96-23190. Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Multispecies Fishery; Framework Adjustment 15  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 177 (Wednesday, September 11, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 47827-47828]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-23190]
    [[Page 47827]]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 648
    [Docket No. 960830238-6238-01; I.D. 082096B]
    RIN 0648-AJ07
    Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast 
    Multispecies Fishery; Framework Adjustment 15
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: NMFS issues this final rule to implement measures contained in 
    Framework Adjustment 15 to the Northeast Multispecies Fishery 
    Management Plan (FMP). This rule extends the timing of the Mid-coast 
    Closure Area for vessels fishing with sink gillnet gear from the 
    current November through December period to September 15 through 
    December 31. The intent of this action is to reduce further the 
    incidental mortality of harbor porpoise in the Gulf of Maine sink 
    gillnet fishery to meet porpoise bycatch reduction goals. This rule 
    also makes several corrections to the regulatory text.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: September 6, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Copies of Amendment 7 to the Northeast Multispecies Fishery 
    Management Plan (Amendment 7), its regulatory impact review (RIR) and 
    the final regulatory flexibility analysis (FRFA) contained with the 
    RIR, its final supplemental environmental impact statement (FSEIS), and 
    Framework Adjustment 15 documents are available upon request from 
    Christopher Kellogg, Acting Executive Director, New England Fishery 
    Management Council (Council), 5 Broadway, Saugus, MA 01906-1097.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: E. Martin Jaffe, NMFS, Fishery Policy 
    Analyst, 508-281-9272.
        In 1993, at the request of NMFS, the Council agreed to develop a 
    strategy to reduce the bycatch of harbor porpoise in the Gulf of Maine 
    sink gillnet fishery by integrating a mitigation plan with fishery 
    management measures. Subsequently, one of Amendment 5's (59 FR 9872, 
    March 1, 1994) principal objectives was to reduce the bycatch of harbor 
    porpoise in the Gulf of Maine sink gillnet fishery by the end of year 4 
    of the plan's implementation to a level not to exceed 2 percent of the 
    population, based on the best available estimates of abundance and 
    bycatch. Amendment 7 to the FMP (61 FR 27710, May 31, 1996), 
    implemented in July 1996 included an objective for harbor porpoise that 
    was revised to be consistent with the 1994 amendments to the Marine 
    Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). The Council's new provision requires 
    reductions in the incidental mortality and serious injury of harbor 
    porpoise in the Gulf of Maine sink gillnet fishery to the potential 
    biological removal (PBR) level identified for this stock through the 
    process described in section 117 of the MMPA by April 1, 1997, the date 
    required for compliance with section 118(f)(5)(A) of the MMPA. Based on 
    current population and life history information, the PBR level is 403 
    animals for Gulf of Maine harbor porpoise.
        In view of the Council's revised objective, which is to reduce the 
    harbor porpoise bycatch to the PBR level by April 1, 1997, coupled with 
    the most recent bycatch estimate (2,000 harbor porpoise in 1994) and 
    the fact that the Mid-coast Closure Area in the fall accounts for more 
    than 50 percent of the harbor porpoise bycatch in the Gulf of Maine, 
    management action is necessary in order to make further progress toward 
    the Council's bycatch reduction goals. The 1995 bycatch estimate is not 
    yet available but is expected to be somewhat lower than the most recent 
    figure (2,000 animals in 1994). In addition, analysis of recent survey 
    data have resulted in a larger population estimate that will revise the 
    PBR level to 490 animals (pending approval by the Atlantic Scientific 
    Review Group). However, there is no preliminary information that 
    indicates that the current bycatch approaches even the newly projected 
    PBR level of 490 animals.
        There are currently four time/area closures in place to protect 
    harbor porpoise. This action extends the existing Mid-coast Closure 
    Area in time to sink gillnet gear based on information collected for 
    the fall period, 1990-95. During the September through December period 
    analyzed, bycatch was highest in October and November. September and 
    December were months with more variability but, in some years, 
    accounted for a significant percentage of the fall bycatch. Framework 
    Adjustment 15 will close the Mid-coast Closure Area to gillnet gear 
    from September 15 through October 31. This will precede the November 1 
    through December 31 closure to all gear capable of catching 
    multispecies and will result in a total closure period for gillnet gear 
    in this area of September 15 through December 31.
        The Council, in consideration of recommendations by the Harbor 
    Porpoise Review Team (HPRT) and Marine Mammal Committee, proposed this 
    September 15 through October 31 additional Mid-coast Closure Area 
    period and also requested the Director, Northeast Region, NMFS 
    (Regional Director), to investigate the possibility of the use of 
    acoustic deterrents as a condition or requirement to fish with sink 
    gillnets in the area to mitigate harbor porpoise bycatch. The Regional 
    Director agreed to investigate the feasibility of further use of the 
    devices in a concurrent action.
        The Council is making this adjustment to the regulations under the 
    abbreviated framework rulemaking procedure codified at 50 CFR part 648, 
    subpart F. This procedure requires the Council, when making 
    specifically allowed adjustments to the FMP, to develop and analyze the 
    actions over the span of at least two Council meetings. The Council 
    must provide the public with advance notice of both the proposals and 
    the analysis and opportunity to comment on them prior to and at a 
    second Council meeting. Upon review of the analysis and public comment, 
    the Council may recommend to the Regional Director that the measures be 
    published as a final rule if certain conditions are met. The Regional 
    Director may publish the measures as a final rule, or as a proposed 
    rule if additional public comment is needed.
        This final rule implements an additional closure period from 
    September 15 through October 31 and results in an expanded period for 
    the Mid-coast Closure Area for vessels using gillnet gear. This area 
    will thus be closed to gillnet gear from September 15 through December 
    31 of each fishing year.
        This issue was discussed at a Marine Mammal Committee meeting held 
    on May 21, 1996, and at two Council meetings, the minimum required 
    under the Northeast Multispecies FMP framework adjustment process. Both 
    Council meetings were held in Danvers, MA, the first on June 5, 1996, 
    and the second on July 17, 1996. Documents summarizing the Council's 
    proposed action, the biological analyses upon which this decision was 
    based, and potential economic impacts were available for public review 
    5 days prior to the second meeting required under the framework 
    adjustment process. Written comments were accepted through July 16, 
    1996. Comments on the Council's proposal were received at
    [[Page 47828]]
    meetings from individuals and representatives of the International 
    Wildlife Coalition, Cape Ann Gillnetters Association and the Mass 
    Netters Association.
        Finally, this rule contains corrections to Sec. 648.87. 
    Specifically, incorrect paragraph references are corrected in 
    Sec. 648.87, paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2), and, in paragraph (b)(2), an 
    inconsistent reference to the ``Cape Cod South Closure Area'' is 
    corrected, an incorrect closure date is corrected, and the word ``map'' 
    is changed to ``chart''.
    Comments and Responses
         Comment: Several individuals addressed the need to continue to 
    reduce harbor porpoise bycatch in the fall months.
         Response: The Council concurred based on biological analyses 
    provided by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) and the 
    recommendation of the HPRT. Information collected during 1990-95 
    indicates a pattern of high takes of harbor porpoise in the sink 
    gillnet fishery throughout the fall months. The bycatch is highest, 
    however, in October and November. The Mid-coast Closure Area is already 
    closed to most gear to protect multispecies finfish during the months 
    of November and December under Amendment 7 to the FMP. The September 15 
    to December 31 closure period would remain in effect for the sink 
    gillnet fishery to protect harbor porpoise even if changes occur to the 
    closures implemented for multispecies conservation.
         Comment: Several fishermen commented that the MMPA and Council 
    goal of reaching the PBR level by April 1997 is neither realistic nor 
         Response: The PBR level goal and the process for determining the 
    PBR level have a strong biological basis and were developed to meet 
    requirements of other applicable law. This includes the MMPA, which was 
    reauthorized in 1994 to include the PBR level stipulations.
    Adherence to Framework Procedure Requirements
        The Council considered the public comments received prior to making 
    its recommendation to the Regional Director under the provisions for 
    abbreviated rulemaking in this FMP. The Council requested publication 
    of these management measures as a final rule after considering the 
    required factors stipulated under the framework measures in the FMP, 50 
    CFR 648.90, and has provided supporting analyses for each factor 
    considered. NMFS concurs.
        The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA (AA) finds there is 
    good cause to waive prior notice and opportunity for public comment 
    under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B). Public meetings held by the Council to 
    discuss the management measures implemented by this rule provided 
    adequate prior notice and an opportunity for public comment to be heard 
    and considered. The AA finds that under 5 U.S.C. 553(d), the need to 
    have this regulation in place by September 15, 1996, is good cause to 
    waive the 30-day delay in effectiveness of this regulation. Delay of 
    implementation of this regulation beyond September 15, 1996, would 
    likely impede the achievement of harbor porpoise mortality reduction 
        Because this regulation is not being published as a general notice 
    of proposed rulemaking under 5 U.S.C. 553 or any other law, this rule 
    is exempt from the requirement to prepare an initial or final 
    regulatory flexibility analysis under the Regulatory Flexibility Act. 
    As such, none has been prepared.
        This final rule has been determined to be not significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 648
        Fisheries, Fishing, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: September 5, 1996.
    N. Foster,
    Deputy Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 648 is amended 
    to read as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 648 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
        2. In Sec. 648.87, paragraph (b)(1) and the heading and first 
    sentence of paragraph (b)(2) are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 648.87  Sink gillnet requirements to reduce harbor porpoise takes.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) Mid-coast Closure Area. From March 25 through April 25 and from 
    September 15 through October 31 of each fishing year, the restrictions 
    and requirements specified in paragraph (b) of this section apply to 
    the Mid-coast Closure Area, as defined under Sec. 648.81(g)(1).
        (2) Cape Cod South Closure Area. From March 1 through March 30 of 
    each fishing year, the restrictions and requirements specified in 
    paragraph (b) of this section apply to the Cape Cod South Closure Area 
    (copies of a chart depicting this area are available from the Regional 
    Director upon request), which is the area bounded by straight lines 
    connecting the following points in the order stated. * * *
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 96-23190 Filed 9-6-96; 11:37 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
September 6, 1996.
47827-47828 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 960830238-6238-01, I.D. 082096B
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 648.87