95-21920. Intent To Repay to the Washington State Board for Vocational Education Funds Recovered as a Result of Two Final Audit Determinations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 170 (Friday, September 1, 1995)]
    [Pages 45707-45710]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-21920]
    Intent To Repay to the Washington State Board for Vocational 
    Education Funds Recovered as a Result of Two Final Audit Determinations
    AGENCY: Department of Education.
    ACTION: Notice of intent to award grantback funds.
    SUMMARY: Under section 459 of the General Education Provisions Act 
    [[Page 45708]]
    (GEPA), 20 U.S.C. 1234h, the Secretary of Education (Secretary) intends 
    to repay to the Washington State Board for Vocational Education 
    (Washington), under a grantback arrangement, an amount equal to 75 
    percent of the principal amount of funds recovered by the U.S. 
    Department of Education (Department) as a result of the final audit 
    determinations in this matter. The Department's recovery of funds 
    followed settlements reached between the parties under which Washington 
    refunded $49,500 (ACN: 10-03372G) and $50,000 (ACN: 10-13343G), 
    equalling a total of $99,500 in principal, to the Department in full 
    resolution of the Department's final audit determinations for fiscal 
    years (FYs) 1989 and 1990. This notice describes Washington's plan for 
    the use of the repaid funds and the terms and conditions under which 
    the Secretary intends to make those funds available. This notice 
    invites comments on the proposed grantback.
    DATES: All comments must be received on or before October 2, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: All written comments should be addressed to Dr. Marcel R. 
    DuVall, Chief, Finance Branch, Division of Vocational-Technical 
    Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of 
    Education, 600 Independence Avenue SW., (Mary E. Switzer Building, room 
    4320, MS-7324), Washington, DC 20202.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Marcel R. DuVall, (202) 205-9502. 
    Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may 
    call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8239 
    between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern time, Monday through Friday.
    A. Background
        Under settlement agreements between the Department and Washington, 
    the Department recovered $49,500 (ACN: 10-03372G) and $50,000 (ACN: 10-
    13343G) from Washington in full resolution of all claims arising from 
    audits of Washington's State Division of Vocational Education, covering 
    FYs 1989 and 1990, respectively.
        The Department's original claims of $192,354 (ACN: 10-03372G (FY 
    1989)) and $135,248 (ACN: 10-13343G (FY 1990)) were contained in final 
    letters of determination issued by the Assistant Secretary on March 29, 
    1991, and March 31, 1993, respectively. These claims arose from 
    findings related to Washington's administration of its vocational 
    education program under the provisions of the Carl D. Perkins 
    Vocational Education Act. 20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq. (1988)(Perkins I).
        In the March 29, 1991 letter for FY 1989, the Assistant Secretary 
    determined that Washington violated the Federal regulations governing 
    funds set aside for disabled and disadvantaged students awarded under 
    Title II, Part A, of Perkins I. Specifically, Washington used funds to 
    pay for salaries and instructional programs that served students who 
    were not enrolled in vocational education programs, thus violating 
    provisions implemented at 34 CFR 401.52(a) and 401.53(a)(1) and 
    401.58(a)(1)(1989). In addition, Washington violated the requirement, 
    implemented at 34 CFR 401.52(a) and 401.53(a)(1), that funds allocated 
    for disabled and disadvantaged individuals be used only for the excess 
    costs incurred as a result of serving those populations. The Assistant 
    Secretary further determined that Washington violated the requirement 
    at 20 U.S.C. 2323(b)(16)(1988) that Perkins I funds be used to 
    supplement and not supplant State and local funds.
        In the March 31, 1993 letter, the Assistant Secretary determined 
    that Washington awarded funds reserved for disabled and disadvantaged 
    under Title II, Part A, of Perkins I to 11 community colleges based on 
    applications proposing services that were not allowable under Perkins 
    I. The Assistant Secretary determined that the colleges used these 
    funds to pay for salaries and instructional programs that either served 
    disadvantaged and disabled individuals who were not enrolled in 
    vocational education programs or that served students who were not 
    members of those special populations. 34 CFR 401.52(a) and 
        The settlement negotiations resulting from Washington's appeal of 
    the Assistant Secretary's March 29, 1991 and March 31, 1993 
    determinations culminated in settlement agreements. The settlement 
    agreement for the March 29, 1991 determination (ACN: 10-03372G) was 
    executed on June 5, 1992. The Department received full payment of 
    $49,500 for this determination in August 1992. The settlement agreement 
    for the March 31, 1993 determination (ACN: 10-13343G) was executed on 
    May 10, 1995. The Department received full payment of $50,000 for this 
    determination on August 8, 1994.
    B. Authority for Awarding a Grantback
        Section 459(a) of GEPA, 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1234(h), provides that 
    whenever the Secretary has recovered funds following a final audit 
    determination with respect to any applicable program, the Secretary may 
    consider those funds to be additional funds available for the program 
    and may arrange to repay to the State or local educational agency 
    affected by that determination an amount not to exceed 75 percent of 
    the recovered funds. The Secretary may enter into this grantback 
    arrangement if the Secretary determines that--
        (1) The practices or procedures of the recipient that resulted in 
    the violation of law have been corrected, and that the recipient is in 
    all other respects in compliance with the requirements of that program;
        (2) The recipient has submitted to the Secretary a plan for the use 
    of those funds pursuant to the requirements of that program and, to the 
    extent possible, for the benefit of the population that was affected by 
    the failure to comply or by the misuse of funds that resulted in the 
    recovery; and
        (3) The use of the funds in accordance with that plan would serve 
    to achieve the purposes of the program under which the funds were 
    originally paid.
    C. Plan for Use of Funds Awarded Under a Grantback Arrangement
        Pursuant to section 459(a)(2) of GEPA, Washington has applied for a 
    grantback of $74,625, or 75 percent of the $99,500 total amount repaid 
    to the Department under the FY 1989 and FY 1990 settlement agreements, 
    and has submitted a plan for use of the proposed grantback funds, 
    consistent with the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology 
    Education Act of 1990 (Perkins II), which is currently in effect. 
    Washington plans to use the FY 1989 funds to purchase equipment to 
    assist disabled and disadvantaged populations enrolled in remedial 
    vocational programs. Utilizing the FY 1990 funds, Washington plans to 
    hire personnel and to purchase equipment to develop a communication 
    system for the State and postsecondary institutions involved in 
    vocational-technical programs.
        Specifically, Washington plans to utilize the requested FY 1989 
    grantback funds, totaling $37,125, to--
        (1) Purchase updated adaptive equipment to assist disabled and 
    disadvantaged students enrolled in remedial and vocational training 
    programs at South Seattle Community College, so that these students can 
    fully participate in vocational programs. This equipment will include 
    four G.E. Fastrac speed listening cassette recorders and adapters, two 
    Sharp Talking Clock calculators, three adjustable computer tables for 
    wheelchair users, four Language Masters, one personal FM Loop system, 
    [[Page 45709]]
    and one portable disk drive for Type 'n Speak equipment ($3,958);
        (2) Purchase adaptive equipment to assist vocational education 
    students enrolled at Spokane Community College including: four high-
    back stools designed to accommodate students with physical disabilities 
    (including back injuries), six portable spell checkers for the learning 
    disabled, and one computer workstation specially designed for the 
    disabled ($9,119);
        (3) Purchase equipment to assist vocational education students with 
    disabilities at Shoreline Community College, including: five micro tape 
    recorders, one computer station that utilizes speech recognition for 
    text input, one Dragon Dictate that also uses speech recognition input, 
    and one Laserjet 4M+ printer to permit special population students to 
    print from laptop computers ($6,330);
        (4) Purchase and enhance adaptive equipment for disabled students 
    enrolled in vocational education programs at Everett Community College, 
    including: four wrist rests, two ergonomic keyboards, two FM Comtrex 
    systems, four 4-track recorders, two 2MG memory computer boards, one 
    4MG memory computer board, and four ergonomic chairs ($6,715);
        (5) Purchase a laptop computer and related software for hearing-
    impaired vocational education students at Green River Community College 
        (6) Purchase adaptive equipment for disabled students enrolled in 
    vocational education at Wenatchee Valley Community College, including: 
    one Vista VGA system to provide computer magnification capability for 
    the visually impaired, and one door to provide disabled access into the 
    Student Services facility ($7,712).
        Washington also plans to utilize the requested FY 1990 grantback 
    funds, totaling $37,500, to--
        (1) Purchase one Hewlett Packard NetServer and related equipment to 
    provide an effective communication system between the State Board and 
    local community and technical colleges. Washington plans to establish 
    an accurate and consistent method of exchange for data related to 
    Perkins II, its rules and regulations, especially as it relates to 
    disadvantaged and disabled populations. The information would be 
    available for special population coordinators, counselors, teachers and 
    local administrators. The system would share information about ``best 
    practices'', providing examples of exemplary utilization of Perkins 
    funds for disabled and disadvantaged students. It would also provide E-
    mail access between the State and the local college community, 
    permitting a question and answer dialog to be established ($10,000);
        (2) Purchase hardware and software needed to support the user 
    network and to provide applicable data. The system information would 
    serve as a clearinghouse resource for disadvantaged and disabled 
    populations, providing data related to career guidance and counseling, 
    job placement, and employment assistance. The system would also be 
    utilized to contact and aid employers interested in hiring disabled or 
    disadvantaged vocational education students. It would provide 
    assistance and information about job restructuring and adaptive 
    modifications needed to accommodate the employment of special needs 
    students ($7,500);
        (3) Retain the services, by contract, of a computer project 
    technician, who would develop and implement the communication system 
    ($18,000); and
        (4) Conduct a pilot testing and dissemination program of the 
    completed computer network system ($2,000).
        Washington plans to use the FY 1989 grantback funds to enhance 
    access to vocational education programs for disabled and disadvantaged 
    students. As is indicated in Washington's grantback plan, the 
    additional equipment Washington plans to purchase will serve to advance 
    the quality of programs delivered by, and coordinated through, the 
    postsecondary State system, resulting in Statewide benefit to 
    vocational education, and maximizing the impact of the grantback funds.
        Washington plans to use the FY 1990 grantback funds to enable an 
    accurate and efficient exchange of information about vocational 
    education, especially as it relates to disadvantaged and disabled 
    populations, to local administrators, teachers, and students within the 
    community and technical college system. It will further allow 
    disadvantaged and disabled vocational students to access quickly and 
    easily a broad range of information relevant to their particular needs.
    D. The Secretary's Determination
        The Secretary has carefully reviewed the plan submitted by 
    Washington and other relevant documentation. Based upon that review, 
    the Secretary has determined that the conditions under section 459 of 
    GEPA have been met.
        These determinations are based upon the best information available 
    to the Secretary at the present time. If this information is not 
    accurate or complete, the Secretary is not precluded from taking 
    appropriate administrative action at a later date. In finding that the 
    conditions of section 459 of GEPA have been met, the Secretary makes no 
    determination concerning any pending audit recommendations or final 
    audit determinations.
    E. Notice of the Secretary's Intent To Enter into a Grantback 
        Section 459(d) of GEPA requires that, at least 30 days before 
    entering into an arrangement to award funds under a grantback, the 
    Secretary must publish in the Federal Register a notice of intent to do 
    so, and the terms and conditions under which the payment will be made.
        In accordance with section 459(d) of GEPA, notice is hereby given 
    that the Secretary intends to make funds available to the Washington 
    State Division of Vocational Education under a grantback arrangement. 
    The grantback award would be in the amount of $74,625, which is 75 
    percent--the maximum percentage authorized by the statue--of the 
    principal recovered to date by the Department as a result of the final 
    audit determinations and the settlements in this matter.
    F. Terms and Conditions Under Which Payments Under a Grantback 
    Arrangement Would Be Made
        Washington agrees to comply with the following terms and conditions 
    under which payment under a grantback arrangement would be made:
        (1) Washington will expend the funds awarded under the grantback in 
    accordance with--
        (a) All applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;
        (b) The plan that was submitted and any amendments in that plan 
    that are approved in advance of the grantback by the Secretary; and
        (c) The budget that was submitted with the plan and any amendments 
    to the budget that are approved in advance of the grantback by the 
        (2) All funds received under the grantback arrangement must be 
    obligated by September 30, 1995 for ACN: 10-03372G and September 30, 
    1998 for ACN: 10-13343G, in accordance with section 459(c) of GEPA and 
    Washington's plan.
        (3) Washington will, no later than January 1, 1996, submit a report 
    to the Secretary which--
        (a) Indicates that the funds awarded under the grantback have been 
    spent in accordance with the proposed plan and approved budget; and
        (b) Describes the results and effectiveness of the project for 
    which the funds were spent.
        (4) Separate accounting records must be maintained documenting the 
    [[Page 45710]]
        expenditures of funds awarded under the grantback arrangement.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 84.048, Basic State 
    Grants for Vocational Education).
        Dated: August 24, 1995.
    Patricia W. McNeil,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education.
    [FR Doc. 95-21920 Filed 8-31-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4000-01-P

Document Information

Education Department
Entry Type:
Notice of intent to award grantback funds.
Document Number:
All comments must be received on or before October 2, 1995.
45707-45710 (4 pages)
PDF File: