94-21539. Draft Site Treatment Plan; Notice of Availability  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 168 (Wednesday, August 31, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-21539]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: August 31, 1994]
    Office of Environmental Management
    Draft Site Treatment Plan; Notice of Availability
    AGENCY: U.S. Department of Energy.
    ACTION: Notice of availability
    SUMMARY: Today's notice announces the availability of and requests 
    public comment on Draft Site Treatment Plans for treating the 
    Department of Energy's (DOE) mixed radioactive and hazardous waste. As 
    an interim step toward meeting the requirements of the Federal Facility 
    Compliance Act of 1992 (FFCAct or the Act), DOE has prepared a Draft 
    Site Treatment Plan (Draft Plan) for each of 48 sites located in 22 
    states where DOE is currently storing, generating, or is expected to 
    generate mixed hazardous and radioactive waste within the next five 
    years. These Draft Plans contain the sites' preferred treatment options 
    for this waste, where available. The Draft Plans are being provided at 
    each site for public review and comment as well as for review and 
    discussion among the state and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
    (EPA) regulators. Comments on the Draft Plans will be considered in 
    developing Proposed Site Treatment Plans to be submitted to the 
    regulators for approval in February 1995.
    DATES: Comments should be provided to the appropriate site 
    representative by October 31, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: The address for submitting comments on a specific Draft Site 
    Treatment Plan can be obtained by calling the Center for Environmental 
    Management Information at 1-800-7EM-DATA (1-800-736-3282).
    I. Background
        The DOE is required by section 3021(b) of the Resource Conservation 
    and Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended by the FFCAct, to prepare Site 
    Treatment Plans (Plans) describing the development of treatment 
    capacities and technologies for treating mixed waste for each site at 
    which DOE stores or generates mixed waste. Mixed waste is defined by 
    the Act as waste containing both a hazardous waste subject to RCRA, and 
    source, special nuclear or by-product material subject to the Atomic 
    Energy Act of 1954. The Site Treatment Plans will be submitted to the 
    regulating State or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for 
    approval, approval with modification, or disapproval. The Draft Plans 
    are the intermediate version of the Site Treatment Plans and are being 
    provided to the States and EPA, and made available to the public, for 
    review and comment. DOE is preparing Site Treatment Plans for the 
    following sites:
                Table 1.--Sites Preparing Site Treatment Plans\1\           
                                                          Agency toreceive  
          Facility/location               State            plan(EPA/State)  
    Energy Technology             California..........  State.              
     Engineering Center (ETEC),                                             
     Canoga Park.                                                           
    General Atomics, San Diego..  ......do............  Do.                 
    General Electric, Vallecitos  ......do............  Do.                 
     Nuclear Center, Vallecitos.                                            
    Lawrence Livermore National   ......do............  Do.                 
     Laboratory, Livermore.                                                 
    Lawrence Berkeley             ......do............  Do.                 
     Laboratory, Berkeley.                                                  
    Laboratory for Energy-        ......do............  Do.                 
     Related Health Research,                                               
    Mare Island Naval Shipyard,   ......do............  Do.                 
    Sandia National Laboratory--  ......do............  Do.                 
     California, Livermore.                                                 
    Grand Junction Project        Colorado............  Do.                 
     Office, Grand Junction.                                                
    Rocky Flats Environmental     ......do............  Do.                 
     Technology Site, Golden.                                               
    Knolls Atomic Power           Connecticut.........  Do.                 
     Laboratory, Windsor.                                                   
    Pinellas Plant, Largo.......  Florida.............  Do.                 
    Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard,  Hawaii..............  EPA.                
    Argonne National Laboratory-- Idaho...............  State.              
     West, Idaho Falls.                                                     
    Idaho National Engineering    ......do............  Do.                 
     Laboratory, Idaho Falls.                                               
    Ames Laboratory, Ames.......  Iowa................  EPA.                
    Argonne National Laboratory-- Illinois............  State.              
     East, Argonne.                                                         
    Site A/Plot M Palos Forest    ......do............  Do.                 
     Preserve, Cook County.                                                 
    Paducah Gaseous Diffusion     Kentucky............  State.              
     Plant, Paducah.                                                        
    Portsmouth Naval Shipyard,    Maine...............  EPA.                
    Kansas City Plant, Kansas     Missouri............  State.              
    Weldon Spring Site Remedial   ......do............  Do.                 
     Action Project, St. Charles                                            
    University of Missouri,       ......do............  Do.                 
    Nevada Test Site, Mercury...  Nevada..............  State.              
    Middlesex Sampling Plant,     New Jersey..........  EPA.                
    Princeton Plasma Physics      ......do............  Do.                 
     Laboratory, Princeton.                                                 
    Inhalation Toxicology         New Mexico..........  State.              
     Research Institute,                                                    
    Los Alamos National           ......do............  Do.                 
     Laboratory, Los Alamos.                                                
    Sandia National Laboratory--  ......do............  Do.                 
     New Mexico, Albuquerque.                                               
    Brookhaven National           New York............  State.              
     Laboratory, Upton.                                                     
    Colonie Interim Storage       ......do............  Do.                 
     Site, Colonie.                                                         
    Knolls Atomic Power           ......do............  Do.                 
     West Milton.                                                           
    Knolls Atomic Power           ......do............  Do.                 
    West Valley Demonstration     ......do............  Do.                 
     Project, West Valley.                                                  
    Battelle Columbus             Ohio................  Do.                 
     Decommissioning Project,                                               
    Fernald Environmental         ......do............  Do.                 
     Management Project, Fernald.                                           
    Mound Plant, Miamisburg.....  ......do............  Do.                 
    Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion  ......do............  Do.                 
     Plant, Portsmouth.                                                     
    RMI Titanium Inc., Ashtabula  ......do............  Do.                 
    Bettis Atomic Power           Pennsylvania........  EPA.                
     Laboratory, West Mifflin.                                              
    Charleston Naval Shipyard,    South Carolina......  State.              
    Savannah River Site, Aiken..  ......do............  Do.                 
    K-25 Site, Oak Ridge          Tennessee...........  State.              
     Reservation, Oak Ridge.                                                
    Oak Ridge National            ......do............  Do.                 
     Laboratory, Oak Ridge                                                  
     Reservation, Oak Ridge.                                                
    Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge         ......do............  Do.                 
     Reservation, Oak Ridge.                                                
    Pantex Plant, Amarillo......  Texas...............  Do.                 
    Norfolk Naval Shipyard,       Virginia............  EPA.                
    Puget Sound Naval Shipyard,   Washington\1\.......  State.              
    \1\The Hanford Site in Richland, Washington, has signed a Tri-Party     
      Agreement with the State of Washington which addresses mixed waste    
      treatment. Therefore, the Hanford site is not preparing a Site        
      Treatment Plan, but is actively participating in the FFCAct           
        As outlined in an April 6, 1993, Federal Register notice (58 FR 
    17875), DOE is developing the Site Treatment Plans in three stages. The 
    first stage, the Conceptual Site Treatment Plans, were released in 
    October 1993 and described a wide range of possible treatment 
    alternatives for each mixed waste stream. The Draft Site Treatment 
    Plans were issued in August 1994, and include one or two options 
    identified at the site, with input from the State, as the preferred 
    treatment for each mixed waste stream. After further analysis of the 
    preferred options for the DOE complex as a whole, discussions among the 
    States, and consideration of public comments, DOE will submit Proposed 
    Site Treatment Plans in February 1995 to the appropriate regulatory 
    agency (i.e., the State or EPA). The regulatory agency will issue an 
    Order requiring compliance with the approved Plan. Sites that are in 
    compliance with approved Plans and Orders after October 1995 will be 
    exempt from fines and penalties related to the storage prohibitions 
    [section 3004(j)] under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 
    II. Draft Site Treatment Plans
        In response to early discussions with the States, DOE followed a 
    ``bottom-up'' approach in which the DOE Operations Offices evaluated 
    treatment options for the mixed waste at each site, in conjunction with 
    the host State and others. The Draft Plans contain the results of this 
    site-specific evaluation of the treatment options identified in the 
    Conceptual Plans, and present the currently preferred option for 
    treating the site's mixed waste. The Draft Plans have not yet been 
    evaluated as a whole for impacts on other DOE sites and to the overall 
    DOE program. Changes in the preferred option and associated schedules 
    are possible as evaluation from the DOE-wide perspective progresses, as 
    State-to-State discussions take place, and as other stakeholder input 
    is received. DOE defined a common framework to provide a consistent 
    approach to Draft Plan development among all of the DOE sites. This 
    framework, developed with input from State representatives, established 
    common terminology, objectives, planning assumptions, and a recommended 
    methodology for narrowing the alternatives presented in the Conceptual 
    Plan to the preferred options in the Draft Plan. Evaluation criteria 
    included sound technical judgment; regulatory compliance; 
    environmental, health, and safety concerns; stakeholder involvement; 
    implementability; and efficient use of limited resources.
        The Draft Plans also follow a common format, consisting of a 
    Background Volume and a Compliance Plan Volume, supplemented by an 
    Appendix(s). The Background Volume describes the site's treatment 
    options, including the associated uncertainties, budget status, and 
    regulator and stakeholder reactions, when known. The Compliance Plan 
    Volume identifies the preferred treatment option(s) and associated 
    schedules, and also broadly describes provisions to implement and 
    update the Plan once approved. When finalized, the Compliance Plan 
    Volume is intended to contain information that will ultimately be 
    enforced through an Order. Each Draft Plan also includes an Appendix 
    that explains how the options presented in the Conceptual Plan were 
    narrowed to select the preferred option. Some site Draft Plans include 
    additional appendices to present other related information.
        In conjunction with identifying treatment options, DOE is also 
    evaluating options for disposal of mixed waste treatment residuals, at 
    the request of the States. The Background Volume of each Draft Plan 
    contains a description of the process for evaluating disposal options.
        A Draft Site Treatment Plan Summary Report is being prepared to 
    present a compilation of the information contained in the individual 
    sites' Draft Plans. The Summary Report will also provide a preliminary 
    indication of the configuration that may emerge for the DOE complex as 
    a whole, and is intended to useful for discussions among the States, 
    EPA and other interested parties. This Summary Report will include 
    brief discussions of the Draft Plan development process, a DOE complex-
    wide look at treatment options for the different mixed waste streams, 
    information on waste characterization, technology development and other 
    related topics. The Summary Report will be released as soon as 
    III. Availability of Draft Site Treatment Plans and Opportunity for 
        The individual Draft Site Treatment Plan will be available at each 
    site's public reading room or at nearby locations by mid-September, 
    1994. To review or request information on a specific Draft Plan, a DOE 
    contact name and reading room address for each site can be obtained by 
    calling the DOE Center for Environmental Management Information at 1-
    800-7EM-DATA. The full set of 48 individual Draft Plans can also be 
    reviewed by mid-September 1994 at the U.S. Department of Energy 
    Headquarters reading room, Room 1E-190, 1000 Independence Ave., 
    Washington, DC 20585, and at the Center for Environmental Management 
    Information, 470 East L'Enfant Plaza, Suite 7110, Washington, DC 20585.
        Comments should be provided to the appropriate DOE site contact by 
    October 31, 1994. Additional opportunities for public involvement in 
    the Site Treatment Plan development process will be offered at many 
    sites; information on these opportunities can be obtained from the DOE 
    site contact. Comments from the public will be considered by DOE in 
    preparing the Proposed Plans, to be submitted to regulators in February 
        Additional information on the Site Treatment Plan process, related 
    activities, and site-specific fact sheets describing the Draft Plans 
    can be obtained from the DOE Center for Environmental Management 
    Information at 1-800-7EM-DATA (1-800-736-3282). Persons interested in 
    receiving the Summary Report when available, or other information on 
    the development of the Site Treatment Plans and related activities, 
    such as evaluation of options for disposal, should provide their name, 
    address, and items of interest to the DOE Center for Environmental 
    Management Information.
    Jill E. Lytle,
    Deputy Assistant Secretary for Waste Management, Environmental 
    [FR Doc. 94-21539 Filed 8-30-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of availability
Document Number:
Comments should be provided to the appropriate site representative by October 31, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: August 31, 1994