[Federal Register Volume 62, Number 149 (Monday, August 4, 1997)]
[Pages 42020-42030]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 97-20560]
[[Page 42019]]
Part V
Environmental Protection Agency
Raw and Processed Food Schedule for Pesticide Tolerance Reassessment;
Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 149 / Monday, August 4, 1997 /
[[Page 42020]]
[OPP-300523; FRL-5734-6]
Raw and Processed Food Schedule for Pesticide Tolerance
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces EPA's schedule for reassessing
tolerances for pesticide residues in or on raw and processed foods.
Publication of this schedule meets the requirements of Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) section 408(q)(3), as established by the
Food Quality Protection Act of 1996. Under the new law, EPA is required
to reassess all existing tolerances and exemptions from tolerances for
both active and inert ingredients. EPA is directed to give priority
review to pesticides that appear to present risk concerns based on
current data. In reassessing tolerances, EPA must consider the
aggregate exposure to the pesticide; cumulative effects from other
pesticides with a common mode of toxicity; whether there is an
increased susceptibility from exposure to the pesticide to infants and
children; and whether the pesticide produces an effect in humans
similar to an effect produced by a naturally occurring estrogen or
other endocrine effects.
ADDRESS: Written comments, although not required, may be submitted by
mail to: Public Information and Records Integrity Branch, Information
Resources and Services Division (7506C), Office of Pesticide Programs,
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
In person, bring comments to: Rm. 1132, CM #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis
Hwy., Arlington, VA. Comments must be identified by docket control
number (OPP-300523). Information submitted and any comment(s)
concerning this notice may be claimed confidential by marking any part
or all of that information as ``Confidential Business Information''
(CBI). Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance
with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. A copy of the comment(s)
that does not contain CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public
Comments may be submitted electronically by following the
instructions under Unit VI. No CBI should be submitted through e-mail.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: Jeff Morris, Special Review
and Reregistration Division (7508W), Environmental Protection Agency,
401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. Office location, telephone number
and e-mail address: Special Review Branch, Crystal Station #1, 3rd
floor, 2800 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. Telephone: (703) 308-
8029; e-mail: morris.jeffrey@epamail.epa.gov.
I. Background
The FFDCA authorizes EPA to establish tolerances (maximum residue
levels) or exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance, and to
modify and revoke tolerances for residues of pesticide chemicals in or
on raw agricultural commodities and processed food. Without a tolerance
or exemption, food containing pesticide residues is considered to be
adulterated and may not be legally moved in interstate commerce.
Tolerance procedures are contained in 40 CFR parts 177 through 180; all
tolerances and exemptions are listed in parts 180, 185, and 186.
Monitoring and enforcement of pesticide tolerances are carried out by
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA). This includes monitoring for pesticide residues in
or on commodities imported into the United States.
On August 3, 1996, the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) was
signed into law. Effective upon signature, FQPA significantly amended
the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the
FFDCA. One new FFDCA provision established by FQPA requires the
reassessment of all existing tolerances and exemptions from the
requirement of a tolerance in a manner consistent with the requirements
of the new law.
Prior to FQPA, EPA reassessed tolerances as part of its
reregistration process for pesticides registered prior to November
1984. For pesticide chemicals registered after November 1984 (known as
the post-1984 chemicals) and for newly registered pesticides, EPA has
used the registration process to ensure that the best available
information is used to assess the safety of tolerances and exemptions.
II. Regulatory Requirements of FFDCA
Section 408(q) of the FFDCA requires that EPA review within ten
years all tolerances and exemptions established prior to the August 3,
1996 enactment of FQPA, giving priority to the review of those
tolerances or exemptions that appear to pose the greatest risk to
public health. In its review of these tolerances and exemptions, EPA
must meet the following time table: 33 percent of applicable tolerances
and exemptions must be reviewed by August 1999, 66 percent by August
2002, and 100 percent by August 2006. FQPA also requires that by August
3, 1997, EPA publish a schedule of its reassessment of these tolerances
and exemptions. Today's notice satisfies that requirement. Although
publication of this tolerance reassessment schedule is not a rulemaking
and is not subject to judicial review, EPA welcomes responses to this
schedule from interested parties and the general public. Please see
part VI, ``Effective Date and Public Response,'' for information on how
to respond to this notice.
III. Tolerances and Exemptions Subject to Reassessment
At the time of FQPA's August 1996 enactment, there were 9,728
tolerances and exemptions for active and inert ingredients that are
subject to the FQPA reassessment time table in section 408(q). Of the
tolerances and exemptions for active ingredients subject to the
reassessment schedule, 8,190 are tolerances and 712 are exemptions.
Also subject to reassessment are 826 exemptions for inert ingredients.
IV. Tolerance Reassessment Program
All existing tolerances and exemptions will be reviewed in the
course of the tolerance reassessment program, initially as part of the
Agency's pesticide reregistration program and later as part of the
registration renewal program. First, tolerance reassessment will occur
as a part of the reregistration process. That is, tolerances and
exemptions for a pesticide chemical subject to reregistration are
reassessed at the time that the reregistration eligibility decision
(RED) is completed for the pesticide. EPA will also reassess tolerances
and exemptions associated with pesticides for which REDs were issued
before FQPA's August 1996 enactment and therefore require tolerance
reassessments conducted according to FQPA standards, pesticides that
were registered after 1984 and therefore are not subject to
reregistration, and food-use inert ingredients. In 2003, after
completion of the reregistration program, tolerance reassessment will
become an output of the registration renewal process.
A. Reassessment Considerations
In reassessing tolerances, FQPA requires that EPA consider, among
other things, the best available data and information on the following:
[[Page 42021]]
The aggregate exposure to the pesticide (including
exposure from residential pesticide uses and drinking water).
The cumulative effects from other pesticides sharing a
common mechanism of toxicity.
Whether there is an increased susceptibility from exposure
to the pesticide to infants and children.
Whether the pesticide produces an effect in humans similar
to an effect produced by a naturally occurring estrogen, or other
endocrine effects.
B. Tolerance Reassessment Priorities
In order to comply with FQPA reassessment priorities and
reregistration scheduling requirements, EPA has divided the pesticides
with tolerances and exemptions subject to the reassessment schedule
into three groups. In general, tolerances and exemptions for Group 1
pesticides will be subject to reassessment first, followed by groups 2
and 3. While the actual reassessment of the tolerances and exemptions
in these three groups may not correspond directly with the three FQPA
reassessment deadlines of August 1999, August 2002, and August 2006,
this grouping reflects the overall scheduling priorities for tolerance
1. Group 1--i. Risk- and hazard-based priorities. EPA has placed
into Group 1 those tolerances and exemptions associated with the
following types of pesticides, which based on the best available
information to date appear to pose the greatest risk to the public
(1) Pesticides of the organophosphate, carbamate, and
organochlorine classes (it is EPA's intent to conduct tolerance
reassessments for organophosphate pesticides in the first three years
of the schedule).
(2) Pesticides that EPA has classified as probable human (groups
B1 and B2) carcinogens, and possible human (group
C) carcinogens for which EPA has quantified a cancer potency.
(3) High-hazard inert ingredients.
(4) Any pesticides that, based on the best available data at the
time of scheduling, exceed their reference dose (RfD).
In making the determination as to which pesticides appear to pose
the greatest risk to the public health, whenever possible EPA has taken
into account exposure to infants, children, and other sensitive
ii. Reregistration priorities. Because EPA must, in addition to
meeting the tolerance reassessment schedule, also complete the
reregistration program by 2002, tolerance reassessments for those
pesticides for which REDs were substantially complete prior to FQPA's
enactment are also included in Group 1, even though the tolerances for
these pesticides may not be among those that appear to pose the
greatest risk to the public health. For the sake of completeness and
for tracking purposes, those food-use pesticides for which REDs were
issued after August 3, 1996 are also listed in Group 1, even though EPA
has completed their FQPA tolerance reassessments.
iii. Tolerance revocations. EPA has also placed in Group 1
pesticides for which tolerances and exemptions are in the process of
being proposed for revocation. These tolerances and exemptions are
included in the total 9,728 tolerances and exemptions. In some cases,
revocations reduce theoretical risk in dietary assessments where
tolerance-level residues are used. This year, EPA has begun to issue a
number of proposed rules to revoke over 1,000 tolerances and
exemptions: one notice proposes to revoke tolerances and exemptions
associated with pesticides for which all registrations have been
canceled; a second notice proposes to revoke tolerances for uses that
have been deleted from pesticide registrations; a third notice proposes
to revoke tolerances for uses canceled in order to reduce theoretical
risks to levels below the reference dose; a fourth notice, already
issued, proposes to revoke tolerances for uses no longer considered to
be significant livestock feed items; and several other notices propose
to revoke tolerances for individual pesticides.
2. Group 2. Possible human carcinogens not included in Group 1 will
be reassessed as part of Group 2. Because EPA intends to complete the
reregistration program in 2002, tolerances and exemptions for all
remaining pesticides subject to reregistration will also be reassessed
as part of Group 2. Other pesticides have been placed into Group 2
based on scheduling considerations.
3. Group 3. EPA has placed in Group 3 the biological pesticides, as
well as those inert ingredients referenced in 40 CFR part 180 that EPA
has not identified as high-hazard inerts. Also in Group 3 are, as part
of the registration renewal program, those post-1984 pesticides with
tolerances and/or exemptions not yet reassessed under FQPA.
