E9-20421. Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless  

  • Start Preamble Start Printed Page 44598


    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, HUD.




    This Notice identifies unutilized, underutilized, excess, and surplus Federal property reviewed by HUD for suitability for possible use to assist the homeless.

    Start Further Info


    Kathy Ezzell, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7266, Washington, DC 20410; telephone (202) 708-1234; TTY number for the hearing- and speech-impaired (202) 708-2565 (these telephone numbers are not toll-free), or call the toll-free Title V information line at 800-927-7588.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    In accordance with 24 CFR part 581 and section 501 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11411), as amended, HUD is publishing this Notice to identify Federal buildings and 60 other real property that HUD has reviewed for suitability for use to assist the homeless. The properties were reviewed using information provided to HUD by Federal landholding agencies regarding unutilized and underutilized buildings and real property controlled by such agencies or by GSA regarding its inventory of excess or surplus Federal property. This Notice is also published in order to comply with the December 12, 1988 Court Order in National Coalition for the Homeless v. Veterans Administration, No. 88-2503-OG (D.D.C.).

    Properties reviewed are listed in this Notice according to the following categories: Suitable/available, suitable/unavailable, suitable/to be excess, and unsuitable. The properties listed in the three suitable categories have been reviewed by the landholding agencies, and each agency has transmitted to HUD: (1) Its intention to make the property available for use to assist the homeless, (2) its intention to declare the property excess to the agency's needs, or (3) a statement of the reasons that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use as facilities to assist the homeless.

    Properties listed as suitable/available will be available exclusively for homeless use for a period of 60 days from the date of this Notice. Where property is described as for “off-site use only” recipients of the property will be required to relocate the building to their own site at their own expense. Homeless assistance providers interested in any such property should send a written expression of interest to HHS, addressed to Theresa Rita, Division of Property Management, Program Support Center, HHS, room 5B-17, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; (301) 443-2265. (This is not a toll-free number.) HHS will mail to the interested provider an application packet, which will include instructions for completing the application. In order to maximize the opportunity to utilize a suitable property, providers should submit their written expressions of interest as soon as possible. For complete details concerning the processing of applications, the reader is encouraged to refer to the interim rule governing this program, 24 CFR part 581.

    For properties listed as suitable/to be excess, that property may, if subsequently accepted as excess by GSA, be made available for use by the homeless in accordance with applicable law, subject to screening for other Federal use. At the appropriate time, HUD will publish the property in a Notice showing it as either suitable/available or suitable/unavailable.

    For properties listed as suitable/unavailable, the landholding agency has decided that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use to assist the homeless, and the property will not be available.

    Properties listed as unsuitable will not be made available for any other purpose for 20 days from the date of this Notice. Homeless assistance providers interested in a review by HUD of the determination of unsuitability should call the toll free information line at 1-800-927-7588 for detailed instructions or write a letter to Mark Johnston at the address listed at the beginning of this Notice. Included in the request for review should be the property address (including zip code), the date of publication in the Federal Register, the landholding agency, and the property number.

    For more information regarding particular properties identified in this Notice (i.e., acreage, floor plan, existing sanitary facilities, exact street address), providers should contact the appropriate landholding agencies at the following addresses: Air Force: Mr. Robert Moore, Air Force Real Property Agency, 143 Billy Mitchell Blvd., Suite 1, San Antonio, TX 78226; (210) 925-3047; Coast Guard: Commandant, United States Coast Guard, Attn: Jennifer Stomber, 2100 Second St., SW., Stop 7901, Washington, DC 20314; (202) 475-5609; COE: Ms. Kim Shelton, Army Corps of Engineers, Office of Counsel, CECC-R, 441 G Street, NW., Washington, DC 20314; (202) 761-7696; Energy: Mr. Mark Price, Department of Energy, Office of Engineering & Construction Management, MA-50, 1000 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20585: (202) 586-5422; Interior: Mr. Michael Wright, Acquisition & Property Management, Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW., MS2603, Washington, DC 20240; (202) 208-5399; Navy: Mrs. Mary Arndt, Acting Director, Department of the Navy, Real Estate Services, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Washington Navy Yard, 1322 Patterson Ave., SE., Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20374-5065; (202) 685-9305; (These are not toll-free numbers).

    Start Signature

    Dated: August 20, 2009.

    Mark R. Johnston,

    Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs.

    End Signature


    Suitable/Available Properties



    Facility 1

    OTHB Radar Site

    Tulelake CA 91634

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830012

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 7920 sq. ft., most recent use—communications

    Facility 2

    OTHB Radar Site

    Tulelake CA 91634

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830014

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 900 sq. ft., most recent use—veh maint shop

    Facilities 3, 4

    OTHB Radar Site

    Tulelake CA 91634

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830015

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 4160 sq. ft. each, most recent use—communications

    Facility 1

    OTHB Radar Site

    Christmas Valley CA 97641

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830016

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 16566 sq. ft., most recent use—communications

    Facility 2

    OTHB Radar Site

    Christmas Valley CA 97641

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830017

    Status: UnutilizedStart Printed Page 44599

    Comments: 900 sq. ft., most recent use—veh maint shop

    Facility 4

    OTHB Radar Site

    Christmas Valley CA 97641

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830018

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 14,190 sq. ft., most recent use—communications

    Facility 6

    OTHB Radar Site

    Christmas Valley CA 97641

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830019

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 14,190 sq. ft., most recent use—transmitter bldg.


    Bldg. 849

    Bellows AFS

    Bellows AFS HI

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200330008

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 462 sq. ft., concrete storage facility, off-site use only


    Bldgs. 1, 2, 3, 4

    OTH-B Radar Site

    Columbia Falls ME

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200840009

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: various sq. ft., most recent use—storage/office

    New York

    Bldg. 240

    Rome Lab

    Rome Co: Oneida NY 13441

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200340023

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 39108 sq. ft., presence of asbestos, most recent use—Electronic Research Lab

    Bldg. 247

    Rome Lab

    Rome Co: Oneida NY 13441

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200340024

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 13199 sq. ft., presence of asbestos, most recent use—Electronic Research Lab

    Bldg. 248

    Rome Lab

    Rome Co: Oneida NY 13441

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200340025

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 4000 sq. ft., presence of asbestos, most recent use—Electronic Research Lab

    Bldg. 302

    Rome Lab

    Rome Co: Oneida NY 13441

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200340026

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 10288 sq. ft., presence of asbestos, most recent use—communications facility

    South Carolina

    256 Housing Units

    Charleston AFB

    South Side Housing

    Charleston SC

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920001

    Status: Excess

    Comments: various sq. ft., presence of asbestos/lead paint, off-site use only



    Parcels L1 & L2

    George AFB

    Victorville CA 92394

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820034

    Status: Excess

    Comments: 157 acres/desert, pump-and-treat system, groundwater restrictions, AF access rights, access restrictions, environmental concerns


    Communications Site

    County Road 424

    Dexter Co: Stoddard MO

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200710001

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 10.63 acres

    North Carolina

    0.14 acres

    Pope AFB

    Pope AFB NC

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200810001

    Status: Excess

    Comments: most recent use—middle marker, easement for entry


    0.13 acres

    DYAB, Dyess AFB

    Tye Co: Taylor TX 79563

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200810002

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: most recent use—middle marker, access limitation


    6798 sq. ft. land

    Navy Region Northwest

    Bremerton WA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830024

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: vacant land

    Suitable/Unavailable Properties



    Bldg. 2652

    Navy Aloha Center

    Pearl Harbor HI 96860

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710039

    Status: Underutilized

    Comments: 9125 sq. ft., most recent use—office


    Bldg. 404/Geiger Heights

    Fairchild AFB

    Spokane WA 99224

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200420002

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 1996 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—residential

    11 Bldgs./Geiger Heights

    Fairchild AFB

    Spokane WA 99224

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200420003

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 2134 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—residential

    Bldg. 297/Geiger Heights

    Fairchild AFB

    Spokane WA 99224

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200420004

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 1425 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—residential

    9 Bldgs./Geiger Heights

    Fairchild AFB

    Spokane WA 99224

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200420005

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 1620 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—residential

    22 Bldgs./Geiger Heights

    Fairchild AFB

    Spokane WA 99224

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200420006

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 2850 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—residential

    51 Bldgs./Geiger Heights

    Fairchild AFB

    Spokane WA 99224

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200420007

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 2574 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—residential

    Bldg. 402/Geiger Heights

    Fairchild AFB

    Spokane WA 99224

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200420008

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 2451 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—residential

    5 Bldgs./Geiger Heights

    Fairchild AFB

    222, 224, 271, 295, 260

    Spokane WA 99224

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200420009

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 3043 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—residential

    5 Bldgs./Geiger Heights

    Fairchild AFB

    102, 183, 118, 136, 113

    Spokane WA 99224

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200420010

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 2599 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—residential

    Start Printed Page 44600



    6 Parcels

    Naval Station

    Pearl Harbor HI 96818

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840012

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: various acres; encumbered by substantial improvements owned by a private navy tenant

    South Dakota

    Tract 133

    Ellsworth AFB

    Box Elder Co: Pennington SD 57706

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200310004

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 53.23 acres

    Tract 67

    Ellsworth AFB

    Box Elder Co: Pennington SD 57706

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200310005

    Status: Unutilized

    Comments: 121 acres, bentonite layer in soil, causes movement

    Unsuitable Properties



    Bldg. 9485

    Elmendorf AFB

    Elmendorf AK

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 70500

    Seward AFB

    Seward AK 99664

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 3224

    Eielson AFB

    Eielson AK 99702

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 1437, 1190, 2375

    Eielson AFB

    Eielson AK

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    5 Bldgs.

    Eielson AFB

    Eielson AK

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830002

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 3300, 3301, 3315, 3347, 3383

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Eielson AFB

    Eielson AK

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830003

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 4040, 4332, 4333, 4480

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 6122, 6205

    Eielson AFB

    Eielson AK

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 8128

    Elmendorf AFB

    Elmendorf AK 99506

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830005

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 8130, 8132, 17637

    Elmendorf AFB

    Anchorage AK 99506

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 7111

    Elmendorf AFB

    Anchorage AK

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 615, 617, 751, 753

    Eareckson Air Station

    Shemya Island AK

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Within airport runway clear zone, Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Radar Tower

    Potato Point Comm Site

    Valdez AK

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200710001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Not accessible by road, Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 12B

    Integrated Support Command

    Kodiak AK

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200810003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 554

    Integrated Support Command

    Kodiak AK

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200810004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldg. B02


    Annette Island AK 99926

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200820001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. B02


    Gustavus AK 99826

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200820002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 10

    LORAN Station

    Carroll Inlet AK

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200840001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Not accessible by road

    Transmitter Bldg. B4A

    Loran Station

    St. Paul AK 99660

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200920001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Contamination


    Railroad Spur

    Davis-Monthan AFB

    Tucson AZ 85707

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within airport runway clear zone


    Bldgs. 5001 thru 5082 Edwards AFB

    Area A

    Los Angeles CA 93524

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200620002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Garages 25001 thru 25100

    Edwards AFB

    Area A

    Los Angeles CA 93524

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200620003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 00275

    Edwards AFB

    Kern CA 93524

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area, Within airport runway clear zone

    Bldgs. 02845, 05331, 06790

    Edwards AFB

    Kern CA 93524

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200740001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 07173, 07175, 07980

    Edwards AFB

    Kern CA 93524

    Landholding Agency: Air ForceStart Printed Page 44601

    Property Number: 18200740002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Secured Area

    Bldg. 5308

    Edwards AFB

    Kern CA 93523

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200810003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Facility 100

    Pt. Arena AF Station

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200810004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1952, 1953, 1957, 1958 Vandenberg AFB

    Vandenberg CA 93437

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1992, 1995

    Vandenberg AFB

    Vandenberg CA 93437

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Pt. Arena AF Station

    101, 102, 104, 105, 108

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820019

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 160, 161, 166

    Pt. Arena AF Station

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820020

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    8 Bldgs.

    Pt. Arena AF Station

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820021

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 201, 202, 203, 206, 215, 216, 217, 218

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    7 Bldgs.

    Pt. Arena AF Station

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820022

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 228

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 408

    Pt. Arena AF Station

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820023

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 601 thru 610

    Pt. Arena AF Station

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820024

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 611-619

    Pt. Arena AF Station

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820025

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 620 thru 627

    Pt. Arena AF Station

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820026

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 654, 655, 690

    Pt. Arena AF Station

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820027

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 300, 387

    Pt Arena Comm Annex

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820029

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 700, 707, 796, 797

    Pt. Arena Comm Annex

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820030

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 748, 838

    Vandenberg AFB

    Vandenberg CA 93437

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820033

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1412, 2422, 3514

    Edwards AFB

    Kern CA 93524

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200840001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 417

    Fort MacArthur

    Fort MacArthur CA

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    6 Bldgs.

    Beale AFB

    Beale AFB CA 95903

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930001

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 355, 421, 1062, 1088, 1250, 1280

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    7 Bldgs.

    Beale AFB

    Beale AFB CA 95903

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930002

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 2160, 2171, 2340, 2432, 2491, 2560, 5800

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    5 Bldgs.

    Edwards AFB

    Kern CA 93523

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930003

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 3505, 601, 225, 4700, 4222

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. M03, MO14, MO17

    Sandia National Lab

    Livermore Co: Alameda CA 94550

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200220001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. C920, C921, C922

    Sandia Natl Laboratories

    Livermore Co: Alameda CA 94551

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200540001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 175

    Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200630001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Trailer 1403

    Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200630003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Trailer 3703

    Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200630004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldg. 363

    National Laboratory

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200710001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 436, 446

    National Laboratory

    Livermore CAStart Printed Page 44602

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200710002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 3520

    National Laboratory

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200710003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 4182, 4184, 4187

    National Laboratory

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200710004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldg. 5974

    National Laboratory

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200710005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 194A, 198

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 213, 280

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720008

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 312, 345

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2177, 2178

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720010

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2687, 3777

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720011

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 263, 419

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720012

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 1401, 1402, 1404

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720013

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 1405, 1406, 1407

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720014

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 1408, 1413, 1456

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720015

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 2684

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720016

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. CM46A

    Sandia Natl Lab

    Livermore CA 94551

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200730005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 445, 534

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    4 Bldgs.

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    802A, 811, 830, 854A

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 8806, 8710, 8711

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 1492, 1526, 1579

    Lawrence Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1601, 1632

    Lawrence Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2552, 2685, 2728

    Lawrence Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2801, 2802

    Lawrence Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740008

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 3175, 3751, 3775

    Lawrence Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Lawrence Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740010

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 4161, 4316, 4384, 4388

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 4406, 4475

    Lawrence Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740011

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 4905, 4906, 4926

    Lawrence Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740012

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 5425

    Lawrence Livermore National Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200740013

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    10 Bldgs.

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200830002

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 2127, 4302, 4377, 4378, 4383, 5225, 5976, 5979, 5980, 6203

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    5 Bldgs.

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    1481, 1527, 1884, 1885, 1927

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Start Printed Page 44603

    Bldgs. 3577, 3982, 4128

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 328, 367, 376

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840008

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldg. 5125

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    6 Bldgs.

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840010

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 1407, 1408, 1413, 1492, 1526, 1579

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    6 Bldgs.

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840011

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 3775, 4161, 4316, 4388, 4905, 4906

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 8710, 8711, 8806

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840012

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    6 Bldgs.

    Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

    Livermore CA

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920005

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 1541, 1878, 2727, 3180, 4107, 5477

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 2533

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 13111

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 53325, 53326

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Marine Corps Base

    53421, 53424 thru 53427

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520008

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 61311, 61313, 61314

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 61320-61324, 61326

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520010

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 62711 thru 62717

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520011

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 4

    Naval Submarine Base

    Point Loma CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 8915, 8931

    Naval Weapons Station

    Seal Beach CA 90740

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 11, 112

    Naval Weapons Station

    Seal Beach CA 90740

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 805

    Naval Weapons Station

    Seal Beach CA 90740

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 810 thru 823

    Naval Weapons Station

    Seal Beach CA 90740

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 851, 859, 864

    Naval Weapons Station

    Seal Beach CA 90740

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 1146

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 1370, 1371, 1372

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 115

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530012

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 1674

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendletoon CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530027

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2636, 2651, 2658

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530028

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530029

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 26053, 26054, 26056, 26059

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 53333, 53334

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530030

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 53507, 53569

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530031

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 170111Start Printed Page 44604

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530032

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. PM4-3

    Naval Base

    Oxnard Co: Ventura CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530033

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 1781

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 398, 399, 404

    Naval Base Point Loma

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 388, 389, 390, 391

    Naval Base Point Loma

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 16

    Naval Submarine Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540017

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 325

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area, Within airport runway clear zone

    Bldgs. 1647, 1648

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610010

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 1713

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610011

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 220189

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610014

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 2295

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610015

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 22115, 22116, 22117

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610016

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 143

    Naval Air Station

    Lemoore CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610017

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 213, 243, 273

    Naval Air Station

    Lemoore CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610018

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 303

    Naval Air Station

    Lemoore CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610019

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 471

    Naval Air Station

    Lemoore CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610020

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 979, 928, 930

    Naval Air Station

    Lemoore CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610021

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 999, 1000

    Naval Air Station

    Lemoore CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610022

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 305, 353

    Naval Base Point Loma

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 358, 359, 360, 361

    Naval Base Point Loma

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610024

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 581

    Naval Base Point Loma

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610026

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. A25, A27

    Naval Base Point Loma

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610027

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 31926, 31927, 31928

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610058

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 41326

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610059

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 41816

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610060

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 1468, 1469

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 30869

    Naval Air Weapons Station

    China Lake CA 93555

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2-8, 3-10

    Naval Base

    Port Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 6-11, 6-12, 6-819

    Naval Base

    Port Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 85

    Naval Base

    Port Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 120, 123

    Naval Base

    Port Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy Start Printed Page 44605

    Property Number: 77200630012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 724

    Naval Base

    Port Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 764

    Naval Base

    Port Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 115

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 323

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630016

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 488

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630017

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 842

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630018

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 927

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 1150

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 1361

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630021

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. PH546

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640027

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. PH425

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. PM 134

    Naval Base

    Point Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. PH837, PH1372

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710024

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 523107

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710025

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    6 Bldgs.

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710026

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 523112, 523113, 523114, 523115, 523116, 523117

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    6 Bldgs.

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710027

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 523122, 523123, 523124, 523125, 523126, 523127

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    6 Bldgs.

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710028

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 523132, 523133, 523134, 523135, 523136, 523137

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    6 Bldgs.

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710029

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 523142, 523143, 523144, 523145, 523146, 523147

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 523156, 523157

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710030

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 30726

    Naval Air Weapons

    China Lake CA 93555

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710047

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. PH284, PH339

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. PH805, PH1179

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. PH1207, PH1264, PH1288

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. PM 3-53, PM129, PM402

    Naval Base

    Port Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. LP908

    Naval Base

    Laguna Peak

    Port Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. PM790

    Naval Base

    Oxnard CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 53402

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 307

    Naval BaseStart Printed Page 44606

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 3135

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720010

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 30727, 31409

    Naval Air Weapons Station

    China Lake CA 93555

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720011

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 60142, 60158

    Naval Base Coronado

    San Clemente Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Not accessible by road, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 60160, 60162, 60164

    Naval Base Coronado

    San Clemente Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 60203, 60210, 60211

    Naval Base Coronado

    San Clemente Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 60214, 60215

    Naval Base Coronado

    San Clemente Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 60227, 60243, 60250

    Naval Base Coronado

    San Clemente Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720016

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 60313

    Naval Base Coronado

    San Clemente Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720017

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 404

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720032

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 3267

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720039

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 11090, 98033

    Naval Air Weapons

    China Lake CA 93555

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720054

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 41314, 41362

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720055

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 192, 193, 410

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720063

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 415

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 3363, 3364

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Naval Base

    3185D, 3222, 3251, 3309

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Portion/Bldg. T17

    Naval Base Point Loma

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730016

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 297 Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730017

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 13, 87

    Naval Air Station

    Coronado Co: San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730022

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 243

    Naval Air Station

    Coronado Co: San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730023

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 381

    Naval Air Station

    Coronado Co: San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730024

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Naval Air Station

    493, 663, 682, 784

    Coronado Co: San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730025

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 809

    Naval Air Station

    Coronado Co: San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730026

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 983

    Naval Air Station

    Coronado Co: San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730027

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 1459

    Naval Air Station

    Coronado Co: San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730028

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 334

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730029

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 124, 148

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 314, 341, 636

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 710, 802, 826

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 60139, 60180

    Naval Air Station

    San Clemente CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 41313, 41314 Start Printed Page 44607

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Marine Corps Base

    41359, 41362, 41365, 41366

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 43976

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740008

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 53440, 53831

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 410365

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740010

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 259

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740015

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 41356

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740017

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 84

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740018

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Marine Corps Base

    41312, 53426, 53427, 53430

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810008

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2537, 2538

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 43286, 43287

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810010

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 33007

    Naval Air Weapons Station

    China Lake CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810011

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 22176, 62507, 410363

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810021

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 25261, 41342, 41344

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810026

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 105

    Naval Base

    Point Loma Co: San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. PH1230

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820021

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 17, 37, 130

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA 92136

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820023

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 3053, 3328

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA 92136

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820025

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 3368, 3370

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA 92136

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820026

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 3591, 3592

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA 92136

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820027

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 3603

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA 92136

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820028

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Floodway

    Bldg. PH1230

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820029

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. PM28

    Naval Base

    Point Mugu CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820030

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. PH5295, PH5297

    Naval Base

    Oxnard CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820031

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Naval Base

    Oxnard CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820032

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: PH5303, PH5315, PH5318, PH5319

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. PH5323, PH5329

    Naval Base

    Oxnard CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820033

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 60180, 60139

    San Clemente Island

    Naval Base

    Coronado CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 148

    Naval Amphibious Base

    Coronado CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 13, 87, 124, 243

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830003 Start Printed Page 44608

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Naval Air Station

    307, 311, 314, 341, 381

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 493

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 636, 663, 682

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 710, 784

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 802, 809, 826

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830008

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 983, 1459

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 33005

    Naval Air Weapons Station

    China Lake CA 93555

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830011

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 2, 10, 59

    Naval Base

    Point Loma CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 25152, 41321, 41406

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830022

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 1391

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830025

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 1211, 1213, 1214, 1216

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830026

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 52654, 52655

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830027

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 453, 454, 508, 509

    Naval Air Station

    Lemoore CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 950, 952, 994

    Naval Air Station

    Lemoore CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Marine Corps Base

    14113, 14114, 14126, 21401

    Camp Pendleton CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840010

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    4 Bldgs.

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200910001

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 41350, 51916T, 62357T, 62367

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Naval Air Station

    North Island CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200910002

    Status: Excess

    Directions: C38, C47, C85, C93B, C101, C102

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 78, 126

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200910003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 3493

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2245, 2513T, 5509

    Marine Corps Air Station

    Miramar CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    8 Bldgs.

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920003

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 1255, 1490, 14121, 14122, 14125, 14127, 62432, 140135

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    4 Bldgs.

    Naval Air Weapons Station

    China Lake CA 93555

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920004

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 02702, 02703, 02704, 02705

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. PM3-4, PM153

    Naval Base

    Point Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    11 Bldgs.

    Naval Base

    San Nicholas Island Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920006

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: SNI11, 16, 22, 45, 49, 71, 72, 141, 202, 213, 229

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. PM126, 327, 327-A

    Naval Base

    Point Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. PH 462

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    14 Bldgs.

    Naval Base

    Point Mugu Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920009

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: PM4-4, 4-27, 4-30, 6-817, 37, 42, 223, 401, 733, 793, 803, 841, 842, 855

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. PH274, 462, 808, 837

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: NavyStart Printed Page 44609

    Property Number: 77200920010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 22172

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920020

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. SNI258

    Naval Base

    San Nicolas Island CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920021

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Naval Base

    Point Mugu CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920022

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: PM1823A&B, 1825A&B, 1827A&B

    Reasons: Secured Area

    9 Bldgs.

    Naval Base

    Point Mugu CA 93042

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920023

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: PM1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1967

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 22172, 62432

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920027

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 14123

    Marine Corps Base

    Camp Pendleton CA 92055

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920031

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 3302

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920032

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 1680

    Naval Base Coronado

    Warner Springs CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920033

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. PH-11

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920034

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 19

    USCG Integrated Sup Comm

    San Pedro CA 90731

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200820004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration


    Bldg. 9038

    U.S. Air Force Academy

    El Paso CO 80840

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 1166, 1435

    Peterson AFB

    Colorado Springs CO 80914

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area


    Bldgs. 25 and 26

    Prospect Hill Road

    Windsor Co: Hartford CT 06095

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199440003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    9 Bldgs.

    Knolls Atomic Power Lab, Windsor Site

    Windsor Co: Hartford CT 06095

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199540004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 8, Windsor Site

    Knolls Atomic Power Lab

    Windsor Co: Hartford CT 06095

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199830006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    District of Columbia

    Bldg. 396

    Naval Support Facility

    Anacostia Annex DC 20373

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. W22

    Washington Navy Yard

    Washington DC 20374

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820035

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 29, 57, 92

    Naval Annex

    Anacostia DC

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200930012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area


    Bldg. 01248

    Cape Canaveral AFS

    Brevard FL 32925

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200740003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 44426

    Cape Canaveral AFS

    Brevard FL 32925

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200740004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 85406

    Cape Canaveral AFS

    Brevard FL 32925

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200740005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 82

    Air Force Range

    Avon Park FL 33825

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200840002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Contamination

    Bldg. 202

    Avon Park AF Range

    Polk FL 33825

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. U-150

    Naval Air Station

    Key West Co: Monroe FL 33040

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520044

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. V1221 A

    Naval Air Station

    Sigsbee Park

    Key West Co: Monroe FL 33040

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 969

    Naval Air Station

    Jacksonville Co: Duval FL 32212

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1759, 1760

    Naval Air Station

    Jacksonville Co: Duval FL

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 1917

    Naval Air Station

    Jacksonville Co: Duval FL 32212

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540016

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1, 2

    Naval StationStart Printed Page 44610

    Mayport Co: Duval FL 32228

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540018

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Floodway

    Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 24

    Naval Station

    Mayport Co: Duval FL 32228

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540019

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Floodway, Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 66

    Naval Station

    Mayport Co: Duval FL 32228

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540020

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Floodway, Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 216

    Naval Station

    Mayport Co: Duval FL 32228

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540021

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration Floodway, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 437, 450

    Naval Station

    Mayport Co: Duval FL 32228

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540022

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Floodway, Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 1234, 1235

    Naval Station

    Mayport Co: Duval FL 32228

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540023

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Floodway, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 212

    Naval Station

    Mayport Co: Duval FL 32228

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway, Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 508

    Naval Station

    Mayport FL 32228

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620035

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Floodway

    Bldg. 834

    Naval Air Station

    Pensacola Co: Escambia FL 32508

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 2658

    Naval Air Station

    Pensacola Co: Escambia FL 32508

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 3483

    Naval Air Station

    Pensacola Co: Escambia FL 32508

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630024

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 6144

    Naval Air Station

    Pensacola Co: Escambia FL 32508

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630025

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. F11

    Naval Air Station

    Key West FL 33040

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630026

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. A225, A409

    Naval Air Station

    Key West FL 33040

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630027

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. A515

    Naval Air Station

    Key West FL 33040

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630028

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. A635

    Naval Air Station

    Key West FL 33040

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630029

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. A993, A994

    Naval Air Station

    Key West FL 33040

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630030

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. A1068

    Naval Air Station

    Key West FL 33040

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630031

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. A4021

    Naval Air Station

    Key West FL 33040

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630032

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 4080

    Naval Air Station

    Key West FL 33040

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630033

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    88 Facilities

    Saufley Field

    Pensacola FL 32508

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740016

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within airport runway clear zone

    Bldgs. C5, A329

    Naval Air Station

    Key West FL 33040

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2, 5, 24, 26

    Naval Air Station

    Jacksonville Co: Duval FL

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 104A, 136, 159

    Naval Air Station

    Jacksonville Co: Duval FL 32212

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Naval Air Station

    Jacksonville Co: Duval FL 32212

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820008

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 323, 324, 338, 339, 347, 348

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    5 Bldgs.

    Naval Air Station

    Jacksonville Co: Duval FL 32212

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820009

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 607, 612, 614B, 674, 675

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 820, 890

    Naval Air Station

    Jacksonville Co: Duval FL 32212

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1756, 1937

    Naval Air Station

    Jacksonville Co: Duval FL 32212

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration


    6 Cabins

    QSRG Grassy Pond Rec Annex

    Lake Park GA 31636Start Printed Page 44611

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 101, 102, 103

    Moody AFB

    Lowndes GA 31699

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200810006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 330, 331, 332, 333

    Moody AFB

    Lowndes GA 31699

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200810007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 794, 1541

    Moody AFB

    Lowndes GA

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 970

    Moody AFB

    Lowndes GA 31699

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200840003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 205

    Moody AFB

    Lowndes GA 31699

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 104, 118, 739, 742, 973

    Moody AFB

    Lowndes GA 31699

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920016

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 5101

    Naval Submarine Base

    Kings Bay Co: Camden GA 31547

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway, Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 0038

    Naval Submarine Base

    Kings Bay GA 31547

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620036

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    7 Bldgs.

    Marine Logistics Base

    Albany GA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720040

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 7100, 7106, 7108, 7110, 5584, 7964, 7966

    Reasons: Secured Area


    Bldg. 1094

    AAFB Yigo

    Yigo GU 96543

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    15 Bldgs.

    Andersen AFB

    Yigo GU 96543

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 72, 73, 74

    Andersen AFB

    Mount Santa Rosa GU

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920017

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 101, 102

    Andersen AFB

    Pots Junction GU

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920018

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B-32

    Naval Forces

    Marianas GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 76, 77, 79

    Naval Forces

    Marianas GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520024

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    4 Bldgs.

    Naval Forces

    261, 262, 263, 269

    Marianas GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520025

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 404NM

    Naval Forces

    Marianas GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520026

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 3150, 3268

    Naval Forces

    Marianas GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520030

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 5409, 5412, 5413

    Naval Forces

    Marianas GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520031

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 5500

    Naval Forces

    Marianas GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520032

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    73 Bldgs.

    Naval Computer Station

    Marianas GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520045

    Status: Excess

    Directions: A700-A716, A725, A728, A735, A741-A784, A803-A805, A811-A813, A829-A831

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2006, 2009

    Naval Ship Repair Facility

    Marianas GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520048

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2014, 2916

    Naval Ship Repair Facility

    Marianas GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520049

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 277, 308

    Naval Forces Marianas

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610028

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1686, 1689, 1690

    Naval Forces Marianas

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610029

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1714, 1767, 1768

    Naval Forces Marianas

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610030

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1771, 1772, 1773

    Naval Forces Marianas

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610031

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1791, 1792

    Naval Forces Marianas

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610032

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 3000, 3001

    Naval Forces Marianas

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610033

    Status: ExcessStart Printed Page 44612

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 3002, 3004, 3005

    Naval Forces Marianas

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610034

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 3006, 3007

    Naval Forces Marianas

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610035

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Steam Plant

    Naval Forces Marianas

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610036

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 403, 404

    Marianas Support Activity

    Santa Rita Co: Naval Magazine GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 464, 729

    Marianas Support Activity

    Santa Rita Co: Naval Magazine GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 836, 837

    Marianas Support Activity

    Santa Rita Co: Naval Magazine GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 11XC7

    Marianas Support Activity

    Santa Rita Co: Naval Magazine GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620016

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 23YC1, 23YC2, 23YC3

    Marianas Support Activity

    Santa Rita Co: Naval Magazine GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620017

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 23YC4, 23YC5

    Marianas Support Activity

    Santa Rita Co: Naval Magazine GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620018

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 24YC7, 24YC8

    Marianas Support Activity

    Santa Rita Co: Naval Magazine GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 26YC3, 26YC5

    Marianas Support Activity

    Santa Rita Co: Naval Magazine GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Old Bus Stop

    Marianas Support Activity

    Santa Rita Co: Naval Magazine GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620021

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    2 Guard Houses

    Marianas Support Activity

    Santa Rita Co: Naval Magazine GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    9 Magazines

    Marianas Support Activity

    Santa Rita Co: Naval Magazine GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 151, 152, 153

    Naval Forces Marianas

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 4

    Naval Base

    Barrigada GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. C115

    Naval Base

    Barrigada GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 160

    Naval Base

    Barrigada GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 176

    Naval Base

    Barrigada GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 33

    Naval Base

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 219

    Naval Base

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 950

    Naval Base

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710008

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 1769

    Naval Base

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 3186, 3187, 3188

    Naval Base

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710010

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 4408, 4409

    Naval Base

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710011

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Hazmat Storage

    Naval Base

    Polaris Point

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710012

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Storage Bldg.

    Naval Base

    Polaris Point

    Santa Rita Co: Apra Harbor GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710013

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    10 Bldgs.

    Naval Base

    North Tipalao

    Santa Rita GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920035

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 802, 803, 804, 811, 812, 813, 814, 821, 822, 823

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Naval Base

    North Tipalao

    Santa Rita GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920036

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 809, 810, 819, 820, 824

    Reasons: Secured Area

    10 Bldgs.

    Naval BaseStart Printed Page 44613

    North Tipalao

    Santa Rita GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920037

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 972, 974, 975, 982, 971, 973, 970, 976, 978, 980

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 59, 70, 71

    Naval Base

    Barrigada GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920038

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    13 Bldgs.

    Naval Base, NCTS

    Dededo GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920039

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 174, 176, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 491

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 367 & Storage Bldg.

    Naval Base

    Main Base

    Dededo GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920040

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 575

    Naval Base

    Camp Covington

    Dededo GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920041

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Naval Base

    Former FAA Compount

    Dededo GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920042

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration


    Bldg. 1815

    Hickam AFB

    Hickam HI 96853

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 1028, 1029

    Hickam AFB

    Hickam HI 96853

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200740006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1710, 1711

    Hickam AFB

    Hickam HI 96853

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200740007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 1713

    Hickam AFB

    Hickam HI 96853

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 1843

    Hickam AFB

    Hickam HI 96853

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 346

    Naval Station

    Pearl Harbor HI 96860

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration


    Marine Corps Base

    Kaneohe Bay HI 96863

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. S378, 469

    Naval Station

    Ford Island

    Pearl Harbor HI 96860

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200910005

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 3

    Opana Reg. Relay Facility

    Kahuku HI 96731

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920014

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 29

    Naval Station

    Pearl Harbor HI 96860

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920043

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area


    Bldg. CPP-691

    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199610003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. TRA-669

    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199610013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. TRA-673

    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199610018

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. PBF-620

    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199610019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. PBF-619

    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199610022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. TRA-641

    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199610034

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. CF-606

    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199610037

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP638, CPP642

    Idaho Natl Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200410014

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. CPP 743

    Idaho Natl Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83-415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200410020

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP1647, 1653

    Idaho Natl Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200410022

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. CPP1677

    Idaho Natl Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200410023

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 694

    Idaho Natl Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200410034

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP1604-CPP1608

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430071

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP1617-CPP1619

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430072 Start Printed Page 44614

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430073

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP1631, CPP1634, CPP1635, CPP1636, CPP1637, CPP1638

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430074

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP1642, CPP1643, CPP1644, CPP1646, CPP1649

    Reasons: Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430075

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP1650, CPP1651, CPP1656

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430076

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP1662, CPP1663, CPP1671, CPP1673, CPP1674

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430077

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP1678, CPP1682, CPP1683, CPP1684, CPP1686

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430078

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP1713, CPP1749, CPP1750, CPP1767, CPP1769

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430079

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP1770, CPP1771, CPP1772, CPP1774, CPP1776

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430081

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP1789, CPP1790, CPP1792, CPP1794

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP2701, CPP2706

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430082

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430089

    Status: Excess

    Directions: TRA603, TRA604, TRA610

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. TAN611

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430090

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430091

    Status: Excess

    Directions: TRA626, TRA635, TRA642, TRA648, TRA654

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. TAN655

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430092

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430093

    Status: Excess

    Directions: TRA657, TRA661, TRA668

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. TAN711

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430094

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430095

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP602-CPP606, CPP609

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430096

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP611-CPP614, CPP616

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430097

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP621, CPP626, CPP630, CPP639

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430098

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP641, CPP644, CPP645, CPP649

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP651-CPP655

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430099

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP659-CPP663

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP666, CPP668

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    1 Bldg.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440004

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP684

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440005

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP692, CPP694, CPP697-CPP699

    Reasons: Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440006

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP701, CPP701A, CPP708

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 711, 719A

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440008

    Status: Excess

    Directions: CPP724-CPP726, CPP728

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. CPP729/741 Start Printed Page 44615

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440012

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP733, CPP736

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440013

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP740, CPP742

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440014

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP746, CPP748

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440015

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    CPP750, CPP751, CPP752

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440016

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    CPP753, CPP753A, CPP754

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440017

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP760, CPP763

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440018

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP764, CPP765

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440019

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP767, CPP768

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440020

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP791, CPP795

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440021

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    CPP796, CPP797, CPP799

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440022

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP701B, CPP719

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440023

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CPP720A, CPP720B

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440024

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. CPP1781

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440025

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    2 Bldgs.

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    CPP0000VES-UTI-111, VES-UTI-112

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440026

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. TAN704, TAN733

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440028

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. TAN1611, TAN1614

    Idaho National Eng Lab

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440029

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. CF633

    Idaho Natl Laboratory

    Scoville Co: Butte ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200520005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. B23-602, B27-601

    Idaho Natl Laboratory

    Idaho Falls ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200820003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. CF-635, CF-650

    Idaho Natl Laboratory

    Idaho Falls ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200820005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. CF-662, CF-692

    Idaho Natl Laboratory

    Idaho Falls ID 83415

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200820006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration


    Bldgs. 306A, B, C, TR-5

    Argonne National Lab

    Argonne IL 60439

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720017

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 310, 330

    Argonne National Lab

    DuPage IL 60439

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Contamination


    Barksdale Middle Marker

    Bossier LA 71112

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 37, 89, 122

    Naval Air Station

    New Orleans LA 70143

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810024

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 159, 418, 902

    Naval Air Station

    New Orleans LA 70143

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810025

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 11

    Naval Support Activity

    New Orleans LA 70142

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810027

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Naval Air Station

    Joint Reserve Base

    New Orleans LA 70143

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920044

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 37, 89, 122, 159, 418, 902

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material


    Facilities 1, 2, 3, 4

    OTH-B Site

    Moscow ME 04920

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material


    Bldg. 2075

    Naval Surface WarfareStart Printed Page 44616

    Indian Head MD

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630043

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    9 Bldgs

    National Naval Medical Ctr

    Bethesda MD 20889

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920028

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 17, 18, 21, 49, 69, 141, 146, 150, 174

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    National Naval Medical Ctr

    Bethesda MD

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920030

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 23, 29, 139, 176, 219

    Reasons: Secured Area


    Bldg. 5202

    USCG Air Station

    Bourne MA 02540

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200810002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    3 Sheds

    USCG Sector Southeastern

    Falmouth MA 02543

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200910001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    5 Bldgs.

    USCG Air Station

    3434, 3435, 3436, 5424, 5451

    Bourne MA 02542

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200920002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area


    Admin. Bldg.

    Station Saginaw River

    Essexville Co: Bay MI 48732

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200510001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 001

    USCG Sector

    Sault Ste Marie MI 49783

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200920003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 022

    US Coast Guard Station

    Marquette MI 49855

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200920004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area


    Bldg. 9

    Construction Battalion Center

    Gulfport MS

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610039

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 22, 27, 41

    Construction Battalion Center

    Gulfport MS

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610040

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 108, 181, 183

    Construction Battalion Center

    Gulfport MS

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610041

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 201

    Construction Battalion Center

    Gulfport MS

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610042

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 270, 270A-1, 270A-2

    Construction Battalion Center

    Gulfport MS

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610043

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 375, 420

    Construction Battalion Center

    Gulfport MS

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200610044

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 95, 96

    Naval Air Station

    Meridian MS 39309

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720046

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area, Within airport runway clear zone

    Bldg. 167

    Naval Air Station

    Meridian MS 39309

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720047

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 212, 228

    Naval Air Station

    Meridian MS 39309

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720048

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 266, 267

    Naval Air Station

    Meridian MS 39309

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720049

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 351, 445

    Naval Air Station

    Meridian MS 39309

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720050

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 182, 183

    Naval Air Station

    Meridian MS 39309

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 222, 230, 326

    Naval Air Station

    Meridian MS 39309

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area


    Bldgs. 1600, 1601

    Malmstrom AFB

    Cascade MT 59402

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Extensive deterioration


    Bldg. 33400


    Ely NV 89301

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    28 Facilities

    Nevada Test Site

    Mercury Co: Nye NV 89023

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200310018

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Other—contamination, Secured Area

    31 Bldgs./Facilities

    Nellis AFB

    Tonopah Test Range

    Tonopah Co: Nye NV 89049

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200330003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    42 Bldgs.

    Nellis Air Force Base

    Tonopah Co: Nye NV 89049

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200410029

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 49-01, NM104, NM105, 03-35A-H, 03-35J-N, 03-36A-C, 03-36E-H, 03-36J-N, 03-36R, 03-37, 15036, 03-44A-D, 03-46, 03-47, 03-49, 03-88, 03-89, 03-90

    Reasons: Secured Area

    241 Bldgs.Start Printed Page 44617

    Tonopah Test Range

    Tonopah Co: Nye NV 89049

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440036

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    10 Bldgs.

    Nevada Test Site

    Mercury Co: Nye NV 89023

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200610003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Nevada Test Site

    23-790, 06-CP50, 26-2107

    Mercury Co: Nye NV 89023

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200510025

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Other—contamination

    Units 501-521

    Naval Air Station

    Fallon NV

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710017

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    New Hampshire

    Bldg. 152

    Pease Internatl Tradeport

    Newington NH 03803

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 16

    Pease Internatl Tradeport

    Newington NH 03803

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    New Jersey

    Bldgs. 105, 111, 266

    Naval Air Eng. Station

    Lakehurst NJ 08733

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 464, 480

    Naval Air Eng. Station

    Lakehurst NJ 08733

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 539, 560, 565

    Naval Air Eng. Station

    Lakehurst NJ 08733

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 3N, 4N, 57

    Naval Weapons Station

    Colts Neck NJ 07722

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200930008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    New Mexico

    Bldg. 1016

    Kirtland AFB

    Bernalillo NM 87117

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 40, 841

    Holloman AFB

    Otero NM 88330

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820016

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 436, 437

    Kirtland AFB

    Bernalillo NM 87117

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820017

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Cannon AFB

    Curry NM 88102

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830009

    Status: Underutilized

    Directions: 1156, 1160, 1245, 1256, 1258, 1260

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 20612, 29071, 37505

    Kirtland AFB

    Bernalillo NM 87117

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 88, 89

    Holloman AFB

    Otero NM 88330

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 312, 322

    Holloman AFB

    Otero NM 88330

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830021

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 569

    Holloman AFB

    Otero NM 88330

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 807, 833

    Holloman AFB

    Otero NM 88330

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 1245

    Holloman AFB

    Otero NM 88330

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830024

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Holloman AFB

    Otero NM 88330

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200840004

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 1201, 1202, 1203, 1205, 1207

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Holloman AFB

    Otero NM 88330

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920008

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 71, 1187, 1200, 1284, 1285

    Reasons: Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Holloman AFB

    Holloman AFB NM

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930007

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 930

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1113, 1127

    Holloman AFB

    Holloman AFB NM

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 30143

    Kirtland AFB

    Bernalillo NM 87117

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 9252, 9268

    Kirtland Air Force Base

    Albuquerque Co: Bernalillo NM 87185

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199430002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Tech Area II

    Kirtland Air Force Base

    Albuquerque Co: Bernalillo NM 87105

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199630004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 26, TA-33

    Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199810004

    Status: UnutilizedStart Printed Page 44618

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 2, TA-21

    Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199810008

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 5, TA-21

    Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199810011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 116, TA-21

    Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199810013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 286, TA-21

    Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199810016

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 516, TA-16

    Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199810021

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 517, TA-16

    Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199810022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 31

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199930003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 38, TA-14

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199940004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 9, TA-15

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199940006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 141, TA-15

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199940008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 44, TA-15

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199940009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 2, TA-18

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199940010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 5, TA-18

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199940011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 186, TA-18

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199940012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 188, TA-18

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199940013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 44, TA-36

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199940015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 45, TA-36

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199940016

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 258, TA-46

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199940019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    TA-3, Bldg. 208

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200010010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    TA-14, Bldg. 5

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200010019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    TA-21, Bldg. 150

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200010020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 149, TA-21

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200010024

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 312, TA-21

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200010025

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 313, TA-21

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200010026

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 314, TA-21

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200010027

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 315, TA-21

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200010028

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 1, TA-8

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200010029

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 2, TA-8

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200010030

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 3, TA-8

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200020001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 51, TA-9

    Los Alamos National LabStart Printed Page 44619

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200020002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 30, TA-14

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200020003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 16, TA-3

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200020009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 48, TA-55

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200020017

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 125, TA-55

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200020018

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 162, TA-55

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200020019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 22, TA-33

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200020022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 23, TA-49

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200020023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 37, TA-53

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200020024

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 121, TA-49

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200020025

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. B117

    Kirtland Operations

    Albuquerque Co: Bernalillo NM 87117

    Landholding Agency: Energy


    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B118

    Kirtland Operations

    Albuquerque Co: Bernalillo NM 87117

    Landholding Agency: Energy


    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. B119

    Kirtland Operations

    Albuquerque Co: Bernalillo NM 87117

    Landholding Agency: Energy


    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 2, TA-11

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200240004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 4, TA-41

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200240005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 116, TA-21

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200310003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, TA-28

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200310004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 447, 1483

    Los Alamos Natl Laboratory

    Los Alamos NM

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200410002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 99650

    Sandia National Laboratory

    Albuquerque Co: Bernalillo NM 87185

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200510004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 807, 6017 CAMU2&CAMU3

    Sandia Natl Laboratories

    Albuquerque NM 87185

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200730001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 6502

    Sandia National Lab

    Albuquerque NM 87185

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200810002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 6596

    Sandia National Labs

    Albuquerque NM 87185

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    9 Bldgs.

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920006

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 08-0026, 08-0030, 08-0065, 16-0193, 16-0242, 16-0244, 16-0897, 16-1489, 55-0107

    Reasons: Secured Area

    2 Bldgs.

    Los Alamos National Lab

    18-0257, 18-0258

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920008

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    9 Bldgs.

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920009

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 53-0401, 53-0403, 53-0409, 53-0456, 53-0514, 53-0525, 53-0535, 53-0544, 53-0675

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    6 Bldgs.

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920010

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 54-0117, 54-0185, 54-210, 54-211, 54-221, 54-221, 60-0282

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    6 Bldgs.

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920011

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 21-0155, 21-0209, 21-0213, 21-0227, 21-0229, 21-0257

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    8 Bldgs.

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM 87545

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920012

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 54-0226, 63-0001, 63-0002, 63-0003, 63-0004, 63-0077, 63-0078, 63-0093

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    7 Bldgs.

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200930001

    Status: UnutilizedStart Printed Page 44620

    Directions: 16-0421, 18-0005, 18-0026, 18-0129, 18-0141, 18-0147, 18-0189

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    7 Bldgs.

    Los Alamos National Lab

    Los Alamos NM

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200930002

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 52-0035, 52-0036, 52-0105, 52-0123, 60-0045, 69-0002, 69-0005

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Tract 01-108

    Carlsbad Caverns Natl Park

    Carlsbad NM 88220

    Landholding Agency: Interior

    Property Number: 61200930003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    New York

    Bldg. 0096

    Brookhaven National Lab

    Upton NY 11973

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200730004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration Secured Area

    Bldg. 913T

    Brookhaven Natl Laboratory

    Upton NY 11973

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200830001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 680B, 680C

    Brookhaven Natl Lab

    Upton NY 11973

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 85

    Tract 01-109

    Brooklyn NY 11234

    Landholding Agency: Interior

    Property Number: 61200930004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 13

    USCG Staten Island

    Suffolk NY 10305

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200910002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration Secured Area

    Boat House

    USCG Station Eaton's Neck

    Northport NY 11768

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200920005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    North Carolina

    5 Bldgs.

    Natural Park

    Wilkesboro NC 28697

    Landholding Agency: COE

    Property Number: 31200930012

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: WC-A01, WC-AC01, WC-AW01, WC-FR01, WC-FC01

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    3 Bldgs.

    Natural Park

    Wilkesboro NC 28697

    Landholding Agency: COE

    Property Number: 31200930013

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: BM-W01, BR-R02, RM-M06

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 82

    Marine Corps Air Station

    Cherry Point Co: Craven NC 28533

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200510009

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 4314

    Marine Corps Air Station

    Cherry Point Co: Craven NC 28533

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200510010

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 124

    Marine Corps Air Station

    Cherry Point Co: Craven NC 28533

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200510023

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 73, 95, 1018

    Marine Corps Air Station

    Cherry Point NC

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 499

    Marine Corps Air Station

    Cherry Point NC

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620038

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 3177, 3885

    Marine Corps Air Station

    Cherry Point NC

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620039

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 4473

    Marine Corps Air Station

    Cherry Point NC

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620040

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 4523

    Marine Corps Air Station

    Cherry Point NC

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620041

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    RPFN 0S1

    Group Cape Hatteras

    Buxton Co: Dare NC 27902

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200540001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    RPFN 053

    Sector N.C.

    Atlantic Beach Co: Carteret NC 28512

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200540002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Equip. Bldg.

    Coast Guard Station

    11101 Station St.

    Emerald Isle NC

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200630001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Sewage Treatment Facility

    USCG Cape Hatteras

    Buxton NC 27902

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200920006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    North Dakota

    Bldgs. 1612, 1741

    Grand Forks AFB

    Grand Forks ND 58205

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200720023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material


    Naval Reserve Center

    Cleveland OH 44114

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200740002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within airport runway clear zone, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area


    Bldg. 1001

    ANG Base

    Portland OR 97218

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820018

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Paint Locker

    USCG Elect. Sup. Detmt.

    Coos Bay OR

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200920007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area



    Bettis Atomic Power Lab

    West Mifflin Co: Allegheny PA 15122-0109

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199720002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 13, 90, 93, 97 Start Printed Page 44621

    Naval Support Activity

    Philadelphia PA 19111

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820012

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 431, 483

    Naval Support Activity

    Philadelphia PA 19111

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820013

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 530, 534, 567, 585

    Naval Support Activity

    Philadelphia PA 19111

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820014

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 618, 743

    Naval Support Activity

    Philadelphia PA 19111

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820015

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 37

    Naval Support Activity

    Philadelphia PA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200930009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 619, 636, 662, 947

    Naval Business Center

    Philadelphia PA 19112

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200930010

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Rhode Island

    Bldg. 305CP

    Naval Station

    Newport RI 02841

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 1A-CC

    Naval Station

    Newport RI 02841

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820022

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 164

    Naval Station

    Newport RI 02841

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820036

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Floodway

    Bldgs. 348, 85CHI

    Naval Station

    Newport RI

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820043

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Facility 670

    Naval Station

    Harbor Island

    Newport RI 02841

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820044

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    South Carolina

    Bldgs. 19, 20, 23

    Shaw AFB

    Sumter SC 29152

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730009

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 27, 28, 29

    Shaw AFB

    Sumter SC 29152

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730010

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 30, 39

    Shaw AFB

    Sumter SC 29152

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730011

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    8 Bldgs.

    Shaw AFB

    Sumter SC 29152

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920021

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: B14, B22, B31, B116, B218, B232, B343, B3403

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. B1626

    Shaw AFB

    Sumter SC 29152

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 701-6G

    Jackson Barricade

    Jackson SC

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200420010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 211-000F

    Nuclear Materials Processing Facility

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200420011

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 221-001F

    Nuclear Materials Processing Facility

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200420015

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 190-K

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200420030

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 710-015N

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 713-000N

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 80-9G, 10G

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 105-P, 105-R

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 183-003L

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 221-016F

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430014

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 221-053F, 054F

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430016

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 252-003F, 005F

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430017

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 315-M

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430030

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 716-002A

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430040

    Status: ExcessStart Printed Page 44622

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 221-21F, 22F

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430042

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 221-033F

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430043

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 254-007F

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430044

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 281-001F

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430045

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 281-004F

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430046

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 281-006F

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430047

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 703-045A

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430050

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 703-071A

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430051

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 754-008A

    Savannah River Operations

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430058

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 186-R

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430063

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Savannah River Site

    #281-2F, 281-5F, 285-F, 285-5F

    Aiken SC

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430066

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 701-000M

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200430084

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 690-000N

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200440032

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Facility 701-5G

    Savannah River Site

    New Ellenton SC

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200530003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 714-000A

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200620014

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 777-018A

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200620022

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 108-1P, 108-2P

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200630007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 701-001P

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200640002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 151-1P, 151-2P

    Savannah River site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200640004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 191-P

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200640005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 710-P

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200640006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 614-63G

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200710006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 701-2G, -905-117G

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200710007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 108-1R, 108-2R

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200710010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 717-003S, 717-010S

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200710011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Facility 151-1R

    Savannah River Site

    Aiken SC 29802

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200810001

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1000 thru 1021

    Naval Weapons Station

    Goose Creek Co: Berkeley SC 29445

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200440018

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 102

    Marine Corps Recruit Depot

    Parris Island Co: Beaufort SC 29905

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530017

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway, Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    21 Bldgs.

    Naval Weapons Station

    Goose Creek Co: Berkely SC 29445

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620034

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 4, 167C, 174, 180, 350, 383, 400, 410, 769, 790, 823, 824, 904, 930, 930A, 953, 953A, 971, 975, 2305, 3526

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 1148

    Naval Weapons Station

    Goose Creek Co: Berkeley SC 29445

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630044

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 200

    Marine Corps Recruit Depot

    Parris Island SC 29905

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720018 Start Printed Page 44623

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Floodway, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 908, 1ATX211-1ATX220

    Naval Weapons Station

    Goose Creek SC 29445

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810029

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 40, 48, 856

    Naval Weapons Station

    Goose Creek SC 29445

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810030

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 934, 2333

    Naval Weapons Station

    Goose Creek SC 29445

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810031

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    South Dakota

    Bldg. 2306

    Ellsworth AFB

    Meade SD 57706

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200740008

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 6927

    Ellsworth AFB

    Meade SD 57706

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200830011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area


    Bldg. 9418-1

    Y-12 Plant

    Oak Ridge Co: Anderson TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41199810026

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 2010

    Oak Ridge Natl Laboratory

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200710009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Y-12 Natl Nuclear Security Complex

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200720001

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 9104-01, 9104-02, 9104-03

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1035, 1058, 1061

    E. Tennessee Technology Park

    Oak Ridge TN

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200730002

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Contamination, Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1231, 1416

    E. Tennessee Technology Park

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200730003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Contamination, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 413, 1059

    E. TN Tech Park

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200730006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Contamination

    Bldgs. 1000, 1008F, 1028

    E. TN Technology Park

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200810005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1101, 1201, 1501

    E. TN Technology Park

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200810006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within airport runway clear zone

    4 Bldgs.

    East TN Technology Park

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200810007

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 1513, 1515, 1515E, 1515H

    Reasons: Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Y-12 National Security Complex

    9706-01, 9706-01A, 9711-05

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200810008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Y-12 National Security Complex

    9733-01, 9733-02, 9733-03

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200810009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 9734, 9739

    Y-12 National Security Complex

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200810010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Y-12 Natl Security Complex

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200910001

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 9201-05, 9622, 9769, 9983-HP

    Reasons: Secured Area

    13 Bldgs.

    Y-12 Natl Security Complex

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920003

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 9404-02, 9404-04, 9409-04, 9409-30, 9416-18, 9416-21, 9709, 9709-19, 9720-19A, 9720-19B, 9724-01, 9766, 9983-FE

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2, 3, 5

    Naval/Marine Corps Rsv Ctr

    Knoxville Co: Knox TN 37920

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530018

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 9720-03, 9720-06

    Y-12 Natl Nuclear Security Complex

    Oak Ridge TN 37831

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720038

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area


    Bldg. 1001

    FNXC, Dyess AFB

    Tye Co: Taylor TX 79563

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200810008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    5 Bldgs.

    Dyess AFB

    Abilene TX 79607

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200840005

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: B-4003, 4120, B-4124, 4127, 4130

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Dyess AFB

    Abilene TX 79607

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200840006

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 7225, 7226, 7227, 7313

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Dyess AFB

    Abilene TX 79607

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200840007

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 8050, 8054, 8129, 8133

    Reasons: Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    Dyess AFB

    Abilene TX 79607

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200840008

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: B-9032, 9107, 9114, B-9140, 11900

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. B-4228

    FNWZ Dyess AFB

    Taylor TX 79607

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. B-3701, B-3702 Start Printed Page 44624

    FNWZ Dyess AFB

    Pecos TX 79772

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1, 2, 3, 4

    Tethered Aerostat Radar Site

    Matagorda TX 77457

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920023

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 154

    Goodfellow AFB

    Goodfellow TX 76908

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920024

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. FNXH 2001

    Dyess AFB

    Dyess AFB TX 79607

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Dyess AFB

    Dyess AFB TX 79607

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930013

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: FNWZ 7235, 7312, 7405, 8045, 8120, 9113

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Zone 12, Bldg. 12-20

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo Co: Carson TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200220053

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 12-017E, 12-019E

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo Co: Carson TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200320010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    4 Bldgs.

    NNSA Pantex Plant

    Amarillo Co: Carson TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200540002

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 12-009, 12-009A, 12-R-009A, 12-R-009B

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldg. 12-011A

    NNSA Pantex Plant

    Amarillo Co: Carson TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200540003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldg. 12-097

    NNSA Pantex Plant

    Amarillo Co: Carson TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200540004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 11-54, 11-54A

    Zone 11

    Plantex Plant

    Amarillo Co: Carson TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200630008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 12-002B

    Zone 12

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo Co: Carson TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200630009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    12-003, 12-R-003, 12-003L

    Zone 12, Pantex Plant

    Amarillo Co: Carson TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200630010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 12-014

    Zone 12

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo Co: Carson TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200630011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 12-24E

    Zone 12

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo Co: Carson TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200630012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldg. 11-029, Zone 11

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo Co: Carson TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200640007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 11-010, T09-031

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200810011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 4-24, 4-27, 4-29

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200830003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldg. 11-027

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200830004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    3 Bldgs.

    Pantex Plant

    12-0245, 12-041SS, 12-075A

    Amarillo TX 79120

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200830005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 04-024, 04-027, 04-029

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo TX

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 09-013, 09-125

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo TX

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    5 Bldgs.

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo TX

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840005

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 09-095, 09-126, 09-132, 09-132A, 09-134

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 11-027

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo TX

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    4 Bldgs.

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo TX

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200840007

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 12-R-009B,12-0245, 12-041SS, 12-075A

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Pantex Plant

    Amarillo TX 79121

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200920004

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 09-056, 11-R-016, 11-030, 12-023, 12-045, 12-047, 12-005G3

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 1732

    Naval Air Station

    Corpus Christi Co: Nueces TX Start Printed Page 44625

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200540007

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 243

    Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base

    Ft. Worth Co: Tarrant TX 76127

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640035

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 1430

    Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base

    Ft. Worth Co: Tarrant TX 76127

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640036

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 1500

    Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base

    Ft. Worth Co: Tarrant TX 76127

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640037

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 4151

    Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base

    Ft. Worth Co: Tarrant TX 76127

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640038

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 3379, 3380

    Naval Air Station

    Ft. Worth Co: Tarrant TX 76127

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 1414, 3190

    Naval Air Station

    Joint Reserve Base

    Ft. Worth TX 76127

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830031

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area


    5 Bldgs.

    Naval Industrial Ordinance Plant

    Magna UT 84044

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720033

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 4D, 6A, 6C, 8C, 10B

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    4 Bldgs.

    Naval Industrial Ordinance Plant

    Magna UT 84044

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720034

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 11, 15, 16, 19

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 22A, 22B, 22C

    Naval Industrial Ordinance Plant

    Magna UT 84044

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720035

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 23A, 23B, 23C

    Naval Industrial Ordinance Plant

    Magna UT 84044

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720036

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    4 Bldgs.

    Naval Industrial Ordinance Plant

    Magna UT 84044

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720037

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 33, 45B, 45C, 46D

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material


    12 Bldgs

    Langley AFB

    Langley VA 23665

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920012

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 35, 36, 903, 905, 1013, 1020, 1033, 1050, 1066, 1067, 1069, 1075

    Reasons: Floodway, Secured Area

    5 Bldgs.

    John H. Kerr Lake & Dam

    Mecklenburg VA 23917

    Landholding Agency: COE

    Property Number: 31200930014

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: JHK-15782, 17134, 17453, 17456, 18017

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 500, 501

    Naval Weapon Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640012

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 628

    Naval Weapon Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640013

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 2398

    Naval Station

    Norfolk VA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200730021

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 375, 502, 502A

    Naval Weapons Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 503, 503A, 504

    Naval Weapons Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 505, 505A

    Naval Weapons Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1213, 1979

    Naval Weapons Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2007, 2008

    Naval Weapons Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810006

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 439, 466

    Naval Weapon Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820016

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 760, 761

    Naval Weapon Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820017

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1820, 1895

    Naval Weapon Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820018

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 1977, 1978, 1983

    Naval Weapon Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820019

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. CAD-RR

    Naval Weapon Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200820020

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 3186

    Naval Amphibious Base

    Little Creek Co: Norfolk VA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. NAB757

    Naval Amphibious Little Creek

    Norfolk VAStart Printed Page 44626

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    19 Ammunition Bunkers

    Naval Weapon Station

    Ammo Plant 1 & 2

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    11 Bldgs.

    Naval Weapon Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840019

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 10, 11, 97, 97A, 98, 472, 526, 527, 528, 528A, 1592

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    8 Bldgs.

    Naval Weapon Station

    Yorktown VA 23691

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840020

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 109, 110, 500A, 501A, 627, 629, 1249, 1462

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    5 Bldgs.

    Naval Amphibious Base

    Norfolk VA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840021

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 3375, 3420, 3550, 3695, 3891

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 3605

    Naval Amphibious

    Little Creek

    Norfolk VA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200910020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    4 Bldgs./Land

    Naval Station

    Norfolk VA 23511

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920045

    Status: Underutilized

    Directions: SDA-204, SDA-205, SDA-210, SDA-311 & 36.6 acres

    Reasons: Secured Area

    7 Bldgs.

    Naval Station

    Norfolk VA 23511

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200930007

    Status: Excess

    Directions: Q57, Q99, Q99A, SP83, SP85, SP85A, SP125

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Training Bldg.

    USCG Integrated Support Ctr

    Portsmouth Co: Norfolk VA 43703

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200530001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 011

    Integrated Support Center

    Portsmouth Co: Norfolk VA 43703

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200620002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    9 Bldgs.

    USCG Cape Charles Station

    Winters Quarters

    Northampton VA 23310

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200740001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Navigation Center Trailer


    Alexandria VA 22315

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200820003

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area


    Defense Fuel Supply Point

    18 structures/21 acres

    Mukilteo WA

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200910001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    79 Structures

    Hanford Site 100, 300, 400

    Richland Co: Benton WA 99352

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200620010

    Status: Excess

    Directions: Infrastructure Facilities

    Reasons: Secured Area

    87 Structures

    Hanford Site 100, 300, 400

    Richland Co: Benton WA 99351

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200620011

    Status: Excess

    Directions: Mobile Offices

    Reasons: Secured Area

    139 Structures

    Hanford Site 100, 300, 400

    Richland Co: Benton WA 99352

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200620012

    Status: Excess

    Directions: Offices Facilities

    Reasons: Secured Area

    122 Structures

    Hanford Site 100, 300, 400

    Richland Co: Benton WA 99352

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200620013

    Status: Excess

    Directions: Process Facilities

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 529

    Puget Sound Naval Shipyard

    Bremerton WA 98314-5000

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200040020

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 8

    Naval Reserve Center

    Spokane WA 99205

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200430025

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 10, 11

    Naval Reserve Center

    Spokane WA 99205

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200430026

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2656-2658

    Naval Air Station

    Lake Hancock

    Coupeville Co: Island WA 98239

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200430027

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2652, 2705

    Naval Air Station


    Oak Harbor WA 98277

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200440010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 79, 884

    NAS Whidbey Island

    Seaplane Base

    Oak Harbor WA 98277

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200440011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 121

    NAS Whidbey Island

    Ault Field

    Oak Harbor WA 98277

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200440012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 419

    NAS Whidbey Island

    Ault Field

    Oak Harbor WA 98277

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200440013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2609, 2610

    NAS Whidbey Island

    Ault Field

    Oak Harbor WA 98277

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200440014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 2753

    NAS Whidbey Island

    Ault Field

    Oak Harbor WA 98277

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200440015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 108

    Naval Magazine

    Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723

    Landholding Agency: NavyStart Printed Page 44627

    Property Number: 77200510015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 351

    Puget Sound Naval Shipyard

    Bremerton WA 98314

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200530026

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 1032

    Naval Base

    Bangor Tower Site

    Silverdale WA 98315

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630045

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldg. 71

    Naval Magazine

    Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 82, 83

    Naval Magazine

    Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 168, 188 Naval Magazine

    Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldg. 729

    Naval Magazine

    Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 910, 921

    Naval Magazine

    Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 407, 447

    Naval Base

    Bremerton Co: Kitsap WA 98310

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640014

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 867

    Naval Base

    Bremerton Co: Kitsap WA 98310

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640015

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 937, 975

    Naval Base

    Bremerton Co: Kitsap WA 98310

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640016

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 1449

    Naval Base

    Silverdale Co: Kitsap WA 98315

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640017

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 1670

    Naval Base

    Silverdale Co: Kitsap WA 98315

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640018

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2007, 2801

    Naval Base

    Silverdale Co: Kitsap WA 98315

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 6021, 6095

    Naval Base

    Silverdale Co: Kitsap WA 98315

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 6606, 6661

    Naval Base

    Silverdale Co: Kitsap WA 98315

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640021

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 726, 727, 734

    Naval Undersea Warfare

    Keyport Co: Kitsap WA 98345

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 901, 911

    Naval Undersea Warfare

    Keyport Co: Kitsap WA 98345

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 925, 938

    Naval Undersea Warfare

    Keyport Co: Kitsap WA 98345

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640024

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 1020

    Naval Undersea Warfare

    Keyport Co: Kitsap WA 98345

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200640025

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Fisher Transit Site


    Jefferson WA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710015

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Other—Remote Location

    Bldgs. 437, 853

    Naval Base

    Bremerton Co: Kitsap WA 98310

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710018

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 1039

    Naval Base

    Bremerton Co: Kitsap WA 98310

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 1400, 1461

    Naval Base

    Bremerton Co: Kitsap WA 98310

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldg. 6026

    Naval Base

    Bremerton Co: Kitsap WA 98310

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710021

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 6608, 6609, 6904

    Naval Base

    Bremerton Co: Kitsap WA 98310

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 110, 116

    Naval Air Station

    Oak Harbor WA 98278

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740013

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 839

    Puget Sound Naval Shipyard

    Bremerton WA 98314

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200740014

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    Bldgs. 402, 403, 2634

    Naval Air Station

    Oak Harbor Co: Whidbey Island WA 96278

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200810020

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 7658

    Naval Base

    Bangor WA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830017

    Status: ExcessStart Printed Page 44628

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 986, 987

    Naval Air Station

    Whidbey Island

    Oak Harbor WA 98278

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 94

    Naval Air Station

    Whidbey Island

    Oak Harbor WA 98278

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldgs. 20, 62, 2616, 2663

    Naval Air Station

    Whidbey Island WA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200840017

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Bldg. 113

    Naval Air Station

    Whidbey Island WA 98278

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920017

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    6 Bldgs.

    Naval Air Station

    Whidbey Island WA 98278

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920018

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: 175, 855, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2604

    Reasons: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 1013

    Naval Base Kitsap

    Bangor WA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Secured Area

    Bldgs. 2660, 2661, 2662

    Naval Air Station

    Whidbey Island WA 98278

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200920047

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 130

    Naval Station

    Pacific Beach WA 98571

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200930011

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    West Virginia

    Bldgs. 102, 106, 111

    Air National Guard

    Martinsburg WV 25405

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area


    Bldg. OV1

    USCG Station

    Bayfield WI 54814

    Landholding Agency: Coast Guard

    Property Number: 88200620001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area


    Bldg. 00012

    Cheyenne RAP

    Laramie WY 82009

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200730013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration, Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material, Secured Area

    Unsuitable properties



    Facilities 99001 thru 99006

    Pt Arena AF Station

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820028

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    7 Facilities

    Pt. Arena Comm Annex

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820031

    Status: Excess

    Directions: 99001, 99003, 99004, 99005, 99006, 99007, 99008

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Facilities 99002 thru 99014

    Pt. Arena Water Sys Annex

    Mendocino CA 95468

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200820032

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Trailer Space

    Naval Base

    San Diego CA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Parcels 1, 2, 3, 4

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630003

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Parcels 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200630004

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    Sand Spit

    Naval Base

    Port Hueneme Co: Ventura CA 93043

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200720008

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Floodway


    Defense Fuel Supply Point

    Lynn Haven FL 32444

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200740009

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Floodway


    14.235 parcel

    Marine Corps Base

    Kaneohe HI 96863

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area


    approx. 0.2 acre

    Naval Support Activity

    Crane IN 47522

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200910006

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material Secured Area

    South Carolina

    Laurel Bay Tract

    Marine Corps Air Station

    Beaufort SC

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200830010

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area


    Rattlesnake ESS

    FNWZ, Dyess AFB

    Pecos TX 79772

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    24 acres

    Tethered Aerostate Radar Site

    Matagorda TX 77457

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200920022

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Secured Area

    FNXH 99100

    Dyess AFB

    Dyess AFB TX 79607

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material

    2.43 acre/0.36 acre

    Dyess AFB

    Dyess AFB TX 79563

    Landholding Agency: Air Force

    Property Number: 18200930014

    Status: Unutilized

    Directions: FNXL 99104, 99108, 99110, 99112 FNXM 99102, 99103, 99108

    Reasons: Within airport runway clear zone


    0.47 acre

    Hyrum Feeder Canal

    Hyrum UT 84319

    Landholding Agency: Interior

    Property Number: 61200820004

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Other—landlockedStart Printed Page 44629


    405 sq. ft./Land

    Naval Base Kitsap

    Bangor WA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200520060

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area

    230 sq. ft. land

    Naval Magazine

    Indian Island WA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200620037

    Status: Underutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material Secured Area

    Tabook Transit Site


    Jefferson WA

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200710016

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Other—Remote Location

    End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. E9-20421 Filed 8-27-09; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4210-67-P

Document Information

Comments Received:
Housing and Urban Development Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
44597-44629 (33 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FR-5280-N-33
PDF File: