96-23247. Modification of the Dallas-Fort Worth Class B Airspace Area; TX  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 177 (Wednesday, September 11, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 47815-47820]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-23247]
    14 CFR Part 71
    [Airspace Docket No. 94-AWA-2]
    RIN 2120-AA66
    Modification of the Dallas-Fort Worth Class B Airspace Area; TX
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This action modifies the Dallas-Forth Worth (DFW) Class B 
    airspace area. Specifically, this rule raises the upper limit of the 
    DFW Class
    [[Page 47816]]
    B airspace area from 10,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) to 11,000 feet 
    MSL, except in the reconfigured northern and southern sections, and 
    redefines several existing subareas. The FAA is taking this action to 
    improve the flow of aviation traffic and enhance safety in the DFW 
    Class B airspace area while accommodating the concerns of airspace 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: 0901 UTC, October 10, 1996.
    Bil Nelson, Airspace and Rules Division, ATA-400, Office of Air Traffic 
    Airspace Management, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
    Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267-8783.
        On December 17, 1991, the FAA published the Airspace 
    Reclassification Final rule (56 FR 65655). This rule discontinued the 
    use of the term ``Terminal Control Area'' and replaced it with the 
    designation ``Class B airspace area.'' This change in terminology is 
    reflected in this final rule.
        The Class B airspace area program was developed to reduce the 
    potential for midair collision in the congested airspace surrounding 
    airports with high density air traffic by providing an area wherein all 
    aircraft are subject to certain operating rules and equipment 
        The density of traffic and the type of operations being conducted 
    in the airspace surrounding major terminals increase the probability of 
    midair collisions. In 1970, an extensive study found that the majority 
    of midair collisions occurred between a general aviation (GA) aircraft 
    and an air carrier or military aircraft, or another GA aircraft. The 
    basic causal factor common to these conflicts was the mix of aircraft 
    operating under visual flight rules (VFR) and aircraft operating under 
    instrument flight rules (IFR). Class B airspace areas provide a method 
    to accommodate the increasing number of IFR and VFR operations. The 
    regulatory requirements of Class B airspace areas afford the greatest 
    protection for the greatest number of people by giving air traffic 
    control (ATC) increased capability to provide aircraft separation 
    service; thereby minimizing the mix of controlled and uncontrolled 
    aircraft. On May 21, 1970, the FAA published the Designation of Federal 
    Airways, Controlled Airspace, and Reporting Points final rule (35 FR 
    7782). This rule provided for the establishment of Class B airspace 
    areas. To date, the FAA has established a total of 29 Class B airspace 
        The standard configuration of a Class B airspace area contains 
    three concentric circles centered on the primary airport extending to 
    10, 20, and 30 nautical miles (NM), respectively. The standard vertical 
    limits of the Class B airspace area normally should not exceed 10,000 
    feet MSL, with the floor established at the surface in the inner area 
    and at levels appropriate to the containment of operations in the outer 
    areas. Variations of these criteria may be utilized contingent on the 
    terrain, adjacent regulatory airspace, and factors unique to the 
    terminal area.
        The coordinates for this airspace docket are based on North 
    American Datum 83. Class B airspace areas are published in Paragraph 
    3000 of FAA Order 7400.9C dated August 17, 1995, and effective 
    September 16, 1995, which is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR 
    section 71.1. The Class B airspace area listed in this document will be 
    subsequently published in the Order.
    Related Rulemaking Actions
        On June 21, 1988, the FAA published the Transponder with Automatic 
    Altitude Reporting Capability Requirement final rule (53 FR 23356). 
    This rule requires all aircraft to have an altitude encoding 
    transponder when operating within 30 nautical miles of any designated 
    Class B primary airport from the surface up to 10,000 feet MSL. This 
    rule excluded those aircraft that were not originally certificated with 
    an engine driven electrical system, balloons, and gliders.
        On October 14, 1988, the FAA published the Class B Airspace 
    Classification and Class B Airspace Pilot and Navigation Equipment 
    Requirements Final Rule (53 FR 40318). This rule, in part, removed the 
    different classifications of Class B airspace areas, and requires the 
    pilot-in-command of a civil aircraft operating within a Class B 
    airspace area to hold at least a private pilot certificate, except for 
    a student pilot who has received certain documented training.
    Public Input
        In June, 1992, an ad hoc committee representing a cross section of 
    the aviation community was formed to analyze the DFW Class B airspace 
    area and to develop recommendations for modifying the existing design. 
    The ad hoc committee met regularly at various locations throughout the 
    DFW area for approximately one year, and submitted written comments on 
    modifying the DFW Class B airspace area.
        As announced in the Federal Register on October 20, 1993, (58 FR 
    54073) and on January 31, 1994, (59 FR 4310), pre-NPRM airspace 
    meetings were held on December 8, 1993, in Mesquite, TX, December 13, 
    1993, in North Richland Hills, TX, April 5, 1994, in North Richland 
    Hills, TX, and April 7, 1994, in Mesquite, TX. These meetings provided 
    local airspace users with an opportunity to present input on the design 
    of the proposed modifications of the DFW Class B airspace area.
        On May 10, 1996, the FAA published a notice of proposed rulemaking 
    (NPRM) (61 FR 21910) that proposed modifications to the DFW Class B 
    airspace area. In response to this notice the FAA received four written 
    comments. Recommendations and suggestions from the ad hoc committee, 
    and other comments received in response to the NPRM were considered 
    before making any determination on this final rule. These comments are 
    analyzed below.
    Analysis of Comments
        One commenter, representing the Texas Soaring Association, believes 
    that the description in the NPRM of Area F did not reflect the FAA's 
    proposal to amend the Class B airspace south of V16/94 to Class E 
        The FAA agrees that the description in the NPRM erroneously 
    described Area F. The correct description of Area F will be reflected 
    in this final rule and on the attached graphic.
        American Airlines. Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) and the 
    Aircraft Owner's and Pilots Association support the modification of the 
    DFW Class B airspace area.
    The Rule
        This amendment to 14 CFR part 71 modifies the DFW Class B airspace 
    area. The modifications are depicted on the attached chart. 
    Specifically, this rule raises the upper limit of the DFW Class B 
    airspace area from 10,000 feet MSL to 11,000 feet MSL, except in the 
    reconfigured northern and southern sections, and redefines several 
    existing subareas. Raising the ceiling to 11,000 feet MSL accommodates 
    arriving traffic using standard instrument arrival routes and departing 
    traffic utilizing standard instrument departure routes into and out of 
    the DFW Metroplex area.
        In addition, the FAA amends the airspace south of V16/94 from Class 
    B to Class E airspace. This modification allows GA and other users to 
    traverse along V-16/94 east or westbound while remaining outside the 
    DFW Class B airspace area. This rule realigns the boundaries of the DFW 
    Class B airspace
    [[Page 47817]]
    area to follow Interstate 30 (I-30) and State Highway 303 (SH-303) 
    south of DFW airport that lie north and south of Grand Prairie 
    Municipal Airport, and the Naval Air Station (NAS) Dallas airports. 
    This realignment will assist GA aircraft pilots in identifying the 
    boundaries of the DFW Class B airspace in this area. Additionally, this 
    action raises the floor of the DFW Class B airspace area to 2,000 feet 
    MSL in the vicinity of NAS Dallas, south of Lyndon Baines Johnson 
    Freeway to Forest Lane, and west of Addison Airport to Marsh Lane, and 
    3,000 feet MSL north of Redbird Airport. Modifying the floors in these 
    areas provides more operational airspace into and out of the Redbird, 
    Grand Prairie Municipal, and NAS Dallas airports.
        Further, the FAA is lowering the floor of the DFW Class B airspace 
    area from 5,000 feet MSL to 4,000 feet MSL between 20 and 23 NM west, 
    and raising the floor of the Class B airspace area from 5,000 feet MSL 
    to 6,000 feet MSL between 26 and 30 NM west of DFW. Modifying this 
    Class B airspace will enhance safety and improve the flow of aviation 
    traffic within the DFW Class B area.
    Regulatory Evaluation Summary
        Changes to Federal regulations must undergo several economic 
    analyses. First, Executive Order 12866 specifies that each Federal 
    agency shall propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned 
    determination that the benefits of the intended regulation justify its 
    costs. Second, the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 requires agencies 
    to analyze the economic effect of regulatory changes on small entities. 
    Third, the Office of Management and Budget directs agencies to assess 
    the effect of regulatory changes on international trade. In conducting 
    these analyses, the FAA has determined that this Final Rule: (1) will 
    generate benefits that justify its minimal costs and is not ``a 
    significant regulatory action'' as defined in the Executive Order; (2) 
    is not ``significant'' as defined in the Department of Transportation 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures; (3) will not have a significant 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities; (4) will not 
    constitute a barrier to international trade; and (5) will not impose a 
    significant intergovernmental or private sector mandate. These 
    analyses, available in the docket, are summarized below.
    Costs-Benefit Analysis
        The FAA has determined that this rule will generate additional 
    benefits in the form of enhanced aviation safety and operational 
    efficiency. The modification of the DFW Class B airspace area will 
    enhance operational efficiency through the promotion of additional 
    operational procedures and aviation safety in the form of the reduced 
    risk of midair collisions in the modified Class B airspace area. This 
    rule is expected to impose little or no costs on the FAA for 
    administrative functions and aircraft operators for additional avionics 
    equipment and circumnavigation. Cost and benefits are discussed below.
    Cost Impact on Aircraft Operators
        The modification of the DFW Class B airspace area will not require 
    operators to purchase additional aircraft avionics equipment. Aircraft 
    operators that currently use the airspace area already have Mode C 
    transponders and two-way radio communications equipment; therefore, 
    there will be no additional cost incurred for aircraft avionics 
    equipment. Additionally, the density of air traffic in the DFW airspace 
    area makes it highly unlikely that VFR traffic will transit this 
    airspace without two-way radio equipment.
        The final rule also will result in a small increase in cost for 
    pilots who wish to remain clear of the expanded DFW Class B airspace 
    area. As the result of this rule, the potentially impacted pilots are 
    expected to make a small deviation from their current flight paths to 
    avoid the expanded Class B airspace area. This assessment is based on 
    the belief that the impacted pilots will only have to climb an 
    additional 1,000 feet MSL. This deviation will require an additional 5 
    to 10 minutes of flight time. This modification does not change the 30 
    mile circumference of the DFW Class B airspace area.
    Cost Impact on the FAA
        The final rule will not impose any additional administrative costs 
    on the FAA for either personnel or equipment. Projected increases in 
    traffic volume will be absorbed by current personnel and equipment 
    resources through more efficient operational procedures (for example, 
    sequencing and separation of aircraft services). Revising aeronautical 
    charts to reflect the change in the Class B airspace area will not add 
    to the cost of the routine and periodic updating of the charts.
    Enhanced Aviation Safety
        The FAA has determined the modification of the DFW Class B airspace 
    area is in the best interest of flight safety and will result in a 
    greater degree of protection for the greatest number of people during 
    flight in the terminal area. A reduction in probability of midair 
    collisions will stem from increased control in those areas where Class 
    B airspace will be modified. Based on the FAA's Terminal Area Forecast, 
    total aircraft operations at the DFW International Airport were about 
    870,000 in 1995 up from 550,000 in 1985 and are projected to increase 
    to about 1,000,000 by the year 2000. Also, passenger enplanements were 
    estimated to be 27 million in 1995 up from 18 million in 1985 and are 
    projected to increase to about 35 million by the year 2000. In lieu of 
    the projected increase for total operations and passenger enplanements, 
    the FAA has determined this final rule will enhance safety by lowering 
    the potential risk of midair collisions.
    Enhanced Operational Efficiency
        The FAA has determined the final rule will enhance aircraft 
    operational efficiency. The final rule will raise the airspace ceiling 
    to meet the increasing air traffic requirements flowing in and out of 
    DFW via standard instrument arrival and departure routes, or 
    alternative Air Traffic Control (ATC) instructions. This assessment of 
    the enhancement in operational efficiency is based on the FAA's 
    assumption that improvements in traffic flow will occur because air 
    traffic controllers will be better able to handle the increasing number 
    of operations at the DFW International Airport. Further, the FAA 
    contends that this enhancement will stem from an increase in airspace 
    area capacity. This modification will enable ATC to have the capability 
    of providing additional spacing and sequencing of aircraft. The final 
    rule's configuration increases the airspace area for high performance 
    aircraft, while allowing non-participating aircraft to access certain 
    airways above 11,000 feet MSL. Additionally, this modification of Class 
    B airspace identifies additional airspace for large turbojet aircraft 
    operations in the DFW airspace area.
    International Trade Impact Assessment
        The final rule will not constitute a barrier to international 
    trade, including the export of U.S. goods and services to foreign 
    countries and the import of foreign goods and services to the United 
    States. This modification will not impose any additional costs on 
    aircraft operators or aircraft manufacturers in the United States or 
    foreign countries. The modification of the Class B airspace area will 
    only affect U.S. terminal airspace operating procedures at and in
    [[Page 47818]]
    the vicinity of DFW. The modification will not have international trade 
    ramifications because it is a domestic airspace matter that will not 
    impose additional costs or requirements on affected entities.
    Regulatory Flexibility Determination
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) was enacted by 
    Congress to ensure that small entities are not unnecessarily and 
    disproportionately burdened by Federal regulations. The RFA requires a 
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis if a final rule will have ``a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities.'' FAA Order 2100.14A outlines the FAA's procedures and 
    criteria for implementing the RFA.
        The small entities that potentially maybe affected by this final 
    rule are unscheduled air taxi operators for hire that own nine or fewer 
    aircraft operating in the vicinity of the DFW Class B airspace area. 
    Only unscheduled aircraft operators without the capability to operate 
    under IFR conditions will be potentially impacted by the final rule. 
    The FAA contends that the unscheduled air taxi operators that the final 
    rule may potentially affect are already equipped to operate under IFR 
    conditions. The FAA has concluded that the potentially impacted 
    operators regularly fly to airports where radar approach control 
    services have already been established such as the DFW Class B airspace 
    area; therefore, there will be no additional cost to these entities. 
    The FAA does not anticipate any adverse impacts to occur as a result of 
    the final rule. The FAA has concluded that the final rule will not 
    result in a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities.
    Unfunded Mandate Assessment
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (the Act), 
    enacted as Pub. L. 104-4 on March 22, 1995, requires each Federal 
    agency, to extent permitted by law, to prepare a written assessment of 
    effects of any Federal mandate in a proposed or final agency rule that 
    may result in the expenditure by State, local, and tribal governments, 
    in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 million or more 
    (adjusted annually for inflation) in any one year. Section 204(a) of 
    the Act, 2 U.S.C. 1534(a), requires the Federal agency to develop an 
    effective process to permit timely input by elected officers (or their 
    designees) of State, local and tribal governments on a proposed 
    ``significant intergovernmental mandate.'' A ``significant 
    intergovernmental mandate'' under the Act is any provision in a Federal 
    agency regulation that would impose an enforceable duty upon State, 
    local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, of $100 million 
    (adjusted annually for inflation) in any one year. Section 203 of the 
    Act, 2 U.S.C. 1533, which supplements section 204(a), provides that 
    before establishing any regulatory requirements that might 
    significantly or uniquely affect small governments, the agency shall 
    have developed a plan that among other things, provides for notice for 
    potentially affected small governments, if any, and for a meaningful 
    and timely opportunity to provide input in the development of 
    regulatory proposals.
        This rule does not contain any Federal intergovernmental or private 
    sector mandate. Therefore, the requirements of Title II of the Unfunded 
    Mandates Reform Act of 1995 do not apply.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rule contains no information collection requests requiring 
    approval of the Office of Management and Budget pursuant to the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3507 et seq.).
    Federalism Implications
        This rule will not have substantial direct effects on the States, 
    the relationship between the national government and the States, or the 
    distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 
    government. Therefore, in accordance with Executive Order 12612 (52 FR 
    41695; October 30,1987), it is determined that this rule does not have 
    sufficient federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a 
    Federalism Assessment.
        For reasons discussed in the preamble, and based on the findings in 
    the Regulatory Flexibility Determination and the International Trade 
    Impact Assessment, the FAA has determined that this regulation is not a 
    ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866. In 
    addition, the FAA certifies that this regulation will not have a 
    significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a substantial 
    number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act. This regulation is not considered significant under 
    DOT Order 2100.5, Policies and Procedures for Simplification, Analysis 
    and Review of Regulations. A final regulatory evaluation, including a 
    final Regulatory Flexibility Determination and International Trade 
    Impact Assessment, has been placed in the docket. A copy may be 
    obtained by contacting the person identified under FOR FURTHER 
    List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
        Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (Air).
    The Amendment
    PART 71--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for 14 CFR part 71 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 
    FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389; 14 CFR 11.69.
    Sec.  71.1  [Amended]
        2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of the Federal 
    Aviation Administration Order 7400.9C, Airspace Designations and 
    Reporting Points, dated August 17, 1995, and effective September 16, 
    1995, is amended as follows:
    Paragraph 3000--Subpart B-Class B Airspace
    * * * * *
    ASW TX B Dallas-Fort Worth, TX [Revised]
    Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (Primary Airport)
        (lat. 32 deg.53'49'' N., long. 97 deg.02'33'' W.)
    Dallas-Fort Worth VORTAC
        (lat. 32 deg.51'57' N., long. 97 deg.01'41'' W.)
        Area A. That airspace extending upward from the surface to and 
    including 11,000 feet MSL beginning at the intersection of the DFW 
    VORTAC 10-mile arc and Josey Lane, thence southbound on Josey Lane 
    to Forest Lane, thence eastbound on Forest Lane until I-635 (that 
    also coincides with the DFW VORTAC 15-mile arc), extending clockwise 
    on the DFW VORTAC 15-mile arc until the DFW VORTAC 129 deg. radial 
    15-mile DME fix, thence northwest on the DFW VORTAC 129 deg. radial 
    until I-30, extending west on I-30 until the DFW VORTAC 7-mile arc, 
    thence clockwise on the DFW VORTAC 7-mile arc until the DFW VORTAC 
    310 deg. radial 7-mile DME fix, extending northwest on the DFW 
    VORTAC 310 deg. radial until the DFW VORTAC 310 deg. radial 10-mile 
    DME fix, and extending clockwise on the DFW VORTAC 10-mile arc to 
    the point of beginning.
        Area B. That airspace extending upward from 2,000 feet MSL to 
    and including 11,000 feet MSL beginning at the DFW VORTAC 310 deg. 
    radial 10-mile DME fix, thence southeast on the DFW VORTAC 310 deg. 
    radial until the DFW VORTAC 310 deg. radial 7-mile DME fix, 
    extending counterclockwise on the DFW VORTAC 7-mile arc until I-30, 
    thence eastbound on I-30 to the DFW VORTAC 129 deg. radial, thence 
    southeast on the DFW VORTAC 129 deg. radial until the DFW VORTAC 
    129 deg. radial 10-mile DME fix, extending clockwise on the DFW 
    VORTAC 10-mile arc until SH-303, thence west on SH-303 until the DFW 
    VORTAC 10-mile DME arc, and extending clockwise on the DFW VORTAC
    [[Page 47819]]
    10-mile arc to the DFW VORTAC 300 deg. radial 10-mile DME fix, 
    thence northwest on the 300 deg. radial until the DFW VORTAC 
    300 deg. 13-mile DME fix, extending clockwise on the DFW VORTAC 13-
    mile arc until the DFW VORTAC 023 deg. radial 13-mile DME fix, 
    thence southeast on the DFW VORTAC 023 deg. radial until the DFW 
    VORTAC 023 deg. radial 10-mile DME fix, extending counterclockwise 
    on the DFW VORTAC 10-mile arc to the DFW VORTAC 310 deg. 10-mile DME 
    fix; and that airspace extending upward from 2,000 feet MSL to and 
    including 11,000 feet MSL beginning at the intersection of the DFW 
    VORTAC 10-mile arc and Josey Lane, thence southbound on Josey Lane 
    to Forest Lane, thence eastbound on Forest Lane to I-635, thence 
    westbound on I-635 to the DFW VORTAC 10-mile arc, and extending 
    counterclockwise on the DFW VORTAC 10-mile arc to the point of 
        Area C. That airspace extending upward from 2,500 feet MSL to 
    and including 11,000 feet MSL beginning at the intersection of the 
    DFW VORTAC 15-mile arc and I-635, extending clockwise on the DFW 
    VORTAC 15-mile arc until the DFW VORTAC 129 deg. radial 15-mile DME 
    fix, thence southeast on the DFW VORTAC 129 deg. radial until the 
    DFW VORTAC 129 deg. radial 20-mile DME fix, extending 
    counterclockwise on the DFW VORTAC 20-mile arc until I-635, and 
    extending northwest along I-635 to the point of beginning.
        Area D. That airspace extending upward from 3,000 feet MSL to 
    and including 11,000 feet MSL beginning at the DFW VORTAC 300 deg. 
    radial 10-mile DME fix, extending counterclockwise on the DFW VORTAC 
    10-mile arc to SH-303, thence eastbound on SH-303 until the DFW 
    VORTAC 10-mile arc, extending counterclockwise on the DFW VORTAC 10-
    mile arc to the DFW VORTAC 129 deg. radial, thence southeast along 
    the DFW VORTAC 129 deg. radial until the DFW VORTAC 129 deg. radial 
    20-mile DME fix, extending clockwise on the DFW VORTAC 20-mile arc 
    until the DFW VORTAC 217 deg. radial, thence northeast on the DFW 
    VORTAC 217 deg. radial until the DFW VORTAC 217 deg. radial 13-mile 
    DME fix, extending clockwise along the DFW VORTAC 13-mile arc to the 
    DFW VORTAC 300 deg. radial 13-mile DME fix, and thence southeast on 
    the DFW VORTAC 300 deg. radial to the point of beginning; and that 
    airspace extending upward from 3,000 feet MSL to and including 
    11,000 feet MSL beginning at the DFW VORTAC 300 deg. radial 13-mile 
    DME fix, thence northwest on the DFW VORTAC 300 deg. radial until 
    the DFW VORTAC 300 deg. radial 20-mile DME fix, extending clockwise 
    on the DFW VORTAC 20-mile arc until I-635, extending northwest along 
    I-635 until the DFW VORTAC 10-mile arc, extending counterclockwise 
    on the DFW VORTAC 10-mile arc until the DFW VORTAC 023 deg. radial 
    10-mile DME fix, thence northeast on the DFW VORTAC 023 deg. radial 
    until the DFW VORTAC 023 deg. radial 13-mile DME fix, and extending 
    counterclockwise on the DFW VORTAC 13-mile arc to the point of 
        Area E. That airspace extending upward from 4,000 feet MSL to 
    and including 11,000 feet MSL beginning at the DFW VORTAC 217 deg. 
    radial 20-mile DME fix, extending counterclockwise on the DFW VORTAC 
    20-mile arc until the DFW VORTAC 300 deg. radial 20-mile DME fix, 
    thence southeast on the DFW VORTAC 300 deg. radial until the DFW 
    VORTAC 300 deg. radial 13-mile DME fix, extending counterclockwise 
    on the DFW VORTAC 13-mile arc until the DFW VORTAC 217 deg. radial 
    13-mile DME fix, thence southwest on the DFW VORTAC 217 deg. radial 
    until the DFW VORTAC 217 deg. radial 20-mile fix, extending 
    clockwise on the DFW VORTAC 20-mile arc until I-820, thence west and 
    north on I-820 until the DFW VORTAC 23-mile arc, extending clockwise 
    on the DFW VORTAC 23-mile arc until SH-156, thence northeast on SH-
    156 until the DFW VORTAC 329 deg. radial, thence northwest on the 
    DFW VORTAC 329 deg. radial until intercepting a line defined by the 
    DFW VORTAC 041 deg. radial 30 DME fix and the DFW VORTAC 315 deg. 
    radial 30 DME fix, thence east along that line defined by the DFW 
    VORTAC 041 deg. radial 30 DME fix and the DFW VORTAC 315 deg. radial 
    30 DME fix until the DFW VORTAC 30-mile arc, extending clockwise on 
    the DFW VORTAC 30-mile arc until the DFW VORTAC 138 deg. radial 30-
    mile DME fix, thence west until the DFW VORTAC 217 deg. radial 28.3 
    mile DME fix, and thence northeast on the DFW VORTAC 217 deg. radial 
    until the point of beginning.
        Area F. That airspace extending upward from 4,000 feet MSL, to 
    and including 10,000 feet MSL beginning at the DFW VORTAC 138 deg. 
    30-mile DME fix, extending clockwise on the DFW VORTAC 30-mile DME 
    arc until the DFW VORTAC 149 deg. radial 30-mile DME fix, thence 
    west to the DFW VORTAC 210 deg. radial 30-mile DME fix, extending 
    clockwise on the DFW VORTAC 30-mile DME arc until the DFW VORTAC 
    217 deg. radial 30-mile DME fix, thence northeast on the DFW VORTAC 
    217 deg. radial to the 28.3-mile DME fix and then east on a line to 
    the point of the beginning, and that airspace extending upward from 
    4,000 feet MSL to and including 10,000 feet MSL beginning at the DFW 
    VORTAC 315 deg. radial 30-mile DME fix, extending clockwise on the 
    DFW VORTAC 30-mile arc until the DFW 336 deg. radial 30-mile DME 
    fix, thence east until the DFW VORTAC 020 deg. radial 30-mile DME 
    fix, extending clockwise on the DFW VORTAC 30-mile arc until the DFW 
    VORTAC 041 deg. radial 30-mile DME fix, and thence west on a line 
    until the point of beginning.
        Area G. That airspace extending upward from 5,000 feet MSL, up 
    to and including 11,000 feet MSL beginning at the DFW VORTAC 
    315 deg. radial 30-mile DME fix, extending counterclockwise on the 
    DFW VORTAC 30-mile arc until the DFW VORTAC 293 deg. radial, thence 
    southeast on the DFW VORTAC 293 deg. radial until the DFW VORTAC 26-
    mile DME fix, extending counterclockwise on the DFW VORTAC 26-mile 
    arc until SH-377, thence southwest on SH-377 until the DFW VORTAC 
    30-mile arc, and counterclockwise to the DFW VORTAC 217 deg. radial 
    30-mile DME fix, thence northeast on the DFW VORTAC 217 deg. radial 
    until the DFW VORTAC 20-mile arc, extending clockwise on the 20-mile 
    arc until I-820, thence west and north on I-820 until the DFW VORTAC 
    23-mile arc, thence clockwise on the DFW VORTAC 23-mile arc until 
    SH-156, extending northeast on SH-156 to the DFW VORTAC 329 deg. 
    radial, thence northeast on the DFW VORTAC 329 deg. radial, until 
    intercepting a line defined by the DFW VORTAC 041 deg. radial 30-
    mile DME fix and the DFW VORTAC 315 deg. radial 30-mile DME fix, 
    thence west along that line until the point of beginning.
        Area H. That airspace extending upward from 6,000 feet MSL to 
    and including 11,000 feet MSL beginning at the DFW VORTAC 293 deg. 
    radial 30-mile DME fix, thence southeast on the DFW VORTAC 293 deg. 
    radial until the DFW VORTAC 293 deg. radial 26-mile DME fix, 
    extending counterclockwise on the DFW VORTAC 26-mile arc until SH-
    377, thence southwest on SH-377 until the DFW VORTAC 30-mile arc, 
    and extending clockwise on the DFW VORTAC 30-mile arc until the 
    point of the beginning.
    * * * * *
        Issued in Washington, DC, on September 3, 1996.
    Jeff Griffith,
    Program Director for Air Traffic Airspace Management, ATA-1.
        Note: This appendix will not appear in the Code of Federal 
    Regulations. Appendix--Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport Class 
    B Airspace Area.
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-P
    [[Page 47820]]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-C
    [FR Doc. 96-23247 Filed 9-10-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-P

Document Information

Transportation Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
0901 UTC, October 10, 1996.
47815-47820 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Airspace Docket No. 94-AWA-2
2120-AA66: Airspace Actions
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
14 CFR 71.1