98-22658. Consumer and Commercial Products: Schedule for Regulation  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 176 (Friday, September 11, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 48792-48806]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-22658]
    [[Page 48791]]
    Part II
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Chapter I
    Consumer and Commercial Products: Schedule for Regulation; Final Rule
    40 CFR Parts 9 and 59
    National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Automobile 
    Refinish Coatings and Consumer Products; Final Rules
    40 CFR Part 59
    National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural 
    Coatings; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 176 / Friday, September 11, 1998 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 48792]]
    40 CFR Chapter I
    RIN 2060-AE24
    Consumer and Commercial Products: Schedule for Regulation
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final listing of product categories for regulations.
    SUMMARY: This document announces the EPA's final decision to list the 
    consumer products, architectural coatings, and automobile refinish 
    coatings categories for regulation in the first group of consumer and 
    commercial product categories for which regulations are mandated under 
    section 183(e) of the Clean Air Act. The final rules for these three 
    categories are published elsewhere in today's Federal Register.
    DATES: This decision is effective September 11, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Technical Support Document. The background information 
    document (BID) containing the Administrator's responses to significant 
    comments on the section 183(e) study and Report to Congress (referred 
    to as the ``183-BID'') may be obtained from the docket; the United 
    States Environmental Protection Agency Library (MD-35), Research 
    Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, telephone (919) 541-2777; or from 
    the National Technical Information Services, 5285 Port Royal Road, 
    Springfield, Virginia 22151, telephone (703) 487-4650. Please refer to 
    ``Response to Comments on Section 183(e) Study and Report to 
    Congress.'' The 183-BID contains a summary of all the significant 
    public comments made on the section 183(e) study and Report to Congress 
    and the list and schedule for regulation as well as the Administrator's 
    responses to the comments.
        Docket. Docket No. A-94-65 contains information considered by the 
    EPA in development of the consumer and commercial products study and 
    the subsequent list and schedule for regulation. Comments on the 
    section 183(e) Report to Congress (Report) and the list and schedule of 
    consumer product categories to be regulated were received in four 
    different dockets: (1) the consumer and commercial product Report 
    docket (A-94-65); (2) the architectural coatings rulemaking docket (A-
    92-18); (3) the consumer products rulemaking docket (A-95-40); and (4) 
    the automobile refinishing coatings rulemaking docket (A-95-18). The 
    dockets are available for public inspection and copying from 8:00 a.m. 
    to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The 
    dockets are located at the EPA's Air and Radiation Docket and 
    Information Center, Waterside Mall, Room M1500, 1st Floor, 401 M Street 
    SW, Washington, DC 20460; telephone (202) 260-7546 or fax (202) 260-
    4400. A reasonable fee may be charged for copying.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Bruce Moore at (919) 541-5460, 
    Coatings and Consumer Products Group, Emission Standards Division (MD-
    13), United States Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle 
    Park, North Carolina 27711.
        Under section 183(e) of the Act, the EPA was required to conduct a 
    study of volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions from the use of 
    consumer and commercial products to assess their potential to 
    contribute to levels of ozone that violate the national ambient air 
    quality standards (NAAQS) for ozone, and to establish criteria for 
    regulating VOC emissions from these products. Section 183(e) also 
    directed the EPA to list for regulation those categories of products 
    that emit at least 80 percent of the VOC emissions into nonattainment 
    areas, and to schedule those categories for regulation in four groups. 
    Ozone is a major component of smog which causes negative health and 
    environmental impacts when present in high concentrations at ground 
        On March 23, 1995, the EPA submitted the consumer and commercial 
    products Report to Congress required by section 183(e) of the CAA. On 
    March 23, 1995, the EPA also published in the Federal Register a 
    summary of the Report to Congress along with the list of product 
    categories and the schedule for their regulation. As stated by the EPA, 
    the March 23, 1995 notice did not represent a final Agency action on 
    the listing determination. The notice announced that the EPA would take 
    comment on the listing in connection with its rulemakings on emission 
    standards for the categories on the initial list, and that final Agency 
    action on the listing for each product category would occur upon 
    publication of a final regulation for that category. The EPA received 
    comments on the section 183(e) study, the Report to Congress, and the 
    list and schedule of consumer and commercial products for regulation in 
    response to the three proposed section 183(e) rules for the categories 
    of consumer products, architectural coatings, and automobile refinish 
    coatings, and the March 23, 1995 notice. This notice presents a summary 
    of significant public comments and the EPA's responses. Based upon the 
    study and the Report to Congress, the EPA has concluded that these 
    three categories are properly within the first group of product 
    categories for regulation.
        Regulated Entities. Entities potentially affected by this action 
    are manufacturers and distributors of consumer products, manufacturers 
    and importers of architectural coatings, and manufacturers and 
    importers of automobile refinish coatings or their components. 
    Regulated categories and entities include:
               Category                  Examples of regulated entities     
    Industry.....................  Manufacturers or distributors of consumer
                                    products. Manufacturers, packagers,     
                                    repackagers, or importers of            
                                    architectural coatings. Manufacturers or
                                    importers of automobile refinishing     
                                    coatings or their components.           
    State/local/tribal             State Agencies that manufacture their own
     governments.                   consumer products or coatings.          
        This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather to provide 
    a guide for readers regarding entities likely to be interested in this 
    action. This table lists the types of entities that the EPA is now 
    aware could potentially be interested in this action. Other types of 
    entities not listed in the table could also be interested. For 
    additional information on applicability of these rules, please see the 
    final rules published elsewhere in this Federal Register for these 
    three categories of products. If you have questions regarding the 
    applicability of this action to a particular entity, consult the person 
    listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this 
        Judicial review. The initial listing of product categories and 
    schedule for regulation was published on March 23,
    [[Page 48793]]
    1995 (60 FR 15264). This document announces the EPA's final decision to 
    list consumer products, architectural coatings, and autobody 
    refinishing categories for regulation under the first group of consumer 
    and commercial product categories for which regulations are mandated 
    under section 183(e) of the Act. Under section 307(b)(1) of the Act, 
    judicial review of this final action is available only by filing a 
    petition for review in the United States Court of Appeals for the 
    District of Columbia Circuit by November 10, 1998. Under section 
    307(d)(7)(B) of the Act, only an objection to this action which was 
    raised with reasonable specificity during the period for public comment 
    can be raised during judicial review. Moreover, under section 307(b)(2) 
    of the Act, the requirements established by today's final action may 
    not be challenged separately in any civil or criminal proceeding 
    brought by the EPA to enforce these requirements.
        Technology Transfer Network. The Technology Transfer Network (TTN) 
    provides information and technology exchange in various areas of air 
    pollution control, including copies of the Report to Congress, all the 
    proposed and final actions under section 183(e), and supporting 
    documents. The TTN is free and is accessible through the Internet at 
    ``http://www.epa.gov/ttn/oarpg/ramain.html.'' For more information on 
    the TTN, call the HELP line at (919) 541-5384.
        Outline. The information presented in this preamble is organized as 
    I. Background
        A. Purpose of regulation.
        B. Section 183(e) of the Act.
        C. Publication of the list and schedule for regulation.
        D. Regulatory criteria and ranking of product categories.
    II. Significant Comments on Section 183(e) Study and Report to 
        A. Legitimacy of the Environmental Protection Agency's section 
    183(e) study.
        1. Reactivity.
        2. Role of consumer and commercial products in contributing to 
    ozone nonattainment.
        3. Consideration of ``emission magnitude'' and ``regulatory 
        B. Consumer and commercial product inventory.
        1. Role of biogenic emissions.
        2. Listing of biogenic products.
        C. The Environmental Protection Agency's regulatory strategy.
        1. Nitrogen oxides versus volatile organic compounds emissions 
    control strategies.
        a. Background: The current ozone control policy.
        b. Effectiveness of a national volatile organic compounds 
    control strategy.
        c. Recent scientific studies.
        d. Contribution of biogenic volatile organic compounds sources 
    versus anthropogenic sources to ozone nonattainment.
        e. The role of long-range transport of nitrogen oxides in ozone 
        f. The Environmental Protection Agency's approach in determining 
    the effects of precursor emissions on ozone nonattainment.
        2. Regulation of attainment areas via national rules.
    III. Administrative Requirements
        A. Docket.
        B. Paperwork Reduction Act.
        C. Executive Order 12866.
        D. Executive Order 12875.
        E. Regulatory Flexibility Act/Small Business Regulatory 
    Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996.
        F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995.
        G. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office.
        H. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act.
        I. Executive Order 13045.
    I. Background
    A. Purpose of Regulation
        Ground-level ozone, which is a major component of ``smog,'' is 
    formed in the atmosphere by reactions of VOC and oxides of nitrogen 
    (NOX) in the presence of sunlight. The formation of ground-
    level ozone is a complex process that is affected by many variables.
        Exposure to ground-level ozone is associated with a wide variety of 
    human health effects, agricultural crop loss, and damage to forests and 
    ecosystems. Acute health effects are induced by short-term exposures to 
    ozone (observed at concentrations as low as 0.12 parts per million 
    (ppm)), generally while individuals are engaged in moderate or heavy 
    exertion, and by prolonged exposures to ozone (observed at 
    concentrations as low as 0.08 ppm), typically while individuals are 
    engaged in moderate exertion. Moderate exertion levels are more 
    frequently experienced by individuals than heavy exertion levels. The 
    acute health effects include respiratory symptoms, effects on exercise 
    performance, increased airway responsiveness, increased susceptibility 
    to respiratory infection, increased hospital admissions and emergency 
    room visits, and pulmonary inflammation. Groups at increased risk of 
    experiencing such effects include active children, outdoor workers, and 
    others who regularly engage in outdoor activities and individuals with 
    preexisting respiratory disease. Currently available information also 
    suggests that long-term exposures to ozone may cause chronic health 
    effects (e.g., structural damage to lung tissue and accelerated decline 
    in baseline lung function).
        In accordance with section 183(e) of the Act, the Administrator has 
    determined that VOC emissions from the use of consumer products, 
    architectural coatings, and automobile refinishing coatings have the 
    potential to contribute to ozone levels that violate the NAAQS for 
    ozone. Under authority of section 183(e), the EPA conducted a study of 
    the VOC emissions from consumer and commercial products to determine 
    their potential to contribute to ozone levels which violate the NAAQS 
    for ozone. Based on the results of the study, the EPA determined that 
    these categories of consumer products account for about 30 percent of 
    the emissions from all consumer and commercial products. The EPA's 
    determination that VOC emissions from the use of these categories of 
    consumer and commercial products have the potential to contribute to 
    nonattainment of the ozone NAAQS and the decisions to regulate these 
    categories were discussed in the preambles to the proposed rules (61 FR 
    4531; 61 FR 19005; 61 FR 32729), in the Report to Congress on Consumer 
    and Commercial Products (EPA 453/R-94-066A), and in the Federal 
    Register document announcing the schedule for regulation (60 FR 15264).
    B. Section 183(e) of the Act
        Section 183(e) of the Act mandates a new regulatory program for 
    controlling VOC emissions. Through this provision, Congress required 
    the EPA to conduct a study of emissions of VOC into the ambient air 
    from consumer and commercial products and to list for regulation, based 
    on the study, certain categories of products that have the potential to 
    contribute to ozone nonattainment.
        The term ``consumer and commercial products'' is defined in section 
    183(e) of the Act to mean:
    * * * any substance, product (including paints, coatings, and 
    solvents), or article (including any containers or packaging) held 
    by any person, the use, consumption, storage, disposal, destruction, 
    or decomposition of which may result in the release of volatile 
    organic compounds.
    The statutory definition of consumer and commercial products thus 
    includes a much broader array of products than those usually considered 
    to be consumer products (e.g., personal care products, household 
    cleaning products, or household pesticides) because it encompasses all 
    VOC-emitting products used in the home, by businesses, and by 
        The stated objectives of the consumer and commercial products study 
    mandated in section 183(e) of the Act were: (1) to determine the 
    potential of VOC emissions from consumer and
    [[Page 48794]]
    commercial products to contribute to ozone levels which violate the 
    ozone NAAQS; and (2) to establish criteria for regulating consumer and 
    commercial products. In establishing criteria for regulating products, 
    the Act required the Administrator to consider the following five 
    factors: (1) the uses, benefits, and commercial demand of products; (2) 
    the health or safety functions served by such products; (3) whether 
    products emit highly reactive VOC into the ambient air; (4) the 
    relative cost-effectiveness of controls for products; and (5) the 
    availability of alternative products which are of comparable costs, 
    considering health, safety, and environmental impacts.
        Upon completion of the study, section 183(e) required the EPA to 
    submit a report to Congress documenting the results of the study. The 
    Act further required the EPA to list those categories of products that 
    it determined, based on the study, account for at least 80 percent of 
    the total VOC emissions, on a reactivity-adjusted basis, from consumer 
    and commercial products in areas that violate the ozone NAAQS. In 
    addition, section 183(e) required the EPA to divide the list of 
    products into four groups establishing priority for regulation. Every 2 
    years following publication of the list, the EPA is required to 
    regulate one group of categories until all four groups are regulated.
    C. Publication of the List and Schedule for Regulation
        In March 1995, the EPA submitted the consumer and commercial 
    products Report to Congress required by section 183(e) of the Act. A 
    summary of the 6-volume report (EPA-453/R-94-066-a through f) was 
    published in the Federal Register on March 23, 1995 (60 FR 15264). In 
    the same document, the list of products and the schedule for their 
    regulation was published (60 FR 15267). Consumer products, 
    architectural coatings, and autobody refinishing were included in Group 
    1 of the schedule for which the Act requires the EPA to promulgate 
    regulations within 2 years of publication of the Report to Congress 
    (i.e., by March 1997). The March 23, 1995 document stated that the list 
    and schedule for regulation were not final EPA actions. As stated in 
    the March 23 document:
        Although today's document identifies consumer and commercial 
    products that potentially could be regulated, this list and schedule 
    may be amended as further information becomes available or is 
    submitted to the EPA. The public will have an opportunity to comment 
    on the listing and possible regulation of a particular product at 
    the time the EPA proposes to regulate that particular product. Thus, 
    today's action does not represent final Agency action. Final Agency 
    action occurs upon publication of a final regulation for each 
        Although not requested, the EPA received some public comments in 
    response to the preliminary listing document (60 FR 15264). These 
    comments were placed in a docket (A-94-65). However, because the EPA 
    intended the list and schedule to be an interim step in the development 
    of regulations rather than final EPA action, the EPA held no public 
    hearing on the Report to Congress and the listing and schedule, and 
    prepared no responses to the comments at that time. Instead, the EPA 
    requested that the public submit comments on the section 183(e) list 
    and schedule resulting from the study at the time of proposal of 
    regulations for each particular consumer and commercial product 
        Final regulations are being published today for the consumer 
    products, architectural coatings, and autobody refinishing categories. 
    In developing these regulations, the EPA has taken into account all of 
    the public comments received on the criteria for listing and regulating 
    these categories, including comments submitted on the March 23, 1995 
    document. Thus, today's action represents a final EPA listing action on 
    these three categories.
    D. Regulatory Criteria and Ranking of Product Categories
        As directed in section 183(e)(2)(B) of the Act, the EPA utilized 
    the five factors in the statute to develop the following eight criteria 
    for use in establishing the list of consumer and commercial product 
    categories to be regulated:
        (1) Utility,
        (2) commercial demand,
        (3) health and safety functions,
        (4) emissions of highly reactive VOC,
        (5) availability of alternatives,
        (6) cost-effectiveness of controls,
        (7) magnitude of annual VOC emissions, and
        (8) regulatory efficiency and program considerations.
        The first factor (uses, benefits, and commercial demand of 
    products) stipulated by section 183(e) is reflected in two criteria 
    developed by the EPA. Criterion 1 (utility) considers uses and benefits 
    and Criterion 2 addresses commercial demand. The remaining four factors 
    stipulated in section 183(e) are addressed individually by Criteria 3 
    through 6.
        Criteria 7 and 8 (magnitude of emissions and regulatory efficiency) 
    reflect additional considerations not specifically prescribed in the 
    Act. The EPA has exercised its discretion to include these criteria, 
    because the EPA concluded that they are important in prioritizing 
    product categories for regulation in a manner that best effectuates 
    Congress's intent under section 183(e). The EPA's interpretation of 
    each of the five factors and the rationale and intent of each of the 
    eight criteria are discussed in detail in the section 183(e) Report to 
        The EPA developed Criteria 1 through 7 to allow each product 
    category to be ranked numerically. The numerical ranking process 
    involved objective and subjective considerations. Criteria 2, 4, 6, and 
    7 are objective in nature and could be scored quantitatively based on 
    annual sales, VOC emissions, and cost of control. Application of 
    Criteria 1, 3, and 5 included some subjective considerations. Scoring 
    of these criteria could be affected by the scorer's background, 
    knowledge of the category, or other considerations. In order to ensure 
    consistency and fairness, the EPA convened the National Air Pollution 
    Control Techniques Advisory Committee (NAPCTAC) to assist the EPA in 
    application of these criteria. Because of the balance afforded by the 
    diversity of the NAPCTAC membership, the EPA concluded that it was an 
    appropriate and convenient choice. The NAPCTAC met in July 1994 in 
    Durham, North Carolina, to assign preliminary scores for Criteria 1 
    through 7 to each of the product categories. Results of the preliminary 
    scoring exercise are available in the docket (A-95-40). The EPA used 
    NAPCTAC to provide expert advice on the question of product ranking, 
    but exercised its own independent judgment to assign the final ranking 
    of products for regulation.
        Once the initial ranking of products based on exercise of Criteria 
    1 through 7 was completed, the EPA applied Criterion 8, regulatory 
    efficiency and program considerations, to prioritize the products in 
    the schedule for regulation, and thereby identify which product 
    categories comprised at least 80 percent of VOC emissions in 
    nonattainment areas. As required by section 183(e) of the Act, the EPA 
    grouped the listed categories of consumer and commercial products into 
    four groups for regulation in 2-year intervals. Although the statute 
    does not require that the list be divided into 4 equal groups, the EPA 
    placed product categories into the 4 groups as equally as possible with 
    the goal of achieving VOC emissions reductions as early as possible 
    given available EPA resources. Thus, nearly two-thirds of the 
    cumulative emissions from consumer and commercial products result from
    [[Page 48795]]
    products in the first two groups of categories.
    II. Significant Comments on Section 183(e) Study and Report to 
        The EPA received 85 letters commenting on the section 183(e) Report 
    to Congress and the regulatory list and schedule. These letters were 
    submitted as part of comments on the three rules discussed in this 
    action as well as comment on the Report to Congress. In addition, a 
    total of 12 people testified about the listing of consumer and 
    commercial products at three public hearings for the three rules being 
    published today. The EPA has carefully considered all these comments in 
    publishing today's final listing. The 183-BID, which is referenced in 
    the ADDRESSES section of this preamble, contains full responses to each 
    significant issue raised by commenters. A summary of the more 
    significant comments and the EPA's responses to them are presented 
        Approximately half of the comments received on the section 183(e) 
    list and regulatory schedule were submitted by a consortium of 
    architectural coating manufacturers, including a regional firm and a 
    number of smaller manufacturers. For purposes of clarity and simplicity 
    of language, the following discussion refers to these commenters 
    collectively as ``the consortium.'' These companies dispute the EPA's 
    basis for the architectural coatings rule being promulgated today in a 
    separate Federal Register document. By contrast, a national paint and 
    coatings association that represents approximately 225 companies of all 
    sizes strongly supports promulgation of the architectural coatings 
        Many of the individual comment letters from the consortium 
    addressed several different issues, and many of these issues were 
    raised by all of these parties. In addition, the comments were 
    submitted to the EPA over several years, beginning before proposal of 
    the three rules addressed in this action and extending throughout the 
    respective comment periods and beyond. Over time, the arguments posed 
    were repeated and expanded. Moreover, many of the comments are 
    interrelated in terms of technical issues and policy implications. 
    Therefore, the EPA decided to consolidate and combine the comments from 
    these parties so as to present them and respond to them in an organized 
    A. Legitimacy of the Environmental Protection Agency's Section 183(e) 
        Some commenters contended that the EPA failed to perform a proper 
    study as mandated by the Act and that the EPA, therefore, lacks 
    authority to propose regulations under section 183(e) of the Act until 
    it conducts a proper study. The primary alleged deficiencies suggested 
    by these commenters are that: (1) the EPA did not perform speciated 
    reactivity studies of all VOC in consumer and commercial products; (2) 
    the EPA failed to demonstrate that consumer and commercial products 
    have the potential to contribute to ozone nonattainment; and (3) the 
    EPA considered VOC emissions magnitude and regulatory efficiency, which 
    was allegedly contrary to Congressional intent. Three other commenters 
    testified that the EPA had fulfilled all necessary requirements of 
    section 183(e) of the Act. These commenters agreed with the EPA's 
    efforts in the section 183(e) study and Report to Congress.
        These comments are summarized and addressed in the following 
    1. Reactivity
        The consortium claimed that the EPA failed to conduct a speciated 
    relative reactivity study of all consumer and commercial product VOC 
    and that such a study was mandated by section 183(e)(2)(A) of the Act. 
    The consortium argued that the lack of a relative reactivity study 
    precludes the EPA from determining which, if any, VOC from consumer and 
    commercial products are logical targets for regulation. The consortium 
    also disagreed with the EPA's conclusion that it was impossible to 
    perform reactivity studies on all individual consumer and commercial 
    product ingredients within the time frame allowed by Congress and the 
    EPA's available budget. The consortium contended that the EPA could 
    have developed a more effective regulatory program based on 
    substitution of lower reactivity VOC for higher reactivity VOC if 
    additional reactivity studies had been undertaken.
        Another commenter, however, believed that the EPA met the 
    requirements of section 183(e) of the Act regarding the consideration 
    of reactivity, and noted what was included in the section 183(e) Report 
    to Congress with respect to reactivity.
        In response to these comments, the EPA believes that it has met all 
    reactivity-related requirements of section 183(e) of the Act, and that 
    relative reactivity was taken into account to the extent that currently 
    available scientific data and understanding allow. As required in 
    section 183(e), the EPA considered reactivity in prioritizing and 
    selecting product categories to be listed for regulation. The EPA 
    disagrees that a speciated study of all consumer and commercial product 
    VOC should have been performed; such a study is not required by the Act 
    and would have been impractical to undertake. The EPA's analysis of the 
    state of knowledge regarding reactivity and use of available reactivity 
    data allowed the EPA to fulfill the requirements of the Act and to 
    complete the mandated study and Report to Congress. Finally, currently 
    available speciated reactivity data are not adequate to support the 
    suggested regulations based on substitution of lower reactivity VOC for 
    higher reactivity VOC. An analysis of whether such a system would 
    result in more efficient regulation would need to consider all costs 
    associated with implementing a speciated regulatory system (e.g., 
    monitoring and recordkeeping). Also, it would be necessary to consider 
    the ability of compounds to form ozone over a several-day period under 
    different sets of environmental conditions in designing such an 
    approach and considering its efficiency.
        Consideration of reactivity in prioritizing product categories for 
    possible regulation. Section 183(e)(2)(B)(iii) of the Act requires the 
    EPA to consider five factors in establishing criteria for selecting 
    product categories to be regulated. One factor is ``those consumer and 
    commercial products which emit highly reactive volatile organic 
    compounds (VOC) into the ambient air.'' Accordingly, the EPA 
    established ``Emissions of Highly Reactive Compounds'' as one of the 
    criteria used to rank consumer and commercial products for possible 
        In its consumer and commercial products study, the EPA 
    distinguished between three groups of compounds: highly reactive, 
    reactive, and negligibly reactive. Negligibly reactive compounds, a 
    category established by the EPA regulations, are certain listed 
    compounds the EPA has formally determined to have insignificant ozone-
    forming potential and excluded from the definition of VOC. Compounds 
    that were identified as negligibly reactive were excluded from the 
    consumer and commercial product VOC emissions inventory, and will be 
    excluded from any related regulation.
        To identify highly reactive VOC, the EPA used available information 
    to identify 10 classes of volatile organic
    [[Page 48796]]
    compounds--some of which represent very broad groups--as ``highly 
    reactive'' under most conditions. In the study the EPA thus 
    differentiated among classes of VOCs that were known to be reactive and 
    those that were known to be highly reactive, using the most current, 
    generally accepted reactivity scales. The EPA then identified those 
    product categories known to contain quantities of these highly reactive 
    compounds, and estimated the quantity of highly reactive compounds 
    emitted by these product categories.
        The EPA also took into consideration highly reactive VOC under 
    another criterion, ``Magnitude of Annual VOC Emissions.'' For product 
    categories known to contain highly reactive VOC, the EPA adjusted the 
    mass emissions figures for those VOC to reflect their high reactivity.
        The EPA subsequently ranked product categories for possible 
    regulation, considering the criteria established by the EPA and advice 
    from the independent NAPCTAC advisory group. In conducting the ranking, 
    the EPA gave product categories containing highly reactive compounds a 
    higher priority for regulation. In addressing the two criteria cited 
    above, the EPA assigned a range of scores based on the number of tons 
    of highly reactive VOCs emitted per year by a product category. The EPA 
    included the scores from these criteria in the calculation of the total 
    scores for each product category in considering the regulatory priority 
    of each category.
        Chapter 3 of the March 1995 Report to Congress provides a more 
    detailed discussion of reactivity and the rationale for the list of 
    highly reactive compounds on which the EPA relied. Chapter 4 of the 
    Report to Congress discusses in more detail how the EPA applied each of 
    the criteria.
        Adjustment for reactivity in listing product categories. Section 
    183(e)(3)(A) of the Act requires the EPA to ``list those categories of 
    consumer or commercial products that the Administrator determines, 
    based on the study, account for at least 80 percent of the VOC 
    emissions, on a reactivity-adjusted basis, from consumer or commercial 
    products in areas that violate the NAAQS for ozone.'' The EPA fulfilled 
    the reactivity adjustment requirement in the following manner. As 
    previously noted, the EPA grouped all VOC into three divisions--highly 
    reactive, reactive, and negligibly reactive. The EPA identified those 
    product categories known to contain highly reactive compounds and 
    estimated the mass quantity of these compounds found in each category. 
    The EPA adjusted emissions data for these product categories by 
    applying a reactivity adjustment factor to the mass emissions of highly 
    reactive ingredients. Compounds that were identified as negligibly 
    reactive, which are not within the definition of VOC, were excluded 
    from the emission inventory. After ranking the product categories based 
    on the eight regulatory criteria, the EPA developed the list of 
    categories for regulation starting with the highest ranked categories 
    and proceeding through successive categories until 80 percent of the 
    total emissions--including the aforementioned adjustments for 
    reactivity--was accounted for. In this way, the EPA, fulfilled the 
    reactivity adjustment requirement of section 183(e)(3)(A) of the Act.
        Additional study was not required. The statutory requirements 
    regarding reactivity are clearly stated in the Act. They are:
        1. To consider consumer and commercial products that emit highly 
    reactive VOC, and
        2. To list those products that account for at least 80 percent of 
    VOC emissions from consumer and commercial products in non-attainment 
    areas, on a reactivity-adjusted basis.
        The EPA believes that the Act does not require the speciated 
    reactivity study suggested by the commenters. Nor does the Act include 
    any requirements for the EPA to fill gaps in scientific understanding 
    before proceeding with prioritizing and listing categories for 
    regulation. The Act's language regarding a study requires the EPA to 
    address ``emissions of volatile organic compounds into the ambient air 
    from consumer and commercial products* * *'' The EPA considered 
    reactivity a significant issue in this study and assessed all 
    reasonably available reliable data on reactivity of individual VOC 
    species. The EPA does not believe that it was required to delay its 
    listing decisions until it could conduct extensive research to quantify 
    the reactivity of each VOC species.
        To meet these requirements, the EPA ascertained which consumer and 
    commercial products have the potential to contribute to ozone 
    nonattainment and took reactivity into consideration to the extent that 
    reasonably available information allows. As described in the preceding 
    section, the EPA's study of relative reactivity included assessment of 
    currently available data and ozone formation models. Furthermore, since 
    the study and Report to Congress were, in essence, a screening exercise 
    to identify the EPA's priorities for regulating categories of consumer 
    and commercial products, the EPA judged that the consideration of 
    relative reactivity should be limited to currently available data and 
    should not involve exhaustive testing of relative reactivity of all 
    consumer and commercial products. The EPA does not believe that 
    Congress could have intended to delay regulation of VOC emissions from 
    consumer and commercial products indefinitely, pending development of 
    complete information regarding reactivity for all individual species of 
    VOC. As more complete information on the relative reactivity of 
    consumer and commercial product VOC is developed over time, the EPA can 
    incorporate it into the regulatory program. For example, if data become 
    available to prove that a currently regulated VOC is negligibly 
    reactive, the EPA will exempt that compound from the regulatory 
    definition of VOC.
        Impracticality of additional study. Some consortium members claim 
    that the EPA should have attempted in the section 183(e) study to 
    conduct a quantitative analysis of the relative reactivity of each of 
    the thousands of VOC species in consumer and commercial products. Such 
    a detailed, costly, and time-consuming analysis is not needed to 
    justify listing of product categories for regulation and is not 
    required by the statute. The effect of such a requirement would be to 
    postpone for years promulgation of pollution control requirements 
    needed to help the Nation achieve clean air. This would be inconsistent 
    with Congress's direction that the EPA complete the study within three 
    years and expeditiously issue regulations for consumer and commercial 
    products within deadlines set in the statute.
        Even if the EPA could have determined reactivity values for the 
    extremely large number of compounds in consumer and commercial 
    products, the results would be of limited utility. Available computer 
    models generally aggregate chemical compounds or consider them as 
    general categories. As a result, models have limited use for evaluating 
    the effects of reducing emissions of specific VOC species from a 
    particular product category.
    2. Role of Consumer and Commercial Products in Contributing to Ozone 
        The consortium also argued that the EPA's section 183(e) study 
    failed to determine the potential of VOC emissions from consumer and 
    commercial products to contribute to ozone levels that violate the 
    ozone NAAQS. Their argument included points that the EPA should have
    [[Page 48797]]
    determined the reactivity of each species of VOC and should have done a 
    detailed study of the role of other factors, including the role of 
    NOX and biogenic emissions in ozone formation. In addition, 
    the consortium asserted that the EPA should have determined which 
    products and control strategies have the greatest ozone reduction 
    potential in each individual nonattainment area and related the 
    estimated cost of any proposed regulations to the amount of ozone 
    reduced. As a result of these exercises, the consortium claimed the EPA 
    would have listed for regulation only those products that have the 
    greatest effect on ozone reduction for the least cost.
        The EPA disagrees with the consortium that these studies are needed 
    for proper implementation of the section 183(e) program, and disagrees 
    that section 183(e) of the Act directs the EPA to undertake such a 
    detailed level of analysis. The statutory mandate is to study the 
    ``emissions of VOC from consumer and commercial products * * * in order 
    to determine their potential to contribute to ozone levels which 
    violate the NAAQS for ozone.''
        The EPA has concluded that VOC emissions from consumer and 
    commercial products have the potential to contribute to ozone 
    nonattainment, based on the section 183(e) study and a large body of 
    scientific knowledge on photochemical reactivity and the role of VOC in 
    ozone formation.
        The EPA is not alone in its assessment. A 1989 report by the 
    Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, ``Catching Our Breath: 
    Next Steps for Reducing Urban Ozone,'' identified VOC emissions from 
    solvents in paints and coatings, and from other types of products, as a 
    significant contributor to the ozone pollution problem that had largely 
    escaped regulation at the federal level. Several States have moved on 
    their own to limit VOC emissions from paints and coatings because they 
    contribute to ozone pollution. The National Governors' Association and 
    Environmental Council of States, and the associations representing 
    State and local air program administrators, have called upon the EPA to 
    expedite adoption of national rules for architectural coatings and 
    other consumer and commercial products. Further, in June 1997, the 37-
    State Ozone Transport Assessment Group (OTAG) recommended that the EPA 
    proceed with finalizing the proposed national rules for architectural 
    coatings, consumer products, and automobile refinish coatings, and even 
    develop more stringent future requirements for these categories.
        The following considerations and scientific studies are among those 
    supporting the EPA's position that the VOC in consumer and commercial 
    products have the potential to contribute to the ozone pollution 
        (i) Ozone pollution is caused by the reaction of VOC and 
    NOX. All VOC species have the potential to form ozone (i.e., 
    are reactive) to some degree. Since the late 1940s, the scientific 
    community has recognized this basic tenet of atmospheric chemistry. For 
    example, the 1996 EPA document entitled ``Air Quality Criteria for 
    Ozone and Related Photochemical Oxidants'' and its 1970 and 1977 
    predecessors include discussions of the atmospheric chemistry leading 
    to formation of ozone and the important role of VOC in that formation. 
    These documents have been extensively reviewed by independent 
    scientific experts on the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee.
        (ii) The EPA's consumer and commercial products study includes a 
    broad inventory of VOC emissions from consumer and commercial products. 
    The study showed that emissions from consumer and commercial products 
    in 1990 were large-- an estimated 28 percent (6 million tons per year) 
    of total manmade VOC emissions nationwide. In ozone nonattainment 
    areas, these emissions in 1990 totaled 3.3 million tons per year (tpy). 
    These totals consist of contributions from a large number of individual 
    pollution sources that are relatively small.
        Architectural coatings--the category of principal interest to 
    consortium members--are one of the largest identifiable unregulated 
    sources of VOC in many States' emissions inventories, and one of the 
    largest sources of VOC emissions among categories of consumer and 
    commercial products. The EPA's section 183(e) study estimated 
    nonattainment area emissions from this category at 315,000 tpy in 1990.
        (iii) Both the amount of VOC emitted, and the reactivity of the VOC 
    (which is dependent on ambient conditions that vary at different times 
    and places), affect the amount of ozone formed. It is important to note 
    that low-reactivity VOC can still be significant ozone producers if 
    they occur at high concentrations and under favorable conditions. This 
    is documented, for example, in a 1991 article by R.G. Derwent and M.E. 
    Jenkin, ``Hydrocarbons and the Long Range Transport of Ozone and PAN 
    Across Europe,'' in Atmospheric Environment (25A, p.1661) and in the 
    most recent ``National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1996,'' 
        This point concerning low-reactivity VOC also is supported by 
    empirical data from this country. The most recent ``National Air 
    Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1996,'' (EPA-454/R-97-013), 
    suggests that reducing low-reactivity VOC emissions from gasoline was 
    effective in reducing national ozone levels. The report shows that 
    national VOC emissions decreased 9 percent from 1987 to 1991, while 
    national composite ozone levels decreased approximately 8 percent. A 
    closer look at the VOC reductions over this period shows that they are 
    primarily due to reductions in the transportation category, and this is 
    due in large part to reductions in the vapor pressure of gasoline (Reid 
    vapor pressure, or RVP) which were implemented nationally in 1989 and 
    1990. These RVP reductions are primarily achieved by reducing the 
    content of short-chain hydrocarbons in gasoline. While these compounds 
    are generally considered of lesser importance in the formation of ozone 
    than their more highly-reactive hydrocarbon counterparts, their 
    reduction seems to have been very effective in the reduction of ozone 
    levels nationally between 1987 and 1991. This is an example of how the 
    control of certain VOC emissions which are considered less reactive 
    than other VOC emissions in isolation can, nonetheless, be effective in 
    significantly reducing levels of ozone pollution. In any case, it has 
    long been apparent that these ``less reactive'' VOC emissions (such as 
    those which can be found in many paint solvent formulations) cannot be 
    ignored when considering the need to control VOC to reduce ozone 
        (iv) It has been well documented that both VOC and NOX 
    control are needed to combat the national ozone problem. This point is 
    further discussed elsewhere in this preamble.
        The EPA is continuing to support research on atmospheric chemistry, 
    including photochemical reactivity, to further improve models for 
    predicting ozone formation. In the meantime, the EPA believes that 
    there is ample scientific evidence that VOC emissions from consumer and 
    commercial products have the potential to contribute to ozone 
        In the consumer and commercial products study, the EPA studied two 
    indicators of a product category's relative potential to form ozone. 
    These indicators, which the EPA identified as two of the criteria to be 
    used in listing product categories for regulation, were (1) the 
    quantity of VOC emissions
    [[Page 48798]]
    (adjusted for highly reactive emissions), and (2) the quantity of 
    highly reactive emissions. In the study, the EPA determined the 
    quantity of VOC emissions from each product category and created a 
    comprehensive VOC emissions inventory for consumer and commercial 
    products. In addition, using available data, the EPA identified classes 
    of highly reactive VOC and determined the quantities of those compounds 
    emitted by each product category.
        The EPA subsequently considered both of these criteria in 
    prioritizing and listing product categories for regulation. As detailed 
    elsewhere in this preamble, product categories that had greater 
    emissions of VOCs, or greater emissions of highly reactive VOCs, 
    received higher priority scores on those two criteria and, therefore, 
    were more likely to be listed for regulation.
        In other words, the EPA studied indicators of product categories' 
    relative potential to form ozone in conducting the consumer and 
    commercial products study, and considered those indicators in 
    prioritizing and listing product categories for regulation.
        Some consortium members claim that the EPA should have attempted in 
    the section 183(e) study to conduct a quantitative analysis of the 
    amount of ozone formed by each of the thousands of VOC species in 
    consumer and commercial products, for each product, in each airshed or 
    nonattainment area--and do so for a range of control strategies. The 
    Act does not require the EPA to establish quantitatively the 
    contribution of each product to ozone nonattainment prior to listing. 
    As previously noted, such a detailed, costly, and time-consuming 
    analysis is not needed to justify the listing of product categories for 
    regulation. The effect of such a requirement would be to postpone for 
    years promulgation of pollution control requirements needed to help the 
    Nation achieve clean air. This would be inconsistent with Congress's 
    direction that the EPA complete the study within 3 years and 
    expeditiously issue regulations for consumer and commercial products 
    within deadlines set in the statute.
        In this context, it is relevant to note that the types of VOC in 
    consumer and commercial products are not unique-- these same VOC are 
    among the pollutants emitted by major industrial facilities. Consumer 
    and commercial products are made from VOC-containing chemical feed 
    stocks made at chemical manufacturing plants and refineries, for which 
    VOC emission control regulations are comprehensive and stringent.
        Other reasons that the extremely detailed analysis suggested was 
    not feasible or appropriate involve data limitations and scientific 
    complexities and uncertainties. Such an analysis would require, for 
    example, substantial addditional data on the types and quantities of 
    individual VOC in each product within the broad universe of consumer 
    and commercial products. To obtain this information would have placed 
    an additional burden upon industries that the EPA believes was not 
    necessary for the listing process. Also, studies to quantify the 
    reactivity of a large number of individual VOC species would have been 
    required for this analysis. In addition, many complexities make it 
    difficult to make reliable predictions of the ozone-forming potential 
    of individual VOC species. One reason is that this potential varies 
    depending on ambient conditions--on an absolute scale, and occasionally 
    on a relative scale as well. These conditions affecting reactivity 
    include ambient conditions such as VOC-to-NOX ratios, the 
    presence of other VOC, and sunlight intensity. Each of these factors 
    can vary widely. Also, in multiple day pollution episodes in an area, a 
    VOC species that has low reactivity (based on a one-day reactivity 
    scale) may continue to form ozone over several days. Even if the EPA 
    could have obtained the needed data and accounted for these 
    complications, the results would have been of limited utility. As 
    mentioned previously, available computer models generally aggregate 
    chemical compounds or consider them as general categories. As a result, 
    models have limited use for evaluating the effects of reducing 
    emissions of specific VOC species from a particular product category.
        Finally, the EPA believes that an intensive study to quantify each 
    product's effect on ozone levels in nonattainment areas is inconsistent 
    with Congress' intent in enacting the section 183(e) program. Congress 
    recognized that small quantities of VOC emissions from a very large 
    number of products add up--and together make up a significant portion 
    of ozone-forming VOC emissions. Congress created the 183(e) program to 
    reduce the VOC emissions from consumer and commercial products as a 
    group. Under section 183(e), it is not necessary to quantify the effect 
    of each species of VOC, or each product, on ozone levels in each 
    nonattainment area to make a reasoned selection of product categories 
    to list for regulation.
        The EPA has procedures available for considering evidence that a 
    particular compound is not reactive enough to warrant regulation as an 
    ozone precursor under the Act. Existing EPA regulations allow persons 
    or companies to apply to have a compound excluded from the definition 
    of VOC--in effect, exempted from regulation--based on evidence that it 
    is negligibly reactive. (See 40 CFR 51.100(s).) Working with industry, 
    the EPA has exempted 42 compounds and two classes of compounds under 
    this provision; 21 exemptions have been granted since 1990.
        In summary, the EPA believes that the potential for the listed 
    categories of products to contribute to ozone nonattainment has been 
    established in accordance with the requirements of section 183(e).
    3. Consideration of ``Emission Magnitude'' and ``Regulatory 
        The consortium contended that the EPA lacked authority to use the 
    ``emission magnitude'' and the ``regulatory efficiency and program 
    considerations'' criteria because they do not directly reflect any of 
    the five factors listed in section 183(e)(2)(B) of the Act. For this 
    reason the consortium concluded that any EPA action relying on these 
    criteria is illegal and invalid.
        Although the Act requires that the EPA consider the five factors 
    enumerated in section 183(e)(2)(B) of the Act in establishing criteria 
    for regulating products, the statute does not require that the EPA 
    establish criteria that precisely mirror the five factors, nor does it 
    require that the EPA consider the list of factors to be exclusive. The 
    EPA fulfilled its duty to establish criteria and to consider each of 
    the five listed factors in developing the criteria. In addition, the 
    EPA exercised its discretion by establishing two criteria that did not 
    specifically mirror the five listed factors. The EPA believes these two 
    criteria are important for the purposes of establishing priorities for 
    regulation as instructed by Congress.
        The EPA established Criterion 7, Magnitude of Annual VOC Emissions, 
    to give greater regulatory priority to products that emit relatively 
    large amounts of VOC. Magnitude of annual VOC emissions is a reasonable 
    criterion for determining which product categories to regulate. It is 
    logical to take into consideration how much VOC product categories emit 
    relative to other products because the greater the emissions from a 
    category, the greater the potential to achieve significant emission 
    reductions and the corresponding reduction in ozone concentrations in 
    areas violating the ozone standard.
    [[Page 48799]]
        The EPA established Criterion 8, Regulatory Efficiency and Program 
    Considerations, to assure that the EPA continues to use resources in 
    the most effective manner to meet the mandates of section 183(e) of the 
    Act. It is reasonable for the EPA to consider whether a given product 
    category has already been the subject of State, local, or Federal 
    regulations. Such categories would have been well-characterized, 
    alternatives of control would have been explored, and costs and 
    economic impacts would have been investigated. The EPA believes it is 
    also reasonable to consider the existence of this information because 
    the EPA must regulate the first group of products in a relatively short 
    time. The EPA carries out all of its activities mandated by the Act 
    within budgetary and time constraints. It is the EPA's policy to focus 
    regulatory activities so as to optimize the use of time and resources. 
    Section 183(e)(2)(B) does not prohibit the EPA from considering this 
    B. Consumer and Commercial Product Inventory
        The consortium expressed the opinion that consumer and commercial 
    products are not a significant VOC source. According to the consortium, 
    many consumer and commercial products, such as architectural coatings, 
    would not be listed for regulation had the EPA performed the inventory 
    correctly, because such products may not be in the top 80 percent of 
    consumer and commercial product emissions on a reactivity-adjusted 
    basis. The consortium listed two alleged deficiencies with the consumer 
    and commercial product inventory. First, the EPA's overall inventory 
    did not include biogenic VOC. Second, the EPA excluded certain man-
    controlled biogenic VOC sources, such as plant nurseries and orchards, 
    from the list of consumer and commercial products to be regulated.
    1. Role of Biogenic Emissions
        The consortium stated that a major deficiency existed in the 
    consumer and commercial product inventory because the EPA failed to 
    provide Congress with information about the insignificance of VOC from 
    consumer and commercial products relative to the larger amount of 
    biogenic VOC in the atmosphere. According to the consortium, the EPA's 
    failure to list the specific sources of all VOC, including those from 
    the global background, biogenic, and anthropogenic sources, along with 
    the role that each source played in ozone formation, resulted in 
    Congress being uninformed of the supposed insignificance of 
    anthropogenic emissions compared to biogenic emissions.
        The EPA believes that the inclusion of biogenic emissions in the 
    inventory of national VOC emission sources is one possible approach, 
    but does not believe that such inclusion changes the proper analysis 
    for controlling VOC from consumer and commercial products. The EPA 
    estimated biogenic emissions in 1990 to be about 34 million tpy. 
    Considering the 21 million tons of anthropogenic emissions, total VOC 
    emissions nationwide are greater than 56 million tpy. For the purpose 
    of determining relative contribution of consumer and commercial 
    products, the EPA revised the inventory of all VOC sources to include 
    biogenic emissions and included the revised table in the section 183(e) 
    comment response document. These biogenic emissions are not amenable to 
    control, because they emanate from sources for which there is no 
    practical control option (i.e., forests, swamps, grasslands, etc.); 
    therefore, the proportion of controllable VOC has remained unchanged. 
    Of the 21 million tons of anthropogenic VOC emissions emitted 
    nationwide in 1990, consumer and commercial products account for 6 
    million tons, or about 28 percent. Therefore, consumer and commercial 
    products are still among the most significant Federally unregulated VOC 
    sources for which additional VOC reductions are achievable.
        Consumer and commercial product VOC contribute to ozone formation 
    regardless of the precise amount of biogenic VOC in the inventory. In 
    some regions of the country, biogenic VOC contribute significantly to 
    ozone nonattainment. In other areas, biogenic VOC are emitted in the 
    presence of limited amounts of NOX, resulting in a limited 
    amount of ozone formation. Moreover, under the right conditions, 
    biogenic VOC tends to scavenge ozone from polluted air as well as form 
    new ozone. Anthropogenic VOC, on the other hand, are usually emitted in 
    the presence of NOX, resulting in rapid ozone formation and 
    are generally unreactive with ozone under most conditions. For these 
    reasons, anthropogenic VOC contribute to ozone nonattainment in urban 
    areas and other locations, regardless of any concomitant contribution 
    by biogenic sources. Thus, VOC emissions from anthropogenic sources 
    will play a proportionately greater role in ozone formation than is 
    indicated by their percentage contribution to total national emissions. 
    The EPA concluded that the existence of biogenic VOC does not negate 
    the fact that VOC from consumer and commercial products have the 
    potential to contribute to ozone nonattainment as contemplated by 
    section 183(e) of the Act.
    2. Listing of Biogenic Products
        The consortium argued that a second deficiency in the consumer and 
    commercial product inventory and list for regulation was that the EPA 
    excluded man-controlled biogenic sources (i.e., flowers, trees, food, 
    etc.). The consortium argued that this exclusion is contrary to the 
    Act, which required the EPA to conduct a complete inventory of all 
    sources of VOC emissions from consumer and commercial products. The 
    consortium stated that these biogenic sources, if included in the 
    study, would have been a more significant source of VOC contribution to 
    ozone than some of the consumer and commercial products that the EPA 
    listed for regulation.
        The EPA disagrees that biogenic products should be listed as 
    categories of consumer and commercial products. It is reasonable to 
    list only those products from which emission reductions are possible. 
    In general, the EPA has interpreted the statutory definition of 
    consumer and commercial products very broadly, and considers products 
    ranging from hair sprays to automotive coatings to asphalt paving 
    materials to fall within the definition of consumer and commercial 
    products. These ``products'' differ greatly from man-controlled 
    biogenic sources of VOC.
        In each of the categories identified by the EPA to be consumer and 
    commercial products for regulation, the products share at least one 
    characteristic that sets them apart from biogenic sources. In every 
    case, the ``products'' are formulated and manufactured using 
    combinations of ingredients. The manufacturers have control over the 
    VOC contents of these products, and, therefore, can reformulate or 
    modify the products to emit less VOC. Plants, trees, and shrubs are not 
    manufactured and, therefore, have inherent VOC emission 
    characteristics, both in volume and speciation of emissions. These 
    naturally occurring sources cannot be reformulated or modified to 
    reduce VOC emissions. Options to control VOC emissions from plants, 
    trees, and shrubs would be limited primarily to banning sale or 
    distribution of such products which the EPA believes would not reflect 
    Congress's intent in enacting Section 183(e).
        The VOC emissions from biogenic sources could not be mitigated 
    through regulation; therefore, it is highly unlikely that these sources 
    would ever
    [[Page 48800]]
    be listed for regulation. Consequently, the EPA's decision not to 
    identify these sources as consumer and commercial products under 
    section 183(e) of the Act has not affected the selection of nor the 
    priorities for those categories the EPA did list for regulation.
    C. The Environmental Protection Agency's Regulatory Strategy
        1. Nitrogen oxides versus volatile organic compounds emissions 
    control strategies. As part of their comments opposing the EPA's 
    approach to the section 183(e) study and Report to Congress, the 
    consortium submitted a series of letters presenting a number of 
    different arguments that the EPA is using the wrong regulatory policy 
    for attainment of the ozone NAAQS. The common theme in these arguments 
    was that the consortium believed that the EPA should control 
    NOX instead of VOC because, in their opinion, controlling 
    NOX is the most scientifically valid and the most effective 
    strategy for achieving long term ground-level ozone attainment. The 
    consortium's specific arguments are summarized and addressed in 
    sections II.C.1.(b) through (f) of this document. An overview of the 
    EPA's response to this group of arguments is presented below before 
    discussion of the specific arguments.
        The EPA believes that the present policy, which focuses on control 
    of both NOX and VOC, reflects the latest knowledge on 
    factors affecting ozone formation and the technical feasibility of 
    controls. The present policy, which relies on a combination of 
    national, regional, and local control strategies, has been effective in 
    improving ozone attainment and will achieve further improvements in 
    ozone air quality. The consortium is correct in that scientific studies 
    since the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 have more clearly recognized 
    the role of NOX and biogenic emissions in ozone 
    nonattainment. The findings of these studies have been factored into 
    the national ozone control policy. The EPA's policy has continuously 
    evolved since the 1970's to recognize improved scientific understanding 
    of this complex issue and will continue to evolve as the science 
    advances. The EPA continues to believe that regulation of both 
    NOX and VOC is appropriate and that regulation of VOC 
    through section 183(e) of the Act will contribute to reduced ozone 
    levels. The consortium's position that the ozone NAAQS can be achieved 
    at all locations by NOX control alone is based, in part, on 
    a misunderstanding of the ozone formation mechanism in urban air.
        a. Background: The current ozone control policy. Unlike other 
    criteria pollutants, ozone is not directly emitted into the air. Ozone 
    forms in the air when NOX and VOC react in a complex set of 
    reactions in the presence of sunlight and heat. The ozone reactions are 
    initiated by the breakdown of nitrogen dioxide by sunlight and 
    subsequent reaction with oxygen. In the absence of VOC, an equilibrium 
    exists between NOX and ozone, by which ozone is consumed in 
    the series of photochemical reactions soon after formation. This 
    equilibrium prevents the buildup of high concentrations of ozone in the 
    air. Introduction of VOC disrupts this equilibrium (i.e., disrupts the 
    reactions that scavenge ozone), thus resulting in accumulation of high 
    concentrations of ozone.
        The EPA's ozone reduction policy is to control both NOX 
    and VOC emissions. The EPA's policy is consistent with recent 
    scientific studies and with explicit statutory directives to reduce 
    both VOC and NOX. Ozone control is a complex problem that 
    must address a number of factors, including meteorological conditions, 
    the relative concentrations of NOX and VOC in the air, and 
    the proximity of emission sources to one another. The EPA's policy 
    recognizes that NOX control is an effective means for 
    reducing ozone. The EPA's policy also recognizes that VOC control, with 
    or without NOX control, is essential or beneficial in many 
    areas for reducing peak ozone concentrations. The EPA believes that its 
    ozone reduction policy is a scientifically valid strategy and that the 
    consortium has mischaracterized the EPA's ozone policy and the past 
    results of the policy.
        Several of the comment letters implied that national standards for 
    VOC are the only component of the EPA's policy. This implication is 
    incorrect. The section 183(e) regulations are just one part of a 
    reasoned ozone control plan consisting of national, regional, and local 
    controls. First and foremost, ozone attainment is a State 
    responsibility. States are responsible for designing control strategies 
    for each nonattainment area in their jurisdiction. The strategies must 
    consider local conditions, including contribution of biogenic VOC 
    emissions, in determining an appropriate mix of NOX and VOC 
    controls and the level of control needed. States have developed 
    emission regulations to achieve emission reductions necessary to 
    demonstrate attainment through modeling studies. Multi-State planning 
    zones in several regions of the country are being established to 
    develop coordinated strategies to address interstate transportation of 
    pollution. The Act also requires that State plans contain provisions 
    that prevent sources from contributing significantly to nonattainment 
    or maintenance of attainment in other States.
        The State and Regional plans are supplemented by Federal measures 
    to reduce emissions for certain source categories. Federal programs may 
    address source categories that are more efficient to regulate 
    nationally than on a State-by-State basis. States rely on these 
    reductions from the Federal measures in conducting their atmospheric 
    modeling for control strategy development and attainment 
    demonstrations. Examples of Federal VOC control measures include mobile 
    source controls under title II of the Act, new source performance 
    standards (NSPS), the marine vessel loading rule, and the consumer and 
    commercial product regulations under section 183(e) of the Act. Federal 
    NOX controls include regulations for mobile sources, NSPS, 
    and acid rain controls on utility boilers. Section 183(e) standards, 
    therefore, are but one element of a coordinated Federal and State 
    program for ozone control.
        Recent regional ozone modeling studies over the 37-State region of 
    the eastern United States have shown that additional emission 
    reductions of both NOX and VOC will be needed beyond the 
    currently applicable State and Federal controls. The study was 
    conducted by the Ozone Transport Assessment Group (OTAG), which 
    included representatives of the 37 easternmost States, the EPA, and the 
    public--in total, more than 700 public and private sector stakeholders. 
    The OTAG States recommended in July 1997 that the EPA continue to adopt 
    and implement stringent national control measures for a number of VOC 
    emission sources, including consumer and commercial products.
        b. Effectiveness of a national volatile organic compound control 
    strategy. The consortium claimed that VOC control is ineffective and 
    should be abandoned because the policy of controlling VOC has not 
    achieved ozone attainment in all areas of the country. The consortium 
    further maintained that, in some cases, VOC controls are 
    counterproductive and will increase ozone formation.
        The EPA disagrees with the conclusion that VOC control is 
    ineffective. Past control strategies have improved air quality. Ozone 
    trends data show that reductions in peak ozone concentrations are 
    occurring across the country. Monitoring data from more than 700 sites 
    show that composite averages of the second highest maximum 1-hour ozone 
    concentrations have shown a clear, steady, downward
    [[Page 48801]]
    trend over the past 10 years. These downward trends apply also to the 
    number of daily exceedances of the standard. Since historically the 
    control policies placed greater reliance on VOC control, the trend of 
    ozone reductions confirms that VOC control has been effective in many 
    areas of the country.
        Failure to obtain universal attainment is due to a number of 
    factors. Some of these factors include the underestimation of VOC 
    inventories and the inadequate consideration of the role of biogenics 
    and the transport of ozone and NOX. Even with these 
    limitations, many areas of the country have achieved attainment or have 
    improved ozone air quality measurably. With recent enhancements to the 
    policy to better address the local impacts of biogenics and pollutant 
    transport, future control strategies should continue to improve this 
        The EPA also disagrees that VOC controls are counterproductive. The 
    consortium's position is based on the fact that some species of VOC can 
    reduce ozone under some conditions. Controlling these compounds, 
    therefore, could conceivably increase ozone in certain circumstances. 
    While the EPA acknowledges that some species of VOC can scavenge ozone, 
    this phenomenon occurs in very limited circumstances (i.e., in 
    relatively clean air, with highly reactive VOC under specific 
    meteorological conditions, and in the presence of very low 
    NOX). This phenomenon is not widespread and certainly does 
    not form the basis for a national ozone control policy. For a more 
    detailed response to this comment, see section 2.2.2 of the 183-BID.
        c. Recent scientific studies. The consortium charged that the EPA 
    has failed to consider recent scientific studies published since the 
    Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, and has followed historic control 
    policies which have failed. The consortium claimed that ``Rethinking 
    the Ozone Problem,'' ``The Southern Oxidants Study,'' and other studies 
    addressing the role of NOX and biogenic VOC emissions prove 
    that the current ozone reduction policy cannot work. They pointed to 
    elements of these studies as support for their position that 
    NOX controls are a better means to achieve ozone attainment 
    than VOC controls.
        The EPA believes that the current ozone strategy of controlling 
    both VOC and NOX is scientifically valid and is consistent 
    with recent scientific advances. Ozone control is a complex problem. 
    Over the past 20 years, scientific understanding of ozone formation 
    mechanisms has continued to evolve and the EPA's ozone strategy has 
    evolved accordingly. While the EPA agrees with some of the specific 
    factual information cited by the consortium from the cited studies, the 
    EPA disagrees with the consortium's conclusions that the proper 
    response is to abandon VOC control altogether in favor of a 
    NOX-only control policy. The cited studies show the 
    complexity of the problem, the importance of NOX control in 
    certain circumstances, and the importance of regional control 
    strategies to reduce transport problems. But they do not suggest that 
    VOC emission sources should not be controlled. These studies do not 
    change the conclusion that VOC control helps reduce ozone in many 
        Current scientific information shows that VOC reductions will 
    reduce ozone in urban areas and in other areas where there is available 
    NOX present. The relative effectiveness of VOC and 
    NOX controls will vary from area to area, depending 
    significantly upon VOC/NOX ratios in the atmosphere. VOC 
    reductions will help to reduce ozone in all urban areas because VOC/
    NOX ratios vary at different times and places within an 
    urban area. Modeling analyses indicate that a combination of VOC and 
    NOX controls is the most effective way to reduce ozone 
    levels in many urban areas. Ozone reductions due to VOC control can 
    also reduce ozone pollution in downwind areas affected by ozone 
        The EPA agrees with the consortium on several points: (1) that the 
    past control strategies have not produced the level of ozone reductions 
    that were expected; (2) that science has only recently (in the last 10 
    years) recognized the significance of the contribution of biogenic VOC 
    sources and transport of ozone and NOX; and (3) that these 
    studies provide a basis for fine-tuning certain aspects of the current 
    policy. The EPA disagrees, however, that the proper action is to 
    abandon VOC control altogether. The course that the EPA is following is 
    to use improved scientific understanding from these studies to 
    formulate an improved ozone policy. Recent EPA initiatives to improve 
    ozone control strategy development include:
        (1) Improvement of ozone air quality models.
        (2) Collection of more and better air quality data upon which to 
    base strategies (including simultaneous monitoring of ozone, 
    NOX, and speciated VOC concentrations).
        (3) Improvement of VOC and NOX emission inventories 
    (including biogenic emissions).
        (4) Regional application of ozone air quality models to account for 
    long-range pollutant transport.
        (5) Development of regional ozone control strategies for 
    NOX. (For example, a proposed rulemaking at 62 FR 60317 will 
    require States to submit State Implementation Plan measures to mitigate 
    transport of ozone and emissions of NOX across State borders 
    in the eastern half of the country.)
        These improvements respond to the consensus of current scientific 
    understanding of ozone formation and control. The EPA expects that its 
    ozone control strategy will continue to evolve as scientific 
    understanding of ozone formation and control improves.
        d. Contribution of biogenic volatile organic compounds sources 
    versus anthropogenic sources to ozone nonattainment. The consortium 
    stated that anthropogenic VOC sources (like consumer and commercial 
    products) are so insignificant compared to biogenic sources that 
    controlling anthropogenic VOC will have no ozone reduction benefit. The 
    consortium claimed that since biogenic sources might contribute as much 
    as 90 percent of total VOC emissions on typical summer days, the only 
    way to achieve the ozone standard is to control NOX. The 
    consortium pointed to the conclusions of the ``Southern Oxidants 
    Study'' that showed that high biogenic emissions in the rural South can 
    lead to exceedances of the ozone standard.
        While the EPA agrees that biogenic emissions are indeed a major 
    fraction of total VOC emissions, the contribution of biogenic sources 
    to total VOC emissions on typical summer days will vary depending on 
    local weather conditions and geography. Thus, although biogenic sources 
    could contribute as much as 90 percent of total VOC emissions on some 
    summer days, this is only true in some locations and is not universally 
    true for all climatic conditions or geographical features.
        In addition, the EPA disagrees that it is ineffectual or 
    inappropriate to control anthropogenic sources of VOC. Under the proper 
    conditions, ozone formation occurs rapidly and is affected (among other 
    things) by the proximity of VOC and NOX sources. Biogenic 
    VOC generally are less important than anthropogenic VOC because 
    biogenic VOC are emitted predominantly in rural atmospheres with 
    limited amounts of NOX, resulting in a limited amount of 
    ozone formation. Moreover, as noted by the consortium, the biogenic 
    VOC, under the right circumstances, tend to scavenge ozone from the 
    atmosphere. Anthropogenic VOC, on the other hand, are usually emitted 
    in the presence of NOX, resulting in more ozone formation. 
    Thus, the EPA concludes that anthropogenic VOC generally play a
    [[Page 48802]]
    proportionately greater role in ozone formation than does biogenic VOC.
        The consortium may also be correct that, in some cases, biogenic 
    VOC can be the predominant precursor in the reactions with 
    NOX. For example, in Atlanta, studies have predicted that 
    the complete elimination of man-made VOC would still leave the area in 
    nonattainment. For this reason, control strategies for areas like 
    Atlanta, which have very high ratios of VOC/NOX in the air, 
    will focus on NOX reductions. Even in such areas, however, 
    the control of VOC will help reduce ozone formation.
        Modeling in Atlanta has shown that VOC controls can help reduce 
    ozone even in NOX-limited areas. Because ozone formation is 
    greatly affected by meteorological conditions and source/receptor 
    orientation, ozone formation may be limited by either VOC or 
    NOX concentrations at different times and locations within 
    the area. Moreover, modeling results suggest that unless NOX 
    controls can be implemented all at once, detrimental effects can occur 
    from piecemeal implementation under some circumstances. Results show 
    that VOC controls could mitigate some undesirable effects in the 
    interim. Thus, even though NOX control may be an effective 
    means of reducing ozone levels on many of the worst days in many 
    locations, reduction of VOC emissions is still necessary to reduce peak 
    ozone concentrations under the variety of meteorological and source 
    receptor conditions in urban areas. As previously noted, modeling 
    analyses indicate that a combination of VOC and NOX controls 
    is the most effective way to reduce ozone levels in many urban areas.
        e. The role of long-range transport of nitrogen oxides in ozone 
    nonattainment. The consortium stated that a VOC control strategy will 
    not work because the transport of NOX will cause downwind 
    exceedances of the ozone standard. The consortium maintained that 
    downwind reactions with biogenic VOC would be sufficient to cause 
    violations and, therefore, control of anthropogenic VOC would be 
        The EPA agrees that the transport of ozone can contribute to ozone 
    nonattainment. The EPA also agrees that additional NOX 
    emissions reductions are essential to reduce long range transport 
    problems. Ozone transport has been most problematic and most studied in 
    the eastern States, and plans have been proposed for a regional 
    NOX emission reduction strategy. However, the control of 
    transported ozone and NOX will not solve the ozone problem 
    universally. Control of VOC beyond current State and Federal VOC 
    control measures will be necessary to achieve attainment in many 
    areas--particularly those with longstanding and serious problems with 
        Ozone nonattainment can be a function of two components: locally 
    formed ozone and transported ozone. Historically, most control 
    strategies have focused on controlling locally formed ozone by 
    controlling local NOX and VOC sources in the immediate 
    vicinity of nonattainment. The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 
    recognized that certain downwind areas receive transported ozone and 
    ozone precursors that can contribute to nonattainment. Many of these 
    areas may be close to violating the standard due to local emissions 
    even after applying all reasonably available controls, and the 
    additional contribution of transported ozone can lead to periods of 
        More recently, exhaustive modeling studies of the eastern States by 
    OTAG and others have explored the transport phenomenon. These studies 
    have concluded that control measures mandated by the Act for ozone 
    nonattainment areas will provide ozone reductions in many nonattainment 
    areas. However, some areas will remain in nonattainment, and new 
    nonattainment may arise due to economic growth. The studies predict 
    that regional NOX reductions will decrease ozone 
    concentrations across broad regions and will be more effective in 
    reducing long-range ozone transport than will VOC reductions.
        The EPA has recognized the role of NOX in the ozone 
    transport problem. On November 7, 1997 (62 FR 60317), the EPA issued a 
    proposed rulemaking requiring certain eastern States to adopt 
    NOX emission reduction measures as needed to mitigate the 
    transport of ozone and NOX across State boundaries. 
    Considering the State-by-State emission budgets, an overall 
    NOX emission reduction of 35 percent is targeted for the 23-
    State region.
        The modeling conclusions about the importance of ozone transport 
    does not mean that VOC reductions are not also needed. The OTAG study 
    concluded that attaining the standard will require local VOC and/or 
    NOX controls in addition to the recommended regional 
    NOX controls. The OTAG modeling suggested that reduction of 
    VOC emissions will be most effective in and near urban core areas and 
    will be necessary to control the component of locally produced ozone 
    that contributes to nonattainment. The OTAG States recommended national 
    rules for architectural coatings, consumer products, and automobile 
    refinish coatings to help achieve needed VOC reductions.
        In conclusion, the consortium is incorrect that the control of 
    anthropogenic VOC emissions is unnecessary to attain the ozone 
    standard. The VOC emitted in close proximity to NOX will 
    generally react to form ozone. Depending on the relevant conditions, 
    this ozone may contribute to nonattainment. To achieve and maintain the 
    standard will require a program to address effectively both local and 
    transported ozone. Control of anthropogenic VOC, therefore, will 
    continue to be a vital part of the strategy to reduce ozone pollution, 
    particularly in urban settings.
        f. The Environmental Protection Agency's approach in determining 
    the effects of precursor emissions on ozone nonattainment. The 
    consortium asserted that the EPA has misinterpreted the intent of 
    section 183(e) of the Act and, therefore, arrived at an incorrect ozone 
    control strategy. The consortium explained that the EPA's strategy is 
    to reduce the peak ozone concentration by examining polluted air and 
    determining the level of precursor emissions that must be removed to 
    achieve attainment. The consortium argued that the only appropriate 
    interpretation of section 183(e) of the Act is to determine which 
    precursors can be added to pristine air and at what levels without 
    exceeding the ozone standard. The consortium claimed that this second 
    interpretation would result in a NOX-only control strategy. 
    These two interpretations of section 183(e) of the Act are referred to 
    in the comments as the ``two sciences'' for ozone regulation. The 
    consortium made extensive use of an ozone isopleth chart for one site 
    (Washington, DC) on a specific date to support a number of general 
    conclusions about ozone control.
        The consortium's theory is based on the observation that VOC in 
    isolation cannot form ozone. Depending on the existing ratio of VOC to 
    NOX in local areas, reducing VOC may have a variety of 
    effects on ozone. Reductions in VOC emissions can increase, decrease, 
    or have no effect on ozone concentration. Therefore, the consortium 
    concluded that a control strategy based on national VOC emissions 
    reductions will not be uniformly effective and is not justified. The 
    correct science, in the opinion of the commenters, is to consider what 
    amount of VOC can be added to pristine air before causing a violation 
    of the ozone standard. Since ozone is formed only when NOX 
    is present, the commenters argued that NOX should be the 
    exclusive target for emissions reductions. If NOX 
    concentrations are
    [[Page 48803]]
    sufficiently low, then no amount of VOC added to the ambient air will 
    cause violation of the ozone standard. The consortium asserted that the 
    EPA has chosen an approach that will never achieve permanent 
    attainment, but rather only a temporary false attainment. The 
    consortium reasoned that as additional VOC is added to an airshed that 
    is in attainment and that contains NOX, nonattainment can 
    recur. A control strategy based on control of NOX emissions, 
    according to the commenters, would ensure permanent attainment 
    regardless of future VOC levels.
        The EPA disagrees that there are two sciences and that the EPA 
    chose the wrong one. One of the purported ``sciences'' is the present 
    EPA ozone policy of controlling NOX and VOC. The other 
    purported ``science'' is a policy choice (using the same scientific 
    basis as the first science) of controlling only NOX. The EPA 
    does not consider the exclusive control of NOX emissions to 
    be a practical approach.
        The consortium's conclusion that the EPA's goal should be 
    preventing saturation of the air by NOX is derived from a 
    misunderstanding of the roles of precursors in ozone formation and a 
    misinterpretation of isopleth charts. Isopleth charts show the downwind 
    peak 1-hour ozone concentrations as a function of initial 
    concentrations of VOC and NOX for an urban area. City-
    specific charts can be used to estimate the reduction in VOC or 
    NOX levels needed to achieve the ozone NAAQS in a specific 
    urban area. Isopleth charts are generated from computer modeling of an 
    area considering a number of local atmospheric conditions influencing 
    ozone formation. The consortium has inappropriately used one-day, 
    single-location simulations as representing all of atmospheric 
    chemistry. The consortium has overlooked the acknowledged limitations 
    of isopleth diagrams for use in determining control strategies.
        The most serious limitation of use of isopleth charts is that the 
    predictions are critically dependent on the initial VOC/NOX 
    ratio used in the calculations. This ratio cannot be determined with 
    any certainty because it is quite variable in time and space. Because 
    these isopleth charts are derived using initial VOC/NOX 
    ratios in the morning, the charts do not depict the evolution of the 
    emissions as the air mass is carried downwind. The VOC/NOX 
    ratio in an urban plume near the city center can change substantially 
    as the air parcel ages and moves downwind. This change occurs because 
    of the photochemical reactions in the air and the addition of other 
    emissions to the plume. The implication of this evolution is that 
    different locations in a large urban area can show very different ozone 
    sensitivities to VOC and NOX controls. The consortium's 
    position does not recognize the dynamic nature of the process and 
    assumes that the composition of urban air remains static.
        Unlike the consortium's approach, the EPA's approach recognizes 
    that ozone formation may be limited by VOC or by NOX at 
    different times and different locations. Thus, even though 
    NOX control may be the most effective means for achieving 
    the standard on many of the worst days in many locations, reduction of 
    VOC emissions is still necessary to reduce peak ozone concentrations 
    under the variety of meteorological and source receptor conditions that 
    occur in urban areas.
    2. Regulation of Attainment Areas via National Rules
        The consortium contended that section 183(e) authorizes the EPA to 
    implement rules that regulate consumer and commercial products only in 
    nonattainment areas. The consortium also argued that it is 
    inappropriate and unnecessary for the EPA to develop limits for VOC 
    emissions that apply to all attainment and nonattainment areas under 
    section 183(e) of the Act. The commenters stated that the goal of 
    section 183(e) of the Act is to prevent exceedances of the ozone NAAQS 
    and noted that only certain areas of the country, accounting for a 
    small total land mass, exceed the ozone NAAQS. Furthermore, even within 
    those nonattainment areas, they argued that the EPA should develop a 
    regulatory strategy on a regional basis due to variations in factors 
    affecting ozone formation (e.g., meteorology). Finally, the consortium 
    noted that some ozone nonattainment areas will be able to reach 
    attainment status under present regulations using existing technology 
    to reduce emissions from other sources. Therefore, the consortium's 
    view is that attainment areas and some nonattainment areas do not 
    require regulation under section 183(e) of the Act.
        The EPA agrees that the degree of VOC reductions necessary to 
    prevent exceedances of the ozone standard varies regionally. However, 
    it does not agree with the consortium's conclusion that regulations 
    applying to both attainment and nonattainment areas under section 
    183(e) of the Act are illegal, unnecessary, or inappropriate.
        The EPA interprets section 183(e) of the Act to permit the EPA to 
    promulgate rules that apply nationwide. The EPA bases this 
    interpretation both upon the statutory language of section 183(e), and 
    upon the Congressional directive to utilize any system or systems of 
    regulation necessary to achieve the appropriate reductions. In 
    particular, the EPA believes that the transportability of products and 
    the difficulties attendant upon tracking their ultimate place of use 
    compel the nationwide scope of the final rule.
        First, the express statutory language of section 183(e) of the Act 
    does not preclude regulation of products in attainment areas. To the 
    contrary, in section 183(e)(2)(A) and in 183(e)(3)(A) of the Act, 
    Congress explicitly directed the EPA to examine VOC emissions ``into 
    the ambient air'' without restriction regarding whether such air was in 
    attainment or nonattainment areas. Moreover, the EPA believes that no 
    such distinction between attainment and nonattainment areas is 
    appropriate because section 183(e)(2)(A)(ii) of the Act requires the 
    EPA to assess emissions from consumer and commercial products for their 
    ``potential to contribute'' to ozone NAAQS violations wherever they may 
    occur. Although commenters argued that the ``potential to contribute'' 
    clause links the VOC emissions only to those products used in 
    nonattainment areas, the EPA believes that the language of the statute 
    compels no such reading and that it would be illogical given that VOC 
    emissions in attainment areas can contribute to nonattainment in 
    adjoining nonattainment areas.
        In section 183(e)(3)(A) of the Act, Congress also explicitly 
    granted the EPA broad powers to reduce emissions into the ambient air 
    in order to combat ozone nonattainment. These powers provided that, to 
    meet the objectives of section 183(e), the EPA may, ``by regulation, 
    control or prohibit any activity, including the manufacture or 
    introduction into commerce, offering for sale, or sale of any consumer 
    or commercial product which results in emission of [VOC] into the 
    ambient air.'' In section 183(e)(4) Congress explicitly provided that 
    to meet the objectives of the provision, the EPA may ``include any 
    system or systems of regulation as the Administrator may deem 
    appropriate.'' The EPA believes that Congress thereby granted the EPA 
    discretion to determine which measures would best obtain reductions and 
    to determine the appropriate geographical scope for such measures. 
    Inherent in this authority is the power to determine that a national 
    rule with nationwide applicability across both attainment and 
    nonattainment areas is the most
    [[Page 48804]]
    appropriate means to obtain the requisite reductions.
        In addition, section 183(e)(3)(A)of the Act expressly directs the 
    EPA to promulgate regulations that ``require best available controls.'' 
    In accordance with the definition of that term in the statute, the EPA 
    is to consider ``technological and economic feasibility, health, 
    environmental, and energy impacts'' and is to consider, among other 
    things, ``the most effective equipment, measures, processes, methods, 
    systems, or techniques'' to obtain the reductions. The EPA believes 
    that Congress, thus, clearly directed the EPA to take into account the 
    relative effectiveness of the available means to obtain reductions, 
    including controls that would be applicable to all areas or only to 
    nonattainment areas, and to make its determination as to the proper 
    geographic scope of controls based upon appropriate factors. The EPA 
    has determined that national rules that apply nationwide to both 
    attainment and nonattainment areas are the BAC to insure that 
    reductions in VOC emissions occur for certain categories of products.
        The EPA has concluded that a national rule is the more effective 
    approach for reducing emissions from consumer products, automobile 
    refinish coatings, and architectural coatings for the following 
    reasons. First, the EPA believes that a national rule is an appropriate 
    means to deal with the issue of products that are, by their nature, 
    easily transported across area boundaries and many are widely 
    distributed and are used by widely varied types of end-users. For many 
    such products, the end-user may use them in different locations from 
    day-to-day. Because the products themselves are easily transportable, a 
    national rule would preempt opportunities for end-users to purchase 
    such consumer and commercial products in attainment areas and then use 
    them in nonattainment areas, thereby circumventing the regulations and 
    undermining the decrease in VOC emissions in nonattainment areas. The 
    EPA, therefore, believes that a national rule with applicability to 
    products, regardless of where they are marketed, is a reasonable means 
    to ensure that the regulations result in the requisite degree of VOC 
    emission reduction.
        Second, the EPA believes that rules applicable only in 
    nonattainment areas would be unnecessarily complex and burdensome for 
    many regulated entities to comply with and for the EPA to administer. 
    The potentially regulated entities under section 183(e) are the 
    manufacturers, processors, wholesale distributors, or importers of 
    consumer and commercial products. For these three product categories, 
    EPA believes that regulations that would differentiate between products 
    destined for attainment and nonattainment areas should adequately 
    insure that only compliant products go to nonattainment areas. For such 
    a rule to be effective, EPA believes that this would necessitate 
    requiring regulated entities to track their products and control their 
    distribution, sale, and ultimate destination for use to insure that 
    only compliant products go to nonattainment areas. The EPA notes that 
    for architectural coatings and consumer products, regulated entities do 
    not currently track or control distribution of their products once they 
    sell them to retail distributors. Although the EPA recognizes that some 
    product lines in some product categories may only be distributed 
    regionally in areas that are already in attainment, the large majority 
    of the product lines will be distributed nationally. Regulations 
    targeted only at nonattainment areas could, thus, impose significant 
    additional burdens upon regulated entities to achieve the goals of 
    section 183(e).
        By comparison, existing State regulations in some instances apply 
    to a broader range of entities, including retail distributors and end 
    users. Given the limitations of section 183(e) as to regulated 
    entities, the EPA believes that regulations applicable to both 
    attainment areas and nonattainment areas is a reasonable means to 
    ensure use of complying products where necessary, while avoiding 
    potentially burdensome impacts and less reliable mechanisms to achieve 
    the goals of section 183(e). Several of the trade associations of the 
    industries for whom the EPA has proposed national rules (i.e., 
    architectural coatings, consumer products, and automobile refinish 
    coatings) have supported national rules that apply to all areas as the 
    most efficient regulatory mechanism from the perspective of marketing 
    and distribution of products. The EPA's consideration of this factor, 
    however, is not meant to imply that it would be inappropriate for 
    States to develop more stringent levels of controls where necessary to 
    attain the ozone standard. Instead, the national standard is expected 
    to reduce the number of States needing to develop separate rules for 
    these categories.
        Third, the EPA believes that national rules with nationwide 
    applicability may help to mitigate the impact of ozone and ozone 
    precursor transport across some area boundaries. Recent modeling 
    performed by OTAG and others suggests that, in some circumstances, VOC 
    emitted outside nonattainment area boundaries can contribute to ozone 
    pollution in nonattainment areas--for example, by traveling relatively 
    short distances into neighboring nonattainment areas. The EPA has 
    recognized the potential for VOC transport in the December 29, 1997, 
    ``Guidance for Implementing the 1-hour Ozone and Pre-Existing 
    PM10 NAAQS,'' concerning credit for VOC emission reductions 
    towards rate of progress requirements. The guidance indicates that the 
    EPA may give credit for VOC reductions within 100 kilometers of 
    nonattainment areas. In addition, the June 1997 recommendations made by 
    OTAG supported the EPA's use of VOC regulations that apply to both 
    nonattainment and attainment areas to implement section 183(e) of the 
    Act for certain products. The particular product categories OTAG cited 
    for national VOC regulations are automobile refinishing coatings, 
    consumer products, and architectural coatings. The EPA believes that 
    regulation of products in attainment areas is necessary to mitigate VOC 
    emissions that have the potential to contribute to ozone nonattainment 
    in accordance with section 183(e) of the Act.
        The EPA notes that some commenters asserted that one clause in 
    section 183(e)(3)(A) of the Act compels the conclusion that Congress 
    intended the EPA to regulate consumer and commercial products only in 
    nonattainment areas. That subsection of the Act instructs the EPA to 
    list the products that account for at least 80 percent of the VOC 
    emissions ``from consumer or commercial products in areas that violate 
    the NAAQS for ozone.'' The EPA believes that this clause pertains not 
    to the scope of the regulations that the EPA may choose to impose, but 
    rather to the listing process itself. Thus, the EPA believes that this 
    provision of the statute requires the EPA to regulate the categories of 
    products that account for at least 80 percent of the VOC emissions in 
    nonattainment areas, but does not necessarily control whether the EPA 
    is to regulate such products only in nonattainment areas. Because the 
    EPA has otherwise determined that a national rule with applicability in 
    both attainment and nonattainment areas is the best means to obtain the 
    necessary VOC emission reductions intended by Congress, the EPA 
    believes that the language in question does not preclude that strategy.
        Finally, the arguments in this section supporting the EPA's 
    authority and rationale for regulating both nonattainment and 
    attainment areas under section 183(e) of the Act are not
    [[Page 48805]]
    intended to imply that the EPA would not consider using its discretion 
    to develop a control techniques guidelines (CTG) document (which would 
    affect VOC emissions only in nonattainment areas) for a category in 
    lieu of a regulation. The EPA recognizes that patterns of distribution 
    and use will vary among categories of products. Therefore, the EPA 
    intends to use its discretion to determine the most efficient and 
    effective mode of regulation for each of the categories listed for 
    regulation under section 183(e) of the Act.
    III. Administrative Requirements
    A. Dockets
        The docket is an organized and complete file of all the information 
    considered by the EPA in the development of this rulemaking. The docket 
    is a dynamic file, since material is added throughout the rulemaking 
    development. The docketing system is intended to allow members of the 
    public to readily identify and locate documents so that they can 
    effectively participate in the rulemaking process. Along with the 
    statement of basis and purpose of the proposed and promulgated 
    standards (technical support document submitted at proposal) and the 
    EPA responses to significant comments, the contents of the Docket will 
    serve as the record in case of judicial review (see 42 U.S.C. 
        As noted under the ``Docket'' discussion in the ADDRESSES section 
    of this document, there are four dockets that contain information 
    considered in these listing determinations. Docket No. A-94-65 contains 
    information considered by the EPA in development of the consumer and 
    commercial products study and the subsequent list and schedule for 
    regulation. Docket No. A-92-18 contains information considered by the 
    EPA in the development of the architectural coatings rule. Docket No. 
    A-95-40 contains information on the consumer products rule. Docket No. 
    A-95-18 contains information on the automobile refinishing coatings 
    B. Paperwork Reduction Act
        This action does not involve any information collection 
    requirements subject to an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review 
    under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.
    C. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), the EPA 
    must determine whether regulatory actions are significant and therefore 
    subject to OMB review and the requirements of the Executive Order. The 
    Order defines ``significant regulatory action'' as one that is likely 
    to lead to a rule that may:
        (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more, 
    or adversely and materially affect a sector of the economy, 
    productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public health or 
    safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or communities;
        (2) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs, or the rights and obligation of recipients 
    thereof; or
        (4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.
        Pursuant to the terms of the Executive Order, OMB has notified the 
    EPA that it considers this a ``significant regulatory action'' within 
    the meaning of the Executive Order because it is likely to lead to 
    rules which may meet one or more of the criteria. Accordingly, the EPA 
    has submitted this action to OMB for review. Changes made in response 
    to OMB suggestions or recommendations will be documented in the public 
    D. Executive Order 12875
        To reduce the burden of Federal regulations on States and small 
    governments, the President issued Executive Order 12875 on October 26, 
    1993, entitled Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership. This 
    executive order requires agencies to assess the effects of regulations 
    that are not required by statute and that create mandates upon State, 
    local, or tribal governments. This action does not create mandates on 
    State, local, or tribal governments. Therefore, the requirements of 
    Executive Order 12875 do not apply to this action.
    E. Regulatory Flexibility Act/Small Business Regulatory Enforcement 
    Fairness Act of 1996
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) of 1980 (5 U.S.C. 601, et 
    seq.), as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness 
    Act of 1996 (SBREFA), requires the EPA to give special consideration to 
    the effect of Federal regulations on small entities and to consider 
    regulatory options that might mitigate any such impacts. The EPA is 
    required to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis and coordinate 
    with small entity stakeholders if the EPA determines that a rule will 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
        The EPA has determined that it is not necessary to prepare a 
    regulatory flexibility analysis in connection with this final listing 
    action. The EPA has also determined that this listing action will not 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities because this action imposes no requirements. In accordance 
    with the RFA and SBREFA, the EPA has performed the requisite analysis 
    for each of the three rules. A statement of this analysis accompanies 
    each of the three rules, published elsewhere in today's Federal 
    F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
        Under section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
    (``Unfunded Mandates Act''), signed into law on March 22, 1995, the EPA 
    must prepare a budgetary impact statement to accompany any proposed or 
    final rule that includes a Federal mandate that may result in estimated 
    costs to State, local, or tribal governments in the aggregate, or to 
    the private sector, of $100 million or more in any one year. Under 
    section 205, the EPA must select the least costly, most cost-effective, 
    or least burdensome alternative that achieves the objectives of the 
    rule and is consistent with statutory requirements. Section 203 
    requires the EPA to establish a plan for informing and advising any 
    small governments that may be significantly or uniquely impacted by the 
        The EPA has determined that because the final listing action taken 
    today imposes no requirements, it does not include a Federal mandate 
    that may result in estimated costs of $100 million or more to either 
    State, local, or tribal governments in the aggregate, or to the private 
    sector, in any one year. Therefore, the requirements of sections 202 
    and 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act do not apply to this 
        The EPA has determined, for the same reason, that the final listing 
    action taken today does not include any regulatory requirements that 
    might significantly or uniquely affect small governments. Thus, today's 
    action is not subject to the requirements of section 203 of the 
    Unfunded Mandates Act.
    G. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office
        The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801, et seq., as added by 
    the SBREFA of 1996, generally provides that before a rule may take 
    effect, the agency promulgating the rule must submit a rule report, 
    which includes a
    [[Page 48806]]
    copy of the rule, to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller 
    General of the United States. The EPA will submit a report containing 
    this action and other required information to the United States Senate, 
    the United States House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General 
    of the United States prior to publication of this action in the Federal 
    Register. A Major rule cannot take effect until 60 days after it is 
    published in the Federal Register. This rule is not a ``major rule'' as 
    defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2). This rule will be effective September 11, 
    H. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
        Section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement 
    Act of 1995 (the NTTAA), Pub. L. No. 104-113, section 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 
    272 note), directs the EPA to use voluntary consensus standards in its 
    regulatory activities unless to do so would be inconsistent with 
    applicable law or otherwise impractical. Voluntary consensus standards 
    are technical standards (e.g., materials specifications, test methods, 
    sampling procedures, business practices, etc.) that are developed or 
    adopted by voluntary consensus standard bodies. The NTTAA requires the 
    EPA to provide Congress, through OMB, explanations when the EPA decides 
    not to use available and applicable voluntary consensus standards.
        This action does not involve any technical standards that would 
    require the EPA consideration of voluntary consensus standards pursuant 
    to Sec. 12(d) of the NTTAA. This action does not establish any 
    I. Executive Order 13045
        Executive Order 13045 applies to any rule that the EPA determines 
    (1) that the rule is economically significant as defined under 
    Executive Order 12866, and (2) that the environmental health or safety 
    risk addressed by the rule has a disproportionate effect on children. 
    If the regulatory action meets both criteria, the EPA must evaluate the 
    environmental health or safety effects of the planned rule on children 
    and explain why the planned regulation is preferable to other 
    potentially effective and reasonably feasible alternatives considered 
    by the EPA.
        This final action is not subject to Executive Order 13045, entitled 
    Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks 
    (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), because it is not an economically 
    significant regulatory action as defined by Executive Order 12866, and 
    it does not address an environmental health or safety risk that would 
    have a disproportionate effect on children.
    Executive Order 13084
        Under Executive Order 13084, the EPA may not issue a regulation 
    that is not required by statute, that significantly or uniquely affects 
    the communities of Indian tribal governments, and that imposes 
    substantial direct compliance costs on those communities, unless the 
    Federal government provides the funds necessary to pay the direct 
    compliance costs incurred by the tribal governments, or the EPA 
    provides to the Office of Management and Budget a description of the 
    prior consultation and communications the agency has had with 
    representatives of tribal governments and a statement supporting the 
    need to issue the regulation. In addition, Executive Order 13084 
    requires the EPA to develop an effective process permitting elected and 
    other representatives of Indian tribal governments ``to provide 
    meaningful and timely input in the development of regulatory policies 
    on matters that significantly or uniquely affect their communities.'' 
    Information available to the Administrator does not indicate that this 
    action will have any effect on Indian tribal governments.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Ch. I
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Consumer and 
    commercial products, Consumer products, Ozone, Volatile organic 
        Dated: August 14, 1998.
    Carol M. Browner,
    [FR Doc. 98-22658 Filed 9-10-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final listing of product categories for regulations.
Document Number:
This decision is effective September 11, 1998.
48792-48806 (15 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
40 CFR None
40 CFR 9
40 CFR 59