98-24414. Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement/ Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/EIR) for the San Timoteo Creek Flood Control Project, Reach 3B, in San Bernardino County, CA  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 176 (Friday, September 11, 1998)]
    [Pages 48715-48716]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-24414]
    Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers
    Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement/
    Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/EIR) for the San Timoteo Creek Flood 
    Control Project, Reach 3B, in San Bernardino County, CA
    AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
    ACTION: Notice of intent.
    SUMMARY: San Timoteo Creek, drains a watershed of approximately 126 
    square miles of the San Bernardino Mountains and foothills in eastern 
    Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The San Timoteo Creek study area 
    falls within several small communities including Redlands, Colton, Loma 
    Linda, and the City of San Bernardino, California. The study area which 
    includes the 100-year fllodplain of San Timoteo Creek extends along San 
    Timoteo Creek from a short distance downstream of Alessandro Road west 
    to the confluence with the Santa Ana River, in the City of San 
    ADDRESSES: Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles 
    District, Environmental Design Section, P.O. Box 532711, Los Angeles, 
    CA 90053-2325.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Joy Jaiswal, Technical Manager, 
    phone (213) 453-3871.
    1. Authorization
        The study of potential flood control measures for San Timoteo Creek 
    in San Bernardino County, California was initially authorized by Public 
    Law 738, 74th Congress, June 22, 1936. Authorization of the recommended 
    plan for the Santa Ana River Mainstem, including Santiago Creek and Oak 
    Street Drain was the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, Congress 
    determined that it was appropriate to include San Timoteo Creek in the 
    Interim I (authorized) project. In 1988, Congress authorized a project 
    for flood control along San Timoteo Creek as part of the Santa Ana 
    River Mainstem Flood Control Project.
    2. Background
        Construction of 3.4 miles of San Timoteo Creek extending from the 
    Santa Ana River to just upstream of Barton Road, designated as Reach 1, 
    2 and 3A have been completed. The improvements consisted of 
    construction of a rectangular conrete-lined channel, for approximately 
    the first 1.2 miles, and trapezoidal channel for the next 2.2 miles. 
    The public raised concerns for extending the concrete-lined channel 
    construction upstream of Barton Road. Public concerns were about 
    esthetics of the creek, wildlife movement, impacts to vegetation, 
    recreation trail usage and groundwater recharge. The public desired to 
    construct a natural looking channel as much as possible. The San 
    Bernardino County Board of Supervisors requested the USACOE study and 
    alternative to the authorized project for Reach 3B (proposed 
    construction) that would incorporate the public's concerns.
    3. Proposed Action
        Construction of a flood control channel at San Timoteo Creek, Reach 
    3B upstream of Barton Road.
    4. Alternatives
        a. No Action: Construction of Authorized Plan:
        (1) Construction of the trapezoidal concrete-lined channel to San 
    Timoteo Canyon Road.
        (2) Construction of eight sediment basins from that point to just 
    below Alessandro Road to trap the sediment and prevent if from clogging 
    the channel downstream.
        b. Proposed/Recommended Modified Plan--Reach 3B:
        (1) Construction of the concrete channel upstream to California 
        (2) Construction of 11 sediment basins to a point 3,000 feet 
    upstream of San Timoteo Canyon Road.
        (3) The total length of the plan is 10,700 feet (6,300 feet shorter 
    than the authorized project).
        c. The USACOE and San Bernadino County, the local sponsor, will 
    consider public concerns regarding design refinements, esthetics, 
    cultural resources, recreational trail usage, and ground water 
    5. Scoping Process
        a. Potential impacts associated with the proposed action will be 
    evaluated. Resource categories that will be analyzed are: land use, 
    physical environment, geology, biological, agricultural, air quality, 
    water quality, groundwater, transportation/communications, hazardous 
    waste, socioeconomic and safety.
        b. Participation of affected Federal, State, and local resource 
    agencies, Native American groups and concerned interest groups/
    individuals is encouraged in the scoping process. A Public Scoping 
    Meeting will be held September 24, 1998. Time and location of the 
    Public Scoping Meetings also will be announced by means of a letter,
    [[Page 48716]]
    public announcements, and news releases. Public participation will be 
    especially important in the environmental analysis by providing 
    assistance in defining the scope of analysis in the EIS/EIR; 
    identifying significant environment issues and impact analysis in the 
    EIS/EIR; and providing useful information such as published and 
    unpublished date, personal knowledge of relevant issues, and 
    recommending mitigative measures associated with the proposed action. 
    Those wishing to provide information or data relevant to the 
    environmental or social impacts that should be included or considered 
    in the environmental analysis can furnish this information by writing 
    to the points of contact indicated above or by attending applicable 
    public scoping meetings. A mailing list will also be establishing so 
    pertinent data may be distributed to interested agencies, interest 
    groups and individuals.
    6. Public Scoping Meeting
        The scoping meeting is scheduled for September 24, 1998, at 7:00 
    PM, San Bernardino County Museum Hall of History, 2024 Orange Tree Lane 
    Redlands, California, 92374.
        Dated: September 3, 1998.
    Robert L. Davis,
    Colonel, Corps of Engineers, District Engineer.
    [FR Doc. 98-24414 Filed 9-10-98; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Engineers Corps
Entry Type:
Notice of intent.
Document Number:
48715-48716 (2 pages)
PDF File: