99-23623. North American Free Trade Agreement: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Committee  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 175 (Friday, September 10, 1999)]
    [Pages 49267-49269]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-23623]
    North American Free Trade Agreement: Sanitary and Phytosanitary 
    AGENCY: Office of the United States Trade Representative.
    ACTION: Notice of public meeting and request for comments.
    SUMMARY: In accordance with legislation implementing the North American 
    Free Trade Agreement, we are informing the public of a meeting to be 
    held Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at the U.S. Department of Agriculture 
    (USDA) in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this meeting is to solicit 
    public comment on proposed agenda items for the next scheduled meeting 
    of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Sanitary and 
    Phytosanitary (SPS) Committee, November 2-3, 1999, in Ottawa, Canada. 
    It is also to seek public input in identifying any new issues of 
    concern that should be considered for the agenda. Representatives from 
    each of the SPS Committee's eight Technical Working Groups (TWGs) will 
    also be present to apprise the public of each TWG's progress and to 
    respond to questions.
        The November meeting will be the Eighth Meeting of the NAFTA SPS 
    Committee and will include co-chairs or other representatives from the 
    TWGs that report to the Committee. The purpose of the NAFTA SPS 
    Committee is to address sanitary and phytosanitary trade issues 
    affecting the entry of agricultural products among the three member 
    DATES: The public meeting date will take place Tuesday, September 21, 
    1999, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., USDA South Building (at the back of USDA 
    cafeteria, 1st floor), 14th Street and Independence Avenue, SW, 
    Washington, DC. Written comments should be submitted by September 16, 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carolyn T. Cohen, Foreign Agricultural 
    Service, International Trade Policy, Food Safety and Technical Services 
    Division, Room 5545, South Building, 14th Street and Independence 
    Avenue SW, Washington DC, 20250, (202) 720-1301; or e-mail 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with Article 722 of NAFTA, the 
    NAFTA SPS Committee is responsible for facilitating: (a) the 
    enhancement of food safety and sanitary and phytosanitary conditions in 
    the terrorizes of the parties; (b) activities of the Parties pursuant 
    to Articles 713 and 714 relating respectively to international 
    standards and equivalence; (c) technical cooperation; and (d) 
    consultation on specific bilateral issues. An SPS issue can be raised 
    by any party and is sent to the Committee for consideration. The 
    Committee will either consider the matter itself or refer the issue to 
    an individual, working group or relevant standard setting organization 
    for technical advice.
        Since the entry into force of NAFTA on January 1, 1994, the NAFTA 
    SPS Committee has met on seven separate occasions: March 24, 1994, in 
    Washington, DC; October 6, 1994, in Washington, DC; September 21, 1995, 
    in Mexico City; February 14, 1996, in Mexico City; June 20, 1996, in 
    Ottawa; November 18-19, 1997, in Washington, DC; and November 4-5, 
    1998, in Mexico City. The Committee meets at least once a year with 
    meetings rotating among the three countries. Starting in 1998, the 
    dates for meetings of the NAFTA SPS Committee are fixed for the first 
    week in November. Each TWG is to send at least one representative to 
    the annual Committee meeting to report on its progress and activity. 
    The eight TWGs under the NAFTA SPS Committee and their points of 
    contacts are as follows:
    [[Page 49268]]
    1. Animal Health
        A. Point of Contact: Dr. Alfonso Torres, Animal and Plant Health 
    Inspection Service (APHIS), USDA.
        B. Status: Bilateral working groups exist within the larger TWG. 
    The North American Animal Health Committee is a trilateral forum.
        C. Work in Progress: 1. Harmonization of veterinary biologics 
    licensing processes and standardization of import policies; and 2. 
    Establishing a regional approach on transmissible spongiform 
    encephalopathies (TSEs).
        D. Future Work Plan: The North American Animal Health Meeting 
    issues: 1. Harmonization of diagnostic services; 2. common approach for 
    disease freedom recognition; 3. emergency preparedness; 4. approach to 
    evaluate the veterinary services within member countries; 5. North 
    American interaction with OIE; and, 6. management of the North American 
    FMD vaccine bank.
        E. Meeting Schedule: The North American Animal Health Committee has 
    been meeting since 1972. The 29th Annual Tripartite meeting took place 
    in Victoria, Canada, on April 20-22, 1999. The next meeting is 
    scheduled for April, 10-14, 2000 in Oaxaca, Mexico.
    2. Plant Health, Seeds & Fertilizers
        A. Point of Contact: Mr. Ronald Campbell, Phytosanitary Issues 
    Management, APHIS/USDA.
        B. Status: Annual bilateral plant protection meetings are held in 
    addition to the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO) 
    which is trilateral.
        C. Work in Progress: 1. Harmonization of Japanese beetle 
    regulations; 2. Developing harmonized approach to Asian & European 
    Gypsy Moth; 3. Equivalency of Greenhouse certification; 4. Recognition 
    of accredited laboratories for seed certification; and, 5. Panels on 
    Accreditation, Biological Control, Biotechnology, Citrus, Forestry, 
    Fruit Flies, Grapevines, Grains, Fruit Trees, Pest Risk Analysis, 
    Potatoes, and Standards, to discuss issues of mutual concern in each 
        D. Future Work Plan: 1. Recognition of private laboratories; and 2. 
    NAPPO's priorities for international standards: Regulated non-
    quarantine pests, Pest Risk Assessments for Quarantine pests, 
    Phytosanitary certificates, Regulated pest lists, Notifications of 
    interceptions and non-compliance, and Wood Dunnage.
        E. Meeting Schedule: The 23rd Annual NAPPO meeting will be in 
    Cancun, Mexico, from October 18-22, 1999. There are 3 NAPPO Working 
    Group meetings and 3 NAPPO Executive Committee Meetings per year. Each 
    panel meets at least once during the year.
    3. Fish & Fishery Product Inspection
        A. Point of Contact: Dr. Philip Spiller, Office of Seafood, Food 
    and Drug Administration (FDA).
        B. Status: This TWG is trilateral and last met March 4-5, 1998 in 
    San Antonio, Texas.
        C. Issues Addressed to Date: 1. Development of US-Canada Mutual 
    Recognition Agreement on seafood inspection; 2. Exchange of letters 
    between US and Canada regarding seafood HACCP and inspection; 3. 
    Negotiation of US-Canada equivalence agreement regarding molluscan 
    shellfish inspection programs; 4. Development of criteria for seafood 
    equivalence determination as part of the process for reaching an 
    agreement; and, 5. Approaches for training and accreditation in HACCP/
    QMP audit and verification.
        D. Future Work Plan: 1. Continuation of MRA/Equivalence 
    discussions; 2. Development of a joint protocol on how to conduct 
    audits of inspection systems; 3. Continuation of the work of the SWG on 
    Essential Quality and Composition; and 4. Establishment of ``North 
    American Centers of Expertise'' that would see Canada, Mexico and the 
    United States potentially combine their efforts on various studies and 
    research development initiatives.
        E. Meeting Schedule: The TWG meets annually with the next meeting 
    scheduled for October 1999 in Halifax, Canada.
    4. Meat, Poultry & Egg Inspection
        A. Point of Contact: Dr. John C. Prucha, Food Safety Inspection 
    Service, USDA.
        B. Status: This TWG is trilateral and has met eight times over the 
    last four years.
        C. Work in Progress: 1. Achieving and maintaining equivalency; 2. 
    Exchange of information on proposed changes; 3. Exchange of information 
    on foreign system and establishment reviews; 4. Finalizing USDA's 
    position recognizing Mexico's poultry system as equivalent; and 5. 
    Exchange of information on import reinspection procedures, including 
    import inspection standards and inspection procedure for residues of 
    chemical contaminants.
        D. Future Work Plan: 1. Harmonization of inspection procedures; 2. 
    Examination of health certificates; 3. Technical Subgroup addressing 
    technical inspection matters; activity report presented at each 
    meeting; and, 4. Coordination of planning & implementation of changes.
        E. Meeting Schedule: This TWG meets approximately twice a year, 
    depending on the availability of its members. It plans to meet again in 
    the fall or winter 1999/2000.
    5. Dairy, Fruits, Vegetables and Processed Foods
        A. Point of Contact: Dr. Terry Troxell, Office of Plant & Dairy 
    Foods & Beverages, FDA.
        B. Status: This TWG is bilateral (US-Canada), as representatives 
    have not yet been identified by Mexico.
        C. Issues Addressed to Date: 1. Discussion of equivalence of US-
    Canada Grade A dairy inspection systems; and 2. Harmonization of US-
    Canada potato grade system.
        D. Future Work Plan: 1. Continuation of Equivalence Discussions, 
    and 2. Full integration of Mexico into the TWG.
        E. Meeting Schedule: The first and only meeting of the TWG was in 
    November 1997. A specific date has not been set for a future meeting.
    6. Veterinary Drugs & Feed
        A. Point of Contact: Dr. Robert Livingstone, Center for Veterinary 
    Medicine, FDA.
        B. Status: This TWG is bilateral (US-Canada), as a representatives 
    has not been identified by Mexico. This TWG last met in 1995.
        C. Issues Addressed to Date: 1. Methods harmonization; 2. 
    Discussions of equivalence of registration systems; and, 3. 
    Coordination with corresponding Codex activities.
        D. Future Work Plan: 1. Equivalence of analytical methods for drug 
    residues; and 2. Integration of Mexico into the TWG.
        E. Meeting Schedule: None scheduled at this time.
    7. Food Additives and Contaminants
        A. Point of Contact: Dr. Alan Rulis, Office of Pre-Market Approval, 
        B. Status: This TWG is trilateral.
        C. Issues Addressed to Date: 1. Harmonization of US-Canada food 
    additive regulations; and, 2. Discussion of issues and positions for 
    the Codex Committee on Food Additives & Contaminants (CCFAC).
        D. Future Work Plan: 1. Development of joint positions for the 
    CCFAC; and, 2. Further exploration of potential for joint reviews of 
    food additives petitions.
        E. Meeting Schedule: This TWG last met January 19-20, 1998 in 
    Mexico City. The next session for this TWG has not been scheduled.
    [[Page 49269]]
    8. Pesticides
        A. Point of Contact: Ms. Marcia Mulkey, Office of Pesticide 
    Programs, Environmental Protection Agency.
        B. Status: This TWG is trilateral, consisting of an Executive 
    Board, a Secretariat, Technical Subcommittee and Project Teams. This 
    TWG last met May 24-26, 1999 in San Antonio, Texas.
        C. Issues Addressed to Date: 1. Completed four US/Canada joint 
    reviews (three reduced risk pesticides and one pheromone); 2. Focused 
    cooperative work to reevaluate and reregister older chemical pesticides 
    on organophosphates, carbamates, and B2 carcinogens and agreed to share 
    information on the associated tolerance reassessment process to 
    minimize trade problems; 3. Developed clear categories to trade 
    irritants and a procedure and priority scheme for their resolution; 4. 
    Harmonized 17 environmental fate and toxicology protocols; 5. Completed 
    a prototype ecoregion map that will lead to reduced data development 
    costs for terrestrial field studies; 6. Coordinated development of 
    field residue data among NAFTA countries to support registration of 
    pesticides for minor crops; and 7. Developed stakeholder projects to 
    promote Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies for canola and 
        D. Future Work Plan: 1. Develop and implement strategic plan for 
    communicating areas of pesticide regulatory harmonization; 2. Work with 
    the Departments of Agriculture, growers, and industry to identify and 
    prioritize registration needs in NAFTA countries to facilitate equal 
    access to pesticides and avoid potential agricultural impediments to 
    trade; 3. Investigate the impact of EPA's emergency use exemption 
    program on Mexican/Canadian growers; 4. Complete the first trinational 
    review of a pesticide (zoxamide) for use on grapes and potatoes; 5. 
    Work cooperatively to reevaluate and reregister older chemical 
    pesticides; 6. Work toward a harmonized approach to pesticide 
    certification and training; 7. Share information and explore how NAFTA 
    countries might work together on the evaluation and regulation of 
    persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances and endocrine 
    disrupting chemicals; and, 8. Increase interaction between the TWG on 
    Pesticides and the US-Mexico Pesticide Information Exchange Program.
        E. Meeting Schedule: The full TWG, which includes stakeholder 
    participation, meets annually. The Executive Board meets formally two 
    times per year. The TWG Executive Board will meet in January 2000 in 
    Mexico City. The full TWG will have its annual meeting in June 2000 in 
    Public Meeting
        The public meeting date will take place Tuesday, September 21, 
    1999, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., USDA South Building (at the back of USDA 
    cafeteria, 1st floor), 14th Street and Independence Avenue, SW, 
    Washington, DC.
    Written Comments
        Those persons wishing to submit written comments should provide 
    five (5) typed copies to John Payne, Director for SPS Affairs, Office 
    of the United States Trade Representative, 600 17th St., NW, Room 421; 
    Washington, DC 20508. If the submission contains business confidential 
    information, five copies of a confidential version must also be 
    submitted. A justification as to why the information contained in the 
    submission should be treated confidentially must be included in the 
    submission. In addition, any submissions containing business 
    confidential information must be clearly marked ``Confidential'' at the 
    top and bottom of the cover page (or letter) and of each succeeding 
    page of the submission. The version that does not contain confidential 
    information should also be clearly marked, at the top and bottom of 
    each page, ``public version'' or ``non-confidential.''
        Written comments submitted in connection with this request, except 
    for information granted ``business confidential'' status pursuant to 15 
    CFR 2003.6, will be available for public inspection in the USTR Reading 
    Room, Room 101, Office of the United States Trade Representative, 600 
    17th Street, NW, Washington, DC. An appointment to review the file may 
    be made by calling Brenda Webb (202) 395-6186. The Reading Room is open 
    to the public from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon, and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., 
    Monday through Friday.
    Frederick L. Montgomery,
    Chairman, Trade Policy Staff Committee.
    [FR Doc. 99-23623 Filed 9-9-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3190-01-M

Document Information

Trade Representative, Office of United States
Entry Type:
Notice of public meeting and request for comments.
Document Number:
The public meeting date will take place Tuesday, September 21, 1999, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., USDA South Building (at the back of USDA cafeteria, 1st floor), 14th Street and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC. Written comments should be submitted by September 16, 1999.
49267-49269 (3 pages)
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