98-21061. Silicon Metal From Brazil: Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 151 (Thursday, August 6, 1998)]
    [Pages 42001-42008]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-21061]
    International Trade Administration
    Silicon Metal From Brazil: Preliminary Results of Antidumping 
    Duty Administrative Review
    AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
    Department of Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of Preliminary Results of the Antidumping Duty 
    Administrative Review.
    SUMMARY: In response to requests by American Silicon Technologies, 
    Elkem Metals Company, Globe Metallurgical, Inc. and SKW Metals & 
    Alloys, Inc. (petitioners) and Companhia Brasileira Carbureto De Calcio 
    (CBCC), Eletrosilex Belo Horizonte (Eletrosilex), Ligas de Aluminio 
    S.A. (LIASA), Companhia Ferroligas Minas Gerais-Minasligas (Minasligas) 
    and RIMA Industrial S/A (RIMA) (respondents), the Department of 
    Commerce (the Department) is conducting an administrative review of the 
    antidumping duty order on silicon metal from Brazil. The period of 
    review (POR) is July 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997.
        We preliminarily determine that only Eletrosilex sold subject 
    merchandise at less than normal value (NV) during the POR. If the 
    preliminary results are adopted in the final results of administrative 
    review, we will instruct the U.S. Customs Service to assess antidumping 
    duties based on the difference between the export price (EP) and the 
        We invite interested parties to comment on the preliminary results. 
    Parties who submit comments in this proceeding should also submit with 
    the argument: (1) A statement of the issue(s); and (2) a brief summary 
    of the argument (not to exceed five pages).
    EFFECTIVE DATE: August 6, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Bolling, Abdelali Elouaradia, 
    Letitia Kress, Lisette Lach or Sinem Sonmez, Office of Antidumping/
    Countervailing Enforcement, Group III, Import Administration, 
    International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th 
    Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230; telephone 
    Applicable Statute and Regulations
        Unless otherwise indicated, all citations to the statute are 
    references to the provisions effective January 1, 1995, the effective 
    date of the amendments made to the Tariff Act of 1930 (the Act) by the 
    Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA). In addition, unless otherwise 
    indicated, all citations to the Department's regulations refer to 19 
    CFR part 351 (62 FR 27296 (May 19, 1997)).
        On July 31, 1991, the Department published in the Federal Register 
    the antidumping duty order on silicon metal from Brazil (56 FR 36135). 
    On July 21, 1997, the Department published in the Federal Register a 
    notice of opportunity to request an administrative review of the 
    antidumping duty order on silicon metal from Brazil for the period July 
    1, 1996 through June 30, 1997 (62 FR 38973). On July 29, 1997, in 
    accordance with 19 CFR 351.213(b)(1), CBCC, Minasligas, Eletrosilex, 
    and RIMA requested that the Department conduct an administrative review 
    of their respective sales. On July 31, 1997, LIASA requested that the 
    Department conduct an administrative review of its sales. On July 31, 
    1997, petitioners also requested that the Department conduct an 
    administrative review on sales made by CBCC, Eletrosilex, Minasligas 
    and RIMA. On September 22, 1997, the Department issued the antidumping 
    administrative review questionnaire to all respondents. On September 
    25, 1997, in accordance with 19 CFR 351.221(b)(1) of the Department's 
    regulations, the Department published in the Federal Register a notice 
    of initiation of this antidumping duty administrative review (62 FR 
    50292). The Department is conducting this review in accordance with 
    section 751 of the Act.
        On March 24, April 24, and July 2, 1998, we issued supplemental 
    questionnaires to CBCC. We received responses from CBCC on April 15, 
    April 30, and July 14, 1998, respectively. On March 20, April 30, April 
    22, and July 13, 1998, we issued supplemental questionnaires to LIASA. 
    We received responses from LIASA, on April 3, April 27, April 30, and 
    July 20, 1998, respectively. On March 30, and July 2, 1998, we issued 
    supplemental questionnaires to Minasligas. We received responses from 
    Minasligas, on April 14, and July 9, 1998, respectively. On March 31, 
    June 29, and July 2, 1998, we issued supplemental questionnaires to 
    RIMA. We received responses from RIMA, on April 17, July 9, and July 
    13, 1998, respectively. On March 24, June 29, and July 6, 1998, we 
    issued supplemental questionnaires to Eletrosilex. We received a 
    response from Eletrosilex on April 10, 1998. However, Eletrosilex did 
    not respond to the
    [[Page 42002]]
    Department's final two supplemental questionnaires. See Use of Facts 
    Available section below.
        On March 27, 1998, in accordance with section 751(a)(3)(A) of the 
    Act, the Department published in the Federal Register its notice 
    extending the deadline in the preliminary results until July 30, 1998 
    (63 FR 14900).
    Scope of Review
        The merchandise covered by this administrative review is silicon 
    metal from Brazil containing at least 96.00 percent but less than 99.99 
    percent silicon by weight. Also covered by this administrative review 
    is silicon metal from Brazil containing between 89.00 and 96.00 percent 
    silicon by weight but which contains more aluminum than the silicon 
    metal containing at least 96.00 percent but less than 99.99 percent 
    silicon by weight. Silicon metal is currently provided for under 
    subheadings 2804.69.10 and 2804.69.50 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule 
    (HTS) as a chemical product, but is commonly referred to as a metal. 
    Semiconductor grade silicon (silicon metal containing by weight not 
    less than 99.99 percent silicon and provided for in subheading 
    2804.61.00 of the HTS) is not subject to the order. Although the HTS 
    item numbers are provided for convenience and for U.S. Customs 
    purposes, the written description remains dispositive.
    Period of Review
        The POR is July 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997.
        As provided in section 782(i) of the Act, we verified LIASA's sales 
    and cost information from May 4, 1998 through May 9, 1998, and CBCC's 
    sales and cost information from May 11, 1998 through May 16, 1998. At 
    each verification, we used standard verification procedures, including 
    on-site inspection of the manufacturers' facilities, the examination of 
    relevant sales and financial records, and the selection of original 
    source documentation containing relevant information. Our verification 
    results are outlined in the public version of the respective 
    verification reports, available to the public in Room B-099 of the U.S. 
    Department of Commerce.
    Product Comparisons
        In accordance with section 771(16) of the Act, we considered all 
    products produced by the respondents, covered by the description in the 
    ``Scope of the Review'' section, above, and sold in the home market 
    during the POR, to be foreign like products for purposes of determining 
    appropriate product comparisons to U.S. sales. Where there were no 
    sales of identical or similar merchandise in the home market to compare 
    to U.S. sales, we compared U.S. sales to the constructed value (CV) of 
    the product sold in the U.S. market during the comparison period.
        On January 8, 1998, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal 
    Circuit issued a decision in Cemex S.A. v. United States, 133 F. 3d 897 
    (Fed. Cir. 1998). In that case, based on the pre-URAA version of the 
    Act, the Court discussed the appropriateness of using CV as the basis 
    for foreign market value when the Department finds foreign market sales 
    to be outside ``the ordinary course of trade.'' This issue was not 
    raised by any party in this proceeding. However, the URAA amended the 
    definition of sales outside the ``ordinary course of trade'' to include 
    sales below cost. See section 771(15) of the Act. Consequently, the 
    Department has reconsidered its practice in accordance with this court 
    decision and has determined that it would be inappropriate to resort 
    directly to CV, in lieu of foreign market sales, as the basis for NV if 
    the Department finds foreign market sales of merchandise identical or 
    most similar to that sold in the United States to be outside the 
    ``ordinary course of trade.'' Instead, the Department will use sales of 
    similar merchandise, if such sales exist. The Department will use CV as 
    the basis for NV only when there are no above-cost sales that are 
    otherwise suitable for comparison. Therefore, in this proceeding, when 
    making comparisons in accordance with section 771(16) of the Act, we 
    considered all products sold in the home market as described in the 
    ``Scope of the Review'' section of this notice, above, that were in the 
    ordinary course of trade for purposes of determining appropriate 
    product comparisons to U.S. sales. Where there were no sales of 
    identical merchandise in the home market made in the ordinary course of 
    trade to compare to U.S. sales, we compared U.S. sales to sales of the 
    most similar foreign like product made in the ordinary course of trade, 
    based on the information provided by each respondent in response to our 
    antidumping questionnaire. We have implemented the Court's decision in 
    this case to the extent that the data on the record permitted.
    Fair Value Comparisons
        To determine whether sales of silicon metal by the Brazilian 
    respondents to the United States were made at less than fair value, we 
    compared EP to the NV, as described in the ``Export Price'' and 
    ``Normal Value'' sections of this notice. In accordance with section 
    777A(d)(2), we calculated monthly weighted-average prices for NV and 
    compared these to individual U.S. transactions.
    Export Price
        For CBCC, Eletrosilex, LIASA, Minasligas and RIMA, we used the 
    Department's export price (EP) methodology, in accordance with section 
    772(a) of the Act, because the subject merchandise was sold by the 
    producer outside the United States directly to the first unaffiliated 
    purchaser in the United States prior to importation.
        We made company-specific adjustments to EP as follows:
        In accordance with section 772(c) of the Act, we calculated EP 
    based on packed, delivered prices to the first unaffiliated purchasers 
    in the United States or to unaffiliated trading companies who sell the 
    subject merchandise in the United States. We made deductions from the 
    starting price (gross unit price), where appropriate, for foreign 
    inland freight, brokerage and handling, international freight.
        In accordance with section 772(c) of the Act, we calculated EP 
    based on packed, delivered prices to the first unaffiliated customer in 
    the United States or to unaffiliated trading companies who sell the 
    subject merchandise in the United States. We made deductions from the 
    starting price (gross unit price), where appropriate, for foreign 
    inland freight, brokerage and handling, and international freight, and 
    added duty drawback.
        In accordance with section 772(c) of the Act, we calculated EP 
    based on packed, delivered prices to the first unaffiliated customer in 
    the United States or to unaffiliated trading companies who sell the 
    subject merchandise in the United States. We made deductions from the 
    starting price (gross unit price), where appropriate, for foreign 
    movement expenses. Upon our findings at verification, we modified the 
    value for inland freight and packing, as appropriate. See LIASA's 
    Verification Report dated July 30, 1998 and Memorandum dated July 30, 
        On May 1, 1998, petitioners requested in their pre-verification 
    comments that the Department closely examine a particular sale in the 
    LIASA U.S. sales database during its verification of
    [[Page 42003]]
    LIASA data. Petitioners stated that it appeared that this particular 
    sale was not representative of a normal commercial transaction due to 
    its aberrant sale price, quantity, and unusual mode of transportation. 
    Thus, petitioners requested that the Department use its authority to 
    exclude from the margin calculation this U.S. sale as it is distortive, 
    atypical and unrepresentative of an arm's-length transaction.
        At verification, the Department examined the sale in question. See 
    LIASA Verification Report dated July 29, 1998. The evidence on the 
    record indicates that this sale is a testing/trial run sale. See 
    LIASA's Verification Exhibit 4 and verification report at pages 6-9. 
    Because consideration was paid for the merchandise, we preliminarily 
    determine in accordance with the Department's practice regarding 
    samples to include this sale in our calculations. See Antifriction 
    Other than Tapered Roller Bearings from France; Final Results of 
    Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 62 FR 2081, 2122 (January 15, 
    1997). Further, we preliminarily do not find that it is distortive or 
    unrepresentative and should therefore be excluded.
        In accordance with section 772(c) of the Act, we calculated EP 
    based on packed, delivered prices to the first unaffiliated customer in 
    the United States or to unaffiliated trading companies who sell the 
    subject merchandise in the United States. We made adjustments from the 
    starting price (FOB unit price), where appropriate, for foreign 
    movement expense (comprising weighing, sampling and analysis, and port 
    clerical expenses), inland freight, brokerage and handling, and duty 
    drawback. We used the FOB unit price (a gross unit price in dollars) 
    since Minasligas negotiated its U.S. sales in U.S. dollars. We also 
    made modifications to the payment date. We used the date of payment by 
    the U.S. customer to Minasligas for each sale rather than the date of 
    payment by the bank to Minasligas. The date of payment information was 
    provided to the Department in Minasligas's April 13, 1998 submission. 
    In addition, we recalculated the interest rate to be used in 
    Minasligas's U.S. credit expense calculation. For our calculation of 
    the interest rate for U.S. sales, we relied on the Advance Exchange 
    Contract (``ACC'') information presented in the company's April 13, 
    1998 submission.
        Because Minasligas does not know the entry dates of its U.S. sales, 
    it reported all shipments made during the POR, which included two 
    shipments that were reported in the fifth administrative review. We 
    have excluded the two U.S. sales that were reported in the fifth 
    administrative review from our calculation as we have calculated a 
    margin on these sales in the last review.
        In accordance with section 772(c) of the Act, we calculated EP 
    based on packed, delivered prices to the first unaffiliated customer in 
    the United States or to unaffiliated trading companies who sell the 
    subject merchandise in the United States. We made deductions from the 
    starting price (gross unit price), where appropriate, for domestic 
    inland freight, brokerage and handling, and ocean freight.
    Normal Value
    A. Viability
        In order to determine whether there was a sufficient volume of 
    sales in the home market to serve as a viable basis for calculating NV 
    (i.e., the aggregate volume of home market sales of the foreign like 
    product is greater than five percent of the aggregate volume of U.S. 
    sales), we compared each respondent's volume of home market sales of 
    the foreign like product to the volume of its U.S. sales of subject 
    merchandise, in accordance with section 773(a)(1) of the Act. Since 
    each respondent's aggregate volume of home market sales of the foreign 
    like product was greater than five percent of its respective aggregate 
    volume of U.S. sales for the subject merchandise, we determined that 
    the home market provides a viable basis for calculating NV for each 
    respondent. Therefore, pursuant to section 773(a)(1)(B) of the Act, we 
    based NV on home market sales.
    B. Home Market Sales
        We based NV on the price at which the foreign like product was 
    first sold for consumption in Brazil, in the usual commercial 
    quantities, in the ordinary course of trade in accordance with section 
    773(a)(1)(B)(i) of the Act. To the extent practicable, we based NV on 
    sales at the same level of trade as the EP sales. For level of trade, 
    please see the level of trade section below.
        We made company-specific adjustments to the NV prices as follows:
        We based home market prices on the packed, delivered prices to 
    affiliated and unaffiliated purchasers in the home market. Where 
    appropriate, we used CV as the basis of NV. We made adjustments, where 
    applicable, in accordance with section 773(a)(6) of the Act. Where 
    applicable, we made adjustments to home market price for inland 
    freight. To adjust for differences in circumstances of sale between the 
    home market and the United States, we adjusted home market prices by 
    deducting HM credit expenses and adding HM interest revenue and adding 
    U.S. credit expenses (offset by interest revenue), U.S. post-sale 
    warehousing, and U.S. direct selling expenses. In order to adjust for 
    differences in packing between the two markets, we adjusted home market 
    price by deducting HM packing costs and adding U.S. packing costs. Home 
    market prices were reported inclusive of value-added taxes (VAT) and, 
    therefore, a deduction for VAT was necessary.
        Because CBCC paid commissions on home market sales, in calculating 
    NV for this respondent, we added the lesser of either: (1) the 
    weighted-average amount of commissions paid on the home market sales; 
    or (2) the amount of indirect selling expenses paid on the U.S. sale. 
    See 351.410(e) of the Department's regulations.
        We based home market prices on the packed, delivered prices to 
    affiliated and unaffiliated purchasers in the home market. We made 
    adjustments, where applicable, in accordance with section 773(a)(6) of 
    the Act. Where applicable, we made adjustments to home market price for 
    inland freight. To adjust for differences in circumstances of sale 
    between the home market and the United States, we adjusted home market 
    prices by deducting HM credit expense and other HM direct selling 
    expenses and adding U.S. directs selling expenses, including U.S. 
    credit expenses. In order to adjust for differences in packing between 
    the two markets, we deducted HM packing costs and added U.S. packing 
    costs. Home market prices were reported exclusive of VAT and, 
    therefore, no deduction was necessary.
        Although Eletrosilex provided the Department with credit expenses 
    based on Reais and U.S. dollar borrowings, the Department calculated 
    home market credit expense based on Reais denominated loans.
        We based home market prices on the packed, delivered prices to 
    affiliated and unaffiliated purchasers in the home market. Where 
    appropriate, we used CV as the basis of NV. We made adjustments, where 
    applicable, in accordance with section 773(a)(6) of the Act. Where 
    applicable, we made adjustments for movement expenses. To
    [[Page 42004]]
    adjust for differences in circumstances of sale between the home market 
    and the United States, we reduced home market prices by the amounts for 
    direct selling expenses including credit and commission expenses and 
    added U.S. credit expenses. In order to adjust for differences in 
    packing between the two markets, we deducted HM packing costs and added 
    U.S. packing costs. Home market prices were reported inclusive of VAT 
    and, therefore, a deduction for VAT was necessary.
        We based home market prices on the packed, delivered prices to 
    affiliated and unaffiliated purchasers in the home market. We made 
    adjustments, where applicable, in accordance with section 773(a)(6) of 
    the Act. Where applicable, we made adjustments for movement expenses. 
    To adjust for differences in circumstances of sale between the home 
    market and the United States, we reduced home market prices by an 
    amount for home market credit expenses and added U.S. credit expenses. 
    In order to adjust for differences in packing between the two markets, 
    we adjusted home market price by deducting HM packing costs and adding 
    U.S. packing costs. Home market prices were reported inclusive of VAT 
    and, therefore, a deduction for VAT was necessary.
        We based home market prices on the packed, delivered prices to 
    affiliated or unaffiliated purchasers in the home market. Where 
    appropriate, we used CV as the basis of NV. We made adjustments, where 
    applicable, in accordance with section 773(a)(6) of the Act. Where 
    applicable, we made adjustments for inland freight. To adjust for 
    differences in circumstances of sale between the home market and the 
    United States, we adjusted home market prices by deducting HM credit 
    expenses and commissions and adding HM interest revenue and adding U.S. 
    credit expenses. In order to adjust for differences in packing between 
    the two markets, we adjusted home market price by deducting HM packing 
    costs and adding U.S. packing costs. Home market prices were reported 
    inclusive of VAT and, therefore, a deduction for VAT was necessary.
        Because Rima paid commissions on home market sales, in calculating 
    NV for this respondent, we added the lesser of either: (1) the 
    weighted-average amount of commissions paid on the home market sales; 
    or (2) the amount of indirect selling expenses paid on the U.S. sale. 
    See 351.410(e) of the Department's regulations.
    C. ICMS Tax
        In general, most foreign governments that establish value-added 
    taxes (``VAT'') allow for a credit for VAT paid on inputs that can be 
    used to offset tax liability to the government arising from home market 
    sales (i.e., VAT collected from domestic customers). In addition, most 
    foreign governments allow for a rebate or remittance of the tax paid on 
    material inputs upon the exportation of the finished product, provided 
    companies submit documentation that such inputs are used in the 
    products for exportation.
        Under Brazil's VAT system, however, there is no provision for 
    refunding the taxes based upon export sales. Rather, in Brazil's system 
    only a tax credit arises upon the purchase of inputs for use in the 
    finished product. That credit can be used to offset tax liability to 
    the government arising from sales in the domestic market (i.e., ICMS 
    taxes collected from home market customers) to the extent that a 
    company makes such sales in the home market.
        In the past, the Department included ICMS taxes in the calculation 
    of CV because such taxes are considered a cost of production. However, 
    recent decisions by the Court of International Trade (CIT) on this 
    issue have accorded substantial weight to the ``economic reality'' of 
    the Brazilian tax system which in some circumstances allows for 
    recovery of the ICMS tax paid on material inputs used in the production 
    of export sales. See Aimcor v. United States, 19 CIT 966 (CIT 1995); 
    Camargo Correa Metais, S.A. v. United States, 17 CIT 897, 911 (CIT 
    1993). In light of these decisions, the Department is reconsidering its 
    current policy of including ICMS tax in CV.
        We will now no longer assume that VAT taxes are a cost when 
    calculating CV. Instead, we will examine the actual experience of each 
    producer/exporter subject to an investigation or review. If any 
    exporter/producer is able to demonstrate that it was able to offset its 
    tax liability on domestic sales, no addition for such taxes should be 
    made in calculating CV for that producer/exporter. Similarly, if any 
    producer/exporter is able to use only a portion of the credits 
    generated by export sales we will treat as a cost in calculating CV 
    only that portion which was not used during the period. Only if a 
    producer/exporter is unable to use any of the tax credits, or if the 
    producer/exporter fails to provide satisfactory evidence of its tax 
    experience on this question, will we continue to treat the entire 
    amount of VAT taxes as a direct cost in calculating CV. The Department 
    invites comment from interested parties with respect to this issue.
        Additionally, CBCC, LIASA, and Minasligas have noted that Brazil's 
    new ICMS tax law allows companies to use ICMS tax credits generated 
    during the POR for the reduction in payment of electricity costs. These 
    companies have requested that the Department reduce their ICMS tax paid 
    during the POR by the amount of tax credits used for electricity after 
    the POR, because such credits were generated during the POR. We 
    preliminarily determine that, since the companies used these tax 
    credits after the POR, that would be the appropriate time to account 
    for this reduction in these companies' ICMS tax credit balance.
    Price to Price Comparisons
        Where there were contemporaneous sales of the comparison product 
    that passed the COP test, we based NV on home market prices.
    Price to CV Comparisons
        When we based NV on CV, we calculated CV in the manner described 
    below. See ``Cost of Production (COP) Analysis'' section. Where we 
    compared export prices to CV, we deducted from CV the weighted-average 
    home market direct selling expenses and added the U.S. direct selling 
    expenses, where applicable, in accordance with sections 773(a)(8) and 
    773(a)(6)(C)(iii) of the Act.
    Cost of Production (COP) Analysis
        On February 11, 1998, the Department published in the Federal 
    Register the final results of the fifth administrative review on 
    silicon metal from Brazil. See Final Results of Antidumping Duty 
    Administrative Review: Silicon Metal From Brazil, 63 FR 6899. In that 
    review, in accordance with section 773(b)(1) of the Act, the Department 
    disregarded home market sales found to be below COP for CBCC, 
    Eletrosilex, Minasligas and RIMA. Therefore, in accordance with section 
    773(b)(2)(A)(ii) of the Act, the Department has reasonable grounds to 
    believe or suspect that sales of the foreign like product under 
    consideration for the determination of NV in this review may have been 
    made at prices below the COP as provided by section 773(b)(2)(A)(ii) of 
    the Act. Therefore, pursuant to section 773(b)(1) of the Act, we 
    initiated an investigation to determine whether these respondents made 
    home market sales during the POR at prices below their COP. In 
    addition, on March 16, 1998, we initiated a below-cost investigation 
    for LIASA pursuant to petitioners' allegation on
    [[Page 42005]]
    December 12, 1997. See 1996-1997 Administrative Review of the 
    Antidumping Duty Order on Silicon Metal from Brazil: Analysis of 
    Petitioners' Allegation of Sales Below the Cost of Production (``COP'') 
    for Ligas de Aluminio S.A.
    A. Calculation of COP
        In accordance with section 773(b)(3) of the Tariff Act, we 
    calculated COP based on the sum of each respondent's cost of materials 
    and fabrication employed in producing the foreign like product, plus 
    amounts for home market general and administrative expenses and packing 
    costs. We relied on the home market sales and COP information that each 
    respondent provided in its questionnaire responses. We adjusted each 
    respondent's reported COP as follows:
        As a result of verification findings, we recalculated depreciation 
    based on the Departmental methodology. See CBCC's 1996-1997 
    Verification Report dated July 30, 1998, and Analysis Memorandum on the 
    Sixth Administrative Review of Silicon Metal from Brazil from Lisette 
    Lach through James Doyle to the File dated July 30, 1998 
    (``Memorandum''), a public version of which is in the file in Central 
    Records, Room B-099 at the U.S. Department of Commerce.
        We recalculated CBCC's G&A expenses using CBCC's and Solvay & Cie's 
    1996 G&A expenses and COGS as reported in Exhibit 3 of CBCC's November 
    21, 1997 submission, because it is Departmental practice to calculate 
    G&A expenses on an annual basis as a ratio of total G&A expenses 
    divided by cost of goods sold (COGS). See Certain Corrosion-Resistant 
    Carbon Steel Flat Products and Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon Steel Plate 
    from Canada; Notice of Final Antidumping Duty Administrative Reviews, 
    62 FR 18448, 18456 (April 15, 1997). To obtain the amount of unit G&A 
    expense for the POR, we multiplied the G&A expense ratio for CBCC and 
    Solvay & Cie by the unit COM of the merchandise under investigation. 
    See CBCC's Memorandum and Attachment to that Memorandum.
        Additionally, the Department recalculated CBCC's cost of 
    manufacture because CBCC did not provide its COP for self-produced 
    charcoal. Instead, CBCC only provided costs based on its purchases of 
    charcoal from an unaffiliated supplier(s). Therefore, we had to apply 
    facts available in accordance with section 776(a) of the Act for the 
    cost of self-produced charcoal. As facts available, we used as the cost 
    for CBCC's self-produced charcoal the prices that CBCC paid to 
    unaffiliated supplier(s) for purchased charcoal. Therefore, we have 
    recalculated the cost of CBCC's charcoal production by using the annual 
    average cost CBCC was charged by unaffiliated supplier(s). See CBCC's 
    Verification Report dated July 30, 1998 and Memorandum dated July 30, 
        The Department's established policy is to calculate interest 
    expenses (INTEX) incurred on behalf of the consolidated group of 
    companies (e.g., Solvay & Cie) to which the respondent belongs, based 
    on consolidated financial statements. This practice recognizes two 
    facts: (1) The fungible nature of invested capital resources such debt 
    and equity of the controlling entity within a consolidated group of 
    companies, and (2) the controlling entity within a consolidated group 
    has the power to determine the capital structure of each member country 
    within its group. See, e.g., Notice of Final Results of Antidumping 
    Duty Administrative Review Aramid Fiber Formed of Poly ParaPhneylene 
    Terephthalamide from the Netherlands, 62 FR 38058 (July 16, 1997). 
    Accordingly, we recalculated INTEX by multiplying the reported the 
    percentage of Solvay & Cie's financial expenses by cost of manufacture 
    (COM). See CBCC's Memorandum and Attachment to Memorandum.
        As a result of our determination to recalculate interest expense 
    based on the facts available (see facts available section), we have 
    recalculated Eletrosilex's general and administrative expenses on the 
    same basis as interest expense in order to be consistent with the 
    interest expense calculation. See Analysis Memorandum on the Sixth 
    Administrative Review of Silicon Metal from Brazil from Letitia Kress 
    through James Doyle to the File dated July 30, 1998 (``Memorandum''), a 
    public version of which is in the file in Central Records, Room B-099 
    at the U.S. Department of Commerce.
        As a result of verification, the Department recalculated LIASA's 
    total cost of manufacture because at we found that certain sales of 
    slag were incorrectly classified as off-grade silicon metal. See 
    LIASA's Verification Report dated July 30, 1998 and LIASA's Analysis 
    Memorandum dated July 30, 1998.
        We recalculated Minasligas's G&A expenses, using Minasligas's and 
    Delp Engenharia Mecanica S.A. (Delp) 1996 G&A expenses and COGS as 
    reported in Minasligas's November 21, 1997 submission. We recalculated 
    G&A because it is Departmental practice to include both the parent 
    (Delp) and subsidiary company (Minasligas) G&A expenses in its 
    calculation of total G&A. See Minasligas's Analysis Memorandum.
        The Department adjusted RIMA's G&A and interest expense 
    calculations. In our original questionnaire of September 22, 1997, and 
    supplemental questionnaire of March 31, 1998, we requested RIMA to 
    compute its G&A expenses on an annual basis as a ratio of its total G&A 
    expenses divided by its cost of goods sold. In both instances, RIMA did 
    not calculate its G&A expenses using the methodology requested by the 
    Department. Therefore, we have recalculated RIMA's G&A based on its 
    1996 and 1997 financial statements, and Departmental practice of 
    calculating G&A on total G&A expenses divided by cost of sales. See 
    Analysis Memorandum on the Sixth Administrative Review of Silicon Metal 
    from Brazil from Abdelali Elouaradia through James Doyle to the File 
    dated July 30, 1998 (``Memorandum''), a public version of which is in 
    the file in Central Records, Room B-099 at the U.S. Department of 
        Additionally, the Department has recalculated RIMA's interest 
    expense. In our supplemental questionnaire of June 29, 1998, we 
    requested RIMA to provide a breakout for 1996 and 1997 of their Income 
    of Financial Investment by the type of investment. In its July 8, 1998 
    supplemental response, RIMA stated that it did not have financial 
    investments during this period. However, in its April 17, 1998 
    supplemental response, RIMA applied certain accounts (i.e., Currency 
    Adjustment, Asset Discounts, and Asset Interest) to offset its 
    financial expenses in its calculation of interest expense. Although 
    requested, RIMA has not provided the Department with an explanation why 
    these accounts were included as offsets to its interest expense. 
    Therefore, the Department has recalculated RIMA's interest expense 
    based on RIMA's 1996 and 1997 financial statements without the offsets 
    claimed by RIMA. See Analysis Memorandum on the of the Sixth 
    Administrative Review of Silicon Metal from Brazil from Abdelali 
    Elouaradia through James Doyle to the File dated July 30, 1998 
    (``Memorandum''), a public version of which is in the file in
    [[Page 42006]]
    Central Records, Room B-099 at the U.S. Department of Commerce.
    B. Test of Home Market Prices
        After calculating COP, we tested whether home market sales of 
    silicon metal were made at prices below COP within an extended period 
    of time in substantial quantities and whether such prices permitted the 
    recovery of all costs within a reasonable period of time. We compared 
    model-specific COP to the reported home market prices less any 
    applicable movement charges and discounts, where appropriate.
        Pursuant to section 773(b)(2)(C) of the Act, where less than 20 
    percent of each respondent's home market sales for a model were at 
    prices less than the COP, we did not disregard any below-cost sales of 
    that model because we determined that the below cost sales were not 
    made within an extended period of time in ``substantial quantities.'' 
    Where 20 percent or more of each respondent's home market sales of a 
    given product during the POR were at prices less than the COP, we 
    determined that such sales were made within an extended period of time 
    in substantial quantities in accordance with section 773(b)(2) (C) of 
    the Tariff Act. To determine whether such sales were at prices which 
    would not permit the full recovery of all costs within a reasonable 
    period of time, in accordance with section 773(b)(2)(D) of the Tariff 
    Act, we compared home market prices to the weighted-average COP for the 
    POR. When we found that below-cost sales had been made in ``substantial 
    quantities'' and were not at prices which would permit recovery of all 
    costs within a reasonable period of time, we disregarded these below-
    cost sales in the preliminary results in accordance with section 
    773(b)(1) of the Act.
        In these preliminary results, our cost tests for CBCC, Minasligas, 
    and Rima indicated that less than twenty percent of the sales of 
    subject merchandise were at prices below COP. We therefore retained all 
    sales of subject merchandise in our analysis and used them in our 
    determination of NV, where applicable.
        The results of our cost tests for Eletrosilex and LIASA indicated 
    that, within an extended period of time (one year, in accordance with 
    section 773(b)(2)(B) of the Act), more than twenty percent of the sales 
    of all products of each company were at prices below COP. Thus these 
    below-cost sales were in ``substantial quantities.'' In addition, these 
    sales were at prices which would not permit the full recovery of all 
    costs within a reasonable period of time. In accordance with section 
    773(b)(1) of the Act, we disregarded the below-cost sales of subject 
    merchandise for each of these two companies and used the remaining 
    above-cost sales as the basis for determining each company's NV, where 
        For all respondents in accordance with section 773(a)(4) of the 
    Act, we used CV as the basis for NV when there were no usable sales of 
    the foreign like product in the comparison market. We calculated CV in 
    accordance with section 773(e) of the Act.
    Constructed Value
        In accordance with section 773(e) of the Act, for CBCC, LIASA, and 
    Rima, we calculated CV based on the sum of respondent's cost of 
    materials and fabrication employed in producing the subject 
    merchandise, selling, general and administrative expenses, and profit 
    incurred and realized in connection with production and sale of the 
    foreign like product, and U.S. packing costs. In accordance with 
    section 773(e)(2)(A), we based SG&A and profit on the amounts incurred 
    and realized by each respondent in connection with the production and 
    sale of the foreign like product in the ordinary course of trade, for 
    consumption in the foreign country. We used the costs of materials, 
    fabrication, and SG&A as reported in the CV portion of respondent's 
    questionnaire response.
        For Rima, we adjusted its general and administrative and interest 
    expenses. See Analysis Memorandum on the Sixth Administrative Review of 
    Silicon Metal from Brazil from Abdelali Elouaradia through James Doyle 
    to the File dated July 30, 1998 (``Memorandum''), a public version of 
    which is in the file in Central Records, Room B-099 at the U.S. 
    Department of Commerce. Additionally, because Rima has recovered ICMS 
    tax on material inputs used in the production of silicon metal for 
    export, we have excluded such taxes in the calculation of constructed 
    value. We used the U.S. packing costs as reported in the U.S. sales 
    portion of respondent's questionnaire responses. We based selling 
    expenses and profit on the information reported in the home market 
    sales portion of respondent's questionnaire responses. See Certain 
    Pasta from Italy; Notice of Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less 
    Than Fair Value and Postponement of Final Determination, 61 FR 1344, 
    1349 (January 19, 1996). For selling expenses, we used the weighted-
    average home market selling expenses.
        For CBCC, we made adjustments to fixed overhead to reflect the 
    correct depreciation expense, G&A expenses and interest expense. These 
    adjustments reflect those made in CBCC's COP. See adjustments to CBCC's 
    COP in ``Calculation of COP'' section above. Because CBCC did not 
    recover ICMS tax on material inputs used in the production of silicon 
    metal for export to the United States, we have included CBCC's ICMS tax 
    in the calculation of constructed value. To the extent CBCC recovered 
    ICMS taxes for sales in the home market during the POR, we have 
    excluded such tax from the calculation of CV.
        For LIASA, because LIASA did not recover ICMS tax on material 
    inputs used in the production of silicon metal for export to the United 
    States we have included LIASA's ICMS tax in the calculation of 
    constructed value. To the extent LIASA recovered ICMS taxes for sales 
    in the home market during the POR, we have excluded such tax from the 
    calculation of CV.
        For Eletrosilex, we included the cost of materials and fabrication, 
    and G&A expenses in CV. We made adjustments to depreciation expenses, 
    amortization expenses, electricity cost, general and administrative 
    expenses, and financial expenses. These adjustments reflect those made 
    in Eletrosilex's COP. See adjustments to Eletrosilex's COP in 
    ``Calculation of COP'' section above and Facts Available section below. 
    In these preliminary results, since we found that Eletrosilex made no 
    above-cost sales of the foreign like product in the comparison market, 
    we were therefore unable to derive profit for use in the constructed 
    value calculation using Eletrosilex's home market sales data. For this 
    reason, in accordance with section 773(e)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act, we used 
    the average of the actual amounts of selling expenses incurred, and 
    profit realized, by CBCC, LIASA, Minasligas and Rima in connection with 
    the production and sale of the foreign like product, in the ordinary 
    course of trade, for consumption in the home market. Additionally, we 
    have included Eletrosilex's ICMS tax balance in the calculation of 
    constructed value because Eletrosilex failed to provide the Department 
    complete information on its ICMS tax balance. See Facts Available 
    Section below and Analysis Memorandum. In accordance with section 
    773(2)(B)(i) of the Act, we based G&A expenses (including net interest 
    expenses) on the amounts incurred by the respondent in connection with 
    the production and sale, for consumption in the foreign country, of the 
    same general category of products.
    [[Page 42007]]
    Use of Facts Available
        We preliminarily determine that the use of adverse facts available 
    is appropriate with respect to certain aspects of Eletrosilex's 
    submitted data in accordance with section 776(a)(2)(C) and section 
    776(b) of the Act because we find that Eletrosilex failed to cooperate 
    to the best of its ability in failing to comply with our requests for 
    complete information. In two supplemental questionnaires issued by the 
    Department, Eletrosilex failed to provide the requested information. 
    See Memorandum to Robert S. LaRussa from Joseph A. Spetrini, July 20, 
    1998 on file in the Central Records Unit, Room B-099 of the main 
    Commerce Building.
        On June 29 and July 6, 1998, the Department issued supplemental 
    questionnaires to Eletrosilex requesting additional information on its 
    home market sales, U.S. sales, cost of production, constructed value, 
    and ICMS taxes. See Departmental letters to Eletrosilex on those dates. 
    Eletrosilex failed to respond to two supplemental questionnaires 
    requesting clarification of specific sales and cost questions and the 
    nature of Eletrosilex's ICMS taxes. We must therefore consider whether 
    Eletrosilex's submitted response is usable under section 782(e) of the 
        Section 782(e) provides that the Department shall not decline to 
    consider information that is submitted by an interested party and is 
    necessary to the determination but does not meet the applicable 
    requirements established by the Department if: (1) the information is 
    submitted by the deadline established for its submission; (2) the 
    information can be verified; (3) the information is not so incomplete 
    that it cannot serve as a reliable basis for reaching the applicable 
    determination; (4) the interested party has demonstrated that it acted 
    to the best of its ability in providing the information and meeting the 
    requirements established by the Department with respect to the 
    information; and (5) the information can be used without undue 
        When examined in light of the requirements of section 782(e), the 
    facts of this review demonstrate that while Eletrosilex data is 
    incomplete for certain elements of the calculation, nevertheless the 
    Department has enough data on the record to reasonably calculate a 
    dumping margin. On this basis, we determine that it is appropriate to 
    resort to partial facts available, based on Departmental adjustments to 
    Eletrosilex's cost of production data.
        The Department finds that Eletrosilex did not act to the best of 
    its ability to comply with requests for information. In the past, 
    Eletrosilex has demonstrated an understanding for requests of 
    additional information by the Department. In this review, Eletrosilex 
    responded on April 10, 1998, to the Department's March 24, 1998 
    supplemental questionnaire. However, its failure to provide responses 
    to our other supplemental questionnaires (i.e., dated June 29 and July 
    6, 1998) despite numerous opportunities to do so constitutes a failure 
    to cooperate to the best of its ability with respect to our request for 
    information. See Public Version of Memorandum to File from Robert 
    Bolling, dated July 20, 1998. It is therefore appropriate, under 
    section 776(b) of the Act, for the Department to use an adverse 
    inference in applying facts available.
        Accordingly, based on facts available, we have determined to 
    recalculate Eletrosilex's depreciation expenses, amortization expenses, 
    electricity cost, and financial expenses. See Analysis Memorandum dated 
    July 30, 1998.
    Level of Trade
        In accordance with section 773(a)(7) of the Act, to the extent 
    practicable, we determine NV based on sales in the comparison market at 
    the same level of trade (LOT) as the EP or CEP transaction. The NV LOT 
    is that of the starting price sales in the comparison market or, when 
    NV is based on CV, that of the sales from which we derive selling, 
    general and administrative (SG&A) expenses and profit. For EP sales, 
    the U.S. LOT is also the level of the starting price sales, which is 
    usually from exporter to importer. For CEP sales, it is the level of 
    the constructed sale from the exporter to the importer.
        To determine whether NV sales are at a different LOT than EP or CEP 
    sales, we examine the stages in the marketing process and selling 
    functions along the chain of distribution between the producer and the 
    unaffiliated customer. If the comparison-market sales are at a 
    different LOT, and the difference affects price comparability, as 
    manifested in a pattern of consistent price differences between the 
    sales on which NV is based and comparison-market sales at the LOT of 
    the export transaction, we make an LOT adjustment under section 
    773(a)(7)(A) of the Act. Finally, for CEP sales, the NV level is more 
    remote from the factory than the CEP level and there is no basis for 
    determining whether the difference in the levels between NV and CEP 
    affects price comparability, we adjusted NV under section 773(a)(7)(B) 
    of the Act (the CEP Offset provision). See Notice of Final 
    Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Certain Cut-to-Length 
    Carbon Steel Plate from South Africa, 62 FR 61731 (November 19, 1997).
        To determine whether a LOT adjustment or CEP offset was warranted 
    for all Brazilian respondents, we compared the EP sales to the HM sales 
    in accordance with the principles discussed above. For purposes of our 
    analysis, we examined information regarding the distribution systems in 
    both the U.S. and Brazilian markets, including the selling functions, 
    classes of customer, and selling expenses for each respondent.
        In the home market, all respondents sold the subject merchandise to 
    one or more of the following three categories of customers: end-users, 
    and trading companies. Regardless of the category of customer, all 
    respondents' home market sales were manufactured to order and the 
    merchandise was shipped directly from the factory to each type of 
    customer. Their packing processes were also identical for all sales, 
    and the selling expenses for the POR were comparable for all sales, 
    regardless of the category of customer. Evidence on the record also 
    demonstrates that respondents did not have formal policies for 
    providing special payment terms, such as discounts, to different types 
    of customers. Additionally, we found no differences in the selling 
    activities performed for each respondent's U.S. sales in comparison to 
    its home market sales. Thus, we have determine that the selling 
    activities each respondent performed for its home market sales were the 
    same for all home market sales, and that each respondent's home market 
    sales were all made at a single LOT.
        All respondents reported only EP sales in the U.S. market. All U.S. 
    sales were made to either U.S. end-users or traders, where each sale 
    was manufactured to order, and the selling activities were comparable 
    for all sales, regardless of the category of customer. Therefore, we 
    have concluded that for each respondent a single LOT exists in the 
    United States which is the same as the HM LOT. Therefore, no LOT 
    adjustment is warranted in this review.
    Currency Conversion
        For purposes of the preliminary results, we made currency 
    conversions in accordance with section 773A of the Act based on the 
    official exchange rates in effect on the dates of the U.S. sales as 
    certified by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    Preliminary Results of Review
        As a result of our review, we preliminarily determine that the
    [[Page 42008]]
    following weighted-average dumping margins exist for the period July 1, 
    1996 through June 30, 1997, to be as follows:
                       Manufacturer/exporter                      (percent) 
    CBCC.......................................................            0
    Eletrosilex................................................        33.11
    LIASA......................................................            0
    Minasligas.................................................            0
    RIMA.......................................................            0
        Parties to the proceeding may request disclosure within five (5) 
    days of the date of publication of this notice. Any interested party 
    may request a hearing within ten (30) days of publication. Any hearing, 
    if requested, will be held 44 days after the date of publication of 
    this notice, or the first workday thereafter. Interested parties may 
    submit case briefs within 30 days of the date of publication of this 
    notice. Rebuttal briefs, which must be limited to issues raised in the 
    case briefs, may be filed not later than 37 days after the date of 
    publication. Parties who submit argument are requested to submit with 
    the argument: (1) A statement of the issues and (2) a brief summary of 
    the argument. The Department will publish a notice of final results of 
    this administrative review, which will include the results of its 
    analysis of issues raised in any such comments or at a hearing, within 
    120 days of publication of these preliminary results.
        The Department shall determine, and the Customs Service shall 
    assess, antidumping duties on all appropriate entries. Upon completion 
    of this review, the Department will issue appraisement instructions 
    directly to the Customs Service. The Department calculated the 
    assessment of duties in accordance with section 351.212 of its 
        Furthermore, the following deposit rates will be effective upon 
    publication of the final results of this administrative review for all 
    shipments of silicon metal from Brazil entered, or withdrawn from 
    warehouse, for consumption on or after the publication date, as 
    provided for by section 751(a)(1)(c) of the Act: (1) The cash deposit 
    rate for the reviewed companies will be the rate established in the 
    final results of this review (except that no deposit will be required 
    for firms with zero or de minims margins, i.e., margins less than 0.5 
    percent); (2) for previously reviewed or investigated companies not 
    listed above, the cash deposit rate will continue to be the company-
    specific rate published for the most recent period; (3) if the exporter 
    is not a firm covered in this review, a prior review, or the original 
    less than fair value (LTFV) investigation, but the manufacturer is, the 
    cash deposit rate will be the rate established for the most recent 
    period for the manufacturer of the merchandise; and (4) for all other 
    producers and/or exporters of this merchandise, the cash deposit rate 
    shall be 91.06 percent, the all others rate established in the LTFV 
    investigation, 56 FR 36135 (July 31, 1991).
        These deposit rates, when imposed, shall remain in effect until 
    publication of the final results of the next administrative review.
        This notice also serves as a preliminary reminder to importers of 
    their responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate 
    regarding the reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation 
    of the relevant entries during this review period. Failure to comply 
    with this requirement could result in the Secretary's presumption that 
    reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the subsequent 
    assessment of double antidumping duties.
        This determination is issued and published in accordance with 
    sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
        Dated: July 30, 1998.
    Joseph A. Spetrini,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
    [FR Doc. 98-21061 Filed 8-5-98; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
International Trade Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of Preliminary Results of the Antidumping Duty Administrative Review.
Document Number:
August 6, 1998.
42001-42008 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: