99-20034. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for the Tidewater Goby  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 148 (Tuesday, August 3, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 42250-42263]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-20034]
    [[Page 42249]]
    Part VI
    Department of the Interior
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Designation of 
    Critical Habitat for the Tidewater Goby; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 148 / Tuesday, August 3, 1999 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 42250]]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AF73
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed 
    Designation of Critical Habitat for the Tidewater Goby
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: We, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, propose designation 
    of critical habitat pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as 
    amended (Act), for the tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi). The 
    species is now classified as endangered throughout its entire range. We 
    recently determined, however, that north of Orange County, California, 
    more populations exist than were known at the time of the listing, that 
    the threats to those populations are less severe than previously 
    believed, and that the tidewater goby has a greater ability than was 
    known in 1994 to recolonize habitats from which it is temporarily 
    absent. Based on this new information, we recently proposed removal of 
    the northern populations of tidewater goby from protection under the 
    Act. We also determined that the Orange and San Diego, California, 
    Counties population of tidewater gobies constitutes a distinct 
    population segment (DPS) that is genetically distinct and that 
    continues to be threatened by habitat loss and degradation, predation 
    by non-native species, and extreme weather and streamflow conditions. 
    Therefore, we proposed that this DPS be retained as an endangered 
    species on the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. This 
    proposed critical habitat designation for the tidewater goby 
    encompasses areas within that proposed DPS. Section 4 of the Act 
    requires us to consider economic and other impacts of specifying any 
    particular area as critical habitat. We solicit data and comments from 
    the public on all aspects of this proposal, including data on the 
    economic and other impacts of the designation. We may revise this 
    proposal to incorporate or address new information received during the 
    comment period.
    DATES: We will accept comments from all interested parties until 
    October 4, 1999. Public hearing requests must be received by September 
    17, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Send written comments and other materials concerning this 
    proposal to Mr. Ken Berg, Field Supervisor, Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife 
    Office, 2730 Loker Avenue West, Carlsbad, California 92008. Comments 
    and materials received will be available for public inspection, by 
    appointment, during normal business hours at the above address.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Glen Knowles at the above address; 
    telephone 760/431-9440, facsimile 760/431-5902.
        The tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi) is a small, elongate, 
    grey-brown fish not exceeding 50 millimeters (mm) (2 inches (in.)) 
    standard length and is characterized by large, dusky pectoral fins and 
    a ventral sucker-like disk formed by the complete fusion of the pelvic 
    fins. The tidewater goby is a short-lived species, apparently having an 
    annual life cycle (Irwin and Soltz 1984, Swift et al. 1997). The 
    tidewater goby is the only member of the monotypic genus Eucyclogobius, 
    and is in the family Gobiidae. It was first described in 1857 by Girard 
    as Gobius newberryi. Based on Girard's specimens, Gill (1862) erected 
    the genus Eucyclogobius for this distinctive species. The majority of 
    scientists have accepted this classification (e.g., Bailey et al. 1970, 
    Miller and Lea 1972, Hubbs et al. 1979, Robins et al. 1991, Eschmeyer 
    et al. 1983). A few older works including Ginsburg (1945) placed the 
    tidewater goby and the eight related eastern Pacific species into the 
    genus Lepidogobius. This classification includes the currently 
    recognized genera Lepidogobius, Clevelandia, Ilypnus, Quietula, and 
    Eucyclogobius. Birdsong et al. (1988) coined the informal Chasmichthys 
    species group, recognizing the phyletic relationship of the eastern 
    Pacific group with species in the northwestern Pacific.
        Crabtree's (1985) allozyme work on tidewater gobies from 12 
    localities throughout the range shows fixed allelic differences at the 
    extreme northern (Lake Earl, Humboldt Bay) and southern (Canada de Agua 
    Caliente, Winchester Canyon, and San Onofre Lagoon) ends of the range. 
    The northern and southern populations are genetically distinct from 
    each other and from the central populations sampled. The more centrally 
    distributed populations are relatively similar to each other (Brush 
    Creek, Estero Americano, Corcoran Lagoon, Arroyo de Corral, Morro Bay, 
    Santa Ynez River, and Jalama Creek). Crabtree's results indicated that 
    there is a low level of gene flow (movement of individuals) among the 
    northern, central, and southern parts of the range. However, Lafferty 
    et al. (in prep.) point out that Crabtree's sites were widely 
    distributed geographically, and may not be indicative of gene flow on 
    more local levels. Lafferty's work is discussed in more detail below.
        David Jacobs (University of California, Los Angeles, Department of 
    Organismic Biology, Ecology and Evolution, in litt., 1998) recently 
    began an analysis of mitochondrial genetic material from tidewater goby 
    populations ranging from Humboldt to San Diego Counties. Preliminary 
    results indicate that the San Diego gobies have long been separated 
    from other gobies along the coast. These southernmost populations 
    likely began diverging from the remainder of the gobies in excess of 
    100,000 years ago.
        The tidewater goby is endemic to California, and is unique in that 
    it is restricted to coastal brackish water habitats. Historically, the 
    species ranged from Tillas Slough (mouth of the Smith River, Del Norte 
    County) near the Oregon border to Agua Hedionda Lagoon (northern San 
    Diego County). Within the range of the tidewater goby, shallow, 
    brackish water conditions occur in two relatively distinct situations: 
    (1) The upper edge of tidal bays, such as Tomales, Bolinas, and San 
    Francisco Bays near the entrance of freshwater tributaries, and (2) the 
    coastal lagoons formed at the mouths of small to large coastal rivers, 
    streams, or seasonally wet canyons, along most of the length of 
    California. Few well authenticated records of this species are known 
    from marine environments outside of enclosed coastal lagoons and 
    estuaries (Swift et al. 1989).
        The tidewater goby is often found in waters of relatively low 
    salinities (around 10 parts per thousand (ppt)) in the uppermost 
    brackish zone of larger estuaries and coastal lagoons. The fish can 
    tolerate a wide range of salinities, however, (Swift et al. 1989, 1997; 
    Worcester 1992, Worcester and Lea 1996), and is frequently found 
    throughout lagoons. Tidewater gobies regularly range upstream into 
    fresh water, and downstream into water of up to 28 ppt salinity 
    (Worcester 1992, Swenson 1995). Specimens have also been collected at 
    salinities as high as 42 ppt (Swift et al. 1989). The species' 
    tolerance of high salinities (up to 60 ppt for varying time periods) 
    likely enables it to withstand exposure to the marine environment, 
    allowing it to colonize or re-establish in lagoons and estuaries 
    following flood events (Swift et al. 1989; Worcester and Lea 1996; 
    Lafferty et al. in prep.).
        Tidewater gobies are usually collected in water less than 1 meter 
    (m) (3 feet (ft)) deep; many localities have no area
    [[Page 42251]]
    deeper than this (Wang 1982, Irvin and Soltz 1984; Swenson 1995). 
    However, it has been found in waters over 1 m in depth (Worcester 1992, 
    Lafferty and Altstatt 1995; Swift et al. 1997; Smith 1998). In lagoons 
    and estuaries with deeper water, the failure to collect gobies may be 
    due to the inadequacy of the sampling methods, rather than the lack of 
    gobies (Worcester 1992, Lafferty 1997, Smith 1998).
        Tidewater gobies often migrate upstream into tributaries up to 2.0 
    kilometers (km) (1.2 miles) (mi) from the estuary. However, in San 
    Antonio Creek and the Santa Ynez River in Santa Barbara County, 
    tidewater gobies are often collected 5-8 km (3-5 mi) upstream of the 
    tidal or lagoonal areas, sometimes in beaver-impounded sections of 
    streams (Swift et al. 1989). The fish move upstream in summer and fall, 
    as sub-adults and adults. There is little evidence of reproduction in 
    these upper areas (Swift et al. 1997).
        Populations originally inhabiting tidal areas, such as those found 
    in San Francisco Bay, rarely were studied before they disappeared, and 
    none remain to adequately study the use of truly tidal conditions by 
    this species. Several of the lagoonal habitats have been converted by 
    human activities into tidal harbors and bays, such as Humboldt Bay, 
    Elkhorn Slough, Morro Bay and Santa Margarita River, among others 
    (Swift et al. 1989, 1993). Populations recently present in these 
    artificially created tidal situations have disappeared in the last 5 to 
    10 years. The only tidal system in which tidewater gobies remain is 
    Humboldt Bay (Swift et al. 1989).
        The life history of tidewater gobies is keyed to the annual cycles 
    of the coastal lagoons and estuaries (Swift et al. 1989, 1994; Swenson 
    1994, 1995). Water in estuaries, lagoons and bays is at its lowest 
    salinity during the winter and spring as a result of precipitation and 
    runoff. During this time, high runoff causes the sandbars at the mouths 
    of the lagoons to breach, allowing mixing of the relatively fresh 
    estuarine and lagoon waters with seawater. This annual building and 
    breaching of the sandbars is part of the normal dynamics of the systems 
    in which the tidewater goby has evolved (Zedler 1982, Lafferty and 
    Alstatt 1995, Heasly et al. 1997). The time of sandbar closure varies 
    greatly among systems and years, and typically occurs from spring to 
    late summer. Summer salinity in the lagoon depends upon the amount of 
    freshwater inflow at the time of sandbar formation (Zedler 1982, Heasly 
    et al. 1997).
        Males begin digging breeding burrows 75 to 100 mm (3-4 in.) deep, 
    usually in relatively unconsolidated, clean, coarse sand averaging 0.5 
    mm (0.02 in.) in diameter, in April or May (Swift et al. 1989; Swenson 
    1994, 1995). Swenson (1995) demonstrated that tidewater gobies prefer 
    this substrate in the laboratory, but also found tidewater gobies 
    digging breeding burrows in mud in the wild (Swenson 1994). Inter-
    burrow distances range from about 5 to 275 centimeters (cm) (2 to 110 
    in) (Swenson 1995). Females lay about 100 to000 eggs per clutch, 
    averaging 400 eggs/clutch, with clutch size depending on the size of 
    both the female and the male. Females can lay more than one clutch of 
    eggs over their lifespan, with captive females spawning 6-12 times 
    (Swenson 1995). Spawning frequency in wild females probably varies due 
    to fluctuations in food supply and other environmental conditions. Male 
    gobies remain in the burrow to guard the eggs that are attached to sand 
    grains in the walls of the burrow. Males also spawn more than once per 
    season (Swenson 1995), and have been observed guarding multiple 
    clutches in the same burrow (Swift et al. 1989, Swenson 1995). Males 
    frequently go at least for a few weeks without feeding, and this 
    probably contributes to mid-summer mortality (Swift et al. 1989; 
    Swenson 1994, 1995).
        Reproduction peaks during spring to mid-summer, late April or May 
    to July, and can continue into November or December depending on the 
    seasonal temperature and rainfall. Reproduction sometimes increases 
    slightly in the fall (Swift et al. 1989). Reproduction takes place from 
    15-20 degrees Celsius ( deg.C) (60-65 degrees Fahrenheit ( deg.F)) and 
    at salinities of 0-25 ppt (Swift et al. 1989; Swenson 1994, 1995). 
    Typically, winter rains and cold weather interrupt spawning, but in 
    some warm years reproduction may occur throughout the year (Goldberg 
    1977, Wang 1984). Goldberg (1977) showed by histological analysis that 
    females have the potential to lay eggs all year in southern California, 
    but this rarely has been documented. Length-frequency data from 
    southern and central California (Swift et al. 1989; Swenson 1994, 1995) 
    and age data analysis from otoliths from central California populations 
    (Swift et al. 1997) indicate that tidewater gobies are an annual 
    species and typically live one year or less.
        Tidewater goby eggs hatch in 7-10 days at temperatures of 15-18 
    deg.C (60-65  deg.F) at lengths of 4-7 mm (0.2 in.). The newly hatched 
    larvae are planktonic (float in water column) for one to a few days and 
    once they reach 8-18 mm (0.3-0.8 in.) in length, become substrate 
    oriented. All larger size classes are substrate oriented and, although 
    little habitat segregation by size has been noted (Swift et al. 1989, 
    Swenson 1995), Worcester (1992) did find that larval gobies in Pico 
    Creek Lagoon tended to use the deeper portion of the lagoon. 
    Individuals collected in marshes appear to be larger (43-45 mm (1.7-1.8 
    in.) standard length) than those collected in open areas of lagoons 
    (32-35 mm (1.3-1.4 in.) standard length) (Swenson 1995).
        Studies of the tidewater goby's feeding habits suggest that it is a 
    generalist. At all sizes examined, tidewater gobies feed on small 
    invertebrates, usually mysids, amphipods, ostracods, snails, and 
    aquatic insect larvae, particularly dipterans (Irwin and Soltz 1984; 
    Swift et al. 1989; Swenson 1994, 1995). The food items of the smallest 
    tidewater gobies (4-8 mm (0.2-0.3 in.)) have not been examined, but 
    they probably feed on unicellular phytoplankton or zooplankton similar 
    to many other early stage larval fishes (Swenson and McCray 1996).
        Tidewater gobies are preyed upon by native species such as prickly 
    sculpin (Cottus asper), staghorn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus), starry 
    flounder (Platichthys californicus) (Swift et al. 1997), and possibly 
    steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Swift et al. 1989). However, tidewater 
    gobies were found in stomachs of only 6 percent of nearly 120 of the 
    latter three species examined, and comprised less than 20 percent by 
    volume of the prey. Predation by the native Sacramento perch 
    (Archoplites interruptus) and tule perch (Hysterocarpus traski) may 
    have prevented tidewater gobies from inhabiting the San Francisco Bay 
    delta (Swift et al. 1989), although direct documentation to support 
    this hypothesis is lacking.
        Non-native African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) also prey upon 
    tidewater gobies (Lafferty and Page 1997), although this is probably 
    not a significant source of mortality due to the limited distribution 
    of this species in tidewater goby habitats. The frogs are killed by the 
    higher salinities that occur when the lagoons are breached (Glenn 
    Greenwald, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, pers. obs.). Several non-
    native fish species also prey on tidewater gobies. The shimofuri goby 
    (Tridentiger bifasciatus), which has become established in the San 
    Francisco Bay region (Matern and Fleming 1995), may compete with the 
    smaller tidewater goby, based on dietary overlap (Swenson 1995) and 
    foraging and reproductive behavioral alterations in captivity. 
    Shimofuri gobies eat juvenile tidewater gobies in captivity, but
    [[Page 42252]]
    usually were unable to catch subadult and adult tidewater gobies 
    (Swenson and Matern 1995). Evidence of predation or competition in the 
    wild is lacking (Swenson 1998). Some authors hypothesize that 
    competition occurs between tidewater gobies and yellowfin 
    (Acanthogobius flavimanus) and chameleon (Tridentiger trigonocephalus) 
    gobies. Although Wang (1984) found that yellowfin gobies do prey on 
    tidewater gobies, no data were presented indicating the extent of such 
    interactions, nor has there been any further documentation of such 
    competitive or predatory interactions with either species. Shapovalov 
    and Taft (1954) documented the non-native striped bass (Morone 
    saxatilis) preying on tidewater gobies in Waddell Creek Lagoon, but 
    stated that striped bass were found only infrequently in the areas 
    inhabited by the goby. Sunfishes and black bass (centrarchids) have 
    been introduced in or near coastal lagoons and may prey heavily on 
    tidewater gobies under some conditions. Predation by young-of-the-year 
    largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) on tidewater gobies was 
    documented in one system (Santa Ynez River), where tidewater gobies 
    accounted for 61 percent of the prey volume of 55 percent (10 of 18) of 
    the juvenile bass sampled (Swift et al. 1997). Although tidewater 
    gobies disappeared soon after centrarchids were introduced at several 
    localities, direct evidence that the introductions led to the 
    extirpations is lacking (Swift et al. 1989, 1994; Rathbun et al. 1991). 
    In at least one location, tidewater gobies have re-established 
        Lafferty et al. (in prep.) monitored persistence of 17 tidewater 
    goby populations in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles Counties during and 
    after the heavy winter flows of 1995. All 17 populations persisted 
    after the high flows and no significant changes in population sizes 
    were detected. In addition, gobies apparently colonized Canada Honda, 
    approximately 10 km (6 mi) from the closest known population, during or 
    after the flooding (Swift et al. 1997). Lafferty et al. (in prep.) 
    proposed that flood events such as those that occurred in 1995 act as 
    mechanisms of dispersal by washing gobies out into the ocean's littoral 
    zone where they are carried by longshore currents to other estuaries 
    down the coast. As Swenson (in prep.) points out, Lafferty's work 
    suggests that populations at the northern ends of population clusters 
    are more likely than southern populations to serve as source 
    populations. Lafferty et al. (in prep.) estimated the extirpation and 
    recolonization rates for 37 populations in southern California, based 
    on over 250 presence-absence records, found a high rate of 
    recolonization. The results suggest that there is more gene flow among 
    populations within geographic clusters (e.g., northern California, San 
    Francisco Bay, Santa Cruz, San Luis Obispo and south) than previously 
    believed. They also found a positive association between tidewater goby 
    presence and wet years, suggesting that flooding may contribute to 
    recolonization of sites from which gobies have temporarily disappeared.
        Lagoons in which tidewater gobies are found range in size from less 
    than 0.10 hectare (ha) (0.25 acres (ac)) of surface area to about 800 
    ha (2000 ac). Most lagoons with tidewater goby populations are in the 
    range of 0.5-5.0 ha (1.25-12.5 ac). Surveys of tidewater goby 
    localities and historical records indicate that size, configuration, 
    location, and access by humans are all related to persistence of 
    populations (Swift et al. 1989, 1994). Watered surface areas smaller 
    than about 2 ha (5 ac) generally have histories of extinction, 
    extirpation, or population reduction to very low levels, although some 
    as small as 0.35 ha (0.86 ac) have been identified as having permanent 
    tidewater goby populations (Swift et al. 1997, Lafferty 1997, Heasly et 
    al. 1997). As evidenced by the Canada Honda colonization (Swift et al. 
    1997), relatively long distances are not obstacles to colonization or 
    re-establishment. Many of the small lagoons with histories of 
    intermittent populations are within 1-2 km (0.6-1.2 mi) of larger 
    lagoons that can act as sources of colonizing gobies.
        The largest localities have not proven to be the best for the 
    species, as evidenced by the loss of tidewater gobies from San 
    Francisco and Morro Bays and the Santa Margarita River estuary. Today, 
    the most stable and largest populations are in lagoons and estuaries of 
    intermediate sizes, 2-50 ha (5-125 ac) that have remained relatively 
    unaffected by human activities, although some systems that are heavily 
    affected or altered also have relatively large, stable populations 
    (e.g., Humboldt Bay, Humboldt County, Santa Clara River, Ventura 
    County, Santa Ynez River, Santa Barbara County, Pismo Creek, and San 
    Luis Obispo County). In many cases, these probably have provided the 
    colonists for the smaller ephemeral sites (Swift et al.1997; Lafferty 
    et al. in prep.).
    Previous Federal Action
        We first classified the tidewater goby as a Category 2 candidate 
    species in 1982 (47 FR 58454). It was reclassified as a Category 1 
    candidate in 1991 (56 FR 58804) based on status and threat information 
    in Swift et al. (1989). At that time, Category 2 candidates were those 
    taxa for which information in our possession indicated that proposing 
    to list as endangered or threatened was possibly appropriate, but for 
    which conclusive data on biological vulnerability and threats were not 
    currently available to support a listing proposal. Category 1 candidate 
    species, now referred to as candidate species, were those taxa for 
    which we had on file, substantial information on biological 
    vulnerability and threats to support a proposal to list as threatened 
    or endangered. On October 24, 1990, we received a petition from Dr. 
    Camm Swift, Associate Curator of Fishes at the Los Angeles Museum of 
    Natural History, to list the tidewater goby as endangered. Our finding 
    that the requested action may be warranted was published on March 22, 
    1991 (56 FR 12146). A proposal to list the tidewater goby as an 
    endangered species was published on December 11, 1992 (57 FR 58770). On 
    March 7, 1994, the tidewater goby was listed as a federally endangered 
    species (59 FR 5494). At that time, we did not designate critical 
    habitat, explaining that:
        In the case of the tidewater goby, critical habitat is not 
    presently determinable. A final designation of critical habitat 
    requires detailed information on the possible economic effects of 
    such a designation. The Service does not currently have sufficient 
    information needed to perform the economic analysis (59 FR 5495).
        On September 18, 1998, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 
    filed a lawsuit in Federal District Court in California against the 
    United States Department of the Interior et al. for failure to 
    designate critical habitat for the tidewater goby. On April 5, 1999, 
    Judge Carlos R. Moreno ordered that the ``Service publish a proposed 
    critical habitat designation for the tidewater goby in 120 days'' 
    (Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. v. United States Department of 
    the Interior et al. CV 98-7596).
        The processing of this proposed critical habitat designation does 
    not conform with our current Listing Priority Guidance (LPG) for FY 
    1998/1999. That guidance gives the highest priority (Tier 1) to 
    processing emergency rules to add species to the Lists of Endangered 
    and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; second priority
    [[Page 42253]]
    (Tier 2) to processing final determinations on proposals to add species 
    to the lists, processing new listing proposals, processing 
    administrative findings on petitions (to add species to the lists, 
    delist species, or reclassify listed species), and processing a limited 
    number of proposed and final rules to delist or reclassify species; and 
    third priority (Tier 3) to processing proposed and final rules 
    designating critical habitat. Our Pacific Region is currently working 
    on Tier 1 and 2 actions; however, we are undertaking this Tier 3 action 
    in order to comply with the above-mentioned court order.
        On June 24, 1999, we proposed, based on our re-evaluation of the 
    species status throughout its range, to delist the northern populations 
    of the tidewater goby, and to retain the tidewater goby populations in 
    Orange and San Diego Counties as endangered (64 FR 33816). We 
    determined that north of Orange County, more populations exist than 
    were known at the time of the listing, that threats to those 
    populations are less severe than previously believed, and that the 
    tidewater goby has a greater ability to recolonize habitats from which 
    it is temporarily absent than was known in 1994. We determined that the 
    Orange and San Diego Counties populations of tidewater gobies are 
    genetically distinct, and represent a DPS. We further determined that 
    this DPS, comprised of gobies from only six localities, continues to be 
    threatened by habitat loss and degradation, predation by nonnative 
    species, and extreme weather and streamflow conditions. Therefore, we 
    proposed that populations north of Orange County be removed from the 
    List of Endangered and Threatened Animals, and that the southern DPS of 
    tidewater gobies be retained as an endangered species on the list.
        Other Federal involvement with the tidewater goby following the 
    initial listing has included section 7 consultations, permitting of 
    breaching and other activities in lagoons through the Clean Water Act, 
    section 404 process by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), and 
    contributed funding to conduct research and surveys. Measures to reduce 
    impacts to tidewater goby habitat and reduce or eliminate the potential 
    for take of individuals have included adjusting the timing of projects 
    to avoid disruption to breeding activities, the use of silt fencing to 
    reduce sediment loads and as barricades around project sites, 
    installing cofferdams above and below project sites, removal and 
    translocation of animals found within the exclosures prior to necessary 
    dewatering of project sites, minimizing project impacted area, and 
    requiring qualified biologists to oversee all activities.
    Critical Habitat
        Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the Act as--(i) the 
    specific areas within the geographic area occupied by a species, at the 
    time it is listed in accordance with the Act, on which are found those 
    physical or biological features (I) essential to the conservation of 
    the species and (II) that may require special management considerations 
    or protection and; (ii) specific areas outside the geographic area 
    occupied by a species at the time it is listed, upon a determination 
    that such areas are essential for the conservation of the species. 
    ``Conservation'' means the use of all methods and procedures that are 
    necessary to bring an endangered species or a threatened species to the 
    point at which listing under the Act is no longer necessary.
        Because the best available information led us to conclude that the 
    northern tidewater goby populations are no longer endangered and were 
    thus proposed for delisting, we also have concluded that the 
    designation of critical habitat for those Northern populations is not 
    appropriate. We then evaluated benefits to the tidewater goby that 
    could result from critical habitat designation in the southern portion 
    of its range, Orange and San Diego Counties. Tidewater gobies and their 
    habitats in Orange and San Diego Counties are described in detail in 
    the March 7, 1994, final rule listing the species as endangered (59 FR 
    5494). All of the areas currently thought to be inhabited by the 
    southern DPS of the tidewater goby are owned and controlled by the 
    Federal government. The other areas we evaluated for possible 
    designation are either owned and controlled by the Federal government 
    or are non-Federal lands with a Federal nexus (by virtue of regulation 
    under section 404 of the Clean Water Act).
        The possible benefits of critical habitat designation include 
    initiating the section 7 consultation requirement in areas currently 
    unoccupied by the goby. Another possible benefit to the tidewater goby 
    stemming from the designation of critical habitat is ensuring that 
    important habitat and habitat features essential to the tidewater goby 
    are identified for the purposes of Federal agency planning and 
    identifying precise areas where section 7 consultation will be required 
    for unoccupied sites.
        To our knowledge, the tidewater goby is not currently threatened by 
    take, collection, or intentional acts of vandalism, and we have no 
    evidence that these threats would be precipitated by designating 
    critical habitat. Thus, the apparent benefits to designating critical 
    habitat are not counterbalanced by any risks, and we find that 
    designating critical habitat for the tidewater goby is prudent.
    Proposed Designation--Occupied Habitat
        In accordance with section 3(5)(A)(i) of the Act, for habitat 
    occupied by the species, critical habitat is defined as specific areas 
    that contain those physical or biological features that are essential 
    to the conservation of the species and that may require special 
    management considerations or protection. The habitat features (primary 
    constituent elements) that provide for the physiological, behavioral, 
    and ecological requirements essential for the conservation of the 
    species are described at 50 CFR 424.12, and include, but are not 
    limited to, the following:
        Space for individual and population growth, and for normal 
        Food, water, or other nutritional or physiological requirements;
        Cover or shelter;
        Sites for breeding, reproduction, or rearing of offspring; and
        Habitats that are protected from disturbance or are representative 
    of the historic geographical and ecological distributions of a species.
        The primary constituent habitat elements for the tidewater goby 
    were determined from studies on their habitat requirements and 
    population biology (Lafferty et al. in prep.; Manion 1993; Swensen 
    1994, 1995, 1998; Swift 1989) and include habitat components that are 
    essential to the biological needs of foraging, nest construction, 
    spawning, sheltering, and dispersal. The primary constituent elements 
    for the tidewater goby are coastal lagoons and estuary systems 
    supported by a natural hydrological regime and an environment free from 
    exotic predatory fishes. These elements are discussed in detail below.
        Coastal lagoons and estuaries with natural hydrology generally 
    provide several specific habitat elements that gobies require. For 
    instance, aquatic systems supported by a natural hydrological regime 
    are often characterized by a combination of slightly different habitat 
    types: freshwater creek, brackish lagoon, and coastal salt marsh. This 
    habitat heterogeneity generally ensures that some streamflow continues 
    and deep pockets of permanent water remain as
    [[Page 42254]]
    refugia during times of drought; provides for a variety of substrate 
    types, of which sand and coarse silt are necessary for construction of 
    burrows; and provides for structural complexity of the stream channel, 
    which supports various types of aquatic and emergent vegetation. This 
    structural complexity and presence of vegetation may ensure that all 
    gobies are not washed out to sea during flood events (Swensen 1995). 
    Lastly, lagoons and estuaries with a natural hydrological regime and 
    corresponding habitat complexity generally provide for the diversity of 
    prey species (e.g., aquatic invertebrates including aquatic insect 
    larvae, ostracods, crustaceans, and snails) that gobies require.
        The second constituent element of tidewater goby habitat is a 
    system that is free from exotic species. Exotic fishes can devastate 
    tidewater goby populations through competition and predation. 
    Largemouth bass, black bass, sunfishes, stripped bass, shimofuri 
    gobies, and yellowfin gobies have all been suspected of preying on 
    tidewater gobies. African clawed frogs are another exotic species that 
    have been found to prey on tidewater gobies. Keeping exotic species out 
    of occupied goby habitats, and eliminating them from potential 
    reestablishment sites will be crucial to the conservation of the goby.
        The primary constituent elements are found in all of the six areas 
    occupied by the tidewater goby. These areas are San Onofre Creek, Las 
    Flores Creek, Hidden Creek, Aliso Creek, French Creek, and Cockleburr 
    Creek, all of which are on the Marine Corps base, Camp Pendleton. In 
    each of the areas, however, all of these habitat elements are, to 
    varying degrees, degraded or imperiled by a combination of human-caused 
    and natural factors (see analysis in the June 24, 1999 proposed rule to 
    delist the northern population; 64 FR 33816), and therefore require 
    special management considerations or protection. The six areas 
    currently occupied by the proposed southern DPS of the tidewater goby 
    are proposed for designation as critical habitat.
    Proposed Designation--Unoccupied Habitat
        In accordance with section 3(5)(A)(i) of the Act, areas outside the 
    geographical area occupied by the species may meet the definition of 
    critical habitat upon determination that they are essential for the 
    conservation of the species. We identified the unoccupied lagoons and 
    estuaries where gobies occurred in the past and evaluated those that 
    might be essential to the conservation of the species. The proposed 
    southern DPS of the tidewater goby is in danger of becoming extinct 
    because of habitat conversion over the last few decades (i.e., altered 
    hydrology), which has resulted in habitat loss and local extinctions. 
    The six remaining occupied habitat areas, discussed above, represent a 
    remnant of the former range that once extended from Aliso Creek, Orange 
    County in the north to Agua Hedionda Lagoon, San Diego County in the 
    south. Even the remaining populations are threatened by human-caused 
    habitat alteration, predation by non-native species, and occasional 
    extreme streamflow conditions (see analysis in 64 FR 33816). Because of 
    these threats, the recent proposal to delist the tidewater goby over 
    much of its range retained the endangered status of the southern DPS.
        The long-term survival of tidewater gobies in Orange and San Diego 
    Counties depends upon the presence of enough habitat areas to support 
    the natural pattern of local extinctions and recolonizations (Swift 
    1989, Lafferty et al. in prep.) that characterize its population 
    biology. The removal of threats and the colonization of gobies to 
    additional areas that are currently unoccupied will be necessary.
        To determine which unoccupied areas are essential and should be 
    designated as critical habitat, we evaluated which unoccupied areas 
    could provide the primary constituent elements and support tidewater 
    gobies in the future, and, by virtue of their geographical 
    distribution, provide for a network of habitat areas supporting gobies 
    and acting as sources of recolonization for other nearby habitat areas. 
    The essential unoccupied areas that are restorable, or contain 
    restorable areas, and are most likely to promote recolonization of 
    adjacent habitat areas, are Aliso Creek, Orange County, and four 
    estuaries in San Diego County: San Mateo Creek, the Santa Margarita 
    River, Buena Vista Lagoon, and Agua Hedionda Lagoon. These areas are 
    proposed as critical habitat for the tidewater goby.
    Proposed Critical Habitat Designation
        At this time, the proposed critical habitat areas discussed below 
    constitute our best evaluation of areas needed for the conservation of 
    the tidewater goby. We used the best scientific information available, 
    and took into consideration the proposal to delist the northern 
    populations of the species. We emphasized areas that are essential to 
    the conservation of this species because they provide for the 
    demographic interchange necessary to maintain the viability of the 
    southern DPS. Proposed critical habitat may be revised should new 
    information become available prior to the final rule, and existing 
    critical habitat may be revised if new information becomes available 
    after the final rule.
        The following general areas are proposed as critical habitat (see 
    legal descriptions for exact habitat boundaries):
        1. Aliso Creek (Orange County) and its associated lagoon and marsh 
    from the Pacific Ocean to approximately 1.0 km (0.6 mi) upstream;
        2. San Mateo Creek, its associated lagoon and marsh, from the 
    Pacific Ocean to approximately 1.3 km (0.9 mi) upstream;
        3. San Onofre Creek, its associated lagoon and marsh, from the 
    Pacific Ocean to approximately 0.6 km (0.4 mi) upstream;
        4. approximately 1.0 km (0.6 mi) of Las Flores Creek, and its 
    associated lagoon and marsh, from the Pacific Ocean to Interstate 5;
        5. approximately 0.8 km (0.5 mi) of Hidden Creek, and its 
    associated lagoon and marsh, from the Pacific Ocean to Interstate 5;
        6. approximately 0.7 km (0.4 mi) of Aliso Creek and its associated 
    lagoon and marsh, from the Pacific Ocean to Interstate 5;
        7. approximately 0.7 km (0.4 mi) of French Creek, and its 
    associated lagoon and marsh, from the Pacific Ocean to Interstate 5;
        8. approximately 1.0 km (0.6 mi) of Cockleburr Creek and its 
    associated lagoon and marsh, from the Pacific Ocean to Interstate 5;
        9. the Santa Margarita River, from the Pacific Ocean to a point 
    approximately 5.0 km (3.1 mi) upstream;
        10. Buena Vista Lagoon, its associated marsh and creek, from the 
    Pacific Ocean to a point approximately 3.4 km (2.1 mi) upstream; and
        11. Agua Hedionda Lagoon, its associated marsh and creek, from the 
    Pacific Ocean to a point approximately 3.7 km 92.3 mi) upstream.
        Each area includes the current 50-year flood plain.
        Although the majority of land being proposed for designation is 
    under Federal administration and management, some estuary and riparian 
    systems are on State, county, city, and private lands. The Aliso Creek 
    segment, Orange County, is owned by the County of Orange, the City of 
    South Laguna, and private interests. Buena Vista Lagoon is owned by the 
    California Department of Fish and Game, the City of Carlsbad, and the 
    City of Oceanside. Agua Hedionda Lagoon is owned by the San Diego Gas 
    and Electric Company, which leases to the City of Carlsbad, and
    [[Page 42255]]
    public and private interests. The segments on San Mateo Creek, San 
    Onofre Creek, Las Flores Creek, Hidden Creek, Aliso Creek, French 
    Creek, Cockleburr Creek, and the Santa Margarita River are owned by the 
    Marine Corps base, Camp Pendleton. Many activities carried out on 
    private, Tribal, State, and Federal lands have Federal involvement, and 
    would be subject to section 7. However, on private lands where no 
    Federal involvement exists, a critical habitat designation has no 
    regulatory impact.
    Available Conservation Measures
        Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or 
    threatened under the Act include recognition, recovery actions, 
    requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions against certain 
    practices. Recognition through listing encourages and results in 
    conservation actions by Federal, State, and private agencies, groups, 
    and individuals. The Act provides for possible land acquisition and 
    cooperation with the States and requires that recovery actions be 
    carried out for all listed species. The protection required of Federal 
    agencies and the prohibitions against certain activities involving 
    listed species are discussed, in part, below.
        Section 7(a) of the Act requires Federal agencies to evaluate their 
    actions with respect to any species that is proposed or listed as 
    endangered or threatened and with respect to its critical habitat, if 
    any is designated or proposed. Regulations implementing this 
    interagency cooperation provision of the Act are codified at 50 CFR 
    part 402. Section 7(a)(4) requires Federal agencies to confer with us 
    on any action that is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a 
    proposed species or result in destruction or adverse modification of 
    proposed critical habitat. If a species is listed or critical habitat 
    is designated, section 7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to ensure that 
    activities they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to 
    jeopardize the continued existence of such a species or to destroy or 
    adversely modify its critical habitat. If a Federal action may affect a 
    listed species or its critical habitat, the responsible Federal agency 
    must enter into consultation with us.
        Section 7(a)(4) of the Act and regulations at 50 CFR 402.10 require 
    Federal agencies to confer with us on any action that is likely to 
    result in destruction or adverse modification of proposed critical 
    habitat. Regulations at 50 CFR 402.16 require Federal agencies to 
    reinitiate consultation on previously reviewed actions in instances 
    where critical habitat is subsequently designated. Consequently, some 
    Federal agencies may request conferencing with us on actions for which 
    formal consultation has been completed. Conference reports provide 
    conservation recommendations to assist the agency in eliminating 
    conflicts that may be caused by the proposed action. The conservation 
    recommendations in a conference report are advisory.
        We may issue a formal conference report if requested by a Federal 
    agency. Formal conference reports on proposed critical habitat contain 
    a biological opinion that is prepared according to 50 CFR 402.14, as if 
    critical habitat were designated. We may adopt the formal conference 
    report as the biological opinion when the critical habitat is 
    designated, if no significant new information or changes in the action 
    alter the content of the opinion (see 50 CFR 402.10(d)). We may also 
    prepare a formal conference report to address the effects on proposed 
    critical habitat from issuance of an incidental take permit, under 
    section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Act.
        Activities on Federal lands that may affect the tidewater goby or 
    its critical habitat will continue to require section 7 consultation. 
    Activities on private or State lands requiring a permit from a Federal 
    agency, such as a permit from the ACOE under section 404 of the Clean 
    Water Act, will also continue to be subject to the section 7 
    consultation process. Federal actions not affecting the species, as 
    well as actions on non-Federal lands that are not federally funded or 
    permitted do not require section 7 consultation.
        Section 4(b)(8) of the Act requires us to describe in any proposed 
    or final regulation that designates critical habitat those activities 
    involving a Federal action that may adversely modify such habitat or 
    that may be affected by such designation. Activities that may destroy 
    or adversely modify critical habitat include those that alter the 
    primary constituent elements to an extent that the value of critical 
    habitat for both the survival and recovery of the tidewater goby is 
    appreciably reduced. We note that such activities may also jeopardize 
    the continued existence of the species. Activities that, when carried 
    out, funded, or authorized by a Federal agency, may destroy or 
    adversely modify critical habitat include, but are not limited to:
        (1) Activities such as water diversion or impoundment, groundwater 
    pumping, artificial lagoon breaching to protect urban or agricultural 
    areas from inundation, or any other activity that alters water quality 
    or quantity to an extent that water quality becomes unsuitable to 
    support gobies, or any activity that significantly affects the natural 
    hydrologic function of the lagoon system;
        (2) Activities such as coastal development, sand and gravel mining, 
    channelization, dredging, impoundment, or construction of flood control 
    structures, that alter watershed characteristics or appreciably alter 
    stream channel and or lagoon morphology; and
        (3) Activities which could lead to the introduction of exotic 
    species, especially exotic fishes, into occupied or potential goby 
        If you have questions regarding whether specific activities will 
    constitute adverse modification of critical habitat, contact the Field 
    Supervisor, Carlsbad Ecological Services Field Office (see ADDRESSES 
    section). Requests for copies of the regulations on listed wildlife and 
    inquiries about prohibitions and permits may be addressed to the U.S. 
    Fish and Wildlife Service, Branch of Endangered Species, 911 N.E. 11th 
    Ave, Portland, OR 97232 (telephone 503-231-2063, facsimile 503-231-
        Designation of critical habitat could affect Federal agency 
    activities. Federal agencies already consult with us on activities in 
    areas currently occupied by the species to ensure that their actions do 
    not jeopardize the continued existence of the species. These actions 
    include, but are not limited to:
        (1) Regulation of activities affecting waters of the ACOE under 
    section 404 of the Clean Water Act;
        (2) Regulation of water flows, damming, diversion, and 
    channelization by Federal agencies;
        (3) Road construction, right of way designation, or regulation of 
    agricultural activities by Federal agencies; and
        (4) Some military maneuvers on the Marine Corps base, Camp 
    Economic Analysis
        Section 4(b)(2) of the Act requires us to designate critical 
    habitat on the basis of the best scientific and commercial information 
    available and to consider the economic and other relevant impacts of 
    designating a particular area as critical habitat. We may exclude areas 
    from critical habitat upon a determination that the benefits of such 
    exclusions outweigh the benefits of specifying such areas as critical 
    habitat. We cannot exclude such areas from critical habitat when such 
    exclusion will result in the extinction of the species. We will conduct 
    an analysis of the economic impacts of designating these areas as 
    critical habitat prior to a final determination. When completed,
    [[Page 42256]]
    we will announce the availability of the draft economic analysis with a 
    notice in the Federal Register, and we will open a 30-day comment 
    period at that time.
    Public Comments Solicited
        It is our intent that any final action resulting from this proposal 
    will be as accurate and as effective as possible. Therefore, we solicit 
    comments or suggestions from the public, other concerned governmental 
    agencies, the scientific community, industry, or any other interested 
    party concerning this proposed rule. We particularly seek comments 
        (1) The reasons why any habitat should or should not be determined 
    to be critical habitat as provided by section 4 of the Act, including 
    whether the benefits of designation will outweigh any threats to the 
    species due to designation;
        (2) Specific information on the amount and distribution of 
    tidewater goby habitat, and what habitat is essential to the 
    conservation of the species and why;
        (3) Land use practices and current or planned activities in the 
    subject areas and their possible impacts on proposed critical habitat;
        (4) Any foreseeable economic or other impacts resulting from the 
    proposed designation of critical habitat, in particular, any impacts on 
    small entities or families; and,
        (5) Economic and other values associated with designating critical 
    habitat for the tidewater goby, such as those derived from non-
    consumptive uses (e.g., hiking, camping, bird-watching, enhanced 
    watershed protection, improved air quality, increased soil retention, 
    ``existence values,'' and reductions in administrative costs).
        In accordance with our policy published on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 
    34270), we will seek the expert opinions of at least three appropriate 
    and independent specialists regarding this proposed rule. The purpose 
    of such review is to ensure listing decisions are based on 
    scientifically sound data, assumptions, and analyses. We will send 
    these peer reviewers copies of this proposed rule immediately following 
    publication in the Federal Register. We will invite these peer 
    reviewers to comment, during the public comment period, on the specific 
    assumptions and conclusions regarding the proposed designation of 
    critical habitat.
        We will consider all comments and information received during the 
    60-day comment period on this proposed rule during preparation of a 
    final rulemaking. Accordingly, the final decision may differ from this 
    Public Hearings
        The Act provides for one or more public hearings on this proposal, 
    if requested. Requests for public hearings must be made at least 15 
    days prior to the close of the public comment period. We will schedule 
    public hearings on this proposal if any are requested, and announce the 
    dates, times, and places of those hearings in the Federal Register and 
    local newspapers at least 15 days prior to the first hearing.
    Clarity of the Rule
        Executive Order 12866 requires each agency to write regulations/
    notices that are easy to understand. We invite your comments on how to 
    make this notice easier to understand including answers to questions 
    such as the following: (1) Are the requirements in the notice clearly 
    stated? (2) Does the notice contain technical language or jargon that 
    interferes with the clarity? (3) Does the format of the notice 
    (grouping and order of sections, use of headings, paragraphing, etc.) 
    aid or reduce its clarity? (4) Is the description of the notice in the 
    Supplementary Information section of the preamble helpful in 
    understanding the notice? What else could we do to make the notice 
    easier to understand?
    Required Determinations
    Regulatory Planning and Review
        In accordance with Executive Order 12866, this action has been 
    submitted for review by the Office of Management and Budget. A 60-day 
    comment period is opened with the publication of this rule. Following 
    issuance of this proposed rule, we will prepare an economic analysis to 
    determine the economic consequences of designating the proposed areas 
    as critical habitat. If our economic analysis reveals that the economic 
    impacts of designating any area as critical habitat outweigh the 
    benefits of designation, we will exclude those areas from 
    consideration, unless such exclusion will result in the extinction of 
    the species. In the economic analysis, we will address any possible 
    inconsistencies with other agencies' actions and any effects on 
    entitlements, grants, user fees, loan programs, or the rights and 
    obligations of their recipients. This proposed rule does not raise 
    novel legal or policy issues.
    Other Rulemaking Determinations
        In the economic analysis, we will determine the economic and other 
    impacts of the proposed critical habitat designation in compliance 
        1. Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.)
        2. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (5 U.S.C. 
        3. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.)
        4. Taking Personal Property Rights (Executive Order 12630)
        5. Federalism (Executive Order 12612)
    Civil Justice Reform
        In accordance with Executive Order 12988, the Service has 
    determined that this proposed rule is consistent with sections 3(a) and 
    3(b)(2) of the Order. The proposed rule and final rule will be reviewed 
    by the Department of the Interior Solicitor's Office. We will make 
    every effort to ensure that the final determination contains no 
    drafting errors, provides clear standards, simplifies procedures, 
    reduces burden, and is clearly written such that litigation risk is 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
        This rule does not contain any information collection requirements 
    for which the Office of Management and Budget approval under the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act is required.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        We have determined that an Environmental Assessment and/or an 
    Environmental Impact Statement as defined by the National Environmental 
    Policy Act of 1969 need not be prepared in connection with regulations 
    adopted pursuant to section 4(a) of the ESA. A notice outlining the 
    Service's reasons for this determination was published in the Federal 
    Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244). This rule does not 
    constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality 
    of the human environment.
    Government-to-Government Relationship With Tribes
        In accordance with the President's memorandum of April 29, 1994, 
    ``Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal 
    Governments'' (59 FR 22951) and 512 DM 2: We understand that recognized 
    Federal Tribes must be related to on a Government-to-Government basis. 
    The 1997 Secretarial Order on Native Americans and the Endangered 
    Species Act clearly states that Tribal lands should not be designated 
    unless absolutely necessary for the conservation of the species. 
    According to the Secretarial Order, ``Critical habitat
    [[Page 42257]]
    shall not be designated in an area that may impact Tribal trust 
    resources unless it is determined essential to conserve a listed 
    species. In designating critical habitat, the Services shall evaluate 
    and document the extent to which the conservation needs of a listed 
    species can be achieved by limiting the designation to other lands.'' 
    The proposed designation of critical habitat for the tidewater goby 
    does not contain any Tribal lands or lands that we have identified as 
    impacting Tribal trust resources.
    References Cited
        A complete list of all references cited in this proposed rule is 
    available upon request from the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (see 
    ADDRESSES section).
        Author. The primary author of this notice is Glen Knowles (see 
    ADDRESSES section).
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.
    Proposed Regulation Promulgation
        For the reasons given in the preamble, we propose to amend 50 CFR 
    part 17 as set forth below:
    PART 17--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C. 
    4201-4245; Pub. L. 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500; unless otherwise noted.
        2. In Sec. 17.11(h), revise the entry for ``goby, tidewater'' under 
    ``FISHES'' to read as follows:
    Sec. 17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
                             Species                                                      Vertebrate
    ----------------------------------------------------------                         population where                        When     Critical    Special
                                                                  Historic range         endangered or          Status        listed     habitat     rules
                Common name                Scientific name                                threatened
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Goby, tidewater...................  Eucyclogobius          U.S.A. (CA).........  ......do............  E                      527    17.95(e)         NA
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
        3. In Sec. 17.95 add critical habitat for the tidewater goby 
    (Eucyclogobius newberrii) under paragraph (e) in the same alphabetical 
    order as this species occurs in Sec. 17.11(h), to read as follows:
    Sec. 17.95  Critical habitat--fish and wildlife.
    * * * * *
        (e) Fishes.
    * * * * *
    Tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberrii)
        1. Critical habitat units are depicted for Orange and San Diego 
    Counties, California, on the maps below.
        2. Critical habitat includes the sections of streams indicated on 
    the maps below and their 50 year flood plain, including associated 
    lagoons and marsh.
        3. Within these areas, the primary constituent elements include, 
    but are not limited to, those habitat components that are essential for 
    the primary biological needs of foraging, sheltering, and reproduction. 
    These elements include the following: (1) Coastal lagoons and estuary 
    systems supported by a natural hydrological regime, which results in 
    sufficient streamflow, deep pockets of permanent water, sand and coarse 
    silt substrate, a variety of aquatic and emergent vegetation, and a 
    diversity of prey species; and (2) an environment free from exotic 
        Map Unit 1: Orange County, California. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle 
    map Laguna Beach, California, and San Juan Capistrano, California. San 
    Bernardino Principal Meridian, California, T. 7 S., R 8 W., beginning 
    at a point on Aliso Creek in SW sec. 32 and at approximately 
    33 deg.30'46'' N latitude and 117 deg.44'37'' W longitude and 
    proceeding downstream (westerly) to the Pacific Ocean covering 
    approximately 1.0 km (0.6 mi.), including the stream, its 50 year flood 
    plain, associated lagoons and marsh.
        Map Unit 2: San Diego County, California. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle 
    map San Clemente, California. San Bernardino Principal Meridian, 
    California, T. 9 S., R. 7 W., beginning at a point on San Mateo Creek 
    in NW sec. 14 and at approximately 33 deg.23'46'' N latitude and 
    117 deg.35'20'' W longitude and proceeding downstream (southerly) to 
    the Pacific Ocean covering approximately 1.3 km (0.9 mi.), including 
    the stream, its 50 year flood plain, and associated lagoons and marsh.
        Map Unit 3: San Diego County, California. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle 
    map San Clemente, California. San Bernardino Principal Meridian, 
    California, T. 9 S., R. 7 W., beginning at a point on San Onofre Creek 
    in SE sec. 14 and at approximately 33 deg.23'05'' N latitude and 
    117 deg.34'30'' W longitude and proceeding downstream (southwesterly) 
    to the Pacific Ocean covering approximately 0.6 km (0.4 mi.), including 
    the stream, its 50 year flood plain, and associated lagoons and marsh.
        Map Unit 4: San Diego County, California. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle 
    map Las Pulgas Canyon, California. San Bernardino Principal Meridian, 
    California, T. 10 S., R. 6 W., beginning at a point on Las Flores Creek 
    in the middle of sec. 13 and at approximately 33 deg.17'32'' N latitude 
    and 117 deg.27'20'' W longitude and proceeding downstream (westerly) to 
    the Pacific Ocean covering approximately 0.8 km (0.5 mi.), including 
    the stream, its 50 year flood plain, and associated lagoons and marsh.
        Map Unit 5: San Diego County, California. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle 
    map Las Pulgas Canyon, California. San Bernardino Principal Meridian, 
    California, T. 10 S., R. 5 W., beginning at a point on Hidden Creek in 
    W sec. 30 and at approximately 33 deg.16'46'' N latitude and 
    117 deg.26'48'' W longitude and proceeding downstream (southwesterly) 
    to the Pacific Ocean covering approximately 0.8 km (0.5 mi.), including 
    the stream, its 50 year flood plain, and associated lagoons and marsh.
        Map Unit 6: San Diego County, California. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle 
    map Las Pulgas Canyon, California. San Bernardino Principal Meridian, 
    California, T. 10 S., R. 5 W., beginning at a point on Aliso Creek in 
    NE sec. 31
    [[Page 42258]]
    and at approximately 33 deg.16'13'' N latitude and 117 deg.26'19'' W 
    longitude and proceeding downstream (southwesterly) to the Pacific 
    Ocean covering approximately 0.7 km (0.4 mi.), including the stream, 
    its 50 year flood plain, and associated lagoons and marsh.
        Map Unit 7: San Diego County, California. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle 
    map Las Pulgas Canyon, California. San Bernardino Principal Meridian, 
    California, T. 10 S., R. 5 W., beginning at a point on French Creek in 
    E sec. 31 and at approximately 33 deg.16'01'' N latitude and 
    117 deg.26'01'' W longitude and proceeding downstream (westerly) to the 
    Pacific Ocean covering approximately 0.7 km (0.4 mi.), including the 
    stream, its 50 year flood plain, and associated lagoons and marsh.
        Map Unit 8: San Diego County, California. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle 
    map Las Pulgas Canyon, California. San Bernardino Principal Meridian, 
    California, T. 11 S., R. 5 W., beginning at a point on Cockleburr Creek 
    in NE sec. 5 and at approximately 33 deg.15'16'' N latitude and 
    117 deg.25'21'' W longitude and proceeding downstream (westerly) to the 
    Pacific Ocean covering approximately 1.0 km (0.6 mi.), including the 
    stream, its 50 year flood plain, and associated lagoons and marsh.
        Map Unit 9: San Diego County, California. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle 
    map Oceanside, California. San Bernardino Principal Meridian, 
    California, T. 11 S., R. 5 W., beginning at a point on the Santa 
    Margarita River in NW sec. 2 and at approximately 33 deg.15'08'' N 
    latitude and 117 deg.22'38'' W longitude and proceeding downstream 
    (westerly) to the Pacific Ocean covering approximately 5.0 km (3.1 
    mi.), including the river's 50 year flood plain, associated lagoons and 
        Map Unit 10: San Diego County, California. From USGS 7.5' 
    quadrangle map San Luis Rey, California. San Bernardino Principal 
    Meridian, California, T. 11 S., R. 4 W., beginning at a point on Buena 
    Vista Creek at the border of sec. 31 and 32 and at approximately 
    33 deg.10'48'' N latitude and 117 deg.19'49'' W longitude and 
    proceeding downstream (southwesterly) to the Pacific Ocean covering 
    approximately 3.4 km (2.1 mi.), including Buena Vista Creek, its 50 
    year flood plain, Buena Vista Lagoon, and associated marsh.
        Map Unit 11: San Diego County, California. From USGS 7.5' 
    quadrangle map San Luis Rey, California. San Bernardino Principal 
    Meridian, California, T. 12 S., R. 4 W., beginning at a point on Augua 
    Hedionda Creek in the middle of Section 9 and at approximately 
    33 deg.08'44'' N latitude and 117 deg.18'19'' W longitude and 
    proceeding downstream (southwesterly) to the Pacific Ocean covering 
    approximately 3.7 km (2.3 mi.), including the creek, its 50 year flood 
    plain, Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and associated marsh.
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P
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        Dated: July 29, 1999.
    Stephen C. Saunders,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Fish Wildlife and Parks.
    [FR Doc. 99-20034 Filed 7-30-99; 2:55 pm]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-C

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
We will accept comments from all interested parties until October 4, 1999. Public hearing requests must be received by September 17, 1999.
42250-42263 (14 pages)
1018-AF73: Critical Habitat for the Tidewater Goby
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
50 CFR 17.11
50 CFR 17.95