95-22464. Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program; Fiscal Year 1996; Solicitation of Applications  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 175 (Monday, September 11, 1995)]
    [Pages 47236-47238]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-22464]
    [[Page 47235]]
    Part III
    Department of Agriculture
    Agricultural Research Service Cooperative State Research, Education and 
    Extension Service
    Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program; Fiscal Year 
    1996; Solicitation of Applications; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 175 / Monday, September 11, 1995 / 
    [[Page 47236]]
    Agricultural Research Service; Cooperative State Research, Education 
    and Extension Service
    Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program; Fiscal 
    Year 1996; Solicitation of Applications
        Applications are invited for competitive grant awards under the 
    Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program (the ``Program'') 
    for fiscal year 1996. The authority for the Program is contained in 
    section 1668 of Pub. L. No. 101-624 (the Food, Agriculture, 
    Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990, 7 U.S.C. 5921). The Program is 
    administered by the Cooperative State Research, education and Extension 
    Service (CSREES) and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the 
    U.S. Department of Agriculture.
        The purpose of the Program is to assist Federal regulatory agencies 
    in making science-based decisions about the safety of introducing 
    genetically modified plants, animals, and microorganisms into the 
    environment. The Program accomplishes this purpose by providing 
    scientific information derived from the risk assessment research 
    conducted under it. Research proposals submitted to the Program must be 
    applicable to the purpose of the Program to be considered. Awards will 
    not be made for clinical trials, commercial product development, 
    product marketing strategies, or other research not appropriate to risk 
    Applicant Eligibility
        Proposals may be submitted by any United States public or private 
    research or educational institution or organization.
    Available Funding
        Subject to the availability of funds, the anticipated amount 
    available for support of the program in fiscal year 1996 is $1.7 
        It is expected that Congress, in the final version of the 
    Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and 
    Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996 (H.R. 1976), will prohibit 
    CSREES from using the funds available for fiscal year 1996 to pay 
    indirect costs exceeding 14 per centum of the total Federal funds 
    provided under each award on competitively-awarded research grants.
        In addition, it is expected that, pursuant to the final version of 
    the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and 
    Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996 (H.R. 1976), in the case of 
    any equipment or product that may be authorized to be purchased with 
    the funds provided under this Program, entities will be encouraged to 
    use such funds to purchase only American-made equipment or products.
    Program Description
        Under the Program, USDA will competitively award research grants to 
    support science-based biotechnology regulation and thus help address 
    concerns about the effects of introducing genetically modified 
    organisms into the environment and to help regulators develop policies 
    concerning such introduction. Proposals are invited in the area of 
    biotechnology risk assessment research as appropriate to agricultural 
    plants, animals and microbes. Proposals based upon field research and 
    whole organism-population level studies are strongly encouraged. 
    Although emphasis will be given to risk assessment research involving 
    genetically modified organisms, model systems using nongenetically 
    modified organisms also will be considered if they can provide 
    information that could lead to improved assessment of potential risks 
    associated with the introduction of genetically modified organisms into 
    the environment. Proposals should be applicable to current regulatory 
    issues surrounding the ecological impacts of genetically modified 
    Proposal Evaluation
        Proposals will be evaluated by the administrator assisted by a peer 
    panel of scientists for scientific merit, qualifications of project 
    personnel, adequacy of facilities, and relevance for current regulatory 
    Areas of Research to be Supported in Fiscal Year 1996
        Proposals addressing the following research topics are requested:
        1. Development of new risk assessment methods (e.g., monitoring 
    organism escape, measuring biological impacts), and risk assessment 
    procedures (e.g. comparative analysis of ecosystems, models to predict 
    risks) that could be used in risk assessment of genetically modified 
    fungi, bacteria, viruses (including animal vaccines), plants, 
    arthropods, fish, birds, and mammals. Applicants should address the 
    need for, and development of, new risk assessment methods in the course 
    of addressing a specific and defined risk assessment issue, especially 
    as pertains to genetically modified organisms. The development of 
    better risk assessment methods for field testing genetically modified 
    organisms also will be considered.
        2. Creation of information systems and computer models to support 
    regulatory agency decision-making in regards to potential impacts to 
    the environment over time (e.g., computer models to describe the 
    interaction of environmental and organismal factors especially for 
    establishment and dispersal of the organism).
        3. Risk assessment of the environmental fate (e.g. survival, 
    reproductive fitness, genetic stability, horizontal gene transfer) as 
    correlated with effects (e.g., loss of genetic diversity, enhanced 
    competition) of genetically modified fungi, bacteria, viruses, plants, 
    arthropods, fish, birds, and mammals introduced into the environment 
    (i.e., not in a contained laboratory, greenhouse or building); and 
    studies or identification of traits which may influence fate and 
        In response to requests to Program Directors and Federal regulatory 
    agencies, as stipulated in the authorizing legislation for the Program, 
    section 1668 of Public Law 101-624, the following specific areas of 
    risk assessment research have been identified as eligible for 
    competition as research topics for this year:
        4. The bidirectional rates, effects of selection pressures, 
    mechanisms and impact of gene transfer between currently genetically 
    transformable crop species and existing North American weedy, free 
    living relatives of those crops including studies of methods of 
    mitigation of potential gene exchange. Research could rely on 
    reanalysis of published information and/or laboratory/field studies.
        5. The potential for recombination between plant viruses and plant-
    encoded noncapsid viral genes (e.g. replicase), especially for those 
    viruses in supergroup B (carmovirus, tombusvirus, luteovirus, 
    sobemovirus). Such studies should identify recombination potentials 
    and, if demonstrated, define frequencies and effect on symptom 
    expression. Comparisons with recombination frequencies between 
    naturally occurring viral sequences are encouraged.
        6. Changes in viral host ranges or the types of viral vectors as a 
    result of the use of transgenic plants expressing viral genes.
        7. The potential for nontarget effects of introduced plant-defense 
    compounds expressed in genetically modified plant-associated 
    microorganisms (e.g., compounds in phyllosphere or rhizosphere-
    inhabiting bacteria) or in 
    [[Page 47237]]
    plants (e.g., Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin), especially in 
    regard to persistence of the organisms and material in the environment.
        8. Identification of genes which can confer additional 
    pathogenicity to animal pathogens.
        9. Environmental risk analysis of large scale deployment of 
    genetically engineered organisms; especially commercial uses of such 
    organisms, with special reference to consideration that may not be 
    revealed through small scale evaluations and tests.
        All research proposals submitted should include a statement 
    describing the relevance of the proposed project to one or more of the 
    research topics requested. When appropriate, detailed descriptions of 
    statistical analyses to be done should be included in the proposal. The 
    inclusion of statisticians as co-principal investigators or contractors 
    is encouraged.
        Note: Individual investigators whose research projects are 
    funded under the Program will be required to attend, present data 
    and provide a manuscript on the results of their research at an 
    Annual Conference. Attendance costs at such a conference do not need 
    to be included in the budgets of proposed research projects; such 
    costs will be paid from funds provided under a cooperative agreement 
    between CSREES and the University of Maryland for an annual risk 
    assessment symposium Additionally, a final project report on 
    research results will be required in a fixed protocol, electronic 
    format, suitable for distribution by USDA.
    Applicable Regulations
        This Program is subject to the administrative provisions found in 7 
    CFR part 3415 (58 FR 65646, December 15, 1993), which set forth 
    procedures to be followed when submitting grant proposals, rules 
    governing the evaluation of proposals, the awarding of grants, and 
    post-award administration of such grants. Several other Federal 
    statutes and regulations apply to grant proposals considered for review 
    or to grants awarded under this Program. These include, but are not 
    limited to:
        7 CFR Part 1.1--USDA implementation of the Freedom of Information 
        7 CFR Part 1c--USDA implementation of the Federal Policy for the 
    Protection of Human Subjects;
        7 CFR Part 3--USDA implementation of OMB Circular A-129 regarding 
    debt collection;
        7 CFR Part 15, Subpart A--USDA implementation of Title VI of the 
    Civil Rights Act of 1964;
        7 CFR Part 520--ARS implementation of the National Environmental 
    Policy Act;
        7 CFR Part 3015--USDA Uniform Federal Assistance Regulations, 
    implementing OMB directives (i.e., Circular Nos. A-110, A-21, and A-
    122) and incorporating provisions of 31 U.S.C. 6301-6308 (formerly, the 
    Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977, Pub. L. No. 95-
    224), as well as general policy requirements applicable to recipients 
    of Departmental financial assistance;
        7 CFR Part 3016--USDA Uniform Administrative Requirements for 
    Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments;
        7 CFR Part 3017, as amended--USDA implementation of Governmentwide 
    Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and Governmentwide 
    Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants);
        7 CFR Part 3018--USDA implementation of New Restrictions on 
    Lobbying. Imposes new prohibitions and requirements for disclosure and 
    certification related to lobbying on recipients of Federal contracts, 
    grants, cooperative agreements, and loans;
        7 CFR Part 3051--Audits of Institutions of Higher Education and 
    Other Nonprofit Institutions;
        7 CFR Part 3407--CSREES implementation of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act;
        29 U.S.C. 794, section 504--Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and 7 CFR 
    Part 15B (USDA implementation of the statute), prohibiting 
    discrimination based upon physical or mental handicap in federally 
    assisted programs;
        35 U.S.C. 200 et seq.--Bayh-Dole Act, controlling allocation of 
    rights to inventions made by employees of small business firms and 
    domestic nonprofit organizations, including universities, in Federally 
    assisted programs (implementing regulations are contained in 37 CFR 
    part 401).
    Programmatic Contact
        For additional information on the Program, please contact:
    Dr. Edward K. Kaleikau, Cooperative State Research, Education, and 
    Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Ag Box 2241, 
    Washington, DC 20250-2241, Telephone: (202) 401-1901
    Dr. Robert M. Faust, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, Room 338, Building 005, BARC-West, Beltsville, MD 20705, 
    Telephone: (301) 504-6918.
    How to Obtain Application Materials
        Copies of this solicitation, the administrative provisions for the 
    Program (7 CFR Part 3415), and the Application Kit contains required 
    forms, certifications, and instructions for preparing and submitting 
    grant applications. The administrative provisions include guidelines 
    for proposal format.
        Copies of this solicitation, the administrative provisions, and the 
    Application Kit may be obtained by contacting:
    Proposal Services Branch, Awards Management Division, Cooperative State 
    Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, Ag Box 2245, Washington, DC 20250-2245, Telephone Number: 
    (202) 401-5048
        Application materials may also be requested via Internet by sending 
    a message with your name, mailing address (not e-mail) and telephone 
    number psb@reeusda.gov which states that you wish to receive a copy of 
    the application materials for the Fiscal Year 1996 Biotechnology Risk 
    Assessment Research Grants Program. The materials will then be mailed 
    to you (not e-mailed) as quickly as possible.
    Proposal Format
        The format guidelines for full research proposals, found in the 
    administrative provisions for the Program at Sec. 3415.4(d), should be 
    followed for the preparation of proposals under the Program in fiscal 
    year 1996. (Note that the Department elects not to solicit preproposals 
    nor conference grant proposals in fiscal year 1996.)
    Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
        As outlined in 7 CFR part 3407 and 7 CFR part 520 (the CSREES and 
    ARS regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 
    1969), environmental data for any proposed project is to be provided to 
    CSREES and ARS so that CSREES and ARS may determine whether any further 
    action is needed. The applicant shall review the following categorical 
    exclusions and determine if the proposed project may fall within one of 
    the categories.
    (1) Department of Agriculture Categorical Exclusions (7 CFR 1b.3)
        (i) Policy development, planning and implementation which are 
    related to routine activities such as personnel, organizational 
    changes, or similar administrative functions;
        (ii) Activities which deal solely with the funding of programs, 
    such as program budget proposals, disbursements, and transfer or 
    reprogramming of funds;
    [[Page 47238]]
        (iii) Inventories, research activities, and studies, such as 
    resource inventories and routine data collection when such actions are 
    clearly limited in context and intensity;
        (iv) Educational and informational programs and activities;
        (v) Civil and criminal law enforcement and investigative 
        (vi) Activities which are advisory and consultative to other 
    agencies and public and private entities; and
        (vii) Activities related to trade representation and market 
    development activities abroad.
    (2) CSREES and ARS Categorical Exclusions (7 CFR 3407.6 and 7 CFR 
        Based on previous experience, the following categories of CSREES 
    and ARS actions are excluded because they have been found to have 
    limited scope and intensity and to have no significant individual or 
    cumulative impacts on the quality of the human environment:
        (i) The following categories of research programs or projects of 
    limited size and magnitude or with only short-term effects on the 
        (A) Research conducted within any laboratory, greenhouse, or other 
    contained facility where research practices and safeguards prevent 
    environmental impacts;
        (B) Surveys, inventories, and similar studies that have limited 
    context and minimal intensity in terms of changes in the environment; 
        (C) Testing outside of the laboratory, such as in small isolated 
    field plots, which involves the routine use of familiar chemicals or 
    biological materials.
        (ii) Routine renovation, rehabilitation, or revitalization of 
    physical facilities, including the acquisition and installation of 
    equipment, where such activity is limited in scope and intensity.
        In order for CSREES and ARS to determine whether any further action 
    is needed with respect to NEPA, pertinent information regarding the 
    possible environmental impacts of a particular project is necessary; 
    therefore, a separate statement must be included in the proposal 
    indicating whether the applicant is of the opinion that the project 
    falls within a categorical exclusion and the reasons therefor. If it is 
    the applicant's opinion that the project proposed falls within the 
    categorical exclusions, the specific exclusions must be identified. The 
    information submitted shall be identified as ``NEPA Considerations'' 
    and the narrative statement shall be placed after the coversheet of the 
        Even though a project may fall within the categorical exclusions, 
    CSREES and ARS may determine that an Environmental Assessment or an 
    Environmental Impact Statement is necessary for an activity, if 
    substantial controversy on environmental grounds exists or if other 
    extraordinary conditions or circumstances are present which may cause 
    such activity to have a significant environmental effect.
    Proposal Submission
    What to Submit
        An original and 14 copies of a proposal must be submitted. Each 
    copy of each proposal must be stapled securely in the upper lefthand 
    corner (DO NOT BIND). All copies of the proposal must be submitted in 
    one package.
    Where and When to Submit
        Proposals must be received by 4:30 p.m. eastern standard time on 
    December 11, 1995. Proposals sent by First Class mail must be sent to 
    the following address:
    Proposal Services Branch, Awards Management Division, Cooperative State 
    Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, Ag Box 2245, Washington, DC 20250-2245, Telephone: (202) 
        Proposals that are delivered by Express mail, a courier service, or 
    by hand must be submitted to the following address (note that the zip 
    code differs from that shown above): Proposal Services Branch, Awards 
    Management Division, Cooperative State Research, Education and 
    Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Room 303, Aerospace 
    Center, 901 D Street, SW., Washington, DC 20024, Telephone: (202) 401-
    Supplementary Information
        The Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program is listed 
    in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance under No. 10.219. For 
    reasons set forth in the final rule-related Notice to 7 CFR Part 3015, 
    subpart V (48 FR 29115, June 24, 1983), this Program is excluded from 
    the scope of Executive Order No. 12372 which requires intergovernmental 
    consultation with State and local officials.
        Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 
    U.S.C. 3504(h)), the collection of information requirements contained 
    in this Notice have been approved under OMB Document No. 0524-0022.
        Done at Washington, DC, on this 1st day of September, 1995.
    William D. Carlson,
    Acting Administrator, Cooperative State Research, Education, and 
    Extension Service.
    Robert J. Reginato,
    Acting Administrator, Agricultural Research Service.
    [FR Doc. 95-22464 Filed 9-8-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-22-M

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Agriculture Department
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