95-19057. Requirements for Preparation, Adoption, and Submittal of Implementation Plans  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 153 (Wednesday, August 9, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 40465-40474]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-19057]
    40 CFR Parts 51 and 52
    [AH-FRL-5268-8; Docket No. A-92-65]
    RIN 2060-AG04
    Requirements for Preparation, Adoption, and Submittal of 
    Implementation Plans
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The ``Guideline on Air Quality Models (Revised)'' 
    (hereinafter, the ``Guideline''), as modified by supplement A (1987) 
    and supplement B (1993), sets forth air quality models and guidance for 
    estimating the air quality impacts of sources and for specifying 
    emission limits for them. The Guideline, codified as appendix W to 40 
    CFR part 51, is referenced in the PSD (Prevention of Significant 
    Deterioration) regulations and is applied to SIP revisions for existing 
    sources and to all new source reviews. On November 28, 1994 EPA issued 
    a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to augment the final rule that was 
    published on July 20, 1993. Today EPA takes final action that makes 
    several additions and changes as supplement C to the Guideline. 
    Supplement C does the following: incorporates improved algorithms for 
    treatment of area sources and dry deposition in the Industrial Source 
    Complex (ISC) model, adopts a solar radiation/delta-T (SRDT) method for 
    estimating atmospheric stability categories, adopts a new screening 
    approach for assessing annual NO2 impacts, and adds SLAB and 
    HGSYSTEM as alternative models. This action is responsive to public 
    comments received. Adoption of these new and refined modeling 
    techniques and associated guidance should significantly improve the 
    technical basis for impact assessment of air pollution sources.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule is effective September 8, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Docket Statement: All documents relevant to this rule have 
    been placed in Docket No. A-92-65, located in the Air Docket (6102), 
    Room M-1500, Waterside Mall, Attention: Docket A-92-65, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW., Washington, DC 
    20460. This docket is available for public inspection and copying 
    between 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the address 
        Document Availability: Copies of supplement C to the Guideline may 
    be obtained by downloading a text file from the SCRAM (Support Center 
    for Regulatory Air Models) electronic bulletin board system by dialing 
    in on (919) 541-5742. Supplement C may also be obtained upon written 
    request from the Air Quality Modeling Group, U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency (MD-14), Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. The 
    ``Guideline on Air Quality Models (Revised)'' (1986), supplement A 
    (1987), supplement B (1993), and supplement C (1995) are for sale from 
    the U.S. Department of Commerce, Technical Information Service (NTIS), 
    5825 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. These documents are also 
    available for inspection at each of the ten EPA Regional Offices and at 
    the EPA library at 401 M Street SW., Washington, DC.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joseph A. Tikvart, Leader, Air Quality 
    Modeling Group, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711; 
    telephone (919) 541-5561 or C. Thomas Coulter, telephone (919) 541-
    Background 1
        \1\ In reviewing this preamble, note the distinction between the 
    terms ``supplement'' and ``appendix''. Supplements A, B and C 
    contain the replacement pages to effect Guideline revisions; 
    appendix A to the Guideline is the repository for preferred models, 
    while appendix B is the repository for alternate models justified 
    for use on a case-by-case basis.
        The purpose of the Guideline 2 is to promote consistency in 
    the use of modeling within the air management process. The Guideline 
    provides model users with a common basis for estimating pollution 
    concentrations, assessing control strategies and specifying emission 
    limits; these activities are regulated at 40 CFR 51.46, 51.63, 51.112, 
    51.117, 51.150, 51.160, 51.166, and 51.21. The Guideline was originally 
    published in April 1978. It was incorporated by reference in the 
    regulations for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air 
    [[Page 40466]]
    in June 1978 (43 FR 26380). The Guideline was subsequently revised in 
    1986 (51 FR 32176), and later updated with the addition of supplement A 
    in 1987 (53 FR 393). The last such revision was supplement B, issued on 
    July 20, 1993 (58 FR 38816). The revisions in supplement B included 
    techniques and guidance for situations where specific procedures had 
    not previously been available, and also improved several previously 
    adopted techniques.
        \2\ Guideline on Air Quality Models ``(Revised)''(1986)[EPA-450/
    2-78-027R], with supplement A (1987) and supplement B (1993), 
    hereinafter, the ``Guideline''. The Guideline is published as 
    appendix W of 40 CFR part 51. The text of appendix W will be 
    appropriately modified to effect the revisions incorporated as 
    supplement C.
        During the public comment period for supplement B, EPA received 
    requests to consider several additional new modeling techniques and 
    suggestions for enhanced technical guidance. However, because there was 
    not sufficient time for the public to review the new techniques and 
    technical guidance before promulgation of supplement B, the new models 
    and enhanced technical guidance could not be included in the supplement 
    B rulemaking. Thus, in a subsequent regulatory proposal, EPA proposed 
    to revise the Guideline and sought public comment on the following four 
    items: incorporation of improved algorithms for treatment of area 
    sources and dry deposition in the Industrial Source Complex (ISC) 
    model, adoption of a solar radiation/delta-T (SRDT) method for 
    estimating atmospheric stability categories, adoption of a new 
    screening approach for assessing annual NO2 impacts, and addition 
    of SLAB and HGSYSTEM as alternative models.
    Final Action
        Today's action amends appendix W of 40 CFR part 51 to effect the 
    revisions known as supplement C, slightly modified in form since 
    proposal. All significant comments have been considered, and whenever 
    they revealed any new information or suggested any alternative 
    solutions, such were considered in EPA's final action.
        As proposed, EPA is replacing the area source algorithm in the 
    Industrial Source Complex model with a new one based on a double 
    integration of the Gaussian plume kernel for area sources. This 
    replacement includes that of the finite line segment approximation 
    employed by the short term version of ISC and of the virtual point 
    source technique used in the long term version of ISC.
        As proposed, EPA is replacing the dry deposition algorithm in ISC 
    with an improved technique that is more accurate for estimating 
    deposition for small (i.e., <>m diameter) particles. Use the 
    deposition algorithm in modeling analyses in which particle settling is 
    considered important will remain optional.
        EPA will adopt the solar radiation/delta-T (SRDT) method for 
    Pasquill-Gifford (P-G) stability classification discussed in section 9 
    of appendix W. However, instead of adopting the SRDT method as a 
    replacement for the currently accepted turbulence-based methods (i.e., 
     and ), as proposed, SRDT will 
    join them as an ensemble of acceptable methods. Furthermore, while the 
    current hierarchy of acceptable methods is eliminated, the Turner 
    method using on-site wind speed and representative cloud cover 
    observations, remains the preferred classification method.
        As proposed, EPA revises the annual NO2 screening technique 
    described in section 6 of appendix W. The new technique, known as the 
    Ambient Ratio Method (ARM), is simpler and less conservative than the 
    Ozone Limiting Method (OLM) it replaces.
        As proposed, EPA adds two new models, namely SLAB and HGSYSTEM, as 
    alternative models for use on a case-by-case basis.
    Discussion of Public Comments and Issues
        All comments submitted to Docket No. A-92-65 are filed in Docket 
    Category IV-D. EPA has summarized these comments, developed detailed 
    responses, and drawn conclusions on appropriate actions for this Notice 
    of Final Rulemaking in an external Agency document.3 In this 
    document, all significant comments have been considered and discussed. 
    Whenever the comments revealed any new information or suggested any 
    alternative solutions, such were considered in EPA's final action.
        \3\ ``Summary of Public Comments and EPA Responses on the 
    Proposal for Supplement C to the Guideline of Air Quality Models 
    (Revised)''; August 1995 (Air Docket A-92-65, Item V-C-1).
        Major issues raised by the commenters, along with EPA responses, 
    are summarized below. Guidance and editorial changes associated with 
    the resolution of these issues are adopted in the appropriate sections 
    of the Guideline and are promulgated as supplement C (1995) to the 
    ``Guideline on Air Quality Models (Revised)'' (1986) (Docket Item V-B-
    1). See the ADDRESSES section of this Notice (above) for general 
        Although a more detailed summary of the comments and EPA's 
    responses are contained in the aforementioned response-to-comments 
    document (Docket Item V-C-1), the remainder of this preamble section 
    overviews the primary issues encountered by the Agency during the 
    public comment period. This overview also serves to explain the changes 
    to the Guideline from today's action, and the main technical and policy 
    concerns addressed by the Agency. In our view, all of the changes being 
    made reasonably implement the mandates of the Clean Air Act, and are in 
    fact beneficial to both EPA and the regulated community. While modeling 
    by its nature involves approximation based on scientific methodology, 
    and entails utilization of advanced technology as it evolves, EPA 
    believes these changes respond to recent advances in the area so that 
    the Guideline continues to be comprised of the best and most proven of 
    the available models and analytical techniques, as well as reflect 
    reasonable policy choices.
    1. Enhancements to the Industrial Source Complex (ISC2) Model
        While for clarification these enhancements are discussed 
    separately, EPA will integrate these enhancements into one model for 
    actual use. Several conforming Guideline revisions will be made: (a) 
    the latest version of ISC that integrates the revised algorithms will 
    be called ISC3, and will hereafter be specified only in main references 
    (section 12) and in its description in appendix A; (b) the term 
    ``ISC2'' (the version of ISC currently in use) in all but appendix A 
    (i.e., in sections 7.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.5, 7.2.8, 8.2.5 and 8.2.7) will be 
    revised to the more generic ``ISC'' to make future Guideline revisions 
    more manageable; and (c) section 4.2.1 will be amended to say that the 
    latest version of SCREEN (i.e., SCREEN3), a screening model that uses 
    ISC algorithms, will be specified in the main references, and 
    ``SCREEN2'' in section 4.2.1 and will be changed to ``SCREEN''.
    A. Area Source Algorithm
        There was general public support for adoption of the proposed area 
    source algorithm. Some concern, however, was expressed over the 
    evaluation of the algorithm's performance being based on wind tunnel 
    simulations. A commenter urged the Agency to evaluate the algorithm 
    using a particular ``available field data'' set. EPA had been aware of 
    the value of such data for evaluation purposes generally but the use of 
    the specific data set cited by the commenter was recommended against by 
    EPA's contractor. And since other such data sets were unavailable, EPA 
    feels that the wind tunnel evaluation was the best possible. EPA will 
    therefore adopt the algorithm, as proposed.
    [[Page 40467]]
    B. Dry Deposition Algorithm
        No comments were received about the proposed algorithm's 
    performance in ISCST. Regarding ISCLT, however, concern was expressed 
    over the algorithm's 50-fold increase in deposition estimates for small 
    particles from near-surface releases compared with the current 
    algorithm. As explained in the response-to- comments document, EPA 
    investigated the commenter's perception and explained the apparent 
    disparity in performance is explicable in terms of a series of 
    independent effects related to the improvements made in the new 
    algorithm. EPA will adopt the algorithm, as proposed.
        In the proposal, EPA solicited public comment on whether it would 
    be appropriate to require that the new dry deposition algorithm be used 
    for all ISC analyses involving particulate matter in any of the 
    programs for which Guideline usage is required under 40 CFR parts 51 
    and 52. No comments were received. EPA will continue to allow optional 
    use of the algorithm on a case-by-case basis, depending on the 
    application and on the availability of source specific, fractionated 
    emissions data.
    2. Enhancements to On-Site Stability Classification
        Much of the expressed public concern was based on a perception of 
    substantial added costs the SRDT method would add to meteorological 
    monitoring programs. As stated in the response-to-comments document, 
    investigation of the cost factors associated with instrumenting a 
    meteorological tower to implement the SRDT method (i.e., T and 
    insolation) showed that such would add approximately $2500-$3500. 
    Relative to the cost of all the monitoring equipment, including data 
    acquisition systems, tower, etc., the added instrumentation costs for 
    implementing the SRDT method are approximately 25 to 45 percent of the 
    total costs (depending on tower height). Thus, as was pointed out in 
    public comment, there is a capital cost associated with implementation 
    of the SRDT method, but EPA believes that cost is not excessive, 
    particularly in relation to the total monitoring program.
        While no analyses were offered to directly refute the viability of 
    the SRDT method on a technical basis, there was general concern over 
    the SRDT method's proposed replacement of the currently acceptable 
    turbulence based methods (i.e.,  or 
    ), particularly given that the evaluation report for 
    the SRDT method did not demonstrate its superiority over the latter 
        Therefore, in an effort to balance an array of concerns, consistent 
    with the intent and motivation for the proposal, EPA will adopt the 
    SRDT method but revise the current hierarchical system of stability 
    classification in Guideline section Specifically, the Turner 
    method using site-specific wind speed and representative cloud cover 
    and ceiling height will be preferred for estimating P-G stability 
    categories. This preference is founded in the fundamental radiation 
    basis for P-G categories. In the absence of requisite data to implement 
    the Turner method, however, the SRDT method or one of the turbulence 
    based methods may be used. Regarding the collection of requisite 
    representative cloud cover data for implementing the preferred Turner 
    method, it should be noted that the operative word is representative. 
    The previous distinction made for ``off-site'', associated with the 
    last choice in the current hierarchy, is semantic. ``On-site'' is a 
    preferable ideal; what is important is representativeness. As aptly 
    pointed out in public comments, when representative off-site'' cloud 
    cover data are judiciously used, there can be good P-G category 
    correspondence with what would have been obtained using strictly on-
    site observations. The emphasis on representativeness, inherent in 
    EPA's final action, should obviate the historical contention over this 
    semantic issue. As stated in the proposal, the on-site guidance 4 
    will be revised by addendum to reflect the new stability classification 
    system, including the SRDT methodology. The document will also be 
    revised to add some additional guidance on considerations of 
    representativeness with respect to the Turner method.
        \4\ Environmental Protection Agency, 1987. On-Site 
    Meteorological Program Guidance for Regulatory Modeling 
    Applications. EPA Publication No. EPA-450/4-87-013. U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
    3. Screening Approaches for Assessing Annual NO2 Impact
        Public comments were generally supportive of the proposed NO2 
    screening approach: the ARM. Some, however, recommended the retention 
    of OLM that ARM was proposed to replace. As stated in EPA's response, 
    this recommendation would imply that OLM, applied on an hourly basis as 
    a tertiary screening method, would yield a better estimation of annual 
    NO2 impact. EPA believes, however that application of OLM in this 
    manner is affected by several technical and logistical problems. 
    Because the oversimplified OLM approach does not necessarily result in 
    more accurate estimates, adding OLM as a third tier screening method to 
    be implemented on a hourly basis for screening is unnecessary. 
    Therefore, EPA will adopt the Ambient Ratio Method, as proposed.
    4. Modeling Techniques for Toxic Air Pollutants
        There was support for EPA's proposal to adopt two new models for 
    treating dense gas releases. Therefore, as proposed, EPA will add these 
    models, SLAB and HGSYSTEM Version 3.0, to the Guideline where they will 
    accompany DEGADIS, another appendix B model for treating dense gas 
    releases for use on a case-by-case basis.
    Administrative Requirements
    A. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order (E.O.) 12866 [58 FR 51735 (October 4, 1993)], 
    the Agency must determine whether the regulatory action is 
    ``significant'' and therefore subject to review by the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) and the requirements of the Executive 
    Order. The Order defines ``significant regulatory action'' as one that 
    is likely to result in a rule that may:
        (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more 
    or adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or 
        (2) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with 
    an action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, 
    grants, user fees, or loan programs of the rights and obligations of 
    recipients thereof; or
        (4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Order.
        It has been determined that this rule is not a ``significant 
    regulatory action'' under the terms of E.O. 12866 and is therefore not 
    subject to OMB review.
    B. Paperwork Reduction Act
        This final rule does not contain any information collection 
    requirements subject to review by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act 
    on 1980, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires EPA 
    to consider potential impacts of regulations on small ``entities''. The 
    final action taken today is a supplement to the notice of final 
    rulemaking that was published on July 20, 1993 (58 FR 38816). As 
    described earlier in this 
    [[Page 40468]]
    preamble, the revisions here promulgated as supplement C to the 
    Guideline encompass the use of new model algorithms and techniques for 
    using those models. This rule merely updates existing technical 
    requirements for air quality modeling analyses mandated by various 
    Clean Air Act programs (e.g., prevention of significant deterioration, 
    new source review, SIP revisions) and imposes no new regulatory 
    burdens. As such, there will be no additional impact on small entities 
    regarding reporting, recordkeeping, compliance requirements, as stated 
    in the notice of final rulemaking (aforementioned). Furthermore, this 
    final rule does not duplicate, overlap, or conflict with other federal 
    rules. Thus, pursuant to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 605(b), EPA hereby 
    certifies that the attached final rule will not have a significant 
    impact on a substantial number of such entities.
    D. Unfunded Mandates
        Under Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
    (``Unfunded Mandates Act''), signed into law on March 22, 1995, EPA 
    must prepare a budgetary impact statement to accompany any proposed or 
    final rule that includes a Federal mandate that may result in estimated 
    costs to State, local, or tribal governments in the aggregate; or to 
    the private sector, of $100 million or more. Under Section 205, EPA 
    must select the most cost-effective and least burdensome alternative 
    that achieves the objectives of the rule and is consistent with 
    statutory requirements. Section 203 requires EPA to establish a plan 
    for informing and advising any small governments that may be 
    significantly or uniquely impacted by the rule.
        EPA has determined that the action promulgated today does not 
    include a Federal mandate that may result in estimated costs of $100 
    million or more to either State, local, or tribal governments in the 
    aggregate, or to the private sector. Therefore, the requirements of the 
    Unfunded Mandates Act do not apply to this action.
    List of Subjects
    40 CFR Part 51
        Administrative practice and procedure, Air pollution control, 
    Intergovernmental relations, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
    Ozone, Sulfur oxides, Nitrogen dioxide, Lead, Particulate matter, 
    Hydrocarbons, Carbon monoxide.
    40 CFR Part 52
        Air pollution control, Ozone, Sulfur oxides, Nitrogen dioxide, 
        Authority: This rule is issued under the authority granted by 
    sections 110(a)(2), 165(e), 172 (a) & (c), 173, 301(a)(1) and 320 of 
    the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, 42 U.S.C. 7410(a)(2), 7475(e), 
    7502 (a) & (c), 7503, 7601(a)(1) and 7620, respectively.
        Dated: July 25, 1995.
    Carol M. Browner,
        Parts 51 and 52, chapter I, title 40 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 51 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7410(a)(2), 7475(e), 7502 (a) and (b), 
    7503, 7601(a)(1) and 7620.
    Sec. 51.112  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 51.112, paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) are amended by 
    revising ``and supplement B (1993)'' to read ``, supplement B (1993) 
    and supplement C (1995)''.
    Sec. 51.160  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 51.160, paragraphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) are amended by 
    revising ``and supplement B (1993)'' to read ``, supplement B (1993) 
    and supplement C (1995)''.
    Sec. 51.166  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 51.166, paragraphs (l)(1) and (l)(2) are amended by 
    revising ``and supplement B (1993)'' to read ``, supplement B (1993) 
    and supplement C (1995)''.
        5. Appendix W to part 51, section 4.2.1 is amended by removing 
    ``SCREEN2, is available.19, 20'' in the last sentence of the first 
    paragraph and adding ``SCREEN2, is available.19, 20 For the 
    current version of SCREEN, see reference 20.''
        6. Appendix W to part 51, section 4.2.2 is amended by revising 
    Table 4-1 to read as follows:
    Appendix W to Part 51--Guideline on Air Quality Models
    * * * * *
    Table 4-1.--Preferred Models for Selected Applications in Simple Terrain
                                     Land use                 Model 1       
    Short Term (i.e., 1-24                                                  
      Single Source........  Rural..................  CRSTER                
                             Urban..................  RAM                   
      Multiple Source......  Rural..................  MPTER                 
                             Urban..................  RAM                   
      Complicated Sources 2  Rural/Urban............  ISCST 3               
      Buoyant Industrial     Rural..................  BLP                   
       Line Sources.                                                        
    Long Term (i.e.,                                                        
     monthly, seasonal or                                                   
      Single Source........  Rural..................  CRSTER                
                             Urban..................  RAM                   
      Multiple Source......  Rural..................  MPTER                 
                             Urban..................  CDM 2.0 or RAM 4      
      Complicated Sources 2  Rural/Urban............  ISCLT3                
      Buoyant Industrial     Rural..................  BLP                   
       Line Sources.                                                        
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    \1\ The models as listed here reflect the applications for which they   
      were originally intended. Several of these models have been adapted to
      contain options which allow them to be interchanged. For example,     
      ISCST could be substituted for ISCLT. Similarly, for a point source   
      application, ISCST with urban option can be substituted for RAM. Where
      a substitution is convenient to the user and equivalent estimates are 
      assured, it may be made.                                              
    \2\ Complicated sources are those with special problems such as         
      aerodynamic downwash, particle deposition, volume and area sources,   
    \3\ For the current version of ISC, see reference 58 and note the model 
      description provided in Appendix A of this document.                  
    \4\ If only a few sources in an urban area are to be modeled, RAM should
      be used.                                                              
    * * * * *
        7. Appendix W to Part 51, section is amended by removing 
    ``SCREEN2'' in the third paragraph and by adding ``SCREEN''.
        8. Appendix W to Part 51, section 6.2.3 is revised to read as 
    Appendix W to Part 51--Guideline on Air Quality Models
    * * * * *
    6.2.3  Models for Nitrogen Dioxide (Annual Average)
        a. A tiered screening approach is recommended to obtain annual 
    average estimates of NO2 from point sources for New Source Review 
    analysis, including PSD, and for SIP planning purposes. This multi-
    tiered approach is conceptually shown in Figure 6-1 below:
    [[Page 40469]]
     Figure 6-1.--Multi-Tiered Screening Approach for Estimating Annual NO2 
                        Concentrations From Point Sources                   
    Tier 1:                                                                 
      Assume Total Conversion of NO to NO2                                  
    Tier 2:                                                                 
      Multiply Annual NOX Estimate by Empirically Derived NO2 / NOX Ratio   
        b. For Tier 1 (the initial screen), use an appropriate Gaussian 
    model from appendix A to estimate the maximum annual average 
    concentration and assume a total conversion of NO to NO2. If the 
    concentration exceeds the NAAQS and/or PSD increments for NO2, 
    proceed to the 2nd level screen.
        c. For Tier 2 (2nd level) screening analysis, multiply the Tier 1 
    estimate(s) by an empirically derived NO2 / NOX value of 0.75 
    (annual national default).\36\ An annual NO2 / NOX ratio 
    differing from 0.75 may be used if it can be shown that such a ratio is 
    based on data likely to be representative of the location(s) where 
    maximum annual impact from the individual source under review occurs. 
    In the case where several sources contribute to consumption of a PSD 
    increment, a locally derived annual NO2 / NOX ratio should 
    also be shown to be representative of the location where the maximum 
    collective impact from the new plus existing sources occurs.
        d. In urban areas, a proportional model may be used as a 
    preliminary assessment to evaluate control strategies to meet the NAAQS 
    for multiple minor sources, i.e. minor point, area and mobile sources 
    of NOX; concentrations resulting from major point sources should 
    be estimated separately as discussed above, then added to the impact of 
    the minor sources. An acceptable screening technique for urban 
    complexes is to assume that all NOX is emitted in the form of 
    NO2 and to use a model from appendix A for nonreactive pollutants 
    to estimate NO2 concentrations. A more accurate estimate can be 
    obtained by: (1) calculating the annual average concentrations of 
    NOX with an urban model, and (2) converting these estimates to 
    NO2 concentrations using an empirically derived annual NO2 / 
    NOX ratio. A value of 0.75 is recommended for this ratio. However, 
    a spatially averaged annual NO2 / NOX ratio may be determined 
    from an existing air quality monitoring network and used in lieu of the 
    0.75 value if it is determined to be representative of prevailing 
    ratios in the urban area by the reviewing agency. To ensure use of 
    appropriate locally derived annual NO2 / NOX ratios, 
    monitoring data under consideration should be limited to those 
    collected at monitors meeting siting criteria defined in 40 CFR part 
    58, appendix D as representative of ``neighborhood'', ``urban'', or 
    ``regional'' scales.
        Furthermore, the highest annual spatially averaged NO2 / 
    NOX ratio from the most recent 3 years of complete data should be 
    used to foster conservatism in estimated impacts.
        e. To demonstrate compliance with NO2 PSD increments in urban 
    areas, emissions from major and minor sources should be included in the 
    modeling analysis. Point and area source emissions should be modeled as 
    discussed above. If mobile source emissions do not contribute to 
    localized areas of high ambient NO2 concentrations, they should be 
    modeled as area sources. When modeled as area sources, mobile source 
    emissions should be assumed uniform over the entire highway link and 
    allocated to each area source grid square based on the portion of 
    highway link within each grid square. If localized areas of high 
    concentrations are likely, then mobile sources should be modeled as 
    line sources with the preferred model ISCLT2.
        f. More refined techniques to handle special circumstances may be 
    considered on a case-by-case basis and agreement with the reviewing 
    authority should be obtained. Such techniques should consider 
    individual quantities of NO and NO2 emissions, atmospheric 
    transport and dispersion, and atmospheric transformation of NO to 
    NO2. Where they are available, site-specific data on the 
    conversion of NO to NO2 may be used. Photochemical dispersion 
    models, if used for other pollutants in the area, may also be applied 
    to the NOX problem.
    * * * * *
        9. Appendix W to part 51, section 7.1 is amended by removing 
    ``ISC2'' in the fourth paragraph and by adding ``ISC''.
        10. Appendix W to part 51, section 7.2.2 is amended by removing 
    ``ISC2'' in the third paragraph and by adding ``ISC''.
        11. Appendix W to part 51, section 7.2.5 is amended by removing 
    ``ISC2'' in the second paragraph and by adding ``ISC''.
        12. Appendix W to part 51, section 7.2.8 is amended by removing 
    ``ISC2'' in the second paragraph and by adding ``ISC''.
        13. Appendix W to part 51, section 8.2.5 is amended by removing 
    ``ISC2'' in the second paragraph and by adding ``ISC''.
        14. Appendix W to part 51, section 8.2.7 is amended by removing 
    ``total suspended particulate'' in the first paragraph and by adding 
        15. Appendix W to part 51, section 8.2.7 is amended by removing 
    ``At least one'' in the second paragraph and by adding ``One''.
        16. Appendix W to part 51, section, is revised to read as 
    * * * * *  Recommendations.
        a. Site-specific Data Collection. The document ``On-Site 
    Meteorological Program Guidance for Regulatory Modeling Applications'' 
    \66\ provides recommendations on the collection and use of on-site 
    meteorological data. Recommendations on characteristics, siting, and 
    exposure of meteorological instruments and on data recording, 
    processing, completeness requirements, reporting, and archiving are 
    also included. This publication should be used as a supplement to the 
    limited guidance on these subjects now found in the ``Ambient 
    Monitoring Guidelines for Prevention of Significant 
    Deterioration''.\63\ Detailed information on quality assurance is 
    provided in the ``Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution 
    Measurement Systems: Volume IV''.\67\ As a minimum, site-specific 
    measurements of ambient air temperature, transport wind speed and 
    direction, and the parameters to determine Pasquill-Gifford (P-G) 
    stability categories should be available in meteorological data sets to 
    be used in modeling. Care should be taken to ensure that meteorological 
    instruments are located to provide representative characterization of 
    pollutant transport between sources and receptors of interest. The 
    Regional Office will determine the appropriateness of the measurement 
        b. All site-specific data should be reduced to hourly averages. 
    Table 9-3 lists the wind related parameters and the averaging time 
        c. Solar Radiation Measurements. Total solar radiation should be 
    measured with a reliable pyranometer, sited and operated in accordance 
    with established on-site meteorological guidance.\66\
        d. Temperature Measurements. Temperature measurements should be 
    made at standard shelter height (2m) in accordance with established on-
    site meteorological guidance.\66\
        e. Temperature Difference Measurements. Temperature difference 
    (T) measurements for use in estimating P-G stability 
    categories using the SRDT methodology (see Stability Categories) should 
    be obtained using two matched 
    [[Page 40470]]
    thermometers or a reliable thermocouple system to achieve adequate 
        f. Siting, probe placement, and operation of T systems 
    should be based on guidance found in Chapter 3 of reference 66, and 
    such guidance should be followed when obtaining vertical temperature 
    gradient data for use in plume rise estimates or in determining the 
    critical dividing streamline height.
        g. Wind Measurements. For refined modeling applications in simple 
    terrain situations, if a source has a stack below 100m, select the 
    stack top height as the wind measurement height for characterization of 
    plume dilution and transport. For sources with stacks extending above 
    100m, a 100m tower is suggested unless the stack top is significantly 
    above 100m (i.e., 200m). In cases with stack tops 
    200m, remote sensing may be a feasible alternative. In some 
    cases, collection of stack top wind speed may be impractical or 
    incompatible with the input requirements of the model to be used. In 
    such cases, the Regional Office should be consulted to determine the 
    appropriate measurement height.
        h. For refined modeling applications in complex terrain, multiple 
    level (typically three or more) measurements of wind speed and 
    direction, temperature and turbulence (wind fluctuation statistics) are 
    required. Such measurements should be obtained up to the representative 
    plume height(s) of interest (i.e., the plume height(s) under those 
    conditions important to the determination of the design concentration). 
    The representative plume height(s) of interest should be determined 
    using an appropriate complex terrain screening procedure (e.g., 
    CTSCREEN) and should be documented in the monitoring/modeling protocol. 
    The necessary meteorological measurements should be obtained from an 
    appropriately sited meteorological tower augmented by SODAR if the 
    representative plume height(s) of interest exceed 100m. The 
    meteorological tower need not exceed the lesser of the representative 
    plume height of interest (the highest plume height if there is more 
    than one plume height of interest) or 100m.
        i. In general, the wind speed used in determining plume height is 
    defined as the wind speed at stack top.
        j. Specifications for wind measuring instruments and systems are 
    contained in the ``On-Site Meteorological Program Guidance for 
    Regulatory Modeling Applications''.\66\
        k. Stability Categories. The P-G stability categories, as 
    originally defined, couple near-surface measurements of wind speed with 
    subjectively determined insolation assessments based on hourly cloud 
    cover and ceiling height observations. The wind speed measurements are 
    made at or near 10m. The insolation rate is typically assessed using 
    observations of cloud cover and ceiling height based on criteria 
    outlined by Turner.\50\ It is recommended that the P-G stability 
    category be estimated using the Turner method with site-specific wind 
    speed measured at or near 10m and representative cloud cover and 
    ceiling height. Implementation of the Turner method, as well as 
    considerations in determining representativeness of cloud cover and 
    ceiling height in cases for which site-specific cloud observations are 
    unavailable, may be found in section 6 of reference 66. In the absence 
    of requisite data to implement the Turner method, the SRDT method or 
    wind fluctuation statistics (i.e., the E and 
    A methods) may be used.
        l. The SRDT method, described in section of reference 66, 
    is modified slightly from that published by Bowen et al. (1983) \136\ 
    and has been evaluated with three on-site data bases.\137\ The two 
    methods of stability classification which use wind fluctuation 
    statistics, the E and A methods, are also 
    described in detail in section 6.4.4 of reference 66 (note applicable 
    tables in section 6). For additional information on the wind 
    fluctuation methods, see references 68-72.
        m. Hours in the record having missing data should be treated 
    according to an established data substitution protocol and after valid 
    data retrieval requirements have been met. Such protocols are usually 
    part of the approved monitoring program plan. Data substitution 
    guidance is provided in section 5.3 of reference 66.
        n. Meteorological Data Processors. The following meteorological 
    preprocessors are recommended by EPA: RAMMET, PCRAMMET, STAR, PCSTAR, 
    MPRM,\135\ and METPRO.\24\ RAMMET is the recommended meteorological 
    preprocessor for use in applications employing hourly NWS data. The 
    RAMMET format is the standard data input format used in sequential 
    Gaussian models recommended by EPA. PCRAMMET \138\ is the PC equivalent 
    of the mainframe version (RAMMET). STAR is the recommended preprocessor 
    for use in applications employing joint frequency distributions (wind 
    direction and wind speed by stability class) based on NWS data. PCSTAR 
    is the PC equivalent of the mainframe version (STAR). MPRM is the 
    recommended preprocessor for use in applications employing on-site 
    meteorological data. The latest version (MPRM 1.3) has been configured 
    to implement the SRDT method for estimating P-G stability categories. 
    MPRM is a general purpose meteorological data preprocessor which 
    supports regulatory models requiring RAMMET formatted data and STAR 
    formatted data. In addition to on-site data, MPRM provides equivalent 
    processing of NWS data. METPRO is the required meteorological data 
    preprocessor for use with CTDMPLUS. All of the above mentioned data 
    preprocessors are available for downloading from the SCRAM BBS.\19\
    * * * * *
        17. Appendix W to Part 51, section 12.0, is amended by:
        a. Revising references 20, 36, 58 and 90; and
        b. Adding references 136 through 138.
        The revisions and additions read as follows:
    Appendix W to Part 51--Guideline on Air Quality Models
    * * * * *
    12.0  * * *
    * * * * *
    20. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995. SCREEN3 User's Guide. EPA 
    Publication No. EPA-454/B-95-004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 
    Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 95-222766)
    * * * * *
    36. Chu, S. H. and E. L.Meyer, 1991. Use of Ambient Ratios to Estimate 
    Impact of NOX Sources on Annual NO2 Concentrations. 
    Proceedings, 84th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the Air & Waste 
    Management Association, Vancouver, B.C.; 16-21 June 1991. (16 pp.) 
    (Docket No. A-92-65, II-A-7)
    * * * * *
    58. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995. User's Guide for the 
    Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) Dispersion Models, Volumes 1 and 2. 
    EPA Publication Nos. EPA-454/B-95-003a & b. U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS Nos. PB-95-222741 
    and PB 95-222758, respectively)
    * * * * *
    90. Environmental Research and Technology, 1987. User's Guide to the 
    Rough Terrain Diffusion Model (RTDM), Rev. 3.20. ERT document No. 
    PD535-585. Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., 
    [[Page 40471]]
    Concord, MA (NTIS No. PB 88-171467)
    * * * * *
    136. Bowen, B.M., J.M. Dewart and A.I. Chen, 1983. Stability Class 
    Determination: A Comparison for One Site. Proceedings, Sixth Symposium 
    on Turbulence and Diffusion. American Meteorological Society, Boston, 
    MA; pp. 211-214. (Docket No. A-92-65, II-A-5)
    137. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993. An Evaluation of a Solar 
    Radiation/Delta-T (SRDT) Method for Estimating Pasquill-Gifford (P-G) 
    Stability Categories. EPA Publication No. EPA-454/R-93-055. U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. 
    PB 94-113958)
    138. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993. PCRAMMET User's Guide. EPA 
    Publication No. EPA-454/B-93-009. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 
    Research Triangle Park, NC.
        18. Appendix A to Appendix W of Part 51, is amended:
        a. The Table of Contents is revised by removing ``ISC2'' and by 
    adding ``ISC3'';
        b. Section A.5 is amended by revising the Heading and Reference;
        c. Section A.5 Abstract is amended by removing ``ISC2'' and by 
    adding ``ISC3'';
        d. Section A.5.a is amended by removing ``ISC2'' in the first line 
    and by adding ``ISC3'';
        e. Section A.5.b is amended by removing ``ISCST2'' and ``ISCLT2 in 
    the second paragraph and by adding ``ISCST3'';
        f. Section A.5.d is revised;
        g. Section A.5.e is amended by removing ``ISC2'' in the first line 
    and by adding ``ISC3'';
        h. Section A.5.f is amended by removing ``ISC2'' in the first line 
    and by adding ``ISC3'';
        i. Section A.5.g is amended by removing ``ISC2'' in the first line 
    and by adding ``ISC3'';
        j. Section A.5.m is revised;
        k. Section A.5.n is amended by adding four references in 
    alphabetical order; and
        l. Section A.REF is amended by adding a reference at the end.
        The revisions and additions read as follows:
    Appendix W to Part 51--Guideline on Air Quality Models
    * * * * *
    Appendix A to Appendix W of Part 51--Summaries of Preferred Air 
    Quality Models
    * * * * *
        Environmental Protection Agency, 1995. User's Guide for the 
    Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) Dispersion Models, Volumes 1 and 2. 
    EPA Publication Nos. EPA-454/B-95-003a & b. Environmental Protection 
    Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS Nos. PB-95-222741 and PB 95-
    222758, respectively)
    * * * * *
    d. Type of Model
        ISC3 is a Gaussian plume model. It has been revised to perform a 
    double integration of the Gaussian plume kernel for area sources.
    * * * * *
    m. Physical Removal
        Dry deposition effects for particles are treated using a resistance 
    formulation in which the deposition velocity is the sum of the 
    resistances to pollutant transfer within the surface layer of the 
    atmosphere, plus a gravitational settling term (EPA, 1994), based on 
    the modified surface depletion scheme of Horst (1983).
    * * * * *
    n. Evaluation Studies
    * * * * *
        Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. Comparison of a Revised Area 
    Source Algorithm for the Industrial Source Complex Short Term Model and 
    Wind Tunnel Data. EPA Publication No. EPA-454/R-92-014. U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. 
    PB 93-226751)
        Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. Sensitivity Analysis of a 
    Revised Area Source Algorithm for the Industrial Source Complex Short 
    Term Model. EPA Publication No. EPA-454/R-92-015. U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 93-226769)
        Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. Development and Evaluation 
    of a Revised Area Source Algorithm for the Industrial Source Complex 
    Long Term Model. EPA Publication No. EPA-454/R-92-016. U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. 
    PB 93-226777)
        Environmental Protection Agency, 1994. Development and Testing of a 
    Dry Deposition Algorithm (Revised). EPA Publication No. EPA-454/R-94-
    015. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. 
    (NTIS No. PB 94-183100)
    * * * * *
    * * * * *
        Horst, T. W., 1983. A Correction to the Gaussian Source-depletion 
    Model. In Precipitation Scavenging, Dry Deposition and Resuspension. H. 
    R. Pruppacher, R. G. Semonin, and W. G. N. Slinn, eds., Elsevier, NY.
        19. Appendix B to appendix W of part 51 is amended by:
        a. Adding two entries to the Table of Contents in numerical order; 
        b. Adding sections B.32 and B.33 immediately following section 
        The additions read as follows:
    Appendix B to Appendix W of Part 51--Summaries of Alternative Air 
    Quality Models
    Table of Contents
    * * * * *
    B.32  HGSYSTEM
    B.33  SLAB
    * * * * *
    B.32 HGSYSTEM: Dispersion Models for Ideal Gases and Hydrogen Fluoride
    Post, L. (ed.), 1994. HGSYSTEM 3.0 Technical Reference Manual. Shell 
    Research Limited, Thornton Research Centre, Chester, United Kingdom. 
    (TNER 94.059)
    Post, L., 1994. HGSYSTEM 3.0 User's Manual. Shell Research Limited, 
    Thornton Research Centre, Chester, United Kingdom. (TNER 94.058)
        The PC-DOS version of the HGSYSTEM software (HGSYSTEM: Version 3.0, 
    Programs for modeling the dispersion of ideal gas and hydrogen fluoride 
    releases, executable programs and source code can be installed from 
    floppy diskettes. These diskettes and all documentation are available 
    as a package from API [(202) 682-8340] or NTIS (see Section B.0).
    Technical Contacts
    Doug N. Blewitt, AMOCO Corporation, 1670 Broadway / MC 2018, Denver, CO 
    80201, (303) 830-5312
    Howard J. Feldman, American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, 
    Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20005, (202) 682-8340
        HGSYSTEM is a PC-based software package consisting of mathematical 
    models for estimating of one or more consecutive phases between 
    spillage and near-field and far-field dispersion of a pollutant. The 
    pollutant can be either 
    [[Page 40472]]
    a two-phase, multi-compound mixture of non-reactive compounds or 
    hydrogen fluoride (HF) with chemical reactions. The individual models 
    Database program:
        DATAPROP  generates physical properties used in other HGSYSTEM 
    Source term models:
        SPILL  transient liquid release from a pressurized vessel
        HFSPILL  SPILL version specifically for HF
        LPOOL  evaporating multi-compound liquid pool model
    Near-field dispersion models:
        AEROPLUME  high-momentum jet dispersion model
        HFPLUME  AEROPLUME version specifically for HF
        HEGABOX  dispersion of instantaneous heavy gas releases
    Far-field dispersion models:
        HEGADAS(S,T)  heavy gas dispersion (steady-state and transient 
        PGPLUME  passive Gaussian dispersion
    Utility programs:
        HFFLASH  flashing of HF from pressurized vessel
        POSTHS/POSTHT  post-processing of HEGADAS(S,T) results
        PROFILE  post-processor for concentration contours of airborne 
        GET2COL  utility for data retrieval
        The models assume flat, unobstructed terrain. HGSYSTEM can be used 
    to model steady-state, finite-duration, instantaneous and time 
    dependent releases, depending on the individual model used. The models 
    can be run consecutively, with relevant data being passed on from one 
    model to the next using link files. The models can be run in batch mode 
    or using an iterative utility program.
    a. Recommendations for Regulatory Use
        HGSYSTEM can be used as a refined model to estimate short-term 
    ambient concentrations. For toxic chemical releases (non-reactive 
    chemicals or hydrogen fluoride; 1-hour or less averaging times) the 
    expected area of exposure to concentrations above specified threshold 
    values can be determined. For flammable non-reactive gases it can be 
    used to determine the area in which the cloud may ignite.
    b. Input Requirements
        1. HFSPILL input data: reservoir data (temperature, pressure, 
    volume, HF mass, mass-fraction water), pipe-exit diameter and ambient 
        2. EVAP input data: spill rate, liquid properties, and evaporation 
    rate (boiling pool) or ambient data (non-boiling pool).
        3. HFPLUME and PLUME input data: reservoir characteristics, 
    pollutant parameters, pipe/release data, ambient conditions, surface 
    roughness and stability class.
        4. HEGADAS input data: ambient conditions, pollutant parameters, 
    pool data or data at transition point, surface roughness, stability 
    class and averaging time.
        5. PGPLUME input data: link data provided by HFPLUME and the 
    averaging time.
    c. Output
        1. The HGSYSTEM models contain three post-processor programs which 
    can be used to extract modeling results for graphical display by 
    external software packages. GET2COL can be used to extract data from 
    the model output files. HSPOST can be used to develop isopleths, 
    extract any 2 parameters for plotting and correct for finite release 
    duration. HTPOST can be used to produce time history plots.
        2. HFSPILL output data: reservoir mass, spill rate, and other 
    reservoir variables as a function of time. For HF liquid, HFSPILL 
    generates link data to HFPLUME for the initial phase of choked liquid 
    flow (flashing jet), and link data to EVAP for the subsequent phase of 
    unchoked liquid flow (evaporating liquid pool).
        3. EVAP output data: pool dimensions, pool evaporation rate, pool 
    mass and other pool variables for steady state conditions or as a 
    function of time. EVAP generates link data to the dispersion model 
    HEGADAS (pool dimensions and pool evaporation rate).
        4. HFPLUME and PLUME output data: plume variables (concentration, 
    width, centroid height, temperature, velocity, etc.) as a function of 
    downwind distance.
        5. HEGADAS output data: concentration variables and temperature as 
    a function of downwind distance and (for transient case) time.
        6. PGPLUME output data: concentration as a function of downwind 
    distance, cross-wind distance and height.
    d. Type of Model
        HGSYSTEM is made up of four types of dispersion models. HFPLUME and 
    PLUME simulate the near-field dispersion and PGPLUME simulates the 
    passive-gas dispersion downwind of a transition point. HEGADAS 
    simulates the ground-level heavy-gas dispersion.
    e. Pollutant Types
        HGSYSTEM may be used to model non-reactive chemicals or hydrogen 
    f. Source-Receptor Relationships
        HGSYSTEM estimates the expected area of exposure to concentrations 
    above user-specified threshold values. By imposing conservation of 
    mass, momentum and energy the concentration, density, speed and 
    temperature are evaluated as a function of downwind distance.
    g. Plume Behavior
        1. HFPLUME and PLUME: (1) are steady-state models assuming a top-
    hat profile with cross-section averaged plume variables; and (2) the 
    momentum equation is taken into account for horizontal ambient shear, 
    gravity, ground collision, gravity-slumping pressure forces and ground-
    surface drag.
        2. HEGADAS: assumes the heavy cloud to move with the ambient wind 
    speed, and adopts a power-law fit of the ambient wind speed for the 
    velocity profile.
        3. PGPLUME: simulates the passive-gas dispersion downwind of a 
    transition point from HFPLUME or PLUME for steady-state and finite 
    duration releases.
    h. Horizontal Winds
        A power law fit of the ambient wind speed is used.
    i. Vertical Wind Speed
        Not treated.
    j. Horizontal Dispersion
        1. HFPLUME and PLUME: Plume dilution is caused by air entrainment 
    resulting from high plume speeds, trailing vortices in wake of falling 
    plume (before touchdown), ambient turbulence and density 
    stratification. Plume dispersion is assumed to be steady and momentum-
    dominated, and effects of downwind diffusion and wind meander 
    (averaging time) are not taken into account.
        2. HEGADAS: This model adopts a concentration similarity profile 
    expressed in terms of an unknown center-line ground-level concentration 
    and unknown vertical/cross-wind dispersion parameters. These quantities 
    are determined from a number of basic equations describing gas-mass 
    conservation, air entrainment (empirical law describing vertical top-
    entrainment in terms of global Richardson number), cross-wind gravity 
    spreading (initial gravity spreading followed by gravity-current 
    collapse) and cross-wind diffusion (Briggs formula). 
    [[Page 40473]]
        3. PGPLUME: It assumes a Gaussian concentration profile in which 
    the cross-wind and vertical dispersion coefficients are determined by 
    empirical expressions. All unknown parameters in this profile are 
    determined by imposing appropriate matching criteria at the transition 
    k. Vertical Dispersion
        See description above.
    l. Chemical Transformation
        Not treated.
    m. Physical Removal
        Not treated.
    n. Evaluation Studies
        1. PLUME has been validated against field data for releases of 
    liquified propane, and wind tunnel data for buoyant and vertically-
    released dense plumes. HFPLUME and PLUME have been validated against 
    field data for releases of HF (Goldfish experiments) and propane 
    releases. In addition, the plume rise algorithms have been tested 
    against Hoot, Meroney, and Peterka, Ooms and Petersen databases. 
    HEGADAS has been validated against steady and transient releases of 
    liquid propane and LNG over water (Maplin Sands field data), steady and 
    finite-duration pressurized releases of HF (Goldfish experiments; 
    linked with HFPLUME), instantaneous release of Freon (Thorney Island 
    field data; linked with the box model HEGABOX) and wind tunnel data for 
    steady, isothermal dispersion.
        2. Validation studies are contained in the following references:
    McFarlane, K., Prothero, A., Puttock, J.S., Roberts, P.T. and Witlox, 
    H.W.M., 1990. Development and validation of atmospheric dispersion 
    models for ideal gases and hydrogen fluoride, Part I: Technical 
    Reference Manual. Report TNER.90.015. Thornton Research Centre, Shell 
    Research, Chester, England. [EGG 1067-1151] (NTIS No. DE 93-000953)
    Witlox, H.W.M., McFarlane, K., Rees, F.J., and Puttock, J.S., 1990. 
    Development and validation of atmospheric dispersion models for ideal 
    gases and hydrogen fluoride, Part II: HGSYSTEM Program User's Manual. 
    Report TNER.90.016. Thornton Research Centre, Shell Research, Chester, 
    England. [EGG 1067-1152] (NTIS No. DE 93-000954)
    B.33  SLAB
        Ermak, D.L., 1990. User's Manual for SLAB: An Atmospheric 
    Dispersion Model for Denser-than-Air Releases (UCRL-MA-105607), 
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
        1. The computer code is available on the Support Center for 
    Regulatory Air Models Bulletin Board System (Upload/Download Area; see 
    page B-1), and can also be obtained from: Energy Science and Technology 
    Center, P.O. Box 1020, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, (615) 576-2606.
        2. The User's Manual (NTIS No. DE 91-008443) can be obtained from: 
    Computer Products, National Technical Information Service, U.S. 
    Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161, (703) 487-4650.
        The SLAB model is a computer model, PC-based, that simulates the 
    atmospheric dispersion of denser-than-air releases. The types of 
    releases treated by the model include a ground-level evaporating pool, 
    an elevated horizontal jet, a stack or elevated vertical jet and an 
    instantaneous volume source. All sources except the evaporating pool 
    may be characterized as aerosols. Only one type of release can be 
    processed in any individual simulation. Also, the model simulates only 
    one set of meteorological conditions; therefore direct application of 
    the model over time periods longer than one or two hours is not 
    a. Recommendations for Use
        The SLAB model should be used as a refined model to estimate 
    spatial and temporal distribution of short-term ambient concentration 
    (e.g., 1-hour or less averaging times) and the expected area of 
    exposure to concentrations above specified threshold values for toxic 
    chemical releases where the release is suspected to be denser than the 
    ambient air.
    b. Input Requirements
        1. The SLAB model is executed in the batch mode. Data are input 
    directly from an external input file. There are 29 input parameters 
    required to run each simulation. These parameters are divided into 5 
    categories by the user's guide: source type, source properties, spill 
    properties, field properties, and meteorological parameters. The model 
    is not designed to accept real-time meteorological data or convert 
    units of input values. Chemical property data are not available within 
    the model and must be input by the user. Some chemical and physical 
    property data are available in the user's guide.
        2. Source type is chosen as one of the following: evaporating pool 
    release, horizontal jet release, vertical jet or stack release, or 
    instantaneous or short duration evaporating pool release.
        3. Source property data requirements are physical and chemical 
    properties (molecular weight, vapor heat capacity at constant pressure; 
    boiling point; latent heat of vaporization; liquid heat capacity; 
    liquid density; saturation pressure constants), and initial liquid mass 
    fraction in the release.
        4. Spill properties include: source temperature, emission rate, 
    source dimensions, instantaneous source mass, release duration, and 
    elevation above ground level.
        5. Required field properties are: desired concentration averaging 
    time, maximum downwind distance (to stop the calculation), and four 
    separate heights at which the concentration calculations are to be 
        6. Meteorological parameter requirements are: ambient measurement 
    height, ambient wind speed at designated ambient measurement height, 
    ambient temperature, surface roughness, relative humidity, atmospheric 
    stability class, and inverse Monin-Obukhov length (optional, only used 
    as an input parameter when stability class is unknown).
    c. Output
        1. No graphical output is generated by the current version of this 
    program. The output print file is automatically saved and must be sent 
    to the appropriate printer by the user after program execution. Printed 
    output includes in tabular form:
        2. Listing of model input data;
        3. Instantaneous spatially-averaged cloud parameters--time, 
    downwind distance, magnitude of peak concentration, cloud dimensions 
    (including length for puff-type simulations), volume (or mole) and mass 
    fractions, downwind velocity, vapor mass fraction, density, 
    temperature, cloud velocity, vapor fraction, water content, gravity 
    flow velocities, and entrainment velocities;
        4. Time-averaged cloud parameters--parameters which may be used 
    externally to calculate time-averaged concentrations at any location 
    within the simulation domain (tabulated as functions of downwind 
        5. Time-averaged concentration values at plume centerline and at 
    five off-centerline distances (off-centerline distances are multiples 
    of the effective cloud half-width, which varies as a function of 
    downwind distance) at four user-specified heights and at the height of 
    the plume centerline. 
    [[Page 40474]]
    d. Type of Model
        As described by Ermak (1989), transport and dispersion are 
    calculated by solving the conservation equations for mass, species, 
    energy, and momentum, with the cloud being modeled as either a steady-
    state plume, a transient puff, or a combination of both, depending on 
    the duration of the release. In the steady-state plume mode, the 
    crosswind-averaged conservation equations are solved and all variables 
    depend only on the downwind distance. In the transient puff mode, the 
    volume-averaged conservation equations are solved, and all variables 
    depend only on the downwind travel time of the puff center of mass. 
    Time is related to downwind distance by the height-averaged ambient 
    wind speed. The basic conservation equations are solved via a numerical 
    integration scheme in space and time.
    e. Pollutant Types
        Pollutants are assumed to be non-reactive and non-depositing dense 
    gases or liquid-vapor mixtures (aerosols). Surface heat transfer and 
    water vapor flux are also included in the model.
    f. Source-Receptor Relationships
        1. Only one source can be modeled at a time.
        2. There is no limitation to the number of receptors; the downwind 
    receptor distances are internally-calculated by the model. The SLAB 
    calculation is carried out up to the user-specified maximum downwind 
        3. The model contains submodels for the source characterization of 
    evaporating pools, elevated vertical or horizontal jets, and 
    instantaneous volume sources.
    g. Plume Behavior
        Plume trajectory and dispersion is based on crosswind-averaged 
    mass, species, energy, and momentum balance equations. Surrounding 
    terrain is assumed to be flat and of uniform surface roughness. No 
    obstacle or building effects are taken into account.
    h. Horizontal Winds
        A power law approximation of the logarithmic velocity profile which 
    accounts for stability and surface roughness is used.
    i. Vertical Wind Speed
        Not treated.
    j. Vertical Dispersion
        The crosswind dispersion parameters are calculated from formulas 
    reported by Morgan et al. (1983), which are based on experimental data 
    from several sources. The formulas account for entrainment due to 
    atmospheric turbulence, surface friction, thermal convection due to 
    ground heating, differential motion between the air and the cloud, and 
    damping due to stable density stratification within the cloud.
    k. Horizontal Dispersion
        The horizontal dispersion parameters are calculated from formulas 
    similar to those described for vertical dispersion, also from the work 
    of Morgan, et al. (1983).
    l. Chemical Transformation
        The thermodynamics of the mixing of the dense gas or aerosol with 
    ambient air (including water vapor) are treated. The relationship 
    between the vapor and liquid fractions within the cloud is treated 
    using the local thermodynamic equilibrium approximation. Reactions of 
    released chemicals with water or ambient air are not treated.
    m. Physical Removal
        Not treated.
    n. Evaluation Studies
        Blewitt, D.N., J.F. Yohn, and D.L. Ermak, 1987. An Evaluation of 
    SLAB and DEGADIS Heavy Gas Dispersion Models Using the HF Spill Test 
    Data, Proceedings, AIChE International Conference on Vapor Cloud 
    Modeling, Boston, MA, November, pp. 56-80.
        Ermak, D.L., S.T. Chan, D.L. Morgan, and L.K. Morris, 1982. A 
    Comparison of Dense Gas Dispersion Model Simulations with Burro Series 
    LNG Spill Test Results, J. Haz. Matls., 6: 129-160.
        Zapert, J.G., R.J. Londergan, and H. Thistle, 1991. Evaluation of 
    Dense Gas Simulation Models. EPA Publication No. EPA-450/4-90-018. U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
        1. The authority citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
    Sec. 52.21  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 52.21, paragraphs (l)(1) and (l)(2) are amended by 
    revising ``and supplement B (1993)'' to read ``, supplement B (1993) 
    and supplement C (1994)''.
    [FR Doc. 95-19057 Filed 8-8-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective September 8, 1995.
40465-40474 (10 pages)
Docket Numbers:
AH-FRL-5268-8, Docket No. A-92-65
PDF File:
CFR: (4)
40 CFR 51.112
40 CFR 51.160
40 CFR 51.166
40 CFR 52.21