E8-17928. Cancellation of Pesticides for Non-Payment of Year 2008 Registration Maintenance Fees  

  • Start Preamble


    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).




    Since the amendments of October 1988, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) has required payment of an annual maintenance fee to keep pesticide registrations in effect. The fee due last January 15 has gone unpaid for 221 registrations. Section 4(i)(5)(G) of FIFRA provides that the Administrator may cancel these registrations by order and without a hearing; orders to cancel all 221 of these registrations have been issued within the past few days.

    Start Further Info


    John Jamula, Office of Pesticide Programs (7504P), Environmental Protection Start Printed Page 45759Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: (703) 305-6426; e-mail address: jamula.john@epa.gov.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    I. Important Information

    A. Does this Apply to Me?

    You may be potentially affected by this notice if you are an EPA registrant with any approved product registration(s). Although this action may be of particular interest to persons who produce or use pesticides, the Agency has not attempted to describe all the specific entities that may be affected by this action. If you have any questions regarding the information in this notice, consult the person listed in the For Further Information Contact section.

    B. How Can I Get Additional Information or Copies of Support Documents?

    1. Docket. EPA has established a docket for this action under docket identification (ID) number EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0541. Publicly available docket materials are available either in the electronic docket at http://regulations.gov or in hard copy at the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regulatory Public Docket in Rm. S-4400, One Potomac Yard (South Building), 2777 S. Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA. The hours of operation of this Docket Facility are from 8:30 a.m to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The Docket Facility telephone number is (703) 305-5805.

    2. Electronic access. You may access this Federal Register document electronically through the EPA Internet under the “Federal Register” listings at http://www.epa.gov/​fedrgstr.

    II. Introduction

    Section 4(i)(5) of FIFRA as amended in October 1988 (Pub. L. 100-December, 1991 (Pub. L. 102-237), and again in August 1996 (Pub. L. 104-170) requires that all pesticide registrants pay an annual registration maintenance fee, due by January 15 of each year, to keep their registrations in effect. This requirement applies to all registrations granted under section 3 as well as those granted under section 24(c) to meet special local needs. Registrations for which the fee is not paid are subject to cancellation by order and without a hearing.

    The Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act Amendments of 1991, Pub. L. 102-237, amended FIFRA to allow the Administrator to reduce or waive maintenance fees for minor agricultural use pesticides when the Administrator determines that the fee would be likely to cause significant impact on the availability of the pesticide for the use. The Agency has waived the fee for 164 minor agricultural use registrations at the request of the registrants.

    In fiscal year 2008, maintenance fees were collected in one billing cycle. The Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act (PRIRA) was passed by Congress in October 2007. PRIRA authorized the Agency to collect $22 million in maintenance fees in fiscal year 2008. In late December 2007, all holders of either section 3 registrations or section 24(c) registrations were sent lists of their active registrations, along with forms and instructions for responding. They were asked to identify which of their registrations they wished to maintain in effect, and to calculate and remit the appropriate maintenance fees. Most responses were received by the statutory deadline of January 15. A notice of intent to cancel was sent in mid-February to companies who did not respond and to companies who responded, but paid for less than all of their registrations. Since mailing the notices, EPA has maintained a toll-free inquiry number through which the questions of affected registrants have been answered.

    Maintenance fees have been paid for about 16,116 section 3 registrations, or about 96% of the registrations on file in December. Fees have been paid for about 2,212 section 24(c) registrations, or about 88% of the total on file in December. Cancellations for non-payment of the maintenance fee affect about 191 section 3 registrations and about 30 section 24(c) registrations.

    The cancellation orders generally permit registrants to continue to sell and distribute existing stocks of the canceled products until January 15, 2009, 1 year after the date on which the fee was due. Existing stocks already in the hands of dealers or users, however, can generally be distributed, sold, or used legally until they are exhausted. Existing stocks are defined as those stocks of a registered pesticide product which are currently in the U.S. and which have been packaged, labeled, and released for shipment prior to the effective date of the action.

    The exceptions to these general rules are cases where more stringent restrictions on sale, distribution, or use of the products have already been imposed, through Special Reviews or other Agency actions. These general provisions for disposition of stocks should serve in most cases to cushion the impact of these cancellations while the market adjusts.

    III. Listing of Registrations Canceled for Non-payment

    Table 1 lists all of the section 24(c) registrations, and Table 2 lists all of the section 3 registrations which were canceled for non-payment of the 2008 maintenance fee. These registrations have been canceled by order and without hearing. Cancellation orders were sent to affected registrants via certified mail in the past several days. The Agency is unlikely to rescind cancellation of any particular registration unless the cancellation resulted from Agency error.

    Table 1.—Section 24(c) Registrations Canceled for Non-Payment of Maintenance Fee

    SLN No.Product Name
    067690 AZ-03-0003Talus Insect Growth Regulator
    059623 CA-02-0018GF-120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait
    071962 CA-03-0011Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide
    059623 CA-07-0008Spinosad Gf-120 Nf Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait
    011649 CA-78-0131Avitrol Mixed Grains
    011649 CA-78-0132Avitrol Mixed Grains
    060255 CA-85-0006Thuricide (r) 32lv
    Start Printed Page 45760
    060256 CA-97-0011Temik Brand 15g Aldicarb Pesticide
    071512 ID-06-0011Ranman 400SC
    055467 KS-04-0010Weed Pro Atrazine 4L Herbicide
    071512 ME-06-0001Ranman 400SC
    071512 MN-06-0002Ranman 400SC
    004787 MS-02-0006Glyfos AU Herbicide
    075095 MS-04-0012Grandslam 4XS Herbicide
    055467 MS-05-0013Buccaneer Plus Glyphosate Herbicide
    075338 MT-07-0003CFT Legumine
    056907 NC-95-00028.5% Ethylene Oxide & Carbon Dioxide Sterilizing Gas
    071512 ND-06-0001Ranman 400SC
    008996 NV-06-0001Chlorine Liquified Gas Under Pressure
    069691 OH-06-0001Mushroom Supplement Preservative
    067751 OR-94-0001Select 2ec Herbicide
    075451 PR-02-0001Avitrol Powder Mix
    068222 SC-94-0006Bayleton 50% Wettable Powder
    013808 SD-05-0001Zinc Phosphide Prairie Dog Bait
    067690 TX-04-0021Talusa Insect Growth Regulator
    004564 TX-07-0006Tolcide PS200 (or Bt-20)
    000550 UT-01-0004Masterline Kontrol 4-4 for Mosquitoes, Flies and Gnats
    004787 WA-00-0019Declare
    073637 WA-01-0022Ro-Neet 6-E Selective Herbicide
    011678 WA-03-0026Thionex 50w Insecticide

    Table 2.—Section 3 Registrations Canceled for Non-Payment of Maintenance Fee

    Registration No.Product Name
    000099-00024Watkins Pine Oil Disinfectant
    000358-00105Nott Chew-Not
    001190-00024Pepcocide Odorless Disinfectant and Sanitizer
    001475-00040Enoz No Clinging Odor Moth Cake
    001757-00066Biosperse 240
    001757-00099Biosperse 3202
    002398-00007Pronto Lice, Tick and Flea Killing Spray
    002686-00008Multiquat No. 455
    002686-00009Sodium Chlorite Solution 25%
    003008-00085NW 200
    Start Printed Page 45761
    003276-00021Al - San
    003468-00009Supreme Oil Insecticide
    003536-00004H.K Mouse & Rat Bait
    004564-00014Tolcide MW-10
    004787-00038Cyren RT
    004787-00044Atrapa 5E
    005042-00031RCO Mole Bait
    006390-00017Vikol Frm Mildew Retardant
    006552-00014Kay Dee Rabon Block 10 with Rabon Oral Larvacide
    007173-00232Maki Mini Paraffin Blocks
    007173-00248Maki Mini Paraffin Block II
    007173-00249Maki Paraffin Block II
    007211-00010Pheneen Solution
    008002-00001Liquinox Start
    008325-00018Heavy Duty Cleaner & Disinfectant
    008576-00012Lynx Sanitizer-Pro
    008576-00013Lynx Sanitizer
    009367-0003910% Sanitizer
    009630-00008M-Gard W112
    009630-00031M-Gard S510
    009647-00036Myco Sanitizer 64
    009754-00004Weed-Go Non-Select Weed and Grass Killer
    009754-00006Sunbugger #6 Spray Concentrate
    010292-00029STA-PUT 1500 Weed Killer
    011623-00054Apollo Cik (Crawling Insect Killer) Spray II
    011649-00010Avitrol Concentrate
    011649-00011Avitrol Powder Mix
    011656-00051Poly-Sul Fungicide-Insecticide-Miticide
    015300-00001Chemical Treatment Cl-2151
    015567-00018Pronto Non-Acid Disinfectant Bowl and Bathroom Cleaner
    032240-00005Crop Cure L-Ii Hay Preservative
    033677-00004Tolcide Mw-10
    033907-00002Comfort Zone
    Start Printed Page 45762
    034797-00032Insect Repellent 100
    034797-00082Qualis Insecticide Concentrate #4
    034910-00002Chlorine Liquefied Gas Under Pressure
    034910-00006Sodium Hypochlorite 10%
    034910-20001Sodium Hypochlorite 12.5%
    034910-20004Sodium Hypochlorite 5.25%
    036638-00024Nomate Tpw Fiber
    038235-00001Agri-Sul 95
    038635-00002L-3 Liquid Algaecide
    038811-00005Muskol Insect Repellent
    038811-00006Muskol Insect Repellent Spray
    038811-00007Muskol Ultra Insect Repellent Spray
    040810-00022Irgaguard B502 J
    041260-00026Camp Algaegone Liquid
    041260-00046Sunshine Swimming Pool Algaecide
    041934-20004Sodium Hypochlorite Solution 5.25%
    044446-00009Zot Wasp Spray Formula 2
    048867-00001Agri-Chlor #1
    049517-00006Leafex 2
    050830-00003Powderdeet 25
    054089-00001M7 Roach Killer Mop-On Insecticide
    054089-20203M5 Boraplus Roach Kill
    056159-00009Reppers Repellent Grains (Shun Repellent Grain)
    056970-00001Shipbottom Antifouling Bottom Paint Horizon Blue
    057586-20001Kenwood Chlor
    058035-00013Rejex-It Ag-145
    058190-00003Alfa-Save Special
    058616-00003Pct 3024
    059588-00002Culbac Foli-Veg
    059894-00007Bactron K-86 Microbiocide
    059906-00004Syn Tech 2.5% + 10% Insecticide
    061667-00001Chlorine Liquified Gas Under Pressure
    062575-00011Global Suffa
    062577-00005Echols Roach, Ant and Waterbug Killer
    Start Printed Page 45763
    063305-00001Chromium Trioxide, Anhydrous
    064240-00007Combat Total Release Fogger III
    064240-00011Combat Ant and Roach Killer V
    064240-00026Combat Ant and Roach Killer 8
    064240-00043Combat Ips
    064864-00048Pacrite Sodium Hypochlorite 12.5%
    065072-00006KP 3510
    065072-00007KP 3515
    067470-00001Oxyfume 20
    067470-00002Oxyfume 80 Sterilant Gas
    067470-00003Oxyfume 12
    067470-00004Carboxide Sterilant-Fumigant Gas
    067470-00005Oxyfume 30
    067471-00003Pacific Sailor Vinco 42 Antifouling Paint
    067471-00005Pacific Sailor Vinco 65 Antifouling Paint
    067508-00001Ronstar 1% with Fertilizer
    067649-20002Hypo 100
    067649-20003Hypo 90
    068086-00005Roach Enderzzz
    068506-00003Uvaspec Grape Guard
    068543-00028Bengal Insecticide Granules
    068566-00001Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
    069529-00009Borasol 45 Liquid
    069787-00001Super Pepper Guard
    070204-00001TCI 3100
    070515-00002Lpe E94T
    070515-00003Signafresh 10ec
    071245-00001Brawn Anti-Bacterial Multi-Purpose Cleaner
    071245-00002Spray Disinfectant A
    071245-00003Spray Disinfectant “b”
    Start Printed Page 45764
    071332-00003Microbloc (models 7700,7701,is,1m)
    071532-00006LG Permethrin 3.2 MUP
    071532-00013LG Permethrin 41% Manufacturing Concentrate
    071532-00014LG 0.25% Permethrin Granules
    071532-00016LG Permethrin 0.5% Lawn Insect Granules
    071532-00017LG Permethrin 0.5% Insect Granules
    071537-00001C-Pool Natural Balance
    071567-00001R & M Lawn Spray Concentrate #1
    071771-00002Messenger T & O
    071771-00005EBC-353 Seed Treatment
    071771-00006EBC-354 Seed Treatment
    072113-00001Aggreszor 75 WSP
    072113-00002Aggreszor 2F
    072113-00003Aggreszor Perimeter Granules
    072113-00004Aggreszor 4F
    072500-00008Kaput-D Mole Gel Bait
    074621-00001Bug Stomper
    074785-00002Ant & Roach Protection/Flea & Tick Spray
    074986-00001Selective Micro Clean-A
    075131-00001Poultry Miticide Tags
    075675-00001Blue Control US
    075851-00001Thrive Alive B-1
    075851-00002Rootech Cloning Gel
    079427-00001Wellcare Adm Masterbatch
    079442-00004Exosex - GBM
    079442-00005Exosex - PTB
    Start Printed Page 45765
    080224-00003Ovocontrol G
    082075-00002PS Disinfecting Bathroom Foam
    082075-00003PS Disinfecting Surface Cleaner
    082308-00002Alenza Aquatic Glyphosate
    082308-00003Glyphosate 2% RTU
    082803-00001Lastcall Eucosmak
    082961-00001Zenda Spud
    083031-00001La's Totally Awesome Bleach
    083222-00006Bifen Ag 2EC
    083278-00005Pre-Amine 0.58% Plus
    083451-00005WTB-28 Microbiocide-Algicide
    083587-00001Smartsilver Nylon Fiber
    083884-00006Mitin FF Liquid
    083893-00001Greenleaf Fertilizer with Weed Control
    083893-00002Greenleaf Lawn Fertilizer with Weed Control
    083893-00003Greenleaf Lawn Insect Killer Granules (2% Sevin)
    083893-00009Greenleaf Lawn & Garden 5% Dust
    083893-00010Greenleaf Lawn & Garden 10% Dust
    083893-00012Greenleaf Insecticide Granules (Permethrin 0.25%)
    083893-00014Greenleaf Grub Killer
    083893-00019Greenleaf Grub Killer II
    083893-00020Greenleaf Lawn Insect Control Granules
    083997-0000310-9-0 Green F.O. Wood Preservative
    084215-00001Protex AG Fiber
    084517-00002Brite 1500

    IV. Public Docket

    Complete lists of registrations canceled for non-payment of the maintenance fee will also be available for reference during normal business hours in the OPP Regulatory Public Docket, Rm. S-4400, One Potomac Yard (South Building), 2777 S. Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA. Product-specific status inquiries may be made by telephone by calling toll-free 1-800-444-7255.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects

    • Environmental protection
    End List of Subjects Start Signature
    Start Printed Page 45766

    Dated: July 25, 2008.

    Debra Edwards,

    Director, Office of Pesticide Programs.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. E8-17928 Filed 8-5-08; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 6560-50-S

Document Information

Comments Received:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
45758-45766 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0541, FRL-8374-8
PDF File: