95-19038. Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic; Changes in Catch Limits  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 149 (Thursday, August 3, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 39698-39700]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-19038]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 642
    [Docket No. 950725189-5189-01; I.D. 062795A]
    RIN 0648-XX24
    Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources of the Gulf of Mexico and 
    South Atlantic; Changes in Catch Limits
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: NMFS proposes changes in the management regimes for the 
    Atlantic migratory groups of king and Spanish mackerel and the Gulf 
    group of king mackerel, in accordance with the framework procedure for 
    adjusting management measures for the Fishery Management Plan for the 
    Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources (FMP). For Atlantic group king 
    mackerel, this rule proposes changes in the total allowable catch 
    (TAC), establishment of commercial vessel trip limits, and reduction of 
    the recreational bag limit; for Atlantic group Spanish mackerel, 
    increases in the TAC and allocations; and for Gulf group king mackerel, 
    changes in the commercial vessel trip limits. The intended effect of 
    this rule is to protect king and Spanish mackerel from overfishing and 
    continue stock rebuilding programs while still allowing catches by 
    important recreational and commercial fisheries dependent on king and 
    Spanish mackerel.
    DATES: Written comments must be received on or before August 18, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Comments must be mailed to Mark F. Godcharles, Southeast 
    Region, National Marine Fisheries Service, 9721 Executive Center Drive 
    N., St. Petersburg, FL 33702.
        Requests for copies of the environmental assessment and regulatory 
    impact review supporting aspects of this action relating to Gulf group 
    mackerel should be sent to the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management 
    Council, 5401 W. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 331, Tampa, FL 33609-2486. 
    Requests for comparable documents relating to Atlantic group mackerel 
    should be sent to the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 
    Southpark Building, One Southpark Circle, Suite 306, Charleston, SC 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mark F. Godcharles, 813-570-5305.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The fisheries for coastal migratory pelagic 
    resources are regulated under the FMP. The FMP was prepared jointly by 
    the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Fishery Management Councils 
    (Councils) and is implemented by regulations at 50 CFR part 642.
        In accordance with the framework procedure of the FMP, the Councils 
    appointed a Stock Assessment Panel (Panel) to assess, on an annual 
    basis, the condition of each stock of king and Spanish mackerel in the 
    management unit, to report its findings, and to make recommendations to 
    the Councils. Based on the Panel's 1995 report and recommendations, 
    advice from the Mackerel Advisory Panels (MAPs) and the Scientific and 
    Statistical Committees (SSCs), and public input, the Councils 
    recommended to the Director, Southeast Region, NMFS (Regional 
    Director), changes to the TAC and allocations for the Atlantic 
    migratory groups of king and Spanish mackerel, reduction of the 
    recreational bag limit in the northern area and establishment of 
    commercial trip limits for Atlantic group king mackerel, and changes in 
    the commercial trip limits for Gulf group king mackerel in the east and 
    west coast sub-zones of the eastern zone. The recommended changes are 
    within the scope of the management measures that may be adjusted, as 
    specified at 50 CFR 642.29. For the 1995-96 fishing year, the Councils 
    recommended no changes for Gulf group Spanish mackerel or for cobia.
        Specifically, the Councils recommended that, effective with the 
    fishing year that began April 1, 1995, the annual TAC for the Atlantic 
    migratory group of Spanish mackerel be increased from 9.20 million lb 
    (4.17 million kg) to 9.40 million lb (4.26 million kg) and the annual 
    TAC for the Atlantic migratory group of king mackerel be decreased from 
    10.00 million lb (4.54 million kg) to 7.30 million lb (3.31 million 
    kg). These recommended TACs are within the range of the acceptable 
    biological catch chosen by the Councils and represent a conservative 
    approach supported by their SSCs and MAPs. Under the provisions of the 
    FMP, the recreational and commercial fisheries are allocated a fixed 
    percentage of the TAC. Under the established percentages, the proposed 
    TACs for the fishing year that commenced April 1, 1995, would be 
    allocated as follows:
    [[Page 39699]]
                           Species                          m. lb     m. kg 
    Atlantic Spanish Mackerel--TAC......................      9.40      4.26
      Recreational allocation (50%).....................      4.70      2.13
      Commercial allocation (50%).......................      4.70      2.13
    Atlantic King Mackerel--TAC.........................      7.30      3.31
      Recreational allocation (62.9%)...................      4.60      2.09
      Commercial allocation (37.1%).....................      2.70      1.22
        The commercial sector of the Atlantic group Spanish mackerel 
    fishery is managed under trip limits. In the southern zone, i.e., south 
    of a line extending directly east from the Georgia/Florida boundary, 
    the specific trip limits vary depending on the percentage of catch of 
    the adjusted allocation. The adjusted allocation is the commercial 
    allocation for Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel reduced by an 
    amount calculated (250.00 lb) (113.40 kg) to allow continued harvests 
    of Atlantic group Spanish mackerel at the rate of 500 lb (227 kg) per 
    vessel per day for the remainder of the fishing year after the adjusted 
    allocation is reached. Along with the increased commercial allocation, 
    the Councils recommended that the adjusted allocation be increased from 
    4.35 million lb (1.97 million kg) to 4.45 million lb (2.02 million kg).
        The commercial sector of the Gulf group king mackerel fishery in 
    the eastern zone (off Florida) also is managed under trip limits. The 
    proposed trip limit changes are specific for Florida east and west 
    coast sub-zones and respective quotas. For the Florida east coast sub-
    zone, the Councils proposed that the commercial vessel trip limit of 50 
    king mackerel per day would not be reduced if 75 percent of the sub-
    zone's fishing year quota is not harvested before March 1, but would 
    remain at 50 king mackerel per day until the entire quota has been 
    harvested or until March 31, whichever occurs first. Currently, the 
    trip limit is reduced from 50 to 25 fish per day when 75 percent of the 
    quota is taken and remains at that level until the entire quota has 
    been harvested or until March 31, whichever occurs first. Last season's 
    projected harvest did not reach 75 percent of the quota until the end 
    of the season; therefore, the trip limit was not reduced to 25 king 
    mackerel per day. The Florida east coast sub-zone exists November 1 
    through March 31 and encompasses the waters off the Florida east coast 
    from a line extending directly east from the Dade/Monroe County 
    boundary to a line extending directly east from the Volusia/Flagler 
    County boundary.
        For the Florida west coast sub-zone, the Councils recommended daily 
    trip limits for vessels harvesting king mackerel under the hook-and-
    line quota; no trip limits were in effect last season. The daily 
    possession/landing limit for a vessel using hook-and-line gear, holding 
    a Federal commercial mackerel permit would be 125 fish for the taking 
    of the first 75 percent of the hook-and-line quota, then be reduced to 
    50 fish until the entire quota has been harvested. From November 1 
    through March 31, the Florida west coast sub-zone encompasses the 
    waters off the southeast, south, and west coasts of Florida from the 
    Dade/Monroe County boundary to a line extending directly south from the 
    Alabama/Florida boundary. From April 1 through October 31, when the 
    boundary separating the Gulf and Atlantic groups of king mackerel is a 
    line extending directly west from the Monroe/Collier boundary 
    (25 deg.48' N. lat.), the west coast sub-zone would extend from that 
    boundary to the Alabama/Florida boundary and would exclude the Florida 
    Keys (Monroe County).
        For the Atlantic group king mackerel, the Councils recommended 
    daily trip limits for vessels harvesting under the commercial 
    allocation. Previously this segment of the fishery has not had trip 
    limits. The commercial trip limits were proposed to prevent a likely 
    closure, to distribute catch among user groups, and to minimize ongoing 
    user-group conflicts and those that would result if new entrants 
    displaced by Florida's inshore net prohibition would cause a large 
    shift in effort. The daily possession/landing limit for a vessel using 
    non-prohibited gear holding a Federal commercial mackerel permit would 
    be 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) of king mackerel, in or from the exclusive 
    economic zone (EEZ), year-round in the northern area between the New 
    York/Connecticut and Flagler/Volusia County, FL boundaries. Off Volusia 
    County, FL, the daily trip limit would be 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) of king 
    mackerel, in or from the EEZ, from April 1 through October 31. South of 
    there, between the Volusia/Brevard and Monroe/Collier County 
    boundaries, a daily trip limit of 50 king mackerel in or from the EEZ 
    would be effective April 1 through October 31. All trip limits proposed 
    for the Atlantic group king mackerel are daily landing/possession 
    limits that would reduce to zero for that group whenever the annual 
    commercial allocation is reached.
        The Regional Director initially concurs that the Councils' 
    recommendations are necessary to protect the king and Spanish mackerel 
    stocks and prevent overfishing and that they are consistent with the 
    objectives of the FMP. Accordingly, the Councils' recommended changes 
    are published for comment. In addition to these changes, Sec. 642.28(b) 
    has been revised and reformatted to improve clarity.
        This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
        The Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and Regulation of the 
    Department of Commerce certified to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of 
    the Small Business Administration that this proposed rule, if adopted, 
    will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities. The proposed commercial trip limits for the east coast 
    sub-zone of Gulf king mackerel are expected to result in a slight 
    increase in economic benefits; west coast sub-zone trip limits are 
    expected to have favorable distributional effects but perhaps minor 
    adverse impacts on short-term profitability. Commercial trip limits for 
    Atlantic group king mackerel should result in small increases in long-
    term benefits to the industry. The proposed reduction in TAC for 
    Atlantic group king mackerel is not expected to affect revenues of 
    small entities, because the reduced level is consistent with catch 
    levels in recent years. The reduction in the recreational bag limit for 
    Atlantic group king mackerel is expected to affect only a small portion 
    of recreational anglers. The minor increase in TAC for Atlantic group 
    Spanish mackerel would increase revenues to the commercial sector 
    slightly. As a result, a regulatory flexibility analysis was not 
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 642
        Fisheries, Fishing, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: July 27, 1995.
    Richard B. Stone,
    Acting Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 642 is 
    proposed to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 642 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
    [[Page 39700]]
        2. In Sec. 642.7, paragraphs (q) through (u) are revised to read as 
    Sec. 642.7  Prohibitions.
    * * * * *
        (q) Exceed a commercial trip limit for Atlantic group king or 
    Spanish mackerel, as specified in Sec. 642.27(a) or (b).
        (r) Transfer at sea from one vessel to another an Atlantic group 
    king or Spanish mackerel subject to a commercial trip limit, as 
    specified in Sec. 642.27(f).
        (s) In the eastern zone, possess or land Gulf group king mackerel 
    in or from the EEZ in excess of an applicable trip limit, as specified 
    in Sec. 642.28(a), (b)(1), or (b)(2), or transfer at sea such king 
    mackerel, as specified in Sec. 642.28(e).
        (t) In the Florida west coast sub-zone, possess or land Gulf group 
    king mackerel in or from the EEZ aboard a vessel that uses or has 
    aboard a run-around gillnet on a trip when such vessel does not have on 
    board a commercial permit for king and Spanish mackerel with a gillnet 
    endorsement, as specified in Sec. 642.28(b)(2)(i).
        (u) In the Florida west coast sub-zone, aboard a vessel for which a 
    commercial permit for king and Spanish mackerel with a gillnet 
    endorsement has been issued, retain Gulf group king mackerel in or from 
    the EEZ harvested with gear other than run-around gillnet, as specified 
    in Sec. 642.28(b)(1)(ii)(C).
    * * * * *
        3. In Sec. 642.24, paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(A) is revised to read as 
    Sec. 642.24  Bag and possession limits.
        (a) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (A) Northern area--five per person through December 31, 1995; three 
    per person thereafter.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 642.25  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 642.25, in paragraph (a)(2), the numbers ``3.71'' and 
    ``1.68'' are revised to read ``2.70'' and ``1.22'', respectively and in 
    paragraph (b)(2), the numbers ``4.60'' and ``2.09'' are revised to read 
    ``4.70'' and ``2.13'', respectively.
        5. In Sec. 642.27, paragraphs (a) through (e) are redesignated as 
    paragraphs (b) through (f), respectively; in newly redesignated 
    paragraphs (c) and (d), the references to ``paragraph (a)(2) of this 
    section'' are revised to read ``paragraph (b)(2) of this section''; in 
    newly redesignated paragraph (c) the numbers ``4.35'' and ``1.97'' are 
    revised to read ``4.45'' and ``2.02'', respectively; the reference in 
    newly redesignated paragraph (f) introductory text and in newly 
    redesignated paragraph (f)(2), ``Spanish mackerel'' is revised to read 
    ``king or Spanish mackerel''; the section heading is revised; paragraph 
    (a) is added; and a paragraph heading is added to newly redesignated 
    paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 642.27  Commercial trip limits for Atlantic group king and Spanish 
        (a) Atlantic group king mackerel. (1) North of a line extending 
    directly east from the Volusia/Flagler County, Florida boundary 
    (29 deg.25' N. lat.) to the outer limit of the EEZ, king mackerel in or 
    from the EEZ may not be possessed aboard or landed from a vessel in a 
    day in amounts exceeding 3,500 lb (1,588 kg).
        (2) In the area between lines extending directly east from the 
    northern and southern boundaries of Volusia County, Florida (29 deg.25' 
    N. lat. and 28 deg.47.8' N. lat., respectively) to the outer limit of 
    the EEZ, king mackerel in or from the EEZ may not be possessed aboard 
    or landed from a vessel in a day in amounts exceeding 3,500 lb (1,588 
    kg) from April 1 through October 31.
        (3) In the area between lines extending directly east from the 
    Volusia/Brevard County, Florida boundary (28 deg.47.8' N. lat.) to the 
    outer limit of the EEZ and directly west from the Monroe/Collier 
    County, Florida boundary (25 deg.48' N. lat.) to the outer boundary of 
    the EEZ, king mackerel in or from the EEZ may not be possessed aboard 
    or landed from a vessel in a day in amounts exceeding 50 fish from 
    April 1 through October 31.
        (b) Atlantic group Spanish mackerel. * * *
    * * * * *
        6. In Sec. 642.28, a sentence is added at the end of paragraph 
    (a)(2), and paragraph (b) and paragraph (e) introductory text, are 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 642.28  Additional limitations for Gulf group king mackerel in the 
    eastern zone.
        (a) * * *
        (2) * * * However, if 75 percent of the sub-zone's quota has not 
    been harvested by March 1, the vessel limit remains at 50 king mackerel 
    per day until the sub-zone's quota is filled or until March 31, 
    whichever occurs first.
        (b) Florida west coast sub-zone--(1) Gillnet gear. (i) In the 
    Florida west coast sub-zone, king mackerel in or from the EEZ may be 
    possessed aboard or landed from a vessel for which a permit with a 
    gillnet endorsement has been issued under Sec. 642.4, from July 1, each 
    fishing year, until a closure of the Florida west coast sub-zone's 
    commercial fishery for vessels fishing with run-around gillnets has 
    been effected under Sec. 642.26--in amounts not exceeding 25,000 lb 
    (11,340 kg) per day.
        (ii) In the Florida west coast sub-zone:
        (A) King mackerel in or from the EEZ may be possessed aboard or 
    landed from a vessel that uses or has aboard a run-around gillnet on a 
    trip only when such vessel has on board a commercial permit for king 
    and Spanish mackerel with a gillnet endorsement;
        (B) King mackerel from the west coast sub-zone landed by a vessel 
    for which such commercial permit with endorsement has been issued will 
    be counted against the run-around gillnet quota of Sec.  
    642.25(a)(1)(i)(B)(2); and
        (C) King mackerel in or from the EEZ harvested with gear other than 
    run-around gillnet may not be retained aboard a vessel for which such 
    commercial permit with endorsement has been issued.
        (2) Hook-and-line gear. In the Florida west coast sub-zone, king 
    mackerel in or from the EEZ may be possessed aboard or landed from a 
    vessel permitted under Sec. 642.4(a)(1) and operating under the 
    commercial hook-and-line gear quota in Sec. 642.25(a)(1)(i)(B)(1):
        (i) From July 1, each fishing year, until 75 percent of the sub-
    zone's hook-and-line gear quota has been harvested--in amounts not 
    exceeding 125 king mackerel per day; and
        (ii) From the date that 75 percent of the sub-zone's hook-and-line 
    gear quota has been harvested until a closure of the west coast sub-
    zone's hook-and-line fishery has been effected under Sec. 642.26--in 
    amounts not exceeding 50 king mackerel per day.
    * * * * *
        (e) Transfer at sea. A person for whom a trip limit specified in 
    paragraph (a), (b)(1)(i), or (b)(2) of this section or a gear 
    limitation specified in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section applies 
    may not transfer at sea from one vessel to another a king mackerel:
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 95-19038 Filed 8-2-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-W

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments must be received on or before August 18, 1995.
39698-39700 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 950725189-5189-01, I.D. 062795A
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
50 CFR 642.7
50 CFR 642.24
50 CFR 642.25
50 CFR 642.27
50 CFR 642.28