98-20625. Agency information collection activities: proposed collection; comment request  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 148 (Monday, August 3, 1998)]
    [Pages 41235-41237]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-20625]
    Energy Information Administration
    Agency information collection activities: proposed collection; 
    comment request
    AGENCY: Energy Information Administration, DOE.
    ACTION: Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; 
    comment request.
    SUMMARY: The Energy Information Administration (EIA) is soliciting 
    comments concerning proposed revisions to the Form EIA-846A/C, 
    ``Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey.''
    DATES: Written comments must be submitted on or before October 2, 1998. 
    If you anticipate that you will be submitting comments, but find it 
    difficult to do so within the period of time allowed by this notice, 
    you should advise the contact listed below of your intention to do so 
    as soon as possible.
    ADDRESSES: Send comments to Mr. Robert K. Adler, Energy Consumption 
    Division, EI-63, Forrestal Building, U.S. Department of Energy, 
    Washington, DC 20585-0660. Mr. Adler's telephone number is (202) 586-
    1134, FAX number (202) 586-0018. His Internet address is: 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or 
    copies of the form and instructions should be directed to Robert K. 
    Adler at the address listed above.
    I. Background
    II. Current Actions
    III. Request for Comments
    I. Background
        In order to fulfill its responsibilities under the Federal Energy 
    Administration Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-275) and the Department of 
    Energy Organization Act (Pub. L. 95-91), the Energy Information 
    Administration (EIA) is obliged to carry out a central, comprehensive, 
    and unified energy data and information program. As part of this 
    program, EIA collects, evaluates, assembles, analyzes, and disseminates 
    data and information related to energy resource reserves, production, 
    demand, and technology, and related economic and statistical 
    information relevant to the adequacy of energy resources to meet 
    demands in the near and longer term future for the Nation's economic 
    and social needs.
        The EIA, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and 
    respondent burden (required by the
    [[Page 41236]]
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13)), conducts a presurvey 
    consultation program to provide the general public and other Federal 
    agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing 
    reporting forms. This program helps to prepare data requests in the 
    desired format, minimize reporting burden, develop clearly 
    understandable reporting forms, and assess the impact of collection 
    requirements on respondents. Also, EIA will later seek approval by the 
    Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the collections under Section 
    3507(h) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, Title 
    44, U.S.C. Chapter 35).
        The Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) is a mail survey 
    designed to collect energy consumption and expenditures data from 
    establishments in the manufacturing sector (Standard Industrial 
    Classification (SIC) 20 through 39). There are 3 MECS data collection 
    forms, depending on the establishment's SIC. Form EIA-846A collects 
    information for SIC's 20 through 39 except for SIC's 24, 26, 28, 29, 
    3312, 3321, 3331, and 3339. Form EIA-846B is for establishments 
    operating primarily in the petroleum refining industry (SIC 2911). Form 
    EIA-846C is for establishments in SIC's 24, 26, 28, 29 (excluding 
    2911), 3312, 3321, 3331, and 3339.
        For the 1998 MECS, it is proposed to collect the following data 
    from each MECS establishment: (1) For each energy source consumed--
    consumption (total, fuel and nonfuel uses) and the expenditures for 
    each energy source, energy storage (as applicable), and energy produced 
    onsite; (2) energy end uses; (3) energy-saving technologies; (4) energy 
    management activities; and (5) square footage and number of buildings 
    in the establishment.
        The MECS has been conducted four times previously, covering the 
    years 1985, 1988, 1991, and 1994. In all four survey years, the MECS 
    has collected baseline data on manufacturers' energy consumption and 
    fuel-switching capabilities. In the 1991 and 1994 surveys, the MECS 
    also collected data on end-uses, energy management technologies, 
    building square footage, and energy-saving technologies. The MECS forms 
    the basis for a major publication on energy consumption, Manufacturing 
    Consumption of Energy, 1994. Additionally, the MECS data and tables 
    form the basis for an Internet site (http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/mecs) 
    in which are found numerous data tables, past publications, and 
    articles. The 1998 MECS will also be used to update the changes in 
    energy intensity data series.
        The proposed 1998 MECS uses experience gained from the 
    administration and processing of the four previous surveys and past 
    consultations with respondents, trade association representatives, and 
    data users. EIA is continuing to pursue many avenues to obtain advice 
    and needs for data from customers concerning manufacturing energy data. 
    On the EIA site is a survey of user needs (found at http://
    www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/mecs/webque98.html). Past MECS customers from 
    trade associations, government, private industry, academia, and other 
    sectors have been contacted through the mail directly to give them an 
    opportunity to express their needs. A few manufacturing establishments 
    have participated in onsite cognitive interviews to test respondents' 
    ability to answer certain proposed sections of the MECS. This notice 
    serves as another opportunity for customers to express their needs for 
    manufacturing energy data.
    II. Current Actions
        EIA proposes making several changes to the 1998 MECS. Decreases in 
    survey funding have necessitated certain actions to adjust to the 
    reduced level of funding while still maintaining the usefulness of the 
    core program. For that reason, the MECS cycle has changed from once 
    every three years to once every four years. A second consequence of the 
    reduced budget is that the designed sample size of the MECS must be 
    reduced from approximately 23,000 to approximately 17,000 cases (a cut 
    of 26 percent). The cut in sample size means that the finest geographic 
    breakdown of the data available will be at the four Census Regions 
    level, rather than at the nine Census Divisions level that were 
    available from the 1994 survey. Finally, again for budgetary reasons, 
    EIA is proposing to no collect fuel-switching data. Although minor 
    changes have been discernable, data from the previous surveys has shown 
    that the relationship between switchability and consumption has been 
    relatively stable over the years covered by the MECS.
        The 1998 MECS will have a substantially altered appearance. It will 
    take advantage of recent forms design research in order to make it 
    easier for respondents to understand and respond to the survey. Prime 
    among the changes is the replacing of the matrix or tabular format with 
    a format that is sequential by energy source. Most of the necessary 
    instructions are built into the questionnaire itself, rather than 
    relying on separate instruction sheets. The questionnaire will be 
    reformatted to fit a standard page (8.5 by 11 inches). The resulting 
    questionnaire will contain more pages, but should be much easier for 
    the respondent to complete.
        EIA, in conjunction with the Bureau of the Census, is exploring 
    ways to have data presented in terms of the new North American Industry 
    Classification System (NAICS) and the Standard Industrial 
    Classification (SIC) system. In MECS cycles after 1998, all data will 
    be presented in terms of NAICS.
        Other than the removal of fuel-switching, much of the content of 
    the 1994 MECS data collection will remain for the 1998 MECS, with the 
    following exceptions:
        1. The 1998 MECS will not contain questions relating to lists or 
    other records of motors present at the establishment. This deletion is 
    in keeping with the agreement EIA had with industry during the 1994 
    questionnaire design process that this data collection would be a one-
    time effort.
        2. Due to the importance of understanding the ongoing changes in 
    the natural gas industry, the 1998 MECS will have some additional 
    questions relating to the type of purchase made. Specifically, EIA is 
    considering asking about purchases from the local utility and 
    nonutility purchases; the type of rate schedule the purchaser uses; 
    and, for some nonutility purchasers, the breakdown of costs associated 
    with purchasing and transporting the gas from the point-of-purchase to 
    the establishment.
        3. The list of energy-saving technologies will be updated. The DOE 
    Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy has already reviewed 
    the list and provided input to EIA.
        4. EIA is exploring ways to adapt the electricity section to fit 
    the new deregulated environment. Because very few manufacturing 
    establishments would be eligible to purchase electricity from other 
    than their local utilities in 1998, the expectation is that any changes 
    in the electricity section would be minor.
        5. The questions concerning participation in energy management 
    activities will be changed: electric utility participation will no 
    longer be asked about.
    III. Request for Comments
        Prospective respondents and other interested parties should comment 
    on the actions discussed in item II. The following guidelines are 
    provided to assist in the preparation of responses.
    [[Page 41237]]
    General Issues
        A. Is the proposed collection of information necessary for the 
    proper performance of the functions of the agency and does the 
    information have practical utility? Practical utility is defined as the 
    actual usefulness of information to or for an agency, taking into 
    account its accuracy, adequacy, reliability, timeliness, and the 
    agency's ability to process the information it collects.
        B. What enhancements can EIA make to the quality, utility, and 
    clarity of the information to be collected?
    As a Potential Respondent
        A. Are the instructions and definitions clear and sufficient? If 
    not, which instructions require clarification?
        B. Can data be submitted by the due date?
        C. Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to 
    average 9 hours per response. Burden includes the total time, effort, 
    or financial resources expended to generate, maintain, retain, or 
    disclose or provide the information.
        Please comment on (1) the accuracy of our estimate and (2) how the 
    agency could minimize the burden of the collection of information, 
    including the use of information technology.
        D. EIA estimates that respondents will incur no additional costs 
    for reporting other than the hours required to complete the collection. 
    What is the estimated: (1) total dollar amount annualized for capital 
    and start-up costs, and (2) recurring annual costs of operation and 
    maintenance, and purchase of services associated with this data 
        E. Do you know of any other Federal, State, or local agency that 
    collects similar data? If you do, specify the agency, the data 
    element(s), and the methods of collection.
    As a Potential User
        A. Can you use data at the levels of detail indicated on the form?
        B. For what purpose would you use the data? Be specific.
        C. Are there alternate sources of data and do you use them? If so, 
    what are their deficiencies and/or strengths?
        D. Are there additional energy-savings technologies not already 
    included on the MECS for which data on their penetration would be 
        Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized 
    and/or included in the request for OMB approval of the form. They also 
    will become a matter of public record.
        Statutory Authority: Section 3506 (c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. No. 104-13).
        Issued in Washington, DC, July 24, 1998.
    Jay H. Casselberry,
    Agency Clearance Officer, Statistics and Methods Group, Energy 
    Information Administration.
    [FR Doc. 98-20625 Filed 7-31-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Information Administration
Entry Type:
Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request.
Document Number:
Written comments must be submitted on or before October 2, 1998. If you anticipate that you will be submitting comments, but find it difficult to do so within the period of time allowed by this notice, you should advise the contact listed below of your intention to do so as soon as possible.
41235-41237 (3 pages)
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