99-22652. Notice of Updated Policy Regarding Harvest of Migratory Birds in Alaska Between March 10 and September 1  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 168 (Tuesday, August 31, 1999)]
    [Pages 47512-47514]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-22652]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    Notice of Updated Policy Regarding Harvest of Migratory Birds in 
    Alaska Between March 10 and September 1
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is updating the 1988 
    policy regarding subsistence harvest of migratory birds in Alaska. The 
    policy is a statement regarding enforcement priorities the Service 
    follows in Alaska to conserve waterfowl between March 10 and September 
    1. The original policy concentrated enforcement efforts on violations 
    that have the most serious impacts on the resource, with particular 
    emphasis on the protection of four diminished populations of geese: 
    cackling Canada geese, emperor geese, Pacific white-fronted geese, and 
    black brant. Due to the status of some eider populations, this updated 
    policy also includes spectacled and Steller's eiders in this first 
    priority protection. In addition, the policy prohibits wasting any 
    migratory bird, using private and charter aircraft to assist in 
    hunting, and possessing lead shot while hunting waterfowl.
        In 1997, the United States Senate gave its advice and consent to 
    ratification of two protocols amending, respectively, the 1916 
    Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds in Canada and the 
    United States (the ``Canada Treaty'') and the 1936 U.S.-Mexico 
    Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds and Game Mammals (the 
    ``Mexico Treaty'') (together the ``Protocols''). These Protocols 
    provide for legal, regulated spring subsistence hunting in Alaska. In 
    particular, the Protocol with Canada provides in Article II that:
        In the case of the United States * * * [m]igratory birds and 
    their eggs may be harvested by the indigenous inhabitants of the 
    State of Alaska. Seasons and other regulations implementing the non-
    wasteful taking of migratory birds and the collection of their eggs 
    by indigenous inhabitants of the State of Alaska shall be consistent 
    with the customary and traditional uses by such indigenous 
    inhabitants for their own nutritional and other essential needs.
    Similarly, Article I of the Protocol with Mexico provides that:
    [[Page 47513]]
        The establishment of a closed season for wild ducks from the 
    tenth of March to the first of September, except in the State of 
    Alaska, United States of America, where wild ducks and their eggs 
    may be harvested by the indigenous inhabitants thereof provided that 
    seasons and other regulations implementing the non-wasteful taking 
    of wild ducks and their eggs in such cases shall be consistent with 
    the customary and traditional uses by such indigenous inhabitants 
    for their own nutritional and other essential needs.
        The Canada Protocol, which along with the Mexico Protocol will 
    enter into force once the Parties exchange instruments of ratification, 
    contemplates the establishment of management bodies in Alaska that will 
    develop recommendations to the Service for specific hunting 
    regulations. The Service is currently involved in an extensive public 
    involvement process in Alaska to develop the required management bodies 
    and the subsequent regulations allowing spring and summer harvest of 
    migratory birds. The Service expects to have the management bodies in 
    place in the year 2000 and specific hunting regulations in 2001. Until 
    that time, consistent with the two Protocols and pursuant to existing 
    statutory authority under 16 U.S.C. 712, this enforcement policy will 
    guide our conservation measures.
    DATES: The Service's policy regarding harvest of migratory birds in 
    Alaska during the closed season became effective on April 22, 1988. The 
    policy, as updated, will remain in effect until regulations are 
    promulgated to implement the 1997 Protocols to the migratory bird 
    treaties with Canada and Mexico.
    ADDRESSES: Address correspondence to: Regional Director, U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service, 1011 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99503.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mimi Hogan, Migratory Bird Subsistence 
    Coordinator, (907) 786-3673; or John Gavitt, Assistant Regional 
    Director, Division of Law Enforcement, (907) 786-3311.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the Federal Register dated December 31, 
    1987, the Service gave notice of, and invited public comments on, a 
    proposed policy statement regarding subsistence taking of migratory 
    birds in Alaska during the closed season as required by the 1918 Treaty 
    Act (16 U.S.C. 703 et seq.) and implemented by regulations. The notice 
    also terminated a proposed rulemaking announced to the public on May 
    19, 1986, (51 FR 18349) to permit and regulate subsistence hunting for 
    migratory birds in Alaska. The rulemaking was halted by an October 9, 
    1987, ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that 
    any regulations for subsistence hunting of migratory birds promulgated 
    pursuant to the 1978 Fish and Wildlife Improvement Act must be in 
    accordance with the Canada Treaty implemented by the Treaty Act. The 
    Canada Treaty specifically prohibits hunting for most migratory birds 
    between March 10 and September 1. Finally, the notice indicated Service 
    support for continuation of a Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Goose Management 
    Plan, a cooperative management agreement for the conservation of geese 
    that nest primarily in western Alaska.
        Following the court decision, the Service worked toward legalizing 
    subsistence harvest in Alaska during the closed season by proposing 
    amendments to the Canada Treaty and the Mexico Treaty. The U.S. Senate 
    gave its advice and consent to ratification of the Protocols on October 
    23, 1997, paving the way for ratification and a regulatory process to 
    ensure proper implementation of these amendments.
        Issuance by the Service of a law enforcement policy is not subject 
    to the notice and comment procedures of the Administrative Procedures 
    Act. However, the legal status of subsistence hunting in Alaska was for 
    years the subject of litigation that was confusing to the public. In 
    light of this, and because of great interest in the issue and need for 
    understanding of the policy, the Service believed that it would be 
    beneficial in this instance to provide for public review of the 
    proposed policy. Public comments were reviewed in the Final Policy 
    Statement (53 FR 16878).
    Need for Policy and Relation to Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Goose 
    Management Plan
        The Treaty Act prohibits the taking of migratory birds except as 
    permitted by regulations published by the Service. The Treaty Act 
    further requires that the regulations must be consistent with the 
    provisions of the 1916 Canada Treaty. Accordingly, the Service 
    publishes regulations annually that establish open seasons and bag 
    limits for migratory game birds within the September 1 to March 10 
    period provided by that treaty. Except in Alaska, the Service has 
    always strictly enforced the prohibitions against taking migratory 
    birds during closed seasons; that is, during those times of year 
    outside the hunting seasons established in the annual hunting 
        The Service has recognized for many years that residents of certain 
    rural areas in Alaska depend on waterfowl and some other migratory 
    birds as customary and traditional sources of food, primarily during 
    spring and early summer. Because of this long established dependence, 
    the Service generally has exercised its discretion to not strictly 
    enforce the closed season in these areas provided that subsistence 
    harvest of a particular species will not adversely affect its 
    populations and that birds are not wasted. The Service recognizes the 
    need for conservation measures to protect those species where 
    population levels are of concern or are most susceptible to declines.
        Since 1984, efforts to halt declines of the four populations of 
    geese on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta have been undertaken pursuant to a 
    Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Goose Management Plan which has been renewed 
    annually until 1995, and biannually since then. The biannual renewal of 
    the plan is an essential element in the conservation of the geese on 
    their nesting grounds. It retains an established mechanism for 
    communication with the subsistence hunters most affected by the policy 
    and encourages the cooperation needed to achieve population objectives 
    incorporated into previous plans. This cooperative management includes 
    provisions to reduce sport harvest of these species and to reduce or 
    minimize subsistence harvest that is not in accordance with the Plan. 
    The Service views the plan as an effective mechanism in providing for 
    cooperative management of geese on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, and has 
    therefore applied similar provisions to the policy that applies 
    throughout the remainder of the state.
        The Closed Season Enforcement Policy in Alaska, in accordance with 
    the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Management Plan, has changed somewhat from 
    the original policy as populations of cackling Canada geese and Pacific 
    white-fronted geese have increased. The updated policy reflects these 
    population changes. In addition, there have been changes concerning 
    other species.
        The spectacled eider was listed in 1993 as a threatened species 
    under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, primarily on the 
    basis of estimates that the number of nesting pairs on the Yukon-
    Kuskokwim Delta declined over 96% between the 1970s and the 1990s. The 
    Alaska population of Steller's eider was listed as a threatened species 
    in 1997 because of a decline in the number of birds breeding in Alaska. 
    Spectacled and Steller's eiders were added to the list of species to 
    receive special enforcement concern under the Service's closed season 
    policy. In 1997, a Spectacled and Steller's Eider Management Plan, 
    containing similar enforcement provisions, was added as
    [[Page 47514]]
    an attachment to the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Goose Management Plan.
        The Service recognizes that among subsistence users there is a wide 
    range in the level of understanding of the impacts of spring and summer 
    harvest of waterfowl and the need to reduce mortality, especially when 
    populations become depressed. The Service will continue educational 
    efforts to expand the understanding of this relationship and will 
    consider the varying levels of understanding when carrying out 
    enforcement efforts on a statewide basis.
        The Protocols allow regulations to be written opening the season on 
    subsistence harvest of migratory birds between March 10 and September 
    1. The process to develop regulations is currently in progress and is 
    expected to result in the establishment of management bodies in 2000 
    and specific hunting regulations in 2001. In the meantime, this 
    Enforcement Policy will guide conservation.
    Closed Season Enforcement Policy in Alaska
        The enforcement policy described below applies only during the 
    closed season, between March 10 and September 1. The policy applies 
    only to residents of rural areas in Alaska where people have long 
    relied on locally harvested waterfowl for food during spring and 
    summer. On the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, we will engage in enforcement 
    actions in accordance with the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Goose Management 
    Plan. In areas other than those described above, we will enforce the 
    closed season and all other regulations for hunting migratory birds 
    from September 1 to March 10 as throughout the rest of the nation.
        Service enforcement efforts in Alaska during the closed season will 
    concentrate on violations that have the most serious impacts on the 
    resource. We will give special attention to the protection of 
    spectacled and Steller's eiders, cackling Canada geese, emperor geese, 
    Pacific white-fronted geese, and black brant. These species have 
    suffered severe population declines in recent years and need special 
        Although all waterfowl hunters in Alaska have been required to use 
    non-toxic shot since 1991, this has not been an enforcement priority in 
    the past with regard to subsistence hunting. However, recent studies 
    have confirmed lead shot poisoning in spectacled eiders and other 
    species of waterfowl harvested by subsistence hunters in Alaska. 
    Therefore anyone possessing lead shot while waterfowl hunting will be 
    subject to enforcement action, regardless of time or place.
        Under the Closed Season Policy we will give enforcement priority to 
    the following violations:
         No taking of spectacled or Steller's eiders at any time;
         No taking of emperor geese at any time;
         No taking of cackling Canada geese or black brant during 
    the nesting, brood-rearing, and flightless period;
         No taking of Pacific white-fronted geese, in the coastal 
    areas of western Alaska south of Norton Sound, during the nesting, 
    brood-rearing, and flightless periods;
         No taking of the eggs of spectacled or Steller's eiders, 
    emperor geese, cackling Canada geese or black brant;
         No wasting of any migratory bird;
         No use of private or charter aircraft to assist hunting of 
    any migratory bird;
         No possession or use of lead shot while hunting waterfowl.
        Status of populations will guide identification of circumstances 
    warranting additional protection for migratory birds during the closed 
    season. This will involve consultation with affected interests. Of 
    greatest concern will be situations involving continuing harvest of 
    species of concern, waste or harvest exceeding reasonable levels of 
    need under existing circumstances.
        Dated: August 20, 1999.
    David B. Allen,
    Regional Director, Anchorage, Alaska.
    [FR Doc. 99-22652 Filed 8-30-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Document Number:
The Service's policy regarding harvest of migratory birds in Alaska during the closed season became effective on April 22, 1988. The policy, as updated, will remain in effect until regulations are promulgated to implement the 1997 Protocols to the migratory bird treaties with Canada and Mexico.
47512-47514 (3 pages)
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