within States, 
    may be as follows:
        Colorado: The daily bag limit is 5 light and 5 dark geese, 
    including no more than 1 white-fronted and 4 Canada geese.
        Kansas: The daily bag limit is 10 light and 2 dark geese, including 
    no more than 1 white-fronted goose.
        Montana: The daily bag limit is 5 light and 5 dark geese, including 
    no more 
    [[Page 44474]]
    than 1 white-fronted and 4 Canada geese.
        Nebraska: The daily bag limit is 10 light and 2 dark geese, 
    including no more than 1 white-fronted goose.
        New Mexico: For the Middle Rio Grande Valley Zone, the daily bag 
    limit is 10 light and 5 dark, including no more than 1 white-fronted 
    and 4 Canada geese.
        For the remainder of the State, the daily bag limit is 5 light and 
    5 dark geese, including no more than 1 white-fronted and 4 Canada 
        North Dakota: The daily bag limit is 10 light and 2 dark geese.
        Oklahoma: The daily bag limit is 10 light and 2 dark geese, 
    including no more than 1 white-fronted goose.
        South Dakota: The daily bag limit is 10 light and 2 dark geese, 
    including no more than 1 white-fronted goose.
        Texas: For the Western Goose zone, the daily bag limit is 5 light 
    and 5 dark geese, including no more than 1 white-fronted and 4 Canada 
        For the Eastern Goose Zone, the daily bag limit is 10 light and 2 
    dark geese, including no more than 1 white-fronted goose.
        Wyoming: The daily bag limit is 5 light and 5 dark, with no more 
    than 1 white-fronted and 4 Canada geese.
    Pacific Flyway
    Ducks, Mergansers, Coots, and Common Moorhens
        Hunting Seasons and Duck Limits: Concurrent 93 days and daily bag 
    limit of 6 ducks, including no more than 1 female mallard, 2 pintails, 
    2 redheads and 1 canvasback.
        In the Columbia Basin Mallard Management Unit, the seasons may be 
    an additional 7 days. The season on coots and common moorhens may be 
    between the outside dates for the season on ducks, but not to exceed 93 
        Coot and Common Moorhen Limits: The daily bag and possession limits 
    of coots and common moorhens are 25, singly or in the aggregate.
        Outside Dates: Between the Saturday nearest October 1 (September 
    30) and the Sunday nearest January 20 (January 21).
        Zoning and Split Seasons: Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, 
    Oregon, Utah, and Washington may select hunting seasons by zones.
        Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington 
    may split their seasons into two segments either Statewide or in each 
        Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, and Wyoming may split their duck 
    seasons into three segments.
        Colorado River Zone, California: Seasons and limits shall be the 
    same as seasons and limits selected in the adjacent portion of Arizona 
    (South Zone).
        Season Lengths, Outside Dates, and Limits: Except as subsequently 
    noted, 100-day seasons may be selected, with outside dates between the 
    Saturday nearest October 1 (October 1), and the Sunday nearest January 
    20 (January 21), and the basic daily bag limits are 3 light geese and 3 
    dark geese.
        Brant Season - A 16-consecutive-day season may be selected in 
    Oregon and Washington, and a 30-consecutive day season may be selected 
    in California. In only California, Oregon, and Washington, the daily 
    bag limit is 2 brant and is additional to dark goose limits, and the 
    open season on brant in those States may differ from that for other 
        Closures: There will be no open season on Aleutian Canada geese in 
    the Pacific Flyway. The States of California, Oregon, and Washington 
    must include a statement on the closure for that subspecies in their 
    respective regulations leaflet. Emergency closures may be invoked for 
    all Canada geese should Aleutian Canada goose distribution patterns or 
    other circumstances justify such actions.
        Arizona: The daily bag limit for dark geese is 2 geese.
        Northeastern Zone - White-fronted geese and cackling Canada geese 
    may be taken only during the first 23 days of the goose season. The 
    daily bag limit is 3 geese and may include no more than 2 dark geese; 
    including not more than 1 cackling Canada goose.
        Colorado River Zone - The seasons and limits must be the same as 
    those selected in the adjacent portion of Arizona (South Zone).
        Southern Zone - The daily bag and possession limits for dark geese 
    is 2 geese, including not more than 1 cackling Canada goose.
        Balance-of-the-State Zone - A 79-day season may be selected, except 
    that white-fronted geese and cackling Canada geese may be taken during 
    only the first 65 days of such season. Limits may not include more than 
    3 geese per day and in possession, of which not more than 1 may be a 
    dark goose. The dark goose limits may be expanded to 2, provided that 
    they are Canada geese other than cackling Canada geese for which the 
    daily limit is 1.
        Three areas in the Balance-of-the-State Zone are restricted in the 
    hunting of certain geese:
        (1) In the Counties of Del Norte and Humboldt, there will be no 
    open season for Canada geese.
        (2) In the Sacramento Valley Area, the season on white-fronted 
    geese must end on or before December 14, and, except in the Western 
    Canada Goose Hunt Area, there will be no open season for Canada geese.
        (3) In the San Joaquin Valley Area, the hunting season for Canada 
    geese will close no later than November 23.
        Colorado: The daily bag limit for dark geese is 2 geese.
        Northern Unit - The daily bag limit is 4 geese, including 4 dark 
    geese, but not more than 3 light geese.
        Southwest Unit and Southeastern Unit - The daily bag limit on dark 
    geese is 4.
        West of Divide Zone and East of Divide Zone - The daily bag limit 
    on dark geese is 4.
        Clark County Zone - The daily bag limit of dark geese is 2 geese.
        New Mexico: The daily bag limit for dark geese is 2 geese.
        Oregon: Except as subsequently noted, the dark goose limit is 4, 
    including not more than 1 cackling Canada goose.
        Harney, Lake, Klamath, and Malheur Counties Zone - The season 
    length may be 100 days. The dark goose limit is 4, including not more 
    than 2 white-fronted geese and cackling Canada goose.
        Western Zone - In the Special Canada Goose Management Area, except 
    for designated areas, there shall be no open season on Canada geese. In 
    the designated areas, individual quotas shall be established which 
    collectively shall not exceed 210 dusky Canada geese. See section on 
    quota zones. In those designated areas, the daily bag limit of dark 
    geese is 3, including not more than 1 cackling Canada goose.
        Utah: The daily bag limit for dark geese is 2 geese.
        Washington: The daily bag limit is 4 geese, including 4 dark geese 
    but not more than 3 light geese.
        West Zone - In the Lower Columbia River Special Goose Management 
    Area, except for designated areas, there shall be no open season on 
    Canada geese. In the designated areas, individual quotas shall be 
    established which collectively shall not exceed 90 dusky Canada geese. 
    See section on quota zones.
        Wyoming: The daily bag limit is 4 dark geese. In Lincoln, 
    Sweetwater, and Sublette Counties, the combined special September 
    Canada goose seasons and the regular goose season shall not exceed 100 
    [[Page 44475]]
        Quota Zones: Seasons on Canada geese must end upon attainment of 
    individual quotas of dusky Canada geese allotted to the designated 
    areas of Oregon and Washington. The September Canada goose season, the 
    regular goose season, any special late Canada goose season, and any 
    extended falconry season, combined, must not exceed 107 days and the 
    established quota of dusky Canada geese must not be exceeded. Hunting 
    of Canada geese in those designated areas shall only be by hunters 
    possessing a State-issued permit authorizing them to do so. In a 
    Service-approved investigation, the State must obtain quantitative 
    information on hunter compliance of those regulations aimed at reducing 
    the take of dusky Canada geese and eliminating the take of Aleutian 
    Canada geese. The daily bag limit of Canada geese may not include more 
    than 1 cackling Canada goose.
        In the designated areas of the Washington Quota Zone, a special 
    late Canada goose may be held between February 5 and March 10. The 
    daily bag limit may not include either Aleutian or cackling Canada 
        In designated areas of Utah, Nevada, and the Pacific Flyway portion 
    of Montana, an open season for taking a limited number of swans may be 
    selected. Permits will be issued by States and will authorize each 
    permittee to take no more than 1 swan per season. The season may open 
    no earlier than the Saturday nearest October 1 (September 30). The 
    States must implement a harvest-monitoring program to measure the 
    species composition of the swan harvest. In Utah and Nevada, the 
    harvest-monitoring program must include physical examination of all 
    harvested swans by State or Federal biologists. All States should use 
    appropriate measures to maximize hunter compliance in providing bagged 
    swans for examination or, in the case of Montana, reporting bill-
    measurement and color information. All States must provide to the 
    Service by June 30, 1996, a report covering harvest, hunter 
    participation, reporting compliance, and monitoring of swan populations 
    in the designated hunt areas. These seasons will be subject to the 
    following conditions:
        In Utah, no more than 2,750 permits may be issued. The season must 
    end no later than the first Sunday in December (December 3) or upon 
    attainment of 15 trumpeter swans in the harvest, whichever occurs 
        In Nevada, no more than 650 permits may be issued. The season must 
    end no later than the Sunday following January 1 (January 7) or upon 
    attainment of 5 trumpeter swans in the harvest, whichever occurs 
        In Montana, no more than 500 permits may be issued. The season must 
    end no later than December 1.
    Tundra Swans
        In Central Flyway portion of Montana, and in New Jersey, North 
    Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Virginia, an open season for 
    taking a limited number of tundra swans may be selected. Permits will 
    be issued by the States and will authorize each permittee to take no 
    more than 1 tundra swan per season. The States must obtain harvest and 
    hunter participation data. These seasons will be subject to the 
    following conditions:
        In the Atlantic Flyway
        --The season will be experimental.
        --The season may be 90 days, must occur during the light goose 
    season, but may not extend beyond January 31.
        --In New Jersey, no more than 200 permits may be issued.
        --In North Carolina, no more than 6,000 permits may be issued.
        --In Virginia, no more than 600 permits may be issued.
        In the Central Flyway
        --The season may be 107 days and must occur during the light goose 
        --In the Central-Flyway portion of Montana, no more than 500 
    permits may be issued.
        --In North Dakota, no more than 2,000 permits may be issued.
        --In South Dakota, no more than 1,500 permits may be issued.
        In the Pacific Flyway
        --Except as subsequently noted, a 100-day season may be selected 
    between the Saturday nearest October 1 (October 1), and the Sunday 
    nearest January 20 (January 21). Seasons may be split into 2 segments. 
    The States of Montana, Nevada, and Utah must implement a harvest-
    monitoring program to measure the extent of accidental harvest of 
    trumpeter swans.
        --In Utah, no more than 2,500 permits may be issued. The season 
    must end on or before December 15.
        --In Nevada, no more than 650 permits may be issued.
        --In the Pacific-Flyway portion of Montana, no more than 500 
    permits may be issued.
    Area, Unit and Zone Descriptions
        Atlantic Flyway
        A Special Season for Canada Geese: Statewide.
        New Jersey
        Special Area for Canada Geese:
        Northeast - that portion of the State within a continuous line that 
    runs east along the New York State boundary line to the Hudson River; 
    then south along the New York State boundary to its intersection with 
    Route 440 at Perth Amboy; then west on Route 440 to its intersection 
    with Route 287; then west along Route 287 to its intersection with 
    Route 206 in Bedminster (Exit 18); then north along Route 206 to its 
    intersection with the Pennsylvania State boundary; then north along the 
    Pennsylvania boundary in the Delaware River to its intersection with 
    the New York State boundary.
        Northwest - that portion of the State within a continuous line that 
    runs east from the Pennsylvania State boundary at the toll bridge in 
    Columbia to Route 94; then north along Route 94 to Route 206; then 
    north along Route 206 to the Pennsylvania State boundary in the 
    Delaware River; then south along the Pennsylvania State boundary int he 
    Delaware River to the beginning point. Hereafter this proposed 
    expansion of the hunt area will be refereed to as the northwestern 
        Southeast - that portion of the State within a continuous line that 
    runs east from the Atlantic Ocean at Ship Bottom along Route 72 to the 
    Garden State Parkway; then south along the Garden State Parkway to 
    Route 9; then south along Route 9 to Route 542; then west along Route 
    542 to the Mullica River; then north (upstream) on the Mullica River to 
    Route 206; then south on Route 206 to Route 536; then west on route 536 
    to Route 55; then south on Route 55 to Route 40; then east on Route 50 
    to Route 557; then south on Route 557 to Route 666; then south on Route 
    666 to Route 49; then east on Route 49 to route 50; then south on Route 
    50 to Route 631; then east on Route 631 to Route 623; then east on 
    Route 623 to the Atlantic Ocean; then north to the beginning point.
        New York
        Special Area for Canada Geese: Westchester County and portions of 
    Nassau, Putnam and Rockland Counties. See State regulations for 
    detailed description.
        South Carolina
        Canada Goose Area: The Central Piedmont, Western Piedmont, and 
    Mountain Hunt Units. These designated areas include: Counties of 
    Abbeville, Anderson, Berkeley (south of Highway 45 and east of State 
    Road 831), Cherokee, Chester, Dorchester, Edgefield, Fairfield, 
    Greenville, Greenwood, Kershaw, Lancaster, Laurens, Lee, Lexington, 
    [[Page 44476]]
    Newberry, Oconee, Orangebird (south of Highway 6), Pickens, Richland, 
    Saluda, Spartanburg, Sumten, Union, and York.
        Pacific Flyway
        Montana (Pacific Flyway Portion)
        Open Area: Cascade, Chouteau, Hill, Liberty, and Toole Counties and 
    those portions of Pondera and Teton Counties lying east of U.S. 287-89.
        Open Area: Those portions of Box Elder, Weber, Davis, Salt Lake, 
    and Toole counties lying south of State Hwy 30, I-80/84, west of I-15, 
    and north of I-80.
    [FR Doc. 95-21316 Filed 8-25-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-F

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule; supplemental.
Document Number:
The comment period for proposed late-season frameworks will end on September 7, 1995.
44463-44476 (14 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 20