V. Tolerance Reassessment Schedule
This section presents EPA's schedule for reassessing tolerances and
exemptions. The schedule is presented in two tables: In Table 1, column
A lists the three tolerance reassessment time frames mandated by FFDCA
section 408(q)(1), as established by FQPA; column B estimates the total
number of tolerances and exemptions that should be reassessed by the
end of each period.
Table 2 is a comprehensive list of the pesticides with tolerances
and/or exemptions subject to tolerance reassessment from the date of
this notice until August 3, 2006, divided into groups 1, 2, and 3.
Where EPA had the information readily available, the pesticides within
a group are arranged according to their chemical class; within a
chemical class, pesticides are listed alphabetically. The pesticide
names listed in Table 2 correspond with their listing in 40 CFR parts
180, 185, and 186, where some common names are also given. Note that
each individual pesticide listing may encompass more than one active
ingredient. Please refer to the tolerance listings in 40 CFR parts 180,
185, and 186 for further information on the active ingredients covered
by specific tolerance citations.
In all, there are a total of 469 pesticides or high-hazard inert
ingredients with food use tolerances that are scheduled for
reassessment. This includes 228 in group 1, 93 in group 2 and 148 in
group 3. Also, there are an additional 823 inert ingredient exemptions
that will be dealt with as part of group 3. The total number of
pesticides may change during the course of the process, as, for
example, in the case of canceled registrations.
VI. Effective Date and Public Response
This schedule is not subject to a formal public comment period, and
therefore becomes effective upon publication in the Federal Register.
Prior to issuance of this notice, EPA involved various stakeholders
through the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee in a public discussion
of EPA's tolerance reassessment program and scheduling priorities.
Nevertheless, EPA welcomes additional input from interested parties and
the general public, in particular: (1) if they believe there are
pesticides that should appear on the list but are omitted from it; or
(2) if they believe there are pesticides that should be dropped from
the list. The Agency will also keep the list of pesticides up-to-date
in its periodic reports to Congress on this program. Public responses
to this notice should be submitted to the address in the ``ADDRESSES''
section, with an additional copy sent to Jeff Morris, Special Review
and Reregistration Division, at the address and telephone number listed
above in the section titled
[[Page 42022]]
The official record for this notice, as well as the public version,
has been established for this notice under docket number OPP-300523
(including comments and data submitted electronically as described
below). A public version of this record, including printed, paper
versions of electronic comments, which does not include any information
claimed as CBI, is available for inspection from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The official record is
located at the address in ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this
Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at: docket@epamail.epa.gov.
Electronic responses must be submitted in ASCII file format,
avoiding the use of special characters and any form of encryption.
Comments will also be accepted on disks in WordPerfect 5.1 file format
or ASCII file format. All comments in electronic form must be
identified by the docket control number OPP-300523. Electronic
responses to this schedule may be filed on line at many Federal
Depository libraries.
Dated: July 31, 1997.
Lynn R. Goldman,
Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic
Table 1.--Tolerance Reassessment Time Table
(B) Reassessments Required
(A) Tolerance Reassessment Deadlines by End of Time Period
August 1999
33% of all applicable tolerances and 3,210
exemptions must be reassessed. (9,728 x 33%)
August 2002
66% of all applicable tolerances and 6,420
exemptions must be reassessed. (9,728 x 66%)
August 2006
100% of all applicable tolerances and 9,728
exemptions must be reassessed. (9,728 x 100%)
Within each group of the following Table 2, pesticides are
organized alphabetically within a given chemical class. The chemical
class determination is not equivalent to a common mechanism of action
determination. Those evaluations are underway. When no chemical class
is given, it is assumed that the pesticide is not a member of an
identified class of chemicals. Note that the oxime carbamates are
structurally different from carbamates; however, it has not been
determined if they share a common mechanism of action. A complete
alphabetical listing of the chemicals is available in the public
docket; also available in the public docket is a list of all chemicals
that EPA classifies as carcinogens.
Table 2.-- Pesticides Subject to Tolerance Reassessment
Pesticide Chemical Class
Group 1 Pesticides
2-(Thiocyano- ............................
2-Phenylphenol............................ ............................
4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol and its sodium ............................
Chloramben................................ ............................
Chloroxuron............................... ............................
Diethatyl ethyl........................... ............................
Diphenamid................................ ............................
Dipropyl isocinchomeronate................ ............................
Hexythiazox............................... ............................
Oxadiazon................................. ............................
Paraformaldehyde.......................... ............................
S-Ethyl cyclohexylethylthiocarbamate ............................
Tetradifon................................ ............................
Thiram.................................... ............................
Triclopyr................................. ............................
Formaldehyde.............................. (high-hazard inert
Phenol.................................... (high-hazard inert
Rhodamine B............................... (high-hazard inert
2-[[4-chloro-6-(ethylamino)-s-triazin-2- 1,3,5-triazine
4-Amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3- 1,2,4-triazinone
Atrazine.................................. 1,3,5-triazine
Propazine................................. 1,3,5-triazine
Simazine.................................. 1,3,5-triazine
Ethalfluralin............................. 2,6-dinitroaniline
N-Butyl-N-ethyl-a,a,a-trifluoro-2,6- 2,6-dinitroaniline
dinitro-p-toluidine (Benfluralin).
Oryzalin.................................. 2,6-dinitroaniline
Pendimethalin............................. 2,6-dinitroaniline
[[Page 42023]]
Trifluralin............................... 2,6-dinitroaniline
Diclofop-methyl........................... 2-(4-
Fenoxaprop-ethyl.......................... 2-(4-
Quizalofop-ethyl.......................... 2-(4-
Ammoniates for [ethylenebis- alkylenebis(dithiocarbamate)
(dithiocarbamate) zinc and ethylenebis
[dithiocarbamic acid] bimolecular and
trimolecular cyclic anhydrosulfides and
disulfides (Metiram).
Coordination product of zinc ion and alkylenebis(dithiocarbamate)
Maneb..................................... alkylenebis(dithiocarbamate)
3,5-Dichloro-N-(1,1-dimethyl-2- amide herbicide (benzamide)
propynyl)benzamide (Pronamide).
Chlorothalonil............................ aromatic hydrocarbon
PCNB...................................... aromatic hydrocarbon
2,4-D..................................... aryloxyalkanoic acid
1-(4-chlorphenoxy)-3,3-dimethyl-1(1H-1,2,4- azole
1-[[2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-propyl-1,3- azole
dioxolan-2-yl] methyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazole
Beta-(4-chlorophenoxy)alpha-(1,1- azole
Cyproconazole............................. azole
Difenoconazole............................ azole
Fenbuconazole............................. azole
Hexaconazole.............................. azole
Myclobutanil.............................. azole
Tebuconazole.............................. azole
Triflumizole.............................. azole
Benomyl................................... benzimidazole
Imazalil.................................. benzimidazole
Thiabendazole............................. benzimidazole
Thiophanate methyl........................ benzimidazole
Bromoxynil................................ benzonitrile
Dichlobenil............................... benzonitrile
Diflubenzuron............................. benzoylurea
Paraquat dichloride....................... bipyridylium
2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-benzodioxol-4-ol carbamate
methylcarbamate (Bendiocarb).
Asulam.................................... carbamate
Carbaryl.................................. carbamate
Carbofuran................................ carbamate
CIPC (Chlorpropham)....................... carbamate
Desmedipham............................... carbamate
Formetanate HCl........................... carbamate
Phenmedipham.............................. carbamate
2-Chloro-N- chloroacetanilide
Acetochlor................................ chloroacetanilide
Alachlor.................................. chloroacetanilide
Metolachlor............................... chloroacetanilide
3-(3,5-Dichlorophenoxy)-5-ethenyl-5-methyl- dicarboximide
2,4 oxazolidinedione(Vinclozolin).
Iprodione................................. dicarboximide
Procymidone............................... dicarboximide
Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate............ dimethyldithiocarbamate
2,4-Dinitro-6-octylphenyl crotonate and dinitrophenol derivative
2,6-dinitro-4-octylphenyl crotonate
Lactofen.................................. diphenyl ether
Oxyfluorfen............................... diphenyl ether
Sodium salt of fomesafen.................. diphenyl ether
Sodium salt of acifluorfen................ diphenyl ether
Diphenylamine............................. diphenylamine
Amitraz................................... formamidine
Aluminum phosphide........................ fumigant (phosphide)
Ethylene oxide............................ fumigant (miscellaneous)
Magnesium Phosphide....................... fumigant (phosphide)
[[Page 42024]]
Propylene oxide........................... fumigant (miscellaneouos)
Zinc Phosphide............................ fumigant (phosphide)
Captan.................................... N-trihalomethylthio
Folpet.................................... N-trihalomethylthio
Cacodylic Acid............................ organo arsenical
1,1-Bis(p-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2- organochlorine
Endosulfan................................ organochlorine
Lindane................................... organochlorine
Methoxychlor.............................. organochlorine
Cadusafos................................. organophosphorus
2,2-Dichlorovinyl dimethyl organophosphorus
Acephate.................................. organophosphorus
Chlorpyrifos.............................. organophosphorus
Chlorpyrifos methyl....................... organophosphorus
Coumaphos................................. organophosphorus
Diazinon.................................. organophosphorus
Dimethoate including its oxygen analog.... organophosphorus
Dimethyl phosphate of 3-hydorxy-N,N- organophosphorus
Ethion.................................... organophosphorus
Ethoprop.................................. organophosphorus
Ethyl 3-methyl-4-(methylthio) phenyl(1- organophosphorus
Fenitrothion.............................. organophosphorus
Malathion................................. organophosphorus
Methamidophos............................. organophosphorus
Methidathion.............................. organophosphorus
Methyl 3-[dimethoxy organophosphorus
phosphinyl)oxy]butenoate, alpha and beta
N-(Mercaptomethyl) phthalimide S-(O,O- organophosphorus
dimethyl phosphorodithioate) and its
oxygen analog(Phosmet).
Naled..................................... organophosphorus
O,O-Dimethyl O-(4-nitro-m- organophosphorus
O,O-Dimethyl S-[(4-oxo-1,2,3-benzotriazin- organophosphorus
O,O-Diethyl S-[2- organophosphorus
O-Ethyl S-phenyl organophosphorus
O-[2-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-5-primidinyl] O- organophosphorus
Parathion (methyl and ethyl).............. organophosphorus
Phorate................................... organophosphorus
Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-diethyl O- organophosphorus
Pirimiphos methyl......................... organophosphorus
Profenofos................................ organophosphorus
Propetamphos.............................. organophosphorus
S,S,S-Tributyl phosphorotrithioate(DEF)... organophosphorus
S-(O,O-Diisopropyl phosphorodithioate) of organophosphorus
S-[2-(Ethylsulfinyl)ethyl] O,O-dimethyl organophosphorus
phosphorothioate(Oxydemeton methyl).
Terbufos.................................. organophosphorus
Propargite................................ organosulfur
Triphenyltin hydroxide (TPTH)............. organotin
Aldicarb.................................. oxime carbamate
Methomyl.................................. oxime carbamate
Oxamyl.................................... oxime carbamate
Thiodicarb................................ oxime carbamate
Oxadixyl.................................. phenylamide
Dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate(DCPA)... phthalic acid
Cypermethrin.............................. pyrethroid
Permethrin................................ pyrethroid
Pyrithiobac-sodium........................ pyrimidinyloxybenzoic
Mepiquat chloride......................... quaternary ammonium
6-methyl-1,3-dithiolo [4,5-b]quinoxalin-2- quinoxaline
5-Ethoxy-3-(trichloromethyl)-1,2,4- Thiazole
Butylate.................................. thiocarbamate
S-2,3,3-Trichloroallyl thiocarbamate
[[Page 42025]]
S-Ethyl hexahydro-1H-azepine-1- thiocarbamate
S-Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC)...... thiocarbamate
S-Propyl dipropylthiocarbamate(Vernolate). thiocarbamate
S-Propyl butylethylthiocarbamate(Pebulate) thiocarbamate
Thiobencarb............................... thiocarbamate
Bromacil.................................. uracil
Terbacil.................................. uracil
The remaining pesticides in Group 1 no longer have registered food uses,
and EPA has begun the process of proposing to revoke the tolerances
associated with these pesticides.
(E,Z)-3,13-octadecadien-1-ol acetate and ............................
(Z,Z)-3,13-octadecadien-1-ol acetate.
-Naphthyloxyacetic acid.......... ............................
1-(8-Methoxy-4,8-dimethylnonyl)-4(1- ............................
1-methyl 2-[[ethoxy-[(1-methylethyl ............................
1-Triacontanol............................ ............................
2-Chloro-1-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl) vinyl ............................
dimethyl phosphate (Tetrachlorvinphos).
2-Chloro-N,N-diallylacetamide(Allidochlor) ............................
2-(m-Chlorophenoxy) propionic ............................
2,3,6-Trichlorophenylacetic ............................
2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic acid................. ............................
2,4-Dichloro-6-o-chloranilino-s-triazine ............................
2,6-dimethyl-4-tridecylmorpholine......... ............................
3,4,5-Trimethylphenyl methylcarbamate and ............................
2,3,5-trimethylphenyl methylcarbamate.
3,5-Dimethyl-4-(methylthio)phenyl methyl ............................
Acetaldehyde.............................. ............................
Alternaria cassiae........................ ............................
Ammonium nitrate.......................... ............................
Ammonium sulphamate....................... ............................
Biphenyl.................................. ............................
Butanoic anhydride........................ ............................
Butralin.................................. ............................
Calcium cyanide........................... ............................
Calcium oxide............................. ............................
Captafol.................................. ............................
Chlorosulfamic acid....................... ............................
Chlorthiophos............................. ............................
Copper acetate............................ ............................
Copper oleate............................. ............................
Copper linoleate.......................... ............................
Copper sulfate monohydrate................ ............................
Copper-zinc-chromate complex.............. ............................
Cyhexatin................................. ............................
Cyprazine................................. ............................
Dalapon................................... ............................
Dialifor.................................. ............................
Dichlone.................................. ............................
Dimethyl (2,2,2-trichloro-1- ............................
Dioxathion................................ ............................
Ethyl formate............................. ............................
Ethyl 4,4- ............................
Fluchloralin.............................. ............................
Fumaric acid.............................. ............................
Glyodin................................... ............................
Hirsutella thompsonii..................... ............................
Hydrogen cyanide.......................... ............................
Isobutyric acid........................... ............................
Isopropyl carbanilate (IPC)............... ............................
Manganous dimethyldithio-carbamate (Manam) ............................
Mefluidide................................ ............................
Methazole................................. ............................
Methyl eugenol and malathion combination.. ............................
Methyl alpha-eleostearate................. ............................
Methylene chloride........................ ............................
Metobromuron.............................. ............................
[[Page 42026]]
Monocrotofos.............................. ............................
N-Propyl isomer........................... ............................
O-Ethyl O-[4-(methylthio)phenyl] S-propy ............................
Phosalone................................. ............................
Phosphamidon.............................. ............................
Potassium carbonate....................... ............................
Potassium polysulfide..................... ............................
Potassium ricinoleate and related C12-C18 ............................
fatty acid salts.
Ryania alkaloids.......................... ............................
S-2,3-Dichloroallyl diisopylthiocarbamate.
sec-Butylamine............................ ............................
Sesone.................................... ............................
Sodium benzoate........................... ............................
Sodium dehydroacetate..................... ............................
Sodium polysulfide........................ ............................
Sodium propionate......................... ............................
Sodium sesquincarbonate................... ............................
Sorbic acid............................... ............................
Sorbic acid, potassium salt............... ............................
Sulfur dioxide............................ ............................
Temefos................................... ............................
Terbutryn................................. ............................
Tetraethyl pyrophosphate.................. ............................
Tetraiodoethylene......................... ............................
Zinc sulfate, basic....................... ............................
Group 2 Pesticides
Aromatic Solvents.........................
Iodine-detergent complex..................
Methanearsonic Acid, Salts................
Napthaleneacetic acid.....................
Nitrapyrin................................ ............................
Pine oil..................................
Sabadilla Alkaloids.......................
Sodium chlorate...........................
Sodium chlorite...........................
Urea sulfate..............................
Ametryn................................... 1,3,5-triazine
Cyromazine................................ 1,3,5-triazine
Prometryn................................. 1,3,5-triazine
Fluazifop butyl, isomers.................. 2-(4-Aryloxyphenoxy)
propionic acid
N,N-Diethyl-2-(1-naphthalenyloxy)- amide herbicide
propiionamide(Napropamide). (aryloxyalkanamide)
N-1-Naphthyl phthalamic acid.............. amide herbicide
Propanil.................................. amide herbicide (anilide)
2,6-Dichloro-4-nitroaniline(Dichloran).... aromatic hydrocarbon
Chloroneb................................. aromatic hydrocarbon
4-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy) butryic acid (2,4- aryloxyalkanoic acid
MCPA...................................... aryloxyalkanoic acid
[[Page 42027]]
MCPB...................................... aryloxyalkanoic acid
Mecoprop.................................. aryloxyalkanoic acid
p-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid................ aryloxyalkanoic acid
Abamectin................................. avermectin
Ethofumesate.............................. benzofuranyl alkanesulfonate
Dicamba................................... benzoic acid
Clethodim................................. cyclohexanedione oxime
Sethoxydim................................ cyclohexanedione oxime
Chloropicrin.............................. fumigant (halogenated)
Methyl Bromide............................ fumigant (halogenated)
Fenridazon-K.............................. hybridizing agent
Imazaquin................................. imidazolinone
Imazethapyr, ammonium salt................ imidazolinone
Methyl 2-(4-isopropyl-4-methyl-5-oxo-2-
imidazolin-2-yl)-p-toluate and methyl 6-
yl)-m-toluate (Imazethabenz).
Methyldithiocarbamate salts (metam sodium isothiocyanate
and potassium salt).
Metaldehyde............................... molluscicide
Fenbutatin-oxide.......................... organotin
Carboxin.................................. phenylamide
Flutolanil................................ phenylamide
Triforine................................. piperazine
Allethrin (allyl homolog of cinerin I).... pyrethroid
Bifenthrin................................ pyrethroid
Cyfluthrin................................ pyrethroid
Deltamethrin.............................. pyrethroid
Fenpropathrin............................. pyrethroid
Fenvalerate............................... pyrethroid
Fluvalinate............................... pyrethroid
Lambda cyhalothrin........................ pyrethroid
Pyrethrin................................. pyrethroid
Resmethrin................................ pyrethroid
Tefluthrin................................ pyrethroid
Tralomethrin.............................. pyrethroid
zeta-Cypermethrin......................... pyrethroid
Fluridone................................. pyridazinone / pyridone
Norflurazon............................... pyridazinone / pyridone
Pyrazon................................... pyridazinone / pyridone
Ethoxyquin................................ quinoline
Dimethipin................................ substituted dithiin
Bensulfuron methyl ester.................. sulfonylurea
Chlorimuron ethyl......................... sulfonylurea
Chlorsulfuron............................. sulfonylurea
Halosulfuron.............................. sulfonylurea
Metsulfuron-methyl........................ sulfonylurea
Nicosulfuron.............................. sulfonylurea
Primisulfuron methyl...................... sulfonylurea
Prosulfuron............................... sulfonylurea
Rimsulfuron............................... sulfonylurea
Thifensulfuron methyl..................... sulfonylurea
Triasulfuron.............................. sulfonylurea
Triflusulfuron-methyl..................... sulfonylurea
Tribenuron methyl......................... sulfonylurea
n-Octyl bicycloheptenedicarboximide....... synergist
Piperonyl Butoxide........................ synergist
Clofentezine.............................. tetrazine
Diuron.................................... urea
Fluometuron............................... urea
Linuron................................... urea
Tebuthiuron............................... urea
Thidiazuron............................... urea
Group 3 Pesticides
Benzoic acid..............................
Boric acid and its salts..................
[[Page 42028]]
Calcium hypochlorite......................
Calcium polysulfide.......................
Candida oleophilia isolate I-182..........
Carbon and carbon dioxide.................
Carbon disulfide..........................
Chlorine gas..............................
Combustion gas product....................
Copper carbonate, basic...................
Copper hydroxide..........................
Copper sulfate, basic.....................
Diatomaceous earth........................
Food-use inert ingredients (see 40 CFR
part 180.1001 for a listing of inert
Methyl anthranilate.......................
Mineral Oil...............................
Nosema locustae...........................
Polyoxymethylene copolymer................
Polyvinyl chloride........................
Potassium oleate and related C12-C18 fatty
acid potassium salts.
Propionic acid............................
Sodium diacetate (acetic acid)............
Sodium metasilicate...................... ............................
Dimethenamid, 2-chloro-N-[(1-methyl- amide herbicide
Isoxaben.................................. amide herbicide
Beta-([1,1-biphenyl]-4-yloxy)-alpha-(1,1- azole
Tebufenozide.............................. benzoic acid hydrazide
Bentazon.................................. benzothiadiazole
(Z)-11-Hexadecenal........................ biopesticide
1,4-Dimethylnaphthalene................... biopesticide
3,7,11-Trimethyl-1,6,10-dodecatriene-1-ol biopesticide
and 3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatriene-
6-benzyladenine........................... biopesticide
Acrylate polymers and copolymers.......... biopesticide
Allyl isothiocyanate as a component of biopesticide
food grade oil of mustard.
Ampelyoyces quisqualis isolate M-10....... biopesticide
Aqueous extract of seaweed meal biopesticide
Arthopod pheromones....................... biopesticide
Azadirachtin.............................. biopesticide
Bacillus thuringiensis fermentation solids biopesticide
and/or solubles.
Bacillus subtilis MBI 600................. biopesticide
Bacillus subtilis GB03.................... biopesticide
Bacillus popilliae & B. lentimorbus....... biopesticide
Bacillus thuringiensis CryIIIA delta- biopesticide
endotoxin and the genetic material
necessary for its production..
Bacillus thuringiensis CryIA(b)delta- biopesticide
endotoxin and the genetic material
necessary for its production(plasmid
vector pCIB4431) in corn..
Beauveris bassiana strain GHA............. biopesticide
Biochemical pesticide plant floral biopesticide
volatile attractant compounds.
Burkholderia (pseudomonas) cepacia type biopesticide
Wisconsin isolate/strain J82.
Clarified hydrophobic extract of neem oil. biopesticide
Codlure, (E,E)-8,10-Dodecadien-1-ol....... biopesticide
CryIA(c) and CryIC derived delta- biopesticide
endotoxins of Bacillus thuringiensis var.
kurstaki encapsulated in killed
Pseudomonas fluorescens, and the
expression plasmid and cloning vector
genetic constructs.
[[Page 42029]]
Delta endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis biopesticide
variety San Diego encapsulated into
killed Pseudomonas fluorescens.
Delta endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis biopesticide
variety kurstaki encapsulated into killed
Pseudomonas fluorescens.
Dihydro-5-pentyl-2(3H)-furanone........... biopesticide
Dihyroazadirachtin........................ biopesticide
Egg solids, whole......................... biopesticide
Ethylene.................................. biopesticide
Food and food by-products (meat meal, biopesticide
GBM-ROPE(Dodecenyl acetate)............... biopesticide
Gibberellic acid.......................... biopesticide
Gibberellin A4 mix with G A7.............. biopesticide
Gliocladium virens G-21................... biopesticide
Gossyplure................................ biopesticide
Ground Sesame Stalks...................... biopesticide
Heliothis zea NPV......................... biopesticide
Hexadecadienol acetates................... biopesticide
Hydroprene................................ biopesticide
Inclusion bodies of the multi-nuclear biopesticide
polyhedrosis virus of Anagrapha falcifera.
Indole.................................... biopesticide
Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA)............... biopesticide
Inert ingredients of semiochemical biopesticide
Isomate-C................................. biopesticide
Isomate-M (Dodecen-1-yl acetate).......... biopesticide
Jojoba Oil................................ biopesticide
Killed Myrothecium verrucaria............. biopesticide
Lactic acid............................... biopesticide
Lagenidium giganteum...................... biopesticide
Lepidopteran pheromones................... biopesticide
Menthol................................... biopesticide
Metarhizium anisopliae ESF1............... biopesticide
Methoprene................................ biopesticide
Neomycin phosphototransferase II.......... biopesticide
Occlusion bodies of the Granulosis Virus biopesticide
of Cydiapomonella.
Oil of orange............................. biopesticide
Oil of lemon.............................. biopesticide
Parasitic (parasitoid) and predatory biopesticide
Pasteuria penetrans....................... biopesticide
Pelargonic acid........................... biopesticide
Phytophthora palmivora, chlamydospores of. biopesticide
Plant volatiles and biopesticide
acetaldehyde and Dimethylcyclohexylidene
Poly-D-glucosamine (chitosan)............. biopesticide
Poly-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine............... biopesticide
Polyhedral occlusion bodies of Autographa biopesticide
californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.
Pseudomonas fluorescens Strain NCIB....... biopesticide
Pseudomonas fluorescens 1629RS............ biopesticide
Pseudomonas fluorescens 742RS............. biopesticide
Pseudomonas syringae (ESC 11)............. biopesticide
Pseudomonas syringae (ESC 10)............. biopesticide
Pseudomonas fluorescens EG-1053........... biopesticide
Pseudomonas fluorescens A506.............. biopesticide
Puccinia canaliculata..................... biopesticide
Sodium 5-nitroguaiacolate................. biopesticide
Sodium p-nitrophenolate................... biopesticide
Sodium o-nitrophenolate................... biopesticide
Spodoptera exigua nuclear polyhedrosis biopesticide
Streptomyces griseoviridis................ biopesticide
Tomato pinworm insect pheromone(Tridecenyl biopesticide
Trichoderma harzianum, Rifai strain KRL- biopesticide
Viable spores of the microorganism biopesticide
Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner.
Watermelon mosaic virus-2................. biopesticide
Difenzoquat............................... bipyridylium
Diquat.................................... bipyridylium
Chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2- chloroacetanilide
methoxy-1-methylethyl) acetamide.
[[Page 42030]]
Imidacloprid.............................. chloronicotine
Ethephon.................................. ethylene generator
Sodium tetrathiocarbonate................. fumigant (miscellaneous)
Sulfosate................................. glyphosate salts
Pyridazinecarboxylic acid................. hybridizing agent
Maleic hydrazide.......................... hydrazide (plant growth
Cadre..................................... imidazolinone
Pyridinecarboxylic acid, 2-(4,5-dihydro-4- imidazolinone
Fluorine compounds(Cryolite).............. Inorganic fluorine compound
(R)-2(2,6-dimethylphenyl)- phenylamide
methoxyacetylamino)-propionic acid methyl
Mefenoxam................................. phenylamide
Metalaxyl................................. phenylamide
Glufosinate ammonium...................... phosphono amino acid
Glyphosate................................ phosphono amino acid
Flumiclorac pentyl........................ phthalimide
Cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl cis/tran-3- pyrethroid
Pyridate.................................. pyridazinone/pyridone
Clopyralid................................ pyridine carboxylic acid
Picloram.................................. pyridine carboxylic acid
Pyridinecarboxylic acid, 2- pyridinecarboxylic acid
Fenarimol................................. pyrimidine
3,7-Dichloro-8-quinoline quinolinecarboxylic acid
Hexazinone................................ triazinone (triazine dione)
Flumetsulam............................... triazolopyrimidine
[FR Doc. 97-20560 Filed 7-31-97; 12:34 pm]