2024-20539. Proposed Collection; Requesting Comments on Tax-Exempt Organization Forms  

  • ICB Estimates for the 990 Series of Returns and Supporting Forms and Schedules


    FY24 Program change due to adjustment FY25
    Number of Respondents 1,698,500 (13,900) 1,684,600
    Burden in Hours 75,500,000 (1,100,000) 74,400,000
    Monetized Time Burden $3,903,700,000 ($75,700,000) $3,828,000,000
    Out-of-Pocket Costs $1,978,400,000 ($39,800,000) $1,938,600,000
    Total Monetized Burden $5,882,100,000 ($115,500,000) $5,766,600,000

    The following paragraph applies to all of the collections of information covered by this notice:

    An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection of information displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a collection of information must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.

    Request for Comments: Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized and/or included in the request for OMB approval. All comments will become a matter of public record. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and (e) estimates of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and purchase of services to provide information.

    Approved: September 4, 2024.

    Martha R. Brinson,

    Tax Analyst.


    Product Title
    Form T TIMBER.
    1023 Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    1023-EZ Streamlined Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    1024 Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(a).
    ( print page 73748)
    1024-A Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    1028 Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 521 of the Internal Revenue Code.
    1116 Sch B Foreign Tax Carryover Reconciliation Schedule.
    1116 Sch C Foreign Tax Redeterminations.
    1116 Foreign Tax Credit.
    1120-POL US Income Tax Return for Certain Political Organizations.
    1127 Application for Extension of Time for Payment of Tax Due to Undue Hardship.
    1128 Application to Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax Year.
    2220 Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Corporations.
    2848 Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative.
    3115 Application for Change in Accounting Method.
    3468 Investment Credit.
    3800 General Business Credit.
    4136 Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels.
    4255 Recapture of Investment Credit.
    4562 Depreciation and Amortization.
    461 Limitation on Business Loss.
    4720 Return of Certain Excise Taxes Under Chapters 41 and 42 of the Internal Revenue Code.
    4797 Sale of Business Property.
    5227 Split Interest Trust Information Return.
    5471 Sch E Income, War Profits, and Excess Profits Taxes Paid or Accrued.
    5471 Sch G-1 Cost Sharing Arrangement.
    5471 Sch H Current Earnings and Profits.
    5471 Sch I-1 Information for Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income.
    5471 Sch J Accumulated Earnings & Profits (E&P) of Controlled Foreign Corporation.
    5471 Sch M Transactions Between Controlled Foreign Corporation and Shareholders or Other Related Persons.
    5471 Sch O Organization or Reorganization of Foreign Corporation, and Acquisitions and Dispositions of its Stock.
    5471 Sch P Previously Taxed Earnings and Profits of U.S. Shareholder of Certain Foreign Corporations.
    5471 Sch Q CFC Income by CFC Income Groups.
    5471 Sch R Distributions From a Foreign Corporation.
    5471 Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Corporations.
    5578 Annual Certification of Racial Nondiscrimination for a Private School Exempt From Federal Income Tax.
    5884-C Work Opportunity Credit for Qualified Tax-Exempt Organizations Hiring Qualified Veterans.
    5884-D Employee Retention Credit for Certain Tax-Exempt Organizations Affected by Qualified Disasters.
    6069 Return of Certain Excise Taxes on Mine Operators, Black Lung Trusts, and Other Persons Under Sections 4951, 4952, and 4953.
    6198 At-Risk Limitations.
    6497 Information Return of Nontaxable Energy Grants or Subsidized Energy Financing.
    7004 Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns.
    7203 S Corporation Shareholder Stock and Debt Basis Limitations.
    7204 Consent to Extend the Time to Assess Tax Related to Contested Foreign Income Taxes—Provisional Foreign Tax Credit Agreement.
    7205 Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction.
    7207 Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit.
    7210 Clean Hydrogen Production Credit.
    7213 Nuclear Power Production Credit.
    7217 Distributions From a Partnership of Property With Partner Basis Adjustments.
    7218 Clean Fuel Production Credit.
    8038 Information Return for Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bond Issues.
    8038-B Information Return for Build America Bonds and Recovery Zone.
    8038-CP Return for Credit Payments to Issuers of Qualified Bonds.
    8038-CP Schedule A Specified Tax Credit Bonds Interest Limit Computation.
    8038-G Information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental Bonds.
    8038-GC Information Return for Small Tax-Exempt Governmental Bond Issues, Leases, and Installment Sales.
    8038-R Request for Recovery of Overpayments Under Arbitrage Rebate Provisions.
    8038-T Arbitrage Rebate, Yield Reduction and Penalty in Lieu of Arbitrage Rebate.
    8038-TC Information Return for Tax Credit Bonds and Specified Tax Credit Bonds.
    8282 Donee Information Return.
    8283 Noncash Charitable Contributions.
    8283-V Payment Voucher for Filing Fee Under Section 170(f)(13).
    8328 Carryforward Election of Unused Private Activity Bond Volume Cap.
    8330 Issuer's Quarterly Information Return for Mortgage Credit Certificates (MCCs).
    8453-TE Tax Exempt Entity Declaration and Signature for Electronic Filing.
    8453-X Political Organization Declaration for Electronic Filing of Notice of Section 527 Status.
    8621 Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund.
    8718 User Fee for Exempt Organization Determination Letter Request.
    8824 Like-Kind Exchanges.
    8826 Disabled Access Credit.
    8835 Renewable Electricity Production Credit.
    8838 Consent to Extend the Time to Assess Tax Under Section 367—Gain Recognition Agreement.
    8865 Sch G Statement of Application of the Gain Deferral Method under Section 721(c).
    8865 Sch H Acceleration Events and Exceptions Reporting Relating to Gain Deferral Method Under Section 721(c).
    8865 Sch K-1 Partner's Share of Income Deductions Credits, etc.
    ( print page 73749)
    8865 Sch K-2 Partners' Distributive Share Items—International.
    8865 Sch K-3 Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.—International.
    8865 Sch O Transfer of Property to a Foreign Partnership.
    8865 Sch P Acquisitions, Dispositions, and Changes of Interest in a Foreign Partnership.
    8865 Return of U.S. Persons with Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships.
    8866 Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Property Depreciated Under the Income Forecast Method.
    8868 Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File an Exempt Organization Return.
    8870 Information Return for Transfers Associated With Certain Personal Benefit Contracts.
    8871 Political Organization Notice of Section 527 Status.
    8872 Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures.
    8879-TE IRS e-file Signature Authorization for a Tax Exempt Entity.
    8886 Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement.
    8886-T Disclosure by Tax-Exempt Entity Regarding Prohibited Tax Shelter Transaction.
    8899 Notice of Income From Donated Intellectual Property.
    8911 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit.
    8911 Sch A Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property.
    8933 Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit.
    8933 Sch A Disposal or Enhanced Oil Recovery Owner Certification.
    8933 Sch B Disposal Operator Certification.
    8933 Sch C Enhanced Oil Recovery Operator Certification.
    8933 Sch D Recapture Certification.
    8933 Sch E Election Certification.
    8933 Sch F Utilization Certification.
    8936 Clean Vehicle Credit.
    8940 Request for Miscellaneous Determination.
    8941 Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums.
    8949 Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets.
    8976 Notice of Intent to Operate Under Section 501(c)(4).
    8995 Qualified Business Income Deduction Simplified Calculation.
    8995-A Schedule A Specified Service Trades or Businesses.
    8995-A Schedule B Aggregation of Business Operations.
    8995-A Schedule C Loss Netting and Carryforward.
    8995-A Schedule D Special Rules for Patrons of Agricultural or Horticultural Cooperatives.
    8995-A Qualified Business Income Deduction.
    926 Return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation.
    970 Application to Use LIFO Inventory Method.
    990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under Section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except private foundations).
    990 Schedule A Public Charity Status and Public Support.
    990 Schedule B Schedule of Contributors.
    990 Schedule C Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities.
    990 Schedule D Supplemental Financial Statements.
    990 Schedule E Schools.
    990 Schedule F Statement of Activities Outside the United States.
    990 Schedule G Supplemental Information Regarding Fundraising or Gaming Activities.
    990 Schedule H Hospitals.
    990 Schedule I Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments, and Individuals in the United States.
    990 Schedule J Compensation Information.
    990 Schedule K Supplemental Information on Tax-Exempt Bonds.
    990 Schedule L Transactions With Interested Persons.
    990 Schedule M Noncash Contributions.
    990 Schedule N Liquidation, Termination, Dissolution, or Significant Disposition of Assets.
    990 Schedule O Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ.
    990 Schedule R Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships.
    990-EZ Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except private foundations).
    990-N Form 990-N Electronic Notice (e-Postcard) for Tax-Exempt Organizations Not Required to File Form 990 or Form 990-EZ.
    990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Trust Treated as Private Foundation.
    990-T Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return (and proxy tax under section 6033(e)).
    990-T Schedule A Unrelated Business Taxable Income From an Unrelated Trade or Business.
    990-W Estimated Tax on Unrelated Business Taxable Income for Tax-Exempt Organizations (and on Investment Income for Private Foundations).


    Guidance Title/description
    Announcement 2004-38 Election of Alternative Deficit Reduction Contribution.
    Announcement 2004-43 Election of Alternative Deficit Reduction Contribution.
    ( print page 73750)
    Notice 2002-27 IRA Required Minimum Distribution Reporting.
    Notice 2004-59 Plan Amendments Following Election of Alternative Deficit Reduction Contribution.
    Notice 2005-41 Guidance Regarding Qualified Intellectual Property Contributions.
    Notice 2006-105 Extension of Election of Alternative Deficit Reduction Contribution.
    Notice 2006-107 Diversification Requirements for Qualified Defined Contribution Plans Holding Publicly Traded Employer Securities.
    Notice 2006-109 Interim Guidance Regarding Supporting Organizations and Donor Advised Funds.
    Notice 2007-70 Charitable Contributions of Certain Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes. Reporting requirements under Sec. 170(f)(12)(D).
    Notice 2008-113 Relief and Guidance on Corrections of Certain Failures of a Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan to Comply with § 409A(a) in Operation.
    Notice 2009-26 Build America Bonds and Direct Payment Subsidy Implementation.
    Notice 2009-31 Election and Notice Procedures for Multiemployer Plans under Sections 204 and 205 of WRERA.
    Notice 2010-6 Relief and Guidance on Corrections of Certain Failures of a Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan to Comply with § 409A(a).
    Notice 2010-80 Modification to the Relief and Guidance on Corrections of Certain Failures of a Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan to Comply with § 409A(a).
    Notice 2011-43 Transitional Relief under Internal Revenue Code § 6033(j) for Small Organizations.
    Notice 2012-48 Tribal Economic Development Bonds.
    Notice 2014-4 Interim Guidance Regarding Supporting Organizations.
    Notice 2015-83 Tribal Economic Development Bonds: Use of Volume Cap for Draw-down Loans.
    Notice 2017-9 De Minimis Error Safe Harbor to the I.R.C. §§ 6721 and 6722 Penalties.
    Notice 2021-56 Standards that an LLC must Satisfy to be Exempt.
    Notice 2023-38 Domestic Content Bonus Credit Guidance under Sections 45, 45Y, 48, and 48E.
    Notice 2024-9 Statutory Exceptions to Phaseout Reducing Elective Payment Amounts for Applicable Entities if Domestic Content Requirements are Not Satisfied.
    Notice 2024-41 Expansion of Applicable Projects for Safe Harbor in Notice 2023-38 and New Elective Safe Harbor to Determine Cost Percentages for Adjusted Percentage Rule.
    Notice 97-45 Highly Compensated Employee Definition.
    Publication 1075 Tax Information Security Guidelines for Federal, State and Local Agencies.
    Publication 4839 Annual Form 990 Filing Requirements for Tax-Exempt Organizations (Forms 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990-BL and 990-N (e-Postcard).
    Revenue Procedure 80-27 Group exemption letters.
    Revenue Procedure 98-19 Exceptions to the notice and reporting requirements of section 6033(e)(1) and the tax imposed by section 6033(e)(2).
    Revenue Procedure 2004-15 Waivers of Minimum Funding Standards.
    Revenue Procedure 2008-62 and 2017-55 Substitute Mortality Tables for Single Employer Defined Benefit Plans.
    Revenue Procedure 2009-43 Revocation of Elections by Multiemployer Defined Benefit Pension Plans to Freeze Funded Status under section 204 of WRERA.
    Revenue Procedure 2010-52 Extension of the Amortization Period for Plan Sponsor of a Multiemployer Pension Plan.
    Revenue Procedure 2014-11 Procedures for reinstating the tax-exempt status of organizations that have had their tax-exempt status automatically revoked under section 6033(j)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) for failure to file required Annual Returns or notices for three consecutive years.
    Revenue Procedure 2014-40 Procedures for applying for and for issuing determination letters on the exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) using Form 1023-EZ, Streamlined Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    Revenue Procedure 2014-55 Election Procedures and Information Reporting with Respect to Interests in Certain Canadian Retirement Plans.
    Revenue Procedure 2015-21 Rulings and determination letters.
    Revenue Procedure 2016-27 Application Procedures for Approval of Benefit Suspensions for Certain Multiemployer Defined Benefit Pension Plans under § 432(e)(9).
    Revenue Procedure 2017-43 Application Procedures for Approval of Benefit Suspensions for Certain Multiemployer Defined Benefit Pension Plans under § 432(e)(9).
    Revenue Procedure 2017-57 Procedures for Requesting Approval for a Change in Funding Method.
    Revenue Procedure 2018-4 Updating Procedures for Guidance on Matters Under IRS TE/GE Division.
    Revenue Procedure 2018-38 Returns by exempt organizations and returns by certain non-exempt organizations.
    Revenue Procedure 2021-37 Pre-Approved Pension Plans.
    Revenue Procedure 2021-48 Examination of returns and claims for refund, credit or abatement; determination of correct tax liability.
    Revenue Procedure 2022-14 List of Automatic Changes.
    Revenue Procedure 2023-1 Rulings and Determination Letters.
    Revenue Procedure 2023-4 Types of Advice Available to Taxpayers.
    Revenue Procedure 2023-24 Changes in Accounting Periods and in Methods of Accounting.
    Revenue Procedure 2023-38 Domestic Content Bonus Credit Guidance under Sections 45, 45Y, 48, and 48E.
    Revenue Procedure 2024-5 Rulings and Determination Letters.
    Revenue Procedure 2024-23 Changes in Accounting Periods and in Methods of Accounting.
    Revenue Ruling 2000-35 Automatic Enrollment in Section 403(b) Plans.
    TD 7845 Inspection of Applications for Tax Exemption and Applications for Determination Letters for Pension and Other Plans.
    TD 7852 Registration Requirements with Respect to Debt Obligations.
    TD 7898 Employers Qualified Educational Assistance Programs.
    TD 7952 Indian Tribal Governments Treated As States For Certain Purposes.
    TD 8002 Substantiation of Charitable Contributions.
    TD 8019 Public Inspection of Exempt Organization Return.
    ( print page 73751)
    TD 8033 Tax Exempt Entity Leasing.
    TD 8069 Qualified Conservation Contributions.
    TD 8073 Effective Dates and Other Issues Arising Under the Employee Benefit Provisions of the Tax Reform Act of 1984.
    TD 8086 Election for $10 Million Limitation on Exempt Small Issues of Industrial Development Bonds; Supplemental Capital Expenditure Statements (LR-185-84 Final).
    TD 8124 Time and Manner of Making Certain Elections Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
    TD 8357 Certain cash or deferred arrangements (CODAs) and employee and matching contributions under employee plans.
    TD 8376 Qualified Separate Lines of Business.
    TD 8396 Regulations relating to a bank's determination of worthlessness of a debt.
    TD 8400 Taxation of Gain or Loss from Certain Nonfunctional Currency Transactions (Section 988 Transactions).
    TD 8476 Arbitrage Restrictions on Tax-Exempt Bonds.
    TD 8540 Final regulations relating to the valuation of annuities, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests.
    TD 8619 Final regulations relating to eligible rollover distributions from tax-qualified retirement plans and section 403(b) annuities.
    TD 8635 Nonbank Trustee Net Worth Requirements.
    TD 8690 Deductibility, Substantiation, and Disclosure of Certain Charitable Contributions.
    TD 8712 Definition of Private Activity Bonds.
    TD 8718 Arbitrage Restrictions on Tax-Exempt Bonds.
    TD 8769 Permitted Elimination of Pre-retirement Optional Forms of Benefit.
    TD 8791 Guidance Regarding Charitable Remainder Trusts and Special Valuation Rules for Transfers of Interests in Trusts.
    TD 8801 Arbitrage Restrictions on Tax-Exempt Bonds.
    TD 8802 Certain Asset Transfers to a Tax-Exempt Entity.
    TD 8814 Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Taxation of Amounts Under Employee Benefit Plans.
    TD 8816 Roth IRAs.
    TD 8861 Private Foundation Disclosure Rules.
    TD 8933 Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits.
    TD 8978 Excise Taxes on Excess Benefit Transactions (REG-246256-96).
    TD 8987 Required Distributions from Retirement Plans.
    TD 9075 Compensation Deferred Under Eligible Deferred Compensation Plans.
    TD 9076 Special Rules Under Section 417(a)(7) for Written Explanations Provided by Qualified Retirement Plans After Annuity Starting Dates.
    TD 9079 Ten or More Employer Plan Compliance Information.
    TD 9083 Golden Parachute Payments.
    TD 9088 Compensatory Stock Options Under Section 482.
    TD 9092 Split-Dollar Life Insurance Arrangements.
    TD 9097 Arbitrage Restrictions Applicable to Tax-Exempt Bonds Issued by State and Local Governments.
    TD 9099 Disclosure of Relative Values of Optional Forms of Benefit.
    TD 9142 Deemed IRAs in Qualified Retirement Plans.
    TD 9169 Retirement plans; Cash or deferred arrangements under section 401(k) and matching contributions or employee contributions under section 401(m) Regulations.
    TD 9237 Designated Roth Contributions to Cash or Deferred Arrangements Under Section 401(k).
    TD 9324 Designated Roth Contributions Under Section 402A.
    TD 9334 Requirement of Return and Time for Filing.
    TD 9340 Revised Regulations Concerning Section 403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity Contracts.
    TD 9447 Automatic Contribution Arrangements.
    TD 9472 Notice Requirements for Certain Pension Plan Amendments Significantly Reducing the Rate of Future Benefit Accrual.
    TD 9492 Excise Taxes on Prohibited Tax Shelter Transactions and Related Disclosure Requirements; Disclosure Requirements with Respect to Prohibited Tax Shelter Transactions; Requirement of Return and Time for Filing.
    TD 9495 Qualified Zone Academy Bonds: Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions.
    TD 9641 Reduction or Suspension of Safe Harbor Contributions.
    TD 9708 Additional Requirements for Charitable Hospitals; Community Health Needs Assessments for Charitable Hospitals; Requirement of a Section 4959 Excise Tax Return and Time for Filing the Return.
    TD 9724 Summary of Benefits and Coverage, Uniform Glossary for ACA Group Health Plans.
    TD 9741 General Allocation and Accounting Regulations Under Section 141; Remedial Actions for Tax-Exempt Bonds.
    TD 9765 Suspension of Benefits under the Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014.
    TD 9777 Arbitrage Guidance for Tax-Exempt Bonds.
    TD 9801 Issue Price Definition for Tax-Exempt Bonds.
    TD 9845 Public Approval of Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bonds.
    TD 9846 Regulations Regarding the Transition Tax Under Section 965 and Related Provisions.
    TD 9855 Regulations To Prescribe Return and Time for Filing for Payment of Section 4960, 4966, 4967, and 4968 Taxes and To Update the Abatement Rules for Section 4966 and 4967 Taxes.
    TD 9866 Guidance Related to Section 951A (Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income) and Certain Guidance Related to Foreign Tax Credits.
    TD 9873 Regulations on the Requirement To Notify the IRS of Intent To Operate as a Section 501(c)(4) Organization.
    TD 9898 Guidance Under Section 6033 Regarding the Reporting Requirements of Exempt Organizations.
    TD 9902 Guidance Under Sections 951A and 954 Regarding Income Subject to a High Rate of Foreign Tax.
    TD 9917 Guidance on the Determination of the Section 4968 Excise Tax Applicable to Certain Colleges and Universities.
    ( print page 73752)
    TD 9933 Unrelated Business Taxable Income Separately Computed for Each Trade or Business.
    TD 9938 Tax on Excess Tax-Exempt Organization Executive Compensation.
    TD 9972 Electronic-Filing Requirements for Specified Returns and Other Documents.
    TD 9975 Pre-Filing Registration Requirements for Certain Tax Credit Elections.
    TD 9979 Additional Guidance on Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program.
    TD 9988 Elective Payment of Applicable Credits; Elective Payment of Advanced Manufacturing Investment Credit; Final Rules; Election To Exclude Certain Unincorporated Organizations Owned by Applicable Entities From Application of the Rules on Partners and Partnerships.
    TD 9998 Increased Amounts of Credit or Deduction for Satisfying Certain Prevailing Wage and Registered Apprenticeship Requirements.

Document Information

Internal Revenue Service
Entry Type:
Notice and request for comments.
Document Number:
Written comments should be received on or before November 12, 2024 to be assured of consideration.
73746-73752 (7 pages)
PDF File: