98-23321. Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 168 (Monday, August 31, 1998)]
    [Pages 46379-46383]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-23321]
    [OPPTS-51911; FRL-6022-8]
    Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: Section 5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires 
    any person who intends to manufacture or import a new chemical to 
    notify EPA and comply with the statutory provisions pertaining to the 
    manufacture or import of substances not on the TSCA Inventory. Section 
    5 of TSCA also requires EPA to publish receipt and status information 
    in the Federal Register each month reporting premanufacture notices 
    (PMN) and test marketing exemption (TME) application requests received, 
    both pending and expired. The information in this document contains 
    notices received from June 1, to June 15, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments, identified by the document control number 
    ``[OPPTS-51911]'' and the specific PMN number, if appropriate, should 
    be sent to: Document Control Office (7407), Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., 
    Rm. ETG-099 Washington, DC 20460.
        Comments and data may also be submitted electronically by sending 
    electronic mail (e-mail) to: oppt.ncic@epamail.epa.gov. Electronic 
    comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use of special 
    characters and any form of encryption. Comments and data will also be 
    accepted on disks in WordPerfect in 5.1/6.1 file format or ASCII file 
    format. All comments and data in electronic form must be identified by 
    the docket number [OPPTS-51911]. No Confidential Business Information 
    (CBI) should be submitted through e-mail. Electronic comments on this 
    notice may be filed online at many Federal Depository Libraries. 
    Additional information on electronic submissions can be found under 
    ``SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION'' of this document.
    Environmental Assistance Division (7408), Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, Rm. E-531, 401 
    M St., SW., Washington, DC, 20460, (202) 554-1404, TDD (202) 554-0551; 
    e-mail: TSCA-Hotline@epamail.epa.gov.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the provisions of TSCA, EPA is 
    required to publish notice of receipt and status reports of chemicals 
    subject to section 5 reporting requirements. The notice requirements 
    are provided in TSCA sections 5(d)(2) and 5(d)(3). Specifically, EPA is 
    required to provide notice of receipt of PMNs and TME application 
    requests received. EPA also is required to identify those chemical 
    submissions for which data has been received, the uses or intended uses 
    of such chemicals, and the nature of any test data which may have been 
    developed. Lastly, EPA is required to provide periodic status reports 
    of all chemical substances undergoing review and receipt of notices of 
        A record has been established for this notice under docket number 
    ``[OPPTS-51911]'' (including comments and data submitted electronically 
    as described below). A public version of this record, including 
    printed, paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include 
    any information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection from 12 
    noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The 
    public record is located in the TSCA Nonconfidential Information Center 
    (NCIC), Rm. NEM-B607, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
        Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
        Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
    use of special characters and any form of encryption.
        The official record for this notice, as well as the public version, 
    as described above will be kept in paper form. Accordingly, EPA will 
    transfer all comments received electronically into printed, paper form 
    as they are received and will place the paper copies in the official 
    record which will also include all comments submitted directly in 
    writing. The official record is the paper record maintained at the 
    address in ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this document.
        In the past, EPA has published individual notices reflecting the 
    status of section 5 filings received, pending or expired, as well as 
    notices reflecting receipt of notices of commencement. In an effort to 
    become more responsive to the regulated community, the users of this 
    information and the general public, to comply with the requirements of 
    TSCA, to conserve EPA resources, and to streamline the process and make 
    it more timely, EPA is consolidating these separate notices into one 
    comprehensive notice that will be issued at regular intervals.
        In this notice, EPA shall provide a consolidated report in the 
    Federal Register reflecting the dates PMN requests were received, the 
    projected notice end date, the manufacturer or importer identity, to 
    the extent that such information is not claimed as confidential and 
    chemical identity, either specific or generic depending on whether 
    chemical identity has been claimed confidential. Additionally, in this 
    same report, EPA shall provide a listing of receipt of new notices of 
        EPA believes the new format of the notice will be easier to 
    understand by the interested public, and provides the information that 
    is of greatest interest to the public users. Certain information 
    provided in the earlier notices will not be provided under the new 
    format. The status reports of substances under review, potential 
    production volume, and summaries of health and safety data will not be 
    provided in the new notices.
        EPA is not providing production volume information in the 
    consolidated notice since such information is generally claimed as 
    confidential. For this reason, there is no substantive loss to the 
    public in not publishing the data. Health and safety data are not 
    summarized in the notice since it is recognized as impossible, given 
    the format of this notice, as well as the previous style of notices, to 
    provide meaningful information on the subject. In those submissions 
    where health and safety data were received by the Agency, a footnote is 
    included by the Manufacturer/Importer identity to indicate its 
    existence. As stated below, interested persons may contact EPA directly 
    to secure information on such studies.
        For persons who are interested in data not included in this notice, 
    access can be secured at EPA Headquarters in the NCIC at the address 
    provided above. Additionally, interested parties may telephone the 
    Document Control Office at (202) 260-1532, TDD (202) 554-0551, for 
    generic use information, health and
    [[Page 46380]]
    safety data not claimed as confidential or status reports on section 5 
        Send all comments to the address listed above. All comments 
    received will be reviewed and appropriate amendments will be made as 
    deemed necessary.
        This notice will identify: (I) PMNs received; and (II) Notices of 
    Commencement to manufacture/import.
                                                I.  74 Premanufacture Notices Received From: 06/01/98 to 06/15/98                                           
                                                                   Projected Notice End       Manufacturer/                                                 
                  Case No.                    Received Date               Date                  Importer                  Use                 Chemical      
    P-98-0844                            06/02/98                08/31/98                CBI                    (G) Coating component  (G) Prepolymer of    
                                                                                                                                        aromatic isocyanate 
                                                                                                                                        and polyester polyol
    P-98-0848                            06/05/98                09/03/98                USR Optonix Inc        (S) Luminescent        (S) Silicic acid,    
                                                                                                                 colorant for           magnesium, strontium
                                                                                                                 plastic; luminescent   salt, dyprosium,    
                                                                                                                 colorant for wax       europium doped*     
    P-98-0849                            06/04/98                09/02/98                CBI                    (G) For mechanical     (G) Ppdi polyester-  
                                                                                                                 parts application      polyether prepolymer
    P-98-0850                            06/04/98                09/02/98                CBI                    (G) Additive for       (G) Fatty acids amide
                                                                                                                 lubricating fluids                         
    P-98-0851                            06/04/98                09/02/98                CBI                    (G) Open non           (G) Aqueous          
                                                                                                                 dispersive (resin)     polyurethane        
    P-98-0852                            06/04/98                09/02/98                CBI                    (G)                    (G) Polyester polyol 
    P-98-0853                            06/02/98                08/31/98                CBI                    (S) Curing agent for   (G) Amine functional 
                                                                                                                 epoxy resin coatings   epoxy curing agent  
    P-98-0854                            06/03/98                09/01/98                Arizona Chemical       (S) Resin for          (G) Fatty acid       
                                                                                                                 decorative and         modified rosin ester
                                                                                                                 protective coating                         
    P-98-0855                            06/02/98                08/31/98                CBI                    (G) Solvent for        (G) Aromatic         
                                                                                                                 applications where     hydrocarbon         
                                                                                                                 low vapor pressure                         
                                                                                                                 is desired                                 
    P-98-0856                            06/02/98                08/31/98                CBI                    (G) Solvent for        (G) Aromatic         
                                                                                                                 applications where     hydrocarbon         
                                                                                                                 low vapor pressure                         
                                                                                                                 is desired                                 
    P-98-0857                            06/04/98                09/02/98                CBI                    (G) Lubricant          (G) Alkyl            
                                                                                                                 additive               benzenesulfonic acid
    P-98-0858                            06/04/98                09/02/98                CBI                    (G) Lubrication        (G) Alkyl benzene    
    P-98-0859                            06/04/98                09/02/98                CBI                    (G) Lubrication        (G) Alkyl            
                                                                                                                 additive               benzenesulfonic acid
    P-98-0860                            06/05/98                09/03/98                CBI                    (G) Vacuum forming     (G) Water borne      
                                                                                                                 adhesive               polyurethane        
    P-98-0861                            06/04/98                09/02/98                CBI                    (S) Resin for metal    (G) Copolymer of     
                                                                                                                 coatings; resin for    acrylic and         
                                                                                                                 coatings, inks, and    methacrylic esters  
    P-98-0862                            06/05/98                09/03/98                CBI                    (G) Coating resin,     (G) Polyester        
                                                                                                                 open, non-dispersive   polyurethane        
    P-98-0863                            06/05/98                09/03/98                CBI                    (G) Toner chemical     (G)                  
                                                                                                                 (open, non-            Perfluoroalkylmethac
                                                                                                                 dispersive use)        rylate maleimide    
                                                                                                                                        type copolymer      
    P-98-0864                            06/05/98                09/03/98                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Acrylic polymer  
                                                                                                                 dispersive use                             
    P-98-0865                            06/05/98                09/03/98                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Acrylic resin    
                                                                                                                 dispersive use                             
    P-98-0866                            06/05/98                09/03/98                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Acrylic polymer  
                                                                                                                 dispersive use                             
    P-98-0867                            06/05/98                09/03/98                Union Carbide          (S) Catalyst solution  (G) Sodium alcoholate
    P-98-0868                            06/05/98                09/03/98                Union Carbide          (S) Catalyst solution  (G) Sodium alcoholate
    P-98-0869                            06/05/98                09/03/98                Union Carbide          (S) Catalyst solution  (G) Sodium alcoholate
    P-98-0870                            06/05/98                09/03/98                Union Carbide          (S) Catalyst solution  (G) Sodium alcoholate
    P-98-0871                            06/05/98                09/03/98                Union Carbide          (S) Catalyst solution  (G) Sodium alcoholate
    P-98-0872                            06/08/98                09/06/98                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Polyester resin  
                                                                                                                 dispersive use                             
    P-98-0873                            06/08/98                09/06/98                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Methacrylate     
                                                                                                                 dispersive use         polymer             
    P-98-0874                            06/08/98                09/06/98                CBI                    (G) An open non-       (G) Alkyd resin      
                                                                                                                 dispersive use                             
    P-98-0875                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (G) Microelectronics   (G) Substituted      
                                                                                                                 film coating           bicyclic olefin     
    P-98-0876                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (S) Functions as       (G) Naphth           
                                                                                                                 isolated chemical      (petrroleum), light 
                                                                                                                 intermediate in the    steam cracked,      
                                                                                                                 manufacture of         dicyclopentadiene,  
                                                                                                                 finished hydrocarbon   conc. reaction      
                                                                                                                 hybrid resins for      products with tall  
                                                                                                                 use in the             oil.                
                                                                                                                 production of                              
                                                                                                                 lithographic inks                          
    P-98-0877                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (S) Functions as       (G) Naphth           
                                                                                                                 isolated chemical      (petrroleum), light 
                                                                                                                 intermediate in the    steam cracked,      
                                                                                                                 manufacture of         dicyclopentadiene,  
                                                                                                                 finished hydrocarbon   conc. reaction      
                                                                                                                 hybrid resins for      products with tall  
                                                                                                                 use in the             oil.                
                                                                                                                 production of                              
                                                                                                                 lithographic inks                          
    P-98-0878                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (S) Functions as       (G) Naphth           
                                                                                                                 isolated chemical      (petrroleum), light 
                                                                                                                 intermediate in the    steam cracked,      
                                                                                                                 manufacture of         dicyclopentadiene,  
                                                                                                                 finished hydrocarbon   conc. reaction      
                                                                                                                 hybrid resins for      products with tall  
                                                                                                                 use in the             oil.                
                                                                                                                 production of                              
                                                                                                                 lithographic inks                          
    P-98-0879                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (S) Functions as       (G) Naphth           
                                                                                                                 isolated chemical      (petrroleum), light 
                                                                                                                 intermediate in the    steam cracked,      
                                                                                                                 manufacture of         dicyclopentadiene,  
                                                                                                                 finished hydrocarbon   conc. reaction      
                                                                                                                 hybrid resins for      products with tall  
                                                                                                                 use in the             oil and maleic      
                                                                                                                 production of          anhydride.          
                                                                                                                 lithographic inks                          
    [[Page 46381]]
    P-98-0880                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (S) Functions as       (G) Naphth           
                                                                                                                 isolated chemical      (petrroleum), light 
                                                                                                                 intermediate in the    steam cracked,      
                                                                                                                 manufacture of         dicyclopentadiene,  
                                                                                                                 finished hydrocarbon   conc. reaction      
                                                                                                                 hybrid resins for      products with tall  
                                                                                                                 use in the             oil and maleic      
                                                                                                                 production of          anhydride.          
                                                                                                                 lithographic inks                          
    P-98-0881                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (S) Functions as       (G) Naphth           
                                                                                                                 isolated chemical      (petrroleum), light 
                                                                                                                 intermediate in the    steam cracked,      
                                                                                                                 manufacture of         dicyclopentadiene,  
                                                                                                                 finished hydrocarbon   conc. reaction      
                                                                                                                 hybrid resins for      products with tall  
                                                                                                                 use in the             oil and maleic      
                                                                                                                 production of          anhydride.          
                                                                                                                 lithographic inks                          
    P-98-0882                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Quarternary      
                                                                                                                 coating for open use   ammonium functional 
                                                                                                                                        acrylic polymer     
    P-98-0883                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Quarternary      
                                                                                                                 coating for open use   ammonium functional 
                                                                                                                                        acrylic polymer     
    P-98-0884                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Quarternary      
                                                                                                                 coating for open use   ammonium functional 
                                                                                                                                        acrylic polymer     
    P-98-0885                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (S) Functions as the   (G) Rosin, polymer   
                                                                                                                 binder resin in        with naphtha        
                                                                                                                 lithographic inks      (petroleum), light  
                                                                                                                                        steam cracked,      
                                                                                                                                        conc., maleic       
                                                                                                                                        anhydride, tall oil 
                                                                                                                                        and a polyol        
    P-98-0886                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (S) Functions as the   (G) Rosin, polymer   
                                                                                                                 binder resin in        with naphtha        
                                                                                                                 lithographic inks      (petroleum), light  
                                                                                                                                        steam cracked,      
                                                                                                                                        conc., maleic       
                                                                                                                                        anhydride, tall oil 
                                                                                                                                        and a polyol        
    P-98-0887                            06/09/98                09/07/98                CBI                    (S) Functions as the   (G) Rosin, polymer   
                                                                                                                 binder resin in        with naphtha        
                                                                                                                 lithographic inks      (petroleum), light  
                                                                                                                                        steam cracked,      
                                                                                                                                        conc., maleic       
                                                                                                                                        anhydride, tall oil 
                                                                                                                                        and a polyol        
    P-98-0888                            06/10/98                09/08/98                S. C. Johnson & Son,   (G) Open, non-         (G) Acrylic polymer  
                                                                                          Inc.                   dispersive use                             
    P-98-0889                            06/10/98                09/08/98                S. C. Johnson & Son,   (G) Open, non-         (G) Acrylic polymer  
                                                                                          Inc.                   dispersive use                             
    P-98-0890                            06/10/98                09/08/98                S. C. Johnson & Son,   (G) Open, non-         (G) Acrylic polymer  
                                                                                          Inc.                   dispersive use                             
    P-98-0891                            06/10/98                09/08/98                S. C. Johnson & Son,   (G) Open, non-         (G) Acrylic polymer  
                                                                                          Inc.                   dispersive use                             
    P-98-0892                            06/09/98                09/07/98                Mona Industries, Inc.  (S) Metal working;     (S) Amides, sunflower-
                                                                                                                 household,             oil, n-             
                                                                                                                 industrial and         (hydroxyethyl),     
                                                                                                                 institutional          propoxylated*       
                                                                                                                 emilsifies personal                        
    P-98-0893                            06/09/98                09/07/98                Mona Industries, Inc.  (S) Metal working;     (S) Amides, rape-oil,
                                                                                                                 household,             n-(hydroxyethyl),   
                                                                                                                 industrial and         propoxylated*       
                                                                                                                 emilsifies personal                        
    P-98-0894                            06/09/98                09/07/98                Mona Industries, Inc.  (S) Metal working;     (S) Amides, land-oil,
                                                                                                                 household,             n-(hydroxyethyl),   
                                                                                                                 industrial and         propoxylated*       
                                                                                                                 emilsifies personal                        
    P-98-0895                            06/09/98                09/07/98                Mona Industries, Inc.  (S) Metal working;     (S) Amides, castor-  
                                                                                                                 household,             oil, n-             
                                                                                                                 industrial and         (hydroxyethyl),     
                                                                                                                 institutional          propoxylated*       
                                                                                                                 emilsifies personal                        
    P-98-0896                            06/09/98                09/07/98                Mona Industries, Inc.  (S) Metal working;     (S) Amides, borage, n-
                                                                                                                 household,             (hydroxyethyl),     
                                                                                                                 industrial and         propoxylated*       
                                                                                                                 emilsifies personal                        
    P-98-0897                            06/11/98                09/09/98                CBI                    (S) Lamination         (G) Polyurethane     
    P-98-0898                            06/11/98                09/09/98                Reichhold Chemicals    (G) Intermediate in    (G) Epoxy resin      
                                                                                          Inc                    the manufacture of                         
                                                                                                                 anticorrosion primer                       
    P-98-0899                            06/09/98                09/07/98                Henkel Adhesives       (S) Hot melt adhesive  (S) Fatty acids, C18-
                                                                                                                                        unsat'd., dimers,   
                                                                                                                                        polymers with adipic
                                                                                                                                        piperazine and      
                                                                                                                                        polypropylene glycol
    P-98-0900                            06/11/98                09/09/98                CBI                    (S) Binder for         (G) Poly(urethane-   
                                                                                                                 coating materials      acrylate)           
                                                                                                                 that are applied on                        
                                                                                                                 wood, paper, metal                         
                                                                                                                 and plastics                               
    P-98-0901                            06/11/98                09/09/98                Vianova Resins         (S) Resin in           (G) Acrylate         
                                                                                          Incorporated           ultraviolet/           functional polyester
                                                                                                                 electron beam          resin               
    P-98-0902                            06/11/98                09/09/98                Elf Development Inc.   (S) Detergent          (G) Poly-alkyl-      
                                                                                                                 additive for diesel    succinic-poly-imides
                                                                                                                 fuels engines                              
    P-98-0903                            06/12/98                09/10/98                CBI                    (G) Coating additive   (G) Acidic polyester 
    P-98-0904                            06/12/98                09/10/98                CBI                    (G) Lubricants         (G)                  
                                                                                                                 additive               Polyalkymethacrylate
    P-98-0905                            06/12/98                09/10/98                CBI                    (G) Coating additive   (G) Alkenyl half-    
                                                                                                                                        ester of            
    [[Page 46382]]
    P-98-0906                            06/12/98                09/10/98                CBI                    (S) Epoxy resin        (G) Amine functional 
                                                                                                                 curing agent           epoxy curing agent  
    P-98-0907                            06/12/98                09/10/98                Percy International    (S) Exoxy resin        (S) 1,2-             
                                                                                          Ltd.                   curing agent in        ethanediamine,n-(2- 
                                                                                                                 water                  aminoethyl)-n-[2-[(2-
                                                                                                                                        yl]-, polymer with  
                                                                                                                                        ]oxirane and alpha- 
    P-98-0908                            06/12/98                09/10/98                Reichhold Chemicals    (G) Component of       (G) Blocked          
                                                                                          Inc                    automotive             isocyanated (mdi)   
                                                                                                                 electrocoat resin                          
    P-98-0909                            06/12/98                09/10/98                Reichhold Chemicals    (G) Component of       (G) Acrylic resin    
                                                                                          Inc                    automotive                                 
                                                                                                                 anticorrosion primer                       
    P-98-0910                            06/12/98                09/10/98                CBI                    (G) Adhesion Control   (G) Alipahatic       
                                                                                                                 Agent                  polycarboxylic acid,
                                                                                                                                        perester with       
                                                                                                                                        branched chain fatty
    P-98-0911                            06/12/98                09/10/98                Dow Corning            (S) Silicone release   (G) Epoxyalkyl-      
                                                                                                                 coating                functional siloxane 
    P-98-0912                            06/15/98                09/13/98                Chemrex Inc.           (G) Mdi polymer        (G) Diphenyl methane 
                                                                                                                 modifier silane        diisocyanate polymer
                                                                                                                 adduct                 with a substituted  
    P-98-0913                            06/12/98                09/10/98                CBI                    (G) Emulsifier         (G) Modified         
                                                                                                                 component for          polyether           
                                                                                                                 adhesive resin                             
    P-98-0914                            06/15/98                09/13/98                3M Company             (S) Industrial wood    (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                 adhesive               prepolymer          
    P-98-0917                            06/12/98                09/10/98                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Acrylic copolymer
    P-98-0918                            06/12/98                09/10/98                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Acrylic copolymer
    P-98-0919                            06/12/98                09/10/98                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Acrylic copolymer
    P-98-0920                            06/12/98                09/10/98                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Acrylic copolymer
    P-98-0921                            06/12/98                09/10/98                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Acrylic copolymer
    P-98-0922                            06/06/98                09/04/98                CBI                    (S) Metal              (G) Organo silane    
                                                                                                                 pretreatment product   ester               
                            II. 24 Notices of Commencement Received From: 06/01/98 to 06/15/98                      
                  Case No.                   Received Date              Date                      Chemical          
    P-95-0293                           06/05/98               05/15/98               (S) Cyclohexanamine, 4,4-     
                                                                                       methylenebis [n (1-          
    P-96-0296                           06/02/98               05/07/98               (G) Bis substituted amino     
                                                                                       carboxylic acid salt         
    P-96-0297                           06/02/98               05/14/98               (G) Substituted amino         
                                                                                       carboxylic acid salt         
    P-96-0323                           06/15/98               06/02/98               (G) Polymeric product of      
                                                                                       reactions of epoxy with      
                                                                                       organic acid and acrylic     
                                                                                       monomers, partially          
                                                                                       neutralized with dimethyl    
    P-97-0656                           06/15/98               05/26/98               (G) Polyurea                  
    P-97-0874                           06/01/98               04/30/98               (G) Alkyl                     
    P-97-0899                           06/04/98               05/15/98               (G) Methacrylate ester polymer
    P-97-0990                           06/02/98               05/12/98               (G) Aliphatic diamine aromatic
                                                                                       epoxy adduct                 
    P-98-0243                           06/02/98               05/02/98               (G) Waterborne polyurethane   
                                                                                       dispersion based on a        
                                                                                       polyester polyol and 1,1     
                                                                                       methylenebis (4-             
    P-98-0247                           06/08/98               04/30/98               (G) Polyether aromatic        
    P-98-0262                           06/08/98               05/20/98               (G) Cyanoacetate derivative   
    P-98-0329                           06/08/98               05/28/98               (G) Substituted porphyrin     
    P-98-0361                           06/03/98               05/07/98               (G) Aromatic acid acrylate    
                                                                                       half ester                   
    P-98-0362                           06/02/98               05/01/98               (G) Organic acid amine salt   
    P-98-0364                           06/02/98               05/04/98               (G) Organic acid amine salt   
    P-98-0370                           06/02/98               05/01/98               (G) Organic acid amine salt   
    P-98-0371                           06/02/98               05/01/98               (G) Organic acid amine salt   
    P-98-0372                           06/15/98               06/01/98               (G) Organic acid amine salt   
    P-98-0373                           06/02/98               04/30/98               (G) Organic acid amine salt   
    P-98-0453                           06/04/98               05/05/98               (G) Mixed dicarboxylic acid,  
                                                                                       barium salt                  
    P-98-0485                           06/04/98               05/22/98               (G) Sodium salt of 2,5-       
                                                                                       furandione, polymer with     
    P-98-0489                           06/15/98               06/08/98               (G) Reaction product of       
                                                                                       aliphatic amine and          
                                                                                       polyacrylic ester            
    P-98-0514                           06/15/98               06/05/98               (G) Polyamic acid, acrylate   
                                                                                       ester, ethyl ester           
    P-98-0548                           06/15/98               06/09/98               (G) Phenolic-extended epoxy   
    [[Page 46383]]
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Premanufacture notices.
        Dated: August 24, 1998.
    Oscar Morales,
    Acting Director, Information Management Division, Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics.
    [FR Doc. 98-23321 Filed 8-28-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
46379-46383 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPPTS-51911, FRL-6022-8
PDF File: