96-21794. Flexible Service Offerings in the Commercial Mobile Radio Services  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 169 (Thursday, August 29, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 45336-45356]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-21794]
    47 CFR Parts 2, 22, 24, and 90
    [WT Docket No. 96-6; FCC 96-283]
    Flexible Service Offerings in the Commercial Mobile Radio 
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: In this First Report and Order in WT Docket No. 96-6, the 
    Commission amends its rules to allow providers of narrowband and 
    broadband Personal Communications Services (PCS), cellular, CMRS 
    Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR), and CMRS paging, CMRS 220 MHz service, 
    and for-profit interconnected business radio services to offer fixed 
    wireless services on their
    [[Page 45337]]
    assigned spectrum on a co-primary basis with mobile services. The rule 
    amendments are necessary to respond to the strong support to flexible 
    services show in the initial Notice of Proposed Rule Making.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: October 28, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David Krech, Commercial Wireless 
    Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at (202) 418-0620.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The First Report and Order and Further 
    Notice of Proposed Rule Making in WT Docket No. 96-6, adopted on June 
    27, 1996, and released on August 1, 1996, is available for inspection 
    and copying during normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center, 
    Room 575, 2000 M Street N.W., Washington, D.C. The complete text may 
    also be purchased from the Commission's copy contractor, International 
    Transcription Service, Inc., 2100 M Street N.W., Suite 140, Washington, 
    D.C. 20037, (202) 857-3800.
    Summary of Action
    I. Introduction & Executive Summary
        1. In the Notice of Proposed Rule Making in WT Docket No. 96-6 
    (``NPRM'') (Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Permit Flexible 
    Service Offerings in the Commercial Mobile Radio Services, Notice of 
    Proposed Rule Making, WT Docket No. 96-6, 11 FCC Rcd 2445 (1996)), 61 
    FR 6189 (February 16, 1996), we sought comment on proposals for 
    expanding permitted offerings of fixed wireless service by Commercial 
    Mobile Radio Service (``CMRS'') providers. In addition, we sought 
    comment with regard to the regulatory treatment for such services under 
    Section 332 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. 47 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 332. We received 52 comments and 22 reply comments in response to 
    the Notice. That record shows strong support for allowing the provision 
    of fixed wireless services by licensees operating in the CMRS bands. In 
    this First Report and Order, we conclude that, while licensees 
    previously could provide some fixed services over CMRS spectrum, the 
    public interest would be served by giving licensees maximum flexibility 
    in the uses of CMRS spectrum. Allowing service providers to offer all 
    types of fixed, mobile, and hybrid services will allow CMRS providers 
    to better respond to market demand and increase competition in the 
    provision of telecommunications services.
        2. We therefore amend our rules to allow providers of narrowband 
    and broadband Personal Communications Services (PCS), cellular, CMRS 
    Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR), CMRS paging, CMRS 220 MHz service, and 
    for-profit interconnected business radio services to offer fixed 
    wireless services on their assigned spectrum on a co-primary basis with 
    mobile services. Specifically,
         We conclude that fixed services, excluding broadcast 
    services, are permissible service offerings on spectrum allocated for 
    broadband and narrowband CMRS.
         We modify our CMRS service rules to allow spectrum 
    allocated to these services to be used on a co-primary basis for fixed 
    services, mobile services, or any combination of the two, and we 
    eliminate the classification of fixed services as limited to auxiliary 
    or ancillary uses in these bands.
         We maintain the technical rules currently in place for 
    CMRS and require licensees who wish to offer co-primary fixed services 
    on CMRS spectrum to comply with those rules.
         We refer universal service issues that may arise from our 
    decisions in this Report and Order to the Commission's pending 
    universal service proceeding, CC Docket No. 96-45. (Federal-State Joint 
    Board on Universal Service, Notice of Proposed Rule Making and Order 
    Establishing Joint Board, CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 96-93 (released 
    March 8, 1996) [61 FR 10499 (March 14, 1996)].)
    II. First Report and Order
    A. Flexible Use of CMRS Spectrum
        3. Discussion. The record supports our observation in the Notice 
    that sufficient uncertainty exists in our current rules to warrant 
    clarification with regard to the provision of fixed services over 
    spectrum allocated for CMRS. Rather than continuing to define allowable 
    fixed services in terms of whether they are ``ancillary,'' 
    ``auxiliary,'' or ``incidental'' to mobile services, we conclude that 
    our rules should more broadly allow fixed services to be provided on a 
    co-primary basis with mobile services.
        4. As a threshold matter, we note that the record in this 
    proceeding strongly supports our proposal to encourage the provision of 
    fixed services by licensees operating in the CMRS bands. Commenters 
    have provided several examples of potential applications of fixed 
    wireless technology. For example, fixed wireless systems can be 
    imbedded into PBXs and local area networks to permit continued service 
    even when wireline service is interrupted due to weather or other 
    emergencies. Call routing may become more efficient by allowing CMRS 
    providers to offer fixed wireless services. Omnipoint suggests that 
    fixed wireless links could be used to provide ``local loop'' to 
    apartment buildings, office buildings, and older homes where rewiring 
    costs are high. Nortel envisions a variety of ``fixed wireless access'' 
    services coming into homes and residences that would provide an 
    alternative to end-to-end wiring by the carrier from the switch to the 
    end user.
        5. We agree with the many commenters that support the Commission's 
    proposal to allow CMRS providers to offer fixed wireless services. We 
    believe that the public interest is better served by not attempting to 
    limit potential use of CMRS spectrum to specific applications. We agree 
    with SBC Communications that imposing such a limitation could lead to 
    difficult definitional questions about what constitutes ``wireless 
    local loop'' or other defined services. For example, Nortel's concept 
    of fixed wireless access includes not just low-power wireless ``drops'' 
    from the street to the home, but also fixed wireless architectures that 
    would link end users to the public switched network through cellular 
    switches, and remote base stations (in rural areas). If we were to 
    restrict fixed service to certain configurations, Nortel and other 
    carriers might be reluctant to pursue some potentially efficient 
    options out of concern that they would be considered to fall outside 
    the definition of our prescribed service definition. Rather than limit 
    the flexibility of carriers in this manner, we prefer to encourage 
    innovation and experimentation through a broader, more flexible 
        6. In the NPRM, we sought comment on whether allowing CMRS 
    providers to provide fixed services without restriction could result in 
    limiting capacity for mobile services. In that regard, we observed that 
    current technology supports use of spectrum to provide mobile service 
    only below the 3 GHz band, while fixed uses are feasible on higher 
    bands. Based on the record, we conclude that this need not be a 
    concern. First, with the advent of PCS and other new CMRS services, we 
    have significantly increased the amount of spectrum available for 
    mobile services over what was available previously. Second, carriers 
    are using advanced technology. Third, nothing in the record suggests 
    that giving licensees who provide CMRS services the flexibility to 
    offer fixed service would make them less responsive to market demand 
    for mobile service.
        7. For these reasons, we conclude that licensees should have 
    [[Page 45338]]
    flexibility to provide fixed or mobile services or combinations of the 
    two over spectrum allocated for CMRS services, including PCS, cellular, 
    and SMR services. We believe that limitations on fixed uses are 
    unnecessary because the market is the best predictor of the most 
    desirable division of this spectrum. We are concerned that regulatory 
    restrictions on use of the spectrum could impede carriers from 
    anticipating what services customers most need, and could result in 
    inefficient spectrum use and reduced technological innovation. Allowing 
    service providers to offer all types of fixed, mobile, and hybrid 
    services in response to market demand will allow for more flexible 
    responses to consumer demand, a greater diversity of services and 
    combinations of services, and increased competition. This is consistent 
    with the goals of the Telecommunication Act of 1996 Act, Public Law No. 
    104-104, 110 Stat. 56 (1996) (1996 Act) which seeks to increase 
    competition between the various providers of telecommunications 
    services, including competitive alternatives to traditional local 
    exchange service. All consumers will also benefit from technological 
    advances in fixed services and fixed/mobile combinations that 
    potentially could be stifled by restrictive service definitions.
        8. In the NPRM we proposed to increase flexibility to provide fixed 
    wireless service for broadband CMRS services--broadband PCS, cellular, 
    SMR. We sought comment on whether narrowband CMRS services--paging, 
    narrowband PCS, commercial 220 MHz service and for profit 
    interconnected Business Radio Service--should also be permitted greater 
    flexibility to offer fixed wireless services. We agree with commenters 
    that we should extend the flexibility to offer fixed services to the 
    narrowband services set out in the NPRM as well as broadband CMRS. In 
    the CMRS Third Report and Order, 59 FR 59945 (November 21, 1994), we 
    found that narrowband and broadband CMRS are potentially competitive 
    with one another and should be subject to comparable regulation. We 
    conclude that subjecting narrowband licensees to more stringent 
    regulatory constraints than broadband CMRS providers would be 
    inconsistent with principles of regulatory parity and serves no public 
    interest goal. By contrast, allowing narrowband CMRS providers to 
    provide fixed services on the same basis as broadband CMRS providers 
    provides incentives for increased innovation, diversity of services, 
    and increased competition. Although there may be technical constraints 
    on the ability to provide fixed service on narrowband channels, we 
    conclude that narrowband licensees should nevertheless be entitled to 
    the regulatory flexibility so that they may take advantage of 
    technological advances that may occur without being required to seek 
    additional changes to the rules. This result is also in keeping with 
    the goals of the 1996 Act to make available the most competitive 
    environment possible for telecommunications services.
        9. For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that service providers 
    using spectrum allocated for CMRS should have the flexibility to 
    provide fixed services on a co-primary basis with mobile services. 
    Thus, service providers could choose to provide exclusively fixed 
    services, exclusively mobile services, or any combination of the two. 
    (Cellular carriers are subject to the requirements set out in Sections 
    22.901 and 22.933 of our rules, to provide cellular mobile service upon 
    request to all cellular subscribers in good standing, except in 
    instances where a cellular provider chooses to provide solely fixed 
    service over its spectrum. See 47 CFR Secs. 22.901, 22.933.) 
    Accordingly, we modify the language in Section 22.901 of the 
    Commission's rules (cellular service), Section 24.3 of the Commission's 
    rules (PCS), and Section 90.419 of the Commission's rules (SMR) to 
    establish a uniform description of fixed wireless services that may be 
    offered on this spectrum. We adopt the same modifications to our rules 
    governing narrowband CMRS, including paging, narrowband PCS, 220 MHz 
    service, and for profit interconnected Business Radio Services.
        10. In adopting these modifications, we retain the prohibition on 
    licensees in these services offering broadcast services. This 
    prohibition applies regardless of whether licensees are offering fixed 
    or mobile services or a combination of the two. In addition, we note 
    that under applicable international allocation agreements, broadcast 
    use of the spectrum at issue in this proceeding is restricted. 
    Therefore, we conclude it would be inappropriate to amend our rules in 
    this regard.
    B. Technical and Operational Rules
        11. Discussion. The comments that we received regarding the 
    technical rules indicate that we should maintain the technical rules 
    that are currently in place and require CMRS providers who wish to 
    offer co-primary fixed services to comply with those rules. We agree 
    with SBC that fixed services should be engineered so that they conform 
    to our existing interference rules and do not interfere with the 
    operations of co-channel or adjacent channel carriers providing mobile 
    service. Thus, so long as out-of-band and co-channel/frequency-block 
    criteria are met, base stations used to support fixed services may 
    operate at the same maximum power levels as base and mobile stations on 
    the same frequencies. We also decline to adopt the specific rule 
    changes proposed by PacTel relating to in-home base stations. The issue 
    raised by PacTel is outside the scope of this proceeding. We will also 
    defer consideration of the cellular rule changes requested by RCC and 
    SR Telecom. We intend to consider technical concerns regarding CMRS, 
    including those discussed above, in future proceedings that will more 
    broadly address conforming our technical rules for CMRS providers.
    C. Table of Frequency Allocations
        12. Discussion. We will amend the Table of Frequency Allocations as 
    proposed in the Notice to permit licensees to make use of the affected 
    allocations for both fixed and mobile services on a co-primary basis. 
    Specifically, we allocate the 27.41-27.54, 30.56-32, 33-34, 35-36, 42-
    43.69, 150.8-152.855, 154-156.2475, 157.45-161.575, 220-222, 454-455, 
    456-462.5375, 462.7375-467.5375, 467.7375-512, 806-821, 824-849, 851-
    866, 869-894, 896-901, 929-930, 931-932 and 935-940 MHz bands to the 
    fixed service on a co-primary basis. (The 220-222 MHz band is shared 
    Government/non-Government spectrum. During our consultations with NTIA 
    regarding this band, the Commission and NTIA agreed to allocate the 
    220-222 MHz band to the fixed service on a co-primary basis for both 
    Government and non-Government operations. Accordingly, the fixed 
    service is also added to the Government column in the 220-222 MHz band 
    on a co-primary basis.) In addition, we delete footnotes US330 and 
    US331, which prohibited narrowband and broadband PCS licensees from 
    providing fixed services, except for ancillary fixed services used in 
    support of mobile PCS.
        13. Further, we are updating the international table of the Table 
    of Frequency Allocations to reflect the Final Acts of the 1992 World 
    Administrative Radio Conference. Additionally, we are removing 
    international footnote 613 from the 157.45-158.115 MHz band and 
    footnote NG153 from the 849-851 and 894-896 MHz bands, which are bands 
    to which these footnotes do not apply. With regard to the rule part 
    cross references, we are updating the title of Part 22 to
    [[Page 45339]]
    Public Mobile (from Domestic Public Land Mobile) in the 35.19-35.69, 
    43.19-43.69, 152-152.255, 152.495-152.855, 157.755-162.0125, 454-455, 
    459-460, 470-512, 824-849, 869-894, 928-929, 931-932 and 944-960 MHz 
    bands; displaying the rule parts in the 173.2-173.4 and 1850-1990 MHz 
    bands in capital letters to indicate that the allocations in these 
    bands are on a primary basis; updating the PCS rule part to Part 24 
    (from Part 99) in the 901-902, 930-931 and 940-941 MHz bands; adding 
    Part 22 to the 851-866 MHz band, Parts 22 and 101 to the 932-935 and 
    941-942 MHz bands, and Part 101 in the 942-944 MHz band; replacing Part 
    94 with Part 101 in the 928-929, 944-960 and 1850-1990 MHz bands; and 
    deleting Satellite Communications (25) from the 450-451 MHz band, 
    Domestic Public Land Mobile (22) from the 929-930 MHz band and Private 
    Land Mobile (90) from the 931-932 MHz band. Finally, we are revising 
    the Government column in the 30-30.56 MHz band by displaying the fixed 
    service as a primary--not secondary--allocation; correcting 
    typographical errors in the 42-43.19 MHz band for columns 4 through 6; 
    and adding footnotes US116, US215, US268 and G2 to the Government 
    column in the 928-932 MHz band.
    D. Universal Service Obligations
        14. Discussion. We believe that it would be premature to address in 
    this Report and Order whether universal service requirements should be 
    extended to CMRS providers offering fixed wireless service. It is also 
    apparent both from our experience with universal service issues and the 
    comments in response to the NPRM that the public interest would be 
    better served by allowing the Joint Board to address the universal 
    service issues raised in this proceeding. Thus, we defer discussion of 
    the proposals discussed by commenters in response to the NPRM for 
    consideration by the Joint Board in CC Docket No. 96-45.
    III. Procedural Matters
    A. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        15. As required by Section 603 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 
    U.S.C. Sec. 603 (RFA), an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 
    (IRFA) was incorporated in the Notice of Proposed Rule Making in WT 
    Docket No. 96-6. Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Permit Flexible 
    Service Offerings in the Commercial Mobile Radio Services, Notice of 
    Proposed Rule Making, WT Docket No. 96-6, 11 FCC Rcd 2445 (1996). The 
    Commission sought written comments on the proposals in the NPRM, 
    including the IRFA. The Commission's Final Regulatory Flexibility 
    Analysis for the First Report and Order conforms to the RFA, as amended 
    by the Contract With America Advancement Act of 1996. Public Law No. 
    104-121, 110 Stat. 847 (1996) (CWAA. Subtitle II of the Small Business 
    Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA) codified at 5 
    U.S.C. Sec. 601 et seq. The Secretary shall send a copy of this First 
    Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making, including 
    the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for 
    Advocacy of the Small Business Administration in accordance with 
    paragraph 603(a) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. Public Law No. 96-
    354, 94 Stat. 1164, 5 U.S.C. Sec. 601 et seq. (1981).
    1. Need for and Purpose of the Action
        16. The First Report and Order has implemented Sections 332 and 
    3(n), respectively, of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. The 
    rules adopted herein will carry out Congress' intent to establish a 
    consistent regulatory framework for all commercial mobile radio 
    services (CMRS). In addition, the rules adopted herein will assist in 
    the development of competition among wireless and wireline services for 
    the benefit of the consumer.
    2. Issues Raised in Response to the IRFA
        17. No comments were submitted in response to the IRFA. In general 
    comments on the Notice of Proposed Rule Making, however, some 
    commenters raised issues that might affect small business entities. One 
    commenter, PCS One, a small business entity, argued that the proposed 
    flexibility to offer fixed services should not be extended to cellular 
    at this time in order to give Personal Communications Services (PCS) 
    licensees, many of whom are small business entities, an opportunity to 
    enter the marketplace and establish themselves against incumbent 
    cellular providers. Some other parties agreed that if the Commission 
    should make a distinction between broadband CMRS providers, it should 
    allow PCS providers the greatest flexibility. The Commission chooses to 
    provide all CMRS providers with the increased flexibility. Granting all 
    CMRS providers increased flexibility to provide fixed wireless services 
    is consistent with principles of regulatory parity, will allow all CMRS 
    providers to determine the services that they will provide to the 
    public, and will increase competition between the CMRS services.
    3. Description, and Number of Small Entities Involved
        18. This rule making proceeding applies to providers of cellular, 
    narrowband and broadband personal communications services (PCS), CMRS 
    specialized mobile radio services (SMR), CMRS paging, commercial 220 
    MHz services, and for-profit interconnected business radio services. 
    Since this rule making proceeding applies to multiple services, we will 
    analyze the effects of these rules on a service-by-service basis.
    a. Estimates for Cellular Licensees
        19. Since the Commission did not define a small business with 
    respect to cellular services, we will utilize the Small Business 
    Administration's (SBA) definition applicable to radiotelephone 
    companies--i.e. an entity employing less than 1,500 persons. 13 CFR 
    Sec. 121.201, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code 4812. The 
    size data provided by the SBA does not enable us to make a meaningful 
    estimate of the number of cellular providers which are small entities 
    because it combines all radiotelephone companies with 500 or more 
    employees. U.S. Small Business Administration 1992 Economic Census 
    Employment Report, Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, 
    SIC Code 4812 (radiotelephone communications industry data adopted by 
    the SBA Office of Advocacy). We therefore used the 1992 Census of 
    Transportation, Communications, and Utilities, conducted by the Bureau 
    of the Census, which is the most recent information available. Data 
    from the Bureau of the Census' 1992 study indicates that only 12 out of 
    a total of 1,178 radiotelephone firms which operated during 1992 had 
    1,000 or more employees. U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of 
    Commerce, 1992 Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities, 
    UC92-S-1, Subject Series, Establishment and Firm Size, Table 5, 
    Employment Size of Firms; 1992, SIC Code 4812 (issued May 1995). 
    However, we do not know how many of the 1,178 firms were cellular 
    telephone companies. Given this fact, we assume, for purposes of our 
    evaluations and conclusions in this Final Regulatory Flexibility 
    Analysis, that all of the current cellular licensees are small 
    entities, as that term is defined by the SBA. Although there are 1,758 
    cellular licenses, we are unable to determine the number of cellular 
    licensees because a single cellular licensee may own several licenses.
    [[Page 45340]]
    b. Estimates for PCS Services
        20. The Commission, with respect to narrowband and broadband PCS, 
    defines small businesses to mean firms who have gross revenues of not 
    more than $40 million in each of the preceding three calendar years. 
    This definition of ``small entity'' in the context of the PCS services 
    has been approved by the SBA.
        21. The Commission has auctioned broadband PCS licenses in Blocks 
    A, B, and C. The Commission does not have sufficient information to 
    determine whether any small businesses within the SBA-approved 
    definition bid successfully for licenses A or B Block auctions. As of 
    now, there are 90 non-defaulting winning bidders that qualify as small 
    entities in the C Block PCS auctions. Based on this information, we 
    conclude that the number of broadband PCS licensees affected by the 
    rule adopted in this proceeding includes the 89 winning bidders that 
    qualified as small entities in the Block C broadband PCS auction.
        22. At present, there have been no auctions held for the D, E, and 
    F Blocks of broadband PCS spectrum. The Commission anticipates a total 
    of 1,479 licenses will be awarded in the D, E, and F Block PCS 
    auctions, which are scheduled to begin on August 26, 1996. 
    Participation in the F block is limited to entrepreneurs with under 
    $125 million in average gross revenues over the past three years. 
    However, there is no basis upon which to estimate the number of 
    licenses that will be awarded to small entities. Given the facts that 
    nearly all radiotelephone companies have fewer than 1,000 employees and 
    that no reliable estimate of the number of prospective D, E, and F 
    Block licensees can be made, we assume, for purposes of our evaluations 
    and conclusion in this Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, that all 
    of the licenses will be awarded to small entities, as that term is 
    defined by the SBA.
        23. The Commission has auctioned nationwide and regional licenses 
    for narrowband PCS. There are 11 nationwide and 30 regional licensees 
    for narrowband PCS. The Commission does not have sufficient information 
    to determine whether any of these licensees are small businesses within 
    the SBA-approved definition. Based on this information, we conclude 
    that the number of narrowband PCS licensees affected by the rule 
    adopted in this proceeding includes all of the 41 licensees. At 
    present, there have been no auctions held for the major trading area 
    (MTA) and basic trading area (BTA) narrowband PCS licenses. The 
    Commission anticipates a total of 561 MTA licenses and 2,958 BTA 
    licensees will be awarded in the auctions. Those auction have not yet 
    been scheduled, however. Given the facts that nearly all radiotelephone 
    companies have fewer than 1,000 employees and that no reliable estimate 
    of the number of prospective MTA and BTA narrowband licensees can be 
    made, we assume, for purposes of our evaluations and conclusion in this 
    Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, that all of the licenses will be 
    awarded to small entities, as that term is defined by the SBA.
    c. Estimates for SMR Services
        24. The Commission, with respect to 800 MHz and 900 MHz SMR 
    services, has adopted a two-tiered approach to the definition of small 
    business: (a) ``very small businesses'' are firms who have gross 
    revenues of not more than $3 million in each of the preceding three 
    calendar years; and (b) ``small businesses'' are firms who have annual 
    gross revenues of not more than $15 million in the each of the 
    preceding three years. This definition of ``small entity'' in the 
    context of 800 MHz and 900 MHz SMR has been approved by the SBA.
        25. The Commission recently held auction for the 900 MHz SMR 
    services. There were 60 winning bidders who qualified as small 
    entities. Based on this information, we conclude that the number of 900 
    MHz SMR licensees affected by the proceeding includes these 60 small 
        26. No auctions have been held for the 800 MHz SMR services. While 
    the Commission anticipates a total of 525 licenses awarded for the 
    upper 200 channels in the 800 MHz auctions, it has not yet determined 
    how many licenses will be awarded for the lower 230 channels in the 800 
    MHz SMR auction. Despite the current incumbents in the 800 MHz SMR 
    service, due to the impending auction, we are unable to determine the 
    ultimate number of small businesses who will receive licenses. Given 
    the facts that nearly all radiotelephone companies have fewer than 
    1,000 employees and that no reliable estimate of the number of 
    prospective 800 MHz licensees can be made, we assume, for purposes of 
    our evaluations and conclusions in this Final Regulatory Flexibility 
    Analysis, that all of the licenses will be awarded to small entities, 
    as that term is defined by the SBA.
    d. Commercial Paging and Commercial 220 MHz Radio Services
        27. Since the Commission has not yet defined a small business with 
    respect to paging services, we will utilize the SBA's definition 
    applicable to radiotelephone companies--i.e. an entity employing less 
    than 1,500 persons. With respect to commercial 220 MHz services, the 
    Commission has proposed a two-tiered definition of small business for 
    purposes of auctions: (1) for EA licensees (EA licenses refer to the 60 
    channels in the 172 geographic economic areas as defined by the Bureau 
    of Economic Analysis, Department of Commerce), a firm with average 
    annual gross revenues of not more than $6 million for the preceding 
    three years and (2) for regional and nationwide licensees, a firm with 
    average annual gross revenues of not more than $15 million for the 
    preceding 3 years. Since this definition has not yet been approved by 
    the SBA, we will utilize the SBA's definition applicable to 
    radiotelephone companies. We note that while there are incumbents in 
    this service, they are not commercial providers and will not be 
    affected by this proceeding. Since there have been no auctions for 
    either service as of yet and the parameters of the industry have not 
    been fully defined, any estimate of the number of small businesses who 
    will seek to bid in the future auctions is not yet determined. Given 
    the fact that nearly all radiotelephone companies have fewer than 1,000 
    employees, and that no reliable estimate of the number of prospective 
    licensees can be made, we assume, for purposes of our evaluations and 
    conclusion in this Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, that all of 
    the licenses will be awarded to small entities, as that term is defined 
    by the SBA.
    e. Interconnected Business Services
        28. Since the Commission did not define a small business with 
    respect to for-profit interconnected business services, we will utilize 
    the SBA's definition applicable to radiotelephone companies--i.e. an 
    entity employing less than 1,500 persons. The size data provided by the 
    SBA does not enable us to make a meaningful estimate of the number of 
    for-profit interconnected business service providers which are small 
    entities because it combines all radiotelephone companies with 500 or 
    more employees. We therefore used the 1992 Census of Transportation, 
    Communications, and Utilities, conducted by the Bureau of the Census, 
    which is the most recent information available. Data from the Bureau of 
    [[Page 45341]]
    Census' 1992 study indicates that only 12 out of a total of 1,178 
    radiotelephone firms which operated during 1992 had 1,000 or more 
    employees. However, we do not know how many of the 1,178 firms were 
    for-profit interconnected business service companies. Given this fact, 
    we assume, for purposes of our evaluations and conclusions in this 
    Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, that all of the current inter-
    connected business service licensees are small entities, as that term 
    is defined by the SBA. Although there are in excess of 13,000 for-
    profit interconnected business service licenses, we are unable to 
    determine the number of for-profit interconnected business service 
    licensees because a single licensee may own several licenses.
    4. Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance Requirements
        29. The rules adopted in the First Report and Order do not impose 
    any additional reporting, recordkeeping, or other compliance 
    5. Steps Taken To Minimize Burdens on Small Entities
        30. In the First Report and Order the Commission amends its rules 
    to allow providers of narrowband and broadband PCS, cellular, CMRS SMR, 
    CMRS paging, CMRS 220 MHZ service, and interconnected business radio 
    services to offer fixed wireless services on their assigned spectrum on 
    a co-primary basis with mobile service. These rule changes will allow 
    CMRS providers greater flexibility to provide new and innovative 
    services to meet consumer demands. Allowing service providers to offer 
    all types of fixed, mobile, and hybrid services in response to market 
    demand will allow for more flexible responses to consumer demand, a 
    greater diversity of services and combinations of services, and 
    increased competition both between CMRS providers and wireline 
    providers, as well as between CMRS providers. This is consistent with 
    the goals of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public Law No. 104-
    104, 110 Stat. 56 (1996). (1996 Act), which amended the Communications 
    Act of 1934, which seeks to increase competition between the various 
    providers of telecommunications services, including competitive 
    alternatives to traditional local exchange service. All consumers will 
    also benefit from technological advances in fixed services and fixed/
    mobile combinations that potentially could be stifled by restrictive 
    service definitions.
    6. Significant Alternatives Considered and Rejected
        31. In the NPRM we sought comment on alternative approaches to 
    allowing PCS and other CMRS providers more flexibility to offer fixed 
    services, including: (1) Adopting a rule that would expressly allow 
    CMRS providers to offer ``fixed wireless local loop,'' (2) permitting 
    CMRS providers to offer wireless local loop and other defined fixed 
    services, or (3) allowing CMRS providers to offer any form of fixed 
    service without restriction. An overwhelming majority of the commenters 
    support amending our rules to allow all CMRS providers to offer all 
    types of fixed wireless services without restriction. One commenter, GO 
    Communications, a small business entity, argued that CMRS providers 
    should be required to offer at least some mobile service over their 
    frequencies. Based on the record in this proceeding, the Commission 
    believes that the public interest is better served by not attempting to 
    limit potential use of CMRS spectrum to specific applications. Imposing 
    such a limitation could lead to difficult definitional questions about 
    what constitutes ``wireless local loop'' or other defined services. 
    Further, if we were to restrict fixed service to certain 
    configurations, carriers might be reluctant to pursue some potentially 
    efficient options out of concern that they would be considered to fall 
    outside the definition of our prescribed service definition. Rather 
    than limit the flexibility of carriers in this manner, we prefer to 
    encourage innovation and experimentation through a broader, more 
    flexible standard. This will benefit small business by allowing them 
    greater flexibility in determining which services they will provide to 
    the public.
        32. In the NPRM, the Commission also proposed to apply whatever 
    increased flexibility we granted to broadband CMRS services--broadband 
    PCS, cellular, and SMR--and sought comment on whether narrowband CMRS 
    services--narrowband PCS, paging, commercial 220 MHz services, and 
    interconnected business radio services--should also have such increased 
    flexibility. Commenters also generally support extending flexibility to 
    all CMRS bands, including both broadband and narrowband services. PCS 
    One, a small business entity, opposes the Commission's proposal to 
    allow cellular licensees to provide fixed wireless services, arguing 
    that the Commission must permit PCS, for at least a reasonable 
    interval, greater flexibility than cellular in the use of its spectrum. 
    We find that we should extend the flexibility to offer fixed services 
    to all the broadband services, including cellular, as well as the 
    narrowband services set out in the Notice. We conclude that subjecting 
    narrowband licensees to more stringent regulatory constraints than 
    broadband CMRS providers would be inconsistent with principles of 
    regulatory parity and serves no public interest goal. We conclude that 
    narrowband licensees should be entitled to the regulatory flexibility 
    so that they may take advantage of technological advances that may 
    occur without being required to seek additional changes to the rules. 
    This result is also in keeping with the goals of the 1996 Act to make 
    available the most competitive environment possible for 
    telecommunications services. It will also benefit all small business, 
    including all PCS licensees, by providing them greater flexibility to 
    determine which service they will provide to the public.
    7. Report to Congress
        33. The Commission shall send a copy of this Final Regulatory 
    Flexibility Analysis with this First Report and Order in a report to 
    Congress pursuant to Section 251 of the Small Business Regulatory 
    Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, 5 U.S.C. Sec. 801(a)(1)(A). A copy of 
    this Regulatory Flexibility Analysis will also be published in the 
    Federal Register.
    B. Initial Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis
        34. The First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule 
    Making do not contain either a proposed or modified information 
    C. Ordering Clauses
        35. Accordingly, It is ordered that pursuant to Sections 4(i), 
    4(j), 7(a), 303(b), 303(f), 303(g), 303(r), 332(a), and 332(c) of the 
    Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Secs. 154(i), 154(j), 
    157(a), 303(b), 303(f), 303(g), 303(r), 332(a), and 332(c) the rules 
    and policies set forth in the First Report and Order and Further Notice 
    of Proposed Rule Making are adopted, and Parts 2, 22, 24, and 90 of the 
    Commission's Rules are amended as specified below.
        36. The rule changes made herein will become effective October 28, 
    D. Contacts for Information
        37. For further information concerning this proceeding, contact 
    David Krech at (202) 418-0620 (Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless 
    Telecommunications Bureau).
    [[Page 45342]]
    List of Subjects
    47 CFR Part 2
    47 CFR Part 22
        Communications common carriers, Radio.
    47 CFR Part 24
        Communications common carriers, Radio.
    47 CFR Part 90
        Business and industry, Common carriers, Radio.
    Federal Communications Commission
    William F. Caton,
    Acting Secretary.
    Rules Changes
        Parts 2, 22, 24 and 90 of title 47 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 2 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Sec. 4, 302, 303, and 307 of the Communications Act 
    of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Sections 154, 302, 303 and 307, 
    unless otherwise noted.
        2. Section 2.106, the Table of Frequency Allocations, is amended as 
        a. Revise entries for 26175-28000 kHz, 29.7-37.5 MHz, 38.25-47 MHz, 
    150.05-174 MHz, 220-222 MHz, 450-960 MHz and 1710-2110 MHz in columns 
    (1) through (7).
        b. Revise International footnotes 672, 675, 676, 678, 697 and 703.
        c. Remove International footnotes 551, 612, 614, 682 and 708.
        d. Remove United States footnotes US330 and US331.
    Sec. 2.106  Table of Frequency Allocations
    * * * * *
                     International table                        United States table          FCC use designators    
                                                             Government        Non-                                 
                          Region 2--        Region 3--    ---------------   Government                              
        Region 1--      allocation kHz    allocation kHz                 ---------------     Rule       Special-use 
      allocation kHz                                         Allocation     Allocation     part(s)      frequencies 
                                                                kHz            kHz                                  
    (1)                (2)               (3)               (4)            (5)            (6)          (7)           
            *                  *                 *               *              *             *              *      
    26175-26480        26175-26480       26175-26480       26175-26480    26175-26480    AUXILIARY                  
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     BROADCASTI                
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE except                                    NG (74)                   
     aeronautical       aeronautical      aeronautical                                                              
     mobile             mobile            mobile                                                                    
    26480-26950        26480-26950       26480-26950       26480-26950    26480-26950                               
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE except     MOBILE except                                            
     aeronautical       aeronautical      aeronautical      aeronautical                                            
     mobile             mobile            mobile            mobile                                                  
                       ................  ................  US10           US10                                      
    26950-26960        26950-26960       26950-26960       26950-26960    26950-26960    INTERNATION                
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           AL FIXED                  
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE except                                    PUBLIC                    
     aeronautical       aeronautical      aeronautical                                    (23)                      
     mobile             mobile            mobile                                                                    
    546                546               546               546            546                                       
    26960-27230        26960-27230       26960-27230       26960-26230    26960-27230    PERSONAL     27120  160   
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE except                     aeronautical                kHz:         
     aeronautical       aeronautical      aeronautical                     mobile                      Industrial,  
     mobile             mobile            mobile                                                       scientific,  
                                                                                                       and medical  
    546                546               546               546            546                                       
    27230-27410        27230-27410       27230-27410       27230-27410    27230-27410    PERSONAL                   
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           (95)                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE except                    MOBILE except  PRIVATE                    
     aeronautical       aeronautical      aeronautical                     aeronautical   LAND                      
     mobile             mobile            mobile                           mobile         MOBILE                    
    546                546               546               546            546                                       
    27410-27500        27410-27500       27410-27500       27410-27500    27410-27500    PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE except                    LAND            MOBILE                    
     aeronautical       aeronautical      aeronautical                    MOBILE          (90)                      
     mobile             mobile            mobile                                                                    
    [[Page 45343]]
    27500-27540        27500-27540       27500-27540       27500-27540    27500-27540    PRIVATE                    
     METEOROLOGICAL     METEOROLOGICAL    METEOROLOGICAL                  FIXED           LAND                      
    AIDS               AIDS              AIDS                             LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                                            (90)                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                                                                     
    27540-28000        27540-28000       27540-28000       27540-28000    27540-28000                               
     METEOROLOGICAL     METEOROLOGICAL    METEOROLOGICAL   FIXED                                                    
    AIDS               AIDS              AIDS              MOBILE                                                   
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                                                                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                                                                     
                     International table                        United States table          FCC use designators    
                                                             Government        Non-                                 
                          Region 2--        Region 3--    ---------------   Government                              
        Region 1--      allocation MHz    allocation MHz                 ---------------     Rule       Special-use 
      allocation MHz                                         Allocation     Allocation     part(s)      frequencies 
                                                                MHz            MHz                                  
    (1)                (2)               (3)               (4)            (5)            (6)          (7)           
            *                  *                 *               *              *             *              *      
    29.7-29.8          29.7-29.8         29.7-29.8         29.7-29.8      29.7-29.8      PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                                           MOBILE                    
    29.8-29.89         29.8-29.89        29.8-29.89        29.8-29.89     29.8-29.89     AVIATION                   
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           (87)                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                                           INTERNATIO                
                                                                                          NAL FIXED                 
    29.89-29.91        29.89-29.91       29.89-29.91       29.89-29.91    29.89-29.91                               
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
    29.91-30           29.91-30          29.91-30          29.91-30       29.91-30       AVIATION                   
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           (87)                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                                           INTERNATIO                
                                                                                          NAL FIXED                 
    30-30.005          30-30.005         30-30.005         30-30.005      30-30.005                                 
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
    30.005-30.01       30.005-30.01      30.005-30.01      30.005-30.01   30.005-30.01                              
     SPACE OPERATIONS   SPACE             SPACE            FIXED                                                    
     (satellite         OPERATIONS        OPERATIONS       MOBILE                                                   
     identification)    (satellite        (satellite                                                                
    FIXED               identification)   identification)                                                           
    MOBILE             FIXED             FIXED                                                                      
    SPACE RESEARCH     MOBILE            MOBILE                                                                     
                       SPACE RESEARCH    SPACE RESEARCH                                                             
    30.01-30.56        30.01-30.56       30.01-30.56       30.01-30.56    30.01-30.56                               
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
    30.56-32           30.56-32          30.56-32          30.56-32       30.56-32       PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
                       ................  ................  .............  NG124                                     
    [[Page 45344]]
    32-33              32-33             32-33             32-33          32-33                                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
    33-34              33-34             33-34             33-34          33-34          PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
                       ................  ................  .............  NG124                                     
    34-35              34-35             34-35             34-35          34-35                                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
    35-35.19           35-35.19          35-35.19          35.19          35-35.19       PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
                       ................  ................  .............  NG124                                     
    35.19-35.69        35.19-35.69       35.19-35.69       35.19-35.69    35.19-35.69    PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MOBILE                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     (22)                      
                       ................  ................  .............  NG124                                     
    35.69-36           35.69-36          35.69-36          35.69-36       35.69-36       PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
                       ................  ................  .............  NG124                                     
    36-37              36-37             36-37             36-37          36-37                                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
                       ................  ................  US220          US220                                     
    37-37.5            37-37.5           37-37.5           37-37.5        37-37.5        PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                                           MOBILE                    
                       ................  ................  .............  NG124                                     
            *                  *                 *               *              *             *              *      
    38.25-39           38.25-39          38.25-39          38.25-39       38.25-39                                  
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
    39-39.986          39-39.986         39-39.986         39-39.986      39-39.986      PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                                           MOBILE                    
                       ................  ................  .............  NG124                                     
    39.986-40          39.986-40         39.986-40         39.986-40      39.986-40      PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           NG124           MOBILE                    
    Space Research     Space Research    Space Research                                   (90)                      
    40-40.02           40-40.02          40-40.02          40-40.02       40-40.02                                  
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
    Space Research     Space Research    Space Research                                                             
    40.02-40.98        40.02-40.98       40.02-40.98       40.02-40.98    40.02-40.98    40.68  .02                
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                         MHz:                      
    548                548               548               548 US210      548 US210                                 
    [[Page 45345]]
    40.98-41.015       40.98-41.015      40.98-41.015      40.98-41.015   40.98-41.015                              
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
    Space Research     Space Research    Space Research                                                             
    549                ................  550                                                                        
    41.015-42          41.015-42         41.015-42         41.015-42      41.015-42                                 
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
    549                ................  550               US220          US220                                     
    42-43.19           42-43.19          42-43.19          42-43.19       42-43.19       PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
    549                ................  550               .............  NG124 NG141                               
    43.19-43.69        43.19-43.69       43.19-43.69       43.19-43.69    43.19-43.69    PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED          MOBILE (22)                
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND           PRIVATE                    
                                                                          MOBILE          LAND                      
    549                ................  550                                                                        
    43.69-44           43.69-44          43.69-44          43.69-44       43.69-44       PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND            LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           MOBILE          MOBILE                    
    549                ................  550               .............  NG141                                     
    44-46.6            44-46.6           44-46.6           44-46.6        LAND MOBILE    PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                                            LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                                           MOBILE                    
                       ................  552               .............  NG124 NG141                               
    46.6-47            46.6-47           46.6-47           46.6-47        46.6-47                                   
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
                       ................  552                                                                        
            *                  *                 *               *              *             *              *      
    150.05-150.8       150.05-150.8      150.05-150.8      150.05-150.8   150.05-150.8                              
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
    RADIO ASTRONOMY                                                                                                 
    610                ................  611               US216 G30      US216                                     
    150.8-152          150.8-152         150.8-152         150.8-152      150.8-152      PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
     aeronautical                                                                         (90)                      
    RADIO ASTRONOMY                                                                                                 
                       ................  ................  .............  NG51 NG112                                
    610                ................  611               .............  NG124                                     
    152-152.255        152-152.255       152-152.255       152-152.255    152-152.255    PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MOBILE                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     (22)                      
    RADIO ASTRONOMY                                                                                                 
    610                ................  611               US216          US216                                     
    [[Page 45346]]
    152.255-152.495    152.255-152.495   152.255-152.495   152.255-152.4  152.255-152.4  PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED              95             95             LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           FIXED           MOBILE                    
     aeronautical                                                         LAND MOBILE     (90)                      
    RADIO ASTRONOMY                                                                                                 
    610                ................  611               .............  NG124                                     
    152.495-152.855    152.495-152.855   152.495-152.855   152.495-152.8  152.495-152.8  PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED              55             55             MOBILE                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           FIXED           (22)                      
     aeronautical                                                         LAND MOBILE                               
    RADIO ASTRONOMY                                                                                                 
    610                ................  611               .............  NG4                                       
    152.855-153        152.855-153       152.855-153       152.855-153    152.855-153    PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                                           MOBILE                    
     aeronautical                                                                         (90)                      
     mobile                                                                              AUXILIARY                  
    RADIO ASTRONOMY                                                                       BROADCASTI                
                                                                                          NG (74)                   
    610                ................  611               .............  NG4 NG124                                 
    153-154            153-154           153-154           153-154        153-154        PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                                           MOBILE                    
     aeronautical                                                                         (90)                      
     mobile (R)                                                                          AUXILIARY                  
    Meteorological                                                                        BROADCASTI                
     Aids                                                                                 NG (74)                   
                       ................  ................  .............  NG4 NG124                                 
    154-156.2475       154-156.2475      154-156.2475      154-156.2475   154-156.2475   PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
     aeronautical                                                                         (90)                      
     mobile (R)                                                                          MARITIME                   
    613                613               613               613            613 NG112                                 
                                                                          NG124 NG148                               
    156.2475-156.7625  156.2475-156.762  156.2475-156.762  156.2475-156.  156.2475-156.                             
    FIXED               5                 5                 7625           7625                                     
    MOBILE except      FIXED             FIXED                            MARITIME                                  
     aeronautical      MOBILE            MOBILE                            MOBILE                                   
     mobile (R)                                                                                                     
    613 613A           613 613A          613 613A          613 613A US77  613 613A US77                             
                                                           US106 US266    US106 US266                               
    156.7625-156.8375  156.7625-156.837  156.7625-156.837  156.7625-156.  156.7625-156.                             
    MARITIME MOBILE     5                 5                 8375           8375                                     
     (distress and     MARITIME MOBILE   MARITIME MOBILE                  MARITIME                                  
     calling)           (distress and     (distress and                    MOBILE                                   
                        calling)          calling)                                                                  
    501 613            501 613           501 613           613 US107      613 US107                                 
                                                            US266          US266                                    
    [[Page 45347]]
    156.8375-157.0375  156.8375-157.037  156.8375-157.037  156.8375-157.  156.8375-157.                             
    FIXED               5                 5                 0375           0375                                     
    MOBILE except      FIXED             FIXED                            MARITIME                                  
     aeronautical      MOBILE            MOBILE                            MOBILE                                   
    613                613               613               613 US77       613 US77 US                               
                                                            US266          266                                      
    157.0375-157.1875  157.0375-157.187  157.0375-157.187  157.0375-157.  157.0375-157.  Private                    
    FIXED               5                 5                 1875           1875           Land                      
    MOBILE except      FIXED             FIXED             MARITIME                       Mobile                    
     aeronautical      MOBILE            MOBILE             MOBILE                        (90)                      
    613                613               613               613 US214      613 US214                                 
                                                            US266          US266                                    
    157.1875-157.45    157.1875-157.45   157.1875-157.45   157.1875-157.  157.1875-157.  PRIVATE      ..............
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED              45             45             LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
     aeronautical                                                         MARITIME        (90)                      
     mobile                                                                MOBILE        MARITIME                   
    613                613               613               613 US223      613 US223                                 
                                                            US266          US266 NG111                              
    157.45-157.755     157.45-157.755    157.45-157.755    157.45-157.75  157.45-157.75  PRIVATE      ..............
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED              5              5              LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           FIXED           MOBILE                    
     aeronautical                                                         LAND MOBILE     (90)                      
                       ................  ................  US266          US266 NG111                               
                                                                           NG 124                                   
    157.755-158.115    157.755-158.115   157.755-158.115   157.755-158.1  157.755-158.1  PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED              15             15             MOBILE                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           FIXED           (22)                      
     aeronautical                                                         LAND MOBILE                               
    158.115-161.575    158.115-161.575   158.115-161.575   158.115-161.5  158.115-161.5  PUBLIC       ..............
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED              75             75             MOBILE                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           FIXED           (22)                      
     aeronautical                                                         LAND MOBILE    PRIVATE                    
     mobile                                                                               LAND                      
    613 613B           613               613               613            613 NG6 NG28                              
                                                                           NG70 NG112                               
                                                                           NG124 NG148                              
    161.575-161.625    161.575-161.625   161.575-161.625   161.575-161.6  161.575-161.6  MARITIME     ..............
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED              25             25             (80)                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           MARITIME        PUBLIC                    
     aeronautical                                                          MOBILE         MOBILE                    
     mobile                                                                               (22)                      
    613                613               613               613 US77       613 US77 NG6                              
    161.625-161.775    161.625-161.775   161.625-161.775   161.625-161.7  161.625-161.7  AUXILIARY    ..............
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED              75             75             BROADCASTI                
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     NG (74)                   
     aeronautical                                                                        PUBLIC                     
     mobile                                                                               MOBILE                    
    613                613               613               613            613 NG6                                   
    [[Page 45348]]
    161.775-162.0125   161.775-162.0125  161.775-162.0125  161.775-162.0  161.775-162.0  PRIVATE      ..............
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED              125            125            LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
     aeronautical                                                         MARITIME        (90)                      
     mobile                                                                MOBILE        PUBLIC                     
    613 615            613               613               613 US266      613 US266 NG6  MARITIME                   
                                                                          NG154           (80)                      
    162.0125-173.2     162.0125-173.2    162.0125-173.2    162.0125-173.  162.0125-173.  Auxiliary    ..............
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED              2              2              Broad                     
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE            FIXED                          casting                   
     aeronautical                                          MOBILE                         (74)                      
     mobile                                                                              Private                    
    613 615            613               613 616 617 618   613 US8 US11   613 US8 US11                              
                                                           US13 US216     US13 US216                                
                                                            US223          US223                                    
                                                           US300 US312    US300                                     
                                                            G5            US312                                     
    173.2-173.4        173.2-173.4       173.2-173.4       173.2-173.4    173.2-173.4    PRIVATE      ..............
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           Land Mobile     MOBILE                    
     aeronautical                                                                         (90)                      
    615                ................  617 618           .............  NG124                                     
    173.4-174          173.4-174         173.4-174         173.4-174      173.4-174                                 
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE            MOBILE                                                   
    615                ................  617 618           G5                                                       
            *                  *                 *               *              *             *              *      
    220-222            220-222           220-222           220-222        220-222        PRIVATE      ..............
    BROADCASTING       AMATEUR           FIXED             FIXED          FIXED           LAND                      
                       FIXED             MOBILE            LAND MOBILE    LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
                       MOBILE            BROADCASTING       Radiolocatio                  (90)                      
                        Radiolocation                       n 627                                                   
    621 623 628 629    ................  626               G2             627                                       
            *                  *                 *               *              *             *              *      
    450-451            450-451           450-451           450-451        450-451        AUXILIARY                  
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     BROADCASTI                
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                                           NG (74)                   
    653 668            668               653 668           668 US87       668 US87                                  
    451-454            451-454           451-454           451-454        451-454        PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                                           MOBILE                    
    653                ................  653               .............  NG112 NG124                               
    454-455            454-455           454-455           454-455        454-455        PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MOBILE                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     (22)                      
    653                ................  653               .............  NG12 NG112                                
    455-456            455-456           455-456           455-456        455-456        AUXILIARY                  
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     BROADCASTI                
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                                           NG (74)                   
    653                ................  653                                                                        
    [[Page 45349]]
    456-459            456-459           456-459           456-459        456-459        PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE    MOBILE (90)                
    653 669            669 670           653 669 670       669 670        669 670 NG112                             
    459-460            459-460           459-460           459-460        459-460        PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MOBILE                    
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     (22)                      
                       MOBILE-SATELLITE                                                  MARITIME                   
                        (Earth-to-                                                        (80)                      
    653                ................  653               .............  NG12 NG112                                
    460-462.5375       460-462.5375      460-462.5375      460-462.5375   460-462.5375   PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             Meteorologica  FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE             l-Satellite   LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
    Meteorological-    Meteorological-   Meteorological-    (space-to-                    (90)                      
     Satellite (space-  Satellite         Satellite         Earth)                                                  
     to-Earth)          (space-to-        (space-to-                                                                
                        Earth)            Earth)                                                                    
    671 672            671               671 672           671 US201      671 US201                                 
                                                            US209          US209 NG124                              
    462.5375-462.7375  462.5375-462.737  462.5375-462.737  462.5375-462.  462.5375-462.  PERSONAL                   
    FIXED               5                 5                 7375           7375           (95)                      
    MOBILE             FIXED             FIXED             Meteorologica  LAND MOBILE                               
    Meteorological-    MOBILE            MOBILE             l-Satellite                                             
     Satellite (space- Meteorological-   Meteorological-    (space-to-                                              
     to-Earth)          Satellite         Satellite         Earth)                                                  
                        (space-to-        (space-to-                                                                
                        Earth)            Earth)                                                                    
    671 672            671               671 672           671 US201      671 US201                                 
    462.5375-462.5375  462.5375-462.537  462.5375-462.537  462.5375-462.  462.7375-467.  PRIVATE                    
    FIXED               5                 5                 5375           5375           LAND                      
    MOBILE             FIXED             FIXED             Meteorologica  FIXED           MOBILE                    
    Meteorological-    MOBILE            MOBILE             l-Satellite   LAND MOBILE     (90)                      
     Satellite (space- Meteorological-   Meteorological-    (space-to-                                              
     to-Earth)          Satellite         Satellite         Earth)                                                  
                        (space-to-        (space-to-                                                                
                        Earth)            Earth)                                                                    
    669 671 672        669 671           669 671 672       669 671 US201  669 671 US201                             
                                                            US209 US216    US209 US216                              
    467.5375-467.7375  467.5375-467.737  467.5375-467.737  467.5375-467.  467.5375-567.  PERSONAL                   
    FIXED               5                 5                 7375           7375           (95)                      
    MOBILE             FIXED             FIXED             Meteorologica  LAND MOBILE                               
    Meteorological-    MOBILE            MOBILE             l-Satellite                                             
     Satellite (space- Meteorological-   Meteorological-    (space-to-                                              
     to-Earth)          Satellite         Satellite         Earth)                                                  
                        (space-to-        (space-to-                                                                
                        Earth)            Earth)                                                                    
    669 671 672        669 671           669 671 672       669 671 US201  669 671 US201                             
    467.7375-470       467.7375-470      467.7375-470      467.7375-470   467.735-470    PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             MOBILE         FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE            Meteorologica  LAND MOBILE    MOBILE (90)                
    Meteorological-    Meteorological-   Meteorological-    l-Satellite                                             
     Satellite (space   Satellite         Satellite         (space to                                               
     to Earth)          (space to         (space to         Earth)                                                  
                        Earth)            Earth)                                                                    
    671 672            670 671           670 671 672       670 671 US201  670 671 US201                             
                                                            US216          US216 NG124                              
    470-512            470-512           470-512           470-512        470-512        RADIO                      
     BROADCASTING      BROADCASTING      FIXED                            BROADCASTING    BROADCAST                 
                        Fixed Mobile     MOBILE                           FIXED           (TV)(73)                  
                                          BROADCASTING                    LAND MOBILE    PRIVATE                    
    [[Page 45350]]
    676 677A           674 675           673 677           .............  NG66           Auxiliary                  
                                                                          NG114 NG127     Broadcasti                
                                                                           NG128 NG149    ng (74)                   
    512-585            512-585           512-585           512-585        512-585        RADIO                      
     BROADCASTING       BROADCASTING     FIXED                             BROADCASTING   BROADCAST                 
                                         MOBILE                                           (TV) (73)                 
                                          BROADCASTING                                   Auxiliary                  
                                                                                          ng (74)                   
    676 677A 683 684   678               677 679           .............  NG128 NG149                               
    585-608            585-608           585-608           585-608        585-608        RADIO                      
     BROADCASTING       BROADCASTING     FIXED                             BROADCASTING   BROADCAST                 
                                         MOBILE                                           (TV) (73)                 
                                          BROADCASTING                                   Auxiliary                  
                                          RADIONAVIGATION                                 Broadcasti                
                                                                                          ng (74)                   
    677A 683 684 685   678               688               .............  NG128 NG149                               
     686 686A 687                                                                                                   
    608-610            608-610           608-610           608-610                                                  
    BROADCASTING       RADIOASTRONOMY    FIXED             RADIO                                                    
                       Mobile-Satellite  MOBILE             ASTRONOMY                                               
                        except           BROADCASTING                                                               
                        aeronautical      RADIONAVIGATION                                                           
    677A 684 687 689   ................  688 689 690       US74 US246     US74 US246                                
    610-614            610-614           610-614           610-614        610-614                                   
    BROADCASTING       RADIO ASTRONOMY   FIXED             RADIO          RADIO                                     
                       Mobile-Satellite  MOBILE             ASTRONOMY      ASTRONOMY                                
                        except            BROADCASTING                                                              
    677A 684 687 689   ................  677 688 689 690   US74 US246     US74 US246                                
    614-790            614-790           614-790           614-790        RADIO                                     
    BROADCASTING       BROADCASTING      FIXED MOBILE      BROADCASTING    BROADCAST                                
                        Fixed Mobile      BROADCASTING                     (TV) (73)                                
    677A 684 693 694   675 692 692A 693  677 691 693       .............  NG30           ...........  ..............
    790-806            790-806           790-806           790-806        790-806        790-806      RADIO         
    FIXED              BROADCASTING      Fixed                                           BROADCASTIN   BROADCAST    
     BROADCASTING      Fixed             Mobile                                           G            (TV) (73)    
                       Mobile            BROADCASTING                                                 Auxiliary     
    694 695 695A 696   675 692 692A      677               .............  NG30 NG43                                 
     697                                                                   NG128 NG149                              
    806-821            806-821           806-821           806-821        806-821        PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    BROADCASTING       MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
                        BROADCASTING      BROADCASTING                                    (90)                      
    694 695 695A 696   692A 700          677 701           .............  NG30 NG31                                 
     697 700B                                                              NG43 NG63                                
    821-824            821-824           821-824           821-824        821-824        PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     LAND                      
    BROADCASTING       MOBILE            MOBILE                                           MOBILE                    
                       BROADCASTING      BROADCASTING                                     (90)                      
    [[Page 45351]]
    694 695 695A 696   692A 700          677 701           .............  NG30 NG43                                 
     697 700B                                                              NG63                                     
    824-849            824-849           824-849           824-849        824-849        PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MOBILE                    
    BROADCASTING       MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     (22)                      
                       BROADCASTING      BROADCASTING                                                               
    694 695 695A 696   692A 700          677 701           .............  NG30 NG43                                 
     697 700B 702                                                          NG63 NG151                               
    849-851            849-851           849-851           849-851        849-851        PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            AERONAUTICAL    MOBILE                    
    BROADCASTING       MOBILE            MOBILE                           MOBILE          (22)                      
                       BROADCASTING      BROADCASTING                                                               
    694 695A 697 702   692A 700 700A     677 701           .............  NG30 NG63                                 
    851-862            851-862           851-862           851-862        851-862        PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    BROADCASTING       MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
                       BROADCASTING      BROADCASTING                                     (90)                      
    694 695A 697 700B  692A 700          677 701           .............  NG30 NG31                                 
     702                                                                   NG63                                     
    862-866            862-866           862-866           862-866        862-866        PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     MOBILE                    
     aeronautical      BROADCASTING      BROADCASTING                                     (90)                      
     mobile                                                                              PUBLIC                     
    BROADCASTING 703                                                                      MOBILE                    
    700B 704           692A 700          677 701           .............  NG30 NG31                                 
    866-869            866-869           866-869           866-869        866-869        PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            LAND MOBILE     LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                                           MOBILE                    
     aeronautical      BROADCASTING      BROADCASTING                                     (90)                      
    BROADCASTING 703                                                                                                
    700B 704           692A 700          677 701           .............  NG30 NG63                                 
    869-890            869-890           869-890           869-890        869-890        PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MOBILE                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     (22)                      
     aeronautical      BROADCASTING      BROADCASTING                                                               
    BROADCASTING 703                                                                                                
    700B 704           692A 700          677 701           .............  NG30 NG63                                 
    890-894            890-894           890-894           890-894        890-894        PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MOBILE                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     (22)                      
     aeronautical       aeronautical     BROADCASTING                                                               
     mobile             mobile            Radiolocation                                                             
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                                               
    704                700A 704A 705     706               US116 US268    US116 US268                               
                                                            G2             NG151                                    
    [[Page 45352]]
    894-896            894-896           894-896           894-896        894-896        PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            AERONAUTICAL    MOBILE                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE                            MOBILE         (22)                      
     aeronautical       aeronautical     BROADCASTING                                                               
     mobile             mobile            Radiolocation                                                             
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                                               
    704                700A 704A 705     706               US116 US268    US116 US268                               
    896-901            896-901           896-901           896-901        896-901        PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED LAND      LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE                            MOBILE         MOBILE                    
     aeronautical       aeronautical      BROADCASTING                                    (90)                      
     mobile             mobile            Radiolocation                                                             
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                                               
    704                705               706               US116 US268    US116 US268                               
    901-902            901-902           901-902           901-902        901-902        PERSONAL                   
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           COMMUNICAT                
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE                           MOBILE          IONS (24)                 
     aeronautical       aeronautical     BROADCASTING                                                               
     mobile             mobile            Radiolocation                                                             
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                                               
    704                705               706               US116 US268    US116 US268                               
    902-928            902-928           902-928           902-928        902-928        Amateur      915  13    
    MOBILE except       Mobile except    BROADCASTING       N                             Private      MHz:         
     aeronautical       aeronautical      Radiolocation                                   Land         Industrial   
     mobile             mobile                                                            Mobile       scientific   
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                     (90)         and medical  
     Radiolocation                                                                                     frequency.   
    704                705 707 707A      706               707 US215      707 US215                                 
                                                            US218 US267    US218 US267                              
                                                            US275 G11      US275                                    
    928-929            928-929           928-929           928-929        928-929        FIXED                      
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MICROWAVE                 
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE                                           (101)                     
     aeronautical       aeronautical     BROADCASTING                                    PRIVATE                    
     mobile             mobile            Radiolocation                                   LAND                      
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                     MOBILE                    
     Radiolocation                                                                        (90)                      
    704                705               706               US116 US 215   US116 US215                               
                                                            US268 G2       US268                                    
    929-930            929-930           929-930           929-930        929-930        929-930                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED          PRIVATE                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     LAND                      
     aeronautical       aeronautical     BROADCASTING                                     MOBILE                    
     mobile             mobile            Radiolocation                                   (90)                      
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                                               
    704                705               706               US116 US215    US116 US215                               
                                                            US268 G2       US268                                    
    [[Page 45353]]
    930-931            930-931           930-931           930-931        930-931        PERSONAL                   
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           COMMUNICAT                
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE                           MOBILE          IONS (24)                 
     aeronautical       aeronautical     BROADCASTING                                                               
     mobile             mobile            Radiolocation                                                             
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                                               
    704                705               706               US116 US215    US116 US215                               
                                                            US268 G2       US268                                    
    931-932            931-932           931-932           931-932        931-932        PUBLIC                     
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MOBILE                    
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE     (22)                      
     aeronautical       aeronautical     BROADCASTING                                                               
     mobile             mobile            Radiolocation                                                             
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                                               
    704                705               706               US116 US215    US116 US215                               
                                                            US268 G2       US268                                    
    932-935            932-935           932-935 FIXED     932-935 FIXED  932-935 FIXED  FIXED                      
    FIXED              FIXED             MOBILE                                           MICROWAVE                 
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     BROADCASTING                                     (101)                     
     aeronautical       aeronautical      Radiolocation                                  PUBLIC                     
     mobile             mobile                                                            MOBILE                    
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                     (22)                      
    704                705               706               US215 US268    US215 US268                               
    935-940            935-940           935-940           935-940        935-940        PRIVATE                    
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           LAND                      
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE                           LAND MOBILE    MOBILE (90)                
     aeronautical       aeronautical      BROADCASTING                                                              
     mobile             mobile                                                                                      
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                                               
    704                705               706               US116 US215    US116 US215                               
                                                            US268 G2       US268                                    
    940-941            940-941           940-941           940-941        940-941        PERSONAL                   
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           COMMUNICAT                
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE                           MOBILE          IONS (24)                 
     aeronautical       aeronautical      BROADCASTING                                                              
     mobile             mobile            Radiolocation                                                             
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                                               
    704                705               706               US116 US268    US116 US268                               
    941-942            941-942           941-942           941-942        941-942        FIXED                      
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED          FIXED           MICROWAVE                 
    MOBILE except      MOBILE except     MOBILE                                           (101)                     
     aeronautical       aeronautical      BROADCASTING                                   PUBLIC                     
     mobile             mobile            Radiolocation                                   MOBILE                    
    BROADCASTING 703    Radiolocation                                                     (22)                      
    704                705               706               US268 G2       US268                                     
    [[Page 45354]]
    942-944            942-944           942-944           942-944        942-944        FIXED                      
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED          FIXED           MICROWAVE                 
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                                           (101)                     
     aeronautical                         BROADCASTING                                                              
    BROADCASTING 703                                                                                                
    704                ................  701               US301 US302    US301 US302                               
    944-960            944-960           944-960           944-960        944-960        AUXILIARY                  
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           BROADCASTI                
    MOBILE except      MOBILE            MOBILE                                           NG (74)                   
     aeronautical                         BROADCASTING                                   FIXED                      
     mobile                                                                               MICROWAVE                 
    BROADCASTING 703                                                                      (101)                     
                                                                                          AL PUBLIC                 
                                                                                          FIXED (23)                
    704                ................  701               .............  NG120                                     
            *                  *                 *               *              *             *              *      
    1710-1850          1710-1850         1710-1850         1710-1850      1710-1850                                 
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED             FIXED                                                    
    MOBILE 740A        MOBILE 740A       MOBILE 740A       MOBILE                                                   
    722 744 746        722 744 745       722 744 745       722 US256 G42  722 US256                                 
    1850-1930          1850-1930         1850-1930         1850-1930      1850-1930      FIXED                      
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MICROWAVE                 
    MOBILE 740A        MOBILE 740A       MOBILE 740A                      MOBILE          (101)                     
                                                                                          IONS (24)                 
    746A               746A              746A                                                                       
    1930-1970          1930-1970         1930-1970         1930-1970      1930-1970      FIXED                      
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MICROWAVE                 
    MOBILE             MOBILE Mobile-    MOBILE                           MOBILE          (101)                     
                        Satellite                                                        PERSONAL                   
                        (Earth-to-                                                        COMMUNICAT                
                        Space)                                                            IONS (24)                 
    746A               746A              746A                                                                       
    1970-1980          1970-1980         1970-1980         1970-1980      1970-1980      FIXED                      
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MICROWAVE                 
    MOBILE             MOBILE Mobile-    MOBILE                           MOBILE          (101)                     
                        Satellite                                                        PERSONAL                   
                        (Earth-to-                                                        COMMUNICAT                
                        space)                                                            IONS (24)                 
    746A               746A 746B 746C    746A                                                                       
    1980-1990          1980-1990         1980-1990         1980-1990      1980-1990      FIXED                      
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           MICROWAVE                 
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           MOBILE          (101)                     
    MOBILE-SATELLITE   MOBILE-SATELLITE  MOBILE-SATELLITE                                PERSONAL                   
     (Earth-to-space)   (Earth-to-        (Earth-to-                                      COMMUNICAT                
                        space)            space)                                          IONS (24)                 
    746A 746B          746A 746B 746C    746A 746B                                                                  
    1990-2010          1990-2010         1990-2010         1990-2010      1990-2010      AUXILIARY                  
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           BROADCASTI                
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           MOBILE          NG (74)                   
    MOBILE-SATELLITE   MOBILE-SATELLITE  MOBILE-SATELLITE                                CABLE                      
     (Earth-to-space)   (Earth-to-        (Earth-to-                                      TELEVISION                
                        space)            space)                                          (78)                      
    [[Page 45355]]
    746A 746B          746A 746B 746C    746A 746B         US90 US111     US90 US111                                
                                                            US219 US222    US219 US222                              
                                                                           NG23 NG118                               
    2010-2025          2010-2025         2010-2025         2010-2025      2010-2025      AUXILIARY                  
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           BROADCASTI                
    MOBILE             MOBILE            MOBILE                           MOBILE          NG (74)                   
    746A               746A              746A              US111 US222    US111 US222                               
                                                                           NG23 NG118                               
    2025-2110          2025-2110         2025-2110         2025-2110      2025-2110      AUXILIARY                  
    FIXED              FIXED             FIXED                            FIXED           BROADCASTI                
    MOBILE 747A        MOBILE 747A       MOBILE 747A                      MOBILE          NG (74)                   
    SPACE RESEARCH     SPACE RESEARCH    SPACE RESEARCH                                  CABLE                      
     (Earth-to-space)   (Earth-to-        (Earth-to-                                      TELEVISION                
     (space-to-space)   space) (space-    space) (space-                                  (78)                      
    SPACE OPERATION     to-space)         to-space)                                                                 
     (Earth-to-space)  SPACE OPERATION   SPACE OPERATION                                                            
     (space-to-space)   (Earth-to-        (Earth-to-                                                                
    EARTH EXPLORATION-  space) (space-    space) (space-                                                            
     SATELLITE (Earth-  to-space)         to-space)                                                                 
     to-space) (space- EARTH             EARTH                                                                      
     to-space)          EXPLORATION-      EXPLORATION-                                                              
                        SATELLITE         SATELLITE                                                                 
                        (Earth-to-        (Earth-to-                                                                
                        space) (space-    space) (space-                                                            
                        to-space)         to-space)                                                                 
    750A               750A              750A              US90 US111     US90 US111                                
                                                            US219 US222    US219 US222                              
                                                                           NG23 NG118                               
            *                  *                 *               *              *             *              *      
    International Footnotes
    * * * * *
        672  Different category of service: in Afghanistan, Bulgaria, 
    China, Cuba, Japan, Mongolia, Czechoslovakia and the U.S.S.R., the 
    allocation of the band 460-470 MHz to the meteorological-satellite 
    service (space-to-Earth) is on a primary basis (see No. 425) and is 
    subject to agreement obtained under the procedure set forth in Article 
    * * * * *
        675  Additional allocation: in Chile, Columbia, Cuba, Ecuador, the 
    United States, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico and Panama, the 
    allocation of the bands 470-512 MHz and 614-806 MHz to the fixed and 
    mobile services is on a primary basis (see No. 425), subject to 
    agreement obtained under the procedure set forth in Article 14.
        676  Additional allocation: in Burundi, Cameroon, the Congo, 
    Ethiopia, Israel, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Malawi, Senegal, Sudan, Syria, 
    and Yemen, the band 470-582 MHz is also allocated to the fixed service 
    on a secondary basis.
    * * * * *
        678  Additional allocation: in Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, 
    Ecuador, the United States, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, 
    Mexico and Venezuela, the band 512-608 MHz is also allocated to the 
    fixed and mobile services on a primary basis, subject to agreement 
    obtained under the procedures set forth in Article 14.
    * * * * *
        697  Additional allocation: in the Federal Republic of Germany, 
    Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Israel, 
    Kenya, Libya, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, 
    Sweden, Switzerland and Yugoslavia, the band 790-830 MHz, and in these 
    same countries and in Spain, France, Malta, the Gabonese Republic and 
    Syria, the band 830-862 MHz, are also allocated to the mobile, except 
    aeronautical mobile, service on a primary basis. However, stations of 
    the mobile service in the countries mentioned in connection with each 
    band referred to in this footnote shall not cause harmful interference 
    to, or claim protection from, stations of services operating in 
    accordance with the Table in countries other than those mentioned in 
    connection with this band.
    * * * * *
        703  In Region 1, in the band 862-960 MHz, stations of the 
    broadcasting service shall be operated only in the African Broadcasting 
    Area (see Nos. 400 to 403) excluding Algeria, Egypt, Spain, Libya and 
    Morocco, subject to agreement obtained under the procedure set forth in 
    Article 14.
    * * * * *
        3. The authority citation for Part 22 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, unless otherwise noted.
    [[Page 45356]]
        4. Section 22.901 is amended by revising the introductory text and 
    paragraph (d) to read as follows:
    Sec. 22.901  Cellular service requirements and limitations.
        Cellular system licensees must provide cellular mobile 
    radiotelephone service upon request to all cellular subscribers in good 
    standing, including roamers, while such subscribers are located within 
    any portion of the authorized cellular geographic service area (see 
    Sec. 22.911) where facilities have been constructed and mobile service 
    to subscribers has commenced. A cellular system licensee may refuse or 
    terminate service, however, subject to any applicable state or local 
    requirements for timely notification to any subscriber who operates a 
    cellular telephone in an airborne aircraft in violation of Sec. 22.925 
    or otherwise fails to cooperate with the licensee in exercising 
    operational control over mobile stations pursuant to Sec. 22.927.
    * * * * *
        (d) Alternative technologies and co-primary services. Licensees of 
    cellular systems may use alternative cellular technologies and/or 
    provide fixed services on a co-primary basis with their mobile 
    offerings, including personal communications services (as defined in 
    Part 24 of this chapter) on the spectrum within their assigned channel 
    block. Cellular carriers that provide mobile services must make such 
    service available to subscribers whose mobile equipment conforms to the 
    cellular system compatibility specification (see Sec. 22.933).
        (1) Licensees must perform or obtain an engineering analysis to 
    ensure that interference to the service of other cellular systems will 
    not result from the implementation of co-primary fixed services or 
    alternative cellular technologies.
        (2) Alternative technology and co-primary fixed services are exempt 
    from the channeling requirements of Sec. 22.905, the modulation 
    requirements of Sec. 22.915, the wave polarization requirements of 
    Sec. 22.367, the compatibility specification in Sec. 22.933 and the 
    emission limitations of Secs. 22.357 and 22.917, except for emission 
    limitations that apply to emissions outside the assigned channel block.
        5. The authority citation for Part 24 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Secs. 4, 301, 302, 303, 309, and 332, 48 Stat. 1066, 
    1082, as amended; 47 U.S.C. Secs. 154, 301, 302, 303, 309 and 332, 
    unless otherwise noted.
        6. Section 24.3 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 24.3  Permissible communications.
        PCS licensees may provide any mobile communications service on 
    their assigned spectrum. Fixed services may be provided on a co-primary 
    basis with mobile operations. Broadcasting as defined in the 
    Communications Act is prohibited.
        7. The authority citation for Part 90 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Sections 4, 303, and 332, 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as 
    amended; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, and 332, unless otherwise noted.
        8. Section 90.419 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.419  Points of communication.
        Normally, operations licensed under this part are intended to 
    provide intrastation mobile communications. For example, a base station 
    is intended to communicate with its associated mobile stations and 
    mobile stations are intended to communicate between associated mobile 
    stations and associated base stations of the licensee. Accordingly, 
    operations between base stations at fixed locations are permitted only 
    in the following situations:
        (a) Base stations licensed under the Public Safety and Special 
    Emergency Radio Services that operate on frequencies below 450 MHz, may 
    communicate on a secondary basis with other base stations, operational 
    fixed stations, or fixed receivers authorized in these services.
        (b) Base stations licensed on any frequency in the Industrial and 
    Land Transportation Radio Services and on base station frequencies 
    above 450 MHz in the Public Safety and Special Emergency Services may 
    communicate on a secondary basis with other base stations, operational 
    fixed stations, or fixed receivers authorized in these services only 
        (1) The messages to be transmitted are of immediate importance to 
    mobile stations; or
        (2) Wireline communications facilities between such points are 
    inoperative, economically impracticable, or unavailable from 
    communications common carrier sources. Temporary unavailability due to 
    a busy wireline circuit is not considered to be within the provisions 
    of this paragraph.
        (c) Operational fixed stations may communicate with units of 
    associated mobile stations only on a secondary basis.
        (d) Operational fixed stations licensed in the Industrial and Land 
    Transportation Radio Services may communicate on a secondary basis with 
    associated base stations licensed in these services when:
        (1) The messages to be transmitted are of immediate importance to 
    mobile stations; or
        (2) Wireline communications facilities between such points are 
    inoperative, economically impracticable, or unavailable from 
    communications common carrier sources. Temporary unavailability due to 
    a busy wireline circuit is not considered to be within the provisions 
    of this paragraph.
        (e) Travelers' Information Stations are authorized to transmit 
    certain information to members of the traveling public (see 
    Sec. 90.242).
        (f) CMRS Licensees in the SMR categories of Part 90, Subpart S, 
    CMRS providers authorized in the 220 MHz service of Part 90, Subpart T, 
    CMRS paging operations as defined by Part 90, Subpart P and for-profit 
    interconnected business radio services with eligibility defined by 
    Section 90.75 are permitted to utilize their assigned spectrum for 
    fixed services on a co-primary basis with their mobile operations.
    [FR Doc. 96-21794 Filed 8-28-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
October 28, 1996.
45336-45356 (21 pages)
Docket Numbers:
WT Docket No. 96-6, FCC 96-283
PDF File:
CFR: (8)
47 CFR 22.911)
47 CFR 90.242)
47 CFR 2.106
47 CFR 22.901
47 CFR 121.201
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