95-19236. Toxic Substances; Preliminary Assessment Information Rule Reporting; Response to Comment on the Listing of Isobutyl Alcohol  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 149 (Thursday, August 3, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 39654-39655]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-19236]
    40 CFR Part 712
    [OPPTS-82046B; FRL-4970-4]
    Toxic Substances; Preliminary Assessment Information Rule 
    Reporting; Response to Comment on the Listing of Isobutyl Alcohol
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: Pursuant to 40 CFR 712.30(c) of the Toxic Substances Control 
    Act (TSCA) Section 8(a) Preliminary Assessment Information Rule (PAIR), 
    EPA is revising its decision to add isobutyl alcohol (CAS No. 78-83-1) 
    to the PAIR and is withdrawing it from a final rule published in the 
    Federal Register of July 5, 1995.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule is effective on August 3, 1995.
    Environmental Assistance Office (7408), Office of Pollution Prevention 
    and Toxics, Rm. E-543B, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460, 
    Telephone: (202) 554-1404, TDD: (202) 554-0551, e-mail: TSCA-
    I. Summary of this Action
        EPA issued a final rule adding isobutyl alcohol, among other 
    chemical substances, to the TSCA section 8(a) PAIR (40 CFR part 712), 
    which was published in the Federal Register of July 5, 1995 (60 FR 
    34879). The PAIR provides that chemical substances, mixtures, and 
    categories added by the Interagency Testing Committee to the TSCA 
    section 4(e) Priority List, for testing by the Agency, will be added to 
    the PAIR 30 days after EPA publishes in the Federal Register a rule 
    amendment listing these chemical substances, mixtures, or categories. 
    The PAIR also 
    [[Page 39655]]
    provides that EPA may withdraw substances from the rule, for good 
    cause, prior to the effective date of a substance's listing (40 CFR 
        On July 19, 1995, EPA received a letter from the Oxo Process Panel 
    of the Chemical Manufacturers Association requesting that EPA remove 
    isobutyl alcohol from the PAIR. In the letter, several recent and 
    ongoing activities covering isobutyl alcohol were identified as 
    alternate sources for use and exposure data, including a recent TSCA 
    section 4 rulemaking action (Neurotoxicity Test Rule (58 FR 40262, July 
    27, 1993) and Testing Consent Order Incorporating Enforceable Consent 
    Agreement (60 FR 4516, January 23, 1995)), and the development of a 
    dossier under the Organization for Economic Cooperation and 
    Development's Screening Information Data Set program. The Oxo Process 
    Panel argued that the data generated or collected as part of these 
    other activities make it unnecessary for the Agency to add isobutyl 
    alcohol to the PAIR.
        EPA agrees that information on isobutyl alcohol substantially 
    similar to that which would be required under the PAIR is already or 
    will soon be available. For this reason, EPA is revising its decision 
    to add isobutyl alcohol to the PAIR and withdrawing it from the rule.
    II. Analyses Under E.O. 12866, the Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995, 
    the Regulatory Flexibility Act, and the Paperwork Reduction Act
        Because this action reduces certain pending requirements, this 
    action is not ``significant'' within the meaning of Executive Order 
    12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), and does not impose any Federal 
    mandate on any State, local, or tribal governments or the private 
    sector within the meaning of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
    (Pub. L. 104-4). For the same reasons, pursuant to the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 605(b)), it has been determined that this 
    action will not have a significant economic impact on a significant 
    number of small entities. Additionally, the information collection 
    requirements associated with the PAIR have been approved by OMB under 
    the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501, and have 
    been assigned OMB control number 2070-0054. EPA has determined that 
    this rule eliminates certain pending recordkeeping and reporting 
    III. Rulemaking Record
        The following documents constitute the record for this action 
    (docket control number OPPTS-82046B. These documents are available to 
    the public in the TSCA Nonconfidential Information Center (NCIC), 
    formerly the TSCA Public Docket Office, from 12 noon to 4 p.m., Monday 
    through Friday, excluding legal holidays. TSCA NCIC is located at EPA 
    Headquarters, Rm. NE-B607, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
        1. This final rule.
        2. The final rule adding isobutyl alcohol to the PAIR (60 FR 34979, 
    July 5, 1995).
        3. Letter dated July 19, 1995, from Dr. Langley A. Sperlock, Vice 
    President, CHEMSTAR, Chemical Manufacturers Association, to Susan B. 
    Hazen, Director, Environmental Assistance Division.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 712
        Environmental protection, Chemicals, Hazardous substances, Health 
    and safety data, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: August 1, 1995.
    Denise M. Keehner,
    Acting Director, Chemical Control Division, Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics.
        Therefore, 40 CFR part 712 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 712 continues to read as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2607(a).
    Sec. 712.30  [Amended]
        2. As added in the issue of July 5, 1995, page 34879, in 
    Sec. 712.30(e), under the category OSHA Chemicals in Need of Dermal 
    Absorption Testing, the entire CAS No. entry for 78-83-1 is withdrawn.
    [FR Doc. 95-19236 Filed 8-2-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective on August 3, 1995.
39654-39655 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPPTS-82046B, FRL-4970-4
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
40 CFR 712.30(e)
40 CFR 712.30