2020-17008. Applications for New Awards; Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program  

  • Start Preamble


    Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education.




    The Department of Education (Department) is issuing a notice inviting applications for new awards for fiscal year (FY) 2020 for the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number 84.335A. This notice relates to the approved information collection under OMB control number 1840-0737.


    Applications Available: August 6, 2020.

    Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: September 8, 2020.


    For the addresses for obtaining and submitting an application, please refer to our Common Instructions for Applicants to Department of Education Discretionary Grant Programs, published in the Federal Register on February 13, 2019 (84 FR 3768), and available at www.govinfo.gov/​content/​pkg/​FR-2019-02-13/​pdf/​2019-02206.pdf.

    Start Further Info


    Tanisha-Hamblin Johnson, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Room 273-23, Washington, DC 20202-4260. Telephone: (202) 453-6090. Email: tanisha.johnson@ed.gov.

    If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a text telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at 1-800-877-8339.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    Full Text of Announcement

    I. Funding Opportunity Description

    Purpose of Program: The CCAMPIS Program supports the participation of low-income parents in postsecondary education through the provision of campus-based childcare services.

    Background: Through the first competitive preference priority in this competition, the Secretary seeks to encourage applicants to offer parents a variety of childcare options. At a time when many campus facilities are closed across the country in response to the COVID-19 crisis, student parents are in need of a variety of childcare options now more than ever. For example, applicants may propose to provide student-parents with a greater range of options at which to direct their childcare funds. The grantee institution would still be responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the program, such as by limiting the use of childcare vouchers to student-parents who qualify for CCAMPIS support, and requiring those student-parents to use the vouchers to obtain childcare by a provider or facility licensed by the applicable State body. With access to a greater diversity of childcare settings, parents would have the opportunity to select an option that meets the unique developmental needs of their child and their own postsecondary educational needs, including with respect to transportation, work schedules, and obligations to other family members. Additionally, applicants may consider describing how their new or existing campus-based childcare centers would offer flexible and affordable childcare arrangements to low-income parents pursuing postsecondary education, such as part-time, drop-in, or evening childcare services. All applicants, including applicants that address this competitive preference priority, must, under section 419N(c)(9) of the HEA, limit the use of childcare vouchers issued using CCAMPIS funds to childcare provided by childcare providers or centers that are licensed by the applicable State or local agency to provide childcare services. The second competitive preference priority provides additional points to applicants proposing to provide services in Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZs).

    The Department also encourages applicants to propose support for student-parents in identifying other Federal and State resources, in addition to CCAMPIS support, that are available to help low-income parents access appropriate and affordable childcare services. For example, the Child Care and Development Block Grant provides Start Printed Page 47777additional support to low-income student-parents who need childcare support.

    Priorities: This notice contains two absolute priorities and two competitive preference priorities. In accordance with 34 CFR 75.105(b)(2)(iv), the absolute priorities are from section 419N(d) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), 20 U.S.C. 1070e(d). Competitive Preference Priority 1 is from the Final Supplemental Priorities and Definitions for Discretionary Grant Programs published in the Federal Register on March 2, 2018 (83 FR 9096) (Supplemental Priorities) and Competitive Preference Priority 2 is from the notice of final priority, published in the Federal Register on November 27, 2019 (www.federalregister.gov/​documents/​2019/​11/​27/​2019-25819/​final-priority-for-discretionary-grant-programs) (Opportunity Zones NFP).

    Absolute Priorities: For FY 2020, and any subsequent year in which we make awards from the list of unfunded applications from this competition, these priorities are absolute priorities. Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3) we consider only applications that meet both priorities.

    These priorities are:

    Absolute Priority 1: Projects that are designed to leverage significant local or institutional resources, including in-kind contributions, to support the activities assisted under section 419N of the HEA.

    Absolute Priority 2: Projects that are designed to utilize a sliding fee scale for childcare services provided under section 419N of the HEA in order to support a high number of low-income parents pursuing postsecondary education at the institution.

    Competitive Preference Priorities: For FY 2020, and any subsequent year in which we make awards from the list of unfunded applications from this competition, these priorities are competitive preference priorities. Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(2)(i), we award up to an additional 5 points to an application, depending on how well the application meets Competitive Preference Priority 1, and 3 points to an application that meets Competitive Preference Priority 2.

    These priorities are:

    Competitive Preference Priority 1—Empowering Families and Individuals to Choose a High-Quality Education That Meets Their Unique Needs (up to 5 points).

    Projects that are designed to address increasing access to educational choice (as defined in this notice) for children in early learning settings.

    Competitive Preference Priority 2—Spurring Investment in Qualified Opportunity Zones (3 points).

    Under this priority, an applicant must demonstrate the following:

    (a) The area in which the applicant proposes to provide services overlaps with a Qualified Opportunity Zone, as designated by the Secretary of the Treasury under section 1400Z-1 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). An applicant must—

    (i) Provide the census tract number of the Qualified Opportunity Zone(s) in which it proposes to provide services; and

    (ii) Describe how the applicant will provide services in the Qualified Opportunity Zone(s).

    Application Requirements: For FY 2020 and any subsequent year in which we make awards from the list of unfunded applications from this competition, applicants must meet the following application requirements from section 419N of the HEA.

    An institution of higher education desiring a grant under this competition must submit an application that—

    (1) Demonstrates that the institution is an eligible institution;

    (2) Specifies the amount of funds requested;

    (3) Demonstrates the need of low-income students at the institution for campus-based childcare services by including in the application—

    (A) Information regarding student demographics;

    (B) An assessment of childcare capacity on or near campus;

    (C) Information regarding the existence of waiting lists for existing childcare;

    (D) Information regarding additional needs created by concentrations of poverty or by geographic isolation; and

    (E) Other relevant data;

    (4) Contains a description of the activities to be assisted, including whether the grant funds will support an existing childcare program or a new childcare program;

    (5) Identifies the resources, including technical expertise and financial support, the institution will draw upon to support the childcare program and the participation of low-income students in the program, such as accessing social services funding, using student activity fees to help pay the costs of childcare, using resources obtained by meeting the needs of parents who are not low-income students, and accessing foundation, corporate or other institutional support, and demonstrate that the use of the resources will not result in increases in student tuition;

    (6) Contains an assurance that the institution will meet the childcare needs of low-income students through the provision of services, or through a contract for the provision of services;

    (7) Describes the extent to which the childcare program will coordinate with the institution's early childhood education curriculum, to the extent the curriculum is available, to meet the needs of the students in the early childhood education program at the institution, and the needs of the parents and children participating in the childcare program assisted under the applicant's project;

    (8) In the case of an institution seeking assistance for a new childcare program—

    (A) Provides a timeline, covering the period from receipt of the grant through the provision of the childcare services, delineating the specific steps the institution will take to achieve the goal of providing low-income students with childcare services;

    (B) Specifies any measures the institution will take to assist low-income students with childcare during the period before the institution provides childcare services; and

    (C) Includes a plan for identifying resources needed for the childcare services, including space in which to provide childcare services, and technical assistance if necessary;

    (9) Contains an assurance that any childcare facility assisted under this section will meet the applicable State or local government licensing, certification, approval, or registration requirements; and

    (10) Contains a plan for any childcare facility assisted under this program to become accredited within three years of the date the institution first receives assistance under this program.

    Definitions: These definitions are from the Supplemental Priorities and section 419N of the HEA.

    Educational choice means the opportunity for a child or student (or a family member on their behalf) to create a high-quality personalized path for learning that is consistent with applicable Federal, State, and local laws; is in an educational setting that best meets the child's or student's needs; and, where possible, incorporates evidence-based activities, strategies, or interventions. Opportunities made available to a student through a grant program are those that supplement what is provided by a child's or student's geographically assigned school or the institution in which he or she is currently enrolled and may include one or both of the options listed below:Start Printed Page 47778

    (1) Public educational programs or courses including those offered by traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, public online education providers, or other public education providers.

    (2) Private or home-based educational programs or courses including those offered by private schools, private online providers, private tutoring providers, community or faith-based organizations, or other private education providers.

    Low income student means a student—

    (1) Who is eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant for the award year for which the determination is made; or

    (2) Who would otherwise be eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant for the award year for which the determination is made, except that the student fails to meet the requirements of—

    (i) 20 U.S.C. 1070a(c)(1) because the student is enrolled in a graduate or first professional course of study; or

    (ii) 20 U.S.C. 1091(a)(5) because the student is in the United States for a temporary purpose.

    Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1070e.

    Applicable Regulations: (a) The Education Department General Administrative Regulations in 34 CFR parts 75, 77, 79, 82, 84, 86, 97, 98, and 99. (b) The Office of Management and Budget Guidelines to Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) in 2 CFR part 180, as adopted and amended as regulations of the Department in 2 CFR part 3485. (c) The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards in 2 CFR part 200, as adopted and amended as regulations of the Department in 2 CFR part 3474. (d) The Supplemental Priorities.


    Because there are no program-specific regulations for the CCAMPIS Program, applicants are encouraged to carefully read the authorizing statute: Title IV, part A, subpart 7, section 419N of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1070e).

    II. Award Information

    Type of Award: Discretionary grants.

    Estimated Available Funds: $25,500,000.

    Contingent upon the availability of funds and the quality of applications, we may make additional awards in subsequent fiscal years from the list of unfunded applications from this competition.

    Estimated Range of Awards: $30,000 to $375,000.

    Estimated Average Size of Awards: $184,782.

    Maximum Award: In accordance with section 419N(b)(2)(A) of the HEA, the maximum annual amount an applicant may receive under this program is one percent of the total amount of all Federal Pell Grant funds awarded to students enrolled at the institution for FY 2019. In the event that an applicant's maximum award amount is lower than the statutory minimum award of $30,000, the grant will be $30,000 for a single budget period of 12 months.

    Estimated Number of Awards: 138.


    The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.

    Project Period: Up to 48 months.

    III. Eligibility Information

    1. Eligible Applicants: Institutions of higher education that awarded a total of $250,000 or more of Federal Pell Grant funds during FY 2019 to students enrolled at the institution.

    2. Cost Sharing or Matching: This program does not require cost sharing or matching.

    3. Subgrantees: A grantee under this competition may not award subgrants to entities to directly carry out project activities described in its application.

    IV. Application and Submission Information

    1. Application Submission Instructions: Applicants are required to follow the Common Instructions for Applicants to Department of Education Discretionary Grant Programs, published in the Federal Register on February 13, 2019 (84 FR 3768), and available at www.govinfo.gov/​content/​pkg/​FR-2019-02-13/​pdf/​2019-02206.pdf,, which contains requirements and information on how to submit an application.

    2. Intergovernmental Review: This program is subject to Executive Order 12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR part 79. However, under 34 CFR 79.8(a), we waive intergovernmental review in order to make awards by the end of FY 2020.

    3. Funding Restrictions: Funding restrictions are outlined in section 419N(b)(2)(B) of the HEA. We reference regulations outlining funding restrictions in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice.

    4. Recommended Page Limit: The application narrative, Part III of the application, is where you, the applicant, address the selection criteria that reviewers use to evaluate your application. We recommend that you (1) limit the application narrative, which includes the budget narrative, to no more than 50 pages and (2) use the following standards:

    • A “page” is 8.5″ x 11″, on one side only, with 1″ margins.
    • Double-space all text in the application narrative, and single-space titles, headings, footnotes, quotations, references, and captions, as well as all text in charts, tables, figures, and graphs.
    • Use a 12-point font.
    • Use an easily readable font such as Times New Roman, Courier, Courier New, or Arial.

    The recommended 50-page limit does not apply to Part I, the Application for Federal Assistance cover sheet (SF 424); Part II, the Budget Information Summary form (ED Form 524); Part III, the CCAMPIS Program Profile form and the one-page Project Abstract form; or Part IV, the assurances and certifications. The recommended page limit also does not apply to a table of contents, which you should include in the application narrative. You must include your complete response to the selection criteria in the application narrative.

    We recommend that any application addressing the competitive preference priorities include no more than three additional pages for each priority.

    V. Application Review Information

    1. Selection Criteria: The selection criteria for this competition are from section 419N of the HEA and 34 CFR 75.210 and are listed below.

    We will award up to 100 points to an application under the selection criteria and up to 8 additional points to an application under the competitive preference priorities, for a total score of up to 108 points. The maximum number of points available for each criterion is indicated in parentheses.

    (a) Need for the project. (30 points)

    In determining the need for the proposed project, the Secretary considers the extent to which the applicant demonstrates, in its application, the need for campus-based childcare services for low-income students, by including the following (see section 419N(c)(3) of the HEA):

    (i) Information regarding student demographics.

    (ii) An assessment of childcare capacity on or near campus.

    (iii) Information regarding the existence of waiting lists for existing childcare.

    (iv) Information regarding additional needs created by concentrations of poverty or by geographic isolation.

    (v) Other relevant data.

    (b) Quality of project design. (25 points)

    In determining the quality of the design of the proposed project, the Secretary considers the following:Start Printed Page 47779

    (i) The extent to which the applicant describes in its application the activities to be assisted, including whether the grant funds will support an existing childcare program or a new childcare program (see section 419N(c)(4) of the HEA).

    (ii) The extent to which the services to be provided by the proposed project are focused on those with greatest needs (see 34 CFR 75.210(d)(3)(xi)).


    When describing how the project is focused on those with greatest needs, applicants are encouraged to include, in their assessment of focus on service of those with the greatest needs, the extent to which services are available during all hours that classes are in session, including evenings and weekends, to part-time students and to students who need only emergency drop-in childcare in the event that regularly scheduled childcare is unexpectedly unavailable.

    (iii) The likely impact of the services to be provided by the proposed project on the intended recipients of those services (see 34 CFR 75.210(d)(3)(iv)).

    (iv) The extent to which the childcare program will coordinate with the institution's early childhood education curriculum, to the extent the curriculum is available, to meet the needs of the students in the early childhood education program at the institution, and the needs of the parents and children participating in the childcare program assisted under this section (see section 419N(c)(7) of the HEA).

    (v) The extent to which the proposed project encourages parental involvement (see 34 CFR 75.210(c)(2)(xix)).

    (vi) If the applicant is requesting grant assistance for a new childcare program (see section 419N(c)(8) of the HEA)—

    (1) The extent to which the applicant's timeline, covering the period from receipt of the grant through the provision of the childcare services, delineates the specific steps the institution will take to achieve the goal of providing low-income students with childcare services;

    (2) The extent to which the applicant specifies in its application the measures the institution will take to assist low-income students with childcare during the period before the institution provides childcare services; and

    (3) The extent to which the application includes a plan for identifying resources needed for the childcare services, including space in which to provide childcare services and technical assistance if necessary.

    (vii) The extent to which the proposed project represents an exceptional approach to the priority or priorities established for the competition. (34 CFR 75.210(c)(2)(XV)).

    (c) Quality of management plan. (25 points)

    In determining the quality of the management plan for the proposed project, the Secretary considers the following:

    (i) The extent to which the application includes a management plan that describes the resources, including technical expertise and financial support, the institution will draw upon to support the childcare program and the participation of low-income students in the program, such as accessing social services funding, using student activity fees to help pay the costs of childcare, using resources obtained by meeting the needs of parents who are not low-income students, and accessing foundation, corporate or other institutional support, and demonstrates that the use of the resources will not result in increases in student tuition (see section 419N(c)(5) of the HEA).

    (ii) The qualifications, including relevant training and experience, of key project personnel (see 34 CFR 75.210(e)(3)(ii)).

    (iii) The adequacy of the management plan to achieve the objectives of the proposed project on time and within budget, including clearly defined responsibilities, timelines, and milestones for accomplishing project tasks (see 34 CFR 75.210(g)(2)(i)).

    (d) Quality of project evaluation. (15 points)

    In determining the quality of the project evaluation, the Secretary considers the following:

    (i) The extent to which the methods of evaluation are thorough, feasible, and appropriate to the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the proposed project (see 34 CFR 75.210(h)(2)(i)).

    (ii) The extent to which the methods of evaluation include the use of objective performance measures that are clearly related to the intended outcomes of the project and will produce quantitative and qualitative data to the extent possible (see 34 CFR 75.210(h)(2)(iv)).

    (iii) The extent to which the methods of evaluation will provide performance feedback and permit periodic assessment of progress toward achieving intended outcomes (see 34 CFR 75.210(h)(2)(vi)).

    (e) Adequacy of resources. (5 points)

    In determining the adequacy of resources for the proposed project, the Secretary considers the following:

    (i) The extent to which the budget is adequate to support the proposed project (see 34 CFR 75.210(f)(2)(iii)).

    (ii) The extent to which the costs are reasonable in relation to the number of persons to be served and to the anticipated results and benefits (see 34 CFR 75.210(f)(2)(v)).

    2. Review and Selection Process: We remind potential applicants that in reviewing applications in any discretionary grant competition, the Secretary may consider, under 34 CFR 75.217(d)(3), the past performance of the applicant in carrying out a previous award, such as the applicant's use of funds, achievement of project objectives, and compliance with grant conditions. The Secretary may also consider whether the applicant failed to submit a timely performance report or submitted a report of unacceptable quality.

    In addition, in making a competitive grant award, the Secretary requires various assurances, including those applicable to Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department (34 CFR 100.4, 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).

    For this competition, a panel of non-Federal readers will review each application in accordance with the selection criteria and Competitive Preference Priority 1 and 2. The individual scores of the reviewers will be added and the sum divided by the number of reviewers to determine the peer review score received in the review process.

    If there are insufficient funds for all applications with the same total scores, the Secretary will choose among the tied applications so as to serve geographical areas that have been underserved by the CCAMPIS Program.

    3. Risk Assessment and Specific Conditions: Consistent with 2 CFR 200.205, before awarding grants under this competition, the Department conducts a review of the risks posed by applicants. Under 2 CFR 3474.10, the Secretary may impose specific conditions and, in appropriate circumstances, high-risk conditions on a grant if the applicant or grantee is not financially stable; has a history of unsatisfactory performance; has a financial or other management system that does not meet the standards in 2 CFR part 200, subpart D; has not fulfilled the conditions of a prior grant; or is otherwise not responsible.

    4. Integrity and Performance System: If you are selected under this competition to receive an award that over the course of the project period may exceed the simplified acquisition threshold (currently $250,000), under 2 CFR 200.205(a)(2), we must make a judgment about your integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under Federal awards—that is, the risk posed Start Printed Page 47780by you as an applicant—before we make an award. In doing so, we must consider any information about you that is in the integrity and performance system (currently referred to as the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS)), accessible through the System for Award Management. You may review and comment on any information about yourself that a Federal agency previously entered and that is currently in FAPIIS.

    Please note that, if the total value of your currently active grants, cooperative agreements, and procurement contracts from the Federal Government exceeds $10,000,000, the reporting requirements in 2 CFR part 200, Appendix XII, require you to report certain integrity information to FAPIIS semiannually. Please review the requirements in 2 CFR part 200, Appendix XII, if this grant plus all the other Federal funds you receive exceed $10,000,000.

    VI. Award Administration Information

    1. Award Notices: If your application is successful, we will notify your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators and send you a Grant Award Notification (GAN); or we may send you an email containing a link to access an electronic version of your GAN. We may notify you informally, also.

    If your application is not evaluated or not selected for funding, we will notify you.

    2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements: We identify administrative and national policy requirements in the application package and reference these and other requirements in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice.

    We reference the regulations outlining the terms and conditions of an award in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice and include these and other specific conditions in the GAN. The GAN also incorporates your approved application as part of your binding commitments under the grant.

    3. Open Licensing Requirements: Unless an exception applies, if you are awarded a grant under this competition, you will be required to openly license to the public grant deliverables created in whole, or in part, with Department grant funds. When the deliverable consists of modifications to pre-existing works, the license extends only to those modifications that can be separately identified and only to the extent that open licensing is permitted under the terms of any licenses or other legal restrictions on the use of pre-existing works.

    Additionally, a grantee or subgrantee that is awarded competitive grant funds must have a plan to disseminate these public grant deliverables. This dissemination plan can be developed and submitted after your application has been reviewed and selected for funding. For additional information on the open licensing requirements please refer to 2 CFR 3474.20.

    4. Reporting: (a) If you apply for a grant under this competition, you must ensure that you have in place the necessary processes and systems to comply with the reporting requirements in 2 CFR part 170 should you receive funding under the competition. This does not apply if you have an exception under 2 CFR 170.110(b).

    (b) At the end of your project period, you must submit a final performance report, including financial information, as directed by the Secretary. If you receive a multiyear award, you must submit an annual performance report that provides the most current performance and financial expenditure information as directed by the Secretary under 34 CFR 75.118. The Secretary may also require more frequent performance reports under 34 CFR 75.720(c). For specific requirements on reporting, please go to www.ed.gov/​fund/​grant/​apply/​appforms/​appforms.html.

    (c) Under 34 CFR 75.250(b), the Secretary may provide a grantee with additional funding for data collection analysis and reporting. In this case the Secretary establishes a data collection period.

    5. Performance Measures: The success of the CCAMPIS Program will be measured by the postsecondary persistence and degree completion rates of the CCAMPIS Program participants. All CCAMPIS Program grantees will be required to submit an annual performance report documenting the persistence and degree attainment of their participants. Although students may choose to use childcare services at different points in their college enrollment, the goal is to measure the outcomes of student-parents based on their completion of their program within 150 percent or 200 percent of the published program length. The cohort model of evaluation will track the level of utilization by a student-parent throughout their enrollment at the institution and will provide results based on the long-term academic success of the student-parent. The Department will aggregate the data provided in the annual performance reports from all grantees to determine the accomplishment level. The CCAMPIS reporting data collection is moving towards a semester-to-semester cohort model. This will not increase public reporting burden as CCAMPIS grantees are gathering and maintaining the data needed in completing and reviewing the collection of information currently.

    6. Continuation Awards: In making a continuation award under 34 CFR 75.253, the Secretary considers, among other things: Whether a grantee has made substantial progress in achieving the goals and objectives of the project; whether the grantee has expended funds in a manner that is consistent with its approved application and budget; and, if the Secretary has established performance measurement requirements, the performance targets in the grantee's approved application.

    In making a continuation grant, the Secretary also considers whether the grantee is operating in compliance with the assurances in its approved application, including those applicable to Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department (34 CFR 100.4, 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).

    VII. Other Information

    Accessible Format: Individuals with disabilities can obtain this document and a copy of the application package in an accessible format (e.g., braille, large print, audiotape, or compact disc) on request to the program contact person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.

    Electronic Access to This Document: The official version of this document is the document published in the Federal Register. You may access the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations at www.govinfo.gov. At this site you can view this document, as well as all other documents of this Department published in the Federal Register, in text or Portable Document Format (PDF). To use PDF you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free at the site. You may also access documents of the Department published in the Federal Register by using the article search feature at: www.federalregister.gov. Specifically, through the advanced search feature at this site, you can limit your search to documents published by the Department.

    Start Signature

    Robert L. King,

    Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2020-17008 Filed 8-5-20; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4000-01-P

Document Information

Education Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Applications Available: August 6, 2020.
47776-47780 (5 pages)
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