98-23273. Keweenaw National Historical Park, Michigan  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 168 (Monday, August 31, 1998)]
    [Pages 46233-46236]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-23273]
    National Park Service
    Keweenaw National Historical Park, Michigan
    AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Notice--Record of Decision.
    SUMMARY: The Department of the Interior, National Park Service, has 
    prepared a Record of Decision on The Final General Management Plan and 
    Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Keweenaw National 
    Historical Park, in Houghton County, Michigan.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Frank Fiala, Superintendent, 
    Keweenaw National Historical Park, P.O. Box 471, Calumet, Michigan 
    49931-0471. Telephone number 906-337-3168.
    Supplementary Information:
        The Department of the Interior, National Park Service, has prepared 
    this Record of Decision on the Final General Management Plan/
    Environmental Impact Statement (FGMP/EIS) for Keweenaw National 
    Historical Park, in Houghton County, Michigan. This Record of Decision 
    is a statement of the decision made, the background of the project, 
    other alternatives considered, the basis for the decision, the 
    environmentally preferable alternative, measures to minimize 
    environmental harm, and public involvement in the decision-making 
        The National Park Service will implement the proposed action as 
    described in the Alternative 4 and Actions Common to All sections in 
    the Final General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement issued 
    in June 1998.
        The intent of the proposed action is to create a dynamic national 
    park area that commemorates the significance of copper mining on the 
    Keweenaw Peninsula. Over time, the National Park Service will establish 
    a strong public presence in the Quincy and Calumet park units through 
    ownership, management, and interpretation of key resources. Also, 
    through technical and financial assistance to the community, the 
    National Park Service will be a contributing member of an organized and 
    active partnership of local
    [[Page 46234]]
    government and community groups that will work toward preservation and 
    interpretation of park and area resources. This approach will in the 
    long term best meet the purposes of Public Law 102-543 and provide the 
    broadest level of resource protection and visitor services for the park 
    and its cooperating sites.
        In concept, this plan would be implemented by gradually building 
    park funding and a staff of professionals to provide increased 
    financial and technical assistance to the partners and cooperating 
    sites and other community groups to facilitate the preservation, 
    maintenance, and interpretation of resources. Once a strong assistance 
    program is established, the NPS would begin a concerted program to 
    acquire or otherwise protect and interpret significant properties in 
    the Calumet and Quincy units of the park, as funding and staffing 
    levels and legal constraints permit.
        Initially, visitors will depend primarily on the preservation 
    accomplishments and interpretive programs of park cooperating sites and 
    others to gain an understanding of the park and region and its 
    significance. Gradually visitors will experience a much more 
    traditional national park visit as more resources within the park 
    boundary are preserved and interpreted by the park and community. At 
    least one property in each unit will be leased or acquired for park 
    administrative and visitor use facilities, with the intent that a 
    Quincy visitor facility will provide most visitors the first point of 
    introduction and orientation to the park, and that the park 
    headquarters and additional visitor orientation services will be 
    located in Calumet.
        The Keweenaw National Historical Park Advisory Commission was 
    established as part of Public Law 102-543 to, among other things, 
    advise and assist the Secretary of the Interior in the planning and 
    implementation of this general management plan. Toward this end, the 
    commission will serve as the catalyst to bring interested public and 
    private agencies on the Keweenaw Peninsula together and help facilitate 
    and organize their activities toward achieving the intent of Public Law 
    102-543 and the park's general management plan. While the 
    responsibility and authority for the management of the park will remain 
    with the NPS, the Park Service will pursue through appropriate methods 
    the amendment of Public Law 102-543 to activate the commission's 
    operating authorities. These authorities will allow the Commission the 
    ability to conduct educational programs, accept donations, and acquire 
    real property to further the purposes of Public Law 102-543.
        A limited number of cooperative sites will be established that 
    represent a unique story that is not well represented within park 
    boundaries. These sites would be eligible for funding or assistance 
    from the Commission and the partnership and consultative assistance 
    from the NPS. The NPS would have no liability for the sites. Within 
    park boundaries, the NPS can enter into cooperative agreements with 
    owners of nationally significant historic properties and they would be 
    eligible for specific NPS financial and technical assistance, 
    regardless of whether they are designated cooperating sites.
        The NPS will use various methods of leasing, acquiring, or 
    otherwise protecting properties primarily in the core industrial areas 
    in the park. Department of the Interior policy 602 DM 2, section 2.4, 
    regulates acquisition of real property contaminated by hazardous 
    material. This policy allows a degree of flexibility that is not 
    permitted by language in the legislation that created Keweenaw National 
    Historical Park (KEWE). The NPS will seek, through legislative 
    processes, to modify that language, thereby assuring KEWE is on the 
    same footing as other parks in the system with regard to property 
    acquisition. A land protection plan will be developed for the park and 
    will establish priorities for acquisition of lands or interests in 
        Additional future studies and plans will be needed to implement the 
    broad guidance of the general management plan, such as historic 
    structure reports, a historic resource study, a cultural landscape 
    report, an ethnographic overview, oral history interviews, a 
    comprehensive interpretive plan, a resource management plan, a boundary 
    study, and hazardous substances surveys for lands proposed for 
    Background of Project
        The concept of a park to commemorate the significance of copper 
    mining on the Keweenaw Peninsula surfaced in northern Michigan in 1974. 
    In response to a congressional request, the National Park Service 
    prepared national historic landmark nominations that resulted in the 
    establishment in 1989 of the Quincy Mining Company Historic District 
    and the Calumet Historic District. A Study of Alternatives, Proposed 
    Keweenaw National Historical Park, was prepared in 1991 and its 
    findings led Congress to pass Public Law 102-543 on October 27, 1992. 
    Public Law 102-543 established Keweenaw National Historical Park as a 
    unit of the National Park System. The purposes of the legislation are 
    to (1) preserve the nationally significant historical and cultural 
    sites, structures, and districts of a portion of the Keweenaw Peninsula 
    in the State of Michigan for the education, benefit, and inspiration of 
    present and future generations; and (2) to interpret the historic 
    synergism between the geological, aboriginal, sociological, cultural, 
    technological, and corporate forces that relate the story of copper on 
    the Keweenaw Peninsula.
        The legislation also established the Keweenaw National Historical 
    Park Advisory Commission to advise and assist the Secretary of 
    Interior. While the legislation identified operating authorities for 
    the Commission, President Bush did not activate those authorities due 
    to incongruities in the language related to how Commission members were 
    appointed. These operating authorities, once activated, will provide 
    the avenue by which much of the legislative intent, especially as it 
    relates to the preservation and interpretation of resources outside the 
    park boundaries, can be realized.
        The Quincy unit, with about 1,120 acres, is just northeast of the 
    city of Hancock and adjacent to Portage Lake. It includes the remnant 
    structures and mines of the Quincy Mining Company and its associated 
    historic landscape, including the Quincy Smelter. About 11 miles to the 
    northeast is the Calumet unit. It includes about 750 acres of remnant 
    administrative and mine buildings and the associated historic landscape 
    of the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company, and the supporting commercial 
    and residential areas of the Village of Calumet and Calumet Township.
    Other Alternatives Considered
        The Final General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement 
    describes four alternatives for management actions, the environment 
    that would be affected by those alternatives, and the environmental 
    consequences of implementing the alternative actions. The major topic 
    areas covered in each alternative are visitor experience and 
    interpretation, financial and technical preservation assistance, 
    acquisition of properties, development and use of properties, 
    administration and operation, and implementation. An earlier 
    preliminary management concept looked at NPS acquisition and management 
    of virtually every significant property in the two park units. This was 
    considered but rejected due to cost and contradiction of the 
    partnership approach to
    [[Page 46235]]
    management envisioned by the park's enabling legislation.
        The three alternatives that have been considered in addition to the 
    Alternative 4 proposed action can be characterized as follows:
        Alternative 1, the no-action alternative, proposes no changes in 
    the current management direction. Visitors would still rely primarily 
    on the services provided by groups like the Quincy Mine Hoist 
    Association and Coppertown USA and other sites to learn about the 
    historic resources and the history of copper mining on the Keweenaw. 
    Calumet would remain primarily a self-discovery area, although some 
    information would be available at park headquarters and other places. 
    The park staff would continue to work in partnership with the community 
    to find ways to protect resources and provide visitor services. These 
    efforts would be limited by minimal NPS staffing and funding.
        The community assistance alternative, alternative 2, would place 
    the community at the forefront of implementing preservation actions and 
    interpretive and educational programs at sites throughout the park. The 
    protection of the park's significant resources would be vested in the 
    local governments through the designation of local historic districts 
    and preservation ordinances. The National Park Service would remain 
    primarily in the background in a support role, providing a 
    comprehensive program of technical and financial assistance to the 
    community to help make their actions a success. The primary areas of 
    interaction between NPS staff and visitors would be at a destination 
    visitor facility in the Quincy unit; basic visitor services and 
    administrative offices would be provided in a facility at Calumet.
        Alternative 3 proposes a much more traditional park experience in 
    the core industrial areas of each park unit. As funding and staffing 
    levels allowed, the NPS would invest substantially in each of the core 
    industrial areas by acquiring significant properties, conducting 
    resource preservation, and adaptively using the structures. 
    Interpretive staff and media would be located at key sites. 
    Partnerships would be established and technical and financial 
    assistance provided in order to advance preservation of core industrial 
    area resources. Preservation and interpretation of resources outside 
    the core areas would be dependent on the efforts of the community.
    Basis For Decision
        Alternative 4, the selected action, combines the best aspects of 
    alternatives 2 and 3. This results in potentially the broadest level of 
    resources protection, interpretation, visitor services, and the optimum 
    opportunity for high quality visitor experiences. This approach remains 
    true to a major partnership approach by placing significant emphasis on 
    the role of the advisory commission and park partners, yet ensures the 
    National Park Service will have a very public role in the management 
    and interpretation of resources.
    Environmentally Preferable Alternative
        Environmentally preferable is defined as ``the alternative that 
    will promote the national environmental policy as expressed in NEPA's 
    section 101. Ordinarily, this means the alternative that causes the 
    least damage to the biological and physical environment; it also means 
    the alternative which best protects, preserves, and enhances historic, 
    cultural, and natural resources'' (Forty Most Asked Questions 
    Concerning CEQ's National Environmental Policy Act Regulations, 1981).
        Alternative 4, the selected action, is the environmentally 
    preferable action. It best meets the full range of national 
    environmental policy goals as stated in NEPA's section 101. Alternative 
    4 combines the two major resource preservation strategies presented in 
    alternatives 2 and 3. A comprehensive financial and technical 
    assistance program will provide more opportunities for the community to 
    accomplish preservation and education efforts within the park and 
    surrounding community. A strong partnership between all entities will 
    help ensure good communication and effective decision making regarding 
    the highest and best use of available funds and expertise. And, a 
    strong NPS presence will show Federal commitment to and leadership in 
    resource preservation and management. The NPS acquisition program will 
    result in additional protection of structures and landscapes. The 
    emphasis on preserving and adaptively using the many historic 
    structures limits the future need for significant new development and 
    natural resource disturbance.
    Measures To Minimize Environmental Harm
        All practicable measures to avoid or minimize environmental impacts 
    that could result from implementation of the selected action have been 
    identified and incorporated in the selected action. These measures are 
    presented in the FGMP/EIS. However, due to the programmatic nature of 
    the general management plan, specific implementation projects will be 
    reviewed as necessary for compliance with the National Historic 
    Preservation Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Comprehensive 
    Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, and 
    other applicable Federal and State laws and regulations prior to 
    project clearance and implementation. Specific measures to minimize 
    environmental harm will be included in implementation plans called for 
    (as necessary) by the FGMP/EIS. These plans include: a historic 
    resource study, a cultural landscape report, historic structure 
    reports, an ethnographic assessment, a resource management plan, 
    development concept plans, schematic design documents, archeological 
    surveys, a land protection plan, level 1, 2, and 3 hazardous substances 
    surveys, and a boundary study.
        The following measures will be implemented by Keweenaw National 
    Historical Park to avoid or minimize environmental harm as a result of 
    implementing the selected action, or to enhance protection of resources 
    on the Keweenaw Peninsula.
         Keweenaw National Historical Park will work 
    cooperatively with the advisory commission, state, county, township, 
    city, and village agencies, community organizations, and individual 
    landowners to preserve and manage resources and provide for public 
    use. Key to this is assisting local jurisdictions in establishing 
    local historic districts and preservation ordinances. Ordinances 
    would promote both preservation of historic properties and 
    compatible design of new development in the park. This will lead to 
    enhanced protection of landscapes and structures, as well as to 
    enhanced enjoyment of these resources by the public.
         The park will establish preservation financial 
    assistance grants to encourage preservation projects by private 
    property owners. Grant criteria would include adherence to the 
    Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic 
         The park will engage in additional study, data 
    collection, and monitoring, especially of archeological and 
    ethnographic resources, cultural landscapes, historic structures, 
    and visitor uses to provide the knowledge base needed to make 
    informed decisions for the long-term protection and preservation of 
    park resources.
         The park will acquire and provide appropriate 
    architectural treatment and use of some historic structures. 
    Treatments will conform to the Secretary of the Interior's 
    Standards. Prior to acquisition the resources proposed for 
    acquisition will be surveyed to
    [[Page 46236]]
    determine the nature and extent of hazardous materials 
    contamination, if any.
         Short- and long-term soil disturbance and vegetation 
    loss from construction activities, including parking areas, 
    pulloffs, walkways, utility lines, public facilities, and landscape 
    restoration, will be minimized through appropriate erosion control 
    and revegetation and placement of facilities on previously disturbed 
    areas wherever possible.
    Public Involvement
        Public scoping meetings for the general management plan were held 
    in the Keweenaw area in 1994 and 1995, including meetings with the 
    Commission and park partners. A scoping newsletter with comment form 
    was distributed in May 1995. Park issues, vision statements, purpose 
    and significance statements, and interpretive themes were drafted as 
    part of this process.
        In September 1995, a briefing booklet on conceptual planning 
    alternatives was distributed for review and comment, and public 
    meetings were held in Houghton, Calumet, Marquette, and Lansing during 
    the week of September 12, 1995. In February 1996, meetings and 
    briefings were held with members of the advisory commission and park 
    partners on the preliminary draft plan. Substantial revisions were made 
    per those meetings and a revised preliminary draft plan and 
    environmental document was distributed for review during the fall of 
    1996. On December 10 and 11, 1996, further meetings were held with the 
    advisory commission and other park partners, local agencies, and 
    cooperating sites. Substantive comments focused on concern that the 
    seriousness of the hazardous materials issue had been overstated and 
    presented too negatively; the need to formalize the current informal 
    arrangements between the NPS and cooperating sites; and that formal 
    recognition and establishment of a workable partnership arrangement was 
    needed that did not weaken the authority of the park's advisory 
    commission and treated other groups as partners, not as ``friends'' of 
    the park.
        Reflecting many revisions in response to comments on the 
    preliminary draft, the Draft General Management Plan/Environmental 
    Impact Statement was printed and made available to the public on 
    September 1, 1997. The official review period closed on October 31, 
    1997. Copies were placed on review in local libraries and government 
    offices and were mailed primarily to the park's mailing list of 
    agencies and organizations. A summary newsletter was distributed to 
    others announcing public meetings and the availability of the draft 
    document. The first meeting was held at Calumet Elementary on September 
    22, 1997 and approximately 35 attended. A second public meeting was 
    held on September 23, 1997 at Suomi College in Hancock, with about 15 
    attending. During the 60-day public comment period, seven letters were 
    received. These letters were reproduced in the final document along 
    with agency responses.
        The Final General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement 
    was made available for a 30-day no-action period on June 19, 1998. 
    Approximately 250 copies of the FGMP/EIS were distributed primarily to 
    key agencies and organizations. Copies were made available in local 
    libraries and government agencies and upon request. The FGMP/EIS 
    contains a full summary of the public involvement process and 
    substantive comments received.
        Approved: August 13, 1998.
    David Given,
    Acting Regional Director, Midwest Region, National Park Service.
    [FR Doc. 98-23273 Filed 8-28-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-70-P

Document Information

National Park Service
Entry Type:
Notice--Record of Decision.
Document Number:
46233-46236 (4 pages)
PDF File: