98-20419. Failure by Certain Charitable Organizations To Meet Certain Qualification Requirements; Taxes on Excess Benefit Transactions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 149 (Tuesday, August 4, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 41486-41506]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-20419]
    Internal Revenue Service
    26 CFR Parts 53 and 301
    RIN 1545-AV60
    Failure by Certain Charitable Organizations To Meet Certain 
    Qualification Requirements; Taxes on Excess Benefit Transactions
    AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: This document contains proposed regulations relating to the 
    excise taxes on excess benefit transactions under section 4958 of the 
    Internal Revenue Code (Code), as well as certain amendments and 
    additions to existing Income Tax Regulations affected by section 4958. 
    Section 4958 was enacted in section 1311 of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights 
    2. Section 4958 generally is effective for transactions occurring on or 
    after September 14, 1995. Section 4958 imposes excise taxes on 
    transactions that provide excess economic benefits to disqualified 
    persons of public charities and social welfare organizations. The 
    proposed regulations clarify certain definitions and rules contained in 
    section 4958.
    DATES: Written comments and requests for a teleconference must be 
    received by November 2, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Send submissions to: CC:DOM:CORP:R (REG-246256-96), room 
    5226, Internal Revenue Service, POB 7604, Ben Franklin Station, 
    Washington, DC 20044. Submissions may be hand delivered between the 
    hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to: CC:DOM:CORP:T:R (REG-246256-96), 
    Courier's Desk, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, 
    Washington, DC. Alternatively, taxpayers may submit comments 
    electronically via the Internet by selecting the ``Tax Regs'' option on 
    the IRS Home Page, or by submitting comments directly to the IRS 
    Internet site at http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/prod/tax__regs/
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Concerning the regulations, Phyllis D. 
    Haney of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Employee Benefits and 
    Exempt Organizations), (202) 622-4290; concerning submissions, LaNita 
    VanDyke, (202) 622-7190 (not toll-free numbers).
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The collections of information contained in this notice of proposed 
    rulemaking have been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget 
    for review in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 
    U.S.C. 3507(d)). Comments on the collections of information should be 
    sent to the Office of Management and Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for the 
    Department of Treasury, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, 
    Washington, DC 20503, with copies to the Internal Revenue Service, 
    Attn: IRS Reports Clearance Officer, OP:FS:FP, Washington, DC 20224. 
    Comments on the collection of information should be received by October 
    5, 1998. Comments are specifically requested concerning:
        Whether the proposed collections of information are necessary 
    for the proper performance of the functions of the Internal Revenue 
    Service, including whether the information will have practical 
        The accuracy of the estimated burden associated with the 
    proposed collections of information (see below);
        How the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be 
    collected may be enhanced;
        How the burden of complying with the proposed collections of 
    information may be minimized, including through the application of 
    automated collection techniques or other forms of information 
    technology; and
        Estimates of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, 
    maintenance, and purchase of service to provide information.
    [[Page 41487]]
    The collections of information in this proposed regulation are in 26 
    CFR 53.4958-6(a)(2), 53.4958-6(a)(3), 53.4958-6(d)(2), and 53.4958-
    6(d)(3). This information is required for an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization to avail itself of a rebuttable presumption that payments 
    under a compensation arrangement between the organization and a 
    disqualified person are reasonable, or a transfer of property, right to 
    use property, or any other benefit or privilege between the 
    organization and a disqualified person is at fair market value. This 
    information will be used by the organization's governing body, or 
    committee thereof, to document the basis for its determination that 
    compensation was reasonable or any other benefit was at fair market 
    value. The collections of information are required to obtain the 
    benefit of this rebuttable presumption of reasonableness. The likely 
    recordkeepers are nonprofit institutions.
        Estimated total annual recordkeeping burden: 910,083 hours.
        The estimated annual burden per recordkeeper varies from 3 hours to 
    308 hours, depending on individual circumstances, with an estimated 
    weighted average of 6 hours, 3 minutes.
        Estimated number of recordkeepers: 150,427.
        An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid 
    control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget.
        Books or records relating to a collection of information must be 
    retained as long as their contents may become material in the 
    administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and 
    tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
        This document provides rules regarding section 4958 excise taxes on 
    excess benefit transactions. Section 4958 was added to the Code by the 
    Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2, Public Law 104-168 (110 Stat. 1452), enacted 
    July 30, 1996. The section 4958 excise taxes generally apply to excess 
    benefit transactions occurring on or after September 14, 1995. They do 
    not apply, however, to any benefit arising from a transaction pursuant 
    to any written contract that was binding on September 13, 1995, and 
    continued in force through the time of the transaction.
        An excess benefit transaction subject to tax under section 4958 is 
    any transaction in which an economic benefit provided by an applicable 
    tax-exempt organization to, or for the use of, any disqualified person 
    exceeds the value of consideration received by the organization in 
    exchange for the benefit. An excess benefit transaction also includes 
    certain revenue-sharing transactions. An applicable tax-exempt 
    organization is any organization described in section 501(c)(3) (except 
    private foundations) or section 501(c)(4) at the time of the excess 
    benefit transaction or at any time during the five-year period ending 
    on the date of the transaction. The excess benefit is generally the 
    excess of the value of the benefit provided to a disqualified person 
    over the value of the consideration received by the organization.
        A disqualified person is any person who was, at any time during the 
    5-year period ending on the date of the excess benefit transaction, in 
    a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of the 
    organization. A disqualified person also includes any family member of 
    a person described in the preceding sentence or any entity in which at 
    least 35 percent of the control or beneficial interest is held by such 
    a person.
        There are three taxes under section 4958. Disqualified persons are 
    liable for the first two taxes, which are imposed as follows: Pursuant 
    to section 4958(a)(1), a tax of 25 percent of the excess benefit must 
    be paid by any disqualified person who benefits from an excess benefit 
    transaction with an applicable tax-exempt organization. Pursuant to 
    section 4958(b), a tax of 200 percent of the excess benefit must be 
    paid by any disqualified person who benefits from an excess benefit 
    transaction if that transaction is not corrected before the earlier of 
    either the date a deficiency notice is mailed with respect to the 25 
    percent tax or the date the 25 percent tax is assessed.
        Certain organization managers are liable for the third tax, which 
    is imposed as follows: Pursuant to section 4958(a)(2), a tax of 10 
    percent of the excess benefit must be paid by any organization manager 
    who participates in an excess benefit transaction knowingly, willfully, 
    and without reasonable cause. An organization manager is an officer, 
    director, or trustee of the organization, or any individual having 
    powers or responsibilities similar to those of an officer, director, or 
    trustee. The tax that must be paid by participating organization 
    managers for any one excess benefit transaction cannot exceed $10,000.
        The IRS notified the general public of the new section 4958 excise 
    taxes in Notice 96-46 (1996-2 C.B. 112). Notice 96-46 also solicited 
    comments to be used in drafting these proposed regulations.
    Comments Received Pursuant to Notice 96-46
        In response to its request for comments in Notice 96-46, the IRS 
    received 28 comment letters addressing a variety of topics pertaining 
    to section 4958. Some general comments requested that in applying the 
    section 4958 excise taxes the IRS avoid creating administrative burdens 
    on the vast majority of charities and only scrutinize a narrowly 
    targeted group of charities prone to abuse the inurement prohibition. 
    Most comments, however, focused on specific definitions or other 
    statutory language in section 4958. A brief summary of the most 
    frequently made suggestions follows. All of the comments were given 
    consideration in preparing these proposed regulations.
        Commentators made suggestions regarding the definition of 
    disqualified person, including applying a facts and circumstances test 
    that annunciates only general principles; using a test that does not 
    treat all of an organization's officers as necessarily being 
    disqualified persons; deferring to an organization's own internal good-
    faith identification of disqualified persons; treating certain donors 
    as disqualified persons under standards similar to those for private 
    foundation substantial contributors; clarifying that a donor is not in 
    a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of an 
    organization solely by reason of having made a large donation; 
    including as disqualified persons those persons who provide advice and 
    consultation to organizations regarding potential excess benefit 
    transactions; providing that a person does not become a disqualified 
    person with respect to a transaction as a result of the transaction 
    (thus a person who negotiated a compensation arrangement in good faith 
    before entering into an employment relationship would not become a 
    disqualified person by virtue of the negotiation); and excluding 
    certain independent contractors from disqualified person status.
        Commentators on the tax to be paid by organization managers who 
    participate in an excess benefit transaction knowingly, willfully, and 
    without reasonable cause suggested the following: defining organization 
    manager narrowly; using the principles of the regulations under 
    sections 4946 and 4955 in defining organization
    [[Page 41488]]
    manager; excluding in-house counsel and independent contractors 
    (attorneys, accountants, etc.) from the definition; using an 
    organization's bylaws as the source of determining whether an 
    individual is an officer, director, or trustee; excluding managers who 
    voted against an excess benefit transaction from joint and several 
    liability for any 10% tax associated with the transaction; using the 
    definitions in current section 4946 private foundation regulations for 
    knowing, willful, and reasonable cause; allowing managers to rely on 
    advice of legal counsel to prove their participation in a transaction 
    was due to reasonable cause, and expanding the category of persons 
    qualified to render opinions with this effect. Although the proposed 
    regulations provide that only advice of counsel in a reasoned written 
    legal opinion protects organization managers in this regard, the IRS 
    invites further comments on this topic. The IRS also requests that such 
    comments address whether, to be consistent on this point, other 
    regulations (e.g., Sec. 53.4941 and Sec. 53.4945) should be amended as 
        Numerous comments were received on determining reasonable 
    compensation for services and fair market value in sale or exchange 
    transactions. Commentators asked the IRS to use existing law standards 
    under section 162 for determining reasonable compensation and to 
    provide special standards for new organizations in the start-up phase 
    of operations. With respect to compensation, some commentators also 
    requested objective standards or charts of reasonable compensation 
    amounts; others requested that the regulations not impose strict dollar 
    limitations on what would constitute reasonable compensation.
        Several commentators made suggestions regarding the requirement 
    that an organization must demonstrate its intent to treat economic 
    benefits as compensation in order to treat the benefit as being 
    provided in exchange for services. These suggestions included using a 
    facts and circumstances test to determine whether an organization 
    clearly indicated its intent to treat a benefit as compensation; 
    considering certain small amounts inadvertently not included in a 
    disqualified person's reported compensation as de minimis and not 
    triggering section 4958 taxes; and allowing a reasonable cause 
    exception under which items that were not reported as compensation 
    could still be treated as provided in exchange for services.
        A number of commentators requested that the definition of an excess 
    benefit transaction exclude the provision of certain types of benefits 
    to a disqualified person. These benefits included economic benefits 
    made available to the general public on at least as favorable a basis; 
    economic benefits that are de minimis fringe benefits under section 
    132; reimbursements for expenses of administration of an organization; 
    and incidental benefits.
        Commentators provided a wide range of suggestions on the subject of 
    which revenue-sharing arrangements should constitute excess benefit 
    transactions. Suggestions included incorporating existing IRS 
    unpublished guidance in a safe harbor rule; using the principles of 
    Rev. Rul. 69-383 (1969-2 C.B. 113), to determine whether a particular 
    plan of compensation results in prohibited inurement or private 
    benefit; limiting the category of revenue-sharing arrangements that 
    constitute excess benefit transactions to arrangements based on the 
    organization's revenues only; and applying regulations on revenue-
    sharing arrangements prospectively, with transition rules for existing 
        Many comments were received on the rebuttable presumption of 
    reasonableness that is described in the legislative history as arising 
    when a board of directors approves certain compensation arrangements or 
    other transactions. The following suggestions were submitted in 
    multiple comments: that the presumption apply when an applicable 
    organization's board approves general guidelines for entering into 
    transactions with disqualified persons rather than voting on each 
    individual transaction; that the regulations require a determination of 
    reasonableness at the time the organization makes a payment to a 
    disqualified person; that the presumption apply when approval is given 
    by a compensation committee that is not composed exclusively of 
    directors or trustees; that the board or committee be considered 
    independent if members recuse themselves when they have conflicts of 
    interest; that the regulations clarify whether a joint compensation 
    committee composed of representatives from several affiliated 
    organizations would be a committee of each of the respective boards; 
    that the regulations allow an organization's board to delegate the 
    responsibility for setting compensation to an independent committee; 
    that the regulations use examples to define what is an independent firm 
    that can produce salary surveys that will serve as appropriate data on 
    comparability; that the regulations clarify that the rebuttable 
    presumption is a safe harbor and no negative inference should be drawn 
    if an organization does not avail itself of that safe harbor; and that 
    the regulations clarify that compensation outside the range of 
    comparables is not per se unreasonable. Some church representatives 
    submitted comments noting that the religious beliefs of some churches 
    and some state laws regarding churches prevent churches from 
    benefitting from the rebuttable presumption of reasonableness because 
    of the identity of the parties required to approve compensation 
    arrangements or other transactions. While these proposed regulations do 
    not provide a special exception for churches from the requirements that 
    must be met to give rise to the rebuttable presumption, they do provide 
    churches with a special rule stating that the procedures of section 
    7611 will be used in initiating and conducting any inquiry or 
    examination into whether an excess benefit transaction has occurred 
    between a church and a disqualified person. For purposes of this rule, 
    the reasonable belief required to initiate a church tax inquiry is 
    satisfied if there is a reasonable belief that a section 4958 tax is 
    due from a disqualified person with respect to a transaction involving 
    a church.
        Several comments were received on the relationship between 
    revocation of tax-exempt status and the taxes imposed under section 
    4958, recommending that the regulations follow the legislative history 
    on this question. The IRS intends to exercise its administrative 
    discretion in enforcing the requirements of sections 4958, 501(c)(3) 
    and 501(c)(4) in accordance with the direction given in the legislative 
    history. The legislative history specifically provides that the IRS may 
    still revoke the tax-exempt status of an organization for violating the 
    inurement proscription, with or without imposition of section 4958 
    excise taxes. It further provides that, in practice, the excise taxes 
    imposed by section 4958 will be the sole sanction imposed in those 
    cases in which the excess benefit does not rise to a level where it 
    calls into question whether, on the whole, the organization functions 
    as a charitable or other tax-exempt organization. In determining 
    whether an excess benefit transaction rises to such a level, factors 
    relating to the organization's general pattern of compliance with the 
    requirements of section 501(c)(3) or (4) and other applicable Federal 
    and State laws will be taken into account. These factors would include 
    whether the organization has been involved in repeated excess benefit 
    transactions; the size and scope
    [[Page 41489]]
    of the excess benefit transaction; whether, after concluding that it 
    has been party to an excess benefit transaction, the organization has 
    implemented safeguards to prevent future recurrences; and whether there 
    was compliance with other applicable laws. The IRS intends to publish 
    the factors that it will consider in exercising its administrative 
    discretion in guidance issued in conjunction with the issuance of final 
    regulations under section 4958.
    Explanation of Provisions
        This document contains proposed regulations that add new 
    regulations under section 4958, and that amend and add to existing 
    Income Tax and Excise Tax Regulations under sections 4963, 6213, 6501, 
    7422, and 7611. The explanation of these proposed regulations is 
    grouped into two parts: the substantive section 4958 regulations, and 
    regulations under the provisions amended to reflect various effects of 
    the enactment of section 4958 on abatement, Tax Court petitions, 
    statute of limitations, refund actions, and church tax inquiries and 
    examinations. The proposed Sec. 53.4958 regulations are described in 
    more detail in this preamble under Section I, Taxes on excess benefit 
    transactions, immediately below. The proposed amendments and additions 
    to regulations under various procedural and administrative provisions 
    affected by the enactment of section 4958 are described in Section II, 
    Amendment of regulations under various procedural and administrative 
    provisions, below.
    I. Taxes on Excess Benefit Transactions
        The proposed regulations describe the three taxes imposed under 
    section 4958 on excess benefit transactions between an applicable tax-
    exempt organization and a disqualified person. Two of the taxes are 
    paid by certain disqualified persons who benefit economically from a 
    transaction, and the other tax is paid by certain organization managers 
    who participate in the transaction knowingly, willfully, and without 
    reasonable cause.
        A disqualified person who receives an excess benefit from a 
    transaction is liable for a tax equal to 25 percent of the excess 
    benefit. If the excess benefit is not corrected within the taxable 
    period, that disqualified person is then liable for a tax of 200 
    percent of the excess benefit. Taxable period is defined as the period 
    beginning on the date the transaction occurs and ending on the earlier 
    of the date of mailing a notice of deficiency for the 25 percent tax or 
    the date on which the 25 percent tax is assessed.
        Correction is defined in the proposed regulations as undoing the 
    excess benefit to the extent possible, and taking any additional 
    measures necessary to place the organization in a financial position 
    not worse than that in which it would be if the disqualified person had 
    been dealing under the highest fiduciary standards. Correction of the 
    excess benefit occurs if the disqualified person repays the applicable 
    tax-exempt organization an amount of money equal to the excess benefit, 
    plus any additional amount needed to compensate the organization for 
    the loss of the use of the money or other property during the period 
    commencing on the date the excess benefit transaction occurs and ending 
    on the date the excess benefit is corrected. Correction may also be 
    accomplished, in certain circumstances, by returning property to the 
    organization and taking any additional steps necessary to make the 
    organization whole. If the excess benefit transaction consists of the 
    payment of compensation for services under a contract that has not been 
    completed, termination of the employment or independent contractor 
    relationship between the organization and the disqualified person is 
    not required in order to correct. However, the terms of any ongoing 
    compensation arrangement may need to be modified to avoid future excess 
    benefit transactions. If the excess benefit is corrected within the 
    correction period, then under the rules of section 4961 the 200 percent 
    tax under section 4958(b) is not assessed. If the excess benefit is 
    corrected within the correction period and it is established to the 
    satisfaction of the Secretary that the excess benefit transaction was 
    due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect, then under the 
    rules of section 4962 the 25 percent tax under section 4958(a)(1) will 
    be abated.
        Each organization manager who participated in the excess benefit 
    transaction, knowing that it was such a transaction, unless such 
    participation was not willful and was due to reasonable cause, is 
    liable for a tax equal to 10 percent of the excess benefit, not to 
    exceed an aggregate amount of $10,000 with respect to any one excess 
    benefit transaction. An organization manager is, with respect to any 
    applicable tax-exempt organization, any officer, director, or trustee 
    of such organization, or any individual having powers or 
    responsibilities similar to those of officers, directors, or trustees 
    of the organization. Independent contractors, acting in a capacity as 
    attorneys, accountants, and investment managers and advisors, are not 
    officers. Any person who has authority merely to recommend particular 
    administrative or policy decisions, but not to implement them without 
    approval of a superior, is not an officer. An individual who is not an 
    officer, director, or trustee, yet serves on a committee of the 
    governing body of an applicable tax-exempt organization that is 
    invoking the rebuttable presumption of reasonableness (described later 
    in this section) based on the committee's action, however, is an 
    organization manager for purposes of the 10 percent tax.
        The definitions provided in the proposed regulations for the terms 
    participation, knowing, willful, and due to reasonable cause with 
    respect to organization managers for section 4958 purposes parallel the 
    definitions of those terms used with respect to foundation managers in 
    the section 4941 regulations. If an organization manager, after full 
    disclosure of the factual situation to legal counsel (including in-
    house counsel) relies on the advice of such counsel expressed in a 
    reasoned written legal opinion that a transaction is not an excess 
    benefit transaction under section 4958, that manager's participation in 
    such transaction will ordinarily not be considered knowing or willful, 
    and will ordinarily be considered due to reasonable cause, even if the 
    transaction is subsequently held to be an excess benefit transaction.
        With respect to any specific excess benefit transaction, if more 
    than one person is liable for any of the taxes imposed by section 4958, 
    all persons with respect to whom a particular tax is imposed are 
    jointly and severally liable for that tax. For instance, if more than 
    one disqualified person benefits from the same transaction, all the 
    benefitting disqualified persons are jointly and severally liable for 
    the respective section 4958(a)(1) or (b) taxes on that transaction. 
    Where an organization manager also receives an excess benefit from an 
    excess benefit transaction, the manager may be liable for both taxes 
    imposed by section 4958(a).
        Except as otherwise provided in the proposed regulations, a 
    transaction occurs on the date on which a disqualified person receives 
    an economic benefit from the applicable tax-exempt organization for 
    federal income tax purposes. In the case of payment of deferred 
    compensation, the transaction occurs on the date the deferred 
    compensation is earned and vested.
        The proposed regulations cross-reference sections 6501(e)(3) and 
    6501(l) and the regulations thereunder, as
    [[Page 41490]]
    amended, for statute of limitations rules for section 4958 excise 
    taxes. Thus, the statute of limitations for imposition of tax under 
    section 4958 generally begins to run as of the date the applicable tax-
    exempt organization files its return (Form 990) for the year in which 
    the excess benefit transaction occurred.
        The proposed regulations provide that the taxes imposed on excess 
    benefit transactions apply to transactions occurring on or after 
    September 14, 1995. However, these taxes do not apply to a transaction 
    pursuant to a written contract that was binding on September 13, 1995, 
    and at all times thereafter before the transaction occurred. A written 
    binding contract that is terminable or subject to cancellation by the 
    applicable tax-exempt organization without the disqualified person's 
    consent is treated as a new contract as of the date that any such 
    termination or cancellation, if made, would be effective. If a binding 
    written contract is materially modified (including situations in which 
    the contract is amended to extend its term or to increase the amount of 
    compensation payable to the disqualified person), it is treated as a 
    new contract entered into as of the date of the material modification.
    Definition of Applicable Tax-Exempt Organization
        The proposed regulations generally define an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization as any organization that, without regard to any excess 
    benefit, is or would have been described in sections 501(c)(3) or (4) 
    and exempt from tax under section 501(a) at any time during a five-year 
    period ending on the date of an excess benefit transaction (the 
    lookback period). In the specific case of any transaction occurring 
    before September 14, 2000, the lookback period begins on September 14, 
    1995, and ends on the date of the transaction.
        To be described in section 501(c)(3) for purposes of section 4958, 
    an organization must meet the requirements of section 508 (subject to 
    any applicable exceptions provided by that section). A private 
    foundation as defined in section 509(a) is not an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization for section 4958 purposes. An organization that has 
    applied for and received recognition of exemption as an organization 
    described in section 501(c)(4) is an applicable tax-exempt organization 
    for section 4958 purposes. In addition, an organization that has sought 
    to take advantage of section 501(c)(4) status by filing an application 
    for recognition of exemption under section 501(c)(4) with the IRS, 
    filing an information return as a section 501(c)(4) organization under 
    the Code or regulations promulgated thereunder, or otherwise holding 
    itself out as being described in section 501(c)(4), is an applicable 
    tax-exempt organization for section 4958 purposes.
        A foreign organization that receives substantially all of its 
    support from sources outside of the United States is not an applicable 
    tax-exempt organization for section 4958 purposes. Section 4948(b) 
    generally states that chapter 42 taxes, including section 4958 taxes on 
    excess benefit transactions, do not apply to any foreign organization 
    that has received substantially all of its support from sources outside 
    the United States.
    Definition of Disqualified Person
        The proposed regulations define a disqualified person as a person 
    who, with respect to any transaction with an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization, at any time during a five-year period beginning after 
    September 13, 1995, and ending on the date of such transaction, was in 
    a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of the 
    organization. Certain persons are statutorily defined to be 
    disqualified persons under section 4958(f), including certain family 
    members of disqualified persons (spouse, brothers or sisters (by whole 
    or half blood), spouses of brothers or sisters (by whole or half 
    blood), ancestors, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and 
    spouses of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren), and 35 
    percent controlled entities (a corporation in which a disqualified 
    person owns more than 35 percent of the combined voting power; a 
    partnership in which a disqualified person owns more than 35 percent of 
    the profits interest; or a trust or estate in which a disqualified 
    person owns more than 35 percent of the beneficial interest).
        The proposed regulations specifically identify certain persons as 
    having substantial influence over the affairs of an applicable tax-
    exempt organization. These specified persons include any individual who 
    serves as a voting member on the governing body of the organization; 
    any individual or individuals who have the power or responsibilities of 
    the president, chief executive officer or chief operating officer of an 
    organization; any individual or individuals who have the power or 
    responsibilities of treasurer or chief financial officer of an 
    organization; and any person who has a material financial interest in 
    certain provider-sponsored organizations in which a hospital that is an 
    applicable tax-exempt organization participates.
        The proposed regulations deem two categories of persons not to have 
    substantial influence over the affairs of an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization. The first category comprises other applicable tax-exempt 
    organizations described in section 501(c)(3). The second category 
    comprises any employee who, for the taxable year in which the benefits 
    are provided, receives economic benefits, directly or indirectly from 
    the organization, of less than the amount of compensation referenced 
    for a highly compensated employee in section 414(q)(1)(B)(i), who is 
    not a statutorily-defined disqualified person and not specifically 
    identified by the regulations as having substantial influence, and is 
    not a substantial contributor to the organization within the meaning of 
    section 507(d)(2).
        The proposed regulations provide that except as specified in the 
    categories set forth in the statute or the preceding parts of the 
    regulation, the determination of whether a person has substantial 
    influence over the affairs of an organization is based on all relevant 
    facts and circumstances. A person who has managerial control over a 
    discrete segment of an organization may nonetheless be in a position to 
    exercise substantial influence over the affairs of the entire 
    organization. Facts and circumstances tending to show that a person has 
    substantial influence over the affairs of an organization include, but 
    are not limited to, the following: that the person founded the 
    organization; that the person is a substantial contributor (within the 
    meaning of section 507(d)(2)) to the organization; that the person's 
    compensation is based on revenues derived from activities of the 
    organization that the person controls; that the person has authority to 
    control or determine a significant portion of the organization's 
    capital expenditures, operating budget, or compensation for employees; 
    that the person has managerial authority or serves as a key advisor to 
    a person with managerial authority; or that the person owns a 
    controlling interest in a corporation, partnership, or trust that is a 
    disqualified person.
        Facts and circumstances tending to show that a person does not have 
    substantial influence over the affairs of an organization include but 
    are not limited to, the following: that the person has taken a bona 
    fide vow of poverty as an employee, agent, or on behalf of a religious 
    organization; that the person is an independent contractor, such as an 
    attorney, accountant, or investment manager or advisor, acting in that 
    capacity, unless the person is acting in
    [[Page 41491]]
    that capacity with respect to a transaction from which the person might 
    economically benefit either directly or indirectly (aside from fees 
    received for the professional services rendered); and that any 
    preferential treatment a person receives based on the size of that 
    person's donation is also offered to any other donor making a 
    comparable contribution as part of a solicitation intended to attract a 
    substantial number of contributions.
        In the case of multiple organizations affiliated by common control 
    or governing documents, the determination of whether a person does or 
    does not have substantial influence will be made separately for each 
    applicable tax-exempt organization.
    Excess Benefit Transaction
        The proposed regulations state that an excess benefit transaction 
    is any transaction in which an economic benefit is provided by an 
    applicable tax-exempt organization directly or indirectly to, or for 
    the use of, any disqualified person if the value of the economic 
    benefit provided exceeds the value of the consideration (including the 
    performance of services) received for providing such benefit. An excess 
    benefit transaction also includes certain revenue-sharing transactions 
    (described later in this section). A benefit can be provided indirectly 
    if it is provided through one or more entities controlled by or 
    affiliated with the applicable tax-exempt organization.
        Certain economic benefits provided by an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization to a disqualified person are disregarded for purposes of 
    section 4958. These include paying reasonable expenses for members of 
    the governing body of an applicable tax-exempt organization to attend 
    meetings of the governing body of the organization, not including 
    expenses for luxury travel or spousal travel; an economic benefit 
    provided to a disqualified person that the disqualified person receives 
    solely as a member of, or volunteer for, the organization, if the 
    benefit is provided to members of the public in exchange for a 
    membership fee of $75 or less per year; and an economic benefit 
    provided to a disqualified person that the disqualified person receives 
    solely as a member of a charitable class the applicable tax-exempt 
    organization intends to benefit.
        The proposed regulations provide that the payment of a premium for 
    an insurance policy providing liability insurance to a disqualified 
    person to cover any taxes imposed under this section or indemnification 
    of a disqualified person for such taxes by an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization is not an excess benefit transaction if the premium or the 
    indemnification is treated as compensation to the disqualified person 
    when paid, and the total compensation paid to the disqualified person 
    is reasonable.
        The proposed regulations provide that if the amount of the economic 
    benefit provided by the applicable tax-exempt organization exceeds the 
    fair market value of the consideration, the excess is the excess 
    benefit on which tax is imposed by section 4958. Rules concerning the 
    excess benefit in certain revenue-sharing transactions are described 
    later in this section. The fair market value of property is the price 
    at which property or the right to use property would change hands 
    between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any 
    compulsion to buy, sell, or transfer property or the right to use 
    property, and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts.
        Compensation for the performance of services is reasonable only if 
    it is an amount that would ordinarily be paid for like services by like 
    enterprises under like circumstances. Generally, the circumstances to 
    be taken into consideration are those existing at the date when the 
    contract for services was made. However, where reasonableness of 
    compensation cannot be determined based on circumstances existing at 
    the date when the contract for services was made, then that 
    determination is made based on all facts and circumstances, up to and 
    including circumstances as of the date of payment. In no event shall 
    circumstances existing at the date when the contract is questioned be 
    considered in making a determination of the reasonableness of 
    compensation. A written binding contract that is terminable or subject 
    to cancellation by the applicable tax-exempt organization without the 
    disqualified person's consent is treated as a new contract as of the 
    date that any such termination or cancellation, if made, would be 
    effective. If a binding written contract is materially modified (which 
    includes amending the contract to extend its term or increase the 
    amount of compensation payable to the disqualified person), it is 
    treated as a new contract entered into as of the date of the material 
    modification. Examples illustrate whether the reasonableness of 
    compensation can be determined based on circumstances existing at the 
    time a contract for the performance of services was made. In accordance 
    with the legislative history, the fact that a State or local 
    legislative or agency body has authorized or approved a particular 
    compensation package paid to a disqualified person is not determinative 
    of the reasonableness of compensation paid for purposes of section 4958 
    excise taxes. Under the proposed regulations, the fact that a 
    particular compensation package is authorized or approved by a court 
    also is not determinative of the reasonableness of compensation paid to 
    a disqualified person.
        Compensation for purposes of section 4958 includes all items of 
    compensation provided by an applicable tax-exempt organization in 
    exchange for the performance of services by a disqualified person. 
    These items of compensation include, but are not limited to, all forms 
    of cash and noncash compensation, including salary, fees, bonuses, and 
    severance payments paid, and all forms of deferred compensation that is 
    earned and vested, whether or not funded, and whether or not paid under 
    a deferred compensation plan that is a qualified plan under section 
    401(a). If deferred compensation for services performed in multiple 
    prior years vests in a later year, then that compensation is attributed 
    to the years in which the services were performed. Compensation also 
    includes the amount of premiums paid for liability or any other 
    insurance coverage, as well as any payment or reimbursement by the 
    organization of charges, expenses, fees, or taxes not covered 
    ultimately by the insurance coverage; all other benefits, whether or 
    not included in income for tax purposes, including payments to welfare 
    benefit plans on behalf of the disqualified persons, such as plans 
    providing medical, dental, life insurance, severance pay, and 
    disability benefits, and both taxable and nontaxable fringe benefits 
    (other than working condition fringe benefits described in section 
    132(d) and de minimis fringe benefits described in section 132(e)), 
    including expense allowances or reimbursements or foregone interest on 
    loans that the recipient must report as income on his separate income 
    tax return; and any economic benefit provided by the applicable tax-
    exempt organization directly or indirectly through another entity, 
    owned, controlled by or affiliated with the applicable tax-exempt 
    organization, whether such other entity is taxable or tax-exempt.
        An economic benefit that an applicable tax-exempt organization 
    provides to, or for the use, of a disqualified person is not treated as 
    consideration for the performance of services unless the organization 
    clearly indicates its intent to treat the benefit as compensation when 
    the benefit is paid.
    [[Page 41492]]
    An applicable tax-exempt organization will be treated as having 
    intended to provide an economic benefit as compensation for services 
    only if it provides clear and convincing evidence of having that intent 
    when the benefit was paid. An applicable tax-exempt organization can 
    provide clear and convincing evidence of such intent by reporting the 
    economic benefit as compensation on original or amended federal tax 
    information returns with respect to the payment (e.g., Form W-2 or 
    1099) or with respect to the organization (e.g., Form 990), filed 
    before the commencement of an IRS examination in which the reporting of 
    the benefit is questioned. For purposes of section 4958 and these 
    proposed regulations, an IRS examination of an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization has commenced if the organization has received written 
    notification from the Exempt Organizations Division of an impending 
    Exempt Organizations examination, or written notification of an 
    impending referral for an Exempt Organizations examination, and also 
    includes having been under an Exempt Organizations examination that is 
    now in Appeals or in litigation for issues raised in an Exempt 
    Organizations examination of the period in which the excess benefit 
    transaction occurred. Reporting of an economic benefit to provide clear 
    and convincing evidence of intent is also accomplished if the recipient 
    disqualified person reports the benefit as income on the person's Form 
    1040 for the year in which the benefit is received. If the amount of an 
    economic benefit paid to a disqualified person is not reported and 
    should have been reported on any information return issued by the 
    applicable tax-exempt organization, and the failure to report was due 
    to reasonable cause as defined under section 6724 regulations, then the 
    organization is deemed to satisfy the clear and convincing evidence 
    requirement. To show that its failure to report an economic benefit 
    that should have been reported on an information return was due to 
    reasonable cause, the applicable tax-exempt organization must establish 
    that there are significant mitigating factors with respect to its 
    failure to report, or the failure arose from events beyond the 
    organization's control, and the organization acted in a responsible 
    manner both before and after the failure occurred. If an organization 
    fails to provide clear and convincing evidence that it intended to 
    provide an economic benefit as compensation for services when paid, any 
    services provided by the disqualified person will not be treated as 
    provided in consideration for the economic benefit.
    Transaction in Which Amount of Economic Benefit Determined in Whole or 
    in Part by the Revenues of One or More Activities of the Organization
        The proposed regulations apply a facts and circumstances test to 
    assess whether a transaction in which the amount of an economic benefit 
    provided by an applicable tax-exempt organization to or for the use of 
    a disqualified person is determined in whole or in part by the revenues 
    of one or more activities of the applicable tax-exempt organization 
    (revenue-sharing transaction) results in inurement, and therefore 
    constitutes an excess benefit transaction. A revenue-sharing 
    transaction may constitute an excess benefit transaction regardless of 
    whether the economic benefit provided to the disqualified person 
    exceeds the fair market value of the consideration provided in return 
    if, at any point, it permits a disqualified person to receive 
    additional compensation without providing proportional benefits that 
    contribute to the organization's accomplishment of its exempt purpose. 
    If the economic benefit is provided as compensation for services, 
    relevant facts and circumstances include, but are not limited to, the 
    relationship between the size of the benefit provided and the quality 
    and quantity of the services provided, as well as the ability of the 
    party receiving the compensation to control the activities generating 
    the revenues on which the compensation is based.
        The type of revenue-sharing transaction described in the proposed 
    regulations constitutes an excess benefit transaction if it occurs on 
    or after the date of publication of final regulations. The excess 
    benefit in such a transaction consists of the entire economic benefit 
    provided. Any revenue-sharing transaction occurring after September 13, 
    1995, may still constitute an excess benefit transaction if the 
    economic benefit provided to the disqualified person exceeds the fair 
    market value of the consideration provided in return. Before the date 
    of publication of final regulations, however, the excess benefit shall 
    consist only of that portion of the economic benefit that exceeds the 
    fair market value of the consideration provided in return. Examples are 
    provided of revenue-sharing transactions that do and do not constitute 
    excess benefit transactions.
    Rebuttable Presumption That Transaction Is Not an Excess Benefit 
        The proposed regulations provide that a compensation arrangement 
    between an applicable tax-exempt organization and a disqualified person 
    is presumed to be reasonable, and a transfer of property, a right to 
    use property, or any other benefit or privilege between an applicable 
    tax-exempt organization and a disqualified person is presumed to be at 
    fair market value, if three conditions are satisfied. The three 
    conditions are as follows: (1) the compensation arrangement or terms of 
    transfer are approved by the organization's governing body or a 
    committee of the governing body composed entirely of individuals who do 
    not have a conflict of interest with respect to the arrangement or 
    transaction; (2) the governing body, or committee thereof, obtained and 
    relied upon appropriate data as to comparability prior to making its 
    determination; and (3) the governing body or committee adequately 
    documented the basis for its determination concurrently with making 
    that determination. The presumption established by satisfying these 
    three requirements may be rebutted by additional information showing 
    that the compensation was not reasonable or that the transfer was not 
    at fair market value.
        To the extent permitted under local law, the governing body of an 
    applicable tax-exempt organization may authorize other parties to act 
    on its behalf by following specified procedures that satisfy the three 
    requirements for invoking the rebuttable presumption of reasonableness. 
    An arrangement or transaction that is subsequently approved by the 
    board's designee or designees in accordance with those procedures shall 
    be subject to the rebuttable presumption even though the governing body 
    does not vote separately on the specific arrangement or transaction.
        With respect to the first requirement, the proposed regulations 
    provide that the governing body is the board of directors, board of 
    trustees, or equivalent controlling body of the applicable tax-exempt 
    organization. A committee of the governing body may be composed of any 
    individuals permitted under state law to serve on such a committee, and 
    may act on behalf of the governing body to the extent permitted by 
    state law. However, any members of such a committee who are not members 
    of the governing body are deemed to be organization managers for 
    purposes of the tax imposed by section 4958(a)(2) if
    [[Page 41493]]
    the organization is invoking the rebuttable presumption based on the 
    actions of the committee. A person is not included on an organization's 
    governing body or committee thereof when the governing body or 
    committee is reviewing a transaction if that person meets with the 
    other members only to answer questions, and otherwise recuses himself 
    from the meeting and is not present during debate and voting on the 
    transaction or compensation arrangement.
        The proposed regulations provide that a member of the governing 
    body, or committee thereof, does not have a conflict of interest with 
    respect to a compensation arrangement or transaction if the member is 
    not the disqualified person and is not related to any disqualified 
    person participating in or economically benefitting from the 
    compensation arrangement or transaction; is not in an employment 
    relationship subject to the direction or control of any disqualified 
    person participating in or economically benefitting from the 
    compensation arrangement or transaction; is not receiving compensation 
    or other payments subject to approval by any disqualified person 
    participating in or economically benefitting from the compensation 
    arrangement or transaction; has no material financial interest affected 
    by the compensation arrangement or transaction; and, as prescribed in 
    the legislative history, does not approve a transaction providing 
    economic benefits to any disqualified person participating in the 
    compensation arrangement or transaction, who in turn has approved or 
    will approve a transaction providing economic benefits to the member. 
    An arrangement or transaction has not been approved by a committee of a 
    governing body if, under the governing documents of the organization or 
    state law, the committee's decision must be ratified by the full 
    governing body in order to become effective.
        With respect to the second requirement for the rebuttable 
    presumption of reasonableness, the proposed regulations provide that a 
    governing body or committee has appropriate data on comparability if, 
    given the knowledge and expertise of its members, it has information 
    sufficient to determine whether a compensation arrangement will result 
    in the payment of reasonable compensation or a transaction will be for 
    fair market value. Relevant information includes, but is not limited 
    to, compensation levels paid by similarly situated organizations, both 
    taxable and tax-exempt, for functionally comparable positions; the 
    availability of similar services in the geographic area of the 
    applicable tax-exempt organization; independent compensation surveys 
    compiled by independent firms; actual written offers from similar 
    institutions competing for the services of the disqualified person; and 
    independent appraisals of the value of property that the applicable 
    tax-exempt organization intends to purchase from, or sell or provide to 
    the disqualified person.
        A special rule is provided for organizations with annual gross 
    receipts of less than $1 million. Under this rule, when the governing 
    body reviews compensation arrangements, it will be considered to have 
    appropriate data as to comparability if it has data on compensation 
    paid by five comparable organizations in the same or similar 
    communities for similar services. No inference is intended with respect 
    to whether circumstances falling outside this safe harbor will meet the 
    requirements with respect to the collection of appropriate data.
        For purposes of the third requirement of the rebuttable presumption 
    of reasonableness under the proposed regulations, to be documented 
    adequately, the written or electronic records of the governing body or 
    committee must note the terms of the transaction that was approved and 
    the date it was approved; the members of the governing body or 
    committee who were present during debate on the transaction or 
    arrangement that was approved and those who voted on it; the 
    comparability data obtained and relied upon by the committee and how 
    the data was obtained; and the actions taken with respect to 
    consideration of the transaction by anyone who is otherwise a member of 
    the governing body or committee but who had a conflict of interest with 
    respect to the transaction or arrangement. If the governing body or 
    committee determines that reasonable compensation for a specific 
    arrangement or fair market value in a specific transaction is higher or 
    lower than the range of comparable data obtained, the governing body or 
    committee must record the basis for its determination. For a decision 
    to be documented concurrently, records must be prepared by the next 
    meeting of the governing body or committee occurring after the final 
    action or actions of the governing body or committee are taken. Records 
    must be reviewed and approved by the governing body or committee as 
    reasonable, accurate and complete within a reasonable time period 
        If reasonableness of the compensation cannot be determined based on 
    circumstances existing at the date when a contract for services was 
    made, then the rebuttable presumption cannot arise until circumstances 
    exist so that reasonableness of compensation can be determined, and the 
    three requirements for the presumption subsequently are satisfied.
        The fact that a transaction between an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization and a disqualified person is not subject to the 
    presumption described in this section shall not create any inference 
    that the transaction is an excess benefit transaction. Neither shall 
    the fact that a transaction qualifies for the presumption exempt or 
    relieve any person from compliance with any federal or state law 
    imposing any obligation, duty, responsibility, or other standard of 
    conduct with respect to the operation or administration of any 
    applicable tax-exempt organization. The rebuttable presumption applies 
    to all payments made or transactions completed in accordance with a 
    contract provided that the three requirements of the rebuttable 
    presumption were met at the time the contract was agreed upon.
    Special Rules
        The proposed regulations provide that the excise taxes imposed by 
    section 4958 do not affect the substantive statutory standards for tax 
    exemption under sections 501(c)(3) or (4). Organizations are described 
    in those sections only if no part of their net earnings inure to the 
    benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
        The proposed regulations provide that the procedures of section 
    7611 will be used in initiating and conducting any inquiry or 
    examination into whether an excess benefit transaction has occurred 
    between a church and a disqualified person. For purposes of this rule, 
    the reasonable belief required to initiate a church tax inquiry is 
    satisfied if there is a reasonable belief that a section 4958 tax is 
    due from a disqualified person with respect to a transaction involving 
    a church. Any additional procedures that apply when determining whether 
    disqualified persons are liable for taxes as a result of transactions 
    with organizations other than churches will apply when determining 
    whether disqualified persons are liable for taxes as a result of 
    transactions with churches.
    II. Amendment of Regulations Under Various Procedural and 
    Administrative Provisions
        The proposed regulations amend the section 4963 regulations to 
    include section 4958 taxes in the list of taxes subject to abatement 
    under sections
    [[Page 41494]]
    4961 and 4962; amend the section 6213 regulations to suspend the time 
    period for filing a Tax Court petition for the time allowed by the 
    Commissioner to correct a section 4958 transaction; amend the section 
    6501 regulations to allow the filing of an information return by an 
    applicable tax-exempt organization to begin the three-year limitation 
    on assessment and collection for section 4958 taxes (or six years if an 
    organization failed to disclose an item); amend the section 7422 
    regulations to apply existing rules for refund proceedings to section 
    4958 taxes; and amend section 7611 regulations to cross-reference the 
    rules governing the interaction between section 4958 and section 7611 
    in these proposed regulations.
        Except as otherwise specified in the text of the final regulations, 
    these regulations will be effective upon publication of the final 
    regulations in the Federal Register. Taxpayers may rely on these 
    proposed regulations for guidance pending the issuance of final 
    regulations. If, and to the extent, future guidance is more restrictive 
    than the guidance in these proposed regulations, the future guidance 
    will be applied without retroactive effect.
    Special Analyses
        It has been determined that this notice of proposed rulemaking is 
    not a significant regulatory action as defined in Executive Order 
    12866. Therefore, a regulatory assessment is not required.
        An initial regulatory flexibility analysis has been prepared as 
    required for the collection of information in this notice of proposed 
    rulemaking under 5 U.S.C. 603. The analysis follows:
    Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        These proposed regulations clarifying section 4958 of the Code 
    (Taxes on excess benefit transactions) may have an impact on small 
    organizations if those organizations avail themselves of the rebuttable 
    presumption of reasonableness described in the regulations (26 C.F.R. 
    53.4958-6(a)(2), 53.4958-6(a)(3), 53.4958-6(d)(2), and 53.4958-
    6(d)(3)). The rebuttable presumption is being considered because the 
    legislative history of section 4958 (H. REP. 104-506 at 56-7, March 28, 
    1996) stated that parties to a transaction should be entitled to rely 
    on such a rebuttable presumption that a compensation arrangement or a 
    property transaction between certain organizations and disqualified 
    persons of the organizations is reasonable or at fair market value. The 
    legislative history further instructed the Secretary of the Treasury 
    and the IRS to issue guidance in connection with the standard for 
    establishing reasonable compensation or fair market value that 
    incorporates this presumption.
        The objective for the rebuttable presumption is to allow 
    organizations that satisfy the three requirements to presume that 
    compensation arrangements and property transactions entered into with 
    disqualified persons pursuant to satisfaction of those requirements are 
    reasonable or at fair market value. In such cases, the section 4958 
    excise taxes can be imposed only if the IRS develops sufficient 
    contrary evidence to rebut the probative value of the evidence put 
    forth by the parties to the transaction. The legal basis for the 
    proposed rule is Code sections 4958 and 7805.
        The proposed rule affects organizations described in sections 
    501(c)(3) and (4) (applicable tax-exempt organizations). Some 
    applicable tax-exempt organizations may be small organizations, defined 
    in 5 U.S.C. 601(4) as any not-for-profit enterprise which is 
    independently owned and operated and is not dominant in its field.
        The proposed recordkeeping burden entails obtaining and relying on 
    appropriate comparability data and documenting the basis of an 
    organization's determination that compensation is reasonable, or a 
    property transfer (or transfer of the right to use property) is at fair 
    market value. These actions are necessary to meet two of the 
    requirements specified in the legislative history for obtaining the 
    rebuttable presumption of reasonableness. The skills necessary for 
    these actions are of the type required for obtaining and considering 
    comparability data, and for documenting the membership and actions of 
    the governing board or relevant committee of the organization. 
    Applicable tax-exempt organizations that are small entities of the 
    class that files Form 990-EZ (i.e., those with gross receipts of less 
    than $100,000 and assets of less than $250,000) are unlikely to 
    undertake fulfilling the requirements of the rebuttable presumption of 
    reasonableness, and therefore will not be affected by the recordkeeping 
    burden. All other classes of applicable tax-exempt organizations that 
    file Form 990, up to organizations with assets of $50 million, are 
    likely to be small organizations that avail themselves of the 
    rebuttable presumption of reasonableness. These classes range from 
    organizations with assets of $100,000 to $50 million. The proposed rule 
    currently contains a less burdensome safe harbor for one of the 
    requirements (obtaining comparability data on compensation) for 
    organizations with annual gross receipts of less than $1 million. The 
    IRS is not aware of any other relevant federal rules which may 
    duplicate, overlap, or conflict with the proposed rule. A less 
    burdensome alternative for small organizations would be to exempt those 
    entities from the requirements for establishing the rebuttable 
    presumption of reasonableness. However, it is not consistent with the 
    statute to allow organizations to rely on this presumption without 
    satisfying some conditions. Satisfaction of the requirements as 
    outlined in the legislative history leads to a benefit, but failure to 
    satisfy them does not necessarily lead to a penalty. A more burdensome 
    alternative would be to require all applicable tax-exempt organizations 
    under Code section 4958 to satisfy the three requirements of the 
    rebuttable presumption of reasonableness under all circumstances.
        Pursuant to section 7805(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, this 
    notice of proposed rulemaking will be submitted to the Chief Counsel 
    for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration for comment on its 
    impact on business.
    Comments and Requests for a Public Hearing
        Before these proposed regulations are adopted as final regulations, 
    consideration will be given to any written comments (a signed original 
    and eight (8) copies) that are submitted timely to the IRS. All 
    comments will be available for public inspection and copying. A 
    teleconference public hearing may be scheduled if requested in writing 
    by a person wishing to testify outside the Washington, DC area who 
    timely submits written comments. A request for a hearing by video 
    conference was made on April 7, 1998, by the Taxation Section of the 
    Los Angeles County Bar Association. If a teleconference public hearing 
    is scheduled, notice of the date, time, place, and remote 
    teleconference sites for the hearing will be published in the Federal 
        In addition to several areas mentioned earlier in this preamble, 
    specific comments are requested with respect to certain issues raised 
    by these proposed regulations. Concerning the relationship between 
    revocation of tax-exempt status and the taxes imposed under section 
    4958, comments are invited to be considered in preparing guidance 
    outlining the factors the IRS will consider in exercising its 
    administrative discretion in accordance with the legislative history. 
    Comments are also requested with regard to the rule under
    [[Page 41495]]
    which an economic benefit provided to, or for the use of, a 
    disqualified person will not be treated as consideration for the 
    performance of services absent the clear indication of the 
    organization's intent to treat the benefit as compensation when the 
    benefit is paid. Specifically, comments are requested on appropriate 
    ways of applying this rule that will not create an unnecessary burden 
    on affected organizations. Additionally, comments are requested with 
    respect to the effect of the proposed regulations on different 
    compensation arrangements, including revenue-based compensation, 
    deferred compensation, and the use of options as compensation.
    Drafting Information
        The principal author of these regulations is Phyllis D. Haney, 
    Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Employee Benefits and Exempt 
    Organizations). However, other personnel from the IRS and Treasury 
    Department participated in their development.
    List of Subjects
    26 CFR Part 53
        Excise taxes, Foundations, Investments, Lobbying, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Trusts and trustees.
    26 CFR Part 301
        Employment taxes, Estate taxes, Excise taxes, Gift taxes, Income 
    taxes, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    Proposed Amendments to the Regulations
        Accordingly, 26 CFR Parts 53 and 301 are proposed to be amended as 
        Paragraph 1. The authority citation for part 53 continues to read 
    as follows:
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.
        Par. 2. Sections 53.4958-0 through 53.4958-7 are added to read as 
    Sec. 53.4958-0  Table of contents.
        This section lists the captions contained in Secs. 53.4958-1 
    through 53.4958-7.
    Sec. 53.4958-1  Taxes on excess benefit transactions.
        (a) In general.
        (b) Excess benefit defined.
        (c) Taxes paid by disqualified person.
        (1) Initial tax.
        (2) Additional tax on disqualified person.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Correction.
        (iii) Taxable period.
        (iv) Abatement if correction during the correction period.
        (d) Tax paid by organization managers.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Organization manager defined.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Special rule for certain committee members.
        (3) Participation.
        (4) Knowing.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Special rule.
        (5) Willful.
        (6) Due to reasonable cause.
        (7) Advice of counsel.
        (8) Limits on liability for management.
        (9) Joint and several liability.
        (e) Date of occurrence.
        (f) Statute of limitations.
        (g) Effective date for imposition of taxes.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Existing binding contracts.
    Sec. 53.4958-2--Definition of applicable tax-exempt organization.
        (a) In general.
        (b) Section 501(c)(3) organizations.
        (c) Section 501(c)(4) organizations.
    Sec. 53.4958-3--Definition of disqualified person.
        (a) In general.
        (b) Statutory categories of disqualified persons.
        (1) Family members.
        (2) Thirty-five percent controlled entities.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Combined voting power.
        (iii) Constructive ownership rules.
        (A) Stockholdings.
        (B) Profits or beneficial interest.
        (c) Persons having substantial influence.
        (1) Individuals serving on the governing body who are entitled 
    to vote.
        (2) Presidents, chief executive officers, or chief operating 
        (3) Treasurers and chief financial officers.
        (4) Persons with a material financial interest in a provider-
    sponsored organization.
        (d) Persons deemed not to have substantial influence.
        (1) Applicable tax-exempt organizations described in section 
        (2) Employees receiving economic benefits of less than specified 
    amount in a taxable year.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Examples.
        (e) Facts and circumstances govern in all other cases.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Facts and circumstances tending to show substantial 
        (3) Facts and circumstances tending to show no substantial 
        (f) Examples.
        (g) Affiliated organizations.
    Sec. 53.4958-4  Excess benefit transaction.
        (a) Definition of excess benefit transaction.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Economic benefit provided directly or indirectly.
        (3) Certain economic benefits disregarded for purposes of 
    section 4958.
        (i) Reimbursements for reasonable expenses of attending meetings 
    of governing body.
        (ii) Economic benefits provided to a disqualified person solely 
    as a member of, or volunteer for, the organization.
        (iii) Economic benefits provided to a disqualified person solely 
    as a member of a charitable class.
        (4) Insurance or indemnification of excise taxes.
        (b) Standards for identifying excess benefits.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Fair market value for transfer of property.
        (3) Reasonable compensation.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Items included in determining the value of compensation for 
    purposes of section 4958.
        (iii) Examples.
        (c) Establishing intent to treat economic benefit as 
    consideration for the performance of services.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Clear and convincing evidence of intent.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Reporting of benefit.
        (iii) Failure to report due to reasonable cause.
        (3) Effect of failing to establish intent.
        (4) Examples.
    Sec. 53.4958-5  Transaction in which amount of economic benefit 
    determined in whole or in part by the revenues of one or more 
    activities of the organization.
        (a) In general.
        (b) Special rule for allocation or return of net margins or 
    capital to members of certain cooperatives.
        (c) Rules effective prospectively.
        (d) Examples.
    Sec. 53.4958-6  Rebuttable presumption that transaction is not an 
    excess benefit transaction.
        (a) In general.
        (b) Delegation pursuant to procedures.
        (c) Rebutting the presumption.
        (d) Requirements for invoking rebuttable presumption.
        (1) Disinterested governing body or committee.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Persons not included on governing body or committee.
        (iii) Absence of conflict of interest.
        (iv) Rule where ratification of full governing body required.
        (2) Appropriate data as to comparability.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Special rule for compensation paid by small organizations.
        (iii) Additional rules for special rule for small organizations.
        (iv) Examples.
        (3) Documentation.
        (e) No presumption until circumstances exist to determine 
    reasonableness of compensation.
        (f) No inference from absence of presumption.
        (g) Period of reliance on rebuttable presumption.
    [[Page 41496]]
    Sec. 53.4958-7  Special rules.
        (a) Substantive requirements for exemption still apply.
        (b) Interaction between section 4958 and section 7611 rules for 
    church tax inquiries and examinations.
    Sec. 53.4958-1  Taxes on excess benefit transactions.
        (a) In general. Section 4958 imposes excise taxes on each excess 
    benefit transaction (as defined in section 4958(c) and Sec. 53.4958-4 
    and Sec. 53.4958-5) between an applicable tax-exempt organization (as 
    defined in section 4958(e) and Sec. 53.4958-2) and a disqualified 
    person (as defined in section 4958(f)(1) and Sec. 53.4958-3). A 
    disqualified person who receives an excess benefit from an excess 
    benefit transaction is liable for payment of a section 4958(a)(1) 
    excise tax equal to 25 percent of the excess benefit. If an initial tax 
    is imposed by section 4958(a)(1) on an excess benefit transaction and 
    the transaction is not corrected within the taxable period, then any 
    disqualified person who received an excess benefit from the excess 
    benefit transaction on which the initial tax was imposed is liable for 
    an additional tax of 200 percent of the excess benefit. An organization 
    manager (as defined in section 4958(f)(2) and paragraph (d) of this 
    section) who participates in an excess benefit transaction, knowing 
    that it was such a transaction, is liable for payment of a section 
    4958(a)(2) excise tax equal to 10 percent of the excess benefit, unless 
    the participation was not willful and was due to reasonable cause. If 
    an organization manager also receives an excess benefit from an excess 
    benefit transaction, the manager may be liable for both taxes imposed 
    by section 4958(a).
        (b) Excess benefit defined. Except as provided in Sec. 53.4958-5 
    with respect to certain revenue-sharing transactions, an excess benefit 
    is the value of the economic benefit provided by an applicable tax-
    exempt organization directly or indirectly to or for the use of any 
    disqualified person that exceeds the value of the consideration 
    (including the performance of services) received by the organization 
    for providing such benefit.
        (c) Taxes paid by disqualified person--(1) Initial tax. Section 
    4958(a)(1) imposes a tax equal to 25 percent of the excess benefit on 
    each excess benefit transaction. The section 4958(a)(1) tax shall be 
    paid by any disqualified person who received an excess benefit from 
    that excess benefit transaction. With respect to any excess benefit 
    transaction, if more than one disqualified person is liable for the tax 
    imposed by section 4958(a)(1), all such persons are jointly and 
    severally liable for that tax.
        (2) Additional tax on disqualified person--(i) In general. Section 
    4958(b) imposes a tax equal to 200 percent of the excess benefit in any 
    case in which a section 4958(a)(1) tax is imposed on an excess benefit 
    transaction and the transaction is not corrected (as defined in section 
    4958(f)(6) and paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section) within the taxable 
    period (as defined in section 4958(f)(5) and paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of 
    this section). The tax imposed by section 4958(b) is payable by any 
    disqualified person who received an excess benefit from the excess 
    benefit transaction on which the initial tax was imposed by section 
    4958(a)(1). With respect to any excess benefit transaction, if more 
    than one disqualified person is liable for the tax imposed by section 
    4958(b), all such persons are jointly and severally liable for that 
        (ii) Correction. Correction means, with respect to any excess 
    benefit transaction, undoing the excess benefit to the extent possible, 
    and taking any additional measures necessary to place the organization 
    in a financial position not worse than that in which it would be if the 
    disqualified person had been dealing under the highest fiduciary 
    standards. Correction of the excess benefit occurs if the disqualified 
    person repays the applicable tax-exempt organization an amount of money 
    equal to the excess benefit, plus any additional amount needed to 
    compensate the organization for the loss of the use of the money or 
    other property during the period commencing on the date of the excess 
    benefit transaction and ending on the date the excess benefit is 
    corrected. Correction may also be accomplished, in certain 
    circumstances, by returning property to the organization and taking any 
    additional steps necessary to make the organization whole. If the 
    excess benefit transaction consists of the payment of compensation for 
    services under a contract that has not been completed, termination of 
    the employment or independent contractor relationship between the 
    organization and the disqualified person is not required in order to 
    correct. However, the terms of any ongoing compensation arrangement may 
    need to be modified to avoid future excess benefit transactions.
        (iii) Taxable period. Taxable period means, with respect to any 
    excess benefit transaction, the period beginning with the date on which 
    the transaction occurs and ending on the earlier of--
        (A) The date of mailing a notice of deficiency under section 6212 
    with respect to the section 4958(a)(1) tax; or
        (B) The date on which the tax imposed by section 4958(a)(1) is 
        (iv) Abatement if correction during the correction period. For 
    rules relating to abatement of taxes on excess benefit transactions 
    that are corrected within the correction period, as defined in section 
    4963(e), see sections 4961(a), 4962(a), and the regulations thereunder.
        (d) Tax paid by organization managers--(1) In general. In any case 
    in which section 4958(a)(1) imposes a tax, section 4958(a)(2) imposes a 
    tax equal to 10 percent of the excess benefit on the participation of 
    any organization manager who knowingly participated in the excess 
    benefit transaction, unless such participation was not willful and was 
    due to reasonable cause. The tax is to be paid by any organization 
    manager who so participated.
        (2) Organization manager defined--(i) In general. An organization 
    manager is, with respect to any applicable tax-exempt organization, any 
    officer, director, or trustee of such organization, or any individual 
    having powers or responsibilities similar to those of officers, 
    directors, or trustees of the organization, regardless of title. A 
    person shall be considered an officer of an organization if--
        (A) That person is specifically so designated under the certificate 
    of incorporation, by-laws, or other constitutive documents of the 
    organization; or
        (B) That person regularly exercises general authority to make 
    administrative or policy decisions on behalf of the organization. 
    Independent contractors, acting in a capacity as attorneys, 
    accountants, and investment managers and advisors, are not officers. 
    Any person who has authority merely to recommend particular 
    administrative or policy decisions, but not to implement them without 
    approval of a superior, is not an officer.
        (ii) Special rule for certain committee members. An individual who 
    is not an officer, director, or trustee, yet serves on a committee of 
    the governing body of an applicable tax-exempt organization that is 
    invoking the rebuttable presumption of reasonableness described in 
    Sec. 53.4958-6 based on the committee's actions, is an organization 
    manager for purposes of the tax imposed by section 4958(a)(2).
        (3) Participation. For purposes of section 4958(a)(2) and this 
    paragraph (d), participation includes silence or inaction on the part 
    of an organization manager where the manager is under a
    [[Page 41497]]
    duty to speak or act, as well as any affirmative action by such 
    manager. However, an organization manager will not be considered to 
    have participated in an excess benefit transaction where the manager 
    has opposed such transaction in a manner consistent with the 
    fulfillment of the manager's responsibilities to the applicable tax-
    exempt organization.
        (4) Knowing--(i) In general. For purposes of section 4958(a)(2) and 
    this paragraph (d), a person participates in a transaction knowing that 
    it is an excess benefit transaction only if the person--
        (A) Has actual knowledge of sufficient facts so that, based solely 
    upon such facts, such transaction would be an excess benefit 
        (B) Is aware that such an act under these circumstances may violate 
    the provisions of federal tax law governing excess benefit 
    transactions; and
        (C) Negligently fails to make reasonable attempts to ascertain 
    whether the transaction is an excess benefit transaction, or the person 
    is in fact aware that it is such a transaction.
        (ii) Special rule. Knowing does not mean having reason to know. 
    However, evidence tending to show that a person has reason to know of a 
    particular fact or particular rule is relevant in determining whether 
    the person had actual knowledge of such a fact or rule. Thus, for 
    example, evidence tending to show that a person has reason to know of 
    sufficient facts so that, based solely upon such facts, a transaction 
    would be an excess benefit transaction is relevant in determining 
    whether the person has actual knowledge of such facts.
        (5) Willful. For purposes of section 4958(a)(2) and this paragraph 
    (d), participation by an organization manager is willful if it is 
    voluntary, conscious, and intentional. No motive to avoid the 
    restrictions of the law or the incurrence of any tax is necessary to 
    make the participation willful. However, participation by an 
    organization manager is not willful if the manager does not know that 
    the transaction in which the manager is participating is an excess 
    benefit transaction.
        (6) Due to reasonable cause. An organization manager's 
    participation is due to reasonable cause if the manager has exercised 
    his responsibility on behalf of the organization with ordinary business 
    care and prudence.
        (7) Advice of counsel. If a person, after full disclosure of the 
    factual situation to legal counsel (including in-house counsel) relies 
    on the advice of such counsel expressed in a reasoned written legal 
    opinion that a transaction is not an excess benefit transaction, the 
    person's participation in such transaction will ordinarily not be 
    considered knowing or willful and will ordinarily be considered due to 
    reasonable cause within the meaning of section 4958(a)(2), even if such 
    transaction is subsequently held to be an excess benefit transaction. 
    For purposes of satisfying the requirements of section 4958(a)(2), a 
    written legal opinion is reasoned so long as the opinion addresses 
    itself to the facts and applicable law. However, a written legal 
    opinion is not reasoned if it does nothing more than recite the facts 
    and express a conclusion. The absence of advice of counsel with respect 
    to an act shall not, by itself, however, give rise to any inference 
    that a person participated in such act knowingly, willfully, or without 
    reasonable cause.
        (8) Limits on liability for management. The maximum aggregate 
    amount of tax collectible under section 4958(a)(2) and this paragraph 
    (d) from organization managers with respect to any one excess benefit 
    transaction is $10,000.
        (9) Joint and several liability. In any case where more than one 
    person is liable for a tax imposed by section 4958(a)(2), all such 
    persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the taxes imposed 
    under section 4958(a)(2) with respect to that excess benefit 
        (e) Date of occurrence. Except as otherwise provided, an excess 
    benefit transaction occurs on the date on which the disqualified person 
    receives the economic benefit from the applicable tax-exempt 
    organization for federal income tax purposes. In the case of a 
    transaction consisting of payment of deferred compensation, the 
    transaction occurs on the date the deferred compensation is earned and 
        (f) Statute of limitations. See sections 6501(e)(3) and 6501(l) and 
    the regulations thereunder, as amended, for statute of limitations 
    rules as they apply to section 4958 excise taxes.
        (g) Effective date for imposition of taxes--(1) In general. The 
    section 4958 taxes imposed on excess benefit transactions or on 
    participation in excess benefit transactions apply to transactions 
    occurring on or after September 14, 1995.
        (2) Existing binding contracts. The section 4958 taxes do not apply 
    to any transaction occurring pursuant to a written contract that was 
    binding on September 13, 1995, and at all times thereafter before the 
    transaction occurs. A written binding contract that is terminable or 
    subject to cancellation by the applicable tax-exempt organization 
    without the disqualified person's consent is treated as a new contract 
    as of the date that any such termination or cancellation, if made, 
    would be effective. If a binding written contract is materially 
    modified (a material modification includes amending the contract to 
    extend its term or to increase the amount of compensation payable to 
    the disqualified person), it is treated as a new contract entered into 
    as of the date of the material modification.
    Sec. 53.4958-2  Definition of applicable tax-exempt organization.
        (a) In general--(1) An applicable tax-exempt organization is any 
    organization that, without regard to any excess benefit, would be 
    described in section 501(c)(3) or (4) and exempt from tax under section 
    501(a). An applicable tax-exempt organization also includes any 
    organization that was described in section 501(c)(3) or (4) and was 
    exempt from tax under section 501(a) at any time during a five-year 
    period ending on the date of an excess benefit transaction (the 
    lookback period).
        (2) In the case of any transaction occurring before September 14, 
    2000, the lookback period begins on September 14, 1995, and ends on the 
    date of the transaction.
        (b) Section 501(c)(3) organizations. To be described in section 
    501(c)(3) for purposes of section 4958, an organization must meet the 
    requirements of section 508 (subject to any applicable exceptions 
    provided by that section). A foreign organization that receives 
    substantially all of its support from sources outside of the United 
    States is not subject to the requirements of section 508 and is not an 
    organization described in section 501(c)(3) for purposes of section 
    4958. A private foundation as defined in section 509(a) is not an 
    applicable tax-exempt organization for section 4958 purposes.
        (c) Section 501(c)(4) organizations. An organization that has 
    applied for and received recognition of exemption as an organization 
    described in section 501(c)(4) is an applicable tax-exempt organization 
    for section 4958 purposes. In addition, an organization that has sought 
    to take advantage of section 501(c)(4) status by filing an application 
    for recognition of exemption under section 501(c)(4) with the Internal 
    Revenue Service, filing an information return as a section 501(c)(4) 
    organization under the Internal Revenue Code or regulations promulgated 
    thereunder, or otherwise holding itself out as being described in 
    section 501(c)(4), is an applicable tax-exempt organization for section 
    4958 purposes. A foreign organization that receives substantially all 
    of its support from sources outside of the United States is
    [[Page 41498]]
    not an applicable tax-exempt organization for section 4958 purposes.
    Sec. 53.4958-3  Definition of disqualified person.
        (a) In general. Section 4958(f)(1) defines disqualified person, 
    with respect to any transaction, as any person who was in a position to 
    exercise substantial influence over the affairs of the organization at 
    any time during the five-year period ending on the date of the 
    transaction. If the five-year period ending on the date of the 
    transaction would have begun on or before September 13, 1995, then the 
    preceding sentence shall be applied to the period beginning September 
    14, 1995, and ending on the date of the transaction. Paragraph (b) of 
    this section further describes other persons who are defined to be 
    disqualified persons under the statute, including certain family 
    members of an individual in a position to exercise substantial 
    influence, and certain 35 percent controlled entities. Paragraph (c) of 
    this section describes persons in a position to exercise substantial 
    influence over the affairs of an applicable tax-exempt organization by 
    virtue of their powers and responsibilities or certain interests they 
    hold. Paragraph (d) of this section describes persons deemed not to be 
    in a position to exercise substantial influence. Whether any person not 
    described in paragraph (b), (c) or (d) of this section is a 
    disqualified person with respect to the transaction for purposes of 
    section 4958 is based on all relevant facts and circumstances, as 
    described in paragraph (e) of this section. Examples in paragraphs 
    (d)(2)(ii) and (f) of this section illustrate these categories of 
        (b) Statutory categories of disqualified persons--(1) Family 
    members. A person is a disqualified person with respect to any 
    transaction with an applicable tax-exempt organization if the person is 
    a member of the family of another disqualified person described in 
    paragraph (a) of this section with respect to any transaction with the 
    same organization. A person's family includes--
        (i) Spouse;
        (ii) Brothers or sisters (by whole or half blood);
        (iii) Spouses of brothers or sisters (by whole or half blood);
        (iv) Ancestors;
        (v) Children;
        (vi) Grandchildren;
        (vii) Great grandchildren; and
        (viii) Spouses of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
        (2) Thirty-five percent controlled entities--(i) In general. A 
    person is a disqualified person with respect to any transaction with an 
    applicable tax-exempt organization if the person is a 35 percent 
    controlled entity. A 35 percent controlled entity is--
        (A) A corporation in which persons described in this section 
    (except in this paragraph (b)(2) and paragraph (d) of this section) own 
    more than 35 percent of the combined voting power;
        (B) A partnership in which persons described in this section 
    (except in this paragraph (b)(2) and paragraph (d) of this section) own 
    more than 35 percent of the profits interest; or
        (C) A trust or estate in which persons described in this section 
    (except in this paragraph (b)(2) and paragraph (d) of this section) own 
    more than 35 percent of the beneficial interest.
        (ii) Combined voting power. For purposes of this paragraph (b)(2), 
    combined voting power includes voting power represented by holdings of 
    voting stock, direct or indirect, but does not include voting rights 
    held only as a director or trustee.
        (iii) Constructive ownership rules--(A) Stockholdings. For purposes 
    of section 4958(f)(3) and this paragraph (b)(2), indirect stockholdings 
    are taken into account as under section 267(c), except that in applying 
    section 267(c)(4), the family of an individual shall include the 
    members of the family specified in section 4958(f)(4) and paragraph 
    (b)(1) of this section.
        (B) Profits or beneficial interest. For purposes of section 
    4958(f)(3) and this paragraph (b)(2), the ownership of profits or 
    beneficial interests shall be determined in accordance with the rules 
    for constructive ownership of stock provided in section 267(c) (other 
    than section 267(c)(3)), except that in applying section 267(c)(4), the 
    family of an individual shall include the members of the family 
    specified in section 4958(f)(4) and paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
        (c) Persons having substantial influence. A person is in a position 
    to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of an applicable 
    tax-exempt organization if that person has the powers or 
    responsibilities, or holds the type of interests, described in one of 
    the following categories:
        (1) Individuals serving on the governing body who are entitled to 
    vote. This category includes any individual serving on the governing 
    body of the organization who is entitled to vote on matters over which 
    the governing body has authority.
        (2) Presidents, chief executive officers, or chief operating 
    officers. This category includes any individual who, individually or 
    with others, serves as the president, chief executive officer, or chief 
    operating officer of the organization. An individual serves as a 
    president, chief executive officer, or chief operating officer, 
    regardless of title, if that individual has or shares ultimate 
    responsibility for implementing the decisions of the governing body or 
    supervising the management, administration, or operation of the 
    applicable organization.
        (3) Treasurers and chief financial officers. This category includes 
    any individual who, independently or with others, serves as treasurer 
    or chief financial officer of the organization. An individual serves as 
    a treasurer or chief financial officer, regardless of title, if that 
    individual has or shares ultimate responsibility for managing the 
    organization's financial assets and has or shares authority to sign 
    drafts or direct the signing of drafts, or authorize electronic 
    transfer of funds, from organization bank accounts.
        (4) Persons with a material financial interest in a provider-
    sponsored organization. Pursuant to section 501(o), this category 
    includes any person with a material financial interest in a provider-
    sponsored organization (as defined in section 1853(e) of the Social 
    Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w-23)) if a hospital that participates in 
    the provider-sponsored organization is an applicable tax-exempt 
        (d) Persons deemed not to have substantial influence. A person is 
    deemed not to be in a position to exercise substantial influence over 
    the affairs of an applicable tax-exempt organization if that person is 
    described in one of the following categories:
        (1) Applicable tax-exempt organizations described in section 
    501(c)(3). This category includes any other applicable tax-exempt 
    organization described in section 501(c)(3).
        (2) Employees receiving economic benefits of less than specified 
    amount in a taxable year--(i) In general. This category includes, for 
    the taxable year in which benefits are provided, any employee of the 
    applicable tax-exempt organization who--
        (A) Receives economic benefits, directly or indirectly from the 
    organization, of less than the amount of compensation referenced for a 
    highly compensated employee in section 414(q)(1)(B)(i);
        (B) Is not described in Sec. 53.4958-3(b) or (c) with respect to 
    the organization; and
        (C) Is not a substantial contributor to the organization within the 
    meaning of section 507(d)(2).
    [[Page 41499]]
        (ii) Examples. The following examples illustrate the category of 
    persons described in this paragraph (d)(2):
        Example 1. N, an artist by profession, works part-time at R, a 
    local museum. In the first taxable year in which R employs N, R pays 
    N a modest salary and provides no additional benefits to N except 
    for free admission to the museum, a benefit R provides to all of its 
    employees and volunteers. The total economic benefits N receives 
    from R during the taxable year are less than the amount of 
    compensation referenced for a highly compensated employee in section 
    414(q)(1)(B)(i). The part-time job constitutes N's only relationship 
    with R. N is not related to any other disqualified person with 
    respect to R. N is deemed not to be in a position to exercise 
    substantial influence over the affairs of R. Therefore N is not a 
    disqualified person with respect to any transaction involving N and 
    R in that year.
        Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that 
    in addition to the modest salary that R pays N in exchange for N's 
    provision of services to R during the taxable year, R also purchases 
    one of N's paintings for $90,000. The total economic benefits 
    provided by R to N in that year exceed the amount of compensation 
    referenced for highly compensated employees in section 
    414(q)(1)(B)(i). Consequently, whether N is in a position to 
    exercise substantial influence over the affairs of R for that 
    taxable year depends upon all relevant facts and circumstances.
        (e) Facts and circumstances govern in all other cases--(1) In 
    general. Whether a person who is not described in paragraph (b), (c) or 
    (d) of this section is a disqualified person depends upon all relevant 
    facts and circumstances. A person who has managerial control over a 
    discrete segment of an organization may nonetheless be in a position to 
    exercise substantial influence over the affairs of the entire 
        (2) Facts and circumstances tending to show substantial influence. 
    Facts and circumstances tending to show that a person has substantial 
    influence over the affairs of an organization include, but are not 
    limited to, the following--
        (i) The person founded the organization;
        (ii) The person is a substantial contributor (within the meaning of 
    section 507(d)(2)) to the organization;
        (iii) The person's compensation is based on revenues derived from 
    activities of the organization that the person controls;
        (iv) The person has authority to control or determine a significant 
    portion of the organization's capital expenditures, operating budget, 
    or compensation for employees;
        (v) The person has managerial authority or serves as a key advisor 
    to a person with managerial authority; or
        (vi) The person owns a controlling interest in a corporation, 
    partnership, or trust that is a disqualified person.
        (3) Facts and circumstances tending to show no substantial 
    influence. Facts and circumstances tending to show that a person does 
    not have substantial influence over the affairs of an organization 
    include, but are not limited to--
        (i) The person has taken a bona fide vow of poverty as an employee, 
    agent, or on behalf of a religious organization;
        (ii) The person is an independent contractor, such as an attorney, 
    accountant, or investment manager or advisor, acting in that capacity, 
    unless the person is acting in that capacity with respect to a 
    transaction from which the person might economically benefit either 
    directly or indirectly (aside from fees received for the professional 
    services rendered); and
        (iii) Any preferential treatment a person receives based on the 
    size of that person's donation is also offered to any other donor 
    making a comparable contribution as part of a solicitation intended to 
    attract a substantial number of contributions.
        (f) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of 
    this section. Finding a person to be a disqualified person in the 
    following examples does not indicate that an excess benefit transaction 
    has occurred, but only that any transaction with the applicable tax-
    exempt organization that provides benefits to the disqualified person 
    directly or indirectly may be scrutinized to determine whether it is an 
    excess benefit transaction:
        Example 1. E is the headmaster of Z, a school that is an 
    applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. E 
    reports to Z's board of trustees and is the principal employee 
    responsible for implementing the board's decisions. E also has 
    ultimate responsibility for supervising Z's day-to-day operations. 
    For example, E can hire faculty members and staff, make changes to 
    the school's curriculum and discipline students without specific 
    board approval. Because E serves as the chief executive officer of 
    Z, E is in a position to exercise substantial influence over the 
    affairs of Z. Therefore E is a disqualified person with respect to 
    any transaction involving Z that provides economic benefits to E 
    directly or indirectly.
        Example 2. G is a program officer at community organization C, 
    an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. 
    G's total compensation for the taxable year, including benefits, is 
    less than the amount of compensation referenced for a highly 
    compensated employee in section 414(q)(1)(B)(i). G is not related to 
    any other disqualified person with respect to C. G does not serve on 
    C's governing body and or as an officer of C. G makes a modest 
    annual contribution to C, but is not a substantial contributor to C 
    (within the meaning of section 507(d)(2)). G is deemed not to be in 
    a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of C 
    for this year because G is an employee who receives economic 
    benefits for the year of less than the amount of compensation 
    referenced for a highly compensated employee in section 
    414(q)(1)(B)(i). Therefore, for this year, G is not a disqualified 
    person with respect to any transaction involving C that provides 
    economic benefits to G directly or indirectly.
        Example 3. Y, an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes 
    of section 4958, enters into a contract with B, a company that 
    manages bingo games. Under the contract, B agrees to provide all of 
    the staff and equipment necessary to carry out a bingo operation one 
    night per week, and to pay Y q percent of the revenue from this 
    activity. B retains the balance of the proceeds. Y provides no goods 
    or services in connection with the bingo operation other than the 
    use of its hall for the bingo game. The annual gross revenue earned 
    from the bingo game represents more than half of Y's total annual 
    revenue. B's status as a disqualified person is determined by all 
    relevant facts and circumstances. B's compensation is based on 
    revenues from an activity B controls. B also has full managerial 
    authority over Y's principal source of income. Under these facts and 
    circumstances, B is in a position to exercise substantial influence 
    over the affairs of Y. Therefore B is a disqualified person with 
    respect to any transaction involving Y that provides economic 
    benefits to B directly or indirectly.
        Example 4. The facts are the same as in Example 3, with the 
    additional fact that the stock of B is 100 percent owned by P, an 
    individual who is actively involved in managing B. Because P owns a 
    controlling interest (measured by either vote or value) in and 
    actively manages B, the facts and circumstances establish that P is 
    also in a position to exercise substantial influence over the 
    affairs of Y. Therefore P is a disqualified person with respect to 
    any transaction involving Y that provides economic benefits to P 
    directly or indirectly.
        Example 5. A, an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes 
    of section 4958, owns and operates one acute care hospital. B is a 
    for-profit corporation that owns and operates a number of hospitals. 
    A and B form C, a limited liability company. In exchange for 
    proportional ownership interests, A contributes its hospital, and B 
    contributes other financial assets, to C. All of A's assets then 
    consist of its membership interest in C. A continues to be operated 
    for exempt purposes based almost exclusively on the activities it 
    conducts through C. C enters into a management agreement with a 
    management company, M, to provide day-to-day management services to 
    C. M is generally subject to supervision by C's board, but M is 
    given broad discretion to manage C's day-to-day operation. Under 
    these facts and circumstances, M is in a position to exercise 
    substantial influence over the affairs of A because it has day to 
    day control over the hospital operated by C, A's ownership interest 
    in C is its primary asset, and C's
    [[Page 41500]]
    activities form the basis for A's continued exemption as an 
    organization described in section 501(c)(3). Therefore, M is a 
    disqualified person with respect to any transaction involving A, 
    including any transaction that A conducts through C, that provides 
    economic benefits to M directly or indirectly.
        Example 6. T is a large university and an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization for purposes of section 4958. L is the dean of the 
    College of Law of T, a major source of revenue for T. The College of 
    Law is important to T's reputation for excellent teaching and high 
    quality faculty scholarship. T relies on this reputation to attract 
    students and contributions from alumni and foundations. L plays a 
    key role in faculty hiring and has authority to control or determine 
    a significant portion of T's capital expenditures and operating 
    budget because of L's position in the College of Law. L's 
    compensation is greater than the amount of compensation referenced 
    for a highly compensated employee in section 414(q)(1)(B)(i) in the 
    year benefits are provided. Because of the importance of the College 
    of Law to T and L's managerial control over that segment of T, L is 
    in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of 
    T. Therefore L is a disqualified person with respect to any 
    transaction involving T that provides economic benefits to L 
    directly or indirectly.
        Example 7. X is a radiologist employed by U, a large acute-care 
    hospital that is an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes 
    of section 4958. X has no managerial authority over any part of U or 
    its operations. X gives instructions to staff with respect to the 
    radiology work X conducts, but X does not serve as supervisor to 
    other U employees. X's total compensation package includes 
    nontaxable retirement and welfare benefits and a specified amount of 
    salary. X's compensation is greater than the amount of compensation 
    referenced for a highly compensated employee in section 
    414(q)(1)(B)(i) in the year benefits are provided. X is not related 
    to any other disqualified person of U. X does not serve on U's 
    governing body or as an officer of U. Although U participates in a 
    provider-sponsored organization (as defined in section 1853(e) of 
    the Social Security Act), X does not have a material financial 
    interest in that organization. Whether X is a disqualified person is 
    determined by all relevant facts and circumstances. X did not found 
    U, and although X makes a modest annual financial contribution to U, 
    the amount of the contribution does not make X a substantial 
    contributor within the meaning of section 507(d)(2). X does not 
    receive compensation based on revenues derived from activities of U 
    that X controls, and has no authority to control or determine a 
    significant portion of U's capital expenditures, operating budget, 
    or compensation for employees. Under these facts and circumstances, 
    X does not have substantial influence over the affairs of U, and 
    therefore X is not a disqualified person with respect to any 
    transaction involving U that provides economic benefits to X 
    directly or indirectly.
        Example 8. W is a cardiologist and head of the cardiology 
    department of the same hospital U described in Example 7. W does not 
    serve on U's board and does not serve as an officer of U. W does not 
    have a material financial interest in the provider-sponsored 
    organization (as defined in section 1853(e) of the Social Security 
    Act) in which U participates. W is compensated personally with a 
    salary and retirement and welfare benefits fixed by a three-year 
    renewable employment contract with U. W's annual amount of 
    compensation exceeds the amount referenced for a highly compensated 
    employee in section 414(q)(1)(B)(i). Whether W is a disqualified 
    person is determined by all relevant facts and circumstances. W has 
    managerial authority for the cardiology department. The cardiology 
    department is a principal source of patients admitted to U and 
    consequently a major source of revenue for U. W also has authority 
    to allocate the budget for that department, which includes authority 
    to distribute incentive bonuses among cardiologists according to 
    criteria that he has authority to set. The pool for the bonuses is 
    funded by a portion of U's revenues attributable to the cardiology 
    department. Because of the importance of the cardiology department 
    to U and W's managerial control over that segment of U, W is in a 
    position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of U. 
    Therefore W is a disqualified person with respect to any transaction 
    involving U that provides economic benefits to W directly or 
        Example 9. D is an accountant who periodically provides 
    accounting and tax advisory services as an independent contractor in 
    return for a fee to M, a museum that is an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization for purposes of section 4958. For several years, D has 
    advised M's officers and members of M's governing body with respect 
    to accounting and tax matters. D's firm also prepares tax returns on 
    behalf of M. D has no relationship with M other than as a 
    professional accounting and tax advisor. D is not related to any 
    other disqualified person of M. D's firm has a policy prohibiting 
    employees from providing professional advice with respect to a 
    transaction from which they might economically benefit either 
    directly or indirectly (aside from fees received for the 
    professional services rendered). D abides by the firm's policy in 
    all activities, including the work for M. Whether D is a 
    disqualified person is determined by all relevant facts and 
    circumstances. Because D acts only in D's capacity as an independent 
    contractor providing occasional professional services to M and 
    abides by the firm's conflict of interest policy, under these facts 
    and circumstances, D is not a disqualified person with respect to 
    any transaction with M.
        Example 10. F, a repertory theater company that is an applicable 
    tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958, holds a fund-
    raising campaign to pay for the construction of a new theater. J is 
    a regular subscriber to F's productions who has made modest gifts to 
    F in the past. J has no relationship to F other than as a subscriber 
    and contributor. F solicits contributions as part of a broad public 
    campaign intended to attract a large number of donors, including a 
    substantial number of donors making large gifts. In its 
    solicitations for contributions, F promises to invite all 
    contributors giving $z or more to a special opening production and 
    party held at the new theater. These contributors are also given a 
    special number to call in F's office to reserve tickets for 
    performances, make ticket exchanges, and make other special 
    arrangements for their convenience. J makes a contribution of $z to 
    F, which makes J a substantial contributor within the meaning of 
    section 507(d)(2). F provides J with the preferential treatment 
    described in its solicitation. Whether J is a disqualified person is 
    determined by all relevant facts and circumstances. Under these 
    facts and circumstances, any influence that may arise from the size 
    of J's donation is limited by F's commitment to provide similar 
    treatment to any other member of the public making a similar 
    contribution and by the nature of the benefits being offered. 
    Accordingly, the preferential treatment that J receives does not 
    indicate that J is in a position to exercise substantial influence 
    over the affairs of the organization. Therefore, barring a change in 
    J's relationship with F, J is not a disqualified person with respect 
    to any transaction involving F that provides economical benefits to 
    J directly or indirectly.
        (g) Affiliated organizations. In the case of multiple organizations 
    affiliated by common control or governing documents, the determination 
    of whether a person does or does not have substantial influence shall 
    be made separately for each applicable tax-exempt organization.
    Sec. 53.4958-4  Excess benefit transaction.
        (a) Definition of excess benefit transaction--(1) In general. An 
    excess benefit transaction means any transaction in which an economic 
    benefit is provided by an applicable tax-exempt organization directly 
    or indirectly, to or for the use of, any disqualified person, and the 
    value of the economic benefit provided exceeds the value of the 
    consideration (including the performance of services) received by the 
    organization for providing such benefit. An excess benefit transaction 
    also includes certain revenue-sharing transactions described in 
    Sec. 53.4958-5. An economic benefit shall not be treated as 
    consideration for the performance of services unless the organization 
    providing the benefit clearly indicates its intent to treat the benefit 
    as compensation when the benefit is paid.
        (2) Economic benefit provided directly or indirectly. An excess 
    benefit transaction occurs when an applicable tax-exempt organization 
    provides an excess benefit directly or indirectly to a disqualified 
    person. A benefit may be provided indirectly through the use of one or 
    more entities controlled by or affiliated with the applicable tax-
    exempt organization. For example, if an
    [[Page 41501]]
    applicable tax-exempt organization causes its taxable subsidiary to pay 
    excessive compensation to, or engage in a transaction at other than 
    fair market value with, a disqualified person of the parent 
    organization, the payment of the compensation or the transfer of 
    property is an excess benefit transaction.
        (3) Certain economic benefits disregarded for purposes of section 
    4958. The following economic benefits are disregarded for purposes of 
    section 4958:
        (i) Reimbursements for reasonable expenses of attending meetings of 
    governing body. Paying reasonable expenses for members of the governing 
    body of an applicable tax-exempt organization to attend meetings of the 
    governing body of the organization will be disregarded for purposes of 
    section 4958. For purposes of the preceding sentence, reasonable 
    expenses do not include luxury travel or spousal travel.
        (ii) Economic benefits provided to a disqualified person solely as 
    a member of, or volunteer for, the organization. An economic benefit 
    provided to a disqualified person that the disqualified person receives 
    solely as a member of, or volunteer for, the organization is 
    disregarded for purposes of section 4958 if the benefit is provided to 
    members of the public in exchange for a membership fee of $75 or less 
    per year. Thus, for example, if a disqualified person is also a member 
    of the organization and receives membership benefits such as advance 
    ticket purchases and a discount at the organization's gift shop that 
    would normally be provided in exchange for a membership fee of $75 or 
    less per year, then the membership benefit is disregarded for purposes 
    of section 4958.
        (iii) Economic benefits provided to a disqualified person solely as 
    a member of a charitable class. An economic benefit provided to a 
    disqualified person that the disqualified person receives solely as a 
    member of a charitable class that the applicable tax-exempt 
    organization intends to benefit as part of the accomplishment of the 
    organization's exempt purpose is generally disregarded for purposes of 
    section 4958.
        (4) Insurance or indemnification of excise taxes. The payment of a 
    premium for an insurance policy providing liability insurance to a 
    disqualified person for the taxes imposed under this section or 
    indemnification of a disqualified person for such taxes by an 
    applicable tax-exempt organization will not constitute an excess 
    benefit transaction for purposes of section 4958 if the premium or the 
    indemnification is treated as compensation to the disqualified person 
    when paid, and the total compensation paid to the disqualified person 
    is reasonable.
        (b) Standards for identifying excess benefits--(1) In general. If 
    an economic benefit provided by the applicable tax-exempt organization 
    to or for the use of any disqualified person exceeds the fair market 
    value of the consideration, the excess is the excess benefit on which 
    tax is imposed by section 4958. See Sec. 53.4958-5(c) for rules 
    concerning the excess benefit in certain revenue-sharing transactions.
        (2) Fair market value for transfer of property. The fair market 
    value of property, including the right to use property, is the price at 
    which property or the right to use property would change hands between 
    a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any 
    compulsion to buy, sell or transfer property or the right to use 
    property, and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts.
        (3) Reasonable compensation--(i) In general. Compensation paid may 
    not exceed what is reasonable under all the circumstances. Compensation 
    for the performance of services is reasonable if it is only such amount 
    as would ordinarily be paid for like services by like enterprises under 
    like circumstances. Generally, the circumstances to be taken into 
    consideration are those existing at the date when the contract for 
    services was made. However, where reasonableness of compensation cannot 
    be determined based on circumstances existing at the date when the 
    contract for services was made, then that determination is made based 
    on all facts and circumstances, up to and including circumstances as of 
    the date of payment. In no event shall circumstances existing at the 
    date when the contract is questioned be considered in making a 
    determination of the reasonableness of compensation. A written binding 
    contract that is terminable or subject to cancellation by the 
    applicable tax-exempt organization without the disqualified person's 
    consent is treated as a new contract as of the date that any such 
    termination or cancellation, if made, would be effective. If a binding 
    written contract is materially modified, it is treated as a new 
    contract entered into as of the date of the material modification. A 
    material modification includes, but is not limited to, amending the 
    contract to extend its term or to increase the amount of compensation 
    payable to the disqualified person. The fact that a State or local 
    legislative or agency body or court has authorized or approved a 
    particular compensation package paid to a disqualified person is not 
    determinative of the reasonableness of compensation paid for purposes 
    of section 4958 excise taxes.
        (ii) Items included in determining the value of compensation for 
    purposes of section 4958. Compensation for purposes of section 4958 
    includes all items of compensation provided by an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization in exchange for the performance of services. These items 
    of compensation include, but are not limited to--
        (A) All forms of cash and noncash compensation, including salary, 
    fees, bonuses, and severance payments paid;
        (B) All forms of deferred compensation that is earned and vested, 
    whether or not funded, and whether or not paid under a deferred 
    compensation plan that is a qualified plan under section 401(a), but if 
    deferred compensation for services performed in multiple prior years 
    vests in a later year, then that compensation is attributed to the 
    years in which the services were performed;
        (C) The amount of premiums paid for liability or any other 
    insurance coverage, as well as any payment or reimbursement by the 
    organization of charges, expenses, fees, or taxes not covered 
    ultimately by the insurance coverage;
        (D) All other benefits, whether or not included in income for tax 
    purposes, including payments to welfare benefit plans on behalf of the 
    persons being compensated, such as plans providing medical, dental, 
    life insurance, severance pay, and disability benefits, and both 
    taxable and nontaxable fringe benefits (other than working condition 
    fringe benefits described in section 132(d) and de minimis fringe 
    benefits described in section 132(e)), including expense allowances or 
    reimbursements or foregone interest on loans that the recipient must 
    report as income on his separate income tax return; and
        (E) Any economic benefit provided by an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization, whether provided directly or through another entity 
    owned, controlled by or affiliated with the applicable tax-exempt 
    organization, whether such other entity is taxable or tax-exempt.
        (iii) Examples. The following examples illustrate whether the 
    reasonableness of compensation can be determined based on circumstances 
    existing at the time a contract for the performance of services was 
    made under the rules of this paragraph (b)(3):
        Example 1. G is an applicable tax-exempt organization for 
    purposes of section 4958. H is an employee of G and a disqualified 
    person with respect to any transaction involving G that provides 
    economic benefits to H directly
    [[Page 41502]]
    or indirectly. H's multi-year employment contract provides for 
    payment of a salary and provision of specific amounts of health and 
    retirement benefits. The contract provides for an annual increase in 
    H's salary equal to the percentage increase, if any, over the 
    preceding year in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI for a year 
    is determined using an average of the monthly CPI as determined for 
    each month in that calendar year. The health benefits consist of 
    insurance coverage under a plan that is available to all of G's 
    employees. The retirement benefits are equal to the maximum amount G 
    is permitted to contribute under the rules applicable to qualified 
    retirement plans. Under these facts, the reasonableness of H's 
    compensation can be determined based on the circumstances existing 
    at the time G and H enter into the employment contract.
        Example 2. N is an applicable tax-exempt organization for 
    purposes of section 4958. N uses the cash method of accounting and a 
    calendar year as its taxable year. On January 2, N's governing body 
    enters into a one-year employment contract for K, its new executive 
    director, who is a disqualified person with respect to any 
    transaction involving N and K. In addition to providing that K will 
    receive a specified amount of salary, deferred compensation, and 
    other health and retirement benefits from N in return for K's 
    services, the terms of the contract permit N's governing body to 
    declare a bonus to be paid to K at any time during the year covered 
    by the contract. Declaration and payment of any bonus is within the 
    governing body's discretion, with no specified limitations or 
    guidelines. The reasonableness of K's compensation cannot be 
    determined based on the circumstances existing as of the date the 
    contract was made because there were no guidelines in the contract 
    for the bonus that N may potentially pay. Therefore, the 
    determination of whether N's compensation is reasonable must be made 
    based on all circumstances, up to and including circumstances as of 
    the date of payment of any bonus actually paid under the contract. 
    If N pays K a bonus on December 31, the reasonableness of K's 
    compensation must be based on all circumstances from January 2 
    through December 31.
        (c) Establishing intent to treat economic benefit as consideration 
    for the performance of services--(1) In general. An applicable tax-
    exempt organization will be treated as having intended to provide an 
    economic benefit as compensation for services only if the organization 
    provides clear and convincing evidence that it intended to so treat the 
    economic benefit when the benefit was paid.
        (2) Clear and convincing evidence of intent--(i) In general. If an 
    applicable tax-exempt organization or a disqualified person reports an 
    economic benefit as described in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section 
    then the organization will have provided clear and convincing evidence 
    that it intended to provide an economic benefit as compensation for 
    services when the benefit was paid. If an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization's failure to report an economic benefit as required under 
    the Internal Revenue Code is due to reasonable cause (within the 
    meaning Sec. 301.6724-1 of this chapter and paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of 
    this section), then the organization will be treated as having provided 
    clear and convincing evidence of the requisite intent. An organization 
    may use methods other than those described in paragraphs (c)(2)(ii) and 
    (iii) of this section to provide clear and convincing evidence of its 
        (ii) Reporting of benefit. The organization reports the economic 
    benefit as compensation on original or amended federal tax information 
    returns with respect to the payment (e.g., Form W-2 or 1099) or with 
    respect to the organization (e.g., Form 990), filed before the 
    commencement of an Internal Revenue Service examination in which the 
    reporting of the benefit is questioned. For purposes of section 4958 
    and this section, an Internal Revenue Service examination of an 
    applicable tax-exempt organization has commenced if the organization 
    has received written notification from the Exempt Organizations 
    Division of an impending Exempt Organizations examination, or written 
    notification of an impending referral for an Exempt Organizations 
    examination, and also includes having been under an Exempt 
    Organizations examination that is now in Appeals or in litigation for 
    issues raised in an Exempt Organizations examination of the period in 
    which the excess benefit transaction occurred. Reporting of an economic 
    benefit to provide clear and convincing evidence of intent is also 
    accomplished if the recipient disqualified person reports the benefit 
    as income on the person's Form 1040 for the year in which the benefit 
    is received.
        (iii) Failure to report due to reasonable cause. To show that its 
    failure to report an economic benefit that should have been reported on 
    an information return was due to reasonable cause, an applicable tax-
    exempt organization must establish that there were significant 
    mitigating factors with respect to its failure to report (as described 
    in Sec. 301.6724-1(b) of this chapter), or the failure arose from 
    events beyond the organization's control (as described in 
    Sec. 301.6724-1(c) of this chapter), and that the organization acted in 
    a responsible manner both before and after the failure occurred (as 
    described in Sec. 301.6724-1(d) of this chapter).
        (3) Effect of failing to establish intent. If an organization fails 
    to provide clear and convincing evidence that it intended to provide an 
    economic benefit as compensation for services when paid, any services 
    provided by the disqualified person will not be treated as provided in 
    consideration for the economic benefit.
        (4) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules for an 
    organization to establish its intent to treat an economic benefit as 
    consideration for the performance of services as defined in this 
    paragraph (c):
        Example 1. G is an applicable tax-exempt organization for 
    purposes of section 4958. G hires an individual contractor, P, to 
    design a computer program for it, executes a contract for that 
    purpose, and pays P $1,000 in a timely manner pursuant to the 
    contract. Before January 31 of the next year, G reports the full 
    amount paid to P under the contract on a Form 1099 filed with the 
    Internal Revenue Service. G has provided clear and convincing 
    evidence of its intent to provide the $1,000 paid to P as 
    compensation for the services P performed under the contract.
        Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that 
    the services are provided by Corporation V. The contract executed by 
    Corporation V and G and placed in G's files indicates that the 
    payment made to Corporation V is in return for computer programming 
    services provided by employees of Corporation V. G does not issue an 
    information return to Corporation V because Corporation V is not an 
    individual taxpayer. The contract constitutes clear and convincing 
    evidence of G's intent to provide the payment as compensation for 
    Corporation V's services.
        Example 3. G is an applicable tax-exempt organization for 
    purposes of section 4958. D is the chief operating officer of G, and 
    a disqualified person with respect to any transaction involving G 
    that provides economic benefits to D directly or indirectly. D 
    receives a bonus at the end of the year. A copy of the letter from G 
    to D describing the amount and the basis for D's bonus is placed in 
    D's personnel file. Information provided to all employees in the 
    personnel handbook clearly states that bonuses are treated as 
    taxable income, and included in the total wages figure reported on 
    each employee's Form W-2. G's accounting department determines that 
    the bonus is to be reported on D's Form W-2. Due to a computer 
    malfunction after data was entered incorrectly by personnel of G's 
    accounting department, the bonus is not reflected on D's Form W-2. 
    As a result, D fails to report the bonus on his individual income 
    tax return. G acts to amend Forms W-2 affected as soon as G becomes 
    aware of the data entry error and consequent computer malfunction. 
    G's failure to report the bonus on an information return issued to D 
    arose from events beyond G's control, and G acted in a responsible 
    manner both before and after the failure occurred. Thus, because G 
    had reasonable cause for failing to report D's bonus, G will be 
    treated as having clear and convincing evidence of its intent to 
    provide the bonus as compensation for services when paid.
    [[Page 41503]]
    Sec. 53.4958-5  Transaction in which amount of economic benefit 
    determined in whole or in part by the revenues of one or more 
    activities of the organization.
        (a) In general. Whether a transaction in which the amount of an 
    economic benefit provided by an applicable tax-exempt organization to 
    or for the use of a disqualified person is determined in whole or in 
    part by the revenues of one or more activities of the applicable tax-
    exempt organization (revenue-sharing transaction) results in inurement 
    and therefore constitutes an excess benefit transaction, depends upon 
    all relevant facts and circumstances. A revenue-sharing transaction may 
    constitute an excess benefit transaction regardless of whether the 
    economic benefit provided to the disqualified person exceeds the fair 
    market value of the consideration provided in return if, at any point, 
    it permits a disqualified person to receive additional compensation 
    without providing proportional benefits that contribute to the 
    organization's accomplishment of its exempt purpose. If the economic 
    benefit is provided as compensation for services, relevant facts and 
    circumstances include, but are not limited to, the relationship between 
    the size of the benefit provided and the quality and quantity of the 
    services provided, as well as the ability of the party receiving the 
    compensation to control the activities generating the revenues on which 
    the compensation is based.
        (b) Special rule for allocation or return of net margins or capital 
    to members of certain cooperatives. The allocation or return of net 
    margins or capital to the members of certain cooperatives in accordance 
    with their incorporating statute and bylaws does not result in 
    inurement of the net earnings to the benefit of any private shareholder 
    or individual, and therefore does not constitute an excess benefit 
    transaction for section 4958 purposes. The preceding sentence applies 
    to cooperatives that were determined by the Secretary of the Treasury 
    or his delegate to be described in section 501(c)(4) and exempt from 
    tax under section 501(a) before July 30, 1996, and have substantially 
    the same incorporating statute and bylaws as existed on July 30, 1996.
        (c) Rules effective prospectively. The rules in this section apply 
    to any revenue-sharing transaction described in this section that 
    occurs on or after the date of publication of final regulations. The 
    excess benefit shall consist of the entire economic benefit provided in 
    any transaction described in this section. Any revenue-sharing 
    transaction occurring after September 13, 1995, may still constitute an 
    excess benefit transaction if the economic benefit provided to the 
    disqualified person exceeds the fair market value of the consideration 
    provided in return. Before the date of publication of final 
    regulations, however, the excess benefit shall consist only of that 
    portion of the economic benefit that exceeds the fair market value of 
    the consideration provided in return.
        (d) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles used 
    in determining whether a revenue-sharing transaction constitutes an 
    excess benefit transaction under the rules of this section:
        Example 1. A is the manager of the investment portfolio of M, an 
    applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. A 
    and several other professional investment managers work exclusively 
    for M in an office in M's building. A's compensation consists of a 
    flat base annual salary, health insurance, eligibility to 
    participate in a retirement plan, and a bonus that is equal to a 
    percentage of any increase in the value of M's portfolio over the 
    year (net of expenses for investment management other than the in-
    house managers' compensation). The revenue-based portion of A's 
    compensation gives A an incentive to provide the highest quality 
    service in order to maximize benefits and minimize expenses to M. A 
    has a measure of control over the activities generating the revenues 
    on which his bonus is based, but A can increase his own compensation 
    only if M also receives a proportional benefit. Under these facts 
    and circumstances, the payment to A of the bonus described above 
    does not constitute an excess benefit transaction under the rules of 
    this section.
        Example 2. L, an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes 
    of section 4958, enters into a contract with H, a company who 
    manages charitable gaming activities for public charities. As a 
    result of the contractual relationship, H becomes a disqualified 
    person with respect to any transaction involving L that provides 
    economic benefits to H directly or indirectly. Under the contract, H 
    agrees to provide all of the staff and equipment necessary to carry 
    out charitable gaming operations on behalf of L, and to pay L z 
    percent of the net profits, which are calculated as the gross 
    revenue less rental for the equipment, wages for the staff, prizes 
    for the winners, and other specified operating expenses. H retains 
    the balance of the proceeds after expenses and after paying L its z 
    percent of the net profits. As manager, H controls the activities 
    generating the revenue on which its compensation is based. In 
    addition, because H owns the equipment and employs the staff needed 
    to operate the charitable gaming activities, H controls what L is 
    charged, including the profit H makes above the cost of these items. 
    Therefore, H can also control the net revenues relative to the gross 
    revenues from the gaming activity. The structure of the compensation 
    H receives for its services does not provide H with an appropriate 
    incentive to maximize benefits and minimize costs to L. H benefits 
    whether expenses are high and net revenues are low or expenses are 
    low and net revenues are high. By contrast, L suffers if expenses 
    for the charitable gaming operation are high and net revenues are 
    low. All of the gross revenues generated by the charitable gaming 
    operation belong to L. The arrangement between H and L allows a 
    portion of those revenues to inure to H. Therefore, this arrangement 
    results in the inurement of L's net earnings to the benefit of H, 
    and the entire amount paid to H under this arrangement constitutes 
    an excess benefit under the rules of this section.
        Example 3. R, a professor and faculty member at S, a university 
    that is an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of 
    section 4958, is the principal investigator in charge of certain 
    scientific research at S. The research produces an invention. In 
    accordance with S's agreement with its faculty, S owns the 
    invention. R assists S in preparing a patent application. S receives 
    a patent for R's invention, which S owns. Also in accordance with 
    S's agreement with its faculty, S grants R the right to receive v 
    percent of S's royalties on the patent, payable semi-annually. R 
    also receives an annual compensation package of salary and benefits. 
    The availability of revenue-based compensation under these 
    circumstances does not give R any incentive or opportunity to act 
    contrary to S's interests in accomplishing its exempt purpose. R 
    receives the revenue-based compensation, i.e., the percentage of 
    royalties, as an incentive and a reward for producing work of 
    especially high quality. In addition, any time R benefits by 
    receiving royalties, S benefits as well and to a proportionate 
    degree. Finally, because the patent belongs to S, R has no control 
    over how the patent is used nor the stream of revenue it generates. 
    Under these facts and circumstances, S's payment of revenue-based 
    compensation to R does not constitute an excess benefit transaction 
    under the rules of this section.
    Sec. 53.4958-6  Rebuttable presumption that transaction is not an 
    excess benefit transaction.
        (a) In general. Payments under a compensation arrangement between 
    an applicable tax-exempt organization and a disqualified person shall 
    be presumed to be reasonable, and a transfer of property, right to use 
    property, or any other benefit or privilege between an applicable tax-
    exempt organization and a disqualified person shall be presumed to be 
    at fair market value, if the following conditions are satisfied--
        (1) The compensation arrangement or terms of transfer are approved 
    by the organization's governing body or a committee of the governing 
    body composed entirely of individuals who do not have a conflict of 
    interest with respect to the arrangement or transaction;
        (2) The governing body, or committee thereof, obtained and relied 
    [[Page 41504]]
    appropriate data as to comparability prior to making its determination; 
        (3) The governing body or committee adequately documented the basis 
    for its determination concurrently with making that determination.
        (b) Delegation pursuant to procedures. To the extent permitted 
    under local law, the governing body of an applicable tax-exempt 
    organization may authorize other parties to act on its behalf by 
    following specified procedures that satisfy the three requirements for 
    invoking the rebuttable presumption of reasonableness. An arrangement 
    or transaction that is subsequently approved by the board's designee or 
    designees in accordance with those procedures shall be subject to the 
    rebuttable presumption even though the governing body does not vote 
    separately on the specific arrangement or transaction.
        (c) Rebutting the presumption. The presumption established by 
    satisfying the three requirements of paragraph (a) of this section may 
    be rebutted by additional information showing that the compensation was 
    not reasonable or that the transfer was not at fair market value.
        (d) Requirements for invoking rebuttable presumption--(1) 
    Disinterested governing body or committee--(i) In general. The 
    governing body is the board of directors, board of trustees, or 
    equivalent controlling body of the applicable tax-exempt organization. 
    A committee of the governing body may be composed of any individuals 
    permitted under state law to serve on such a committee, and may act on 
    behalf of the governing body to the extent permitted by state law. 
    However, if the rebuttable presumption arises as the result of actions 
    taken by a committee, any members of such a committee who are not 
    members of the governing body are deemed to be organization managers 
    for purposes of the tax imposed by section 4958(a)(2), subject to the 
    rules of Sec. 53.4958-1(d).
        (ii) Persons not included on governing body or committee. For 
    purposes of determining whether the requirements of paragraph (a) of 
    this section have been met with respect to a specific transaction or 
    compensation arrangement, a person is not included on the governing 
    body or committee when it is reviewing a transaction if that person 
    meets with other members only to answer questions, and otherwise 
    recuses himself from the meeting and is not present during debate and 
    voting on the transaction or compensation arrangement.
        (iii) Absence of conflict of interest. A member of the governing 
    body, or committee thereof, does not have a conflict of interest with 
    respect to a compensation arrangement or transaction if the member--
        (A) Is not the disqualified person and is not related to any 
    disqualified person participating in or economically benefiting from 
    the compensation arrangement or transaction by a relationship described 
    in section 4958(f)(4) or Sec. 53.4958-3(b)(1);
        (B) Is not in an employment relationship subject to the direction 
    or control of any disqualified person participating in or economically 
    benefiting from the compensation arrangement or transaction;
        (C) Is not receiving compensation or other payments subject to 
    approval by any disqualified person participating in or economically 
    benefiting from the compensation arrangement or transaction;
        (D) Has no material financial interest affected by the compensation 
    arrangement or transaction; and
        (E) Does not approve a transaction providing economic benefits to 
    any disqualified person participating in the compensation arrangement 
    or transaction, who in turn has approved or will approve a transaction 
    providing economic benefits to the member.
        (iv) Rule where ratification by full governing body required. An 
    arrangement or transaction has not been approved by a committee of a 
    governing body if, under the governing documents of the organization or 
    state law, the committee's decision must be ratified by the full 
    governing body in order to become effective.
        (2) Appropriate data as to comparability--(i) In general. A 
    governing body or committee has appropriate data as to comparability 
    if, given the knowledge and expertise of its members, it has 
    information sufficient to determine whether, under the standards set 
    forth in Sec. 53.4958-4(b), a compensation arrangement will result in 
    the payment of reasonable compensation or a transaction will be for 
    fair market value. Relevant information would include, but not be 
    limited to, compensation levels paid by similarly situated 
    organizations, both taxable and tax-exempt, for functionally comparable 
    positions; the availability of similar services in the geographic area 
    of the applicable tax-exempt organization; independent compensation 
    surveys compiled by independent firms; actual written offers from 
    similar institutions competing for the services of the disqualified 
    person; and independent appraisals of the value of property that the 
    applicable organization intends to purchase from, or sell or provide 
    to, the disqualified person.
        (ii) Special rule for compensation paid by small organizations. For 
    organizations with annual gross receipts of less than $1 million 
    reviewing compensation arrangements, the governing body or committee 
    will be considered to have appropriate data as to comparability if it 
    has data on compensation paid by five comparable organizations in the 
    same or similar communities for similar services. No inference is 
    intended with respect to whether circumstances falling outside this 
    safe harbor will meet the requirement with respect to the collection of 
    appropriate data.
        (iii) Additional rules for special rule for small organizations. 
    For purposes of determining applicability of the special rule for small 
    organizations described in paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section, a 
    rolling average based on the three prior taxable years may be used to 
    calculate annual gross receipts of an organization. If any applicable 
    tax-exempt organization is affiliated with another entity by common 
    control or governing documents, the annual gross receipts of all such 
    related organizations must be aggregated to determine applicability of 
    the special rule stated in paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section.
        (iv) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules for 
    appropriate data as to comparability for purposes of invoking the 
    rebuttable presumption of reasonableness described in this section:
        Example 1. Z is a large university that is an applicable tax-
    exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. Z has had gross 
    receipts of $200 million for the preceding three taxable years. Z is 
    negotiating a new contract with its president because the old 
    contract will expire at the end of the year. In determining the 
    compensation for its president, the executive committee of the Board 
    of Trustees relies on a national survey of compensation for 
    university presidents; this survey does not divide its data by any 
    measure of university size or any other criteria. None of the 
    members of the executive committee has any particular expertise in 
    higher education compensation matters, although many members have 
    significant business experience. Given the lack of specificity in 
    the data collected and the lack of relevant expertise and experience 
    of the executive committee members, the data relied on by the 
    executive committee does not constitute appropriate data as to 
        Example 2. X, a tax-exempt hospital that is an applicable tax-
    exempt organization for purposes of section 4958, has average annual 
    gross receipts of $250 million. Before renewing the contracts of X's 
    chief executive officer and chief financial officer, X's governing 
    board commissioned a customized
    [[Page 41505]]
    compensation survey from an independent firm that specializes in 
    consulting on issues related to executive placement and 
    compensation. The survey covered executives with comparable 
    responsibilities at a significant number of hospitals. The survey 
    data are sorted by a number of different variables, including the 
    size of the hospitals and the nature of the services they provide, 
    the level of experience and specific responsibilities of the 
    executives, and the composition of the compensation packages. The 
    board members were provided with the survey results, a detailed 
    written analysis comparing the hospital's executives to those 
    covered by the survey and an opportunity to ask questions of a 
    member of the firm that prepared the survey. The survey, as prepared 
    and presented to X's board, constitutes appropriate data as to 
        Example 3. W is a local repertory theater and an applicable tax-
    exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. W has had annual 
    gross receipts ranging from $400,000 to $800,000 over its past three 
    taxable years. In determining the next year's compensation for W's 
    artistic director, the board relies on data compiled from a 
    telephone survey of six other unrelated repertory theaters of 
    similar size in various communities throughout the same geographic 
    region. A member of the board drafts a brief written summary of the 
    salary information obtained from this informal survey. This 
    information is later included in a written report that also includes 
    information about the membership of the board of directors, and an 
    evaluation of the artistic director's prior salary and performance 
    that is discussed and voted on by the board. The salary information 
    obtained in the telephone survey is appropriate data as to 
        (3) Documentation--(i) For a decision to be documented adequately, 
    the written or electronic records of the governing body or committee 
    must note--
        (A) The terms of the transaction that was approved and the date it 
    was approved;
        (B) The members of the governing body or committee who were present 
    during debate on the transaction or arrangement that was approved and 
    those who voted on it;
        (C) The comparability data obtained and relied upon by the 
    committee and how the data was obtained; and
        (D) The actions taken with respect to consideration of the 
    transaction by anyone who is otherwise a member of the governing body 
    or committee but who had a conflict of interest with respect to the 
    transaction or arrangement.
        (ii) If the governing body or committee determines that reasonable 
    compensation for a specific arrangement or fair market value in a 
    specific transaction is higher or lower than the range of comparable 
    data obtained, the governing body or committee must record the basis 
    for its determination. For a decision to be documented concurrently, 
    records must be prepared by the next meeting of the governing body or 
    committee occurring after the final action or actions of the governing 
    body or committee are taken. Records must be reviewed and approved by 
    the governing body or committee as reasonable, accurate and complete 
    within a reasonable time period thereafter.
        (e) No presumption until circumstances exist to determine 
    reasonableness of compensation. If reasonableness of the compensation 
    cannot be determined based on circumstances existing at the date when a 
    contract for services was made, then the rebuttable presumption of this 
    section cannot arise until circumstances exist so that reasonableness 
    of compensation can be determined, and the three requirements for the 
    presumption under paragraph (d) of this section subsequently are 
    satisfied. See Sec. 53.4958-4(b)(3)(i).
        (f) No inference from absence of presumption. The fact that a 
    transaction between an applicable tax-exempt organization and a 
    disqualified person is not subject to the presumption described in this 
    section shall not create any inference that the transaction is an 
    excess benefit transaction. Neither shall the fact that a transaction 
    qualifies for the presumption exempt or relieve any person from 
    compliance with any federal or state law imposing any obligation, duty, 
    responsibility, or other standard of conduct with respect to the 
    operation or administration of any applicable tax-exempt organization.
        (g) Period of reliance on rebuttable presumption. The rebuttable 
    presumption applies to all payments made or transactions completed in 
    accordance with a contract provided that the three requirements of the 
    rebuttable presumption were met at the time the contract was agreed 
    Sec. 53.4958-7  Special rules.
        (a) Substantive requirements for exemption still apply. The excise 
    taxes imposed by section 4958 do not affect the substantive statutory 
    standards for tax exemption under sections 501(c)(3) or (4). 
    Organizations are described in those sections only if no part of their 
    net earnings inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or 
        (b) Interaction between section 4958 and section 7611 rules for 
    church tax inquiries and examinations. The procedures of section 7611 
    will be used in initiating and conducting any inquiry or examination 
    into whether an excess benefit transaction has occurred between a 
    church and a disqualified person. For purposes of this rule, the 
    reasonable belief required to initiate a church tax inquiry is 
    satisfied if there is a reasonable belief that a section 4958 tax is 
    due from a disqualified person with respect to a transaction involving 
    a church. See Sec. 301.7611-1 Q&A 19 of this chapter.
    Sec. 53.4963-1  [Amended]
        Par. 3. In Sec. 53.4963-1, paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) are amended 
    by adding the reference ``4958,'' immediately after the reference 
    ``4955,'' in each place it appears.
        Par. 4. The authority citation for part 301 continues to read in 
    part as follows:
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *
    Sec. 301.6213-1  [Amended]
        Par. 5. Section 301.6213-1, paragraph (e) is amended by adding the 
    reference ``4958,'' immediately after the reference ``4955,'' in the 
    first sentence.
    Sec. 301.6501(e)-1  [Amended]
        Par. 6. Section 301.6501(e)-1 is amended as follows:
        1. Paragraph (c)(3)(ii), first and second sentences are amended by 
    removing the language ``or trust'' and adding ``trust, or other 
    organization'' in its place.
        2. Paragraph (c)(3)(ii), the first sentence is amended by removing 
    the language ``and 4953'' and adding ``4953, and 4958'' in its place.
    Sec. 301.6501(n)-1  [Amended]
        Par. 7. Section 301.6501(n)-1 is amended as follows:
        1. The paragraph heading for paragraph (a) is amended by removing 
    the language ``or trust'' and adding ``trust, or other organization'' 
    in its place.
        2. Paragraph (a)(1), the first sentence is amended by removing the 
    language ``or trust'' and adding ``trust, or other organization'' in 
    its place.
        3. Paragraph (b), the heading and the first sentence are amended by 
    removing the language ``or trust'' and adding ``trust, or other 
    organization'' in its place.
    Sec. 301.7422-1  [Amended]
        Par. 8. In section 301.7422-1, paragraphs (a) introductory text, 
    (c) introductory text and (d) are amended by adding the reference 
    ``4958,'' immediately after the reference ``4955,''.
    Sec. 301.7611-1  [Amended]
        Par. 9. In Sec. 301.7611-1, the Table of Contents is amended by 
    [[Page 41506]]
    ``Application to Section 4958......19'' immediately after ``Effective 
        Par. 10. In Sec. 301.7611-1, an undesignated centerheading and Q-19 
    and A-19 are added to read as follows:
    Sec. 301.7611-1  Questions and answers relating to church tax inquiries 
    and examinations.
    * * * * *
    Application to Section 4958
        Q-19: When do the church tax inquiry and examination procedures 
    described in section 7611 apply to a determination of whether there was 
    an excess benefit transaction described in section 4958?
        A-19: See Sec. 53.4958-7(b) of this chapter for rules governing the 
    interaction between section 4958 excise taxes on excess benefit 
    transactions and section 7611 church tax inquiry and examination 
    Michael P. Dolan,
    Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
    [FR Doc. 98-20419 Filed 7-30-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4830-01-U

Document Information

Internal Revenue Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Written comments and requests for a teleconference must be received by November 2, 1998.
41486-41506 (21 pages)
Docket Numbers:
1545-AV60: Clarification of 4958 Excise Taxes
RIN Links:
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CFR: (17)
26 CFR 301.6724-1(c)
26 CFR 301.6501(e)-1
26 CFR 301.6501(n)-1
26 CFR 53.4958-0
26 CFR 53.4958-1
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